Package Genetics': R Topics Documented

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Package genetics

September 3, 2013
Title Population Genetics Version Date 2012-11-26 Author Gregory Warnes, with contributions from Gregor Gorjanc,Friedrich Leisch, and Michael Man. Maintainer Gregory Warnes <> Depends combinat, gdata, gtools, MASS, mvtnorm Description Classes and methods for handling genetic data. Includes classes to represent genotypes and haplotypes at single markers up to multiple markers on multiple chromosomes. Function include allele frequencies, agging homo/heterozygotes,agging carriers of certain alleles, estimating and testing for Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, estimating and testing for linkage disequilibrium, ... biocViews Genetics License GPL Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2013-09-03 12:06:28 NeedsCompilation no

R topics documented:
ci.balance . . . . . Depreciated . . . . diseq . . . . . . . . expectedGenotypes genotype . . . . . . gregorius . . . . . groupGenotype . . homozygote . . . . HWE.chisq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 4 7 8 13 15 17 20

2 HWE.exact . . . . HWE.test . . . . . LD . . . . . . . . . locus . . . . . . . . makeGenotypes . . order.genotype . . plot.genotype . . . print.LD . . . . . . summary.genotype undocumented . . . write.pop.le . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ci.balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 22 24 27 30 32 35 36 38 40 40 42


Experimental Function to Correct Condence Intervals At or Near Boundaries of the Parameter Space by Sliding the Interval on the Quantile Scale.

Description Experimental function to correct condence intervals at or near boundaries of the parameter space by sliding the interval on the quantile scale. Usage ci.balance(x, est, confidence= .95, alpha=1-confidence, minval, maxval, na.rm=TRUE) Arguments x est confidence alpha minval maxval na.rm Bootstrap parameter estimates. Observed value of the parameter. Condence level for the interval. Defaults to 0.95. Type I error rate (size) for the interval. Defaults to 1-confidence. A numeric value specifying the lower bound of the parameter space. Leave unspecied (the default) if there is no lower bound. A numeric value specifying the upper bound of the parameter space. Leave unspecied (the default) if there is no upper bound. logical. Should missing values be removed?


This function attempts to compute a proper conf*100% condence interval for parameters at or near the boundary of the parameter space using bootstrapped parameter estimates by sliding the condence interval on the quantile scale. This is accomplished by attempting to place a conf *100% interval symmetrically *on the quantile scale* about the observed value. If a symmetric interval would exceed the observed data at the upper (lower) end, a one-sided interval is computed with the upper (lower) boundary xed at the the upper (lower) boundary of the parameter space. Value A list containing: A 2-element vector containing the lower and upper condence limits. The names of the elements of the vector give the actual quantile values used for the interval or one of the character strings "Upper Boundary" or "Lower Boundary". overflow.upper, overflow.lower The number of elements beyond those observed that would be needed to compute a symmetric (on the quantile scale) condence interval. n.above, n.below The number of bootstrap values which are above (below) the observed value. lower.n, upper.n The index of the value used for the endpoint of the condence interval or the character string "Upper Boundary" ("Lower Boundary"). ci Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes < > See Also boot, bootstrap, Used by Examples
# These are nonsensical examples which simply exercise the # computation. See the code to for a real example. # # FIXME: Add real example using boot or bootstrap. set.seed(7981357) x <- abs(rnorm(1 ,1)) ci.balance(x,1, minval= ) ci.balance(x,1) x <- rnorm(1 ,1) x <- ifelse(x>1, 1, x) ci.balance(x,1, maxval=1) ci.balance(x,1)



Depreciated functions

Description These functions are depreciated. Usage power.casectrl(...) Arguments ... Details All arguments are ignored

The power.casectl function contained serious errors and has been replaced by GPC, GeneticPower.Quantitative.Factor, or GeneticPower.Quantitative.Numeric in the BioConductor GeneticsDesign package. In specic, the power.casectl function used an expected contingency table to create the test statistic that was erroneously based on the underlying null, rather than on the marginal totals of the observed table. In addition, the modeling of dominant and recessive modes of inheritance had assumed a "perfect" genotype with no disease, whereas in reality a dominant or recessive mode of inheritance simply means that two of the genotypes will have an identical odds ratio compared to the 3rd genotype (the other homozygote).


Estimate or Compute Condence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium

Description Estimate or compute condence interval for single-marker disequilibrium. Usage diseq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class diseq print(x, show=c("D","D","r","R^2","table"), ...), R=1 , conf= .95, correct=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, ...)

diseq Arguments x show genotype or haplotype object.

a character value or vector indicating which disequilibrium measures should be displayed. The default is to show all of the available measures. show="table" will display a table of observed, expected, and observed-expected frequencies. Condence level to use when computing the condence level for D-hat. Defaults to 0.95, should be in (0,1). Number of bootstrap iterations to use when computing the condence interval. Defaults to 1000. See details. logical. Should missing values be removed? optional parameters passed to ( or ignored.

conf R correct na.rm ... Details

For a single-gene marker, diseq computes the Hardy-Weinberg (dis)equilibrium statistic D, D, r (the correlation coefcient), and r2 for each pair of allele values, as well as an overall summary value for each measure across all alleles. print.diseq displays the contents of a diseq object. computes a bootstrap condence interval for this estimate. For consistency, I have applied the standard denitions for D, D, and r from the Linkage Disequilibrium case, replacing all marker probabilities with the appropriate allele probabilities. Thus, for each allele pair, D is dened as the half of the raw difference in frequency between the observed number of heterozygotes and the expected number: D= D rescales D to span the range [-1,1] D = where, if D > 0: Dmax = min pi pj , pj pi = pi pj or if D < 0: Dmax = min pi (1 pj ), pj (1 pi ) r is the correlation coefcient between two alleles, and can be computed by r= where D (pi (1 pi )p(j )(1 pj )) D Dmax 1 (pij + pji ) pi pj 2

6 - pi dened as the observed probability of allele i, -pj dened as the observed probability of allele j, and -pij dened as the observed probability of the allele pair ij.


When there are more than two alleles, the summary values for these statistics are obtained by computing a weighted average of the absolute value of each allele pair, where the weight is determined by the expected frequency. For example: Doverall =

|Dij | pij

Bootstrapping is used to generate condence interval in order to avoid reliance on parametric assumptions, which will not hold for alleles with low frequencies (e.g. D following a a Chi-square distribution). See the function HWE.test for testing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, D = 0. Value diseq returns an object of class diseq with components callfunction call used to create this object data2-way table of allele pair counts D.hatmatrix giving the observed count, expected count, observed - expected difference, and estimate of disequilibrium for each pair of alleles as well as an overall disequilibrium value. TODOmore slots to be documented returns an object of class Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes < > See Also genotype, HWE.test, boot, Examples g1 g1 <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") <- genotype(

diseq(g1) HWE.test(g1)

# does the same, plus tests D-hat= <- c(rep("A/A",8),

rep("C/A",2 ), rep("C/T",2 ), rep("C/C",1 ), rep("T/T",3)) g3 g3 <- genotype(

diseq(g3), ci.B=1

, ci.type="bca")

# only show observed vs expected table print(diseq(g3),show=table)


Construct expected genotypes/haplotypes according to known allele variants

Description expectedGenotypes constructs expected genotypes according to known allele variants, which can be quite tedious with large number of allele variants. It can handle different level of ploidy. Usage expectedGenotypes(x, alleles=allele.names(x), ploidy=2, sort=TRUE, haplotype=FALSE) expectedHaplotypes(x, alleles=allele.names(x), ploidy=2, sort=TRUE, haplotype=TRUE) Arguments x alleles ploidy sort haplotype genotype or haplotype character, vector of allele names numeric, number of chromosome sets i.e. 2 for human autosomal genes logical, sort genotypes according to order of alleles in alleles argument logical, construct haplotypes i.e. ordered genotype At least one of x or alleles must be given.

