Original U.S.A. Constitution - The Missing 13th AMENDMENT WRITTEN by Judge Dale, Ret'd

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ORIGINAL U.S.A. CONSTITUTION - the missing 13th AMENDMENT WRITTEN by J !ge D"#e$ Ret%!

ORIGINAL U.S.A. CONSTITUTION - the missing 13th AMENDMENT WRITTEN by Judge Dale, Retd
On or about March 20, 2013, the Ne !a"#$h%re &eg%$lature #a$$ed !' (3), recogn%*%ng +rt%cle ,III, -no n by .e a$/ 0The M%$$%ng 13T! +"end"ent,1 "%$$%ng .ro" the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on o. the 3n%ted 4tate$ o. +"er%ca5 The leg%$lat%6e analy$%$ o..ered de$cr%bed a tr%te but $ecret h%$tory o. th%$ "y$t%cal a"end"ent, h%ch I ha6e enca#$ulated a$ .ollo $/ Dur%ng the +"er%can 2%6%l War, the country a$ under Mar$hal &a by 7re$%dent &%ncoln and a.ter the War, &%ncoln$ #ol%c%e$ ere to be abated and e6eryth%ng a$ $u##o$ed to return to nor"al but %t d%dnt ha##en 8u%te that ay5 2ongre$$ #a$$ed the Organ%c +ct o. 1)91, h%ch created a go6ern"ent cor#orat%on %th%n the D%$tr%ct o. 2olu"b%a, called/ 3NITED 4T+TE4 O: +MERI2+5 Th%$ ne go6ern"ent cor#orat%on re#laced the Mun%c%#al 2harter .or the D%$tr%ct o. 2olu"b%a, a "o6e that egreg%ou$ly led to the .raudulent re r%te and ado#t%on o. hat a##eared to be the organ%c +"er%can 2on$t%tut%on5 Th%$ erroneou$ re r%te %$ de$cr%bed a$ a cor#orate 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 %th the or%g%nal 13T! +"end"ent 0o"%tted1 and %t a$ th%$ 2on$t%tut%onal re r%te that a$ %nad6ertently #ubl%$hed .or all to $ee5 Me"ber$ o. royalty, 7hD$, la yer$, $8u%re$ and ban-er$, 0T%tle$ o. Nob%l%ty,1 ha6e le.t a h%$tor%c a-e o. dece%t, de$truct%on and corru#t%on beh%nd the" on th%$ #lanet5 I ould l%-e to bel%e6e %t a$ the "a;or%ty %ntent o. the :ound%ng :ather$ and the .%r$t .ederal con6ent%on to $h%eld +"er%ca .ro" tho$e #ro6en ele"ent$ o. de$truct%on and corru#t%on5 In $o do%ng they #ro#o$ed and rat%.%ed $e6eral a"end"ent$, one be%ng +rt%cle ,III or the 13th +"end"ent, $#ec%.%cally de$%gned to bar cand%date$ ho held $uch 0T%tle$ o. Nob%l%ty,1 .ro" e6er hold%ng a $eat %n go6ern"ent<

