Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
We now dedicate to You these our symbols of the Nativity, the Advent season, our Christian Faith, these monetary gifts and our Joy in Your presence. O God, we now dedicate our lives anew to the service of Christ and pray that they may be filled with Your Love and Joy, so perfectly revealed through the Birth and Life of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. WE DEPART TO SERVE AND SHARE GODS LOVE *Hymn of Dedication *Benediction *Benediction Response Blest Be the Tie That Binds UMH 557 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice UMH 224
The flowers on the altar are given by the Battin family in celebration of Nancys birthday Last weeks offering: $6,771.00
Music Ministry Director: Joan Foren Choir Director: Lenny Shank Greeters: Eunice & Charles Reid Liturgist: Edgar DuBois
Attendance: 122
Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer Nursery Director: Joy Anderson Administrative Assistant: Carole Newlin
#2 - The Placement of the Altar Items and Wreaths Scripture: John 3:16-17 and 1 John 4:9-12 Hymn: His Name Is Wonderful Interpretation #3 - The Placement of Greens Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-5; 9:6-7 Hymn: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (vs. 1-3) Interpretation #4 - The Placement of Poinsettias Interpretation Hymn: Love Came Down at Christmas #5 - The Placement of the Angels Interpretation Hymn: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
UMH 242
#6 - The Decorating of the Tree Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:32-34, Isaiah 55:12-13; 60:13 Hymn: Lo, How a Rose Eer Blooming Interpretation #7 - The Lighting Ceremony Scripture: Isaiah 9:2, John 1:1-5, Matthew 5:14-16 Hymn: Joy to the World (vs. 1-3) Interpretation #8 - The Advent Wreath Introductory Word Candle lighting Hymn: Emmanuel, Emmanuel #9 - The Nativity Placement Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 Hymn: Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Interpretation WE OFFER OUR TITHES AND PRAISE Young Disciples Moment
Thank you to the following volunteers for their assistance during worship service Group 1 - Star, Paraments Bryan Kearns Federico Lopez Monica Lopez Federico Lopez, Jr. Jose Lopez Group 2 - Bible, Altar items Group 3 - Window Greens Julie Coy Bob Hisey Raquel Hisey Evalyn Gouge Coursen Greene Jenny Hosey Gayle Huels Linda Hughes Libby Orbison Jan Ridley Group 4 - Poinsettias, Balco- Group 5 - Placement of the ny Wreaths Angels Edith Caroleo Nick Caroleo Julie Coy Ruth Griffith Melva Sanon Louise Young Group 7 - Lighting Ceremo- Group 8 - Lighting of the ny Advent Wreath Ruth Griffith Jenny Hosey Jan Ridley Bob Hisey Raquel Hisey Group 9 - Nativity Kelsey Leighton Jordan Leighton Kydin Leighton Evalyn Gouge Libby Orbison Gloria Ufkes Group 6 - Chrismons Gayle Huels Linda Hughes Melva Sanon Gloria Ufkes Louise Young
Thank you to the following volunteers for their assistance during worship service Group 1 - Star, Paraments Bryan Kearns Federico Lopez Monica Lopez Federico Lopez, Jr. Jose Lopez Group 2 - Bible, Altar items Group 3 - Window Greens Julie Coy Bob Hisey Raquel Hisey Evalyn Gouge Coursen Greene Jenny Hosey Gayle Huels Linda Hughes Libby Orbison Jan Ridley Group 4 - Poinsettias, Balco- Group 5 - Placement of the ny Wreaths Angels Edith Caroleo Nick Caroleo Julie Coy Ruth Griffith Melva Sanon Louise Young Group 7 - Lighting Ceremo- Group 8 - Lighting of the ny Advent Wreath Ruth Griffith Jenny Hosey Jan Ridley Bob Hisey Raquel Hisey Group 9 - Nativity Kelsey Leighton Jordan Leighton Kydin Leighton Evalyn Gouge Libby Orbison Gloria Ufkes Group 6 - Chrismons Gayle Huels Linda Hughes Melva Sanon Gloria Ufkes Louise Young
EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: December 1st - 7th Today 12/01 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30 am Worship Service Monday 12/02 11:00 am Moving Forward 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Tuesday 12/03 8:15 am ROMEOs 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 12/04 6:00 pm Junior Girl Scouts Thursday 12/05 10:00 am Bible Study 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Study Friday 12/06 10:00 am UMW set-up FH for Advent breakfast Saturday 12/07 9:30 am Advent breakfast 3:00 pm Burch/Martinez wedding Moving Forward Open to all widows. Dec. 2nd we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 11 am for a Christmas Tea. