Cdot Question Bank

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Fill in the blanks : 1. CDOT system employs _________switching configuration. 2. The four basic mo ules of CDOT !D"" #$% are _________& _________& _________& $n _____________. '. The (emote "witch )nit is parente to main e*change using _________. +. ___________ pro,i es control message communication between two -ase #o ules. .. Data storage is one in _________________. /. 0O# supports up to _______serial ports for 1D). 2. Only _______ numbere -#3s can be configure as (").


Fill in the Blanks: 1. Duration of Time slot is __________ 2. $ frame has ____ 4umber of channels '. The _______ of e,ery frame carries F$5 an $6# information. +. T"1/ of frame7 caries ____ .. The igital stream of ______ is calle as basic or first or er 8C#. /. ________ an __________ are the two types of Digital "witching 2. 0n space switch ____ number remains same while ______ changes. 9. 0n time switch ____ number changes while _____ remain same. :. -ase mo ule interfaces ______& _______ an _______. 17. $nalog to igital con,ersion is function of _________ 11. 8ro,ision of special circuits like announcements is one in _________. 12. C4F car supports _____ party conference. 1'. $44 car supports ___ user frien ly announcements 1+. 8ower supply unit in $T) pro,i es __________ an ______________. 1.. 0n DT) one set of _____ an _____ pro,i e one ;<1 interface. 1/. _____ is re=uire to pro,i e 0"D4 -(0>8(0. 12. 5ith one 0"T) a ma*imum of _____ - channels are a,ailable


19. ____ is re=uire to support access network 1:. ___________ is the master controller in -# 27. _____ an ______ form -ase processor )nit 21. C#<%6 pro,i es connecti,ity to ____ -#3s 22. The car s use to locally generate clock in C#<6 an C#<%6 are ______ an ____ respecti,ely. 2'. 4etwork synchroni?ation is one by _______ 2+. 0O# consists of uplicate __________ 2.. 0O8 is connecte to $8>-8 ,ia _________ links. 2/. The telephony software for han ling lines& trunks is controlle by ___________8rocessors 22. _________ (ecor has complete etail of call an is use to e*tract bill. 29. _________ Controller performs test on e*ternal lines& trunks. 2:. Termination capacity of 6ine #o ule is ______ analog lines '7. ;ach 6# has _____ Terminal )nits '1. 5hen CDOT D"" #$% is configure as T$% it can support _______ Trunks '2. 0 eally traffic carrying capacity of #$%<%6 is __________erlangs ''. ________an _________ are the two types of 8rocess '+. 0 eally traffic carrying capacity of #$%<6 an #$%<%6 is ________ an __________ respecti,ely. '.. -ase processor has capacity of han ling _________-@C$ Mention T !e o False 1. The igital stream of 2 #bps is calle as basic or first or er 8C#. 2. 8ro,ision of special circuits like announcements is one in $#. '. 0n time switch T" number remains same while 8C# highway changes +. 0n space switch T" number remain same while 8C# highway changes .. "ignaling unit mo ule A")#B is re=uire to support CC"2 signaling. /. $ny number of ")# can be e=uippe in the e*change epen ing on capacity 2. 0"T) has to be irectly connecte to Time switch unit on 9 #bps 8C# link 9. C4F car supports si* party conference. :. $T)>DT) can be use in concentration with 0"T)



17. $ny one $T) or DT) can be replace by ")# frame 11. @ar ware for 1) an ") are ifferent 12. -8) is implemente as uplicate controller 1'. -# can irectly communicate with $# 1+. -# can pro,i e local switching an metering in stan alone mo e of ("). 1.. C#<6 pro,i es connecti,ity to '2 -#3s 1/. Clock istribution is one by Central mo ule 12. The Clock may be locally generate or eri,e e*ternally 19. 4etwork synchroni?ation is one by $# 1:. 0n 0O8 software loa ing& booting can be performe from any terminal 27. 0nitiali?ation of system in,ol,es loa ing of co e an 21. Clock is locally generate in each -# 22. 0O8 uses 5in ows as Operating system. 2'. Dynamic process are create at the time of system initiali?ation an remain ali,e through out the life of system 2+. -@C$ will alone eci e the capacity of ;*change 2.. $ -# can be concentrate with ' 6#3s to pro,i e 272+ analog lines. 2/. ;ach -# has / Terminal units 22. $nalog Terminal )nit can support any combination of lines an trunks in multiple of 9 29. CDOT D"" #$% cannot be configure as T$% 2:. -@C$ han ling capacity of -8 can be enhance by upgra ing the processor car '7. For security reasons atabase is kept locke by atabase subsystem Ans"e the #ollo"in$ 1 2 ' + . / %2 &a ks ea'h( ata from 0O8 to system

#ention the + basic mo ules of CDOT D"" #$% #ention any two functions of -ase #o ule #ention any two functions of Time switch )nit AT")B #ention any two units of T") 5hat are the functions of Central #o uleC #ention the ifferent units in C#




2 9 : 17 11 12

#ention the two types of process Define ;ternal an Dynamic process #ention any four subsystems of CDOT<D"" #$% software #ention any Four functions CDO" 5hat are the functions of maintenance "ubsystemC #ention any two obDecti,es of atabase subsystem

1B 2B 'B +B .B /B 2B 9B :B 17B 11B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB + 6ist the functional parts of -# Describe the functions of ' ifferent types of Terminal units in -# 4ame the types of terminal car s in -# Describe the concentration metho s Describe the implementation of time switch 4ame the "er,ice car s in -#" 4ame the -8) link interfaces 4ame functions of -8) 4ame the units of C# State T !e o #alse C# pro,i es for 1/ -#s in #$%<6 $8) is house in -#1 of #$%<%6 8"# car is use for connecting -#s in #$%<6 C#6 car is use for suppressing noise Clock signals re=uire proper termination in C# 8"" car s use for space switching 8"# car is use to connect (-# 4"C can be synchroni?e to network clock "ynchronisation is not re=uire for ata communication ' marks 7..%/E' marks 2 marks ' marks ' marks ' marks ..%+E2 marks ..%+E2 marks 12 marks A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 4ame the types of control car s in -# an their functions ' marks ' marks



DB kB lB 12B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB DB kB lB mB nB 1'B 1+B 1.B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB

$# communicates irectly with -# -8C supports 9&77&777 -@C$ C# is responsible for space switching Choose the 'o e't ans"e # o& the o+tions DT) is use for ____________interfaces A $nalog& igitalB

A B A B A B 1, marks

$T) is use for interfacing ____ analog terminations A'2& /+& 129B T0C car is use for controlling ____ terminal groups A 2& '& +B T0C communicates with -8) using ____kbps link A'2&/+&129B The concentration ratio between T) an Time switch is _______ A+:1& 2:1& noneB 0O8 communicates with $8 using ______ link Acms& h lc& la pB 0O8 to 0O8 link spee is ____kbps A/+&129&2./B 0O8 to console link is _____ A*.2.& async& syncB 0O8 to -8 link spee is ______ kbps A/+&129& :/B 8rinter port in 0O8 is____________A "erial& parallelB 0O8<1@ uses _______ 8rocessor A/9777&/97'7&/97+7B 4umber of $"0O ports in 0O8 are ______ A +& 9&1/B 4O4<urgent alarms are in icate by ____ color le s A Freen& (e & GellowB -illing ata ownloa e from -# at ______ inter,als A '7 mts& /7 mts& ailyB #ention any three functions of $8) 5hat are the functions of $D8 State t !e o #alse an- 'o e't i# #alse One 1) can support a ma* of 17 $4($% $4($% must be terminate on home -# -#" use for control messages 6$D8 signaling use in -#" -8C car can han le 9&77&777 -@C$ 0O8 communicates with each other using ccsH2 signalling ;*change a ministration is one from $# ' marks ' marks 19*2E'/ marks

$ny one of the $T)s in a -# can be replace by 1) to pro,i e 1..*



iB DB kB lB mB nB oB pB =B rB 1/B 12B 19B 1:B 27B 21B 22B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB DB kB lB

5in ows os is use in 0O8 1@C car is use for connecting terminals an console CD(O# can be use for ata backup in 0O8 #a*imum number of @D6C links are 17 ("2'2 serial links use to connect terminals an printers 0"T) use for -(0 an 8(0 lines $T) is use for 6CC car s analog trunks can be terminate in DT) T") is use for inter -# call switching ;#F car s can be e=uippe in DT) Describe the functions of $# #ention the types of terminals for iop 6ist any two functions of 0O8 6ist the alarms isplaye in $D8 6ist the types of car s in $D8 4ame the terminal car s in -# State t !e o #alse "C0C an T0C are same har ware "C0C interfaces with "er,ice Circuits TF$ is tone generator an answering car #FC is use as DT#F recei,er 9 mbps link is use for ser,ice circuits @D6C link use between -8)<-#" 129 kbps @D6C link use from -8 to 0O8 /+ kbps 6$D8 link use between 0O8s 1/ mb memory use in #) 8")<00 is use for -8) ("<2'2 link use in -8 for console ;"# car is use to connect local -#s in #$%_%6 AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks ' marks ' marks ' marks 1. marks



mB nB oB

1/ #@I clock is recei,e from "C) 9 J@I is sync signal "$# is controlle by ""C


1B "ay the below statements true or false aB 4"C Car has an on boar processor bB 4"C car & C-% car an CCJ car form a security block cB 4"C car 4"C eB CCJ is controlle by the 4"C through C-% fB C-% car pro,i es an interface between ""C an "") gB 0n CDOT<D"" #$%<6 the local clock is synchroni?e with network clock using 4"; 2B 5rite ifferent mo es of operation of 4"C an e*plain briefly / forms the interface between DT" an CCJ B The 2.7+9.#h? clock an 9Jh? sync signal are e*change between the two copies of 1+

