A Study On Secondary Market Operations
A Study On Secondary Market Operations
A Study On Secondary Market Operations
PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
It is indeed a pleasant task to thank all the people who have contributed towards the successful completion of this project. I express my sincere gratitude to our project guide MR.K THIRUNEER SELVAM, REGIO !" #E!$ ! $ MR.K PRABU%&R!I ' for his able supervision during the course of the project. I also thank my PARENTS AND BROTHER, Prashnth for their support and encouragement throughout the project. I am grateful to my friends who made
I ,e!e -# de.la!e t,at t,e %!o/e.t !e%o!t titled 0A SECONDOR1 MAR2ET OPERATIONS AT ANGEL 3RO2ING4. S$-5itted -# 5e to t,e de%a!t5ent of -$"ine"" 5ana6e5ent $nde! t,e 6$idan.e of. M!.T.RA7ENDHIRAN, M.COM, of Ma"te! of 3$"ine"" Ad5ini"t!ation -onafide 8o!9 $nde! ta9e" -# 5e and it i" not "$-5itted to an# ot,e! $ni e!"it# o! in"tit$tion fo! t,e a8a!d of an# de6!ee t,e di".i%line:.e!tifi.ate o! %$-li",ed an# ti5e -efo!e.
aggregating management
% iaprice
disco ery&
t,e %a!t of an a$.tion 5a!9et, O e!*t,e*Co$nte! (OTC& i" a %a!t of t,e deale! 5a!9et
excellence in customer relations began more than 20 years ago. Today, Angel has emerged as a premium Indian stock broking and wealth management house, with an absolute !ocus on retail business, and a commitment to pro"ide #$eal %alue !or &oney# to all its clients. The Angel 'roup is a member o! the Bombay (tock )xchange *B()+, ,ational (tock )xchange *,()+ and the two leading -ommodity )xchanges in the country i.e. ,-.)/ 0 &-/. 1e are also registered as a .epository 2articipant with -.(3.
Our Presence
Nation*8ide net8o!9 of ;+ Re6ional H$-"P!e"en.e in ;;( .itie". @(((D S$-*3!o9e!" E 3$"ine"" A""o.iate"?.F la9, Client"
M!. Dine", T,a99a! i" t,e fo$nde! C,ai!5an E Mana6in6 Di!e.to! of t,e An6el G!o$% of Co5%anie"
M#. L"!%$ T+",,"#- Director - Research A %a!t of t,e "enio! 5ana6e5ent tea5 "in.e t,e An6el G!o$%" in.e%tion, M!. Lalit T,a99a! i" t,e 5oti atin6 fo!.e -e,ind An6el" ,i6,l# a..lai5ed Re"ea!., tea5. M#. A.%$ M"/'.0"#
M!. A5it Ma/$5da! i" de"i6nated a" t,e C,ief St!ate6# Offi.e! of t,e 6!o$%. M#. R"/%1 P+"0,*
Corporate Communications
M!. Ra/i P,ad9e 5ana6e" t,e t8o 9e# f$n.tion" of H$5an Re"o$!.e" E Co!%o!ate Co55$ni.ation" fo! t,e An6el G!o$%, and ,a" a.ti el# .ont!i-$ted to t,e G!o$%" 6!o8t, o e! t,e la"t fo$! #ea!".
M!. Vina# A6!a8al lead" t,e EI$it# 3!o9in6 -$"ine"" e!ti.al at An6el, 8,i., .o5%!i"e" of 3$"ine"" De elo%5ent, O%e!ation" and P!od$.t De elo%5ent. M#. N%,+%! D"6%)%
H Executive Director - &ales and Mar%eting
An M3A 8it, "%e.ialiJation in finan.e, M!. Ni9,il DaCini ,a" -een in"t!$5ental in int!od$.in6 t,e .on.e%t of %!ofe""ional 5a!9etin6 of -!o9in6 "e! i.e" at An6el. M#. H%$')4(+' D*7)"$+ Management A 5a!9etin6 %!ofe""ional and a 3!iti", C,e enin6 ".,ola! f!o5 t,e London S.,ool of E.ono5i.", M!. Hit$n6",$ De-nat, lead" t,e di"t!i-$tion and >ealt, Mana6e5ent -$"ine""e" at t,e An6el G!o$%, 8,i., in.l$de" t,e di"t!i-$tion of In"$!an.e, 5$t$al f$nd", IPO", %e!"onal loan" and ot,e! 8ealt, 5ana6e5ent %!od$.t".. M#. M'0%$ Anal#tics
H Executive Director - $usiness )ntelligence H Executive Director - Distri'ution
M$dit ,ead" t,e ad an.e anal#ti." and "t!ate6i. -$"ine"" intelli6en.e initiati e" at An6el. A 5$ltidi".i%lina!# %!ofe""ional, 8it, -a.,elo!" in En6inee!in6 de6!ee E do.to!ate in E.ono5i."
H Executive Director
A to% !an9in6 FCA, FCS, AIC>A and LL3, M!. Adil 2a"ad ,ead" An6el G!o$%K" Finan.e f$n.tion and %la#" a %i otal !ole in Co!e St!ate6# Plannin6, 3$d6eta!# Cont!ol" and S#"te5" M#.S")$")' S3".
H Executive Director ! Operations
M!. S#a5 -!in6" 8it, ,i5 o e! ;F #ea!" of !i., 5iC eC%e!ien.e in all fa.et" of -an9in6L T!an"a.tion 3an9in6, >,ole"ale 3an9in6, T!ea"$!# 3an9in6, Con"$5e! 3an9in6 E C3S. M#. K*$") S+"+ +echnolog# A" Head of Te.,nolo6# fo! t,e An6el G!o$%, M!. 2etan S,a, i" in ol ed in t,e de"i6nin6 of IT %oli.ie" and St!ate6ie". IT i" not 5e!el# an ena-le! at An6elL it i" a "t!ate6i. f$n.tion. M(. P%),3 K8$+"#%
H Associate Director - &ales And Mar%eting
M". Pin9# 2ot,a!i i" !e"%on"i-le fo! de elo%5ent and eC%an"ion of t,e An6el G!o$%" -$"ine"" in So$t,e!n India. S,e "ta!ted ,e! .a!ee! at An6el a" a 3$"ine"" De elo%5ent ECe.$ti e.
Total eI$it# .a%ital of a .o5%an# i" di ided into eI$al $nit" of "5all deno5ination", ea., .alled a ",a!e. Fo! eCa5%le, in a .o5%an# t,e total eI$it# .a%ital of R".',((,((,((( i" di ided into '(,((,((( $nit" of R" ;( ea.,. Ea., "$., $nit of R".;( i" .alled a S,a!e. T,$", t,e .o5%an# t,en i" "aid to ,a e '(,((,((( eI$it# ",a!e" of R".;( ea.,. T,e ,olde!" of "$., ",a!e" a!e 5e5-e!" of t,e .o5%an# and ,a e otin6 !i6,t".
FCRA Fo!8a!d Cont!a.t" (Re6$lation& A.t, ;+@' define" 06ood"4 a" 0e e!# 9ind of 5o a-le %!o%e!t# ot,e! t,an a.tiona-le .lai5", 5one# and "e.$!itie"4. F$t$!e"K t!adin6 i" o!6aniJed in "$., 6ood" o! .o55oditie" a" a!e %e!5itted -# t,e Cent!al Go e!n5ent. At %!e"ent, all 6ood" and %!od$.t" of a6!i.$lt$!al (in.l$din6 %lantation&, 5ine!al and fo""il o!i6in a!e allo8ed fo! f$t$!e" t!adin6 $nde! t,e a$"%i.e" of t,e .o55odit# eC.,an6e" !e.o6niJed $nde! t,e FCRA.
A Po!tfolio i" a .o5-ination of diffe!ent in e"t5ent a""et" 5iCed and 5at.,ed fo! t,e %$!%o"e of a.,ie in6 an in e"to!M" 6oal("&. Ite5" t,at a!e .on"ide!ed a %a!t of #o$! %o!tfolio .an in.l$de an# a""et #o$ o8n*f!o5 ",a!e", de-ent$!e", -ond", 5$t$al f$nd $nit" to ite5" "$., a" 6old, a!t and e en !eal e"tate et.. Ho8e e!, fo! 5o"t in e"to!" a %o!tfolio ,a" .o5e to "i6nif# an in e"t5ent in finan.ial in"t!$5ent" li9e ",a!e", de-ent$!e", fiCed de%o"it", 5$t$al f$nd $nit"
Mutual Funds
Se.$!itie" EC.,an6e 3oa!d of India (SE3I& i" t,e !e6$lato!# -od# fo! all t,e 5$t$al f$nd". All t,e 5$t$al f$nd" 5$"t 6et !e6i"te!ed 8it, SE3I.T,e!e a!e "e e!al -enefit" f!o5 in e"tin6 in a M$t$al F$ndH
Small investments' M$t$al f$nd" ,el% #o$ to !ea% t,e -enefit of
!et$!n" -# a %o!tfolio "%!ead a.!o"" a 8ide "%e.t!$5 of .o5%anie" 8it, "5all in e"t5ent".
Professional Fund Management P!ofe""ional" ,a in6
Con"ide!a-le eC%e!ti"e, eC%e!ien.e and !e"o$!.e" 5ana6e t,e %ool of Mone# .olle.ted -# a 5$t$al f$nd. T,e# t,o!o$6,l# anal#"e t,e Ma!9et" and e.ono5# to %i.9 6ood in e"t5ent o%%o!t$nitie".
Trans!aren"y M$t$al F$nd" !e6$la!l# %!o ide in e"to!" 8it,
Info!5ation on t,e al$e of t,ei! in e"t5ent". M$t$al F$nd" al"o P!o ide .o5%lete %o!tfolio di".lo"$!e of t,e in e"t5ent" 5ade -# a!io$" ".,e5e" and al"o t,e %!o%o!tion in e"ted in ea., a""et t#%e.
C#oi"e T,e la!6e a5o$nt of M$t$al F$nd" offe! t,e in e"to! a 8ide
Va!iet# to .,oo"e f!o5. An in e"to! .an %i.9 $% a ".,e5e de%endin6 U%on ,i" !i"9: !et$!n %!ofile.
Regulations All t,e 5$t$al f$nd" a!e !e6i"te!ed 8it, SE3I and
t,e# f$n.tion 8it,in t,e %!o i"ion" of "t!i.t !e6$lation de"i6ned to %!ote.t t,e inte!e"t" of t,e in e"to!.
IPO i" 8,en an $nli"ted .o5%an# 5a9e" eit,e! a f!e", i""$e of "e.$!itie" o! an offe! fo! "ale of it" eCi"tin6 "e.$!itie" o! -ot, fo! t,e fi!"t ti5e to t,e %$-li.. T,i" %a e" 8a# fo! li"tin6 and t!adin6 of t,e i""$e!K" "e.$!itie".
A de%o"ito!# i" an o!6ani"ation 8,i., ,old" "e.$!itie" of in e"to!" in ele.t!oni. fo!5 at t,e !eI$e"t of t,e in e"to!" t,!o$6, a !e6i"te!ed De%o"ito!# Pa!ti.i%ant. !elated to t!an"a.tion" in "e.$!itie".
T,e 5one# #o$ ea!n i" %a!tl# "%ent and t,e !e"t "a ed fo! 5eetin6 f$t$!e eC%en"e". In"tead of 9ee%in6 t,e "a in6" idle #o$ 5a# li9e to $"e "a in6" in o!de! to 6et !et$!n on it in t,e f$t$!e. T,i" i" .alled In e"t5ent.
T,e onl# "to.9 eC.,an6e o%e!atin6 in t,e ;+t, .ent$!# 8ee t,o"e of 3o5-a# "et $% in ;F)@ and A,5eda-ad "et $% in ;F+?. T,e"e 8e!e o!6aniJed a" ol$nta!# non*%!ofit 5a9in6 a""o.iation of -!o9e!" to !e6$late and %!ote.t t,ei! inte!e"t". 3efo!e t,e .ont!ol on "e.$!itie" t!adin6 -e.a5e a .ent!al "$-/e.t $nde! t,e .on"tit$tion in ;+@(, it 8a" a "tate "$-/e.t and t,e 3o5-a# "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t" (.ont!ol& A.t if ;+'@ $"ed to !e6$late t!adin6 in "e.$!itie". Unde! t,i" A.t, T,e 3o5-a# "to.9 EC.,an6e 8a" !e.o6niJed in ;+') and A,5eda-ad in ;+=). D$!in6 t,e 8a! -oo5, a n$5-e! of "to.9 eC.,an6e" 8e!e o!6aniJed e en in 3o5-a#, A,5eda-ad and ot,e! .ente!", -$t t,e# 8e!e not !e.o6niJed. Soon afte! it -e.a5e a .ent!al "$-/e.t, .ent!al le6i"lation 8a" %!o%o"ed and .o55ittee ,eaded -# A.D. Go!8ala 8ent into t,e -ill fo! "e.$!itie" !e6$lation. On t,e -a"i" of t,e .o55itteeK" !e.o55endation" and %$-li. di".$""ion, t,e "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t" (!e6$lation& A.t -e.a5e la8 in ;+@A.
0Sto.9 EC.,an6e 5ean" an# -od# o! indi id$al" 8,et,e! in.o!%o!ated o! not, .on"tit$ted fo! t,e %$!%o"e of a""i"tin6, !e6$latin6 o! .ont!ollin6 t,e -$"ine"" of -$#in6, "ellin6 o! dealin6 in "e.$!itie".4 It i" an a""o.iation of 5e5-e! -!o9e!" fo! t,e %$!%o"e of "elf*!e6$lation and %!ote.tion t,e inte!e"t" of it" 5e5-e!". It .an o%e!ate onl# if it !e.o6niJed -# t,e Go e!n5ent $nde! t,e "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t" (!e6$lation& A.t, ;+@A. T,e !e.o6nition i" 6!anted $nde! "e.tion = of t,e a.t -# t,e .ent!al 6o e!n5ent, 5ini"t!# of Finan.e.
