St. Paul's News - November, 2008

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Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News

The Celebration of Life
November, 2008
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
ll of Christian faith is a celebration of life, but some seasons are
A more exciting than others. We are about to enter one of those
Volume 33, Issue 9

By the time you receive this, it will be the beginning of November. In Inside this issue:
secular life, the stores will be swinging into full holiday advertising
The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller mode, all pointing toward December 25. As exciting as Christmas is, Calendar 15
most of the celebrating has to do with consumer consumption, not the
Choir Schedule 7
celebration of new life. To protect yourself from the excesses of consumerism, and to become more
aware of how Christ and the Church continually speak to us as children of God, consider how the Mission &
Church views this period of time. 11
It starts with All Saints Day on November 1. One of the Church traditions is the reading of the ne- Prayer List 10
crology on All Saints Day and the Sunday following. The Necrology is a list of all members of the
Parish Family who have died during the preceding year. At times this is painful because of the re- St. Paul’s News 4
minder that we will never see our loved ones again in this life. And yet, we are reminded of the
promise of eternal life as found in Jesus. In addition, on All Saints Sunday, we usually have bap- Upcoming
(Continued on page 14)
Youth Group 13

Episcopal Church Apologizes for Involvement in Slavery

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.
istoric was the word often used to describe the events of October 3rd and 4th in Philadel-
H phia. It was during this event that the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, expressed
regret for the Episcopal Church’s involvement in the institution of transatlantic slavery. In her homily
the Presiding Bishop proclaimed, “Human beings have repeatedly forgotten or ignored the image
of God borne by their brothers and sisters. We have turned away from loving our neighbor as
ourselves. We have degraded those who are like us under the skin, so that we might use them
worse than beasts of burden. We have sought to be god, lording it over others. In the process, we
have repudiated that divine image in ourselves and discovered that there is little or no health in
Tears of emotion poured from the eyes of congregants as the Litanist read the Litany of Offense
and Apology. More than five hundred gathered at St. Thomas African Episcopal Church in Phila-
delphia Pennsylvania, responded to the litany in refrain using a musical setting of the Kyrie. As the
solemn service of repentance proceeded from the Word of the God to Holy Communion, seventeen
bishops joined together with participants in prayers and songs of praise celebrating the reconciling
presence and victory of our Lord Jesus Christ during the Eucharist. I thought, “God be praised; we
began this morning with tears of sorrow and ended the day with cries of hope and joy; this is a
heartfelt and amazing day for our entire household of faith!”
Attending this event with me was The Rev. Ellis Clifton, Jr., Rector of St. Clements Church, Inkster

(Continued on page 14)

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St. Paul's News
Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities vember 8, 6 PM

• St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 4:30 PM • UTO Collection, November 9, 8 & 10 AM
• Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM service • Baptisms, November 9, 8 & 10 AM
• B&PW, Tuesday, October 10, 6 PM • Silver Bells in the City, Friday, November 21
• ECW, 3rd Monday, 7 PM • Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 23
• Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5 PM • Intergenerational Event, Sunday, November 23
• 4 Fs, 2nd and 4th Mondays (except as noted) Noon- • Harvest Home Dinner, Wednesday, November 26,
2 PM 6 PM
• St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday Looking Ahead
• Prayer Group, 1st Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 PM
• The Gathering Holiday Party, December 4, at the
• Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Thursday, 7 AM Gut home, time TBD
• Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon • Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 21, 10 AM
This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Men of Orpheus concert, Friday, December 12, 7
• Quiet Morning November 1, December 6, 9-noon PM
• All Saints Day, Saturday, November 1 • Ministry Retreat, January 8-10, 2009
• Invitation Sunday, November 2 • Baptisms, January 11, 2009
• The Gathering, “Coffee House,” Merrifield Room, • ACTION, April 28, May 12, 2009 7 PM
November 7, 7PM • 160th Anniversary Celebration, May, 2009
• Newcomers’ Dinner at the home of the Guts, No-

Parish Quiet Morning - November 1

Carol Ingells, Spiritual Director
n the midst of the anxiety and confusion of the current world situation, as well as the upcoming election, you
I are invited to stop--for just a little while. Saturday morning, November 1, from 9 a.m. to noon, the church
will be open for a mini Quiet Day. Carol Ingells will give a short focus for the morning, after which everyone
will be free to wander the building or settle into a solitary corner, for meditation, reflection, prayer, perhaps
journaling. A few minutes before noon, all will gather for a brief time of group reflection and prayer. It will
be simple; it will be quiet. No need to sign up ahead or pay anything. Just decide to come. The first Saturday
morning in December, Steve Lange will lead a similar Quiet Day. You might find this time both invigorating and
comforting to your spirit.

e sure to set your clock TÄÄ ft|Çàá Wtç

B back one hour before
you go to bed on Satur- Thursday, November 1, 2008
day, November 1. Eucharist, Sermon and Necrology, 7 p.m.

