Bunny Basket
Bunny Basket
Bunny Basket
Materials 1.Worsted weight yarn in 3 colors. You need only a small amount of yarn for the ears and the flower 2. Hook- H (5mm) or the hook needed to attain gauge 3. Yarn needle ( lunt sewing needle with !ig eye) and matching thread. Size "it for a kid. #his !asket is com$act and % think that is what is hel$ing it hold its sha$e e&en if worked using a single strand of yarn. 'imensions of the finished !ag( 5 inches in diameter at the !ottom) 3 inches in diameter at the to$ and * inches in height. Gauge +sing Hook H and working in hdc) , rounds measured 5 inches in diameter as shown in the $icture.
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Stitch Abbreviations 3attern is in standard 1merican terms. sc- single crochet sl st- sli$ stitch hdc- half dou!le crochet dc -dou!le crochet tr- tri$le crochet ch- chain Stitch Explanation 1. riple crochet ! tr"# Yarn o&er twice) insert hook into the ne4t stitch and $ull u$ a loo$) (Yarn o&er and $ull through 2 loo$s at a time) 3 times to com$lete the tri$le crochet stitch. 2. $%c2tog ! %ecrease" ( 5Yarn o&er) insert hook into ne4t stitch and $ull u$ a loo$6 twice to get 5 loo$s on the hook) yarn o&er and $ull through all 5 loo$s on the hook. &. Sc2tog ( %nsert hook into the 1st stitch and $ull u$ a loo$) insert hook into ne4t st and $ull u$ a loo$ to get 3 loo$s on the hook) yarn o&er and $ull through all the 3 loo$s on the hook. '. Sc&tog ( #o sc in all the 3 stitches) insert the hook into same st as ch 1 and $ull u$ a loo$) insert hook into the 2nd st and $ull u$ a loo$) insert hook into the 3rd st and $ull u$ a loo$) yarn o&er and $ull through all the loo$s on the hook Base o( the Basket 7ote( #he entire !asket is worked in the round without turning. -h *) sl st to 1st ch to form a ring. )oun% 1( 8 sc in ring and sl st to 1st sc -------------------8 st )oun% 2( -h 2) 2 hdc in each st around) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2-----------12 st )oun% &( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2---------------------1, st )oun% '( ( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t 2 st) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2---------------------2* st )oun% *( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t 3 st) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2---------------------3/ st -o$yright .2/1/ -rochet'ream0. 1ll 2ights 2eser&ed
Page & )oun% +( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t * st) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2---------------------38 st )oun% ,( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t 5 st) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2---------------------*2 st )oun% - ( :ast 2ound of ase)( -h 2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t 8 st) ) 2e$eat from 9 till the end of the round) sl st to 1st hdc ski$$ing the !eginning ch 2) do not fasten off---------------------*, st Si%e o( the Basket
1. 2ound one worked in !ackloo$s only lea&ing a round of free loo$s outside the !asket
2. 8 e&en rows
Page ' Si%e Pattern #he side is also worked without turning till the end. )oun% 1( With the right side of the !ase facing u$) work in !ack loo$s only) ch2) 1 hdc in each st around) sl st to 1st hdc------------------*, st )oun% 2 to + ( #otal 5 2ows) ( Work e&en ;ust like round 1 a!o&e !ut in !oth loo$s )oun% , !%ncrease 2ound) ( -h2) 9( 2hdc in ne4t st) 1 hdc in ne4t 5 stitches) ) re$eat from 9 , times till end of round) sl st to to$ of !eginning ch 2----------------5< =t )oun% - ( -h2) 1 hdc in each st around) sl st to 1st hdc------------------5< st )oun% / ( 'ecrease 2ow) ( -h 2) 9(1 hdc in ne4t 8 st ) hdc2tog)) re$eat from 9 < times ) 1 hdc in last st of the round) sl st to 1st hdc-------------------- 5/ st )oun% 10 ( -h 2) 9(1 hdc in ne4t 3 st ) hdc2tog)) re$eat from 9 1/ times till end of round) sl st to 1st hdc -------------------- */ st )oun% 11( -h 2) 9(1 hdc in ne4t 3 st ) hdc2tog)) re$eat from 9 , times till end of round) sl st to 1st hdc) fasten off. -------------------- 32 st You can add a sli$ stitch round if you want !efore fastening off. Bunny Ears
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2. 3loppy Ears
&. Pich the base o( the ear an% se2 it to .ake the ears stan% up Bunny Ears Pattern 7ote( #he !unny ears are worked directly onto the !asket. #urn the !asket front toward you) lea&ing the fasten off line at the !ack. 4e(t Ear )o2 1( -ount 5 stitches in the middle and sl st to the ne4t st (as shown !y the arrow in the $icture)) -h1 ) 1 sc in the same st) 1 sc in ne4t * stitches> #urn.---------------5 sc not counting ch 1 )o2 2 to 12 ( ch 1) 1 sc in same st as ch 1) 1 sc in ne4t * st> #urn.----------5 sc )o2 1& ( -h 1) sc2tog) 1 sc in middle st) sc 2tog> #urn. ------------3 st )o2 1' ( -h 1) sc3tog ( see stitch e4$lanation) and fasten off. -o$yright .2/1/ -rochet'ream0. 1ll 2ights 2eser&ed
Page + )ight ear Work ;ust like the left ear starting from $oint as shown in $ic. You will ha&e 5 free stitches !etween the 2 !unny ears. 3inishing the Ear Wea&e in the tails. Your !unny ears will now !e flo$$y. 3inch the !ase of the !unny ears and sew as shown in the $icture to make them stand u$.
