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Important Results
S.No. Type of Problem Approach of Problem
Find the GREATEST Required number = H.C.F. of x, y,
1. NUMBER that will exactly and z (greatest divisor).
divide x, y, z.
Find the GREATEST Required number (greatest divisor) =
NUMBER that will divide x, y H.C.F. of (x – a), (y – b) and (z – c).
and z leaving remainders a, b
and c respectively.
Find the LEAST NUMBER Required number = L.C.M. of x, y
3. which is exactly divisible by and z (least divided).
x, y and z.
Find the LEAST NUMBER Then, it is always observed that
which when divided by x, y (x – a) = (z – b) = (z – c) = K (say).
and z leaves the remainders ∴ Required number
a, b and c respectively. = (L.C.M. of x, y and z) – K.
Find the LEAST NUMBER Required number
which when divided by x, y = (L.C.M. of x, y and z) + r.
and z leaves the same
remainder ‘r’ each case.
Find the GREATEST Required number = H.C.F of (x – y),
NUMBER that will divide x, y (y – z) and (z – x).
and z leaving the same
remainder in each case.
Ex.3 What is the greatest number which exactly divides 110, 154 and 242?
Sol. The required number is the HCF of 110, 154 & 242.
110 = 2 × 5 × 11
154 = 2 × 7 × 11
242 = 2 × 11 × 11
∴ HCF = 2 × 11 = 22
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Ex.4 What is the greatest number, which when divides 3 consecutive odd numbers produces a
remainder of 1.
Sol. If x, y, z be 3 consecutive odd numbers, then the required number will be the HCF of
x – 1, y – 1 and z – 1.
Since x-1, y-1 & z-1 are 3 consecutive even integers, their HCF will be 2. So answer is 2.
Ex.5 What is the highest 3 digit number, which is exactly divisible by 3, 5, 6 and 7?
Sol. The least no. which is exactly divisible by 3, 5, 6, & 7 is LCM (3, 5, 6, 7) = 210. So, all the multiples of
210 will be exactly divisible by 3, 5, 6 and 7. So, such greatest 3 digit number is 840. (210 × 4).
Ex.6 In a farewell party, some students are giving pose for photograph, If the students stand at 4
students per row, 2 students will be left if they stand 5 per row, 3 will be left and if they stand 6
per row 4 will be left. If the total number of students are greater than 100 and less than 150, how
many students are there?
Sol. If ‘N’ is the number of students, it is clear from the question that if N is divided by 4, 5, and 6, it
produces a remainders of 2, 3, & 4 respectively. Since (4 – 2) = (5 – 3) = (6 – 4) = 2, the least possible
value of N is LCM (4, 5, 6) – 2 = 60 – 2, = 58.
But, 100 < N < 150. So, the next possible value is 58 + 60 = 118.
Ex.7 There are some students in the class. Mr.X brought 130 chocolates and distributed to the
students equally, then he was left with some chocolates. Mr Y brought 170 chocolates and
distributed equally to the students. He was also left with the same no of chocolates as MrX was
left. Mr Z brought 250 chocolates, did the same thing and left with the same no of chocolates.
What is the max possible no of students that were in the class?
Sol. The question can be stated as, what is the highest number, which divides 130, 170 and 250 gives the
same remainder, i.e. HCF ((170 − 130), (250 − 170), (250 − 130)) .
I.e. HCF (40, 80, 120) = 40.
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