Equation 3-1
(Note the dimensions of kV/mm and MV/m are identical)
V is the applied voltage [kV]
is the radius over the conductor shield [mm]
is the radius over the insulation [mm]
x is the radius (between r
& r
) at which the electric stress is to be calculated [mm]
Figure 3-2 shows that conductor shield and insulation shield stresses are increased at higher
system voltage. This is as expected given the need for cables to be manufactured in sufficiently
long and flexible lengths for reasons of practical installation consideration and system reliability,
i.e. fewer joints. The graph was compiled from the surveys of utilities and cable manufacturers
and from published data.
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
All Circuits
0 100 200 300 400 500
Voltage [kV]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-2
Conductor and insulation shield stresses increase with voltage
Figure 3-2 shows data for all circuits regardless of circuit length and whether joints are installed.
It is recognized that joint design is critical to the long term reliability of an XLPE cable system
and that joint development lags cable development by some ten years, Figure 2-1. Figure 3-3
presents data for circuits that are known to contain joints.
Circuits Containing Joints
0 100 200 300 400 500
Voltage [kV]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-3
Conductor and insulation shield stresses are lower in circuits that contain joints
From the two graphs it can be concluded:
Conductor and insulation shield stresses increase with voltage
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Between 220/230kV and 500kV, the stresses have nearly doubled
Conductor shield stresses are generally lower in circuits that have joints installed, but there is
little effect on insulation shield stresses (the effect of conductor size must be taken into
account before any major conclusions are drawn)
The 400 and 500kV stress levels in Figure 3-3 represent the current state of the art given, as
is shown in Table 2-2, the first major systems to be commissioned at these voltages were not
until 1997 and 2000 respectively
Compared to AEIC CS7, where at 69kV the maximum conductor shield stress permitted is
6MV/m (150V/mil) and at 115 and 138kV it is 8kV/mm (200V/mil), it can be seen from the
graphs that stress levels at 40% to 100% higher can be expected if the state of the art
stresses are applied at 345kV.
Conductor and insulation shield stresses for a selection of projects installed throughout the world
are shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1
Conductor and insulation shield stresses for selected projects throughout the world
Hitachi 1988 500 800 35 14.1 5.2 No
Sumitomo 1999 500 800 27 16.6 7.3 No
Furukawa &
2000 500 2500 27 14.6 8.1 Yes
NKT 1997 400 1600 32 10.9 5.0 Yes
Alcatel 1998 400 800 32 12.3 4.6 No
BICC 1998 400 800 32 11.8 4.7 No
Alcatel 1999 400 500 33.7 13.1 4.0 No
ABB 1999 400 1600 29.5 11.5 5.6 Yes
Siemens 1999 400 1600 27 12.2 6.2 Yes
Germany ABB 2000 400 1600 29.5 11.5 5.6 Yes
Germany Nexans 2000 400 1600 27 12.2 5.6 Yes
Abu Dhabi
Pirelli 2000 400 800 29 12.7 5.3 Yes
USA Sagem 2001 345 630 27 12.2 4.8 No
Olex 1998 275 1200 27 8.9 4.1 Yes
Singapore BICC 2000 230 2000 24 7.2 4.0 Yes
USA BICC 2000 230 1000 24 8.1 3.9 Yes
USA Sumitomo 2002 230 1200 27 7.5 3.4 Yes
BICC 1999 220 1000 24 7.8 3.7 Yes
ABB 1999 220 1600 25 7.0 3.4 Yes
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Conductor sizes found from the surveys and from literature searches have spanned almost the
complete range of cross-sectional areas that can be manufactured i.e. 300mm (~600kcmil) to
2500mm (~5000kcmil). The lower end of the range is cut off by the e-ratio (2.72), i.e. the ratio
of core and conductor shield diameters. For values greater than e, it is necessary to substantially
increase the insulation thickness to keep the design stress constant. Thus transmission class
cables with small sizes of conductors become uneconomically large in overall diameter and
material content.
The sizes of conductors presently in use at 230kV and 345kV in North America are in the range
of 600kcmil to 2500kcmil and, thus, there is no technological, manufacturing or design barrier
envisaged in exploiting this or an expanded conductor range.
Figure 3-4 through Figure 3-9 show the variations in conductor and insulation shield stresses at
voltages in the range 220 to 500kV. The graphs are for all circuits regardless of whether they
contain joints. It should be noted that the graphs are not an indication of the number of circuits
surveyed at each voltage as there are many instances of several circuits operating at the same
stresses; these only show up as one data point.
220kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-4
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 220kV
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
230kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-5
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 230kV
275kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-6
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 275kV
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
345kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-7
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 345kV
400kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-8
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 400kV
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
500kV - All Circuits
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Conductor Size [mm]
Conductor shield stress
Insulation shield stress
Figure 3-9
Variation in conductor and insulation shield stresses with conductor size at 500kV
Trend lines have been drawn on the 400kV graph, Figure 3-8, to indicate the general trends of
stresses with conductor size. 400kV was selected as there is the greatest variety of installation
configurations (tunnels and direct buried) worldwide at this voltage in the range 345kV through
The smaller conductor sizes can be seen to have higher conductor shield stresses. The reasons
for this are:
if the diameter ratio is at or greater than the e-ratio the insulation thickness may have been
reduced for economy.
small conductors can be manufactured to be more circular and smoother than large
the insulation mean stress is low.
the cable insulation stress at the interface with the accessory is particularly low (because this
is inversely proportional to the ratio of diameters times the conductor shield stress).
There is no obvious difference in the design stress of a Milliken and a non Milliken circular
stranded conductor. However, it is later shown that a greater shield thickness is extruded to
smooth the greater irregularities formed by the segmental construction of the Milliken conductor.
The change over diameter between conductor types varies between 800 and 1200mm (~1600
and 2400kcmil) dependant upon the cable manufacturer.
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Methods of Calculating Design Stress
The most important part of the electrical design procedure is to determine the electrical stresses
that may be reliably withstood by an insulation system over its intended service life. In the case
of XLPE cable systems these stresses will have a dependence on material choice and quality, the
type of extrusion plant and the manufacturing process (conductor stranding, extrusion control,
degassing, in-process quality checks, testing, etc).
When undertaking insulation design it is important to consider which of the possible in-service
operating conditions will be the most onerous and to use the design stress under these conditions
as the limiting condition.
In the case of XLPE cables for operation under ac voltages, the present body of experience
shows that long duration AC operation with repeated load cycling is the most challenging. This
compares to traditional fluid filled cables where lightning impulse conditions at elevated
temperatures are the most onerous and there is, therefore, a natural built in safety factor present
in a fluid filled cable during normal steady state operating conditions. XLPE cable does not have
a natural factor of safety and it is necessary to include a safety margin in the insulation design.
Methods of calculation are given in Equation 3-2, with an example shown in Equation 3-6 and in
Equation 3-7, with an examples given in Table 3-2 through Table 3-4.
XLPE is sensitive to rapid erosion by partial discharges (pd) and to the potential presence of gas
filled voids generated during the peroxide crosslinking process. Load cycling has two
detrimental effects. Firstly it enhances the gas diffusion process such that the pressure within a
void reduces rapidly, thus making a sustained pd more likely. Secondly the bonding between the
XLPE insulation and any contaminant will become significantly weakened; the resulting void
again being susceptible to pd.
Geometric Electrical Stress
The electrical stress distribution, E, within a cable is given by Equation 3-1. Figure 3-1 shows
the maximum stress Ec, which occurs at the conductor shield, and the minimum stress Ei, which
occurs at the insulation shield.
There are three useful stresses that can be considered.
The maximum stress; this occurs at the conductor shield and is relevant because:
the highest probability of instantaneous failure is at the highest stress.
the highest rate of cable ageing occurs at the highest stress.
the majority of life threatening extrusion defects, such as shield hang-ups and protrusions,
are located at or near the conductor shield.
The minimum stress; this occurs at the insulation shield and is relevant because:
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
overall cable system reliability is determined by the performance of accessories and it is
insulation shield stress that affects accessory performance, especially in prefabricated joints.
in the event of any moisture ingress through the outer protection layers of a cable, it is the
outer surface of the core that will deteriorate first.
The mean stress is the geometric average for the whole insulation, i.e. the cable voltage (Uo)
divided by the insulation thickness, and is relevant because:
numerically more numerous inclusions, such as gels, ambers and metallic particles can be
spread over the volume of the insulation.
Traditionally, the maximum stress approach has been favored by European-based cable
manufacturers whereas Japanese-based manufacturers have favored the mean stress. Whatever
approach is adopted, a reputable manufacturer will have a solid body of technical evidence,
based on their own particular testing and experiences, which supports their choice.
The choice of the type of stress used for the calculations will have a considerable effect on the
design procedure. Figure 3-10 shows the effect of the choice of stress on the insulation
thicknesses that may be calculated for a 230kV cable over a range of conductor sizes assuming a
design maximum stress (at the conductor shield) of 9.5kV/mm and a design mean stress of
Using maximum stress tends to give lower insulation thicknesses at large conductor sizes
whereas using mean stress tends to give lower insulation thicknesses at smaller conductors.
0 1000 2000
Conductor Size [mm]
Figure 3-10
Effect of maximum and mean stresses when calculating insulation thickness
Comparison with Existing Practice
As an alternative to carrying out their own research, development and experimental work; a
manufacturer may elect to draw on the common body of experience within the public domain
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
and use the same electrical stresses being used on similar installations. In many, but not all,
cases the choice will be confirmed by the completion of a type test, and possibly a long term
prequalification test.
This is the lowest cost route for the manufacturer as it follows other manufacturers, thereby
learning from their previous mistakes and avoiding the costs of extensive test / verification
It would be prudent for the user to insist that a type test includes the following supporting
information for the stress levels for a particular application:
The safety margin used in the design. The safety margin within the design will not have been
established, the only thing that will be known is the compliance with a test regime.
Whilst competitors operating stresses might be known, details of competitors grades of
insulating and semi-conducting compound, material handling and quality checking
procedures and extrusion know-how will have to be known and listed.
Other key elements such as conductor design, dimensional tolerances, degassing procedures,
metal sheath design and routine test regimes are difficult to determine and emulate.
Long term prequalification tests are still required to be performed on the cable and its
Calculation from Operating Conditions
This approach seeks to establish the electrical breakdown performance of a cable and then to
reduce the breakdown stress levels by separate known degrading factors such as temperature and
electrical ageing. The stress is further reduced by a factor of safety. The resulting stress is then
used as the design stress and is expressed mathematically in Equation 3-2.
safety temp age
E =
Equation 3-2
E represents stress and F represents the degrading factors.
This approach, when used with mean stress, is favored in Japan.
The electrical stress at breakdown is determined from analysis of electrical ramp breakdown test
data using the following form of the three parameter Weibull distribution
. The probability of a
failure is given in Equation 3-3.
) (
exp 1
Equation 3-3
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
is the cumulative probability of failure
E is the applied electrical stress
is the optional location parameter; often referred to as the threshold stress
is the scale parameter; the stress which gives a probability of failure of 63%
is the shape parameter; the gradient of the Weibull curve
The ageing factor usually employed is the inverse power law model
and is shown in Equation
E t
= x constant
Equation 3-4
Or relating (E
) to (E
1 1
t E
= constant =
2 2
t E
Equation 3-5
E is the applied electrical stress at failure
t is time to failure
n is the slope of a graph of log time to failure against log stress at failure
n is sometimes referred to as the ageing coefficient. If n is high, the life, t, is long and ageing is
Depending on intended system operating voltage and other factors, n can vary from -8 to -15
i.e. n = -8 indicates more rapid ageing (a shorter life) than n = -15.
This approach has been used for the design of 275 to 500kV XLPE cables in Japan.
Typical figures for a 400kV cable are:
= E
= 40kV/mm
= 2.3
(30 year design life assumed)
= 1.1
= 1.1
These give a design stress of
mm kV E
/ 14
1 . 1 * 3 . 2 * 1 . 1
= =
Equation 3-6
If the degrading and safety factors are too high, the cable will be too large and there can be issues
associated with extrusion problems, weight, cost, length on a reel, number of accessories, etc.
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Also, as conductor shield diameter increases, higher insulation shield stresses will result and
their effect on accessory performance needs to be taken into account.
If the adjustment factors are too low, the insulation will be too thin and the reliability may be
At a theoretical level there are concerns with this approach in that it only considers factors singly
and thus does not address interactions (sometimes called multifactor effects). Although a point
for discussion, this is not the largest of the concerns with this approach. More significantly:
No allowance is made for other modes of degradation such as mechanical stressing of the
insulation during service.
The manner in which the initial performance of the cable system is defined. Within Japan
the location parameter E
from the three parameter Weibull distribution, Equation 3-3, has
been used, whereas other proponents have used the basic two parameter distribution finite
probability of failure.
The amount of time and resources required to determine the critical factors.
The difficulty of determining the model parameters from the raw test data, in particular
obtaining true cable failure data for representatively sized cables - a success rate of 25
to 35% would be excellent, with the remainder of the failures (65 to 75%) being
failures in test ends.
obtaining cable failures under long time endurance conditions (load cycled with water
excluded) on representative cables. The majority of data-sets comprise failures at high
stress / short times and survival at lower stress / long times (often the long times are
not very long, being 0.5 to 2 years) and this means that in practice it is only possible
to determine the limiting values.
The sensitivity of predictions to small perturbations within the input data. For example, if
the ageing coefficient value of n=-12 varies between -10 and -14 then the ageing factor in
the calculation for a 20 year life will vary from 2.3 to 3.9, thereby having a considerable
effect on the dimensions of a cable.
Figure 3-11 shows the effect of varying the value of exponent n=-12 between -10 and -14 on
design life and resulting insulation thickness for a 230kV cable designed on the basis of mean
stress. It will be seen that the calculated thickness of 22mm is varied between 18mm and 28mm.
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
10 20 30 40
Cable System Design Life [Years]
n = -10 n = -12 n = -14
Figure 3-11
The effect of different values of n on cable design life
Calculation with Probabilistic Effects
The factor based equation (Equation 3-2) provides a means of finding an estimate of the design
stress. However, to use results from this analysis in an engineering computation it is essential to
make an assessment of the quality of the base data. The most convenient way to do this is by the
use of confidence levels for the input data and this approach has been termed the Cable
Probabilistic Design Model (CPDM)
and is described below.
CPDM method
To incorporate a measure of the quality of the base data and to eliminate some of the concerns
regarding the use of the factor approach, Equation 3-2 can be addressed by modification of the
equation to allow for:
The definition of E
to be at a finite probability of failure taken from the two parameter
Weibull equation. Also the breakdown data is to be collected at the operating temperature not
the ambient temperature. The term F
may thus be omitted from Equation 3-2.
The inclusion of the statistical scatter in the reference stress, E
, and the ageing factor, F
in the calculation of the design stress.
Thus Equation 3-2 simplifies to:
E =
Equation 3-7
In principle the issues of scatter and reference stress may be addressed within Equation 3-7 in
two ways:
Use the lower confidence limit for the reference breakdown stress and reduce this by the
largest probable ageing factor, F
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Adopt a Monte Carlo computational approach that generates a range of E
and F
based on the true scatter of the input data.
The insulation design can then be chosen with respect to a pre-defined level of risk.
Comparison of these two methods for a range of input data and cable designs shows that the
Monte Carlo method is best in capturing all of the details and is reasonably straightforward to
compute. All of the underlying assumptions (probability of failure, level of confidence and
probability of survival to the design life) are clearly defined and can be specified for each
The use of the CPDM is demonstrated for the example of a 150kV 1000mm
high stress XLPE
insulated cable. Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 give the assumptions and the input data for the
calculation of the insulation thickness.
Table 3-2
Basic assumptions used in the CPDM example
Probability of failure for E
Confidence level on E
Survival function >0.95
Operating temperature 90
Service life 40 years
Table 3-3
Input data for high stress XLPE cable design example
at 90C 45kV/mm
90% confidence interval for E
at 90C 38kV/mm
n (slope of ageing curve) -12
90% confidence interval for n -8
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 3-12
Calculation of the insulation thickness at different levels of probability of survival for
150kV 1000mm
XLPE and EPR cables
Figure 3-12 shows the shape of the survival function (i.e. the per unit probability of survival)
following the Monte Carlo simulations for the cable. The function for an EPR cable with an
identical conductor size is also shown. Sensitivity studies have shown that a minimum of 2000
simulations is required to achieve a good description of the survival curve.
The thicknesses of insulation can be determined from the curves for the required level of the
survival function, 0.99 in the case of this application (i.e. a probability of survival of 99%) and
are shown in Table 3-4. The calculation has been performed determine the thickness based on
both the stress at the conductor shield (maximum stress) and on the mean insulation stress.
Inspection of the curves shows that the maximum stress approach gives the thinnest insulation
thickness for this particular conductor size of 1000mm
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Table 3-4
Limiting insulation thicknesses predicted by CPDM for 150kV cables
Insulation Thickness [mm]
Material Max Stress
Mean Stress
XLPE 14.8 17.0
EPR 20.8 22.2
Inspection of Figure 3-12 shows that the thickness of insulation is determined by the interaction
between the desired value of the survival function and the curvature of the plots. A reduction in
the curvature will reduce the required insulation thickness and this may be achieved by reducing
the scatter (i.e. the confidence limits) of the estimates of E
and n shown in Table 3-2 and Table
Figure 3-13 shows the impact of the cable system voltage on the insulation design thickness.
This figure serves to show the difficulty of developing and parameterising a single design
method for a range of voltages: The CPDM model gives practical insulation thicknesses at
220kV but impractically high thicknesses at 400kV. The main cause of this divergence is the
increasing sensitivity of the design method to the cable voltage and the growing consequences of
the uncertainty in the ageing factors (e.g. n). Thus more test data with a narrow scatter is required
in the design of higher voltage cable.
It is therefore clear that any design method, test regime and processes need to be adapted to the
voltage range under consideration.
220 275 345 400 500
Cable System Voltage (kV)
Mean stress
Maximum stress
Figure 3-13
Calculation of insulation thickness using the CPDM method
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
Endurance Estimation
CSEM Method
The performance of a complete cable system is also limited by other factors, principally by the
accessories and by thermo-mechanical effects. The complete system performance can be
modeled by analyzing the endurance time of both test loops and service installations containing
cables and accessories. This approach is termed the Cable System Endurance Model (CSEM)
Figure 3-14 shows endurance data in the form of load cycles survived at specified stresses for
XLPE cable systems. The time in service is plotted for commercial circuits. The high stress data
represent cable breakdown tests at elevated temperatures under daily load cycles. Thus, any
endurance curve must lie towards the right hand edge of the installed cable system survival data
and to the left of the cable-only failure data.
The position of the endurance line may be further refined by the estimation of the scale
parameter for the surviving cables using the method of Weibayes
. This method assumes that
the cable systems will fail, under a voltage ramp, in the same manner as cables at elevated
temperatures. The assumed shape parameter ( in Equation 3-3) and the estimated scale enable
the position of the endurance curve to be estimated at any desired level of probability of failure.
5 10 15 20 25 30 55 60 65
(open circles - system survival, triangles - cable failure, dots - estimated endurance curve).
Figure 3-14
Endurance data for XLPE cable systems
Cable Operating Stress and Service Life
To enable the extrapolation of the endurance curve to the design life, an ageing model is
required. The extrapolations included in Figure 3-14 are based on the inverse power
approximation, Equation 3-5. Extrapolation of this line to the prescribed design life (in this case
a 40 year life, i.e. 1.46 x 10
daily load cycles) gives the limiting value of electrical design stress
at the conductor shield.
The conductor shield design stress identified by this approach is 11kV/mm for XLPE insulation.
The cable dimensions predicted by this model are shown in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5
Insulation dimensions predicted by CSEM for selected voltages and conductor sizes at a
1% probability of failure
Conductor Size
Insulation Thickness
230 1000 19
230 2500 16
345 2500 25
400 4000 31
400 5000 30
This model has some significant engineering attractions, namely:
it deals with real cable system performance.
the cable systems have been subject to either the rigors of transmission network operation or
the accelerated test protocol.
the analysis is based on large sample numbers of cables and accessories.
the low probability estimate, (Weibayes estimates), of the endurance curve is inherently
it is a continually evolving and responsive model as service experience (years in service),
new type approval and pre qualification test data are added.
Cable Quality
The insulation of a transmission class cable has to be of consistent quality throughout its whole
length. Quality is defined as:
consistent geometry.
consistent electrical performance.
consistent ageing properties.
Consistent quality is more difficult to achieve with a transmission class cable because the
insulation volume is large and the extrusion process is very slow. Control of the process requires
a sound and stable conductor, consistent polymeric material rheometry and reactivity, process
capable manufacturing equipment, trained operators, the utmost care and maintenance of the
machinery and dies and, most importantly, an effective management and quality control system.
The application of XLPE insulation is a three stage process:
preparation of the conductor and polymeric materials.
extrusion of the polymer onto the conductor.
crosslinking of the polymer (also called curing or vulcanizing).
Extrusion is a continuous molding process in which the conductor forms a moving mandrel to
define the inner surface and extrusion dies form the outer surfaces of the succeeding layers. In
the majority of extruders it is not possible to perfectly control the shape because the polymer
remains a viscous liquid for the long time period required to heat it to the crosslinking
temperature. During this period various methods are employed to keep the conductor in axial
alignment, to prevent the insulation from drooping and to keep the insulation cylindrical. These
methods are described later.
Having extruded and crosslinked the insulation, care must be taken to protect the soft core from
mechanical and thermal damage. Gaseous by-products of the cross-linking process are produced.
To prevent these from coming out of solution and forming bubbles, the extruded core is held
under pressure. The extruded core is first cooled whilst still under pressure to give it sufficient
rigidity to be handled and to prevent dissolved gas from forming free bubbles when exposed to
atmospheric pressure. It is then gently degassed to remove the volatile by-products of the
crosslinking reaction. Cushioning and water blocking layers are applied, an earth return
conductor and metallic water barrier are provided and finally an anti-corrosion jacket is extruded.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
The design of each cable component has to be tailored to accommodate and be compatible with
the extruded XLPE insulation and shields. The only exception is the outer jacket, which is
isolated from the XLPE insulation and performs an equal function in all types of transmission
Management and Quality Control Systems
The quality of extruded XLPE cable is determined at the beginning of production. The final HV
acceptance tests are coarse tests that will find certain types of gross defect capable of causing
early failure in service life. It is important to recognize that the tests are incapable of finding
smaller defects that may result in medium term service failures. If a defect occurs sporadically
and is not an isolated event it could result in multiple service failures in multiple reel lengths
from one or more extrusion campaigns. The prospective cost and outage time of removing and
replacing multiple cable lengths is sufficiently high to justify a) the presence of full Quality
Control and Quality Assurance systems and b) individual Quality Plans for each contract.
Conductor Stranding and Transportation
Concentric circular conductors are employed up to 800-1200mm
(~1600-2400kcmil), Figure
4-1, and Milliken segmental conductors are introduced for larger sizes, Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-1
Circular stranded conductor
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-2
Four segment Milliken conductor
Conductors with sizes up to 3500mm
(~7000kcmil) have been employed in XLPE cables in
Japan, with a maximum manufacturing capability of approximately 4000mm
The transition size to Milliken depends upon the maximum number of wires that any particular
stranding machine can apply in one pass and upon the reduction in conductor area that can be
achieved by the improvements in the ac resistance of the Milliken conductor.
There is a minimum economical size of a concentric circular conductor. This is reached when
the ratio of insulation diameter to conductor shield diameter exceeds the e ratio (2.72). Above
this ratio it is necessary to limit the design stress at the conductor shield by either applying more
insulation or by increasing the conductor diameter. The conductor diameter can be increased by
using aluminum instead of copper or by using a hollow core conductor. The latter introduces
problems of longitudinal water blocking; one solution being to use a solid rod at the center.
It is important that the outer surface of the conductor is formed from a layer of tight fitting and
smooth wires, which may be either died down or shaped to produce a nearly true cylindrical
shape. This provides an accurate bed for the semi-conducting conductor shield and also prevents
fall-in of the molten semi-conducting and XLPE insulating compounds into the conductor.
General purpose stranding machines cannot always handle the wire sizes, shapes and compacting
tensions necessary to achieve a sufficiently smooth shape. A compounded semi-conducting
fabric binder tape may be wound tightly over the conductor to provide a strong circular surface.
The presence of the binder tape also affects the handling characteristics of the cable. The binder
tape reduces the grip of the semi-conducting shield onto the conductor such that the cable can be
more easily bent into alignment for jointing (bending is always difficult for thick walled
transmission class cables) but the insulation shrink-back at the insulation cut will be greater
during jointing.
It has become normal practice for direct buried cables to have blocked conductors to prevent the
longitudinal transmission of water in the event of either damage during installation or in service.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
The conductor may be blocked with either a free or tape bound water swellable powder, a
viscous compound or an elastomeric compound. It is important that the materials are applied
uniformly and do not disturb the smooth surface of the conductor.
Solid aluminum conductors are both inherently smooth and perfectly water blocked. However,
they are stiffer and more difficult to handle both in the cable factory and during installation and
are usually limited in size to less than 1200-1600mm
The conductor geometry has to be designed to be fed into a close fitting circular steel die in the
CV line extrusion head, which applies the conductor shield in a comparatively thin layer of semi-
conducting compound. The conductor must have a
circular geometry to avoid abrasion with the die.
constant diameter to avoid variations in the thickness of the semi-conducting shield.
uniform smooth finish to prevent variations in either surface friction or surface geometry
from causing compound surging and thickness variations.
clean surface, free of debris to avoid either swarf penetration through the shield into the
insulation, or accumulations of debris from initiating shield protrusions into the insulation.
dry construction free of wire drawing lubricant or liquid cleaning agents that could degrade
the performance of the semi-conducting shield.
Accurate control of circularity is more difficult with a segmental Milliken conductor as the shape
is formed from a number of separately stranded, pre-spiraled segments that are wound together
in a laying-up machine. An 800mm
(~1600kcmil) conductor is comprised of 4 segments that
can be held firmly in a cylindrical shape by a tight fabric binder tape. For larger sizes it is good
practice to form the conductor from an unequal number of segments (i.e. 5 or 7) such that a shear
plane across the diameter of the conductor is avoided and the segments lock together and keep
the circular shape during bending. Control of the shape of each segment shoulder is difficult. If
sharp, these shoulders could protrude into the conductor shield and, if round, they could leave an
interstitial gap requiring a filler of synthetic string, paper or water blocking tape. It is therefore
important to significantly increase the thickness of the semi-conducting screen in comparison
with that on a circular conductor such that protrusions and depressions are smoothed out and are
not present at the insulation interface.
The conductor is bent many times during manufacture, factory transportation and extrusion, and
thereby is exposed to the risk of loss of circularity, abrasion damage and contamination from
general factory debris. Protective measures are to apply at the stranding process a disposable
barrier tape (this is removed upon entry to the extrusion line) and to transport the conductor on
suitably shaped rollers.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Insulation and Semi-Conducting Material Preparation and Handling
Selection of Materials
The additional requirements placed on XLPE insulation at EHV stress levels can be quantified
by comparing the compound volumes and stresses employed in HV and EHV cables. Using a
reference voltage of 230kV, Table 4-1 shows how the volumes per metre and the mean electrical
stresses increase with system voltage. A direct consequence is that the duty placed on the
insulation, which a function of the volume and the stress, increases significantly with system
Thus it becomes clear that the contaminants have to be reduced in number and size to attain the
same reliability per metre length of cable as achieved at lower voltages. Contamination per unit
weight needs to be lowered by a factor of 5 for a 230kV cable for the insulation to operate at the
same level of reliability as a 138kV cable.
The breakdown strength of insulation reduces as the volume (length or thickness) increases. The
magnitude of the decrease can be calculated using Equation 4-1
ref c actual c
Equation 4-1
V ref and actual refer to the volumes tested
the scale parameters at the selected probability of failure is, E
, from a Weibull analysis.
is the shape parameter (slope of the curve)
The effect on the probability of failure is assessed by substituting E
C actual
into the standard
Weibull equation. The probability represents the likelihood of a failure per unit length and is
used to define the duty: the insulation system for a length of 345kV cable needs to operate 3
times harder than the same length of 230kV cable to give the same reliability.
Table 4-1
XLPE insulation duty increases with voltage
System voltage [kV] 138 230 345 400 500
Mean Stress [kV/mm] 3 5 7 8 11
Relative volume of insulation per
metre length of cable
1.1 1 1.1 1.2 1.1
Relative mean stress 0.6 1 1.4 1.5 2.1
Relative duty on insulation 0.2 1 3 4.3 9.4
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
XLPE insulation compound needs to fulfill a number of requirements:
It should act as thermoplastic material within the extruder and crosshead.
It should crosslink efficiently and consistently with the application of high temperatures and
pressures within the vulcanization tube.
It should be immune from thermal degradation throughout the cable manufacturing process
and the life of the system at the maximum cable temperature.
It must display an extremely low occurrence of contaminants/particles that could enhance the
applied electrical stress and thereby initiate electrical distress.
To achieve these requirements with the consistency required for factory production of EHV
cables, it is essential that great care is paid to the formulation in terms of the design of the base
polymer and the selection of the appropriate crosslinking and stabilizing packages.
Manufacture of Insulating Compound
The manufacturing technology employed for XLPE compounds to be used for HV and EHV
applications needs to ensure the highest level of cleanliness at all points of the production chain.
Transmission class cables are qualitatively termed as super or ultra-clean. The manufacturing
sequence is comprised of four parts:
manufacture of the polymer
addition of a stabilizing package
addition of the crosslinking package
delivery packaging
A rigorous Quality Assurance system must be applied during each stage of the manufacturing
The first part of the production sequence starts with the polymer reactor, which is designed to
produce polymers with consistent properties that are free from particulate contaminants and
chemical species that degrade the dielectric properties. In practice this means that the sequence
of polymers manufactured in the reactor and the materials employed in its construction must be
controlled. For example, the materials used to seal the closed material conveying system must
be made from thermoplastic polyethylene to minimize possible contamination effects to the
During manufacture, it is essential that materials are conveyed in the safest way possible to
ensure that extraneous contaminants are not introduced. Experience has proved that the best
solution is to use the shortest possible distance between the reactor and the compounding
equipment. The transport from the polymerization reactor should be by stainless steel pipelines
and vessels using dense phase or gravity conveying as this significantly reduces the formation
of polymer strings and dust.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
The ultra-clean insulation levels required for operation at the highest stresses are achieved firstly
by selecting the cleanest material cut from the center part of the polyethylene reactor output and
secondly, by re-melting the polyethylene and straining it through a very fine stainless steel filter
The additions of the crosslinking and stabilizing packages are the next steps in the chain. These
processes incorporate the active chemical species into the polymer matrix. Prior to the addition
of the crosslinking package the material passes through extremely fine filters and screens that
operate in cascade. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that the infrequently occurring
contaminants do not proceed to the packaging process.
The manufacture of the higher grade compound for EHV cables may be achieved in one of two
The material is manufactured in a large dedicated compound manufacturing plant and then
transported to the cable manufacturer for extrusion. The transfer must use specially designed
packages so that they may integrate with the extrusion plant in a clean way. The packages
are of two general types either bulk (> 20 ton ) or bin (1 ton). The important aspect in both
cases is that the packages are lined with a very clean single-use PE membrane to assure
cleanliness. There are attractions to both solutions; a) bins enable very short connections and
permit gravity feeding and b) bulk reduces the number of connect / disconnect operations
thereby reducing the risk of contaminant introduction.
The material is compounded within the cable factory adjacent to the cable CV extrusion
facility and is stored in bulk stainless steel silos before direct transfer to the extrusion facility.
This method has the attraction of allowing the manufacturer to tailor the material
formulations for his own particular requirements (extrusions speeds and temperatures
particular to different extrusion equipment and cable insulation thickness) thereby reducing
the levels of ambers (oxidized polyethylene) and electrically active by-products in the
extruded cable. It also allows the bypassing of the packaging and unloading steps which,
despite the measures instituted by compound manufacturers, introduce possible
contamination sources into the overall material delivery process. In this method,
contaminants and impurities are therefore removed at the latest possible stage prior to
extrusion. This approach is favored in Japan in its target to develop 500kV cables and it is
infrequent to find in-house compounding plants outside of Japan.
Regardless of the compounding method used, insulation compound for transmission class cables
must be completely separated both physically and environmentally (separate clean air supplies)
from semi-conducting shielding compounds to avoid all risk of air born carbon black dust
contaminating the insulation.
Compound granules deteriorate with time and temperature (both high and low temperature), thus
transportation and storage times should be short and designed to prevent exposure to extremes of
temperature. The factory storage vessels and pipe work must be dedicated to transmission class
cables; they must be pre-cleaned to the highest standards during equipment commissioning and
thereafter sampled to ensure that accumulations of granule dust and filaments (termed angel
hairs) and metallic swarf have not formed.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
For transmission class cables, the cleanliness and consistency of the incoming insulation should
be checked by periodically sampling the granules and performing materials laboratory tests on
either extruded tape or molded plaques.
Compound Formulation
A number of additives need to be included within the low density polyethylene (LDPE) base
resin to enable it to be transformed into suitable compound for HV and EHV use. These
additives fall into three main groups:
Crosslinking agents at HV and EHV these are exclusively organic peroxides.
Thermal stabilizers these are also termed anti-oxidants and their purpose is to protect the
polymer chains from degradation by the elevated temperatures during manufacture and the
prolonged exposure to a lower temperature during storage life prior to extrusion.
Process enhancers these facilitate the manufacture of the cables and are included to reduce
the occurrence of defects that may be detrimental to the cable system later in its life.
All of these components are added to the compound prior to cable manufacture in two or more
processing steps.
Skill needs to be employed in the development of the levels for each additive as the additives
tend to interact with each other. Thus the final material formulation is, of necessity, an
optimized compromise.
Cleanliness Requirements for the Insulating Compound
This section considers the basis for the cleanliness levels of the PE material when it is
compounded by the supplier, before delivery to the cable factory. The levels are based on the
theoretical/experimental performance of the extruded XLPE insulation. It can be understood that
each stage of handling will inevitably increase the level of contamination. Thus each handling
stage before the extrusion and cross-linking process of the XLPE cable will require progressively
cleaner and cleaner material. As will be explained, the technology of compound material
manufacture for EHV cables has now achieved high levels of cleanliness. The standards met for
the examination of slices of insulation cut from production cables are explained later in this
chapter under Bench top acceptance tests.
Many studies
have shown the degradation in electrical performance is caused by large metallic
contaminants. Figure 4-3 shows the influence of metallic contaminant size on the electrical
breakdown strength under ac and impulse conditions. The contaminant concentration was 5
contaminants per kg.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
0 20 40 60 80 100
Contaminant Size [m]
Impulse AC
Figure 4-3
Breakdown strength of model cables with artificially added contaminants
The effect of a five-fold increase in concentration at the 100m level is to reduce the strength by
17% and 14% for ac and impulse respectively. As well as reducing in the characteristic
electrical strengths, the increasing size of contaminants changes the statistical nature of the
failures, making them less scattered and more certain.
The effects shown in Figure 4-3 may be explained by the fact that metallic contaminants increase
the electric stress within their immediate locality such that the local stress is higher than the
intrinsic breakdown strength. This effect is best described in terms of a stress enhancement
factor that acts as a multiplier for the local stress. The data from Figure 4-3 are in line with the
trends predicted by the theoretical estimates for the increase in local electrical stress found at the
tip of sharp metallic contaminants.
It is interesting to note that it is possible to get large stress enhancements but that the magnitude
of the geometrical enhancement falls dramatically with distance from the tip: for a 5m sharply
radiused tip, the field falls by 50% within 1.5 radii of the tip
The local stress is further reduced by the shielding effect of injected space charges. This
explains the difference between theoretical and measured data. Theory indicates a 60%
reduction in strength (50 to 100m contaminant size) whereas the experimental data show
reductions around 20% maximum. Thus the calculated stress enhancements should be viewed as
providing the upper limits in any assessment.
The local stress enhancement by particles within an insulation will have contributions from their
size, concentration and nature (conducting or high permittivity). These effects can be quantified
and expressed in Equation 4-2 by consideration of selected contaminant populations with
practical electrical parameters.
ln 5 . 0
Equation 4-2
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
( ) ( )
= =
1 1
1 1
ln 5 . 0
= stress enhancement factor
r = radius of the ellipse
2a = length of the ellipse
= relative permittivity of the XLPE insulation
= relative permittivity of the particle
The stress enhancement effects of 60% calculated for the 50m to 100m particles in Figure 4-3
represent a worst case position as all of the contaminants are assumed to be sharp and
conducting. The effect of the shape of contaminants has been assessed
using XLPE cups
with a Rogowski profile. In this study, Figure 4-4, it was shown that contaminants with irregular
surfaces reduced the AC ramp breakdown strength by a greater degree than those with smooth
Smooth Surface Irregular Surface
Figure 4-4
The shape of contaminants affects breakdown strength
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Considering the nature of the contaminants, it is likely that there is a contributing effect from the
adhesion between the matrix and the contaminant. It has been experienced that XLPE cables on
elevated voltage test tend to fail during the cooling cycle and this is attributed to thermal
contraction breaking the adhesion to particles.
In all practical cases sharp and conducting contaminants are a small minority of the contaminant
population. Analysis of inspection data shows that conducting contaminants account for less
than 10% of the detections, whereas the remainder displays a range of permittivities greater than
the XLPE matrix.
The effects of concentration, permittivity and size can be quantified by consideration of selected
contaminant populations with practical electrical parameters. Table 4-2 shows the results of a
simulation using Equation 4-2.
Table 4-2
Electrical stress enhancement factors for selected relative permittivities and defect
Contaminant Size (m)
Concentration of
Contaminants [No. per kg]
Group 1 2 3 4
50 70 500 100 50 10
70 100 50 10 5 1
100 200 5 1 0 0
Relative Permittivity Normalized electrical stress
3 5 1 0.5 0.09
10 10 2 0.9 0.18
100 16 3.2 1.5 0.29
1000 17 3.4 1.5 0.31
In making such an analysis it is necessary to account for the volume of insulation that is affected
around each contaminant
. Considering contaminant size / concentration Group 2 in Table 4-2
it can be seen that the stress enhancements are reduced by a factors of approximately 2 and 10 by
moving to Groups 3 & 4 respectively. This shows that the reduction in stress enhancement may
be affected by reducing the concentration / size distribution and the permittivity of the defects.
Thus when considering the distributions of size (0.07<r/a<0.7) and the nature of contaminants
(<10% conducting, 60% high/medium permittivity) found in real HV and EHV insulations it is
possible to determine the limiting contamination concentrations, Table 4-3. These levels
recognize the stress and volume differences between HV and EHV cables and the need for
higher levels of cleanliness at EHV to maintain and enhance reliability. The comparative 66%
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
reduction in the number of 70-100m particles is particularly significant as Figure 4-3 shows
100m particles reduce the breakdown strength by 20%.
Table 4-3
Highest permissible concentration of contaminants for selected size classes
Permitted numbers of contaminants per kg of material
Size [m] 50 70 70 100 100 200
EHV 15 5 0
HV Not specified 15 0
At all inter-process points, samples are taken for the essential Quality Assurance processes.
These processes are in two parts:
assurance of the physical and chemical properties.
measurement of the cleanliness.
The chemical and physical analyses serve to establish that the flow and crosslinking
characteristics are both within specification and ensure the consistency of the polymer flow
within the extruder and the crosshead and of the formation of the chemical cross-links within the
vulcanization tube.
Cleanliness is measured by converting the polymer into a tape and then counting the population
of any non-transparent foreign objects that are observed. To gain the required level of
consistency and sensitivity the tape is inspected by an automated optical system. This approach
has an excellent signal to noise level and good rejection of spurious data. The data processing is
carried out by a microcomputer, which is able to produce size segregated population data for a
number of selected levels of obscuration.
The cleanliness assessment procedure is based on the analysis of representative samples from the
material production run. The results of the cleanliness analysis are normally expressed as a
concentration per kg of insulation. The performance of this test scheme is governed by the
Poisson Distribution, Equation 4-3, which evaluates the probability that x discrete events will be
detected (contaminants found) within a population mean (number of contaminants per unit mass
of material) of .
! x
Equation 4-3
The practical importance of this is shown in Figure 4-5. When the true mean is 0.5 the
probabilities of finding 1 or 2 contaminants are 90 and 98% respectively, even though these
levels represent a considerable factor of safety. This means that the mean concentrations will
always be considerably lower than the maxima defined within a specification.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
0 1 2 3
Number Detected
Population mean = 1 Population mean = 0.5
Population mean = 0.25
Figure 4-5
The probability of detection of contaminants at selected population means
Insulation Material Specifications
XLPE used in power cable is normally controlled by means of a specification which details the
chemical activity, cleanliness and flow characteristics. When defining a specification for
cleanliness it is important to take account of all of these requirements and the practical issues
associated with conducting the tests.
In practice the specifications are written by defining the maximum permissible number of
contaminants in a sample taken from the delivered lot. The exact numbers will depend upon the
detection equipment, the sample size, the frequency of sampling and the location of the
sampling. In general large samples taken at regular intervals and tested with well calibrated
equipment will provide the best quality data.
The specification levels for the samples should be set some amount below the permissible
requirements to ensure that the whole batch complies. As an example, if the requirement is 15 in
a size class then the specification will typically be set at 10.
Table 4-4 shows a typical specification for sample tests that may be used to assure the required
level of concentration.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Table 4-4
Typical specifications of maximum concentration (number/kg) of contaminants for
selected size classes
SIZE [ [ [ [m] 50 70 70 100 100 200
EHV 10 0 0
HV - 10 0
It is of note that specifications based on maximum number of detected contaminants will in fact,
due to Poison statistics, deliver significantly lower mean concentrations, see Figure 4-5.
Alternative specifications to the single assessment in Table 4-4 may be envisaged. The most
common requires that two separate criteria are specified from two independent tests. This
approach is extremely powerful as the assurance that the requirements are met is based on the
product of the two tests. This can be seen by taking, as an example, the chances of random
passes as 5% and 3% for each of the two tests; the probability of both tests being passed at the
same time is reduced to 0.15%.
Modern automated test equipment is highly sophisticated, but there remain considerable
problems in automatically identifying the nature of any detected defects. Thus it is always good
practice to perform visual microscope examinations to determine the accuracy of the detection
(to ensure adequate sensitivity it is often necessary to accept a high level of false positives) and
the shape and type of the contaminant.
Semi-Conducting Shield Material
Semi-conducting shielding materials are based on carbon black, which is manufactured by the
controlled combustion of hydrocarbons, dispersed within a polymer matrix. The concentration
of carbon black needs to be sufficiently high to ensure an adequate and consistent electrical
conductivity. The incorporation must be optimized to provide a smooth interface between the
conducting and insulating portions of the cable. The smooth surface is important as it decreases
the occurrence of regions of high electrical stress. To provide the correct balance of these
properties it is essential that both the carbon black and polymer matrix are both properly
Manufacture of Semi-Conducting Shield Material
The same care must be taken in the manufacture of the matrix polymer for semi-conducting
material as for the XLPE insulation material. However, the chemical nature of semi-conducting
polymers is subtly different (more amorphous) due to the need to incorporate the carbon black.
The carbon black and other essential additives, excluding the cross-linking package, are
compounded into the matrix. The conveying and compounding machinery used is designed to
maintain the structure of the carbon black within a homogeneous mix. Prior to the addition of
the cross-linking package, filtration may be applied to further assure the smoothness of the
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Smoothness of Semi-Conducting Shields
The smoothness of the extruded cable shields is essential to the long term reliability of a cable
system. For transmission class cables, compounds for shields are qualitatively termed super
smooth or ultra smooth grade.
Smoothness is ensured by extruding a sample of the complete material in the form of a tape. The
tape is optically examined for the presence of pips / protrusions. The presence of these features
is enhanced by drawing down the extruded tape, effectively reducing its thickness. This has the
effect of bringing any bulk features to the surface. Once detected, the height and width of any
features are estimated thereby enabling width-segregated concentrations to be determined. When
using such a system, care needs to be exercised when examining the modern type of extremely
smooth (low feature concentration) shields, as the area of tape examined needs to match the
likely number of detected features. The smoother the shield the greater is the area that should be
Semi-Conducting Material Specifications
Unlike the specifications for cleanliness, which relate to measurement of features that could be
present within a cables insulation, specifications for smoothness relate to the measurement of
features that are enhanced in size through drawing down the tape. The result is that the tapes on
which the specifications are based will have a higher surface roughness than when the materials
are used in the cable. The requirement for surface smoothness may be estimated using a stress
enhancement factor as is shown in Equation 4-4.
d 4
1 ln( r
d 2
Equation 4-4
is the stress enhancement factor
r is the radius of curvature
d is the point plane distance
Taking this into consideration, Table 4-5 shows the typical specification for enhanced tape
smoothness. Two specifications are shown for EHV screens. This is because of the wide range
of stresses used at EHV and the preference, in some designs, to use different grades of bonded
shield at each interface. The choice of bonded shield material is governed, in addition to the
need to obtain a smooth, bonded interface, by extruder operating speed and economic
considerations. It will be seen that the number of protrusions are reduced by more than 50% in
the 200-500m range and eliminated above 1500m.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Table 4-5
Typical smoothness specifications for semi-conducting material used for both conductor
and insulation shields maximum concentration numbers of enhanced pips / m
segregated by the width at 50% height (W50)
>150m >200m >500m
20 10 1 0
50 20 1 0
40 2 1
Extruders, Dies and Curing Tube
For reasons of economy and consistent extrusion quality, it is usual to run an extruder in a
continuous operation lasting 10-20 days, termed an extrusion campaign. The conductor is
stranded in the maximum lengths possible that can be wound onto a process reel and is then
lifted for transportation within the factory. This is usually less than the length of core that can be
extruded in one campaign and so it is necessary to join lengths of conductor together without
stopping the extruder. The conductors are joined together when they enter the extrusion line to
form a continuous length by means of temporary flush connections, usually compression
ferrules, but sometimes welded connectors. The conductor is dynamically stored in a number of
turns on an accumulator comprising two grooved reels. During normal operation the reels are
positioned far apart. During the conductor connection process the reels are moved together to
release and feed conductor at a constant rate into the extruder. This permits the trailing end of
the conductor to remain static for sufficient time to complete the conductor connection.
Within the extrusion line it is usual to pre-heat the conductor to a temperature close to the
extrusion temperature of the compound. This helps to ensure that the XLPE insulation down
stream will be sufficiently cross-linked. This is particularly important in transmission class
cables as these have large conductors and thick insulations.
