Layout and Benchwork: Chapter Learning Objectives

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Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

Describe the process used to extract data from blueprints.

Describe the procedures used to draft working drawings for parts

manufacture and alteration.

Explain surface characteristics of metal.

Explain how to determine surface finish quality.

Explain layout work.

Explain the procedure used to lay out valve flange bolt holes.

State the process used to hand scrape and blue parts and surfaces for flatness
and fit.

Explain filing operation.

Explain the setup and operation of pressure.

Explain the setup and operation of oxyacetylene equipment.

Explain the use of helicoils.

As an MR, you will repair or help repair many As with any shop equipment you must observe all
types of equipment used on ships. You will make posted safety precautions. Review your equipment
replacement parts, disassemble and assemble operators manual for safety precaustions and any
equipment, make layouts of parts to be machined, and chapters of Navy Occupational Safety and Health
do precision work to lit mating parts of equipment. This (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat
is known as benchwork and it includes practically all (OPNAV) Instruction 5100.19B that pertain to the
repair work other than actual machining. equipment.

This chapter contains information that you need

to make effective repairs. Read Blueprint Reading LIMITS OF ACCURACY
and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 10077-F1, for additional
information on working drawings. Other sources of You must work within the limits of accuracy
information that you should study for details on specified on the drawing. A clear understanding of
specific equipment include the Naval Ships’ Techical TOLERANCE and ALLOWANCE will help you to
Manual, the manufacturers technical manuals, and avoid small, but potentially dangerous, errors. These
the training manuals for the equipment you are terms may seem closely related, but each has a very
working on. precise meaning and application. We’ll point out the

meanings of these terms and the importance of
observing the distinction between them.

Figure 2-1.—Basic dimension and tolerance.
In most instances it’s impractical and unnecessary
to work to the absolute or exact basic dimension. The
designer calculates, in addition to the basic
interference allowance of 0.001 inch. As the shaft is
dimensions, an allowable variation. The amount of
larger than the hole, force is necessary to assemble the
variation, or limit of error permissible, is indicated on
the drawing as plus or minus (+) a given amount, such
as ±0.005 or ±1/64. The difference between the What is the relationship between tolerance and
allowable minimum and the allowance maximum allowance? When you manufacture mating parts, you
dimension is tolerance. For example, in figure 2-1: must control the tolerance of each part so the parts
Basic dimension = 4 will have the proper allowance when they are
assembled. Here’s an example. A hole 0.250 inch in
Long limit = 4 1/64
diameter with a tolerance of 0.005 inch (±0.0025) is
Short limit = 3 63/64 prescribed for a job. The shaft to be fitted in the hole
Tolerance = 1/32 is to have a clearance allowance of 0.001 inch. You
must finish the hole within the limits and determine
When tolerances are not actually specified on a the required size of the shaft exactly before you can
drawing, you can make fairly concrete assumptions make the shaft. If you finish the hole to the upper
concerning the accuracy expected, by using the limit of the basic dimension (0.2525 inch), you would
following principles. For dimensions that end in a machine the shaft to 0.2515 inch or 0.001 inch smaller
fraction of an inch, such as 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, the than the hole. If the dimension of the shaft was given
expected accuracy is ±1/64 inch. When the with the same tolerance as the hole there would be no
dimension is given in decimal form, the following control over the allowance between the parts. As
applies: much as 0.005-inch allowance (either clearance or
If a dimension is given as 3.000 inches, the interference) could result.
accuracy expected is ±0.0005 inch; or if the
dimension is given as 3.00 inches, the accuracy To retain the required allowance and still permit
expected is ±0.005 inch. The +0.0005 is called in some tolerance in the dimensions of the mating parts,
shop terms, “plus or minus five ten-thousandths of an the tolerance is limited to one direction on each part.
inch.” The ±0.005 is called “plus or minus five This single direction (unilateral) tolerance stems from
thousandths of an inch.” the basic hole system. If a clearance allowance is
required between mating parts, the hole may be larger
ALLOWANCE but not smaller than the basic dimension; the part that
fits into the opening may be smaller but not larger
Allowance is an intentional difference planned in than the basic dimension. Thus, shafts and other parts
dimensions of mating parts to provide the desired fit. that fit into a mating opening have a minus tolerance
A CLEARANCE ALLOWANCE permits movement only, while the openings have a plus tolerance only. If
between mating parts when they are assembled. For an interference allowance between the mating parts is
example, when a hole with a 0.250-inch diameter is required, the situation is reversed; the opening can be
fitted with a shaft that has a 0.245-inch diameter, the smaller but not larger than the basic dimension, while
clearance allowance is 0.005 inch. An INTER- the shaft can be larger but not smaller than the basic
FERENCE ALLOWANCE is the opposite of a dimension. Therefore, you can expect to see a
clearance allowance. The difference in dimensions in tolerance such as +0.005, -0, or +0, -0.005, but with
this case provides a tight lit. You would need force to the required value not necessarily 0.005. You can get
assemble parts that have an interference allowance. If a better understanding of a clearance allowance, or an
a shaft with a 0.251-inch diameter is fitted into the interference allowance, if you make a rough sketch of
hole identified in the preceding example, the the piece and add dimensions to the sketch where they
difference between the dimensions will give an apply.

Figure 2-2.—Relation of symbols to surface characteristics.

SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS OF roughness symbol that you’ll find on the drawing is a

METAL check mark. This symbol is supplemented with a
While you must control the finished dimensions horizontal extension line above it when requirements
of a part, you also must consider the degree of such as waviness width or contact area must be
smoothness, or surface roughness. Both are very specified in the symbol. A drawing that shows only
important in the efficiency and life of a machine part. the basic symbol indicates that the surface finish
requirements are detailed in the NOTES block. The
A finished surface may appear to be perfectly flat; roughness height rating is placed at the top of the
but, when you examine it with surface finish measuring short leg of the check (view A, fig. 2-3). If only one
instruments, you will find it is formed of irregular
waves. On top of these waves are other smaller waves
that we’ll call peaks and valleys. You’ll measure these
peaks and valleys to determine the surface roughness
measurements of height and width. Measure the larger
waves to give the waviness height and width measure-
ments. Figure 2-2 illustrates the general location of the
various areas for surface finish measurements and the
relation of the symbols to the surface characteristics.
Surface roughness is the measurement of the
finely spaced surface irregularities; their height,
width, direction, and shape establish the predominant
surface pattern. The irregularities are caused by the
cutting or abrading action of the machine tools that Figure 2-3.—Symbols used to indicate surface roughness,
have been used to obtain the surface. The basic waviness, and lay.

number is shown for roughness height, it is the basic check (view E, fig. 2-3). The NOTES block of
maximum permissible roughness height rating; if two the drawing will show any further surface finish
are shown, the top number is the maximum (view B, requirements, such as waviness width or height.
fig. 2-3). A point to remember is that the smaller the
number in the roughness height rating, the smoother Lay is the direction of the predominant surface
the surface. pattern produced by the tool marks. The symbol
indicating lay is placed to the right and slightly above
the point of the surface roughness symbol, as shown
Waviness height values are shown directly above
in view F of figure 2-3. (Fig. 2-4 shows the seven
the extension line at the top of the long leg of the basic
symbols that indicate the direction of lay.)
check (view C, fig. 2-3). Waviness width values are
placed to the right of the waviness height values (view The roughness width value is shown to the right
D, fig. 2-3). Where minimum requirements for of and parallel to the lay symbol. The roughness
contact or bearing surfaces must be shown, the width cutoff is placed immediately below the
percentage is placed at the top of the long leg of the extension line and to the right of the long leg of the

Figure 2-4.—Symbols indicating the direction of lay.

