What's Happening at Fletcher Allen

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Whats happening at Fletcher Allen

SE P TE M B E R 2 0 1 3 | V O L . X I X | NO . 9

FACES of Fletcher Allen..................................................................2 Employee Wellness Update: Get Your Flu Shot!.............................3 Seeking United Way Champions!....................................................4 Learn More about Vermont Health Connect..................................4 Prism Upgrade.................................................................................5 Reborn in American........................................................................6 Celebrating an Old Friend............................................................... 7 New UVMMG President and CEO Announced................................ 7 Hinesburg Family Practice Celebrates New Space.........................8 Awards and Recognition..................................................................9 ONE Story ..................................................................................... 10 Quality Symposium....................................................................... 10

Meet our 2013 Faces of Fletcher Allen

2013 FACES of Fletcher Allen

FACES is one of the ways we recognize the extraordinary men and women of Fletcher Allen who exemplify ONE by being devoted to our patients and their families, passionate and positive about their jobs, and incredible contributors to our vision. This month we recognize Jesse Kaufman, Stan Weinberger, Sharon Hallman, and Jeanette Miller. Through honoring them, we honor all of the great people who work here at Fletcher Allen. You can view our 2013 FACES of Fletcher Allen in locations around the organization. J E a N E T T E M ill E r
Sta Nurse II, Resource

J E S S i E K a U fma N
Lead Medical Assistant, Womens Health Care Service Seeing my rst grandchild on our own ultrasound screen brought home to me the far-reaching impact our work has to the patients who come to us. Its such an honor to be able to share in those moments with them.

S Ta N W E i N b E r G E r , M D
Physician, Pediatrics/Primary Care Of everything I do, I take the most pride in being open enough to understand what my patients are telling me, not just with words, but with the vast array of expressions.

S H ar O N H A L L M A N
Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Therapies Healing isnt prescriptive, its a dance. Its give and take; its leading and following; its movement, relationship, touch and being open to what each moment oers.

Im excited by the ever-changing aspect of nursing the constant evolution of medicine and science. And yet, the one part of nursing that never changes is what I love the most the deep connection I feel towards my patients.



In JUne of this yeaR, FLetcheR ALLens WeLLness PRoGRam anD BLUe Cross Blue Shield of Vermont launched an incentive-based Employee Wellness Engagement Program. The focus of this eort is to help our employees stay healthy. Flu season is coming, and in October we will be holding u shot clinics around the organization, making it easy for sta to get their shots while here at work. This year, we want to emphasize that getting your u shot is just as important as KNOWING YOUR NUMBERS being proactive about your health, ensuring your wellbeing now and for the future. We want to help you stay healthy during our long Vermont winters . So please get your u shot. For yourself. For those you love. And for our patients.

Flu Clinics

Mon. 10/14/13 Tue. 10/15/13 Wed.10/16/13

6:30 am 8 pm 6:30 am 8 pm 12 5 pm

ACC Connector 2nd Floor ACC Connector 2nd Floor Fanny Allen Dunbar Room Employee Health St. Josephs 5th oor Elevator A UHC Campus Tech Park Cafeteria Holly Court Conference Room Fanny Allen Dunbar Room Burlington Square Champlain Conference Room VMC Water Tower Hill Cove Conference Room ACC Connector, 2nd Floor ACC Connector, 2nd Floor McClure Lobby Conference Room Benets Fair ACC Connector 2nd Floor ACC Connector 2nd Floor ACC Connector 2nd Floor

Thur. 10/17/13 12:30 4 pm

Tue. 10/22/13 9:30 11 AM 1:30 2:30 pm Thur.10/24/13 12:00 5 pm Fri.10/25/13 10 am 12 pm

2 3 pm Wed.10/30/13 Fri.11/1/13 Wed.11/13/13 11 am 8 pm 7 am 7 pm 7 am 4 pm

John Brumsted, President and CEO

Sara Burton, MSN/ED, RNC-NIC NICU Nurse EducatorN

Thur.11/14/13 Mon.12/2/13 Tues.12/17/13

11 am 4 pm 7 am 1 pm 7 am 1 pm

For each and every one of us, its all about the patient. Being proactive about staying health is an essential responsibility as a caregiver.