Details expectedHaplotypes() just calls expectedGenotypes() with argument haplotype=TRUE. Value A character vector with genotype names as "alele1/alele2" for diploid example. Length of output is (n (n + 1))/2 for genotype (unordered genotype) and n n for haplotype (ordered genotype) for n allele variants.

8 Author(s) Gregor Gorjanc See Also allele.names, genotype Examples

## On genotype prp <- c("ARQ/ARQ", "ARQ/ARQ", "ARR/ARQ", "AHQ/ARQ", "ARQ/ARQ") alleles <- c("ARR", "AHQ", "ARH", "ARQ", "VRR", "VRQ") expectedGenotypes(as.genotype(prp)) expectedGenotypes(as.genotype(prp, alleles=alleles)) expectedGenotypes(as.genotype(prp, alleles=alleles, reorder="yes")) ## Only allele names expectedGenotypes(alleles=alleles) expectedGenotypes(alleles=alleles, ploidy=4) ## Haplotype expectedHaplotypes(alleles=alleles) expectedHaplotypes(alleles=alleles, ploidy=4)[1:2 ]



Genotype or Haplotype Objects.

Description genotype creates a genotype object. haplotype creates a haplotype object. is.genotype returns TRUE if x is of class genotype is.haplotype returns TRUE if x is of class haplotype as.genotype attempts to coerce its argument into an object of class genotype. as.genotype.allele.count converts allele counts (0,1,2) into genotype pairs ("A/A", "A/B", "B/B"). as.haplotype attempts to coerce its argument into an object of class haplotype. nallele returns the number of alleles in an object of class genotype. Usage genotype(a1, a2=NULL, alleles=NULL, sep="/", remove.spaces=TRUE, reorder = c("yes", "no", "default", "ascii", "freq"), allow.partial.missing=FALSE, locus=NULL, genotypeOrder=NULL)

genotype haplotype(a1, a2=NULL, alleles=NULL, sep="/", remove.spaces=TRUE, reorder="no", allow.partial.missing=FALSE, locus=NULL, genotypeOrder=NULL) is.genotype(x) is.haplotype(x) as.genotype(x, ...) ## S3 method for class allele.count as.genotype(x, alleles=c("A","B"), ... ) as.haplotype(x, ...) ## S3 method for class genotype print(x, ...) nallele(x) Arguments x a1,a2 alleles sep remove.spaces reorder

either an object of class genotype or haplotype or an object to be converted to class genotype or haplotype. vector(s) or matrix containing two alleles for each individual. See details, below. names (and order if reorder="yes") of possible alleles. character separator or column number used to divide alleles when a1 is a vector of strings where each string holds both alleles. See below for details. logical indicating whether spaces and tabs will be removed from a1 and a2 before processing.

how should alleles within an individual be reordered. If reorder="no", use the order specied by the alleles parameter. If reorder="freq" or reorder="yes", sort alleles within each individual by observed frequency. If reorder="ascii", reorder alleles in ASCII order (alphabetical, with all upper case before lower case). The default value for genotype is "freq". The default value for haplotype is "no". allow.partial.missing logical indicating whether one allele is permitted to be missing. When set to FALSE both alleles are set to NA when either is missing. object of class locus, gene, or marker, holding information about the source of this genotype. character, vector of genotype/haplotype names so that further functions can sort genotypes/haplotypes in wanted order optional arguments

locus genotypeOrder ...

10 Details


Genotype objects hold information on which gene or marker alleles were observed for different individuals. For each individual, two alleles are recorded. The genotype class considers the stored alleles to be unordered, i.e., "C/T" is equivalent to "T/C". The haplotype class considers the order of the alleles to be signicant so that "C/T" is distinct from "T/C". When calling genotype or haplotype: If only a1 is provided and is a character vector, it is assumed that each element encodes both alleles. In this case, if sep is a character string, a1 is assumed to be coded as "Allele1<sep>Allele2". If sep is a numeric value, it is assumed that character locations 1:sep contain allele 1 and that remaining locations contain allele 2. If a1 is a matrix, it is assumed that column 1 contains allele 1 and column 2 contains allele 2. If a1 and a2 are both provided, each is assumed to contain one allele value so that the genotype for an individual is obtained by paste(a1,a2,sep="/"). If remove.spaces is TRUE, (the default) any whitespace contained in a1 and a2 is removed when the genotypes are created. If whitespace is used as the separator, (eg "C C", "C T", ...), be sure to set remove.spaces to FALSE. When the alleles are explicitly specied using the alleles argument, all potential alleles not present in the list will be converted to NA. NOTE: genotype assumes that the order of the alleles is not important (E.G., "A/C" == "C/A"). Use class haplotype if order is signicant. If genotypeOrder=NULL (the default setting), then expectedGenotypes is used to get standard sorting order. Only unique values in genotypeOrder are used, which in turns means that the rst occurrence prevails. When genotypeOrder is given some genotype names, but not all that appear in the data, the rest (those in the data and possible combinations based on allele variants) is automatically added at the end of genotypeOrder. This puts "missing" genotype names at the end of sort order. This feature is especially useful when there are a lot of allele variants and especially in haplotypes. See examples. Value The genotype class extends "factor" and haplotype extends genotype. Both classes have the following attributes: levels allele.names

character vector of possible genotype/haplotype values stored coded by paste( allele1, "/", allele2 character vector of possible alleles. For a SNP, these might be c("A","T"). For a variable length dinucleotyde repeat this might be c("136","138","140","148"). matrix encoding how the factor levels correspond to alleles. See the source code to allele.genotype() for how to extract allele values using this matrix. Better yet, just use allele.genotype(). character, genotype/haplotype names in dened order that can used for sorting in various functions. Note that this slot stores both ordered and unordered genotypes i.e. "A/B" and "B/A".


genotype Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> and Friedrich Leisch. See Also


HWE.test, allele, homozygote, heterozygote, carrier, summary.genotype, allele.count, sort.genotype, genotypeOrder, locus, gene, marker, and %in% for default %in% method Examples
# several examples of genotype data in different formats <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") g1 <- genotype( g1 example.data2 g2 g2 <- c("C-C","C-T","C-C","T-T","C-C", "C-C","C-C","C-C","T-T","") <- genotype(example.data2,sep="-")

example.nosep g3 g3

<- c("DD", "DI", "DD", "II", "DD", "DD", "DD", "DD", "II", "") <- genotype(example.nosep,sep="")

example.a1 <- c("D", "D", "D", "I", "D", example.a2 <- c("D", "I", "D", "I", "D", g4 <- genotype(example.a1,example.a2) g4