Each year $%nce 1)91, &%ncoln$ Mar$hal &a ha$ been rene ed by 2ongre$$ and currently, all $tate and .ederal go6ern"ent$ are do"%nated by leg%$lator$ %th 0T%tle$ o. Nob%l%ty51 What was once regarded as a service to country is now a political career. 0In #ol%t%c$, noth%ng ha##en$ by acc%dent5 I. %t ha##en$ at all, you can bet %t a$ #lanned that ay51 :ran-l%n D5 Roo$e6elt The de$cr%bed 0o"%$$%on1 o. +rt%cle ,III =the "%$$%ng 13th +"end"ent> and the 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 ? the .raudulent co#y o. the organ%c con$t%tut%on ? %n%t%ate$ the .ollo %ng ten =10> 8ue$t%on$, h%ch I an$ er a$ $ucc%nctly a$ I can5 1/ !o do you 0o"%t1 a 2on$t%tut%onal +rt%cle hen they are all $e8uent%ally nu"bered@ Ob6%ou$ly th%$ %$ a la yer$ re$#on$e by the Ne !a"#$h%re &eg%$lature becau$e you cannot $%"#ly 0o"%t1 a 2on$t%tut%onal +"end"ent5 They are $e8uent%ally nu"bered5 The or%g%nal +rt%cle ,III a$ %ntent%onally and "ethod%cally re"o6ed .ro" eA%$tence, h%ch too- a nu"ber o. year$ to co"#lete and a$ NOT $%"#ly 0o"%tted51 It re8u%red a con$#%racyB a .ederal re r%teB the re"o6al o. all .or"er teAt$ and re.erence$ to the or%g%nal +rt%cle ,III and the do"%nat%on o. all the 6ar%ou$ $tate go6ern"ent leg%$lature$ by cand%date$ hold%ng 0T%tle$ o. Nob%l%ty,1 ho ould be %ll%ng to $a6e the%r career$ at any co$t5 Th%$ a$ all %ntent%onal on the%r #art to co"#lete and $u$ta%n %t$ de"%$e5 2/ Why d%dnt &%ncoln$ Mart%al &a #ol%c%e$ abate and the go6ern"ent return bac- to nor"al .ollo %ng the 2%6%l War@ The .ederal go6ern"ent .or the +"er%can Re#ubl%c had %"#loded hen the $outhern $tate$ dec%ded to $ecede .ro" the 3n%on and al- out h%le 2ongre$$ a$ $t%ll %n $e$$%on5 +b$ent the #re$ence o. tho$e $outhern $tate delegate$, 2ongre$$ could not ad;ourn and could not "o6e .or ard .or lac- o. a 8uoru"< 7re$%dent &%ncoln beca"e the .ederal la under "art%al la unt%l a ne .ederal go6ern"ent could be a$$e"bled5 3/ 7re$%dent &%ncoln a$ a la yer, a T%tle o. Nob%l%ty, and $e6eral delegate$

and #redece$$or$ ere la yer$5 !o can that be, g%6en that the or%g%nal 13th +"end"ent #roh%b%ted #er$on$ #o$$e$$%ng a 0T%tle o. Nob%l%ty1 .ro" e6er hold%ng a $eat %n go6ern"ent and g%6en that the 13th +"end"ent had not been 0o"%tted1 unt%l 1)91, dur%ng the &%ncoln +d"%n%$trat%on@ The truth %$ the +"er%can Re#ubl%c ne6er en;oyed a 2on$t%tut%onal go6ern"ent, beg%nn%ng %th the elect%on o. Ceorge Wa$h%ngton5 Ceorge too- o..%ce one year be.ore the 2on$t%tut%on #er"%tted5 !e $ub$e8uently o6erthre the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on re%n$tated the 'r%t%$hDo ned E%rg%n%a 2olony 2or#orat%on altered the Oath o. O..%ce re8u%re"ent$ %n$talled a cor#orate "%l%tary go6ern"ent %n #lace o. a c%6%l%an go6ern"ent and re#laced the 2o""on &a %th a co""erc%al la -no n a$ 0+d"%ralty1 or 0the la o. the $ea51 Ceorge then declared that/ 0+ll o. +"er%ca %$ no under ater<1 Ceorge a$ a 32nd Degree :ree"a$on and a de$cendant o. W%ll%a", the 7r%nce o. Orange, the 4o6ere%gn F%ng o. +"er%ca, accord%ng to the $%gned co#y o. the 07ar%$ Treaty o. 19)351 Th%$ ga6e h%" the not%on that he too could beco"e F%ng o. +"er%ca5 We ha6e been taught to th%n- and bel%e6e that Ceorge Wa$h%ngton a$ th%$ great "%l%tary "an o. honor, a hero and 0The .ather o. th%$ country51 I. you ere a 2ongre$$"an and #art o. that great #ol%t%cal con$#%racy $8u%rrel%ng a ay a##roA%"ately three to .our "%ll%on a year, you "%ght be %ncl%ned to bel%e6e that hog a$h5 'ut %n actual%ty Ceorge a$ the .%r$t tra%tor to the +"er%can Re#ubl%c5 !e a$ "e"or%al%*ed by 2ongre$$ %n the Wa$h%ngton Monu"ent, a GGG .oot tall $ea le6el obel%$-, re#re$ent%ng that 0+"er%ca %$ no under ater<1 H/ Why a$ 7re$%dent &%ncoln .orced to declare "art%al la and eAerc%$e EAecut%6e 7r%6%lege to create #ol%cy dur%ng and a.ter the 2%6%l War, hen "art%al la a$ al ay$ %ntended to be a te"#orary $olut%on@ Mart%al la a$ %"#o$ed rather than ad"%t that the 3n%on a$ d%$$ol6ed5 3nder "art%al la the EAecut%6e branch eAecuted .ederal ed%ct$ unt%l the EAecut%6e branch and 2ongre$$ regrou#ed5 War a$ declared a$ a d%$tract%on5 I+$ an a$%deJ the 2%6%l War a$ ne6er about the $la6e 8ue$t%on5 What e learned %n $chool concealed the truth that the 3n%on a$ d%$$ol6ed5 !%d%ng that truth "a-e$ &%ncoln the $econd tra%tor to the +"er%can Re#ubl%c5 I cannot .%nd any e6%dence to $u##ort "y bel%e. that $outhern $tate go6ern"ent$ ere a #art o. th%$ grand con$#%racy5 !o e6er the%r $ece$$%on and attacon :ort 4u"ter a$ both con6en%ent and t%"ely5 +nd hen the $outhern delegate$

