6 - Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines - ERICHSEN
6 - Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines - ERICHSEN
6 - Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines - ERICHSEN
Hans V. Erichsen
hve@electricon.dk 2011-10-14 Serec, , Zurich, , Switzerland
According A di to t IEC 62305-1 62305 1 and d IEC 61400-24, 61400 24 LPL 1 goes from f 3 kA to t 200 kA. kA This Thi means that th t 1% of f all ll lightning li ht i has h a peak k current t lower that 3 kA and 1% higher than 200 kA. The IEC 62305-1 and IEC 61400-24 do not consider the lower levels of the other parameters such as Energy, Charge and di/dt. This also means that the wind turbine blades are not protected at the direct strike points against lightning flashes with a peak current lower that 3kA!
Multiple p strokes
The four towers in the picture are separated with a distance of 2.9 km, ranging in height from 121 to 191 m, developed upward leaders following a nearby positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) flash on 7/16/09 UT in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
+CG return stroke channel and self-propagating upward leaders developed from all four towers. Source: Observations of simultaneous multiple upward leaders from tall structures. Tom A. Warner -South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA. ICLP 2010.
Down conduction
Components and connections between different part of systems and main components is a part of the direct lightning protection system. system
Lightning current will be distribute in all electrical conducting parts through the entire Wind Turbine.
IEC 61400-24
Electronic equipment needs to have a immunity corresponding to the present environment (As minimum to fulfil EMC requirements, recommend to follow TR 50373 wind turbine; Electromagnetic Compatibility )
Personal safety
Step and tough voltage
Functional safety
Short circuit clearance
Lightning Protection
Current dissipation to earth
Personal safety
Personal safety
Thunders storm warning Safe stay doing thunderstorms
Verification Of The Safe Locations In A Wind Turbine During Thunderstorms; ICOLSE 2009
Lightning Sensors
Electricon is designing measurement systems to measure and analyze y lightning g g events. Sensors can be integrated into wind turbine applications
Blade inspections