Bubbles Formation at An Orifice in An Inviscid Liquid PDF
Bubbles Formation at An Orifice in An Inviscid Liquid PDF
Bubbles Formation at An Orifice in An Inviscid Liquid PDF
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Institution of Chemical Engineers
By J. F. DAVIDSON, M.A., Ph.D., A.M.I.Mech.* and B. O. G. SCHULER, Ph.D.*
A theory of bubble formation based on the motion of a bubble in a viscous liquid has been developed. The
theory gives the volume of gas bubbles formed at an orifice in a viscous liquid for both constant gas flow and
constant gas pressure.
Experiments were carried out with liquids of high viscosity (500-1040 cp). Good agreement with theory was
obtained over a large range of gas flow rates (0-50 mIls).
Literature survey
When air is blown steadily through an orifice submerged
in a liquid it emerges as bubbles which are formed periodically
over a wide range of flow rates. This paper describes measure-
ments of the frequency of the bubbles and also the calculation
of the frequency from first principles.
A comprehensive literature survey on the subject of the
formation of bubbles at submerged orifices was described by
Hughes, Handlos, Evans, and Maycock
in 1953. Several
publications dealing with various aspects of the problem have
subsequently appeared. Davidson and Amick
studied the
effect of the volume of the orifice-chamber on the size of the
bubbles, whilst Helsby and Tuson
photographed different
modes of bubble formation. Benzing and Myers
bubbles of air in water at very small gas flow rates, and
found that the diameter of the bubble could conveniently be
calculated by means of a correlation which did not include a
viscosity term. Quigley, Johnson, and Harris
varied the
viscosity of the liquid between 1 and 400 cp and the density
between 100 and 1'57 g/ml, and concluded that the effect of
both these variables on bubble-size was small. Similarly the
effect of surface tension was negligible at higher flow rates. The
controlling factors appeared to be orifice diameter and gas flow
rate. Leibson, Holcomb, Cacoso, and Jacmic
used larger
flow rates and found that at high Reynolds numbers the
formation was not periodic: the size distribution fitted a
logarithmic normal probability distribution. Calderbank
, b
used orifices and slots ranging in diameter from -r.-t in., and
has suggested that for air bubbling into water at flow rates
between 20 and 250 ml/s, the frequency is nearly constant
within the range 15-20 bubbles/so
Further relevant data have been published in a series of
papers by Siemes and his co-workers.
Of particular
interest is the work of Siemes and Kaufmann,ll who studied
the periodic formation of bubbles at single submerged orifices
under various physical conditions. They arrived at important
(i) With small gas flow rates and with liquids of low
viscosity the difference in volume between the bubble formed
at any particular flow rate and that formed at infinitely small
flow rates using the same orifice is independent of the vis-
* University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineer-
ng , Pembroke Street, Cambridge.
cosity, surface tension, and density of the liquid. The con-
trolling factors are gas flow rate and orifice diameter.
(ii) For liquids of high viscosity the effect of surface
tension and density is still negligible, but the viscosity be-
comes an additional factor controlling bubble size. It is at
this point worth noting that for viscous liquids the volwne
of the bubble formed at infinitely small gas flow rates is
negligibly small compared with the total volume formed
at higher flow rates.
Siemes and Kaufmann suggested the following mechanism
of bubble formation. They postulated that a bubble forms in
two distinct stages. For inviscid liquids the initial stage is
presumed to be exactly analogous to the formation of a
bubble when the gas flow rate approaches zero. The second
stage is presumed to begin when the buoyancy forces exactly
balance the surface tension forces and the bubble proceeds to
detach itself. The detachment time is presumed to be con-
stant, irrespective of the gas flow rate. Gas flows into the
bubble during this time and hence the influence of gas flow
rate on bubble volume can be derived. For viscous liquids a
similar mechanism was suggested. Initially the bubble is
supposed to grow to a definite volume, which in this case is
to some extent dependent on the viscosity of the liquid but,
once again, not on the gas flow rate. As before, the bubble
then requires a constant period to detach itself, so that the
flow rate affects the bubble volume. The actual time for the
process of detachment to occur was calculated to be several
hundredths of a second.
