Apple Tree Montessori School Newsletter September 2009
Apple Tree Montessori School Newsletter September 2009
Apple Tree Montessori School Newsletter September 2009
6 3 0 1 S . W . 1 6 0 T H Av e .
Davie, FL 33331
Upcoming Events! Anotherfantasticyearis
September: underway!Wehaveseveralnew
1st Preschool First Day of Class teachersandassistantsonboard,
7th Closed/ Labor Day allwhomareenthusiasticand
10th PTO Meeting readytoworkwithyourchildren.
(Extra-Curricular Weareallhereforyourchildren
Information) andwillworkhardwithyou
7:00-8:30 p.m. towardstheircontinuedsuccess!!
17th Open House Toddlers & Pleasenote,PTOmeetingswillbe
Middle School onThursdaythisyear.Youare
7:00-8:00 pm welcometogetinvolved.
24th PTOSocialatJuice Thankyouforyourco-operation,
BlendzinMiramar supportanddedicationtothe
3:30-6:30 MontessoriEducationSystem.
1st Elementary ( K- 5th) Ms.SLevine
Open House 7:00-8:00 pm
8th PreK Open House
7:00-8:00 pm
10th First Aid & CPR Class
(sign up in the office) Visit the to register and re-
14 th Picture Day ceive email updates regarding school activities.
(see details inside) Also, this year the website has been updated to
23rd Closed/ Teacher Planning Day include school holidays, hurricane updates and
28th Report Cards school closings, PTO events and communica-
30th Apple Tree Fund Raiser tions, pictures, and additional information for
those new to the school. Refer to the new calen-
Walk-a-thon dar for upcoming events.
Preschool Parents,
available on a weekly
or monthly basis. Or- Duetothelatestweather,mosquitoes
ders must be placed by Friday areontherise.Pleasesprayyourchil-
morning of the week prior. drenwithrepellentpriorto
Menus are in the office. If you theirarrivalattheschool.
choose to pack a lunch, please be
aware of the school policies:
(Lunchables, in general are high
in sodium and fat!) Remember SCHOOL PICTURES
that balanced, healthy meals are
the fuel that keep your child’s Individual photos will be
engine running smoothly!! taken the morning of Wednesday, Octo-
FRIDAYS at Apple Tree are ber,
ber 14th. Please remember child should
Pizza Days! Bring $4/ Ele &
wear school uniform. Kindergarten & 8th
middle; $3/ Preschool & toddlers
grade will be in cap & gown. Please
for pizza (included in hot lunch),
drink and dessert. Students send in your order form with payment on
wishing to have an extra slice of or before October, 13th.
pizza may bring an extra $1.
PTO Meeting
Please make a note that
On Thursday, September 10th we Babysitting will only be
will be holding the first PTO meet-
ing of the school year.
available on PTO nights.
For those who are interested in The charge is $2.00 per
signing your child up for extra- child.
curricular activities, this is the
day to mark on your calendars.
Remember that classes fill up
Please see the list of the activities
on the last page of the newsletter.
New Clubs
This year we are very excited to
have new extracurricular activities. Math & Logical
Thinking Club will be offered for students from 1st
Apple Tree Fund Raiser thru 5th grade.
Walk-a-thon The club will take place every
Thursday at 3:15-4:15
The Math Club will focus on developing logical think-
On Friday, October 30th Apple Tree ing, introducing math
students will take part in a fund raiser concepts according to the age, providing tools for
for the school hosted by the PTO. Stu- problem solving, and much more.
dents will accept pledges and then walk
laps to raise money for science equip- Debate Club will introduce children to many kinds of
debate and sharpen their arguing skills. Mr Ruffin will
ment. A percentage of the funds raised
be leading this club.
will be donated to the The club will take place every
Broward Community Food Bank. Tuesday at
Please join us in 3:15-4:15
donating to both worthwhile causes.
Children may wear Halloween cos- Don’t forget to sign up at the first PTO meeting
tumes on this day. on September 10th.
Please no weapons, bloody or scary
costumes. Let’s keep this a
lighthearted festive occasion for the
students. Hurricane Notice
Children may bring a change of clothes
if they would like. Costumes are op- During hurricane season, please visit the school’s
tional. website. Also, please note that if Broward County
Public Schools are closed, we will be closed.
**Volunteers are welcome for this fun activity.
However, once a storm passes and the school has
Sign your name in the office**
electricity, water, and the roads are clear, the
school will open for regular hours.
Car Pool Protocol
The car pool lane is a service we provide to assist in We want to welcome the following new
drop off & pick up. Please observe the following staff:
• School opens at 7:30 a.m.
