Activities For Responding To Reading in Year 1
Activities For Responding To Reading in Year 1
Activities For Responding To Reading in Year 1
%ome activities may need to be differentiated they are on the (iteracy !eb site and you
may do!nload them and alter them or use a sheet from a younger age group )!!!'*nationalstrategy*literacy+.
,f you do not !ant to use photocopied sheets, these ideas are easily transferred to paper or e&ercise boo's. -r !hy not do!nload the activity and !or' on screen. "ost of the activities provide opportunities for %pea'ing and (istening about boo's and reading. Year 1 Reading Objectives: Strand Objectives ,dentify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple te&ts. .se synta& and conte&t !hen reading for meaning. "a'e predictions sho!ing an understanding of ideas, events and characters. $ecognise the main elements that shape different te&ts. /&plore the effect of patterns of language and repeated !ords and phrases. %elect boo's for personal reading and give reasons for choices. 0isualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, ma'ing imaginative lin's to their o!n e&periences. 1istinguish fiction and non2fiction te&ts and the different purposes for reading them.
.nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t
See$% &ind and understand" (iteral responses to te&t. Te&t reference. (etween the !ines ,nference and deduction. ,nterpret. 3ut yourself in their shoes. Te&t reference. Structure. 4ommenting on presentational features. Why is the te&t presented and organised as it is5 +anguage. Why did the !riter use that !ord * phrase * image * sentence etc. (iterary a!areness. ,mpact on reader. -he .riter" Writers purpose. Writers attitudes and values. 6ig messages about life. -he -e/t and the .or!d" 7o! the te&t fits into its social, historical, cultural, literary heritage conte&t.
,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level
/&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level
,dentify and comment on the !riters purposes and vie!points, and the overall effect
$elate te&ts to their cultural and historical conte&ts and literary traditions.
,n addition to a !ide ranging read aloud programme, and childrens o!n choices, pupils in Year 1 !ill read8 %tories !ith familiar settings %tories from a range of cultures %tories !ith predictable and patterned language Traditional and fairy tales and plays %tories about fantasy !orlds (abels, lists and captions in te&ts and the environment ,nstructional te&ts $ecounts fact $ecounts fiction ,nformation te&ts 3oetry .sing the senses 3oetry 3attern and $hyme 3oems on a theme 1ictionaries
. . .find information to
ans!er simple questions . . .read !hole te&ts on my o!n
. . .choose !hat , li'e to read and say !hy . . .tal' about settings and events in my o!n life and in boo's
9 identify the main events or 'ey ideas in a te&t . . .read diagrams and charts to help me understand the te&t. 9 'no! !hy authors use capitals and bold print to ma'e a point
. . .'no! about sentences ma'ing sense and can use this to !or' out ne! !ords
. . . read aloud !ell, using the right :voice and pausing at full stops 9 guess !hat might happen in stories using clues from the te&t
. . .use the title, cover and blurb to guess the contents of a boo'
What is your characters name5 99999999999999999999 Write three !ords that describe your characters appearance.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
$eading A >8
1iscuss the characters in the childrens boo'. Tal' about their appearance and their responses to events and other characters. /ncourage the children to give reasons for their observations. The picture the children dra! can reflect their response to the character rather than be a copy of an illustration.
"a'e a list of all the things you have dra!n in your picture.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
$eading A >8
"a'e sure that the children are familiar !ith the term :setting. Tal' about the various settings in the childrens o!n lives and !hat they might e&pect to see there. 1iscuss the setting in the boo' and ho! it affects the story. The picture the children dra! may reflect their o!n imagination as !ell as illustrations in the boo'.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
$eading A >8
1iscuss the story !ith the children, focusing on the sequence of events and !hat happened after each one. 7elp the children to identify the main event, !hat had led to it, and !hat happened after!ards. This discussion !ill so! the seeds of understanding cause and consequence in stories.
4hoose a character from your boo'. As' your friend to choose one, too. 3retend to be the characters. As' each other questions about !hat happens to them. Tell your friend all about a character in your boo'. Tell your friend all about a setting in your boo'. $etell a story that you li'e to your friend. Tal' to your friend about something that happened to you that you have also read about in a boo'. 4hoose a boo' that you have read but your friend hasnt. As' them to guess !hat it is about by loo'ing at the cover and the pictures. Are they right5
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A >8 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
%uggested spea'ing and listening emphases Tal' about personal e&periences related to stories read. 1escribe story settings and incidents. ,n oral retellings, identify the main events of a story using some features of story language. ,dentify and discuss characters, their behaviour and description. 1iscuss boo' preferences and give reasons. $ecall and retell the main incident from a story and e&plain !hy it happened. $etell stories, giving the main points in sequence. ,dentify and discuss story themes. Tal' about themes and ?ustify preferences in stories. 3repare and retell a story emphasising the 'ey events and using the features of story language. (isten to stories read and told by other children.
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 ,dentify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple te&ts. $ecognise the main elements that shape different te&ts.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t
1iscuss the main events in the story !ith the children and as' them to dra! each event in the bo&es provided. /ach picture should be labelled !ith a caption to indicate the event.
A @e! 6oo'
Title8 99999999999999999999999999999999999 Author8 9999999999999999999999999999999999 1ra! the picture on the cover.
A @e! 6oo'
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 "a'e predictions sho!ing and understanding of ideas, events and characters. 1istinguish fiction and non2fiction te&ts and the different purposes for reading them.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t. 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts.
