03 Jesus The Pattern Son

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The Vision

Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.
When You make His soul an offering for sin. He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord
shall prosper His hand (Isaiah 53:10, emphasis added).

In the beginning God purposed to bring many sons to

glory and through sufferings perfect the Captain of their
salvation. The vision of Christ was to see His seed. This
was fulfilled on the cross. Without the cross there is no
covenant and thus no fulfillment. For the joy that was set
before Christ, He endured the cross, despised the shame,
and purchased us for His own possession. By one offering
He has perfected those who are being sanctified. We who
were separated from Him in Adam were brought back.
Now He will again be in us and we in Him as it was in the
beginning. He in us refers to Christ being one Spirit with
us and we in Him means that we are placed as members in
His body. The vision of God and of Christ is our vision,
which is to know Him as Father and to mature in Christ as
His sons. It is to receive the testimony of sonship in which
the Father is well pleased in us and we find our joy and
fulfillment in Him.

Therefore the Lord Jesus is not ashamed to call us who are

in Him, brethren. Through suffering on the cross the Lord
Jesus Christ completed the work necessary for our
salvation and sonship. He needs to do nothing more
because everything is completed and finished in Him. We
only need to rest in His salvation and to grow up like
newborn babes, in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in
maturity into the full measure of the stature of the Son of
God. Our cry is to know God, as Father and God’s cry is to
know us as His sons.

God has not subjected the inhabited world to come to

angels but to the sons of man. For a while He made man
little lower than the angels. He has crowned him with
glory and honor and set him over the works of His hands
and brought all things in subjection to him. He has left
nothing that is not brought into subjection to man.
Presently we do not see all things put under man
(Hebrews 2:5-8). This was said about Jesus whose life is the
prophecy of those who are in Christ. Although Christ has
made this provision on the cross we know that since the
transgression mankind has never moved in this level of

Man has achieved much but has not come close to what
God has in mind for him. Man can move down into the
depth of the ocean with a submarine but outside the
protection of that vehicle he will die. He can move into
outer space to a planet but outside the sealed capsule
around his body, he will die. These are achievements that
belong to the natural realm that is far lower than the realm
of Spirit, which belongs to the kingdom of heaven.

God never had a limited plan for us in mind but He saved

us and placed us in His Son to be bodily filled with the
fullness of the Godhead. Christ is the fullness of the
Godhead bodily and we are to grow up in all aspects into
Him. It means if Christ is omnipotent, omniscient and
omnipresent we will be transformed into the same
likeness. God who determined that all creatures would
bring forth after its own kind call us His offspring.
Therefore, as God is, so we will also be. It is also written, “I
said, ‘You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most

High’” (Psalm 82:6). Jesus quoted this scripture, in John
10:34, to the Jews who accused Him being a man, making
Himself God. So God is bringing forth after His own kind,
He produces gods. It is not a picture of how important we
are but of how much He loves us. For all eternity we will
be in Christ and Christ will be in us so that the excellence
of His power may always be made manifested in us who
have believed. For all eternity the power and the glory and
the wisdom will only belong to God and the Lamb so that
no creature will glory in His sight. Although God has
blessed us with His immeasurable glory in Christ Jesus all
worship for all eternity will only belong to God and the
Lamb (Revelation 19:10).

As God dwells in the supernatural realm of the Spirit He

desires for us to live now in heaven where He is. He wants
us to be with our bodies on earth but with our spirits in
heaven. We need to be more at home in the Spirit (heaven)
than in the flesh (earth). When we move in the revelatory
gifts of the Holy Spirit, God shares with us some of His
omniscience. The revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit are
prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge,
discernment of spirits and the interpretation of tongues,
dreams and visions. It is knowledge obtained through the
Holy Spirit. So, it is knowledge received supernaturally
that belongs to the realm of Spirit. It is a wonderful
privilege to learn from books but to be taught by the Holy
Spirit surpasses all instruction. To share some of God’s
omniscience is just a foretaste of the fullness of what God
has prepared for us. We have received the Holy Spirit in a
measure, which is just a small deposit of what God has in
mind for us. The end of it will be to be partakers of the
fullness of His omniscience. Omniscience is to possess a
complete knowledge, understanding and insight of all
things and to have an infinite and eternal awareness of all

