Golden Star Christ Activation S 234
Golden Star Christ Activation S 234
Golden Star Christ Activation S 234
/cho ku ray/
(3 times)
By visualizing the Cho Ku Rei symbol, your ability to access Reiki energy is increased many times.It increases power, feels like the switch and allows the Universe, Our God, Source into the healing.
(3 times)
This is designed traditionally for emotional healing. I feel that this symbol brings divinity into the healing human energy patterns and aligns the upper chakras.
(3 Times)
This symbols seems to target the mental body. "The Buddha in me reaches out to the Buddha in you to promote enlightenment and peace."
Dai- Ko-Myo
(3 Times)
I use the Dai Ko Myo Atlantean style . Tracing it over your Heart chakra, and visualize it with other symbols. It increases the flow of Ki through the body. Stimulates the Hara Line Thymus Chakra, and enhances physical immune function.
In invoke the Light of the Christ within, I AM a clear and perfect channel, Gods Golden Healing Love and Light is my Guide. (3 times) Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (3 times) Meaning is: (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His Glory)
"I and the Father Are One", "You and The Father Are One" "We and the Father Are One" and we merge into One." We say this three times in a row because it balances and centers your energies immediately and assists you in working beyond the veil. We use the Triangle using both your hands coming together to form a triangle. Thumbs connecting, and the index finger connecting creating the trine.
The following positions need to be done from 1st to 10th position each time consecutively in a total series of three. First Position: Source (imagine unlimited, OmniPresence) lift your arms up in the air as high as they will go with your palms facing the energy of God and say: "I and The Father are One" and then imagine a Lightening strike coming down in the middle of your hands through the triangle. 1st Position is bringing the energies UP to the Source level which is God/Divine Creator/Divine Presence
Second Position: Christ Chakra (about 1/2 way down from where you had your arms with the Source position) and say: "I and the Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 2nd position is bringing the energies UP to the Christ Consciousness or the Christ Chakra
Third Position: Palms facing down about 4 inches above the Crown chakra, but not on the head and say: "I and The Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 3rd position is bringing the combined energies of the Source and the Christ into the Upper chakras above the head and re-stranding DNA and alligning all the new chakras that are coming in as we cointinue to ascend in vibration
Fourth Position: Palms facing down lightly resting on the Crown chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 4th position is fine, as is.
Fifth Position: Back of the Head for the 3rd eye keeping your hands in the triangle shape and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 5th position is the back of the head also where new chakras are coming in and will be filling in around our ears and on our face, forehead and on the top of our head.
Sixth Position: Back of the Neck for the Throat chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 6th position is the back of the neck also where a new chakra is coming in so if you get neck pain -- that's why.
Seventh Position: Middle of the Back for the Higher Heart chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 7th position is the high heart, as is for our hearts are now expanding so this assists in the expansion and the opening of the high heart.
Eighth Position: Middle of the back for the Heart Chakra and say "I and the Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 8th position is the heart is also fine- as is -- our hearts are forever expanding so that assists in the expansion and the opening of the heart.
Ninth Position: Root chakra or tailbone and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. (we skip the solar plexus area due to the ego being housed there plus we are trying to release the memories, there, not anchor them.) 9th position is the root chakra or tailbone where another chakra is coming in at the hip. There are 3 chakras coming in there. One on each side of each hip and one where the 9th position is.
Tenth Position: go to the front of the body where the Heart is and bring the arms and hands together in a prayerful mode (it is important that you each do this now) and say "I and the Father are One" and envision the lightening strike.
10th position the front of the body. This is very important because it's the Unified Heart Chakra. It is approximately 5 feel off the body at the Heart level and connects to our Christ chakra above our head. This is where our true divinity gets hooked up completely to the Golden Grid of the 12th Golden Ray and how our new language comes in where we can receive a "deep inner knowing" and know with certainty something is going on that we need to be aware of. Now we need to do this two more times in order to fully activate the Golden Star Christ Activation.
I have learned to increase the energy of the Golden Triangles and the lightening by doing deep breathing and chanting "HU" just before the Golden Triangle receives the lightening . . .One is able to breath from your root chakra all the way to the position you are working on then I chant "HU" . I also tried "Jesus" here, or source, and would like to suggest that you try whatever your heart is guided to do. The process has now become more powerful.