$nswer the following 1. 6ist any three cartri ges use in the software installation proce ure .'
2. is it possible to create only root file system uring "08 or else what is the other possibilityC '. #ention the comman s with parameters for the synchroni?ation of 0O8s 2 +. 5hat is the purpose of C"@<T$% !T0#<O)T an (04F<T$%<T#<O)T system parametersC Fill in the blanks: 1. (;"-C stan s for __________ 2. )nit 0D 0O8 .C stan s for _____(;"8C an (;"DC loa ing one in __________ irectory '. The comman for setting the site i entity is ______ +. $fter initiali?ation of the e*changes the passwor s of ______ an ______ accounts ha,e to be change 1 marks each



.. the comman for creating the new e*change co e is ______ /. #OD<"86<4)# comman is use for creating system irectory numbers of type ________ an _________ 2. For isplaying the system limits _______ comman is use 9. %C@F<TG8; E+ stan s for _______ type of CDOT e*change :. 0f the ,alue of the "86<(04FE1& then _______ feature is enable . 17. the efault si?e of me ium si?e trunk group is _______in -#DC "tate T(); or F$6"; while sen ing C60. 2. the ma*imum -# categories possible are /+ '. The ma*imum ,alue of 8"5D<T$#8<T@(" is 17. +. #04 !")-" !D0$6" ,alue shoul be always greater than or e=ual to the number of igits in e*change co e. .. 0f the ,alue of CC-<C6<C41(" is 1977 then all the O(D<CC- calls will get cut after ' mins. /. Fi,ing shut own 7 at root prompt means shut own of 0O8 will start imme iately 2. $n (-# cannot be assigne both share e*change co e an uni=ue e*change co e 9. $nswering circuit creation is one by the comman #OD<"G"<D0(4O :. 4O4<#T(<6C6 go,erns the charging for intra e*change calls terminating on non<metere numbers 17. the output e,ice for ,arious alarms an reports can be set to 1D) only 1 marks each

1. $(CD<6;4 system parameter in icates the number of igits to be prefi*e as area co e


$nswer the following: 1. #ention the ,arious subscriber priorities a,ailable for creating a new subscriber 2. #ention any three a ,antages of #"4 facilities for 0"D4 subscribers '

'. 6ist the transition states possible using C$66<"T$T parameter of #OD<604<"T$ comman +. 6ist any four number i entification supplementary ser,ices 2



Fill in the blanks

1 mark each

1. To get a free subscriber irectory number _______comman is use 2. $0")-<0D specifies the _________ an ________ a ress of the $4 sub. '. There are___ possible ,alues of 604<C$T. +. The ,alue of C$-<0D consists of _________<i & _______<i an _____<i . .. _________ comman is use for mo ifying originating facility an terminating facility of a subscriber. /. Frante facility can be with rawn using _________ comman 2. __________ comman is use for granting i,ersion on absence 9. CF- an CF4( stan s for ___________ an ___________ respecti,ely :. K<length in F(4T<K04F<F$C for normal sub is _______ 17. #a*imum number of #"4D4 a e through $DD<#"4<D4 comman is ___ 11. For changing the faulty port __________ comman is use . 12. For getting a list of subscribers with specific characteristics _____________ comman is use . 1'. $ gi,en number can be unfree?e using ______________comman . 1+. The calls that can wait for -" can be mo ifie using _________ comman . "tate true or False 1 mark each

1. $ny sub ata mo ification possible only when the status of the line is OO"<O8(. 2. Once the mo e is selecte as 4)<TO4; while eleting a "ub& it can be change to any other mo e in #OD<$44<#OD; comman . '. 0t is not possible to unfree?e the irectory numbers up to a specific ate +. 0t is not possible to change the T;4 keeping the same irectory number .. Lcontrol ; L keys are use to reach the en of all parameters an then e*ecute the comman /. 0t is not possible to get the etail billing for local calls 2. The granting of a facility is re=uire only when some a ition ata is re=uire which cannot be gi,en in the comman being use for registration 9. $t any instant & the ser,ice may be acti,ate > eacti,ate by the a ministrator only :. -y the D;6<F14<$6# comman alarm booke by operator only are elete



17. @unt group is use for both 8"T4 an 0"D4 sub but DD0 is use only for 0"D4 sub 11. The irectory numbers shoul ha,e been create an its status shoul be OO"<O8( before they become member of the hunt group. 12. $ mi* of analog sub an 0"D4 sub in a single hunt group is allowe 1'. 0t is possible to unfree?e only /7 irectory numbers at a time 1+. The member T;4 of a @unt group can be efine as incoming only of both way or both 1.. The characteristics of the DD0 users for originating as well as terminating calls is recogni?e by the 8DD0 number


$nswer the following:

1. #ention any three salient features of CC"2 signaling

2. 5rite any four layers of O"0 mo el. '. 5rite the functions of le,el 1 an le,el 2 in brief +. "tate the reason for limite information transfer of C$" system. .. ;*pan the following 1. 2. '. +. Fill in the blanks 1. #T8 stan s for ___________ 2. CC" system transfer signals at a rate of ____Jbps '. CC"2 capability in CDOT is pro,i e by ___________ mo ule "CC8 O#$8 0")8 $";

2 ' 2 2

1 mark each

+. $ny no e with a capability of han ling CC"2 is terme as ___________ .. The two sub layers of TC$8 are ___________ an ______________. /. The -# containing the ")# is calle the ___________ -#.




State t !e o #alse 1. (erouting is possible in C$" 2. There are 2 le,els of #T8 in CC"2 protocol mo el '. 6e,el four comprises of user parts +. T) cannot be replace by ")# in CDOT .. #assage han ling is one by le,el '

1 &a k ea'h

/. #T8 cannot control the number of signaling message links 2. "CC8 pro,i es connection oriente an connection less ser,ices


$nswer the following: 1. 6ist any + car a,ailable in ")# of CDOT 2 ."tate the phases a,ailable for 0")8 terminating an transit calls ' .Differentiate between 0")8<C(F<C@8 an 0")8<C(F<C@) +. 6ist comman s for CC" 2 ata creation in or er Fill in the blanks 1. #a*imum number of "@# car s in a ")# is _____ 2. The frame type for e=uipping ")# is _______ '. _____number of C.9. terminals re=uire for internal message communication of the ")# with the home -#. +. ________ message is sent to prece ing e*change when calle party answers the call .. TF8<"T$ in C(;<TF8 shoul always _________ "tate true or false 1. ")# can be e=uippe in (-# 2. 0n -#DC & ")# is e=uippe '. $C# is a part of ringing phase +. 4o 2 T;4 has . sub fiel s .. $CC"<CD<48F% parameter is use for access co e suppressing in case of "TD>0"D calls in o>g trunks

2 2 ' ' 1 mark each

1 mark each



1B ;*pan the following abbre,iations 8"T4& 8"D4 &0"D4 &4T 2B Define 0"D4 'B 5rite 0"D4 applications& an e*plain any three applications +B 5rite a neat iagram that shows user<network interface reference points of an 0"D4 line .B 5rite ifferent car s containe in an 0"T) frame /B 5rite ifferent supplementary ser,ices offere in CDOT<D"" for 0"D4 subscriber 2B 5rite Test set no3s: in CDOT<D"" for testing 0"D4 line


1B "ay true or false& if false correct it. aB @>5 of 1) is same as that of ") the ifference is only ">5 bB One -# can support #a*imum '722. ,. subscribers cB ") an 1) can not be concentrate together B One -# can interface ma*imum 1+ ,..2 interfaces eB 5hile creating $4 sub& $0")-<0D is to be gi,en instea of T;4 no fB "tatus of $4 ")- is change to 04" by F(C<T(#<04". gB Two C") loa Car s AC)6B are re=uire in copy O4; only of 1) + hB 1) can not be configure in (-# 2B 5rite the a ,antages of 1..2 interface 1/

1B 5rite ifferent basic mo ules in CDOT<D"". 2B "ay true or false& if false correct it. aB (-# can ha,e ifferent area co e than main e*change bB 8ro,ision is there to block local calls between #ain an (-# / 12




cB (-# oes not support trunks an Munctions beyon (-# B ;mergency ser,ices in (-#"$ is not possible eB Call shifting& uring DTJ going faulty of (-#& will take place within the same copy of T"C of (-# fB "eparate clock cable is e*ten e from C# to (-# 'B 5rite the functions of (emote Time "witch. +B ;*pan F8C& F(($& C#(& OT8& TT8& "C8& 6(($& D;T& an (-#"$. / /


1B ;*plain the following 8arameters of a TF8 aB TF8 "T$T)" bB 604; "0F4$6604F cB #F "0F4$6604F B T(4J F(O)8 TG8; eB 8(;F0% D0F0T" fB ($4J OF D0F0T gB $4"5;(04F CCT 04FO(#$T0O4 hB C$#$ 2B 5rite the system assigne priorities for the following 6ine types aB CCbB CC- 5ith "TD cB CC- 5ith cre it car B 8$-% eB O8;($TO( fB T;"T04F 604; 'B ;*plain briefly with e*ample aB "pecial rout 1' / / 9



bB D0D rout +B 5rite the significance of the following parameters in creating rout aB (out flag bB Charge rate no cB Digit length B Tgp choice eB (out co e 17

ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS Fill in the blanks with co ect answe s 1. 0n 04& ""8 communicates with "C8 through ___________ network A C$"& CC"H2B 2. __________contros the basic call processing an call flow as irecte by "C8 A ""8 > 08B '. __________ oes the etaile billing an charge relate functions for 04 ser,ices. A "C8>""8B +. ___________use to carry out the 04 ser,ices ata creation an management fuctions. A"#8>08B .. __________interacts with the user by sen ing announcements& re=uesting for 804& passwor etc an also recei,es DT#F tones an con,erts into igits. A 08>"#8B T.O MAR/S <UESTION 1. 5hat are the nee s of 04 ser,ices in telecom networkC THREE MAR/S <UESTION 1. 5rite the ifferent components of 04 network. 2. 5rite the ifferent functions of ""8





ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS 1. 5hat is the significance of the traffic a ministrationC Fill !" the blanks 2. _________ ata is use to pro uce call etail recor s. '. ____________comman isplays all acti,e traffic reports +. The comman use to stop the traffic obser,ation is __________ .. 5hile isplaying the traffic reports in case of trunk group reports& mo ule number shoul be specifie as __________ A $# > T(J_-# B State TRUE o# FA$SE /. $fter e*ecuting the comman D0"86<")-<T(F04F& for a specifie subscriber& the counters will get reset to ?ero. AT(); > F$6";B 2. ")-<T(F04F counters are getting reset at 77:77 hours aily. AT(); > F$6";B 9. $fter e*ecuting the comman D0"86<T(J<T(F04F& for a specifie trunk& the counters will get reset to ?ero. AT(); > F$6";B :. T(J<T(F04F counters are getting reset at 77:77 hours aily. AT(); > F$6";B 17. For getting #F signalling analysis report for #F signale trunk& the trunk shoul be in #F signalling analysis. AT(); > F$6";B 11. 5hile isplaying the traffic obser,ation reports& TO<D$T; shoul be greater than or e=ual to F(#<D$T;. AT(); > F$6";B T.O MAR/S <UESTION 1. 5hat are the two types of super,isions w.r.t. traffic measurementC 2. 6ist out four ifferent classes of traffic measurement. '. 5hat are the two types of traffic counters maintaine for accumulating traffic ata. +. 5hat is the meaning of call e,ent recor C .. 6ist out any four ifferent types of traffic reports that can be taken in CDOT e*change.




THREE MAR/S <UESTIONS 1. 6ist out the uses of traffic measurement. 2. 5rite comman s in the chronological or er to put a TF8 un er obser,ation & to get the printout an stop the obser,ation. '. 5rite ifferent types of obser,ations possible un er ")-"C(0-;(<O-";(1$T0O4

ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS Fill in the blanks with co ect answe s 1.The comman is to be e*ecute before taking the printout of meter rea ings is _________ 2. The current meter rea ings of the subscriber can be retri,e by the comman ________ '. The two types of etaile billing recor s are _________N__________ +. There are _____ possible categories base on which charging is one. .. The C(0 use for charging the ________& shoul ha,e initial charge as L73 /. The C(0 use for charging the ________& shoul ha,e initial charge as L13 2. The comman for a ing the TF8 for billing obser,ation is ____________ 9. The comman for remo,ing the TF8 from billing obser,ation is ____________ :. To interrogate ay types of the year following comman is to be use _________ A D0"86<D$G<TG8 > D0"86<TG8<D$GB 17. To interrogate the traffic ?one for a ay type the following comman is to be issue ._________ AD0"86<TG8<D$G > D0"86<D$G<TG8 B 11. The comman to be issue to mo ify the charge units for ifferent special ser,ices is ___________ 12. 5ith the comman #OD<")-<C(F& it is possible to efine charging for ______ A 6ocal calls > Transit callsB 1'. 0n the comman #OD<")-<C(F & if the C(F<(T4 E __________& then the local call will get barre between the -#s of the efine category. A041$60D > 7 B 1+. The charging of the calls originate from CCb lines are go,erne by the system parameter __________A 8CO<#T(<6C6B




1.. The calls from local local 8COs are isconnecte after a pre efine perio as specifie by the system parameter ___________ A CC-<C$66<D)(B T.O MAR/S <UESTION 1.5hat is ifference between the comman s #OD<TG8<D$G an #OD<D$G<TG8. 2. ;ach subscriber is pro,i e with si* counters. 5hich are theyC '. 5hat are the two types of etaile billing recor sC +. )n er what circumstances& subscriber special ser,ices are recor e C .. 5rite any + opeartions by which a commercial billing recor is generate . THREE MAR/S <UESTION 1. 5hat are the ifferent billing recor s generate in CDOT<#$% 2. 5hat are the three steps in,ol,e in the process of -illing. '. 5rite the contents of the commercial billing recor s.


ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS 1. 0t shoul be ensure that the operator is a e in both the 0O8s at the same time AT();>F$6";B 2. $ gi,en comman from an operator on a gi,en terminal can be e*ecute only if the

comman is allowe from the terminal as well as to that operator. AT();>F$6";B '. For eleting>remo,ing the account of an operator& comman D;6<O8( shoul be e*ecute on both the 0O8s& separately AT();>F$6";B +. For fin ing out the name an characteristics of the terminal A8ortB being use by operator& key<in the comman _______________ AD0"86<T(#<$""F4> D0"86<T(#<C@$(B .. #o ification of its own 8asswor by the Operator comman to be use is ________ the




A";T<85D> #OD<O8(<85D B /. $n operatorOs 8asswor can be mo ifie by the $ ministrator from his console knowing his>her ol passwor & key<in comman _______________ A#OD<O8(<85D> ";T<85DB 2. 5hile a ing an operator against parameter PO8(<4$#;P the name fille will be use login name to i entify an operator to the system. AT();>F$6";B T.O MAR/S <UESTIONS: 1. 5hy security en,ironment is pro,i e in CDOTC "ecurity en,ironment is pro,i e so that only authori?e operators can access the system to in,oke a set of authori?e comman s. 2. 5hat are two sections of comman s classifie for e*changeC '. Differentiate between $ Class comman an # class comman in CDOT #$%. +. 5hile a ing a terminal how the terminal name is inputte C .. Differentiate the comman #OD<O8(<85D an ";T<85D. /. 6ist out any three terminal management comman s. 2. 6ist out any three passwor management comman s. 9. ;*plain briefly the use of comman D0"86<T($4" as without


1. 5hat are the functions performe by the e*change a ministrator.C 2. 0n comman $DD<O8(& e*plain the following parameters. O8(<4$#;& F(8<4$#;& 4;5<85D& 1;(<85D





1. 5rite the significance of the following comman s 1B C(;<C#D<F06; 2B D;6<C#D<F06; 'B $DD<C#D<;4T +B D0"86<C#D<;4T .B ;%;C<C#D<F06; /B ;D0T 2B D0"86<C$6<60"T 9B D0"86<C$6<6OF :B D0"86<OOD<6OF 17B K)0T 11B ;%0T 12B D;6<C#D<;4T 1'B $DD<C$6 1+B #OD< C$6 1.B D;6<C$6 1/B D0"86<C$6 2. "tate whether the following statements are T(); or F$6"; a. b. c. . e. Comman file can e*ecute a set of comman s at one stretch key<in Q;%0TR to not sa,e the entries in the specifie file an abort comman file creation mo e key<in LK)0TR to sa,e the entries in the specifie file an abort the comman file creation mo e (esults of comman files are store in a log file. For isplaying the list of all comman s that are going to be issue from the calen ar between specifie ates an times& key<in the comman PD0"86<60"T




f. g. h. i. D.

For isplaying entries ma e in the calen ar on specific ate& key< in comman PD0"86<C$6<6OFP For isplaying all the entries in the calen ar log file between the specifie key<in comman PD0"86<C$6P For isplaying entries ma e in the calen ar on specific ate& key< in comman PD0"86<C$6<6OFP For eleting an entry in the system calen ar& key<in the comman PD;6<C$6P For creating a new Te*t file or up ating a te*t file& key<in comman Q;%0TR ates&


1. 5hat are reasons for taking -ack up of an e*change 2. #ention any three ifferent backups taken to be taken 0n CDOT D"" #$% '. #ention two ifferent type of Traffic Data generate by CDOT D"" #$% +. "ay whether the following statements are T(); or F$6"; 1B ;*change Data Files can not be mo ifie 2B Files Jeeping Data about health of the "ystem shoul eficiency 'B ;*change Data -ackup must be taken once in a three month +B -illing cycle backup is taken e,ery 1. ays .B CO8G<O)T comman is use to copy specifie files on to Tape .. #ention any three ifferent files relate to bill shoul be backe up be elete uring acute isk space

/. 5hat are two type of backups of -illing -ackup proce ureC 2. 5hat are the files that are backe up During -illing Cycle backup 9. 5hat are the files that are backe up During billing ata backup :. 5hat are types of traffic ata generate by the e*change




17. $rrange the following se=uence in or er to be followe for shut own proce ure 0. 6ogin into Oa mnO account on the 0O8 which you want to make OO" 00. -ring this 0O8 to col 000. $n 04"<$CT 0O8 shoul be ma e 04"<"-G 01. -ring own the "-G 0O8 to warm<le,el 1. 0O8 shoul be switche off 10. 5ait for the console login 11. $rrange the following se=uence in or er to be followe for restoration 1B (estore Traffic an @istory files -ackup 2B "witch on all the terminal )nits 'B ;*change Data (estoration +B -illing (estoration .B (estore files for operators accounts from backup /B 8ower up the 0O8 proce ure


1. 5hat are the ifferent types of cable use in the CDOT D"" #$% installationC 2. #ention any si* signal cables are use in CDOT D"" #$% '. #ention any three ifferent run le,els of 0O8 +. 5hat are the ifferent soft eli,erables must been seen before installationC .. $rrange the following software loa ing after installation in the se=uential or er 0. 00. 000. 01. 1. 10. 6oa ing of )40% Cartri ge 6oa ing of 8atch Cartri ge 6oa ing of -ase Cartri ge "hut own of 0O8 6oa ing of -are #inimum Data Cartri ge Do not remo,e write protection of the cartri ge unless mentione e*plicitly in the proce ure. /. 5hat are the purpose of 0D8 an DCD8 in CDOT #$% %6C 2. #ention any three type of cable to be connecte to 0O8




9. what are the precaution to be taken for installation of ##<$D8 :. #ention two ifferent type of cable the #DF can support 17. #ention any three ifferent type of frames a,ailable for e=uipping Terminal )nits 11. 5hat are the functions of the following frames in -ase mo ule of CDOT #$% %6 0. $T) 00. DT) 000. 0T) 01. ") 12. 5hat are the significance of the following comman s 0. ;K)08<F($#; 00. ;K)08<#FC<C$(D 000. ;K)08<"(1<C$(D 1'. 5hat are the significance of the following comman s 0. )4;K<"(1<C$(D 00. ;K)08<T(#6<C$(D 000. D0"86<#OD<04FO 01. )4;K)08<F($#; 1. )4;K<"(1<C$(D 1+. #ention any three Onboar De,ices Tests for C<DOT 0O8 1.. 5hat are the test to be performe for "50TC@04F F)4CT0O4 C@;CJ 1/. #ention any three ifferent tests are to be performe for (") functioning.

