Survey of 20 Public Uni Students
Survey of 20 Public Uni Students
Survey of 20 Public Uni Students
Record No: 1
Responses Male 8 Female 12 60.0% 40.0% Percentage
Responses 18-21 7 22-25 11 26-29 2 10.0% 55.0% 35.0% Percentage
Student of:
Responses Public University 20 Private University 0 0.0% 100.0% Percentage
Do your faculty members have extra office hours for the students?
Responses Yes 10 No 10 50.0% 50.0% Percentage
How often do you visit your faculty members personally by going to their office?
Responses Everyday 0 Once or twice a week 4 Once a month 9 Never 7 Other (Please Specify) 0 0.0% 35.0% 45.0% 20.0% 0.0% Percentage
How often do you see students complaining about the faculty's fairness?
Responses A million time 0 In every course 5 Not that much 14 Not at all 1 Other (Please Specify) 0 0.0% 5.0% 70.0% 25.0% 0.0% Percentage
Have you (or any of your friends) ever faced a situation where any of your faculty members was biased towards a specific gender?
Subquestion If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If YES, please explain the situation: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If YES, please explain the situation: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box:
Answer text No No No No No No No no no no It happens a lot actually. Prettier girls in the class are given a lot more priority when they go with their problems to the teachers. They treat unequally while giving marks because of strong manipulation power of some students NO. no Intentionally many seniors were failed on gynaecology because they were girl.. no NO NO NO no
According to you, which gender gets more privilege from gender biasness?
Responses Male Students 3 Female Students 9 It depends 8 Other (Please Specify) 0 0.0% 40.0% 45.0% 15.0% Percentage
Other text it depends actually... Any or all of the above. Any of all of the above,
Do you remember any previous incident where any of your faculty members was penalized for being biased?
Subquestion If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box:
Subquestion If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If YES, please explain the situation: If YES, please explain the situation: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box: If NO, just type NO in the box:
Answer text No No No No No No No no Yes.sometimes it happens that some of our teachers give us some previleges that are not equal for both the male and female students. yes.. NO NO NO no No no NO NO. NO no
EVEN IF your answer is "YES" for the previous question, what does your inner instinct tell you about gender biasness?
Responses This is a really bad thing 15 This is a good thing actually 0 This is good as long as you get benefits through it 3 You consider it totally illegal and demand penalty for it 2 Other (Please Specify) 0 0.0% 10.0% 15.0% 0.0% 75.0% Percentage