I and my Father are one. This oneness with the Father constitutes my oneness with every spiritual being and idea. Therefore, I need not seek my good or be concerned about my good, because my oneness with God constitues my good. It constitutes of the law of attraction, bringing to me all that is necessary for my unfoldment, for the revelation of my true being, for my daily experience. Right where I AM, God is. Right where I AM, the allness of God is. This ever presence of God makes me independent of person, place, thing, circumstance, condition, or relationship. Wherever I AM, the fullness of God is revealing Itself. The place whereon I stand is holy ground. Right here, right now, the allness of God is made manifest as my individual experience, and the awareness of this truth is the law unto that experience.
I and the Father are one. In this oneness is my self-completeness. I AM, therefore, Self-maintained, I AM Self-sustained. The Self of me, the Reality of me, maintains and sustains me, supports and upholds me, teaches me, enlightens me, enriches me.
This truth is a light unto my path. This truth is my salvation. The awareness of this truth the conscious awareness of this truth sets me free from human dependence. I AM in the world, but not of it. I enjoy all the experiences, all the relationships, all the joys, all the companionships, that are a part of God's spiritual creation. And yet I AM free. All those with whom I come into contact with are free to enjoy each other, but to hold each other in any sense of bondage, physical, mental, moral, or economic. Each one is free in Christ. I find my freedon in Christ. I find my economic freedom, my political freedom, my physicalfreedom, my moral freedom, in Christ, in Spirit, in Soul not in any outside independence.
by Joel Goldsmith from The Master Speaks and also part of it by Cherie Lynn Haydon.
After the three times allignment: activate the Merkaba gemstones in the main chakras: All of a sudden there is the activation of the Merkaba chakra gemstones, and they are placed as such: Ruby merkaba for the 1st chakra, Soft Carnelian for the 2nd chakra, Golden Citrine for the 3rd Chakra, Rose Quartz for the 4th Chakra which right above it is placed an Emerald Merkaba, an Aquamarine Merkaba for the Higher heart, Lapis for the 5th Chakra, Amethyst for the 6th Chakra, a brilliant silvery shimmering Lavender Merkaba for the Crown Chakra and wella- - they are all placed within our tree bodies and spinning . . . .WOW. It is here that I use the Kriya symbol on all of us. It represents perfect balance. It was channeled by Pat Miller. It is also called "Chokurei" by Kathleen Milner, or double chokurei by others. Kriya means action. The Law of Kriya is that of creation and of action. You draw the symbol with both hands simultaneously. Kriya is used for physical manifestation. It is thought to help heal the human race. Kriya brings in and/or releases energy creating balance. It raises awareness; and transforms thoughts into action and manifestation. "You are in Perfect Balance and Oneness with all that is." The Kriya symbol is of the "Karuna Ki Reiki". Stay in this space as long as you are receiving . . . Stay here in total peace and allow . . . so much activity going on within . . . So much radiance. We are now in the absolute flow of all that is.
In invoke the Light of the Christ within, I AM a clear and perfect channel, Gods Golden Healing Love and Light is my Guide. (3 times) Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (3 times) Meaning is: (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His Glory)
"I and the Father Are One", "You and The Father Are One" "We and the Father Are One" and we merge into One." We say this three times in a row because it balances and centers your energies immediately and assists you in working beyond the veil. We use the Triangle using both your hands coming together to form a triangle. Thumbs connecting, and the index finger connecting creating the trine.
The following positions need to be done from 1st to 10th position each time consecutively in a total series of three. First Position: Source (imagine unlimited, OmniPresence) lift your arms up in the air as high as they will go with your palms facing the energy of God and say: "I and The Father are One" and then imagine a Lightening strike coming down in the middle of your hands through the triangle. 1st Position is bring the energies UP to the Source level which is God/Divine Creator/Divine Presence
Second Position: Christ Chakra (about 1/2 way down from where you had your arms with the Source position) and say: "I and the Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 2nd position is bring the energies UP to the Christ Consciousness or the Christ Chakra
Third Position: Palms facing down about 4 inches above the Crown chakra, but not on the head and say: "I and The Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike.
3rd position is bringing the combined energies of the Source and the Christ into the Upper chakras above the head and re-stranding DNA and alligning all the new chakras that are coming in as we cointinue to ascend in vibration
Fourth Position: Palms facing down lightly resting on the Crown chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 4th position is fine, as is.
Fifth Position: Back of the Head for the 3rd eye keeping your hands in the triangle shape and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 5th position is the back of the head also where new chakras are coming in and will be filling in around our ears and on our face, forehead and on the top of our head.
Sixth Position: Back of the Neck for the Throat chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 6th position is the back of the neck also where a new chakra is coming in so if you get neck pain -- that's why.