November 2008
St. Paul's News Page 3

Stewardship Update: You’re Invited to Invitation Sunday!

By John Nevin, Vestry Member
he St. Paul’s Stewardship Committee is very excited about the changes we have implemented so far this
T year. First and foremost, you have probably noticed that pledge cards were not included with the Stew-
ardship Guide. That’s because the cards will be handed out on All Saints Sunday, November 2 at both the 8
a.m. and 10 a.m. services. At what we are calling “Invitation Sunday,” we’ll hear a stewardship message from
Dr. Steve McSwain, author of The Giving Myths: Giving Then Getting the Life You’ve Always Wanted. Finally, we
will return our pledge cards to the altar as an act of worship. Following the 10 a.m. service, the entire congre-
gation is invited to a Unity Brunch in the Merrifield Room at 11:30 a.m. We hope and pray that our entire St.
Paul’s family will be able to attend. (NOTE: If you are reading this after November 2 and were unable to at-
tend services on Invitation Sunday, please watch the mail for your pledge card.)
Children’s Stewardship
So that the children of the parish can participate in the stewardship campaign, we are asking them to bring in
some of the candy they collected on Halloween. How much is up to them. Parents might also want to contribute
the excess candy from home that was not distributed to trick-or-treaters. Then we are planning a reverse trick-
or-treat, delivering candy to children in need and to senior citizens. The committee welcomes ideas from the
congregation to involve our children in sharing God’s blessings.

Business & Professional Women

Do you know these people?
By Barbara Richardson The Fall “Gathering”
ome join us November 11th and find out who
C they are. Dinner will be our Thanksgiving
Dinner and will start promptly at 6pm. The cost is
Friday, November 7, 2008
7 – 9 pm
$8. For a reservation, please contact Debby
Pierce. REMEMBER to bring your pictures for our
Merrifield Room
Live Entertainment by the talented musicians of St.
Younker’s coupons will be on sale at Coffee Hours Paul’s performing your favorite folk numbers.
or from BPW members, until November 11th.
Slides from the collection of Norris Ingells will accom-
pany some of the numbers.
Karaoke will give you the opportunity to sing along
Baptisms and Welcome of with your favorites from Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul &
New Members Mary, etc.
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller • Guests
• Snacks to share (cookies, chip & dip, etc.)
n Sunday, November 9, there will be a ser-
O vice of baptism and the welcome of new
members. This is usually held on All Saints Sunday
• A coffee mug
• The most interesting mugs from a variety of
but has been moved this year to accommodate categories (ugliest, most unusual, , etc.)
the important occasion of our Stewardship ingath-
• The best karaoke performance
ering (found elsewhere in this issue). If you would
like to be baptized or welcomed as a newcomer, Coffee, Tea and Popcorn will be provided
please contact one of the clergy as soon as possi- Sign up outside the Merrifield Room.

November 2008
Page 4
St. Paul's News
Thanksgiving Baskets
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
t. Paul’s will be providing Thanksgiving baskets for needy families in the
S Lansing area again this year. If you are interested in providing food for
a basket, making a monetary contribution or delivering a basket someone
else has prepared, please sign up by Sunday, November 2, on the sheet by
the elevator or in the Merrifield Room. Informational sheets are available by
the sign-up sheets. Help make someone’s holiday celebrations a little

A Personal Story of Thanksgiving Baskets

By Dorothy Marsh
don’t remember how many years my family has been taking Thanksgiving baskets to families in Lansing. I do
I remember when I first suggested it to my kids they were less than enthusiastic. It’s not that my children don’t
support caring about and helping others it was just because they were working 6 days a week and Sunday
was catch up time, you know, laundry, grocery shopping and other mundane things.
I finally managed to convince my oldest son to go with me and it was then I learned that he was concerned
about how we would be received. “After all”, he said, “How would we feel about being the object of charity?”
It’s one thing to bring food to the church where it is taken to an anonymous food bank and quite another being
invited into some strangers home.
I will share that over the years we have been received with many hugs and multiple thanks. But I would be less
than honest if I didn’t share that a few accepted the food less graciously than the others. It has been a humbling
lesson for each of us to recognize that sharing our bounty was more important than how we were received.
There is nothing more basic than a gift of food and there is great joy in knowing that another family is cele-
brating just as we are.

