Possible Questions

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Possible Questions Why do you want to work here? My exp. Is w/similar colleges/programs in terms of size and offerings.

I like the focus on creativity HKBU has and the holistic education. Interested in cross-cultural learning experiences and I have experience living overseas and have presented conference papers at several international conferences. I am hosting three Korean students because of this interest in cross cultural learning. I am also mentoring a grad student which shows that I am eager to begin teaching, supervising and mentoring grad students. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Good at explaining things, I like people, flexible, dependable. Students say they like my classes because each class meeting is different and because I mix things up with dynamic activities which make each student the center of the learning process.

What unique thing can you bring to our college or university? Dynamic approach to teaching. Interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. Exp. Teaching eng majors AND interdisc. Students. Plus, my research is interdisciplinary. Where do you see yourself in ten years? Tenured; published book(s) What brought you to this part of your career? I always wanted to write Tell us about yourself Instructor at TTU, like to travel, have exp. living/working overseas, working on a book project and revising as part of a writing group comprised of three other faculty members. If a student said she thought you were the worst teacher she ever had, how would you react and what would you say? Ask her why. I often have one-on-one conferences with students in which I ask them what is working for them and what is not. I often make adjustments to my teaching approach based on these conferences. I believe it is important to be open to adjustments in teaching style. How do you encourage students to learn? By being energetic, keeping classes dynamic with group and individual work, and providing positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. I also incorporate reading, writing, discussion and revision into every class meeting. Religious views? Christian How do you plan to adjust your teaching style for Asian students who may be more comfortable with the lecture format of teaching?

Ive already started thinking about that. If students at HKBU are more familiar or more comfortable with the lecture style of teaching, I plan to have them do some partnered work brainstorming or discussing the lit and then presenting their ideas to the class as a whole for discussion. Once they are comfortable with that, I will merge two partner groups together into a larger group until the class seems comfortable with that. Once they are OK with group work, I will extrapolate that into a classwide discussion. At each stage, I will have students intermittently write about their experience in doing group work to ascertain their thought processes during these activities. This will in turn enable me to gauge how comfortable they are in each stage and how I can adjust things to make them feel more comfortable sharing. 1. Describe your research. (Have a good articulate rap down pat in short and longer versions, for experts and non-experts). Im working on a book now and have a project for a second book in the works. My current project seeks to show that identity is not nearly as concrete or stable as many critics seem to think because at each instant of existence we re-choose our entire identity via ontological embodiment. Furthermore, modern drama is the best genre for seeing this process play out, as we can not only read these characters transformations, but we can see them play out on stage. Also, the greater the extent to which a character is concerned with himself rather than others, the greater the authenticity of that embodiment. A character can help others and do things for others, but should do so not to gain favor but because doing so serves his own best interests. The more authentic a particular character's embodiments are, the greater her ontological self-knowledge, that knowledge of the self which allows for independent thinking. 1a. What audiences are you addressing, what are the other hot books or scholars in your field, and how does your work compare w/theirs?
Scholars, grad students, and advanced undergrads in fields such as literature, philosophy, theatre, history, cultural studies, interdisciplinary studies, and psychology.

Michael Bennetts book.

Ross, Ciaran. Becketts Art of Absence: Rethinking the Void.

1ai. (Rephrased: what is the cutting edge in your field and how does your work extend it?) Modern drama is ideal genre for exploring identity b/c characters come alive on stage. The work will be the first book-length study on existential authenticity and its relation to ontological embodiment treated via analyses of characters of modern drama. Furthermore, it will offer new methods of exploring characters and characterization and new ways of thinking about identity. I show that the study of ontological embodiment will allow for a new method of analyzing characters and how they form or attempt to form ever-changing identities and how the

methods by which they choose identities may be alternately beneficial and detrimental to those characters. 1aii. (Answer this question on your terms, not those of your competition). 1b. How will you go about revising your dissertation for publication? 1bi. (be able to answer this in both general and specific ways). 1bii. Question may imply: do you have an interested publisher and where do you stand in your negotiations w/said publisher? A publisher in England has shown some interest, but I am revising my book proposal to send to other academic publishers. 1biii. Question may also imply: we thought there were some significant shortcomings in your thesis, but we like you, so we're giving you this chance to redeem yourself by indicating that you're in the process of addressing these shortcomings in ways that we think appropriate. 1c. What you've said is all very interesting, but doesn't work in your field sometimes tend to border on the (choose adjective) esoteric, antiquarian, (and if postmodern) ridiculous? What is the broader significance of your research? How does it expand our historic understanding, literary knowledge, humanistic horizons? My work has the potential to change the way in which we analyze or think about characters and their characterizations, and motivations, and by extension, how we think about our own identities. 1ci. Remember that this is a legitimate and important question--may be the toughest one you get. 1cii. Usually asked by someone outside your field. Can you explain the value of your work to an educated layperson? Its all about identity. 1ciii. Asks you to grapple w/limitations in your research. Don't be afraid to acknowledge these, particularly if you can use such an acknowledgement to indicate where you intend to go in your research after this. (My doctoral research, you see, is only the necessary first step...)