Figure 2-5.—Roughness height values for machine operations.

basic check mark. These symbols for roughness

width are shown in view G and H of figure 2-3.
Figure 2-5 shows a sampling of some roughness
height values that can be obtained by the different
machine operations.


A surface finish is seldom flat. We said earlier that
close examination with surface finish measuring
instruments shows the surface to be formed of irregular
waves. On top of the waves are other smaller
irregularities known as peaks and valleys. We will now
discuss several ways to evaluate surface finish.


There are occasions when visual comparison with

the naked eye will show that one surface is rougher
than the other. This is possible only in cases of widely
differing surfaces. You also can use visual inspection
Figure 2-6.—Magnifier with illuminator for surface inspection.
to detect large cracks in metal.
You can make a visual comparison with
illuminated magnifiers (fig. 2-6).

roughness. It uses the tracer method and actually
measures the differences in the depth of the surface
The two main units of the profilometer are the
tracer and the amplimeter. Tracers are made in
several designs to measure a variety of shapes. The
tracer has a stylus with a very small radius at its tip.
As the tracer is moved across the surface being
measured, the stylus follows the contours of the
irregularities left by the machining operation. The up
and down movements of the tracer stylus are
converted into a small fluctuating voltage. The
voltage is fed into the amplimeter where it is
amplified to actuate the microinches meter on the
front panel (fig. 2-10). The meter shows the
variations in the average roughness height in
Figure 2-7.—Master roughness scales.
A motor-driven unit, the motorace (fig. 2-9),
provides mechanical movement of the tracer and its
stylus when manual operation is not practical.
You don’t need technical knowledge or special
Move a fingernail along the surface of the job and skill to operate instruments that are used to check for
make a mental note of the amount of resistance and surface roughness. You can set up the instrument on a
the depth of irregularities. Then, move your bench or cabinet beside the production machine and
fingernail across a series of master roughness scales
that have numbers corresponding to their
measurement in microinches (fig. 2-7). The machine
finish must compare satisfactorily with the correct


This inspection requires you to use a microscope

with an optical flat plate and a monochromatic light
(fig. 2-8). The microscope allows you to see the
height of the surface irregularity in light reflected
between the microscope objective and surface of the
work. The interference fringes indicate the
intersection of the wave fronts reflected between the
work and the front surface of the microscope
objective. The distance between the fringes
represents 11 microinches (11 millionths of an inch).
The interference microscope is used primarily in
laboratories, but you should be aware of it in case you
encounter it during your career.


The profilometer (fig. 2-9) is the instrument most Figure 2-8.—The interference (surface-finish) microscope.
commonly used to find the degree of surface

Figure 2-9.—The profilometer measuring the surface roughness of an internal diameter.

Figure 2-10.—The profilometer amplimeter control panel.

Figure 2-11.—Checking surface finish on the machine.

check the workpiece manually while it is in the

machine (fig. 2-11).


The surface analyzer (fig. 2-12) is a practical shop

instrument designed for the accurate measurement of Figure 2-12.—Surface analyzer.
surface finish roughness. Like the profilometer, it
measures the irregularities of the surface finish and
records them in microinches. This is done by a tracer relationship of the surfaces. That understanding will
stylus, which registers the rise and fall of the peaks help you plan the sequence of machining operations.
and valleys on the finished surfaces. These variations
Mechanical drawing and layout are closely
are amplified and indicated on the electrical meter,
related subjects; knowledge of one will help you
calibrated to read in microinches.
understand the other. You also must know general
mathematics, trigonometry, and geometry, and how to
LAYOUT METHODS select and use tools for jobs related to layout and
mechanical drawing. Study Mathematics, Volume I,
Layout is the term used to describe the marking of NAVEDTRA 10069-D1; Mathematics, Volume 2-A,
metal surfaces to provide an outline for machining. A NAVEDTRA 10062; Use and Care of Hand Tools and
layout is comparable to a single view (end, top, or Measuring Tools, NAVEDTRA 12085, and Blueprint
side) of a part that is sketched directly on the Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 10077-F7, for
workpiece. The degree of difficulty depends on the additional information.
intricacies of the part to be laid out and the number of
operations required to make the part. A flange layout, The following information applies to practically
for example, is relatively simple as the entire layout all layouts. Layout lines are formed by using a
can be made on one surface of the blank flange. reference edge or point on the stock or by using the
However, an intricate casting may require layout lines surface plate as a base. Study carefully the section on
on more than one surface. This requires careful study geometric construction. It will help you make layouts
and concentration to make sure the layout will have when you can’t use a reference edge of the stock or a
the same relationships as those shown on the drawing surface plate mounting of the stock.
(or sample) that you are using.
When a part must be laid out on two or more
surfaces, you may need to lay out one surface and
machine it to size before using further layout lines.
This prevents removal of layout lines on one surface When scribing layout lines on sheet metal, hold
while you are machining another. the scratch awl, or scribe, as shown in figure 2-13.
Lean it toward the direction in which it will be moved
The process of computing and transferring and away from the straightedge. This will help you
dimensions will help you become familiar with the scribe a smooth line that will follow the edge of the

Figure 2-13.—Using a scribe.

straightedge, template, or pattern at its point of

contact with the surface of the metal.

To scribe a line on stock with a combination

square, place the squaring head on the edge of the Figure 2-15.—Laying out parallel lines with a combination
stock, as shown in figure 2-14. Draw the line along
either edge of the blade. The line will be square with
the edge of the stock against which the squaring head
is held; that is, the angle between the line and the edge To scribe a line parallel to an edge with a
will be 90°. hermaphrodite caliper, hold the caliper, as shown in
figure 2-16, so the curved leg maintains contact with
To draw lines parallel to an edge using a the edge while the other leg scribes the line. Hold the
combination square, extend the blade from the caliper so the line will be scribed at the desired
squaring head the required distance, such as the distance from the edge of the stock.
2-inch setting shown in figure 2-15. Secure the blade
at this position. Scribe a line parallel to the edge of
the stock by holding the scratch awl, or scribe, at the
end of the blade as you move the square along the
edge. All lines so scribed, with different blade To lay out a 45-degree angle on stock with a
settings, will be parallel to the edge of the stock and combination square, place the squaring head on the
parallel to each other.