The experimental conditions described by Siemes and
Kaufmann suggest that their apparatus delivered a constant
flow of gas, not as in the case where gas flows from a chamber
at constant pressure through an orifice into the forming bubble.
The difference between the two cases will be considered in
greater detail below.
Finally it should be noted that the mechanism put forward
by Siemes and Kaufmann is based entirely upon a description
of a suggested physical process. The explanation offers no way
of predicting the time of detachment, and for this reason the
theory cannot be regarded as being derived from first
Present work
The present paper deals with the formation of bubbles in
liquids of high viscosity and with gas flow rates between 0
JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChemE, Vol 75, December 1997
Fig. I.-Schematic diagram af the apparatus used far the farmation of
o E
spex cylinder. Gas temperatures were measured at Nand O.
These were always within 0'2C of the temperature of the
liquid in which the bubbles were forming. The temperature
of the liquid itself did not vary by more than 0'1 C during a
run. The frequency of bubble formation was determined by
stroboscopic illumination and the pressure in J was given
approximately by the water manometer, G. More accurate
pressure determinations were made by means of a tilting
manometer connected to the drum J. A Ferranti viscometer
was used to determine the viscosity of the liquid, and the
surface tension was measured by the drop weight method.
The liquids used in most of the experiments were aqueous
solutions of glycerol for which density values were obtained
from the International Critical Tables. In the few cases where
viscous hydrocarbon oils were used, the densities were deter-
mined with the aid of a pyknometer. Provided the orifice was
immersed in liquid to a depth of more than a few bubble
diameters, this depth had no effect upon bubble frequency
but merely altered the pressure necessary to generate the
and 50 mIls. Two distinct situations are considered, namely:-
(i) In the simplest case there is a constant flow of gas
throughout bubble formation. as when the gas is being fed -+
through a long thin capillary. The surface of the bubble, as
it grows, is assumed to be spherical, so that the radius of
the bubble at any instant of time, t, is known. As the bubble
grows it tends to move upwards, the force being due to
buoyancy. This force has to overcome two resistances,
namely, viscous drag of the Stokes kind, and liquid inertia
due to the fact that as the bubble accelerates upward
some of the liquid also accelerates. The balance between
the upward force and the two resistances leads to a differ-
ential equation governing the motion, and the solution gives
the distance of the centre of the bubble above the orifice
at any time t. Initially, when the bubble is small, its centre
is at the orifice. The formation is complete when the bottom
of the bubble reaches the orifice, and at this instant the
bubble detaches and the process then repeats itself.
(ii) In the second case the bubbles are formed above a
hole in a horizontal plate, with liquid above to a finite
depth and gas belowat a constant pressure. In this case, which
is of greater practical importance, the gas flow through the
orifice varies during bubble formation. This has the effect
ofmaking more complex the equations governing the motion
of the bubble. The basis on which the equations are formu-
lated is, however, similar to that described in paragraph (i)
The theory bears out several of the findings of Siemes and
Kaufmann. For a constant flow system the bubble size de-
pends upon flow rate and viscosity, whilst surface tension has
no effect. However, with regard to the effects of liquid density
and orifice diameter, the theoretical results are in conflict with
the conclusions of Siemes and Kaufmann. The liquid density
is shown to affect the size of the bubble whilst the influence
of the orifice dimensions is negligible. The orifice diameter
becomes important only when the effective area is small and
the gas flow rate relatively large. Under these conditions the
gas receives a considerable amount of momentum which
affects the motion of the bubble and hence its final volume.
For a constant pressure system, both the surface tension of
the liquid and the orifice discharge coefficient have to be
included in the equations governing the motion of the bubble.