Harvest Home Dinner and Service

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
t. Paul’s traditional Harvest Home dinner and service will be
S held on Wednesday, November 26, beginning at 6 p.m. in the
Merrifield Room. England choristers (and their parents) will cook and serve the dinner as a big “Thank You!” for
all the support given them by the parish. Choristers will display scrapbooks and a video of their trip, along with
some of their souvenirs! Following the dinner, at approximately 7 p.m., the service of Holy Eucharist will be held
in the church. Members of the Cherub Choir will sing an anthem for this service. There is a sign-up sheet on the
table by the elevator. Please feel free to invite friends or relatives to join us for this celebration of God’s

November 2008
St. Paul's News Page 5

From the Parish Life Committee

By Millie Ericson, Chair
he 2nd Annual Pizza Party and Game Night was a great success.
T About 50 people, from one of our youngest (Hannah Hall) to the
older among us (we who will remain nameless) enjoyed food, fellowship
and fun on October 3. We have some very lucky bingo players among
our young people, and there are some extraordinary Euchre, Jingo, and
Skip-Bo players in the parish. Thanks to all the Parish Life Committee mem- Fun and games at St. Paul’s Second Annual
bers and those who attended to make this a wonderful evening. Pictures Pizza Party and Game Night
can be seen at the St. Paul’s Group Site on Facebook, http://
Upcoming Fellowship opportunity:
• Friday, November 7, 7-9 p.m., Merrifield Room, Fall “The Gathering” Coffee House at St. Paul’s. Live
Entertainment by a variety of acts from among the talented musicians of the church performing your fa-
vorite folk numbers (could they be “The New St. Paul’s Minstrels”?).
• Slides from the collection of Norris Ingells will accompany some of the numbers. Karaoke will give you
the opportunity to sing along with your favorites from Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul & Mary, etc.
• Guests (this is a great way to introduce St. Paul’s to friends and neighbors)
• Snacks to share (i.e., brownies, cookies, Chex mix, cheese & crackers, chips & dip, etc.)
• A coffee mug

• The most interesting mugs from a variety of categories (ugliest, most unusual, traveled the farthest, etc.)
• The best karaoke performance

Coffee, tea and popcorn will be provided. Sign up outside the Merrifield Room.
• Friday, December 4 - Holiday “The Gathering,” hors d’oeuvres, dessert, music, conversation and an op-
portunity to make a gift to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD), at the home of Larry and Kathy Gut
with more details to follow

The Holiday Seasons Are Approaching!

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
ovember means that preparation for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons will get into full swing as St.
N Paul’s Handbell Choir joins with the Handbell Choir of Pilgrim Congregational Church, with John
Broughton, director, to usher in “Silver Bells in the City.” An annual event in Lansing, Silver Bells includes a festive
parade, singing groups, instrumental ensembles, fireworks and a concert of Handbell music put on at St. Paul’s
immediately following the fireworks. This celebration will be held on Friday, November 21. After the concert,
there will be free hot chocolate and cookies in the Merrifield Room for anyone who would like to stop by.
Please come down and enjoy the festivities!

November 2008
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St. Paul's News
Christmas Music at St. Paul’s and brass. The program will include works by Gab-
rieli, Vittoria, Philips, Susa, Pinkham and excerpts
from Magnificat by John Rutter. In addition, the
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
second half of the program will include works on
• Friday, December 12, at 7 p.m., the Men of Or-
traditional Christmas songs, including “I Saw Three
pheus, an all-male singing group of Lansing, will Ships,” “Silent Night,” and “Go Tell It on the Moun-
present its annual Christmas Concert. Directed by tain.” Tickets will be $8 for adults and $6 for sen-
former parishioner Gayle Pohl, the Men of Orpheus iors and children.
will present a concert of lighter Christmas music. • The service of Advent Lessons and Carols will be
• Sunday, December 14, at 7 p.m., the Lange Choral
held on Sunday, December 21, during the 10 a.m.
Ensemble will present its annual Christmas concert. service. All of St. Paul’s choirs, including the Hand-
This year the concert will feature music for chorus bell Choir, will join in this annual musical celebration
of Jesus’ birth.

