Service Aviation: Royal Air Force and Official An-Nouncements: Fleet Air Arm News: Mili - Tary Aviation Abroad
Service Aviation: Royal Air Force and Official An-Nouncements: Fleet Air Arm News: Mili - Tary Aviation Abroad
Service Aviation: Royal Air Force and Official An-Nouncements: Fleet Air Arm News: Mili - Tary Aviation Abroad
Royal Air Force and Official Announcements : Fleet Air Arm News : Military Aviation Abroad
SEA WARRIOR : A n o t h e r v i e w (the first is o n p a g e 282) of t h e Gloster Sea Gladiator w h i c h r e veals t w o of its special features. O n e is t h e bulge b e t w e e n t h e undercarriage legs which c o n c e a l s a dinghy a n d t h e o t h e r is t h e d e c k - l a n d i n g arrester hook. Flight " photograph
reliable, a n d t o obtain a check in the coming esercises an arrangement has been m a d e with British and Australian ships to report by radio when they sight a reconnaissance machine. Thev will then give their positions and their reports will be compared with the pilots' logs. Six specialist navigators, who have undergone a long course of training in theory and practice, will take charge of the reconnaissance exercises and instruct pilots in the work of celestial navigation. This is a new departure for Australia, since, up to now, pilots in th'. Australian Air Force have used only dead reckoning on reconnaissance flights The flights will be made from Laveiton (Vic), Richmond (N.S.W.), Pearce (W.A.) and, later, from Darwin.
P E R A T E D by Airports. Ltd., a new Elementary and Reserve Flying Training School has been opened a t Gravesend airport for the training of personnel for the Fleet Air Arm. The school started operations on March 6 with sixteen Tiger Moths and nine instructors.
Blind-approach Equipment
T is reported t h a t a large order has been placed by t h e British Air Ministry with the American company which manufactures the Air-Track radio blind-approach equipment. From this fact it is to be presumed t h a t difficulty has been experienced in obtaining delivery of the Lorenz transmitters and receivers which have been ordered both for service and for civil use. The Air-Track scheme is, generally speaking, similar in operation to blind-approach systems used in Europe, and t h e first installation was completed last year for Pennsylvania Central Airlines. The ground equipment includes a main transmitter and a single marker beacon which is placed a t the edge of the runway, b u t the important feature of the Air-Track system is t h a t it is designed to be portable, the main transmitter being comparatively small in size and mounted on a car trailer. T h e Air-Track instrument is of the now familiar two-crossed-needle t y p e , the horizontal needle giving relative altitude ndications and the vertical needle giving directional indications.
H E Admiralty announces t h a t (A) Branch Officers who volunteer t o specialise as Technical Officers will be required to pass a qualifying examination before being allowed to take the specialising course. The examination will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, April iS and 19, and will continue to be held in April of each year. (A) Branch Officers who have transferred from the Royal Air Force and who hold the rank of Lieutenant, may, in certain circumstances, be permitted t o specialise without necessarily completing a whole commission on general flying duties.
Unit Badges
IS MAJESTY T H E KING has graciously approved the undermentioned badges and mottoes for t h e units concerned and they may now be taken into use:
Unit Badge On a terrestrial globe the figure of Perseus. In front of a fountain a demoiselle Crane's head erased. A broken wheel. A dexter arm in bend couped below the elbow grasping in the hand a battle axe. An ogress pierced by an arrow point downwards. In front of a torch a rose. Motto Fortiter in Re. Nili Nomen Roboris Omen. Ab Uno Disce Omnes. Pone Nos Ad Hostem.
No. 42 (Torpedo Bomher) Squadron. No. 47 (Bomber) Squadron. No. 50 (Army Cooperation Squadron). No. 63 (Bomber) Squadron. No. 97 (Bomber) Squadron. No. 1 Armament Training Station.