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Hughes or Doris Pitts. Advent BreakfastThe UMW will be hosting the Advent Breakfast on Sat. Dec. 7th at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. A sign-up sheet is on the Connection Station. When you sign up, please include the number who will be attending. Deadline for reservations is today. If you have any questions, please see Joy Anderson, Hilda Bolomey or Vivian Bathurst. Offering placed on the communion rail next Sunday, during Holy Communion, is used to help those in need in our church and the community. Canned Food Sunday, Dec. 8 - We cannot currently pack boxes because we need the following items: dry soup mix, canned soup, canned meat (no tuna, please), cereal, rice and mashed potatoes. Please remember all items must be new and unopened. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Advent Conspiracy - This year we have set a goal to raise $5,000, by Christmas Eve, as a response to Gods blessings in our lives. This gift, which is above & beyond our regular giving, will be split between Heifer International & Stop Hunger Now. If you would like to donate to this challenge, please mark your check or envelope Heifer Fund & place it in the offering plate or drop it by the Church Office. Thank you, so much, for your consideration in meeting this goal. Blue Christmas This time of year is intended to be full of hope and joy. It is intended to be a time to celebrate and experience the love of Christ and family. However; for those who have lost someone to death, it can be a time of great sorrow and grief. On Sunday, December 15th at 12:15 pm, we are going to gather for a Blue Christmas service in our Sanctuary. This service is one of remembrance and hope where we will acknowledge our grief, but also the hope that comes from Gods constant presence. I pray you will join us for this time of worship and that you will benefit from the bond it will provide.
EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: December 1st - 7th Today 12/01 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30 am Worship Service Monday 12/02 11:00 am Moving Forward 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Tuesday 12/03 8:15 am ROMEOs 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 12/04 6:00 pm Junior Girl Scouts Thursday 12/05 10:00 am Bible Study 6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Study Friday 12/06 10:00 am UMW set-up FH for Advent breakfast Saturday 12/07 9:30 am Advent breakfast 3:00 pm Burch/Martinez wedding Moving Forward Open to all widows. Dec. 2nd we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 11 am for a Christmas Tea. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Hughes or Doris Pitts. Advent BreakfastThe UMW will be hosting the Advent Breakfast on Sat. Dec. 7th at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. A sign-up sheet is on the Connection Station. When you sign up, please include the number who will be attending. Deadline for reservations is today. If you have any questions, please see Joy Anderson, Hilda Bolomey or Vivian Bathurst. Offering placed on the communion rail next Sunday, during Holy Communion, is used to help those in need in our church and the community. Canned Food Sunday, Dec. 8 - We cannot currently pack boxes because we need the following items: dry soup mix, canned soup, canned meat (no tuna, please), cereal, rice and mashed potatoes. Please remember all items must be new and unopened. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Advent Conspiracy - This year we have set a goal to raise $5,000, by Christmas Eve, as a response to Gods blessings in our lives. This gift, which is above & beyond our regular giving, will be split between Heifer International & Stop Hunger Now. If you would like to donate to this challenge, please mark your check or envelope Heifer Fund & place it in the offering plate or drop it by the Church Office. Thank you, so much, for your consideration in meeting this goal. Blue Christmas This time of year is intended to be full of hope and joy. It is intended to be a time to celebrate and experience the love of Christ and family. However; for those who have lost someone to death, it can be a time of great sorrow and grief. On Sunday, December 15th at 12:15 pm, we are going to gather for a Blue Christmas service in our Sanctuary. This service is one of remembrance and hope where we will acknowledge our grief, but also the hope that comes from Gods constant presence. I pray you will join us for this time of worship and that you will benefit from the bond it will provide.