(!e6$lation& !$le" 8e!e al"o Made in ;+@) to !e6$late .e!tain 5atte!" of t!adin6 on t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e". T,e!e a!e al"o -#la8" of t,e eC.,an6e 8,i., a!e .on.e!ned 8it, t,e follo8in6 "$-/e.tH O%enin6:.lo"in6 of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e", ti5in6 of t!adin6, !e6$lation of -lan9 t!an"fe!", !e6$lation of -adla o! .a!!#o e! -$"ine"", .ont!ol of t,e "ettle5ent and ot,e! a.ti itie" of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e, fiCation of 5a!6in", fiCation of 5a!9et %!i.e" o! 5a!9etin6 $% %!i.e". Re6$lation of ta!a ani -$"ine"" (/o--in6&, et.., a!-it!ation and "ettle5ent of di"%$te", "ettle5ent and .lea!in6 of t,e t!adin6 et..
T,e "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t" (!e6$lation& a.t i" t,e -a"i" fo! o%e!ation" of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e" in India. No eC.,an6e .an o%e!ate le6all# 8it,o$t t,e 6o e!n5ent %e!5i""ion o! !e.o6nition. Sto.9 eC.,an6e i" 6i en 5ono%ol# in .e!tain a!ea" $nde! "e.tion ;+ of t,e ano e A.t to en"$!e t,at t,e .ont!ol and !e6$lation a!e fa.ilitated. Re.o6nition .an -e 6!anted to a "to.9 eC.,an6e %!o ided .e!tain .ondition" a!e "ati"fied and t,e ne.e""a!# info!5ation i" "$%%lied to t,e 6o e!n5ent. Re.o6nition .an al"o -e 8it,d!a8n. If ne.e""a!# 8,e!e t,e!e i" no "to.9 eC.,an6e in it" a-"en.e.
SE3I 8a" "et$% a" an a$tono5o$" !e6$lato!# a$t,o!it# -# t,e Go e!n5ent of India in ;++F to %!ote.t t,e inte!e"t" of in e"to!" in "e.$!itie" and to %!o5ote t,e de elo%5ent and to !e6$late t,e "e.$!itie" 5a!9et and fo! 5atte!" .onne.ted t,e!e 8idt, o! in.idental t,e!e to. It i" e5%o8e!ed -# t8o a.t" na5el# SE3I A.t, ;++' and "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t (!e6$lation& A.t, ;+@A to %e!fo!5 t,e f$n.tion of %!ote.tin6 in e"to!K" !i6,t" and !e6$latin6 t,e .a%ital 5a!9et". Se.$!itie" and eC.,an6e -oa!d of India (SE3I& i" a -oa!d (a$tono5o$" -od#& .!eated -# t,e 6o e!n5ent of India in ;+FF and 6i en "tat$to!# fo!5 in ;++' 8it, t,e SE3I a.t ;++' 8it, it" ,ead offi.e at M$5-ai. It ,a" offi.e" in .,ennai,
9ol9atta and Del,i. It i" t,e !e6$lato!# of "e.$!itie" 5a!9et in India. M!.M.Da5oda!an a !e"%e.ted t$!n a!o$nd .i il "e! ant .!editied 8it, t$!nin6 a!o$nd la!6e %$-li. "e.to! .o5%anie" f!o5 nea! deat, ".ena!io" in.l$din6 t,e fa5o$" $nit t!$"t of India .,ai!" it. T,e -oa!d .o5%!i"e" 8,ole ti5e 5e5-e!" and o$t"ide 5e5-e!" (!e%!e"entin6 t,e finan.e 5ini"t!#, R3I and eC%e!t"&. T,e %!e"ent 8,ole ti5e 5e5-e!" a!e M!. G Anant,a!a5an, D!, TC Nai! and M!. V2 C,o%!a. 3elo8 t,e 3oa!d, t,e "taff:offi.e!" of t,e o!6aniJation a!e led -# ECe.$ti e Di!e.to!". T,e %!e"ent Ed" a!e M!. R2 Nai! MS.Na!a#anan, M!.Sandee% %a!e9, (on .ont!a.t& and P.2.Na6%al.Al"o, M!.MS Ra#, a "enio! IRS offi.e! on de%$tation, i" an offi.e! on "%e.ial d$t# (eI$ilent to an ED&. T,e o!6aniJational "t!$.t$!e of SE3I 8e-"ite -# .li.9in6 on t,e RTI A.t '((@ at t,e to%. SE3I ,a" t,!ee f$n.tion" !olled into one -od#H I$a"i* le6i"lati e, I$a"i/$di.ial and I$a"i*eCe.$ti e. It d!aft" !$le" in it" le6i"lati e .a%a.it#, it .ond$.t" enI$i!e" and enfo!.e5ent a.tion in it" eCe.$ti e f$n.tion and it %a""e" !$lin6" and o!de!" in it" /$di.ial and .a%a.it#. T,o$6, t,i" 5a9e" it e!# %o8e!f$l, t,e!e i" an a%%eal" %!o.e"" to .!eate a..o$nta-ilit#. T,e!e i" a "e.$!it# A%%ellate T!i-$nal 8,i., i" a t,!ee
5e5-e!" t!i-$nal and i" %!e"entl# ,eaded -# a fo!5e! .,ief /$"ti.e of a Hi6, .o$!t*M!. /$"ti.e N2 Sod,i. A "e.ond a%%eal lie" di!e.tl# to t,e "$%!e5e .o$!t (8,e!e i5%o!tant I$e"tion" of la8 a!i"e&. SE3I ,a" ,ad a 5iCed ,i"to!# in te!5" of it" "$..e"" a" a !e6$lato!#. T,o$6, it ,a" %$",ed "#"te5i. !efo!5" a66!e""i el# and "$..e""i el# (e.6. t,e I$i.9 5o e5ent to8a!d" 5a9in6 t,e 5a!9et" ele.t!oni. and %a%e!le""&,it la.9ed t,e le6al eC%e!ti"e, till !e.entl#, needed to "$"tain %!o"e.$tion":enfo!.e5ent a.tion". It ,a" !e.entl# -een anno$n.ed t,at it i" 6oin6 to t,e la8 .a5%$"e" to t,e !e.!$it talent and ,a" fo$nd !ea"ona-le "$..e"" t,e!e.
T,e "to.9 EC.,an6e, M$5-ai %o%$la!l# 9no8n a" 03SE4 8a" e"ta-li",ed in ;F)@ a" 0t,e nati e ",a!e and "to.9 -!o9e!" a""o.iation 0, a" a ol$nta!# non*%!ofit 5a9in6 a""o.iation. It ,a" e ol ed o e! t,e #ea!" in to it" %!e"ent "to.9 eC.,an6e in t,e .o$nt!#. It 5a# -e noted t,at t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e t,e olde"t one in A"ia, e en olde! t,en t,e To9#o "to.9 eC.,an6e, 8,i., 8a" fo$nded in ;F)F
T,e eC.,an6e, 8,ile %!o idin6 a" effi.ient and t!an"%a!ent 5a!9et fo! t!adin6 in "e.$!itie", $%,old" t,e inte!e"t" of t,e in e"to!" and en"$!e" !ed!e""ed of t,ei! 6!ie an.e", 8,et,e! a6ain"t t,e .o5%anie" o! it" o8n 5e5-e! -!o9e!". It al"o "t!i e" to ed$.ate and enli6,ten t,e in e"to!" -# 5a9in6 a aila-le ne.e""a!# info!5ati e in%$t" and .ond$.tin6 in e"to! ed$.ation %!o6!a55e!". A 6o e!nin6 -oa!d ,a in6 '( di!e.to!" i" t,e a%eC -od#, 8,i., de.ide" t,e %oli.e" and !e6$late" t,e affai!" of t,e eC.,an6e. T,e 6o e!nin6 -od# .on"i"t" of + di!e.to!",= SE3I no5inee", A %$-li. !e%!e"entati e" and an eCe.$ti e di!e.to! E C,ief ECe.$ti e Offi.e! and a C,ief O%e!atin6 Offi.e!.
T,e ECe.$ti e di!e.to! a" t,e .,ief eCe.$ti e offi.e! i" !e"%on"i-le fo! t,e da#*to*da# ad5ini"t!ation of t,e eC.,an6e. T,e a e!a6e dail# t$!no e! of t,e eC.,an6e d$!in6 t,e #ea! '(((*(;(A%!il*5a!.,& 8a" R".=+F?.;+C!" and a e!a6e n$5-e! of dail# t!ade" @.A+ la."
Ho8e e! t,e a e!a6e dail# t$!n o e! of t,e eC.,an6e d$!in6 t,e 1ea!'((;*(' ,a" de.lined to R".;'?F.;(.C!" and n$5-e! of a e!a6e dail# t!ade" d$!in6 t,e %e!iod to @.;) la.9". T,e a e!a6e dail# t$!n o e! of t,e eC.,an6e d$!in6 t,e #ea! '((('*(= ,a" de.lined and n$5-e! of a e!a6e dail# t!ade" d$!in6 t,e %e!iod i" al"o de.!ea"ed .
In o!de! to ena-le t,e 5a!9et %a!ti.i%ant", anal#"t" et.., to t!a.9 t,e a!io$" $%" and do8n" in t,e Indian "to.9 5a!9et, t,e eC.,an6e ,a" int!od$.ed in ;+FA an eI$it# "to.9 indeC .alled 3SE*SENSEG t,at "$-"eI$entl# -e.a5e t,e -a!o5ete! of t,e 5o5ent" of t,e ",a!e %!i.e" in t,e Indian "to.9 5a!9et. It i" a 0Ma!9et .a%italiJation* 8ei6,ted4 indeC of =( .o5%onent "to.9" !e%!e"entin6 a "a5%le of la!6e, 8ell* e"ta-li",ed and leadin6 .o5%anie". T,e -a"e #ea! of Sen"eC i" ;+)F*)+.T,e Sen"eC i" 8idel# !e%o!ted in -ot, do5e"ti. and inte!national 5a!9et" t,!o$6, %!int a" 8ell a" ele.t!oni. 5edia.
In %!a.ti.e, t,e dail# .al.$lation of SENSEG i" done -# di idin6 t,e a66!e6ate 5a!9et al$e of t,e =( .o5%anie" in t,e IndeC -# a n$5-e! .alled t,e IndeC Di i"o!. T,e di i"o! 9ee%" t,e indeC .o5%a!a-le o e! a %e!iod of ti5e and if t,e !efe!en.e %oint fo! t,e enti!e indeC -# a .o5%a!a-le o e! a %e!iod of ti5e and if t,e !efe!en.e %oint fo! t,e enti!e IndeC 5aintenan.e ad/$"t5ent". SENSEG i" 8idel# $"ed to de".!i-e t,e 5ood in t,e Indian "to.9 5a!9et". 3a"e #ea! a e!a6e i" .,an6ed a" %e! t,e fo!5$laH Ne8 -a"e #ea! a e!a6e N old -a"e #ea! a e!a6eO(ne8 5a!9et al$e:old 5a!9et al$e&
NATIONAL STOCK E9CHANGE T+* 8#4")%;"$%8)T,e National "to.9 EC.,an6e of India li5ited ,a" 6ene"i" in t,e !e%o!t of t,e ,i6, %o8e!ed "t$d# 6!o$% on e"ta-li",5ent of ne8 "to.9 EC.,an6e", 8,i., !e.o55ended %!o5otion of a National "to.9 EC.,an6e -# finan.ial in"tit$tion" (Fi"& to %!o ide a..e"" to in e"to!" f!o5 all a.!o"" t,e .o$nt!# on an eI$al footin6. 3a"ed on t,e !e.o55endation", NSE 8a" %!o5oted -# leadin6 Finan.ial In"tit$tion" at t,e -e"t of t,e Go e!n5ent of India and 8a" in.o!%o!ated in No e5-e! ;++' a" a taC %a#in6 .o5%an# $nli9e ot,e! "to.9 EC.,an6e" in t,e .o$nt!#. On it" !e.o6nition a" a "to.9 eC.,an6e $nde! t,e "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t" (!e6$lation& A.t, ;+@A in A%!il ;++=, NSE .o55en.ed o%e!ation" in t,e 8,ole"ale de-t 5a!9et (>DM& "e65ent in 7$ne ;++?.T,e .a%ital 5a!9et (eI$itie"& "e65ent .o55en.ed o%e!ation" in No e5-e! ;++?and o%e!ation" in De!i ati e" "e65ent .o55en.ed in 7$ne '(((. T,e National Sto.9 EC.,an6e of India li5ited (NSE&, i" a M$5-aiP-a"ed "to.9 eC.,an6e. It I" t,e la!6e"t "to.9 eC.,an6e in India and t,e t,i!d la!6e"t in t,e 8o!ld in te!5" of ol$5e of t!an"a.tion" NSE i" 5$t$all#*o8ned -# a "et of leadin6 finan.ial in"tit$tion", -an9", in"$!an.e .o5%anie" and
ot,e! finan.ial inte!5edia!ie" in India -$t it" o8ne!",i% and 5ana6e5ent o%e!ate a" "e%a!ate entitie" A" of '((A, t,e NSE VSAT te!5inal",')++ in total, .o e! 5o!e t,an ;@((.itie" a.!o"" India In 7$l# '((), t,e NSE ,ad a total 5a!9et .a%italiJation of ?',)?,@(+ .!o!e INR 5a9in6 it t,e "e.ond* la!6e"t "to.9 5a!9et in "o$t, A"ia in te!5" of 5a!9et* .a%italiJation.