“Who is our brother and God's fellow worker in spreading the gospel
of Christ?” (I Thessalonians 3:2)
By the Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
ince the beginning of the program year you may have noticed that the Rev. Bill Fineout has been process-
S ing down into the congregation for the reading and hearing of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The
Gospel procession originally began as a symbol of Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, on what we now
call Palm Sunday. The procession and reading of the Gospel among the people has gained greater liturgical
emphasis in recent years primarily for two reasons.
First, and perhaps most important, is that the Gospel is of the people and for the people. As Christians, we
stand as witnesses to the living word of God in our lives and in the world around us. It is our place to stand with
Christ, spreading the good news, and our spreading of the good news comes in our reading and hearing.
Second, it is easier to hear, listen and see the reader when all other distractions are removed. The Apostle John
writes, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the
One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) At the time the Gospel is read
all attention should be focused on the Gospel and it alone. The appropriate stance is for listeners to turn and
face the reader of the gospel. It is at this time that Jesus is often speaking directly to us, therefore with our eyes
let us see and with our ears let us hear. “Praise to you Lord Christ, for the reading and hearing of your word.”

Intergenerational Event
By The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller
n Sunday, November 23, St. Paul’s will have an Intergenerational Educational Event following the 10 a.m.
O service. This might leave you asking, “What is an Intergenerational Educational Event?” Simply put, our
education that day will not be age-graded; kindergarten in one room and senior high in another. Instead of
Sunday morning education being only for the children, we will offer classes after the service with different
events dispersed throughout the building so that everyone may take part.
Our belief is that when the people of God discuss the presence of the Lord among them, we can learn from one
another regardless of age. This year’s Intergenerational Educational Event will include activities and discussions
on the church seasons of Pentecost/Christ the King, Advent and Christmas.
Our service on this particular Sunday will be shorter and the interactive sessions will be about 25 minutes long.
We ask that everyone be present at the service and make an effort to attend a session of interest after the
mass. Light refreshments and fellowship will follow the sessions

November 2008
Choirs News
St. Paul' Page 7

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
England parents and choristers (for the next trip!) will meet on Sunday, November 9, after church for 
a preliminary discussion of options for the next trip to England. 
Wednesday, November 26 (Harvest Home Festival) ‐ Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace will rehearse 
from 5:30 to 6 p.m. Cherubs (only) will sing an anthem for the Harvest Home service, which be‐
gins at 7 p.m. (Dinner will begin at 6 p.m.) High School choristers will serve the meal and help 
clean up as needed. 
Thursday, November 27 (Thanksgiving Day) ‐ There will be no Chancel Choir rehearsal. 

Sunday, December 21 ‐ (Lessons and Carols) All choirs will sing for the 10 a.m. service. 

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs

November 2 Boys’ and Grace; High School; Chancel

November 9 High School; Chancel
November 16 High School; Chancel
November 23 High School; Chancel
November 30 High School; Chancel

December 7 Boys’ and Grace; High School

December 14 High School; Chancel
December 21 All Choirs:
Lessons & Carols Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, High School, Chancel
December 24
4:00 pm Family Eucharist Cherubs; Boys’ and Grace
11:00 pm Choral Eucharist High School; Chancel
December 31 Choirs will not be vesting

Chancel Choir to present “Missa Sancti Nicolai”

By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
n Sunday, November 23, as part of the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist service, the Chancel
O Choir will sing Joseph Haydn’s “Missa Sancti Nicolai,” originally composed in 1772 to
celebrate his patron’s name day (Prince Nikolaus Esterhazy). The choir will be accompa-
nied by a string quartet for this presentation.

