PIC Base C 1

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 1
Introduction to PIC Programming
Programming Baseline PICs in C

by David Meiklejohn, Gooligum Electronics

Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O

Although assembler is a common choice when programming small microcontrollers, it is less appropriate for
complex applications on larger MCUs; it can become unwieldy and difficult to maintain as programs grow
longer. A number of higher-level languages are used in embedded systems development, including BASIC,
Forth and even Pascal. But the most commonly used high level language is C.
C is often considered to be inappropriate for very small MCUs, such as the baseline PICs we have examined
in the baseline assembler tutorial series, because they have limited resources and their architecture is not well
suited to C code. However, as this lesson demonstrates, it is quite possible to use C for simple programs on
baseline PICs. Nevertheless, it is true that C is less suited to implementing more complex applications,
where we need to get the most out of these small devices, as we will see in later lessons.
This lesson introduces the free compilers from HI-TECH Software and Custom Computer Services (CCS)
bundled with MPLAB, both of which fully support all current baseline PICs. As well see, the HI-TECH and
CCS compilers take quite different approaches to many implementation tasks. Most other PIC C compilers
take a similar approach to one or the other, or fall somewhere in between, making these compilers a good
choice for an introduction to programming PICs in C.
This lesson covers basic digital I/O: flashing LEDs, responding to and debouncing switches, as covered in
lessons 1 to 4 of the baseline assembler tutorial series. You may need to refer to those lessons while working
through this one.
In summary, this lesson covers:
Introduction to the HI-TECH PICC-Lite, HI-TECH C PRO and CCS PCB compilers
Digital input and output
Programmed delays
Switch debouncing
Using internal (weak) pull-ups
with examples for all three compilers, and comparisons with assembler (resource usage versus code length).
This tutorial assumes a working knowledge of the C language; it does not attempt to teach C.
Introducing HI-TECH C and CCS PCB
Microchips MPLAB (as of version 8.10) is bundled with two C compilers: HI-TECHs PICC-Lite and
CCSs PCB. They are free to use, integrated with MPLAB, and support all current baseline (12-bit) PICs,
including those used so far in this tutorial series, with no restrictions. PICC-Lite also supports a number of
the midrange (14-bit) PICs. However, for most of the few supported midrange PICs, PICC-Lite limits the
amount of data and program memory that can be used. To use all available memory, you need to upgrade
(for a price!) to the full HI-TECH PICC STD product.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 2
HI-TECH Software also supplies a HI-TECH C PRO compiler, which supports all baseline and midrange
PICs, with no memory restrictions. It can be used for free, without restriction, when running in Lite mode.
In this mode, all compiler optimisation is turned off, making the generated code around twice the size of that
generated by PICC-Lite.
However, HI-TECH Software is (as of August 2008) retiring PICC-Lite, in favour of their PRO compiler.
Version 8.14 of MPLAB did not include a bundled HI-TECH compiler. It is expected that future versions of
MPLAB will instead come with HI-TECH C PRO. This will give those developing for midrange PICs easy
access to a free compiler supporting a much wider range of devices than PICC-Lite supports, without
memory usage restrictions, albeit at the cost of much larger generated code. And HI-TECH C PRO will
continue to be maintained, supporting new baseline and midrange devices over time.
But if you are using a supported baseline device, it is better to continue to use PICC-Lite, since it will
generate much more efficient code, while allowing all the (limited) memory on your baseline PIC to be used.
It can be downloaded from www.htsoft.com, and can be installed alongside HI-TECH C PRO.
For comparison with PICC-Lite, the size of each example program compiled by HI-TECH C PRO is given in
these lessons.
Why would HI-TECH Software and CCS be prepared to give away what are effectively full, unrestricted
versions of their C compilers, for the baseline PICs?
As well see, programs written using either of these compilers use more resources (program and data
memory) than an equivalent assembly program normally would, and these baseline PICs do not have much
memory available. These very small MCUs tend to be used in applications where it is generally not too
onerous to develop effectively in assembly. So the market for C compilers for these devices is quite small.
HI-TECH and CCS would not lose many sales by offering these products for free. But by introducing
designers to their products in this way, they encourage sales of their compilers for the larger PICs (and
indeed other, non-Microchip MCUs one of the advantages of using a higher level language such as C is
that it becomes easier although not trivial to port code to different MCUs).
To install these compilers, you should select them as options when installing MPLAB, to ensure that the
integration with the MPLAB IDE will be done correctly:

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A separate installer will be launched for PICC-Lite or HI-TECH C PRO. There is no need install Hi-Tide
(HI-TECHs own IDE) when prompted, as the HI-TECH compilers can be used effectively from within
MPLAB, if all the defaults are chosen during the install process.
Custom Computer Services (CCS) PCB
CCS (www.ccsinfo.com) specialises in PIC development, offering hardware development platforms, as well
as a range of C compilers supporting (as of July 2008) almost all the PIC processors from the 10Fs through
to the 16-bit PIC24Fs and dsPICs. They also offer an IDE, including a C-aware editor, and
PCB is the command-line compiler supporting the baseline (12-bit) PICs.
A separate command-line compiler, called PCM, supports the midrange (14-bit) PICs, including most
PIC16s. Similarly, PCH supports the 16-bit instruction-width, 8-bit data width PIC18 series, while PCD
supports the 24-bit instruction-width, 16-bit data width PIC24 and dsPIC series. These command-line
compilers are available for both Windows and Linux. A plug-in allows the Windows command-line
compilers to be integrated into MPLAB (this plug-in is installed when CCS PCB is selected as part of the
MPLAB installation).
CCS also offer a Windows IDE, called PCW, which incorporates the PCB and PCM compilers. PCWH
extends this to include PCH for 18F support, while PCWHD supports the full suite of PICs. A lower-cost
IDE, called PCDIDE includes only the PCD compiler.
The CCS compilers and IDEs are relatively inexpensive: as of July 2008, the advertised costs range from
US$50 for PCB (but it is available for free with MPLAB), through US$150 for PCM, US$350 for PCW, to
US$600 for the full PCWHD suite.
The CCS approach is to provide a large number of PIC-specific inbuilt functions, such as read_adc(),
which make it easy to access or use PIC features, without having to be aware of and specify all the registers
and bits involved. That means that the CCS compilers can be used without needing a deep understanding of
the underlying hardware, which can be a two-edged sword; it is easier to get started and less-error prone (in
that the compiler can be expected to set up the registers correctly), but can be less flexible and more difficult
to debug when something is wrong (especially if the bug is in the compilers implementation, and not your
HI-TECH Software PICC-Lite and HI-TECH C PRO
HI-TECH Software (www.htsoft.com) specialises in developing C compilers for microcontrollers; not only a
wide range of Microchip PICs, but also other architectures such as 8051 and ARM. Like CCS, they also
offer an IDE (Hi-TIDE) which includes a C-aware editor, and debugger/simulator. Unlike CCS, the IDE
is available for both Windows and Linux, and is bundled with each compiler; every HI-TECH PIC compiler
product includes a command-line complier, the Hi-TIDE IDE, and MPLAB integration.
The PICC STD compiler supports the whole 12-bit and 14-bit PIC10/12/16 series.
The HITECH C PRO compiler also supports the whole PIC10/12/16 series, with better code optimisation.
The PICC-18 compiler supports the PIC18 series, and is available in both STD and PRO versions.
HI-TECH Software also offers compilers for the PIC24, dsPIC and PIC32 families.
PICC-Lite is a cut-down version of PICC STD. However, since it includes support for all baseline PICs,
with no limitations, it can be considered to be equivalent to PICC STD, for baseline PIC development. It
also supports the 14-bit 12F629, 12F675, 16C84 and 16F84A PICs, with no limitations. The 14-bit 16F627,
16F627A, 16F684, 16F690, 16F877, 16F877A, 16F887 and 16F917 PICs are also supported, but with
limitations on the amount of program and data memory that can be used.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 4
The HI-TECH compilers are more expensive than those from CCS: as of August 2008, the advertised costs
range from US$995 for PICC STD, through US$1495 for PICC-18 PRO, to $4995 for the PICC Enterprise
Edition (a bundle including PRO versions of the compilers for all PIC MCUs).
The HI-TECH approach is to expose the PICs registers as variables, to be accessed directly by the
developer, in much the same way that they would be in assembler, instead of via built-in functions. This
means that, to effectively use the HI-TECH compilers, you need a strong understanding of the underlying
PIC hardware, equivalent to that needed for programming in assembler.
These differing approaches are highlighted in the examples below. Instead of trying to force either compiler
into a particular style, the examples for each compiler are similar in spirit to the sample code provided with
each. For example, although it is possible to map registers into variables in the CCS compilers, the examples
use the built-in functions where that seems reasonable, since that is how that compiler was intended to be
used. However, identical comments are used where reasonable, to highlight the correspondence between
both compilers and the original assembler version.
Data Types
One of the problems with implementing ANSI-standard C on microcontrollers is that there is often a need to
work with individual bits, while the smallest data-type included in the ANSI standard is char, which is
normally considered to be a single byte, or 8 bits. Another problem is the length of a standard integer (int)
is not defined, being implementation-dependent. Whether an int is 16 or 32 bits is an issue on larger
systems, but it makes a much more significant difference to code portability on microcontrollers. Similarly,
the sizes of float, double, and the effect of the modifiers short and long is not defined by the standard.
So various compilers use different sizes for the standard data types, and for microcontroller
implementations it is common to add a single-bit type as well generally specific to that compiler.