S$8&, *6&+")4* %) I)0%"At %!e"ent, t,e!e a!e '? Sto.9 eC.,an6e" !e.o6niJed $nde! t,e "e.$!itie" .ont!a.t (Re6$lation& A.t, ;+@A. T,e# a!eH*
3o5-a# Sto.9 eC.,an6e A,5eda-ad ",a!e and Sto.9 -!o9e!" A""o.iation Cal.$tta Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd Del,i Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd Mad!a" Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd Indo!e Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation 3an 6alo!e Sto.9 EC.,an6e H#de!a-ad Sto.9 EC.,an6e Co.,in Sto.9 EC.,an6e P$ne Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd U.P Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd L$d,iana Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd 7ai%$! Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd
;F)@ ;+@) ;+@) ;+@) ;+@F ;+AF ;+?= ;+)F ;+F' ;+F' ;+F= ;+F=*F? ;+F? ;+F@ ;+FA ;+F+ ;+F+ ;++(
Ga$,at,i Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd Man6alo!e Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd Ma6,ad Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd, Patna 3,$-ane",8a! Sto.9 EC.,an6e A""o.iation Ltd O e! t,e .o$nte! eC.,an6e of India, 3o5-a# Sa$!a"t,!a 2$t., Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd V"doda!a Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd Coi5-ato!e Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd T,e Mee!$t Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd National Sto.9 EC.,an6e Ltd Inte6!ated Sto.9 EC.,an6e
T,e f$n.tion of t,e finan.ial 5a!9et i" to fa.ilitate t,e t!an"fe! of f$nd" f!o5 "$!%l$" "e.to!"(lende!"& to defi.it "e.to!" (-o!!o8e!"&. No!5all#, ,o$"e,old" ,a e in6e"ti-le f$nd" o! "a in6", 8,i., t,e# lend to -o!!o8e!" in t,e .o!%o!ate and %$-li. "e.to!" 8,o"e !eI$i!e5ent of f$nd" fa! eC.eed" t,ei! "a in6". A finan.ial 5a!9et .on"i"t" of in e"to!" o! -$#e!" of "e.$!itie", -o!!o8e!" o! "elle!" of "e.$!itie", inte!5edia!ie" and !e6$lato!# -odie". Finan.ial 5a!9et doe" not !efe! to a %,#"i.al lo.ation. Fo!5al t!adin6 !$le", !elation",i%" and .o55$ni.ation net8o!9" fo! o!i6inatin6 and t!adin6 finan.ial "e.$!itie" lin9 t,e %a!ti.i%ant" in t,e 5a!9et.
7rganiDed money marketE Indian finan.ial "#"te5 .on"i"t"
of 5one# 5a!9et and .a%ital 5a!9et. T,e 5one# 5a!9et ,a" t8o .o5%onent" * t,e o!6aniJed and t,e $no!6aniJed. T,e o!6aniJed 5a!9et i" do5inated -# .o55e!.ial -an9". T,e ot,e! 5a/o! %a!ti.i%ant" a!e t,e Re"e! e 3an9 of India, Life In"$!an.e Co!%o!ation, Gene!al In"$!an.e Co!%o!ation, Unit
T!$"t of India, Se.$!itie" T!adin6 Co!%o!ation of India Ltd., Di".o$nt and Finan.e Ho$"e of India, ot,e! %!i5a!# deale!", .o55e!.ial -an9" and 5$t$al f$nd". T,e .o!e of t,e 5one# 5a!9et i" t,e inte!*-an9 .all 5one# 5a!9et 8,e!e-# ",o!t*te!5 5one# -o!!o8in6:lendin6 i" effe.ted to 5ana6e te5%o!a!# liI$idit# 5i"5at.,e". T,e Re"e! e 3an9 of India o..$%ie" a "t!ate6i. %o"ition of 5ana6in6 5a!9et liI$idit# t,!o$6, o%en 5a!9et o%e!ation" of 6o e!n5ent "e.$!itie", a..e"" to it" a..o55odation, .o"t (inte!e"t !ate"&, a aila-ilit# of .!edit and ot,e! 5oneta!# 5ana6e5ent tool". No!5all#, 5oneta!# a""et" of ",o!t*te!5 nat$!e, 6ene!all# le"" t,an one #ea!, a!e dealt in t,i" 5a!9et.
Fn organiDed money marketE De"%ite !a%id eC%an"ion of t,e
o!6aniJed 5one# 5a!9et t,!o$6, a la!6e net8o!9 of -an9in6 in"tit$tion" t,at ,a e eCtended t,ei! !ea., e en to t,e !$!al a!ea", t,e!e i" "till an a.ti e $no!6aniJed 5a!9et. It .on"i"t" of indi6eno$" -an9e!" and 5one# lende!". In t,e $no!6aniJed 5a!9et, t,e!e i" no .lea! de5a!.ation -et8een ",o!t*te!5 andlon6*te!5 finan.e and e en -et8een t,e %$!%o"e" of finan.e. T,e $no!6ani"ed "e.to! .ontin$e" to%!o ide finan.e fo! t!ade a" 8ell a" %e!"onal .on"$5%tion. T,e ina-ilit# of t,e
%oo! to 5eet t,e Q.!edit8o!t,ine""Q !eI$i!e5ent" of t,e -an9in6 "e.to! 5a9e t,e5 ta9e !e.o$!"e to t,e in"tit$tion" t,at "till !e5ain o$t"ide t,e !e6$lato!# f!a5e8o!9 of -an9in6. 3$t t,i" 5a!9et i" ",!in9in6 T,e Ca%ital 5a!9etH T,e .a%ital 5a!9et .on"i"t" of %!i5a!# and "e.onda!# 5a!9et". T,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et deal" 8it, t,e i""$e of ne8 in"t!$5ent" -# t,e .o!%o!ate "e.to! "$., a" eI$it# ",a!e", %!efe!en.e ",a!e" and de-t in"t!$5ent". Cent!al and State 6o e!n5ent", a!io$" %$-li. "e.to! ind$"t!ial $nit" (PSU"&, "tat$to!# and ot,e! a$t,o!itie" "$., a" "tate ele.t!i.it# -oa!d" and %o!t t!$"t" al"o i""$e -ond":de-t in"t!$5ent". T+* I)0%") C"<%$"! M"#,*$ = A) O1*#1%*5 1 T,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et in 8,i., %$-li. i""$e of "e.$!itie" i" 5ade t,!o$6, a %!o"%e.t$" i" a !etail 5a!9et and t,e!e i" no %,#"i.al lo.ation. Offe! fo! "$-".!i%tion to "e.$!itie" i" 5ade to in e"tin6 .o55$nit#. T,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et o! "to.9 eC.,an6e i" a 5a!9et fo! t!adin6 and "ettle5ent of "e.$!itie" t,at ,a e al!ead# -een i""$ed. T,e in e"to!" ,oldin6 "e.$!itie" "ell "e.$!itie" t,!o$6,
Re6i"te!ed -!o9e!":"$-*-!o9e!" of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e. In e"to!" 8,o a!e de"i!o$" of -$#in6 "e.$!itie" %$!.,a"e "e.$!itie" t,!o$6, !e6i"te!ed -!o9e!:"$-*-!o9e! of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e. It 5a# ,a e a %,#"i.al lo.ation li9e a "to.9 eC.,an6e o! a t!adin6 floo!. Sin.e ;++@, t!adin6 in "e.$!itie" i" ".!een*-a"ed and Inte!net*-a"ed t!adin6 ,a" al"o 5ade an a%%ea!an.e in India. T,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et .on"i"t" of '' "to.9 eC.,an6e". T,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et %!o ide" a t!adin6 %la.e fo! t,e "e.$!itie" al!ead# i""$ed, to -e -o$6,t and "old. It al"o %!o ide" liI$idit# to t,e Initial -$#e!" in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et to !e*offe! t,e "e.$!itie" to an# inte!e"ted -$#e! at an# %!i.e, if 5$t$all# a..e%ted. An a.ti e "e.onda!# 5a!9et a.t$all# %!o5ote" t,e 6!o8t, of t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et and .a%ital fo!5ation -e.a$"e in e"to!" in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et a!e a""$!ed of a .ontin$o$" 5a!9et and t,e# .an liI$idate t,ei! in e"t5ent".
-apital &arket 2articipantsE T,e!e a!e "e e!al 5a/o! %la#e!"
in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et. T,e"e in.l$de t,e 5e!.,ant -an9e!", 5$t$al f$nd", finan.ial in"tit$tion", fo!ei6n in"tit$tional in e"to!" (FII"& and indi id$al in e"to!". In t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et, t,e!e a!e t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e", "to.9 -!o9e!" (8,o a!e 5e5-e!" of t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e"&, t,e 5$t$al f$nd", finan.ial
in e"to!"
indi id$al in e"to!". Re6i"t!a!" and T!an"fe! A6ent", C$"todian" and De%o"ito!ie" a!e .a%ital 5a!9et inte!5edia!ie" t,at %!o ide i5%o!tant inf!a"t!$.t$!e "e! i.e" fo! -ot, %!i5a!# and "e.onda!# 5a!9et".
&arket $egulationE It i" i5%o!tant to en"$!e "5oot, 8o!9in6
of .a%ital 5a!9et, a" it i" t,e a!ena fo! t,e %la#e!" a""o.iated 8it, t,e e.ono5i. 6!o8t, of t,e .o$nt!#. Va!io$" la8" ,a e -een %a""ed f!o5 ti5e to ti5e to 5eet t,i" o-/e.ti e. T,e finan.ial 5a!9et in India 8a" ,i6,l# "e65ented $ntil t,e initiation of !efo!5" in ;++'*+= on a..o$nt of a a!iet# of !e6$lation" and ad5ini"te!ed %!i.e" in.l$din6 -a!!ie!" to ent!#. T,e !efo!5 %!o.e"" 8a" initiated 8it, t,e e"ta-li",5ent of Se.$!itie" and EC.,an6e 3oa!d of India (SE3I&. T,e le6i"lati e f!a5e8o!9 -efo!e SE3I .a5e into -ein6 .on"i"ted of t,!ee 5a/o! A.t" 6o e!nin6 t,e .a%ital 5a!9et"H
The Indian -apital &arket G An 7"er"iew 2
;. T,e Ca%ital I""$e" Cont!ol A.t ;+?), 8,i., !e"t!i.ted a..e"" to t,e "e.$!itie" 5a!9et and .ont!olled t,e %!i.in6 of i""$e" .
and t!an"fe! of "e.$!itie" and di".lo"$!e" to -e 5ade in %$-li. i""$e". =. T,e Se.$!itie" Cont!a.t" (Re6$lation& A.t, ;+@A, SC(R&A 8,i., !e6$late" t!an"a.tion" in "e.$!itie" t,!o$6, .ont!ol o e! "to.9 eC.,an6e". In addition, a n$5-e! of ot,e! A.t", e.6., T,e P$-li. De-t A.t, ;+?', t,e In.o5e TaC A.t, ;+A;, t,e 3an9in6 Re6$lation A.t, ;+?+, ,a e "$-"tantial -ea!in6 on t,e 8o!9in6 of t,e "e.$!itie" 5a!9et.
Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947
T,e A.t ,ad it" o!i6in d$!in6 t,e Se.ond >o!ld >a! in ;+?= 8,en t,e o-/e.ti e of t,e Go e!n5ent 8a" to %!e*e5%t !e"o$!.e" to "$%%o!t t,e >a! effo!t. Co5%anie" 8e!e !eI$i!ed to ta9e t,e Go e!n5entM" a%%!o al fo! ta%%in6 ,o$"e,old "a in6". T,e A.t 8a" !etained 8it, "o5e 5odifi.ation" a" a 5ean" of .ont!ollin6 t,e !ai"in6 of .a%ital -# .o5%anie" and to en"$!e t,at national !e"o$!.e" 8e!e .,annelled into %!o%e! line", i.e., fo! de"i!a-le %$!%o"e" to "e! e 6oal" and %!io!itie" of t,e 6o e!n5ent and to %!ote.t t,e inte!e"t" of in e"to!". Unde! t,e A.t, an# fi!5 8i",in6 to i""$e "e.$!itie" ,ad to o-tain a%%!o al f!o5 t,e Cent!al Go e!n5ent, 8,i., al"o dete!5ined
t,e a5o$nt, t#%e and %!i.e of t,e i""$e. T,i" A.t 8a" !e%ealed and !e%la.ed -# SE3I A.t in ;++'.