"D", "D",

"D", "D",

"D", "D",

"I", "I",

"") "")

example.mat <- cbind(a1=example.a1, a1=example.a2) g5 <- genotype(example.mat) g5 example.data5 <- c("D / D","D / I","D "D / D","D / D","D "I / I","") <- genotype(example.data5,rem=TRUE) / / D","I D","D / / I", D",

g5 g5

# show how genotype and haplotype differ data1 <- c("C/C", "C/T", "T/C") data2 <- c("C/C", "T/C", "T/C") test1 test2 test3 test4 <- genotype( data1 ) <- genotype( data2 ) <<haplotype( data1 ) haplotype( data2 )

test1==test2 test3==test4 test1=="C/T" test1=="T/C" test3=="C/T" test3=="T/C" ## also test1 test1 test3 test1 test1 test3 test3 ## "Messy" example m3 <c("D D/\t D D","D\tD/ I", "D D/ D D","I/ I", "D D/ D D","D D/ D D","D D/ D D","D D/ D D", "I/ I","/ ","/I")


genotype(m3) summary(genotype(m3)) m4 <c("D D","D I","D D","I I", "D D","D D","D D","D D", "I I"," "," I")

genotype(m4,sep=1) genotype(m4,sep=" ",remove.spaces=FALSE) summary(genotype(m4,sep=" ",remove.spaces=FALSE)) m5 c("DD","DI","DD","II", "DD","DD","DD","DD", "II"," "," I") genotype(m5,sep=1) haplotype(m5,sep=1,remove.spaces=FALSE) g5 h5 <- genotype(m5,sep="") <- haplotype(m5,sep="") <-

heterozygote(g5) homozygote(g5) carrier(g5,"D") g5[9:1 ] g5 <- haplotype(m4,sep=" ",remove=FALSE)[1:2]

g5[9:1 ] allele(g5[9:1 ],1) allele(g5,1)[9:1 ] # drop unused alleles g5[9:1 ,drop=TRUE] h5[9:1 ,drop=TRUE] # Convert allele.counts into genotype x <- c( ,1,2,1,1,2,NA,1,2,1,2,2,2) g <- as.genotype.allele.count(x, alleles=c("C","T") ) g # Use of genotypeOrder <- c("D/D","D/I","I/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/I","I/D","I/I","") summary(genotype( genotypeOrder(genotype( summary(genotype(, genotypeOrder=c("D/D", "I/I", "D/I"))) summary(genotype(, genotypeOrder=c( "D/I"))) summary(haplotype(, genotypeOrder=c( "I/D", "D/I"))) <- genotype( genotypeOrder( <- c("D/D", "I/I", "D/I") genotypeOrder(



Probability of Observing All Alleles with a Given Frequency in a Sample of a Specied Size.

Description Probability of observing all alleles with a given frequency in a sample of a specied size. Usage gregorius(freq, N, missprob, tol = 1e-1 , maxN = 1 Arguments freq N missprob tol maxN maxiter (Minimum) Allele frequency (required) Number of sampled genotypes Desired maximum probability of failing to observe an allele. Omit computation for terms which contribute less than this value. Largest value to consider when searching for N. Maximum number of iterations to use when searching for N. , maxiter=1 , showiter = FALSE)

14 showiter

gregorius Boolean ag indicating whether to show the iterations performed when searching for N.

Details If freq and N are provided, but missprob is omitted, this function computes the probability of failing to observe all alleles with true underlying frequency freq when N diploid genotypes are sampled. This is accomplished using the sum provided in Corollary 2 of Gregorius (1980), omitting terms which contribute less than tol to the result. When freq and missprob are provide, but N is omitted. A binary search on the range of [1,maxN] is performed to locate the smallest sample size, N, for which the probability of failing to observe all alleles with true underlying frequency freq is at most missprob. In this case, maxiter species the largest number of iterations to use in the binary search, and showiter controls whether the iterations of the search are displayed. Value A list containing the following values: call method Function call used to generate this object. One of the strings, "Compute missprob given N and freq", or "Determine minimal N given missprob and freq", indicating which type of computation was performed. Specied allele frequency.


retval$N Specied or computed sample size. retval$missprob Computed probability of failing to observe all of the alleles with frequency freq. Note This code produces sample sizes that are slightly larger than those given in table 1 of Gregorius (1980). This appears to be due to rounding of the computed missprobs by the authors of that paper. Author(s) Code submitted by David Duffy <>, substantially enhanced by Gregory R. Warnes <>. References Gregorius, H.R. 1980. The probability of losing an allele when diploid genotypes are sampled. Biometrics 36, 643-652. Examples
# Compute the probability of missing an allele with frequency # 2 genotypes are sampled: gregorius(freq= .15, N=2 ) .15 when



# Determine what sample size is required to observe all alleles with true # frequency .15 with probability .95 gregorius(freq= .15, missprob=1- .95)


Group genotype values

Description groupGenotype groups genotype or haplotype values according to given "grouping/mapping" information Usage groupGenotype(x, map, haplotype=FALSE, factor=TRUE, levels=NULL, verbose=FALSE)

Arguments x map haplotype factor levels verbose genotype or haplotype list, mapping information, see details and examples logical, should values in a map be treated as haplotypes or genotypes, see details logical, should output be a factor or a character character, optional vector of level names if factor is produced (factor=TRUE); the default is to use the sort order of the group names in map logical, print genotype names that match entries in the map - mainly used for debugging

Details Examples show how map can be constructed. This are the main points to be aware of: names of list components are used as new group names list components hold genotype names per each group genotype names can be specied directly i.e. "A/B" or abbreviated such as "A/*" or even "*/*", where "*" matches any possible allele, but read also further on all genotype names that are not specied can be captured with ".else" (note the dot!) genotype names that were not specied (and ".else" was not used) are changed to NA map is inspected before grouping of genotypes is being done. The following steps are done during inspection:


groupGenotype ".else" must be at the end (if not, it is moved) to match everything that has not yet been dened any specications like "A/*", "*/A", or "*/*" are extended to all possible genotypes based on alleles in argument alleles - in case of haplotype=FALSE, "A/*" and "*/A" match the same genotypes since use of "*" and ".else" can cause duplicates along the whole map, duplicates are removed sequentially (rst occurrence is kept) Using ".else" or "*/*" at the end of the map produces the same result, due to removing duplicates sequentially.