The predicted values of bubble volume for both constant
flow and constant pressure systems were found to be in good
agreement with results obtained experimentally.
Experimental Methods
A schematic diagram of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1.
Gas from either a compressor or a cylinder was passed into a
25 litre vessel, A, which acted as a buffer. The pressure in A
was indicated by the manometer C and could be maintained
at any desired value by manipulating valve B. In most cases
the pressure was kept at about 1'5 atmospheres absolute.
Next the gas passed through an Edwards throttle valve, D,
by means of which the flow rate could be controlled. The
threeway tap, E, enabled the gas to pass either directly to the
drying tube, H, and the rotameter, I, or first through a soap
bubble meter, F. J was a 45 litre drum from which the gas
passed through the orifice, K, into the liquid contained in a
Perspex cylinder of 14'7 cm diameter. The latter was attached
directly to the drum and was surrounded by a thermostat.
Land M were helical coils immersed in the same liquid as
was circulated through the thermostat surrounding the Per-
Sintcred brass
(a) = constant pressure systems
(b) = constant flow systems (large flow rates)
(c) = constant flow systems (small flow rates)
Fig. 2.---Dri(ices used
The shapes of the orifices used in the experiments are shown
in Figs 2A, 2B, and 2e.
Fig. 2A represents the type of orifice used in the constant
pressure systems. The nozzle was made of brass and had a
JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChemE, Vol 75, December 1997
Perspex ring fitted as shown. The purpose of the ring was to
eliminate as far as possible the effects of the circulation of
the liquid (see Appendix). In these experiments the pressure
drop across the orifice was of the order of a few centimetres
of water.
For the experiments in which a constant flow throughout
bubble formation is required, it is necessary to have a large
pressure drop across the orifice, which can be achieved simply
by making the diameter of the orifice very small. This, how-
ever, has the disadvantage that the neck of the bubble is short
at detachment and the bubble subsequently is in such a posi-
tion that for certain critical flow rates the next bubble, which
rapidly expands in the initial stages, coalesces with it. The
larger the orifice diameter, the greater the gas flow rate at
which coalescence first occurs. For large flow rates, a small
orifice has the additional disadvantage of imparting a large
momentum to the gas, which, although it can be approxi-
mately accounted for, complicates the theoretical calculations.
On the other hand the theoretical boundary conditions are
more closely obeyed if the neck of the bubble is short. Bearing
these considerations in mind three types of orifice were
eventually used:
(i) For very small flow rates (0-2 mils) the orifices were
essentially the same as those used in the constant pressure
experiments, except that the orifice diameters were small
and hence the pressure drops large. Pressure fluctuations
within the bubbles due to changes in radius of curvature
had a negligible effect on the flow, especially as the latter
depends on the square root of the pressure difference.
(ii) Experiments were also performed in which the drum
J was by-passed and the gas fed directly into the liquid
through a length of capillary. A ring, as shown in Fig. 2c,
was attached to the end of the capillary and provided the
diameter of the capillary was small, the results were the
same as those obtained when the small diameter orifices,
described above, were used.
(iii) For larger constant flow rates the orifices used were
of the type shown in Fig. 2B. A piece of sintered brass was
welded to the lower side of the orifice which in other
respects was similar to that shown in Fig. 2A. The diameters
of the orifices were of the same order as those used in the
constant pressure experiments. A high pressure drop could
be maintained across the sintered brass, resulting in a
constant flow of gas into the bubble. The volume of the
cylindrical cavity between the sintered brass and the upper
plane of the nozzle was small compared with the volume of
the final bubble and its effect was neglected. The purpose
of the relatively large orifice diameter was two-fold. Firstly
the bubble during detachment had a slightly longer neck.
This meant that when the bubble detached, it was far enough
away from the orifice to avoid contact with the next bubble.
In this way the condition assumed in the theory, namely
the periodic formation of single bubbles, was satisfied.
Secondly the large cross-sectional area of the orifice kept
the momentum of the gas low.