Companies Act, 1956 Co5%anie" A.t, ;+@A i" a .o5%!e,en"i e le6i"lation .o e!in6 all a"%e.t" of .o5%an# fo!5 of -$"ine"" entit# f!o5 fo!5ation to 8indin6*$%. T,i" le6i"lation (a5on6"t ot,e! a"%e.t"& deal" 8it, i""$e, allot5ent and t!an"fe! of "e.$!itie" and a!io$" a"%e.t" !elatin6 to .o5%an# 5ana6e5ent. It %!o ide" fo! "tanda!d" of di".lo"$!e in %$-li. i""$e" of .a%ital, %a!ti.$la!l# in t,e field" of .o5%an# 5ana6e5ent and %!o/e.t", info!5ation a-o$t ot,e! li"ted .o5%anie" $nde! t,e "a5e 5ana6e5ent and 5ana6e5ent %e!.e%tion of !i"9 fa.to!". It al"o !e6$late" $nde!8!itin6, t,e $"e of %!e5i$5 and di".o$nt" on i""$e", !i6,t" and -on$" i""$e", "$-"tantial a.I$i"ition" of ",a!e", %a#5ent of inte!e"t and di idend", "$%%l# of ann$al !e%o!t and ot,e! info!5ation. T,i" le6al and !e6$lato!# f!a5e8o!9 .ontained 5an# 8ea9ne""e". 7$!i"di.tion o e! t,e "e.$!itie" 5a!9et 8a" "%lit a5on6 a!io$" a6en.ie" and t,e !ele ant %!o i"ion" 8e!e ".atte!ed in a n$5-e! of "tat$te". T,i" !e"$lted in .onf$"ion, not onl# in t,e
5ind" of t,e !e6$lated -$t al"o a5on6 !e6$lato!". It al"o .!eated ineffi.ien.# in t,e enfo!.e5ent of t,e !e6$lation". It 8a" t,e Cent!al Go e!n5ent !at,e! t,an t,e 5a!9et t,at allo.ated !e"o$!.e" f!o5 t,e "e.$!itie" 5a!9et to .o5%etin6 i""$e!" and dete!5ined t,e te!5" of allo.ation. T,e allo.ation 8a" not ne.e""a!il# -a"ed on e.ono5i. .!ite!ia, and a" a !e"$lt t,e 5a!9et 8a" not allo.atin6 t,e !e"o$!.e" to t,e -e"t %o""i-le in e"t5ent", leadin6 to a "$-*o%ti5al $"e of !e"o$!.e" and lo8 allo.ational
The Indian -apital &arket G An 7"er"iew 9
effi.ien.#. Info!5ational effi.ien.# 8a" al"o lo8 -e.a$"e t,e %!o i"ion" of t,e Co5%anie" A.t !e6a!din6 %!o"%e.t$" did not en"$!e t,e "$%%l# of ne.e""a!#, adeI$ate and a..$!ate info!5ation, "$ffi.ient to ena-le in e"to!" to 5a9e an info!5ed de.i"ion. T,e 5an# fo!5alitie" a""o.iated 8it, t,e i""$e %!o.e"" $nde! a!io$" !e6$lation" 9e%t t,e .o"t of i""$e I$ite ,i6,. Unde! t,e SC(R&A, t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et 8a" f!a65ented !e6ionall#, 8it, ea., "to.9 eC.,an6e a "elf!e6$latin6 o!6ani"ation follo8in6 it" o8n %oli.# of li"tin6, t!adin6 and "ettle5ent. T,e li"tin6 a6!ee5ent did not ,a e t,e fo!.e of la8, "o i""$e!" .o$ld 6et a8a# 8it, iolation". T,e
inte!e"t" of t,e -!o9e!", 8,o 8e!e 5a!9et %la#e!" and do5inated t,e 6o e!nin6 -oa!d" of "to.9 eC.,an6e", too9 %!io!it# o e! t,e inte!e"tofin e"to!". T,e 5a!9et 8a" na!!o8 and in e"to!" did not ,a e an o%%o!t$nit# to ,a e -alan.ed %o!tfolio". T,e "ettle5ent of t!ade" too9 a lon6 ti5e, -e.a$"e it !eI$i!ed %,#"i.al 5o e5ent of "e.$!itie", and t,e t!an"fe!of"e.$!itie"8a" e!#.$5-e!"o5e $nde! t,e Co5%anie" A.t and SC(R&A A.t, t,$" de%!i in6 t,e in e"to! of liI$idit#. La8 eC%!e""l# fo!-ade o%tion" and f$t$!e". T,e"e 8ea9ne""e" 8e!e .o!!e.ted -# %a""in6 SE3I A.t and 6i in6 o e!all !e6$lato!# /$!i"di.tion on .a%ital 5a!9et to SE3I. SE3I f!a5ed !e6$lation" and 6$ideline" to i5%!o e effi.ien.# of t,e 5a!9et, en,an.e t!an"%a!en.#, .,e.9 $nfai! t!ade %!a.ti.e" and en"$!e inte!national "tanda!d" in 5a!9et %!a.ti.e" ne.e""itated -# t,e la!6e ent!# of fo!ei6n finan.ial in"tit$tion".
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
T,e %!e io$"l# "elf*!e6$lated "to.9 eC.,an6e" 8e!e -!o$6,t $nde! "tat$to!# !e6$lation t,!o$6, t,e %a""a6e of t,e SC(R&A, 8,i., %!o ide" fo! di!e.t and indi!e.t .ont!ol of i!t$all# all a"%e.t" of "e.$!itie" t!adin6 and t,e !$nnin6 of "to.9 eC.,an6e". T,i" 6i e" t,e Cent!al Go e!n5ent !e6$lato!#
/$!i"di.tion o e! (a& "to.9 eC.,an6e", t,!o$6, a %!o.e"" of !e.o6nition and .ontin$ed "$%e! i"ion, (-& .ont!a.t" in "e.$!itie", and (.& li"tin6 of "e.$!itie" on "to.9 eC.,an6e". A" a .ondition of !e.o6nition, a "to.9 eC.,an6e .o5%lie" 8it, .ondition" %!e".!i-ed -# Cent!al Go e!n5ent. O!6ani"ed t!adin6 a.ti it# in "e.$!itie" in an a!ea ta9e" %la.e on a "%e.ified !e.o6ni"ed "to.9 eC.,an6e. T,e "to.9 eC.,an6e" dete!5ine t,ei! o8n li"tin6 !e6$lation" 8,i., ,a e to .onfo!5 8it, t,e 5ini5$5 li"tin6 .!ite!ia "et o$t in t,e R$le". T,e !e6$lato!# /$!i"di.tion on "to.9 eC.,an6e" 8a" %a""ed o e! to SE3I on ena.t5ent of SE3I A.t in ;++' f!o5 Cent!al Go e!n5ent -# a5endin6 SC(R&A.t.
Se.onda!# 5a!9et !efe!" to a 5a!9et 8,e!e "e.$!itie" a!e t!aded afte! -ein6 initiall# offe!ed to t,e %$-li. in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et and:o! li"ted on t,e Sto.9 EC.,an6e. Ma/o!it# of t,e t!adin6 i" done in t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et. Se.onda!# 5a!9et .o5%!i"e" of eI$it# 5a!9et" and t,e de-t 5a!9et".
Produ"ts in t#e Se"ondary Mar)ets *#at are t#e !rodu"ts dealt in t#e Se"ondary Mar)ets+
Follo8in6 a!e t,e 5ain finan.ial %!od$.t":in"t!$5ent" dealt in t,e Se.onda!# 5a!9et t,at 5a# -e di ided -!oadl# into S,a!e" and 3ond"H
Equity SharesH An eI$it# ",a!e, .o55onl# !efe!!ed to a"
%!i.e. Fo! e.6. a 'H= !i6,t" i""$e at R". ;'@, 8o$ld entitle a ",a!e,olde! to !e.ei e ' ",a!e" fo! e e!# = ",a!e" ,eld at a %!i.e of R". ;'@ %e! ",a!e.
Bonus SharesH S,a!e" i""$ed -# t,e .o5%anie" to t,ei!
",a!e,olde!" f!ee of .o"t -a"ed on t,e n$5-e! of ",a!e" t,e ",a!e,olde! o8n".
Preference shares'
to affiCed di idend o! di idend .al.$lated at a fiCed !ate to -e %aid Re6$la!l# -efo!e di idend .an -e %aid in !e"%e.t of eI$it# ",a!e. T,e# al"o en/o# %!io!it# o e! t,e eI$it# ",a!e,olde!" in %a#5ent of S$!%l$". 3$t in t,e e ent of liI$idation, t,ei! .lai5" !an9 -elo8 t,e Clai5" of t,e .o5%an#K" .!edito!", -ond,olde!":de-ent$!e ,olde!". C$5$lati e P!efe!en.e S,a!e"H A t#%e of %!efe!en.e ",a!e" on 8,i., di idend a..$5$late" if !e5ained $n%aid. All a!!ea!" of %!efe!en.e di idend ,a e to -e %aid o$t -efo!e %a#in6 di idend on eI$it# ",a!e".
Cumulative Convertible Preference Shares H
A t#%e of
%!efe!en.e ",a!e" 8,e!e t,e di idend %a#a-le on t,e "a5e a..$5$late", if not %aid. Afte! a "%e.ified date, t,e"e ",a!e" 8ill -e .on e!ted into eI$it# .a%ital of t,e .o5%an#.
.o5%an#, 5$ni.i%alit# o! 6o e!n5ent a6en.#. A -ond in e"to! lend" 5one# to t,e i""$e! and in eC.,an6e, t,e i""$e! %!o5i"e" to !e%a# t,e loan a5o$nt on a "%e.ified 5at$!it# date. T,e i""$e! $"$all# %a#" t,e -ond ,olde! %e!iodi. inte!e"t %a#5ent" o e! t,e life of t,e loan. T,e a!io$" t#%e" of 3ond" a!e a" follo8"H
Zero Coupon Bond: 3ond i""$ed at a di".o$nt and !e%aid at a
fa.e al$e. No %e!iodi. inte!e"t i" %aid. T,e diffe!en.e -et8een t,e i""$e -$#e! of t,e"e -ond" !e.ei e" onl# one %a#5ent, at t,e 5at$!it# of t,e -ond.
A -ond 6i in6 t,e in e"to! t,e o%tion to .on e!t t,e -ond into eI$it# at a fiCed .on e!"ion %!i.e.
Convertible Bond'
Fo! t,e 6ene!al in e"to!, t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et %!o ide" an effi.ient %latfo!5 fo! t!adin6 of ,i" "e.$!itie". Fo! t,e 5ana6e5ent of t,e .o5%an#, Se.onda!# eI$it# 5a!9et" "e! e a" a 5onito!in6 and .ont!ol .ond$itR-# fa.ilitatin6 in.enti e*-a"ed 5ana6e5ent .ont!a.t", and al$e* en,an.in6 .ont!ol a.ti itie", ena-lin6 i5%le5entation of a66!e6atin6
info!5ation ( ia %!i.e di".o e!#& t,at 6$ide" 5ana6e5ent de.i"ion". T,e "to.9 eC.,an6e" in India, $nde! t,e o e!all "$%e! i"ion of t,e !e6$lato!# a$t,o!it#, t,e Se.$!itie" and EC.,an6e 3oa!d of India (SE3I&, %!o ide a t!adin6 %latfo!5, 8,e!e -$#e!" and "elle!" .an 5eet to t!an"a.t in "e.$!itie". T,e t!adin6 %latfo!5 %!o ided -# NSE i" an ele.t!oni. one and t,e!e i" no need fo! -$#e!" and "elle!" to 5eet at a %,#"i.al lo.ation to t!ade. T,e# .an t!ade t,!o$6, t,e .o5%$te!iJed t!adin6 ".!een" a aila-le 8it, t,e NSE t!adin6 5e5-e!" o! t,e Inte!net -a"ed t!adin6 fa.ilit# %!o ided -# t,e t!adin6 5e5-e!" of NSE.
&$out S"reen ,ased Trading
T,e t!adin6 on "to.9 eC.,an6e" in India $"ed to ta9e %la.e t,!o$6, o%en o$t.!# 8it,o$t $"e of info!5ation te.,nolo6# fo! i55ediate 5at.,in6 o! !e.o!din6 of t!ade". T,i" 8a" ti5e .on"$5in6 and ineffi.ient. T,i" i5%o"ed li5it" on t!adin6 ol$5e" and effi.ien.#. In o!de! to %!o ide effi.ien.#, liI$idit# and t!an"%a!en.#, NSE int!od$.ed a nation8ide, on*line, f$ll# a$to5ated ".!een -a"ed t!adin6 "#"te5 (S3TS& 8,e!e a 5e5-e! .an %$n., into t,e .o5%$te!
t,e I$antitie" of a "e.$!it# and t,e %!i.e at 8,i., ,e 8o$ld li9e to t!an"a.t, and t,e t!an"a.tion i" eCe.$ted a" "oon a" a 5at.,in6 "ale o! -$# o!de! f!o5 a .o$nte! %a!t# i" fo$nd.
&$out NE&T
NSE i" t,e fi!"t eC.,an6e in t,e 8o!ld to $"e "atellite .o55$ni.ation te.,nolo6# fo! t!adin6. It" t!adin6 "#"te5, .alled National EC.,an6e fo! A$to5ated T!adin6 (NEAT&, i" a "tate of*t,e*a!t .lient "e! e! -a"ed a%%li.ation. At t,e "e! e! end all t!adin6 info!5ation i" "to!ed in an in 5e5o!# data-a"e to a.,ie e 5ini5$5 !e"%on"e ti5e and 5aCi5$5 "#"te5 a aila-ilit# fo! $"e!". It ,a" $%ti5e !e.o!d of ++.)S. Fo! all t!ade" ente!ed into NEAT "#"te5, t,e!e i" $nifo!5 !e"%on"e ti5e of le"" t,an one "e.ond.
!la"e an orders .it# t#e $ro)er
1o$ 5a# 6o to t,e -!o9e!K" offi.e o! %la.e an o!de! on t,e %,one:inte!net o! a" defined in t,e Model A6!ee5ent, 8,i., e e!# .lient need" to ente! into 8it, ,i" o! ,e! -!o9e!. T,e follo8in6 a!e t,e %!e*!eI$i"ite" to %la.e an o!de!H DEMAT A..o$nt 8it, 3!o9e! T!adin6 A..o$nt 8it, 3!o9e! Client 3an9 and PAN detail" 8it, 3!o9e!.
T,e!e a!e 5an# -!o9e!" of t,e NSE 8,o %!o ide Inte!net -a"ed t!adin6 fa.ilit# to t,ei! .lient". Inte!net -a"ed t!adin6 ena-le" an in e"to! to -$#:"ell "e.$!itie" t,!o$6, Inte!net, 8,i., .an -e a..e""ed f!o5 a .o5%$te! at t,e in e"to!K" !e"iden.e o! an#8,e!e el"e 8,e!e t,e .lient .an a..e"" t,e Inte!net. In e"to!" need to 6et in to$., 8it, an NSE -!o9e! %!o idin6 t,i" "e! i.e to a ail of Inte!net -a"ed t!adin6 fa.ilit#. It i" al"o .alled a" e*t!adin6, online t!adin6 et.., T,e -!o9e! %!o ide"L U"e! Na5e Pa""8o!d T!adin6 %a""8o!d" to a..e"" t,e inte!net -a"ed t!adin6
t!adin6H Man$all# at an# %oint of ti5e 8e .an %la.e t,e o!de!" o$! "elf >e .an a-le to "ee t,e !eal ti5e ".ena!io in 5a!9et" >e .an 8at., t,e 5a!9et 5o e5ent
>e .an a-le to "ee .,a!t" li9e 7a%ane"e .andle "ti.9", ,ead and ",o$lde!" %atte!n et.., >e .an a-le to 5odif# o! .an.el t,e o!de!" d$!in6 5a!9et ,o$!". >e .an a-le to ta9e deli e! t,e ".!i%" if f$nd" a!e a aila-le in o$! a..o$nt >e .an a-le to do online f$nd t!an"fe!" f!o5 o$! -an9 a..o$nt to o$! t!adin6 a..o$nt >e .an a-le a..e"" o$! de5at a..o$nt. >e .an a-le to "ee o$! t!ade .onfi!5ation" afte! 5a!9et ,o$!". >e .an a-le to a..e"" o$! -a.9 offi.e online.