The preferred extrusion die design is a triple head in which the three conically shaped dies are
formed into one assembly such that the three layers are applied simultaneously from three
separate extruders thereby achieving:
a more homogeneous insulation morphology with a minimum of interfaces (knit lines) and
contamination. The older tandem extruders often applied the insulation in two layers.
a clean, smooth and bonded shield interface with the minimum risk of disturbance.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
uniform temperature distribution giving homogeneous viscosity/flow and hence cylindrical
core shape.
Triple extrusion has largely replaced the single-tandem and dual-tandem die assemblies in which
the semi-conducting conductor shield was first applied by itself or together with a thin layer of
insulation and secondly the bulk of the insulation and the insulation shield were then applied
The radial thicknesses of the insulation and shields are determined by the line speed and the die
dimensions. The three extruders each have a limited range of screw speeds. Too low a speed of
operation results in intermittent output (termed surging) and too high a speed of operation
produces high sheer heating without a proportionate increase in volumetric output. The screw
diameters of the three extruders are optimized to suit a limited range of insulation and screen
thicknesses. For transmission class cables, screw diameters have to be particularly large e.g.
150 to 200mm to extrude insulation thicknesses of up to 25-35mm, whereas the matching semi-
conducting screw diameters may only be 50 to 100mm to extrude shield thicknesses of 1 to
4mm. The choice of the die dimensions, the conductor shield thickness, the insulation thickness,
the output speed of the extruders and the line speed (conductor speed) are related and must be
kept within the centre of the safe process window for semi-conducting extrusion. For example,
if the dwell time of the semi-conducting compound in the die is too long then premature
crosslinking (termed scorch) can form a temporary block in the die resulting in both shield
omissions and in the expulsion of large pieces of semi-conducting skin which protrude into the
insulation (termed hang-ups). Hang-up problems can occur if the extrusion speed is too high.
Figure 4-6 shows a shield hang-up. It should be noted that, for clarity, the shield is shown as
white color.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-6
Shield hang-ups
The extrusion of smooth conductor shields is absolutely critical to reliable cable system
performance and this point is best demonstrated in Table 4-6, which lists a selection of known
cable failures at routine test and in service as a result of conductor shield defects.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Table 4-6
Cable failures as a result of conductor shield defects
Cable Type Cable
When Failure
Cause of Failure
132kV XLPE 60km In service Shield hang ups
33kV XLPE 30km In service Shield hang ups
400kV XLPE 1km In service Shield hang ups
115kV XLPE 4km Routine test Shield hang ups
132kV XLPE 4km Routine test Shield hang ups
132kV XLPE 18km Routine test Shield hang ups
90kV XLPE 100km In service Shield protrusions
132kV XLPE 27km Routine test Shield protrusions
220kV XLPE 18km Routine test Shield protrusions
230kV XLPE 24km Routine test Shield protrusions
33kV XLPE 48km In service Thin shield
132kV XLPE 10km Routine test Thin shield
11kV XLPE 100km In service Lack of shield
The in-service failures resulted in major, expensive, cable system replacement programs.
To achieve a uniform diameter of the extruded core it is usual to operate the extruders at a
constant speed and then to automatically adjust the line speed. This may be achieved by a
feedback loop between either an X-ray sensor adjacent to the extruder head or a laser sensor at
the output of the CV line and linked to the drive motors controlling the conductor input capstan
wheel, Figure 4-7.
The die head is directly connected to a long continuous vulcanizing (CV) tube typically 80 to
120m in length filled with nitrogen gas at around 10 bar. The pressure is applied to keep in
solution the gaseous by-products produced by the crosslinking process and thereby prevent the
formation of gas bubbles in the insulation. Inside the tube, the extruded core is raised from the
extrusion to the crosslinking temperature by a combination of radiant and gas heating. The
molten polyethylene (termed melt) is initially liquid with a comparatively low viscosity. With
large insulation thicknesses the flow is very sensitive to small perturbations, such as a worn die
geometry, uneven temperature, non-uniform cable diameter and to the effect of gravity. This can
result in significant eccentricity, drooping, ovality and flats which are likely to be found
unacceptable when assembling a transmission class joint or termination. There are various
expedients to reduce these effects.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
For transmission class cables with large conductors there has been a significant trend to employ
vertical continuous vulcanizing lines (VCV), such that the movement of the conductor and the
flow of polyethylene is vertical, thereby minimizing conductor eccentricity and insulation droop,
Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7
VCV extrusion and curing line
The disadvantages of VCV lines are that they are expensive to construct and local government
restrictions may limit the height of the tower (and hence the line speed).
Catenary continuous vulcanizing lines (CCV), Figure 4-8, have seen wide spread application for
lower voltage cables, because longer CV tubes can be built to match the output of the largest
extruders, thereby giving the highest output rates.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-8
CCV extrusion and curing line
A few special CCV lines have been designed for transmission class cables by steepening the
angle of the catenary and by filling the CV tube with silicone oil such that buoyancy forces
compensate for gravitational effects. A small volume of silicone fluid can be expected to be
present within the insulation. At least one European manufacturer uses a CCV line to
manufacture large conductor 400kV cables.
A significant proportion of transmission class cables have been extruded using horizontal long
land die lines (named MDCV lines after the Mitsubishi-Dianichi Nippon Company). The
terminology land is the name given to the outer annulus of the die, which usually has a small
horizontal component part (the land). The functions of the die and the CV tube are combined by
bolting a tight fitting tube to the horizontal die assembly. The tube temperature is raised to 270-
C to directly heat the cable core by conduction. To prevent sticking, the inside of the tube is
lubricated by injecting a layer of silicone oil between it and the semi-conducting insulation
shield. The high temperature can result in degradation of the silicone oil by it becoming
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
crosslinked. One solution has been to use a fourth extruder to form a buffer layer over the core
comprising a second layer of semi-conducting compound. A small volume of silicone fluid can
be expected to be present within the insulation.
At the far end of the CV tube or the MDCV die, the extruded core is cooled to close to room
temperature using either water or gas, such that the cable can emerge from the CV tube into
atmospheric pressure with sufficient rigidity to resist either thermal deformation or the formation
of gas bubbles.
The use of water cooling is not detrimental to cable performance given that water vapor is
generated within the insulation as part of the cross-linking and process and, as will be described
later, a controlled cable drying and degassing process is essential to remove the moisture.
Depending upon the sizes of the cable, extruder and CV tube, the core will not emerge from the
end of the tube for a period of 3 to 13 hours. The leading end of the conductor is attached to a
steel hawser and is drawn through with the CV tube opened. The operators then manually shape
the leading end of the molten insulation so that it will pass through the outlet of the CV tube,
where sliding rubber seals will be fitted to it. It will not be possible to fully pressurize the CV
tube until this stage, thus the leading and trailing lengths of the extrusion campaign will contain
gas bubbles and it is important that these lengths be cut off and scrapped. The passage of the
core ends through the seals may have the effect of sending a vibration back to the dies and
causing a ripple in the molten core. Similarly any slippage or juddering in the conductor capstan
pay-off drive and the caterpillar/reel take-up drives or any vibration in the CV tube will also
form ripples in the core. It is important that the drives are operating within their capability to
handle the particular weight and diameter of cable being extruded and that well maintained.
The quality monitoring positions in a VCV line are shown in Figure 4-9:
1. Pellets of uncrosslinked PE insulation are sampled and extruded into tape which is
automatically light scanned and particle counted. This is usually undertaken before the
pellets are admitted to a sealed storage silo at the base of the VCV tower. A batch of non-
conforming material should not be admitted to the silo.
2. The melt of uncrosslinked PE insulation is filtered by a stainless steel strainer pack. In some
lines a light scan automatically counts and identifies types of particles within the transparent
melt as it passes through the neck connecting the extruder to the die head. Non-conforming
insulation would require either the position in the cable to be noted or the extrusion campaign
to be aborted.
3. The conductor is centered within the extruded molten insulation by an X-ray gauge. This is
also used to measure the thickness of the shields and insulation. This geometric information
can be used to keep the diameter of the cable constant by controlling the speed of the capstan
wheel inputting the conductor into the extruder. It should be noted the measurements are
hot measurements and adjustments have to be made to calculate dimensions at ambient
4. The extruded core exits the CV tube and passes through a small water bath to permit it to be
continuously scanned by an annulus of ultrasonic transducers. The transducers are set to
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
detect shield and insulation defects, particles and impurities. The dimensions of the
insulation and shields are also monitored and recorded. The position of non conforming cable
core is automatically recorded and an alarm initiated. A decision is taken to cut out the
affected length or to abort the extrusion campaign.
5. The diameter of the cable core at near ambient temperature is monitored by a laser gauge and
compared to the specified nominal and minimum insulation and shield thickness and
eccentricity values.
6. The cable core is cut into the maximum lengths that can be wound onto factory process reels.
Samples of core are cut out at the leading and trailing ends and at the intermediate cut
positions. Similar samples will be taken after the degassing process. The samples are
microscopically examined for the correct geometry and the absence of defects, Figure 4-10.
Samples of the insulation and screens are removed for measurement of physical properties. A
length of core is heated and made transparent and a simple visual internal examination is
undertaken of the insulation and shield interfaces. It is important that these tests are
performed quickly to permit remedial action to be taken following the discovery of a non-
conformance, as late discovery at the end of manufacture puts unnecessary pressure on the
factory management staff to accept the defect and thereby avoid the high cost of scrap and
program delays.
7. Finally each reel length is fitted with test terminations and the HV acceptance tests are
performed, comprising an HV voltage withstand test, a partial discharge test and a
measurement of insulation capacitance. The resistance of the conductor is also measured.
Samples of cable are taken and similar tests to those described in item 6) are undertaken.
Figure 4-9
Quality monitoring positions on a VCV line
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-10
Laboratory examination of extruded core samples
A significant weakness of earlier Quality Control systems is that samples of the core were only
examined internally at intervals of either the reel length or multiple reel lengths; these could be
as much as 1,500-3000ft apart. It is therefore possible for sporadic defects in the insulation and
shields to pass through the high voltage acceptance test and into service operation undetected.
Ultrasonic quality monitors represent the current state of the art. Continuous in-line monitoring
has recently been applied to both transmission and high stress distribution class cables to
significantly reduce the risk of cables containing sporadic defects being put into service. The
monitor employs the high frequency, ultrasonic detection, principle, shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11
Ultrasonic detection principle
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
At the outlet of the CV tube the extruded cable core passes through the center of an annulus of
typically 16 transducers which transmit and receive the signals reflected from the
insulation/shield interfaces and from microscopic defects, particles and voids that may be
Figure 4-12
Ultrasonic transducer array
The transducers are mounted within a small water bath to provide ultrasonic coupling to the core.
Software algorithms detect abnormalities, activate alarms and record the position in the extrusion
run. Figure 4-13 shows XLPE insulation defects detected by means of an ultrasonic quality
monitor. This particular view represents a longitudinal, continuously scrolling section of a
production cable, taken between transducer numbers 1 (12 oclock) and 9 (6 oclock).
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-13
Insulation defects detected by an ultrasonic quality monitor
To date, X-ray detectors have not demonstrated that they can operate sufficiently quickly to give
a continuous 360 longitudinal and circumferential coverage, or an ability to measure and
discriminate the different types of impurities. The primary uses of X-ray detectors are to set-up
conductor and insulation concentricity at the start of an extrusion campaign, to control overall
core diameter and to monitor insulation and shield thicknesses.
Post Extrusion and Core Degassing
The extruded cores of transmission class cables are heavy and comparatively soft, even at room
temperatures, and so are extremely vulnerable to mechanical damage within the cable factory.
At the outlet of the extrusion line, it is good practice to cover the take-up reel and each layer
(flake) of core with a protective sheet. The core may be kept as multiple shipping lengths on one
process reel or cut and wound onto individual process drums at this stage. The cable core should
never be allowed to drag on the ground during the winding operations and it is good practice to
ensure that roller ladders are positioned underneath the reel to prevent this. Similarly, to avoid
damage to the outer layer during factory handling, the reel should not be wound to full diameter
and should be wrapped overall with a protective blanket.
The core contains approximately 2% by weight of extrusion by-products (principally water,
methane, acetaphenone and dicumyl alcohol). It is necessary to remove the high vapor pressure
components by degassing the cable core. The experience in the manufacture and testing of
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
transmission class cables is that the by products are detrimental to the cable and accessory
performance in that:
The vapor pressure within the insulation is significant and can prevent voids from exhibiting
partial discharge during the HV routine acceptance test. One way to finesse a cable through
routine test is to omit the core degassing stage.
The moisture can initiate water trees adjacent to small voids or particles during the HV
routine acceptance test.
The methane gas introduces the risk of fire/explosions within joint manholes and joint bays
(it is good practice to vent the sealed cables for 24 hours before they are installed).
The gas pressure within a cable can reach 1.5 bar and introduces the risk that accessories and
cables with light metallic foils or polymeric jackets will not be able to contain the pressure
without damage. A 132kV cable system installed in Argentina recently had to be replaced
for this reason.
There is the risk that the gas pressure will displace the insulation in accessories, especially
those dependent on pre-molded elastomeric components.
Some of the by-products are polar and increase both the dielectric losses (increasing power
factor with risk of thermal run away failure during type approval tests) and space charge
accumulation (this can increase ac electrical stress during in-service operation by more than
The degassing process, which is necessary to remove the volatile by-products and water vapor,
submits the cable to a gentle heating process at temperatures in the range of 70-80
C. Higher
temperatures risk loss of the circular cable shape and loosening of the turns of cable on the reel.
Transmission class cables will have degassing process times of 3-6 weeks dependent on the
thickness of the insulation. Routine tests confirm that the cable has been adequately degassed by
measuring the weight loss and the rate of weight loss of small samples heated in an oven. The
weight loss should be more than 1%.
Core Protection and Water Barriers
The thermal expansion of the thick insulation layer in a transmission class cable requires that a
cushioning layer be included in the cable design over the core, Figure 4-14.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-14
500kV XLPE cable with core cushioning layer and aluminum sheath
The cushioning layer is usually formed of helically or longitudinally applied semi-conducting
tapes, with high compressibility and heat resistance. The purpose of the cushioning layer is to
prevent the semi-conducting shield and insulation from being imprinted or disrupted by the
overlying cable components such as screen wires, metal tapes, foil overlaps, corrugated metallic
sheaths, etc. The cushioning layer also has to protect the cable from the high temperatures that
occur during manufacture such as metal sheathing, during jointing such as sheath
plumbing/wiping and in service such as short circuit and emergency overload temperatures.
The higher weight of transmission class cables with thick insulations and with larger conductor
sizes (greater than 2000kcmil) may require that a more robust foam rubber cushioning tape be
applied. For many applications it is usual to specify that the cable also be longitudinally water
blocked to prevent the penetration of water following third party damage in service. This is
usually achieved by a semi-conducting tape containing a water swellable powder. The
cushioning layer may be a composite of both foamed rubber and water swellable tapes. The
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
cushioning layers have to conduct the capacitive charging current from the extruded insulation
shield to either the metallic sheath or earth return conductors. In some applications it may be
necessary to enhance the radial conductivity of the tape by the inclusion of conducting fibres or
fine wires.
Earth Return Conductor, Radial Water Barrier and Metallic Sheath
An earth return conductor (ERC) has three functions:
In normal operation, it carries the capacitive charging currents back to the ends of the circuit.
The capacitive charging currents are distributed uniformly along the length of the cable and
flow radially through the insulation into the earth return conductor. In a cable grounded at
both ends, the longitudinal current will be a maximum at the ends of the cable and zero at the
centre. It is important to note that the resistance of the semi-conducting extruded insulation
screen is too high to be able to carry this current without causing a) I
R overheating damage
at the ends of the cable and b) a significant voltage rise to ground at the center of the cable
During a short circuit it provides a low impedance path for the return short circuit current. It
is good practice, and in most countries a requirement, that a path be provided as part of the
cable circuit to prevent currents from flowing in parallel services. The cross sectional area of
the ERC is determined by the magnitude of the current and the duration of the short circuit.
The permissible temperature rise is determined by the limit for the jacket (160
C for PE).
In some cable configurations it provides electromagnetic shielding during through faults and
significantly reduces the induced voltage rise on parallel services, such as pilot and telephone
In the event of third party damage, an ERC provides a low impedance path at the point of
puncture for sufficient time to permit the circuit protection to react quickly and trip the circuit.
This requires that the cable be well covered circumferentially with either a complete metallic
sheath or a closely spaced concentric wire conductor. In some circumstances, it may be
necessary to increase the cross-sectional area of the conductor to prevent excessive arc burn-back
during the fault period.
An extruded metallic sheath, aluminum or lead, combines the above electrical functions with
perfect water tightness and robustness, Figure 4-14.
An extruded aluminum sheath provides the highest electrical conductivity and the most robust
mechanical protection during installation and in service operation but requires to be corrugated
for flexibility. The aluminum sheath extrusion process is not provided by all manufacturers
because the high extrusion pressures and temperatures and the problems of achieving geometric
stability of the sheath make it difficult and expensive to operate. Aluminum presses are
expensive to purchase. The underlying cable core has to be protected against the high extrusion
temperatures by a combination of water cooled tubes and suitable high temperature cushioning
tapes. Layers comprising a hydrocarbon coating (e.g. a bituminous compound) and an extruded
polymeric jacket are essential to provide anti-corrosive protection. The application of a
corrugated aluminum sheath also increases the diameter of the cable.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
An extruded lead sheath has the advantages that sheath eddy current losses are reduced (useful
for cables installed closely spaced), corrosion resistance is excellent and lead presses are easier
to operate. It should be noted that, for environmental reasons, some countries have recently
banned, or are in the process of banning, the use of lead sheaths. Lead sheathed cable systems
need to be designed such that they are protected from cyclic movements that could cause fatigue
It is preferable to specify lead and aluminum extrusion presses that extrude continuously without
interruption during either the aluminum billet changes (a reciprocating press) or during feed of
the molten lead to the dies (a screw press).
Metallic sheaths can also be formed by welding or brazing longitudinally applied flat metal strip.
Sheaths can be formed from aluminum, copper or stainless steel strip. Each type usually requires
to be corrugated for flexibility. Stainless steel sheaths are mechanically robust and have low
electrical resistance which significantly reduces eddy current losses. They are used in Japan in
high ampacity, low loss cables. They require to be provided with an earth return conductor
(copper wires) to carry the short circuit currents.
Stainless steel sheaths have been offered for installation in ground containing corrosive
chemicals, however caution should be exercised as anaerobic conditions can be corrosive to
welded stainless steel.
Copper sheaths provide high conductivity and high short circuit ratings, but are likely to be thin
and less robust.
Welded strip sheaths introduce a significant risk of water ingress onto the extruded cable core
through sporadic weld porosity. It is essential that an effective method of continuous in-line
monitoring be employed, together with a pneumatic pressure test on the sheathed cable at the
pre-jacket stage.
Metallic foil laminate sheaths provide a low cost radial water barrier, Figure 4-15.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Figure 4-15
161kV XLPE cable with foil laminate sheath
A thin strip of aluminum or copper is applied longitudinally to the cable and overlapped upon
itself. At the overlap a hot melt adhesive is applied. The polymeric jacket is then extruded
immediately afterwards as part of the same process. The jacket is bonded to the metallic foil by
melting a pre-applied copolymer on the outer foil surface.
applying an adhesive.
selecting a jacketing polymer and process that will give natural adhesion.
The perfection of the foil/jacket bond is important as:
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
this must exclude air voids that would act as sites to accumulate diffused water from the
ground and thereby accelerate corrosion of the thin foil.
it ensures that the jacket provides mechanical support, flexibility and strength to the thin foil
during cable bending and installation.
Metallic foils evolved from the water barriers applied to communication cables and were later
applied to LV and MV power cables. Caution should be exercised in their application to
transmission class cables as:
the smooth application to large diameter cables is difficult.
there is not an effective method for ensuring the absence of air voids at either the foil overlap
or at the jacket interface.
the magnitude of electric stress at the insulation shield is many times higher than the value
require to initiate rapid water tree growth.
Table 4-7 shows a ranking of various types of metallic sheath. In the table, a ranking of 1 is the
best and a ranking of 7 is the worst.
Table 4-7
Comparison of metallic sheath types
Ease of
Corrugated aluminum (thick)
- extruded
1 1 1 1 2 5
Corrugated aluminum (thick)
longitudinally welded
2 1 1 2 5 5
Welded aluminum (thin) 2 3 3 4 5 2
Stainless steel - welded 2 6 6 2 3 5
Copper (thin) - welded 2 2 2 3 4 4
Lead - extruded 1 3 3 3 1 1
Aluminum foil laminate 3 5 5 5 7 2
Copper foil laminate 3 4 4 4 6 3/5
From Table 4-7, it can be seen that there is no ideal metallic sheath. Extruded aluminum has the
best combination of properties followed by extruded lead.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Extruded Polymeric Jacket and Conducting Outer Layer
This component is equally important to both XLPE and paper insulated transmission class
cables. CIGRE WG 21 studies have recognized that the biggest threats to the service life of well
made and well installed mature cable systems is from third party damage and corrosion of the
metallic sheath.
The jacket provides corrosion protection to all types of cables and also electrical insulation to
those cable circuits configured for special bonding of the sheath or earth return conductor.
The polymeric jacket can be dc voltage or Megger tested at periodic intervals in service to
confirm that third party damage or other degradation has not occurred.
Before the cable is committed to the jacket extrusion process, it is vital that it is completely
sealed onto the radial water barrier at both ends to prevent entry of water during its passage
through the cooling trough. At the outlet of the extrusion line it is good practice to perform an in
line spark test to locate the position of any holes in the jacket.
Polymeric sheaths are thermoplastics and are slightly permeable to moisture. The best
combination of low mechanical penetration at high installation temperatures (i.e. susceptibility to
mechanical damage during installation) and low moisture transmission in service is exhibited by
medium and high density polyethylene. A disadvantage of PE jackets is that thermal contraction
stresses are locked in during extrusion as a consequence of the grip onto the metallic sheath/foil
layer and this can produce high retraction loads at accessories.
The fire performance of PE jackets is poor and for in-air installations, such as in substation
basements, consideration to applying a fire retardant coating or using an alternative jacketing
material, such as PVC, should be given.
It is usual to apply a conducting layer to the outer surface of the jacket. This permits a dc
voltage withstand test to be performed to check the integrity of the complete cable reel length in
the factory, after installation and in service (in dry ground or in air). The layer may be a
conducting varnish or an extruded semi-conducting polymeric layer.
Factory Acceptance Tests
Two types of acceptance test are applied: electrical tests on the reel length and physico-chemical
tests on samples of insulation and shields.
HV Acceptance Tests
The most important electrical tests are the HV electrical withstand test and the measurement of
partial discharge. The cable ends need to be stripped of the semi-conducting screen and test
terminations fitted. One type of test termination employs geometric stress control using
remolded elastomeric or polymeric stress cones immersed within an insulator containing an
insulating fluid such as a silicone or a hydrocarbon oil or a pressurized gas such as SF
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Another type employs resistance graded stress control in which the cable is immersed in an
insulating tube containing de-ionized water which is recirculated through a heat exchanger to
remove V
/R generated heat. The water is held at a predetermined conductivity.
In both types of termination it is vital that the cable is completely sealed at both the conductor
and at the metallic water barrier to prevent the entry of the test termination dielectric fluid or gas
into the cable length. Hydrocarbon oil, and to a lesser extent silicone oil, are absorbed by the
shields. Hydrocarbon oil causes a shield to expand and to lose its shielding properties. Water
can enter and can accelerate water treeing and corrosion. SF
gas can enter and can inhibit partial
discharge at the shield /insulation interfaces or in the cushioning layers during the acceptance
The length of cable end that is prepared for test may vary between 1 and 4 metres depending
upon the design of test termination and represents typically 0.5-1% of the reel length. It is good
practice for the factory operators to be trained to examine the quality of each layer as it is
removed from the cable. For example:
The core cushioning tapes should be checked to ensure that they are of the correct semi-
conducting type, that they are dry and that they have not been burnt during the metallic
sheath extrusion or welding process.
The extruded insulation shield should be examined for the absence of abrasions, indicative of
poor cable handling.
After the insulation shield has been stripped, the XLPE core should be examined for the
absence of semi-conducting protrusions into the insulation. It should also be examined for
the absence of variations in color which would be indicative, for example, of the presence of
ambers (thermally degraded and oxidized polyethylene that tends to be formed and liberated
towards the end of an extrusion run) and of concentrations of contaminants such as degraded
peroxide dust that may have been liberated from a dirty feed line or dryer.
The conductor shield should be examined for uniform thickness (concentricity) and for
absence of holes in the shield, fall-in of the shield and insulation into gaps between the
conductor wires, protrusions into the insulation indicative of hang-ups in the extrusion die
and protrusions indicative of bulges in the conductor or conductor binder shape.
Repair of mechanical damage to the insulation shield or to the insulation should not be allowed.
This doubtful practice is followed by some manufacturers of MV XLPE cables with low stress
designs. It is not recommended for EHV and other high stress cables.
The voltage withstand test should be performed first. The majority of failures from gross defects
usually occur within the first 5 minutes; however the test voltage and time are unlikely to be
adequate to cause failure from the smaller defects that, if present, will shorten the service life of
a cable. It is therefore important that the test voltage is applied for the full test period (typically
30 to 60 minutes). Some manufacturers may chose to increase this time to give greater security.
It is important that the manufacturer has an adequate floor area to prepare and conduct tests on
several reels in parallel to avoid this process from becoming a production bottleneck. Many
manufacturers only have one test transformer and are reluctant to prepare and test cables using
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
shift work processes. This puts unnecessary pressure on rushing the cable through the factory by
minimizing test and diagnostic activity.
Specifications require that the background noise level during the pd test be less than 10pC,
however this is rather high for a transmission class cable.
Cable manufacturers would be expected to test the cable in an electrically screened room, Figure
4-16, with a background noise level of less than 2pC and to use active filters to block radio
transmissions. This permits a sensitivity of typically 3pC or better to be achieved.
Figure 4-16
Electrically screened room for the factory acceptance test
The single ended pd circuit is the most common circuit. High voltage is applied to one of the test
terminations, usually via an inductive filter and an active filter. A high capacitance blocking
capacitor is connected across the HV test set. The active HV filter is mounted on an insulator in
series with the HV bus bar and transmits the pd signal via an insulated optic fibre link to the
detector. The detected pd signal can also be taken from the ground end of a blocking capacitor,
which is connected in parallel with the cable reel under test. The HV test set must be pd free and
is usually of the tuned resonant type.
The grounding system is important and the ground connections from each item of equipment
should be connected to one dedicated ground point especially driven into the ground. The
screened room should be insulated from other buildings and services and should ideally have a
floor insulated from ground.
It is important to calibrate the pd detection sensitivity for the particular cable reel and the
particular test circuit. The HV and ground connections to the cable must be made at the same
end of the cable. The best form of calibration is, with the test set un-energized, to directly inject
a calibrated pulse from a completely separate calibration unit across the conductor and metallic
sheath/wire screen firstly at the test circuit interface and secondly at the remote end. The
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
magnitude and polarity (direction) of the calibration pulse is then compared with the internal
indirect calibration system in the main pd detector instrument.
The capacitance of the insulation will also be specified for measurement and gives confirmation
that a) the capacitance is within specification, this being important for long length circuits in
which capacitive reactance and the avoidance of reactive compensation are of concern and b)
that the conductor shield, insulation thickness and insulation diameter are within tolerance.
It is unusual for dielectric loss angle to be specified for measurement as XLPE is a low loss
material and only becomes sensitive to contaminants at operating temperature. However, it may
be beneficial to record values for information.
It is most important that the test results are recorded in a bound log book so that both normal and
abnormal test results and the details of the test circuit parameters are recorded. The normal test
results are then transferred to formal acceptance test sheets. Abnormal test results should then be
investigated as part of the formal Quality Assurance and Quality Control system. Both normal
and abnormal results should be entered into a Statistical Process Control (SPC) system to show
whether the quality is stable, improving or deteriorating. The test log book, the QC, QA and
SPC records should be available for visiting test witnesses and QA auditors to examine in
addition to the formal test sheets. The significance of this requirement is that individual reel
lengths are cut from each extrusion campaign, thus one adverse test result or failure casts doubt
about all of the reels cut from that campaign.
In the event of a failure it is important that the failure site is quickly located and the adjacent
cable is cut out and examined. Unless it can be shown that the cause of the fault is non extrusion
related such as a cut or abrasion, then all of the reels in the particular campaign should be
embargoed and not released for installation until further investigations have been undertaken.
It is good practice for an additional one metre sample of cable to be cut from each end of the
cable and to be formally dissected, examined and dimensions recorded for compliance to the
factory manufacturing specification and, of course, to the customers specification.
Bench Top Acceptance Tests
Samples of the extruded core must also be taken from the cable to permit bench top acceptance
tests of the physico-chemical properties to be undertaken. A simple, but effective, examination
is for the core to be made transparent at a temperature of typically 120
C by either immersion in
hot silicone oil or glycerol or by heating within an air circulated oven. It is important that the
ends of the cable core are cut cleanly with a sharp blade, particularly if the sample is not
immersed in fluid. The interior of the insulation and the shield interfaces are then examined
visually by shining a bright light through the sample.
The insulation shield should be examined for the absence of semi-conducting protrusions into the
insulation and longitudinal extrusion knit lines.
The insulation should be examined for the absence of radial knit lines and particles, fibres, voids,
ambers and wisps of contamination or non-dispersed ingredients.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
The conductor shield interface should be examined for absence of holes in the shield, fall-in of
the shield/insulation into gaps between the conductor wires, protrusions into the insulation
indicative of hang-ups in the extrusion die, protrusions indicative of bulges in the conductor or
conductor binder shape and small pip protrusions indicative of large particles, agglomerates or
gels within the semi-conducting compound.
The conductor shield interface operates at the highest electrical stress and so it is good practice to
examine a second transparentized sample with the outer insulation shield removed and thereby
fully illuminate both the insulation and the surface of the conductor using light at various oblique
Circular slices are cut from the cable ends to permit detailed measurement under microscopic
examination, Figure 4-10. The cutting and sample molding processes are specialized as surface
defects can be mistaken for or hide the presence of internal particles, fibres and voids.
Manufacturers have published little information regarding acceptable defect levels, with the
Japanese being the exception. Table 4-8 shows the published information.
Table 4-8
Published permissible defect levels
Finished Cable
Furukawa &
50m metallic
1mm fibrous
20m 50m
Sumitomo 50m 20m 50m
NKT 100m - - -
Information from European manufacturers could not be found with the exception of one who
published a pre-extrusion level. The values published in Japan are exceptionally high quality
targets designed to help guarantee the performance of any EHV cable. Experience of the
examination of EHV cables is that the achieved particle and void sizes are usually higher. The
maximum size of an opaque particle (termed a black) should be less than 100m. If blacks of
150m were found then it would have to be decided whether to subject the cable to higher
voltage acceptance tests (e.g. 3.0Uo instead of 2.0Uo to 2.5Uo) or whether to scrap it. Similar
decisions are taken on translucent materials and fibres. An important consideration is whether
the particles were:
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
a) metallic, which would be regarded as the most serious case.
b) conglomerates of friable material, which would also be serious.
c) non-metallic dielectric, solid and well bonded to the XLPE insulation, which would be
less serious.
Similar considerations apply to the presence of voids. It is possible for an increased density of
small water filled voids to be produced in consequence of extreme variations in the
transportation and storage temperatures of the XLPE pellets. If abnormal features are found,
then all the cable reels in the extrusion campaign should be embargoed while an immediate
investigation is performed to a) identify the nature and source of the feature(s), b) rectify the
cause of the feature(s) and c) decide whether to scrap or reject the cable reels. If the cable reels
are retested it is most important that samples of insulation are re-examined to ensure that
electrical distress in the form of micro-electrical and micro-water trees have not been initiated
from impurities, as these would trigger rejection of the cable. A good indication of the
proficiency of a manufacturer of EHV XLPE cable is whether they have a well equipped
materials laboratory together with sufficient resources of materials laboratory technicians and
qualified engineers both to examine the large number of routine samples from 24 hour factory
production and to investigate and rectify the inevitable problems to ensure that the highest
quality standards are maintained.
AEIC standard CS7-93
for voltages up to and including 138kV is the only major
internationally recognized standard that details permitted void, contamination and protrusion
levels. This is a comprehensive specification which sets standards which are above those
generally achieved for 138kV cable manufacture and which are typical of the values now being
achieved for EHV grade cables. Maximum values permitted in completed cables are as stated in
Table 4-9. Contaminant dimensions are the greatest permitted dimensions.
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Table 4-9
AEIC CS7 permitted defect levels
The values quoted in Table 4-9 assume cables designed in accordance with Tables B1, C1 and
C2 of the standard. Higher stressed cables or those employing thinner conductor shields may
require more stringent limitations.
Samples should be taken at the end of manufacture to measure a) the insulation and shield
diameters, thicknesses and eccentricities and b) the moisture content of the semi-conducting
insulation shield and the insulation.
The semi-conducting compound is particularly sensitive to moisture because it is heavily filled
with carbon black particles and thus has a high saturation level.
Other tests may be made on samples taken earlier in production after extrusion or the degassing
processes, such as microscopic counts and sizing of insulation particles (blacks), ambers, voids
and gels.
Measurements will also be made of insulation shrink back, hot-set under tension (degree of cross
linking) and gel content (degree of cross linking). In addition to checking for compliance with
customer specifications and national/international specifications, the results should be entered
into a Statistical Process Control (SPC) system to ensure that deterioration of the properties,
materials and manufacturing process has not occurred. If a sample fails to meet the specified
value, the cause should be investigated immediately and if necessary all the reels in the extrusion
campaign placed in embargo.
Contaminants Voids Protrusions
Insulation Opaque Material
None > 5 mils (0.125mm)
10 per cubic inch
) between 2 and
5 mils (0.05 and
Translucent Material
None > 25 mils
None > 2 mils (0.05mm)
30 per cubic inch
) > 1 mil
None > 5 mils
(0.125mm) into either
None > 2 mils (0.05mm)
at the insulation surface
None > 5 mils
(0.125mm) into the
Cable Quality, Manufacture and Materials
Cable End Caps, Pulling Eyes and Shipping
Transmission class cables should be provided with completely water tight and mechanically
robust end caps that can withstand water immersion, differential movement of the conductor,
insulation and sheath generated by thermal expansion, jacket retraction and pulling-in loads and
gas pressure forces generated by residual degassing of the extruded core. If the cable is provided
with a metallic sheath, then the end caps should be sealed by wiping.
For normal installations a pulling-in bolt should be fitted to the leading end conductor and sealed
to the sheath. For special installation conditions, such as long lengths and vertical shafts, pulling
eyes should be fitted to both ends. This is especially important for corrugated aluminum sheaths
as these may stretch when the cable is pulled around bends.
Cables which are going to be either stored in the open air for significant periods, experience wide
swings in ambient temperature, or installed in water logged conditions should be pressurized
with dry air at 5-10 psig and provided with protected pressure gauges and valves for monitoring
and recharging.
The shipping reel designs should be suitable for the particular type of sheath, for example a foil
laminate sheath and welded strip sheaths may require a larger hub diameter than extruded lead
and corrugated aluminum sheathed cables.
Key Features and Service Experience
Accessories comprise joints and terminations. They are of equal or greater importance to circuit
reliability and longevity than the cable. Accessory performance is more difficult to achieve on a
transmission class accessory because the accessory has to operate at the higher insulation screen
stresses of these cables and has to withstand the increased thermomechanical forces exerted by
the larger conductor sizes. The larger dimensions and the differences in material properties
between the accessory and the cable cause the accessories to be points of mechanical
discontinuity. Cable thermo-mechanical forces act upon accessories. Accessories are
mechanically less rigid than cables and are less able to withstand the forces. It is good practice
to design the accessory to be able to withstand compressive and tensile axial conductor forces of
greater than 3 tons per 1000mm
(~2000kcmil), this being the level developed in a fully
constrained installation (tight duct, close cleated or direct buried). The conductor connection
should be designed to withstand in excess of 70% of the conductor tensile strength.
All Circuits
0 100 200 300 400 500
Voltage [kV]
Insulation shield stress
Figure 5-1
Insulation shield stress increases with transmission voltage
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-1 shows that the progression in transmission voltages from 230kV to 500kV has
doubled accessory/cable interface stress from 4kV/mm to 8kV/mm. Accessories on extruded
XLPE cables do not have the benefits of paper cables in which pressurized fluid or nitrogen gas
insulates gaps and scratches left by the jointer at the interfaces, as occurs in accessories on oil
and gas filled paper cables. Consequently, there is a significant risk with XLPE systems that air
filled voids will be present at the interface. The electrical stress in an air filled void is inversely
proportional to the ratio of dielectric permittivities (i.e. 2.5:1 for XLPE and 3.5:1 for EPR), this
increases the interface stress in the void from 4 to 10kV/mm and 8 to 20 kV/mm 230kV and
500kV respectively. These levels are well above the Paschen breakdown stress of 7.0kV/mm
for void sizes above 0.1mm as can be derived from Figure 5-2
(it should be noted that cable
stresses are rms values but the voltages shown on the Paschen curve plot are peak values).
Electrical partial discharge activity fills the void with ionized gas, which also acts as a significant
stress raiser in the longitudinal direction, thereby encouraging the propagation of treeing along
the interface. XLPE is a low temperature polymer and so has a poor resistance to pd and this
will inevitably lead to failure with time.
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Pressure-spacing product [bar.mm]
Figure 5-2
Paschen characteristics for air
The lack of reliable accessories has significantly delayed the application of long length cable
circuits containing joints above 200kV. Long duration prequalification tests were undertaken in
at 275kV and 500kV, in Europe
at 400kV and in North America
at 345kV to 500kV
to evaluate the reliability of cable systems and to encourage the development of accessories.
These tests have led to the evolution and application of three designs of high technology straight
joints a) field molded, b) pre-fabricated composite and c) pre-fabricated one-piece premolded.
The lower technology designs that did not evolve further were the elastomeric rubber taped joint,
which was found to be thermomechanically weak, and the oil filled back-to-back insulator joint,
which had disadvantages of size and maintenance. Back-to-back joints have been installed in
Australia at 220kV. Each of the designs employs a different technique to overcome the
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
weakness of the dielectric interface between the cable and joint insulation. These are described
Each type of accessory has evolved from a lower transmission voltage to suit a particular cable
design made from a particular XLPE extrusion machine. It should not be assumed that a
particular accessory type, once proven on one cable at a given transmission voltage, will work
equally well on any cable. For example, cables extruded in VCV lines will have the best all
round geometrical tolerance in terms of circularity, concentricity and longitudinal smoothness
and will be capable of accepting all types of accessories. Cables extruded in CCV lines will have
a greater variation in circularity, concentricity and shape (e.g. tendency to form flats) and may
only be capable of accepting certain accessories. Cables made in CCV lines containing silicone
oil may have some traces of silicone in the insulation shield and in the insulation which may
influence the accessory performance. Cables extruded in MDCV lines will have good circularity
tolerance, but greater variation in eccentricity and may contain some traces of silicone lubricant.
Each accessory type will have evolved and been tested to suit a particular maximum stress E
the interface with the cable insulation shield. E
is directly proportional to the product of the
conductor shield stress and the ratio of conductor to insulation shield diameters (d
). Thus an
increase in conductor area increases the stress at the insulation shield. The cable designer, out of
necessity at higher transmission voltages, usually has to further increase the cable design stress
to limit the outer diameter of the cable thereby:
permitting the cable to pass through limiting bore diameters in cable machinery.
preventing cable lengths on shipping reels and between joints from becoming impracticably
reducing the number of joints, thereby reducing risk.
reducing installation time.
reducing the cost of the system (cable, joints and installation).
XLPE joint design has the problem of how to insulate the shield interruption gaps necessary for
special bonding, Figure 5-3.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-3
XLPE joint with shield interruption gaps
Special bonding eliminates the circulating currents in the sheath and shield wires by transposing
sheaths and canceling induced voltages (in the technique of cross bonding) or by breaking the
sheath to ground loop (in the techniques of end and mid-point bonding). However, the insulated
shield interruption gaps experience transient voltages of up to 40% of the incident conductor to
ground value
. This is reduced to approximately 8% by the parallel connection of non-linear
resistors (sheath voltage limiters). At the higher transmission voltages this represents a transient
voltage of 100-200kV, which is capable of breaking down the XLPE gap insulation, flashing-
over the outer surface of the gap and eventually damaging the primary joint insulation. The risk
is reduced in a fluid filled joint as the joint sleeve and paper insulation are completely
impregnated with high strength insulating oil. The joint sleeve in an XLPE joint does not have
this advantage as it is usually filled with either low grade insulants such as air, silica sand or cold
pour thermoset resin. Thus special secondary insulation has to be incorporated into XLPE joints
to prevent direct electrical damage to the primary insulation or indirect thermal damage as a
result of circulating sheath currents flowing across damaged insulating surfaces.
Transmission class accessories are larger in diameter and length. The high volume of insulating
material introduces problems in the manufacture of prefabricated components, usually resulting
in increased reject rates. The accessories also take longer to assemble on site, making the skilled
jointing work more arduous and increasing the risk of errors.
Manufacture of the accessory components requires similar manufacturing technology and
material cleanliness to the cable, but with additional challenges to be overcome. The accessory is
larger in diameter than the cable and so the design of factory pre-molded insulation varies in
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
three dimensions, whereas the cable varies in two. This results in the need to control the radial
and the longitudinal components of stress, both around embedded electrodes and at the interfaces
with the cable. Additionally, the design has to cope with the electrically stressed triple point
interfaces between the cable and accessory insulation and the start/finish positions of semi-
conducting shields of both the cable and the accessory, Figure 5-4.
The latter region is often the highest stressed part of the accessory and the most difficult to
reliably insulate. With prefabricated accessories there is risk of void formation resulting from:
the problem in the factory of molding the triple interface without ripples or porosity
the need during jointing for the elastomeric molding to bridge the difference in diameters
between the cable insulation and insulation shield.
It has been described previously that an air filled void at the cable/accessory interface
significantly reduces the electrical strength of the joint causing pd and failure. Air filled voids
tend to form at ripples at the triple points and there is the significant risk that the elastomeric
stress cone will be unable to conform to the surface and eliminate air voids. In the case of the
stress cone, the ripple results from the molding process and the differences in material properties.
In the case of the insulation shield termination, the ripple results from a combination of
geometric variations from the cable extrusion process and in the jointers ability to cut or polish a
concave profile. One of the three materials at a triple point is always semi-conducting and this
further reduces the strength by a) increasing the stress should any geometric variations be present
and b) increasing the severity of pd by charge injection.
Every possible measure has to be taken in design, manufacture and jointing to eliminate surface
depressions/protrusions in the molding and depressions and eccentricities in the cable cores. The
use of silicone grease to fill the voids is not recommended as the benefit will be lost after the
liquid silicone has been absorbed later in service.
Figure 5-4
Triple point interfaces
Accessories are assembled on site without the machinery and controlled environment of the
factory. Reliable performance at transmission voltages requires high quality manufacture of the
accessory components, skilled jointers, specialized training, specialized jointing tools and a
suitably prepared jointing environment. To ensure compatibility between cable and accessory
designs it has been recommended by the CIGRE working group 21-06 studying accessories for
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
extruded cables
that this is best achieved by adopting the systems approach in which one
turn-key supplier takes responsibility for system design, type testing, cables, accessories,
installation and jointing.
The preparation of the cable core by the jointer in removing the insulation shield and polishing
the core is a highly skilled assembly stage common to all the types of accessories on
transmission class cables and requires a high level of training and proficiency. The use of
prefabricated accessory components reduces the arduous effort in applying insulation and shields
and hence reduces risk, however a high level of precision and care is still required from the
jointer. The claim is sometimes made that prefabricated accessories reduce the need for jointing
skill and training. This is untrue and dangerous for transmission class circuits.
Regular jointer training and proficiency testing is essential for transmission class accessories as
there is no tolerance for error in preparing the XLPE interface, applying tapes, fitting
components and achieving dimensional and cleanliness standards. It is important that jointers
have continuous work to maintain their proficiency. Best practice is for jointers proficiency to
be tested by submitting their joints and terminations to electrical tests of 3Uo for 4 hours,
followed by 1.5Uo for pd measurement.
The critical stages in jointing common to all accessory types are:
Heat straightening the two cable ends to remove the natural curvature of the extruded core
and ensure that the insulation beds onto axially aligned cable. Note that the process only
stress relieves the outer thickness of the insulation and if jointing does not proceed
immediately, then the cable will reform its curved shape. This process also encourages the
insulation to retract longitudinally before the insulation is applied. Lengths of retraction of 3-
5mm are normal.
The removal of the insulation shield and the polishing of the XLPE insulation. A powered
stripping tool with a fine knife cut will normally be used followed by hand polishing with
successively finer grades of abrasive cloth. On many accessories the jointer is required to
achieve a specified diameter to an accuracy of better than 0.5mm on cable diameters that
vary from their specified values by 2-3mm. The cable must be perfectly smooth and
cylindrical with no scratches or undercuts. The jointer must be provided with good all round
lighting and he must have excellent eyesight.
The design of the termination of the cable insulation shield. This will normally be gently
tapered, perhaps being prepared initially with a tapering machine and ending with glass
cutting. The extruded shield may only be 1-1.5mm thick and on a premolded accessory the
taper may be 40mm long. The jointer is required to produce a straight or slightly concave
taper, with no undercutting of the adjacent insulation. This is a highly skilled process.
In many technical papers, manufacturers talk about the need for high interface quality,
cleanliness, smooth surface finishes, freedom from contamination, etc. The following are
examples of standards of surface finish:
report that .special measures are taken to remove all irregularities larger than
50m. For this reason the field deflectors are subjected to a special polishing treatment.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
also report that doubling the length of an interface will only result in a 4% decrease in
stress and that attention should be focused on the quality of the interface.
explained the importance of using a mechanized tool to strip the shield, followed by
a manual polishing stage. They showed the improved finishes produced by abrasive cloth of
1000 grit compared to 350 grit.
Four Japanese utilities
explain that mechanized removal of the insulation shield has been
introduced and that this has reduced the roughness of the cable surface from 10m to 2-3m.
The four Japanese utilities
report that the prepared cable surface is scanned for foreign
particles and scars by a CCD camera system with a detection sensitivity of 100m for
particles and 50m for scars.