Value A factor or character vector with genotypes grouped Author(s) Gregor Gorjanc See Also genotype, haplotype, factor, and levels Examples
## --- Setup --x <- c("A/A", "A/B", "B/A", "A/C", "C/A", "A/D", "D/A", "B/B", "B/C", "C/B", "B/D", "D/B", "C/C", "C/D", "D/C", "D/D") g <- genotype(x, reorder="yes") ## "A/A" "A/B" "A/B" "A/C" "A/C" "A/D" "A/D" "B/B" "B/C" "B/C" "B/D" "B/D" ## "C/C" "C/D" "C/D" "D/D" h <- haplotype(x) ## "A/A" "A/B" "B/A" "A/C" "C/A" "A/D" "D/A" "B/B" "B/C" "C/B" "B/D" "D/B" ## "C/C" "C/D" "D/C" "D/D" ## --- Use of "A/A", "A/*" and ".else" --map <- list("homoG"=c("A/A", "B/B", "C/C", "D/D"), "heteroA*"=c("A/B", "A/C", "A/D"), "heteroB*"=c("B/*"), "heteroRest"=".else") (tmpG <- groupGenotype(x=g, map=map, factor=FALSE)) (tmpH <- groupGenotype(x=h, map=map, factor=FALSE, haplotype=TRUE)) ## Show difference between genotype and haplotype treatment cbind(as.character(h), gen=tmpG, hap=tmpH, diff=!(tmpG == tmpH))

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## gen "homoG" "heteroA*" "heteroA*" "heteroA*" "heteroA*" "heteroA*" "heteroA*" "homoG" "heteroB*" "heteroB*" "heteroB*" "heteroB*" "homoG" "heteroRest" "heteroRest" "homoG" hap "homoG" "heteroA*" "heteroB*" "heteroA*" "heteroRest" "heteroA*" "heteroRest" "homoG" "heteroB*" "heteroRest" "heteroB*" "heteroRest" "homoG" "heteroRest" "heteroRest" "homoG" diff "FALSE" "FALSE" "TRUE" "FALSE" "TRUE" "FALSE" "TRUE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "TRUE" "FALSE" "TRUE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE"


[1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [5,] [6,] [7,] [8,] [9,] [1 ,] [11,] [12,] [13,] [14,] [15,] [16,]

"A/A" "A/B" "B/A" "A/C" "C/A" "A/D" "D/A" "B/B" "B/C" "C/B" "B/D" "D/B" "C/C" "C/D" "D/C" "D/D"

map <- list("withA"="A/*", "rest"=".else") groupGenotype(x=g, map=map, factor=FALSE) ## [1] "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "rest" ## [1 ] "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" groupGenotype(x=h, map=map, factor=FALSE, haplotype=TRUE) ## [1] "withA" "withA" "rest" "withA" "rest" "withA" "rest" ## [1 ] "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" "rest" ## --- Use of "*/*" ---




map <- list("withA"="A/*", withB="*/*") groupGenotype(x=g, map=map, factor=FALSE) ## [1] "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withB" "withB" ## [1 ] "withB" "withB" "withB" "withB" "withB" "withB" "withB" ## --- Missing genotype specifications produces NAs --map <- list("withA"="A/*", withB="B/*") groupGenotype(x=g, map=map, factor=FALSE) ## [1] "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withA" "withB" "withB" ## [1 ] "withB" "withB" "withB" NA NA NA NA groupGenotype(x=h, map=map, factor=FALSE, haplotype=TRUE) ## [1] "withA" "withA" "withB" "withA" NA "withA" NA ## [1 ] NA "withB" NA NA NA NA NA

"withB" "withB"


Extract Features of Genotype objects

18 Description


homozygote creates an vector of logicals that are true when the alleles of the corresponding observation are the identical. heterozygote creates an vector of logicals that are true when the alleles of the corresponding observation differ. carrier create a logical vector or matrix of logicals indicating whether the specied alleles are present. allele.count returns the number of copies of the specied alleles carried by each observation. allele extract the specied allele(s) as a character vector or a 2 column matrix. allele.names extract the set of allele names. Usage homozygote(x,, ...) heterozygote(x,, ...) carrier(x,, ...) ## S3 method for class genotype carrier(x,, any=!missing(, na.rm=FALSE, ...) allele.count(x,,any=!missing(, na.rm=FALSE) allele(x, which=c(1,2) ) allele.names(x) Arguments x ... any genotype object optional parameters (ignored) character value or vector of allele names logical value. When TRUE, a single count or indicator is returned by combining the results for all of the elements of allele. If FALSE separate counts or indicators should be returned for each element of allele. Defaults to FALSE if allele is missing. Otherwise defaults to TRUE. logical value indicating whether to remove missing values. When true, any NA values will be replaced by or FALSE as appropriate. Defaults to FALSE. selects which allele to return. For rst allele use 1. For second allele use 2. For both (the default) use c(1,2).

na.rm which

Details When the argument is given, heterozygote and homozygote return TRUE if exactly one or both alleles, respectively, match the specied

homozygote Value homozygote and heterozygote return a vector of logicals.


carrier returns a logical vector if only one allele is specied, or if any is TRUE. Otherwise, it returns matrix of logicals with one row for each element of allele. allele.count returns a vector of counts if only one allele is specied, or if any is TRUE. Otherwise, it returns matrix of counts with one row for each element of allele. allele returns a character vector when one allele is specied. When 2 alleles are specied, it returns a 2 column character matrix. allele.names returns a character vector containing the set of allele names. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> See Also genotype, HWE.test, summary.genotype, locus gene marker Examples <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D","D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") g1 <- genotype( g1 heterozygote(g1) homozygote(g1) carrier(g1,"D") carrier(g1,"D",na.rm=TRUE) # get count of one allele allele.count(g1,"D") # get count of each allele allele.count(g1) # equivalent to allele.count(g1, c("D","I"), any=FALSE) # get combined count for both alleles allele.count(g1,c("I","D")) # get second allele allele(g1,2) # get both alleles allele(g1)




Perform Chi-Square Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Description Test the null hypothesis that Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds using the Chi-Square method. Usage HWE.chisq(x, ...) ## S3 method for class genotype HWE.chisq(x, simulate.p.value=TRUE, B=1

, ...)

Arguments x genotype or haplotype object.

simulate.p.value a logical value indicating whether the p-value should be computed using simulation instead of using the 2 approximation. Defaults to TRUE. B ... Details This function generates a 2-way table of allele counts, then calls chisq.test to compute a p-value for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. By default, it uses an unadjusted Chi-Square test statistic and computes the p-value using a simulation/permutation method. When simulate.p.value=FALSE, it computes the test statistic using the Yates continuity correction and tests it against the asymptotic Chi-Square distribution with the approproate degrees of freedom. Note: The Yates continuty correction is applied *only* when simulate.p.value=FALSE, so that the reported test statistics when simulate.p.value=FALSE and simulate.p.value=TRUE will differ. Value An object of class htest. See Also HWE.exact, HWE.test, diseq,, allele, chisq.test, boot, Number of simulation iterations to use when simulate.p.value=TRUE. Defaults to 10000. optional parameters passed to chisq.test

HWE.exact Examples g1 g1 <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") <- genotype(


HWE.chisq(g1) # compare with HWE.exact(g1) # and HWE.test(g1) <- c(rep("A/A",8), rep("C/A",2 ), rep("C/T",2 ), rep("C/C",1 ), rep("T/T",3))

g3 g3

<- genotype(

HWE.chisq(g3, B=1


Exact Test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for 2-Allele Markers

Description Exact test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for 2 Allele Markers. Usage HWE.exact(x) Arguments x Value Object of class htest. Note This function only works for genotypes with exactly 2 alleles. Genotype object

22 Author(s)


David Duffy <> with modications by Gregory R. Warnes <> References Emigh TH. (1980) "Comparison of tests for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium", Biometrics, 36, 627642. See Also HWE.chisq, HWE.test, diseq, Examples g1 g1 <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") <- genotype(

HWE.exact(g1) # compare with HWE.chisq(g1)

g2 <- genotype(sample( c("A","C"), 1 , p=c(1 ,1 ), rep=TRUE), sample( c("A","C"), 1 , p=c(1 ,1 ), rep=TRUE) ) HWE.exact(g2)


Estimate Disequilibrium and Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Description Estimate disequilibrium parameter and test the null hypothesis that Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds. Usage HWE.test(x, ...) ## S3 method for class genotype HWE.test(x, exact = nallele(x)==2, simulate.p.value=!exact, B=1 , conf= .95, ci.B=1 , ... ) ## S3 method for class data.frame HWE.test(x, ..., do.Allele.Freq=TRUE, do.HWE.test=TRUE) ## S3 method for class HWE.test print(x, show=c("D","D","r","table"), ...)