$eading A >8
1iscuss the terms :title, :cover, and :blurb !ith the children and as' them to use these to predict !hat the boo' might be about.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A A8 ,dentify and comment on the !riters purposes and vie!points, and the overall effect.
/ncourage the children to discuss their li'es and disli'es in the boo's that they have read. /nsure that they ?ustify !hat it is that they li'e or disli'e. 7elp them to articulate their preferences by giving them :hoo's8 , li'ed the part !hen . . . because . . . , didnt li'e it !hen . . . because . . .
eeling !ords
%etting !ords
creepy castle
Assess3ent &ocuses: Writing A ;8 Writing A <8 %elect appropriate and effective vocabulary. .se correct spelling.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t $eading A B8 /&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level
4hildrens !riting is a direct reflection of !hat they have been taught and !hat they have read. /ncourage the children to collect !ords and phrases that are effective in conveying meaning and images that they may use in their o!n !riting.
6ehaviour !ords
s'ipping about
Weather !ords
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t $eading A B8 /&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level
4hildrens !riting is a direct reflection of !hat they have been taught and !hat they have read. /ncourage the children to collect !ords and phrases that are effective in conveying meaning and images that they may use in their o!n !riting.
4ollect !ords from your boo's that describe ho! these characters feel
4ollect !ords from your boo's that describe ho! these characters feel
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 .se synta& and conte&t !hen reading for meaning.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A C8 ,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level
$eading A B8
/&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level
4hildrens !riting is a direct reflection of !hat they have been taught and !hat they have read. /ncourage the children to collect !ords and phrases that are effective in conveying meaning and images that they may use in their o!n !riting.
4ollect !ords from your boo's that describe ho! these characters feel
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 .se synta& and conte&t !hen reading for meaning.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t
$eading A C8
,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level
4hildrens !riting is a direct reflection of !hat they have been taught and !hat they have read. /ncourage the children to collect !ords and phrases that are effective in conveying meaning and images that they may use in their o!n !riting.
raw two characters &ro3 your boo$" .rite what they 3ight say to each other in the bubb!es
1ra! t!o characters from your boo'. Write !hat they might say to each other in the bubbles
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 "a'e predictions sho!ing and understanding of ideas, events and characters.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
$eading A >8
4hoose a story that contains t!o characters. Tal' about !hat they might say to each other in one of the events in the story. $elate this to the childrens o!n e&periences and ho! they might feel in a similar circumstance. What might they say5
4hoose characters &ro3 your boo$s" raw a picture" .rite a word &or their appearance% their behaviour% their &ee!ings and what they are !i$e
4hoose characters from your boo's. 1ra! a picture. Write a !ord for their appearance, their behaviour, their feelings and !hat they are li'e
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 "a'e predictions sho!ing and understanding of ideas, events and characters.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t 1educe, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from te&ts
$eading A >8
1iscuss the differences bet!een the headings at the top of each list. The children may need help in :reading bet!een the lines to find clues about feelings, behaviour and character. /ncourage the children to use e&les from the te&t !herever possible.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t ,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level
$eading A C8
The children !ill need help to decide upon four headings to separate !hat they have learned from their non2fiction boo', e.g. a boo' on hedgehogs could be separated into appearance, diet, habitat, babies. /ncourage the children to use single !ords or short phrases to list !hat they have learned on the spidergram.
,nformation 6oo's
Fra3ewor$ objectives: %trand ;8 ,dentify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple te&ts. 1istinguish fiction and non2fiction te&ts and the different purposes for reading them.
%trand <8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t ,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level
$eading A C8
A DW( grid can be filled in as a !hole class, a group or an individual. 1iscuss !hat the children already 'no! about the sub?ect of the boo'. /ncourage them to thin' about things they !ould li'e to 'no!. 7elp them to pose questions that have a good chance of being ans!ered. 7o!ever, it is useful for children to realise that sometimes they have to find another source of information if a boo' does not contain all that they need.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A =8 .nderstand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from te&ts and use quotation and reference to te&t $eading A B8 /&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level
/ncourage the children to be al!ays on the :loo'2out for synonyms for overused !ords and to use these in their o!n !riting.
You !ill need8 a pair of scissors a piece of paper a pencil some crayons a stapler
old the piece of paper in half old it in half again to ma'e four squares -pen the paper up 4ut out each square 3ut the squares together and staple do!n the side Write part of your story on each page 1ra! pictures and colour #ive your boo' to your friend
%trand E8
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A C8 ,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level /&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level -rganise and present !hole te&ts effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events
$eading A B8
Writing A >8
1iscuss a recently read, simple story that can be !ritten on the si& or seven sides of the boo' that the children have made. "a'e sure that the children 'no! !hat is to go on each page so that they do not miss anything out or run out of pages. As' them to dra! a scene from each event in the story and to !rite a short caption underneath. The can design the cover and include the title and themselves as the author.
Assess3ent &ocuses: $eading A C8 ,dentify and comment on the structure and organisation of te&ts, including grammatical and presentational features at te&t level /&plain and comment on the !riters use of language, including grammatical and literary features at !ord and sentence level ,dentify and comment on the !riters purposes and vie!points, and the overall effect
$eading A B8
$eading A A8
As' the children to choose their favourite poem. /ncourage them to articulate !hy they li'e the poem and to ?ustify their preferences. This e&ercise can be done as a hand!riting practice and all the choices combined into a class anthology of favourite poems. The children could !rite on the bac' of their sheet !hy they chose the poem.