&$out a Contra"t Note and t#e details are required to $e mentioned on t#e "ontra"t note issued $y t#e sto") $ro)er
Cont!a.t Note i" a .onfi!5ation of t!ade" done on a %a!ti.$la! da# on -e,alf of t,e .lient -# a t!adin6 5e5-e!. It i5%o"e" a le6all# enfo!.ea-le !elation",i% -et8een t,e .lient and t,e t!adin6 5e5-e! 8it, !e"%e.t to %$!.,a"e:"ale and "ettle5ent of t!ade". It al"o ,el%" to "ettle di"%$te":.lai5" -et8een t,e in e"to! and t,e t!adin6 5e5-e!. It i" a %!e!eI$i"ite fo! filin6 a .o5%laint o! a!-it!ation %!o.eedin6 a6ain"t t,e t!adin6 5e5-e! in .a"e of a di"%$te. A alid .ont!a.t note ",o$ld -e in t,e %!e".!i-ed fo!5, .ontain t,e detail" of t!ade", "ta5%ed 8it, !eI$i"ite al$e and d$l# "i6ned
-# t,e a$t,o!iJed "i6nato!#. Cont!a.t note" a!e 9e%t ind$%li.ate, t,e t!adin6 5e5-e! and t,e .lient ",o$ld 9ee% one .o%# ea.,. Afte! e!if#in6 t,e detail" .ontained t,e!ein, t,e .lient 9ee%" one .o%# and !et$!n" t,e "e.ond .o%# to t,e t!adin6 5e5-e! d$l# a.9no8led6ed -# ,i5. A -!o9e! ,a" to i""$e a .ont!a.t note to .lient" fo! all t!an"a.tion" in t,e fo!5 "%e.ified -# t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e. T,e .ont!a.t note inte!*alia ",o$ld ,a e follo8in6H Na5e, T add!e"" and SE3I Re6i"t!ation n$5-e! of t,e Me5-e! -!o9e!. Na5e T of %a!tne!:%!o%!ieto!:A$t,o!i"ed Si6nato!#. Dealin6 T Offi.e Add!e"":Tel. No.:FaC no., Code n$5-e! of t,e 5e5-e! 6i en -# t,e EC.,an6e. Cont!a.t T n$5-e!, date of i""$e of .ont!a.t note, "ettle5ent n$5-e! and ti5e %e!iod fo! "ettle5ent. Con"tit$ent T (Client& na5e:Code N$5-e!. O!de! T n$5-e! and o!de! ti5e .o!!e"%ondin6 to t,e t!ade". T!ade T n$5-e! and T!ade ti5e. U$antit# T and 9ind of Se.$!it# -o$6,t:"old -# t,e .lient. 3!o9e!a6e T and P$!.,a"e:Sale !ate.
Se! T i.e taC !ate", Se.$!itie" T!an"a.tion TaC and an# ot,e! .,a!6e" le ied -# t,e -!o9e!. A%%!o%!iate T "ta5%" ,a e to -e affiCed on t,e .ont!a.t note o! it i" 5entioned t,at t,e .on"olidated "ta5% d$t# i" %aid. Si6nat$!e T of t,e Sto.9 -!o9e!:A$t,o!iJed Si6nato!#.
ma-imum $ro)erage t#at a $ro)er "an "#arge $y a $ro)er
T,e 5aCi5$5 -!o9e!a6e t,at .an -e .,a!6ed -# a -!o9e! f!o5 ,i" .lient" a" .o55i""ion .annot -e 5o!e t,an '.@S of t,e al$e 5entioned in t,e !e"%e.ti e %$!.,a"e o! "ale note.
*#y s#ould one trade on a re"ogni0ed sto") e-"#ange only for $uying1selling s#ares
An in e"to! doe" not 6et an# %!ote.tion if ,e t!ade" o$t"ide a "to.9 eC.,an6e. T!adin6 at t,e eC.,an6e offe!" in e"to!" t,e -e"t %!i.e" P!e ailin6 at t,e ti5e in t,e 5a!9et, la.9 of an# .o$nte!*%a!t# !i"9, 8,i., i" a""$5ed -# t,e .lea!in6 .o!%o!ation, a..e"" to in e"to! 6!ie an.e and !ed!e""al 5e.,ani"5 of "to.9 eC.,an6e", %!ote.tion $% to a %!e".!i-ed li5it, f!o5 t,e In e"to! P!ote.tion F$nd et..
One .an .onfi!5 it -# e!if#in6 t,e !e6i"t!ation .e!tifi.ate i""$ed -# SE3I. A -!o9e!M" !e6i"t!ation n$5-e! -e6in" 8it, t,e lette!" BIN3K and t,at of a "$- -!o9e! 8it, t,e lette!" BINSK.
T#e follo.ing are t#e !re"autions must one ta)e $efore investing in t#e sto") mar)ets
He!e a!e "o5e $"ef$l %ointe!" to -ea! in 5ind -efo!e #o$ in e"t in t,e 5a!9et"H Ma9e T "$!e #o$! -!o9e! i" !e6i"te!ed 8it, SE3I and t,e eC.,an6e" and do not deal 8it, $n!e6i"te!ed inte!5edia!ie". En"$!e T t,at #o$ !e.ei e .ont!a.t note" fo! all #o$! t!an"a.tion" f!o5 #o$! -!o9e! 8it,in one 8o!9in6 da# of eCe.$tion of t,e t!ade". All T in e"t5ent" .a!!# !i"9 of "o5e 9ind. In e"to!" ",o$ld al8a#" 9no8 t,e !i"9 t,at t,e# a!e ta9in6 and in e"t in a 5anne! t,at 5at.,e" t,ei! !i"9 tole!an.e. Do T not -e 5i"led -# 5a!9et !$5o!", l$!in6 ad e!ti"e5ent o! B,ot ti%"K of t,e da#. Ta9e T info!5ed de.i"ion" -# "t$d#in6 t,e f$nda5ental" of t,e
.o5%an#. Find o$t t,e -$"ine"" t,e .o5%an# i" into, it" f$t$!e %!o"%e.t", I$alit# of 5ana6e5ent, %a"t t!a.9 !e.o!d et. So$!.e" of 9no8in6 a-o$t a .o5%an# a!e t,!o$6, ann$al !e%o!t", e.ono5i. 5a6aJine", data-a"e" a aila-le 8it, endo!" o! #o$! finan.ial ad i"o!. If T #o$! finan.ial ad i"o! o! -!o9e! ad i"e" #o$ to in e"t in a .o5%an# #o$ ,a e ne e! ,ea!d of, -e .a$tio$". S%end "o5e ti5e .,e.9in6 o$t a-o$t t,e .o5%an# -efo!e in e"tin6. Do T not -e att!a.ted -# anno$n.e5ent" of fanta"ti. !e"$lt":ne8" !e%o!t", a-o$t a .o5%an#. Do #o$! o8n !e"ea!., -efo!e in e"tin6 in an# "to.9. Do T not -e att!a.ted to "to.9" -a"ed on 8,at an inte!net 8e-"ite %!o5ote", $nle"" #o$ ,a e done adeI$ate "t$d# of t,e .o5%an#. In T e"tin6 in e!# lo8 %!i.ed "to.9" o! 8,at a!e 9no8n a" %enn# "to.9" doe" not 6$a!antee ,i6, !et$!n". 3e T .a$tio$" a-o$t "to.9" 8,i., ",o8 a "$dden "%$!t in %!i.e o! t!adin6 a.ti it#. An# T ad i"e o! ti% t,at .lai5" t,at t,e!e a!e ,$6e !et$!n" eC%e.ted, e"%e.iall# fo! a.tin6 I$i.9l#, 5a# -e !i"9# and 5a# to lead to lo"in6
*#at Do/s and Don/ts s#ould an investor $ear in mind .#en investing in t#e sto") mar)ets En"$!e t,at t,e inte!5edia!# (-!o9e!:"$-*-!o9e!& ,a" a
SE3I !e6i"t!ation .e!tifi.ate. Ente! T into an a6!ee5ent 8it, #o$! -!o9e!:"$-*-!o9e! "ettin6 o$t te!5" and .ondition" .lea!l#. En"$!e T t,at #o$ 6i e all #o$! detail" in t,e B2no8 1o$! ClientK fo!5. En"$!e T t,at #o$ !ead .a!ef$ll# and $nde!"tand t,e .ontent" of t,e BRi"9 Di".lo"$!e Do.$5entK and t,en a.9no8led6e it. In"i"t T on a .ont!a.t note i""$ed -# #o$! -!o9e! onl#, fo! t!ade" done ea., da#. En"$!e T t,at #o$ !e.ei e t,e .ont!a.t note f!o5 #o$! -!o9e! 8it,in '? ,o$!" of t,e t!an"a.tion. En"$!e T t,at t,e .ont!a.t note .ontain" detail" "$., a" t,e -!o9e!K" na5e, t!ade ti5e and n$5-e!, t!an"a.tion %!i.e, -!o9e!a6e, "e! i.e taC, "e.$!itie" t!an"a.tion taC et.. and i" "i6ned -# t,e A$t,o!i"ed Si6nato!# of t,e -!o9e!. To T .!o"" .,e.9 6en$inene"" of t,e t!an"a.tion", lo6 in to t,e NSE
fa.ilit# eCtended -# NSE at 888.n"eindia..o5:.ontent:eI$itie": I""$e T a..o$nt %a#ee .,eI$e":de5and d!aft" in t,e na5e of #o$! -!o9e! onl#, a" it a%%ea!" on t,e .ont!a.t note:SE3I !e6i"t!ation .e!tifi.ate of t,e -!o9e!.
>,ile T deli e!in6 ",a!e" to #o$! -!o9e! to 5eet #o$! o-li6ation", en"$!e t,at t,e deli e!# in"t!$.tion" a!e 5ade onl# to t,e de"i6nated a..o$nt of #o$! -!o9e! onl#. In"i"t T on %e!iodi.al "tate5ent of a..o$nt" of f$nd" and "e.$!itie" f!o5 #o$! -!o9e!. C!o"" .,e.9 and !e.on.ile #o$! a..o$nt" %!o5%tl# and in .a"e of an# di".!e%an.ie" -!in6 it to t,e attention of #o$! -!o9e! i55ediatel#. Plea"e T en"$!e t,at #o$ !e.ei e %a#5ent":deli e!ie" f!o5 #o$! -!o9e!, fo! t,e t!an"a.tion" ente!ed -# #o$, 8it,in one 8o!9in6 da# of t,e %a#o$t date. En"$!e T t,at #o$ do not $nde!ta9e deal" on -e,alf of ot,e!" o! t!ade on #o$! o8n na5e and t,en i""$e .,eI$e" f!o5 a fa5il# 5e5-e!" K: f!iend"K -an9 a..o$nt".
Si5ila!l#, T t,e De5at deli e!# in"t!$.tion "li% ",o$ld -e f!o5 #o$! o8n De5at a..o$nt, not f!o5 an# ot,e! fa5il# 5e5-e!"K:f!iend"K a..o$nt". Do T not "i6n -lan9 deli e!# in"t!$.tion "li%("& 8,ile 5eetin6 "e.$!it# %a#in o-li6ation. No T inte!5edia!# in t,e 5a!9et .an a..e%t de%o"it a""$!in6 fiCed !et$!n". Hen.e do not 6i e #o$! 5one# a" de%o"it a6ain"t a""$!an.e" of !et$!n".
TBPo!tfolio Mana6e5ent Se! i.e"K .o$ld -e offe!ed onl# -# inte!5edia!ie" ,a in6 "%e.ifi. a%%!o al of SE3I fo! PMS. Hen.e, do not %a!t #o$! f$nd" to $na$t,o!iJed %e!"on" fo! Po!tfolio Mana6e5ent. Deli T e!# In"t!$.tion Sli% i" a e!# al$a-le do.$5ent. Do not lea e "i6ned -lan9 deli e!# in"t!$.tion "li% 8it, an#one. >,ile 5eetin6 %a# in o-li6ation 5a9e "$!e t,at .o!!e.t ID of a$t,o!i"ed inte!5edia!# i" filled in t,e Deli e!# In"t!$.tion Fo!5. 3e T .a$tio$" 8,ile ta9in6 f$ndin6 fo!5 a$t,o!i"ed inte!5edia!ie" a" t,e"e t!an"a.tion" a!e not .o e!ed $nde! Settle5ent G$a!antee 5e.,ani"5" of t,e eC.,an6e.
In"i"t T on eCe.$tion of all o!de!" $nde! $niI$e .lient .ode allotted to #o$. Do not a..e%t t!ade" eCe.$ted $nde! "o5e ot,e! .lient .ode to #o$! a..o$nt. >,en T #o$ a!e a$t,o!i"in6 "o5eone t,!o$6, BPo8e! of Atto!ne#K fo! o%e!ation of #o$! DP a..o$nt, 5a9e "$!e t,atH #o$! T a$t,o!iJation i" in fa o$! of !e6i"te!ed inte!5edia!# onl#. a$t,o!i"ation T i" onl# fo! li5ited %$!%o"e of de-it" and .!edit" a!i"in6 o$t of alid t!an"a.tion" eCe.$ted t,!o$6, t,at inte!5edia!# onl#. #o$ T e!if# DP "tate5ent %e!iodi.all# "a# e e!# 5ont,: fo!tni6,t to en"$!e t,at no $na$t,o!i"ed t!an"a.tion" ,a e ta9en %la.e in #o$! a..o$nt. a$t,o!iJation T 6i en -# #o$ ,a" -een %!o%e!l# $"ed fo! t,e %$!%o"e fo! 8,i., a$t,o!iJation ,a" -een 6i en. in T .a"e #o$ find 8!on6 ent!ie" %lea"e !e%o!t in 8!itin6 to t,e a$t,o!iJed inte!5edia!#. DonKt T a..e%t $n"i6ned:d$%li.ate .ont!a.t note. DonKt T a..e%t .ont!a.t note "i6ned -# an# $na$t,o!i"ed %e!"on. DonKt T dela# %a#5ent:deli e!ie" of "e.$!itie" to -!o9e!. In T t,e e ent of an# di".!e%an.ie":di"%$te", %lea"e -!in6 t,e5 to t,e noti.e of t,e -!o9e! i55ediatel# in 8!itin6 (a.9no8led6ed -# t,e -!o9e!& and en"$!e t,ei! %!o5%t !e.tifi.ation.
