BizTalk Server Certification
BizTalk Server Certification
BizTalk Server Certification
Integration Specialist
(With BizTalk Server)
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Certified Enterprise Applications Integration
specialist (With specialist (With specialist (With specialist (With BizTalk BizTalk BizTalk BizTalk Server) Server) Server) Server)
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS VS VS VS- -- -!"! !"! !"! !"!
BizTalk Server BizTalk Server BizTalk Server BizTalk Server (Integration and connectivit# server technolog#) allo$s organizations to
strategize their IT polic# and s%pport to easil# connect disparate &%siness s#ste's( It is a
develop'ent and r%n-ti'e environ'ent for &%siness process 'anage'ent (B)*) and
a%to'ation $ith BizTalk+s E,tract- Transfor' and .oad feat%res( It pla#s a &ig role in
integrating legac# s#ste's of a co'pan# $ith ne$er IT strategic applications( The
technolog# is &ased on %pco'ing Service /riented Architect%re (S/A) and Enterprise
Application B%s (ESB)( C%rrentl# there is a h%ge de'and for BizTalk professionals( The
'od%le $ill concentrate on BizTalk techni0%es that are %sed in integrating vario%s
Applications( A Vskills Certified BizTalk professional co%ld have e'plo#'ent
opport%nities in all IT co'panies(
Wh# sho%ld one take this certification1 Wh# sho%ld one take this certification1 Wh# sho%ld one take this certification1 Wh# sho%ld one take this certification1
This Co%rse is intended for professionals and technical grad%ates seeking career in
Soft$are ind%str# and $anting to e,cel in chosen areas( It is also $ell s%ited for those $ho
are alread# $orking and $o%ld like to take certification for f%rther career progression(
Indian IT ind%str# is 'oving %p the val%e c%rve- and toda#+s scenario de'ands 'ore
specialization and that is $here a certification of this t#pe $ill add val%e(
Who $ill &enefit fro' taking this certification1 Who $ill &enefit fro' taking this certification1 Who $ill &enefit fro' taking this certification1 Who $ill &enefit fro' taking this certification1
This co%rse &enefits st%dents $ho $ish to 'ake a career in soft$are ind%str#( This co%rse
is also &eneficial for professionals alread# $orking and $ant to ac0%ire kno$ledge in this
seg'ent of ind%str#( St%dents $ill &e read# for 2o&s fro' da# since this is a high de'and
skill in soft$are co'panies( )rofessionals alread# in the soft$are sector looking for 2o&
s$itch $ill also &enefit fro' the certification(
Test 3etails4 Test 3etails4 Test 3etails4 Test 3etails4
3%ration4 3%ration4 3%ration4 3%ration4 5! 'in%tes
6o( of 0%estions4 6o( of 0%estions4 6o( of 0%estions4 6o( of 0%estions4 7!
*a,i'%' 'arks4 *a,i'%' 'arks4 *a,i'%' 'arks4 *a,i'%' 'arks4 7!- )assing 'arks4 "7 (7!8)9 There is no negative 'arking in
this 'od%le(
:ee Str%ct%re4 :ee Str%ct%re4 :ee Str%ct%re4 :ee Str%ct%re4
;s( "-!!!<- (Incl%des all ta,es)
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
Co'panies that hi Co'panies that hi Co'panies that hi Co'panies that hire Vskills Certified Enterprise Integration Specialists re Vskills Certified Enterprise Integration Specialists re Vskills Certified Enterprise Integration Specialists re Vskills Certified Enterprise Integration Specialists
BizTalk is in great de'and and 'a2or IT co'panies in India hire the'( There are a lot of
&o%ti0%e niche co'panies- specializing in Integration Services- $ho are constantl# hiring
kno$ledgea&le professionals( International 2o& cons%ltants also are constantl# looking for
Integration Specialists for overseas 2o&s( The skill is also greatl# in de'and in s%per
specialized govern'ent pro2ects on contract &asis(
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
Ta&le of Content Ta&le of Content Ta&le of Content Ta&le of Content
I II Introd%ction = Installation ntrod%ction = Installation ntrod%ction = Installation ntrod%ction = Installation
>ard$are ;e0%ire'ents
Soft$are ;e0%ire'ents
Installing Vis%al St%dio "!!7
Install BizTalk Server "!!5
Config%ring BizTalk Server
BizTalk Architect%re BizTalk Architect%re BizTalk Architect%re BizTalk Architect%re
The BizTalk Server *essage
BizTalk Adapters BizTalk Adapters BizTalk Adapters BizTalk Adapters
The Adapter :ra'e$ork
Instantiation of an Adapter
;eceive Adapters
Send Adapters
/rchestrations /rchestrations /rchestrations /rchestrations
3eplo#ing /rchestrations
Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration
Create the EAI Sol%tion
3efine the B%siness )rocess
Create the EAI B%siness )rocess
Create *essage Instance Varia&les
Add )orts to the /rchestration
B%ild the EAI /rchestrations )ro2ect
