Jacinto Vs People
Jacinto Vs People
Jacinto Vs People
&acinto see2in3 the re0ersal of the 4ecision *5*6 of the Court of Appeals 7CA8 in CARepublic of the Philippines Supreme Court Manila THIRD DIVISION G!R! CR No! ,+9:* (ate( 4ecember *:, ,--+, affirmin3 petitioner;s con0iction of the crime of <ualifie( Theft, an( its Resolution,5,6 (ate( March =, ,--> (en)in3 petitioner;s motion for reconsi(eration!
Petitioner, alon3 1ith t1o other 1omen, namel), Anita /uso3 (e $alencia ) Ri0era an( &ac?ueline Capitle, 1as char3e( before the Re3ional Trial Court 7RTC8 of Caloocan Cit), /ranch *+*, 1ith the crime of <ualifie( Theft, alle3e(l) committe( as follo1s@
YNARES-SANTIAG , J!, Chairperson, - versus C"IC -NA#ARI , $E%ASC , &R!, NAC"'RA, an( PERA%TA, JJ.
That on or about an( sometime in the month of &ul) *..9, in Aaloo2an Cit), Metro Manila, an( 1ithin the Buris(iction of this "onorable Court, the abo0e-name( accuse(, conspirin3 to3ether an( mutuall) helpin3 one another, bein3 then all emplo)ees of MEGA C AM INTERNATI NA% INC!, herein represente( b) & SEP" 4Y"ENGC Y C , an( as such ha( free access insi(e the aforesai( establishment, 1ith 3ra0e abuse of trust an( confi(ence repose( upon them 1ith intent to 3ain an( 1ithout the 2no1le(3e an( consent of the o1ner thereof, (i( then an( there 1illfull), unla1full) an( feloniousl) ta2e, steal an( (eposite( in their o1n account, /anco 4e ro Chec2 No! -*+,:>. (ate( &ul) *>, *..9 in the sum of P*-,---!--, representin3 pa)ment ma(e b) customer /ab) A?uino to the Me3a Coam Int;l! Inc! to the (ama3e an( preBu(ice of the latter in the aforesai( state( amount of P*-,---!--! %AD!+5+6
C NTRARY T PEOP!E O" THE PHI!IPPINES, Respon(ent! &ul) *+, ,--. DECISION
The prosecution;s e0i(ence, 1hich both the RTC an( the CA foun( to be more cre(ible, re0eals the e0ents that transpire( to be as follo1s!
In the month of &une *..9, Isabelita A?uino Milabo, also 2no1n as /ab) A?uino, han(e( petitioner /anco 4e ro 7/4 8 Chec2 Number -*+,:>. post(ate( &ul) *>, *..9 in the amount of P*-,---!--! The chec2 1as pa)ment for /ab) A?uino;s purchases from Me3a Coam Int;l!, Inc!, an( petitioner 1as then the collector of Me3a Coam! Someho1, the chec2 1as (eposite( in the %an( /an2 account of Generoso Capitle, the husban( of &ac?ueline CapitleE the latter is the sister of petitioner an( the former pricin3, merchan(isin3 an( in0entor) cler2 of Me3a Coam!
