Node - Js in Action
Node - Js in Action
Node - Js in Action
js in Action
JavaScript on the server? You bet. Node.js is a JavaScript server
capable of supporting scalable, high-performance web applications. Using asynchronous I/O, the server can do more than one thing at a time, a key requirement for real-time apps like chat, games, and live statistics. And since its JavaScript,you use the same language end to end. Node.js in Action shows you how to build production-quality applications. Clear introductions of key concepts and exampleby-example coverage take you from setup to deployment. Youll dive into asynchronous programming, data storage, and output templating, and interact with the fi lesystem to create non-HTTP applications like TCP/IP servers and command-line tools. Perfect for a web developer transitioning from Rails, Django, or PHP.
Grok asynchronous programming and the event loop u Examples including microblogging, IM, games, and more u
ISBN: 978-93-5119-260-2 Pages: 416 | Price: ` 699/Authors: Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk,
and Nathan Rajlich
Table of Contents
Welcome to Node.js Building a multiroom chat application Node programming fundamentals Connects built-in middleware Express Advanced Express Testing Node applications Web application templating
Beyond web servers The Node ecosystem
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