Table 5-1
Worldwide number of accessories on extruded cables up to 1992
Accessory 60-90kV 110-190kV 200-300kV 310-500kV TOTAL
Joint 105,875 22,228 3,100 20 131,223
Termination 131,588 42,533 4,615 280 179,016
TOTAL 237,463 64,761 7,715 300 310,239
Table 5-1 shows that the number of accessories installed up to the end of 1992 on extruded
cables (uncrosslinked PE and XLPE) in the transmission class range of 200kV to 500kV was
small, showing that the technology is new
. It is significant that most of the circuits are short
lengths as many more terminations than joints are installed. This detailed review has not yet
been repeated by CIGRE. However, the present situation for EHV accessories at 220kV and
above is indicated in Table 5-3. There is some additional data in Appendix G.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Table 5-2
Types of accessories installed worldwide up to the end of 1992
Accessory Type 200-300kV 310-500kV
Field molded 2,360 0
Pre-fabricated 624 0
Taped 10 0
Back to back 43 20
Total 3,037 20
Outdoor/Indoor 2,413 166
Metal enclosed GIL 1,586 108
Oil immersed transformer 578 6
Temporary 38 0
Total 4,615 280
Table 5-2 shows the types of accessories. The generic designs, terminology and descriptions are
described by CIGRE
. At 200-300kV the number of prefabricated joints was a comparatively
small percentage at 20%, most of these being the one-piece premolded type.
The 310-500kV range was in its infancy as only back-to-back joints had been installed (Australia
at 220kV, France at 400kV and China at 500kV). A drawing of a back-to-back joint is shown in
Figure 5-5, other types of back-to-back joint are shown in the CIGRE brochure.
It is noted that the total number of joints in the range 200-300kV is different in the two tables.
This is thought to be as a result of a small error in the original source data. The difference is
small and can be considered to be irrelevant.
Figure 5-5
Back-to-back joint
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Table 5-3 shows the numbers and types of straight joints installed in known 220-500kV XLPE
cable projects throughout the world at the present date.
Table 5-3
Types of joints in use throughout the world
Furukawa &
2000 500 2500 240 Field molded
As above 1989 to
275 1400
735 Field molded
- 1995 to
275 - 141 3 piece
Furukawa 1997 400 1600 72 3 piece
ABB 1999
400 1600 48 3 piece
Siemens 1999 400 1600 24 One piece pre-
molded silicone
Alcatel 2000 400 1600 24 One piece pre-
molded EPR
Abu Dhabi
Pirelli 2000 400 800 12 Pre-fabricated
Australia Pirelli 1998 275 1200 18 One piece pre-
molded EPR
BICC 1999 220 1000 90 One piece pre-
molded EPR
Pirelli 1999 220 1600 48 One piece pre-
molded EPR
Ireland BICC 2001 220 1600 102 One piece pre-
molded EPR
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
It is of significance that the installation of long length circuits containing multiple lengths has
occurred. However, the experience and numbers are still small compared to those at the lower
voltages. The number of joints in the voltage range of 310-500kV has increased significantly in
10 years from 20 to 420 with
240 (57%) being field molded joints.
120 (29%) being prefabricated composite three piece.
60 (14%) being prefabricated one-piece premolded.
Joint Designs
Field Molded Joints
These are also referred to in Japan as extrusion molded joints (EMJs). This is the first joint
design in the world to have been truly successful at transmission voltages with large conductor
cables. They were developed at 275kV and 500kV in Japan
, with significant motivation and
support provided by the major electricity utilities. XLPE cables were chosen to reduce the fire
risk to adjacent circuits within cable tunnels, it being noted that cities such as Tokyo are in a
potentially disruptive earthquake zone. The existing installed SCFF and HPFF cable were
considered to be a fire spread risk. The utilities had produced detailed plans spanning up to 20
years to develop, test and install long length circuits in custom designed tunnels and with joint
bays sized to contain the clean room assembly area and special extrusion, mold tool and
crosslinking vessels. The routes were up to 40 km long and contained up to three circuits in
parallel and required the combined output of up to four cable companies. Straight joints and
transition straight joints from each of the major manufacturers were subjected to extensive long
term testing programs. Caution needs to be exercised in interpreting the service experience,
because of the long installation and commissioning times of these major projects. For example
the first 275kV 9.5km circuit entered service in 1989
, with interface stress levels of typically
4kV/mm and the first 500kV 40km circuit entered service in 2001
with stress levels of
typically 8kV/mm.
The principle of operation of the field molded joint is to eliminate the interface between the joint
and cable insulation by remelting and consolidating the XLPE. A drawing of the 500kV joint
used in Japan is shown in Figure 5-6.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
1) Wipe
2) Metallic sheath
3) Metallic joint casing
4) Extrusion molded insulation
5) Conductor ferrule
6) Insulating barrier
7) Gas trap
8) Bonding lug
9) Joint filler
10) Shield gap
11) pd sensor
Figure 5-6
Extrusion molded joint
These joints evolved from XLPE tape molded joints (TMJs) at 154kV in Japan and at 110kV in
Scandinavia. PE tape containing the crosslinking agent (dicumyl peroxide) is firstly wound onto
the prepared cable core to reconstitute the cable insulation, albeit to a larger diameter. It is then
melted, consolidated and crosslinked by heat and pressure. In Scandinavia, the taped joint was
housed in a simple flexible jacket, which acted as a mold to contain the molten polyethylene
before it became crosslinked. Heating tapes were applied overall and the pressure was generated
by expansion of the polyethylene in combination with either stretched rubber cord or
pneumatically pressurized reinforced rubber hose wound onto the jacket. In Japan, the taped joint
was supported in a simple jacket/diaphragm, which was housed in a split heating and
pressurizing vessel containing nitrogen or a suitable liquid. High levels of cleanliness are
required during taping as the PE tape and XLPE cable core accumulate electrostatic charge and
attract air born contaminants. It is good practice to use an air ionizer to remove the charge
during jointing. The joint initially contains numerous voids and interfaces between the edges of
the tapes, which must be dissolved and consolidated during the heating and pressurizing process.
Although satisfactory at the lower voltages, the TMJ was found to contain remnant defects that
prevented operation at the higher 275kV and 500kV cable stresses.
The EMJ overcame the insulation quality limitations by employing a small replica of the cable
factorys extrusion line to directly inject and mold the joint insulation, Figure 5-7.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-7
500kV Extrusion molded joint local on-site extrusion line
The cable is first prepared in an on-site clean room. The outer shield is removed by glass cutting
and the insulation is penciled down to the conductor shield using knives or penciling tools. The
conductor is joined by a hydraulically compressed ferrule in the case of a stranded copper
conductor. The ferrule is formed into a smooth shape and the conductor semi-conducting shield
is reconstituted over it by heat consolidating either hand applied semi-conducting tape or a heat
shrink sleeve. This is a critical operation in preventing electrical protrusions and in obtaining
sufficient bond to withstand the extruded core retraction forces that occur during the main
insulation crosslinking processes.
A split mold tool is clamped around the prepared cable and heated. The cavity may be evacuated
and filled with a heated inert gas such as nitrogen to raise the temperature of the cable while
inhibiting oxidation of the XLPE cable insulation. Ultra-clean crosslinkable PE is supplied to site
in pellet form in sealed containers and this is fed into a small extruder where it is melted and
injected through a strainer pack into the mold tool. In some instances a light scanner is fitted to
the outlet of the extruder to perform a continuous particle sizing and counting scan. Having filled
the mold cavity, the mold is heated to the crosslinking temperature for the specified processing
time. The process time has to be sufficiently long to permit the insulation adjacent to the
conductor to reach and hold the minimum crosslinking temperature of 140
C. This is difficult to
achieve as heat is conducted away from the center of the joint by the large 2000-2500mm
copper conductors. Such expedients as pre-heating the conductor and heating the adjacent cable
are used to reduce the temperature drop across the joint insulation. There is a significant input of
heat needed to raise the temperature of the mold tool to a high level and care has to be taken that
the cable at the mold entry seals does not suffer heat deformation and that the joint insulation is
not excessively oxidized. The mold then undergoes a controlled cooling process before its
removal. This is a critical process as large voids can form as a result of a) the high rate of
thermal contraction of XLPE and b) the high levels of dissolved gaseous crosslinking by-
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
The molded insulation is finished-off by hand to remove the filler sprue and the split line flash
marks. The conical stress control profiles are blended smoothly into the outer diameter of the
cable insulation by knife and glass cutting.
Two detailed quality inspections are performed at this stage. One is to X-ray the molded
insulation to ensure the absence of metallic particles, voids and lack of bond at the cable
interface. It has been reported that 40 high definition radiographs have been taken of each joint.
The second is to apply a light inspection technique with sensitive CCT cameras which scan for a
wide range of particle and void types in the outer part of the insulation accessible to light
penetration. It has been reported that a problem difficult to detect was the presence of hollow
cotton fibre contaminants
, as a consequence of which the fabric of the jointers clothing was
changed. Examples of the high cleanliness levels set for 500kV EMJs are given in Table 5-4
and Table 5-5.
Table 5-4
500kV EMJ defect control levels in Japan
Defect Maximum level
Spherical void 25m diameter
Metal 100m
Cotton fibre 2mm
Table 5-5
Comparison of 500kV EMJ and cable cleanliness levels
Defect EMJ [m] Cable [m]
Metal 100 50
Void 25 20
Shield protrusion 70 50
The outer semi-conducting shield and the insulated shield interruption gap (necessary for special
sheath bonding) are then formed. The shield, which consists of a semi-conducting heat shrink
sleeve, is applied partly up one of the stress cone profiles to the outer diameter of the joint. The
end of the shield is shaped and PE insulating tapes are applied to form the gap insulation. A
second heat shrink sleeve is then applied up the opposite profile to overlap the gap insulation and
more PE insulation is applied to embed the end of the second shield and prevent external
electrical flashover. The insulated gap is required to withstand a high BIL of 150-200kV. The
shape of the shield ends and absence of sharp stress raisers is critical to the performance of both
the gap and the primary insulation of the joint. Premolded, smoothly profiled, shield ends may be
incorporated to terminate the shields to reduce the risks. A constraining sleeve is applied to the
gap and a heating vessel is fitted around the joint, which is filled with nitrogen gas or a heat
transfer liquid, such as silicone oil. The shields and gap insulation are then heated, consolidated
and crosslinked to the joint and cable insulation.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
The completed joint is then encased inside a metallic joint sleeve which is sealed to the metallic
sheath of the cable, which in Japan is either corrugated extruded aluminum, or corrugated welded
stainless steel.
The joint sleeve is fitted with external electrodes, Figure 5-6, for a final quality acceptance test to
confirm the absence of partial discharge within the molded XLPE insulation. A thin insulating
layer is applied on each half of the sleeve, either side of the shield interruption insulating ring. A
sheet of metallic foil is applied over each of the two insulating layers and connections are made
via a coaxial cable to an electro-optical transducer. Optical fibre cables transmit the signals from
each joint to pd measuring equipment located at either end of the circuit. The two electrodes
permit a bridge circuit to be employed, which greatly reduces the level of background noise. A
frequency band of above 30MHz is selected for detection. At this frequency the semi-
conducting extruded shields of the cable are lossy such that noise signals traveling along the
cable from the cables HV terminations are absorbed and minimized. Published data indicates an
ac overvoltage acceptance test of 130% is applied to the circuit to permit the pd signals to be
. In practice, however, it is believed a test of 110-115% is more usual. A high
sensitivity of 2pC is claimed for insulated gap joints and a lower sensitivity of 30pC for non
insulated gap joints.
The advantages of the field molded joint are that:
Discrete, dry interfaces between the joint and cable insulations are eliminated, although
interfaces in the morphology are still present within the consolidated insulation.
The joint is thermomechanically strong and is stable with time.
The joint is also small in diameter and length, such that a) heat can be more readily dissipated
and b) it occupies less space in the tunnel.
The main disadvantage is that the jointing operation is impractically long and skilled, it is
that one month is required to complete three joints. This would not be acceptable in
an emergency repair situation or in a direct buried urban application. A breakdown of the
jointing times is given in Table 5-6.
Other disadvantages are:
A high degree of manual skill is required.
Technical skill is required to assemble and operate the extrusion, molding, crosslinking and
inspection equipment.
Clean room conditions are essential.
Significant space is required to house the equipment within the tunnel/manhole.
Cable and joint insulations contain variable quantities of chemically active species that can
interact and produce undesirable by-products such as voids and water trees.
The formation of the insulation interfaces with the inner conductor shield and the very large
surface area of the outer insulation shield introduce additional quality risks.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
The joint does not have anchor facilities (these are not needed if the cable is laid in the
flexible waved formations as is the practice in Japan).
Table 5-6
Comparison of jointing time and degree of difficulty of field molded and prefabricated
composite joints
Type of Work Field Molded Joint
Prefabricated Composite
% Reduction
Using Prefab
Difficult 870 hours (42%) 290 hours (20%) 33
Routine 1180 hours (58%) 1160 hours (80%) 2
Total 2050 hours (100%) 1450 hours (100%) 29
Despite the major technological advances made in Japan to achieve the elegance of
reconstituting the XLPE cable insulation by developing sophisticated on site molding equipment
and stringent cleanliness standards, some quality variability still exists and it has not been
possible to completely eliminate electrical failures. It is also recognized that the field molded
joint had limitations as an emergency repair joint and for applications in non tunnel applications;
this led to the development of the prefabricated composite joint.
Prefabricated Joints: Composite Joints
Prefabricated composite joints evolved from the stop joint technology used in self contained
fluid filled single core cables at 66kV to 500kV, dating from the 1960s and 1970s. These joints
comprised a large epoxy resin centre casting containing an embedded electrode and with conical
. The joint was used to segregate fluid pressures and to permit cable impregnant to flow
into the conductor central duct along the conical interface between the casting and either a paper
or a cast resin stress cone. These could be turned into transition joints between fluid filled and
XLPE cable by inserting a flexible rubber stress cone to close the conical bore on the XLPE
dry side of the joint. The stress cone was held under compressive thrust by a bank of metallic
. This application demonstrated the viability of a design of prefabricated XLPE straight
joint, Figure 5-8.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
1) Bonding lug
2) Compression device
3) Insulating barrier
4) Stress cone
5) Conductor ferrule
6) Locking ring
7) Epoxy resin casting
8) Wipe
9) Air chamber
10) Shield termination
11) HV electrode
12) Thrust ring
13) Protection box
14) Box filler
Figure 5-8
Prefabricated straight joint
The prefabricated composite joint for XLPE cable was developed in Japan and applied at 66kV
to 154kV. It was developed and extensively tested for prospective applications at 275kV and
as an alternative to the EMJ, particularly for emergency repair situations. The first
275kV 14km circuit containing 102 composite prefabricated joints entered service in 1995 and
up to 1998 there have been 141 joints placed into service. The performance is reported to be
Table 5-6 shows that the total jointing time for a 500kV joint is reduced by 29% and the
proportion of arduous skilled work is reduced from 42 to 20%. Recent experience reported by
LADWP indicates that at 230kV a set of three joints took only 600 hours to complete thus
demonstrating the continued improvement of composite joint technology.
It is important to note that the 275kV and 500kV applications required advancement of
technology to:
Work at higher insulation shield stresses of 8kV/mm at the joint/cable interface.
Cast larger epoxy resin center sections with self contained ground shields (fluid filled stop
joints did not require this as they employed significant thicknesses of impregnated paper rolls
and metallic tape shields over the centre section)
Early development work at 66kV showed that it was necessary to achieve a minimum interfacial
pressure of 1.5 bar
at the interfaces between the rubber stress cone and a) the XLPE cable and
b) the epoxy resin centre section. This would be increased to more than 2 bar to allow for
contraction at low ambient temperatures and for the reductions that occur during load cycling.
Later it was shown that for operation at 8kV/mm at 400kV and 500kV, much higher pressures of
6-8 bar would be necessary to insert the stress cone, conform it to the larger surface areas and to
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
close the interface gaps. The volume of the rubber stress cones is also much larger and this
would require significantly longer springs to accommodate the thermal expansion and
contraction. The length of overlap of the stress cone tail (the LV part) over the termination of
the cable insulation shield is the critical design feature. The main body of the stress cone is held
in strong compression by the spring assembly, but the end of the stress cone is in tensile hoop
stress. A region exists on the surface of the cable where the interfacial pressure falls to zero and
the stress cone tail may be lifted from the surface leaving a void. It is vital that this zone is
positioned over the cable semi-conducting shield where it experiences no stress and with
sufficient design allowance for assembly tolerances.
The increasing permissible longitudinal stress levels are given in Table 5-7 for the Furukawa
design of prefabricated composite joint
Table 5-7
Prefabricated joint interfaces stresses
Interface 154kV 275kV 400kV
XLPE/stress cone 0.6kV/mm 0.8 kV/mm 1.0 kV/mm
Stress cone/epoxy 1.1kV/mm 1.5 kV/mm 1.9 kV/mm
Two types of elastomer have been employed for the stress cone. Silicone rubber was initially
used in Japan, being comparatively easy to manufacture using liquid filled mold tools and having
soft, conformable properties (i.e. low Shore hardness). It was found that the low tear resistance
made the stress cone susceptible to damage during assembly in the factory and on site. There
were also doubts whether the electrical strengths of early compounds were sufficiently high for
the 275kV and 500kV applications. The preference was then made for EPR rubber. In Europe at
400kV one manufacturer has used silicone rubber
and another EPR
, both with success.
Prefabricated composite joints manufactured by Furukawa were used in the 400kV 1600mm
XLPE cable circuit at Copenhagen, this being commissioned in 1997 and was the worlds first
major direct buried system that contained a significant quantity of joints
. Prefabricated
composite joints manufactured by ABB were also used in one circuit in each of the two 400kV
Berlin tunnels
and in the recent 230kV Los Angeles duct and manhole system
manufactured by Sumitomo. Prefabricated composite joints from two manufacturers (ABB and
BICC) withstood the BEWAG sponsored 400kV XLPE long term prequalification tests at
Manufacture of the joint insulation, complete with bonded shields and shield interruption is in
three component parts. A center body containing an embedded aluminum HV electrode is cast
from epoxy resin. The epoxy resin has to be heavily filled with a low loss silica filler to a) reduce
the coefficient of thermal expansion and hence prevent cracking at the embedded electrodes and
b) reduce the heat generated from dielectric loss in service. With the careful selection of the type
of epoxy resin and grade of filler it is practical to achieve a dielectric loss angle (DLA) of 0.0025
or lower, however caution is necessary as standard electrical grade materials may have double
this value (DLA is often expressed as a percentage and is called the dissipation factor; 0.25% in
this case). This center casting contains a conical bore at each end, into which molded
elastomeric stress cones can be inserted under pressure to completely exclude air voids. The
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
stress cone is molded from a filled EPR gum compound or from a liquid silicone compound.
Both types have embedded or partially embedded LV electrodes injection molded from semi-
conducting gum rubber.
Each stress cone is held under compression throughout the life of the cable system by a bank of
metal coil springs, these being designed to permit cyclic expansion to operating temperature and
contraction to low winter temperature. The stress cones and center body are usually subjected to
two QA inspection tests in the factory, these being an X-ray of individual components and an
electrical test. The insulating components are matched and assembled onto a full sized cable, or
an insulated mandrel with at least one test termination for the application of voltage. It is good
practice to apply the same test voltage as the cable i.e. 2-2.5 Uo for 30-60 minutes. The test is
performed in a screened room to permit high pd sensitivities to be achieved, with a pass level of
less than 2pC. In practice no measurable pd is allowed from the component during this test, even
if the pd level is less than 2pC. Sensitivities of less than 0.3pC are often achievable, permitting
internal factory pass levels of 0.5pC.
The assembly sequence is:
The jacket and sheath are removed.
The cable cores are heat straightened within a metallic tube.
The cable insulation is end stripped to reveal a short length of conductor.
The XLPE insulation is shield stripped and polished.
The insulating surfaces are lubricated with pure electrical grade silicone oil. It is important
that silicone grease is not employed. Oil permits voids of air to escape more readily. Grease
traps air and can itself be trapped in pockets. Also grease is often thickened with a particulate
suspension, which will leave a track of particles once the grease has dried out and been
absorbed into the insulation. It is good practice to wrap the cable insulation and shield
termination with a plastic tape or tube. This is both to protect the cable and to prevent the
stress cone bore from being contaminated with carbon particles from the cable insulation
shield. It is vital that the plastic can later be removed intact from underneath the stress cone.
The stress cones and center body are slid onto each end of the cable in parking positions.
The center body should have been cleaned and sealed in the cable factory, with a plastic tube
inserted through the bore, such that the body can be slid over the cable without the interfaces
becoming contaminated. At the higher transmission voltages the weight of center body will
need to be supported in axial alignment with the cable, for example on a wheeled track.
The ferrule is fitted to the conductor (usually hydraulically compressed for a stranded copper
conductor and MIG or thermit (CAD) welded for an aluminum conductor). It is good practice
to hold the cable in axial alignment during this operation. It is good practice to use a double
ram press to ensure that the ferrule stays in axial alignment.
The center body is slid into the centre of the joint and locked mechanically and electrically
onto the ferrule by either a screwed nut or a bayonet fitting.
Insulating end stops, sometimes called washers are slid into the bore and located adjacent to
the HV electrode.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Each elastomeric stress cone is slid over the cable into the bore. The percentage of stretch
onto the cable is low, however at transmission voltages these are substantial moldings and
may require the assistance of an assembly tool to pull them into position to abut the end
stops. The protective coverings are removed.
The factory preset spring assemblies are fitted to apply pressure.
The correct engagement distance of the stress cones are measured.
The ground connections between the insulation shields and the cable are made.
The metallic joint sleeves are fitted and sealed to the metallic sheath of the cable.
The advantages of the composite joint are:
It is suited to large diameter cables, i.e. those at the highest transmission voltages, high stress
cables and those with the largest conductor sizes; this is achievable because the stress cones
are comparatively small and only have to be lightly stretched,
It is suited to high shield stress cables because the critical triple point interface at the shield
terminations can be kept under high compressive forces,
The joint has three roles, i) that of a straight joint, ii) that of an anchor joint (the joint sleeve
will need to be anchored to either the manhole wall or to suitable metalwork) and iii) that of
one half of a transition joint (at lower transmission voltages up to 161kV). Anchor joints are
especially suitable for cables with aluminum sheaths, where the core to sheath gap is larger,
installed on a steep incline.
The metallic springs hold the rubber stress cones under controlled high compression and
keep the interfacial pressures at the specified levels irrespective of the compression-set
deformation that occurs with elastomeric and XLPE insulations. This permits operation at
high interfacial stress.
The centre body has a particularly low thermal resistance and can conduct heat directly from
the cable conductor through the embedded aluminum electrode and filled epoxy resin
C.m/W) to the metallic sleeve (it is necessary to have the centre body in good
thermal contact with the sleeve).
It is easier to achieve the quality levels of the stress cones in manufacture as they are
comparatively small and less complicated than the one-piece joint molding described in a
following section.
The disadvantages are:
The joint has a higher cost as it contains more components than other types.
The joint is larger in diameter than other types as it requires internal clearance to pass over
the cable and to accommodate he stress cones,
The stress cones are manufactured to fit one size of cable only as the accurate interface with
the cable into the center body is important. However the range taking abilities of the centre
body are excellent.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
The joint is best suited to cables that are manufactured with a circular and concentric shape.
At transmission class voltages it is a requirement for all cables to be precise in geometry to
permit each type of accessory to achieve their design performance. The diameter of the
extruded core should be measured at the start of a contract and checked with the design
dimensions of the accessory. If there is an unacceptable discrepancy then either the cable or
the accessory manufacturing dimensions must be changed. If there is doubt then it is good
practice to manufacture extra stress cones to a different bore diameter and thus save wasted
time during installation. It is good practice to design the stress cones to fit the cable
insulation at its specified minimum average diameter and to use a shield stripping tool both
to achieve this diameter and to render the core cylindrical in shape.
Prefabricated Joints: Premolded One-Piece
The concept of a one-piece elastomeric joint goes back to the early 1970s, however suitable
electrical grade elastomeric compounds and molding technology did not exist until later. The
one-piece pre-molded joint was developed at 69kV and 138kV in 1977 under an EPRI project
initially as two and three part moldings. Electrical grade EPR compound had
become available as the result of its application to cables. The compound formulation was
modified to be suitable for injection molding and to provide a combination of softness,
mechanical strength and elastic retention. Unlike the thermoplastic molding industry, the
practices in the rubber molding industry were old fashioned in the use of crosslinking agents
such as sulphur and in the crude design of mold tools. As with cable compounds, dicumyl
peroxide was introduced to obtain superior electrical properties. Improved designs of mold tools
were developed to accept this compound and to mold more accurately and with fewer insulation
In the Elastimold-EPRI, three part 138kV joint, two cylindrical stress cone moldings (cable
adaptors) were half floated and half pulled into position on each half of the cable and acted as
stress cones, overlapping the insulation shield at one end and the HV ferrule shield at the other.
A center molding (housing) containing the main insulation and an embedded semi-conducting
HV electrode was then pulled into position to bridge the two adaptors. The assembly tool was a
hand operated chain and ratchet device that was comparatively simple. This joint design had
several advantages:
The joint was short as the adaptor housings did not have a long parking length.
The ability of the joint to take a wide range of cable diameters was good as only the adaptor
moldings needed to be altered.
The disadvantages were:
The cost was higher.
There were two extra interfaces.
There were three moldings containing embedded semi-conducting electrodes.
There were three moldings that could move during fitting.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
The joint could not be electrically factory tested in exactly the same position the moldings
would occupy in service.
The modern one-piece EPR joint that became the state of the art was later developed in Italy by
Alfa Cavi in 1984 (later acquired by Pirelli) for use with 150kV EPR cables and this
development was extended to XLPE applications at 132kV, 138kV, 275kV, 345kV and 400kV.
The 150kV joint has been described at CIGRE
conferences. The three
moldings were simply combined into one monolith molding. However it had to be parked on
one side of the joint over its complete length to permit the ferrule to be compressed and the HV
metallic shield to be fitted. The increased radial thickness and length required a much higher
assembly force. A new assembly tool was developed, employing an electrically powered
machine to expand the bore of the molding by approximately 50% onto a hollow plastic mandrel.
The molding was then easily parked on one side on the cable. After the ferrule connections were
made, the assembly tool was used to push the molding onto the prepared XLPE cores. Careful
positioning was required as the joint significantly changed its length during expansion and
contraction. The plastic mandrel was either left on the adjacent cable or cut off. The assembly
tool permitted the residual stretch on the cable to be increased from approximately 18% to 25%,
thereby increasing the interfacial pressure and permitting operation at higher electrical interface
stresses. Another variety of the joint assembly tool was to use a longitudinally split, reusable
steel mandrel.
This joint required the development of a significantly larger mold tool together with the injection
gates necessary to fill the mold in a symmetrical way, this being critical to reduce the presence of
electrical weaknesses such as knit lines
. Also the EPR compound and manufacturing
methods had to be adapted to improve the elastic memory retention in service and to reduce the
occurrence of splitting, either on the mandrel, or on the cable. EPR joints of similar design were
manufactured in Belgium, UK, Italy and Japan.
EPDM (EPR) has good tear resistant properties, but is more difficult to process and has non-
homogeneous morphology. EPDM base resin has to be strengthened with a filler, which turns it
into a gum, requiring a high pressure injection molding process to fill the mold tool. The high
injection pressures (100s bar) produce shear, flow and knit lines in the insulation, which can
significantly reduce the electrical performance. It is usual to mold the semi-conducting
components first and to semi cure them. They are then fettled to remove the flash and gate lines,
before being abraded and cleaned ready to be loaded into a larger mold tool for the injection of
the insulation.
Silicone rubber joints were developed in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and France.
The one piece joint has gained more experience on either low voltage, smaller conductor or low
insulation stress cables. The silicone rubber joint has been used on thick walled 230kV
cables with mixed experience. Two designs of EPR molding and one design of silicone
rubber molding have given good performance at this size. Another design of silicone rubber joint
has suffered repeated failures at 230kV delaying operation of some circuits by three years while
it is being replaced with two EPR designs.
The plug-in joint (trade name Click-Fit) was developed in the Netherlands by NKF
acquired by Pirelli). It is shown in Figure 5-9.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-9
Click-Fit joint
The conductor connection is a plug and socket device that is fitted to each conductor separately.
After stripping the shields and polishing the cores, the one-piece molding is pulled onto one of
the cable ends. The opposite cable end is then pulled into the empty bore of the molding. The
center molding contains a cylindrical metallic insert with recesses that will capture a plunger in
each of the connector components such that when they are fully inserted into each other and into
the metallic insert they click home. It was stated in 2000 that the joint was undergoing
prequalification tests at 400kV
. It is not known if the joint has been installed in service at
The plug-in joint has the significant advantage that it is not necessary to pass the molding back
over the cable over its full length, thus the manhole can be shorter in length. However space
must be allowed for the assembly tools.
The disadvantages of the joint are:
The thermomechanical force generated by a 400kV 1600mm
cable conductor is 5 tons
. It
is said that if the cable on each side of the joint is symmetrically installed then the force
acting on the plug and sockets will be less than this. It is thus important that this joint is not
used as a thermomechanical transition joint (anchor joint) between fully constrained cable
and unconstrained cable.
Care must be taken to ensure that the bore of the molding is not damaged during assembly by
the plug and sockets and by the plunger assemblies.
Care must be taken to ensure that the molding and the metal insert are sized to the particular
cable to ensure that the interfacial pressure at the start of he embedded HV electrode is not
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
There are a number of critical features on one-piece pre molded joints, particularly for use at
transmission voltages, these being;
The feather edge at the base of the stress control profile requires to be compressed to high
interfacial pressure for the reasons given below. Similarly the termination of the cable shield
presents a rippled surface and this also requires high pressure to eliminate voids, particularly
if the molding is to operate at the high interface stresses on transmission class cables. The
EPR molding in Figure 5-10 is seen to have a thin tail at the end of the molding and it is
shown that the pressure falls to 1.5 and 1 bar at the critical triple points
[35, 36]
. The graph shown
in Figure 5-11 shows how interface pressure reduces with temperature
. It is noted that this
joint has a low interfacial pressure distribution. The moldings shown in Figure
and in Figure 5-13
have full radial thickness at this position to achieve maximum
pressure. Figure 5-13 shows that the pressure in this region has been held at 5 bar.
The bore must be smooth, particularly at the triple point at the base of the feather edge of
the stress control profile, because this is a transition between a soft elastomeric insulation and
a harder semi-conducting filled elastomer, often a ripple is formed. This is particularly
pronounced in the EPR joint as it is injection molded hot, under high pressure and this
combination compresses one of the components, causing a pronounced depression when the
stresses are relaxed after demolding.
It is also possible to get porosity accumulations at the feather edge, particularly if the mold
tool is not completely filled. It is good practice to evacuate the mold tool and to incorporate
air vents in these regions to ensure air is vented during injection. Some manufactures inspect
the bore and leave the depression with the hope that the interfacial pressure during assembly
will eliminate the depression. They may locally fettle/smooth any depressions that they
consider to be excessive. Caution should be exercised with such practices as this will lead to
variability in the ability of the moldings to perform equally well with different degrees of
stretch on different cable diameters.
The bonding of the insulation to the semi-conducting inserts can be variable with both types
of elastomers. Although silicone can bond to itself, the insulation is usually a liquid and the
insert a carbon filled injection molded component with different physical properties. The
preparation of the surfaces and the cleanliness is important, particularly as the liquid
component is not usually pressurized. EPR rubber does not readily bond to itself or to
premolded inserts. The preparation of the surfaces is equally vital and the bonding process is
aided by molding hot under very high injection pressures. It is important that the completed
components are X ray inspected and that samples from production runs are dissected to check
for full bond.
Injected EPR insulation is not homogeneous, but contains flow lines due to the high rate of
shear in the narrow injection gates. These are points of weakness. Failure paths in elevated
breakdown voltage tests usually follow the curved path rather than a straight line. In extreme
circumstances the flow patterns form unbonded knit lines. These will result in a very
significant reduction in electrical strength
The outer cylindrical shield is usually applied last by a separate painting, wrapping or
pressure molding process and it is sometimes difficult to achieve a satisfactory bond without
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
For the reasons given above the electrical performance can be variable and so the final
routine factory acceptance test voltage level and duration is very important. The test is tended
to cause the failure of unsatisfactory moldings. Two Weibull probability of failure curves
were used
to calculate a test voltage that differentiates satisfactory production components
from those with defects. It will be noticed that some components with less severe defects
must inevitably be closer to the border line of acceptance than others. It is very important that
SPC records are kept to ensure that the trends of increasing numbers of X ray failures,
dissection failures and electrical failures are quickly identified as this may mean that
apparently sound components with less pronounced defects may pass into service and exhibit
a reduced service life.
Figure 5-10
EPR joint molding and interface pressure plot (EPR OPJ)
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-11
Interface pressure reduces with differences in rubber hardness, shape and temperature
Figure 5-12
Full radial thickness of stress cone inserts in order to achieve maximum pressure at triple
point interfaces (EPR design)
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-13
Full radial thickness in order to achieve maximum pressure (Silicone rubber OPJ, Click-Fit
Termination Designs
Cable terminations come in three types, the outdoor termination, the gas immersed switchgear
(GIS) termination and the oil immersed termination.
Outdoor terminations, or potheads, are terminations designed to be installed in outdoor sub-
stations or in compounds where overhead lines are connected onto underground cables. Outdoor
terminations were the first type of accessory to be installed commercially with EHV XLPE
cables, they thus have the longest service experience, however there are problem areas in the
designs arising from the basic differences between the XLPE and fluid filled paper systems and
these are present to this day. The designs are based are based upon those employed in the fluid
filled system.
Stress Cone and Insulator Design
This is the simplest design, Figure 5-14. It is used on cables that have a comparatively low
insulation shield stress. This stress is low on cables that have a low cable design stress and small
conductor. Thus, this type has been used up to 275-400kV on conductor sizes of 500mm
, such
cables are often used as short links in low power hydro-electric power stations.
An elastomeric stress cone is stretched onto the cable. The degree of stretch determines the
magnitude of interfacial pressure necessary to exclude air from the cable interface. The radial
and longitudinal components of stress at the termination of the cable insulation shield and along
the interface are controlled by the angle of the profile of a semi-conducting stress cone profile
embedded into the insulating rubber body. The stress cone profile is terminated in a large
diameter re-entrant to reduce the stress at its tip and to maintain it within the electrical strength
of the rubber. The semi-conducting profile is surrounded by a sufficient radial and longitudinal
thickness of insulation to ensure that the high levels of electrical stress are contained within the
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
insulation and not within the surrounding insulating liquid. The stress cone is usually molded
from EPR or silicone rubber, which are both electrically high strength , low loss materials
necessary for use at EHV voltages. Thus the stress cones have to be significantly larger in
diameter and longer at the higher voltages and significant force will be required to stretch them
and position them on the cable.
This type of stress control is the simplest and is termed geometric. The stress is partly
controlled in the vicinity of the stress cone, but is not uniformly controlled along the inside of the
insulator in the insulating fluid or outside in air. This type thus has a poor ac elevated voltage
and impulse withstand performance.
As of yet it has not been possible to design a dry type of outdoor termination using solid
insulation. The insulator is therefore filled with an insulating liquid such as silicone oil or
polybutene oil. Silicone fluid is generally preferred because it has better compatibility with the
XLPE insulation, stress cone runbber and in particular with the semi-conducting rubber stress
cone shield and cable insulation shield. A viscous grade of silicone is usually employed, partly to
increase the electrical strengh and partly to reduce leakage and sealing problems. However the
electrical strength of silicone is approximately 10-20% less than that of insulating oils. A
viscous grade of polybutene insulating oil has been used at the lower voltages, however it is less
compatible with the semi-conducting shields and should be separated from them. The strength of
all insulating liquids is very low in bulk volume, as in present within the insulator. The strength
is further reduced by particles of swarf and fibres from jointing and by moisture that may be
present in the liquid as supplied or that has entered in service.
The disadvantage of a liquid is that provision must be made to accommodate the thermal
expansion and contraction between the maximum and minimum ambient and operating
temperatures. This is particularly important in North America, where the temperatures may range
between -40
C and 90
C. At lower voltages, compensation has been achieved by allowing an air
gap at the top of the insulator. The air volume has to be sufficiently large to limit the pressure hot
to within the bursting pressure of the insulator and the withstand capacity of the seals at the top
and bottom of the insulator. Insulators on fluid filled paper cable systems are designed to
withstand up to 8 bar.g on SCFF systems and 21 bar.g on HPFF systems. Insulators on XLPE
systems are usually designed to as low a pressure as possible, e.g. 3 bar.g, as a major weakness
on all designs is the seal between the termination and the insulation shield of the cable.
To prevent liquid from entering the cable the seals have to accommodate the high radial thermal
expansion and contraction of the large diameter EHV cable, without damaging the cable
insulation shield, which may only be 1-2mm thick. Damage would result in direct electrical
failure of the cable. Methods that have been used are to position a tight fitting rubber molding
on the cable and to clamp it in controlled compression to the cable or to apply a radial thickness
of elastomeric or XLPE tape to the cable and to heat consolidate it to a metallic sleeve. A third
method is to use the rubber stress cone to form the seal, by the connection of a metallic cylinder
or flange at its lower ground potential end. However great care has to be taken as this can
physically move the stress cone in service due to temperature and pressure variations and may
jeopardize its primary electrical role resulting in failure at the cable shield termination.
At the higher voltages it is undesirable to have the air filled thermal expansion volume exposed
to electrical stress. It is thus good practice to fully fill the termination with fluid and to provide
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
separate fluid reservoirs, of the type used in fluid filled systems, positioned next to the
termination. These reservoirs can be sized to increase the temperature range and to reduce the
pressure experienced by the seals within the termination.
Some designs of termination, principally in France at 225kV, have been filled with SF
gas at
low pressure (approximately 3 bar gauge) instead of a liquid. This significantly increases the
electrical strength and avoids the necessity of providing compensation for thermal expansion, as
gas is compressible. A disadvantage is that should a failure occur the explosive violence of the
power arc is increased by the stored energy within the large volume of gas under pressure. It has
been good practice to fit high speed, pressure relief, bursting diaphragms.
Traditionally porcelain insulators of the type used on fluid filled systems have been employed.
These have the disadvantages of being heavy during assembly and mounting and of shattering
should an internal power arc failure occur.
Composite insulators have been introduced at the lower voltage end of the range. These are
comprised of a high strength, spun glass-fibre reinforced, resin thermoset impregnated tube, with
bonded metallic flanges at the top and bottom. Elastomer hydrophilic sheds, usually of silicone
rubber are bonded and molded onto the outer surface. The insulators are significantly lighter in
weight and will not shatter in small pieces. The insulator can also resist third party vandalism
damage. However the elastomeric sheds are unlikely to be as electrically track resistant under
pollution conditions as porcelain, nor to have such a long life. It is vital to have a perfect bond to
the insulator to avoid water penetration and electrical flashover.
The outdoor terminations are erected under a scaffold and sheeted enclosure which must be
clean, weather proof and have good lighting. It is good practice to heat straighten the core and to
polish the cable insulation before fitting the stress cone.
Prefabricated Stress Cone and Insulator Type.
This employs the principle used in the prefabricated composite three-piece joint to increases and
control the interfacial pressure at the cable interface. It is therefore suited to the higher stress and
larger conductor size cables. The stress cone is held in compression within an epoxy resin
conical insulator by a bank of helical coil springs. The thickness of the epoxy resin insulator is
useful in containing the high levels of stress that otherwise would have fallen in the surrounding
fluid. This design still employs the geometric stress control principle.
Capacitor Cone, Stress Cone and Insulator Type
A stress cone is positioned to control the stress at the termination of the cable insulation shield.
The stress cone may be of elastomeric rubber, but more usually has been formed from layers of
polyethylene tape that has have been wound onto the cable, onto which is positioned a stress
cone molded from XLPE or epoxy resin. A factory pre-assembled cylindrical capacitor cone is
then fitted over and above the stress cone. The cylinder is formed from a reinforced resin and has
a clearance fit over the XLPE cable such that it can expand and contract without restriction.
Layers of fluid impregnated paper rolls are wound onto the cylinder, Within the rolls are many
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
cylinders of aluminum foil, each insulated from each other and each overlapping the adjacent
rolls. The lengths and overlaps are designed to give equal steps of capacitance, such that the
longitudinal voltage drop along the length of the termination is nearly uniform. This design
gives an excellent performance particularly under elevated ac and impulse qualification test
voltages. The design is suited to 400kV and 500kV XLPE cables and in particular to those with
high design stresses and large conductors.
1 Conductor Connector
2 Sheds
3 Pedestal Insulator
4 Take-off Stalk
5 Corona Shield
6 Cable Core in Silicone Oil Filled Interior
7 Stress Cone in Silicone Oil Filled Interior
Figure 5-14
Outdoor Sealing End
Dry type GIS terminations have been developed, Figure 5-15.
The jointing skills required for GIS terminations are very similar to those required for the three
piece prefabricated joint. The termination uses a stress cone and thrust spring assembly and in
essence is similar to one half of a prefabricated composite three piece joint.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
Figure 5-15
Dry type GIS termination
GIS terminations filled with silicone oil (wet designs) are no longer favored due to the
requirement to monitor fluid levels during their service life. The stress control in these wet
designs is very similar to the control used in the outdoor termination.
Oil immersed terminations are used in transformers where cables are required to terminate into a
cable tank mounted on the side of a transformer. The termination is externally insulated by
transformer oil and internally can be either of the wet or dry design.
The jointing skill levels for all termination types are high and require specialist training and
The interface between the cable termination and switchgear chamber is extremely important.
Accessories Operating Stress, Quality, Manufacture and Assembly
IEC 60859 Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of
72,5 kV and above - Fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables - Fluid-filled and dry type cable-
terminations describes the split of responsibility between termination and switchgear supplier
but it is important to note that not all termination/switchgear combinations comply with the
The key factors to be taken into account at interfaces are:
An access port must be included in the switchgear to allow the insertion and removal of the
cable/switchgear connection link
There is need for extreme cleanliness, particularly on the surface of the insulator. In some
cases a de-ionizer must be used to remove static charge
Suitably designed test bushings are necessary if the cable circuit test voltage is to be applied
at the termination. The cable termination must be designed to withstand the after laying ac
It is good practice for the GIS termination to be type tested and supplied together with the
cable, thereby ensuring its satisfactory operation under all conditions
In the event of a failure within an SF
filled chamber, the gasses produced are highly toxic
and specialist chamber degassing and purging is necessary
Information has been gathered from within the transmission power cable system industry to
obtain a view on the current state of the art of EHV cable systems. Survey questionnaire forms
were distributed to the industry to obtain the latest information on the manufacture, materials and
experience of EHV cable systems. The surveys were:
A manufacturing plant questionnaire issued to manufacturers of XLPE cable extrusion plant
(Appendix I)
A materials questionnaire issued to polyethylene compound suppliers (Appendix H)
A cable system experience and design questionnaire sent to North American Utilities
(Appendix F)
A cable system experience and design questionnaire distributed to cable and accessory
suppliers (Appendix G)
A worldwide EHV cable system experience has been compiled (see Appendix B). This document
summarizes the information gathered from a) the responses to the surveys b) a literature search
c) EPRI information provided and d) the knowledge the authors. Information has been gathered
on a total of 792 EHV projects in 55 countries.
Extruder Manufacturers Survey
The essence of the survey to commercial extruder manufacturers was to obtain details on the
type of plant, the materials handling, the extrusion conditions, material grades and the users of
their extrusion equipment.
The questionnaire (see Appendix I) was issued to:
Maillefer of Finland
Troester of Germany
The questionnaire was not sent to Mitsubishi Dianichi as they no longer manufacture the MDCV
long land die extruder type.
The only response received to this questionnaire was from Maillefer which can be found in
Appendix D. Maillefer also supplied a copy of the datasheet for their VCV and CCV lines
along with a copy of their paper entitled Experience in On-Line Relaxation Of XLPE
Insulated High Voltage Cables Kouti T.K., Karppo J., Huotari P., Hongisto A. presented at
Worldwide Experience
the Jicable conference 1995 in Paris; this latter document has not been included as it is available
Material Manufacturers Survey
Survey questionnaires were sent to the following manufacturers of XLPE base resin and pre-
compounded polyethylene materials. This survey was issued in the quest for information from
material suppliers on the grades of XLPE insulation and semi-conducting material they
recommend for EHV cables.
Borealis AB, Sweden
Dow Chemical Company, NJ, USA
Equistar Chemicals, Ohio, USA
No response was received from either Dow or Equistar. The response from Borealis is given in
Appendix E.
Survey of North American Utilities
A questionnaire was prepared for North American Utilities to gather a list of experience in North
America. The survey was issued from the EPRI offices in Palo Alto, California.
Three responses to the questionnaire were received. These were from:
CPS No circuits
Reliant Energy No Circuits
Xcel Energy Two 230kV circuits
Data on LADWPs recently installed 230kV XLPE project has previously been received.
The results of this survey have been merged into the experience list which can be found in
Appendix B and a separate summary experience list provided in Appendix C.
Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey
A questionnaire was issued to international manufacturers who produce high stress EHV cable
systems products which are, or may be, commercially for sale in North America.
An invitation to participate in this survey was distributed to the following cable and/or accessory
ABB Sweden - Europe
Brugg Switzerland - Europe
Cable Corporation of India - Asia
Elastimold USA North America
Worldwide Experience
FKS Yugoslavia - Europe
Fulgor Turkey Europe
G&W USA North America
Iljin Korea Asia
JPower Japan Asia
LG Korea Asia
Nexans France Europe
Olex Australia Australasia
Pirelli Italy Europe
Sagem France Europe
Southwire USA - North America
Taihan Korea Asia
Viscas Japan - Asia
Complete, or partially complete, information on EHV Cables and Accessories was received from
ABB Sweden - Europe
JPower Japan Asia
LG Korea Asia
Nexans France Europe
Pirelli Italy Europe
Sagem France Europe
Viscas Japan - Asia
The following companies capable of EHV manufacture formally declined to contribute
Brugg Switzerland
Southwire USA
The remaining companies, despite being urged to respond, failed to submit a return prior to the
publication of this report.
A copy of the proforma survey sent to cable and accessory manufacturer can be found in
Appendix G. The information provided by respondents has been placed into the experience lists
which can be found in Appendix B and Appendix C.