November 2008
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St. Paul's News
Servant Evangelism This is a compelling approach for many different rea-
sons, both practical and theological. The public rela-
tions/marketing professional in me views this as an
By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member
obvious strategy for attracting new interest in not just
oday, a Web site captured my attention with the our small parish, but in Christianity as a whole. What
T phrase, “Small things done with great love will better model for a community of believers than small
change the world.” The site is dedicated to the topic of gestures writ large by the grace with which they are
“servant evangelism,” which is an approach that I hope offered? In blunt marketing terms, it’s a great identity
we can adopt more intentionally here at St. Paul’s. builder. And hey, freebies are always great for at-
tracting new interest!
At its heart, the concept of servant evangelism invites
followers of Christ to offer small gestures of kindness But the amateur theologian in me sees many more rea-
that will capture the attention and goodwill of those sons to adopt the servant evangelism approach. I see it
who receive them. “Servant evangelism wins the heart as an emulation of Christ Himself, who came in humility
before it confronts the mind,” the site says. “A small act and grace to offer the ultimate kindness to the whole
of kindness nudges a person closer to God, often in a world. I think of the many Bible lessons that exhort us
profound way as it bypasses one’s mental defenses.” to give of ourselves and our possessions to support the
work of the Father. I can think of no better way of car-
Once the spirit is engaged, it is then easier to ap- rying out the work we are called upon to do as evan-
proach the mind and the will with ideas about what St. gelists than by showing ourselves through our actions
Paul’s has to offer. “Kindness builds the bridge,” ac- and deeds, rather than merely through our words.
cording to the site, “for the person to receive the touch
of love from God.” So let us carry forward as servant evangelists, humbly
giving of ourselves and bringing joy—and hopefully
much more—to the lives of those around us.

It’s Time! It’s Mitten Tree Time!

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
eginning Sunday November 30 and for the following four weeks of Ad-
B vent please bring new mittens, scarves, hats, and gloves and help deco-
rate the Christmas tree in the cloister.
It is again my honor to be this year’s mitten tree program coordinator. Last
year I had the privilege of delivering nearly 100 pairs of mittens and a num-
ber of gloves, hats and scarves to Cristo Rey. Your generous donations were met with excitement and apprecia-
tion, and I can only say… another job well done St. Paul’s! We all know mittens, gloves, hats and scarves are a
gift that many of our brothers and sisters need, but can’t afford during the harsh Michigan winters. So let us do
it again, because we know it’s that time. It’s mitten time! Over the last two years we have given our mitten tree
harvest to Cristo Rey, however, this year it is my hope that we give our mitten tree bounty to a different organi-
zation that might have similar needs and a distribution capability similar to that of Cristo Rey. Please submit to
me your suggestions for whom our mitten tree efforts might be directed by December 21.

November 2008
St. Paul's News Page 9

Financial Information as of September 30, 2008

By Jeff Irwin
As of September 30, 2008, pledge revenue collected was $217,349, which is 72.9 percent of the annual
budget. We are 75 percent of the way through the year. In September, $29,150 of pledge revenue was col-
lected, which is approximately 10 percent of the overall budgeted amount. The operating loss to date was
$108,173, which is 79.5 percent of the 2008 budget.
During September, our annual parking lot lease payment was made in the amount of $4,222.
The designated and restricted funds have recorded a loss in market value in September of $35,438, bringing
the nine-month loss to $64,844. Along with contributions to the funds, their net income was $19,158.
As we are all aware, in September and October the stock market experienced unprecedented declines in
value. The Finance Committee has been monitoring the situation and taken steps determined to be appropriate.
Although the losses in value are very large, it is important to keep in mind that most of the funds have been in-
vested for many years and often recorded increases. The combined net income of the operations and the funds
is an $89,015 loss as of September 30, 2008.
To date, it was necessary to withdraw a total of $90,000 from the Perpetual Fund to make payroll and pay
outstanding bills. An additional $3,200 has been withdrawn from the Perpetual Fund for special purposes au-
thorized by the vestry.

Vestry Highlights
At the October 21Vestry meeting, your Vestry:
• Shared a lovely meal provided by A Catered Affaire.
• Responded to devotions on "James the Just" provided by Deacon Bill Fineout.
• Approved amended minutes of September 16, 2008 (on bulletin board).
• Received the treasurer's Report - summery elsewhere in the issue.
• Began the preparation of the 2009 budget.
• Received an audit report of the 2007 year. The finalized version to be presented in November.
• Received a Finance Committee Report.
° Heard that investment loss was about $43,000 in the recent financial crisis.
° Passed a motion to spread recent investment loses over all funds, not just the few affected.
° Passed a motion to give the Finance Committee authority to select a new investment advisor.
• Discussed where we are in the Action Plan process.
• Received a Web Site progress report.
• Discussed the upcoming Diocesan Convention and the issues that will be presented.
• Received a report on the progress of the 160th celebration planed for 2009.
• Received other committee reports.
• Reviewed the "Healthy Congregations Seminar" with an eye on how we can implement some of its sug-
• Discussed recent sermons on the political campaigns.
• Distributed Vestry calling lists for the Unity Celebration and Brunch on November 2nd.
• Received Clergy Reports.

