Flight Patterns
Flight Patterns
Flight Patterns
Racism, (iscrimination, an( ine%&alit" have alwa"s been a $art o' American c<&re. )he stor" *+light #atterns, b" Ale-ie !herman shows that (es$ite the e''ort $&t 'orwar( towar(s eliminating (iscrimination an( racial $ro'iling it will alwa"s be a 'actor in o&r ever"(a" lives. Altho&gh some $eo$le believe onl" certain $eo$le raciall" $ro'ile or (iscriminate in realit" it is a $roblem we all 'ace (&e to me(ia, events, an( o&r social worl( that we will onl" overcome together. +or e-am$le, the tragic events o' !e$tember 11 have ca&se( the worl( to ta.e a negative view o' certain races. /eca&se the terrorists who wrec.e( the worl( tra(e center an( the $entagon were Mi((le Eastern $eo$le, most o' the worl( generali0e( all Mi((le Eastern $eo$le as terrorists a'ter the attac.. Americans wo&l( (o things s&ch as s$ecial sec&rit" chec.s while the" went thro&gh chec.ing. Also $eo$le wo&l( m&mble things s&ch as *terrorist, &n(er their breaths as the" wo&l( wal. b". !imilar events wo&l( occ&r in 1illiams2s li'e in the stor" +light #atterns beca&se o' his ethnicit". +or e-am$le, in the stor" 1illiam shares with +e.a(& abo&t a time when he le't his g"m a'ter wor.ing o&t. 1illiam then contin&es to e-$lain how a $ic.&$ sto$s in 'ront o' him an( then a man "ells o&t the win(ow *3o bac. to "o&r own co&ntr"4, 1illiam was an 5n(ian man, with
long (ar. hair an( a (ar. com$le-ion. 1illiam also was a b&siness man who travels o'ten, ca&sing him to leave his 'amil" at home alone. 6e has a wi'e an( a "o&ng (a&ghter who he a(ores an( he has a sense o' an-iet" when it comes to leaving them. 6e o'ten has nightmares abo&t terrible things ha$$ening to his 'amil" bac. at home when he is on his tri$s. 6e is ver" $ro&( o' his 'amil" an( his heritage. 5n the stor" 1illiam e-$resses how he has been 7&(ge( b" societ" b&t he also re'lects on how he has 7&(ge( others himsel'. 1illiam states that a'ter !e$tember 11, ever" time he wo&l( boar( a $lane he wo&l( scan the other seats 'or brown little men that he s&s$ecte( to be terrorists. )he a&thor ma.es it clear that even the $eo$le raciall" $ro'ile( the most ten( to still (o it themselves. All the 'ear that the me(ia $&ts in o&r hea(s reall" becomes a $roblem. Not ever" short brown man with a towel on their hea( is a terrorist b&t that2s the 'irst thing that all comes to o&r hea(. )wo men, who are com$letel" against racial $ro'iling, $ortra"e( in this stor", beca&se o' what the" have been thro&gh en( &$ 7o.ingl" (iscriminating. 1illiam (escribes his ethnicit" to +e.a(& as so, *An 5n(ian. Not the 7ewel8on8the8'orehea( 5n(ian, the bows an( arrows .in( o' 5n(ian, 9!herman:. Altho&gh 1illiam ma" have been 7o.ing that was the best wa" he co&l( (escribe is ethnicit", b" racial $ro'iling. !o as written in this stor" o&r worl( we live in is a $lace o' 7&(gment. ;o& can2t wal. (own the street witho&t at least one $erson raciall" $ro'iling "o&. 1hat comes to man" $eo$le2s attention relating to this to$ic is wh" we (o it. 1hat we see an( hear in o&r ever"(a" lives $la"s a ver" big role in what we thin.. Me(ia is constantl" in'l&encing &s ever" (a". ).<. shows an( movies are constantl" &sing e-am$les o' racial $ro'iling as entertainment beca&se societ" 'in(s these racist 7o.es am&sing. 5n realit" it $lants ba( see(s in o&r hea(s which $eo$le in'l&ence on the $eo$le aro&n( &s in o&r ever"(a" lives.
1illiam 'irst 'elt &ncom'ortable getting into the ta-i .nowing that he an( +e.a(& were two com$letel" (i''erent races an( ethnicities. /&t little (i( he .now he wo&l( soon 'in( himsel' not wanting to leave the ver" interesting man2s car he so l&c.il" came &$on. 1e chose o&r 'rien(s, where we live, an( (o certain things all base( on bias tho&ghts we all have. 1e miss o&t on a lot in o&r lives 7&st beca&se we avoi( certain $eo$le. 1e 'ail as a co&ntr" when we 'ight with each other. 1e (eal with internal $roblems more than an"thing else. 1e as =nite( !tates citi0ens nee( to $&t all o&r (i''erences asi(e an( not let $ro$agan(a an( other negative things in'l&ence what we thin. an( how we 'eel towar(s one an( another. 5n concl&sion, we are all in'ecte( with this $oison that ca&ses &s to 7&(ge each other. 1e let these tho&ghts an( i(eas ta.e control o' o&r min(s. 1e are slowl" becoming the $eo$le we tr" so har( not to be. 1e nee( to ma.e a change. 5t ma" not be eas" an( it co&l( ta.e long b&t we have to start somewhere. on2t 7&(ge a boo. b" its cover beca&se "o& never .now what "o& co&l( be missing o&t on.
1or. >ite( Ale-ie, !herman. *+light #atterns., 2003. The Norton Introduction to Literature. E(, Alison /ooth, ?. #a&l 6&nter, an( Kell" ?. Ma"s, @th e(. New ;or.: 1. 1. Norton an( >om$an", 200A. 4@8B1. #rint.
Rubric for Literary Analysis Purpose (33): Successful (A+ thru B): Demonstrates a superior understanding of !light "atterns# in that you analy$e and not %ust summari$e the story Sho&s a comple' understanding of the (ritical Lens) Lit De*ice)+oment concept)Area of ,nterest Genre (33): Successful (A+ thru B): (ontains a thesis in the last sentence of the intro that effecti*ely captures your argument ,ncludes &ell-chosen support from throughout the te't that supplements the thesis Analysis is academic in nature Design/Layout (20): Successful (A+ thru B): .ses +LA format to s/illfully &ea*e 0uotes and paraphrases into the te't .ses a 12-point3 4imes 5e& 6oman font &ith a dou7le-spaced page ,ncludes a creati*e title3 appropriately placed headers3 heading3 and page num7ers ,ncludes a 8or/s (ited page that accurately lists the te't(s) used Audience (2 ): Successful (A+ thru B): .ses *oca7ulary appropriate for a college audience Assumes a le*el of intelligence and sophistication for the audience 9rammar)spelling)punctuation should 7e appropriate for a college freshman !tance ("#): Successful (A+ thru B): :ffers a con*incing argument ,ncludes a consistent tone that presents your perspecti*e appropriately