Thereafter, &oseph 4)hen3co tal2e( to /ab) A?uino an( 1as able to confirm that the latter in(ee( han(e( petitioner a /4 chec2 for P*-,---!-sometime in &une *..9 as pa)ment for her purchases from Me3a Coam! >5>6 /ab) A?uino further testifie( that, sometime in &ul) *..9, petitioner also calle( her on the phone to tell her that the /4 chec2 bounce(! =5=6 $erification from compan) recor(s sho1e( that petitioner ne0er remitte( the subBect chec2 to Me3a Coam! "o1e0er, /ab) A?uino sai( that she ha( alrea() pai( Me3a Coam P*-,---!-- cash in Au3ust *..9 as replacement for the (ishonore( chec2!:5:6
Mean1hile, Ro1ena Ricablanca, another emplo)ee of Me3a Coam, recei0e( a phone call sometime in the mi((le of &ul) from one of their customers, &ennifer Sanalila! The customer 1ante( to 2no1 if she coul( issue chec2s pa)able to the account of Me3a Coam, instea( of issuin3 the chec2s pa)able to CASH! Sai( customer ha( apparentl) been instructe( b) &ac?ueline Capitle to ma2e chec2 pa)ments to Me3a Coam pa)able to CASH! Aroun( that time, Ricablanca also recei0e( a phone call from an emplo)ee of %an( /an2, $alenFuela /ranch, 1ho 1as loo2in3 for Generoso Capitle! The reason for the call 1as to inform Capitle that the subBect /4 chec2 (eposite( in his account ha( been (ishonore(! Generoso Capitle, presente( as a hostile 1itness, a(mitte( (epositin3 the subBect /4 chec2 in his ban2 account, but eHplaine( that the chec2 came into his possession 1hen some un2no1n 1oman arri0e( at his house aroun( the first 1ee2 of &ul) *..9 to ha0e the chec2 re(iscounte(! "e parte( 1ith his cash in eHchan3e for the chec2 1ithout e0en botherin3 to in?uire into the i(entit) of the 1oman or her a((ress! Dhen he 1as informe( b) the ban2 that the chec2 bounce(, he merel) (isre3ar(e( it as he (i(nIt 2no1 1here to fin( the 1oman 1ho re(iscounte( the chec2!
Mean1hile, 4)hen3co file( a Complaint 1ith the National /ureau of In0esti3ation 7N/I8 an( 1or2e( out an entrapment operation 1ith its a3ents! Ten pieces of P*,---!-- bills pro0i(e( b) 4)hen3co 1ere mar2e( an( (uste( 1ith fluorescent po1(er b) the N/I! Thereafter, the bills 1ere 3i0en to Ricablanca, 1ho 1as tas2e( to preten( that she 1as 3oin3 alon3 1ith $alencia;s plan!
emplo)eeGcollector of Me3a Coam, as2in3 the latter to inform &ac?ueline Capitle about the phone call from %an( /an2 re3ar(in3 the bounce( chec2! Ricablanca eHplaine( that she ha( to call an( rela) the messa3e throu3h $alencia, because the Capitles (i( not ha0e a phoneE but the) coul( be reache( throu3h $alencia, a nei3hbor an( former co-emplo)ee of &ac?ueline Capitle at Me3a Coam!
n Au3ust *=, ,--9, Ricablanca an( petitioner met at the latter;s house! $alencia then tol( Ricablanca that the chec2 came from /ab) A?uino, an( instructe( Ricablanca to as2 /ab) A?uino to replace the chec2 1ith cash! $alencia also tol( Ricablanca of a plan to ta2e the cash an( (i0i(e it e?uall) into four@ for herself, Ricablanca, petitioner &acinto an( &ac?ueline Capitle! Ricablanca, upon the a(0ise of Me3a Coam;s accountant, reporte( the matter to the o1ner of Me3a Coam, &oseph 4)hen3co!
Ricablanca! The) ori3inall) inten(e( to procee( to /ab) A?uino;s place to ha0e the
chec2 replace( 1ith cash, but the plan (i( not push throu3h! "o1e0er, the) a3ree( to meet a3ain on Au3ust ,*, ,--9!
husban( in their Beep 3oin3 to /ab) A?uino;s place in Caloocan Cit)! She alle3e(l) ha( no i(ea 1h) Ricablanca as2e( them to 1ait in their Beep, 1hich the) par2e( outsi(e the house of /ab) A?uino, an( 1as 0er) surprise( 1hen Ricablanca place( the mone) on her lap an( the N/I a3ents arreste( them!