Getting the u vaccine every year is an easy way to help protect ourselves, our patients, and our community. I encourage everyone to get it if they can.



This yeaRs UniteD Way campaiGn is cominG soonanD we ReLy on our employees to help support the critical programs in our community that benet so many. Please consider being a Champion in your department, to encourage your colleagues to support our friends and neighbors in need. If you are interested, please sign up for the Champion orientation luncheon on Friday, October 18, from 11:30 am-1 pm in Austin Auditorium. To sign up for the United Way Champion lunch, click here.

Learn More About Vermont Health Connect

The FLetcheR ALLen HeaLth Assistance Program is here to help your patients, friends and family members with several issues around accessing health care, including enrollment in Vermonts new insurance exchange, Vermont Health Connect. Starting October 2013, Vermonters will have a new way to nd a health insurance plan that meets their needs and budget: Vermont Health Connect. This is a new health insurance marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses will be able to make side-by-side comparisons of health coverage options. Both private and public plans

 The mission and values of the United Way are nothing short of amazing. As a United Way Champion, It is rewarding to be able to help educate my coworkers and community members of the many United Way initiatives.

will be available through Vermont Health Connect, and starting October 1 youll have all the information you need to nd the plan thats right for youall in one place. This rst year will not aect large organizations health plans. Please call 847-6984 for more information or to set up an appointment with one of our Navigators.

Doors to Healing Rale Supports Cardiology

Enter a rale to win great prizes, and support Cardiology at the same time! The Doors to Healing rale, made possible by Fletcher Allens Auxiliary, oers a chance to win a number of prizes, including a Kindle Fire HD, a 64 GB Apple iPad 2, or a Keurig K75 Platinum Coee Maker to name just a few! Tickets cost $20 each and the rale drawing will be held on Tuesday, October 15 at the Fletcher Allen Auxiliary Luncheon. To learn more, visit our website at www.etcherallen.org/auxiliary or call 847-2887.


FLetcheR ALLen wiLL impLement a 2012 upgrade of PRISM in October, with go-live set for October 12. The upgrade will take place over several hours early Saturday morning, October 12. The upgrade represents a major system redesign that impacts PRISM and all of our technical applications. Inpatient sta will be more impacted by the upgrade than our ambulatory sta. Major areas of focus include: Consolidated orders management Improvements to after-visit summary Standardization and improvements to ow sheets A redesigned MAR There is still time to sign up for a proctor practice session.

New PRISM Feature to Debut October 12

Were pleased to introduce a new clinical decision support tool that will be added to PRISM as part of the 2012 upgrade, scheduled to take place October 12-13. Clinical Knowledge Base (ClinKB) gives clinicians a convenient way to search for information from clinical data vendors related to treatment and diagnosis of conditions, without leaving PRISM. We are implementing ClinKB with UpToDate, an evidence-based clinical decision support resource authored by physicians to help healthcare practitioners make the best decisions at the point of care. Over time well be adding other databases including HealthFortis, a radiology clinical decision support tool that helps providers determine what study to order. We will be looking to add additional venders in 2014. ClinKB searches can be performed within the following activities: Allergies Problem List (only for hospital/ non-hospital problems, not multidisciplinary problems) Manage Orders Medications Results Review Chief Complaint


A newLy RenovateD Caf EXpRess has openeD on the 2nd oor of the ACC, with a new look and feel that includes Vermont Coee and a large book detailing nutritional information about the various oerings. Stop by and take a look for yourself!


DATE Tuesday, December 10 MEETING Annual Meeting

Board of Trustees meetings are held in McClure Lobby from 26pm.