1. "tate true or false 2. L(F;43 is the utility use for creating space in the isk. '. Tapes can be copie using LT$8;CO8G3 utility +. The reports generate by (F;4 utility are not as etaile as generate by C(8. 2

1. The utilities are a,ailable in the -$"; cartri ge supplie along with the software.




.. The utilities are use from C(8 prompt only /. L-#O43 is a traffic obser,ation tool 2. -ack up for utilities is not re=uire . 2. 5rite the utility use against the usage in the space pro,i e . "l 4o. usage To create comman file for e=uipping terminals an 1 car s 2 ' + . / To create comman file for test< trm For printing etail bill recor To change the printer port To isplay rout relate information To isplay the trunk status / )tility > script file

'. 1. 5hat is script fileC 2. 5hat is TF8)T06C '. 6ist at least three reports isplaye by L contrf L utility. 21. MAINTENANCE 2ROCEDURES One Ma k <!estions: "T$T; T(); O( F$6"; 1. Test set no.172 is use for open loop test. 2. Test set no.17' is use for ;*change si e tests. '. Test set no.17+ is use for ;*change si e tests on lines A"ignalingB. +. Test set no.17. is use for ;*change si e tests on lines ACo ecB. 2 2 '




.. Test set no.17/ is use for open loop S ;*change si e tests on lines A"ignalling S Co ec. /. Test set no.172 is use for close loop tests on lines. Fill in the -lanks 2. Test set no.+71 is use for testing <<<<<<<<<<< 9. Test set no.+72 is use for testing <<<<<<<<<<< :. Test set no.'71 is use for testing <<<<<<<<<<< 17. Test set no.'7+ is use for testing <<<<<<<<<<< T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. 5rite ifferent ser,ice circuits C 2. 5rite the test set nos for $nalog lines C '. 5rite the test set nos for igital trunks C +. 5rite any two routine maintenance of C# an $# C .. 5rite the routine maintenance of power supply units C Th ee Ma k <!estions: 1. 5rite the Tests in test set no.172C 2. 5rite any three registers to be maintaine by a maintenance personnel C '. 5rite any three files to be maintaine C +. 5rite the ifferent reports to be generate C .. 5rite any three manuals re=uire in the e*changes C /. 5rite the three phases of trouble fi*ing C 2. 5rite thr correspon ing tones for alarms C 9. 5rite any three correcti,e actions C :. 5rite any three likely cause for a type of alarms C 17. 5rite the steps nee e for perio ic testing C




22. SOFT.ARE U26RADATION AND RETROFIT One Ma k <!estions: "ay T(); O( F$6"; 1. 4umber of $0 links ha,e been increase to 1+ per -# in case of #-# an 11 in case of "-#. 2. )ne=uipping of -# is possible through C(8 comman )4;K<-#. '. "eperate area co e for (") an $ccess network for C60 purpose. T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. ;*pan the following w.r.t. 0"D4. 0CC&0TC&-(6&8(6 2. 5rite the steps in,ol,e in "oftware (etrofit 8roce ureC Th ee Ma k <!estions: 1. 5rite any three pre<retrofit checksC

2). AN RAX
One Ma k <!estions: 1. The C<DOT $4<($% will pro,i e the <<<<<<<<<< le,el of remoting. 2. $(C communicates with the uplicate $(C through <<<<<<<<<< link. '. Two $C0$ links are use for <<<<<<<<an <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. +. #other -oar will ha,e <<<<<Anumber of a itional strapping for $4 ($%. .. The $(C an $(0 car s are connecte by <<<<<<<<<< cable. /. Comman for creating $0 0nterface is <<<<<<<<<. 2. Comman for eleting $0 0nterface is <<<<<<<<<. 9. Comman for starting the $0 0nterface is <<<<<<. :. The ,alue for Distincti,e ring an 4ormal ring is <<< N <<< respecti,ely. 17. The comman to test the Digital trunk status is <<<<<<<<<<<.



T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. 4ame the control car s of $4<($%C 2. ;*pan -O("C@T. '. 5rite the two types of -oot 6e,elC +. 5rite any two 0nterface relate $ ministration Comman sC Th ee Ma k <!estions: 1. 5rite the three types of line testing with test set numbersC 2. 5hat are the three sections of isplay screenC '. 5rite any three maintenance comman sC 5rite any three Feneral $ ministration Comman sC


0. "tate true or false. 1. #DF Frame shoul be properly earthe . 2. 8rotecti,e e,ices shoul not be use at the #DF '. -etter maintaine e*change will a better ser,ice to the subscribers. +. "witch room can be use as storeroom. .. 1oltage rop shoul not be more than one ,olt from power plant to e=uipment loa . /. The ,alue of ;arth resistance shoul be ,ery high . 2. The switch room temperature shoul be maintaine within 21 to 2. centigra e. 9. ;*change ata back up is taken once in Fifteen ays. :. $lways the switch units shoul be in uple* mo e. 17. Comman file is use for e*change inspection. 00 Fill up the blanks. 1. 0O8 is a,ailable in _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ site A (-#& $4($%& #-# B 2. ."witch room acti,ities are recor e in _ _ _ _ _ _ A 6og -ook& Traffic reports& -ack up registerB 2/



'. 0n case of 8ower failure _ _ _ _ _ _ facility shoul be a,ailable.A ;mergency light& First $i -o*& 6ightning protector B +. 4umber of sets of software eli,erables a,ailable in all #-# sites are _ _ _ _ _ A2&'&+&B 000. 5hat is the comman use for the following purpose 1. To know how many people were gi,en a particular facility. 2. To know all the subscribers with gi,en facility. '. To know the characteristics of a rout. +. To know the operators pre,ile ges. .. Display the transactions 01. 6ist at least T@(;; registers>logs to be maintaine in the e*changes. 100. 6ist out at least T@(;; general points on switch room en,ironment. ' ' .


0. 5hat is the necessity for 8$TC@ up gra ationC 00. "tate true or false. 1. 4o mo ule shoul be OO"<040 state while patch upgra ation 2. #$% _1; system employs T<T<T switching configuration. '. $"1 car pro,i es tones in #$% !1; system +. 0n #$% !1; system ;C6 car caters for 1/ subscriber termination 000. ;*pan the following: 1. 1") 2. ") '. 1T" +. CD) .. ;T) . 1 +





0. "tate true or false. 1. C4#" is not a real time network monitoring. 2. Depen ing on the technology ifferent C4#" are re=uire in the network. '. 4#" helps in easy termination an fault isolation of the elements in the network. +. Operator terminals are use for network configuration. 00. Fill up the blanks. ' 1. T#4 "er,er runs with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operating system. A DO"& "olaris&)ni*B 2. The application use to page the alrms in 4#" is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A4et wi?ar & 4et pager& 4et guar B '. The application use for traffic isplay is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A4et watch& 4et alert& 4et alarmB 000. 6ist at least three features of 4#". ' +

------- -----







1. 2. '. +. .. /. 2. T"T -ase #o ule& Central #o ule& $ ministrati,e #o ule& N 0nput Output #o ule. 8C# 6inks. Central #o ule. 0nput Output #o ule. 9 ;,en


Fill in the Blanks: 1. '.: micro secon s 2. '2 '. time slot 7. +. #F$5 .. 2 #bps /. Time switching an "pace switching 2. T" N 8C#. 9. T" N 8C# . :. subscribers& trunks an special circuits. 17. -ase mo ule 11. -ase mo ule. 12. si*. 1'. 1. 1+. logical ,oltages an ringing current. 1.. DT" an DTC. 1/. 0"T). 12. 2./ 19. 1) 1:. -ase 8rocessor )nit 27. -8C an -#; 21. '2 22. "CJ an CCJ. 2'. C# 2+. 0nput Output 8rocessor




2.. @D6C 2/. 8eripheral 22. Call e,ent 29. Terminal Test. 2:. 2/9 analog lines '7. / Terminal )nits '1. 1+.77 '2. 9777 ''. ;ternal an Dynamic '+. +777 an 9777 '.. 12&.77 Mention T !e o False 1. T(); 2. F$6"; '. F$6"; +. T(); .. T(); /. F$6"; only one 2. T(); 9. T(); :. F$6"; cannot be 17. T(); 11. F$6"; same h>w 12. T(); 1'. F$6"; ,ia C# 1+. T(); 1.. F$6"; 1/ 1/. T(); 12. T(); 19. F$6"; C# 1:. F$6"; Only from Console 27. T(); 21. F$6"; C# 22. F$6"; )ni* 2'. F$6"; ;ternal 2+. F$6"; Traffic& Termination capacity 2.. F$6"; 2 6#3s




2/. F$6"; 22. T(); 29. F$6"; 2:. T(); '7. T();

+ T)

Ans"e the #ollo"in$ 1 1. 2. '. +. 2 1. 2. '. +. .. /. ' -ase #o ule Central #o ule $ ministrati,e #o ule 0nput Output #o ule

%2 &a ks ea'h(

0nterface Digital Trunks $nalog to Digital Con,ersion "witch calls within -# Communicate with $# ,ia C# 8ro,ision of special circuits 8ro,i e local switching an metering in stan alone mo e of (")