EHV Experience Lists
Using information obtained from responses to surveys, from published information, from ERPI
and their members and from the contractor a worldwide experience list was produced and this is
shown in Appendix B. North American experience is included in the list and is also shown
separately in Appendix C.
A summary of worldwide experience, broken down by single circuit length, conductor size and
voltage is shown in Figure 6-1.
Worldwide Experience
Line Voltage U [kV]
Single Circuit Length [km] by Conductor Size [mm
] and Voltage [kV] (where known)
Conductor Size
Ranges [mm
Figure 6-1
Worldwide EHV XLPE experience
Service Performance and Reliability
Using the information obtained from the surveys and from the report authors own knowledge, it
is possible to make some rough estimations of the reliability of commissioned EHV XLPE
Manufacturers and utilities, not surprisingly, are reluctant to publish details of system failures.
Details that are known are given in Table 6-1.
Worldwide Experience
Table 6-1
Known circuit failures
Country Utility/Operator kV Year Description
Japan TEPCO 500 2001 Internal cable electrical failure in
service. Cause of failure not known
Japan Various 500 Mid
1990s to
Several field molded joints have been
replaced following partial discharge test
failures prior to commissioning
Germany BEWAG 400 1997/98 A joint exhibited partial discharge during
circuit commissioning tests and was
UK Bechtel 400 1997 Oil immersed termination failure in
UK NGC 275 2001 Outdoor termination failure. Also
possible cable problem.
USA Orlando Utility
230 1995 Two failures associated with cable
construction and grounding
Singapore PowerGrid 230 1999 to
At least six joint failures plus one
termination failure. Also, as a result of
one of the joint failures, several link
boxes failed resulting in the explosive
displacement of manhole covers
Japan Chubu 275 Mid
A cable length was replaced following a
partial discharge test failure prior to
UK NGC 275 Mid
Outdoor termination failure during
commissioning test of prototype circuit
Spain Union Fenosa 220 2001 One-piece joint failure in service
Spain Union Fenosa 220 2001 GIS termination failed commissioning
test, after repair it failed again.
Spain Enher 220 2001 One-piece joint failure in service
It should not be assumed that all failures to have occurred worldwide are documented above.
Estimates of the known lengths, in terms of single circuit kilometers, actually in service are
given in Table 6-2 below. Projects that have been awarded recently or are under construction
have not been included.
Worldwide Experience
Table 6-2
Estimated in-service cable lengths
[single circuit km]
500 95
400 101
380 31
345 23
330 4
275 502
230 181
220 1203
TOTAL 2140
Taking Table 6-1 and inserting cable lengths, the number of failures and the number of years in
service where sufficient information is available (making reasoned estimates as necessary), it is
possible to calculate circuit failure rates (i.e. the lengths used in the failure rate calculations are
the lengths of the circuits that have failed and not the lengths of all circuits installed at a
particular voltage). These are shown in Table 6-3.
The quoted numbers of failures are actual in-service failures, commissioning failures have been
Table 6-3
Individual circuit failure rates - failures/100km.year
Operator kV
No. of
Circuit Failure Rate
Japan TEPCO 500 79.6 1 2 0.63
UK Bechtel 400 0.23 1 4.75 91.53
UK NGC 275 0.67 1 1 149.25
Singapore PowerGrid 230 20.0 7 3 11.67
Spain Union Fenosa 220 20.0 2 3 3.33
Worldwide Experience
The overall failure rate of all circuits listed in Table 6-3 is 4.3 failures/100km/year.
Given that details of all failures of circuits worldwide are not known, it is not possible to
calculate accurate global failure rates. However, it is possible to calculate best possible rates
using the quantities given in Table 6-2 and the number of failures given in Table 6-3.
Taking 345kV and above cable as an example:
Total quantity installed at 345kV and above is (23 + 31 + 101 + 95) = 250 single circuit km
Number of failures is 2 (TEPCO and Bechtel)
Average number of years in service for the 250 single circuit km is assumed to be 4 years (this
does not seem unreasonable given 94 single circuit km of 500kV were not commissioned until
The failure rate is then calculated to be 0.2 failures/100km/year.
If additional failures have occurred, which seems likely given that manufacturers and utilities
tend not to publish such information, the rates will be increased pro-rata.
Given the lack of data on which to base calculations, no attempt has been made to estimate
individual failure rates of cables, joints and terminations.
There is some published failure rate data available and that published by Japanese utilities
is summarized in Table 6-4.
Table 6-4
Published system failure rates
Type kV
Cable circuit
failure rates
Straight joint
failure rates
100 joint.year]
Termination failure
rates [failures/
CIGRE 1982
0.05 0.08 0.06
XLPE 22* 0.071 0.0018 0.0015
XLPE 66* 0.040 0.0021 0.0035
Japan 1966-
XLPE 110
0 0.0045 0
*Note: Lower voltage figures are given for reference.
Worldwide Experience
The figures published by CIGRE are considered to be artificially high for comparison with
XLPE systems, perhaps by as much as an order of magnitude, as they include oil leaks in
addition to electrical failures. The CIGRE work was not published until 1991 and is based data
for the evolutionary period of fluid filled systems.
By comparing Table 6-3 with Table 6-4 it can be seen that EHV XLPE systems have some
considerable catching up to do to match the reliability of fluid filled and lower voltage XLPE
cable systems; something not unexpected given the relative immaturity of XLPE systems. This
comparison also shows the importance of regularly collecting service experience and fault data
so that the EHV XLPE failure rates can be tracked. The use of reliability growth statistics could
be considered.
The factors that limit the performance of the insulation in the cable, accessories and in the
combined cable system were considered in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. These Chapters also described
the critical factors in cable, accessory and materials design, in manufacture and in accessory
assembly. In many ways the limiting and critical parameters are similar. However the word
limit implies that if one particular factor was to be removed, an immediate enhancement in
performance would be gained. In a EHV cable system this would not be true as the limiting
factors are interactive.
This chapter therefore defines the critical factors in the selection of an XLPE cable system as
those that, in combination, will increase the probability of a transition from a state of uncertainty
to reliable service operation.
The critical factors divide into four categories. The first factor is the determination of cable and
insulation thicknesses, based on the selection of the design stress and the calculation of the cable
system service life. The second factor is the suppliers capability in system design, cable
manufacture, accessory manufacture, installation, jointing and after-laying testing. The third
factor is the users capability in the specification and selection of the cable system design and in
the selection of the preferred supplier. The fourth factor is the testing regimes necessary to
demonstrate the achievement of specified design performance targets and the achievement of
required reliability standards.
A technical check list for use when designing EHV XLPE systems and when assessing potential
suppliers is given in Appendix J.
The Critical Factors of Greatest Uncertainty and Severity
The critical factors are recorded in list form to assist the user in the specification, selection and
installation of an EHV XLPE cable system.
The factors that introduce the greatest uncertainty to service reliability and that are the least
understood are given below in order of severity:
Design of the cable to accessory interface (electrical stress, mechanical pressure, surface
finish and stability with time and temperature). This will vary dependent upon the design of
the particular cable and accessory and upon the proficiency and consistency of the jointer.
Design and control of thermomechanical forces and movements acting on the accessories.
The magnitudes of the forces and movements are dependent upon the circuit current loading,
the cable size, the range of cable and accessory operating and ambient temperatures, the type
Critical Factors
of installation (direct buried, pipe, duct, tunnel, transition etc) and the cable extrusion process
parameters (XLPE insulation retraction and jacket retraction). The technology to control and
withstand the forces will have been demonstrated in prequalification test programs with the
cable and accessories having been installed in the same way as the application. However this
will have been on short length installations containing few accessories and installed under
ideal conditions. It is unusual for new transmission circuits to be fully loaded and thus it is
likely to be at least 10 years before sufficient circuits will have experienced high magnitude
temperatures and thermomechanical loads before confidence in satisfactory service
performance can be confirmed.
The elimination of sporadic quality defects in the extruded cable core, particularly in the
conductor shield. The occurrence of sporadic defects is dependent upon the cable design
(shield thickness and ratio of shield to insulation thickness), the choice of die tooling, the
process parameters (line speed, temperature), the chemical reactivity of the materials and the
condition of the manufacturing equipment (materials handling, extruders and crosslinking
tube). Suitable quality monitors are now becoming available and should both limit this risk
and lead to a better understanding of the safe process parameter windows.
Operation under short time emergency temperature conditions. As explained for
thermomechanical forces, the performance under emergency temperatures has not yet been
verified in service. It is well known that the mechanical and electrical properties of the
polymers, elastomers and thermoset resins used to insulate cables and accessories deteriorate
significantly above 105-115
C. Few prequalification tests have been performed on full sized
installations at elevated temperatures. It would thus be unwise to apply emergency
temperatures to a new XLPE transmission system until confidence has been gained in normal
temperature operation.
The full lists of critical factors are given below.
Critical Factor: Determination of Insulation Thicknesses
Insulation Design of Cable, Accessory and System
This critical factor is the determination of the insulation design stress and thence the calculation
of the insulation thickness necessary to achieve the service life. Ideally this should be calculated
for both the XLPE cable insulation and the accessory elastomeric and thermoset resin
insulations. It is recommended that the values of maximum stress be calculated. In the case of
the cable this is the stress at the conductor shield, where the biggest risk of failure due to
sporadic defects occurs. In the case of the accessory each region will have its maximum limiting
stress. For example at the cable/accessory interface, the tip of the HV electrode and at the
insulation shield interruption gap. It is often convenient to calculate and analyze the maximum
stress over the cylindrical part of the HV electrode.
The calculations of design stress are hampered because the physical mechanisms of ageing have
not been elucidated. However it is known that XLPE insulation exhibits reduced insulation
strength with time, generally following an inverse power law relating design stress with the time
to electrical failure. Research workers believe that there may be threshold stresses under which
Critical Factors
short term breakdown and long term ageing do not occur. There is some experimental evidence
to support this based on bench top sample tests. It has not been possible to accelerate the ageing
on a sufficient number of full size cables at 230kV and above. This is because of the practical
problems of generating ac test voltages of many MV and of designing test terminations that have
a higher electrical strength than the cable. Thus mathematical models have been developed to
calculate insulation thickness and design life.
For the reasons given below, the cable and accessory probabilistic design models (CPDM and
APDM) calculation methods find their best application in comparing and benchmarking the
effects of changes in designs, manufacturing methods and developments. They are not directly
useful in calculating service life.
The CPDM and APDM take short term breakdown results from miniature or lower voltage
cables and accessories and calculate the design stress using Weibull and other probabilistic
methods as described in Chapter 3. The tests are best performed at the operating temperature,
but if this is not possible a correction factor can be applied to represent the temperature
dependent reduction in strength. In Chapter 3 it was reported that the validity of the CPDM is
highly dependent on having sufficient electrical breakdown results on either low voltage cables,
or on thin wall model cables to avoid the calculation of pessimistically low design stresses, hence
giving thick insulations at higher system voltages. If sufficient test data is not available it was
implied that the design value of cable/accessory survival probability could be reduced to less
than 99% to yield an acceptable insulation thickness. This would be a possible design
expediency, but with no scientific support. The problem of HV testing transmission accessories
is equally problematical, although in practice the breakdown voltage levels are found to be lower
than the cable, thus permitting some test results to be gained using full sized accessories and
cable, perhaps from the factory acceptance test results.
The recommended technique for calculating the design stress for both XLPE cables and their
accessories is the cable system endurance model (CSEM). This takes a) the few available
breakdown results of full sized test installations containing cable and accessories under
load/temperature cycling conditions and b) the many survival results of real commercial XLPE
cable systems in service at both high and low system voltages. These results are then
extrapolated to the specified nominal service life. The results are replotted each year to show
both the increase in service time of existing circuits and the installation of new circuits, thereby
increasing the confidence in the spread of design stresses derived from the extrapolation to the
specified service life (e.g. 40 years). Ideally the plot should only include results of a) cables
made on the same type of CV line with the same materials, b) accessories of the same design
principle, c) installations of the same type and d) operating temperature loading curves of similar
shape. This would permit the design stress of the particular cable, accessory and installation
design combination to be optimized with high confidence. In practice the lack of service
experience of XLPE transmission circuits of long length containing a significant number of
joints has initially lead to different designs being plotted together. Thus care has to be taken in
ensuring that the new designs of cable and accessories with higher operating stresses employ
similar design principles and are of the same or higher quality as the cables exhibiting the better
service performance.
Critical Factors
Critical Factor: Supplier Capability
Design of the Cable System
Systems Design Capability
CIGRE Study Committee 21-14
recommended that the systems approach (i.e. turnkey) be
employed in testing cable systems above 150kV and this approach was adopted in the recently
published testing specification IEC 62067
, Power cables with extruded Insulation and their
Accessories for rated Voltages above 150kV (Uo=170kV) up to 500kV (Um=550kV)-Test
methods and Requirements. Similarly CIGRE WG 21-06
recommended in Brochure 177
Accessories for HV Cables with Extruded Insulation that the systems approach be taken in the
selection and installation of accessories to suit extruded cable systems. This is particularly
relevant to XLPE cable systems as these are still at the prototype stage and there will be an
inevitable increased level of technical and performance risk until the optimum designs have
evolved and proven themselves in service. In the systems approach the supplier is responsible for
the design of the cable circuit in terms of the calculation of current rating, the cable design, the
synergy between the accessory and cable designs, the design of the cable configuration necessary
to control thermomechanical forces, the ancillary equipment design, the manufacture and quality
tests on the cable and accessories, the method of installation, the jointing of the accessories and
the after-laying tests.
Knowledge in Installation Design
This is required to limit and control the magnitude of thermomechanical forces produced by the
cable that act on the accessory (see the item above on The Critical Factors of Greatest
Uncertainty and Severity), during both normal and emergency temperature operation.
Knowledge of the Electrical Characteristics of XLPE
The supplier should be aware of the risks of the increase of electrical stress due to space charge
accumulation under ac and dc voltage and during some jointing processes. He should have
solutions to reduce the risk, such as low by-product XLPE (e.g., monopolymer PE, low peroxide
level, effective degassing process, etc).
Capability in Development and Type Tests
The supplier should have sufficient resources to be able to quickly perform the development HV
ac tests, impulse tests and current load tests on the particular size of cable and associated
accessories. Ideally the manufacturers test lab should have a recognized national accreditation
and also be capable of performing a witnessed type approval test. If the latter is not possible, the
supplier should have a demonstrated capability of organizing a successful type approval test at a
nationally accredited external test lab.
Critical Factors
Capability in Jointer Training
The supplier should have on-site facilities for the development of jointing techniques and for
jointer training.
Capability in After-Laying and Maintenance Testing
The supplier should have the knowledge to supply or procure the equipment to:
Perform an ac HV withstand and partial discharge after-laying tests in accordance with IEC
. He should be aware of the technical limitations in generating test voltages for long
circuits and for circuits with thin walls and high capacitance.
Perform partial discharge tests on the cable system from the terminations and from the joints.
The supplier should have solutions to the technical problems in identifying pd at low frequency
due to background noise and at high frequency due to signal attenuation by the semi-conducting
shield material.
Perform after laying and maintenance dc voltage withstand tests on the cable jacket. This is
particularly important on XLPE cable circuits as they are unpressurized and do not have
monitoring systems to detect if the cable jacket and metallic water barrier have been breached
by installation or third party damage. The supplier should be asked whether they can provide a
quotation for an in-service jacket monitoring system (note that such systems have been under
development for some years and are still at the pre-commercialization stage). The entry of water
into a transmission class cable would be expected to cause electrical distress by the rapid growth
of water trees at the high insulation shield stress level. Transmission class cables should be
water blocked against longitudinal water flow. However this is difficult on large diameter cables
and the long term effectiveness of present methods has yet to be demonstrated.
Design and Manufacture of the Cable
Cable Design
The supplier should have the knowledge of the risks of mechanical damage and heat deformation
to the insulation in manufacture and in service. He should have the knowledge to design the
cable components to protect the soft XLPE insulation and semi-conducting shields (note that the
methods are different from LV XLPE cables and from fluid filled transmission class cables).
Cable Quality Control System
It is vitally important that an effective quality control system is in place. The QC resources
should comprise a fully equipped materials/cable sample laboratory and an HV acceptance test
screened room together with trained staff. A statistical process control (SPC) system is required
to log all of the process and test data and to immediately identify and signal significant quality
changes before the cable is too advanced in manufacture. There should be NDT monitors on the
Critical Factors
CV line in terms of a) an in-line X-ray gauge to measure core concentricity and shape at the
interface between the output of the dies and the input to the CV tube and b) one of the recently
introduced in-line ultrasonic detectors at the output of the CV tube to detect and signal the
presence of shield and insulation defects, particles, voids and geometric abnormalities. It is
noted that, although the final HV acceptance test is important, it is a coarse test only capable of
detecting the grossest of defects present at the end of manufacture. Similarly, the cable
acceptance sample tests for cleanliness, geometry and physical properties can only check quality
at the ends of each cable length on the assumption that the quality is equally distributed
throughout the length. The quality of the cable is determined at the start of manufacture in the
preparation of the conductor, the materials and in the extrusion and crosslinking processes and
not at the end of manufacture.
Cable Manufacturing Processes
The supplier should:
Have a demonstrated capability to extrude and crosslink the particular cable size in
continuous long length extrusion campaigns without forming sporadic defects in the shields
and insulation.
Guarantee not to make any repair to the extruded shields or insulation. Neither damage or
repairs are acceptable on transmission class cable.
Have a capability to degas the XLPE core to low levels of by-product. Note that long
degassing times are required for the insulation thicknesses employed on transmission class
Have a capability to undertake the HV acceptance tests at the particular voltage, on the
particular capacitance cable, on long reel lengths and under pd free background conditions
(less than 3pC recommended).
Have a capability to locate the position of either incipient partial discharge activity or
insulation electrical failure.
Have a capability to sample and measure the cleanliness and physical and chemical
properties of the materials and the extruded cable core in a clean materials laboratory.
Have a capability to immediately investigate quality problems using technically qualified
Have knowledge of the diffusion processes necessary to remove the high levels of gaseous
crosslinking by-products from thick wall transmission cable.
Process Capable Manufacturing Equipment for Cables
The cable manufacturer should have:
Factory lifting equipment, floor loading and roof clearances capable of safely transporting
the largest process reels, the heaviest weights and the longest lengths for the particular cable
voltage, conductor size, diameter, length and weight.
Critical Factors
Wire drawing and annealing equipment.
Conductor stranding equipment.
Conductor segment laying-up machine if Milliken conductors are required.
Conductor binding and water blocking machine.
Clean and covered conveying system to transport the conductor from the stranding machine
into the CV line.
Process capable CV line with capability to extrude the particular voltage, core size and
weight well within the CV machine suppliers recommended extruder screw speed, line
speed, die size, extruder strainer pack and weight capability.
Process capable clean room standard for material vessel reception, enclosed unloading,
sealed and dedicated storage, sealed and dedicated delivery systems to the CV line.
Handling and delivery systems for the pellets of PE insulation and the pellets of semi-
conducting shield to be completely separated physically, air-supply, access and
personnel/clothing. Storage vessels to be within the factory, temperature monitored and
protected within the suppliers recommendations for extremes of ambient temperature.
Material sampling and particle counting equipment
Cable core monitoring equipment (X-ray gauge, ultrasonic monitor and laser gauges).
Dedicated process reels for extruded EHV XLPE core take-up.
Factory rollers and skid plates dedicated to handling XLPE core only and to be clean and, in
particular, completely free of oil and bitumen.
Degassing ovens with temperature controllers in suitable numbers to match the output of the
CV line(s). Ovens should be equipped with automatic temperature controllers.
Under-roof storage for process reels holding the extruded core. Cable core to be protected
from falling objects and collisions and to have adequate floor clearance.
Taping machine for core cushioning tapes/water blocking tapes.
Earth return conductor stranding machine capable of wire application in continuous lengths
without spool changes.
Taping heads for second cushioning/water blocking tapes.
Under-roof, dry storage to protect the water blocking tapes from free water.
Metallic sheathing presses with guides and water coolers to protect the XLPE core and
cushioning/water blocking tapes from thermal damage.
A foil application or sheath longitudinal welding line with mechanical and thermal protection
to the core. Continuous monitor of the foil overlap or weld.
Wiped end caps and pressure test to check the integrity of the metallic sheath and to prevent
water ingress from the jacket oversheathing line.
Jacket sheathing lines capable of extruding PE and RPS (reduced fire propagation) PVC.
Critical Factors
HV test terminations for the particular diameter and test with seals to prevent water or
insulating fluids seeping into the conductor and under the sheath.
Screened test room complete with ac voltage test set and pd detection equipment with the
rating to match the load current and the capacitive reactance of the cable under pd free
The Design and Manufacture of the Accessories
Accessory Design
The manufacturer should have:
Details of the cable system design and its performance requirements.
Knowledge of the cable and accessory dimensional tolerances, of the electrical stress limits,
of the thermomechanical forces acting on the conductor connection (maximum operating
temperature and minimum ambient temperature), of the radial and longitudinal heat
dissipation and of the stretch range of the elastomeric components.
Knowledge to design the accessory to cable interface such that it will be tolerant of
variations in a) cable and accessory dimensions, b) the cable extrusion method and c) jointer
proficiency. The accessory interface and assembly technique will be tolerant of variations in
cable straightness, circularity, ovality and concentricity with the accessory components.
Ability to select the particular style number within a range of prefabricated elastomeric
components to suit a particular cable diameter, such that the component is within the
optimum part of the stretch range to achieve its service life without pd or failure.
Ability to design the accessory to prevent or be tolerant of the distortion of the cable and
accessory insulation occurring due to compression and tensile set with time and temperature.
The manufacturer will have a fully equipped design office which will produce:
Detailed drawings of the molded and cast insulating components and their mold tools.
Detailed manufacturing and installation assembly drawings and parts lists.
Detailed drawings of the metallic joint casing and polymeric jacket to provide waterproof
anti-corrosion protection and electrical insulation and to permit the cable jacket test to be also
withstood by the accessory.
Drawings of the shield interruption gaps and bonding lead connections necessary for special
Drawings of the anchor plates for thermomechanical anchor joints.
Drawings of the special compression and welding tools for conductor connections. For
welded connections; cooling jigs may also be necessary to protect the XLPE insulation from
thermal distortion.
Critical Factors
Drawings of the special assembly tools necessary for prefabricated composite three piece and
pre-molded one piece accessories.
Accessory Quality Control System
In a similar manner to the cable manufacturer, the accessory manufacturer will have:
An effective quality control and assurance system.
Resources comprising a fully equipped materials/accessory sample laboratory and an HV
acceptance test screened room together with trained staff.
Flow test and reactivity test regime that can be performed on the cross-linkable materials.
These are important as the molding and casting processes for thick wall components are more
sensitive to small changes in chemical reactivity. It is important that the components are
substantially crosslinked without suffering thermal distortion. It is possible for the materials
laboratory to feed back modified process temperatures, pressures and times to the factory.
NDT monitors in the factory for the routine inspection of the molded and cast components.
Dynamic X-ray inspection should be performed on the components to check for absences of
defects such as voids, particles and lack of bond. Hand held or semi-automated ultrasonic
probe inspection should be performed on cast thermo-set insulation such as silica filled
epoxy resin to check for the absence of cracks and of bond failure.
A visual examination and measuring regime for absence of distortion, particularly in the bore
of the molding at the start of the stress control profile. This is a triple point interface which
is very vulnerable to the formation of air filled voids. In some molding designs the
manufacturer will machine the bore true. It is good practice to perform a sample test in
which an elastomeric component is stretched onto a transparent Perspex mandrel of the same
size as the prepared cable surface. An internal inspection with an endoprobe or dentists
mirror is then performed to check for the absence of air voids.
Electrical acceptance tests performed on matched sets of components which will remain
together in service. The components should experience the same degree of stretch and be
assembled onto the same diameter cable or insulated test mandrel as will be used in service.
Sample tests to a higher electrical withstand level, or to failure, should be applied to bench
mark the quality and to monitor for the possible deterioration of performance.
A statistical process control system (SPC) to log all of the process and test data and to
immediately identify and signal significant quality changes before the accessory is too
advanced in manufacture. Important variables are the failure rate at mechanical inspection
and the failure rate at HV/pd test.
Accessory Manufacturing Processes
The supplier should be capable of:
Consistently molding and casting the particular voltage and size of prefabricated insulating
components with a low rejection rate (e.g. 10-20%).
Critical Factors
Sampling and measuring the geometry, the cleanliness and the chemical and physical
properties of the raw materials and prefabricated insulation in a clean materials laboratory.
Preparing and cleaning the surfaces of pre-molded semi-conducting inserts or pre-machined
metallic electrodes without contamination or impairing the bond strength with the insulation.
Preparing the materials to the highest standards of cleanliness (e.g. mixing epoxy resin,
mixing silicone rubber or compounding and then feeding EPR rubber).
Cleaning and assembling the mold tools and fitting the HV and LV inserts without
contaminating the insulating surfaces or the bulk insulation to be molded/cast.
Performing the HV production tests at the specified voltage under pd free background
conditions (less than 2pC recommended).
Immediately investigating quality problems using technically qualified staff.
Process Capable Manufacturing Equipment for Accessories
The accessory manufacturer should have:
A goods inwards inspection and measuring bay.
Machining facilities for metallic components (lathes) and insulating components (grinders)
Compounding facilities for EPR insulating and semi-conducting rubber and silicone semi-
conducting rubber. The material will be prepared in enclosed mixing machines and will be
strained before outputting it in strip or in gum form into sealed and clean containers.
Mixing facilities for liquid silicone insulating rubber. The material will be mixed and
strained, before being pumped into a mold tool.
Mixing facilities for epoxy resin. A batch mixing system is usually employed for
transmission class accessories. The resin will be in liquid or solid pellet form and will be
heated, melted and evacuated. A proportion of the preheated filler (treated silica or quartz
flour) will be mixed in. The liquid or solid hardener will be heated, melted and poured in
under vacuum. The final filler load will then be poured in under vacuum.
Casting and curing vessel for epoxy resin castings.
Post curing ovens for the epoxy resin castings. After the hot mold tools have been removed
from the autoclave and the castings stripped out, the castings are placed in the ovens and
subjected to a carefully controlled heating and cooling regime.
Injection molding presses to mold the semi-conducting inserts and insulation bodies for pre-
molded components such as EPR stress cones and one-piece pre-molded joints. Injection
presses may also be necessary to mold gum rubber semi-conducting inserts in silicone rubber
prefabricated components.
Equipment to apply the insulation shield. The elastomeric molding is machined and prepared.
A layer of semi-conducting EPR or silicone rubber is then applied and submitted to a
bonding process.
Critical Factors
X-ray and ultrasonic equipment to inspect the interior of the moldings and castings for
absence of defects.
HV test mandrels comprising the actual cable or identically sized epoxy resin insulated test
Screened test room complete with ac voltage test set, pd detection equipment and loss
tangent measuring equipment.
Clean room assembly area, where the components are finally cleaned, visually checked and
assembled, sealed and packed for shipping or storage.
Jointing Capability
Accessories for XLPE cables do not have the benefits present in a fluid filled paper cable system
of a high electrical strength fluid, which insulates the interfaces between the cable and its joints
and terminations. The XLPE cable insulation also has poor resistance to partial discharge at this
interface. Thus the removal of the insulation shield and the preparation/polishing of the XLPE
surface requires high manual skill and must achieve higher standards than those required for
paper cable jointing. This is to ensure that any scratches and hollows are removed such that
voids cannot be formed when the prefabricated insulation is fitted.
Certificated evidence must exist that the jointer has passed an approved training course and have
demonstrated a capability on the particular design of joint and cable. One manufacturer
confirmed this capability by performing an HV acceptance test on each jointers work during
training. Other manufacturers used the particular site jointers to assemble the accessories for
type and prequalification tests.
The jointer training should be repeated at less than two yearly intervals and preferably before the
installation of each new transmission project is commenced.
The installation supervisor should also be trained in the jointing requirements to ensure that the
correct facilities are provided in the assembly area to the jointer.
A quality record should be made to record the details at each jointing position along the route to
provide traceability in the event of subsequent electrical failure or partial discharge (e.g., date,
manhole location, cable phase and factory number, jointers name, accessory individual
identification number, prefabricated component number, assembly tool identification number
and jointer/supervisors log book comments).
The jointer will be provided with jointing instructions, assembly drawings, tools, consumable
materials (abrasive paper, glass blades, cleaning solvents, cleaning wipes, plumbing metal,
various types of tape) and safety equipment (safety instructions, gas detectors, personal
protective equipment such as dust masks, eye protectors, gloves etc).
The jointing area should be well lit above and below the cable and be clean, dry and air
conditioned (to prevent perspiration and condensation contaminating the insulation and
conductor connection).
Critical Factors
The assembly area will be provided with facilities for lifting the cable, accessory components
and jointing tools.
Equipment to heat straighten the cable core will be provided.
Equipment will be provided to firmly support and cleat the cable to hold the cable and accessory
components in axial alignment during the conductor connecting and the insulation fitting
During jointing, the assembly tools are in direct contact with the cable and accessory insulation
and can easily damage or contaminate the surfaces. The tools must be carefully cleaned,
inspected and housed in special cases.
The lubricating liquids (e.g. silicone oil) are in direct contact with the cable and joint insulation
and must be sealed in clean containers; some manufacturers provide individual amounts
sufficient for just one joint to avoid the risk of cross contamination. Bitumen and engine oils are
highly contaminating and must not come into contact with the insulation.
Precautions should be taken to limit the attraction of air born particles onto the XLPE insulating
surfaces, which become electrostatically charged during jointing (e.g. air ionizers should be
The bore of the prefabricated insulated components and the surface of the prepared XLPE cable
should be kept covered and sealed until the last possible moment in assembly. Precautions
should be taken to prevent particles from the semi-conducting shield being carried into the cable-
accessory interface.
Critical Factor: User Capability
The worldwide technology survey has shown that the most successful EHV XLPE commercial
installations have been those in which the user recognized the prototype nature of the XLPE
transmission class cable system and committed significant resources in terms of engineering
manpower and finances to encourage R&D, design, testing and witnessing (e.g. TEPCO,
BEWAG and NESA). One European utility commented by private communication that the
number of service failures reduced in the years in which the XLPE cable manufacture was
witnessed and increased when it was not. Another utility expended significant time in writing
the specification of performance requirements, but didnt witness manufacture or acceptance
tests; significant numbers of service failures were experienced.
It is recommended that:
Users engineers be familiarized in XLPE transmission cable technology directly by training
and indirectly by participation in professional bodies such as the IEEE, ICC, CIGRE and
Users engineers have an active involvement in the design of the cable system, in the
technical specification, in the selection of the successful supplier and in the frequent
witnessing of testing (prequalification, type and most importantly factory acceptance testing).
Critical Factors
The jointer training be witnessed and that quality audits be performed on the jointers
accreditations and on the on-site jointing areas.
Witnessing be performed during the after-laying acceptance tests comprising ac voltage
withstand tests, partial discharge tests, oversheath tests and bonding tests.
Care should be taken to keep the responsibility for the testing with the cable system supplier.
It should be remembered that both the XLPE circuit and the ac testing are prototype
applications and so caution should be exercised. There is the risk that over testing may
damage an otherwise healthy circuit.
Maintenance spares be obtained and an emergency response manual be written. During the
guarantee period the supplier should be under contract to respond immediately to an
emergency, with test equipment and personnel, trained jointers, tools, spare cable and
accessories. If the supplier is based overseas then the spares should be kept within
reasonable transportation distance of the circuit. It should be remembered that the
manufacturing delivery times for extruded transmission class cables and accessories can be
almost twice those of the equivalent fluid filled cable system.
Critical Factor: Testing regimes
Prequalification and Factory Acceptance Tests
Testing regimes are necessary to demonstrate design suitability of the cable in combination with
the particular accessory.
Tests are required to demonstrate that the designs are capable of achieving a) the specified
performance requirements (prequalification and type tests) and b) repeatable quality and
reliability (factory sample and statistical tests). The latter are important as transmission class
XLPE cable circuits are still in the prototype application stage. The cable design stress levels,
the accessory designs and the manufacturing and jointing techniques are still evolving.
It is recommended that the recently issued testing specification IEC 62067
, should be
employed for long term prequalification tests, type tests, acceptance tests, sample tests and tests
after installation. Thus the cable and accessory design compatibility will be demonstrated,
particularly by the long term prequalification test.
A limit to the design stress is formed by the factory acceptance levels, as shown in Table 7-1.
The test voltages were based on avoiding damage to the cable by not exceeding conductor shield
stress levels of 27-30kV/mm. The equivalent maximum design stresses have been calculated and
included in Table 7-1. The 30kV/mm stress reduces both the effectiveness of the detection of
sporadic defects by failure at test and also the ability to design higher stress cables in the
transmission class range. The limit could be overcome by a) revisiting the research that showed
that at stresses above 30kV/mm the insulation would be weakened and b) the use of an NDT
ultrasonic monitor at the CV line to detect defects.
Critical Factors
Table 7-1
Factory acceptance levels and design stress limits
Factory Acceptance Test
Design Stress Limit
220-230 127 318 2.5 30 10.8-12.0
275-287 160 400 2.5 30 10.8-12.0
330-345 190 420 2.2 60 12.3-13.6
380-400 220 440 2.0 60 13.5-15.0
500 290 580 2.0 60 13.5-15.0
Prequalification tests are recommended for new cable system designs. IEC 62067 allows these
tests to be omitted if an alternative long term test has been carried out or satisfactory service
experience can be demonstrated, subject to several specified criteria being met. It is very
important that the user checks the details of the new cable application in comparison with those
of the cable prequalification test and cable service experience. The predecessor prequalification
tests to the new IEC standard have been very successful in improving the performance of
transmission class cable systems and in accelerating their development to the commercial
application stage. The prequalification test is required to be performed on a 100 metre length of
cable, containing at least one sample of each type of accessory in the installation design
conditions of the particular application.
The practice of performing prequalification tests on new cable designs and on new suppliers
should continue.
After Laying Tests
It is now accepted worldwide that high voltage after laying tests should be conducted using an ac
The test levels are specified in IEC International Standard 62067, First Edition, 2001. It is stated
that: The ac test voltage to be applied shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and
the contractor. The waveform shall be substantially sinusoidal and the frequency shall be
between 20Hz and 300Hz. The voltage shall be applied for 1 hour, either with a voltage
according to the table or with 1.7Uo, depending on practical operational conditions.
Alternatively, a voltage of Uo may be applied for 24h. Note: For installations which have been in
use, lower voltages and/or shorter durations may be used. Values should be negotiated, taking
into account the age, environment, history of breakdowns, and the purpose of carrying out the
Critical Factors
The test voltages have been abstracted from IEC 62067 and an interpretation is given in table 7-2
for system voltages in the range of 220kV to 500kV. It will be seen that a cautious approach has
been taken in that the voltages are significantly less than 1.7Uo. This reflects the lack of
experience of HV ac testing long length circuits, the possibility that sound circuits could be
damaged by overstressing and the practical difficulties of generating high ac test voltages on
long length circuits. Examples are given of what the conductor shield stresses would be at test
voltages based on the typical operating stress levels from the worldwide survey of EHV XLPE
systems. This is illustrated by applying the 1.7Uo level to a 500kV system. This would result in
the undesirably high conductor shield stress levels of 24.8kV/mm for large conductor sizes and
28.9kV/mm for small conductor sizes, whereas the Uo test levels given in the table limits these
to 16.1kV/mm and 18.7kV/mm respectively.
Table 7-2
AC Test voltages after installation with an example of typical conductor shield stress
Installation Test Typical Conductor Shield
Stresses from Worldwide
Operating Test
220-230 127 180 1.42 60 9.2 13.1
275-287 160 210 1.32 60 - -
330-345 190 250 1.32 60 11.0 14.5
380-400 220 260 1.18 60 - -
500 290 320 1.1 60
Legend. 1: 2500mm
conductor. 2: 500mm
Test sets are large, heavy and expensive to purchase. However, the test method should not be
compromised by the cost of the test set as it is comparatively small compared to the cost of an
EHV circuit.
Tests sets are of the variable frequency type and successful operation of such a set has recently
been demonstrated by LADWP
as part of their successful commissioning of a 230kV project.
The first variable frequency set was manufactured by African Cables and CSIR in combination
and subsequent sets were manufactured by Highvolt in Germany. This equipment has the
advantage that the fixed reactor is robust and has a smaller physical size and weight. The
inductive reactance is varied to match the capacitive reactance of the cable by varying the
frequency of the exciting voltage applied to the inductor.
Critical Factors
A three-phase power supply at 50-60 Hz is converted to dc and then inverted back to a stepped,
variable frequency waveform using power semiconductor technology. The inductances of the
exciter transformer and of the fixed inductor produce a near sinusoidal waveform. It is usual to
specify a frequency range of 20-300Hz
, such that the voltage can be amplified by selecting the
resonant frequency at which the inductive reactance of the fixed reactor equals the capacitive
reactance of the cable system. The minimum frequency, together with the fixed value of
inductance, limits the longest length of cable circuit that can be tested. This condition also
produces the highest value of reactive current and it is essential that the reactor is designed to
extract heat from the windings for the specified duration of the test. Similarly the shortest length
of cable that can be tuned is limited by the maximum frequency. It is usual to provide an
additional fixed capacitor as a dummy load to permit the very shortest lengths to be tested.
A possible disadvantage of variable frequency testing is that the stepped waveform contains high
frequency harmonics that can interfere with pd detection frequencies. The power electronics are
therefore housed in screened enclosures and the set is provided with an output to a gate circuit to
remove those parts of the waveform containing spikes. Experience in operating the sets is that
there are relatively few stationary switching spikes (these may be readily discounted by eye)
thus the use of a gating circuit is not essential. It should be noted however that even with a quiet
source of voltage it is not possible to achieve a high pd sensitivity from the ends of the circuit if
the length is more than 2-5 km. This is due to the level of air-born high frequency background
radio noise and the attenuation of pd pulses within the cable.
The semi-conducting shields in the cable absorb the energy from the high frequency components
of a traveling pd signal, such that the emerging signal has low magnitude and will tend to be lost
amongst background noise. It may therefore be advisable to fit pd couplers to the cable at
regular positions along the route. Special pd couplers also permit detection at higher
frequencies, this having the advantage that noise from the ac test set at the end of the route will
have less effect, as the higher frequencies are attenuated. This additional pd equipment is
usually obtained separately from the ac test set.
Design and Testing Specifications
In the technology review, design specifications were generally found to be in-house to the utility
and the cable manufacturer, this being due to the lack of national and international constructional
and testing specifications at 220kV to 500kV.
The early cables were designed with reference to the lower voltage specifications, for example
IEC 60840, EDF NF C 33-252, NGTS2.5, NGTS3.5.2, EATS 09-16, KEMA S10-2 and AEIC
Most specifications are functional in nature and do not give constructional detail, and design
stresses. The notable exception is AEIC CS7
which details design stresses, insulation
thicknesses and permitted contamination and void sizes for 69, 115 and 138kV cables. It is
understood that a standard covering above 46 through 230kV is currently at the draft stage in
North America. If the general approach taken in AEIC CS7 is adopted then additional relevant
information can be anticipated.
In 1993, CIGRE published in Electra 151
recommendations for prequalification, type
approval, sample and routine tests on extruded cables and accessories in the range 150 to 400kV
inclusive and in 1997 CIGRE published in Electra 173
recommendations for after laying tests
on cable systems in the range 60 to 500kV inclusive.
The CIGRE recommendations for prequalification and type tests introduced the concept that
cables and accessories should be tested together as a system.
In October 2001, IEC 62067
was published. It is a functional performance and test
specification and was drafted by Working Group 16 which is part of Technical Committee 20:
High Voltage Cables. The standard follows on from and supersedes the testing
recommendations published in Electra 151 and 173
[43, 44, 45]
A summary of the key test requirements of IEC62067 is given in Appendix A.
Prequalification Tests
IEC62067 is the first formally published international standard in the world that recognizes that
EHV XLPE cable and accessory technology is relatively new and not yet fully proven to the
same extent as the well established high pressure self contained and fluid filled systems.
Traditional testing specifications start with type approval tests but IEC62067 introduces a
prequalification test with a duration of one year. Cables and accessories are required to be tested
together as a system.
The standard defines prequalification tests as tests made before supplying on a general
commercial basis a type of cable system covered by this standard, in order to demonstrate
satisfactory long term performance of the complete cable system. The prequalification test need
only be carried out once unless there is a substantial change in the cable system with respect to
material, manufacturing process, design and design levels.
A substantial change is defined as that which might adversely affect the performance of the
cable system.
The cable system supplier is required to provide a detailed case, including test evidence, if
modifications are introduced, which are claimed not to constitute a substantial change.
The standard further states When a prequalification test has been successfully performed on a
cable system, it qualifies the manufacturer as a supplier of cable systems with the same or lower
voltage ratings as long as the calculated electrical stresses at the insulation shield are equal to or
lower than for the cable system tested.
A complete cable system should be tested comprising about 100 metres of full sized cable
including at least one of each type of accessory.
The standard recognizes that installation configuration can affect the performance of a cable
system and states The test arrangement shall be representative of the installation design
conditions e.g. rigidly fixed, flexible and transition arrangements, underground and in air. In
particular, special attention shall be paid to thermo-mechanical aspects of accessories. It
recommends that prequalification tests should be carried out using a cable with a large conductor
cross-section in order to cover thermo-mechanical aspects.
The standard North American practice of installing cables in pipes or ducts and installing joints
in manholes is not generally followed in the rest of the world, Taiwan being a notable exception.
It is therefore possible that the installation configurations tested will not necessarily have
covered American practice and careful consideration should be given when deciding whether a
tested system properly reproduced the thermo-mechanical forces that will arise in service.
In practice, long term prequalification tests have been performed in Japan at 275kV
, in France at 400kV, in the Netherlands at 400kV
, in Italy at 400kV (for a project for
BEWAG in Germany
and in Canada at 345kV
, 400kV and 500kV
All the prequalification tests were carried out generally in line with the Electra recommendations
or the then draft of IEC 62067.
The standard permits prequalification tests to be omitted if an alternative long term test has
been carried out and satisfactory service experience can be demonstrated. Cable system
suppliers will argue that long term tests as referenced above and any others that have been
carried out may be suitable alternatives. Whether or this is so needs to be judged carefully on a
case by case basis.
Type Tests
IEC62067 defines type tests as tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis a
type of cable system covered by this standard, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance
characteristics to meet the intended application.
Once successfully completed, type tests need not be repeated, unless changes are made in the
cable or accessory materials, or design or manufacturing process which might change the
performance characteristics.
Type tests should be carried out on cables and accessories assembled as a system. At least 10
metres of cable should be tested and the minimum length of free cable between each accessory
should be at least 5 metres.
Cables and accessories should not be subject to any form of special conditioning prior to or
during testing that might modify the electrical, thermal or mechanical performance of the test
When type tests have been performed successfully on one cable system with a specified
conductor cross-sectional area, rated voltage and construction, type approval shall be accepted as
valid for cable systems with other conductor cross-sectional areas, rated voltages and
constructions provided all the following conditions are met:
The voltage group is not higher than that of the tested cable system.
The conductor cross-sectional area is not larger than that of the tested cable.
The cable and accessories have the same or a similar construction as that of the tested cable
Calculated maximum electrical stresses on the conductor and insulation shields, in the main
insulation part(s) of the accessories and in boundaries (i.e. interfaces) are equal to or lower
than for the tested cable and accessories. If the voltage group is the same, if the conductor
cross-sectional area is smaller and if the insulation thickness is not less than that of the tested
cable, the calculated maximum electrical stress at the conductor may be 10% higher than that
of the tested cable.
To give an indication of the difficulty in passing type tests, the independent Dutch testing
laboratory, Kema, reported that out of 166 type test programs carried out to various HV and
EHV standards for cable companies over the period 1993 to 1998, 43 failed giving a failure rate
of 26%
An analysis of the failures is shown in Table 8-1 and it can be seen that electrical failures of
accessories dominate.
Table 8-1
Analysis of type test failures
No of cable failures No of accessory failures
Non-electrical 7 2
Electrical 9 32
The number of failures in Table 8-1 totals 50, which is higher than the number of type test
program failures. It is assumed that some test loops suffered more than one failure.
Customer Specified Testing Variations
Generally, it was found that most major EHV cable systems were tested in line with the Electra
recommendations and IEC62067 (including the draft) for prequalification, type approval, routine
and after laying tests but with specific variations on a case by case basis. Typical examples are:
In France
, routine acceptance tests are carried out at 2Uo for 10 hours and qualification
tests include the possibility of operation at a conductor temperature of 100C for several
For their 400kV XLPE system in Denmark, NESA
required that CIGRE routine voltage
tests recommendations were followed but at 2.25Uo for 1 hour. Then a partial discharge test
PD as per IEC840 (1.5Uo , <=5pC) should be performed
This demonstrates, particularly when a utility is planning the purchase of a major cable system,
the utility has the power to insist on testing variations and does not necessarily have to accept the
preferences of the cable manufacturers.
The objective of this chapter is to consider the types of tests that can be applied and to make
outline test recommendations.
Chapter 7 listed the critical factors in four categories, two which can be quantified by testing:
Determination of cable and accessory insulation thickness
Demonstration of the performance and reliability standards.
Chapter 7 also listed the critical factors of the greatest uncertainty and severity. These can each
be investigated and quantified by engineering studies and by experimental work as described
Design of the Cable to Accessory Interface
It has long been the industrys hope that a new material or a new surface treatment process
would be developed that would either bond, seal or insulate the cable and accessory insulations.
The two designs that have evolved have a long development investment behind them (the field
molded joint which amalgamates the interface and the prefabricated joints which use pressure to
hold elastomeric insulation in intimate contact with the XLPE cable). By its chemical nature
XLPE is resistant to wetting by liquids and to modification by mild, electrically acceptable
Supporting experimental work has been undertaken on models to quantify the effect of pressure,
surface finish and insulating liquids and greases on interface electrical strength and is listed in
CIGRE Brochure 210 Interfaces in Accessories for Extruded HV and EHV Cables. There is
also a wealth of development experimental experience on full size accessories, although with
some exceptions this is kept confidential to the accessory manufacturer. Published values of
electrical stresses and interfacial pressures are given in Chapter 5.
