03 Jesus The Pattern Son
03 Jesus The Pattern Son
03 Jesus The Pattern Son
The Vision
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.
When You make His soul an offering for sin. He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord
shall prosper His hand (Isaiah 53:10, emphasis added).
Man has achieved much but has not come close to what
God has in mind for him. Man can move down into the
depth of the ocean with a submarine but outside the
protection of that vehicle he will die. He can move into
outer space to a planet but outside the sealed capsule
around his body, he will die. These are achievements that
belong to the natural realm that is far lower than the realm
of Spirit, which belongs to the kingdom of heaven.
High’” (Psalm 82:6). Jesus quoted this scripture, in John
10:34, to the Jews who accused Him being a man, making
Himself God. So God is bringing forth after His own kind,
He produces gods. It is not a picture of how important we
are but of how much He loves us. For all eternity we will
be in Christ and Christ will be in us so that the excellence
of His power may always be made manifested in us who
have believed. For all eternity the power and the glory and
the wisdom will only belong to God and the Lamb so that
no creature will glory in His sight. Although God has
blessed us with His immeasurable glory in Christ Jesus all
worship for all eternity will only belong to God and the
Lamb (Revelation 19:10).
things, in all realms and dimensions of eternity at the same
result of natural selection of offspring which develop slight
variations that make them better adapt to their
environment. Through that ridiculous explanation he led
many people, open to his deception, astray. The Scriptures
do not refer to plants and animals having common
ancestors but stated emphatically that God created every
living thing after its own kind. And the earth brought forth
grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree
that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And
God saw that it was good… And God made the beast of the earth
according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything
that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that
it was good (Genesis 1:12,25).
would be. We have received the Holy Spirit only in
measure. Imagine what it will be when we are immersed in
the fullness of God. God has in mind for us to be partakers
of the fullness of His omnipotence. Omnipotence is to
possess unlimited power and authority over all realms and
dimensions of the universe. We learned that God through
His Son made the worlds and uphold all things by the
word of His power. What a display of His power and
authority. If He turns His face away from creation it will
suffered on our behalf will be a greater work than the
creation of another universe.
Hebrews would not have spoken of this perfection to be
inherited. We who believe will enter into this glory at the
last trumpet.
Many things must take place before this glorious day. Jesus
is our vision and the pattern Son that have paved the way
toward our sonship. To study the life of the pattern Son is
to interpret the prophecy concerning our lives. Why? He is
the first among many brethren and those to follow will
follow along the same way. There are three major events in
Jesus’ live that needs to be mentioned to follow the course
of events that will follow our lives. These are His birth and
maturing process, His baptism when the Father declared
Him Son and His glorification on the cross.
and you will be delivered from your transgression and you
will be justified in His sight. You will be joined to the Lord
Jesus Christ and become one Spirit with Him. It is not a
mixture of your spirit with His but you become one spirit
with the Spirit of Christ, which means He is in you, one
with you, and you are in Him, one with Christ in His body.
A mixture of spirits would indicate a mixture of your glory
(earthly glory of the flesh) with the glory of Jesus Christ
(glory of the Spirit of God). God will not share His glory
with anyone. One spirit with Him means there is only one
glory, the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave us only
one glory, Christ in us the hope of glory. This glory is the
image of His Son, the only image He gave us to grow into
by faith.
print of the lives of the other brothers to follow. Like Him
we are to be concerned about our Father’s business. Our
Father’s business is the kingdom of God. The kingdom of
God consists of our relationships toward God, our
neighbors and toward all of the earth. Since born again
believers are one Spirit with Christ they share His life and
relationships with Him. Any ability other than Christ’s,
which is the fountain of life and the source of light, is
independence from Him and of necessity death and
darkness. The ability of the flesh is of the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil and is death no matter
how good or attractive its appearance. Sonship is the
manifestation of the Son in the sons.
way the people in the Near East understood it. In Israel
and in the Near East, adoption was a public ceremony
where a young man who had proved his responsibility and
faithfulness over time serving his father was proclaimed a
son. The ceremony is called adoption.
the Spirit, if the Spirit of God (the Father) dwells in us. For
as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God
(Romans 8:14, KJV).
one of us yet without sin. He matured in the grace of God.
He was declared Son and did the will of God and
accomplished His works. He was glorified on the cross and
returned to the glory He had with the Father before the
world was made. So there are three phases in the plan of
God for us, namely our conversion and spiritual growth,
sonship and final glorification at the last trumpet.