Internet Application Worksheet
Internet Application Worksheet
Internet Application Worksheet
accessed via the Internet. With a _______________, a user views web pa es that may contain text, ima es, videos, and other multimedia and navi ates between them usin hyperlinks. These pa es are written in !ypertext "arkup #an ua e (_______). $very website has an ___________ or %niform &esource #ocator (%&#). The %&# is formed by the ___________, domain, directory and the ______________. The World Wide Web was created in '()( by *ir Tim +erners,#ee, workin at -$&. in /eneva, *wit0erland.
3 "o0illa 4irefox 3 *afari 3 _____________ a. Internet $xplorer Windows ____________ (formerly "icrosoft Internet $xplorer abbreviated "*I$), commonly abbreviated to I$, is a series of proprietary raphical _____________ developed by "icrosoft and included as part of the _______________ line of operatin *ystems startin in '((5. b. "o0illa 4irefox 6__________7 is sometimes used to refer to the free software8open source pro9ect that was founded in order to create the next, eneration Internet suite for ____________. The "o0illa :r ani0ation was founded in '(() to create the new suite. :n ;uly '5, <==>, the or ani0ation was formally re istered as a non,profit or ani0ation, and became __________ 4oundation. The foundation now creates and maintains the "o0illa 4irefox browser and "o0illa Thunderbird email application, amon other products. The "o0illa trademark is held by the "o0illa 4oundation as of <==?. c. *afari *afari is a _____________ developed by 1pple Inc.and included in "ac :* @. It was first released as a public beta on ;anuary A, <==>, version was included as the _________ browser in "ac :* @ v'=.>. 1 beta version for "icrosoft Windows was released for the first time on ;une '', <==Awith support for Windows @B and ____________, althou h it will also unofficially work on Windows <===. *afari has also
Web +rowser 1 ____________ is a software application that enables a user to display and_________with text, ima es, ______, music and other information typically located on a Web pa e at a website on the World Wide Web or a ______________. Text and ima es on a Web pa e can contain !yperlinks to other Web pa es at the same or different website. Web browsers allow a user to __________ and easily access information provided on many Web pa es at many websites by traversin these links. Web browsers format !T"# information for display, so the appearance of a Web pa e may differ between browsers. *ome of the Web browsers are2 3 ___________________
been run unofficially on #inux under Wine, but the /%I and raphics do not render properly.