re;o%ned the cor#orate .ederal go6ern"ent they $hared %n the .ru%t o. the #%racy o. +"er%can labor and %ndu$try5 G/ Why d%d 2ongre$$ .eel the need to rene &%ncoln$ Order o. Mar$hal &a , e6ery year $%nce the 2%6%l War@ The .ederal go6ern"ent ha$ co""%tted an ongo%ng trea$on aga%n$t the +"er%can Re#ubl%c .ro" day one5 The organ%c 2on$t%tut%on ould ha6e $e6erely re$tr%cted 2ongre$$ and the 7re$%dent5 3nder "art%al la tho$e re$tr%ct%on$ are $u$#ended, h%ch %n turn grant$ the 2or#orate 0alleged1 7re$%dent the #o er o. EAecut%6e 7r%6%lege too create #ol%cy %thout 2ongre$$%onal o6er$%ght5 4%nce Mart%al la can only be %n6o-ed dur%ng War or dur%ng +ct$ o. 2%6%l d%$obed%ence, the cor#orate .ederal go6ern"ent ha$ ob6%ou$ly declared War u#on the +"er%can Re#ubl%c e6er $%nce 19)15 !ence, the%r rea$on to rene &%ncoln$ Mart%al la each year5 'y 1K33, the Roo$e6elt +d"%n%$trat%on #a$$ed the E"ergency 'an-%ng +ct5 2oncealed %th%n th%$ act %$ a "od%.%cat%on o. the Trad%ng %th the Ene"y +ct, here%n 2ongre$$ ha$ declared that the +"er%can #eo#le are the ene"y o. the .ederal go6ern"ent5 +l$o concealed %th%n th%$ +ct, Roo$e6elt d%$$ol6ed the E%rg%n%a 2olony 2or#orat%on5 (/ !o could 2ongre$$ #a$$ the Organ%c +ct o. 1)91, hen the 34 2on$t%tut%on ab$olutely #roh%b%ted go6ern"ent cor#orat%on$@ The Organ%c +ct $et the $tage .or a ne .ederal cor#orat%on and #re6ented the &%ncoln +d"%n%$trat%on .ro" ha6%ng to d%$clo$e to the +"er%can #ubl%c that the .ederal go6ern"ent a$ d%$$ol6ed and ne6er a$ con$t%tut%onal, h%ch ould ha6e eA#o$ed that the 2%6%l War a$ u$ed a$ a d%$tract%on and Trea$onou$ $olut%on to the%r #roble"5 I bel%e6e that &%ncoln$ Cetty$burg +ddre$$ a$ co"#letely heart.elt and a$ the act o. a re#entant "an ho .elt totally re$#on$%ble .or all the death and de$truct%on that had occurred5 I al$o bel%e6e that a gu%lt r%dden &%ncoln con$tantly #laced h%"$el. %n har"$ ay, ho#%ng that he ould be d%$#atched %th #re;ud%ce5 9/ Why d%d 2ongre$$ .eel the need to create a ne Mun%c%#al 2harter .or the D%$tr%ct o. 2olu"b%a@ !ad 2ongre$$ d%$clo$ed that $ece$$%on by the $outh had legally d%$$ol6ed the .ederal go6ern"ent, the +"er%can #ubl%c #robably ould ha6e de"anded that a ne 2on$t%tut%onal go6ern"ent be created, %th ne elect%on$ held becau$e o. a lac- o. .a%th %n the #re6%ou$ delegate$ and that ould ha6e