ReBoRn In AMeRIcAn Labor & Delivery Hosts New American Citizens

Jasminka Andibegovic and Ginette Rooseboom have more than Labor and Delivery in common. They are both now American citizens, coming to this country from Bosnia (Jasminka) and Montreal (Ginette). Here, they share their stories about how they came here and what they like about life in Vermont and at Fletcher Allen.
Jasminka: I came to the United States in August of l997 with my husband and daughter. We chose Vermont because my sister-in-law lives here. We could not stay in Bosnia you felt that you had no control over your life there, with the war going on. There, I was an OB/GYN nurse midwife. My rst impressions of this country? It was scary. We landed at JFK airport, took a bus to another NY airport where we took a plane to Burlington Vermont. The bus station and the people there were so foreign to me. My rst job was at a company in Winooski that made batteries. Then I got a job in housekeeping at UVM. Through a professor there, I was connected to Crystal Vestrand and I got a job in housekeeping here at Fletcher Allen. That was 12 years ago. From there, I eventually was hired in Labor and Delivery. Today, I am an OR technician in Labor and Delivery. I am responsible for making sure that the ORs are ready for procedures like cesarean sections, tubal ligations and hysterectomies, and I also scrub in to assist the surgical team in all OR procedures. I love the people I work with. About 7 years ago, I was thrilled to become an American citizen. I am so happy to be in this country, to be here, with my husbands family nearby and with my work family the people in Labor and Delivery who help and support me. Ginette: I grew up in Montreal. In 2000, I visited my sister, who lives in Florida, and I found myself thinking about moving to the United States. As a family, we visited this country often going to places like Maine and Plattsburgh in the summer. After my rst visit to Florida, I connected with a nursing agency and worked as an RN in Labor and Delivery/postpartum in a hospital in Florida. I went back to Quebec after that, then took another temporary nursing job in Florida. It was then that I decided that I wanted to move to the US permanently. Because my husband has a good job in Montreal as a corrections ocer for a juvenile detention center, I decided to look for work in a place that would allow us to commute. So I began looking here in Vermont. I was hired as a full-time night nurse in Labor & Delivery at Fletcher Allen in April of 2004. Let me tell you what I like about my life here in Vermont. I love working in such a beautiful place with such beautiful people. I cant tell you how happy it makes me to be here, where everyone wants to help each other. My co-workers are so supportive. The minute I started working here, I felt accepted. I became a US citizen just a little over a month ago, and my husband will be moving here next summer.




AfteR an eXtensive nationaL search, Claude Deschamps, MD, Chair of Surgery at the Mayo Clinic, has accepted our oer to lead the University of Vermont Medical Group as President and CEO and serve as Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Aairs at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. He will join us in January. Dr. Deschamps has served as the Chair of Mayos Department of Surgery since 2005 and is the Joseph I. and Barbara Ashkins Professor of Surgery at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. He holds masters faculty privileges in Clinical and Translational Science at the Mayo College of Medicine, and this year led the Mayo Clinic in the Midwest Strategy Work Group Integration Project. As President of the UVM Medical Group, Dr. Deschamps will lead some 500 physicians at Fletcher Allen/UVM and be a part of both senior leadership teams. At the College of Medicine, he will oversee Graduate Medical Education and support and the development of educational and research opportunities across our clinical operation. To learn more: LINK HERE

Bevs colleagues celebrated her life and career early in September.

FamiLy, fRienDs anD coLLeaGUes came together on Saturday, September 7, to celebrate the life of Beverly Rutherford, who served Fletcher Allen for many years, and to dedicate a bench in her honor in the Cancer Healing Garden. Beverly, known as Bev to many, began her career at the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont in 1978 as a secretary in the Public Relations Department. She rose to become the director of that department and served in that role until retiring in 1999.

During her communications career, Beverly was active in several health care public relations associations, including the New England Society of Healthcare Communicators (NESHCO). She served as president of NESHCO from 1990 to 1992, and was honored by NESHCO with the Evans Houghton Award, recognizing signicant achievement in public relations, in 1992. Closer to home, she was a longtime member of both the Fletcher Allen Auxiliary and the South Burlington Rotary.

I NTEG R I T Y & C O M P L I A N C E I N F O R M A T I ON Fletcher Allen has established a confidential disclosure mechanism through its Integrity and Compliance Hot Line, a toll-free telephone line, to enable employees, residents, staff and patients to report instances of noncompliance and/or make inquiries on compliance issues. The Compliance Hot Line can be reached at: 800-466-7131 or 802-847-9430.