Figure 2-16.—Laying out a parallel line with a hermaphrodite

Figure 2-14.—Using the combination square. caliper.

Figure 2-19.—Locating the center of round stock.

Figure 2-17.—Laying out a 45-degree angle.

lines drawn with the same setting, and from the same
true edge of the work, will be parallel lines.
edge of the stock, as shown in figure 2-17. Draw the
line along either edge of the blade. The line will form Use the center head and rule, as illustrated in
a 45-degree angle with the edge of the stock against figure 2-19, to locate the center of round stock. To
which the squaring head is held. find the center of square and rectangular shapes,
scribe straight lines from opposite corners of the
To draw angular lines with the protractor head of workpiece. The intersection of the lines locates the
a combination square, loosen the adjusting screw and center.
rotate the blade so the desired angle lines up with the
index mark on the body of the protractor head. The LAYING OUT CIRCLES AND
setting shown in figure 2-18 is 60°. Tighten the screw IRREGULAR LINES
to hold the setting.
Circles or segments of circles are laid out from a
Hold the body of the protractor head in contact center point. To ensure accuracy, prick-punch the
with the true edge of the work with the blade resting center point to keep the point of the dividers from
on the surface. Scribe the lines along the edge of the slipping out of position.
blade on the surface of the work. The angle set on the
scale determines the angle laid out on the work. All To lay out a circle with a divider, take the setting
of the desired radius from the rule, as shown in
figure 2-20. Note that the 3-inch setting is being
taken AWAY from the end of the rule. This reduces
the chance of error as each point of the dividers can be

Figure 2-18.—Laying out angular lines. Figure 2-20.—Setting a divider to a dimension.

Figure 2-22.—Laying out an irregular line from a surface.

fit. In view B the divider has scribed a line from left

to right. When scribing horizontal lines, keep the legs
of the divider plumb (one above the other). When
scribing vertical lines, keep the legs level. To scribe a
line to an irregular surface, set the divider so one leg
will follow the irregular surface and the other leg will
scribe a line on the material that is being fitted to the
irregular surface. (See view B of fig. 2-22.)


Figure 2-21.—Laying out circles.

Use the surface plate with such tools as parallels,

set on a graduation. Place one leg of the divider at the squares, V-blocks, surface gauges, angle plates, and
center of the proposed circle. Then, lean the tool in sine bars to make layout lines. Use angle plates
the direction it will be rotated and rotate it by rolling similar to the one shown in figure 2-23 to mount work
the knurled handle between your thumb and index
at an angle on the surface plate. To set the angle of the
finger (view A of fig. 2-21).
angle plate, use a protractor and rule of the
When setting trammel points, shown in view B of combination square set or use a vernier protractor.
figure 2-21, follow the same directions as for a
divider. You may need a steel tape to set the trammel
To lay out a circle with trammel points, hold one
point at the center and lean the tool in the direction
you plan to move the other point. Then, swing the
arc, or circle, as shown in view B of figure 2-21.
To transfer a distance measurement with trammel
points, hold one point as you would to lay out a circle.
Then, swing a small arc with the other point opened to
the desired distance.

Scribing an irregular line to a surface is a skill

used to fit a piece of stock to a curved surface, as Figure 2-23.—Angle plate.
shown in figure 2-22. In view A you see the complete

Then, place the squaring head of a combination
square, as shown in view B. Secure the scale so the
end is in contact with the surface of the plate. Move
the surface gauge into position.


A sine bar is a precisely machined tool steel bar

used with two steel cylinders. In the type shown in
figure 2-25, the cylinders establish a precise distance
of either 5 inches or 10 inches from the center of one
to the center of the other, depending upon the model
used. The bar itself has accurately machined parallel
sides, and the axes of the two cylinders are parallel to
the adjacent sides of the bar within a close tolerance.
Equally close tolerances control the cylinder
roundness and freedom from taper. The slots or holes
in the bar are for convenience in clamping workpieces
to the bar. Although the illustrated bars are typical,
there is a wide variety of specialized shapes, widths,
and thicknesses.
The sine bar itself is very easy to set up and use.
You do need a basic knowledge of trigonometry to
understand how it works. When a sine bar is set up, it
always forms a right triangle. A right triangle has one
90-degree angle. The base of the triangle, formed by
the sine bar, is the surface plate, as shown in figure
2-25. The side opposite is made up of the gauge
blocks that raise one end of the sine bar. The
hypotenuse is always formed by the sine bar, as
Figure 2-24.—Setting and using a surface gauge. shown in figure 2-25. The height of the gauge block
setting may be found in two ways. The first method is
to multiply the sine of the angle needed by the length
View A of figure 2-24 shows a surface gauge of the sine bar. The sine of the angle may be found in
V-block combination used to lay out a piece of stock. any table of natural trigonometric functions. For
To set a surface gauge for height, first clean the top of example, if you had to set a 10-inch sine bar to check
the surface plate and the bottom of the surface gauge. a 30°5´ angle on a part, you would first go to a table of

Figure 2-25.—Setup of the sine bar.

Figure 2-26.—Layout of a perpendicular from a point to a Figure 2-27.—Layout of a perpendicular from a point on a
line. line.

natural trigonometric functions and find the sine of Use a divider to lay out a perpendicular FROM a
30°5´. Then, multiply the sine value by 10 inches point TO a line, as shown in figure 2-26. Lightly
(0.50126 × 10 = 5.0126) to find the height of the prick-punch point C, then swing any arc from C that
gauge blocks. The second method is to use a table of will intersect line AB. Prick-punch intersections D
sine bar constants. These tables give the height and E, as in the figure. With D and E as centers,
setting for any given angle (to the nearest minute) for scribe two arcs that intersect at a point such as F.
a 5-inch sine bar. Tables are not normally available Place a straightedge on points C and F. The line
for 10-inch bars because it is easy to use the sine of drawn along this straightedge from point C to line AB
the angle and move the decimal point one place to the will be perpendicular (90°) to line AB.

Use a divider to lay out a perpendicular FROM a

Although sine bars appear to be rugged, you
point ON a line, as shown in figure 2-27. Lightly
should give them the same care as gauge blocks.
prick-punch point C on line AB. Then, set the divider
Since they are used with other tools or parts that are
to any distance to scribe arcs that intersect AB at D
heavy, they are subject to rough usage. Remove or
and E with C as the center. Punch C and E lightly.
repair scratches, nicks, and burrs. Keep them clean
With D and E as centers and with the setting of the
from abrasive dirt and sweat and other corrosive
divider increased somewhat, scribe arcs that cross at
agents. Make regular inspections to locate defects
points such as F and G. The line drawn through F and
before they affect the accuracy of the bar. When you
G will pass through point C and be perpendicular to
store sine bars for extended periods, clean all bare
metal surfaces and then cover them with a light film line AB.
of oil. Place a cover over the sine bar to prevent
accidental damage and to discourage corrosion. To lay out parallel lines with a divider, set the
divider to the selected dimension. Then, referring
to figure 2-28, from any points (prick-punched)
such as C and D on line AB, swing arcs EF and GH.
GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTION OF Then, draw line IJ tangent to these two arcs and it
LAYOUT LINES will be parallel to line AB and at the selected
distance from it.