To help elucidate the mechanism of the formation of a
bubble it was decided to take cine photographs showing the
entire formation. The design of the vessel in which the bubbles
were being formed was slightly modified in order to eliminate
distortion of the picture due to the curvature of the Perspex
cylinder, and the stroboscope frequency adjusted until one
bubble appeared to be forming every 15 to 20 seconds. A
photograph of the bubble was then taken every 075 s using
an externally triggered 16 mm "Pathe" camera. "Kodak Plus
X" proved to be a convenient film for an exposure of 02 s.
The frequency of the stroboscopic illumination was usually
between 9 and 21 flashes/s, so that during each exposure be-
tween 1 and 5 pictures were superimposed upon each other.
The light output of the Dawe Strobotorch used was approxi-
mately constant, irrespective of the frequency, so that no
change of film was necessary when changing from one fre-
quency to another.
Discussion and Results
The following theory attempts to describe the way in which
gas bubbles are formed at an orifice in a liquid. It is assumed
that the gas is supplied at a point source within the liquid and
that the bubbles, as they form, are spherical. Each bubble is
assumed to begin with its centre at the point source and the
upward motion is determined by a balance between the up-
ward force due to buoyancy and the drag forces due to vis-
cosity and inertia. Now initially the upward velocity of the
centre is small since it starts from rest, and because the
bubble is expanding the underside has a downward velocity
and the bubble therefore continues to envelop the source of
gas. Subsequently, when the bubble is larger, its base is brought
to rest when the outward velocity of the bubble surface rela-
tive to its centre is equal to the upward velocity of the centre
due to buoyancy. Thereafter the base has a net upward
velocity and detachment takes place when it reaches the
source of the gas. The idealised sequence of events is indi-
cated in Fig. 3, and this picture of formation and detachment
(0) (b) (C)
(a) = underside of bubble moving down
(b) = bottom point of bubble at rest in lowest position
(c) = bottom point of bubble reaches gas source
Fig. 3.-ldea/ised sequence of events during bubble formation in a liquid.
Gas supplied from a point source P
was the basis of all the theoretical calculations, although in
some cases it was assumed that detachment was delayed until
the base of the bubble was somewhat above the source of gas.
The theory given below is in two sections. The first section
deals with the formation of bubbles at a constant gas flow rate
and the second with the case where gas flows through an
orifice from a vessel at constant pressure. Each section is
subdivided to distinguish between small and large flow rates.
The assumptions made and the relevant results obtained
both by calculation and experiment are given in each case.
Obviously the exact conditions assumed by the theory cannot
be realised experimentally, especially if the bubbles are formed
just above horizontal plates. Photographs (Fig. 4) show that
the bubbles are pear shaped initially, this being due to the
fact that the base of the bubble cannot move downwards.
Also, some of the boundary conditions, to be discussed in
SlO8 JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChemE, Vol 75, December 1997
Gas flow rate = 24 mils
Viscosity = 711 cp
Density = 125 gjml
Radius of orifice = 0096 cm
Bubble volume = 25 ml
Fig. 4.-Cine photographs of bubble formation in a viscous liquid
Also, if G is the gas flow rate, then, V, the bubble volume
is given by
detail below, are not exactly obeyed. Nevertheless, the pre-
dicted values are in good agreement with the experimental
results. 4nr
Gt = v= --3 (2)
2. g.. (3G) 2/3
s = - t
15'1' 4n
_2g (3Gt) 2/3 _ ds
v-- - --
9'1' 4n dt
where s is the distance between the centre of the bubble and
the point of gas supply. Integrating equation (3) we have
The bubble will detach when s = r, and hence at detachment,
eliminating t from equations (2) and (4),
V = e;r
; ~ G r
Equation (5) gives the volume of the bubble in terms of the
properties of the liquid and the gas flow rate. A comparison
of theoretical and experimental results for aqueous solutions
of glycerol is presented in Fig. 5. Runs were also done for
similar flow rates using viscous hydrocarbon oils of varying
surface tension. In each case equation (5) was closely obeyed.