• A.M. car pool lane drop-off is from 8:00 a.m. Miriam Casademont–
Casademont Administrative
• Dismissal is as follows: Assistant
Preschool Part-Time: 11:50 -12:00 noon
Preschool Full-Time: 2:30 pm Olga Martin–
Martin Practical Life Teacher Blue
Kindergarten/ 1st Grade: 2:45 pm Room
2nd, 3rd, 4th ,& 5th Grades: 3:00 pm Karen Oei–
Oei Assistant/Intern 3rd Grade-107
6th, 7th, 8th Grades: 3:10 pm
• Please do not get out of your car! A teacher will
take your child to you or from you. Janet Tamez -Teacher in Middle School
• Preschool Parents display your child’s name on
the dashboard. Jared Ruffin -Teacher in Middle School
• Have car seat on sidewalk side.
• Please pull your car all the way to the front of the
• Please if you have business in the office, you
must park in the parking lot.
• Please do not attempt to have a conversation with
your child’s teacher during car pool. Even a short
talk can cause a big backup.
Important Notice to Parents
• Please drive slowly through the parking areas.
Those are OUR children out there !!! Any medicine must come to the office and is kept
• Please drop your child off on the sidewalk. Do in the office.
not drop them at the crosswalk!
• Parents should not go to the classrooms without
This is for the safety of not just your child but
being announced at the office. others as well.
• Elementary and Middle school children will A yellow permission to dispense form must be
walk and carry their belongings to the classroom filled out and turned in with the medication in the
by themselves.
• Only Middle School students may go through front office.
central gate.
• If you are earlier than your pick up time, please
go to the parking lot, wait until it is your child’s Come See Your Child At Work
dismissal time, then precede to carpool line.
DANCE classes incorporate the fundamentals of creative movement, hip-hop/jazz and ballet technique. Dance instructor Meredith Dreyfuss
is an experienced teacher and performer; classes will be held on Monday at the times listed under Karate.
KARATE PROGRAM Mr. M. (Fred Mergen) will return to Apple Tree to head the Karate program. He has a great rapport with his students
and knows how to help them reach their potential. (Note that there is an additional fee for rank advancements and uniform, if the student does
not already own one.)
Classes will be held on Wednesdays at the following times:
SWIMMING with Ms Bernandety will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays ; registration forms are in the office. Time varies.
SPORTS with Ms. Nuzzi * FRIDAY Preschool Kinder from 2:45—3:30 pm ; 2nd grade & up from 3:30—4:30pm
YOGA with Ms. Nuzzi * THURSDAY K— 8 from 3:30 —4:20 pm
*FEES ARE TO BE PAID TO Ms Nuzzi or write checks to cash (you may leave payments in the front office).
Cost per month based on four meetings once a week is $52.
PRESCHOOL ART CLUB with Ms. Garofalo Preschool Tuesday or Friday –3:30—4:20; Kindergarten on Wednesday at 3:00-3:50 pm
ART CLUB The ever-popular art club will again be taught by Mrs. Sharon Lettera...sign up quickly!!
Middle School & 5th grade; Tuesday, 3:30– 4:20 pm
1st and 2nd grades; Wednesday, 3:30 – 4:20 pm
3rd and 4th grades; Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:20 pm
BEGINNING SPANISH CLUB with Ms. Torres Preschool —Monday ; Kindergarten—Wednesday 3:00— 3:50 pm
ADVANCED SPANISH CLUB ( 1st grade—Middle ) with Mrs. Lopez will be offered on Monday at 3:30-4:15 pm
SCIENCE CLUB with Ms. Kaufmann will be on Friday—Kindergarten & 1st at 3:00-3:45 pm , 2nd & 3rd & 4th at 3:45-4:30 p.m.
**DEBATE CLUB with Mr. Ruffin Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15 — 3rd grade & up
CHESS CLUB with Mr. N. Levine & Ms. Kaufmann will be offered on Tuesday 3:15—4:15
**MATH & Logical Thinking Club with Ms. Ali & Ms. Pearl from 3:15—4:15 on Thursday — 1st-5th grade
Cost per month based on four week lessons once a week for Piano & Guitar is $100
PIANO will be offered Mondays through Thursday by Ms. Barbara Magaldo for students in Kindergarten and above. (Please note there is an
additional fee for books). FEES ARE TO BE PAID TO Barbara Magaldo or write checks to cash ( you may leave payments in the
front office).
GUITAR will be offered on Monday and Wednesdays by Mr. Steve Mills. Time varies, individual or group lessons are available.
**NEW CLUBS “ All clubs must have a minimum number of students or activity will be cancelled!!”