"Analyzing General Banking Practices": Prepared by
"Analyzing General Banking Practices": Prepared by
"Analyzing General Banking Practices": Prepared by
Prepared By
Laila Sharmin
Matric No. R111314 Program : MBA Major : Finance and Banking
Intern hi! "#ration March 1$% &$13 to A!ril '% &$13 S#(mi ion "ate: &$ A!ril &$13
Prepared By
Laila Sharmin
Matric No. R111314 Program : MBA Major : Finance and Banking
S#!er,i ed B): Mr. .ona)ed /a(ir A i tant Pro*e or Fac#lt) o* B# ine Admini tration
Signat#re o* S#!er,i or
Fac#lt) o* B# ine
Admini tration
!ransmittal Latter
To The Dean acult! of Business Administration International Islamic "ni#ersit!$ %hittagong Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear &ir' This is m! pleasure to submit m! Internship Report on ()eneral Banking Acti#ities$ A &tud! on *amuna Bank Bangladesh +imited' Agrabad( Branch' %hittagong' which I was assigned$ It was a great opportunit! for me to ac,uire knowledge and e-perience in respect of the functions' procedures and operational acti#it!$ I ha#e concentrated m! best efforts to achie#e the objecti#es of the internship stud! and hope m! endea#or will ser#e the purpose$ .owe#er' I will alwa!s be read! to pro#ide an! further clarification that !ou ma! re,uire$ &incerel! /ours' +aila &harmin MBA [ inance 0 Banking] Matric 1o2 R3444546 acult! of Business Administration International Islamic "ni#ersit!' %hittagong
At the #er! beginning' I would like to e-press m! profound and heartfelt thanks to m! honorable Teacher %o3coordinator of MBA Internship 7rogram' acult! of Business Administration' International Islamic "ni#ersit!' %hittagong' who assigned me to do a Internship Report on )eneral Banking of 8*amuna Bank +td$9 .is constant guidance and ad#ice pla!ed the pi#otal role in making this report a success$ .e alwa!s ga#e me his suggestions that were crucial in making this report as flawless as possible$ This kind of challenging work helps me to enhance m! confidence$
I would also like to e-press m! deep gratitude to the Mr$ :amal "ddin' Manager of *amuna Bank +td' Agrabad Branch'%tg$ for gi#ing me the opportunit! to complete m! internship re,uirement in the organi;ation 0 for his e-cellent support and proper guidance in completing m! internship successfull!$ guidance helps me to complete this report$ .is #aluable suggestion and
Executive Summary
This is the internship report based on the one month internship program that I had undergone in Jamuna Bank Ltd. From March 13, !13 to "pri# $, !13 as a re%uirement o& m' MB" program under Facu#t' o& Business "dministration, Internationa# (ni)ersit', *hittagong. This report is comprised o& t+o broad parts: one is the organi,ation part and another is the pro-ect part. "nd the core &ocus o& this report is on the pro-ect part. In the organi,ation part, main#' the basic &unctiona#ities o& Jamuna BankLtd that I +as detai#ed b' the respecti)e o&&icia#s are presented. The topic o& the report is ./enera# Banking in Jamuna Bank.. The speci&ic ob-ecti)e o& this stud' are to e0p#ore the practices o& di&&erent s'stem , e0p#ain re#e)ant ru#es, regu#ations theories and practices s'stem o& Jamuna Bank.Jamuna Bank Ltd. is a third generation bank in Bang#adesh. It is p#a'ing an important ro#e to de)e#op the business sector. The gro+th o& this bank is )er' good. Its motto is to pro)ide a prompt and %uick ser)ice to the c#ients. Jamuna Bank Ltd. has imp#emented +e##1structured on#ine banking s'stems that make it easier to pro)ide prompt ser)ices to the customer. The +ho#e reports consist o& &i)e chapter t+o and three are on Jamuna Bank Ltd. and about it /enera# Banking ser)ices sho+s the deposit, in)estment and pro&it at "grabad Bracnh. In chapter &our I ha)e sho+n the strength, +eakness, threat and opportunities o& Jamuna Bank Ltd. and a#so sho+s &indings o& the report and chapter &i)e consist recommendation and conc#usion. The report has been prepared in the #ight o& practica# as +e## as theoretica# kno+#edge. "#so it is prepared under the guidance and super)ision o& the core teacher. During the internship program I ha)e got a good idea about the bank and that is depicted in the report.