In T .a"e of "$-*-!o9e! di"%$te", info!5 t,e 5ain -!o9e! in 8!itin6 a-o$t t,e di"%$te at t,e ea!lie"t and in an# .a"e not late! t,an A 5ont,". If T #o$! -!o9e!:"$-*-!o9e! doe" not !e"ol e #o$! .o5%laint" 8it,in a !ea"ona-le %e!iod ("a# 8it,in ;@ da#"&, %lea"e -!in6 it to t,e attention of t,e BIn e"to! G!ie an.e" CellK of t,e NSE. >,ile T lod6in6 a .o5%laint 8it, t,e BIn e"to! G!ie an.e" CellK of t,e NSE, it i" e!# i5%o!tant t,at #o$ "$-5it .o%ie" of all !ele ant do.$5ent" li9e .ont!a.t note", %!oof of %a#5ent":deli e!# of ",a!e" et.. alon68it, t,e .o5%laint. Re5e5-e!, in t,e a-"en.e of "$ffi.ient do.$5ent", !e"ol$tion of .o5%laint" -e.o5e" diffi.$lt. Fa5ilia!i"e T #o$!"elf 8it, t,e !$le", !e6$lation" and .i!.$la!" i""$ed -# "to.9 eC.,an6e":SE3I -efo!e .a!!#in6 o$t an# t!an"a.tion.
*#y s#ould one invest in equities in !arti"ular
>,en #o$ -$# a ",a!e of a .o5%an# #o$ -e.o5e a ",a!e,olde! in t,at .o5%an#. S,a!e" a!e al"o 9no8n a" EI$itie". EI$itie" ,a e t,e %otential to in.!ea"e in al$e o e! ti5e. It al"o %!o ide" #o$! %o!tfolio 8it, t,e 6!o8t, ne.e""a!# to !ea., #o$! lon6 te!5 in e"t5ent 6oal". Re"ea!., "t$die" ,a e %!o ed t,at t,e eI$itie" ,a e o$t%e!fo!5ed 5o"t ot,e! fo!5" of in e"t5ent" in t,e
lon6 te!5. T,i" 5a# -e ill$"t!ated 8it, t,e ,el% of follo8in6 eCa5%le"H a& O e! a ;@ #ea! %e!iod -et8een ;++( to '((@, Nift# ,a" 6i en an ann$aliJed !et$!n of ;)S. -& M!. Ra/$ in e"t" in Nift# on 7an$a!# ;, '((( (indeC al$e
;@+'.+(&. T,e Nift# al$e a" of end De.e5-e! '((@ 8a" 'F=A.@@. Holdin6 t,i" in e"t5ent o e! t,i" %e!iod 7an '((( to De. '((@ ,e 6et" a !et$!n of )F.()S. In e"t5ent in ",a!e" of ONGC Ltd fo! t,e "a5e %e!iod 6a e a !et$!n of ?A@.FAS, S3I =(;.;)S and Relian.e 'F;.?'S. T,e!efo!e, EI$itie" T a!e .on"ide!ed t,e 5o"t .,allen6in6 and t,e !e8a!din6, 8,en .o5%a!ed to ot,e! in e"t5ent o%tion". Re"ea!., T "t$die" ,a e %!o ed t,at in e"t5ent in "o5e ",a!e" 8it, a lon6e! ten$!e of in e"t5ent ,a e #ielded fa! "$%e!io! !et$!n" t,an an# ot,e! in e"t5ent. Ho8e e!, t,i" doe" not 5ean all eI$it# in e"t5ent" 8o$ld 6$a!antee "i5ila! ,i6, !et$!n". EI$itie" a!e ,i6,*!i"9 in e"t5ent". One need" to "t$d# t,e5 .a!ef$ll# -efo!e in e"tin6.
&verage return on Equities in India
Sin.e ;++( till date, Indian "to.9 5a!9et ,a" !et$!ned a-o$t ;)S to in e"to!" on an a e!a6e in te!5" of in.!ea"e in ",a!e %!i.e" o! .a%ital a%%!e.iation ann$all#. 3e"ide" t,at on a e!a6e "to.9" ,a e %aid ;.@S di idend ann$all#. Di idend i" a %e!.enta6e of t,e fa.e al$e of a ",a!e t,at a .o5%an# !et$!n" to it" ",a!e,olde!" f!o5 it" ann$al %!ofit". Co5%a!ed to 5o"t ot,e! fo!5" of in e"t5ent", in e"tin6 in eI$it# ",a!e" offe!" t,e ,i6,e"t !ate of !et$!n, if in e"ted o e! a lon6e! d$!ati
3!oadl# t,e!e a!e t8o fa.to!"H (;& "to.9 "%e.ifi. and ('& 5a!9et "%e.ifi.. T,e "to.9*"%e.ifi. fa.to! i" !elated to %eo%leK" eC%e.tation" a-o$t t,e .o5%an#, it" f$t$!e ea!nin6" .a%a.it#, finan.ial ,ealt, and 5ana6e5ent, le el of te.,nolo6# and 5a!9etin6 "9ill". T,e 5a!9et "%e.ifi. fa.to! i" infl$en.ed -# t,e in e"to!K" "enti5ent to8a!d" t,e "to.9 5a!9et a" a 8,ole. T,i" fa.to!
de%end" on t,e en i!on5ent !at,e! t,an t,e %e!fo!5an.e of an# %a!ti.$la! .o5%an#. E ent" fa o!a-le to an e.ono5#, %oliti.al o! !e6$lato!# en i!on5ent li9e ,i6, e.ono5i. 6!o8t,, f!iendl# -$d6et, "ta-le 6o e!n5ent et.. .an f$el e$%,o!ia in t,e in e"to!", !e"$ltin6 in a -oo5 in t,e 5a!9et. On t,e ot,e! ,and, $nfa o!a-le e ent" li9e 8a!, e.ono5i. .!i"i", .o55$nal !iot", 5ino!it# 6o e!n5ent et.. de%!e"" t,e 5a!9et i!!e"%e.ti e of .e!tain .o5%anie" %e!fo!5in6 8ell. Ho8e e!, t,e effe.t of 5a!9et*"%e.ifi. fa.to! i" 6ene!all# ",o!t*te!5. De"%ite $%" and do8n", %!i.e of a "to.9 in t,e lon6 !$n 6et" "ta-iliJed -a"ed on t,e "to.9 "%e.ifi. fa.to!". T,e!efo!e, a %!$dent ad i.e to all in e"to!" i" to anal#"e and in e"t and not "%e.$late in ",a!e".
&$out 3ro.t# Sto") 1 4alue Sto") 3ro.t# Sto")s
In t,e in e"t5ent 8o!ld 8e .o5e a.!o"" te!5" "$., a" G!o8t, "to.9", Val$e "to.9" et.. Co5%anie" 8,o"e %otential fo! 6!o8t, in "ale" and ea!nin6" a!e eC.ellent, a!e 6!o8in6 fa"te! t,an ot,e! .o5%anie" in t,e 5a!9et o! ot,e! "to.9" in t,e "a5e ind$"t!# a!e .alled t,e G!o8t, Sto.9". T,e"e .o5%anie" $"$all# %a# little o! no di idend" and in"tead %!efe! to !ein e"t t,ei! %!ofit" in t,ei! -$"ine"" fo! f$!t,e! eC%an"ion".
4alue Sto")s
T,e ta"9 ,e!e i" to loo9 fo! "to.9" t,at ,a e -een o e!loo9ed -# ot,e! in e"to!" and 8,i., 5a# ,a e a B,idden al$eK. T,e"e .o5%anie" 5a# ,a e -een -eaten do8n in %!i.e -e.a$"e of "o5e -ad e ent, o! 5a# -e in an ind$"t!# t,atM" not fan.ied -# 5o"t in e"to!". Ho8e e!, e en a .o5%an# t,at ,a" "een it" "to.9 %!i.e de.line "till ,a" a""et" to it" na5e * -$ildin6", !eal e"tate, in ento!ie", "$-"idia!ie", and "o on. Man# of t,e"e a""et" "till ,a e al$e, #et t,at al$e 5a# not -e !efle.ted in t,e "to.9M" %!i.e. Val$e in e"to!" loo9 to -$# "to.9" t,at a!e $nde! al$ed, and t,en ,old t,o"e "to.9" $ntil t,e !e"t of t,e 5a!9et !ealiJe" t,e !eal al$e of t,e .o5%an#M" a""et". T,e al$e in e"to!" tend to %$!.,a"e a .o5%an#M" "to.9 $"$all# -a"ed on !elation",i%" -et8een t,e .$!!ent 5a!9et %!i.e of t,e .o5%an# and .e!tain -$"ine"" f$nda5ental". T,e# li9e P:E !atio -ein6 -elo8 a .e!tain a-"ol$te li5itL di idend #ield" a-o e a .e!tain a-"ol$te li5itL Total "ale" at a .e!tain le el !elati e to t,e .o5%an#M" 5a!9et .a%italiJation, o! 5a!9et al$e et..
2o. "an one a"quire equity s#ares
1o$ 5a# "$-".!i-e to i""$e" 5ade -# .o!%o!ate" in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et. In t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et, !e"o$!.e" a!e 5o-ili"ed
-# t,e .o!%o!ate" t,!o$6, f!e", %$-li. i""$e" (IPO"& o! t,!o$6, %!i ate %la.e5ent". Alte!natel#, #o$ 5a# %$!.,a"e ",a!e" f!o5 t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et. To -$# and "ell "e.$!itie" #o$ ",o$ld a%%!oa., a SE3I !e6i"te!ed t!adin6 5e5-e! (-!o9e!& of a !e.o6niJed "to.9 eC.,an6e.
&$out ,id and &s) !ri"e
T,e B3idK i" t,e -$#e!K" %!i.e. It i" t,i" %!i.e t,at #o$ need to 9no8 8,en #o$ ,a e to "ell a "to.9. 3id i" t,e !ate:%!i.e at 8,i., t,e!e i" a !ead# -$#e! fo! t,e "to.9, 8,i., #o$ intend to "ell. T,e BA"9K (o! offe!& i" 8,at #o$ need to 9no8 8,en #o$M!e -$#in6 i.e. t,i" i" t,e !ate: %!i.e at 8,i., t,e!e i" "elle! !ead# to "ell ,i" "to.9. T,e "elle! 8ill "ell ,i" "to.9 if ,e 6et" t,e I$oted 0A"9K %!i.e. If an in e"to! loo9" at a .o5%$te! ".!een fo! a I$ote on t,e "to.9 of "a# G1V Ltd, it 5i6,t loo9 "o5et,in6 li9e t,i"H
,id %,uy side5 &s) %Se ll side5 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666 7ty8 Pri"e %Rs85 7ty8 Pri"e %Rs85 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((( )*** +*.,+ +*.-+ ,*** +** +*.)* +*..* )***
++* +*.*+ +*.+* )+** ,+** +*.** +*.++ -*** )-** ./.0+ +*.1+ ).+* (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((( Total 9:9; :<9; (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((
He!e, on t,e left*,and "ide afte! t,e 3id I$antit# and %!i.e, 8,e!ea" on t,e !i6,t ,and "ide 8e find t,e A"9 I$antit# and %!i.e". T,e -e"t 3$# (3id& o!de! i" t,e o!de! 8it, t,e ,i6,e"t %!i.e and t,e!efo!e "it" on t,e fi!"t line of t,e 3id "ide (;((( ",a!e" W R". @(.'@&. T,e -e"t Sell (A"9& o!de! i" t,e o!de! 8it, t,e lo8e"t "ell %!i.e ('((( ",a!e" W R". @(.=@&. T,e diffe!en.e in t,e %!i.e of t,e -e"t -id and a"9 i" .alled a" t,e 3id*A"9 "%!ead and often i" an indi.ato! of liI$idit# in a "to.9. T,e na!!o8e! t,e diffe!en.e t,e 5o!e liI$id o! ,i6,l# t!aded i" t,e "to.9.
&$out Portfolio
A Po!tfolio i" a .o5-ination of diffe!ent in e"t5ent a""et" 5iCed and 5at.,ed fo! t,e %$!%o"e of a.,ie in6 an in e"to!M" 6oal("&. Ite5" t,at a!e .on"ide!ed a %a!t of #o$! %o!tfolio .an in.l$de an# a""et #o$ o8n*f!o5 ",a!e", de-ent$!e", -ond", 5$t$al f$nd $nit" to ite5" "$., a" 6old, a!t and e en !eal e"tate et.. Ho8e e!, fo! 5o"t in e"to!" a %o!tfolio ,a" .o5e to "i6nif# an in e"t5ent in finan.ial
It i" a !i"9 5ana6e5ent te.,niI$e t,at 5iCe" a 8ide a!iet# of in e"t5ent" 8it,in a %o!tfolio. It i" de"i6ned to 5ini5iJe t,e i5%a.t of an# one "e.$!it# on o e!all %o!tfolio %e!fo!5an.e. Di e!"ifi.ation i" %o""i-l# t,e -e"t 8a# to !ed$.e t,e !i"9 in a %o!tfolio.