HWE.test Arguments x exact genotype or haplotype object.


a logical value indicated whether the p-value should be computed using the exact method, which is only available for 2 allele genotypes. simulate.p.value a logical value indicating whether the p-value should be computed using simulation instead of using the 2 approximation. Defaults to TRUE. B conf ci.B show ... Number of simulation iterations to use when simulate.p.value=TRUE. Defaults to 10000. Condence level to use when computing the condence level for D-hat. Defaults to 0.95, should be in (0,1). Number of bootstrap iterations to use when computing the condence interval. Defaults to 1000. a character vector containing the names of HWE test statistics to display from the set of "D", "D", "r", and "table". optional parameters passed to HWE.test (data.frame method) or chisq.test (base method).

do.Allele.Freq logicial indication whether to summarize allele frequencies. do.HWE.test Details HWE.test calls diseq to computes the Hardy-Weinberg (dis)equilibrium statistics D, D, and r (correlation coefcient). Next it calls to compute a bootstrap condence interval for these estimates. Finally, it calls chisq.test to compute a p-value for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium using a simulation/permutation method. Using bootstrapping for the condence interval and simulation for the p-value avoids reliance on the assumptions the underlying Chi-square approximation. This is particularly important when some allele pairs have small counts. For details on the denition of D, D, and r, see the help page for diseq. Value An object of class HWE.test with components diseq ci test A diseq object providing details on the disequilibrium estimates. A object providing details on the bootstrap condence intervals for the disequilibrium estimates. A htest object providing details on the permutation based Chi-square test. logicial indication whether to perform HWE tests

call function call used to creat this object. conf, B, ci.B, simulate.p.value values used for these arguments.

24 Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes < > See Also genotype, diseq,, HWE.chisq, HWE.exact, chisq.test Examples
## Marker with two alleles: <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") g1 <- genotype( g1 HWE.test(g1) ## Compare with individual calculations: diseq(g1) HWE.chisq(g1) HWE.exact(g1)


## Marker with three alleles: A, C, and T <- c(rep("A/A",16), rep("C/A",4 ), rep("C/T",4 ), rep("C/C",2 ), rep("T/T",6)) g3 g3 <- genotype(

HWE.test(g3, ci.B=1


Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers.

Description Compute pairwise linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers Usage LD(g1, ...) ## S3 method for class genotype LD(g1,g2,...)

LD ## S3 method for class data.frame LD(g1,...) Arguments g1 g2 ... Details genotype object or dataframe containing genotype objects genotype object (ignored if g1 is a dataframe) optional arguments (ignored)


Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the non-random association of marker alleles and can arise from marker proximity or from selection bias. LD.genotype estimates the extent of LD for a single pair of genotypes. computes LD for all pairs of genotypes contained in a data frame. Before starting, checks the class and number of alleles of each variable in the dataframe. If the data frame contains nongenotype objects or genotypes with more or less than 2 alleles, these will be omitted from the computation and a warning will be generated. Three estimators of LD are computed: D raw difference in frequency between the observed number of AB pairs and the expected number: D = pAB pA pB D scaled D spanning the range [-1,1] D = where, if D > 0: Dmax = min(pA pb , pa pB ) or if D < 0: Dmax = max pA pB , pa pb r correlation coefcient between the markers r= where - pA is dened as the observed probability of allele A for marker 1, - pa = 1 pA is dened as the observed probability of allele a for marker 1, -pB is dened as the observed probability of allele B for marker 2, and -pb = 1 pB is dened as the observed probability of allele b for marker 2, and -pAB is dened as the probability of the marker allele pair AB. For genotype data, AB/ab cannot be distinguished from aB/Ab. Consequently, we estimate pAB using maximum likelihood and use this value in the computations. D (pA pa pB pb ) D Dmax

26 Value LD.genotype returns a 5 element list: call D Dprime corr nobs chisq p.value the matched call Linkage disequilibrium estimate Scaled linkage disequilibrium estimate Correlation coefcient Number of observations Chi-square statistic for linkage equilibrium (i.e., D=D=corr=0) Chi-square p-value for marker independence

LD returns a list with the same elements, but each element is a matrix where the upper off-diagonal elements contain the estimate for the corresponding pair of markers. The other matrix elements are NA. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> See Also genotype, HWE.test Examples
g1 <- genotype( c(T/A, NA, T/T, NA, T/A, NA, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/T, T/A, A/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/T, NA, T/A, T/A, NA) ) g2 <- genotype( c(C/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/A, C/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, A/A, C/A, A/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/A, C/A, A/A) )

g3 <- genotype( c(T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T) ) # Compute LD on a single pair LD(g1,g2) # Compute LD table for all 3 genotypes data <- makeGenotypes(data.frame(g1,g2,g3)) LD(data)




Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects

Description locus, gene, and marker create objects to store information, respectively, about genetic loci, genes, and markers., is.gene, and ismarker test whether an object is a member of the respective class., as.character.gene, as.character.marker return a character string containing a compact encoding the object. getlocus, getgene, getmarker extract locus data (if present) from another object. locus<-, marker<-, and gene<- adds locus data to an object. Usage locus(name, chromosome, arm=c("p", "q", "long", "short", NA), index.start, index.end=NULL) gene(name, chromosome, arm=c("p", "q", "long", "short"), index.start, index.end=NULL) marker(name, type,, bp.start, bp.end = NULL, = NULL, ...) is.gene(x) is.marker(x) ## S3 method for class locus as.character(x, ...) ## S3 method for class gene as.character(x, ...) ## S3 method for class marker as.character(x, ...) getlocus(x, ...) locus(x) <- value marker(x) <- value

28 gene(x) <- value


Arguments name chromosome arm index.start index.end type bp.start bp.end ... x character string giving locus, gene, or marker name integer specifying chromosome number (1:23 for humans). character indicating long or short arm of the chromosome. Long is be specied by "long" or "p". Short is specied by "short" or "q". integer specifying location of start of locus or gene on the chromosome. optional integer specifying location of end of locus or gene on the chromosome. character string indicating marker type, e.g. "SNP" either a character string giving the name of the locus or gene (other details may be specied using ...) or a locus or gene object. start location of marker, in base pairs end location of marker, in base pairs (optional) location (optional) from which bp.start and bp.end are calculated. parameters for locus used to ll in additional details on the locus or gene within which the marker is located. an object of class locus, gene, or marker, or (for getlocus, locus<-, marker<-, and gene<-) an object that may contain a locus attribute or eld, notably a genotype object. locus, marker, or gene object

value Value

Object of class locus and geneare lists with the elements: name chromosome arm index.start index.end character string giving locus, gene, or marker name integer specifying chromosome number (1:23 for humans). character indicating long or short arm of the chromosome. Long is be specied by "long" or "p". Short is specied by "short" or "q". integer specifying location of start of locus or gene on the chromosome. optional integer specifying location of end of locus or gene on the chromosome.