Sometimes you will need to scribe a layout that

cannot be made with conventional layout methods.
For example, you cannot readily make straight and
angular layout lines on sheet metal with irregular
edges by using a combination square set. Neither can
you mount sheet metal on angle plates in a manner
that permits scribing angular lines. Geometric Figure 2-28.—Layout of a parallel line.
construction is the answer to this problem.

installed in a true vertical or horizontal position. This
assumes that the pipe flange holes are also in the
standard location on the pitch circle. Before you do a
valve flange layout job, find out whether the holes are
to be placed in the standard position. If you are
working on a “per sample” job, follow the layout of
the sample.
Assuming you are sure of the size and number of
holes and the radius of the pitch circle, use the
following procedure to set up the layout for straight
globe or gate valve flanges.
1. Fit a fine grain wood plug into the opening in
each flange. (See fig. 2-30.) The plug should fit
snugly and be flush with the face of the flange.
2. Apply layout dye to the flange faces, or, if dye
is not available, rub chalk on the flange faces to make
Figure 2-29.—Bisecting an angle. the drawn lines clearly visible.
3. Locate the center of each flange with a surface
To bisect an angle, let’s assume angle ABC gauge, or use a center head and rule combination if
(fig. 2-29) is given. With B as a center, draw an arc the flange diameter is relatively small. (See view A,
cutting the sides of the angle at D and E. With D and fig. 2-24 and fig. 2-19.) After you locate the exact
E as centers, and with a radius greater than half of arc center point on each flange, mark the center with a
DE, draw arcs intersecting at F. Then, draw a line sharp prick-punch.
from B through point F to bisect angle ABC. 4. Use dividers to scribe the pitch or bolt circle.
Check to see that the pitch circle and the outside edge
LAYING OUT VALVE FLANGE BOLT of the flange are concentric.
5. Draw the vertical bisector. This line must pass
Before describing the procedure used to make through the center point of the flange and must be
valve flange layouts, we need to clarify the visually located directly in line with the axis of the
terminology used in the description. Figure 2-30 valve stem (see fig. 2-30).
shows a valve flange with the bolt holes marked on 6. Draw the horizontal bisector. This line also
the bolt circle. The straight-line distance between the must pass through the center point of the flange and
centers of two adjacent holes is called the PITCH must be laid out at a right angle to the vertical
CHORD. The bolt hole circle itself is called the bisector. (See fig. 2-30 and fig. 2-27.)
PITCH CIRCLE. The vertical line across the face of
the flange is the VERTICAL BISECTOR, and the Up to this point, the layout is the same for all
horizontal line across the face of the flange is the flanges regardless of the number of holes. Beyond
HORIZONTAL BISECTOR. this point, however, the layout differs with the number
of holes. The layout for a 6-hole flange is the simplest
The bolt holes center on the pitch circle and are one and we’ll describe it first.
equal in distance. The pitch chord between any two
adjacent holes is exactly the same as the pitch chord Six-Hole Flange
between any other two adjacent holes. Note that the
two top holes and the two bottom holes straddle the Set your dividers exactly to the dimension of the
vertical bisector; the vertical bisector cuts the pitch pitch circle radius. Place one leg of the dividers on
chord for each pair exactly in half. This is the the point where the horizontal bisector crosses the
standard method used to place the holes for a 6-hole pitch circle on the right-hand side of the flange.
flange. In the 4-, 8-, or 12-hole flange, the bolt holes (Point 1 in view A of figure 2-3 1.) Draw a small arc
straddle both the vertical and horizontal bisectors. across the pitch circle at points 2 and 6. Next, place
This system of hole placement permits a valve to be one leg of the dividers at the intersection of the pitch

Figure 2-30.—Flange layout terminology.

circle and the horizontal bisector on the left-hand side circle with the dividers. Each pitch chord must be
of the flange point 4. Draw a small arc across the equal to the setting of the dividers. If it is not, you
pitch circle line at points 3 and 5. These points (1 to have an error in hole mark placement that you must
6) are the centers for the holes. Check the accuracy of correct before you center punch the marks for the
the pitch chords. To do this, leave the dividers set holes. After you are sure the layout is accurate, center
exactly as you had them set to draw the arcs. Starting punch the hole marks and draw a circle of appropriate
from the located center of any hole, step around the size around each center-punched mark and

Figure 2-31.—Development of a 6-hole flange.

Figure 2-32.—Four-hole flange development.

prick-punch “witness marks” around the accuracy, set your divider for the pitch between any
circumference, as shown in view B of figure 2-31. two adjacent holes and step around the pitch circle. If
These witness marks will be cut exactly in half by the the holes are not evenly spaced, find your error and
drill to verify a correctly located hole. correct it. When the layout is correct, follow the
center-punching and witness-marking procedures
Four-Hole Flange described for the 6-hole flange layout.

Figure 2-32 shows the development for a 4-hole Eight-Hole Flange

flange layout. Set your dividers for slightly more than
half the distance of arc AB. Scribe an intersecting arc Figure 2-33 shows the development of an 8-hole
across the pitch circle line from points A, B, C, and D, flange. First locate point E by the same method
as shown in view A of figure 2-32. Next, draw a short described to locate point 1 in the 4-hole layout. Then,
radial line through the point of intersection of each divide arc AE in half by the same method. The
pair of arcs as shown in view B. The points where midpoint of arc AE is the location for the center of the
these lines cross the pitch circle (1, 2, 3, and 4) are the hole (1). (Set view A of fig. 3-33.) Next, set your
centers for the holes. To check the layout for dividers for distance A (l), and draw an arc across the

Figure 2-33.—Eight-hole flange development.

pitch circle line from A at point 8; from B at points 2 Table 2-1.—Constants for Locating Centers of Flange Bolt
and 3; from C at 4 and 5; and from D at 6 and 7. (See
view B of fig. 2-33.) Now, set your calipers for
distance AE and gauge the pitch chord for accuracy.
Then, finish the layout as described in the preceding