de$troyed the%r .ederal career$B #o$%t%on$ o. #o er and 6%$%on$ o. grandeur5 4o the Organ%c +ct a$ #a$$ed and a ne co""erc%al cor#orat%on created ha6%ng a 2on$t%tut%onal a##earance and re.erence I%eJ 3n%ted 4tate$ O. +"er%ca, under h%ch a$ concealed the or%g%nal #r%6ate .ore%gn E%rg%n%a 2olony 2or#orat%on5 3nder th%$ ne cor#orat%on, all o. the" could #ro.%t .ro" the co""erc%al #%racy o. +"er%can labor and %ndu$try5 )/ Why d%d 2ongre$$ co#y and "od%.y the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on to create a 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1@ 2ongre$$ a$ better able to "a%nta%n the 0%llu$%on1 o. a con$t%tut%onal go6ern"ent .or the +"er%can Re#ubl%c, by u$%ng and "od%.y%ng the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on a$ a 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 %thout o..%c%ally touch%ng the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on5 The .ederal o..%c%al$ regarded th%$ #lan a$ #lau$%ble den%ab%l%ty and bu$%ne$$ a$ u$ual5 +ll they e6er had to cla%" a$ that a "%$ta-e had been "ade by o"%tt%ng +rt%cle ,III5 2ongre$$$ ne 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 can al$o be ea$%ly "od%.%ed to $u%t the%r collect%6e #re.erence %thout con6en%ng a 2on$t%tut%onal 2on6ent%on5 !ence/ The ado#t%on o. the 2%6%l R%ght$ +ct and TaA &a $, etc5 ere all a cor#orate ru$e5 It a$ the cor#orate 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 that a$ actually be%ng "od%.%ed by all the%r ne a"end"ent$ and NOT the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on and th%$ %$ ho %t a##ear$ lately that 2ongre$$ ha$ unla .ully re#ealed $e6eral 2on$t%tut%onal a"end"ent$ %thout con6en%ng a 2on$t%tut%onal 2on6ent%on5 E6eryth%ng that ha$ ha##ened %n go6ern"ent dur%ng the #a$t 22H year$ ha$ been an 0%llu$%on1 and the or%g%nal organ%c 2on$t%tut%on re"a%n$ %n tact and 6al%d5 E6ery .our year$ The 34 7r%nt%ng O..%ce re#r%nt$ the organ%c 2on$t%tut%on, the +rt%cle$ o. 2on.ederat%on, the Declarat%on o. Inde#endence and the North e$t Terr%tor%al Treaty5 The$e .our docu"ent$ are the la $ o. the land or the .oundat%on o. all +"er%can la and can be re$earched at the 34 7r%nt%ng O..%ce5 K/ Why a$ th%$ 0"%$$%on $tate"ent1 #ubl%$hed and taught by all go6ern"ent controlled #ubl%c and #aroch%al $chool$, a$ the one and only organ%c 2on$t%tut%on o. +"er%ca@

The #ur#o$e beh%nd th%$ dec%$%on and the%r #rocur%ng educat%onal control, a$ to du"b do n the +"er%can #ubl%c and control hat e are taught, -no and bel%e6e u$%ng .raudulent %n.or"at%on and 6ar%ou$ other con$truct%6e .or"$ o. #ro#aganda through altered #ubl%cat%on$, the "ed%a, the #re$$ and "o6%e$5 The organ%c 2on$t%tut%on needed $tr%cter control$ but ould ha6e actually #re6ented the .ederal u$ur#at%on, #ro#aganda, o##re$$%on, .raud, co""erc%al $la6ery and the.t that ha$ occurred throughout the year$5 'ut +"er%can$ d%d not not%ce hat a$ ha##en%ng and #laced .ar too "uch tru$t %n the%r elected re#re$entat%6e$5 In all .a%rne$$, e ere a nat%on o. %""%grant$ and the bul- o. our ance$tor$ ere %ll%terate5 4o %t a$ actually 8u%te ea$y .or 2ongre$$ to carry out th%$ u$ur#at%on and con$#%racy5 10/ 3# to the year 1)91, hy %$ %t that out o. the $%Ateen 34 7re$%dent$, ho had #re6%ou$ly $er6ed, a$ Wa$h%ngton and &%ncoln, the only 34 7re$%dent$ "e"or%al%*ed by the 2ongre$$@ The corru#t Wa$h%ngton and &%ncoln$ ad"%n%$trat%on$ d%d the "o$t to under"%ne the +"er%can Re#ubl%c and .urther the goal$ o. the #r%6ate .ore%gn cor#orate #artner$h%# and the%r co""erc%al #%racy o. +"er%can labor and %ndu$try5 That "ade Wa$h%ngton and &%ncoln heroe$ %n the eye$ o. 2ongre$$5 The nob%l%ty regard the c%t%*enry a$ $la6e$ and e are cond%t%oned to celebrate the%r bel%e.$, hol%day$ and heroe$5 !o could th%$ ha6e ha##ened, you a$-@ 2erta%nly $o"ebody $hould ha6e caught on to th%$ .ederal #lot be.ore no @ Well they d%d, and all %t too- a$ a l%ttle go6ern"ent #ro#aganda cla%"%ng the$e %nd%6%dual$ ere "entally %ll, or drug dealer$, or %n6ol6ed %n a terror%$t organ%*at%on and #lot to de$troy th%$ country5 Once that %t done the author%t%e$ u$e go6ern"ent agenc%e$ l%-e the :'I to #lace the$e clearD$ee%ng %nd%6%dual$ %nto cu$tody on .al$e charge$5 4oon e6eryone $to#$ #ay%ng attent%on to the "e$$age and e6%dence the$e #atr%ot$ eA#o$ed5