Here are the data types and sizes supported by CCS PCB and HI-TECH C:

Youll see that very few of these line up; the only point of
agreement is that char is 8 bits!
HI-TECH C defines a single bit type, unique to HI-TECH C.
CCS PCB defines int1, int8, int16 and int32 types, which
make it easy to be explicit about the size of a data element (such
as a variable).
The standard int type is 8 bits in CCS PCB, but 16 bits in
But by far the greatest difference is in the definition of short:
in HI-TECH C, it is a synonym for int, with short, int and
short int all being 16-bit quantities, whereas in CCS PCB,
short is a single-bit type, the same as an int1. That could be
very confusing when porting code from CCS PCB to another
compiler, so for clarity it is probably best to use int1 when
defining single-bit variables.
Finally, note that double floating-point variables in HI-TECH
C can be either 24 or 32 bits; this is set by a compiler option.
The only floating-point representation available in CCS PCB is
32-bit, which may be a higher level of precision than is needed
in most applications for small applications, so HI-TECH Cs
ability to work with 24-bit floating point numbers can be useful.

bit 1 -
int1 - 1
char 8 8
int8 - 8
short 16 1
int 16 8
int16 - 16
long 32 16
int32 - 32
float 24 32
double 24 or 32 -
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 5
Example 1: Turning on a LED
We saw in baseline lesson 1 how to turn on a single LED, and leave it on; the (very simple) circuit is shown
The LED is connected to the GP1 pin on a PIC12F509.
To turn on the LED, we loaded the TRIS register with 111101b,
so that only GP1 is set as an output, and then set bit 1 of GPIO,
setting GP1 high, turning the LED on.
At the start of the program, the PICs configuration was set, and
the OSCCAL register was loaded with the factory calibration
Finally, the end of the program consisted of an infinite loop
(goto $), to leave the LED turned on.

Here are the key parts of the assembler code from lesson 1:
; ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4Mhz int clock

MAIN CODE 0x000 ; effective reset vector
movwf OSCCAL ; update OSCCAL with factory cal value
movlw b'111101' ; configure GP1 (only) as an output
tris GPIO
movlw b'000010' ; set GP1 high
movwf GPIO

goto $ ; loop forever

HI-TECH C Pro Lite or PICC-Lite
When creating a new project for one of the HI-TECH compilers, using the project wizard, you should select
the HI-TECH Universal ToolSuite when you come to Step Two: Select a language toolsuite:

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If you have installed both the HI-TECH C PRO and PICC-Lite compilers, you need to tell the HI-TECH
toolsuite which compiler, or driver, to use.
To do this, open the project build options window (Project Build Options Project) then select the
Driver tab:

To select the compiler to use, move it to the top of the list of available drivers, by selecting it then using the
Move up button). The Current driver panel shows which compiler will be used for your device; since
not every compiler supports every PIC, the toolsuite selects the first driver in the list which supports the
device you are compiling for. When you have selected the compiler you wish to use, click OK to

You can then proceed to create a new project, in the same way that you would for an assembler project,
except that your source code file should end in .c instead of .asm.

As usual, you should include a comment block at the start of each program or module. Most of the
information in the comment block should be much the same, regardless of the programming language used,
since it relates to what this application is, who wrote it, dependencies and the assumed environment, such as
pin assignments. However, when writing in C, it is a good idea to state which compiler has been used, since,
as we have seen for data types, C code for microcontrollers is not necessarily easily portable.
So we might use something like:
* *
* Filename: BC_L1-Turn_on_LED-PCL.c *
* Date: 6/12/07 *
* File Version: 1.1 *
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 7
* *
* Author: David Meiklejohn *
* Company: Gooligum Electronics *
* *
* *
* Architecture: Baseline PIC *
* Processor: 12F508/509 *
* Compiler: Hi-Tech PICC-Lite v9.60PL2 *
* *
* *
* Files required: none *
* *
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 1a *
* *
* Turns on LED. LED remains on until power is removed. *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - indicator LED *
* *

Note that, as we did our previous assembler code, the processor architecture and device are specified in the
comment block. This is important for the HI-TECH compilers, as there is no way to specify the device in the
code; i.e. there is no equivalent to the MPASM list p= or processor directives. Instead, the
processor is specified in the IDE (MPLAB or Hi-TIDE), or as a command-line option.
The symbols relevant to specific processors are defined in include files. But instead of including a specific
file, as we would do in assembler, it is normal to include a single catch-all file: htc.h. This file
identifies the processor being used, and then calls other include files as appropriate. So our next line, which
should be at the start of every HI-TECH C program, is:
#include <htc.h>

To set the processor configuration, a macro called __CONFIG(x) is used, in a very similar way to the
__CONFIG directive in MPASM:
// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

Note that the configuration symbols used are different to those defined in the MPASM include files. For
example, UNPROTECT instead of _CP_OFF, and INTRC instead of _IntRC_OSC. To see which
symbols to use for a given MCU, you need to look in the appropriate include file. For example, in this case
(for the 12F509), these symbols are defined in the pic125xx.h file, found in the include directory
within the compiler install directory.
As with most C compilers, the entry point for user code is a function called main(). So a HI-TECH C
program will look like:
void main()
; // user code goes here

Declaring main() as void isnt strictly necessary, since any value returned by main() is only relevant
when the program is being run by an operating system which can act on that return value, but of course there
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 8
is no operating system here. Similarly it would be more correct to declare main() as taking no
parameters (i.e. main(void)), since there is no operating system to pass any parameters to the program.
How you declare main() is really a question of personal style.

