Maeraj Sheikh CV
Maeraj Sheikh CV
Maeraj Sheikh CV
EDUCATION In progress M.S. in Sustainable Agriculture Iowa State University Project: Integrated Sustainable bioEnergy Pathways Project (ISEP) Advisor: Lisa Schulte-Moore B.S. in Environmental Sciences Conc. in Soil Science University of California, Riverside Project: Biosurfactant production in PAH degrading bacteria Advisor: David E. Crowley Associates Degree in Science Riverside City College
Graduate Researcher LESEM Lab Iowa State University Assessing bioenergy pathways through applied research with the goal of helping create sustainable landscapes with balanced outcomes for energy production and food systems. Graduate Researcher Treseder Lab University of California, Irvine Investigated recalcitrance and microbial degradation of black carbon in soils. Competitive Edge Fellow Treseder Lab University of California, Irvine I examined the effects of Brassica nigra invasion on hyphal abundance in soils at Quail Hill Preserve, a local grassland ecosystem. I developed a protocol for Soil Hyphal Extractions that deals specifically with clay-heavy soils. I extracted hyphae from hundreds of soil samples and quantified hyphal abundance using the grid-line intersect method. Research Assistant Treseder Lab University of California, Irvine I extracted DNA from over a thousand root tip samples. I ran polymerase chain reactions (PCR) on the extracted samples and assisted in running gels for the post-PCR products. I prepared litter samples for elemental analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen. I assisted in quantum dot labeling of samples. I prepared slides from litter samples and ran confocal laser scans of live fungal cells for Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy (RICS). Undergraduate Researcher Jenerette Lab University of California, Riverside I led a preliminary study on the effects of micro-climate on soil respiration and CO2 flux. I collected data from nine different sites using the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System and LI-8150 Multiplexer. Research Assistant Crowley Lab University of California, Riverside My project was to develop an optimization protocol for biosurfactant production in selectively enriched cultures of polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degrading bacteria from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits. I extracted and purified biosurfactants from my experiments and evaluated their efficacy at surface tension reduction. I assisted in developing methods to decrease water activity on plated cultures of Variovorax paradoxus. Additionally, I helped maintain lab equipment, inventory and ordering of lab supplies, maintained stock solutions, made growth media and poured several thousand nutrient agar plates using aseptic techniques.
CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS Invasive plant management strategies for Brassica nigra and their effect on hyphal abundance. DECADE Symposium, UCI, August 2012. AWARDS 2013-2016 2012 2012 2011 2009-2011 Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, $126,000 Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, UC-Irvine, $17,000 NSF-IGERT: MAS BioEnergy Fellowship, Colorado State University, $25,000 (declined) Bernarr J. Hall Agricultural Scholarship, UC-Riverside, $20,000 SMART Grant, $8,000
TEACHING EXPERIENCE Spring 2013 Winter 2013 Fall 2012 BIO 179: Limnology University of California, Irvine Teaching Assistant BIO 94: Organisms to Ecosystems University of California, Irvine Teaching Assistant BIO 97: Genetics University of California, Irvine Teaching Assistant
SERVICE AND OUTREACH 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012-2013 2012 2010 AGS Council MemberElected Representative for School of Biological Sciences Irvine Unified School District, Science Fair: Volunteer for Ask-A-Scientist Night UCI Student Outreach And Retention (SOAR) Center, Graduate Student Panel Irvine Unified School District, Science Fair: Volunteer Judge Graduate mentor for 2 undergraduate research assistants at UC-Irvine Irvine Unified School District, Science Fair: Volunteer for Ask-A-Scientist Night Riverside Unified School District, Science Fair: Volunteer Judge
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Ecological Society of America (2012-Present) American Society of Agronomy (2010-Present) Crop Science Society of America (2010-Present) Soil Science Society of America (2010-Present) EXPERIENCE LIVING ABROAD 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2004 LANGUAGES English-native fluency Urdu-native fluency Karachi, Pakistan Faisalabad (near Chenab River), Pakistan (semi-rural setting) Azad Kashmir and Gilgit, Pakistani controlled territories (rural)