November 2008
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St. Paul's News
“One Church, Many Journeys” Parish-Wide Book Read
By Millie Ericson
oth Book Read titles, (Contempt of Court, the turn-of-the-century lynching that launched 100 years of Fed-
B eralism, by Mark Curriden and Leroy Phillips, Jr. for adults; and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C.S.
Lewis, 3rd book in the Chronicles of Narnia, continuing the story of Prince Caspian, for families) are now avail-
able from the St. Paul’s book cart at a discounted price.
Book groups will be formed to meet in January to discuss Contempt of Court. If you would like to host a discus-
sion group in your home or facilitate the group, please sign up on the sheet outside the Merrifield Room. Each
group will meet for one afternoon or evening a week for three consecutive weeks beginning the week of Janu-
ary 11.
An exciting family event, “Voyaging on the Dawn Treader,” will be held on Friday, January 30. Calling all
creative “St. Paulites.” If you have skills or interest in carpentry, set design, art/drawing, creating game ideas,
drama, costuming, school carnival development, Bible school/Sunday school planning (or just like to have fun),
your skills are needed on an Event Design Team for this family fun night. Contact Millie Ericson to become part
of this exciting team.

We pray for those expecting: Deb & Jeff Sleight, Sarah (Weller) & Joe
Evenden, Linda & Don Junger, Amanda & Darrick Alvarez, and Vicky &
Rich Bellon.
We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas:
Daniel Reno, David Granger, and Bill Sheldon.
We pray for comfort for the family and friends of Philip Telleen, Mary Olds
and Richard Tyler, who recently passed away.
We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley
Robinson, Mason Hill, Erik Lindquist, Charles Weaver, Chance Collins, Mary Ann Kelley, Barb Hacker,
Darrick, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko, Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip & Marsha Macholz,
Rick Edwards, Carrie, Michael Skinner, Bea Richards, Edward Such, Virginia Jessop, Mason Beasley, Judy
Jones, Mary McClelland, June Wyatt, Ken Vogel, Berthella Hockert, Scott McLain, and Linda McDonald.
We pray for those who hate, that your presence may calm or remove their anger and replace it with under-
standing, compassion and acceptance.

Matthew Shepard Memorial Service

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
n October 8, St. Paul’s opened its doors to the local community with the celebration of a Eucharist to mark
O the 10-year anniversary of the death of Matthew Shepard. Matthew was a young man of 21 who was
slain as a result of hate directed toward him because he was gay. Attendees allowed their presence to indicate
their opposition to hate crimes in general and to Matthew Shepard’s specifically. Our hope is to make this a
yearly celebration.

November 2008
St. Paul's News Page 11

Water for Life

By Lyn Zynda, Mission and Outreach

he water-filled bottles are leaving with parishioners, and some are even returning to
T St. Paul’s filled with change and grateful prayers. Look for the basket near the stairs
leading to the altar. Before the service or when you come up for communion, place your
filled bottles in the basket. You can also drop the change-filled bottles at the office.
At the final ingathering on Sunday, December 14, we will offer up the donations collected
for a blessing and to demonstrate our commitment to help fulfill the Millennium Develop-
ment Goals (MDGs). As soon as we have sorted, counted and wrapped the change, the committee with report
our progress back to the congregation.
Remember: St. Paul’s voted as a community to raise the $7,500 necessary to build a well as our 2008 project.
This is an ambitious undertaking made all the more difficult considering current economic conditions. I do be-
lieve, however, that St. Paul’s can rise to the occasion and help God’s children who are infinitely more chal-
lenged than any of us.
If you haven’t already done so, pick up a water bottle or replace your changed-filled water bottle. Water
bottles are available at the back of the church. Look for goal updates in future issues of the Newsletter and
Sunday bulletins.

Mission & Outreach Activities:

Where is Christ calling you to help others?
November • Gifts for the Christ Child
• UTO Ingathering – Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Ongoing:
November 9-23 • Manna Sundays for street ministry (busing/work
• Thanksgiving Baskets
• Water for Life
December 6 (13)
• Heifer International
• Housing Assistance Fund – Fruit & Greens Sale
• Prayer quilts
• Cars INC
• Youth - Mitten Tree
• Sudanese Education
December 14
• MDG – Water for Life Ingathering/Wrap up Check the Newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin
Announcements for additional details and informa-
December 24 tion.