At the start of our assembler programs, weve always loaded the OSCCAL register with the factory
calibration value (although it is only necessary when using the internal RC oscillator).
There is no need to do so when using HI-TECH C; the default start-up code, which runs before main() is
entered, loads OSCCAL for us.

HI-TECH C makes the PICs registers available as variables, so to load the TRIS register with 111101b, it is
simply a matter of:
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

Individual bits within registers, such as GP1, are also mapped as variables, so that to set GP1 to 1, we can
GP1 = 1; // set GP1 high

Finally, we need to loop forever. There are a number of C constructs that could be used for this, but one
thats as good as any is:
for (;;) { // loop forever

Complete program
Here is the complete code to turn on a LED on GP1, for HI-TECH C:
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 1a *
* *
* Turns on LED. LED remains on until power is removed. *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - indicator LED *
* *

#include <htc.h>
// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

GP1 = 1; // set GP1 high

for (;;) { // loop forever

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To compile the source code, click on the Build project icon (or simply press F10). This is equivalent to the
assembler Make option, compiling all the source files which have changed, and linking the resulting object
files and any library functions, creating an output .hex file, which is programmed into the PIC as normal:

The process to create a new project using the CCS PCB compiler is that same as that for HI-TECH C, except
that you need to select the CCS C Compiler for PIC12/14/16/18 toolsuite:

The comment block at the start of CCS PCB programs can of course be similar to that for any other C
compiler (including HI-TECH C), but the comments should state that this code is for the CCS compiler.
Its not as important for the comments to state which processor is being used, since, unlike HI-TECH C, CCS
PCB provides a #device directive, used to specify which processor the code is to be compiled for.
Also unlike HI-TECH C, there is no catch-all include file, so you are expected to identify the appropriate
include file (found in the devices directory within the CCS PCB install directory), which defines all the
symbols relevant to the processor you are using. This file will include the appropriate #device directive,
so you would not normally include that directive separately in your source code. Instead, at the start of every
CCS PCB program, you should include a line such as:
#include <12F509.h>
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However, you will find that this file, for the 12F509, defines the pins as PIN_B0, PIN_B1, etc., instead of
the more commonly-used GP0, GP1, etc. This is true for the other 10F and 12F PICs as well. So to be able
to use the normal symbols, we can add these lines when working with 10F or 12F PICs:
#define GP0 PIN_B0 // define GP pins
#define GP1 PIN_B1
#define GP2 PIN_B2
#define GP3 PIN_B3
#define GP4 PIN_B4
#define GP5 PIN_B5

To set the processor configuration, a directive called #fuses is used:
// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

Again, although this is similar to the __CONFIG directive we know from MPASM, the configuration
symbols are different. For example, NOPROTECT instead of _CP_OFF, and INTRC instead of
_IntRC_OSC. To see which symbols to use for a given MCU, you need to look in the include file.
In the same way as HI-TECH C, the user program starts with main():
void main()
; // user code goes here

And, as with HI-TECH C, the default start-up code, run before main() is entered, loads OSCCAL for us,
so there is no need to write code to do that.
As mentioned above, the approach taken by CCS PCB is to make much of the PIC functionality available
through built-in functions, reducing the need to access registers directly.
The output_high() function loads the TRIS register to configure the specified pin as an output, and
then sets that output high. So to make GP1 an output and set it high, the code is simply:
output_high(GP1); // configure GP1 (only) as an output and set high

This behaviour of loading TRIS every time an output is made high (or low) makes the code simpler to write,
but can be slower and use more memory, so CCS PCB includes a #use fast_io directive and
set_tris_X() functions to override this slower standard I/O, but well stay with the default here.
To loop forever, we could use the for(;;) {} code used in the HI-TECH example above, but since the
standard CCS PCB include files define the symbol TRUE (and HI-TECH C doesnt), we can use:
while (TRUE) { // loop forever

Complete program
Here is the complete code to turn on a LED on GP1, using CCS PCB:
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 1c *
* *
* Turns on LED. LED remains on until power is removed. *
* *
* *
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* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - indicator LED *
* *

#include <12F509.h>
#define GP0 PIN_B0 // define GP pins
#define GP1 PIN_B1
#define GP2 PIN_B2
#define GP3 PIN_B3
#define GP4 PIN_B4
#define GP5 PIN_B5

// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
output_high(GP1); // configure GP1 (only) as an output and set high

while (TRUE) { // loop forever

To compile the source code, click on the Make Project icon (or press F10). This is the CCS equivalent to
the HI-TECH Build project option, compiling all changed source files and linking the object files and
library functions to create an output .hex file, which can be programmed into the PIC as usual:

Even in an example as simple as turning on a single LED, the difference in approach between HI-TECH C
and CCS PCB is apparent.
The HI-TECH C code shows a closer correspondence to the assembler version, with the TRIS register being
explicitly written to, and GP1 being set by writing to a variable.
On the other hand, in the CCS PCB example, GP1 is configured as an output and set high, through a single
built-in function that performs both operations, effectively hiding the existence of the TRIS register from the
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To compare the memory used by each compiler, we can use the memory usage gauge available in MPLAB
(View Memory Usage Gauge):
This is the gauge as shown after building the
CCS example above.
It shows that 12 out of the 1024 available words
of program memory have been used, and 1 byte
out of the 41 bytes of data memory available on
the 12F509 has been allocated.