Mathematical Determination of Pitch Chord


In addition to the geometric solutions given in the

preceding paragraphs, you can determine the spacing
of valve flange bolt hole centers by simple
multiplication, if you know a constant value for the
desired number of bolt holes. The diameter of the
pitch circle multiplied by the constant equals the
length of the pitch chord. The constants for specified
numbers of holes are given in table 2-1.
Here is an example of the use of the table.
Suppose a flange is to have 9 bolt holes laid out on a
pitch circle with a diameter of 10 inches. From the
table, select the constant for a 9-hole flange. The
pitch diameter (10 inches) multiplied by the
appropriate constant (.342) equals the length of the
pitch chord (3.420 inches). Set a pair of dividers to
measure 3.420 inches, from point to point, and step
coat the surface plate with blue and move the
off around the circumference of the pitch circle to
workpiece over this surface. The blue will stick to the
locate the centers of the flange bolt holes. Note,
high spots on the workpiece, revealing the areas to be
however, that the actual placement of the holes in
relation to the vertical and horizontal bisectors is scraped. (See fig. 2-34.) Scrape the areas of the
determined separately. (This is of no concern if the workpiece surface that are blue and check again.
layout is for an unattached pipe flange rather than for Continue this process until the blue coloring shows on
a valve flange.) the entire surface of the workpiece. To reduce
frictional “drag” between mating finished scraped
surfaces, rotate the solid surfaces so you make each
SCRAPING AND BLUING series of scraper cuts at an angle of 90° to the
Scraping produces a surface that is more accurate preceding series. This gives the finished scraped
in fit and smoother in finish than a machined surface. surface a crosshatched or basket weave appearance.
It is a skill that requires a great deal of practice before
you become proficient at it. You need patience, sharp
tools, and a light “feel” to scrape a surface until the fit
is smooth and uniform.
Some of the tools you will use for scraping will be
similar to files without the serrated edges. They are
available either straight or with various radii or curves
used to scrape an internal surface at selected points.
Other scraper tools may look like a paint scraper,
possibly with a carbide tip attached. You may find
that a scraper you make from material in your shop
will be best for the job at hand.
When you scrape a flat surface, you’ll need a
Figure 2-34.—Checking a surface.
surface plate and nondrying Prussian blue. Lightly

yourself as you file with slow, full-length, steady
strokes. The file cuts as you push it. Ease up on the
return stroke to keep from dulling the teeth. View B
of figure 2-35 shows the alternate positions of the file
when an exceptionally flat surface is required. Using
either position first, file across the entire length of the
stock. Then, using the other position, file across the
entire length of the stock again. Because the teeth of
the file pass over the surface of the stock from two
directions, the high spots and low spots will be visible
after filing in both positions. Continue filing first in
one direction and then the other until the surface has
been filed flat. Test the flatness with a straightedge,
or where precision is required, with Prussian blue and
a surface plate.


Drawfiling produces a finer surface finish than

crossfiling. Small parts, as shown in view C of figure
2-35, are best held in a vise. Hold the file as shown in
the figure. Notice that the arrow indicates that the
cutting stroke is away from you when the handle is
held in the right hand. If the handle is held in the left
hand, the cutting stroke will be toward you. Lift the
file away from the surface of the work on the return
stroke. When drawfiling no longer improves the
Figure 2-35.—Filing.
surface texture, wrap a piece of abrasive cloth around
the file and polish the surface, as shown in
The crosshatched method helps you see where you figure 2-36.
have scraped the part.


A file is nearly indispensable when you work with

metal. You may be crossfiling, drawfiling, precision
filing, or using a file card. Let’s examine these


Figure 2-35, view A shows a piece of mild steel

being crossfiled. This means that the file is being
moved across the surface of the work in a crosswise Figure 2-36.—Polishing.
direction. Keep your feet spread apart to steady


As you file, the teeth of the file may become

clogged with metal filings and scratch your work.
This is known as PINNING. You can prevent pinning
by keeping the file teeth clean. Rubbing chalk
between the teeth will help prevent pinning, but the
best method is to clean the file often with a file card
and brush. This tool (fig. 2-37) has fine wire bristles
on one side and a stiff brush on the other side. Use the
file card with a pulling motion, holding it parallel to Figure 2-37.—File card with brush.
the rows of teeth. Then, use the brush to remove any
loose filings.
Place the ram in contact with the work by hand,
so the work is positioned accurately in alignment with

Hydraulic and arbor presses are used in many Use a piece of brass or other material (slightly
Navy machine shops. They are used to force softer than the workpiece) between the face of the ram
broaches through parts, assemble and disassemble and the work to prevent mutilation of the surface of
equipment with force-fitted parts, and many other the workpiece.
shop projects.
Watch the pressure gauge when you use a
Arbor presses are usually bench mounted with a hydraulic press. You cannot determine the pressure
gear and rack arrangement. Use them for light exerted by “feel.” If you begin to apply excessive
pressing jobs, such as to press arbors or mandrels into pressure, release the pressure and double check the
a part or to force a small broach through a part.
work to find the cause.
Hydraulic presses can be either vertical or
horizonial, although the vertical design is probably When pressing parts together, if possible, use
more common and versatile. A hydraulic press can a lubricant between the mating parts to prevent
generate pressure ranging from about 10 to 100 tons seizing.
in most Navy machine shops. The pressure can be
Most handbooks for machinists have information
exerted by either a manually operated pump or an
concerning the pressure required to force fit two
electrohydraulic pump.
mating parts together. The distance the parts must be
Regardless of the type of press equipment you pressed directly affects the required pressure, and
use, be sure to operate it correctly. The only way you increased interference allowance requires greater
can determine the amount of pressure a hydraulic pressure. As a guideline you can use to force-fit a
press exerts is by watching the pressure gauge. A part cylindrical shaft, the maximum pressure, in tons,
being pressed can reach the breaking point without should not exceed 7 to 10 times the shaft’s diameter in
any visible indication that too much pressure is being inches.
applied. When using the press, you must consider the As an example of operating a press, we’ll explain
interference allowance between mating parts; how to broach a keyway. Broaching is a machining
corrosion and marred edges; and overlooked process that cuts or shears the material by forcing a
fastening devices, such as pins, setscrews, and broach through the part in a single stroke. A broach is
retainer rings.
a tapered, hardened bar, into which teeth have been
Observe the following safety precautions when cut. The teeth are small at the beginning of the tool
you use presses: and get progressively larger toward the end of the
tool. The last several teeth will usually be the correct
Always wear safety glasses and a face shield. size of the desired shape. Broaches are available to
cut round, square, triangular, and hexagonal holes as
Make sure the work is adequately supported. well as internal splines and gears and keyways. A

Figure 2-38.—Broaching a keyway on a gear.