n the a3ree( (ate, Ricablanca a3ain 1ent to petitionerIs house, 1here she met petitioner an( &ac?ueline Capitle! Petitioner, her husban(, an( Ricablanca 1ent to the house of Anita $alenciaE &ac?ueline Capitle (eci(e( not to 3o 1ith the 3roup because she (eci(e( to 3o shoppin3! It 1as onl) petitioner, her husban(, Ricablanca an( $alencia 1ho then boar(e( petitioner;s Beep an( 1ent on to /ab) A?uino;s factor)! nl) Ricablanca ali3hte( from the Beep an( entere( the premises of /ab) A?uino, preten(in3 that she 1as 3ettin3 cash from /ab) A?uino! "o1e0er, the cash she actuall) brou3ht out from the premises 1as the P*-,---!-- mar2e( mone) pre0iousl) 3i0en to her b) 4)hen3co! Ricablanca (i0i(e( the mone) an( upon returnin3 to the Beep, 3a0e P=,---!-- each to $alencia an( petitioner! Thereafter, petitioner an( $alencia 1ere arreste( b) N/I a3ents, 1ho ha( been 1atchin3 the 1hole time!
Anita $alencia also a(mitte( that she 1as the cashier of Me3a Coam until she resi3ne( on &une +-, *..9! It 1as ne0er part of her Bob to collect pa)ments from customers! Accor(in3 to her, on the mornin3 of Au3ust ,*, *..9, Ricablanca calle( her up on the phone, as2in3 if she 7$alencia8 coul( accompan) her 7Ricablanca8 to the house of /ab) A?uino! $alencia claims that she a3ree( to (o so, (espite her a(mission (urin3 cross-eHamination that she (i( not 2no1 1here /ab) A?uino resi(e(, as she ha( ne0er been to sai( house! The) then met at the house of petitioner;s mother, ro(e the Beep of petitioner an( her husban(, an( procee(e( to /ab) A?uino;s place! Dhen the) arri0e( at sai( place, Ricablanca ali3hte(, but re?ueste( them to 1ait for her in the Beep! After ten minutes, Ricablanca came out an(, to her surprise, Ricablanca 3a0e her mone) an( so she e0en as2e(, JDhat is thisKL Then, the N/I a3ents arreste( them!
Petitioner an( $alencia 1ere brou3ht to the N/I office 1here the Corensic Chemist foun( fluorescent po1(er on the palmar an( (orsal aspects of both of their han(s! This sho1e( that petitioner an( $alencia han(le( the mar2e( mone)! The N/I file( a criminal case for ?ualifie( theft a3ainst the t1o an( one &ane 4oe 1ho 1as later i(entifie( as &ac?ueline Capitle, the 1ife of Generoso Capitle!
The trial of the three accuse( 1ent its usual course an(, on the RTC ren(ere( its 4ecision, the (ispositi0e portion of 1hich rea(s@
The (efense, on the other han(, (enie( ha0in3 ta2en the subBect chec2 an( presente( the follo1in3 scenario!
WHEREFORE, in 0ie1 of the fore3oin3, the Court fin(s accuse( Gemma Tubale De Jacinto y Latosa, Anita uso! De "alencia y Ri#e$a an% Jac&ueline Ca'itle G)I!T* be)on( reasonable (oubt of the crime of ()ALIFIED THEFT an( each of them is hereb) sentence( to suffer imprisonment of "IVE +5, *EARS, "IVE +5, MONTHS AND E!EVEN +11, DA*S, as minimum, to SI- +6, *EARS, EIGHT +., MONTHS AND T/ENT* +20, DA*S, as ma*imum!
