FM Financial Intermediaries
FM Financial Intermediaries
FM Financial Intermediaries
Financial Intermediaries are financial institutions that accept money from savers and
use those funds to make loans and other financial investment in their own name. These
intermediaries come between ultimate borrowers and lenders by transforming direct
claims into indirect claims. Financial intermediaries purchase direct securities and in
turn, issue their own indirect securities to the public.
Financial Intermediation:
• Deposit Institutions
• Building societies
• Credit unions
• Financial advisers or brokers
• Insurance companies
• Collective investment schemes
• Pension funds
Deposit Insitutions
Among the various Financial intermediaries, some institutions invest much more heavily
in the securitiesof business firms than others. Deposit institution such as commercial
banks are the most important source of funds for business firms in the aggregate.
Definition of Bank:
A banker or bank is a financial institution that acts as a payment agent for customers,
and borrows and lends money.
Commercial banking refers to a bank or a division of a bank that mostly deals with
deposits and loans from corporations or large businesses, as opposed to normal
individual members of the public (retail banking). Commercial Banks in Pakistan include
National Bank of Pakistan, First Women Bank Ltd., Bank Al Falah, Habib Bank Ltd. Etc.
• processing of payments by way of telegraphic transfer, internet banking or other
• issuing bank drafts and bank cheques
• accepting money on term deposit
• lending money by way of overdraft, installment loan or otherwise
• providing documentary and standby letter of credit, guarantees, performance
bonds, securities underwriting commitments and other forms of off balance sheet
• safekeeping of documents and other items in safe deposit boxes
• currency exchange
• sale, distribution or brokerage, with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts
and similar financial products as a “financial supermarket”
Saving and Loan Associations:
Some of the most important characteristics of a savings and loan association are:
Credit Union: