Yuzurihara Reveals It's Secret:: HYALURONIC ACID, "The Molecule of Youth"
Yuzurihara Reveals It's Secret:: HYALURONIC ACID, "The Molecule of Youth"
Yuzurihara Reveals It's Secret:: HYALURONIC ACID, "The Molecule of Youth"
Edition 2, Vol. 2
The first morning in Yuzurihara we made a quick stop for photographs at the etched stone monument at the entrance to Yuzurihara, and then we visited the fields where crops were being grown in the middle of summer. Corn, taro root, okra, red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and potatoes were being grown and harvested. Up to this point there were no surprises. A few people were working in the fields next to their homes on steep slopes where the traditional rice crop could not be grown.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Purity Products
Edition 2, Vol. 2
Page 1
Izumi Ishii, 83, delivers his freshly harvested vegetables to the market
to deliver his harvested vegetables. Mr. Ishii is Yuzurihara personified. He captured our attention immediately. His face was always filled with a smile. Here was an octogenarian who drives a motor scooter three miles to sell his vegetables at the market, and still farms his fields five to eight hours a day!
We ate a lunch at the Home Town of Long Life market and cafe where foods typical of the area are prepared. The traditional diet in Yuzurihara is varied. We ate nine different small-portioned dishes at our lunch which included fish from a local stream, boiled potatoes with miso paste (a dish called tamaji), dark purple sweet potato, millet rice, specially prepared daikon radish, buckwheat noodles, red onions, a Japanese-style bun stuffed with azuki bean paste, and a newly introduced sticky vegetable which originated from Egypt and is now grown in Yuzurihara called moloheiya which is known to be rich in iron and calcium. Meat was absent (there is no meat market in Yuzurihara).
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Purity Products
Edition 2, Vol. 2
Page 2
Typical Lunch in Yuzurihara including daikon radish and other vegetables rich in Hyaluronic Acid
a full days work. He also could visually recognize the pictures in my book, without the aid of reading glasses, of the people in the aforementioned ABC News story. I was in awe of what I was witnessing. Mr. Mitsutomo Ishii had no wrinkles on his face.
doing this by consuming plants (fermented soy, miso and tofu) that trigger the same effect, but the response could be slower and may require life-long consumption of these foods. Taking H.A. supplements orally can support H.A. levels in the body.*
While food supplements are not permitted to claim they can prevent or treat any health conditions, oral Hyaluronic Acid supplements may make a claim to maintain healthy tissue in the:*
(vitreous, retina, cornea, fluid, drain) [Archives Opthamology 111:963-67, 1993; Medical Hypotheses 51: 483-84, 1998] sacroiliac, shoulder, wrist, TMJ) [Artificial Organs 18: 420-24, 1994; Current Review Pain, 4:35661, 2000; Reg Anesthesia Pain Medicine 24: 84-88, 1999] [Journal Investigative Dermatology 114:1184-87, 2000]
Joints* (knee,
Oral supplementation with hyaluronic acid is useful in maintaining skin elasticity, joint flexibility and sharp vision among adults.* For the first time, an oral, nonprescription substance is available that supports youthful appearance, joint movement and visual response among adults of a wide age range.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Purity Products
Edition 2, Vol. 2
Page 3