Petitioner a(mitte( that she 1as a collector for Me3a Coam until she resi3ne( on &une +-, *..9, but claime( that she ha( stoppe( collectin3 pa)ments from /ab) A?uino for ?uite some time before her resi3nation from the compan)! She further testifie( that, on the (a) of the arrest, Ricablanca came to her motherIs house, 1here she 1as sta)in3 at that time, an( as2e( that she accompan) her 7Ricablanca8 to /ab) A?uino;s house! Since petitioner 1as 3oin3 for a pre-natal chec2-up at the Chinese General "ospital, Ricablanca (eci(e( to hitch a ri(e 1ith the former an( her
The three appeale( to the CA an(, on 4ecember *:, ,--+, a 4ecision 1as promul3ate(, the (ispositi0e portion of 1hich rea(s, thus@
The prosecution trie( to establish the follo1in3 pieces of e0i(ence to IN VIE/ O" THE "OREGOING , the (ecision of the trial court is MODI"IED, in that@ constitute the elements of the crime of ?ualifie( theft (efine( un(er Article +-M, in relation to Article +*-, both of the Re0ise( Penal Co(e@ 7*8 the ta2in3 of personal propert) - as sho1n b) the fact that petitioner, as collector for Me3a Coam, (i( not 7a8 the sentence a3ainst accuse( Gemma &acinto stan(sE 7b8 the sentence a3ainst accuse( Anita $alencia is re(uce( to > months arresto mayor me(ium! 7c8 The accuse( &ac?ueline Capitle is ac?uitte(! remit the customer;s chec2 pa)ment to her emplo)er an(, instea(, appropriate( it for herselfE 7,8 sai( propert) belon3e( to another N the chec2 belon3e( to /ab) A?uino, as it 1as her pa)ment for purchases she ma(eE 7+8 the ta2in3 1as (one 1ith intent to 3ain O this is presume( from the act of unla1ful ta2in3 an( further sho1n b) the fact that the chec2 1as (eposite( to the ban2 account of petitioner;s brother-in-la1E 7>8 it 1as (one 1ithout the o1nerIs consent O petitioner hi( the fact that she ha( recei0e( the chec2 pa)ment from her emplo)er;s customer b) not remittin3 the chec2 to the A Partial Motion for Reconsi(eration of the fore3oin3 CA 4ecision 1as file( onl) for petitioner Gemma Tubale &acinto, but the same 1as (enie( per Resolution (ate( March =, ,-->! compan)E 7=8 it 1as accomplishe( 1ithout the use of 0iolence or intimi(ation a3ainst persons, nor of force upon thin3s O the chec2 1as 0oluntaril) han(e( to petitioner b) the customer, as she 1as 2no1n to be a collector for the compan)E an( 7:8 it 1as (one 1ith 3ra0e abuse of confi(ence O petitioner is a(mitte(l) entruste( 1ith the collection of pa)ments from customers! "ence, the present Petition for Re0ie1 on Certiorari file( b) petitioner alone, assailin3 the 4ecision an( Resolution of the CA! The issues raise( in the petition are as follo1s@ "o1e0er, as ma) be 3leane( from the aforementione( Articles of the Re0ise( Penal Co(e, t0e 1erson'% 1ro1ert2 s$34e5t o6 t0e t0e6t #$st 0'7e so#e 7'%$e, 's t0e 8ntent8on o6 t0e '55$se( 8s to !ain 6ro# t0e t08n& sto%en! This is *! Dhether or not petitioner can be con0icte( of a crime not char3e( in the informationE Dhether or not a 1orthless chec2 can be the obBect of theftE an( further bolstere( b) Article +-., 1here the la1 pro0i(es that the penalt) to be impose( on the accuse( is (epen(ent on the 0alue of the thin3 stolen!
In this case, petitioner unla1full) too2 the post(ate( chec2 belon3in3 to Me3a Coam, but the same 1as apparentl) 1ithout 0alue, as it 1as subse?uentl) (ishonore(! Thus, the ?uestion arises on 1hether the crime of ?ualifie( theft 1as actuall) pro(uce(!
+! Dhether or not the prosecution has pro0e( petitioner;s 3uilt be)on( reasonable (oubt!M5M6
Intod v. Court of Appeals.5.6 is hi3hl) instructi0e an( applicable to the present case! In Intod, the accuse(, inten(in3 to 2ill a person, peppere( the latterIs be(room 1ith bullets, but since the inten(e( 0ictim 1as not home at the time, no harm came to him! The trial court an( the CA hel( Into( 3uilt) of attempte( mur(er! /ut upon re0ie1 b) this Court, he 1as a(Bu(3e( 3uilt) onl) of an 8#1oss83%e 5r8#e as (efine( an( penaliFe( in para3raph ,, Article >, in relation to Article =., both of the Re0ise( Penal Co(e, because of the factual impossibilit) of pro(ucin3 the crime! Pertinent portions of sai( pro0isions rea( as follo1s@ Article >7,8! Criminal responsibilit) shall be incurre(@ Responsibility! Criminal
impossibilit) of accomplishin3 the inten(e( crime un(er Article >7,8 of the Re0ise( Penal Co(e 1as further eHplaine( b) the Court in Intod*-5*-6 in this 1ise@
'n(er this article, the act performe( b) the offen(er cannot pro(uce an offense a3ainst persons or propert) because@ 7*8 the commission of the offense is inherentl) impossible of accomplishmentE or 7,8 the means emplo)e( is either 7a8 ina(e?uate or 7b8 ineffectual!