1. Time switch within the -# 2. (outing of Control message within -# an across -# '. "upport ser,ices like #F>DT#F&tones etc + 1. "er,ice unit A")B 2. -ase message switch '. Time switch AT"B . 1. 2. '. +. / "witching of inter<-# calls Communication between $# an -# Clock istribution 4etwork synchroni?ation A-#"B




1. 2. '. 2 1. ;ternal 2. Dynamic 9

"pace switch "pace switch Controller Central message switch

;ternal process are create at the time of system initiali?ation an remain ali,e through out the life of system Dynamic process are create when e,er reuire an ies after processing the e,ent : 1. 2. '. +. .. /. 2. 17 1. 2. '. +. .. /. #anagement of 8rocesses Time management 0nterrupt #anagement (esource #anagement #emory #anagement Online an offline ebugging Facility CDOT real time operating "oftware 8eripheral 8rocessors "ubsystem Call 8rocessing "ubsystem #aintenance "ubsystem $ ministration "ubsystem Database "ubsystem 0nput output processor subsystem

11 1. 0nitiali?ation 2. "ystem 0ntegrity '. "witch #aintenance +. Terminal #aintenance .. @uman interface 12 1. ;asy access



2. Kuick access '. Transparency +. Consistency .. "ecurity /. "ynchroni?ation

1B 2B aB bB cB B eB fB 'B aB bB cB "8C signal processor car T0C terminal interface car T)C terminal unit controller car $T) for analog subs>trunks terminations DT) for 2mbps trunks terminations 0"T) for 0"D4 subscriber terminations ""H2 for CC"H2 or 1..2 terminations -8) for processors T") for time switch han ling $T)&DT)&0"T)&-8)&T")&""H2

+B 6CC& CC#& TTC& $44& T5T& ;#F .B One T) S ' 6T) are aisy chaine using the concentration cable to achie,e +:1 concentration to share 129 time slots from ' 6T)s an a T) /B aB + * 129 multiple*e links from + ifferent T) which may be combination of DT)& $T)& H2")&0"T) bB 1 * 129 multiple*e -)" from "C0C in T") cB ' * 129 Channel links to support on boar conference ccts A'*129B these are multiple*e to form a .12 channel + mbps link towar s C# in case of #$% or processe in -# for "-# 2B TF$& "C0C& #FC 9B -8)<-#" link& -8)<0O8 6ink& -8)<$D8 link :B Call processing& maintenance& a ministration& atabase




17B -T)& "")& ""C)& $8) 11B aB true& bB false cB false B true eB true fB true gB false hB true iB false DB false kB false lB true 12B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB DB kB lB mB nB + /+ kbps +:1 h lc 2./ kbps async 129 kbps "erial /97+7 9 green /7 129 igital




1'B aB bB cB B eB fB 1+B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB DB kB lB mB nB 1.B aB bB cB B eB fB true false. One 1) tub supports 1+ $4($% true true false h lc signaling false& @8C car re=uire isplays the system status isplays non<urgent urgent imme iate alarms in green& yellow& re colors Displays -#1<'2 alarams Dispalys C# alarams Displays $# alarams "ystem clock failure alarams "tatus of 0O8s #essage link failure alarms O#C link failure 4umber of Faulty lines Faulty trunk groups 8ower alarams O,erloa alarms "oftware reco,ery alarms communication to uplicate iop T 129 kbps a p /+ kbps interaction with C#"s 1N2 129 kbps communication path from ""C>-# to 0O8s (ecie,es billing ata from -#s on hourly basis for storing in 0O8 Consoli ates traffic ata an stores in 0O8 Comman interpretation for $ min an #tce functions




gB hB iB DB kB lB mB nB oB pB =B rB 1/B aB bB 12B 19B aB bB cB B eB 1:B aB bB cB B eB 27B 21B

false& @D6C signaling false& 0O8 false& )40% true false& tape backup false& 2 true true true false& Only igital lines A;1>8C# streamsB false& "C) false& DT"&DTJ car s

communicates with -8 ,ia C#" routing& translation& resource allocation

console& printers& oo & crp terminals ownloa ing an initiali?ation of D"" #$% #an<#achine interface -illing an traffic ata collection 8rinting of mtce an traffic ata e*change management functions Critical& urgent & non<urgent alarms from -#s& C#& $# 0O8 alarams 6ink alarams lines an trunk group alarms message link failure alarms

Controller car & isplay car power supply lcc& ccm& twt& emf& ttc& ann




22B aB bB cB B eB fB gB hB iB DB kB lB mB nB oB true true true true false true true false true true true false true true true

1B "ay the below statements true or false aB T(); bB T(); cB T();< B T(); eB T();< fB T(); gB T(); 2B Different mo es of operation of 4"C $B 6ocke #o e: when one or more reference clocks are a,ailable& 4"C enters into locke mo e by selecting one of the a,ailable networks clocks accor ing to fi*e priority an synchronises to it




-B @ol o,er #o e: when 4"C loses the network clock to which it was locke an when no other network clocks are a,ailable & it enters to hol o,er mo e in which it synchroni?es to the latest reference ,alue. CB Free (un #o e: when none of the network reference clocks are a,ailable an no locking to e*ternal reference clock has taken place before. 0n this mo e system works on its local clock.

.. -$"0C O8;($T0O4"
1. AiB AiiB AiiiB Ai,B
2. 8ossible by loa ing only )40% cartri ge an the other possibility is to create remaining irectories like user& ata an co e by loa ing the balance cartri ges '. The following two comman s from in<ser,ice acti,e 0O8 1. 8)T<"5)<OO": #OD<4O E 0O#& )40T<0D E 0O8<%U Awhere % E 7 or 1& i of mate 0O8 N 0O8<% shoul be at warm start le,elB 2. 8)T<"5)<04": #OD<4O E 0O#& )40T<0D E 0O8<%U A% E 7 or 1 of mate 0O8B +. These parameters are effecti,e for those calls for which the e*change is working as lea ing T$% 1. C"@<T$% !T0#<O)T parameter go,erns the C"@ timeout for the calls efault ,alues is '7 sec. in -#DC. 2. (04F<T$%<T#<O)T parameter eci es the uration of the ring to be fe to the calle party. Default ,alue is. /7 "ec.

)40% Cartri ge ;*change "oftware -ase 6ink Cartri ge A-$CB ;*change "oftware Combine 8atch 6ink Cartri ge AC8CB ;*change -are #inimum Data Cartri ge A-#DCB




ANS #o Fill in the =lanks: 1. (estoration of -$"; cartri ge 2. 0O8 7 N >co e>au it '. set<site<i +. sua mn N a mn .. #OD<%COD /. O8;($TO( N $44O)C;#;4T 2. D0"86<"G"<60# 9. T$% or 06T :. istincti,e (inging 17. 27 TRUE OR FA*SE ANS 1. T(); 2. F$6"; '. F$6"; +. T(); .. T(); /. T(); 2. F$6"; 9. F$6"; :. T(); 17. F$6";


1. 1. 2. '. CC- Aor inaryB CC-<"TD CC-<C(D E E E : 17 11




+. .. /. 2.

8-% O8( AoperatorB T"T ATest 6ineB


12 1' 1+

1. ;ach subscriber has its own irectory number 2. ;ach subscriber has its own ser,ice profile e.g. ifferent access le,el for O>F calls& a set of facilities etc. '. Can ha,e subscriber specific bearer ser,ice. +. 0n i,i ual etail bill recor s for long istance calls as well as separate meter rea ings for each subscriber '. 1. 2. '. +. +. C608& C60(& C60(O& #C0D& #"4& DD0& CO68& CO68( 4(#<604 to -48<$44C

-48<$44C to 4(#<604 -48<$44C to -48<D0"C -48<D0"C to 4(#<604

Fill in the blanks $4": 1. OD0"86<D0(4OO 2. access interface number N 6ayer ' a ress '. 9 +. 8rimary<i & secon ary<i N tertiary<i .. #OD<")-<F$C /. 5TD<")-<F$C 2. F(4T<$-"<"(1 +1



9. Call forwar ing on -usy an Call forwar ing on no reply :. 17 17. / 11. #OD<")-<T;4 12. D0"86<")-<60"T 1'. )4F(I<F14<D0(4O 1+. #OD<C5 TRUE OR FA*SE ANS 1. T(); 2. F$6"; '. F$6"; +. F$6"; .. T(); /. F$6"; 2. T(); 9. F$6"; :. F$6"; 17. T(); 11. T(); 12. F$6"; 1'. T(); 1+. T(); 1.. T();


1. 1. Fast& reliable an economical 2. -it<oriente protocol '. 6abelle messages




+. $ssociate an =uasi<associate mo e of working .. ;rror correction is supporte at link le,el Ale,el 2B by transmission an se=uence control. /. #essage routing is supporte by signaling message han ler at le,el ' 2. (e un ancy an loa sharing is possible on signaling links. Change back on link restoration is possible 9. (e un ancy an loa sharing is possible on signaling routes& along with i,ersion on route failure. 2. 1. 8hysical 2. Data link '. 4etworks +. Transport .. "essions /. 8resentation 2. $pplication '. 1. 6e,el 1 of the efines the physical& electrical an functional characteristics of the signaling link 2. 6e,el 2 efines the functions that are rele,ant to an in i,i ual signaling link& inclu ing error control an link monitoring. +. 1. The restricte number of con itions that can be applie 2. .. .. /. 2. 9. "CC8< "ignaling Connection Control 8art O#$8< Operations N #aintenance $pplication 8art 0")8 < 0"D4 )ser 8art $";<$pplication ser,ice element The limite number of opportunities to transfer signals




ANS Fill in the =lanks 2. #essage transfer part 9. /+Jbps :. "ignaling unit mo ule 17. "ignaling point 11. Transaction "ublayer AT"6B an Component "ublayer AC"6B. 12. PhomeP -#.