&dvantages of #aving a diversified !ortfolio
A 6ood in e"t5ent %o!tfolio i" a 5iC of a 8ide !an6e of a""et .la"". Diffe!ent "e.$!itie" %e!fo!5 diffe!entl# at an# %oint in ti5e, "o 8it, a 5iC of a""et t#%e", #o$! enti!e %o!tfolio doe" not "$ffe! t,e i5%a.t of a de.line of an# one "e.$!it#. >,en #o$! "to.9" 6o do8n, #o$ 5a# "till ,a e t,e "ta-ilit# of t,e -ond" in #o$! %o!tfolio. T,e!e ,a e -een all "o!t" of a.ade5i. "t$die" and fo!5$la" t,at de5on"t!ate 8,# di e!"ifi.ation i" i5%o!tant, -$t itM" !eall# /$"t t,e "i5%le %!a.ti.e of Qnot %$ttin6 all #o$! e66" in one -a"9et.Q If #o$ "%!ead #o$! in e"t5ent" a.!o"" a!io$" t#%e" of a""et" and 5a!9et", #o$Mll !ed$.e t,e !i"9 of #o$! enti!e %o!tfolio 6ettin6 affe.ted -# t,e ad e!"e !et$!n" of an# "in6le a""et .la"".
De-t in"t!$5ent !e%!e"ent" a .ont!a.t 8,e!e-# one %a!t# lend" 5one# to anot,e! on %!e*dete!5ined te!5" 8it, !e6a!d" to !ate and %e!iodi.it# of inte!e"t, !e%a#5ent of %!in.i%al a5o$nt -# t,e -o!!o8e! to t,e lende!. In Indian "e.$!itie" 5a!9et", t,e te!5 B-ondK i" $"ed fo! de-t in"t!$5ent" i""$ed -# t,e Cent!al and State 6o e!n5ent" and %$-li. "e.to! o!6aniJation" and t,e te!5 Bde-ent$!eK i" $"ed fo! in"t!$5ent" i""$ed -# %!i ate .o!%o!ate "e.to!.
E"&+ 0*7$ %)($#'.*)$ +"( $+#** >*"$'#*(H Mat$!it#, .o$%on and %!in.i%al.
-o!!o8e! ,a" a6!eed to !e%a# t,e %!in.i%al. Te!5*to*Mat$!it# !efe!" to t,e n$5-e! of #ea!" Re5ainin6 fo! t,e -ond to 5at$!e. T,e Te!5*to*Mat$!it# .,an6e" e e!#da#, f!o5 date of i""$e of t,e -ond $ntil it" 5at$!it#. T,e te!5 to 5at$!it# of a -ond .an -e .al.$lated on
an# date, a" t,e di"tan.e -et8een "$., a date and t,e date of 5at$!it#. It i" al"o .alled t,e te!5 o! t,e ten$!e of t,e -ond. Coupon Co$%on !efe!" to t,e %e!iodi. inte!e"t %a#5ent" t,at a!e 5ade -# t,e -o!!o8e! (8,o i" al"o t,e i""$e! of t,e -ond& to t,e lende! (t,e "$-".!i-e! of t,e -ond&. Co$%on !ate i" t,e !ate at 8,i., inte!e"t i" %aid, and i" $"$all# !e%!e"ented a" a %e!.enta6e of t,e %a! al$e of a -ond. Principal P!in.i%al i" t,e a5o$nt t,at ,a" -een -o!!o8ed, and i" al"o .alled t,e %a! al$e o! fa.e al$e of t,e -ond. T,e .o$%on i" t,e %!od$.t of t,e %!in.i%al and t,e .o$%on !ate. T,e na5e of t,e -ond it"elf .on e#" t,e 9e# feat$!e" of a -ond. Fo! eCa5%le, a GS CG'((F ;;.?(S -ond !efe!" to a Cent!al Go e!n5ent -ond 5at$!in6 in t,e #ea! '((F and %a#in6 a .o$%on of ;;.?(S. Sin.e Cent!al Go e!n5ent -ond" ,a e a fa.e al$e of R".;(( and no!5all# %a# .o$%on "e5i*ann$all#, t,i" -ond 8ill %a# R". @.)( a" "iC* 5ont,l# .o$%on, $ntil 5at$!it#. &$out =Interest/ !aya$le $y a de$enture or a $ond+ Inte!e"t i" t,e a5o$nt %aid -# t,e -o!!o8e! (t,e .o5%an#& to t,e lende! (t,e de-ent$!e*,olde!& fo! -o!!o8in6 t,e a5o$nt fo! a "%e.ifi. %e!iod of ti5e. T,e inte!e"t 5a# -e
%aid ann$al, "e5i*ann$all#, I$a!te!l# o! 5ont,l# and i" %aid $"$all# on t,e fa.e .e!tifi.ate& of t,e -ond. Segments in t#e De$t Mar)et in India and t#e !layers in de$t mar)et T,e!e a!e t,!ee 5ain "e65ent" in t,e de-t 5a!9et" in India, iJ., ;. Go e!n5ent Se.$!itie"= '. P$-li. Se.to! Unit" (PSU& -ond" =. Co!%o!ate "e.$!itie" T,e 5a!9et fo! Go e!n5ent Se.$!itie" .o5%!i"e" t,e Cent!e, State and State*"%on"o!ed "e.$!itie". In t,e !e.ent %a"t, lo.al -odie" "$., a" 5$ni.i%alitie" ,a e al"o -e6$n to ta% t,e de-t 5a!9et" fo! f$nd". So5e of t,e PSU -ond" a!e taC f!ee, 8,ile 5o"t -ond" in.l$din6 6o e!n5ent "e.$!itie" a!e not taC*f!ee. Co!%o!ate -ond 5a!9et" .o5%!i"e of .o55e!.ial %a%e! and -ond". T,e"e -ond" t#%i.all# a!e "t!$.t$!ed to "$it t,e !eI$i!e5ent" of in e"to!" and t,e i""$in6 .o!%o!ate, and in.l$de a PlayersH a!iet# of tailo!* 5ade feat$!e" 8it, !e"%e.t to Gi en t,e la!6e "iJe of t,e t!ade", De-t inte!e"t %a#5ent" and !ede5%tion. 5a!9et i" %!edo5inantl# a 8,ole"ale 5a!9et, 8it, do5inant al$e (t,e al$e %!inted on t,e -ond
in"tit$tional in e"to! %a!ti.i%ation. T,e in e"to!" in t,e de-t 5a!9et" a!e 5ainl# -an9", finan.ial in"tit$tion", 5$t$al f$nd", %!o ident f$nd", in"$!an.e .o5%anie" and .o!%o!ate". &re $onds rated for t#eir "redit quality Mo"t 3ond:De-ent$!e i""$e" a!e !ated -# "%e.iali"ed .!edit !atin6 a6en.ie".C!edit !atin6 a6en.ie" in India a!e CRISIL, CARE, ICRA and Fit.,. T,e #ield on a -ond a!ie" in e!"el# 8it, it" .!edit ("afet#& !atin6. T,e "afe! t,e in"t!$5ent, t,e lo8e! i" t,e !ate of inte!e"t offe!ed.
2o. "an one a"quire se"urities in t#e de$t mar)et 1o$ 5a# "$-".!i-e to i""$e" 5ade -# t,e 6o e!n5ent:.o!%o!ate" in t,e %!i5a!# 5a!9et. Alte!nati el#, #o$ 5a# %$!.,a"e t,e "a5e f!o5 t,e "e.onda!# 5a!9et t,!o$6, t,e "to.9 eC.,an6e".
2articipant H A de%o"ito!# i" an o!6ani"ation 8,i., ,old" "e.$!itie" of in e"to!" in ele.t!oni. fo!5 at t,e !eI$e"t of t,e in e"to!" t,!o$6, a !e6i"te!ed De%o"ito!# Pa!ti.i%ant. It al"o %!o ide" "e! i.e" !elated to t!an"a.tion" in "e.$!itie". A De%o"ito!# Pa!ti.i%ant (DP& i" an a6ent of t,e de%o"ito!# t,!o$6, 8,i., it inte!fa.e" 8it, t,e in e"to!. A DP .an offe! de%o"ito!# "e! i.e" onl# afte! it 6et" %!o%e! !e6i"t!ation f!o5 SE3I. 3an9in6 "e! i.e" .an -e a ailed t,!o$6, a -!an., 8,e!ea" de%o"ito!# "e! i.e" .an -e a ailed t,!o$6, a DP. .i!!erences between Bank and .epository E It .an -e .o5%a!ed 8it, a -an9, 8,i., ,old" t,e f$nd" fo! de%o"ito!". A 3an9 < De%o"ito!# Analo6# i" 6i en in t,e follo8in6 ta-leH $A,--DEPO&)+OR. ! A, A,A/OG.
-et8een a..o$nt" on t,e in"t!$.tion of t,e a..o$nt ,olde! Fa.ilitate" t!an"fe! of o8ne!",i% ,a in6 "e.$!itie" to 8it,o$t ,andle
Iow many .epositories and .epository 2articipants *.2+are registered with ()BI At %!e"ent t8o De%o"ito!ie" iJ. National Se.$!itie"
De%o"ito!# Li5ited (NSDL& and Cent!al De%o"ito!# Se! i.e" (I& Li5ited (CDSL& a!e !e6i"te!ed 8it, SE3I and t,e 5ini5$5
net 8o!t, of t,e De%o"ito!# a!e ;(( .!o!e". A" on =;:(=:'((A, total of @=F DP" a!e !e6i"te!ed 8it, SE3I. Is it compulsory !or e"ery in"estor to open a depository account to trade in the capital market and 1hat are the bene!its o! a"ailing depository ser"ices A" %e! t,e a aila-le "tati"ti." at 3SE and NSE, ++.+S "ettle5ent ta9e" %la.e in de5at 5ode onl#. T,e!efo!e, in ie8 of t,e .on enien.e in "ettle5ent t,!o$6, de5at 5ode, it i" ad i"a-le to ,a e a -enefi.ia!# o8ne! (3O& a..o$nt to t!ade at t,e eC.,an6e". T,e -enefit" a!e en$5e!ated -elo8H* A "afe and .on enient 8a# to ,old "e.$!itie"L i55ediate t!an"fe! of "e.$!itie"L No "ta5% d$t# on t!an"fe! of "e.$!itie"L Eli5ination of !i"9" a""o.iated 8it, %,#"i.al .e!tifi.ate" "$., a" -ad deli e!#, fa9e "e.$!itie", dela#", t,eft" et..L
Red$.tion in t!an"a.tion .o"tL No odd lot %!o-le5, e en one ",a!e .an -e "oldL No5ination fa.ilit#L C,an6e in add!e"" !e.o!ded 8it, DP 6et" !e6i"te!ed 8it, all .o5%anie" in 8,i., in e"to! ,old" "e.$!itie" ele.t!oni.all# eli5inatin6 t,e need to .o!!e"%ond 8it, ea., of t,e5 "e%a!atel#L
T!an"5i""ion of "e.$!itie"
i" done -# DP
A$to5ati. .!edit into de5at a..o$nt of ",a!e", a!i"in6 o$t of -on$":"%lit:.on"olidation:5e!6e! et..
Iow can one open an account E Fi!"t an in e"to! ,a" to a%%!oa., a DP and fill $% an a..o$nt o%enin6 fo!5. T,e a..o$nt o%enin6 fo!5 5$"t -e "$%%o!ted
-# .o%ie" of an# one of t,e a%%!o ed do.$5ent" to "e! e a" %!oof of identit# (POI& and %!oof of add!e"" (POA& a" "%e.ified -# SE3I. 3e"ide", %!od$.tion of PAN .a!d in o!i6inal at t,e ti5e of o%enin6 of a..o$nt ,a" -een 5ade 5andato!# effe.ti e f!o5 A%!il (;, '((A. All a%%li.ant" ",o$ld .a!!# o!i6inal do.$5ent" fo! "i6nat$!e. F$!t,e!, t,e in e"to! ,a" to "i6n an a6!ee5ent 8it, DP in a de%o"ito!# %!e".!i-ed "tanda!d fo!5at, 8,i., detail" !i6,t" and d$tie" of in e"to! and DP. DP ",o$ld %!o ide t,e in e"to! 8it, a .o%# of t,e a6!ee5ent and ".,ed$le of .,a!6e" fo! t,ei! f$t$!e !efe!en.e. T,e DP 8ill o%en t,e a..o$nt in t,e "#"te5 and 6i e an a..o$nt n$5-e!, 8,i., i" al"o .alled 3O ID (3enefi.ia!# O8ne! Identifi.ation n$5-e!&. e!ifi.ation -# an a$t,o!iJed offi.ial of t,e de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant, $nde! ,i"
T,e DP 5a# !e i"e t,e .,a!6e" -# 6i in6 =( da#" noti.e in ad an.e. SE3I ,a" !ationali"ed t,e .o"t "t!$.t$!e fo! de5ate!iali"ation -# !e5o in6 a..o$nt o%enin6 .,a!6e",
t!an"a.tion .,a!6e" fo! .!edit of "e.$!itie", and .$"tod# .,a!6e" ide .i!.$la! dated 7an$a!# 'F, '((@. F$!t,e!, SE3I ,a" ide .i!.$la! dated No e5-e! (+, '((@ ad i"ed t,at 8it, effe.t f!o5 7an$a!# (+, '((A, no .,a!6e" ",all -e le ied -# a de%o"ito!# on DP and .on"eI$entl#, -# a DP on a 3enefi.ia!# O8ne! (3O& 8,en a 3O t!an"fe!" all t,e "e.$!itie" l#in6 in ,i" a..o$nt to anot,e! -!an., of t,e "a5e DP o! to anot,e! DP of t,e "a5e de%o"ito!# o! anot,e! de%o"ito!#, %!o ided t,e 3O A..o$nt:" at t!an"fe!ee DP and at t!an"fe!o! DP a!e one and t,e "a5e, i.e. identi.al in all !e"%e.t". In .a"e t,e 3O A..o$nt at t!an"fe!o! DP i" a /oint a..o$nt, t,e 3O A..o$nt at t!an"fe!ee DP ",o$ld al"o -e a /oint a..o$nt in t,e "a5e "eI$en.e of o8ne!",i%.
