ParentLink Children - January 2014

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January 2014

Journey C"ris#ian C"ur$"

Online: Knowledge Is Power ."*/RSOURC

0. )o help you discern hen to protect and hen to empo er your kids in their use o! technology. 1. 2or opportunities to model positive technology use !or your kids. 3. )o help your child gro in a areness o! Internet and social media usage and sa!ety. BRB, he said as he gave me a hug and dashed out the back door. C U soon, I said back, spelling it like that in my head as I spoke. Like kno ing the code to gain entry into the tree !ort, having this shared language !elt empo ering. I mean, I kno L"L means laugh out loud and not lots o! love. #$nd that%s an important one, because giving your child an a!!ectionate L"L in !ront o! his teammates a!ter a tough loss ould be scarring.& But more than 'ust not anting to morti!y our kids in !ront o! their !riends, e don%t ant to be shut out !rom their most signi!icant !orm o! communication today. $s e strive to protect, educate, and empo er them, e need to not !ear the technology that could threaten to divide us. (no ledge is po er here, so it%s best to have a basic understanding. $long the ay, e must keep in mind that it%s not the devices but the hearts o! our kids that keep us up at night. Is he making good choices? Is she seeking affirmation in the wrong places? )hese are timeless concerns !or parents. *e ant to help our kids to live in the light. *hen kids have kno ledge o! +od%s love !or them, they%ll have the po er to shine in even the darkest o! places and make choices !or our never,changing +od in this -uickly,changing digital orld.
Ann Diaz Loveland, Colorado

(ridging #"e Digi#al Di)ide

)he digital natives #kids born into a culture o! technology, ho kno this orld in no other terms& are uni-ue in many ays, and researchers are gathering notes. 4ere are some o! the latest !indings about characteristics o! this young generation !rom learning e9perts :arc .rensky (Teaching Digital Natives), ?on )apscott (Growing p Digital), and =osh 5pear, along ith suggestions on ho to best bridge the digital divide and keep +od at the center o! kids% lives.

)/$C4$BL/ %O% &'S

5ometimes the Internet brings out the orst in people. )he negativity can be contagious #but so can positivity6&. Illuminate ho true this is !or your !amily ith this simple activity. 2irst, discuss the !ollo ing7 *hy do you think people treat each other di!!erently online8 /9plain ho you think can be hurt by such activity and hy.

'oday*s Kids + + +

)hen read together :atthe ;703,0< about ho e are to be the salt and light o! =esus in our orld. 4o is posting something nice or encouraging online like being salt and light8

)hen gather around a computer screen and locate some public discussions. )ry a 2acebook !an page o! a reality )> sho or a ne s story !rom a site that o!!ers a comments section, such as or your local ne spaper. )hen post a series o! sincere, upli!ting comments. Return an hour later. *hat impact did your comments have on others8 "n yoursel!8

0+ (e uns"a2a4le in your .a/ily*s $ore )alues+ Like a skinny iced 1+ ,-e$# .reedo/ o. $"oi$e in mocha latte ith no !oam, spiritual e)ery#"ing+ )he myriad o! choices might be over helming to adults, but truths today are also perceived as customiBable. :ake space !or in-uiry, kids take this !or granted. )hey%re capable o! cutting through the clutter. research ans ers together, and help your child critically evaluate messages 2+ n0oy $us#o/izing+ Remember hen Burger (ing promised e could @and the value o! an unchanging +od. I! your child sees ho the have it our ay8 )oday%s kids can%t !amily%s core values are a positive imagine an alternative. bedrock, he or she on%t stray !ar. 1+ S$ru#inize and see2 in#egri#y+ Based on their online e9perience, kids 2+ n$ourage 2ids #o e)alua#e #"eir are continually assessing, revie ing, own in#egri#y in #"eir so$ial /edia and e9pecting more !rom providers o! in#era$#ions+ )he Internet has turned online content and products. )hey can us all, young and old, into armchair -uarterbacks to a large degree. *hile -uickly access intervie s and kids are assessing others% opinions, opinions o! others. 4+ 3an# #o 4e en#er#ained5 hether remind them that others ill be scrutiniBing hat they rite in the it%s !or education or !un. same ay. /ncourage them to think o! 6+ Desire $ons#an# $olla4ora#ion their entire audience o! !riends@ and rela#ions"i-+ 2rom te9ting to including +od@be!ore posting a multiuser games to !ile sharing and social media, kids connect ith others message. I! they seek !irst his approval, they%re less likely to orry !or advice at any moment. about anyone else%s. 7+ 8a)e a need .or s-eed+ )heir 1+ S"are in#eres#ing online .inds orld is instantaneous. )hey%re not #oge#"er+ 2unny videos and games used to aiting !or in!ormation. 9+ A$#i)ely -ursue inno)a#ion+ Ae are e9cellent bonding tools. Let your kids sho you some o! the latest gadgets and !eatures help them collaborate, be entertained, and learn apps. $sk them to help you !ind ays to combine technology and the *ord in ne ays. 5ounds privileged, but it%s the orld o! +od, like prayer apps, and ho to kids ere born into. 5o hat does all do nload last 5unday%s sermon. this mean !or ho e are to raise them to be like =esus, ho as born in a stable8