The recommendation of this report is that the evaluation of the high stress performance of
interfaces is best undertaken on real accessories, using the APDM probabilistic method which
uses the same approach as is described in detail for the CPDM in Chapter 3. To obtain sufficient
voltage breakdown values it is recommended that tests be performed hot on lower voltage cables
and accessories, providing they have been manufactured to the same quality standards, with the
same materials and with the same accessory design. It would be necessary to evaluate both one
piece joints and prefabricated composite three part joints. It should be noted that this proposal
would test the whole accessory and it would be important to check that there was a sufficient
Testing Regimes to Verify Limiting Factors
thickness of elastomeric insulation to avoid premature radial failure at the HV insert. A suitable
system voltage range would be 69-138kV; the lower the better.
It may also be prudent to undertake APDM breakdown tests to evaluate performance at low
temperature for the reasons given below.
Design and Control of Thermomechanical Forces
It is considered that the IEC 62067 test specifications prequalification test provides a good basis
for this evaluation. However it has been experienced that prefabricated accessories can be under
high risk from low ambient temperatures of the sort that are likely to be found in North America
and so it is recommended that prequalification tests be specified to also expose the accessories
and cable to low temperatures.
Advanced computer modeling methods are already being applied to quantify and control
thermomechanical forces in 138kV pipe systems and 230kV duct systems in the EPRI project
Mechanical Effects on Extruded Dielectric Cables and Joints Installed in Underground
Transmission Systems in North America. The calculation of interfacial pressure changes is
already part of this project. The project could be extended to computer model accessory
interfaces under a range of forces and deformations, perhaps in conjunction with electrical tests
to bench mark the work and to verify the results.
Detection and Elimination of Sporadic Extrusion Defects
At the present time there are two known test techniques, both of which have to be performed on
full sized cable.
The first method is to apply an elevated voltage at the factory acceptance test. However
experience is that the test levels of 2.0-2.5Uo given in IEC 62067 are only capable of finding
very gross defects (the example of a stress raiser with a value of x15 has been published). It is
often necessary to undertake destructive development tests at up to 5Uo to find large defects.
This level is too high to be practicable or safe on a production cable. At the present time the test
voltage is limited by the 30kV/mm value derived from the work of Jocteur
. This limit could be
re-evaluated by performing CPDM breakdown tests on model cables extruded with modern
equipment and materials.
The removal of this limit would also have the benefit of permitting the design stress of cables to
be raised.
The second method is to submit the cable core to in-line ultrasonic monitoring equipment.
Proprietary ultrasonic cable monitors were developed 6 years ago and commercialized 2 years
ago. The advantage of this equipment is that it can detect sporadic defects and so prevent the
cable from reaching the acceptance test. This technique would also allow the design stress of
cables to be increased. Experience in the use of the equipment will lead to a better understanding
of safe extrusion process parameters. The improvement in design stress could be quantified by
undertaking a project in which a thin wall cable core is ultrasonically scanned and small defects
Testing Regimes to Verify Limiting Factors
identified. It would then be possible to submit samples with and without naturally occurring
minor defects to electrical CPDM breakdown tests. It should be possible to show that the low
voltage breakdown positions align with the defect positions. It should be noted that small defects
are destroyed by the fault path and cannot be analyzed after the test. (This ultrasonic equipment
has already shown the capability to locate small defects that subsequently initiated failure).
Operation under Short Term Emergency Temperature Conditions
This is a project that is now under experimental investigation by EPRI to assess the degree of
thermal distortion to the cable at different temperatures and times. With the knowledge of this
work it would be possible to undertake a project to quantify the effect on a wider range of cables
with joints either experimentally or by computer modeling.
Other Limitations to Reliable Operation of High Stress Cables
Chapter 7 discussed testing regimes as critical factors and this reveals the following limitations:
Repetition of Prequalification Tests
An increase in the cable design stress requires that the prequalification test be repeated (IEC
62067) and unfortunately this seems to be unavoidable at present, thereby incurring the expense
and delay of a one year test. It is also under debate in CIGRE whether it would be prudent to
repeat the tests if significant changes are also made to the cable and accessory manufacturing
methods, materials and type of installation (i.e. duct, pipe, tunnel, direct buried). The evolution
of an alternative shorter term test would significantly accelerate cable and accessory
If the change was just to the cable construction and materials it would be possible to develop an
approval test in which full sized samples of the new cable would be taken from the start and
finish of an extrusion campaign and submitted to elevated voltage testing. Samples could also be
taken from subsequent extrusion campaigns. The purpose would be to show that the quality and
consistency of the cable had not been modified by the changes.
Repeatable Manufacturing Quality
There is no internationally recognized method to assess consistent cable quality and hence circuit
reliability. The closest method is the IEC sample test comprising one 10m length for size of
orders between 4 and 20km and 2 samples for longer lengths. It has been experienced that cable
quality can vary in one particular extrusion campaign, which may run continuously for 15-20
days and produce 4 to 8km of 345kV cable (4-16 reels). The prequalification test only requires
100m of cable and the type test some 20-30m of cable. The recent introduction of the in-line
ultrasonic monitor is expected to significantly reduce risk and improve quality. This could be
backed up by performing sample tests on a complete, or part reel length, taken from the start and
finish of a particular extrusion run.
Testing Regimes to Verify Limiting Factors
The same strategy can be applied to quantify the consistency and reliability of accessories. It is
possible to take samples from a production run and submit them to an elevated voltage test in
combination with an extended test period.
The above test regime could be developed as part of one of the EPRI project proposals described
The conclusion to the worldwide review is that the capability of EHV XLPE cable and accessory
technology to be able to operate at the system voltages of 220kV to 500kV has been
demonstrated by prequalification tests and by early service installations. Service experience is
now being accumulated. This will eventually demonstrate the level of reliability attainable by
long length circuits containing many joints.
Long length EHV XLPE cable systems cannot yet be demonstrated by service experience to have
accumulated proven reliability for widespread application on a routine engineering basis at
system voltages of above 220kV and at conductor sizes above 1200mm
. Thus caution should be
exercised when selecting larger conductors and higher system voltages.
At 220-230kV, the service experience is well advanced for transmission class EHV XLPE cable
(52km North America and 1384km worldwide), less so at 275kV (502km worldwide. A
significant amount of this is large conductor cable installed in Japan) and is just commencing to
varying degrees at 345kV (1km North America, 5km worldwide), 400kV (70km worldwide) and
500kV (95km in Japan).
At system voltages of 275kV to 500kV the majority of experience is in tunnels (275kV 95%,
400kV 52% and 500kV 100%). At 345kV, 400kV and 500kV there is only limited experience in
direct buried installations and minimal experience in duct installations (345km 1km duct, 400kV
32km and 500kV none). The periods of service experience are short compared to fluid filled
HPFF and SCFF EHV transmission class cable systems. A historical review showed that reliable
service experience had not been demonstrated until a 20 year period of service experience was
accomplished. This period did not commence until technological evolution had substantially
finished. The evolutionary period for long length EHV XLPE systems has only recently
Given the prototype nature of the comparatively few EHV long length installations at 230kV and
above, the competing nature of the different cable and accessory designs and the criticality of
joint assembly, it is expected that some adverse experience is inevitable. In consequence certain
designs, materials and jointing techniques will become pre-eminent, whilst others will not attain
engineering acceptance.
In the last five years, a slowing down of the technological progress of XLPE cable systems has
occurred. Many electricity utilities have become deregulated and in response to commercial
pressures have reduced their experienced engineering manpower resources and their ability to
Conclusions and Recommendations
sponsor the necessary R&D, design evaluation and testing programs. Similarly, the worldwide
cable manufacturing overcapacity has resulted in the take-over or closure of many of the
experienced manufacturers of EHV XLPE cable and their accessories. The machines and
personnel that produced the cable systems that passed many of the prequalification tests and
installed the prototype commercial circuits may no longer be available. It is recommended that
caution be exercised to ensure that the designs and manufacturing routes are consistent with the
test and service experience.
Technological competition in XLPE cable types is expected to continue between the high stress
levels of thin wall insulation designs, XLPE extrusion methods, quality monitoring methods,
XLPE material types, metallic water barrier and sheath types and supplier capability to
manufacture, ship and install the longest lengths.
For Utilities who wish to select EHV XLPE cable systems at 230kV and above, it is
recommended that the risks be reduced and controlled wherever possible by employing the very
best engineering practices, committing engineering resources, specifying long term
prequalification tests, selecting high quality cable and accessory manufacturing techniques,
limiting the number of joints, selecting an installation method readily accessible for repair and
maintenance (i.e. tunnels, ducts, or buried direct in open rural land), specifying circuit
redundancies for repairs, specifying an after-laying HV ac test and purchasing emergency spare
cable lengths and accessories. It is also recommended that the cable system be furnished with
facilities for pd monitoring at the accessories as part of the after-laying testing, preventative
maintenance testing and diagnostic and fault repair testing.
Adverse experience has been recorded not only for the primary insulation of the EHV XLPE
cable and accessories, but also the special bonding. Reliable design knowledge and service
experience have evolved for fluid filled self contained EHV cables. This design knowledge has
not transferred smoothly to XLPE systems. There are also significant differences in an XLPE
cable system. For example, the difficulties of achieving the insulation strengths of those cable
and accessory components involved in the insulation co-ordination of the bonding scheme. It is
recommended that an EPRI project be initiated to review the present state of the art of special
bonding and its application to EHV XLPE cable systems.
The worldwide review has confirmed that the application of EHV XLPE cable systems to long
length circuits was initially held back by a lack of reliable and consistent accessories.
Accessories are now available, but are the least reliable component. Accessories are thus key in
the drive to higher operating stress and to thin wall cables. It is recommended that EPRI
undertakes a project to study the designs of accessories and in particular the key limiting
The prefabricated design has become the preferred type of straight joint. The insulation is
molded and HV tested under factory controlled conditions. The assembly time is significantly
reduced, but a high level of jointing skill is still required.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Technological competition is expected to continue between prefabricated composite three-piece
joints and premolded one-piece joints: for example, between silicone rubber, EPR rubber, high
stretch moldings and low stretch moldings. Prefabricated composite and pre-molded joints
designs have already superseded field molded joints, taped joints and back-to-back joints.
The premolded one-piece joint has the advantage of lowest cost and smaller size. The rubber
one-piece joint, fabricated with either silicone or EPR rubber, has been employed in service up to
400kV, but mainly on smaller conductor sizes (at 1600mm
and less) and with lower insulation
shield stresses. There are a number of different designs with variations in degree of stretch,
interfacial pressure, method of assembly and type of rubber. Caution needs to be exercised in
checking the past service and test experience of a joint when considering applications at high
insulation shield stress. It is not yet clear what the role of the plug-in premolded design (Click-
Fit type) will be for large conductors and high voltages. In principle, no restriction is seen
provided that the system design limits the thermomechanical conductor forces to less than the
strength of the connector and to ensure the joint wont flex in service.
The service experience of the composite three part joint is longer than that of the premolded
joint, particularly at EHV system voltages. It has the advantages of a demonstrated suitability for
the large conductors (2000-3000mm
), for high system voltages (400-500kV) and the highest
insulation shield stresses (8.4kV/mm). The prefabricated composite joint also has a role as an
anchor joint. This role is vital in applications in which unbalanced, high magnitude
thermomechanical forces have to be withstood. Examples are in some installations involving
ducts, transitions across bridge expansion joints, changes in altitude or profile, transitions
between direct buried and bridge/tunnel sections and transitions between cables with different
sizes of conductor or insulation thickness.
It is concluded that long length cable systems will employ a combination of both types of
prefabricated joint, but that globally the premolded one-piece type will become more numerous,
dependent on its ability to demonstrate reliability at the higher insulation shield stresses.
Key features in the selection of prefabricated joints and terminations are the magnitudes of the
electrical stress and the mechanical pressure present at the electrically stressed interface between
the accessory and the jointer prepared semi-conducting insulation shield and cable insulation.
The method of preparation of the cable surface, including a measure of the surface smoothness is
also important. It is recommended that such details be declared to the Utility as part of the
qualification and the long term prequalification test procedures, together with finger printing
information. For example, the Shore hardness of the rubber (indicative of elasticity) and the
resistance to stress relaxation under load and elevated temperature with time in service.
The Utility is recommended to ask for evidence of an adequate interfacial pressure distribution in
a particular prefabricated joint at the extremes of operating and ambient temperatures and of an
adequate percentage stretch in the particular combination of rubber molding and cable diameter.
The longest service experience has been achieved with installations of the extrusion field molded
type of joint at 275kV and 500kV in custom designed tunnels in Japan. The experience has
generally been excellent, but not perfect. However the long jointing times, the sophisticated
molding and material handling equipment and the need for extreme cleanliness, have
demonstrated that these joints are not suited for applications as emergency spares, or for general
Conclusions and Recommendations
application in other types of installation. This design has now been superseded by the
prefabricated type.
There is no internationally recognized quality control method for either the manufacture or
assembly of prefabricated accessories. Factory HV and partial discharge routine tests have
recently been published in IEC 62067. This is mainly because there is no equivalent precedent in
fluid filled paper cables in which the insulation of the straight joint was hand taped in the
manhole. In an EHV XLPE cable system every joint employs factory molded or cast insulation
components. These components are more difficult to manufacture consistently and are more
difficult to test than the XLPE cable. It is recommended that EPRI initiate a project to study the
factory inspection and test methods in use worldwide and to publish recommendations for
quality inspection methods and test levels.
Installation Types
Applications of XLPE long length cable systems have most experience at 220kV, 275kV and
500kV in tunnels. Although service experience has generally been good, some limited problems
with the cable, joints and bonding are known to have occurred. The drive to install XLPE
systems in tunnels has been the advantage of the reduced risk of fire spread compared to fluid
filled cable types. In tunnels, thermomechanical disturbance to the accessories has been
minimized by selecting flexible cable systems in which the cables are either vertically waved, or
horizontally snaked. Installation in tunnels is considered to be a low to medium risk, partly
because of the reduced thermomechanical problems and partly because of the ease of monitoring
the joints and the possibility of replacing the cable and joints should teething problems occur.
However, it should be noted that the outage times to repair a circuit may still be unacceptably
long and that, in some countries, there are significant restrictions imposed on personnel working
in tunnels.
Limited lengths of duct installations have been installed at 230kV in North America. To date
service experience has been satisfactory, but time in service is short. No 345kV long length
circuits have been commissioned, however a project has been let in Taiwan for 23km (equivalent
single circuit length). Duct installations are considered to be a medium risk (as the cable and
joints are not as accessible for replacement) providing that the system is designed to protect the
joints and terminations from excessive cable thermomechanical loads and movements. EPRI
already has a project in progress to study and recommend design methods for XLPE cables
installed in pipe and duct installations.
Experience with EHV XLPE direct buried circuits with a significant number of joints is small at
above 275kV. It is limited to 21km of 400kV 1600mm
in Denmark, and 11 km of 2500mm
Saudi Arabia. A new project has been let for 28km of 400kV in Denmark. Significant problems
with failures of premolded one-piece joints have been encountered in Singapore. However, this
is not directly linked to the type of installation. Direct buried circuits are considered to be a
medium to high risk because the rigidly constrained cable generates high thermomechanical
loads at the joints and because the financial costs and outage times for cable and joint
excavations and replacement are high.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The review showed that the circuits that have the best service experience to date, irrespective of
type, are those in which the Utilities committed significant resources in terms of hands-on
engineering manpower and finances to evaluate XLPE cable system technology and to reduce
risk. This approach is recommended until long length EHV circuit reliability has been
demonstrated worldwide.
Critical Factors to Service Reliability
The project reviewed the key cable quality control measures, the manufacturing technology and
the insulation cleanliness standards. It was noted there has been significant investment in the
development and installation of large XLPE extrusion lines capable of handling thick insulations,
large conductor sizes and in achieving satisfactory insulation geometric and cleanliness
standards. The XLPE insulation material has also been significantly improved in cleanliness and
the semi-conducting shields in surface smoothness.
The critical factors were divided into four categories and these are used as the basis for the
technical check list given in the report appendix. The categories are:
The determination of insulation thicknesses, based on the selection of the design stress and
the calculation of the cable system service life.
The suppliers capability in system design, cable manufacture, accessory manufacture,
installation, jointing and after-laying testing.
The users capability in the specification and selection of the cable system design and in the
selection of the preferred supplier.
The testing regimes necessary to demonstrate the achievement of specified design
performance targets and the achievement of required reliability standards.
The individual critical factors that produce the greatest uncertainty and risk to the reliable
operation of EHV XLPE cable systems are identified in the report as:
The design of cable to accessory interfaces.
The design and control of thermo-mechanical forces.
The sporadic quality defects in the extruded cable and prefabricated accessory insulation.
Operation under emergency operating temperatures.
Standards for Test and Manufacture
IEC 62067, issued in 2001, is recommended as an excellent International Standard giving details
of the test methods and requirements for cables and accessories. Three of the notable first time
inclusions are the long term prequalification test, the after-laying ac HV test and the routine test
on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories. The AEIC CS7-93 Specification for
Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 69 Through 138kV, Third
Edition, issued in1993, was found to have an informative and detailed technical content. It is
recommended as a good basis for extension to the 230kV and 345kV system voltages. However,
Conclusions and Recommendations
it is limited to cable only and does not address accessories or the cable system as a whole. It is
know that a North American standard covering up to and including 230kV XLPE is currently at
the draft stage. This will undoubtedly contribute more good technical information.
Long term prequalification tests on 100m installations have proven, in the absence of service
experience, to be extremely beneficial in developing and demonstrating the availability of
technology for EHV XLPE cable systems. It is strongly recommended that Utilities seek
evidence of long term prequalification tests, noting that they must cover the particular Utility
application of cable, accessories and installation type. Caution needs to be exercised to ensure
that, if a manufacturer offers proof of a previous test, the method of XLPE extrusion, the
materials, the process, the location of the factory and the key engineering, process and
installation personnel are unchanged.
There is no internationally recognized quality control method to ensure that the manufacturing
quality of long lengths of EHV XLPE cables, and hence their service reliability, is consistently
achieved. Present methods are based on the philosophy that evolved with fluid filled paper cables
of submitting each reel length to a factory HV test, submitting periodically sampled cable to a
sample HV test and short pieces to dissection and microscopic examination in the materials
laboratory. However the extrusion of XLPE insulation is quite different to paper cable lapping
and impregnation processes. It has been reported that sporadically repeated extrusion defects
have occurred in XLPE cables, particularly at the conductor shield. Their presence is
particularly serious for the reliability of high stress EHV cable systems. The factory HV and
partial discharge acceptance tests are only capable of finding large defects, such that smaller, but
potentially life shortening, defects will enter service. It is reported that continuous in-line ultra-
sonic monitoring methods have been developed that can now protect against this risk. It is
recommended that both statistical process control monitoring (SPC) and continuous in-line
quality monitoring be specified for EHV XLPE cable manufacture.
Operating Stresses
The survey of service application showed that the cable conductor shield stress increases in
proportion to the system voltage. This is as expected as the performance of an XLPE cable is
determined by the ac voltage rather than the impulse voltage and also because of the drive to
restrict the thickness of the insulation and hence achieve long reel lengths.
In circuits with joints, the state of the art in high operating stress is given by a maximum
conductor shield stress of 14.6kV/mm and insulation shield stress of 8.4kV/mm. These occur at
the system voltage of 500kV and conductor size of 2500mm
. These stresses act as development
targets for lower system voltages.
Constructing a best fit line through the stress levels in use at the lower system voltages gives
values at 345kV of 11.0kV/mm (conductor) and 6.5kV/mm (insulation) and at 230kV values of
9.2 kV/mm (conductor) and 4.3kV/mm (insulation). It should be noted that the highest stress in
use at 230kV is actually below the best fit line at 8.1kV/mm (conductor) and 4.3kV/mm
(insulation), this being indicative of a more cautious approach on the larger conductor sizes
being employed and the possible use of lower graded materials.
Conclusions and Recommendations
At the higher system voltages of 345kV, 400kV and 500kV there is clear evidence that the
designers have been more concerned about designing the cable to limit the stress level at the
interface with the accessory (i.e. the insulation shield), than using the maximum possible stress
at the conductor shield. This illustrates the caution that Utilities should exercise when
comparing suppliers bids and when considering the relevance of their service experience and
qualification test certificates. For example:
The analysis of the combined data for all circuits shows that higher conductor stresses are
employed at the smaller conductor sizes, but that the matching insulation shield stress is low.
At 500kV with the smallest conductor size of 800mm
the maximum conductor shield stress
is 17kV/mm, with an insulation shield stress of 7.3kV/mm. As the conductor size is increased
the conductor shield stress is progressively reduced to 14.6kV/mm at 2500mm
to limit the
interface stress to 8.4kV/mm.
There is no evidence that cable designers make a step reduction in stress when the conductor is
changed from a circular stranded type to a Milliken segmental stranded type, (however thicker
conductor shield layers were provided to smooth the more irregular shape of the Milliken
The recommended method to calculate the cable design stress is to use the maximum stress
method i.e. to calculate the actual stress at system voltage at the conductor and insulation shields
using the well known logarithmic formula.
The mean stress method is no longer considered appropriate as the system performance is limited
primarily by the presence of imperfections at the accessory interface and secondly by sporadic
defects at the conductor shield. The grades of superclean XLPE insulation and supersmooth
semi-conducting shield are now considered to be of sufficient quality that failure due to
distributed micro defects in a dry cable is a remote likelihood.
The recommended method of calculating the service life and the matching cable design stress is
to use the cable system endurance model (CSEM). This tracks the service performance of
existing circuits containing joints worldwide at both HV and EHV voltages in comparison with
accelerated laboratory tests to failure on full sized installations undergoing load cycling and
containing joints. Service failures should also be recorded. A cable system survival curve is then
plotted and this is extrapolated to the required service life to predict the design stress levels for
new cable systems. It is recommended that in the early years of EHV XLPE cable installations
(i.e. for the first 5 to 10 years) EPRI should annually update the worldwide test and service data
(satisfactory and unsatisfactory) and track the predicted service life and predicted operating
The recommended experimental method to investigate the limiting factor of cable operating
stress, and to improve the high stress performance of the XLPE cable, is to use the cable
probabilistic design model (CPDM). The high breakdown voltages of EHV cables requires that
replica model cables be manufactured. The short time ac breakdown stress of many samples is
measured at operating temperature and the Weibull characteristic is plotted, from which the
failure stress at a specified low probability of failure is derived. Long time ac breakdown tests
are also performed on the samples at operating temperature. The ageing parameter is derived.
The design stress for the required service life of the full sized EHV cable at a specified survival
Conclusions and Recommendations
probability (e.g. 95%) is then calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation to allow for the
variations in the statistical confidence in the two derived parameters. It is recommended that
EPRI initiate a project to investigate and improve the cable operating stress levels for high stress
EHV applications.
Recommended Further Work for EPRI
To continue to apply research results to support specific Utility applications of high stress EHV
XLPE cable systems.
The results included in this report, which cover a wide range of subjects, be disseminated
through a workshop.
The lists of results and worldwide experience in this report be further refined to permit analysis
in other data fields and to be suitable for updating by EPRI on an annual basis. The writing of a
database to log and analyze the data for different categories of cable, accessory and installation
type is recommended.
To annually update the worldwide test and service data (satisfactory and unsatisfactory) and to
track the predicted service life and predicted operating stresses at the conductor shield and at the
insulation shield. Adverse trends would then become immediately apparent, for example when
large conductor circuits become fully loaded and generate maximum temperature rise in the
insulation and maximum thermomechanical loads at the joints. It is recommended that the
tracking of service experience continues for a period of 5 to 10 years. The use of reliability
growth statistics is recommended for consideration; such as given by R B Abernethy in the New
Weibull Handbook ( Fourth Edition, Sept 2000, Published by R B Abernethy, ISBN 0-9653052-
1-6) and in IEC 1164, Reliability Growth-Statistical Test and Estimation Methods (First Edition
To initiate a project(s) to study the designs of accessories and, in particular, their key limiting
parameters. The objectives would be to provide knowledge to the Utilities in the selection,
operation and use and to encourage the development of accessories with improved reliability and
high stress capability. It is noted that EPRI have already played a historical pivotal role in the
development of the premolded EPR 138kV low stress joint; the present higher stress designs,
under evolution at EHV, are derived from EPRIs 138kV design.
To initiate a project to investigate and indicate the limits for the cable operating stress for EHV
systems. The project would design an experimental method and manufacture a model cable(s).
The cable would then be 100% scanned by the latest technology of in-line ultrasonic detection.
The position and size of the naturally occurring and/or artificially induced defects in the shield
and insulation would be recorded. The cable would then be cut into lengths for HV ac break
down tests, such that the low failures could be attributed to the known defect positions. The
prospective high stress performance of the samples of defect free cable can then be established, if
necessary for different material and CV extrusion combinations. The limiting size of defects can
then form the control basis for the ultrasonic quality monitoring of full sized production cables.
This project would also substantially improve the understanding of the dry aging mechanism of
XLPE insulation on high stress EHV cables.
Conclusions and Recommendations
To develop a method of short term testing and proposed design modifications to established
designs of EHV XLPE cables and joints to avoid the need to repeat the full one year
prequalification test period and to encourage the rate of development.
To initiate a project to review the present state of the art of special bonding and its application to
EHV XLPE cable systems.
To develop a method of in-service monitoring to check the integrity of insulated sheath,
polymeric jackets on specially bonded cable systems.
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"Guidelines for tests on high voltage cables with extruded insulation and laminated protective
coverings", Electra No. 141, CIGRE
"High voltage cable with XLPE insulation in the USSR - Operational experience, investigations
of ageing processes and long-term tests", Session Paper No. 21-109, CIGRE, 1990
"High voltage cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables in the French national grid - Experience
in the field. potential utilization at higher voltages", Session Paper No. 21-107, CIGRE, 1994
"High voltage/Extra high voltage cable systems using extruded insulation cables", Session Paper
No. 21-102, CIGRE, 1994
"HV cable networks in Switzerland - Particularities and experience", Session Paper No. 21-104,
CIGRE, 1994
"Interfacial properties in XLPE/EPDM laminates", Session Paper No. 15-202, CIGRE, 2000
"Laying and installation of HV extruded cable systems. Literature evaluation - Data
comparison", Electra No. 156, CIGRE
"Life cycle assessment on high voltage power cables", Session Paper No. 21-206, CIGRE, 1996
"Macroscopic internal interfaces in high voltage cable accessories", Session Paper No. 15-203,
CIGRE, 2000
"Material reliability for HV cables", Session Paper No. P3-03, CIGRE, 1994
"Operating and testing experience on solid dielectric cable", Session Paper No. 21-10, CIGRE,
"Optimized design of accessories for 245 kV and 420 kV XLPE cables", Session Paper No. 21-
202, CIGRE, 1992
"Outcome of French experience in the field of extra high voltage cables with extruded synthetic
insulation", Session Paper No. 21-101, CIGRE, 1990
"Partial discharge detection in installed HV extruded cable systems", Technical Brochure No.
182, CIGRE
"Performance of polymeric insulating materials under environmental conditions", Session Paper
No. 15-103, CIGRE, 2000
"Philosophy of design and experience on high voltage XLPE cable and accessories in Japan",
Session Paper No. 21-01, CIGRE, 1988
"Power supply for the city of Berlin: are 380 kV XLPE cables a safe alternative to long-time
proved LPOF cables ?", Session Paper No. 21-106, CIGRE, 1994
"Pre-molded accessories for high voltage extruded insulation cables", Session Paper No. 21-08,
CIGRE, 1988
"Recent development in Japan of insulation diagnostic technology of extra-high voltage XLPE
cable lines", Session Paper No. 21-103, CIGRE, 1994
"Recent technical progress in accessories for extra high-voltage XLPE cables in Japan", Session
Paper No. 21-203, CIGRE, 1992
"Recommendations for a new after laying test method for high voltage extruded cable systems",
Session Paper No. 21-105, CIGRE, 1990
"Recommendations for electrical tests - prequalification and development on extruded cables and
accessories at voltages > 150 (170) kV and </= 400 (420) kV", Electra No. 151, CIGRE
"Recommendations for electrical tests type, sample and routine on extruded cables and
accessories at voltages > 150 (170) kV and </= 400 (420) kV", Electra No. 151.1, CIGRE
"Research on the performance of 400 kV extruded cable system under short circuit conditions",
Session Paper No. 21-205, CIGRE, 1996
"Results of accelerated ageing tests on components of electric systems made with polymeric
materials", Session Paper No. 15-07, CIGRE, 1988
"Results of tests and experience in service in France with high voltage cables with synthetic
insulation", Session Paper No. 21-06, CIGRE, 1980
"Sensitive analytical and physical methods for diagnosis of variations in polyolefin plaques and
cable insulations", Session Paper No. 15-03, CIGRE, 1988
"Service experience of HV cables with laminated protective coverings", Electra 141, CIGRE
"Standard test procedures and requirements for alternating-current cable terminators 2.5 kV
through 756 kV", IEEE
"Statistical analysis of dielectric test results", Technical Brochure No. 66, CIGRE
"Studies and development in France of 400 kV cross linked polyethylene cable systems", Session
Paper No. 21-203, CIGRE, 1996
"Studies on the application of 275 kV XLPE cables to long distance underground transmission
lines in Japan", Session Paper No. 21-03, CIGRE, 1986
"Surmounting pitfalls in the application of diagnostics for characterization of aged polymeric
cable insulation", Session Paper No. 15/33-09, CIGRE, 1990
"Survey on the service performance on HV AC cable systems", Electra No. 137, CIGRE
"Synthetic terminations for high voltage cables", Session Paper No: 21-201, CIGRE, 1992
"Technical progress of HV and EHV cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables in Japan",
Session Paper No. 21-01, CIGRE, 1976
"Test after laying diagnostic testing using partial discharge testing at site", Session Paper No.
15/21/33-12, CIGRE, 1996
"The design of specially bonded cable systems (first part)", Electra No. 28, CIGRE
"The design of specially bonded cable systems (second part)", Electra No. 47, CIGRE
"The development of 154 kV XLPE cable accessories in Korea", Session paper No. 21-103,
CIGRE, 1990
"The treeing phenomenon in synthetic dielectric materials for power cable insulation", Session
Paper No. 15-11, CIGRE, 1978
"The Weibull distribution. Effect of length and conductor size of test cables", Electra No. 33,
"Thermomechanical stresses in extruded HV cables", Session Paper No. 21-07, CIGRE, 1986
"Treeing behaviour of polyethylene and its detection", Session Paper No. 15-01, CIGRE, 1984
"Water treeing propensity tests of materials and cables in the United states", Session Paper No.
15/21-02, CIGRE, 1992
"Working gradient of HV and EHV cables with extruded insulation and its effect.", Electra
No.139, CIGRE
AEIC CG11-02 "Guide for reduced diameter extruded dielectric shielded power cables rated 5
through 46kV"
AEIC CG4-97 "Guide for installation of extruded dielectric insulated power cable systems rated
69 KV through 138 KV"
AEIC CG5-2001 "Underground extruded power cable pulling guide"
AEIC CG6-95 "Guide for establishing the maximum operating temperatures of extruded
dielectric insulated shielded power cables"
AEIC CG7-90 "Guide for replacement and life extension of extruded dielectric 5-35 KV
underground distribution cables"
AEIC CG8-95 "Guide for an electric utility quality assurance program for extruded dielectric
power cables"
AEIC CS6-96 "Specifications for ethylene propylene rubber insulated shielded power cables
rated 69 KV"
AEIC CS7-93 "Specifications for crosslinked polyethylene insulated shielded power cables rated
69 through 138 kV"
BS 7912 "Tests on power cables with XLPE insualtion and metallic sheath, and their accessories,
for rated voltages from 66kV (Um = 82.5kV) to 132kV (Um = 145kV)"
BS7912 "Tests on power cables with XLPE insualtion and metallic sheath, and their accessories,
for rated voltages from 66kV (Um = 72.5kV) to 132kV (Um =145kV)"
EATS 09-16 "Testing specification for metallic sheathed power cables with extruded cross-
linked polyethylene insulated and accessories for system voltages of 66kV and 132kV"
EPRI EL-5757 "Thermal overload characteristics of extruded dielectric cables" ,1988
IEC 229 "Tests on cable oversheaths which have a special protective function and are applied by
IEC 287 "Electric cables Calculation of the current rating"
IEC 60071-1 "Insulation co-ordination - Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules"
IEC 60071-2 "Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide"
IEC 60228 "Conductors of insulated cables"
IEC 60228 "Conductors of insulated cables"
IEC 60502-2 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6
kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)"
IEC 60840 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - test methods and requirements"
IEC 60840 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements"
IEC 60840 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
30kV (Um = 36kV) up to 150kV (Um = 170kV) - Test methods and requirements"
IEC 60853 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements"
IEC 60853-2 "Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables. Part 2: Cyclic
rating of cables greater than 18/30 (36) kV and emergency ratings for cables of all voltages"
IEC 60853-3 "Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables - Part 3: Cyclic
rating factor for cables of all voltages, with partial drying of the soil"
IEC 60859 "Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of
72.5 kV and above"
IEC 61443 - "Short-circuit temperatue limits of electric cables with rated voltages above 30kV
(Um = 36kV)"
IEC 61443 "Short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with rated voltages above 30 kV
(Um = 36 kV)"
IEC 62067 "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above
150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) - Test methods and requirements", 2001
IEC 62095 "Current rating calculations using finite element method"
IEC 815 "Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions"
KEMA S10-2 "Specification with requirements which apply to accessories for XLPE single
phase cables 50-220kV"
P1539/D4 "Draft Guide for Testing Transmission Cable Systems with Extruded Insulation, Part
1, 69kV through 161kV", IEEE
The following is a summary of the main electrical testing requirements included in IEC 62067
Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and their Accessories for Rated Voltages above 150kV
(Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) - Test Methods and Requirements
Before requiring a manufacturer to test to IEC 62067, or any other standard, it is recommended
that a utility should carefully consider the suitability of the tests contained therein against their
specific project requirements and use their buying power to insist upon any variations that they
consider necessary.
Prequalification Tests
Details of individual prequalification tests are given below. The order in which the tests are
listed is in the normal sequence of tests as stated in the standard.
Heating Cycle Voltage Test
The main requirements are:
Test assembly to be heated by conductor current until the cable conductor reaches 0C to 5C
above the conductor temperature in normal operation.
Heating to be applied for at least 8 hours, conductor temperature to be maintained for at least
2 hours of each heating period. This to be followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling.
A voltage of 1,7 Uo and heating cycles shall be applied to the assembly during the whole of
the test period of 8,760 hours. The cycles of heating and cooling shall be carried out at least
180 times.
No breakdown shall occur.
Lightning Impulse Voltage Test on Cable Samples
The main requirements are:
Test to be carried out on one or more cable samples cut from the test assembly. The active
length of cable should be at least 30 metres.
As an alternative, the test may be carried out on the whole test assembly.
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
Conductor to be heated to 0C to 5C above the maximum conductor temperature in normal
operation and maintained in this range for at least 2 hours.
Test samples to withstand without failure 10 positive and 10 negative impulses at voltages shown
in Table A-1 below. The front time of each impulse to be between 1 and 5S and the time to
half value to be 50 10S.
Table A-1
Prequalification test, lightning impulse test voltage levels
Rated Voltage, Uo
Impulse Voltage
220 to 230 1,050
275 to 287 1,050
330 to 345 1,175
380 to 400 1,425
500 1,550
The main requirements are:
Test assembly with cable and accessories to be examined and should not posses signs of
Examples of deterioration are electrical degradation, moisture ingress, leakage, corrosion and
harmful shrinkage
The examination should be carried out using unaided vision
Type Tests
Details of individual electrical type tests are given below. The order in which the tests is listed is
the sequence in which the standard requires the tests to be carried out.
Bending Test Followed by Partial Discharge Test
The main requirements are:
Bending test to be carried out on cable only at 25(d + D) for most types of cable finish where
d is the nominal conductor diameter and D is the nominal external cable diameter
Accessories to be installed onto the cable that has been subject to the bend test
Partial discharge test to be carried out at ambient temperature
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
voltage to be raised slowly to, and held at, 1.75Uo for 10 seconds
voltage to be reduced slowly to 1.5Uo
no discharge to be detected at 1.5Uo at a sensitivity of 5pC or better
Tan Measurement
The main requirements are:
Test installation conductor to be heated to 5C to 10C above the maximum conductor
temperature in normal operation
Tan to be measured at Uo
For XLPE insulated cable, Tan should not exceed 10 x 10
Heating Cycle Voltage Test
The main requirements are:
Cable to have a U bend with the same diameter as that for the bending test
Test assembly to be heated by conductor current, with supplemental heating if required, until
the cable conductor reaches 5C to 10C above the conductor temperature in normal
Heating to be applied for at least 8 hours, conductor temperature to be maintained for at least
2 hours of each heating period. This to be followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling to
within 15C of ambient temperature, with a maximum of 45C.
20 heating and cooling cycles at a voltage of 2Uo, such voltage to be applied during the
whole duration of the test.
Partial discharge test at high and ambient temperature after the final cycle
voltage to be raised slowly to, and held at, 1.75Uo for 10 seconds
voltage to be reduced slowly to 1.5Uo
no discharge to be detected at 1.5Uo at a sensitivity of 5pC or better
Partial discharge test may, as an alternative, be carried out after the lightning impulse test
Switching Impulse Voltage Test
Only necessary for cable systems operating at Uo 275kV
Conductor to be heated to 5C to 10C above the maximum conductor temperature in normal
operation and maintained in this range for at least 2 hours.
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
Test samples to withstand without failure or flashover 10 positive and 10 negative impulses
at voltages shown in Table A-2 below. The time to peak of each impulse to be 250 50S
and the time to half value to be 2500 1500S.
Table A-2
Type test, switching impulse test voltage levels
Rated Voltage, Uo
Impulse Voltage
275 to 287 850
330 to 345 950
380 to 400 1,050
500 1,175
Lightning Impulse Voltage Test Followed by a Power Frequency Voltage Test
The main requirements are:
Conductor to be heated to 5C to 10C above the maximum conductor temperature in normal
operation and maintained in this range for at least 2 hours.
Test samples to withstand without failure or flashover 10 positive and 10 negative impulses
at voltages shown in Table A-3 below. The front time of each impulse to be between 1 and
5S and the time to half value to be 50 10S.
After satisfactory completion of the lightning impulse test, a power frequency voltage test to
be carried out at 2U0 for 15 minutes. No breakdown of the insulation shall occur. At the
discretion of the manufacturer, the test may be carried out during cooling or at ambient
If not previously carried out at the end of the heating cycle voltage test, a partial discharge
test to be carried out.
Table A-3
Type test, lightning impulse test voltage levels
Rated Voltage, Uo
Impulse Voltage
220 to 230 1,050
275 to 287 1,050
330 to 345 1,175
380 to 400 1,425
500 1,550
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
The main requirements are:
Test assembly with cable and accessories to be examined and should not posses signs of
Examples of deterioration are electrical degradation, moisture ingress, leakage, corrosion and
harmful shrinkage
The examination should be carried out using unaided vision
Sample Tests
The standard defines sample tests as tests made by the manufacturer on samples of complete
cable or components taken from a complete cable or accessory, at a specified frequency, so as to
verify that the finished product meets the specified requirements.
Conductor Resistance
The main requirement is:
The dc resistance of the conductor (corrected to 20C) shall not exceed shall not exceed the
appropriate maximum value in specified in IEC 60228.
Capacitance Measurement
The main requirement is:
The measured value shall not exceed the nominal value declared by the manufacturer by
more than 8%.
Lightning Impulse Voltage Test and Power Frequency Test
The main requirements are:
Test to be performed at a conductor temperature 5C to 10C above the maximum
conductor temperature in normal operation
10 +ve and 10-ve voltage impulses at voltages shown in Table A-4 below.
Power frequency voltage test 2Uo for 15mins as shown in Table A-5 below
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
Table A-4
Sample test lightning impulse test levels
Rated Voltage, U
Impulse Voltage Test
220-230 1050
275-287 1050
330-345 1175
380-400 1425
500 1550
Table A-5
Sample test voltage after impulse test levels
Rated Voltage, U
Voltage test after
Impulse Voltage Test
220-230 254
275-287 320
330-345 380
380-400 440
500 580
Routine Tests
The standard defines routine tests as tests made by the manufacturer on each manufactured
component (length of cable or accessory) to check that the component meets the specified
Partial Discharge Test
The main requirement is:
1.75Uo for 10 seconds and then slowly reduced to 1.5Uo with no detectable discharge at
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
Voltage Test
The main requirement is:
Power frequency ac withstand test to be made at ambient temperature. Test voltages and
durations are shown in Table A-6
Oversheath Test (if required)
The main requirement is:
To IEC 60229 i.e. a dc voltage of 8kV/mm of the specified nominal thickness (subject to a
maximum of 25kV) for 1 minute
Table A-6
Routine test voltage levels and durations
Rated Voltage, U
Test Voltage
Test Duration
220-230 318 30
275-287 400 30
330-345 440 60
380-400 440 60
500 580 60
Electrical Tests after Installation
The standard defines electrical tests after installation as tests made to demonstrate the integrity
of the cable system as installed.
The standard only recommends electrical tests after installation and gives the choice of an
oversheath test and/or an ac insulation test being carried out.
Where it is decided only to carry out an oversheath test, the standard states .quality assurance
procedures during installation of accessories may, by agreement between the purchaser and
contractor, replace the insulation test.
Details of the oversheath and insulation tests are given below.
DC Voltage Test on Oversheath
The main requirements are:
Appendix Summary of the Main Electrical Testing Requirements of IEC 62067
Test to be in accordance with IEC 60229 4kV/mm up to a maximum of 10kV for a duration
of 1 minute.
For the test to be effective, all of the outer surface of the oversheath should be connected to
earth potential. A conductive layer applied to the outside of the oversheath can assist in this
AC Voltage Test of the Insulation
The main requirements are:
The ac voltage to be applied is subject to agreement between the purchaser and the contractor
The voltage waveform shall be substantially sinusoidal with a frequency between 20 and
The test voltage shall be 1.7Uo as given in Table A-7, depending on practical operational
conditions. Test duration is 1 hour. Alternatively, a voltage of Uo may be applied for 1 hour.
Table A-7
Electrical tests after installation, ac voltage test levels
Rated Voltage, Uo
Test voltage
Phase to ground [kV]
220 to 230 1.4Uo
275 to 287 1.3Uo
330 to 345 1.3Uo
380 to 400 1.2Uo
500 1.1Uo
The following experience list is has been compiled from a variety of sources including:
Replies to the questionnaire sent to North American Utilities
Replies to the questionnaire sent to cable and accessory manufacturers.
Results of a literature search
Information provided by EPRI
Information available to Cable Consulting International
The replies to the questionnaires issued were generally incomplete however such information as
was provided has been included in the experience list
Legend of cable system line entry details:
Year indicates the approximate year of the system entering service
kV indicates the Line Voltage (U).
Manufacturer The name of the manufacturer or in the case of responses from cable and
accessory manufacturers the current owner of the original manufacturer. E.g. Viscas is the
new joint venture of Fujikura and Furukawa)
Conductor Circular Stranded(CS), Solid (S), Segmental (SG), Milliken (M)
Length Conductor length
Country Country where the cable system has, or will be, installed.
Additional information gathered during the survey is summarized beneath the cable system line
Samples of the survey forms issued can be found in the following Appendices :
Appendix F: Questionnaire to North American Utilities
Appendix G : Questionnaire to Cable and Accessory Suppliers
Table B-1 summarizes the experience list and gives the total length (where identified) of XLPE
EHV transmission cable project installed in each country. The worldwide experience lists fifty
three countries using XLPE EHV class transmission cable and the length of installed cable
indicated by voltage.
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Table B-1
Installed single circuit kilometers of XLPE EHV cable by voltage and country
Country 220kV 230kV 275kV 330kV 345kV 380kV 400kV 500kV
Algeria <1
Argentina 7
Australia 9 6
Austria <1
Bahrain 1
Bulgaria 1 <1
Canada 2 3
Chile 4
China 187 2 1
Colombia 6 1
Cote d'Ivoire <1
Denmark 49
Egypt 6 <1
France 225 <1 <1
Germany 9 20
Guatemala <1
Honduras 2
Hong Kong SAR <1
Iceland <1 <1
India 40 12 8
Indonesia 4
Iran 6 4
Ireland 93
Italy 24 <1
Japan 11 479 94
Latvia <1
Lebanon 83
Libya 9
Malaysia 4
Mexico 46 7
Morocco 1
New Zealand 2
Norway <1
Pakistan 4
Paraguay 3
Peru <1
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Country 220kV 230kV 275kV 330kV 345kV 380kV 400kV 500kV
Philippines 3
Portugal 1
Qatar 48
Romania <1
Saudi Arabia 3 <1 11 5
Singapore 114
Spain 252 14
Sri Lanka <1
Sweden 60
Switzerland 13 <1 1
Taiwan 22
Tanzania 6
Thailand 1
Tunisia 11
UK <1 23
United Arab Emirates 17
Unknown Middle East 2
USA 16 31 1
Total 1203 181 502 4 23 31 101 95
Table B-2 summarizes the number of projects worldwide by each voltage. A total of 792 projects
have been identified with a total of known lengths summing to 2,139 single circuit km.
Table B-2
Number of XLPE EHV projects and cable length by voltage
U [kV]
No of
Single cct
length [km]
220 466 1203
230 52 181
275 204 502
330 2 4
345 12 23
380 11 31
400 21 101
500 24 95
Total 792 2139
Figure B-1 shows the quantity of EHV cable installed. This has been subdivided by conductor
size. The conductor size range limits (given in mm
) have been chosen to include similar kcmil
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Line Voltage U [kV]
Single Circuit Length [km] by Conductor Size [mm
] and Voltage [kV] (where known)
Conductor Size
Ranges [mm
Figure B-1
Installed length of EHV cable by voltage range and conductor size
It can be seen that cable conductor sizes below 500mm
are not economical above 230kV. This
being due to the e ratio. Very little power cable exists at or below 220kV with a conductor size
greater than 2000mm
At 275-300kV, significant volumes of cable have been installed, 479 of 502 single circuit km
(95%) of which has been installed in Japan. This includes all of the large conductor size
experience except for a short length installed in the UK this being, 0.5 single circuit km of
275kV cable for NGC at the Stella West project using 2500mm
conductor. Notably, this project
suffered an electrical failure shortly after energization.
In the 330kV to 345kV range, the major installations are in Taiwan and Korea. The largest
project in this voltage range also has the largest conductor size (2500mm
). This 22.8 single
circuit km project is taking place in Taiwan.