I-Bubble formation at constant flow rates
The theory is based on the following assumptions:
1. The bubble is spherical throughout formation.
2. Circulation of the liquid is negligible, so that the liquid
surrounding the orifice is at rest when the bubble starts to
form (see Appendix).
3. The motion of the bubble is not affected by the pre-
sence of another bubble immediately above it.
4. The momentum of the gas is negligible (see Appendix).
5. The bubble is at all instants moving at the Stokes
velocity appropriate to its size.
Consider the motion of a bubble forming at a point source
in an infinite liquid under the above conditions. In view of
assumption (5), the velocity of the centre of the bubble, v, at
time t after the start will be given by the equation:*
* Symbols have the meanings given to them on p. 162
JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChernE, Vol 75, December 1997
It should also be noted that the experimental results deviate
to some extent from the theoretical predictions as the flow
rates are increased. This is probably due to the fact that the
inertia of the surrounding liquid was ignored.
As mentioned above, for large flow rates it cannot be as-
sumed that the inertia terms are negligible, and in the theory
which follows, an attempt has been made to allow for the
effect of inertia.
If a sphere moves in a direction perpendicular to a wall the
virtual mass
? of the sphere is given by M.+ M/2 +Ma"/
Gas flow rate = 125 mils
Liquid viscosity = 480 cp
Orifice radius = 00975 cm
Liquid seal = 79 cm
Fig. S.-Bubble frequency as a function of orifice ring diameter
Pressure necessary to generate a bubble in a viscous liquid
Suppose that a gas is being blown from a source into an
infinite liquid in the absence of gravity. The resulting bubble
S114 JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChernE, Vol 75, December 1997
condition that at
d(11 ds)
Mg = (It 16 M dt '
which on integrating twice, using the
t = 0, ds/dt = s = 0, gives
formation PGt to the kinetic energy given by equation (22).
Calculations showed that, for the cases considered in the
present paper, P is negligible in comparison with the other
pressures involved.
At detachment r = s = (3Gt/4n)1/3 and hence the final
bubble volume V is given by
V = Gt = (!!)3
5G6/5 = 1.378 G6
5. (25)
4n 4g g
It is interesting to note that, except for the numerical con-
stant, equation (25) is identical with the empirical expression
given by van Krevelen and Hoftijzer
to predict the volume
of a bubble in terms of gas flow rate. Van Krevelen and
Hoftijzer found that, provided the gas density was negligible
in comparison with the liquid density, the volume of a bubble
was given by the expression:
V = 6n
g3/ S = 1722 g 3/ 5 (26)
Note on the formation of bubbles in an inviscid liquid
In the discussion on the formation of bubbles at small
constant flow rates in liquids of high viscosity it was assumed
that inertia forces were negligible in comparison with viscous
forces. For the case of an inviscid liquid, the viscous forces
are negligible in comparison with the inertia forces.
The equation of motion is then
Symbols Used
A = [96nv(3/4n)1/3]/11.
= effective orifice area.
a = sphere radius.
b = distance of centre of sphere from wall.
D = 3A/G.
dB = diameter of equivalent sphere.
G = gas flow rate.
g = acceleration due to gravity.
h = depth of liquid seal.
k = orifice constant.
L = parameter in equation (10).
M = mass of liquid displaced by sphere.
= mass of sphere.
P =P1-pgh.
P = mean pressure due to kinetic energy.
PI = pressure in drum.
p = pressure at radius R
R = Reynolds number.
= radius of shell enveloping source of gas supply,
r = bubble radius.
ro = orifice radius.
s = distance of centre of bubble from point of gas supply.
t = time bubble has been growing.
u = radial velocity of liquid surrounding bubble.