Although this gauge is accurate for MPASM assembler and HI-TECH C projects, it does not indicate all the
data memory used by CCS PCB, which does not inform MPLAB of all the memory it allocates.
However, when a CCS PCB build completes, it reports the memory used. For example, for the Turn on a
LED example, the report is:
Memory usage: ROM=1% RAM=12% - 12%
ROM=1% agrees with the program memory usage shown above, since 12 1024 = 1.2%.
However, the RAM=12% - 12% (which means data memory usage will vary between 12% and 12% as the
program runs, i.e. always 12% in this case) seems very high.
This is explained in the Common Questions and Answers section of the CCS online help, which reads in
part, under Why does the compiler show less RAM than there really is?:
Some devices make part of the RAM much more ineffective to access than the standard RAM. In particular,
the 509, 57, 66, 67,76 and 77 devices have this problem.
By default, the compiler will not automatically allocate variables to the problem RAM and, therefore, the RAM
available will show a number smaller than expected.
Since we are using a 12F509, it is one of these devices with problem RAM, which appears to be the
general purpose registers in bank 1. That means that the CCS PCB compiler only considers the first register
bank to be usable, restricting data memory to 9 shared and 16 bank 0 GPRs a total of 25 bytes of usable
data memory.
The online help suggests a couple of ways to use all available data memory, including:
You can switch to larger pointers for full RAM access (this takes more ROM). In PCB add *=8 to the
We dont need to worry about that for now, since RAM use is only 12%.
This is 12% of 25 bytes, so data memory use in this case is 3 bytes.
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The following table summarises the resource usage by our Turn on a LED assembler, HI-TECH and CCS
PCB C programs, as well as the number of lines of source code (excluding comment, white-space and single-
brace lines). For the CCS PCB program, the additional #define statements have also been excluded,
since they are not strictly necessary. For the HI-TECH version, the same source code was compiled with
both HI-TECH C PRO (in Lite mode) and PICC-Lite, for comparison:
In general, assembler source code will be longer than equivalent C code, but we would normally expect that
an assembler program will use less memory.
This is reflected in the numbers above, except that the MPASM program appears to require more program
memory than the HI-TECH PICC-Lite program. In reality, the program memory usage is the same; the
MPASM version only appears to be using an additional word because the assembler program explicitly
allocated the memory for the oscillator configuration instruction at the top of memory; this isnt the case for
And as expected, the HI-TECH C PRO compiler generates inefficient (non-optimised) code, when running in
the free Lite mode.
We would also generally expect that CCS source code will be shorter than for equivalent HI-TECH C
programs, because the CCS built-in functions can perform an action that would require a number of
instructions in HI-TECH C to express.
As we will see, the differences become more apparent in longer, more complex programs.

Example 2: Flashing a LED (20% duty cycle)
In baseline lesson 2, we used the same circuit as above, but made the LED flash by toggling the GP1 output.
The delay was created by an in-line busy-wait loop.
Baseline lesson 3 showed how to move the delay loop into a subroutine, and to generalise it, so that the delay
is passed as a parameter to the routine, in W. This was demonstrated by a program which flashed the LED at
1 Hz, with a duty cycle of 20%, by turning it on for 200 ms and then off for 800 ms, before repeating.
Here is the main loop from the assembler code from baseline lesson 3:
movlw b'000010' ; set bit corresponding to GP1 (bit 1)
movwf GPIO ; write to GPIO to turn on LED
movlw .20 ; stay on for 0.2s:
pagesel delay10
call delay10 ; delay 20 x 10ms = 200ms
clrf GPIO ; clear GPIO to turn off LED
movlw .80 ; stay off for 0.8s:
call delay10 ; delay 80 x 10ms = 800ms
pagesel flash
goto flash ; repeat forever
Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Microchip MPASM 13 10 0
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 6 9 4
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 6 19 2
CCS PCB 5 12 3
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 14
Weve seen how to turn the LED on, with:
GP1 = 1; // turn on LED on GP1

And of course, to turn the LED off, it is simply:
GP1 = 0; // turn off LED on GP1

These statements can easily be placed within the infinite for (;;) {} loop, to repeatedly turn the LED
on and off. All we need to add is a delay.
PICC-Lite comes with a number of code examples, found in the samples directory within the PICC-Lite
install directory. The sample code includes some useful delay functions, defined in the files delay.h and
delay.c, found in the delay directory (within samples).
These functions are DelayUs() (technically not a function, but a macro), which provides a delay in s,
and DelayMs(), which provides a delay in ms. Both take a parameter from 0 to 255.
To use these functions in your own program, you could copy the code into your source code, perhaps
customising it as appropriate. But it is probably easier to treat them as library functions, by copying the
delay.h and delay.c files into your project directory, and adding those files to your project (using for
example the Project Add Files to Project menu item).
You then need to include the delay.h file at the start of your program, so that it can reference the delay
functions. But first you must define the processor clock speed, so that the delay functions perform the
correct number of loops. This is done by defining the symbol XTAL_FREQ. For example:
#define XTAL_FREQ 4MHZ // oscillator frequency for DelayMs()
#include "delay.h" // defines DelayMs()

(MHZ and KHZ are defined in delay.h)
To create a 200 ms delay, it is then simply a matter of using:
DelayMs(200); // stay on for 200ms

But since the DelayMs() function has a single-byte parameter, i.e. 0 255, to create an 800 ms delay, we
need a series of function calls, such as:
DelayMs(250); // stay off for 800ms

Complete program
Here then is the complete code to flash a LED on GP1, with a 20% duty cycle, using PICC-Lite:
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 2a *
* *
* Flashes a LED at approx 1 Hz, with 20% duty cycle *
* LED continues to flash until power is removed. *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* *

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 15
#include <htc.h>

#define XTAL_FREQ 4MHZ // oscillator frequency for DelayMs()
#include "delay.h" // defines DelayMs()

// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

for (;;) {
GP1 = 1; // turn on LED on GP1

DelayMs(200); // stay on for 200ms

GP1 = 0; // turn off LED on GP1

DelayMs(250); // stay off for 800ms
} // repeat forever

Unfortunately, the sample delay code included with PICC-Lite doesnt work correctly when HI-TECH C
PRO is used in the free Lite mode. The delay timing assumes that the code will be compiled with full
optimisation, while optimisation is disabled in HI-TECH C PROs Lite mode. So although the code
compiles, the delay code takes much longer (around three times) to execute than it should.
Luckily, the HI-TECH C PRO compiler provides a built-in function, _delay(n), which creates a delay
n instruction clock cycles long, up to a maximum of 197120 cycles. With a 4 MHz processor clock,
corresponding to a 1 MHz instruction clock, thats a maximum delay of 197.12 ms.
The compiler also provides two macros: __delay_us() and __delay_ms(), which use the
_delay(n) function create delays specified in s and ms respectively. To do so, they reference the
symbol _XTAL_FREQ, which is used in much the same way as XTAL_FREQ was with the PICC-Lite
delay functions, except that the symbols MHZ and KHZ are not predefined and so, unless you define them
yourself, cannot be used.
So to define the processor frequency, we have:
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // oscillator frequency for _delay()

And note that there is no need to include the delay.h header file from PICC-Lite; its not used.