At 380-400kV most of the experience is in Europe and the Middle East. The most significant
projects being the installations in Berlin, Copenhagen & Saudi Arabia. The UK Elstree Tunnel
project (20 single circuit km of 2500mm
) has not yet commenced installation.
The majority of 500kV installations have taken place in Japan with cable systems designed and
installed by Japanese manufacturers. Two projects have taken place in China.
A complete listing of the survey of worldwide EHV experience is given on the following pages.
All quantities are in single circuit metres and single circuit feet.
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 500 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 500 kV Hitachi 1200 mm2 219 metres JAPAN
Anan Converter Station 2,368 kcmil 717 feet
Shikoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5413).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas M 800 mm 600 metres JAPAN
Kihioku S/S 1,578 kcmil 1,967 feet
The Kansai Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness
of (27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield
stress (17.2), insulation shield stress (7.1). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Furukawa & Fujikura
VCV & CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 6 cable(s) per phase. ( 5269).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas M 800 mm 1,000 metres JAPAN
Futtsu thermal power Station 1,578 kcmil 3,280 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(17.2), insulation shield stress (7.1). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5272).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas M 1000 mm 2,200 metres JAPAN
Kazunogawa Hydro Power Station 1,973 kcmil 7,217 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (43), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (97) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(16.5), insulation shield stress (7.3). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Furukawa VCV line.
Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5271).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas M 1400 mm 1,200 metres JAPAN
Echizen Power Station 2,762 kcmil 3,937 feet
The Hokuriku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (49), insulation wall thickness
of (27) , insulation outer diameter (103) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield
stress (15.9), insulation shield stress (7.5). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Furukawa VCV line.
Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 6 cable(s) per phase. ( 5273).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas M 1400 mm 460 metres JAPAN
Shiobara Hydro Power Station 2,762 kcmil 1,507 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (49), insulation wall thickness of
(32) , insulation outer diameter (113) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(14.1), insulation shield stress (6.1). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line.
Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5261).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 500 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 500 kV Viscas M 1500 mm 360 metres JAPAN
Kihioku S/S 2,960 kcmil 1,180 feet
The Kansai Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (50), insulation wall thickness
of (27) , insulation outer diameter (104) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield
stress (15.8), insulation shield stress (7.6). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Furukawa & Fujikura
VCV & CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. ( 5270).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 500 kV Viscas Milliken 2500 mm 40,000 metres JAPAN
Shinkeiyo-Toyosu Transmission line 4,933 kcmil 131,233 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 289kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (66), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (120) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(14.6), insulation shield stress (8.0). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Furukawa & Fujikura VCV &
CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. ( 5274).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1988 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 190 metres JAPAN
Shimogo Power Station 1000MW 1,578 kcmil 623 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, conductor
diameter (34, conductor shield thickness (3.5), insulation wall thickness of (35) , insulation shield thickness
(1) with CSA radial water barrier cable type CAZV ( 5401).
__________________________________________________________________ 8
1990 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 381 metres JAPAN
Shimogo Power Station 1,578 kcmil 1,250 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5404).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 500 kV Hitachi Cu 800 mm 2,400 metres JAPAN
Okumino Power Station 1,578 kcmil 7,873 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation cable
type CAZV ( 1536).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 1,359 metres JAPAN
Okumino Power Station 1,578 kcmil 4,457 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5405).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 500 kV Hitachi 1200 mm2 1,246 metres JAPAN
Matsuura Thermal Power Station 2,368 kcmil 4,087 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5406).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 500 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 500 kV Sumitomo Milliken 2500 mm2 19,844 metres JAPAN
Shinkeiyo-Toyosu Line 4,933 kcmil 65,103 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, insulation wall thickness
of (27) , insulation outer diameter (122) with aluminium sheath radial water barrier having a system design life
of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (14.6kV/mm), insulation shield stress (8kV/mm).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Sumitomo VCV line. Installation :. This is a Tunnel installation,
with 69 extrusion moulded (IJ), with 18 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) the reported status of this system is
Commercial Service The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. For underground power transmission line, with
aluminium sheath. Circuit HV AC soak tested at 318kV for 168 hours. ( 5474).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 697 metres CHINA
Tianhuangping Power Station 1,578 kcmil 2,287 feet
China National Technical Imp. Export Co. Ltd (Contractor) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5409).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 500 kV Hitachi Milliken 2500 mm2 19,937 metres JAPAN
Shinkeiyo-Toyosu Transmission line 4,933 kcmil 65,410 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, insulation wall thickness
of (27) , insulation outer diameter (122) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield
stress (14.6kV/mm), insulation shield stress (8kV/mm). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Hitachi
Cable Ltd. VCV line. Installation :. This is a Tunnel installation, with 69 extrusion moulded joints, with 18
GIS the reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. Cable type
CAZV. Circuit was HV AC tested at 318kV for 168 hours. Individual accessories were partial discharge tested
at 352kV for 1 hour. ( 5407).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 500 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 1,459 metres JAPAN
Okutataragi Power Station 1,578 kcmil 4,783 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 3 GIS, 3 OISE (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line
inside Substation with aluminium sheath ( 5480).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 272 metres JAPAN
Anan Converter Station 1,578 kcmil 893 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5416).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 289 m JAPAN
Anan converter station 1,578 kcmil
Shikoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5415).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 500 kV Hitachi 1200 mm2 202 metres JAPAN
Anan Converter Station 2,368 kcmil 660 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5414).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 500 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 500 kV Sumitomo Milliken 1000 mm2 1,614 metres JAPAN
Tachibana-wan Thermal Power Station No.1 and 1,973 kcmil 5,293 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, insulation wall
thickness of (27) , insulation outer diameter (96) with aluminium sheath radial water barrier having a system
design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (16.6kV/mm). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on
a Sumitomo VCV line. Installation :. This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 12 GIS (all oil impreg paper
type) the reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. For power
transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5487).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 500 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 1,015 metres JAPAN
Tachibanawan Thermal P/Stn 1,578 kcmil 3,330 feet
Shikoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5418).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 500 kV Hitachi 1000 mm2 1,023 metres JAPAN
Tachibanawan Thermal P/Stn 1,973 kcmil 3,353 feet
Shikoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5419).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 500 kV ABB CS Cu 800 mm 767 metres CHINA
Yunnan Dachaoshan Hydro P/S 1,578 kcmil 2,513 feet
Yunnan Dachaoshan Hydro P/S (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 290kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(34.5) , insulation outer diameter (107) with Al Foil radial water barrier having a system design life of 40
years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (14.7), insulation shield stress (5.2). Manufacture:The cable was
extruded on a Troester MDCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5154).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 400 kV Viscas M 800 mm 1,800 metres SAUDI ARABIA
Shoaiba Power Plant 1,578 kcmil 5,903 feet
Saudi Electric Company (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 231kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (37), insulation wall thickness of (27) ,
insulation outer diameter (91) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (13.9),
insulation shield stress (5.6). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 3 cable(s) per phase. ( 5276).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 400 kV ABB 2500 mm 8,500 metres SPAIN
Madrid Airport 4,933 kcmil 27,887 feet
Red Electrica (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
242kV. Cable Build:, insulation wall thickness of (27) Red electrica/Madrid: 420 kV/2500 mm2, single
circuit, routelength 8.5 km, Insulation thickness 27 mm, tunnel ( 5279).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 400 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 107 metres CANADA
Prequalification TEST Only 3,157 kcmil 347 feet
Hydro Quebec (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This was let as a Supply and Install contract
the reported status of this system is Out of Service ( 5499).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 400 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 400 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 2,157 metres SAUDI ARABIA
SWCC Shoaiba 789 kcmil 7,073 feet
BECHTEL (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5514).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 400 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 40 metres ITALY
Prequalification 2nd TEST 3,157 kcmil 130 feet
Bewag 2, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Direct Buried installation the
reported status of this system is Out of Service ( 5513).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 400 kV Nexans cu 500 mm2 600 metres BULGARIA
Chaira Pumped Storage 986 kcmil 1,967 feet
NEK (End User) purchased this system. ( 5511).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 400 kV NKT Segmental Cu mm 21,267 metres DENMARK
Copenhagen Metropolitan Power project 3,157 kcmil 69,770 feet
NESA (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with lead sheath
radial water barrier. Stresses: conductor shield stress (11.5kV/mm). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a
CCV (completely dry cure) pellet inspection system line. Installation :. This is a Direct Buried installation,
with 72 prefabricated joints (Furukawa manufacture), with 3 ODSE, 9 GIS with cable installed by NKT the
reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. Maximum cable
length used 870m. Distributed temperature sensing fibre optic cable installed on the outside of centre phase
cable.(See CIGRE CE/SC:21. Publi/Published: 1996. Session paper. Ref. No: 21-201. Development of a 420
kV XLPE cable system for the metropolitan power project in Copenhagen.) ( 393).
__________________________________________________________________ 8
1997 400 kV Hitachi 1000 mm2 3,283 metres INDIA
Srisailam Left Bank Power Station 1,973 kcmil 10,770 feet
Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5411).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 400 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 2,152 metres INDIA
Koyna Hydroelectric Power Station 1,578 kcmil 7,057 feet
Government of Maharashtra Irrigation Department (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, insulation
wall thickness of (27) , insulation outer diameter (93) with aluminium sheath radial water barrier having a
system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (14.3kV/mm), insulation shield stress
(6kV/mm). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Sumitomo VCV line. Installation :, with 14 ODSE, 14
GIS, (all oil impreg paper type) The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath. Circuit was AC soak tested at 242kV for 168 hours. ( 5478).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 400 kV Hitachi 1000 mm2 1,615 metres INDIA
Srisailam Left Bank P/Stn 1,973 kcmil 5,297 feet
Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5417).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 400 kV Nexans cu 800 mm2 1,300 metres SWITZERLAND
Bieudron 1,578 kcmil 4,263 feet
Cleuson Dixence (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5510).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 400 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 400 kV BICC Al 800 mm 240 metres UK
Rocksavage Power Plant 1,578 kcmil 787 feet
Rocksavage (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
220kV. Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :. This
is a Ducted (New) installation, with none, with 6 outdoor and 3 oil immersed terminations reporting one oil
immersed termination failure failures. This was let as a Supply and Install contract with cable installed by
Balfour Beatty the reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase.
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 400 kV Nexans cu 2000 mm2 133 metres FRANCE
INCA 3,947 kcmil 437 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5508).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 400 kV Nexans cu 630 mm2 1,540 metres SAUDI ARABIA
SWCC Shoaiba 1,243 kcmil 5,050 feet
Snamprogetti (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5507).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 400 kV Pirelli Cu 1000 mm 3,000 metres UK
ABB (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :. This is a Direct Buried installation, with
none, with 18 outdoor terminations. This was let as a Supply and Install contract with cable installed by
Pirelli the reported status of this system is Under Construction ( 3002).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
2001 400 kV Nexans cu 400 mm2 1,333 metres INDIA
Chamera II 789 kcmil 4,373 feet
SNC LAVALIN (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5504).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 400 kV Sagem 28,000 metres DENMARK
Copenhagen 91,863 feet
ELTRA (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Direct Buried installation, with
Premoulded one piece silicone rubber the reported status of this system is Contract Let Three underground
double circuit routes (4.5, 2.5 and 7km) . One section includes a Fjord crossing of 0.7km. ( 5612).
__________________________________________________________________ 1
2002 400 kV Nexans Al 630 mm2 467 metres LATVIA
Latvenergo 1,243 kcmil 1,530 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5501).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 400 kV Nexans cu 1600 mm2 6,000 metres SPAIN
Madrid Airport 3,157 kcmil 19,683 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5500).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 400 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2003 400 kV ABB cu 2500 mm 20,000 metres UK
Elstree Tunnel 4,933 kcmil 65,617 feet
NGC (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 242kV.
Cable Build:, insulation wall thickness of (27) Installation :. This is a Tunnel installation. This was let as a
Supply and Install contract with cable installed by ABB the reported status of this system is Contract Let The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. NGC, London: 420 kV/2500 mm2, single circuit, routelength 20 km,
Insulation thickness 27 mm, tunnel ( 5278).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 380 kV ABB CS Cu 800 mm 400 metres GERMANY
1,578 kcmil 1,310 feet
Altbach; Neckarwerke (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 220kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of (30) ,
insulation outer diameter (98) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (12.2),
insulation shield stress (4.7). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Troester MDCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5157).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 380 kV ABB SG Cu 1600 mm 6,833 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 22,417 feet
Bewag 1, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
220kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (54), insulation wall thickness of (28.5) , insulation
outer diameter (111) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (11.3),
insulation shield stress (5.5). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Troester MDCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. all joints are
sectionilising joints ( 5155).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 380 kV ABB SG Cu 1600 mm 5,700 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 18,700 feet
Bewag 2, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
220kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (54), insulation wall thickness of (28.5) , insulation
outer diameter (111) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (11.3),
insulation shield stress (5.5). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Troester MDCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. all joints are
sectionilising joints ( 5156).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1988 380 kV F&G Cu 1800 mm 90 metres GERMANY
3,552 kcmil 293 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 606).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 380 kV Nexans cu 1600 mm2 70 metres GERMANY
1st prequalification TEST 3,157 kcmil 227 feet
Bewag 1, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. ( 5515).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 380 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 68 metres SWITZERLAND
1,578 kcmil 223 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2374).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 380 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 380 kV F&G Cu 1600 mm 40 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 130 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 686).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 380 kV F&G Cu 1600 mm 40 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 130 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 698).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1999 380 kV Siemens cu 1600 mm2 6,833 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 22,417 feet
Bewag 1, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Tunnel installation the reported
status of this system is Commercial Service .
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 380 kV Nexans cu 1600 mm2 5,683 metres GERMANY
3,157 kcmil 18,643 feet
Bewag 2, Berlin (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Tunnel installation the reported
status of this system is Commercial Service ( 5505).
2000 380 kV Viscas M 2500 mm 11,200 metres SAUDI ARABIA
Al-Jamia S/S 4,933 kcmil 36,743 feet
Saudi Electric Company (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage
to earth is 219kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (66), insulation wall thickness of (28) ,
insulation outer diameter (122) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(10.8), insulation shield stress (5.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s). This is a Direct Buried installation, with 48 prefabricated (epoxy insulator) the
reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. ( 5275).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 380 kV Nexans cu 630 mm2 1,467 metres GERMANY
Goldistahl 1,243 kcmil 4,810 feet
VEAG (End User) purchased this system. ( 5503).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV LG metres KOREA
Youngseo-Young Dungpo Transmisstion Line kcmil feet
KEPCO(Korea Electricity power Company) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE
insulation Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5239).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV ABB 2500 mm 21,600 metres TAIWAN
4,933 kcmil 70,863 feet
. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable Build:, insulation wall thickness of (25) Installation : The system uses
2 cable(s) per phase. Taiwan, 345 kV/2500 mm2, quadruple double circuits routelength 2,7 km, insulation
thickness 25 mm, tunnel+CK15 ( 5277).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 800 mm 260 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 1,578 kcmil 850 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (37), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter (95)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (11.4), insulation shield stress (4.4).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5268).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 345 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 345 kV Viscas M 800 mm 220 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 1,578 kcmil 720 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (37), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter (95)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (11.4), insulation shield stress (4.4).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5267).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 1200 mm 230 metres TAIWAN
Taichung Fossil Power Station 2,368 kcmil 753 feet
Taiwan power Company (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (46), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter (104)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (10.6), insulation shield stress (4.7).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5262).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 1600 mm 250 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 3,157 kcmil 820 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (52), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter
(110) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (10.2), insulation shield stress
(4.8). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s)
The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5265).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 1600 mm 333 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 3,157 kcmil 1,093 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (52), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter
(110) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (10.2), insulation shield stress
(4.8). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s)
The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5263).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 1600 mm 233 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 3,157 kcmil 763 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (52), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter
(110) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (10.2), insulation shield stress
(4.8). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s)
The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5264).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 345 kV Viscas M 1600 mm 170 metres TAIWAN
FP-1 Project 3,157 kcmil 557 feet
Formosa petrochemical corporation (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 199kV. Cable
Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (52), insulation wall thickness of (29) , insulation outer diameter
(110) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (10.2), insulation shield stress
(4.8). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Fujikura CCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s)
The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. ( 5266).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 345 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 345 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 536 metres USA
Mystic Station, Everett, Massachussets, USA 1,243 kcmil 1,757 feet
Washington Group International (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5373).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 345 kV Nexans Aluminium 630 mm 112 metres USA
Deer Park, Houston, Texas, USA 1,243 kcmil 367 feet
Calpine Corporation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5375).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 345 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 803 metres USA
Deer Park, Texas, USA 1,243 kcmil 2,633 feet
Reliant Energy (End User) purchased this system. ( 5374).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 330 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 273 metres FRANCE
Saint Avold Power Station, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 897 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5372).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 330 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 4,000 metres IRAN
Beji Power Station, IRAQ 2,368 kcmil 13,123 feet
General Company Electrical Products (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5376).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 800 mm 233 metres JAPAN
Goi Thermal P/S 1,578 kcmil 763 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.5), insulation shield stress (3.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 800 mm 200 metres JAPAN
Bokutoh S/S 1,578 kcmil 653 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.5), insulation shield stress (3.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 800 mm 200 metres JAPAN
Goi Thermal P/S 1,578 kcmil 653 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.5), insulation shield stress (3.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 275 kV Showa SG 800 mm 200 metres JAPAN
Keihin S/S 1,578 kcmil 653 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.5), insulation shield stress (3.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 1000 mm 133 metres JAPAN
Shin-Kisarazu S/S 1,973 kcmil 437 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (42), insulation wall thickness of
(23) , insulation outer diameter (88) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(10.2), insulation shield stress (4.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line.
Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded.
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 1000 mm 267 metres JAPAN
Toyooka S/S 1,973 kcmil 873 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (42), insulation wall thickness of
(23) , insulation outer diameter (88) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(10.2), insulation shield stress (4.9). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line.
Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded.
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 1200 mm 467 metres JAPAN
Keihin S/S 2,368 kcmil 1,530 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (46), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (100) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(8.9), insulation shield stress (4.1). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 275 kV Showa SG 2000 mm 400 metres JAPAN
Shin-Kisarazu S/S 3,947 kcmil 1,310 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 159kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (58), insulation wall thickness of
(23) , insulation outer diameter (104) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.4), insulation shield stress (5.2). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1979 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 130 metres JAPAN
Nagoya Substation 1,578 kcmil 423 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 6 ODSE (Oil impregnated paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5443).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1980 275 kV Nexans Al 630 mm2 559 metres NORWAY
Bergenhal Voens KK 1,243 kcmil 1,830 feet
Bergenhal Voens KK (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5524).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1981 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 1,231 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 4,037 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 994).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1982 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 246 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 807 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1011).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1982 275 kV Nexans Al 630 mm2 100 metres NORWAY
Oslo Lysverker 1,243 kcmil 327 feet
Oslo Lysverker (End User) purchased this system. ( 5523).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1982 275 kV Nexans Al 630 mm2 316 metres NORWAY
Sognekraft 1,243 kcmil 1,037 feet
Sognekraft (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5522).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1983 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1000 mm 178 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 580 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1033).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1983 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 132 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 430 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1034).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1983 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 120 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 393 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1037).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1983 275 kV Nexans Al 630 mm2 309 metres NORWAY
1,243 kcmil 1,010 feet
Kraftlaget Opplandskraft (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5521).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1984 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 176 metres JAPAN
Ikegami Substation 1,578 kcmil 577 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 6 OISE 6 ODSE (all oil impregneated paper type) For power transmission
line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5444).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1985 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 154 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 503 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1099).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1985 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 74 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 240 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1100).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 194 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 633 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1144).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 1,763 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 5,783 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1145).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1200 mm 153 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 500 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1147).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 275 kV Showa Cu 800 mm 62 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 203 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1148).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 275 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 160 metres JAPAN
Nishi Owari Substation 1,973 kcmil 523 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water
barrier Installation :, with 3 OISE 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper) For power transmission line inside substation
with aluminium sheath ( 5447).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1986 275 kV Sumitomo 1400 mm2 1,799 metres JAPAN
Ushioda-Ikegama Line 2,762 kcmil 5,900 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 12 Extrusion moulded (6 NJ 6 IJ) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5448).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1987 275 kV Fujikura Cu 600 mm 63 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 207 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1189).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1987 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 436 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 1,430 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1191).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1987 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 365 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 1,197 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1190).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1987 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 600 mm 73 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 240 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1195).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1987 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 630 mm 15,000 metres JAPAN
1,243 kcmil 49,210 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1196).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 68 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 223 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1235).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 112 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 363 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1237).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 208 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 680 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1236).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 3,739 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 12,267 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1238).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 450 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 1,473 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1239).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1000 mm 220 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 720 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1243).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 60 metres JAPAN
Shinjyuku Substation 1,578 kcmil 197 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 OISE 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5450).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1988 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 630 mm 9,333 metres LIBYA
1,243 kcmil 30,620 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1827).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1989 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 181 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 593 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1285).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1000 mm 210 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 687 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1286).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 678 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 2,223 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1287).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 75 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 243 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1288).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1600 mm 455 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 1,490 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1289).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Showa Cu 800 mm 205 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 673 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1292).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Showa Cu 1200 mm 458 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 1,500 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1291).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 65 metres JAPAN
Shinjyuku Substation 1,578 kcmil 213 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5453).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1989 275 kV Sumitomo 1400 mm2 1,804 metres JAPAN
Minami Ikegami Line 2,762 kcmil 5,917 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 12 Extrucsion moulded joints (6 IJ 6 NJ) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5452).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1989 275 kV Sumitomo Insulated mm2 16,774 metres JAPAN
Minami Route 1L, 2L 4,933 kcmil 55,030 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with Stainless Steel radial
water barrier Installation :, with 102 Extrusion moulded joints (72 IJ 30 NJ) For power transmission line low
transmission loss because of insulated wire conductor and stainless steel sheath. ( 5451).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1990 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 134 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 440 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1333).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1400 mm 250 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 820 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1335).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Fujikura Cu 2500 mm 10,400 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 34,120 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1334).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 967 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 3,170 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1336).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 3,773 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 12,377 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1338).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 3,794 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 12,447 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1339).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1600 mm 455 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 1,490 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1337).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1990 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 12,078 metres JAPAN
Minami Buheicho Line 4,933 kcmil 39,623 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5420).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1990 275 kV Showa Cu 800 mm 457 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 1,500 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1342).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1990 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 44 metres JAPAN
Nerima 3B 1,578 kcmil 140 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE 3GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5454).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1991 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 118 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 387 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1390).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 132 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 433 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1387).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1000 mm 199 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 650 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1389).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1400 mm 168 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 550 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1388).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 1,102 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 3,613 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1392).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 459 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 1,507 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1394).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 368 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 1,207 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1391).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 9,178 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 30,110 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1393).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 79 metres JAPAN
Tama S/Stn 1,578 kcmil 257 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5421).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1991 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 218 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 713 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1397).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 275 kV Sumitomo 600 mm2 589 metres JAPAN
Chushin Substation 1,184 kcmil 1,930 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water
barrier Installation :, with 6 ODSE 6 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5455).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1991 275 kV Sumitomo 600 mm2 30 metres JAPAN
Chushin Substation 1,184 kcmil 97 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water
barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5457).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1991 275 kV Sumitomo 1400 mm2 22,739 metres JAPAN
Nankatsu-Setagaya Line 2,762 kcmil 74,600 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 99 extrusion moulded joints (72 IJ, 27 NJ), with 9 GIS (all oil impreg paper
type) For underground power transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5458).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1992 275 kV Fujikura Cu 600 mm 181 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 593 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1457).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 434 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 1,423 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1456).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1400 mm 22,227 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 72,920 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1458).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 159 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 520 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1460).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1200 mm 456 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 1,493 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1463).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1992 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 25,348 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 83,160 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1461).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1600 mm 936 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 3,070 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1462).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 12,849 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 42,153 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1459).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 264 metres JAPAN
Sakuma Converter Station 1,578 kcmil 863 feet
Electric Power Development Corporation (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5423).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1992 275 kV Hitachi Milliken 2000 mm2 279 m JAPAN
Shinkeiyo Substation 3,947 kcmil
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5422).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1992 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 50 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 163 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1467).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 10,674 metres JAPAN
Yokohama-Kouhoku Line 4,933 kcmil 35,017 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 66 extrusion moulded joints (42IJ, 24 NJ) For underground power
transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5459).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 152 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 497 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1523).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 284 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 930 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1526).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1500 mm 141 metres JAPAN
2,960 kcmil 460 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1524).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1993 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 902 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 2,957 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1525).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 474 metres JAPAN
Goi Power Station 1,578 kcmil 1,553 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5424).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 84 metres JAPAN
Kitafusa S/S 1,578 kcmil 273 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5425).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 600 mm 78 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 253 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1530).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 2000 mm 70 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 227 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1531).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 275 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 103 metres JAPAN
Minami Oumi Substation 1,973 kcmil 337 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Installation :, with 6 OISE, 6 GIS (all
oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5462).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Sumitomo Milliken 1500 mm2 6,669 metres JAPAN
Ozone Line 2,960 kcmil 21,877 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build:, insulation wall
thickness of (23) , insulation outer diameter (97) with stainless steel radial water barrier having a system
design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (9.7kV/mm), insulation shield stress (5.1kV/mm).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Sumitomo VCV line. Installation :. This is a Ducted (New)
installation, with 48 EPR epoxy prefab joints (30 IJ, 18 NJ), with 6 ODSE (all oil impreg paper type) the
reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. For underground
power transmission with stainless steel sheath. HV DC after laying test of 414kV for 10 hours. Partial
discharge tested at 185kV for 0.17 hours. ( 5463).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 1,286 metres JAPAN
Minami Souma Substation 3,947 kcmil 4,217 feet
Tohoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Installation :, with 12 ODSE, 12 GIS
(all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5461).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 275 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 30 metres SWITZERLAND
1,578 kcmil 97 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2373).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1400 mm 162 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 530 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1589).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 16,077 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 52,743 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1591).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1500 mm 5,125 metres JAPAN
2,960 kcmil 16,813 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1590).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 228 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 747 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1592).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 4,529 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 14,857 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1593).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 58 metres JAPAN
Noshiro Power Station 1,578 kcmil 190 feet
Tohoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5429).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Hitachi 1000 mm2 612 metres JAPAN
Keihin S/S 1,973 kcmil 2,007 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5428).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Hitachi 1200 mm2 201 metres JAPAN
Keihin S/S 2,368 kcmil 657 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5426).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 435 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 1,423 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1599).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1400 mm 2,760 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 9,053 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1600).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 1,552 metres JAPAN
Yokohama Thermal Power Station 1,578 kcmil 5,090 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 15 ODSE, 21 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For underground power
transmission with aluminium sheath ( 5466).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Sumitomo 1200 mm2 127 1994 JAPAN
Yokosuka Thermal Power Station 2,368 kcmil
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 OISE (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line
inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5467).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 215 metres JAPAN
Shikamakou Line 3,947 kcmil 703 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 6 ODSE, 6 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For underground power
transmission with aluminium sheath ( 5464).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 3,785 metres JAPAN
Yokohama-Kouhoku line 4,933 kcmil 12,417 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 24 extrusion moulded joints (15 IJ, 9 NJ) For underground power
transmission with aluminium sheath ( 5465).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Pirelli (D) 400 mm 900 metres MALAYSIA
Serdang Gas Turbine Project 789 kcmil 2,950 feet
Tenaga Nasional Berhad - Malaysia (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 160kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses
1 cable(s) per phase. 1994 ( 5165).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 967 metres MALAYSIA
Port Klang - Malaysia 986 kcmil 3,170 feet
TNB (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 160kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1994 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Pirelli (UK) 500 mm 133 metres MALAYSIA
Pasir Gudang - Malaysia 986 kcmil 437 feet
JB Eng (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 160kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1994 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 275 kV Pirelli (UK) 500 mm 700 metres MALAYSIA
Port Klang - Malaysia 986 kcmil 2,293 feet
T Tech (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 160kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1994 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 275 kV Pirelli (UK) 1600 mm 1,000 metres MALAYSIA
Pasir Gudang - Malaysia 3,157 kcmil 3,280 feet
JB Eng. (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 160kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1994
( 5192).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 275 kV Fujikura Cu 600 mm 1,136 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 3,723 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1648).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Fujikura Cu 800 mm 419 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 1,373 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1649).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1000 mm 120 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 390 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1647).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1600 mm 560 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 1,837 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1650).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Fujikura Cu 2500 mm 4,565 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 14,977 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1651).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1200 mm 1,153 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 3,780 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1652).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1000 mm 67 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 217 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1654).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1500 mm 2,150 metres JAPAN
2,960 kcmil 7,053 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1653).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 275 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 187 metres JAPAN
Yokosuka Thermal Power Station No. 3 1,578 kcmil 613 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 OISE (all
oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5468).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 6,602 metres JAPAN
Minami Route / Tokai - Matsgae Line 4,933 kcmil 21,660 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with Stainless steel sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 12 extrusion moulded joints (IJ) For underground power transmission
line with stainless steel sheath ( 5471).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 275 kV Pirelli (D) 400 mm 1,000 metres MALAYSIA
Paka CCPP 789 kcmil 3,280 feet
General Contractor YTL/Malaysia (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 160kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system
uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1995 ( 5167).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Fujikura Cu 1000 mm 128 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 417 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1714).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Fujikura Cu 2500 mm 14,501 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 47,573 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1715).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 59 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 193 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1719).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 205 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 673 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1718).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 3,518 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 11,540 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1717).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Furukawa Cu 3500 mm 107 metres JAPAN
6,907 kcmil 350 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1716).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 557 metres JAPAN
Haranomachi Thermal P/S 1,578 kcmil 1,827 feet
Tohoku Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5433).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Hitachi 1200 mm2 382 metres JAPAN
Sinnitta S/S 2,368 kcmil 1,250 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5432).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 4,645 metres JAPAN
Tokai-Matsugae Line 4,933 kcmil 15,240 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5434).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 9,882 metres JAPAN
Yokohama Kohoku Line #1, #2 4,933 kcmil 32,420 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5430).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 4,746 metres JAPAN
Yokohama Kouhoku Line #3 4,933 kcmil 15,570 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5431).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 2500 mm 2,220 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 7,283 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1720).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 80 metres JAPAN
Minami Akou Substation 1,973 kcmil 260 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 3 OISE, 3 GIS (all prefab type) For power transmission line inside
sbstation, with aluminium sheath ( 5473).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 12,988 metres JAPAN
Ama-Matsugae Line 4,933 kcmil 42,610 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 12 extrusion moulded (IJ), with 12 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For
underground power transmission line with stainless steel sheath ( 5472).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 630 mm 250 metres MALAYSIA
1,243 kcmil 820 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1861).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 289 metres SWITZERLAND
789 kcmil 947 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2405).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Brugg Cu 1200 mm 661 metres SWITZERLAND
2,368 kcmil 2,167 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2406).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 275 kV Brugg Cu 1600 mm 158 metres SWITZERLAND
3,157 kcmil 517 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2407).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 275 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 177 metres SWITZERLAND
Verbois 3,947 kcmil 577 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5520).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 275 kV Olex Cu 1200 mm 5,700 metres AUSTRALIA
2,368 kcmil 18,700 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 36).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Sumitomo 400 mm2 83 metres HONG KONG SAR
Tin wan Substation 789 kcmil 273 feet
HONG KONG ELECTRIC (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath radial
water barrier Installation :, with 12 GIS (Prefab type) For power transmission line inside substation with
aluminium sheathand anti-termite covering ( 5484).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 275 kV Fujikura Cu 2500 mm 8,995 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 29,510 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1753).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 9,069 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 29,753 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1757).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1000 mm 235 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 770 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1758).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 920 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 3,017 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1754).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 669 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 2,193 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1756).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 12,738 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 41,790 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1755).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 8,018 metres JAPAN
Chiba Thermal Power Station 1,578 kcmil 26,307 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5435).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 454 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 1,487 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1759).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 275 kV Sumitomo 1400 mm2 19,876 metres JAPAN
Sin Toyosu-Higashi Uchisaiwaicho Line 2,762 kcmil 65,210 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 63 extrusion moulded joints (36 IJ, 27 NJ), with 18 GIS (all oil impreg
paper type) For underground power transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5479).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 275 kV Sumitomo 1500 mm2 10,010 metres JAPAN
Sannomiya Line 2,960 kcmil 32,840 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel
sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 48 prefab joints (36 IJ, 12 NJ), with 6 ODSE (all oil impreg
paper type) For underground power transmission line with stainless steel sheath ( 5482).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 275 kV Pirelli (UK) 500 mm 300 metres MALAYSIA
Bintulu - Sarawak 986 kcmil 983 feet
Sarawak Electricity Supply Corp. (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 160kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses
1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5196).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 275 kV Nexans Al 2000 mm2 225 metres SWITZERLAND
Chamoson 3,947 kcmil 737 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5519).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 178 metres JAPAN
Shinhannou S/S 1,578 kcmil 583 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5438).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Hitachi 2000 mm2 347 metres JAPAN
Higashi Gunma S/S 3,947 kcmil 1,137 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5436).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Hitachi 2000 mm2 545 metres JAPAN
Shinhannou 3,947 kcmil 1,787 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5437).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 12,038 metres JAPAN
Ama-Matsugae Line 4,933 kcmil 39,493 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV ( 5439).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 600 mm 2,163 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 7,097 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1769).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 275 kV Mitsubishi Cu 800 mm 61 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 197 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1770).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 275 kV Showa Cu 1000 mm 280 metres JAPAN
1,973 kcmil 917 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1771).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 275 kV Sumitomo 1500 mm2 181 metres JAPAN
Kobe Substation 2L 2,960 kcmil 590 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel
sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 6 ODSE (oil imp paper), 6 GIS (prefab) For power transmission
line inside substation with stainless steel sheath ( 5486).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Sumitomo 1600 mm2 50 metres JAPAN
Toshima Substation 3,157 kcmil 163 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 6 GIS (prefab type) For power transmission line inside substation with
aluminium sheath ( 5488).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 275 kV Unknown Cu 2,683 metres PHILIPPINES
NATIONAL POWER (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation ( 3415).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1998 275 kV Pirelli Cu 1200 mm 138 metres UK
BEDDINGTON 275 kV SUBSTATION 2,368 kcmil 450 feet
NGC (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier Installation :. This is a Direct Buried installation. This was let as a Supply and Install contract
with cable installed by Pirelli the reported status of this system is Contract Let ( 2965).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1999 275 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 87 metres JAPAN
Nishi Osaka Substation 1,973 kcmil 283 feet
Kansai Electric Power Corporation (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel
sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 GIS (all prefab type) For power transmission line
inside substation with stainless steel sheath ( 5489).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 6,747 metres JAPAN
Kawasaki Thermal Power Station - Ota Line 4,933 kcmil 22,133 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 9 extrusion moulded joins (IJ) For underground power transmission
line with aluminium sheath ( 5490).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 275 kV Sumitomo 400 mm2 227 metres HONG KONG SAR
Contract No. 99/9004(B) 789 kcmil 743 feet
HONG KONG ELECTRIC (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with lead sheath radial water
barrier Installation :, with 12 GIS (prefab type) For power transmission line inside substation with lead
sheath and anti-termite covering ( 5497).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 128 metres JAPAN
Kita Katushika Substation 1,578 kcmil 420 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV-F ( 5442).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV Hitachi 800 mm2 8,018 metres JAPAN
Chiba Thermal Power Station 1,578 kcmil 26,307 feet
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. cable type CAZV-F ( 5440).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV Hitachi 2500 mm2 177 metres JAPAN
Nannsei Substation 4,933 kcmil 580 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. cable type CSZV ( 5441).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV Sumitomo 2500 mm2 7,412 metres JAPAN
Kawagoe-Nishinagoya Line 4,933 kcmil 24,317 feet
Chubu Electric Power Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 9 extrusion moulded joints (IJ) For underground power transmission
line inside substation with stainless steel sheath ( 5495).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV ABB SG 2500 mm 533 metres UK
Stella West 4,933 kcmil 1,747 feet
NGC, London (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
160kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (67.9), insulation wall thickness of (25) , insulation
outer diameter (120.3). Stresses: conductor shield stress (8.2), insulation shield stress (4.7). Manufacture:The
cable was extruded on a ABB VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s). This is a Direct Buried
installation, with none, with 6 or more outdoor terminations reporting one termination failure after 30 mins
failures. This was let as a Supply and Install contract with cable installed by Balfour Beatty the reported
status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase.The system is not specially
bonded. 30 min after energization a fault in termination was occurred. PD sensors were installed and the
whole circuit PD-detected. ( 5158).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 275 kV BICC Cu 1200 mm 193 metres UK
SCOTLAND TO N. I. INTERCON & COLYTON 2,368 kcmil 630 feet
SCOTTISH AND SOUTHERN ENERGY PLC (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :.
This is a Direct Buried installation, with None, with 6 outdoor terminations. This was let as a Supply and
Install contract with cable installed by Balfour Beatty the reported status of this system is Commercial Service
__________________________________________________________________ 6
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 275 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 275 kV Sumitomo 400 mm2 107 metres HONG KONG SAR
Contract No. 00/9027(B) 789 kcmil 347 feet
HONG KONG ELECTRIC (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with lead sheath radial water
barrier Installation :, with 12 GIS (prefab type) For power transmission line inside substation with lead
sheath and anti-termite covering ( 5498).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 230 kV ABB CS 1200 mm 767 metres INDIA
2,368 kcmil 2,513 feet
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (45.8), insulation wall thickness of (26) , insulation outer diameter (97.9)
having a system design life of 5 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.3), insulation shield stress (3.4).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a ABB MDCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5161).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 230 kV Showa SG 2000 mm 18,600 metres SINGAPORE
NDC23/24 Paya Leber S/S - Kampong Java S/S 3,947 kcmil 61,023 feet
Power Grid Ltd, (Singapore) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 133kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (58), insulation wall thickness of (23) , insulation outer diameter (105)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.7), insulation shield stress (4.3).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. B ( 5249).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1978 230 kV ABB Al 400 mm 100 metres LIBYA
789 kcmil 327 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1826).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1985 230 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 167 metres USA
U.S.A. 2,368 kcmil 547 feet
Georgia PC (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1985 ( 5188).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1988 230 kV ABB Al 630 mm 433 metres EGYPT
1,243 kcmil 1,420 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 400).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 230 kV Brugg Cu 1250 kcmil 525 feet USA
633 mm2 160 metres
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2916).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1990 230 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 177 metres CANADA
1,243 kcmil 577 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 86).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1991 230 kV NKT Cu 1200 mm 100 metres ICELAND
2,368 kcmil 327 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 754).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 230 kV ABB Al 1200 mm 67 metres THAILAND
2,368 kcmil 217 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2473).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1578 kcmil 1,467 feet USA
799 mm2 447 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2919).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1992 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1600 kcmil 1,667 feet USA
810 mm2 507 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation Cable
Build:, insulation wall thickness of (1020mil) ( 2915).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1994 230 kV ABB Al 1200 mm 7,667 metres INDIA
2,368 kcmil 25,150 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 772).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 230 kV CCI Al 500 mm 800 metres INDIA
986 kcmil 2,623 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 773).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 230 kV NK Cables Cu 1000 kcmil 464 feet USA
506 mm2 140 metres
Public Service Company of Colorado (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1994 230 kV Nokia 420 feet USA
Valmont Autoxfmr-bus tie, Boulder Colorado 127 metres
Xcel Energy (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years
Installation :. This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 6 outdoor potheads reporting 1 pothead failures. This
was let as a Supply and Supervise contract with cable installed by Xcel Crews the reported status of this
system is Commercial Service ( 5377).
__________________________________________________________________ 7
1995 230 kV Pirelli (D) 800 mm 767 metres SINGAPORE
Senoko Extension 1,578 kcmil 2,513 feet
Power Gen Singapore (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1995 ( 5168).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1578 kcmil 494 feet USA
799 mm2 150 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation see 2734
( 2920).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1996 230 kV CCI Al 500 mm 440 metres INDIA
986 kcmil 1,440 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 780).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 230 kV Fujikura Cu 630 mm 250 metres PHILIPPINES
1,243 kcmil 820 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1993).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 230 kV Pirelli (D) 800 mm 400 metres SAUDI ARABIA
Jubail S/S 1,578 kcmil 1,310 feet
SCECO(E) Reinforcement Saudi Arabia (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1996 ( 5169).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 230 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 264 metres SINGAPORE
Ayer Rajah Substation - Labrador Substation 1,973 kcmil 863 feet
PowerGrid (End User) purchased this system. ( 5593).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 230 kV Olex Cu 800 mm 4,267 metres INDONESIA
1,578 kcmil 13,997 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 841).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 230 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 19,300 metres SINGAPORE
NDC01 3,947 kcmil 63,320 feet
PowerGrid (End User) purchased this system. ( 5581).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 230 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 1,450 metres USA
Baton Rouge - USA 986 kcmil 4,757 feet
EXXON (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5178).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 230 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 1,073 metres CANADA
986 kcmil 3,520 feet
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5574).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 230 kV Unknown Cu 300 mm 1,367 metres COLOMBIA
PORCE I l 592 kcmil 4,483 feet
EMPRESAS PUBLICAS de MEDELLIN (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier ( 3257).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1998 230 kV Pirelli (SF) 400 mm 300 metres GUATEMALA
Guatemala 789 kcmil 983 feet
Wartsila NSD (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1998 ( 5224).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 230 kV CCI Al 400 mm 2,367 metres INDIA
789 kcmil 7,763 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 788).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 230 kV Unknown Cu 1600 mm 6,067 metres IRAN
TEHRAN MET. POWER SYSTEMS 53166 3,157 kcmil 19,903 feet
TEHRAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier ( 3401).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1998 230 kV Pirelli (D) 2500 mm 100 metres SAUDI ARABIA
Jubail North Substation 4,933 kcmil 327 feet
SCECO-E (via ABB) Saudi Arabia (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth
is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1998 ( 5175).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 230 kV BICC Cu 2000 mm 33,000 metres SINGAPORE
3,947 kcmil 108,267 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2130).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 230 kV Brugg Cu 986 kcmil 2,969 feet USA
499 mm2 903 metres
Gardner Zemke - Morrow Point (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1998 230 kV Pirelli 3,667 feet USA
mm2 1,117 metres
EXXON (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2921).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1999 230 kV Sumitomo 630 mm2 989 metres CHINA
Mianhuatan 1,243 kcmil 3,243 feet
FUJIAN PROVINCIAL ELECTRIC POWER BUREA (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with
aluminium sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 12 ODSE, 24 GIS (all prefab type) For power
transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5493).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1999 230 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 167 metres MEXICO
Mexico 986 kcmil 547 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1999 ( 5182).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 230 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 7,000 metres MEXICO
Mexico 986 kcmil 22,963 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1999 ( 5180).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 230 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 167 metres MEXICO
LyFC - Mexico 986 kcmil 547 feet
Mitsubishi Electric, UK (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage
to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1
cable(s) per phase. 1999 ( 5181).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 230 kV Nexans Cu 2500 mm2 367 metres SAUDI ARABIA
Hadeed 4,933 kcmil 1,200 feet
Al Ojaimi Contracting (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5569).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 230 kV Pirelli Cu 2000 mm 41,600 metres SINGAPORE
NDC - 23 3,947 kcmil 136,480 feet
PowerGrid (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA
radial water barrier ( 3693).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1999 230 kV BICC Cu 1014 mm 2,819 metres USA
RIO SALADO - 230kV XLPE PROJECT 2,001 kcmil 9,247 feet
ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICES (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation
Cable Build: with aluminium foil radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :.
This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 12 one piece joints, with 12 outdoor termiantions. This was let as a
Supply, Joint and Supervise contract with cable installed by W A Chester the reported status of this system is
Commercial Service ( 2973).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
2000 230 kV Nexans cu 500 mm2 1,398 metres CANADA
Ontario Power Generation 986 kcmil 4,583 feet
Ontario Power Generation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5554).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Unknown Cu 600 metres CANADA
ONTARIOPOWER GENERATION (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 230 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 450 metres MEXICO
luz y Fuerza del Centro 789 kcmil 1,473 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5557).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV BICC Cu 800 mm 830 metres SINGAPORE
POWER GRID CONTRACT 9000081 1,578 kcmil 2,720 feet
FUJI ELECTRIC Co Ltd (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable
Build: with CSA radial water barrier ( 3006).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
2000 230 kV Pirelli (UK) 800 mm 830 metres SINGAPORE
Singapore - Power Grid 1,578 kcmil 2,720 feet
Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. / PowerGrid (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system
uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5216).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 143 metres SINGAPORE
Sakra Cogeneration Plant, SINGAPORE 1,973 kcmil 470 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5340).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 396 metres USA
Dearborn 1,243 kcmil 1,297 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5552).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Pirelli (UK) Cu 750 mm 1,683 metres USA
USA - Tosco Refinery 1,480 kcmil 5,520 feet
FOSTER WHEELER (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: with
Pb radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :. This was let as a Supply, Joint
and Supervise contract the reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5215).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 230 kV Pirelli 3,467 feet USA
Capitol Hill- Harrison Sub, Denver, Colorado 1,053 metres
Xcel Energy (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 9,
with 6 outdoor potheads. This was let as a Supply and Install contract with cable installed by Pirelli the
reported status of this system is Under Construction ( 5378).
__________________________________________________________________ 7
2001 230 kV Sagem Copper 2500 kcmil 13,661 metres USA
LMEC/DEC Transmission line, Pittsburg, 1,266 mm2 44,817 feet
Calpine Corporation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5352).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 230 kV Sumitomo Milliken 2500 kcmil 8,667 metres USA
Hollywood S/S- Toluca S/S 1,266 mm2 28,433 feet
LADWP (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
133kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (48), insulation wall thickness of (26.9) , insulation
outer diameter (104) with lead sheath radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses:
conductor shield stress (7.8), insulation shield stress (3.7). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a
SUMITOMO ELECTRIC VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s), with 78 prefab joints (IJ), with
11 ODSE (prefab type) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. For underground power transmission line with
fibre optic unit.
Circuit HV AC tested at 190kV for 1 hour using variable frequency test.
