Genesis 45 1-15
Genesis 45 1-15
Genesis 45 1-15
The account of the life of Joseph is truly an extraordinary one! Let’s take some time today to refresh our
knowledge of the life of Joseph, as it will be pertinent to know to truly understand the magnitude of Genesis 45.
Here is a synopsis of Joseph leading up to this section of Scripture. He was the firstborn of Jacob’s favorite wife,
Rachel. (Recall that Jacob had two wives, Rachel and Leah, and two maidservants who also bore him children,
Bilhah and Zilpah). It was clear already at the young age of 17 that Joseph not only was Jacob’s favorite child, being
the recipient of the infamous “coat of many colors,” but also that God had given specifically to him some very
special gifts of prophecy that the other brothers did not have. He received dreams which revealed information about
the future and had the gift to interpret the dreams – something that made his brothers jealous to the point where
they actually made fun of him, “Here comes that dreamer!”
At 17 years old, Joseph told his brothers about a dream that he had, where there were 12 sheaves of grain,
one for each of the 12 sons of Jacob. In his dream the 11 others sheaves were bowing down to his, signifying that at
some point, the 11 other sons of Jacob would serve Joseph, who would be master over all of them. That dream
angered them so much that they began to plot to kill Joseph. One day, as Joseph approached his brothers in the
fields, they had every intention of killing him and throwing him into a cistern, planning to tell their father that a
wild animal had torn his favorite son to shreds. Instead of killing him, though, they simply threw him into the
empty reservoir, sold him to a caravan for 20 shekels (8 ounces) of silver, (today about $100). The caravan took
him all the way to Egypt, and there he was sold as a slave.
While in Egypt, Joseph served his master Potiphar faithfully, even to the point of refusing to accept the
proposition from Potiphar’s wife, who, in turn, had him thrown into a dark prison for a long time. While he was in
prison, Joseph listened to dreams from Pharoah’s cupbearer and baker, and was able, again by the gift of God, to
interpret them. When Pharaoh learned of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, he summoned Joseph from the dank
prison, where he spent several years. He listened to Joseph interpret his dreams and, when it was clear that Joseph
had special divinely-given gifts, made him the second most powerful man in the world, all by the age of 30.
From slave to superior in just 13 years...and now, in Genesis 45, the epic reunion between Joseph and the
brothers who made fun of him, who mocked him, wanted him dead, sold him into slavery for $100, and told his
father that he was dead. What is remarkable about this account is not simply all the things that happened to Joseph
throughout his life, but the way that he, in his position of power, treats his brothers, who mistreated him so badly.
And what we’ll see today is that this reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers is typical...not in the sense that
it is so ordinary, for who of us would be able to do what Joseph did? Rather it is “typical” in the sense that his
actions point forward, as a shadow, to a greater fulfillment later – the reconciliation of God to his people through
the Savior, Jesus Christ, which is our motivation to seek reconciliation with others who have done wrong to us.
Today, we will examine this typical true story of reconciliation, which reveals the heart of a loving brother, invites
sinners to draw near, and embraces sinners with unconditional love.
Ultimately, the gracious invitation of Joseph to draw near, which serves as a shadow of our Savior’s
invitation for all sinners to draw near to him for forgiveness and salvation, leads to the final embrace in verses 14
and 15. “Then he threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept and Benjamin embraced him weeping. And he
kissed all his brothers and wept over them.”
What a touching end to a heart-wrenching reunion! Joseph, having been mistreated, hated and scorned by
his brothers, sold into slavery and, for all practical purposes, regarded as dead by the family, invites his brothers to
come near to him and extends a brothers embrace to them, not holding their sins against them, not harping at them
for their awful deeds, but simply showing them through the loving kindred embrace that they were accepted by him
as brothers without condition, without stipulation – no strings attached!
That is exactly how our Lord Jesus treats us. Through the gospel he invites us to come near to him – and
through the same, he reaches out to us to embrace us as his own. At your baptism, you were claimed as a family
member of God, embraced by the loving arms of your heavenly Father without condition. Through the gospel in
Word and in Sacrament, the Lord God tightens that embrace, without requiring any condition to be met, without
requiring any kind of contribution from you. He simply holds you ever closer so that you will never stray again, so
that you will always remain connected to him as your God, your Savior, your brother. And what a wonderful truth,
that when the time comes for us to let go of this life, we know that we will do so in his loving arms only to embrace
him as our brother face to face in everlasting glory with all the other brothers and sisters who have been brought
near to him in faith.
What an extraordinary ending to a remarkable true story! Not just the story of Joseph – though certainly,
his saga, from beginning to end is filled with remarkable lessons for our own lives, especially here in Genesis 45,
where we learn how to forgive our enemies, even in the most difficult of circumstances. No...I’m talking about our
story, yours and mine. Our story will end the same way as it did with Joseph and his brothers – with a loving
embrace from our faithful brother Jesus. Amen.