Since the PIC will be running at 4 MHz, the maximum delay we can generate with a single built-in delay
function or macro is 197.12 ms, so we need to split the initial 200 ms delay into two function (or macro)
// stay on for 200ms

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 16
To create the 800 ms delay, we could repeat __delay_ms(100) eight times, but once you get up to
three or four repetitions, its more efficient to write it as a loop:
// stay off for 800ms
for (dcnt = 0; dcnt < 8; dcnt++) {

The delay counter variable had previously been defined as:
unsigned char dcnt; // delay counter

The main loop then becomes:
// Main loop
for (;;) {
// turn on LED on GP1
GP1 = 1;

// stay on for 200ms

// turn off LED on GP1
GP1 = 0;

// stay off for 800ms
for (dcnt = 0; dcnt < 8; dcnt++) {
} // repeat forever

In the previous example, we turned on the LED with:
output_high(GP1); // turn on LED on GP1

Similarly, the LED can be turned off by:
output_low(GP1); // turn off LED on GP1

In a similar way to HI-TECH C PRO, CCS PCB provides built-in delay functions: delay_us() and
delay_ms(), which create delays of a specified number of s and ms respectively. They accept either an
8-bit variable (0-255) or a 16-bit constant (0-65535) as a parameter.
Since the functions are built-in, there is no need to include any header files before using them. But you must
still specify the processor clock speed, so that the delays can be created correctly. This is done using the
#use delay pre-processor directive. For example:
#use delay (clock=4000000) // oscillator frequency for delay_ms()

This specifies the clock speed in Hz (4 MHz in this case).
To create a 200 ms delay, we can write:
delay_ms(200); // stay on for 200ms

And since the delay_ms() function can take a 16-bit constant as a parameter, to create an 800 ms delay
we can use:
delay_ms(800); // stay off for 800ms

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 17
Complete program
Here is the complete code to flash a LED on GP1, with a 20% duty cycle, using CCS PCB:
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 2c *
* *
* Flashes a LED at approx 1 Hz, with 20% duty cycle *
* LED continues to flash until power is removed. *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - indicator LED *
* *

#include <12F509.h>
#define GP0 PIN_B0 // define GP pins
#define GP1 PIN_B1
#define GP2 PIN_B2
#define GP3 PIN_B3
#define GP4 PIN_B4
#define GP5 PIN_B5

#use delay (clock=4000000) // oscillator frequency for delay_ms()

// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
while (TRUE) {
output_high(GP1); // turn on LED on GP1

delay_ms(200); // stay on for 200ms

output_low(GP1); // turn off LED on GP1

delay_ms(800); // stay off for 800ms
} // repeat forever
In addition to the source code length and memory usage, another relevant comparison for this example is the
accuracy of the delays how close is the LED flash period to the intended 1 second (assuming a clock rate of
exactly 4 MHz)? This can be precisely determined by using the stopwatch facility provided by the MPLAB
SIM simulator a topic for a future lesson.
Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Delay accuracy
(timing error)
Microchip MPASM 42 34 3 0.15%
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 14 78 9 1.6%
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 13 78 7 0.015%
CCS PCB 9 45 5 0.0063%
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 18
The assembler code presented in baseline lesson 3 included a delay subroutine, adding 13 lines to the source
code. It seems appropriate to include the delay subroutine in the source code length in the table above,
because MPASM does not come with sample delay code that could be included in the source (as was done
with PICC-Lite); we had to write the delay routine from scratch.
The C source is significantly shorter than assembler, and shorter for CCS PCB than HI-TECH C.
The CCS compiler produces much more efficient code than PICC-Lite in this example, although neither can
match the efficiency of assembler.
And in this case the HI-TECH C PRO Lite compiler is not as inefficient as we might expect, generating code
the same size as that generated by PICC-Lite probably because of its use of a built-in delay function.
The HI-TECH C PRO and CCS compilers also generate amazingly accurate programmed delays!

Example 3: Flashing a LED (50% duty cycle)
The first LED flashing example in baseline lesson 2 used an XOR operation to flip the GP1 bit every 500
ms, creating a 1 Hz flash with a 50% duty cycle.
The read-modify-write problem revisited
As discussed in that lesson, any operation which reads an output (or part-output) port, modifies the value
read, and then writes it back, can lead to unexpected results. This is because, when a port is read, it is the
value at the pins that is read, not necessarily the value that was written to the output latches. And thats a
problem if, for example, you have written a 1 to an output pin, which, because it is being externally loaded
(or, more usually, it hasnt finished going high yet, because of a capacitative load on the pin), it reads back as
a 0. When the operation completes, that output bit would be written back as a 0, and the output pin sent
low instead of high not what it is supposed to be.
This can happen with any instruction which reads the current value of a register when updating it. That
includes logic operations such as XOR, but also arithmetic operations (add, subtract), rotate instructions, and
increment and decrement operations. And crucially, it also includes the bit set and clear instructions.
You may think that the instruction bsf GPIO,1 will only affect GP1, but in fact that instruction reads
the whole of GPIO, sets bit 1, and then writes the whole of GPIO back again.
Consider the sequence:
bsf GPIO,1
bsf GPIO,2

Assuming that GP1 and GP2 are both initially low, the first instruction will attempt to raise the GP1 pin
high. However, the first instruction writes to GPIO at the end of the instruction cycle, while the second
instruction reads the port pins toward the start of the following instruction cycle. That doesnt leave much
time for GP1 to be pulled high, against whatever capacitance is loading the pin. If it hasnt gone high
enough by the time the second bsf instruction reads the pins, it will read as a 0, and it will then be
written back as a 0 when the second bsf writes to GPIO.
The potential result is that, instead of both GP1 and GP2 being set high, as you would expect, it is possible
that only GP2 will be set high, while the GP1 pin remains low, and the GP1 bit holds a 0.
This problem is sometimes avoided by placing nop instructions between successive read-modify-write
operations on a port, but as discussed in lesson 2, a more robust solution is to use a shadow register.
So why revisit this topic, in a lesson on C programming?
When you use a statement like GP1 = 1 in HI-TECH C, or output_high(GP1) in CCS PCB, the
compilers translate those statements into corresponding bit set or clear instructions, which may lead to read-
modify-write problems.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 19
There was no problem with using these types of statements in the examples above, where only a single pin is
being used and there are lengthy delays between changes.
But you should be aware that a sequence such as:
GP1 = 1;
GP2 = 1;

may in fact result in GP1 being cleared and only GP2 being set high.
To avoid such problems, shadow variables can be used in C programs, in the same way that shadow registers
are used in assembler.
Here is the main code from the program presented in baseline lesson 3:
start ; Initialisation
movlw b'111101' ; configure GP1 (only) as an output
tris GPIO

clrf sGPIO ; start with shadow GPIO zeroed

;***** Main loop
movf sGPIO,w ; get shadow copy of GPIO
xorlw b'000010' ; flip bit corresponding to GP1 (bit 1)
movwf GPIO ; write to GPIO
movwf sGPIO ; and update shadow copy
movlw .50
pagesel delay10
call delay10 ; delay 500ms -> 1Hz at 50% duty cycle

pagesel flash
goto flash ; repeat forever

You might expect that to toggle GP1, you could use the statement:
GP1 = ~GP1;

Unfortunately, HI-TECH C doesnt support that, reporting illegal operation on bit variable.
You can, however, use:
GP1 = !GP1;

This statement is also supported:
GP1 = GP1 ? 0 : 1;