3acial 3eatures
&. 3ull the tails into the !asket and knot it inside
Page , 3acial 3eatures +sing $ink yarn and a yarn needle sew the outline of a triangle and fill it in for the nose . 1dd two cur&ed line with a !ack stitch for the mouth. "or the eyes use 2 tiny !lack !uttons. % didn@t ha&e !uttons) so % chained 3 and sl stitched to the 1st chain) $ulled the 2 tails into the !asket) knotted the 2 tails inside the !asket and cli$$ed it) then stitched the eyes down using !lack thread. $an%le
&. -om$leted handle with flat ends for sewing down $an%le Pattern
:ea&ing a long tail) chain as long as you want the handle and add another , chains to sew in later. #ry not to make it too long. )o2 1( -h 2) 1 hdc in same st as ch 2) 1 hdc in each ch across. #urn. )o2 2 an% & ( -h 2) 1 hdc in same st) 1 hdc in each st across. #urn. -o$yright .2/1/ -rochet'ream0. 1ll 2ights 2eser&ed
Page )o2 ' ( =l st in 8 stitches) now start sl stitching !oth the sides together to turn it into a rod as shown in the $icture) fasten off lea&ing a long tail when 8 stitches left. +sing the tails on !oth the ends of the handle sew it into the inside of the !asket right !ehind the !unny ears. =ew the !unny ears with matching thread onto the handle only at one $oint ) taking care the thread doesn@t show on the !ack of the handle. #his will hel$ the ears stay u$. 3lo2er
2. 3lo2er 5enter
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'. A(ter co.pleting * petals sl stitch to the base o( the 1st petal
*. 4ong tails le(t on the (lo2er use% to tie behin% the han%le an% bunny ears in a bo2
3lo2er Pattern :ea&ing a long tail -h * using $ink yarn and sl st to 1st chain to form a ring. )oun% 1 ( Work 5 sc into the chain ring and sl st to the 1st sc-------- 5 sc )oun% 2( -h 2) 2 hdc in each stitch around) sl st to 1st hdc ) fasten off lea&ing a long tail.--------- 1/ hdc +se white yarn now and sl st into the stitch you ;ust fasten off) lea&e a long tail. )oun% & ( 9 ( =l st to ne4t st ) ch 2) 1 dc and 1 tr in ne4t st) 1 tr )1 dc) ch 2 and sl st in ne4t st)) A a $etal made. 2e$eat 5 times from 9------------- 5 $etals =l stitch to !ase of 1st $etal. "asten off lea&ing a long tail. -o$yright .2/1/ -rochet'ream0. 1ll 2ights 2eser&ed
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7ote( ?ach $etal is worked across 2 stitches. You work a sl st) ch 2) 1 dc) 1 tr all into 1 stitch to form the half of a $etal and then work a tr) 1dc) ch 2 and sl st all into the ne4t st to work the other half of a $etal . 3inishing the 3lo2er 1. 7ow you ha&e * long tails ) 2 of each color. +se it to tie the flower onto the left !unny ear and the handle. You can tie in a !ow !ehind the handle using the tails. 2. You can also o$t to wea&e in the tails and sew the flower on. En7oy 8 Please report any 9uestions an% co..ents to .ycrochet%rea.z:g.ail.co. Bisit my !log for more designs( htt$(CCwww.crochetdream0.!logs$ot.com Doin me on face!ook to stay u$dated with my new $atterns( htt$(CCwww.face!ook.comC$agesC-rochet'ream0C13EE1/E38/1E<E2 5opyright ;otice# <ou .ay not sell or %istribute any o( .y patterns. <ou can sell ite.s .a%e (ro. .y %esigns provi%e% you give .y blog=shop cre%it.