Information and Program: Robotics 1
Information and Program: Robotics 1
Information and Program: Robotics 1
Robotics 1
Robotics 1 2013/14
Monday, September 30, 2013 Friday, December 20, 2013 Master in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (MARR) Master in Control Engineering (MCER) Master in Computer Science (MINR) Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica (MELR*) 48 hours of classes, 2 of laboratory, 75 of individual study Monday Friday 15:45-17:15 (room B2, Via Ariosto 25) 10:15-11:45, 12:00-13:30 (room B2)
Courses of study
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Credits: 6
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Office hours
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every Tuesday 12:00-13:30 c/o office A-210, left wing, floor 2, DIAG, Via Ariosto 25 and/or by email (with some advance) check my known travel dates at .../~deluca/Travel.php
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Email: Course page: Course material (pdf of lecture slides, videos, written exams, )
in the website !! lecture slides all ready, some updates during the course
Registration to exams
Robotics 1
General information
Prerequisites !! self-contained course, without special prerequisites !! elementary knowledge on kinematics and automatic control is useful Aims !! tools for the kinematic analysis, trajectory planning, programming of motion tasks for robot manipulators in industrial and service environments Textbook !! B. Siciliano, L. Sciavicco, L. Villani, G. Oriolo: Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control, 3rd Edition, Springer, 2009 Other strictly related courses !! Robotics 2: second semester, 6 credits !! Autonomous and Mobile Robotics: second semester, 6 credits
Robotics 1
Introductory video
Tracking a Cartesian trajectory with hard bounds on robot motion
Robotics 1
Introductory video
Robot visual servoing with limited joint motion range
Robotics 1
Introductory video
Sensor-based control in a dynamic environment
Robotics 1
Introductory video
Safe human-robot physical interaction (sensorless!)
Robotics 1
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Manipulator arms (and wheeled mobile robots) Industrial and service applications Mechanics for manipulation (and locomotion) Actuators Sensors !! proprioceptive (encoder, tacho) !! exteroceptive (force/torque, tactile, ultrasound, infrared, laser, vision) Minimal representations of orientation Direct and inverse kinematics of robot manipulators Differential kinematics: analytic and geometric Jacobians Statics: Transformations of forces Kinematic singularities
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Kinematic models
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Robotics 1
Program (continued)
Trajectory planning in the joint space for robot manipulators Trajectory planning in the task (Cartesian) space Control system architectures Kinematic control laws Independent joint axis control laws (P, PD, PID) Programming languages for industrial robots Use of Matlab/Simulink Demos in the lab with the KUKA robots (6-dof KR5 and 7-dof LWR4+)
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Robotics 1
homework + written test + oral examination 2 sessions at the end of this semester !! January 9, 2014 + February 6, 2014 2 sessions at the end of next semester !! June 10, 2014 + July 15, 2014 1 session after the summer break !! September 22, 2014 2 extra sessions only for students of previous years, part-time, etc. !! April 2, 2014 + November 5, 2014 available at DIAG Robotics Lab: with Prof. G. Oriolo and Dr. M. Vendittelli
Master theses
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Robotics 1
Calibration Redundant robots Dynamic modeling: Lagrange and (recursive) Newton-Euler methods Identification of dynamic parameters Free motion: linear and nonlinear feedback control, iterative learning, robust control, adaptive control Constrained motion: impedance and hybrid force-velocity control Visual servoing (kinematic approach) Diagnosis and isolation of robot actuator faults Human-robot sensorless collision detection and safe robot reaction
Control techniques
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Special topics
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Robotics 1
kinematics, planning, control of wheeled mobile robots motion planning with obstacles, navigation, and exploration by Prof. Oriolo robot surgical systems and more by Dr. Vendittelli four modules of 3 credits research-related subjects and seminars by multiple teachers !! first part: Probabilistic methods in robotics (Prof. Seth Hutchinson) robot programming using C++, ROS, NAO SDK as development frameworks by Prof. Nardi
Robotics 1