4t%ll dont bel%e6e that th%$ a$ all #o$$%ble@ Well, con$%der th%$/ What %$ the .%r$t th%ng e do hen a baby cr%e$@ We d%$tract the" %th .unny .ace$, baby tal-, roc-%ng or #lay #ee-DaDboo5 When e d%$co6er the r%ght d%$tract%on the baby $to#$ cry%ng5 Th%$ %$ eAactly ho $tate and .ederal #ol%t%c%an$ 0handle1 u$5 The three be$t d%$tract%on$ they d%$co6ered are 0.ear, debt and ar51 The$e tra%tor$ dont do anyth%ng %n a hurry becau$e t%"e %$ al ay$ on the%r $%de5 4o"e o. the%r #lan$ ha6e ta-en "ore than one hundred year$ to .ul.%ll5 4o"e %ll ne6er be .ul.%lled5 'ut e6en that ha$ ne6er deterred the"5 The 04la6e Lue$t%on1 +nd 0&%ncoln$ Elect%on1 In 1)91 the 0$la6e 8ue$t%on1 and 0&%ncoln$ elect%on1 d%6%ded a nat%on5 Th%$ d%6%$%on $et the $tage .or con$#%rator$ to create a ne #r%6ate .ore%gn cor#orat%on de$%gned to con6ert the .ederal go6ern"ent %nto a bu$%ne$$ #%rate +"er%ca$ labor and %ndu$try5 The #lan a$ to d%6ert the #ubl%c$ attent%on 6%a a d%$tract%on con$%$t%ng o. .ear, debt and ar5 What ha##ened 5 the 4outh $eceded 5 the .ederal go6ern"ent %"#loded . martial law was im !se" an" Lin#!ln s$""enl% en&!%e" "i#tat!rial !wer '% an" thr!$gh (E)e#$ti*e +ri*ilege., -S!$n"s a l!t li.e t!"a%/ "!esn0t it.1 . 2!rt S$mter was atta#.e" . 3ar was "e#lare". +atri!tism an" re&$"i#e was 4!r#e 4e" the Ameri#an $'li#. . 2ear/ "e't an" war #reate" har"shi 4!r the Re $'li# while #!mmer#e 4l!$rishe" an" 4ille" the !#.ets !4 !liti#ians an" the E$r! ean r!%al an" elite !wners !4 the 5irginia C!l!n% C!r !rati!n. . D$ring all this "istra#ti!n the ri*ate 4!reign #!r !rati!n #alle" Unite" States !4 Ameri#a was #reate" an" 4ile". The !rgani# C!nstit$ti!n was #! ie" as a #!r !rate (missi!n statement/, a'sent Arti#le 6III. 7!th re la#e the M$ni#i al Charter 4!r the Distri#t !4 C!l$m'ia. All that remaine" was t! "estr!% all #! ies an" re4eren#es t! the !rgani# 13th Amen"ment an" then #!n*in#e the Ameri#an $'li# that this 4ra$"$lent rewrite was the !ne an" !nl% C!nstit$ti!n !4 the Unite" States !4 Ameri#a.


Th%$ de6%ou$ eAa"#le beca"e a #arad%g" .or all .uture h%$tor%c e6ent$5

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