November 2008
Page 12
St. Paul's News
And the Winner IS!
By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
first want to thank all of the individuals and organizations that par-
I ticipated in our Stewardship Sampler Sunday. Although I was away
preaching and celebrating the Eucharist at St. John’s in Charlotte,
Michigan, I heard great things concerning the effort and sincerity to-
wards our “Show Jesus” contest challenge. Our ministry together and
individually is centered on the good news of Jesus Christ. I believe it
should be our hope that in our ministry others may see the bright shin-
ning face of Christ. Mandy Lawton representing the “Busy Bees” of
Now after more than 8,760 hours of careful, thoughtful consideration the Business and Professional Women’s Guild
and yet even more evaluation of the all of
the wonderful displays, without any further
ado, I am proud to announce that the win-
ner of the 2008-2009 St. Paul’s Steward-
ship Sampler Sunday “Show Jesus” Contest
Challenge is…
Oops…I have one final detail to check, so I
will announce the winner of the 2008-2009
St. Paul’s Stewardship Sampler Sunday
“Show Jesus” Contest Challenge on Invita-
tion Sunday, November 2 at the 10 am St. Aelred’s Guild provides visits,
service. Award recipients must be present cards, prayers and support to the com-
to accept awards. Family members, close munity of St. Paul’s
friends or pets are not eligible for prizes.
Information contained in this article is for the expressed purpose of encouraging Eleanor Doersam seeks volunteers
you to attend Invitation Sunday at St. Paul’s. for the Blood Drive

2008-2009 Youth Group Programming & Events

hen planning events for this calendar year, the Youth Group decided to alternate outreach and fun ac-
W tivities each month. Here is the tentative schedule:
• October – CROP Walk
• November – Clean house of sick/shut-in church member(s)
• December – Caroling & play BINGO with residents of TenderCare West
• January – Sledding/ice skating or Laser Tag
• February – Red Cross training & Valentines Day babysitting for families
• March – Lock-in, bowling, and feed homeless
• April – Host Easter Egg hunt for young children
• May – Overnight mission trip (within Michigan)
The youth group targets young people grades 6th through 12th, and meets on the first Sunday of each month for
a council meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 2.

November 2008
St. Paul's News Page 13

Youth Ministry Articles Provided By:

Youth Group Council President, Ms. Emily Laub
Youth Christian Education Ministry Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Youth Group Elects New Officers & Committee Chairs

he 2008-09 programming year has begun and the Youth Group is in full swing and we are expecting to
T have another exciting year. On Sunday, September 21st, their peers voted the following individuals into
executive office:
Co-Presidents: Emily Laub & Daniel Fletcher
Co-Vice Presidents: Thomas Laub & Antonio Clarke
Secretary: Margaret Kariuki
Treasurer: Maggie McDaniels
In an effort to ensure that all youth are in leadership roles, the follow sub-committees were formed:
Communications Committee: Responsible for advertising, marketing, logo development, and signage: Erikah
Alvarez, Courtney Irwin, Zoe Beckett, Claire Beckett
Finance Committee: Responsible for collecting money and keeping stock inventory of the vending machines:
Parker Van Voorhees, Daniel Crabtree, Steven Walker

Acolyte Guild Welcomes New and most certainly…“the “Epiphany of our Lord Jesus
Christ!” These services encompass a variety of liturgical
Members themes, and to ensure proper preparation and assign-
ments, members are asked to attend monthly meetings.
he St. Paul’s Acolyte Guild would like you to join
T Moms and Dads, we can use your help here! The Aco-
them in welcoming its newest members: Erikah Al- lyte Guild meets on the second Sunday of every month,
varez, Zoe Beckett, Claire Beckett, Kaitlyn Narezo, except in December when the guild will meet on the
and Parker Van Voorhees. The guild now has some 22 first and third Sunday.
active members. Happy are they who serve the Lord!
We are planning a field trip on November 22 to St.
As many of you know we will soon be coming into one Gregory Abbey Monastery, a community of men living
of our busiest and most rewarding times of year for under the Rule of Saint Benedict within the Episcopal
the Acolyte Guild. The upcoming schedule includes Church near Three Rivers, Michigan. Important details
many significant services including “Christ the King,” about this field trip will be communicated to acolytes
“Lessons & Carols,” “Christmas Eve,” Christmas Day, and parents via surface mail soon.