V = bubble volume at any instant.
at the surface of the bubble the radial pressure differs from
the mean pressure by 4p'V(dVldt)/3 V.18 This term gives the
amount of the increase of pressure within the bubble due to
the viscosity of the liquid, and in the constant pressure experi-
ments the flow into the bubble would be reduced by including
the term within the square root in equation (12).
The last column in Table III gives the term:
'" = 1 - [1 - 4 p'V (dV/dt)/3 V(P + pgs - 2a/r)]1/2,
which is the fractional variation in the flow into the bubble"
caused by liquid viscosity. These figures show that although
the liquid viscosity has a very large effect at the start of the
motion, the overall effect on the flow is likely to be about
6%. From Table IV it follows that the effect on the final
bubble volume is likely to be about 3%.
will be spherical, and its centre will be stationary. Under these
conditions Poritsky18 has shown that the viscous terms vanish
from the Navier-Stokes equation, and therefore the mean
pressure within the liquid at any point is the same as it would
be in an inviscid liquid. However, the pressure within a
viscous liquid in motion is not the same in all directions, and
Flow rate = 17 mils
Liquid viscosity = 735 cp
Orifice radius = 00745 cm
Fig. 9.-Bubble sizes compared for carbon dioxide and air
Pressure due to kinetic energy imparted to the liquid
If a gas is blown into a liquid the latter will acquire kinetic
energy due to the expansion of the resulting bubble. The total
kinetic energy generated during the formation of a bubble is
given by the equation:
Kinetic energy = f2pnu
Substituting G/4n R
2 for u and integrating we have
K' . G2
mehc energy = 8nr'
P, the mean pressure due to the kinetic energy of the radial
motion, is obtained by equating the work done during bubble
JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT-Trans IChemE, Vol 75, December 1997
= bubble volume at t = O.
v = velocity of bubble centre.
p = liquid density.
pG = gas density.
a = surface tension.
(j = cos-
v = kinematic viscosity of the liquid.
</> = 1 - [1 - 4pv(dV/dt)/3V(P + pgs - 2a/r)]I/2.
The above quantities may be expressed in any set of con-
sistent units in which force and mass are not defined inde-
1 Hughes, R. R., Handlos, A. E., Evans, H. D., and Maycock,
R. L. Publication of the Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
Institute, 1953 (Los Angeles: The University).
2 Davidson, L. and Amick E. H. A.I.Ch.E. Journal, 1956,2,337.
3 Helsby, F. W. and Tuson, K. R. Research, 1955,8,270.
4 Benzing, R. J. and Myers J. E. Industr. Engng Chem., 1955, 47,
5 Quigley, C. J., Johnson, A. I., and Harris, B. L. Chemical En-
gineering Progress Symposium Series 16, 1955, p. 31.
e Leibson, I., Holcomb, E. G., Cacoso, A. G., and Jacmic, J. J.
A.I.Ch.E. Journal, 1956, 2, 296.
7 Calderbank, P. H. Trans. Instn chem. Engrs, 1956,34, 79.
8 Calderbank, P. H. British Chemical Engineering, 1956,1,267.
8 Siemes, W. Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1954, 26, 479.
10 Siemes, W. Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1954, 26, 614.
11 Siemes, W. and Kaufmann, J. F. Chemical Engineering Science,
1956, 5, 127.
12 Siemes, W. and Gunther, K. Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1956,28,389.
13 Siemes, W. Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1956,28,727.
14 Siemes, W. and Kaufmann, J. F. Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1957,29,32.
15 Garner, F. H. and Hammerton, D. Chemical Engineering Science,
1954,3, 1.
18 Moore, D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1959,6,113.
17 Milne Thomson, L. N. Theoretical Hydrodynamics, 3rd edition
1955. (London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.)
18 Poritsky, H. Proceedings of the First National Congress of
Applied Mechanics, 1952. (New York: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.)
18 van Krevelen, D. W. and Hoftijzer, P. J. Chem. Engng Progr.,
The manuscript of this paper was received on 30 September, 1959.