Objects of class marker add the additional elds: bp.start bp.end Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> character string giving the name of the marker start location of marker, in base pairs end location of marker, in base pairs (optional) location (optional) from which bp.start and bp.end are calculated.

locus See Also genotype, Examples

ar2 ar2 par <- gene("AR2",chromosome=7,arm="q",index.start=35)


<- locus(name="AR2 Psedogene", chromosome=1, arm="q", index.start=32, index.end=42)

par c1 9t <- marker(name="C-1 9T", type="SNP","AR2", chromosome=7, arm="q", index.start=35, bp.start=-1 9,"start of coding region")

c1 9t c1 9t <- marker(name="C-1 9T", type="SNP", locus=ar2, bp.start=-1 9,"start of coding region")

c1 9t g1 g1

<- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") <- genotype(, locus=ar2)

getlocus(g1) summary(g1) HWE.test(g1) g2 <- genotype(, locus=c1 9t) summary(g2) getlocus(g2) heterozygote(g2) homozygote(g1)



allele(g1,1) carrier(g1,"I") heterozygote(g2)


Convert columns in a dataframe to genotypes or haplotypes

Description Convert columns in a dataframe to genotypes or haplotypes. Usage makeGenotypes(data, convert, sep = "/", tol = .5, ..., method=as.genotype) makeHaplotypes(data, convert, sep = "/", tol = .9, ...) Arguments data convert sep tol ... method Details The functions makeGenotypes and makeHaplotypes allow the conversion of all of the genetic variables in a dataset to genotypes or haplotypes in a single step. The parameter convert may be missing, a vector of column names, indexes or true/false indictators, or a list of column name or index pairs. When the argument convert is not provided, the function will look for columns where at least tol*100% of the records contain the separator character sep (/ by default). These columns will then be assumed to contain both of the genotype/haplotype alleles and will be converted in-place to genotype variables. When the argument convert is a vector of column names, indexes or true/false indictators, the corresponding columns will be assumed to contain both of the genotype/haplotype alleles and will be converted in-place to genotype variables. When the argument convert is a list containing column name or index pairs, the two elements of each pair will be assumed to contain the individual alleles of a genotype/haplotype. The rst Dataframe containing columns to be converted Vector or list of pairs specifying which columns contain genotype/haplotype data. See below for details. Genotype separator See below. Optional arguments to as.genotype function Function used to perform the conversion.



column specied in each pair will be replaced with the new genotype/haplotype variable named name1 + sep + name2. The second column will be removed. Note that the method argument may be used to supply a non-standard conversion function, such as as.genotype.allele.count, which converts from [0,1,2] to [A/A,A/B,A/C] (or the specied allele names). See the example below. Value Dataframe containing converted genotype/haplotype variables. All other variables will be unchanged. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes < > See Also genotype Examples
## Not run: # common case data <- read.csv(file="genotype_data.csv") data <- makeGenotypes(data) ## End(Not run) # Create a test data set where there are several genotypes in columns # of the form "A/T". test1 <- data.frame(Tmt=sample(c("Control","Trt1","Trt2"),2 , replace=TRUE), G1=sample(c("A/T","T/T","T/A",NA),2 , replace=TRUE), N1=rnorm(2 ), I1=sample(1:1 ,2 ,replace=TRUE), G2=paste(sample(c("134","138","14 ","142","146"),2 , replace=TRUE), sample(c("134","138","14 ","142","146"),2 , replace=TRUE), sep=" / "), G3=sample(c("A /T","T /T","T /A"),2 , replace=TRUE), comment=sample(c("Possible Bad Data/Lab Error",""),2 , rep=TRUE) ) test1 # now automatically convert genotype columns geno1 <- makeGenotypes(test1) geno1 # Create a test data set where there are several haplotypes with alleles # in adjacent columns. test2 <- data.frame(Tmt=sample(c("Control","Trt1","Trt2"),2 , replace=TRUE),

G1.1=sample(c("A","T",NA),2 , replace=TRUE), G1.2=sample(c("A","T",NA),2 , replace=TRUE), N1=rnorm(2 ), I1=sample(1:1 ,2 ,replace=TRUE), G2.1=sample(c("134","138","14 ","142","146"),2 , replace=TRUE), G2.2=sample(c("134","138","14 ","142","146"),2 , replace=TRUE), G3.1=sample(c("A ","T ","T "),2 , replace=TRUE), G3.2=sample(c("A ","T ","T "),2 , replace=TRUE), comment=sample(c("Possible Bad Data/Lab Error",""),2 , rep=TRUE) ) test2 # specifly the locations of the columns to be paired for haplotypes makeHaplotypes(test2, convert=list(c("G1.1","G1.2"),6:7,8:9))


# Create a test data set where the data is coded as numeric allele # counts ( -2). test3 <- data.frame(Tmt=sample(c("Control","Trt1","Trt2"),2 , replace=TRUE), G1=sample(c( :2,NA),2 , replace=TRUE), N1=rnorm(2 ), I1=sample(1:1 ,2 ,replace=TRUE), G2=sample( :2,2 , replace=TRUE), comment=sample(c("Possible Bad Data/Lab Error",""),2 , rep=TRUE) ) test3 # specifly the locations of the columns, and a non-standard conversion makeGenotypes(test3, convert=c(G1,G2), method=as.genotype.allele.count)


Order/sort genotype/haplotype object

Description Order/sort genotype or haplotype object according to order of allele names or genotypes Usage ## S3 method for class genotype order(..., na.last=TRUE, decreasing=FALSE, alleleOrder=allele.names(x), genotypeOrder=NULL) ## S3 method for class genotype

order.genotype sort(x, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=NA, ..., alleleOrder=allele.names(x), genotypeOrder=NULL) genotypeOrder(x) genotypeOrder(x) <- value


Arguments ... x na.last decreasing alleleOrder genotypeOrder value Details Argument genotypeOrder can be usefull, when you want that some genotypes appear "together", whereas they are not "together" by allele order. Both methods (order and sort) work with genotype and haplotype classes. If alleleOrder is given, genotypeOrder has no effect. Genotypes/haplotypes, with missing alleles in alleleOrder are treated as NA and ordered according to order arguments related to NA values. In such cases a warning is issued ("Found data values not matching specied alleles. Converting to NA.") and can be safely ignored. Genotypes present in x, but not specied in genotypeOrder, are also treated as NA. Value of genotypeOrder such as "B/A" matches also "A/B" in case of genotypes. Only unique values in argument alleleOrder or genotypeOrder are used i.e. rst occurrence prevails. Value The same as in order or sort Author(s) Gregor Gorjanc See Also genotype, allele.names, order, and sort genotype or haplotype in order method; not used for sort method genotype or haplotype in sort method as in default order or sort as in default order or sort character, vector of allele names in wanted order character, vector of genotype/haplotype names in wanted order the same as in argument order.genotype