2. What is your basic teaching philosophy? Group discussions, carefully wrought questions, and the encouragement of students to exchange ideas are crucial elements of effective instruction. An interpersonal approach to teaching will

enhance student understanding because it facilitates comprehension by making students more comfortable asking questions or seeking assistance from the professor. A good teacher will encourage students to learn by giving them confidence through positive reinforcement and creative approaches to teaching. A good teacher will take complicated concepts and break them down into understandable chunks of information. A good teacher will also explain how subject matter relates to students personal and professional lives. Finally, a good teacher will remain flexible and professional during class meetings and when addressing the concerns of individual students. By incorporating multimedia lessons, group work, in-class writing and editing, in-class debates, and other community-building activities, I create an environment that is at once educational and compelling. 2a. Question might be answered quite differently for the small liberal arts college, state branch university w/heavy service teaching load, or graduate-degree granting institution.

3. How would you teach...? I usually start with some lecture-style background info (esp. on authors like Beckett). I then break up the class into partnerships or small groups and give each group a discussion question and 15 minutes or so to come up with answers to the questions to be shared with the class as a whole. I then ask follow-up questions first to the group presenting then to the class as a whole. We then move on to close readings of key passages. Students also make group presentations, usually on key authors or historical background related thereto for context. They take quizzes on each reading and have a mid-term exam (incl. at least one essay question) and a final extensive research paper. 3a. basic service courses in your field Go out and visit/volunteer at temples/monestaries while studying Outlaws of the Marsh. Put on a production of a free play for the elderly or underprivileged. 3b. any of the courses on your C.V. that you say you can teach. 3c. What courses would you like to teach if you had your druthers? how would you teach them? One on T of A with staged readings. Lots of fun for students AND they learn! Course on war lit- OBrien, Heller, Mason, Trumbo Course on postmodern lit- Rushdie, Marquez, Beckett, Churchill, Neruda

3d. (many committees will want to know which specific books you would use). 3di. this may be an indirect way of ascertaining whether you already have the course in the can. 3dii. Do you, for ex., know what is and is not in print in pb form? 3diii. Which text would you use (have you used) for the U.S. Survey, for English composition, for Am Lit 101, etc.? (Beware: this can turn into a great test of your poise and diplomatic skills when one search committee member says "I love that book" and the next says "I wouldn't be caught dead including that text on MY syllabus.") Norton anthology. If that doesnt work for some reason, there is a variety of texts I like to use, esp. those that include academic essays at the end or those with Further Reading sections or academic introductions. I also use a lot of web sites and databases incl. Purdue OWL. 3e. Be prepared to talk about several courses, after having sized up the institution's needs. 3ei. Do your homework to anticipate what the department needs. 3eii. Be prepared to talk about teaching its basic service course(s). If you're applying to a small liberal arts College, this could include things like Western Civilization, Western European art history, Brit Lit., etc. 3eiii. Be ready to talk in detail about an innovative course or two that you think the Department might really go for--something new and w/in your expertise. Theatre of the Absurd Postmodernism Modern Drama Modern World Lit Modern French lit in trans. simone de Beauvoir, Camus, Sartre, Flaubert Modern war lit Writing and Reasoning Paradigm Shifts and the Cycle of Influence AROOO, Godot, Things Fall Apart, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams, The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston, The Things They Carried, Tim OBrien, Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn

3f. Take course X. As you would teach it, what three goals would the course achieve? When students had completed your course, what would they have learned that is of lasting value? Critical Thinking How to respond rhetorically to viewpoints you dont share Learn about culture/biography How to synthesize various viewpoints/sources of info into a coherent argument. 4. Tell us how your research has influenced your teaching. In what ways have you been able to bring the insights of your research to your courses at the undergraduate level? I like to challenge students, esp because my research deals w/some difficult texts! Because my research deals with the search for meaning and how disparate ideas can be incorporated into a coherent whole, I stress to students how they can employ their critical thinking skills to carry out informed close readings to interpret otherwise difficult texts. 5. We are a service-based state branch university with an enrollment of three zillion student credit hours per semester, most of them in the basic required courses. Everyone, therefore, teaches the service courses. How would you teach Hist Or Lit or Art 101? 5a. (what they are asking is are you willing/experienced/ mentally stable enough to teach a heavy service course load to students who've likely read fewer than 3 books in their entire lives). 5b. (they may also be saying) No one on the faculty (much less the students ) at Mediocre State U has even heard of the figure/subject/method of your research. How do you think you could fit in here? Could you be happy or at least useful in a backwater? (i.e., can she survive in Timbuktu with idiots for colleagues and morons for students?)