3eplo# the Sol%tion 3eplo# the Sol%tion 3eplo# the Sol%tion 3eplo# the Sol%tion
Config%re and Start the EAI Application
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
Co%rse /%tline Co%rse /%tline Co%rse /%tline Co%rse /%tline
Introd%ction = Installation Introd%ction = Installation Introd%ction = Installation Introd%ction = Installation
What is BizTalk and e,plaining &%siness process 'anage'ent (B)*)
Installation of BizTalk server soft$are ill%strating Co'ponent and CAB file details and
foc%sing on Windo$s ?) installation
*ini'%' co'p%ter hard$are needed for installation
Soft$are environ'ent re0%ired for installation
Steps in installing Vis%al st%dio for develop'ent(
Se0%ence of installation of Biz Talk server soft$are
Config%ring the BizTalk Server after installation
Architect%re Architect%re Architect%re Architect%re of of of of BizTalk BizTalk BizTalk BizTalk Soft$are Soft$are Soft$are Soft$are
Ill%strating BizTalk fra'e$ork
S/A) %sage and BizTalk Server *essage
El%cidating the flo$ of Biz Talk *essage
E,po%nding the str%ct%re of BizTalk doc%'ent
E,plaining 3eliver# ele'ents
Ill%strating vario%s ele'ents (identit#- to = fro'- relia&ilit#- receipt- identit#- etc()
BizTalk Adapter BizTalk Adapter BizTalk Adapter BizTalk Adapter
What is BizTalk Adapter
:ra'e$ork of BizTalk Adapter
Adapter instantiation
Asse'&l# deplo#'ent 'ethod
;eceiving Adapter involving initializing and receive adaptor operations
Ill%strating sending adapter $ith &locking vs( non-&locking trans'issions
/rchestrations /rchestrations /rchestrations /rchestrations
)%&lish and s%&scri&e
/rchestration deplo#'ent involving direct &inding option
E,plaining partner orchestration
Correlation in orchestration
@sing /rchestration 3esigner
Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration
Steps to create and config%re the EAI sol%tion %sing Vis%al St%dio
3efining the &%siness process thro%gh Vis%al St%dio
Steps to create &%siness process $orkflo$
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
*essage Instance Varia&le creation steps
E,plaining proced%re to add ports to the /rchestration
B%ild the EAI /rchestration pro2ect
3eplo# the 3eplo# the 3eplo# the 3eplo# the EAI EAI EAI EAI Sol%tion Sol%tion Sol%tion Sol%tion
Steps to Config%re the EAI Sol%tion
Steps to Start the EAI Sol%tion
Certified Enterprise Applications Integration Specialist (BizTalk)
Sa'ple A%estions Sa'ple A%estions Sa'ple A%estions Sa'ple A%estions
( What is the defa%lt 'apping for A%to *apping1 ( What is the defa%lt 'apping for A%to *apping1 ( What is the defa%lt 'apping for A%to *apping1 ( What is the defa%lt 'apping for A%to *apping1
A( The defa%lt 'apping for A%to *apping is 'apping &# str%ct%re(
B( This can &e changed to &# node na'e in the 'ap properties
C( It follo$s eas# to ro%te 'essages in relia&le 'essaging
3( It generates a defined sche'a for all 'essages
"( What does /rchestration define1 "( What does /rchestration define1 "( What does /rchestration define1 "( What does /rchestration define1
A( .oops and &ehavior of 'essage
B( .ogic that controls a &%siness process $orkflo$(
C( Send port config%ration
3( ;eceive port config%ration
B( When 'an# &%siness processes r%n at the sa'e ti'e- B( When 'an# &%siness processes r%n at the sa'e ti'e- B( When 'an# &%siness processes r%n at the sa'e ti'e- B( When 'an# &%siness processes r%n at the sa'e ti'e-
A( *e'or# and perfor'ance are co'pro'ised(
B( BizTalk halts so'e orchestrations a%to'aticall#
C( There is no i'pact on overall s#ste' perfor'ance as BizTalk r%ns sched%ler process
to handle s%ch instances
3( All of the a&ove
C( After an orchestration instance has &een deh#drated C( After an orchestration instance has &een deh#drated C( After an orchestration instance has &een deh#drated C( After an orchestration instance has &een deh#drated
A( It can &e reh#drated on an# of the servers(
B( /n the sa'e server it $as e,ec%ting earlier
C( /nl# A
3( Both A and B
7( When $orking $ith Sche'as- *aps- )ipel 7( When $orking $ith Sche'as- *aps- )ipel 7( When $orking $ith Sche'as- *aps- )ipel 7( When $orking $ith Sche'as- *aps- )ipelines- and /rchestrations ho$ sho%ld ines- and /rchestrations ho$ sho%ld ines- and /rchestrations ho$ sho%ld ines- and /rchestrations ho$ sho%ld
the pro2ects &e str%ct%red1 the pro2ects &e str%ct%red1 the pro2ects &e str%ct%red1 the pro2ects &e str%ct%red1
A( Sche'as and *aps in its o$n pro2ect(
B( Sche'as and *aps together in its o$n pro2ect(
C( /rchestrations in its o$n pro2ect(
3( All of the a&ove
Answers : 1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (A), 4 (A), 5 (B)