It works because bit variables, such as GP1, hold either a 0 or 1, representing false or true
respectively, and so can be used directly in a conditional expression like this.
The HI-TECH compilers are able to translate either of these statements into an XOR instruction, as you
would do in assembler. [To see what assembly code is produced for each C statement, use View
Disassembly Listing in MPLAB, or look at the listing file (*.lst) in the project directory, after
Note: Any C statements which directly modify individual port bits may be subject to read-modify-
write considerations.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 20
But since this statement reads and modifies GPIO, well use a shadow variable, which can be declared and
initialised with:
unsigned char sGPIO = 0; // shadow copy of GPIO

Flipping the shadow copy of GP1 and updating GPIO, can then be done by:
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow bit corresponding to GP1
GPIO = sGPIO; // write to GPIO

Complete program
Here is how the HI-TECH C PRO code to flash a LED on GP1, with a 50% duty cycle, fits together:
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 3b *
* *
* Flashes a LED at approx 1 Hz. *
* LED continues to flash until power is removed. *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* *

#include <htc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // oscillator frequency for _delay()

// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
unsigned char sGPIO = 0; // shadow copy of GPIO
unsigned char dcnt; // delay counter

// Initialisation
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

// Main loop
for (;;) {
// toggle GP1
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow bit corresponding to GP1
GPIO = sGPIO; // write to GPIO

// delay 500 ms
for (dcnt = 0; dcnt < 5; dcnt++) {
} // repeat forever

Note that when using PICC-Lite, instead of using a loop to generate the 500 ms delay, you would write:
DelayMs(250); // delay 500ms

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 21
CCS PCB provides a built-in function specifically for toggling an output pin: output_toggle(). To
toggle GP1, all that is needed is:

But since this function performs a read-modify-write operation on GPIO, well use a shadow variable, which
can be declared and initialised with:
unsigned char sGPIO = 0; // shadow copy of GPIO

This is of course the same declaration as for HI-TECH C; not surprising, given that both are ANSI C
compilers. Although with CCS PCB, we could also have declared this 8-bit variable as an int. Since the
HI-TECH and CCS compilers use different size ints, declaring 8-bit variables as char is more portable.
Toggling the shadow copy of GP1 is also the same:
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow bit corresponding to GP1

However, to write the result to GPIO, we need to use another built-in function:
output_b(sGPIO); // write to GPIO ("port B")

The output_b() function writes a whole byte to port B. Similarly there is an output_a() which
writes to port A, output_c() which writes to port C, etc.
[Recall that CCS PCB refers to the port on the 10F and 12F PICs as port B instead of GPIO.]
Complete program
Here is the complete CCS PCB code to flash a LED on GP1, with a 50% duty cycle:
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 3c *
* *
* Flashes a LED at approx 1 Hz. *
* LED continues to flash until power is removed. *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - indicator LED *

#include <12F509.h>

#use delay (clock=4000000) // oscillator frequency for delay_ms()

// Config: ext reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
unsigned char sGPIO = 0; // shadow copy of GPIO

while (TRUE) {
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow bit corresponding to GP1
output_b(sGPIO); // write to GPIO ("port B")

delay_ms(500); // delay 500ms
} // repeat forever
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 22
Here is the resource usage and accuracy summary for the Flash a LED at 50% duty cycle programs:
In this case, the assembler program in baseline lesson 3 called the delay routine as an external module
something a developer might keep in their library, after having written it once. So the assembler source code
length reported above reflects only the main program, including the external reference to the delay module,
but not the source for the module itself. But the C sources are still much shorter.

Example 4: Reading Digital Inputs
Baseline lesson 4 introduced digital inputs,
using a pushbutton switch in a simple circuit (as
shown on the right) to illustrate the principles
As an initial example, the pushbutton input was
copied to the LED output, so that the LED was
on, whenever the pushbutton is pressed.
In pseudo-code, the operation is:
do forever
if button down
turn on LED
turn off LED

The assembler code we used to implement this, using a shadow register, was:
start ; initialisation
movlw b'111101' ; configure GP1 (only) as an output
tris GPIO ; (GP3 is an input)

clrf sGPIO ; assume button up -> LED off
btfss GPIO,3 ; if button pressed (GP3 low)
bsf sGPIO,1 ; turn on LED

movf sGPIO,w ; copy shadow to GPIO
movwf GPIO

goto loop ; repeat forever

Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Delay accuracy
(timing error)
Microchip MPASM 28 34 4 0.15%
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 12 60 10 1.6%
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 12 58 8 0.020%
CCS PCB 9 43 6 0.0076%
Gooligum Electronics 2008 www.gooligum.com.au
Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 23
To copy a value from one bit to another, e.g. GP1 to GP3, using HI-TECH C, can be done as simply as:
GP1 = GP3; // copy GP3 to GP1

But that wont do quite what we want; given that GP3 goes low when the button is pressed, simply copying
GP3 to GP1 would lead to the LED being on when the button is up, and on when it is pressed the opposite
of the required behaviour.
We can address that by inverting the logic:
GP1 = !GP3; // copy !GP3 to GP1
GP1 = GP3 ? 0 : 1; // copy !GP3 to GP1

This works well in practice, but to allow a valid comparison with the assembly source above, which uses a
shadow register, we should not use statements which modify individual bits in GPIO. Instead we should
write an entire byte to GPIO at once.
For example, we could write:
if (GP3 == 0) // if button pressed
GPIO = 0b000010; // turn on LED
GPIO = 0; // else turn off LED

However, this can be written much more concisely using Cs conditional expression:
GPIO = GP3 ? 0 : 0b000010;

It may seem a little obscure, but this is exactly the type of situation the conditional expression is intended for.
Complete program
Here is the complete HI-TECH C code to turn on a LED when a pushbutton is pressed:
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 4a *
* *
* Demonstrates reading a switch *
* *
* Turns on LED when pushbutton is pressed (active low) *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* GP3 - pushbutton switch (active low) *
* *

#include <htc.h>

// Config: int reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 24
for (;;) {
// set GP1 if GP3 is low (button pressed), else clear GP1
GPIO = GP3 ? 0 : 0b000010;
} // repeat forever

Note that the processor configuration has been changed to disable the external MCLR reset, so that GP3 is
available as an input.
Reading a digital input pin with CCS PCB is done through the input() built-in function, which returns
the state of the specified pin as a 0 or 1.
To output a single bit, we could use the output_bit() function. For example:
output_bit(GP1, ~input(GP3));

This would set GP1 to the inverse of the value on GP3, which is exactly what we want.
But once again, statements like this, which change only one bit in a port, are potentially subject to read-
modify-write issues. We should instead use code which writes an entire byte to GPIO (or, as CCS would
have it, port B) at once:
output_b(input(GP3) ? 0 : 0b000010);

Complete program
Here is the complete CCS PCB code to turn on a LED when a pushbutton is pressed:
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 4c *
* *
* Demonstrates reading a switch *
* *
* Turns on LED when pushbutton is pressed (active low) *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* GP3 - pushbutton switch (active low) *
* *

#include <12F509.h>

// Config: int reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
while (TRUE) {
// set GP1 if GP3 is low (button pressed), else clear GP1
output_b(input(GP3) ? 0 : 0b000010);
} // repeat forever