T(); O( F$6"; 1. F$6"; 2. F$6"; '. T(); +. F$6"; .. T(); /. F$6"; 2. T();


1 1. "@# 2. -8C >@8C '. -#; +. T)C .. T)0 /. C)6 2. 8") 00 2. 1. "etup 8hase




2. (inging 8hase '. Con,ersation 8hase +. (elease 8hase '. 0f "0F<04F is set to 0")8<C(F<C@-& Charging will be one accor ing to charge -an message coming from remote en & when the e*change is acting as a local e*change an e*pecting charging information from T$%. 0")8<C(F<C@): This metho charging pulses. +. 1. C(;<"8C ACreate "ignaling 8oint Co eB 2. C(;<CF" ACreate Circuit Froup "etB '. C(;<TF8 ACreate Trunk FroupB +. C(;<6"- ACreate 6ink "et -un leB .. C(;<6" ACreate 6ink "etB /. C(;<"(" ACreate "ignaling (oute "etB Fill in the blanks /. 9 2. "ignaling unit 9. Two :. $4# 17. -oth way State t !e o #alse $4" /. F$6"; 2. F$6"; 9. T(); :. F$6"; 17. T(); of charging is Dust like charging in case of #F trunks using




1B8ublic "witche Telephone 4etwork& 8acket "witche Data 4etwork& 0ntegrate ser,ices igital 4etwork& 4etwork Termination. 2B 0"D4 is aB $ complete terminal< to<terminal igital network bB $ network that pro,i es both telephone an non telephone ser,ices in the same network cB $ network base on a igital telephone network B $ network that utili?es signaling system 4o:2 for signaling 'B. 0"D4 applications are aB 0ntranet $pplications bB Telecommuting or 5ork at home cB 1i eo Conferencing B -ranch office communications eB "tan by 0nter<4etworking fB ;nhance ,oice "er,ices gB 8oint of sale "er,ices hB Teleme ia>Desktop publishing iB +B. Telemetry>"ecurity (;F D0$F 04 0"D4 60T;($T)(; 8")< 11& -(6 C$(D& 8(6 C$(D& 0TC C$(D& 0CC C$(D& NC)6 C$(D /B. Different supplementary ser,ices offere in CDOT<D"" for 0"D4 subscriber COO68& CO6(& $OC& T8& #"4& C$66<@O6D& 2B. Test set no3s: in CDOT<D"" for testing 0"D4 line /79& /72& /7:& N/17

.B. Different car s containe in an 0"T) frame


1B "ay true or false& if false correct it. iB T(); DB T(); kB T(); lB T();




mB T(); nB F$6";& -G 8)T<T(#<04" oB T(); pB F$6"; 2B. $ ,antages of 1..2 interface 5orks with any type of parent switch& cost optimi?e & effecti,e 4etwork 8lanning can be one& simplifie ON# & will be a part of main e*change hence all facilities of main e*change are e*ten e .

11. RBM
1B Different basic mo ules in CDOT<D"". (emote base mo ule& Collocate base mo ule& 0nput output mo ule& $ ministrati,e mo ule& Central mo ule& "ignaling unit mo ule . 2B aB T(); bB T(); cB F$6"; B F$6"; eB T(); fB F$6"; 'B Functions of (emote Time "witch. aB Time slot interchange bB #ap 172+ time slots to .12 channels cB Digital trunk interface B Clock e*traction eB Fault han ling in igital trunk lines +B F6O-$6 8$T@ COO(D04$TO(& F6O-$6 (O)T04F $4D (;"O)(C; $66OC$TO(& C$66 #$4$F;(& +2



O(0F04$T04F T;(#04$T04F 8(OC;""& T(#04$T04F T;(#04$6 8(OC;""& "T$T)" CO4T(O6 8(OC;""& 6OC$6 (O)T04F (;"O)(C; $66OC$T;(& D0(;CTO(G 4)#-;( TO ;K)08#;4T T$-6;& (;#OT; -$"; #OD)6; "T$4D $6O4;. .


2B $B TF8 "T$T)" 0t refers to the TF8 0n coming & out going &or -oth ways -B 604; "0F4$6604F 0t refers to the TF8 signaling& 6oop isconnects& ; N #& Digital (2& Digital CC" CB #F "0F4$6604F This parameter is ,ali if (;F<"0F is gi,en as #F .The possible ,alues are 0n,ali & Compelle & an "emicomplle . Compelle is use for fomal e*change but semi<compelle is use for satellite channels DB T(4J F(O)8 TG8; Type of trunk group epen ing on the type of e*change at other en . 8ossible ,alues are: O(D04$(G& TT$%& NF$T;5$G ;B 8(;F0% D0F0T" The igits to be prefi*e to the se=uence of igits recei,e o,er an incoming TF8 before analy?ing the total igits. 0t maybe nil &single igit or may be up to four igit. FB ($4J OF D0F0T 8osition in the recei,e outgoing TF8 FB $4"5;(04F CCT "T$T)" The status of the Qanswering circuitsR at the istance e*change for the testing of outgoing trunks @B C$#$ +9 igit se=uence from which igits are to be out pulse on an



0s centrali?e automatic message accounting& enabling which can generate CD( on incoming TF8 2B. 5rite the system assigne priorities for the following 6ine types gB CC-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<: hB CC- 5ith "TD<<<<<<<<<<<<17 iB CC- 5ith cre it car <<<<<11 DB 8$-%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<12 kB O8;($TO(<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<1' lB T;"T04F 604;<<<<<<<<<<1+ 'B cB "pecial rout $re (outes terminating in the e*change itself. #ay be like terminating on Time annc e=uipment& 06T& an alternate ir no etc. B D0D rout 0n network some times it is re=uire to reser,e a particular le,el in the e*change co e to pro,i e connecti,ity to 8$-% sub. This can be achi,e by creating D0D rout i.e. rout co e starting with e*change co e. 0f * co e is .+9 an igit length is 2& then say l,el .+921 is reser,e to subscriber& then D0D rout can be create with co eE.+921.D0D rout shoul not be opene for more than 177 ir no range +B fB (out flag The rout flag enotes a relation between each routing category an the restrictions on calls on outgoing route as regar s to: whether calls may be barre ue to calen ar consi eration& whether normal calls maybe allowe i.e.&calls in which igit are such that the igit ne*t to the rout co e is not Q1R& whether calls ha,ing Q1R as igit ne*t to rout co e are allowe to pass. Or not. gB Charge rate no For each rout category there is an associate number which is use as an in e* to the charge rate table containing charging information




hB Digit length The minimum no of igits inclu ing the rout co e & which must be a,ailable in the e*change for calls to be route o,er this particular rout. For cases of close numbering scheme this also in icates the minimum no of igits which will be accepte by this e*change& an any e*tra igits will be neglecte . iB Tgp choice This is the combination of two entities: subscriber>0C trunk group priority& an the set of trunk group numbers. Tgp no shoul ha,e been alrea y create .& an shoul be O>F only.

ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS Fill in the blanks with co ect answe s 1. C$" 2. ""8 '. "C8 +. "#8 .. 08 T.O MAR/S <UESTION 1. 1. Deman from the customer for inno,ati,e ser,ices. 1. Current network is multi ,en or. @ence implementations of newer ser,ices are ifficult. 2. 8ro,isioning of the ser,ices is shifte from the switches to speciali?e computers.

THREE MAR/S <UESTION 1. 2. ""8& "C8& "#8& 08& CC" H2 4etwork. 1. Call processing 2. Trigger processing '. Call gapping +. Feature interaction .. Trigger acti,ation N eacti,ation. /. (esponse processing 2. )ser 0nteraction 9. Fault han ling :. (esource #onitoring





ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS 1. Traffic a ministration is one of the most important tasks performe by the a ministration software because it pro,i es a meaningful in e* to the e*change performance. Fill !" the blanks 2. C;( ACall ;,ent (ecor B '. D0"86<T(F<(8T +. "TO8<T(F<(8T .. $# State TRUE o# FA$SE /. T(); 2. T(); 9. T(); :. T(); 17 T(); 11. T(); T.O MAR/S <UESTION 1. 2. 8ermanent super,ision Temporary super,ision 1. ;*ch. traffic statistics 2. Component #easurement '. 4etwork #easurement +. Customer measurement 1. (aw counters 2. 8rocesse ata counters. C;( is the etaile recor s of all the e,ents that occur uring a call which inclu e port i entity& class of originating line or incoming circuit& ialle number& call routing time& isposition of call an time of occurrence of e,ents& etc.
1B 2B 'B +B .B /B 6ine (eports A64;<(;8B 8rocessor (eports A8(O<(;8B @unt Froup (eport A@4T<(;8B Daily (eport AD6G<(;8B Trunk Froup (eports AT(J<(;8B (oute> Destination co e (eport A()T<(;8B

'. +.