Youth Group Walks for Hunger

ur St. Paul’s Youth Group raised over $1,100.00 in donations in
O this year’s CROP WALK. That’s $100.00 more than last year!
Congratulations Erikah, Antonio, Margaret, Emily, Thomas, Maggie,
Zoe, Claire and Kaitlyn for a job well done! Many will benefit from
your efforts. The youth group would like to give a special THANK
YOU to St. Paul’s parishioners for your generous contributions.
The group of 12 walked a little short of 10K (Fr. Ron got little tired…)
on Sunday October 12th. Our donation of $1,100 is enough to pro-
vide clean water for drinking and domestic use, as well as education Members of the St. Paul’s Crop Walk Team
and training for improved community health, hygiene, and sanitation.
This service project is the first of several other upcoming outreach and
service projects the group has planned for the coming year.

November 2008
Page 14
St. Paul's News
(Continued from, “Celebration of Life,” page 1) coming together. Let us be sure we acknowledge all
these blessings by keeping the remembrance of God in
tisms and in the coos, cries and smiles, we are re- the celebration.
minded that life itself is eternal and renewing and of
our obligation and pleasure to pass our faith from On November 30, we will begin the Season of Advent.
generation to generation. Our thoughts will turn to the preparations that the sea-
son requires as Christmas approaches. The thoughts of
Sometime toward the end of November, we always Christmas will come easily enough. They will, at times,
celebrate “The Feast of Christ the King.” It marks the be overwhelming. The difficulty will be keeping the
end of the season of Pentecost and will be celebrated focus on the life that God provides rather than the ac-
this year on November 23. This is a special day be- quisition of things that secular society advocates.
cause it calls us to reflect on the season past and all
the evidences of God’s presence in our lives. In the im- As we approach this wonderful set of holidays, I ask
age of a king, we are reminded of the kind of ruler you to remember Moses’ words to his people as they
our God is— loving, caring, merciful—a King given to were about to enter into the grand adventure of the
sustaining and enhancing the joys of life. Promised Land. He knew that they would have choices
to make every day. His admonition was, “Choose
Another holiday in November is Thanksgiving. Its roots life!” (Deut. 30:19) My hope and prayer is that we
are found in the quest for religious freedom and in may do the same.
thankfulness for God’s blessing of survival and life it-
self. For most of us, the day will be about family and

(Continued from, “Episcopal Church Apologizes,” page 1)

and vice-president of the Bishop H. Irving Mayson Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians. The two-day
solemn observance began on Friday with opening reflections by Dr. Bonnie Anderson, President of the House
of Deputies. Looking to the continuation of the reconciliatory mood of this event Anderson proclaimed, "This is a
great start to a new beginning," and "no one should view it as being over". She also acknowledged that the
"work is hard" but she stressed that "it must continue" for the betterment of the Episcopal Church.
In partial fulfillment of an attempt to "make a full, faithful, and informed accounting of our history" those at-
tending on Friday witnessed powerful and oft times surprising presentations from distinguished members of our
communion. These workshop provided documentation of the complicity of the Episcopal Church in the institution
of slavery and the economic benefits some aspects of the church derived from that sinful practice. Friday par-
ticipants also viewed displays from the Episcopal Archives and the African American Episcopal Historical Col-
lection at Virginia Seminary. Father Clifton remarked, “We are grateful to Bishop Gibbs for providing Fr. Ron
and me with this opportunity. Reconciliation is an important aspect of the bishop's ministry and without his sup-
port and commitment to racial reconciliation we would not be here today,”
The service of repentance on Saturday marked the commencement of several actions passed by resolution at
the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. Resolution 123A, titled Slavery and Racial Reconciliation,
called for the Episcopal Church to unequivocally declare slavery a sin and a fundamental betrayal of human-
ity. It also required the Church to publicly acknowledge and apologize for the Church’s complicity in the institu-
tion and aftermath of slavery, segregation and discrimination. In addition, the resolution requires the Executive
Council to initiate a comprehensive program, urging every Diocese to have a similar service of repentance,
and for each diocese to collect and document by the next triennium detailed information in its own community
on the Episcopal Church’s involvement in slavery, segregation and discrimination. The Executive Council, as-
sisted by the Committee on Anti-Racism is expected to issue a report at the 76th General Convention “on how
the Church can be a repairer of the breach.” (Isaiah 58:12)

November 2008

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff
The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader
Lyn Zynda, Acting Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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