That the offense cannot be pro(uce( because the commission of the offense is inherentl) impossible of accomplishment is the focus of this petition! To be impossible un(er this clause, the act inten(e( b) the offen(er must be b) its nature one impossible of accomplishment! There must be either 7*8 le3al impossibilit), or 7,8 ph)sical impossibilit) of accomplishin3 the inten(e( act in or(er to ?ualif) the act as an impossible crime!
/) an) person performin3 an act 1hich 1oul( be an offense a3ainst persons or propert), 1ere it not for the 8n0erent 8#1oss838%8t2 o6 8ts '55o#1%8s0#ent or on account of the emplo)ment of ina(e?uate to ineffectual means! 7emphasis supplie(8
%e3al impossibilit) occurs 1here the inten(e( acts, e0en if complete(, 1oul( not amount to a crime! HHHH
Article =.! Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to commit the crime because the means employed or the aims sought are impossible! - Dhen the person inten(in3 to commit an offense has alrea() performe( the acts for the eHecution of the same but ne0ertheless the crime 1as not pro(uce( b) reason of the fact that the act inten(e( 1as b) its nature one of impossible accomplishment or because the means emplo)e( b) such person are essentiall) ina(e?uate to pro(uce the result (esire( b) him, the court, ha0in3 in min( the social (an3er an( the (e3ree of criminalit) sho1n b) the offen(er, shall impose upon him the penalt) of arresto mayor or a fine ran3in3 from ,-- to =-- pesos!
n the other han(, factual impossibilit) occurs 1hen eHtraneous circumstances un2no1n to the actor or be)on( his control pre0ent the consummation of the inten(e( crime! H H H **5**6
In Intod, the Court 1ent on to 3i0e an eHample of an offense that in0ol0e( factual impossibilit), i.e., a man puts his han( in the coat poc2et of another 1ith the intention to steal the latter;s 1allet, but 3ets nothin3 since the poc2et is empt)!
Thus, the re?uisites of an impossible crime are@ 7*8 that the act performe( 1oul( be an offense a3ainst persons or propert)E 7,8 that the act 1as (one 1ith e0il intentE an( 7+8 that its accomplishment 1as inherentl) impossible, or the means emplo)e( 1as either ina(e?uate or ineffectual! The aspect of the inherent
"erein petitioner;s case is closel) a2in to the abo0e eHample of factual impossibilit) 3i0en in Intod. In this case, petitioner performe( all the acts to
consummate the crime of ?ualifie( theft, 1hich is a crime a3ainst propert)! Petitioner;s e0il intent cannot be (enie(, as the mere act of unla1full) ta2in3 the chec2 meant for Me3a Coam sho1e( her intent to 3ain or be unBustl) enriche(! Dere it not for the fact that the chec2 bounce(, she 1oul( ha0e recei0e( the face 0alue thereof, 1hich 1as not ri3htfull) hers! Therefore, it 1as onl) (ue to the eHtraneous circumstance of the chec2 bein3 unfun(e(, a fact un2no1n to petitioner at the time, that pre0ente( the crime from bein3 pro(uce(! The thin3 unla1full) ta2en b) petitioner turne( out to be absolutel) 1orthless, because the chec2 1as e0entuall) (ishonore(, an( Me3a Coam ha( recei0e( the cash to replace the 0alue of sai( (ishonore( chec2!