CDOT QUESTION BANK 2B 9B :B 17B 11B 12B 1'B "er,ice Circuit (eports A"(1<CJTB DTJ (eports ADTJB 6ink (eport A64J<(;8B for CC"2 signalling links (oute "et for 0"D4 ser,ices report for CC"2 route sets A(T";T<(;8B -earer "er,ice (eport A-;(<"(1CB for 0"D4 ser,ices "pecial facilities report A"86<F$CB "witching 4etwork (eport A"5T<4;TB

THREE MAR/S <UESTIONS 1. 1.;*pansion sche uling 2. Telephony resource imensioning '. 4etwork planning +. Fault location .. 8ort performance measurement /. -etter resource sche uling. 1. "T$(T<T(F<(8T 2. #OD<TF8<O-" '. #OD<(8T<8;(DTG +. #OD<O)T<O8T .. "TO8<T(F<(8T Originating call Terminating call #alicious call

2. Comman s:



Fill in the blanks with co ect answe s 1. F#T<-6F<C4T( 2. D0"86<")-<#T( '. 4C-( N ""-( +. '2 .. Transit call /. Out going call 2. $DD<TF8<-6F 9. (;#<TF8<-6F :. D0"86<D$G<TG8 17. D0"86<TG8<D$G 11 #OD<""(1<C(F 12. 6ocal calls 1'. 041$60D 1+. 8CO<#T(<6C6




1.. CC-<C$66<D)( T.O MAR/S <UESTION 2. '. +. 1. 6ocal charge 2. (eg>"TD charge '.0"D charge 4C-( an ""-( 1. $cti,ation of the ser,ice 2. Decti,ation of the ser,ice '. 1erification +. 0n,ocation A)sageB
Creation of a line Deletion of a line #o ification of Terminal ;=uipment 4umber Ai.e. Dir. 4o. is sameB #o ification of subscriber facilities Creation of hunt group Deletion of hunt group $ ition>Deletion of members to>from hunt group& etc. #o ification of 6ine "tatus #o ification of subscriber characteristics

+. "TD call .. 0"D call /. -ulk charge



-ulk billing information on all subscribers>trunks. Detaile billing information on all sub for (;F.& "TD an 0"D calls only. Detaile billing for subscribers un er obser,ation for local calls an for trunks put un er billing obser,ation. Commercial billing recor s. Charging Calen ar management.

+. 1. (ecognition of the e,ents an recor ing of the ate. 2. 8rocessing of ata for billing recor s '. "torage of the processe ata. '.
Date an time of operation Operation type Directory number an its correspon ing Terminal ;=uipment 4umber Originating an terminating facilities in case of mo ification of subscriber facilities Charge meter rea ings of a subscriber at the time of operation one for that subscriber 4ew Terminal ;=uipment 4umber in case of mo ification of subscriber T;4 4umber of lines in the hunt group an 8rincipal Directory 4umber in case of hunt group operations





ONE MAR/ <UESTIONS 1. T(); 2. T(); '. T(); +. D0"86<T(#<$""F4 .. ";T<85D /. #OD<O8(<85D 2. T(); T.O MAR/S <UESTIONS: 1. "ecurity en,ironment is pro,i e so that only authori?e operators can access the system to in,oke a set of authori?e comman s. 2. '. +. .. Comman s for ;*change $ ministrators Comman s for ;*change Operators $ !Class comman s are a ministrati,e set of comman s #<Class comman s are #aintenance set of comman s. > e,>icc_* where * ! ,aries from 7 to 2 for 1@ 0O8 -y using the comman #OD<O8(<85D the system a ministrator can change the passwor of any operator without knowing the current passwor . This comman is an $<Class comman . -y using the ";T<85D comman the operator himself can mo ify his current passwor to a new one by inputting the current passwor . This comman is an #<class comman . /. 2. 9. $DD<T(#& D0"86<T(#<C@$(& #OD<T(#<C@$(& D0"86<T(#< $""0F4& D;6T(#. $DD<O8(& D0"86<O8(<C@$(& #OD<O8(<C@$(& #OD<O8(<85D& ";T<85D& D;6<O8(. This comman is use for isplaying log of recent change comman s an its results gi,en to C(8 for specific perio .

THREE MAR/S <UESTIONS 1. $ ing a new terminalAsB to the e*change. $ ing a new operatorAsB to the e*change. Deleting>(emo,ing an e*isting operator in the e*change.




Deleting e*isting terminalAsB in the e*change. #o ifying operator characteristics #o ifying any operatorOs 8asswor without knowing his ol passwor . #o ifying the characteristics of a terminal "etting>#o ifying his own passwor 2. O8(<4$#; ! 4ame of the operator as esire . 0t will be use as login name to i entify an operator in the system. F(8<4$#; ! 0t is the name of the group where the operator account gets create . The group name is La min3 4;5<85D ! This parameter asks the passwor to be assigne for login 1;(<85D ! This parameter asks the passwor again for ,erification. The account will be create only if the passwor s match.


1. 1B C(;<C#D<F06;: Creating a new comman file containing one or more entries 2B D;6<C#D<F06;: Deleting an e*isting comman file& key<in comman 'B $DD<C#D<;4T: $ ing one or more entry in a comman file& key<in comman +B D0"86<C#D<;4T: Deleting one or more entries from a comman .B ;%;C<C#D<F06;: e*ecuting either all entries in a comman or a specifie range of ;ntries /B ;D0T: creating a new Te*t file or up ating a te*t file 2B D0"86<C$6<60"T: Displaying entries ma e in the calen ar on specific ate 9B D0"86<C$6<6OF: isplaying all the entries in the calen ar log file between the specifie ates& key<in comman :B D0"86<OOD<6OF: isplaying all the entries in OOODO log file between specifie times& key<in comman 17B K)0T: not to sa,e the entries in the specifie file an abort the comman file creation mo e 11B ;%0T: storing all the esire comman s in the comman s file when system is in wait state for further entry by the operator 12B D;6<C#D<;4T: Deleting one or more entries from a comman file ates N




1'B $DD<C$6: $

ing an entry into the system calen ar& key<in the comman

1+B #OD< C$6: #o ifying an entry in the calen ar& key<in comman 1.B D;6<C$6: Deleting an entry in the system calen ar 1/B D0"86<C$6: Displaying entries ma e in the calen ar on specific ate 2. 1B T 2B F 'B F +B T .B F /B F 2B F 9B F :B T 17B F


1. bB -ackup of files for restoration purposes in the e,ent of e*change crash. cB -ackup of files for post<processing purposes. B -ackup of files for cleaning isk space. 2. 0. ;*change Data -ackup 00. -illing Data -ackup 000. -illing Cycle backup 01. Traffic -ackup. 1. Operator -ackup. 10. @istory File -ackup '. 0. 8erio ic reports




00. +. 1B T 2B T

(eports for the subscribers on per call basis.

'B F #onthly +B T .B T .. bB cB B eB /. iiB -illing Cycle AbcB iiiB -illing Data Ab B 2. aB Formatte billing counter files bB Commercial billing recor files cB Call etail billing recor files 9. aB Counter umps bB Commercial billing recor files cB Call etail billing recor files :. 1B 2B 17. 1& +& 2&'&/&. 11. /& 1& '& +& .& 2 8erio ic reports (eports for the subscribers on per call basis Counter Dumps Formatte billing Counter files Commercial -illing (ecor files Call Detail -illing (ecor files





1. 1B Froun cables& 2B DC cables& 'B "ignal cables& +B #DF cables 2. 1B 2B 'B +B .B /B 2B 9B :B Central #o ule to 0O8 0O87 to 0O81 Central #o ule to $D8 -8 Terminal Cables A$#>C#>-# an ")#B 0O8 to 1D) terminals 0O8 to printers Test access cables Concentration cables -#<C# Data cable

17B -#<C# Clock cable 11B Digital Cable for (") 12B (eference Clock Cable A(C6JB for C#<%6 1'B C# 0ntra (ack Cables '. 1B 8ower Off 2B Col "tart 'B 5arm "tart +B Disable )p ate $ll .B Disable )p ate Operator +. 1B )40% Cartri ge 2B -ase A6inkB Cartri ge A-$CB 'B Combine 8atch A6inkB Cartri ge AC8CB




+B -are #inimum Data Cartri ge A-#DCB .. 1B 6oa ing of )40% Cartri ge 2B 6oa ing of 8atch Cartri ge 'B 6oa ing of -ase Cartri ge +B "hut own of 0O8 .B 6oa ing of -are #inimum Data Cartri ge /B Do not remo,e write protection of the cartri ge unless mentione e*plicitly in the proce ure. /. $ll $C an DC potential re=uire for the operation of the ,arious car s in a frame of

any cabinet an operation of 1D) an 8rinters are eri,e from this <+91 DC to ensure a reliable an continuous operation of #$%<%6& DC through two istribution panels < 0nterme iate room an DC Distribution 8anel 2. 1B 0O8 < 8ower Cable 2B 0O8 < Terminal Cable 'B 0O8 < 8rinter Cable an +B 0O8<@D6C link cables. 9. ADCD8B in switch room

source. 0n or er in power

power istribution is carrie out

Distribution 8anel A0D8B locate

1B The rear panel of the ##<$D8 unit has enough clearance from the wall so that power an signal cables can be easily terminate on the rear panel. 2B $fter unpacking of the unit it is carefully e*amine for any breakage in the acrylic sheet an 6;Ds :. 17. 1B $T) 2B DT) 'B 0T) +B ") 1B "ubscriber Cable 2B Digital trunk Cable




11. 1B $T) : $nalog Terminal )nit& use to terminate $nalog "ubscribers >trunks 2B DT) : Digital Terminal )nit& use to terminate 2 #bps Digital 8C# 6inks 'B 0T) : 0"D4 < Terminal )nit& use to terminate -(0 an 8(0 0nterfaces. +B H2 "ignalling )nit& use to support H2 "ignalling 12. 1B ;=uip frames in -ase #o ule>6ine #o ule 2B ;=uip a new #FC car & 'B ;=uipping ser,ice car such as an $nnouncement Car 1'. 1B )ne=uip the ser,ice car s to facilitate the user to reconfigure the resources. 2B For e=uipping Terminal Car s A6ine Car s& Trunk Car s or H2 8rotocol @an lersB in a specific slot in the e=uippe frame 'B To see how ifferent mo ules are e=uippe Ai.e. normal -# or (-#B an in each mo ule how ifferent frames are e=uippe Ai.e. $T)& DT) or 0T)B +B This comman is use to une=uip a frame& alrea y e=uippe in the -ase #o ule. .B This comman is use to une=uip the ser,ice car s to facilitate the user to

reconfigure the resources. 1+. 1B (TC Test 2B #emory Diagnostic Tests 1i?.Checker -oar Test& #arch Test& 5alking Test 'B Diagnostics for $C0$>@D6C +B @ost Test .B 1D) Test /B @D6C Test 2B 8rinter Test 9B Diagnostic Comman s for "C"0 De,ices :B "C"0 -us (eset /7