keyway broach requires a bushing that will fit snugly around the hole to be broached is perpendicular on
in the hole of the part and has a rectangular slot in it to both the entry and exit sides.
slide the broach through. Shims of different You will need a considerable amount of pressure
thicknesses are placed behind the broach to adjust the to broach, so be sure the setup is rigid and all safety
depth of the keyway cut (fig. 2-38). precautions are strictly observed. Use a slow, even
pressure to push the broach through the part. That
A broach is a relatively expensive cutting tool and will produce the most accurate and most safe results
is easily rendered useless if it is not used and handled with the least damage to the broach. Do not bring the
properly. Like all other cutting tools, store it so no broach back up through the hole, push it on through
cutting edge is in contact with any object that could and catch it with a soft cushion of some type. Use a
chip or dull it. Preparation of the part to be broached lubricant to broach most metals. They help to cool the
is as important as the broaching operation itself. tool, wash away chips, and prevent particles from
Make the size of the hole so the beginning pilot galling or sticking to the teeth.
section enters freely but does not allow the broach to
fall freely past the first cutting edge or tooth. If the SCREW THREAD INSERTS
hole to be broached has flat sides opposite each other,
you need only to measure across them and allow for A screw thread insert (called inserts for the
some error from drilling. The broach will sometimes remainder of this section) is a helically wound coil
have the drill size printed on it. Be sure the area designed to screw into an internally threaded hole and

receive a standard-sized externally threaded fastener
(fig. 2-39). An insert can be used to repair a threaded
hole when the threads have been corroded or stripped
away. It also increases thread strength when the base
metal of the part is aluminum, zinc, or other soft
materials. Before using inserts for a repair job,
carefully evaluate the feasibility of using this method.
When you have no specific guidance, ask your
supervisor and refer to your Type Commander
Quality Assurance Manual.
Inserts come in sizes up to 1 1/2-inch in diameter
in both American National and Unified, and both
coarse and fine thread series. The overall length of an Figure 2-40.—Screw thread insert tools.
insert is based on a fractional multiple of its major
diameter. A 1/2-inch insert is available in lengths of
1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, 1 inch, and so on. Inserts are require a 1/2-inch distance from the center of the hole
normally made from stainless steel. However, to the nearest edge of the part. The tap drill size for
phosphor bronze and nickel alloy inserts are available each of the taps is marked on the shank of the tap.
by special order. The diameter of this drill will sometimes vary
according to the material being tapped.
Several tools are used to install and remove
inserts. They are essential if the job is to be done The next tool you will use is an inserting tool
correctly. The most important tool is the tap used to (fig. 2-40). There are several styles designed for a
thread the hole that the insert will be screwed into. specific range of insert sizes. Within each of these
These taps are oversized by specific amounts styles are tools for each size of insert. All of the
according to the size of the insert. The oversize tap inserting tools have similar operating characteristics.
should provide a class 2B or 3B when the insert is Either slip the insert over or screw it onto the shank of
installed. As an example of the amount of oversize the tool until the tang (the horizontal strip of metal
involved, a tap required for a 1/2 - 13 UNC insert has shown at the top of the insert in figure 2-39) solidly
a maximum major diameter of 0.604 inch. Because of engages the shoulder or recess on the end of the tool.
the increase in the size of the hole required, be sure Then, install the insert by turning the tool until the
there is enough material around the hole on the part to correct depth is reached. Remove the tool by
provide strength. A rule of thumb is that the minimum reversing the direction of rotation.
amount of material around the hole should equal the After you have the insert properly installed, break
thread size of the insert, measured from the center of off the tang. This prevents interference with the
the hole. Using this rule, a 1/2 - 13 UNC insert will fastener that will be screwed into the hole. A tang
break-off tool is available for all insert sizes of
1/2 inch and below. The tang has a slight notch
ground into it that will give way and break when
struck with the force of the punch-type, tang break-off
tool. On insert sizes more than 1/2 inch, use a
long-nosed pair of pliers to move the tang back and
forth until it breaks off.
When you must remove a previously installed
insert, use an extracting tool (fig. 2-40). There are
several different sized tools that cover a given range
of insert sizes; be sure you select the right one. Insert
the tool into the hole so the blade contacts the top coil
of the insert approximately 90° from the beginning of
Figure 2-39.—Screw thread insert. the insert coil. Then, lightly hit the tool to cause the
blade to cut into the coil. Turn the tool counter-
clockwise until the insert is clear.

The steps involved in repairing a damaged assembly or disassembly. Do this with great care and
threaded hole with a screw thread insert are as only with proper supervision. This chapter explains
follows: the operation of the oxyacetylene torch used to heat
parts only. It also covers the safety precautions you
1. Determine the original threaded hole size.
must observe when you use the torch and related
Select the correct standard-sized screw thread insert
with the length that best fits the application. Be sure
the metal from which the insert is made is Oxyacetylene equipment (fig. 2-41) consists of a
recommended for the particular application. cylinder of acetylene, a cylinder of oxygen, two
regulators, two lengths of hose with fittings, a
2. Select the correct tap for the insert to be
welding torch with tips, and either a cutting
installed. Some taps come in sets of a roughing and a
attachment or a separate cutting torch. Accessories
finishing tap.
include a spark lighter to light the torch; an apparatus
3. Select the correct size of drill based on the wrench to fit the various connections, regulators,
information on the shank of the tap or from charts cylinders, and torches; goggles with filter lenses to
normally supplied with the insert kits. Measure the protect the eyes, and gloves to protect the hands.
part with a rule to determine if the previously Wear flame-resistant clothing when necessary.
referenced minimum distance from the hole to the
edge of the part exists. With all involved tools and Acetylene (C2H2) is a fuel gas made up of carbon
parts secured rigidly in place, drill the hole to a and hydrogen. When burned with oxygen, acetylene
minimum depth that will permit full threads to be produces a very hot flame with a temperature between
tapped a distance equaling or exceeding the length of 5700° and 6300°F. Acetylene gas is colorless, but has
the insert, not counting any spot-faced or countersunk a distinct, easily recognized odor. The acetylene used
area at the top of the hole. Remove all chips from the on board ship is usually taken from compressed gas
hole. cylinders.

4. Tap the hole. Use standard tapping procedures Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that
in this step. If the tapping procedure calls for both is slightly heavier than air. Oxygen will not burn by
roughing and finishing taps, be sure to use both taps itself, but it will support combustion when combined
before you install the insert. Use lubricants to with other gases. You must be extremely careful to
improve the quality of the threads. When you have make sure compressed oxygen does not become
completed the tapping, inspect the threads to make contaminated with hydrogen or hydrocarbon gases or
sure full threads have been cut to the required depth of liquids, unless the oxygen is controlled by such means
the hole. Remove all chips. as the mixing chamber of a torch. A highly explosive
mixture will be formed if uncontrolled compressed
5. Next, install the insert. If the hole being oxygen becomes contaminated. NEVER let oxygen
repaired is corroded badly, apply a small amount of come in contact with oil or grease.
preservative to the tapped threads immediately before
installing the insert. Position the insert on the insert The gas pressure in a cylinder must be reduced to
tool as required by the particular style being used. a suitable working pressure before it can be used.
Turn the tool clockwise to install the insert. Continue This is done with a regulator or reducing valve.
to turn the tool until the insert is approximately 1/2 Regulators are either the single-stage or the
turn below the surface of the part. Remove the tool by double-stage type. Single-stage regulators reduce the
turning it counterclockwise. pressure of the gas in one step; two-stage regulators
do the same job in two steps, or stages. Two-stage
6. Use an approved antiseize compound when regulators generally require less adjustment.
screwing the threaded bolt or stud into the insert.
Avoid using similar metals such as a stainless insert The hose used to make the connection between
and a stainless bolt to prevent galling and seizing of the torch and the regulators is strong, nonporous, and
the threads. light and flexible enough to make torch movements
easy. The hose is made to withstand high internal
pressures. The rubber from which it is made is
specially treated to remove sulfur to avoid the danger
As an MR, you may have to use an oxyacetylene of spontaneous combustion. Hose is available in
torch to heat parts to expand them enough to permit various sizes, depending upon work for which it is