Again, note that the processor configuration has been changed to disable the external MCLR reset, so that
GP3 is available as an input.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 25
Here is the resource usage summary for the Turn on LED when pushbutton pressed programs:
Its clear that, at only 5 or 6 lines, the C source code is amazingly succinct thanks mainly to the use of Cs
conditional expression (?:). And yet the HI-TECH PICC-Lite compiler in particular is able to generate code
nearly as efficient in program memory use as hand-crafted assembly.
Example 5: Switch Debouncing
Baseline lesson 4 included a discussion of the switch contact bounce problem, and various hardware and
software approaches to addressing it.
The problem was illustrated by an example application, using the circuit from example 4 (above), where the
LED is toggled each time the pushbutton is pressed. If the switch is not debounced, the LED toggles on
every contact bounce, making it difficult to control.
The most sophisticated software debounce method presented in that lesson was a counting algorithm, where
the switch is read (sampled) periodically (e.g. every 1 ms) and is only considered to have definitely changed
state if it has been in the new state for some number of successive samples (e.g. 10), by which time it is
considered to have settled.
The algorithm was expressed in pseudo-code as:
count = 0
while count < max_samples
delay sample_time
if input = required_state
count = count + 1
count = 0

It was implemented in assembler as follows:
db_dn ; wait until button pressed (GP3 low), debounce by counting:
movlw .13 ; max count = 10ms/768us = 13
movwf db_cnt
clrf dc1
dn_dly incfsz dc1,f ; delay 256x3 = 768us.
goto dn_dly
btfsc GPIO,3 ; if button up (GP3 set),
goto db_dn ; restart count
decfsz db_cnt,f ; else repeat until max count reached
goto dn_dly

This code waits for the button to be pressed (GP3 being pulled low), by sampling GP3 every 768 s and
waiting until it has been low for 13 times in succession approximately 10 ms in total.
Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Microchip MPASM 17 13 1
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 6 15 4
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 6 31 4
CCS PCB 5 22 4
Gooligum Electronics 2008 www.gooligum.com.au
Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 26
To implement the counting debounce algorithm (above) using the HI-TECH compilers, the pseudo-code can
be translated almost directly into C:
db_cnt = 0;
while (db_cnt < 10) {
if (GP3 == 0)
db_cnt = 0;

Whether you modify this to make it shorter is largely a question of personal style. Compressed C code,
using a lot of clever tricks can be difficult to follow.
But note that the while loop above is equivalent to the following for loop:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt < 10;) {
if (GP3 == 0)
db_cnt = 0;

That suggests restructuring the code into a traditional for loop, as follows:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
if (GP3 == 1)
db_cnt = 0;

In this case, the debounce counter is incremented every time around the loop, regardless of whether it has
been reset to zero within the loop body. For that reason, the end of loop test has to be changed from < to
<=, so that the number of iterations remains the same.
Alternatively, the loop could be written as:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt < 10;) {
db_cnt = (GP3 == 0) ? db_cnt+1 : 0;

However the previous version seems easier to understand.
Complete program
Here is the complete HI-TECH C PRO code to toggle a LED when a pushbutton is pressed, including the
debounce routines for button-up and button-down:
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 5b *
* *
* Toggles LED when pushbutton is pressed (low) then released (high) *
* Uses counting algorithm to debounce switch *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* GP3 - pushbutton switch *
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 27
#include <htc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // oscillator frequency for _delay()

// Config: int reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
unsigned char sGPIO; // shadow copy of GPIO
unsigned char db_cnt; // debounce counter

// initialisation
GPIO = 0; // start with LED off
sGPIO = 0; // update shadow
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

for (;;) {
// wait until button pressed (GP3 low), debounce by counting:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
__delay_ms(1); // sample every 1 ms
if (GP3 == 1) // if button up (GP3 high)
db_cnt = 0; // restart count
} // until button down for 10 successive reads

// toggle LED on GP1
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow GP1
GPIO = sGPIO; // write to GPIO

// wait until button released (GP3 high), debounce by counting:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
__delay_ms(1); // sample every 1 ms
if (GP3 == 0) // if button down (GP3 low)
db_cnt = 0; // restart count
} // until button up for 10 successive reads

} // repeat forever

Note that the PICC-Lite version would use DelayMs(1) instead of __delay_ms(1).

To adapt the debounce routine to CCS PCB, the only change needed is to use the input() function to read
GP3, and to use the delay_ms() delay function:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
if (input(GP3) == 1)
db_cnt = 0;

Complete program
To build the complete toggle a LED when a pushbutton is pressed, this debounce routine fits in as follows:
* *
* Description: Lesson 11, exercise 5c *
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 28
* *
* Toggles LED when pushbutton is pressed (low) then released (high) *
* Uses counting algorithm to debounce switch *
* *
* *
* Pin assignments: *
* GP1 - flashing LED *
* GP3 - pushbutton switch *
* *

#include <12F509.h>
#define GP0 PIN_B0 // define GP pins
#define GP1 PIN_B1
#define GP2 PIN_B2
#define GP3 PIN_B3
#define GP4 PIN_B4
#define GP5 PIN_B5

#use delay (clock=4000000) // oscillator frequency for delay_ms()

// Config: int reset, no code protect, no watchdog, 4MHz int clock

void main()
unsigned char sGPIO; // shadow copy of GPIO
unsigned char db_cnt; // debounce counter

// initialisation
output_b(0); // start with LED off
sGPIO = 0; // update shadow

while (TRUE) {
// wait until button pressed (GP3 low), debounce by counting:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
delay_ms(1); // sample every 1 ms
if (input(GP3) == 1) // if button up (GP3 high)
db_cnt = 0; // restart count
} // until button down for 10 successive reads

// toggle LED on GP1
sGPIO ^= 0b000010; // flip shadow GP1
output_b(sGPIO); // write to GPIO

// wait until button released (GP3 high), debounce by counting:
for (db_cnt = 0; db_cnt <= 10; db_cnt++) {
delay_ms(1); // sample every 1 ms
if (input(GP3) == 0) // if button down (GP3 low)
db_cnt = 0; // restart count
} // until button up for 10 successive reads

} // repeat forever

As before, the processor configuration in both the HI-TECH and CCS programs has been changed to disable
the external MCLR reset, so that GP3 is available as an input.