Staff anD commUnity membeRs GatheReD on TUesDay, SeptembeR 17, to ceLebRate theiR new bUiLDinG. The event incLUDeD remarks by Dr. Brumsted and Ulager, MD, practice director, as well as a ribbon-cutting and guided tours of the new space.

Hear from Maryann Ludlow, RD, about whether its really healthier to eat six or seven small meals a day: http://etcherallenblog.wordpress.com/2013/09/09/should-i-eat-6-or-7-times-a-day/


AwardS & REcOGNiTiON

Fletcher Allen Ranks in Top 5% in New National Quality Measure for Heart Procedure
FLetcheR ALLen oUtpeRfoRmeD 95% of hospitaLs fRom throughout the US participating in a new quality measurement of coronary stent procedures sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the American College of Cardiology. Fletcher Allen is one of 300 hospitals an university medical centers from throughout the country voluntarily reporting how many patients require unplanned readmission within 30 days of a coronary angioplasty to the National Cardiovascular Data Registry/CathPCI Registry rate program. Vermonts academic medical center is one of only 13 organizations to rank better than the Registry rate in the evaluation. To learn more: http://www.etcherallen.org/ about/news_room/press_releases/etcher_allen_ranks_in_ top_5_of_hospitals_in_new_national_q.html

Penrose Jackson Selected as Senior Fellow for National Program

PenRose Jackson, director, Community Health Improvement, has been selected to be a senior fellow for the Health, Research and Educational Trust (HRET). In this role, Jackson will assist the organization in creating new knowledge and tools in improving the delivery of health care.

Jeannette Mitchell and John Brumsted, MD, president and CEO

Jeannette Mitchelll Receives Vision Award

ConGRatULations to Jeannette Mitchell, technical specialist in the lab, who recently received the Vision Award. Jeannette was described by her colleagues as an absolutely perfect model of the Fletcher Allen vision. Her can-do attitude is infectious and she motivates co-workers to do their best. She is an excellent mentor to new sta working with them shoulder-to-shoulder while they master technical skills under her guidance and expertise.

Dawn LeBaron Receives ACHE Regent Award

ConGRatULations to Dawn LeBaron, vice president, Hospital Services, who has received the American College of Healthcare Executives Regent Award. Criteria for the award include demonstrating leadership, innovation and creative management; promoting the organizations growth and stature in the community; and contributing to the development of others.

OneCare Vermont in Top 100

The BeckeRs HospitaL Review has nameD OneCaRe Vermont to its new list of 100 Accountable Care Organizations to Know. OneCare Vermont was formed jointly by Fletcher Allen and Dartmouth-Hitchcock in 2012 and after review was approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in January 2013 for the purpose of forming an accountable care network that could participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) oered by CMS. To learn more: LINK HERE


Dear Dr. Brumsted, The home dialysis sta deserve to be recognized in the general community as well as the medical community as highly educated, committed, compassionate and exemplary individuals that any medical center would be proud to have as their sta and any PATIENT is thanking God for. Please give me the opportunity to say to them publicly, how grateful I am to them and how much I think of them and wish I could respond even 1/100th to the professionalism and exemplary care they have shown us in such a compassionate and personal way.They shoulder an immense burden with great grace and aplomb. This is one PURE PLATINUM sta of people, dealing daily with crushing loss and chronic illness and they do it with incredible professionalism, kindness and humor. This is a one in a million group of people. I feel a deep , all- encompassing need to express a patient/ recipient testimonial to the incredible gift of good fortune I feel in having been placed in their capable care. Karin M. Seidel, OD Wife and care partner of an end stage renal failure husband/patient preparing for transplant Share your ONE story! Each month, well run a story of how we work together to provide extraordinary patient care. Send your story to one@vtmednet.org.

QUaliT y SympOSiUm 2013

Achieving high reliability was the topic of this years Quality Symposium, sponsored by the Jeords Institute. Over 200 people around the region came to learn more, including sta at Fletcher Allen and our Fletcher Allen Partners organizations.



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