About dematerialisation and how one can con"ert physical holding into electronic holding i.e how can one dematerialise securities De5ate!iali"ation i" t,e %!o.e"" -# 8,i., %,#"i.al .e!tifi.ate" of an in e"to! a!e .on e!ted to an eI$i alent
n$5-e! of "e.$!itie" in ele.t!oni. fo!5 and .!edited into t,e in e"to!M" a..o$nt 8it, ,i":,e! DP. In o!de! to de5ate!iali"e %,#"i.al "e.$!itie" one ,a" to fill in a DRF (De5at ReI$e"t Fo!5& 8,i., i" a aila-le 8it, t,e DP and "$-5it t,e "a5e alon6 8it, %,#"i.al .e!tifi.ate" one 8i",e" to de5ate!iali"e. Se%a!ate DRF ,a" to -e filled fo! ea., ISIN N$5-e!. T,e .o5%lete %!o.e"" of de5ate!iali"ation i" o$tlined -elo8H
S$!!ende! .e!tifi.ate" fo! de5ate!iali"ation to #o$! de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant. De%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant inti5ate" De%o"ito!# of t,e !eI$e"t t,!o$6, t,e "#"te5. De%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant "$-5it" t,e .e!tifi.ate" to t,e !e6i"t!a! of t,e I""$e! Co5%an#.
Afte! de5ate!iali"in6 t,e .e!tifi.ate", Re6i"t!a! $%date" a..o$nt" and info!5" de%o"ito!# of t,e .o5%letion of de5ate!iali"ation.
De%o"ito!# $%date" it" a..o$nt" and info!5" t,e de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant. De%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant $%date" t,e de5at a..o$nt of t,e in e"to!.
2hysical -erti!icates E 1e". T,e %!o.e"" i" .alled !e5ate!iali"ation. If one 8i",e" to 6et -a.9 ,i" "e.$!itie" in t,e %,#"i.al fo!5 one ,a" to fill in t,e RRF (Re5at ReI$e"t Fo!5& and !eI$e"t ,i" DP fo! !e5ate!iali"ation of t,e -alan.e" in ,i" "e.$!itie" a..o$nt. T,e %!o.e"" of !e5ate!iali"ation i" o$tlined -elo8H X One 5a9e" a !eI$e"t fo! !e5ate!iali"ation. X De%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant inti5ate" de%o"ito!# of t,e !eI$e"t t,!o$6, t,e "#"te5. X De%o"ito!# .onfi!5" !e5ate!iali"ation !eI$e"t to t,e !e6i"t!a!. X Re6i"t!a! $%date" a..o$nt" and %!int" .e!tifi.ate". X De%o"ito!# $%date" a..o$nt" and do8nload" detail" to de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant.
X Re6i"t!a! di"%at.,e" .e!tifi.ate" to in e"to!. Trading J (ettlement procedure !or selling dematerialised securities E T,e %!o.ed$!e fo! -$#in6 and "ellin6 de5ate!iali"ed "e.$!itie" i" "i5ila! to t,e %!o.ed$!e fo! -$#in6 and "ellin6 %,#"i.al "e.$!itie". T,e diffe!en.e lie" in t,e %!o.e"" of deli e!# (in .a"e of "ale& and !e.ei%t (in .a"e of %$!.,a"e& of "e.$!itie". In case o! purchase1 T,e -!o9e! 8ill !e.ei e t,e "e.$!itie" in ,i" a..o$nt on t,e %a#o$t da# T,e -!o9e! 8ill 6i e in"t!$.tion to it" DP to de-it ,i" a..o$nt and .!edit in e"to!M" a..o$nt In e"to! 8ill 6i e BRe.ei%t In"t!$.tion to DP fo! !e.ei in6 .!edit -# fillin6 a%%!o%!iate fo!5. Ho8e e! one .an 6i e "tandin6 in"t!$.tion fo! .!edit in to one" a..o$nt t,at 8ill o- iate t,e need of 6i in6 Re.ei%t In"t!$.tion e e!# ti5e.
In case o! sale1T,e in e"to! 8ill 6i e deli e!# in"t!$.tion to DP to de-it ,i" a..o$nt and .!edit t,e -!o9e!K" a..o$nt. S$., in"t!$.tion ",o$ld !ea., t,e DPK" offi.e at lea"t '? ,o$!" -efo!e t,e %a#*in a" ot,e! 8i"e DP 8ill a..e%t t,e in"t!$.tion onl# at t,e in e"to!K" !i"9. About .eli"ery instruction slip *.I(+K 1hat
precautions do one need to obser"e with respect to .eli"ery Instruction (lips To 6i e t,e deli e!# one ,a" to fill a fo!5 .alled Deli e!# In"t!$.tion Sli% (DIS&. DIS 5a# -e .o5%a!ed to .,eI$e -oo9 of a -an9 a..o$nt. T,e follo8in6 %!e.a$tion" a!e to -e ta9en in !e"%e.t of DISH*
En"$!e and in"i"t 8it, DP to i""$e DIS -oo9. En"$!e t,at DIS n$5-e!" a!e %!e*%!inted and DP ta9e" a.9no8led65ent fo! t,e DIS -oo9let i""$ed to in e"to!.
En"$!e t,at #o$! a..o$nt n$5-e! Y.lient idZ i" %!e* "ta5%ed.
If t,e a..o$nt i" a /oint a..o$nt, all t,e /oint ,olde!" ,a e to "i6n t,e in"t!$.tion "li%". In"t!$.tion .annot -e eCe.$ted if all /oint ,olde!" ,a e not "i6ned.
A oid $"in6 loo"e "li%" Do not lea e "i6ned -lan9 DIS 8it, an#one iJ., -!o9e!:"$-*-!o9e!.
2ee% t,e DIS -oo9 $nde! lo.9 and 9e# 8,en not in
If onl# one ent!# i" 5ade in t,e DIS -oo9, "t!i9e o$t !e5ainin6 "%a.e to %!e ent 5i"$"e -# an# one.
In e"to! ",o$ld %e!"onall# fill in ta!6et a..o$nt *id and all detail" in t,e DIS.
2ledging -an one pledge dematerialised securities and what should one do to pledge electronic securities E
1e". In fa.t, %led6in6 de5ate!iali"ed "e.$!itie" i" ea"ie! and 5o!e ad anta6eo$" a" .o5%a!ed to %led6in6 %,#"i.al "e.$!itie" T,e %!o.ed$!e to %led6e ele.t!oni. "e.$!itie" i" a" follo8"H 3ot, in e"to! (%led6o!& a" 8ell a" t,e lende! (%led6ee& 5$"t ,a e de%o"ito!# a..o$nt" 8it, t,e "a5e de%o"ito!#L In e"to! ,a" to initiate t,e %led6e -# "$-5ittin6 to DP t,e detail" of t,e "e.$!itie" to -e %led6ed in a "tanda!d fo!5at L T,e %led6ee ,a" to .onfi!5 t,e !eI$e"t t,!o$6, ,i":,e! DPL On.e t,i" i" done, "e.$!itie" a!e %led6ed. All finan.ial t!an"a.tion" -et8een t,e %led6o! and t,e %led6ee a!e ,andled a" %e! $"$al %!a.ti.e o$t"ide t,e de%o"ito!# "#"te5. Iow can one close the pledge a!ter repayment o! loan E
Afte! one ,a" !e%aid t,e loan, one .an !eI$e"t fo! a .lo"$!e of %led6e -# in"t!$.tin6 t,e DP in a %!e".!i-ed fo!5at. T,e %led6ee on !e.ei in6 t,e !e%a#5ent 8ill in"t!$.t ,i" DP a..o!din6l# fo! t,e .lo"$!e of t,e %led6e.
T,e "t$d# at ,and 6i e" detail de".!i%tion of t,e follo8in6 a.ti itie". Online t!adin6 %!o.ed$!e De5ate a..o$nt %!o.ed$!e
DATA COLLECTION METHODS T,e data .olle.tion 5et,od" in.l$de -ot, t,e %!i5a!# and t,e "e.onda!# .olle.tion 5et,od". P#%."#3 .*$+80 - T,i" 5et,od in.l$de" t,e data .olle.tion f!o5 t,e %e!"onal inte!a.tion 8it, a$t,o!iJed 5e5-e!", eCe.$ti e" of t,e An6el 3!o9in6. S*&8)0"#3 .*$+80 - T,e "e.onda!# data .olle.tion 5et,od" in.l$de" , T,e le.t$!e!" deli e! -# t,e "$%e!intendent" of !e"%e.ti e de%a!t5ent". T,e data .olle.tion" f!o5 t,e NSC, E.ono5i. Ti5e" et.. T,e -!o.,$!e" and t,e 5ate!ial %!o ide -# t,e An6el 3!o9in6. Va!io$" -oo9" !elatin6 to in e"t5ent", .a%ital 5a!9et" and ot,e! !elated to%i.". NEED OF THE STUDY
Sto.9 eC.,an6e" a!e an inte6!al %a!t of t,e .a%ital 5a!9et. It i" t,e 5o"t %e!fe.t t#%e 5a!9et fo! "e.$!itie" 8,et,e! of 6o e!n5ent o! "e5i 6o e!n5ent. 3odie" o! ot,e! -odie" a" %e! ",a!e and de-ent$!e" i""$ed -# t,e /oint "to.9 ente!%!i"e".
Sto.9 eC.,an6e" %!o ide liI$idit# to t,e li"ted .o5%anie" H t,e 6i e I$otation" to t,e li"ted .o5%anie" and ,el% in t!adin6 and !i"in6 f$nd" f!o5 t,e 5a!9et. EC.,an6e %!o ide" !ead# 5a!9et fo! t,e ",a!e and %$!.,a"e of "e.$!itie". Sto.9 5a!9et in India i" 5o!e t,an .ent$!# old and ,a" -een f$n.tionin6 effe.ti el# t,!o$6, t,e 5edi$5 of !e.o6niJed "to.9 eC.,an6e" t,e "to.9 5a!9et 8,i., i" inte6!al of t,e .a%ital ,a" a 5a/o! i5%a.t on t,e f$n.tionin6 of t,e .o!%o!ate "e.to! in %a!ti.$la!. Sin.e t,e .a%ital 5a!9et i" %la#in6 a 5a/o! !ole in t,e Indian e.ono5i. f!o5 t,e %a"t "e e!al #ea!" t,e!e i" an e""ential need to "t$d# t,e o e!all f$n.tionin6 of "to.9 eC.,an6e".
OB?ECTI2ES OF THE STUDY 1. To 9no8 t,e o e!all "e.onda!# 5a!9et o%e!ation". 2. .To 9no8 t,e inte!e"t of %$-li. at in e"t5ent. @. To 9no8 t,e n$5-e! of de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant". 4. To 9no8 t,e 6!o8t, of "to.9 -!o9in6 "e! i.e".
T,e %!e"ent "t$d# -a"ed on ,i"to!i.al data , t,e# 8ill not t,e eCit indi.ato!" of f$t$!e" -e.a$"e, f$t$!e i" $n"ete!. SUGGESTIONS
T,e Indian !e6$lato!# "#"te5 and !ole of SE3I ",o$ld -e in.!ea"ed fo! "e.$!in6 inte!e"t and ot,e! %la#e!". T,e "to.9 eC.,an6e ",o$ld .ond$.t a8a!ne"" .a5%ai6n on "to.9 5a!9et o%e!ation" Min "e! i.e .,an6e", T,e T!adin6 "e! i.e" of 3an9", Finan.ial In"t$tation", Deale!" ",o$ld -e $tiliJed %!o5%tl#. T,e .!o!t ant,"itie" ",o$ld -e .ont!olled 5a!9et fl$.t!ation" ti5el#.
;;(S,CCC,CCC,CCC, !e"%e.ti el#. '.T,e n$5-e! of de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant" a!e $%8a!d t!end 5anne!
=.T,e n$5-e! of de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant" "e! i.e .ente!" a!e in.!ea.ein6 !elati el#. ?.T,e de%o"ito!# %a!ti.i%ant" Geo6!%,i.al Co e!a6e CCCC, in ti5e". @.T,e De5at .$"tod# Ut# a!e in.!ea"ed -# t8o ti5e" 8,en .o5%a!e 8it, !a"t.
2345226 +otal ,o0 :59896: or Demat Accounts +oal ,o0 Of 753 DP=s +otal 5 Depositor#=s DP &ervice 876: Centres DP 65: Geogrphical Coverage Demat ;<3598 Custod# >t# ?mn0 &ecurities@ 234 5227 76;3<;9 8<9 5 983< 727 52;:32 9<5 <<3669 2345228 376:8;2 9;6 5 3693 2345229 55798:; 3;: 5 ;5:< ;63 7396:
3;: Apr-29
8<9 Apr-27
753 Apr-26
Apr 0;
Apr 0@
Apr 0C
Apr 06
5228 ?)A$(
.2 ()$%I-) -),T$)
7222 8222 9222 .2 3222 ;222 5222 <222 2 5229 5228 ?)A$( 5227 5226 Apr 0; Apr 0@ Apr 0C Apr 06
.2 ')7'$A2II-A3 -7%)$A')
Apr 06 Apr 0C Apr 0@ Apr 0;
:22 622 722 .2 822 ')7'$A2II- 922 A3 322 -7%)$A') ;22 522 <22 2
5228 ?)A$(
.)&AT -F(T7.?
Apr 0; 5229
Apr 0C 5227
CONCLUSION- O e!all t,e %e!fo!5an.e of t,e .o5%an# i" 6ood it i" one of t,e leadin6 -!o9in6 .o5%an# in India .T,o$6, t,i" 5an# ne8 in e"to!" ea!ned 5o!e !et$!n"