Seventh Position: Middle of the Back for the Higher Heart chakra and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 7th position is the high heart, as is for our hearts are now expanding so this assists in the expansion and the opening of the high heart.
Eighth Position: Middle of the back for the Heart Chakra and say "I and the Father Are One" and then envision the lightening strike. 8th position is the heart is also fine- as is -- our hearts are forever expanding so that assists in the expansion and the opening of the heart.
Ninth Position: Root chakra or tailbone and say "I and the Father are One" and then envision the lightening strike. (we skip the solar plexus area due to the ego being housed there plus we are trying to release the memories, there, not anchor them.)
9th position is the root chakra or tailbone where another chakra is coming in at the hip. There are 3 chakras coming in there. One on each side of each hip and one where the 9th position is.
Tenth Position: go to the front of the body where the Heart is and bring the arms and hands together in a prayerful mode (it is important that you each do this now) and say "I and the Father are One" and envision the lightening strike. 10th position the front of the body. This is very important because it's the Unified Heart Chakra. It is approximately 5 feel off the body at the Heart level and connects to our Christ chakra above our head. This is where our true divinity gets hooked up completely to the Golden Grid of the 12th Golden Ray and how our new language comes in where we can receive a "deep inner knowing" and know with certainty something is going on that we need to be aware of. Now we need to do this two more times in order to fully activate the Golden Star Christ Activation.
I have learned to increase the energy of the Golden Triangles and the lightening by doing deep breathing and chanting "HU" just before the Golden Triangle receives the lightening . . .One is able to breath from your root chakra all the way to the position you are working on then I chant "HU" . I also tried "Jesus" here, or source, and would like to suggest that you try whatever your heart is guided to do. The process has now become more powerful.
I and my Father are one. This oneness with the Father constitutes my oneness with every spiritual being and idea. Therefore, I need not seek my good or be concerned about my good, because my oneness with God constitues my good. It constitutes of the law of attraction, bringing to me all that is necessary for my unfoldment, for the revelation of my true being, for my daily experience. Right where I AM, God is. Right where I AM, the allness of God is. This ever presence of God makes me independent of person, place, thing, circumstance, condition, or relationship. Wherever I AM, the fullness of God is revealing Itself. The place whereon I stand is holy ground. Right here, right now, the allness of God is made manifest as my individual experience, and the awareness of this truth is the law unto that experience.
I and the Father are one. In this oneness is my self-completeness. I AM, therefore, Self-maintained, I AM Self-sustained. The Self of me, the Reality of me, maintains and sustains me, supports and upholds me, teaches me, enlightens me, enriches me.
This truth is a light unto my path. This truth is my salvation. The awareness of this truth the conscious awareness of this truth sets me free from human dependence. I AM in the world, but not of it. I enjoy all the experiences, all the relationships, all the joys, all the companionships, that are a part of God's spiritual creation. And yet I AM free. All those with whom I come into contact with are free to enjoy each other, but to hold each other in any sense of bondage, physical, mental, moral, or economic. Each one is free in Christ. I find my freedon in Christ. I find my economic freedom, my political freedom, my physicalfreedom, my moral freedom, in Christ, in Spirit, in Soul not in any outside independence. by Joel Goldsmith from The Master Speaks and also part of it by Cherie Lynn Haydon.