things, in all realms and dimensions of eternity at the same

When we are dreaming spiritual dreams or seeing visions

the Holy Spirit shares with us some of His omnipresence.
Omnipresent is to be present at all places, in all time zones
of eternity, in all realms and dimensions of the universe at
the same time. So God is the One that fills all things and all
places of all times of eternity with His presence at the same
time. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from
your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make
my bed in hell, behold you are there (Psalm 138:7-8). When you
see a prophetic vision concerning the future God is there
to reveal His glory in the days of its fulfillment. God,
through His Holy Spirit, enables you to witness future
events, phenomena and marvels because He is there. In the
natural some marvelous achievements were accomplished
with life television broadcasting. For example millions of
people over the Globe can simultaneously witness the
Olympic games or the inauguration of a new president of
the United States of America. They can even witness
rebroadcasts of such an events and other historical events.
The natural man can record the past and forecast the
outcome of a future event but cannot guarantee the
accuracy of its prediction. Neither can a person know the
future by reasoning it out with his or her mind. This is also
valid for all past events for which there are no recorded
account or hard evidence. Man lives in the uncertainty of
his own mind. Charles Darwin tried to understand the
origin of creation with His fleshly mind. As he did not like
to retain God in his knowledge, God gave him over to a
debased mind being filled with deceit and being deceived
he invented the evolution theory in his evil-mindedness.
His theory asserts that widely divergent groups of plants
and animals have arisen from common ancestors as a

result of natural selection of offspring which develop slight
variations that make them better adapt to their
environment. Through that ridiculous explanation he led
many people, open to his deception, astray. The Scriptures
do not refer to plants and animals having common
ancestors but stated emphatically that God created every
living thing after its own kind. And the earth brought forth
grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree
that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And
God saw that it was good… And God made the beast of the earth
according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything
that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that
it was good (Genesis 1:12,25).

When we experience prophetic dreams and visions God

share with us only a glimpse of His omnipresence. We
have received the Spirit of God only in measure. Imagine
what it will be when the fullness of God is poured out in
us bodily. God’s desire for us is to have the fullness of
Christ’s omnipresence.

When the power gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested,

God shares with us just a foretaste of His omnipotence.
The power gifts of the Holy Spirit include the gift of faith,
gifts of healing and the working of miracles. The
omnipotence of God is a display of His infinite power and
authority and excludes the workings of men. Marvelous
achievements were obtained through science. Some
monumental achievements include organ transplants in
the medical field, space technology and electronic
technology. These are nothing in comparison with the
workings of the Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are just
shadows of what God has prepared for us. To share some
of God’s omnipotence in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, gives
us an indication of what the fullness of God’s omnipotence

would be. We have received the Holy Spirit only in
measure. Imagine what it will be when we are immersed in
the fullness of God. God has in mind for us to be partakers
of the fullness of His omnipotence. Omnipotence is to
possess unlimited power and authority over all realms and
dimensions of the universe. We learned that God through
His Son made the worlds and uphold all things by the
word of His power. What a display of His power and
authority. If He turns His face away from creation it will

The greatest ever display of His power and authority was

made manifest in love. God so loved the world that He
gave His only begotten Son that the earth through Him
may be saved. About three o’clock the afternoon of the
crucifixion the Lord Jesus Christ yielded up His Spirit and
the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
Immense pain flooded the being of the Holy Trinity as the
Father and the Spirit for a moment in time forsook the Son.
The Father was devastated and the Holy Spirit
heartbroken, yet victorious. For a moment in time the Holy
Trinity was not a trinity as the Son was forsaken. It
happened when Jesus uttered in torment, “My Father, my
Father why hast thou forsaken Me.” To ease the pain, They
thought about us, the heirs of salvation. Forever the veil of
partitioning was removed between God and His people.
God through the Lord Jesus Christ has reconciled all things
to Himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven,
having made peace through the blood of His cross. From
that time forward the heirs of salvation obtained the right,
in Christ, to boldly draw near to the throne of grace
through the blood of the Lamb into the presence of
Almighty God. One song of worship expressing our love
and gratitude to the Holy Trinity for what They have

suffered on our behalf will be a greater work than the
creation of another universe.