Paren#ing 'oday*s Kids + + +

?irect your children onto the right path, and older, they ill not leave it. @.roverbs 117<

hen they are

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'i#le: Aoah !enre: $dventureC?ramaC/pic Ra#ing: Aot yet rated at time o! publication. Cas#7 Russell Cro e, $nthony 4opkins, /mma *atson, =enni!er Connelly Syno-sis: .aramount .ictures is hoping to make a splash on the big screen ith Noah. )he !ilm%s riter, director, and producer ?arren $rono!sky #!lack "wan, #e$%iem for a Dream& says he hopes to breathe ne li!e into the biblical epic. Our 'a2e: Be!ore your !amilies !lood to the theater, kno that it%s been reported that in preliminary screenings, Christian vie ers ere allegedly orried about the creative liberties the !ilm takes ith the source material. $lso, remember that the events ere grim #the death o! most o! humanity&. /9pect the !ilm to be rated accordingly.

'i#le: )ort%natel*, the +ilk Pu4lis"er: 4arperCollins .ublishers Su//ary: Aeil +aiman #author o! Coraline&, returns ith a story 'ust as strange, i! not stranger, than its title. $ !ather ho%s gone to buy milk !or his children comes back ith a story that%s hard to believe. Readers ill hear the !ather%s tale o! aliens, pirates, and more on his -uest to bring home the milk. Our 'a2e: It%s a simple but !un read. )he onder!ul illustrations, done by 5kottie Eoung, ill keep readers turning the pages !or more. $lthough some may take issue ith the volcano god the !ather encounters, it o!!ers a great opportunity !or discussion about hat the Bible says about !alse gods.

CUL)UR/ ; )R/A?5
$ccording to a ne survey on Internet use conducted by the 5a!e and 5ecure "nline program, almost one in !ive young children, many bet een the ages o! nine and 00, have met somebody they only kne previously !rom the *eb. "nly hal! o! these kids took someone they kne ith them. (&dnet'com) *hat online sa!eguards have you established ith your kids8

Researchers in the U.(. say video games have no negative impact on kids% behavior later on in li!e, but television vie ers o! more than three hours a day sa a small increase in conduct problems later in li!e. (for(es'com) $ third o! parents say they !ear their o n child is bullying others online, hile hal! o! parents say they%ve broken rules to allo their children on social media sites be!ore the appropriate age.

Games, Sites & Apps

3ii Par#y U
teens, educators, and policy .reschoolers, .re,( and ,ii -art* is the se-uelmakers, this site provides (indergartners can to 1F0F%s ,ii -art*. Like unbiased ne s and opinion e9perience +od%s *ord, not the original, this game on the impact o! the social 'ust read it6 )itles available eb. 2ind sa!ety tips, ays no include +od in the keeps the party going ith over GF ne !amily, to preventing cyber,bullying, Beginning and )he 2irst Christmas 5tory. !riendly mini,games. ,ii and analysis o! the latest research. 5ign up to receive (gro%p' -art* is rated / !or their ne sletter in your everyone noting mild inbo9. cartoon violence.

Conne$#Sa.ely+org =esus taught ith hands,on

+eared to ard parents, lessons, and you can too6

%y <irs# 8ands=On (i4le a--

'"is -age is designed #o "el- edu$a#e -aren#s and isn*# /ean# #o endorse any /o)ie5 /usi$5 or -rodu$#+ Our -rayer is #"a# you*ll /a2e in.or/ed de$isions a4ou# w"a# your $"ildren wa#$"5 read5 lis#en #o5 and -lay+

$lmost t ice as many children have used mobile media compared to t o years ago, according to Common 5ense :edia, and the average amount o! time children spend using mobile devices has tripled. (h%ffingtonpost'com)

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0 &ew >ear*s Day 3el$o/e 2014? ; < I

:ommies% Aight In #:A:& I.: in the 5tudent Center





0H Dress U>our Pe# Day






1F %ar#in @u#"er King5 Jr+ Day

:A: .laydate Blue 5prings 5tate .ark K 0F$: Bring lunch L M< !or parking



1H Co/-li/en# Day








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