17B Test Dri,e )nit 11B 0n=uiry 12B (ea Capacity 1.. 1B Tests On 6ocal "ubscriber 6ines 2B Munction testing : Connect the Dunctions of the e*change in the network an perform the following tests :0ncoming Calls to the ;*change an Outgoing Calls from the ;*change 'B Operator 8osition Tests: 1/' test an Complaint 8osition 1:9 1/. 1B 1erify that (-#"$ configuration is create for 6e,el 1 emergency ser,ices as 17%. 2B Dial 177 an ,erify that the call is lan e on the 177 position of the main e*change 'B Create fault in the 8C# links so that all the 8C#s are own. (-# will be configure in stan <alone mo e. +B ;nsure that local calls are switche network connecti,ity& .B (estore the 8C#s an repeat step AiiB again to ,erify that the (") has come up an pro,i ing network connecti,ity properly. properly. On ialling "TD route co es& the

subscriber is connecte proper Tone > $nnouncement to confirm that in the absence of

1. 1.False 2.False '.True




+.True ..False /.False 2.True 2. 1. e=uip 2. tst '. ncbrprn +. change<port .. routtrf2_2 /. trksts2_2 '. 1B 0t is a file consists of instructions written in rgen language to tailor a report for an application. .(gen when in,okes it rea s script files an may collect more inputs against the =ueries. 2B 0t is an )tility to gi,e the status of all the trunks of a tgp e,en if the total number of trunks in a TF8 e*cee s +7. 'B $ny three of the following. ;*change performance report. Originating performance system report 0ncoming performance system report. -# wise originating performance report -# wise incoming performance report. 0ncoming trunk traffic report


One Ma k <!estions: 1. T(); 2. T();




'. T(); +. T(); .. T(); /. T(); 2. DT" Car 9. DTC Car :. #FC 17. TOFC T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. #FC& TOFC& $44C NTTC. 2. Test set nos 172& 17'& 17+& 17.& 17/ N 172. '. Test set nos +71& +72& +7'& +7+& +7. N +7/. +. 1B(outine maintenance of $8 comple*. 2B(outine maintenance of C#"s. 'B(outine maintenance of 0FC car s in -T) 7>1. +B(outine maintenance of "") 7>1 an ""C) @ar ware. .B(outine maintenance of $larm Display 8anel A$D8<"#>$D8<##B. /B(outine maintenance of Fan Failure Detection )nit. .. 1BCheck all the 6;Ds on 8") car s once in a ay. 2BCheck whether there are any pen ing 8ower $larms by issuing D0"86<$(#< 60"T comman . 0f there are some& atten to them first. Th ee Ma k <!estions: 1. i. Dial Characteristic Test ii. 2.6oop Current Test. iii. '.6oop (esistance Test. 2. i. @istory (egister ii. Deli,erable (egister.




iii. "ystem 6og -ook. i,. #DF 6og -ook. ,. Complaint -ook. ,i. Directory 4umber (ecor -ook. ,ii. Outgoing 4umber (ecor -ook. ,iii. 0ncoming Munction Complaint (egister. i*. -illing (ecor (egister. '. i. "ubscriber Fee back File. ii. 8CO #eter (ea ing (ecor . iii. Correspon ance with other ;*change. i,. OC( File. ,. FDT 0nstallation. ,i. #(C File. ,ii. #anuals>;=uipment File. +. i. 5eekly an monthly e*change performance report. ii. $ monthly report on @>5 Acar s faultyB an ">5 A owntimeB failure. iii. Faulty Dunction report AmonthlyB. i,. "ubscriber complaint analysis report AmonthlyB. .. i. 8ower plant manual AF(& "5C& 0n,ertersB ii. -ackplane wiring etails of all mother boar s N car s of the system. iii. $ ministration an maintenance comman s manual. i,. "ystem general escription manual. ,. 8rinter manual. ,i. ;*change operations manual. ,ii. #aintenance proce ure manual. ,iii. 0nstallation manual. i*. ">5 release ocument correspon ing to the current ">5 installe in the e*change.




/. i. Jnowing symptoms ii. $nalysis of symptoms. iii. Correcti,e action. 2. i. 4on )rgent <<< 1ery slow interrupte tone ii. )rgent iii. Critical i,. 4ormal 9. i. (eplacing a circuit boar ii. Correcting a human mistake such as a switch unit ma e OO"<O8( an left in that state. iii. #anually resetting a microprocessor base controller. i,. Tracing an repairing a faulty cable in the e*ternal plant. ,. 0nitialising the system partially or fully. ,i. Taking help of the support centre. :. i. "witch alarm <<< faults. iii. O,erloa alarm <<< i,. -attery alarm <<< ,. 8ower alarm <<< 17. i. Deci ing a sche ule for (outine testing. ii. Con,eying the sche ule to the system. iii. $nalysing routining reports. ue to o,erloa con ition. ue to battery low con ition. ue to 8") faults. ue to switch unit faults ii. Threshol alarm <<< ue to threshol crosso,er of terminal or ser,ice circuit <<< "low interrupte tone. <<< Fast interrupte tone. <<< Continuous tone.





One Ma k <!estions: 1. T(); 2. T(); '. T(); T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. 0CC ! 0"D4 Concentrator car . 0TC ! 0"D4 Terminal Controller. -(6 ! -asic (ate 6ine Car . 8(6 ! 8rimary (ate 6ine Car . 2. 1."top all the traffic reports if they are O4. 2. #ake all the copy<7 controllers as 04"<"-G. '. -ring the 0O8<7 A"-G<0O8B to warm start le,el by crp comman 040T<0O8:2&1. +. "top e*ecuting ata base mo ification relate C(8 comman s once the retrofit proce ure has starte . ..8repare the e*change ata comman files for 2_2_1_/ release using the e*change ata utility.

Th ee Ma k <!estion: 1. 1. $ll the uple* units in the system are fine an they respon correctly to all switch maintenance comman s.This shoul be teste for 0O8s also. 2. $ll simple* units ATTC& $44C N #FCsBare fine an respon to switch maintenance comman s with either of the higher uple* units as acti,e. '. "ystem alarms are working fine. +. $ll input>output e,ices of C<DOT 0O8s are fine. .. $ll eli,erable correspon ing to ol release are a,ailable at site. /. 6atest ;D>-D backups are a,ailable. 2. Take list of the -48<D0"C 4Os from acti,e 0O8. //



9. ;nsure that the new 8(O#s for all controllers inclu ing 0O8s& $D8 an "8$(;" are a,ailable as per car ,ersions being use in the system. :. 4ote own characteristics of all the operator terminals create in each 0O8& as these will be re=uire to be a e again after the retrofit. 17. Take a printout of all the system parameters.

2). AN RAX
One Ma k <!estions: 1. "econ 2. @D6C '. 1D) N ebugging terminal +. 27 .. /7 pin flat /. C(;<$0 2. D;6<$0 9. "T$(T<$0 :. 1 N 2 17. T"T<DTJ T"o Ma k <!estions: 1. 1B $4<($% Controller Car A$(CB 2B $4<($% 0nterface Car A$(0B 2. -attery fee & O,er ,oltage protection& (inging& "uper,ision& co ing& hybri con,ersion an Testing. '. 1. -oot using e*isting ata. 2. -oot using efault ata. +. 1BC(;<$0. 2BD;6<$0. 'BD0"86<$0<C@$(. +BD0"86<$0<"T$T)". .B"T$(T<$0.




Th ee Ma k <!estions: 1. 1B6ine "i e Tests ! 172. 2BClose 6oop Test ! 17'. 'B;*change "i e Tests ! 171. 2. "ection $ ! $larm Display 8anel. "ection - ! $rea for e*ecution of user comman s. "ection C ! "tatus line. '. 1BDF4<(TC 2BD0"86<$0C4T<OO". 'BD0"86<$6(#<@0"T. +BD0"86<DTJ<"T$T)". .BD0"86<"6OT /BD0"86<T(#<"T$T)". ..etc. +. 1BC(;<"0T;<0D. 2B;K)08<"6OT. 'B6OFO)T. +B#OD<D$T;<T0#;. .B#OD<8"). /B8$""5D. 2B)4;K)08<"6OT.


0 1. T();. 2. F$6";. '. T(); +. F$6"; .. T();. /. F$6";. 2. T();.




9. F$6"; :. T(); 17. F$6";. 00 1. #-# 2. 6og -ook '. ;mergency light +. 2 000. 1. D0"86<"G"<60# 2. D0"86<")-< 60"T '. D0"86<(O)T C@$( +. D086<O8( C@$( .. D0"86<T($4" 01. 1. -ack up register 2. Faulty car register '. 6og book +. Traffic reports .. Complaint register 100. 1. "witch room Temperature within 21C to 2.C. 2. "witch room shoul be clean an no ust. '. $,ailability of CDOT ocuments. +. 8roper lighting arrangement .. Fire alarm an Fire ;*tinguishers a,ailability. /. $,ailability of First ai -o*.




21. 2ATCH U26RADATION AND *ATEST TRENDS 0. -ase on fee back CDOT is bringing new patches by ebugging the errors an to

intro uce new facility> ser,ices in the switch. 00. 1. T(); 2. T(); '. F$6"; +. T(); 000. 1. 1alue ;ngineere Time "witch )nit 2. "er,ice )nit '. 1alue ;ngineere Time "witch +. Compact Digital )nit .. ;nhance Terminal )nit


0 1. F$6";. 2. F$6";. '. T();. +. F$6";. 00. 1. "olaris 2. 4et pager '. 4et watch 000.




1. (eal time network monitoring. 2. Feographical network isplay '. 4etwork configuration isplay. +. (eal time alarm collection. .. Traffic analysis an isplay. /. "witch technology in epen ent. 2. ;ase of customisation. 9. Centralise system a ministration :. Fault tolerant client ser,er architecture.



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