6. Your degree is from Prestige Research University--what makes you think you would like to (or even would know how to) teach in a small liberal arts college? 6a. Depending on the college, this may be one or two questions: 6ai. (can she survive in Timbuktu with idiots for colleagues and morons for students?) same as 5b. 6aii. do you understand the liberal arts college mission, are you a dedicated teacher, and will you give your students the time and personal attention that we demand from all our faculty members? 6b. At our college, teaching is the first priority. Do you like teaching? Would you survive (and thrive) under those circumstances? I love teaching!

6c. What experience do you have teaching or learning in such a setting?

7. This is a publish or perish institution with very high standards for tenure review--what makes you think you would be able to earn tenure here? (see next question). I already have several peer-reviewed pubs and a book in the works. I have presented at several intl conferences and have been accepted to another in Japan for next year. 8. Tell us about your research program. What are you working on currently? (now that you've completed your doctoral work)? What do you plan to look at next? 8a. Having a paper or a talk ready that showcases a topic different from your doctoral research demonstrates research prowess. Future book on surrealism and PTSD in modern war lit.

9. Why do you especially want to teach at Nameless College or University? How do you see yourself contributing to our department? I want to get involved with thesis committees, drama productions, hiring committees. 9a. (The real answer to this, of course, is "because I need the job, jerk!" But don't be caught without a well-considered answer. This is a hard question to answer if you are unprepared for it. Be sure you've done your homework). 9b. (for small colleges) We conceive of our campus as one large community. What non- or extraacademic activities would you be interested in sponsoring or participating in? Drama club, writing mentorship, intercultural mentorship to prep students who will go to U.S. to study. 10. Are you connected? (If you were organizing a special symposium or mini-conference on your topic, which scholars could you pick up the phone to call?) My diss committee members 11. For women only: (Hem, haw) What does your husband think about you taking a job in another state? 11a. How long do you (do you really) plan to stay? The correct answer is "at least until my tenure review." These days, no one expects a longer commitment than that.

At least for the duration of the contract. 11b. How will you handle the separation? (This is asking for reassurance that you plan to live at Nameless U rather than commuting from your husband's home base. The last woman they hired did that and it didn't work out; she was never around). 11bi. they may be trying to ascertain whether you have children w/o asking directly. 11bii. you may want to offer a strategy for how you're going to manage your marriage (we've done this before--it's no big deal; my husband has a more marketable career and can't wait to follow me to your wonderful location; it's none of your business). 11biii. if you're not obviously married (if you're straight or gay and have a SO), committees probably will not bother you with these sorts of questions. It will then be up to you to raise them if they are important to you. Would there be any chance, for ex., of landing a joint appointment for my "fiancee" or "companion"? I don't recommend this unless it's a decisive issue for you. If it is decisive, and it's a job you want, then by all means raise it at the time of the campus interview. 11c. An enlightened and clever search committee might raise this question with a candidate, acknowledging that it's a personal matter but will weigh on your decision to take the job, should you get an offer. 11d. Whether you're male or female, a search committee (assuming they find you an especially attractive candidate) may try to ascertain this sort of information to 1) inform you (because they feel it's only fair) what their institution's policy is on joint offers, or 2) see what it would realistically take to land you (is a joint offer the only terms you'll accept). 11di. (As someone who has been stuck in a commuting marriage for 7 years now, I am obviously not the best person to give advice on how to pull this off). 11dii. A wrong answer to such an inquiry may disqualify your candidacy.

12. You've seen our (religious) mission statement. How would you see yourself contributing to our mission and campus atmosphere? I want to be a mentor to students, as I have been hosting three Korean students and mentoring a grad student. Holistic approach to teaching in which I take personal interest in the ed and well being of each student. 12a. technically, asking about your religious affiliation/ beliefs is an illegal question. Committees will be more or less direct with you about this question and you can perceive the degree of conformity/support they expect according to how they broach the subject.

12b. they are also trying to tell you that character (defined in their traditional, conservative way) counts at the institution and in town as well; they want you to withdraw from consideration if you won't fit in. For a checklist of all the generic steps in the job application process, see my Academic Job Application Checklist. For some additional advice on job interviews, see Academic Job Interview Advice. Feel free to send me feedback and suggestions for improving this site.

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