34 Examples
x <- c("C/C", "A/C", "A/A", NA, "C/B", "B/A", "B/B", "B/C", "A/C") alleles <- c("A", "B", "C") g <- genotype(x, alleles=alleles, reorder="yes") ## "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA "B/C" "A/B" "B/B" "B/C" "A/C" h <- haplotype(x, alleles=alleles) ## "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA "C/B" "B/A" "B/B" "B/C" "A/C" ## --- Standard usage --sort(g) ## "A/A" "A/B" "A/C" "A/C" "B/B" "B/C" "B/C" "C/C" NA sort(h) ## "A/A" "A/C" "A/C" "B/A" "B/B" "B/C" "C/B" "C/C" NA ## --- Reversed order of alleles --sort(g, alleleOrder=c("B", "C", "A")) ## "B/B" "B/C" "B/C" "A/B" "C/C" "A/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA ## note that A/B comes after B/C since it is treated as B/A; ## order of alleles (not in alleleOrder!) does not matter for a genotype sort(h, alleleOrder=c("B", "C", "A")) ## "B/B" "B/C" "B/A" "C/B" "C/C" "A/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA ## --- Missing allele(s) in alleleOrder --sort(g, alleleOrder=c("B", "C")) ## "B/B" "B/C" "B/C" "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA


"A/B" "A/C"

sort(g, alleleOrder=c("B")) ## "B/B" "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA "B/C" "A/B" "B/C" "A/C" ## genotypes with missing allele are treated as NA sort(h, alleleOrder=c("B", "C")) ## "B/B" "B/C" "C/B" "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA sort(h, alleleOrder=c("B")) ## "B/B" "C/C" "A/C" "A/A" NA ## --- Use of genotypeOrder --sort(g, genotypeOrder=c("A/A", "C/C", "B/B", "A/B", "A/C", "B/C")) ## "A/A" "C/C" "B/B" "A/B" "A/C" "A/C" "B/C" "B/C" NA sort(h, genotypeOrder=c("A/A", "C/C", "B/B", "A/C", "C/B", "B/A", "B/C")) ## "A/A" "C/C" "B/B" "A/C" "A/C" "C/B" "B/A" "B/C" NA

"B/A" "A/C"

"C/B" "B/A" "B/C" "A/C"

## --- Missing genotype(s) in genotypeOrder --sort(g, genotypeOrder=c( "C/C", "A/B", "A/C", "B/C")) ## "C/C" "A/B" "A/C" "A/C" "B/C" "B/C" "A/A" NA "B/B" sort(h, genotypeOrder=c( "C/C", ## "C/C" "A/C" "A/C" "B/C" "A/A" NA "A/B", "A/C", "B/C")) "C/B" "B/A" "B/B"



Plot genotype object

Description plot.genotype can plot genotype or allele frequency of a genotype object. Usage ## S3 method for class genotype plot(x, type=c("genotype", "allele"), what=c("percentage", "number"), ...) Arguments x type what ... Value The same as in barplot. Author(s) Gregor Gorjanc See Also genotype, barplot Examples
set <- c("A/A", "A/B", "A/B", "B/B", "B/B", "B/B", "B/B", "B/C", "C/C", "C/C") set <- genotype(set, alleles=c("A", "B", "C"), reorder="yes") plot(set) plot(set, type="allele", what="number")

genotype object, as genotype. plot "genotype" or "allele" frequency, as character. show "percentage" or "number", as character Optional arguments for barplot.




Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects

Description Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects Usage ## S3 method for class LD print(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) ## S3 method for class print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class data.frame summary.LD(object, digits = getOption("digits"), which = c("D", "D", "r", "X^2", "P-value", "n", " "), rowsep, show.all = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class print(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) ## S3 method for class plot(x,digits=3, colorcut=c( , . 1, . 25, .5, .1, 1), colors=heat.colors(length(colorcut)), textcol="black", marker, which="D", distance, ...)

LDtable(x, colorcut=c( , . 1, . 25, .5, .1, 1), colors=heat.colors(length(colorcut)), textcol="black", digits=3, show.all=FALSE, which=c("D", "D", "r", "X^2", "P-value", "n"), colorize="P-value", cex, ...) LDplot(x, digits=3, marker, distance, which=c("D", "D", "r", "X^2", "P-value", "n", " "), ... ) Arguments x,object digits which rowsep colorcut colors textcol LD or object Number of signicant digits to display Name(s) of LD information items to be displayed Separator between rows of data, use NULL for no separator. P-value cutoffs points for colorizing LDtable Colors for each P-value cutoff given in colorcut for LDtable Color for text labels for LDtable

print.LD marker distance show.all colorize cex ... Value None. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> See Also LD, genotype, HWE.test Examples

37 Marker used as comparator on LDplot. If omitted separate lines for each marker will be displayed Marker location, used for locating of markers on LDplot. If TRUE, show all rows/columns of matrix. Otherwise omit completely blank rows/columns. LD parameter used for determining table cell colors Scaling factor for table text. If absent, text will be scaled to t within the table cells. Optional arguments ( passes these to LDtable and LDplot)

g1 <- genotype( c(T/A, NA, T/T, NA, T/A, NA, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/T, T/A, A/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/T, NA, T/A, T/A, NA) ) g2 <- genotype( c(C/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/A, C/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, A/A, C/A, A/A, C/A, C/C, C/A, C/A, C/A, A/A) )

g3 <- genotype( c(T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T, T/A, T/A, T/A, T/T) ) data <- makeGenotypes(data.frame(g1,g2,g3)) # Compute & display ld <- LD(g1,g2) print(ld) LD for one marker pair

# Compute LD table for all 3 genotypes ldt <- LD(data) # display the results print(ldt) LDtable(ldt)

# textual display # graphical color-coded table

LDplot(ldt, distance=c(124, 834, 927)) # LD plot vs distance


# more markers makes prettier plots! data <- list() nobs <- 1 ngene <- 2 s <- seq( ,1,length=ngene) a1 <- a2 <- matrix("", nrow=nobs, ncol=ngene) for(i in 1:length(s) ) { rallele <- function(p) sample( c("A","T"), 1, p=c(p, 1-p)) if(i==1) { a1[,i] <- sample( c("A","T"), 1 , p=c( .5, .5), replace=TRUE) a2[,i] <- sample( c("A","T"), 1 , p=c( .5, .5), replace=TRUE) } else { p1 <- pmax( pmin( .25 + s[i] * as.numeric(a1[,i-1]=="A"),1 ), p2 <- pmax( pmin( .25 + s[i] * as.numeric(a2[,i-1]=="A"),1 ), a1[,i] <- sapply(p1, rallele ) a2[,i] <- sapply(p2, rallele ) } data[[paste("G",i,sep="")]] <- genotype(a1[,i],a2[,i]) } data <- data.frame(data) data <- makeGenotypes(data) ldt <- LD(data) plot(ldt, digits=2, marker=19) # do LDtable & LDplot on in a single # graphics window

) )


Allele and Genotype Frequency from a Genotype or Haplotype Object

Description summary.genotype creates an object containing allele and genotype frequency from a genotype or haplotype object. print.summary.genotype displays a summary.genotype object. Usage ## S3 method for class genotype summary(object, ..., maxsum) ## S3 method for class summary.genotype print(x,...,round=2)

summary.genotype Arguments object, x ... maxsum round Details


an object of class genotype or haplotype (for summary.genotype) or an object of class summary.genotype (for print.summary.genotype) optional parameters. Ignored by summary.genotype, passed to print.matrix by print.summary,genotype. specifying any value for the parameter maxsum will cause summary.genotype to fall back to summary.factor. number of digits to use when displaying proportions.