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 200 metres BAHRAIN
MEW Bahrain 1,243 kcmil 653 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5535).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG CS 400 mm 3,400 metres CHILE
Andina mining plant 789 kcmil 11,153 feet
codelco / chile (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (27.14), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation
outer diameter (81.14) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (8.54),
insulation shield stress (2.85). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a NOKIA VCV line. Installation :
reporting Nil cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5229).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG CS 630 mm 1,250 metres CHINA
220kV Wu Qian #1,2 Transmisstion Line project 1,243 kcmil 4,100 feet
Liaoning Electric power Company Ltd. (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (34.08), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation outer
diameter (88.08) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.84), insulation
shield stress (3.03). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Hitach VCV line. Installation : reporting Nil
cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5235).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa CS 630 mm 467 metres CHINA
Beilunggang P/S No.4 1,243 kcmil 1,530 feet
China Cntic Beiliungang P/S (China) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (33), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation outer
diameter (87) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.1), insulation shield
stress (3.0). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable
failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5247).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa CS 630 mm 467 metres CHINA
Beilunggang P/S No.5 1,243 kcmil 1,530 feet
China Cntic Beiliungang P/S (China) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (33), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation outer
diameter (87) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.1), insulation shield
stress (3.0). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable
failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5248).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 220 kV Showa SG 1200 mm 1,000 metres CHINA
220kV Qingdao P/S 2,368 kcmil 3,280 feet
Qingdao Power Supply Bureau (China) (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (45), insulation wall thickness of (22) ,
insulation outer diameter (99) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.1),
insulation shield stress (3.3). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5246).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa SG 1200 mm 533 metres CHINA
Shajao Thermal P/S 2,368 kcmil 1,747 feet
Shajao Thermal P/S, (China) (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (46), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation outer
diameter (100) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.1), insulation
shield stress (3.3). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0
cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5240).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG metres EGYPT
Mahmoudia/Damanhour Combined cycle project feet
EEA(Egyption Electricity Authority) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 847 metres EGYPT
Cairo West 1,973 kcmil 2,777 feet
EEA(Egyption Electricity Authority) (End User) purchased this system. ( 5579).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 1,713 metres FRANCE
Poste de montcroisette 1,578 kcmil 5,617 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5528).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG CS 400 mm 1,530 metres INDIA
330MW pragati combined Cycle Power project 789 kcmil 5,017 feet
DVB(Delh: Vidyut Board / India (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (27.14), insulation wall thickness of (25) , insulation
outer diameter (77.14) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (8.95),
insulation shield stress (3.15). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a NOKIA VCV line. Installation :
reporting Nil cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5233).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG CS 400 mm 130 metres INDIA
330MW pragati combined Cycle Power project 789 kcmil 423 feet
DVB(Delh: Vidyut Board / India (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (27.08), insulation wall thickness of (27.5) , insulation
outer diameter (82.08) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (8.45),
insulation shield stress (2.79). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a Hitach VCV line. Installation :
reporting Nil cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5234).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 220 kV Showa CS 630 mm 7,533 metres INDIA
220KV XLPE Cable Install. 1,243 kcmil 24,713 feet
Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking (India) (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage
to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (32), insulation wall thickness of (27) ,
insulation outer diameter (86) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (8.0),
insulation shield stress (3.0). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5245).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa SG 800 mm 167 metres JAPAN
Hitotsuse S/S 1,578 kcmil 547 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (38), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (92) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(7.6), insulation shield stress (3.1). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa SG 1600 mm 100 metres JAPAN
Hitotsuse S/S 3,157 kcmil 327 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (52), insulation wall thickness of
(27) , insulation outer diameter (106) having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(6.9), insulation shield stress (3.4). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation
: reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV LG metres PAKISTAN
250MW oil Fired power station Jamsoro feet
WAPDA(Pakiatan water and power Development Authori (End User) purchased this system. Land cable
with XLPE insulation Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1
cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5238).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV ABB CS 1200 mm 30,600 metres SWEDEN
2,368 kcmil 100,393 feet
Birka Energi (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (44), insulation wall thickness of (25) , insulation outer
diameter (94) having a system design life of 9 to 17 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.6), insulation
shield stress (3.6). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a ABB MDCV line. Installation : reporting 1 cable
failure(s) The system uses 2 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. Only Tape mould joints used (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa CS 500 mm 3,333 metres UNITED ARAB
Umm Al Nar Desalination 986 kcmil 10,933 feet
W.E.D. Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (32), insulation wall thickness of (28) , insulation outer diameter (90) having
a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.7), insulation shield stress (2.7).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5250).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
- 220 kV Showa CS 500 mm 100 metres UNITED ARAB
Lot 1 Spare 986 kcmil 327 feet
W.E.D. Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (32), insulation wall thickness of (28) , insulation outer diameter (92) having
a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.5), insulation shield stress (2.6).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5242).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa CS 500 mm 533 metres UNITED ARAB
Lot 1-Al AIN P/S 986 kcmil 1,747 feet
W.E.D. Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (32), insulation wall thickness of (28) , insulation outer diameter (92) having
a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.5), insulation shield stress (2.6).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5241).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa SG 1600 mm 467 metres UNITED ARAB
Lot 3- Mureikha P/S 3,157 kcmil 1,530 feet
W.E.D. Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (54), insulation wall thickness of (28) , insulation outer diameter (114)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (6.3), insulation shield stress (3.0).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5244).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
- 220 kV Showa SG 1600 mm 667 metres UNITED ARAB
Lot 3-Al AIN P/S 3,157 kcmil 2,187 feet
W.E.D. Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.) (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:,
conductor screen outer diameter (54), insulation wall thickness of (28) , insulation outer diameter (114)
having a system design life of 30 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (6.3), insulation shield stress (3.0).
Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a SHOWA VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s) The
system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. N/A ( 5243).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
200 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 7,667 metres TUNISIA
STEG Tunisia 1,973 kcmil 25,150 feet
STEG (End User) purchased this system. ( 5537).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1981 220 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 44 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 140 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 993).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1981 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 300 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 983 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2228).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1983 220 kV Nexans Al 300 mm2 148 metres SWITZERLAND
Baden 592 kcmil 483 feet
NOK Baden (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5611).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1983 220 kV Nexans Al 300 mm2 148 metres SWITZERLAND
Baden 592 kcmil 483 feet
NOK Baden (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5611).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1984 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 1,917 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 6,287 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2235).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1985 220 kV Sumitomo 1200 mm2 423 metres CHINA
Huangpu Power Station 2,368 kcmil 1,387 feet
MITSUBISHI (Contractor) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water barrier
Installation :, with 9 ODSE 9 GIS (all oil impreg paper) For power transmission line inside substation with
aluminium sheath ( 5446).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1985 220 kV Sumitomo 1200 mm2 2,859 metres CHINA
Shajiao B Power Station 2,368 kcmil 9,380 feet
Slipform Engineering Ltd (Contractor) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water
barrier Installation :, with 12 ODSE 12 GIS (all impregnated paper termination) For power transmission line
inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5445).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1986 220 kV Showa Cu 1200 mm 533 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 1,747 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 111).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1986 220 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 295 metres JAPAN
Sin Kumamoto Substation 1,973 kcmil 967 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath and anti-termite nylon covering ( 5449).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1986 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 500 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 1,640 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2243).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1987 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 51 metres EGYPT
Cairo 473 kcmil 167 feet
EEA(Egyption Electricity Authority) (End User) purchased this system. ( 5610).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1987 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 422 metres GERMANY
473 kcmil 1,383 feet
Stadtwerke karlsruhe (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5609).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1988 220 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 54 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 177 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1233).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 220 kV Furukawa Cu 400 mm 1,183 metres PAKISTAN
789 kcmil 3,880 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1976).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1988 220 kV Furukawa Cu 630 mm 940 metres PAKISTAN
1,243 kcmil 3,083 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1977).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 280 metres CHINA
Shanghai 1,243 kcmil 917 feet
Peoples Square (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5605).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1989 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 2,000 metres GERMANY
473 kcmil 6,560 feet
Volkswagenwerk (End User) purchased this system. ( 5606).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1989 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 2,000 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 6,560 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2257).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 220 kV ABB Al 1200 mm 9,950 metres SWEDEN
2,368 kcmil 32,643 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2256).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1989 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 251 metres SWITZERLAND
3,157 kcmil 823 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5607).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1989 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 251 metres SWITZERLAND
3,157 kcmil 823 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5607).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1990 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 177 metres CANADA
1,243 kcmil 577 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 86).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1990 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 4,920 metres GERMANY
473 kcmil 16,140 feet
Stadwerke Neumunster (End User) purchased this system. ( 5604).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1991 220 kV Olex Cu 1200 mm 9,000 metres AUSTRALIA
2,368 kcmil 29,527 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 23).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 983 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 3,223 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 172).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 220 kV Sumitomo 630 mm2 3,000 metres JAPAN
Enjizhuang-Balizhuang Substation 1,243 kcmil 9,840 feet
Beijing Power Supply Bureau (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium radial water
barrier Installation :, with 12 prefabricated insulated joints, with 12 prefab ODSEs For underground
transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5456).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1991 220 kV ABB Al 1200 mm 11,850 metres SWEDEN
2,368 kcmil 38,877 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2266).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1991 220 kV Showa Cu 500 mm 538 metres UNITED ARAB
986 kcmil 1,763 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2501).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Showa Cu 630 mm 7,533 metres INDIA
1,243 kcmil 24,713 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 765).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Furukawa Cu 600 mm 222 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 727 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1453).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1200 mm 383 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 1,253 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1452).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 222 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 727 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1454).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1992 220 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 52 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 170 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1455).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 383 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 1,257 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2270).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV ABB Al 1200 mm 117 metres SWEDEN
2,368 kcmil 380 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2271).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Showa Cu 500 mm 104 metres UNITED ARAB
986 kcmil 340 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2507).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 220 kV Showa Cu 1600 mm 1,120 metres UNITED ARAB
3,157 kcmil 3,673 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2508).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 1,133 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 3,717 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 208).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 277 metres GERMANY
Essen 1,243 kcmil 907 feet
RWE Energie (End User) purchased this system. ( 5602).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 220 kV Furukawa Cu 800 mm 78 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 253 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1520).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1200 mm 294 metres JAPAN
2,368 kcmil 963 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1518).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 290 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 950 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1521).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1993 220 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 296 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 970 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1519).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1993 220 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 252 metres JAPAN
Higashi Fukuoka Substation 3,947 kcmil 827 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Installation :, with 12 ODSE, 12 GIS
(all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath and anti
termite nylon covering ( 5460).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 467 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,973 kcmil 1,530 feet
Hidroelectrica de Catalunya (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1993 ( 5189).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1993 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 467 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,973 kcmil 1,530 feet
Hidroelectrica de Catalunya (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1993 ( 5189).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 324 metres AUSTRIA
1,243 kcmil 1,060 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 43).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 1,050 metres BULGARIA
789 kcmil 3,443 feet
NEK (End User) purchased this system. ( 5598).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 500 mm 333 metres CHINA
986 kcmil 1,093 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 230).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 2,371 metres CHINA
1,578 kcmil 7,777 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 229).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 500 mm 250 metres CHINA
986 kcmil 820 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 236).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 600 mm 194 metres CHINA
1,184 kcmil 633 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 235).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1000 mm 410 metres CHINA
1,973 kcmil 1,343 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 234).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1200 mm 4,657 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 15,277 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 233).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Sagem Cu 1200 mm2 345 metres CHINA
Man wan Hydropower Station 2,368 kcmil 1,130 feet
China Resources Machinery Company (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5281).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 400 mm 5,333 metres COLOMBIA
789 kcmil 17,497 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 328).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1000 mm 667 metres COLOMBIA
1,973 kcmil 2,187 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 329).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 100 metres EGYPT
1,243 kcmil 327 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 402).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 180 metres FRANCE
789 kcmil 590 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5599).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 180 metres FRANCE
789 kcmil 590 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5599).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 320 metres FRANCE
1,578 kcmil 1,047 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5597).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 320 metres FRANCE
1,578 kcmil 1,047 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5597).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 1000 mm2 375 metres FRANCE
1,973 kcmil 1,230 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5601).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Nexans Al 1000 mm2 375 metres FRANCE
1,973 kcmil 1,230 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5601).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Sagem Al 800 mm2 1,972 metres FRANCE
Link Convention-Laos 1,578 kcmil 6,467 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5280).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Sagem Al 800 mm2 1,972 metres FRANCE
Link Convention-Laos 1,578 kcmil 6,467 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5280).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Sagem Cu 1200 mm2 5,602 metres FRANCE
Link Clarmart-Harcourt 2,368 kcmil 18,377 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5282).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Sagem Cu 1200 mm2 5,602 metres FRANCE
Link Clarmart-Harcourt 2,368 kcmil 18,377 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5282).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Silec Cu 1200 mm 5,602 metres FRANCE
2,368 kcmil 18,377 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 468).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Silec Cu 1200 mm 5,602 metres FRANCE
2,368 kcmil 18,377 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 468).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 700 metres INDIA
1,973 kcmil 2,293 feet
TATA Electric Cos. - India (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5600).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 500 mm 620 metres IRELAND
986 kcmil 2,033 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 867).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Furukawa Cu 2500 mm 66 metres JAPAN
4,933 kcmil 217 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1586).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Showa Cu 800 mm 89 metres JAPAN
1,578 kcmil 290 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1588).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Showa Cu 1600 mm 170 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 553 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1587).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 1,905 metres PAKISTAN
1,578 kcmil 6,250 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1979).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 1,300 metres SAUDI ARABIA
1,243 kcmil 4,263 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2118).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1994 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 630 mm 600 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,243 kcmil 1,967 feet
Hidroelectrica de Catalunya (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1994 ( 5190).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1994 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 630 mm 600 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,243 kcmil 1,967 feet
Hidroelectrica de Catalunya (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1994 ( 5190).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 1,956 metres CHINA
1,578 kcmil 6,413 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 263).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 220 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 1,300 metres EGYPT
789 kcmil 4,263 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 403).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 52 metres EGYPT
1,243 kcmil 167 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 404).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 104 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cormeille, FRANCE 789 kcmil 340 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5291).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 139 metres FRANCE
Substation of Chevilly, FRANCE 789 kcmil 453 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5297).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 139 metres FRANCE
Substation of Chevilly, FRANCE 789 kcmil 453 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5297).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 104 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cormeille, FRANCE 789 kcmil 340 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5291).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 168 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cormeille, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 550 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5292).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Cu 1200 mm2 948 metres FRANCE
link Nanterre-Puteaux 2,368 kcmil 3,110 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5283).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Cu 1200 mm2 948 metres FRANCE
link Nanterre-Puteaux 2,368 kcmil 3,110 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5283).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 673 metres FRANCE
Substation of Villevaude, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 2,207 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5288).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 673 metres FRANCE
Substation of Villevaude, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 2,207 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5288).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 3,968 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Courneuve, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 13,017 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5289).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 3,968 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Courneuve, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 13,017 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5289).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 133 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cergy, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 437 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5290).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 905 metres FRANCE
Substation of Jonquires, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 2,967 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5296).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 133 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cergy, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 437 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5290).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 168 metres FRANCE
Substation of Cormeille, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 550 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5292).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 5,912 metres FRANCE
Link La Bocca-Mougins, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 19,393 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5293).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,665 metres FRANCE
Link Cagnes-Lingostire, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 5,460 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5295).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 905 metres FRANCE
Substation of Jonquires, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 2,967 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5296).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 5,912 metres FRANCE
Link La Bocca-Mougins, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 19,393 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5293).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,665 metres FRANCE
Link Cagnes-Lingostire, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 5,460 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5295).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,738 metres FRANCE
Link Cagnes-Mougins, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 5,700 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5294).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,738 metres FRANCE
Link Cagnes-Mougins, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 5,700 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5294).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Pirelli (D) 1000 mm 633 metres INDIA
Borivli/Salsette 1,973 kcmil 2,077 feet
TATA Electric Cos. - India (Contractor) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1995 ( 5166).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1400 mm 170 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 557 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1645).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 220 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 452 metres JAPAN
Sefuri Substation 3,947 kcmil 1,480 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 24 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5470).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 425 metres JAPAN
Higashi Kyushu Substation 3,947 kcmil 1,393 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 18 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line inside
substation with aluminium sheath ( 5469).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 1,325 metres PAKISTAN
2,762 kcmil 4,347 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1981).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 1,067 metres QATAR
1,243 kcmil 3,497 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2020).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1995 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 47,202 metres QATAR
3,157 kcmil 154,860 feet
MEW Qatar (End User) purchased this system. ( 5596).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 630 mm 1,633 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,243 kcmil 5,357 feet
XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years
Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1995 ( 5194).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 630 mm 1,633 metres SPAIN
Spain 1,243 kcmil 5,357 feet
XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years
Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1995 ( 5194).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1995 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 167 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 547 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2285).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1995 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 500 mm 700 metres UNITED ARAB
Mirfa - Abu Dhabi 986 kcmil 2,293 feet
W.E.D. (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1995 ( 5195).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Pirelli (D) 630 mm 467 metres CHILE
Tocopilla 1,243 kcmil 1,530 feet
Norgener S.A. - Chile (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1996 ( 5170).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 4,379 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 14,367 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 283).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Brugg Cu 800 mm 213 metres CHINA
1,578 kcmil 697 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 284).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 630 mm 1,237 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 4,057 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 290).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1200 mm 2,817 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 9,240 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 289).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Nexans Cu 800 mm2 660 metres CHINA
1,578 kcmil 2,163 feet
Peoples Square (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5587).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Olex Cu 1200 mm 150 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 490 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 291).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 500 mm 220 metres CHINA
Dalian Substation, CHINA 986 kcmil 720 feet
Mitsui Babcock Energy (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5302).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 321 metres CHINA
Power Station of Brennilis, FRANCE 1,243 kcmil 1,053 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5303).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 441 metres CHINA
Dalian Substation, CHINA 1,973 kcmil 1,447 feet
Mitsui Babcock Energy (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5301).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Showa Cu 1200 mm 1,002 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 3,287 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 292).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 400 mm 466 metres EGYPT
Power Station of Sidi Krir, EGYPT 789 kcmil 1,527 feet
Schneider (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5305).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 443 metres EGYPT
Power Station of Sidi Krir, EGYPT 3,157 kcmil 1,453 feet
Schneider (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5306).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 38 metres FRANCE
Nation 3 Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 123 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5307).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 38 metres FRANCE
Nation 3 Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 123 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5307).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 86 metres FRANCE
Substation of Nanterre, FRANCE 789 kcmil 280 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5304).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 86 metres FRANCE
Substation of Nanterre, FRANCE 789 kcmil 280 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5304).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 3,648 metres FRANCE
Link Crime-Temple, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 11,967 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5300).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 3,648 metres FRANCE
Link Crime-Temple, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 11,967 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5300).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 4,599 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Crime, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 15,087 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5299).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 4,599 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Crime, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 15,087 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5299).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 496 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Crime, FRANCE 3,157 kcmil 1,627 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5298).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 496 metres FRANCE
Link Avenir-Crime, FRANCE 3,157 kcmil 1,627 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5298).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Brugg Cu 1200 mm 566 metres GERMANY
2,368 kcmil 1,853 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 708).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 220 kV F&G Cu 630 mm 1,500 metres GERMANY
1,243 kcmil 4,920 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 709).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 2,371 metres INDIA
Bombay 473 kcmil 7,777 feet
MSEB (End User) purchased this system. ( 5589).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 6,833 metres INDIA
South Mumbai Rin India 2,368 kcmil 22,417 feet
TATA Electric Cos. - India (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5591).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1400 mm 107 metres JAPAN
2,762 kcmil 347 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1711).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 251 metres JAPAN
Kumamoto Substation 1,973 kcmil 823 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath
radial water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper type) For power transmission line
inside substation, with aluminium sheath and anti-termite nylon covering ( 5476).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Sumitomo 1500 mm2 3,777 metres JAPAN
Nishi Fukuoka-Akasaka Line 2,960 kcmil 12,390 feet
Kyushu Electric Power Co. (Japan) (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel
sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 21 prefab joints (15IJ, 6IJ), with 3 GIS (all oil impreg paper
type) For underground power transmission line, with stainless sheath ( 5475).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1400 mm 52 metres PAKISTAN
2,762 kcmil 167 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1983).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1996 220 kV Pirelli (D) 1000 mm 533 metres PORTUGAL
Power Plant 1,973 kcmil 1,747 feet
Tapada do Outeiro - Portugal (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses
1 cable(s) per phase. 1996 ( 5171).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Siemens Cu 867 metres PORTUGAL
- feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2014).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1996 220 kV Nexans Al 300 mm2 722 metres SPAIN
Quimica Tarragona 592 kcmil 2,367 feet
Repsol (End User) purchased this system. ( 5588).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Al 300 mm2 722 metres SPAIN
Quimica Tarragona 592 kcmil 2,367 feet
Repsol (End User) purchased this system. ( 5588).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Al 1200 mm2 596 metres SWITZERLAND
Laufenberg 2,368 kcmil 1,953 feet
EGL (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5592).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Al 1200 mm2 596 metres SWITZERLAND
Laufenberg 2,368 kcmil 1,953 feet
EGL (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5592).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 667 metres SWITZERLAND
Geneve 3,947 kcmil 2,187 feet
SIG (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5590).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1996 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 667 metres SWITZERLAND
Geneve 3,947 kcmil 2,187 feet
SIG (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5590).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 627 metres ALGERIA
1,243 kcmil 2,053 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 12).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Unknown Cu 300 mm 333 metres AUSTRALIA
TARRALEAH 592 kcmil 1,093 feet
HECT (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 3114).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 700 metres CHILE
3,157 kcmil 2,293 feet
Abengoa (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5584).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 630 mm 4,693 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 15,393 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 309).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1200 mm 8,593 metres CHINA
2,368 kcmil 28,190 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 310).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 1,697 metres CHINA
3,157 kcmil 5,563 feet
Fuzhou Nan Men (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5583).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 800 mm 5,737 metres CHINA
Chao Yang Men Substation, CHINA 1,578 kcmil 18,820 feet
Huaneng International Power Development Corporatio (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5309).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 800 mm 15 metres CHINA
Chao Yang Men Substation, CHINA 1,578 kcmil 47 feet
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5310).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 6,262 metres CHINA
Chao Yang Men Substation, CHINA 1,973 kcmil 20,543 feet
Huaneng International Power Development Corporatio (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5308).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Showa Cu 630 mm 450 metres CHINA
1,243 kcmil 1,473 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 311).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Sumitomo 1000 mm2 3,480 metres CHINA
Jinmen-Balizhuang 1,973 kcmil 11,417 feet
Beijing Power Supply Bureau (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium sheath radial
water barrier Installation :, with 15 prefab joints (12IJ, 3NJ), with 6 ODES (prefab type) For underground
power transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5481).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sumitomo 2000 mm2 245 metres CHINA
Second Shuikou Hydrelectric Power Station 3,947 kcmil 803 feet
FUJIAN PROVINCIAL ELECTRIC POWER BUREA (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with
aluminium sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 6 ODSE (prefab type) For power transmission line
inside substation with aluminium sheathand anti-termite covering ( 5483).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 5,687 metres FRANCE
Fallou Novion 2,368 kcmil 18,657 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5585).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 5,687 metres FRANCE
Fallou Novion 2,368 kcmil 18,657 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5585).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 33 metres FRANCE
Nation 3 Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 107 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5315).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 33 metres FRANCE
Nation 3 Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 107 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5315).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 1,833 metres FRANCE
Substation of Jonquires, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 6,013 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5311).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 1,833 metres FRANCE
Substation of Jonquires, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 6,013 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5311).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 1,047 metres FRANCE
Grandval Dam, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 3,433 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5314).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 2,948 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi-Morbras, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 9,670 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5312).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 2,948 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi-Morbras, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 9,670 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5312).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,407 metres FRANCE
Link Chevilly-Rungis1 & 2, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 4,613 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5313).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,407 metres FRANCE
Link Chevilly-Rungis1 & 2, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 4,613 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5313).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 1,047 metres FRANCE
Grandval Dam, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 3,433 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5314).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 267 metres ICELAND
Furnace 3 789 kcmil 873 feet
Icelandic Alloys (End User) purchased this system. ( 5580).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Kabelrheydt Cu 1200 mm 3,984 metres INDIA
2,368 kcmil 13,070 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 784).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Pirelli (D) 1200 mm 10,667 metres INDIA
Bombay - South Mumbai Ring System 2,368 kcmil 34,993 feet
TATA Electric Cos. - India (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The
voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses
1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5172).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV ABB Cu 1600 mm 14,000 metres IRELAND
3,157 kcmil 45,930 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 868).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 75 metres IRELAND
789 kcmil 247 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 869).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Furukawa Cu 1500 mm 3,805 metres JAPAN
2,960 kcmil 12,483 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1749).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Furukawa Cu 2000 mm 311 metres JAPAN
3,947 kcmil 1,017 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1750).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 600 mm 273 metres JAPAN
1,184 kcmil 897 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1752).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Mitsubishi Cu 1600 mm 123 metres JAPAN
3,157 kcmil 403 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1751).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 630 mm 1,533 metres LEBANON
Zahrani & Beddawi - Lebanon 1,243 kcmil 5,030 feet
C.D.R. (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5197).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Unknown Cu 1200 mm 2,000 metres NEW ZEALAND
N/A 2,368 kcmil 6,560 feet
TRANS POWER (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with
CSA radial water barrier ( 3134).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1997 220 kV BICC Cu 1000 mm 11,333 metres SPAIN
1,973 kcmil 37,180 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2182).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV BICC Cu 1000 mm 11,333 metres SPAIN
1,973 kcmil 37,180 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2182).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV BICC AL 1000 mm 6,810 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 22,343 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2929).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1997 220 kV BICC Cu 1000 mm 1,147 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 3,760 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2927).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1997 220 kV BICC Cu 1000 mm 1,147 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 3,760 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2927).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1997 220 kV BICC AL 1000 mm 3,659 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 12,003 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2928).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1997 220 kV BICC AL 1000 mm 3,659 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 12,003 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2928).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1997 220 kV BICC AL 1000 mm 6,810 metres SPAIN
220KV XLPE CABLE & ACCESSORIES 1,973 kcmil 22,343 feet
BGC (Contractor) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial
water barrier ( 2929).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 3,362 metres SPAIN
1,973 kcmil 11,030 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5586).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 3,362 metres SPAIN
1,973 kcmil 11,030 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5586).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 1,147 metres SPAIN
Spain - Urgell-Les Corts 1,973 kcmil 3,760 feet
ENHER, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5200).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 1,147 metres SPAIN
Spain - Urgell-Les Corts 1,973 kcmil 3,760 feet
ENHER, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5200).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 3,659 metres SPAIN
Spain - Vilanova-Saint 1,973 kcmil 12,003 feet
ENHER, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5199).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 3,659 metres SPAIN
Spain - Vilanova-Saint 1,973 kcmil 12,003 feet
ENHER, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5199).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 6,810 metres SPAIN
Spain - Mata-Vilanova 1,973 kcmil 22,343 feet
FECSA, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable
Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5198).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 6,810 metres SPAIN
Spain - Mata-Vilanova 1,973 kcmil 22,343 feet
FECSA, Barcelona (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable
Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5198).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV ABB Al 630 mm 133 metres SWEDEN
1,243 kcmil 437 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2295).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1997 220 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 75 metres SWITZERLAND
789 kcmil 247 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2414).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 75 metres SWITZERLAND
789 kcmil 247 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2414).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Brugg Cu 1600 mm 97 metres SWITZERLAND
3,157 kcmil 317 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2413).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Brugg Cu 1600 mm 97 metres SWITZERLAND
3,157 kcmil 317 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2413).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 225 metres SWITZERLAND
3,947 kcmil 737 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5582).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 225 metres SWITZERLAND
3,947 kcmil 737 feet
EOS Lausanne (End User) purchased this system. ( 5582).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1997 220 kV Pirelli Cu 2,017 metres UNKNOWN
- feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 1866).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 1,450 metres USA
Baton Rouge - USA 986 kcmil 4,757 feet
EXXON (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5178).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 7,434 metres ARGENTINA
Buenos Aires 1,243 kcmil 24,387 feet
EDENOR (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5572).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Unknown Cu 500 mm 257 metres AUSTRALIA
TARRALEAH POWER STATION - 986 kcmil 840 feet
HYDRO ELECTRIC CORPORATION (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation ( 3344).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 1,073 metres CANADA
986 kcmil 3,520 feet
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5574).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 500 mm 333 metres CHINA
Shalingzi - China 986 kcmil 1,093 feet
Noth China Intl. Power (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1998 ( 5201).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 400 mm 685 metres CHINA
Hunan Lingjintan Hydropower Project, CHINA 789 kcmil 2,247 feet
CHINA ELEC PWR TECH (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5316).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sumitomo 1500 mm2 86 metres CHINA
Zuoanmen Extension P/J 2,960 kcmil 280 feet
Beijing Power Supply Bureau (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with stainless steel radial
water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 GIS, (all prefab type) For power transmission line inside
substation with stainless steel sheath ( 5485).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 62 metres EGYPT
Basatin 1,243 kcmil 203 feet
EEA(Egyption Electricity Authority) (End User) purchased this system. ( 5573).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 364 metres FRANCE
Substation of Arenc, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,193 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5321).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 364 metres FRANCE
Substation of Arenc, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,193 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5321).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 203 metres FRANCE
Link Argenteuil - TR 611 - TR 612, FRANCE 789 kcmil 663 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5329).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 361 metres FRANCE
Link Gabion - Ratier, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,183 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5324).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 203 metres FRANCE
Link Argenteuil - TR 611 - TR 612, FRANCE 789 kcmil 663 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5329).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 361 metres FRANCE
Link Gabion - Ratier, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,183 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5324).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 123 metres FRANCE
Substation of Chteauneuf, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 403 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5332).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 123 metres FRANCE
Substation of Chteauneuf, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 403 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5332).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 5,536 metres FRANCE
Link Malassis - Nation, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 18,160 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5327).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 571 metres FRANCE
Link Galerie d'Avenir, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 1,870 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5331).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 571 metres FRANCE
Link Galerie d'Avenir, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 1,870 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5331).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 76 metres FRANCE
Substation of Crtaine, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 250 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5330).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 76 metres FRANCE
Substation of Crtaine, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 250 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5330).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 418 metres FRANCE
Link Argenteuil - Cormeilles Perret - Fallou, 2,368 kcmil 1,370 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5328).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 257 metres FRANCE
Substation of Pertain, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 843 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5323).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 257 metres FRANCE
Substation of Pertain, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 843 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5323).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 6,449 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi - Crtaine, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 21,157 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5326).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 6,449 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi - Crtaine, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 21,157 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5326).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,021 metres FRANCE
Link Crime - Temple, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 3,347 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5325).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,021 metres FRANCE
Link Crime - Temple, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 3,347 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5325).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 11,274 metres FRANCE
Link Arenc - Septemes, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 36,987 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5322).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 11,274 metres FRANCE
Link Arenc - Septemes, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 36,987 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5322).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 5,536 metres FRANCE
Link Malassis - Nation, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 18,160 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5327).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 418 metres FRANCE
Link Argenteuil - Cormeilles Perret - Fallou, 2,368 kcmil 1,370 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5328).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (D) 400 mm 233 metres ICELAND
Burfell 789 kcmil 763 feet
Landsvirkjung Iceland (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1998 ( 5173).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Pirelli (D) 2000 mm 167 metres ICELAND
Burfell 3,947 kcmil 547 feet
Landsvirkjung Iceland (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1998 ( 5174).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Brugg Cu 400 mm 589 metres IRELAND
789 kcmil 1,930 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 870).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 2,533 metres ITALY
1,243 kcmil 8,310 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 896).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 220 kV ABB Cu 630 mm 2,533 metres ITALY
1,243 kcmil 8,310 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 896).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 220 kV Brugg Cu 500 mm 83 metres ITALY
986 kcmil 273 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 897).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 220 kV Brugg Cu 500 mm 83 metres ITALY
986 kcmil 273 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 897).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 300 mm 577 metres LEBANON
Aramoun, Pins, Mkals and Ras Beirut 592 kcmil 1,890 feet
Schneider (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5317).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 448 metres MEXICO
luz y Fuerza del Centro 986 kcmil 1,470 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5575).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 343 metres MOROCCO
Thermal Power Station of Jorf Lasfar, 2,368 kcmil 1,123 feet
Office National De L'Electricite, Morocco (End User) purchased this system. ( 5320).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Unknown TBA 800 mm 117 metres NEW ZEALAND
N/A 1,578 kcmil 380 feet
TRANS POWER (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation ( 3463).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Pirelli (SF) 1000 mm 667 metres ROMANIA
Rumania 1,973 kcmil 2,187 feet
RENEL (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1998 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 1,797 metres SAUDI ARABIA
1,973 kcmil 5,897 feet
Al Jubail Petrochemical Plant (End User) purchased this system. ( 5578).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV BICC AL 1200 mm 5,080 metres SPAIN
SUPPLY JOINT AND SUPERVISE 2,368 kcmil 16,667 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA
radial water barrier ( 2958).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1998 220 kV BICC AL 1200 mm 5,080 metres SPAIN
SUPPLY JOINT AND SUPERVISE 2,368 kcmil 16,667 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA
radial water barrier ( 2958).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1998 220 kV BICC Cu 2000 mm 400 metres SPAIN
SUPPLY JOINT AND SUPERVISE 3,947 kcmil 1,310 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA
radial water barrier ( 2957).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1998 220 kV BICC Cu 2000 mm 400 metres SPAIN
SUPPLY JOINT AND SUPERVISE 3,947 kcmil 1,310 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA
radial water barrier ( 2957).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 1,845 metres SPAIN
Quimica 789 kcmil 6,050 feet
Repsol (End User) purchased this system. ( 5577).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 1,845 metres SPAIN
Quimica 789 kcmil 6,050 feet
Repsol (End User) purchased this system. ( 5577).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 2,533 metres SPAIN
Spain - Madrid 2,368 kcmil 8,310 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1998 ( 5204).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 2,533 metres SPAIN
Spain - Madrid 2,368 kcmil 8,310 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1998 ( 5204).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 300 metres SPAIN
Spain - Aena Substation 2,368 kcmil 983 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1998 ( 5203).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 300 metres SPAIN
Spain - Aena Substation 2,368 kcmil 983 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1998 ( 5203).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 2000 mm 200 metres SPAIN
Spain - Aena Substation 3,947 kcmil 653 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1998 ( 5205).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 2000 mm 200 metres SPAIN
Spain - Aena Substation 3,947 kcmil 653 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a
system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1998 ( 5205).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Al 500 mm2 6,000 metres TANZANIA
986 kcmil 19,683 feet
Tanesco (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5576).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 234 metres THAILAND
On Nuch Substation, Bangkok, THAILAND 2,368 kcmil 767 feet
Schneider (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5318).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 1,220 metres UNITED ARAB
Wasit Power Station, Sharjah, UAE 1,243 kcmil 4,000 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5319).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 5,067 metres CHINA
Shangai Fairlong 1,243 kcmil 16,620 feet
Shangai Fairlong (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5564).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 1,033 metres CHINA
Liu Jia Xia. 1,973 kcmil 3,390 feet
China National Technical Imp. Export Co. Ltd (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5570).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (D) 800 mm 2,000 metres CHINA
Xia Lang Di Hydro Electric P/P 1,578 kcmil 6,560 feet
Yellow River Water and Hydroelectric Power Develop (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to
earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s)
per phase. 1999 ( 5176).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 500 mm 4,400 metres CHINA
Xin Er Cun Substation, CHINA 986 kcmil 14,433 feet
Sichuan Electric Power (End User) purchased this system. ( 5334).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 22,254 metres CHINA
Tuoketuo Thermal Power Project, CHINA 1,973 kcmil 73,010 feet
China National Machinery Import Export Corporation (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5333).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sumitomo 800 mm2 14,990 metres CHINA
Jiangsu 1,578 kcmil 49,180 feet
Nanjing Electric Power Supply Bureau (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with aluminium
sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 66 premouldedjoints (IJ), with 6 ODES, 6 GIS (all prefab type)
For underground power transmission line with aluminium sheath ( 5492).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 800 mm2 650 metres EGYPT
Heliopolis 1,578 kcmil 2,130 feet
EEA(Egyption Electricity Authority) (End User) purchased this system. ( 5563).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 3,924 metres FRANCE
Cognration DALKIA, France 789 kcmil 12,873 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5335).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 3,924 metres FRANCE
Cognration DALKIA, France 789 kcmil 12,873 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5335).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 77 metres FRANCE
Arrighi Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 253 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5337).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 77 metres FRANCE
Arrighi Substation, FRANCE 789 kcmil 253 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5337).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 56 metres FRANCE
Cissac Substation, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 183 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5339).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 56 metres FRANCE
Cissac Substation, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 183 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5339).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 111 metres FRANCE
Remise Substation, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 360 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5338).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 6,488 metres FRANCE
Link Alouette - Malassis, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 21,283 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5336).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 111 metres FRANCE
Remise Substation, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 360 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5338).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 6,488 metres FRANCE
Link Alouette - Malassis, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 21,283 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5336).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 300 mm2 1,861 metres HONDURAS
El Cajon 592 kcmil 6,107 feet
ENEE (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5568).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV ABB SG Cu 1600 mm 14,000 metres IRELAND
3,157 kcmil 45,930 feet
ESB, Dublin (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (53), insulation wall thickness of (26.8) , insulation
outer diameter (106.6) having a system design life of 4 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (6.9),
insulation shield stress (3.4). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a ABB MDCV line. Installation :
reporting 0 cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. ( 5160).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (F) 1200 mm 24,000 metres LEBANON
Tripoli Lebanon 2,368 kcmil 78,740 feet
Bahsas (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1999 ( 5185).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 24,000 metres LEBANON
Tripoli Lebanon 2,368 kcmil 78,740 feet
Bahsas (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1999 ( 5218).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 467 metres MOROCCO
Jorf Lasfar - Morocco 1,973 kcmil 1,530 feet
ABB Sae Sadelmi (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth
is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5207).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 467 metres MOROCCO
Jorf Lasfar - Morocco 2,368 kcmil 1,530 feet
ABB Sae Sadelmi (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth
is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5208).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 433 metres PERU
Ilo 2 789 kcmil 1,420 feet
Hitachi (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5567).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 4,350 metres SPAIN
La Olma 986 kcmil 14,270 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5566).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 4,350 metres SPAIN
La Olma 986 kcmil 14,270 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5566).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 2,874 metres SPAIN
la Olma 1,243 kcmil 9,427 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5565).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 2,874 metres SPAIN
la Olma 1,243 kcmil 9,427 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5565).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 8,200 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Coruna 2,368 kcmil 26,900 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5209).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 8,200 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Coruna 2,368 kcmil 26,900 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5209).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 4,270 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Grela 2,368 kcmil 14,007 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5210).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 4,270 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Grela 2,368 kcmil 14,007 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5210).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 4,600 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Carabanchel 2,368 kcmil 15,090 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5211).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 4,600 metres SPAIN
Spain - La Carabanchel 2,368 kcmil 15,090 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 1999 ( 5211).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1999 220 kV Unknown Cu 1200 mm 3,990 metres SWEDEN
LAYING OF POWER CABLES IN CABLE 2,368 kcmil 13,090 feet
STOCKHOLM ENERGI AB (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation ( 3521).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1999 220 kV Unknown TBA 400 mm 300 metres TUNISIA
STEG TENDER 4042 789 kcmil 983 feet
E N E L (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation ( 3618).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
1999 220 kV Unknown TBA 630 mm 1,200 metres TUNISIA
STEG TENDER 4042 1,243 kcmil 3,937 feet
E N E L (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation ( 3619).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Pirelli (F) 630 mm 597 metres ALGERIA
HASSI- BERKINE 1,243 kcmil 1,957 feet
BICC General Ceat Cavi (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5186).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 240 mm2 1,333 metres BAHRAIN
MEW Bahrain 473 kcmil 4,373 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5559).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans cu 500 mm2 1,398 metres CANADA
Ontario Power Generation 986 kcmil 4,583 feet
Ontario Power Generation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5554).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sumitomo 1200 mm2 677 metres CHINA
Shajiao General Power Station 2,368 kcmil 2,220 feet
Guandong Electric Power Holding Company (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with
aluminium sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 3 ODSE, 3 GIS (all prefab type) For power
transmission line inside substation with aluminium sheath ( 5494).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sumitomo 1600 mm2 1,776 metres CHINA
Songxia 220kV Power Transmission Projects 3,157 kcmil 5,827 feet
FUJIAN PROVINCIAL ELECTRIC POWER BUREA (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: with
lead sheath radial water barrier Installation :, with 6 pre-moulded joints (IJ), with 6 ODSE, 6 GIS (all prefab)
For underground power transmission, with lead sheath ( 5496).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Unknown Cu 934 metres CHINA
FUJIAN PROVINCIAL ELECTRIC POWER BUREA (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with
XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier ( 3805).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2000 220 kV Unknown Cu 800 mm 15,570 metres CHINA
EAST CHINA (JIANGSU) TRANS. PROJECT 1,578 kcmil 51,080 feet
EAST CHINA ELECTRIC POWER GROUP CORP. (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with
XLPE insulation ( 3824).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2000 220 kV Unknown Cu 1000 mm 22,254 metres CHINA
INNER MONGOLIA (TUOKETUO) TPP 1,973 kcmil 73,010 feet
NORTH CHINA POWER GROUP CORPORATION (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with
XLPE insulation Cable Build: with CSA radial water barrier ( 3790).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 849 metres EGYPT
Power Station of Sidi Krir, EGYPT 3,157 kcmil 2,783 feet
BECHTEL (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5341).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Unknown Cu 1000 mm 2,800 metres EGYPT
ATTAKA/SAKR KORISH 220KV XLPE CAB 1,973 kcmil 9,183 feet
EGYPTIAN ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation ( 3942).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 8,000 metres FRANCE
EDF 2,368 kcmil 26,247 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5562).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 8,000 metres FRANCE
EDF 2,368 kcmil 26,247 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5562).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 100 mm - FRANCE
Link Peyrou-Saumade, FRANCE 197 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5346).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 100 mm - FRANCE
Link Peyrou-Saumade, FRANCE 197 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5346).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 371 metres FRANCE
Link Realtor, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,213 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5351).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 371 metres FRANCE
Link Realtor, FRANCE 789 kcmil 1,213 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5351).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 229 metres FRANCE
Substation of Plan d'Orgon, FRANCE 789 kcmil 750 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5345).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 229 metres FRANCE
Substation of Plan d'Orgon, FRANCE 789 kcmil 750 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5345).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 678 metres FRANCE
Substation of Nanterre, FRANCE 789 kcmil 2,220 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5347).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 678 metres FRANCE
Substation of Nanterre, FRANCE 789 kcmil 2,220 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5347).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm - FRANCE
Substation of St Ouen, FRANCE 1,243 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5349).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm - FRANCE
Substation of St Ouen, FRANCE 1,243 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5349).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 308 metres FRANCE
Substation of Le Chesnoy, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 1,010 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5350).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 308 metres FRANCE
Substation of Le Chesnoy, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 1,010 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5350).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 7,342 metres FRANCE
Link Ampre - Courneuve, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 24,087 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5344).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm - FRANCE
Link Bonneterre-Cusset, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5348).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm - FRANCE
Link Bonneterre-Cusset, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5348).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 7,342 metres FRANCE
Link Ampre - Courneuve, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 24,087 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5344).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV BICC Cu 1600 mm 14,775 metres IRELAND
220kV CABLE FOR ESBI 3,157 kcmil 48,473 feet
ELECTRICITY SUPPLY BOARD (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation
Cable Build: with Pb radial water barrier ( 3003).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV BICC Cu 1600 mm 11,667 metres IRELAND
220kV CABLE FOR ESBI 3,157 kcmil 38,273 feet
ELECTRICITY SUPPLY BOARD (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation
Cable Build: with Pb radial water barrier ( 3004).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) Cu 1600 mm 38,108 metres IRELAND
Ireland 3,157 kcmil 125,027 feet
ELECTRICITY SUPPLY BOARD (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation.
The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: with Pb radial water barrier having a system design life of 40
years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5214).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 4,430 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice) 1,973 kcmil 14,533 feet
BICC General Ceat Cavi (Contractor) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1000 mm 4,430 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice) 1,973 kcmil 14,533 feet
BICC General Ceat Cavi (Contractor) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV.
Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 (
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 800 mm2 5,900 metres MEXICO
Luz y Fuerza del Centro 1,578 kcmil 19,357 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5550).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Unknown Cu 240 mm 283 metres NEW ZEALAND
220 KV CABLES AT MANAPOURI 473 kcmil 927 feet
MERIDIAN ENERGY (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation Cable Build:
with Pb radial water barrier ( 4024).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 300 mm2 5,885 metres SPAIN
Gajano 592 kcmil 19,307 feet
Iberinco (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5558).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 300 mm2 5,885 metres SPAIN
Gajano 592 kcmil 19,307 feet
Iberinco (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5558).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 3,580 metres SPAIN
San Roque 3,947 kcmil 11,743 feet
Endesa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5560).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 3,580 metres SPAIN
San Roque 3,947 kcmil 11,743 feet
Endesa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5560).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (SF) 1200 mm 20,000 metres SPAIN
Spain 2,368 kcmil 65,617 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5226).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (SF) 1200 mm 20,000 metres SPAIN
Spain 2,368 kcmil 65,617 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5226).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 1,000 metres SPAIN
Spain - Se Coslada 2,368 kcmil 3,280 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5212).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 1200 mm 1,000 metres SPAIN
Spain - Se Coslada 2,368 kcmil 3,280 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5212).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 2000 mm 6,167 metres SPAIN
San Chinarro 3,947 kcmil 20,230 feet
BICC General Spain (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having
a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5213).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (UK) 2000 mm 6,167 metres SPAIN
San Chinarro 3,947 kcmil 20,230 feet
BICC General Spain (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having
a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5213).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 5,833 metres SWITZERLAND
OFIMA 986 kcmil 19,137 feet
OFIMA (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5553).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 5,833 metres SWITZERLAND
OFIMA 986 kcmil 19,137 feet
OFIMA (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5553).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 1,473 metres THAILAND
Lam TaKong 1,243 kcmil 4,830 feet
CEGELEC (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5551).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 700 metres TUNISIA
STEG 789 kcmil 2,293 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5556).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Pirelli (F) 1000 mm 1,667 metres TUNISIA
Tunisia 1,973 kcmil 5,467 feet
STEG (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2000 ( 5183).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 333 metres TUNISIA
Rades II Substation, Tunis, TUNISIA 1,973 kcmil 1,093 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5343).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 745 metres UNITED ARAB
Mussafah 400 3,157 kcmil 2,443 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5561).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 800 metres UNITED ARAB
Wasit Power Station, Sharjah, UNITED ARAB 1,243 kcmil 2,623 feet
CLEMESSY (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5342).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 1,340 metres USA
Dearborn 789 kcmil 4,393 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5555).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 396 metres USA
Dearborn 1,243 kcmil 1,297 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5552).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 200 metres BAHRAIN
MEW Bahrain 1,243 kcmil 653 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5536).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Pirelli (NL) 1000 mm 567 metres CHINA
Shanghai - China 1,973 kcmil 1,857 feet
Pirelli Cables Shanghai (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2001 ( 5223).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 11,847 metres CHINA
Limindao Substation, Tianjin, CHINA 1,973 kcmil 38,867 feet
North China International Power Economic and Trade (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5354).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Unknown Cu 1000 mm 5,400 metres CHINA
HUNAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE
insulation ( 4155).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2001 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 351 metres FRANCE
Poste de 4 Ecluses 1,578 kcmil 1,150 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5547).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 351 metres FRANCE
Poste de 4 Ecluses 1,578 kcmil 1,150 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5547).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 200 metres FRANCE
Beaumont - Monteaux 2,368 kcmil 653 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5548).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 200 metres FRANCE
Beaumont - Monteaux 2,368 kcmil 653 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5548).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 500 metres FRANCE
Cordehme - Gavrelle 2,368 kcmil 1,640 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5544).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 500 metres FRANCE
Cordehme - Gavrelle 2,368 kcmil 1,640 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5544).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 216 metres FRANCE
poste de Beaumont 2,368 kcmil 707 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5545).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 517 metres FRANCE
Poste de Gavrelle 2,368 kcmil 1,697 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5543).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Nexans Al 1200 mm2 779 metres FRANCE
Poste de Sausset 2,368 kcmil 2,553 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5546).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 517 metres FRANCE
Poste de Gavrelle 2,368 kcmil 1,697 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5543).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 216 metres FRANCE
poste de Beaumont 2,368 kcmil 707 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5545).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 3,966 metres FRANCE
Link Gavrelle - l'Etinchelle, FRANCE 789 kcmil 13,010 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5368).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 3,966 metres FRANCE
Link Gavrelle - l'Etinchelle, FRANCE 789 kcmil 13,010 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5368).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm - FRANCE
Vitry-sur-Seine Cogeneration, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5366).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm - FRANCE
Vitry-sur-Seine Cogeneration, FRANCE 1,578 kcmil 0
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5366).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 1,930 metres FRANCE
Links Montpellier - Saumade 1 & 2, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 6,330 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5370).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 721 metres FRANCE
Substation of Lingostire, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 2,363 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5371).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 1,930 metres FRANCE
Links Montpellier - Saumade 1 & 2, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 6,330 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5370).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 147 metres FRANCE
Substation of La Rance, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 480 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5369).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 147 metres FRANCE
Substation of La Rance, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 480 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5369).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 576 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi - Guesde, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 1,887 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5367).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 576 metres FRANCE
Link Arrighi - Guesde, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 1,887 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5367).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 183 metres FRANCE
Substation of Launay, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 600 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5364).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 183 metres FRANCE
Substation of Launay, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 600 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5364).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1000 mm 721 metres FRANCE
Substation of Lingostire, FRANCE 1,973 kcmil 2,363 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5371).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,489 metres FRANCE
Substation of Les Loges, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 4,883 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5365).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 1,489 metres FRANCE
Substation of Les Loges, FRANCE 2,368 kcmil 4,883 feet
EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5365).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Pirelli (NL) 800 mm 1,600 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice), Italy 1,578 kcmil 5,247 feet
Edison (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2001 ( 5222).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Pirelli (NL) 800 mm 1,600 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice), Italy 1,578 kcmil 5,247 feet
Edison (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2001 ( 5222).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Pirelli (NL) 1000 mm 2,000 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice), Italy 1,973 kcmil 6,560 feet
Edison (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2001 ( 5221).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Pirelli (NL) 1000 mm 2,000 metres ITALY
Porto Marghera (Nr Venice), Italy 1,973 kcmil 6,560 feet
Edison (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build:
having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 2001 ( 5221).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 239 metres MEXICO
Procter 7 gamble Manufact. 789 kcmil 783 feet
Procter & Gamble (End User) purchased this system. ( 5540).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Al 800 mm2 900 metres MEXICO
Valle de Mexico / C.F.E 1,578 kcmil 2,950 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5539).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 13,172 metres MEXICO
San Bernabe Entq. Aguilas. 3,157 kcmil 43,213 feet
CFE (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5541).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 389 metres MEXICO
Luz Fuerza del Centro 3,157 kcmil 1,273 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5549).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 150 metres MEXICO
San Angel Substation, MEXICO 986 kcmil 490 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5357).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Aluminium mm 133 metres MEXICO
Taxquena and Zaragoza Substations, MEXICO 986 kcmil 437 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5358).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 25,000 metres MEXICO
Link San Bernabe - Entrq. Aguilas Topilejo, 3,157 kcmil 82,020 feet
Comision Federal Electricidad (End User) purchased this system. ( 5356).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1600 mm 1,400 metres MEXICO
Taxquena and Zaragoza Substations, MEXICO 3,157 kcmil 4,590 feet
Luz y Fuerza del Centro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5359).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm 200 metres MOROCCO
Thermal Power Station of Jorf Lasfar, 2,368 kcmil 653 feet
Jorf Lasfar Energy Company (End User) purchased this system. ( 5353).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 1200 mm - MOROCCO
Thermal Power Station of Jorf Lasfar, 2,368 kcmil 0
Office National De L'Electricite, Morocco (End User) purchased this system. ( 5360).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Pirelli (F) 800 mm 3,533 metres PARAGUAY
ANDE - Paraguay (Puerto Sajonia) 1,578 kcmil 11,590 feet
Schneider (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
127kV. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2001 ( 5184).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 3,179 metres SPAIN
Tarragona 3,157 kcmil 10,427 feet
Cogeneration DOW (End User) purchased this system. ( 5542).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 3,179 metres SPAIN
Tarragona 3,157 kcmil 10,427 feet
Cogeneration DOW (End User) purchased this system. ( 5542).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2000 mm 2,696 metres SPAIN
St Aravaca Power Supply, Madrid, SPAIN 3,947 kcmil 8,843 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5355).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2000 mm 2,696 metres SPAIN
St Aravaca Power Supply, Madrid, SPAIN 3,947 kcmil 8,843 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5355).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2000 mm 4,027 metres SPAIN
Link Casa De Campo - Mazarredo and 3,947 kcmil 13,210 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5362).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2000 mm 4,027 metres SPAIN
Link Casa De Campo - Mazarredo and 3,947 kcmil 13,210 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5362).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2001 mm 7,500 metres SPAIN
Link Mazarredo - Cerro La Plata, Madrid, 3,949 kcmil 24,603 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5363).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2001 mm 7,500 metres SPAIN
Link Mazarredo - Cerro La Plata, Madrid, 3,949 kcmil 24,603 feet
Union Fenosa (End User) purchased this system. ( 5363).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 300 mm 833 metres SRI LANKA
Kelanitissa Power Plant, SRI LANKA 592 kcmil 2,733 feet
ALSTOM (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5361).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 220 kV Unknown Cu 1200 mm 8,133 metres UNITED ARAB
REINFORCEMENT OF 220kV IN AL AIN AREA 2,368 kcmil 26,683 feet
ABU DHABI WATER & ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable
with XLPE insulation Cable Build: with Pb radial water barrier ( 4103).
__________________________________________________________________ 5
2001 220 kV Sagem Copper 2500 kcmil 13,661 metres USA
LMEC/DEC Transmission line, Pittsburg, 1,266 mm2 44,817 feet
Calpine Corporation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5352).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV LG SG 1000 mm 303 metres CHILE
Escondida mining plant 1,973 kcmil 993 feet
Escondida / chile (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth
is 127kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (43.56), insulation wall thickness of (27) , insulation
outer diameter (97.56) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress (7.32),
insulation shield stress (3.22). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a NOKIA VCV line. Installation :
reporting Nil cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. Under
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV LG SG 2000 mm 11,000 metres CHINA
220kV Wu Qian #1,2 Transmisstion Line project 3,947 kcmil 36,087 feet
Liaoning Electric power Company Ltd. (End User) purchased this system.XLPE insulation. The voltage to
earth is 190kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (59.16), insulation wall thickness of (27) ,
insulation outer diameter (113.16) having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses: conductor shield stress
(9.9), insulation shield stress (5.17). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a NOKIA VCV line. Installation
: reporting Nil cable failure(s) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. The system is specially bonded. under
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1000 mm2 11,803 metres CHINA
Kun Wei Road 1,973 kcmil 38,723 feet
Tianjin EPB (End User) purchased this system. ( 5534).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 4,400 metres FRANCE
Ls Berthollet 2,368 kcmil 14,433 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5531).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Al 1200 mm2 100 metres FRANCE
Gestion Nationale 2,368 kcmil 327 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5533).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 462 metres FRANCE
Ls Menus- Muette 2,368 kcmil 1,513 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5532).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1200 mm2 462 metres FRANCE
Ls Menus- Muette 2,368 kcmil 1,513 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5532).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 420 metres FRANCE
Ls Berthollet 3,157 kcmil 1,377 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5530).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 1600 mm2 420 metres FRANCE
Ls Berthollet 3,157 kcmil 1,377 feet
RTE EDF (End User) purchased this system. ( 5530).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 2,100 metres ITALY
AEM 789 kcmil 6,887 feet
AEM (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5526).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Al 400 mm2 2,100 metres ITALY
AEM 789 kcmil 6,887 feet
AEM (Unknown) purchased this system. ( 5526).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 800 mm2 1,050 metres SPAIN
Fausita Substation 1,578 kcmil 3,443 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5527).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 800 mm2 1,050 metres SPAIN
Fausita Substation 1,578 kcmil 3,443 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5527).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix Worldwide EHV Experience List
Worldwide EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Single Cricuit
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 300 metres SPAIN
Fausita Substation 3,947 kcmil 983 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5529).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2002 220 kV Nexans Cu 2000 mm2 300 metres SPAIN
Fausita Substation 3,947 kcmil 983 feet
Iberdrola (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5529).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
A total of 761 entries
Experience of EHV XLPE systems installed in North America has been extracted from the
worldwide listing given in Appendix B and is listed in the following pages. All quantities are in
single circuit metres and single circuit feet.
Appendix North American EHV Experience List
North American EHV Experience (by Voltage) 400 kV
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 345 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 536 metres USA
Mystic Station, Everett, Massachussets, USA 1,243 kcmil 1,757 feet
Washington Group International (Contractor) purchased this system. ( 5373).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 345 kV Nexans Aluminium 630 mm 112 metres USA
Deer Park, Houston, Texas, USA 1,243 kcmil 367 feet
Calpine Corporation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5375).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 345 kV Sagem Copper 630 mm 803 metres USA
Deer Park, Texas, USA 1,243 kcmil 2,633 feet
Reliant Energy (End User) purchased this system. ( 5374).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1989 230 kV Brugg Cu 1250 kcmil 525 feet USA
633 mm2 160 metres
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2916).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1990 230 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 177 metres CANADA
1,243 kcmil 577 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 86).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1992 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1578 kcmil 1,467 feet USA
799 mm2 447 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2919).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1992 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1600 kcmil 1,667 feet USA
810 mm2 507 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation Cable
Build:, insulation wall thickness of (1020mil) ( 2915).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1994 230 kV NK Cables Cu 1000 kcmil 464 feet USA
506 mm2 140 metres
Public Service Company of Colorado (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 3
Appendix North American EHV Experience List
North American EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
1994 230 kV Nokia 420 feet USA
Valmont Autoxfmr-bus tie, Boulder Colorado 127 metres
Xcel Energy (End User) purchased this system. Cable Build: having a system design life of 40 years
Installation :. This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 6 outdoor potheads reporting 1 pothead failures. This
was let as a Supply and Supervise contract with cable installed by Xcel Crews the reported status of this
system is Commercial Service ( 5377).
__________________________________________________________________ 7
1995 230 kV Fujikura Cu 1578 kcmil 494 feet USA
799 mm2 150 metres
Orlando Utilities Commission (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation see 2734
( 2920).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1997 230 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 1,450 metres USA
Baton Rouge - USA 986 kcmil 4,757 feet
EXXON (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5178).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 230 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 1,073 metres CANADA
986 kcmil 3,520 feet
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5574).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 230 kV Brugg Cu 986 kcmil 2,969 feet USA
499 mm2 903 metres
Gardner Zemke - Morrow Point (Contractor) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1998 230 kV Pirelli 3,667 feet USA
mm2 1,117 metres
EXXON (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 2921).
__________________________________________________________________ 3
1999 230 kV BICC Cu 1014 mm 2,819 metres USA
RIO SALADO - 230kV XLPE PROJECT 2,001 kcmil 9,247 feet
ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICES (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation
Cable Build: with aluminium foil radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :.
This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 12 one piece joints, with 12 outdoor termiantions. This was let as a
Supply, Joint and Supervise contract with cable installed by W A Chester the reported status of this system is
Commercial Service ( 2973).
__________________________________________________________________ 6
2000 230 kV Nexans cu 500 mm2 1,398 metres CANADA
Ontario Power Generation 986 kcmil 4,583 feet
Ontario Power Generation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5554).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Unknown Cu 600 metres CANADA
ONTARIOPOWER GENERATION (End User) purchased this system. LAND cable with XLPE insulation (
__________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendix North American EHV Experience List
North American EHV Experience (by Voltage) 230 kV
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 230 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 396 metres USA
Dearborn 1,243 kcmil 1,297 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5552).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 230 kV Pirelli (UK) Cu 750 mm 1,683 metres USA
USA - Tosco Refinery 1,480 kcmil 5,520 feet
FOSTER WHEELER (Contractor) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: with
Pb radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years Installation :. This was let as a Supply, Joint
and Supervise contract the reported status of this system is Commercial Service The system uses 1 cable(s) per
phase. 2000 ( 5215).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 230 kV Pirelli 3,467 feet USA
Capitol Hill- Harrison Sub, Denver, Colorado 1,053 metres
Xcel Energy (End User) purchased this system. Installation :. This is a Ducted (New) installation, with 9,
with 6 outdoor potheads. This was let as a Supply and Install contract with cable installed by Pirelli the
reported status of this system is Under Construction ( 5378).
__________________________________________________________________ 7
2001 230 kV Sagem Copper 2500 kcmil 13,661 metres USA
LMEC/DEC Transmission line, Pittsburg, 1,266 mm2 44,817 feet
Calpine Corporation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5352).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2001 230 kV Sumitomo Milliken 2500 kcmil 8,667 metres USA
Hollywood S/S- Toluca S/S 1,266 mm2 28,433 feet
LADWP (End User) purchased this system. Land cable with XLPE insulation. The voltage to earth is
133kV. Cable Build:, conductor screen outer diameter (48), insulation wall thickness of (26.9) , insulation
outer diameter (104) with lead sheath radial water barrier having a system design life of 40 years. Stresses:
conductor shield stress (7.8), insulation shield stress (3.7). Manufacture:The cable was extruded on a
SUMITOMO ELECTRIC VCV line. Installation : reporting 0 cable failure(s), with 78 prefab joints (IJ), with
11 ODSE (prefab type) The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. For underground power transmission line with
fibre optic unit.
Circuit HV AC tested at 190kV for 1 hour using variable frequency test.
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1990 220 kV Brugg Cu 630 mm 177 metres CANADA
1,243 kcmil 577 feet
Land cable with XLPE insulation ( 86).
__________________________________________________________________ 4
1997 220 kV Pirelli (F) 500 mm 1,450 metres USA
Baton Rouge - USA 986 kcmil 4,757 feet
EXXON (End User) purchased this system.. The voltage to earth is 127kV. Cable Build: having a system
design life of 40 years Installation : The system uses 1 cable(s) per phase. 1997 ( 5178).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
1998 220 kV Nexans Cu 500 mm2 1,073 metres CANADA
986 kcmil 3,520 feet
Ontario Hydro (End User) purchased this system. ( 5574).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
Appendix North American EHV Experience List
North American EHV Experience (by Voltage) 220 kV
Year kV Manufacturer Conductor Length Country
2000 220 kV Nexans cu 500 mm2 1,398 metres CANADA
Ontario Power Generation 986 kcmil 4,583 feet
Ontario Power Generation (End User) purchased this system. ( 5554).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 400 mm2 1,340 metres USA
Dearborn 789 kcmil 4,393 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5555).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
2000 220 kV Nexans Cu 630 mm2 396 metres USA
Dearborn 1,243 kcmil 1,297 feet
FLUOR DANIEL (End User) purchased this system. ( 5552).
__________________________________________________________________ 2
A total of 28 entries
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Recommended material delivery
Octabin Octabin
Recommended pellet cleanliness
Depends on customer Depends on customer
Material handling environment
Clean room with filtered
Clean room with filtered air
Storage vessels temperature controlled?
Depends on customer Depends on customer
Recommended pellet storage
temperature range [Celsius]
20-25 20-25
Type of materials transfer pipes Stainless steel Stainless steel
Materials transfer method Gravity feeding Gravity feeding
PE pellet drying fitted (Yes / No)
Usually not for insulation
Usually not for insulation
Semiconducting material pellet drying
fitted (Yes/No)
Yes Yes
Type of feed hoppers Stainless steel Stainless steel
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Loss in weight feeders fitted (yes/no) Yes, depends on customer Yes, depends on customer
Peroxide injection fitted (Yes / No) No No
Conductor connection method
Hydraulically pressed
Hydraulically pressed
Conductor pre-heat fitted (Yes/No) Yes Yes
Recommended Manufacturing Line
Speed the cable build [m/min]
Range of speed control
0.1-10.0 m/min
Range of speed control 0.1-
10.0 m/min
Conductor screen Extruder Screw
Diameter [mm]
Ranging 60-90 mm,
typically 80 mm
Ranging 60-90 mm,
typically 80 mm
Insulation Extruder Screw Diameter
Ranging 150-200 mm,
typically 175 mm
Ranging 150-200 mm,
typically 175 mm
Core Screen Extruder Screw Diameter
Ranging 80-100 mm,
typically 90 mm
Ranging 80-100 mm,
typically 90 mm
Strainer pack mesh size 150-400 150-400
Melt flow inspection system fitted
Can be performed with
Can be performed with CSS
Maximum permitted particle size [mm] Depends on the customer Depends on the customer
Extruder Group Type e.g. Triple X
Triple Triple
Extruder die head heating fitted
Yes Yes
Conductor centralising method
X-ray measurement +
manual adjustment
X-ray measurement +
manual adjustment
Recommended maximum period of
extrusion campaign [days]
Ranging 5-14 days Ranging 5-14 days
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Recommended maximum insulation
weight used during extrusion campaign
25-100 tons, depending on
extruder sizes and outputs
25-100 tons, depending on
extruder sizes and outputs
Curing Tube Medium (Gas, Oil, Steam,
Gas Gas
Type of Gas / Oil (e.g.
Nitrogen Nitrogen
Curing Pressure [bar gauge] Ranging 10-12 bar Ranging 10-12 bar
Curing Temperature [Celsius]
Tube temperatures up to
450 C
Tube temperatures up to 450
Curing Tube Total Length [m] Ranging 30-60 m Ranging 30-60 m
Circulation of heated medium fitted
Only for by product
Only for by product
Filtering/Scrubbing of heating medium
fitted (Yes/No)
By means of by-product
By means of by-product
Cooling Tube Medium (Gas, Water,
Gas or water Gas or water
Cooling Medium Temperature [Celsius]
Typically 20-30 C
depending on site
Typically 20-30 C
depending on site conditions
Cooling Tube Length [m] Ranging 60-120 m Ranging 60-120 m
Re-heat tube type (if fitted) Yes for relaxation Yes for relaxation
Pressurized turn round wheel fitted
(Yes / No)
Not for CCV Not for CCV
Statistical process control (SPC) data
logging fitted? (Yes / No)
Yes Yes
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Recommended post extrusion in-line
non-destructive inspection
Maximum cable core weight [kg/m] 20 30
Conductor Screen Minimum Thickness
1 1
Insulation thickness range [mm] 20-25 20-25
Insulation Screen Minimum Thickness
1 1
Typically Achieved Insulation
Eccentricity (calculated according to
Better than 2 % Better than 2 %
Recommended Conductor screen
supplier and Grade
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Recommended Insulation supplier &
Borealis LE 4201
Borealis LE 4201
Recommended Insulation Screen
Supplier and Grade
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Other plant feature recommended for
EHV applications:
1) EHT (Entry Heat Treatment) system
for heavy wall insulations for improved
roundness in CCV
2) ROL, On-line relaxation (stress
releasing subprocess)
3) Autocure line control with cure
AC3 or AC4 AC3 or AC4
4) CSS 2 Cleanliness Scanning System
for insulation melt purity monitoring
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Cable Manufacturers with this plant Pirelli Italy Pirelli Italy
Pirelli France Pirelli France
Nexans Belgium
Fulgor Greece
General Cable Spain
Bydgosczc Poland Bydgosczc Poland
Krakow Poland Krakow Poland
Demirer Turkey
Pirelli Malaysia Pirelli Malaysia
Leader Cable Malaysia Leader Cable Malaysia
China Wire Taiwan China Wire Taiwan
Hi-Light Taiwan Hi-Light Taiwan
Hold Key Taiwan Hold Key Taiwan
Taya Taiwan Taya Taiwan
Hua Eng Taiwan Hua Eng Taiwan
Dah San Taiwan Dah San Taiwan
Beijing Victory China Beijing Victory China
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant Manufacturers
Cable Core Type 1 Cable Core Type 2
Voltage [kV] 220 220
Conductor Size (copper) sq.mm 500-1200 1300-2500
Plant Generic Type CCV CCV
Plant manufacturers plant specification
EPL 50 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
Conductor/Core twisting? (Yes /No)
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Hebei Xinhua China Hebei Xinhua China
Electro Cable Egypt Electro Cable Egypt
Arab Cables Eqypt
Jeddah Cables Saudi
Jeddah Cables Saudi Arabia
Southwire USA Southwire USA
Condumex Mexico
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
material delivery
Octabin Octabin Octabin
Recommended pellet
cleanliness method
Depends on customer Depends on customer Depends on customer
Material handling
Clean room with
filtered air
Clean room with
filtered air
Clean room with
filtered air
Storage vessels
temperature controlled?
Depends on customer Depends on customer Depends on customer
Recommended pellet
storage temperature range
20-25 20-25 20-25
Type of materials
transfer pipes
Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Materials transfer
Gravity feeding Gravity feeding Gravity feeding
PE pellet drying
fitted (Yes / No)
Usually not for
insulation material
Usually not for
insulation material
Usually not for
insulation material
material pellet drying
fitted (Yes/No)
Yes Yes Yes
Type of feed
Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Loss in weight
feeders fitted (yes/no)
Yes, depends on
Yes, depends on
Yes, depends on
Peroxide injection
fitted (Yes / No)
No No No
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
connection method
Hydraulically pressed
Hydraulically pressed
Hydraulically pressed
Conductor pre-heat
fitted (Yes/No)
Yes Yes Yes
Manufacturing Line
Speed the cable build
Range of speed
control 0.1-10.0
Range of speed
control 0.1-10.0
Range of speed control
0.1-10.0 m/min
Conductor screen
Extruder Screw Diameter
Ranging 60-80 mm,
typically 60 mm
Ranging 60-80 mm,
typically 60 mm
Ranging 60-90 mm,
typically 80 mm
Insulation Extruder
Screw Diameter [mm]
Ranging 150-200
mm, typically 175
Ranging 150-200
mm, typically 175
Ranging 150-200 mm,
typically 175 mm
Core Screen
Extruder Screw Diameter
Ranging 60-90 mm,
typically 80 mm
Ranging 60-90 mm,
typically 80 mm
Ranging 80-100 mm,
typically 90 mm
Strainer pack mesh
150-400 150-400 150-400
Melt flow inspection
system fitted (Yes/No)
Can be performed
with CSS 2
Can be performed
with CSS 2
Can be performed with
Maximum permitted
particle size [mm]
Depends on the
Depends on the
Depends on the
Extruder Group
Type e.g. Triple X Head
Triple Triple Triple
Extruder die head
heating fitted (Yes/No)
Yes Yes Yes
centralising method
X-ray measurement +
manual adjustment
X-ray measurement +
manual adjustment
X-ray measurement +
manual adjustment
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
maximum period of
extrusion campaign
Ranging 5-14 days Ranging 5-14 days Ranging 5-14 days
maximum insulation
weight used during
extrusion campaign
25-100 tons,
depending on
extruder sizes and
25-100 tons,
depending on
extruder sizes and
25-100 tons, depending
on extruder sizes and
Curing Tube
Medium (Gas, Oil,
Steam, None)
Gas Gas Gas
Type of Gas / Oil
(e.g. Nitrogen/Silicone)
Nitrogen Nitrogen Nitrogen
Curing Pressure [bar
Ranging 10-12 bar Ranging 10-12 bar Ranging 10-12 bar
Curing Temperature
Tube temperatures up
to 450 C
Tube temperatures up
to 450 C
Tube temperatures up
to 450 C
Curing Tube Total
Length [m]
Ranging 20-60 m Ranging 20-60 m Ranging 30-60 m
Circulation of heated
medium fitted (Yes/No)
Only for by product
Only for by product
Only for by product
of heating medium fitted
By means of by-
product separation
By means of by-
product separation
By means of by-
product separation
Cooling Tube
Medium (Gas, Water,
Gas or water Gas or water Gas or water
Cooling Medium
Temperature [Celsius]
Typically 20-30 C
depending on site
Typically 20-30 C
depending on site
Typically 20-30 C
depending on site
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Cooling Tube
Length [m]
Ranging 40-120 m Ranging 40-120 m Ranging 60-120 m
Re-heat tube type (if
Yes for relaxation Yes for relaxation Yes for relaxation
Pressurized turn
round wheel fitted (Yes /
Yes for VCV Yes for VCV Not for CCV
Statistical process
control (SPC) data
logging fitted? (Yes / No)
Yes Yes Yes
Recommended post
extrusion in-line non-
destructive inspection
Maximum cable core
weight [kg/m]
30 40 20
Conductor Screen
Minimum Thickness
1 1 1
Insulation thickness
range [mm]
25-30 25-35 20-25
Insulation Screen
Minimum Thickness
1 1 1
Typically Achieved
Insulation Eccentricity
(calculated according to
Better than 2 % Better than 2 % Better than 2 %
Conductor screen supplier
and Grade
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Insulation supplier &
Borealis LE 4201
Borealis LE 4201
Borealis LE 4201
Insulation Screen
Supplier and Grade
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Borealis LE 0500
Other plant feature
recommended for EHV
1) EHT (Entry Heat
Treatment) system for
heavy wall insulations for
improved roundness in
2) ROL, On-line
relaxation (stress
releasing subprocess)
3) Autocure line
control with cure
AC3 or AC4 AC3 or AC4 AC3 or AC4
4) CSS 2 Cleanliness
Scanning System for
insulation melt purity
EHV Cable
Manufacturers with this
ABB Sweden ABB Sweden
Pirelli Finland Pirelli Finland
SAT France SAT France
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Nexans Norway Nexans Norway
Bydgosczc Poland
ABB Universal India ABB Universal India
Showa Japan Showa Japan
LG Cables Korea LG Cables Korea
Iljin Industries Korea Iljin Industries Korea
Phepls Dodge
Phepls Dodge
Pirelli China Pirelli China
Hangzhou Walsin
Hangzhou Walsin
Baofeng CW China Baofeng CW China
Gang Suinan CW
Gang Suinan CW
Qingdao Hanhe
Qingdao Hanhe
Electro Cable Egypt
Shandong CW China Shandong CW China
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Extrusion Plant
Cable Core Type 3 Cable Core Type 4 Cable Core Type 1
Voltage [kV] 220-500 220-500 400
Conductor Size
(copper) sq.mm
500-1200 1300-2500 500-1200
Plant Generic Type VCV VCV CCV
Plant manufacturers
plant specification
EPL 51 EPL 51 EPL 50
Plant design date Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002 Mid 90's till 2002
twisting? (Yes /No)
No No
Moderate twisting in
connection with EHT
Shanghai CW China Shanghai CW China
Jeddah Cables Saudi
Zhengzhou CW
Zhengzhou CW
Southwire USA
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Responses
Borealis Insulation Material Response
>1600 >900 6000 6000
10, 1, 0 & TEST 2 -
, 10, 0: IN SIZE
CLASSES 50-70,
70-100, 100-200
10, 1, 0 & TEST 2 -
, 10, 0: IN SIZE
CLASSES 50-70,
70-100, 100-200
-, 10, 0: IN SIZE
CLASSES 50-70,
70-100, 100-200
2 -, 10, 0: IN
50-70, 70-100,
Appendix Materials Manufacturers Responses
LE4201 LE4244
Appendix Materials Manufacturers Responses
Borealis response Semiconducting Material
LE0500 LE0592S LE0591
2400 1000 400
1T & 0,5T
1T & 0,5T
1T & 0,5T
PIPS PER SQ M, 20, 10,
>150, >200, >500, 1500 -
2000, SIZES FOR W50
PIPS PER SQ M, 50, 20,
>150, >200, >500, 1500
- 2000, SIZES FOR W50
PIPS PER SQ M, -, 40,
>150, >200, >500, 1500
- 2000, SIZES FOR W50
Appendix Materials Manufacturers Responses
Appendix Materials Manufacturers Responses
Borealis response Jacket Material
ME3420 ME3421 HE6062
The pages in this appendix are a copy of the proforma questionnaire sent to North American
Utilities. The questionnaire was issues, and responses received in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
Appendix North American Utilities Survey Questionnaire
Appendix North American Utilities Survey Questionnaire
Appendix North American Utilities Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix EHV Cable and Accessory Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix XLPE Compound Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix XLPE Compound Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix XLPE Compound Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix XLPE Compound Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix XLPE Compound Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Appendix Extrusion Plant Manufacturers Survey Questionnaire
Supplier General Capability
Systems Design Capability
Is the supplier offering a systems approach where cables, accessories and installation are all
designed, manufactured, installed and tested by him?
Will accessories be made under strenuously clean conditions on site?
Knowledge in Installation Design
Does the installation design limit the control and magnitude of thermomechanical forces
produced by the cable that act on the accessory during both normal, emergency and short circuit
Knowledge of the Electrical Characteristics of XLPE
What after laying tests are recommended by the supplier and is he aware of space charge
accumulation under ac and dc voltage and during some jointing processes?
Does the supplier have a degassing process for cables and, if so, is it adequate?
Capability in Development and Type Tests
Does the supplier have sufficient resources to be able to quickly perform the development HV ac
tests, impulse tests and current load tests on the particular size of cable and associated
Does the manufacturers test house have a recognized national accreditation and is it capable of
performing a witnessed type test?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
If the manufacturer does not have a test house, does he have a demonstrated capability of
organizing a successful type approval test at a nationally accredited external test house?
Capability in Jointer Training
Does the supplier have dedicated facilities for the development of jointing techniques and for
jointer training?
Capability in After-Laying and Maintenance Testing
Does the supplier have the knowledge to supply or procure the equipment to perform ac HV
withstand and partial discharge after-laying tests in accordance with IEC 62067?
Is the supplier aware of the technical limitations in generating test voltages for long circuits and
for circuits with thin walls and high capacitance?
Does the supplier have the knowledge to supply or procure the equipment to perform partial
discharge tests on the cable system from the terminations and from the joints?
Does the supplier have the knowledge to supply or procure the equipment to perform after laying
and maintenance dc voltage withstand tests on the cable jacket?
Does the supplier offer an in-service jacket monitoring system?
Are the cable designs water blocked against radial and longitudinal water flow and has the
design been successfully tested?
Design and Manufacture of Cable
Cable Design and Determination of Insulation Thicknesses
Does the supplier have laboratories capable of producing and testing model cable and accessory
Has the supplier established by his own experimental means the insulation design stress and
insulation thickness necessary to achieve service life?
What is the maximum stress used at the conductor shield by the manufacturer for the specified
design of cable and has he demonstrated by previous service experience that he is capable of
achieving this reliably?
What is the maximum stress on the HV electrode of the accessory and has he demonstrated by
previous service experience that he is capable of achieving this reliably?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
What cable system endurance model (CSEM) results has the supplier produced to ensure that he
is confident of the stress levels being offered for long term service?
Does the supplier have a knowledge of the risks of mechanical damage and heat deformation to
the insulation in manufacture and in service?
Does the supplier have the knowledge to design the cable components to protect the soft XLPE
insulation and semi-conducting shields?
Cable Quality Control System
Does the supplier have a fully equipped materials/cable sample laboratory and an HV acceptance
test screened room together with trained staff?
Does the supplier have a statistical process control (SPC) system to log all of the process and test
data and to immediately identify and signal significant quality changes before the cable is too
advanced in manufacture or due for release?
Does the supplier use non-destructive test (NDT) monitors on the CV line in terms of a) an in-
line X-ray gauge to measure core concentricity and shape at the interface between the output of
the dies and the input to the CV tube dies and b) one of the recently introduced in-line ultrasonic
detectors at the output of the CV tube to detect and signal the presence of shield and insulation
defects, particles, voids and geometric abnormalities?
Cable Manufacturing Processes
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to extrude and crosslink the particular cable size in
continuous long length extrusion campaigns without forming sporadic defects in the shields and
Can the supplier guarantee not to make any in-manufacture repairs to the extruded shields or
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to degas the XLPE core to low levels of by-product?
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to undertake the HV acceptance tests at the particular
test voltage and at the particular cable capacitance on long reel lengths and under pd free
background conditions (less than 3pC recommended)?
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to locate the positions of either incipient partial
discharge activity or insulation electrical failure?
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to sample and measure the cleanliness and physical
and chemical properties of the materials and the extruded cable core in a clean materials
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Can the supplier demonstrate a capability to immediately investigate quality problems using
technically qualified staff?
Can the supplier demonstrate a knowledge of the diffusion processes necessary to remove the
high levels of gaseous cross-linking by-products from thick wall transmission cable?
Process Capable Manufacturing Equipment for Cables
Will the manufacture of cable take place on one site or will partial manufacture take place on
more than one site with transport between sites being by road, rail or other means?
Does the manufacturer intend to make the complete cable himself or does he intend to sub-
contract elements of the manufacture?
Does the cable manufacturer have factory lifting equipment, floor loading and roof clearances
capable of safely transporting the largest process reels, the heaviest weights and the longest
lengths for the particular cable voltage, conductor size, diameter, length and weight?
Does the cable manufacturer have wire drawing and annealing equipment?
Does cable manufacturer have conductor stranding equipment?
Does the cable manufacturer have a conductor segment laying-up machine if Milliken
conductors are required?
Does the cable manufacturer have conductor binding and water blocking machine?
Does the cable manufacturer have a clean and covered conveying system to transport the
conductor from the stranding machine into the CV line?
Does the cable manufacturer have a process capable CV line with capability to extrude the
particular voltage, core size and weight well within the CV machine suppliers recommended
extruder screw speed, line speed, die size, extruder strainer pack and weight capability?
Does the cable manufacturer have a process capable clean room standard for material vessel
reception, enclosed unloading, sealed and dedicated storage, sealed and dedicated delivery
systems to the CV line?
Does the cable manufacturer have handling and delivery systems for the pellets of PE insulation
and the pellets of semi-conducting shield to be completely separated physically, air-supply,
access and personnel/clothing?
Does the cable manufacturer have storage vessels within the factory, temperature monitored and
protected within the suppliers recommendations for extremes of ambient temperature?
Does the cable manufacturer have material sampling and particle counting equipment?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Does the cable manufacturer have cable core monitoring equipment (X-ray gauge, ultrasonic
monitor and laser gauges)?
Does the cable manufacturer have dedicated process reels for extruded EHV XLPE core take-up?
Does the cable manufacturer have factory rollers and skid plates dedicated to handling XLPE
core only that are clean and, in particular, completely free of oil and bitumen?
Does the cable manufacturer have degassing ovens with temperature controllers in suitable
numbers to match the output of the CV line(s)?
Does the cable manufacturer have degassing ovens equipped with automatic temperature
Does the cable manufacturer have under-roof storage for process reels holding the extruded
Does the cable manufacturer have the cable core protected from falling objects and collisions and
have adequate floor clearance?
Is cranege the main form of drum transportation within the factory with higher risk methods,
such as fork-lift trucks, being used only seldom as a secondary means?
Does the cable manufacturer have a taping machine for core cushioning tapes/water blocking
Does the cable manufacturer have an earth return conductor stranding machine capable of wire
application in continuous lengths without spool changes?
Does the cable manufacturer have taping heads for second cushioning/water blocking tapes?
Does the cable manufacturer have under-roof, dry storage to protect the water blocking tapes
from free water?
Does the cable manufacturer have metallic sheathing presses with guides and water coolers to
protect the XLPE core and cushioning/water blocking tapes from thermal damage?
Does the cable manufacturer have a foil application or sheath longitudinal welding line with
mechanical and thermal protection for the core?
Does the cable manufacturer have continuous monitoring of any foil overlap or weld?
Does the cable manufacturer have wiped end caps and pressure test to check the integrity of the
metallic sheath and to prevent water ingress from the jacket oversheathing line?
Does the cable manufacturer have jacket sheathing lines capable of extruding PE and RPS
(reduced fire propagation) PVC?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Does the cable manufacturer have HV test terminations for the particular diameter and test with
seals to prevent water or insulating fluids seeping into the conductor and under the sheath?
Does the cable manufacturer have a screened test room complete with an ac voltage test set and
pd detection equipment with the rating to match the load current and the capacitive reactance of
the cable under pd free conditions?
Design and Manufacture of Accessories
Accessory Design
Does the accessory manufacturer have details of the cable system design and its performance
Does the accessory manufacturer have knowledge of the cable and accessory dimensional
tolerances, of the electrical stress limits, of the thermomechanical forces acting on the conductor
connection (maximum operating temperature and minimum ambient temperature), of the radial
and longitudinal heat dissipation and of the stretch range of the elastomeric components?
Does the accessory manufacturer have the knowledge to design the accessory to cable interface
such that it will be tolerant of variations in a) cable and accessory dimensions, b) the cable
extrusion method and c) jointer proficiency?
Is the accessory interface and assembly technique tolerant of variations in cable straightness,
circularity, ovality and concentricity?
Does the accessory manufacturer have the ability to select the particular style number within a
range of prefabricated elastomeric components to suit a particular cable diameter, such that the
component is within the optimum part of the stretch range to achieve its service life without pd
or failure?
Does the accessory manufacturer have the ability to design the accessory to prevent or be
tolerant of the distortion of the cable and accessory insulation occurring due to compression and
tensile set with time and temperature?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce detailed
drawings of the molded and cast insulating components and their mold tools?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce detailed
manufacturing and installation assembly drawings and parts lists?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce detailed
drawings of the metallic joint casing and polymeric jacket to provide waterproof anti-corrosion
protection and electrical insulation and to permit the cable jacket test to be also withstood by the
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce
drawings of the shield interruption gaps and bonding lead connections necessary for special
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce
drawings of the anchor plates for thermomechanical anchor joints?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce
drawings of the special compression and welding tools for conductor connections? For welded
connections; cooling jigs may also be necessary to protect the XLPE insulation from thermal
Does the accessory manufacturer have a fully equipped design office which will produce
drawings of the special assembly tools necessary for prefabricated composite three piece and
pre-molded one piece accessories?
Accessory Quality Control System
Does the accessory manufacturer have an effective quality control and assurance system?
Does the accessory manufacturer have resources comprising a fully equipped materials/accessory
sample laboratory and an HV acceptance test screened room together with trained staff?
Does the accessory manufacturer have flow test and reactivity test regimes that can be performed
on the cross-linkable materials?
Does the accessory manufacturer feed back materials laboratory modified process temperatures,
pressures and times to the factory?
Does the accessory manufacturer have non-destructive test (NDT) monitors in the factory for the
routine inspection of the molded and cast components?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a visual examination and measuring regime for absence of
distortion, particularly in the bore of the molding at the start of the stress control profile?
Does the accessory manufacturer have electrical acceptance tests performed on matched sets of
components which will remain together in service?
Does the accessory manufacturer perform sample tests to a higher electrical withstand level, or to
failure, to bench mark the quality and to monitor for the possible deterioration of performance.
Does the accessory manufacturer have a statistical process control (SPC) system to log all of the
process and test data and to immediately identify and signal significant quality changes before
the accessory is too advanced in manufacture?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Accessory Manufacturing Processes
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of consistently molding and casting the particular voltage
and size of prefabricated insulating components with a low rejection rate (e.g. 10-20%)?
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of sampling and measuring the geometry, the cleanliness
and the chemical and physical properties of the raw materials and prefabricated insulation in a
clean materials laboratory?
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of preparing and cleaning the surfaces of pre-molded
semi-conducting inserts or pre-machined metallic electrodes without contamination or impairing
the bond strength with the insulation.
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of preparing the materials to the highest standards of
cleanliness (e.g. mixing epoxy resin, mixing silicone rubber or compounding and then feeding
EPR rubber)?
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of cleaning and assembling the mold tools and fitting the
HV and LV inserts without contaminating the insulating surfaces or the bulk insulation to be
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of performing the HV acceptance tests at the specified
voltage under pd free background conditions (less than 2pC recommended)?
Is the accessory manufacturer capable of immediately investigating quality problems using
technically qualified staff?
Process Capable Manufacturing Equipment for Accessories
Does the accessory manufacturer have a goods inwards inspection and measuring bay?
Does the accessory manufacturer have machining facilities for metallic components (lathes) and
insulating components (grinders)?
Does the accessory manufacturer have compounding facilities for EPR insulating and semi-
conducting rubber and silicone semi-conducting rubber?
Are the materials prepared in enclosed mixing machines and strained before outputting in strip or
gum form into sealed and clean containers?
Does the accessory manufacturer have mixing facilities for liquid silicone insulating rubber?
The material will be mixed and strained, before being pumped into a mold tool.
Does the accessory manufacturer have mixing facilities for epoxy resin?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a casting and curing vessel for epoxy resin castings?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Does the accessory manufacturer have post curing ovens for the epoxy resin castings?
Does the accessory manufacturer have injection molding presses to mold the semi-conducting
inserts and insulation bodies for pre-molded components such as EPR stress cones and one-piece
pre-molded joints?
Does the accessory manufacturer have equipment to apply the insulation shield?
Does the accessory manufacturer have X-ray and ultrasonic equipment to inspect the interior of
the moldings and castings for the absence of defects?
Does the accessory manufacturer have HV test mandrels comprising the actual cable or
identically sized epoxy resin insulated test mandrels?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a screened test room complete with ac voltage test set, pd
detection equipment and loss tangent measuring equipment?
Does the accessory manufacturer have a clean room assembly area, where the components are
finally cleaned, visually checked and assembled, sealed and packed for shipping or storage?
Jointing Capability
Does certificated evidence exist that the jointer has passed an approved training course and has
demonstrated a capability on the particular design of joint and cable?
Is the jointer training repeated at less than two yearly intervals and preferably before the
installation of each new transmission project is commenced?
Is the installation supervisor trained in the jointing requirements to ensure that the correct
facilities are provided for the jointer in the assembly area?
Is a quality record made to record the details at each jointing position along the route to provide
traceability in the event of subsequent electrical failure or partial discharge?
Is the jointer provided with jointing instructions, assembly drawings, tools, consumable materials
and safety equipment?
Is the jointing area well lit above and below the cable?
Is the jointing area clean, dry and air conditioned?
Is the assembly area provided with facilities for lifting the cable, accessory components and
jointing tools?
Is equipment to heat straighten the cable core provided?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Is equipment provided to firmly support and cleat the cable to hold the cable and accessory
components in axial alignment during the conductor connecting and the insulation fitting
During jointing, are the assembly tools in direct contact with the cable and accessory insulation
and can these easily damage or contaminate the surfaces?
Are the tools carefully cleaned, inspected and housed in special cases?
Are the lubricating liquids (e.g. silicone oil) which may be in direct contact with the cable and
joint insulation sealed in clean containers?
Are precautions taken to limit the attraction of air born particles onto the XLPE insulating
surfaces, which become electrostatically charged during jointing (e.g. air ionizers should be
Are the bores of the prefabricated insulated components and the surface of the prepared XLPE
cable kept covered and sealed until the last possible moment in assembly?
Are precautions taken to prevent particles from the semi-conducting shield being carried into the
cable-accessory interface?
User Capability
Are users engineers familiarized in XLPE transmission cable technology directly by training
and indirectly by participation in professional bodies such as the IEEE, ICC, CIGRE and EPRI?
Do users engineers have an active involvement in the design of the cable system, in the
technical specification, in the selection of the successful supplier and in the frequent witnessing
of testing (prequalification, type and most importantly factory acceptance testing)?
Is the jointer training witnessed and quality audits performed on the jointers accreditations and
on the on-site jointing areas?
Is witnessing performed during the after-laying acceptance tests comprising ac voltage withstand
tests, partial discharge tests, oversheath tests and bonding tests?
Is care taken to keep the responsibility for the testing with the cable system supplier?
Are maintenance spares available and has an emergency response manual been written?
Is the supplier, during the guarantee period, under contract to respond immediately to an
emergency, with test equipment and personnel, trained jointers, tools, spare cable and
If the supplier is based overseas, are spares to be kept within reasonable transportation distance
of the circuit?
Appendix Technical Check List for Use when Designing EHV XLPE Systems and Assessing Potential Suppliers
Testing Regimes
Are testing regimes performed to demonstrate design suitability of the cable in combination with
the particular accessory?
Do the tests demonstrate that the designs are capable of achieving the specified performance
requirements (prequalification and type tests)?
Do the tests demonstrate that the designs are capable of achieving repeatable quality and
reliability (factory sample and statistical tests)?
Is the recently issued testing specification IEC 62067, with user specified amendments,
employed for long term prequalification tests, type tests, acceptance tests, sample tests and tests
after installation?
Do new designs undergo prequalification testing?
Is the design that is being purchased covered in every respect by the cable prequalification test
and cable service experience offered?
2002 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights
reserved. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered
service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric
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Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America
Underground Transmission
EPRI 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 USA
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EPRI creates science and technology solutions for
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