Figure 2-41.—Typical oxyacetylene cylinder bank.

intended. Hose used for light work has a 3/16- or Torch tips and mixers made by different
1/4-inch inside diameter and contains one or two plies manufacturers differ in design. Some makes of
of fabric. For heavy-duty welding and handcutting torches have an individual mixing head or mixer for
operations, hose with an inside diameter of 1/4 or 5/16 each size of tip. Other makes have only one mixer for
inch and three to five plies of fabric is used. Single several tip sizes. Tips come in various types. Some
hose comes in lengths of 12 1/2 feet to 25 feet. Some are one-piece, hard copper tips. Others are two-piece
manufacturers make a double hose that conforms to tips that include an extension tube to make connection
the same general specifications. The hoses used for between the tip and the mixing head. When used with
acetylene and oxygen have the same grade, but they an extension tube, removable tips are made of hard
copper, brass, or bronze. Tip sizes are designated by
differ in color and have different types of threads on
numbers, and each manufacturer has its own
the hose fittings. The oxygen hose is GREEN and the
arrangement for classifying them. Tips have different
acetylene hose is RED. The oxygen hose has
hole diameters.
right-hand threads and the acetylene hose has
left-hand threads to prevent switching hoses during
No matter what type or size of tip you select, you
connection. must keep the tip clean. Quite often the orifice
becomes clogged. When this happens, the flame will
The oxyacetylene torch is used to mix oxygen and not burn properly. Inspect the tip before you use it. If
acetylene gas in the proper proportions and to control the passage is obstructed, you can clear it with wire
the volume of these gases burned at the torch tip. tip cleaners of the proper diameter or with soft copper
Torches have two needle valves, one to adjust the wire. Do not clean tips with machinist’s drills or
flow of oxygen and the other to adjust the flow of other sharp instruments.
acetylene. In addition, they have a handle (body), two
tubes (one for oxygen and one for acetylene), a Each different type of torch and tip size requires a
mixing head, and a tip. Torch tips are made from a specific working pressure to operate properly and
special copper alloy that dissipates heat (less than 60 safely. You can set pressures by adjusting the
percent copper). They are available in different sizes regulator gauges to the settings listed on charts
to handle a wide range of plate thicknesses. provided by the manufacturer.

SETTING UP OXYACETYLENE adjust the tip to the proper angle. Secure this
EQUIPMENT assembly with the wrench provided with the torch.

9. Adjust the working pressures. Adjust the

Take the following steps to set up oxyacetylene
equipment: acetylene pressure by turning the acetylene gauge
screw to the right. Adjust the acetylene regulator to
1. Secure the cylinders so they cannot be upset. the required working pressure for the particular tip
Remove the protective caps. size. (Acetylene pressure should NEVER exceed 15
2. Crack (open) the cylinder valves slightly to
blow out any dirt that may be in the valves. Close the
valves and wipe the connections with a clean cloth. 10. Light and adjust the flame. Open the
acetylene needle valve on the torch and light the
3. Connect the acetylene pressure regulator to acetylene with a spark lighter. Keep your hand out of
the acetylene cylinder and the oxygen pressure the way. Adjust the acetylene valve until the flame
regulator to the oxygen cylinder. Using the just leaves the tip face. Open and adjust the oxygen
appropriate wrench provided with the equipment, valve until you get the proper neutral flame. Notice
tighten the connecting nuts. that the pure acetylene flame that just leaves the tip
4. Connect the red hose to the acetylene face is drawn back to the tip face when the oxygen is
regulator and the green hose to the oxygen regulator. turned on.
Tighten the connecting nuts enough to prevent
5. Turn the regulator screws out until you feel
little or no resistance, and then open the cylinder
valves slowly. Then, open the acetylene valve 1/4 to A pure acetylene flame is long and bushy and has
1/2 turn. This will allow an adequate flow of a yellowish color. It is burned by the oxygen in the air
acetylene and will allow the valve to be turned off that is not sufficient to burn the acetylene completely.
quickly in an emergency. (NEVER open the Therefore, the flame is smoky, producing a soot of
acetylene cylinder valve more than 1 1/2 turns.) Open fine, unburned carbon. The pure acetylene flame is
the oxygen cylinder valve all the way to eliminate unsuitable for use. When the oxygen valve is opened,
leakage around the stem. (Oxygen valves are double the mixed gases burn in contact with the tip face. The
seated or have diaphragms to prevent leakage when flame changes to a bluish-white color and forms a
open.) Read the high-pressure gauge to check the bright inner cone surrounded by an outer flame
pressure of each cylinder. envelope. The inner cone develops the high
6. Blow out the oxygen hose by turning the temperature required.
regulator screw in and then back out again. If you
need to blow out the acetylene hose, do it ONLY in a The type of flame commonly used to heat parts is
well-ventilated place that is free from sparks, flames, a neutral flame. The neutral flame is produced by
or other possible sources of ignition. burning 1 part of oxygen with 1 part of acetylene.
7. Connect the hoses to the torch. Connect the The bottled oxygen, together with the oxygen in the
red acetylene hose to the connection gland that has the air, produces complete combustion of the acetylene.
needle valve marked AC or ACET. Connect the green The luminous white cone is well-defined and there is
oxygen hose to the connection gland that has the no greenish tinge of acetylene at its tip, nor is there an
needle valve marked OX. Test all hose connections excess of oxygen. A neutral flame is obtained by
for leaks by turning both regulator screws IN, while gradually opening the oxygen valve to shorten the
the needle valves are closed. Then, turn the regulator acetylene flame until a clearly defined inner luminous
screws OUT, and drain the hose by opening the needle cone is visible. This is the correct flame to use for
valves. many metals. The temperature at the tip of the inner
cone is about 5900°F, while at the extreme end of the
8. Adjust the tip. Screw the tip into the mixing outer cone it is only about 2300°F. This gives you a
head and screw the mixing head onto the torch body. chance to exercise some temperature control by
Tighten the mixing head/tip assembly by hand and moving the torch closer to or farther from the work.