Specifying any value for the parameter maxsum will cause fallback to summary.factor. This is so that the function summary.dataframe will give reasonable output when it contains a genotype column. (Hopefully we can gure out something better to do in this case.) Value The returned value of summary.genotype is an object of class summary.genotype which is a list with the following components: locus . allele.names allele.freq vector of allele names A two column matrix with one row for each allele, plus one row for NA values (if present). The rst column, Count, contains the frequency of the corresponding allele value. The second column, Proportion, contains the fraction of alleles with the corresponding allele value. Note each observation contains two alleles, thus the Count eld sums to twice the number of observations. A two column matrix with one row for each genotype, plus one row for NA values (if present). The rst column, Count, contains the frequency of the corresponding genotype. The second column, Proportion, contains the fraction of genotypes with the corresponding value. locus information eld (if present) from x


print.summary.genotype silently returns the object x. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> See Also genotype, HWE.test, allele, homozygote, heterozygote, carrier, allele.count locus gene marker

40 Examples g1 g1 <- c("D/D","D/I","D/D","I/I","D/D", "D/D","D/D","D/D","I/I","") <- genotype(




Undocumented functions

Description These functions are undocumented. Some are internal and not intended for direct use. Some are not yet ready for end users. Others simply havent been documented yet. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes


Create genetics data les

Description write.pop.file creates a pop data le, as used by the GenePop (http://wbiomed.curtin. and LinkDos ( software packages. write.pedigree.file creates a pedigree data le, as used by the QTDT software package ( write.marker.file creates a marker data le, as used by the QTDT software package (http: // Usage write.pop.file(data, file = "", digits = 2, description = "Data from R") write.pedigree.file(data, family, pid, father, mother, sex, file="pedigree.txt") write.marker.file(data, location, file="marker.txt")

write.pop.le Arguments data file digits Data frame containing genotype objects to be exported Output lename Number of digits to use in numbering genotypes, either 2 or 3.


description Description to use as the rst line of the pop le. family, pid, father, mother Vector of family, individual, father, and mother ids, respectively. sex location Details The format of Pop les is documented at input.html, the format of pedigree les is documented at abecasis/GOLD/docs/pedigree.html and the format of marker les is documented at http: // Value No return value. Author(s) Gregory R. Warnes <> See Also write.table Examples

Vector giving the sex of the individual (1=Make, 2=Female) Location of the marker relative to the gene of interest, in base pairs.

Topic IO write.pop.file, 40 Topic hplot plot.genotype, 35 Topic manip expectedGenotypes, 7 groupGenotype, 15 order.genotype, 32 Topic misc ci.balance, 2 Depreciated, 4 diseq, 4 genotype, 8 gregorius, 13 groupGenotype, 15 homozygote, 17 HWE.chisq, 20 HWE.exact, 21 HWE.test, 22 LD, 24 locus, 27 makeGenotypes, 30 order.genotype, 32 print.LD, 36 summary.genotype, 38 undocumented, 40 ==.genotype (genotype), 8 ==.haplotype (genotype), 8 [.genotype (genotype), 8 [.haplotype (genotype), 8 [<-.genotype (genotype), 8 [<-.haplotype (genotype), 8 %in% (genotype), 8 %in%, 11 allele, 11, 20, 39 allele (homozygote), 17 allele.count, 11, 39 allele.count.2.genotype (undocumented), 40 42 allele.count.genotype (genotype), 8 allele.names, 8, 33 as.character.gene (locus), 27 (locus), 27 as.character.marker (locus), 27 as.factor (undocumented), 40 as.genotype (genotype), 8 as.haplotype (genotype), 8 barplot, 35 boot, 3, 6, 20, 6, 20 bootstrap, 3 carrier, 11, 39 carrier (homozygote), 17 chisq.test, 20, 23, 24 ci.balance, 2 Depreciated, 4 diseq, 4, 20, 2224, 3, 20, 2224 expectedGenotypes, 7, 10 expectedHaplotypes (expectedGenotypes), 7 factor, 16 gene, 11, 19, 39 gene (locus), 27 gene<- (locus), 27 GeneticPower.Quantitative.Factor, 4 GeneticPower.Quantitative.Numeric, 4 (undocumented), 40 genotype, 6, 8, 8, 16, 19, 24, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35, 39 genotypeOrder, 11 genotypeOrder (order.genotype), 32 genotypeOrder<- (order.genotype), 32 getgene (locus), 27

INDEX getlocus (locus), 27 getmarker (locus), 27 GPC, 4 gregorius, 13 groupGenotype, 15 hap (undocumented), 40 hapambig (undocumented), 40 hapenum (undocumented), 40 hapfreq (undocumented), 40 haplotype, 16 haplotype (genotype), 8 hapmcmc (undocumented), 40 hapshuffle (undocumented), 40 heterozygote, 11, 39 heterozygote (homozygote), 17 heterozygote.genotype (genotype), 8 homozygote, 11, 17, 39 homozygote.genotype (genotype), 8 HWE.chisq, 20, 22, 24 HWE.exact, 20, 21, 24 HWE.test, 6, 11, 19, 20, 22, 22, 26, 39 is.gene (locus), 27 is.genotype (genotype), 8 is.haplotype (genotype), 8 (locus), 27 is.marker (locus), 27 LD, 24 LDplot (print.LD), 36 LDtable (print.LD), 36 levels, 16 locus, 11, 19, 27, 39 locus<- (locus), 27 makeGenotypes, 30 makeHaplotypes (makeGenotypes), 30 marker, 11, 19, 39 marker (locus), 27 marker<- (locus), 27 mknum (undocumented), 40 mourant (undocumented), 40 nallele (genotype), 8 order, 33 order (order.genotype), 32 order.genotype, 32

43 plot.genotype, 35 (print.LD), 36 power.casectrl (Depreciated), 4 print.allele.count (genotype), 8 print.allele.genotype (genotype), 8 print.diseq (diseq), 4 print.gene (locus), 27 print.genotype (genotype), 8 print.HWE.test (HWE.test), 22 print.LD, 36 (locus), 27 print.marker (locus), 27 print.summary.genotype (summary.genotype), 38 (print.LD), 36 shortsummary.genotype (undocumented), 40 sort, 33 sort.genotype, 11 sort.genotype (order.genotype), 32 summary.genotype, 11, 19, 38 (print.LD), 36 undocumented, 40 write.marker.file (write.pop.file), 40 write.pedigree.file (write.pop.file), 40 write.pop.file, 40 write.table, 41

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