Jesus is the way to the Father. He said in His Father’s house

is many spiritual places of existence. If it were not so He
would have told us. He told us that He went away to
prepare us a place of glory, power and authority that He
might receive us unto Himself so that where He is we may
be also. Where is Jesus? He is at the right hand of the
Father. He is in our hearts, we are in Him and He is in the
Father that we may be one. The universe is in Him for He
is exalted above all things. He fills the universe; He fills
eternity with all its realms and dimensions with all of His
glory. This is the place where He is and where we already
dwell by faith. Our spirits are alive to God because of
righteousness but our bodies are still dead because of sin.
You can perceive God and the rest of the spirit world
through the Spirit. Because your body is dead to God you
cannot enter the realm of Spirit with your body. You
cannot hear God or see Him or touch Him with the body of
flesh. For this reasons no flesh and blood shall enter into
the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit
incorruption. But at the last trumpet, those who went
before us, the dead in Christ, who were sowed in
corruption, will be raised with an incorruptible body, and
those who will be alive with their mortal bodies will be
clothed with immortality. I believe this is the time when we
will move into the full manifestation of the image of God
where we will put on all the divine attributes of the Son,
which include His omnipotence, omnipresence and
omniscience. All the hero’s of faith and the rest of the
family of God that is captured in the cloud of witnesses
has not received the fullness of this glory yet because it is
written that they should not be made perfect apart from
us. For if those in heaven has found this glory, the book of

Hebrews would not have spoken of this perfection to be
inherited. We who believe will enter into this glory at the
last trumpet.

Many things must take place before this glorious day. Jesus
is our vision and the pattern Son that have paved the way
toward our sonship. To study the life of the pattern Son is
to interpret the prophecy concerning our lives. Why? He is
the first among many brethren and those to follow will
follow along the same way. There are three major events in
Jesus’ live that needs to be mentioned to follow the course
of events that will follow our lives. These are His birth and
maturing process, His baptism when the Father declared
Him Son and His glorification on the cross.

Jesus’ natural birth placed Him in the kingdom of God for

His own Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9). Though
Jesus is God He came into this world, as one of us, a mortal
being yet without sin. Coming as a perfect man into the
world He said He could do nothing of Himself but
confessed His utter dependence on His Father. The Father
who sent Him was in Him and He in the Father so that the
excellence of the glory and power was from God in Him.
Though Herod sought to destroy Him, He survived the
onslaught on His life and then kept Himself busy with the
things of God, His Father’s business. In this He grew up
and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the
grace of God was upon Him. He increased in wisdom and
stature, and in favor with God and man.

The parallel to the birth of Jesus is to be born again. If

anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His
(Romans 8:9). If you are not born again you cannot see the
kingdom of God. If you believe in God and in His Son,
Jesus Christ, God will place you in the body of His Son

and you will be delivered from your transgression and you
will be justified in His sight. You will be joined to the Lord
Jesus Christ and become one Spirit with Him. It is not a
mixture of your spirit with His but you become one spirit
with the Spirit of Christ, which means He is in you, one
with you, and you are in Him, one with Christ in His body.
A mixture of spirits would indicate a mixture of your glory
(earthly glory of the flesh) with the glory of Jesus Christ
(glory of the Spirit of God). God will not share His glory
with anyone. One spirit with Him means there is only one
glory, the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave us only
one glory, Christ in us the hope of glory. This glory is the
image of His Son, the only image He gave us to grow into
by faith.

Over a 30-year period Jesus was maturing into sonship by

occupying Himself with His Father’s business according to
the anointing that was working in Him. Then John
baptized Him, the heavens were opened to Him, the Spirit
of God descended like a dove and remained upon Him
and the Father declared Him, His beloved Son. The Father
also gave testimony that He was well pleased with His
Son. Enoch received the same testimony of sonship that
Jesus received. Before He was taken he had this testimony
that he pleased God. The first 30 years of Jesus’ life show
you the road to follow from being birthed by the Holy
Spirit until you mature into sonship. One of the
characteristics of sonship is the testimony from the Father
that He is well pleased with His son. This means to walk
with endurance with God.

Christ is the first born of many brethren to follow. Before

the foundation of the world God predestined those whom
He foreknew to be conformed to the image of His Son.
Thus, God made Christ’s life the prophecy, pattern or blue

print of the lives of the other brothers to follow. Like Him
we are to be concerned about our Father’s business. Our
Father’s business is the kingdom of God. The kingdom of
God consists of our relationships toward God, our
neighbors and toward all of the earth. Since born again
believers are one Spirit with Christ they share His life and
relationships with Him. Any ability other than Christ’s,
which is the fountain of life and the source of light, is
independence from Him and of necessity death and
darkness. The ability of the flesh is of the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil and is death no matter
how good or attractive its appearance. Sonship is the
manifestation of the Son in the sons.