All of a sudden there is the activation of the Merkaba chakra gemstones, and they are placed as such: Ruby merkaba for the 1st chakra, Soft Carnelian for the 2nd chakra, Golden Citrine for the 3rd Chakra, Rose Quartz for the 4th Chakra which right above it is placed an Emerald Merkaba, an Aquamarine Merkaba for the Higher heart, Lapis for the 5th Chakra, Amethyst for the 6th Chakra, a brilliant silvery shimmering Lavender Merkaba for the Crown Chakra and wella- - they are all placed within our tree bodies and spinning . . . .WOW. It is here that I use the Kriya symbol on all of us. It represents perfect balance. It was channeled by Pat Miller. It is also called "Chokurei" by Kathleen Milner, or double chokurei by others. Kriya means action. The Law of Kriya is that of creation and of action. You draw the symbol with both hands simultaneously. Kriya is used for physical manifestation. It is thought to help heal the human race. Kriya brings in and/or releases energy creating balance. It raises awareness; and transforms thoughts into action and manifestation. "You are in Perfect Balance and Oneness with all that is." The Kriya symbol is of the "Karuna Ki Reiki". You have activated the main chakras 3 times. You also activated the Merkaba Crystals. NOW the most important part is to activate all the other chakras . . . . two points beneath the breast bones hips - right and light, Another root chakra about 4 inches below Shoulders, front and back THEN RIGHT ELBOWS front and back WRIST front and back when lightening strikes hope that they become one DO LEFT AND
" "
" "
PALMS - FOUNTAIN BUBBLES when lightening strikes hope that they become a pink sphere DO LEFT AND THEN RIGHT If they do not feel pulse - have them take the opposite hand's thumb in the palm and two fingers above to activate the pulse and open these centers - will eventually become a pink sphere Go to the KNEES front and back AND THEN RIGHT when lightening strikes hope that they become solid DO LEFT
ANKLES front and back (many times I also see side to side) Lightening strikes THEN RIGHT
BOTTOM OF THEIR FEET and top of foot Lightening Strikes (if needed have them put the thumb of opposite hand under their feet and two fingers on top of foot. Springs should activate eventually these will turn into bubbling sphere) IF NOT ACTIVATED - DRAW A LINE FROM ANKLE BONE TO HEEL OF FOOT AND WITH OTHER HAND PRESS IN AT THE HALF WAY POINT WHILE HOLDING FOOT WITH OTHER HAND THIS SHOULD DO IT DO THE LEFT FOOT AND THEN THE RIGHT
Then Mother Theresa and Rami tugs my hands and we walk on. Amazingly now I AM part of the Golden Tree of Life. We then walk through the Eye of God dimension again . .. shimmering, pearlized radiant white with metta falling down upon us. . . our guides walks up to the stairway with us and it is most difficult to leave but as we leave and step through the portal we find that we have a radiant golden orb surrounding us and now we are connected from Father/Source/Creator to the center of Mother Earth . . . Your radiant light coupled with your guides and angels is such a beautiful sight to witness. I am so humbled. What a magnificent connection with all that IS.
I received my four activations by a chi ball from Lee Newman. Energy becomes very electrical . . . As usual
"I invoke the Light of the Christ within, I am a clear and perfect channel, God's Golden Healing Love and Light is my guide." 3 times . This actually increases your auric space beyond measure. We tested this out many years ago and by the third time our auras extended beyond the building we were in . . .)
This time also added in was the "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Sabayoth" (3 times) and the specific light and sound harmonis of 6-6-6, 9-9-9, 12-12-12. These numerical sequences are to be used by means of a pyramidal focus, created by the hands, over the third eye which amplifies the sacred greeting for the sending and receiving of spiritual instruction. The pattern of 6-6-6 is used to identify you with respect to the Earth's vibration. The pattern of 9-9-9 indicates that you have picked up a Merkabah vibration and that you are receptive to whatever instruction is at hand. And the pattern of 12-12-12 is the vibration of consciousness transportation. (The Keys of Enoch - 305)
The radiance is again overwhelming . . .( Once within this sacred place I begin using the 9 positions creating the triangle with my thumbs and forefingers. Each time I say: " I and the Father are One" and a lightening strike came down very powerfully through the middle of my hands. Each time lightening strikes. Now I get to the 4th position with my palms facing down lightly resting on my crown chakra " I and The Father are one" actually activating the Alpha and Omega Chakras and my kundalini is becoming activated.
Become aware of God's Golden lightening come down through and beyond the alpha and omega chakras and then it went from front to back . . . I felt like a lightening rod . . . I allowed the golden energy to activate throughout my eight body's chakras, and then the hand chakras, knee chakras, ankle chakras,. . . my hands may become extremely warm and my body . . . I finish all of the positions . ) Before me I see the radiant shimmering white pearlized energies with the center having the Golden Energy of God pouring down. Mother Mary , AA Raphael, Jesus, Sananda are present
The most important part was activating the Earth Star Chakra (5 feet below your feet) with the heart chakra's 5 feet in front and in back connecting with the Golden Star Christ Chakra. Which was spinning becomes a brilliant golden octahedron. Allow the spins to be 13 to the left and 13 to the right, which also puts this electrical energy connection with our higher self or our "I AM PRESENCE".
This energy stayed with me for several hours . . . during the whole Activation I held my golden lemurian crystal . . .
I have tears of such joy, love, and the beauty of God's Golden Light lingers. I open my eyes and by Christ's picture (by my bedside) is a Golden Staff . There are geometric designs on it.
I humbly say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you . . Thank you for presenting me with a wonderful Miracle of the Golden Star Christ Activation.
Angel and Dolphin Hugs for a Delightful Radiant Rainbow Day! Shirley Irene