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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 29
Here is the resource usage summary for the toggle a LED when a pushbutton is pressed programs:
Note that in all three cases, the C source code is around half the length of the assembler source, while the
(optimised) C programs use around twice as much program memory as the assembler version.
Example 6: Internal (Weak) Pull-ups
As discussed in baseline lesson 4, many PICs include
internal weak pull-ups, which can be used to pull
floating inputs (such as an open switch) high.
They perform the same function as external pull-up
resistors, pulling an input high when a connected switch
is open, but only supplying a small current; not enough
to present a problem when a closed switch grounds the
This means that, on pins where weak pull-ups are
available, it is possible to directly connect switches
between an input pin and ground, as shown on the right.
In the baseline (12-bit) PICs, such as the 12F509, the
weak pull-ups are not individually selectable; they are
either all on, or all off.
To enable the weak pull-ups, clear the GPPU bit in the OPTION register.
In the example assembler program from baseline lesson 4, this was done by:
movlw b'10111111' ; enable internal pull-ups

To load the OPTION register in HI-TECH C, simply assign a value to the variable OPTION.
For example:
OPTION = 0b10111111;

But since the supplied include files define symbols to represent register bits, including those in OPTION,
you can write:

to turn off only the GPPU bit, making the code more readable.
Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Microchip MPASM 41 34 3
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 21 77 11
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 20 101 5
CCS PCB 19 73 6
Gooligum Electronics 2008 www.gooligum.com.au
Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 30
To enable weak pull-ups in the toggle a LED program from example 5, simply add this OPTION = line
to the initialisation code. For example:
// initialisation
OPTION = ~GPPU; // enable weak pull-ups
GPIO = 0; // start with LED off
sGPIO = 0; // update shadow
TRIS = 0b111101; // configure GP1 (only) as an output

Enabling the internal weak pull-ups using CCS PCB is a little obscure, and not well documented.
The CCS compiler provides a built-in function for enabling pull-ups, PORT_x_PULLUPS(), but the
documentation (in the online help) for this function states that it is only available for 14-bit (midrange) and
16-bit (18F) PICs. For baseline PICs, we are told:
Note: use SETUP_COUNTERS on PCB parts
However, the documentation for the built-in SETUP_COUNTERS() function makes does not mention the
weak pull-ups at all.
To figure this out, we need to go digging in the include files. The 12F509.h header file includes the
following lines:
// Timer 0 (AKA RTCC)Functions: SETUP_COUNTERS() or SETUP_TIMER_0(),


#define RTCC_DIV_1 8
#define RTCC_DIV_2 0

// Constants used for SETUP_COUNTERS() are the above
// constants for the 1st param and the following for
// the 2nd param:

// Watch Dog Timer Functions: SETUP_WDT() or SETUP_COUNTERS() (see above)

#define WDT_18MS 0x8008

#define DISABLE_PULLUPS 0x40 // for 508 and 509 only
#define DISABLE_WAKEUP_ON_CHANGE 0x80 // for 508 and 509 only

And here, finally, is a clue.
As we saw in baseline lesson 5, the OPTION register in the baseline PICs is mainly used for selecting
Timer0 options, including prescaler assignment and prescale ratio. And since the prescaler is shared with the
watchdog timer (see baseline lesson 7), some of these OPTION bits are also used to select watchdog timing
That is why the Timer0 and watchdog options are both being set by the SETUP_COUNTERS() function,
the use of which is being de-emphasised by CCS, in favour of more specialised built-in functions. But as
well as Timer0 and watchdog options, the OPTION register on the baseline PICs also controls the weak
pull-up and wake-up on change (see lesson 7) functions.
Therefore, for the baseline PICs, the SETUP_COUNTERS() function also controls the weak pull-up and
wake-up on change functions, in addition to setting timer and watchdog options.
It is not possible to simply enable the weak pull-ups. Instead, we must configure Timer0 (something well
look at in more detail in the next lesson); the pull-ups are implicitly enabled by default.
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Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 31
For example:

To setup the timer without enabling the pull-ups, you explicitly disable them by ORing the
DISABLE_PULLUPS symbol with the second parameter.
For example:

To enable weak pull-ups in the toggle a LED program from example 5, add this SETUP_COUNTERS()
line to the initialisation code. For example:
// initialisation
setup_counters(RTCC_INTERNAL,RTCC_DIV_1); // enable weak pull-ups
output_b(0); // start with LED off
sGPIO = 0; // update shadow

Here is the resource usage summary for the toggle a LED using weak pull-ups programs:
Since we have only added a line (for C) or two (for assembler), the source code is barely longer than that in
example 5. And the assembler and PICC-Lite programs use only two more words of program memory, since
they have added only the two instructions needed to load the OPTION register.
However, the CCS program has grown from 73 to 81 words long, because the SETUP_COUNTERS()
function has added a number of instructions for setting up the timers, which are not actually needed in this
Overall, we have seen that, although HI-TECH and CCS take quite different approaches, basic digital I/O
operations can be expressed succinctly using either C compiler, leading to significantly shorter source code,
as illustrated by the code comparisons we have done in this lesson:
Source code (lines)
Assembler / Compiler
Source code
Program memory
Data memory
Microchip MPASM 43 36 3
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 22 79 11
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 21 105 5
CCS PCB 20 81 6
Assembler / Compiler Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
Microchip MPASM 13 42 28 17 41 43
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 6 14 12 6 21 22
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 6 13 12 6 20 21
CCS PCB 5 9 9 5 19 20
Gooligum Electronics 2008 www.gooligum.com.au
Baseline PIC C, Lesson 1: Basic Digital I/O Page 32
The CCS source code is consistently shorter than that for HI-TECH C, reflecting the availability of built-in
functions in CCS PCB which perform operations which may take a number of statements in HI-TECH C to
accomplish. Whether this approach is better is a matter of personal style, although we saw in example 6 that
the use of built-in functions does not necessarily make the code easier to follow; the operation of a built-in
function may not always be clear.
It could be argued that, because the C code is significantly shorter than corresponding assembler code, with
the program structure more readily apparent, C programs are more easily understood, faster to write, and
simpler to debug, than assembler.
So why use assembler? One argument is that, because assembler is closer to the hardware, the developer
benefits from having a greater understanding of exactly what the hardware is doing; there are no unexpected
or undocumented side effects, no opportunities to be bitten by bugs in built-in or library functions. This
argument may apply to CCS PCB, which as we have seen, tends to hide details of the hardware from the
programmer; it is not always apparent what the program is always doing behind the scenes. But it doesnt
really apply to HI-TECH C, which exposes all the PICs registers as variables, and the programmer has to
modify the register contents in the same way as would be done in assembler.
However, we have also seen that both C compilers generate code which occupies significantly more program
memory and uses more data memory than for corresponding hand-written assembler programs:
Program memory (words)
Data memory (bytes)
Since the C compilers consistently use more resources than assembler (for equivalent programs), there comes
a point, as programs grow, that a C program will not fit into a particular PIC, while the same program would
fit if it had been written in assembler. In that case, the choice is to write in assembler, or use a more
expensive PIC. For a one-off project, a more expensive chip probably makes sense, whereas for volume
production, using resources efficiently by writing in assembler is the right choice.
And if this is a hobby for you, then its purely a question of personal preference, because as we have seen,
both the HI-TECH and CCS free C compilers, as well as assembler, are viable options.

In the next lesson well see how to use these C compilers to configure and access Timer0.

Assembler / Compiler Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
Microchip MPASM 10 34 34 13 34 36
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 9 78 60 15 77 79
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 19 78 58 31 101 105
CCS PCB 12 45 43 22 73 81
Assembler / Compiler Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
Microchip MPASM 0 3 4 1 3 3
HI-TECH PICC-Lite 4 9 10 4 11 11
HI-TECH C PRO Lite 2 7 8 4 5 5
CCS PCB 3 5 6 4 6 6

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