EXTINGUISHING THE FLAME NEVER interchange hoses, regulators, or other
apparatus intended for oxygen with those intended for
To extinguish the oxyacetylene flame and to acetylene.
secure equipment after completing a job, or when
work is to be interrupted temporarily, you should take Keep valves closed on empty cylinders.
the following steps: Do NOT stand in front of cylinder valves while
1. Close the acetylene needle valve first; this opening them.
extinguishes the flame and prevents flashback. When a special wrench is required to open a
(Flashback is discussed later.) Then, close the oxygen cylinder valve, leave the wrench in position on the
needle valve. valve stem while you use the cylinder so the valve can
2. Close both the oxygen and acetylene cylinder be closed rapidly in an emergency.
valves. Leave the oxygen and acetylene regulators
Always open cylinder valves slowly. (Do NOT
open temporarily.
open the acetylene cylinder valve more than 1 1/2
3. Open the acetylene needle valve on the torch turns.)
and allow gas in the hose to escape for 5 to 15
seconds. Do NOT allow gas to escape into a small or Close the cylinder valves before moving the
closed compartment. Close the acetylene needle cylinders.
valve. NEVER try to force unmatching or crossed
4. Open the oxygen needle valve on the torch. threads on valve outlets, hose couplings, or torch
Allow gas in the hose to escape for 5 to 15 seconds. valve inlets. These threads are right-handed for
Close the valve. oxygen and left-handed for acetylene. The threads on
acetylene cylinder valve outlets are right-handed, but
5. Close both oxygen and acetylene cylinder have a pitch that is different from the pitch of the
regulators by backing out the adjusting screws until threads on the oxygen cylinder valve outlets. If the
they are loose. threads do not match, the connections are mixed.
Follow this procedure whenever your work will Always use the correct tip or nozzle and the
be interrupted for an indefinite period. If you stop correct pressure for the particular work involved.
work for only a few minutes, you don’t need to secure This information should be taken from tables or
the cylinder valves and drain the hoses. However, if worksheets supplied with the equipment.
you stop for an indefinite time, follow the entire
extinguishing and securing procedure. For overnight Do NOT allow acetylene and oxygen to
work stoppage in areas other than the shop, it is a accumulate in confined spaces. Such a mixture is
good idea to remove the pressure regulators and the highly explosive.
torch from the system. Double check the cylinder
Keep a clear space between the cylinder and
valves to make sure they are closed securely.
the work so the cylinder valves may be reached
quickly and easily if necessary.
When lighting the torch, use friction lighters,
When you are heating with oxyacetylene stationary pilot flames, or some other suitable source
equipment, you must observe certain safety of ignition. The use of matches may cause serious
precautions to protect personnel and equipment from hand burns. Do NOT light a torch from hot metal.
injury by fire or explosion. The precautions that When lighting the torch, open the acetylene valve first
follow apply specifically to oxyacetylene work. and ignite the gas with the oxygen valve closed. Do
NOT allow unburned acetylene to escape into a small
Use only approved apparatus that has been or closed compartment.
examined and tested for safety.
When extinguishing the torch, close the
When you use cylinders, keep them far enough acetylene valve first and then close the oxygen valve.
away from the actual heating area so they will not be
reached by the flame or sparks from the object being Do NOT use lubricants that contain oil or
heated. grease on oxyacetylene equipment. OIL OR

GREASE IN THE PRESENCE OF OXYGEN manufacturer. Always read the manufacturer’s
UNDER PRESSURE WILL IGNITE VIOLENTLY. manual, Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Navy
Consequently, do not let oxygen come in contact with Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program
these materials in any way. Do NOT handle Manual For Forces Afloat, (OPNAV) INSTRUC-
cylinders, valves, regulators, hose, or any other TION 5100.19B, and adhere to all precautions and
apparatus that uses oxygen under pressure with oily procedures for the specific equipment you are going
hands or gloves. Do NOT permit a jet of oxygen to to be using.
strike an oily surface or oily clothes.
NOTE: A suitable lubricant for oxyacetylene
equipment is glycerin. Backfire and a flashback are two common
problems encountered in using an oxyacetylene torch.
NEVER use acetylene from cylinders without Unless the system is thoroughly purged of air and all
reducing the pressure through a suitable pressure connections in the system are tight before the torch is
reducing regulator. Avoid acetylene working ignited, the flame is likely to burn inside the torch
pressures in excess of 15 pounds per square inch. instead of outside the tip. The difference between
Oxygen cylinder pressure must likewise be reduced to backfire and flashback is that in a backfire, there is a
a suitable low working pressure; high pressure may momentary burning back of the flame into the torch
burst the hose. tip; in a flashback, the flame burns in or beyond the
Stow all cylinders carefully according to torch mixing chamber. A backfire is characterized by
prescribed procedures. Store cylinders in dry, a loud snap or pop as the flame goes out. A flashback
well-ventilated, well-protected places away from heat is usually accompanied by a hissing or squealing
and combustible materials. Do NOT stow oxygen sound. At the same time, the flame at the tip becomes
cylinders in the same compartment with acetylene smoky and sharp-pointed. When a flashback occurs,
cylinders. Stow all cylinders in an upright position. immediately shut off the torch oxygen valve, then
If they are not stowed in an upright position, do not close the acetylene valve.
use them until they have been allowed to stand upright
A flashback indicates that something is radically
for at least 2 hours.
wrong either with the torch or with the manner of
Do not use the torch to heat material without handling it. A backfire is less serious. Usually the
first making certain that hot sparks or hot metal will flame can be relighted without difficulty. If
not fall on your legs or feet, on the hose and cylinder, backfiring continues whenever the torch is relighted,
or on any flammable materials. Be sure a fire watch check for an overheated tip, gas working pressures
is posted as required to prevent accidental fires. greater than that recommended for the tip size being
used, a loose tip, or dirt on the torch tip seat. These
Be sure you and anyone nearby wear same difficulties may be the cause of a flashback,
flameproof protective clothing and shaded goggles to except that the difficulty is present to a greater degree.
prevent serious burns to the skin or the eyes. A No. 5 For example, the torch head may be distorted or
or 6 shaded lens should be sufficient for your heating cracked.
In most instances, backfires and flashbacks result
Welding, heating and cutting operations
from carelessness. To avoid these difficulties, always
generate metal fumes, smoke and carbon monoxide.
make certain (1) all connections in the system are
Use adequate ventilation, such as a local exhaust clean and tight, (2) torch valves are closed (not open
hood, to remove fumes and smoke. When ventilation
or merely loosely closed) when the equipment is
is not available, operators should wear metal fume
stowed, (3) the oxygen and acetylene working
respirators. Your Safety Officer will specify what
pressures used are those recommended for the torch,
type of respirator you need.
and (4) you have purged the system of air before using
These precautions are by no means all the safety it. Purging the system of air is especially necessary
precautions that pertain to oxyacetylene equipment, when the hose and torch have been newly connected
and they only supplement those specified by the or when a new cylinder is put into the system.


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