H H H 1e ha0e, after all, hel( that unla1ful ta2in3, or apoderamiento, is (eeme( complete from the moment the offen(er 3ains possession of the thin3, e0en if he has no opportunit) to (ispose of the same! H H H
H H H 'nla1ful ta2in3, 1hich is the (epri0ation of oneIs personal propert), is the element 1hich pro(uces the felon) in its consummate( sta3e! H H H *+5*+6
Crom the abo0e (iscussion, there can be no ?uestion that 's o6 t0e t8#e t0't 1et8t8oner too9 1ossess8on o6 t0e 50e59 #e'nt 6or Me&' "o'#, s0e 0'( 1er6or#e( '%% t0e '5ts to 5ons$##'te t0e 5r8#e o6 t0e6t, 0'( 8t not 3een 8#1oss83%e o6 '55o#1%8s0#ent 8n t08s 5'se! The circumstance of petitioner recei0in3 the P=,---!-- cash as suppose( replacement for the (ishonore( chec2 1as no lon3er necessar) for the consummation of the crime of ?ualifie( theft! b0iousl), the plan to con0ince /ab) A?uino to 3i0e cash as replacement for the chec2 1as hatche( onl) after the chec2 ha( been (ishonore( b) the (ra1ee ban2! Since the crime of theft is not a continuin3 offense, petitioner;s act of recei0in3 the cash replacement shoul( not be consi(ere( as a continuation of the theft! At most, the fact that petitioner 1as cau3ht recei0in3 the mar2e( mone) 1as merel) corroboratin3 e0i(ence to stren3then proof of her intent to 3ain!
The fact that petitioner 1as later entrappe( recei0in3 the P=,---!-- mar2e( mone), 1hich she thou3ht 1as the cash replacement for the (ishonore( chec2, is of no moment! The Court hel( in alen!uela v. People*,5*,6 that un(er the (efinition of theft in Article +-M of the Re0ise( Penal Co(e, Jthere is onl) one operati0e act of eHecution b) the actor in0ol0e( in theft P the ta2in3 of personal propert) of another!L Eluci(atin3 further, the Court hel(, thus@
H H H Parsin3 throu3h the statutor) (efinition of theft un(er Article +-M, there is one apparent ans1er pro0i(e( in the lan3ua3e of the la1 Q that theft is alrea() Jpro(uce(L upon the Jta25in3 of6 personal propert) of another 1ithout the latterIs consent!L
Moreo0er, the fact that petitioner further planne( to ha0e the (ishonore( HHHH chec2 replace( 1ith cash b) its issuer is a (ifferent an( separate frau(ulent scheme! 'nfortunatel), since sai( scheme 1as not inclu(e( or co0ere( b) the alle3ations in H H H 1hen is the crime of theft pro(uce(K There 1oul( be all but certain unanimit) in the position that theft is pro(uce( 1hen there is (epri0ation of personal propert) (ue to its ta2in3 b) one 1ith intent to 3ain! $ie1e( from that perspecti0e, it is immaterial to the pro(uct of the felon) that the offen(er, once ha0in3 committe( all the acts of eHecution for theft, is able or unable to freel) (ispose of the propert) stolen since the (epri0ation from the o1ner alone has alrea() ensue( from such acts of eHecution! H H H the Information, the Court cannot pronounce Bu(3ment on the accuse(E other1ise, it 1oul( 0iolate the (ue process clause of the Constitution! If at all, that frau(ulent scheme coul( ha0e been another possible source of criminal liabilit)!
the Court of Appeals, (ate( 4ecember *:, ,--+, an( its Resolution (ate( March =, HHHH ,-->, are MODI"IED! Petitioner Gemma T! &acinto is foun( G)I!T* of an IMPOSSI:!E CRIME as (efine( an( penaliFe( in Articles >, para3raph ,, an( =. of
the Re0ise( Penal Co(e, respecti0el)! Petitioner is sentence( to suffer the penalt) of siH 7:8 months of arrresto mayor, an( to pa) the costs!
I attest that the conclusions in the abo0e 4ecision ha( been reache( in consultation before the case 1as assi3ne( to the 1riter of the opinion of the CourtIs 4i0ision! CONS)E!O *NARES;SANTIAGO Associate &ustice Chairperson
Pursuant to Section *+, Article $III of the Constitution an( the 4i0ision ChairpersonIs Attestation, I certif) that the conclusions in the abo0e 4ecision 1ere reache( in consultation before the case 1as assi3ne( to the 1riter of the opinion of the CourtIs 4i0ision!