When the fullness of time came Jesus bought our

perfection in Him with His own blood. When Jesus
ascended on high He gave men gifts to equip them to grow
up into a perfect man, the full image of Christ. Through the
work of the cross Christ provided everything for us that
pertain to life and godliness. We need not to revert to some
formulae of legalism to attain to our own perfection. He
has done it all for us. We only need to appropriate His
provision through faith and rest in His victory to the glory
of the Father. But when the fullness of the time had come, God
sent forth His Son, born under the law, to redeem those who
were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons
(Galatians 4-5). Spiritual growth is a natural process
through faith by being obedient to the knowledge of the

In the Near East, during biblical times, the word adoption

had an entire different meaning than in our present
Western civilization. The Western civilization perceives
adoption as an orphan or a homeless child being adopted
by foster parents. This is not the biblical meaning or the

way the people in the Near East understood it. In Israel
and in the Near East, adoption was a public ceremony
where a young man who had proved his responsibility and
faithfulness over time serving his father was proclaimed a
son. The ceremony is called adoption.

At the ceremony of adoption, with friends, neighbors and

relatives present, the father publicly proclaimed his
matured boy his son. This proclamation gave the son
certain privileges not enjoyed by him before this time.
Firstly, the son was given power of attorney. He could buy
or sell or do business in his father’s name. Secondly, he
received his inheritance, and thus was able to use the
wealth that his father had provided for him. It was his
from then on and he did not need to ask any question
about its distribution. Thirdly, the son was given equality
with the father.

The adoption ceremony of the Lord Jesus took place when

John baptized Him and the Father declared Him, His Son.
Since the foundation of the earth God predestined us to
adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself. Because of
Adam’s transgression all creation was subjected to futility,
not willing, but by Him who subjects it in hope of being
delivered from bondage of corruption into the same liberty
of the sons of God. Presently our bodies are dead to God
because of sin. Because of hope all creation groans and
labors eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God together
with us who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, which is the
redemption of our bodies. If the Spirit of Him who raised
Jesus from the dead dwells in us He who raised Christ
from the dead will quickens our mortal bodies to God
through His Spirit who dwells in us. Thus, the Spirit of
God (the Father) brings redemption to our bodies, even the
manifestation of our sonship. We are not in the flesh but in

the Spirit, if the Spirit of God (the Father) dwells in us. For
as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God
(Romans 8:14, KJV).

When Jesus was born he was a mortal. When the Father

declared Him, Son, He received the Spirit of God without
measure and His mortal body put on immortality through
the Spirit of His Father. He became the Christ or Messiah
or Anointed One of God. Nobody took His life from Him.
He had the power to lay it down and to take it up again
because He was Son. Therefore My Father loves Me, because I
lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from
Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and
I have power to take it again. This command I have received from
My Father (John 10:17-18).

The Son of Man was glorified on the cross, which means

He underwent death to the honor of God and in His
resurrection He was adorn with luster, clothe with
splendor and glory was poured into Him. He was full of
majesty, made renowned, rendered illustrious and exalted
to the highest rank, even the right hand of God. The Father
has glorified Jesus with Himself, with the glory, which
Jesus had with Him before the world was. The redeemed
body and glorified body is not the same. Jesus the pattern
Son is our prophecy. When Jesus was declared Son people
recognized His appearance. When He was glorified Mary
stood outside the tomb weeping did not recognize Jesus
when He asked her why she was weeping and whom she
was seeking because His glorified body took on a different
shape. Once again He was omnipotent, omniscient and
omnipresent. So shall we also be at the last trumpet.

To sum up, Jesus emptied Himself from the glory He had

with the Father before the world was made and become

one of us yet without sin. He matured in the grace of God.
He was declared Son and did the will of God and
accomplished His works. He was glorified on the cross and
returned to the glory He had with the Father before the
world was made. So there are three phases in the plan of
God for us, namely our conversion and spiritual growth,
sonship and final glorification at the last trumpet.

Those who wait for the rapture cannot ignore sonship,

neither can those who believe in sonship ignore our final
glorification with the glory the Lord Jesus had before the
world was formed. The manifestation of the Lord Jesus in
the flesh as the firstborn of many sons is the pattern of
God’s plan or prophecy for our lives. To explain the vision
of God’s plan for us in detail will necessitate an entire book
on the subject, which I hope I will write shortly.


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