Star Lite Sailboat

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The article describes how to build a 27.5 foot sailing motorboat called Star-Lite that can accommodate 4 people for trips down the Mississippi River and in the Gulf of Mexico. It provides details on the boat's dimensions, construction, rigging, and sail plans.

The article recommends using white oak in the North, pine in the South, and fir in the West for framing the boat. It states that white oak provides good strength and durability.

The article recommends sanding the mast smooth with various grades of sandpaper up to #1 garnet paper, then applying 4 coats of clear Firzite finish with drying time between coats followed by 2 coats of marine spar varnish.


Build this motor sailer and take your own dream cruise down
the Mississippi and into the Gulf

PORTING an overall length of 27.5 feet, sail to a 3-month stop-and-go trip around tropical
Star-Lite accommodates four persons in isles. Every nook provides storage space for
6'-4" bunks with enough space for a private clothing, wet weather gear and food supplies. A
head and a working galley. You can live on this 30-gal. tank under the aft cockpit stores fresh
boat as we did on our trip down OL' Man Missis- water. Interior space and accommodations are
sippi (see preceding article) and during 18 weeks close to those found in the usual 34-ft. sailer be-
of sailing in the Gulf of Mexico. cause of the short forward overhang.
Star-Lite is a proven design, improved slight- Since Star-Lite is primarily a sailing ship,
ly from the first ship built (Tabu out of Michigan you'll need only a small (and economical) auxili-
City, Indiana) and tested in Lake Michigan, the ary engine—not to exceed 100 cu. in. displace-
Mississippi River and the Gulf. She is a stiff and
able sailer, good for anything from an afternoon's Craft Print Project No. 188

ment. Tabu uses a Universal seasoned lumber, fitting

Twin, 12 hp, and I used a joints closely and treating
Michigan M a r i n e , Senior all underwater surfaces with
Twin developing 15 hp in Cuprinol-Green and Kuhls
Star-Lite. Anything over 20 3-Way Preservative for out-
hp would be wasted, as her of-water surfaces.
sailing lines can't efficiently Before starting actual con-
use more power. A slow-turn- struction, it's absolutely nec-
ing engine will prove the essary to lay out the lines
most economical and depend- full size on a floor large
able over the years. Both enough to work freely. In
Star-Lite and Tabu were built case your floor space is
with laminated plywood planking that doesn't rough or concrete, lay down some of the ply-
creak in rough weather and is easy to keep wood sheets you'll use later in planking and
dry. nail them together enough to form a platform
Building a big boat like Star-Lite is an ambi- and keep them from shifting. Unroll red rosin
tious undertaking, and, unless you have built paper (from lumber yard) and lay out the lines
several boats before or have access to frequent from the dimensions of Fig. 1. You'll waste much
professional advice, you'll find a book on the de- time later and possibly valuable lumber unless
tails of boat building helpful. The wood you use you start from a full-size, accurate layout of the
for framing will depend on where you live— lines.
white oak in the North, pine in the South and fir
in the West. Actually white oak is the material Getting Started
I've found best over the years for strength and To get started building the frames, make up
durability, and that's what I used in building my patterns on red rosin paper for the frames at
Star-Lite. Regardless of the kind of wood you all stations from #1 to #9. Since the layout
use, she'll last up to five times as long by using indicates the lines to the outside of planking,
you can pick off the al-
lowances for beveling.
Plainly mark this beveling
allowance on each member.
Frames are built up from
two bottom members' and
two side members directly
on the patterns. At the bot-
tom, join the two pieces
with a floor gusset and at
the joints between bottom
and side pieces, with chine
gusset (Fig. 8). Use 1/4 x
3-1/2-in. galv. carriage bolts
at the floor gusset and
chine gusset j o i n t s and

leave side frames an

inch higher than deck
line for later trimming.
Attach temporary 2 x 4's
across the tops to pre-
vent spreading. Mark an
exact centerline on these
2 x 4 crosspieces, so you
can align the frames
later. Accuracy here
will pay off later.
Transom can be built
of two layers of 5/8-in.
plywood glued together
or an outer covering of 1-1/2 x 8-in. oak or mahog- With the keel assembly built up, take off a
any planks screwfastened to an inside oak frame pattern for casting the keel ballast (Fig. 6).
(Fig. 8). Rough out notches in the frames for You'll need about 750 pounds of concrete, iron or
chines, keel and clamps; you'll fit them more lead spread over the 10-ft. 8-in. length with some
closely during final assembly. trimming ballast inside the hull to be installed
The keel assembly, like all big ships, is the later. If you plan to have the ballast cast in a
first piece of Star-Lite's back-bone to be laid foundry, allow for shrinkage of approximately
down. Using the line on top of the ballast and 1/8 in. per foot. Lead ballast is the best, but is
bottom of the #1 piece as a level, build up the costly unless you can melt down junk pipe or
assembly on its side over full-size plans. The used batteries. Attach the ballast and the keel
shaft log is built in two pieces, #5 & #6 (Fig. 5), shoe to the keel assembly with 5/8 x 20 or 21-in.
and joined with wood alignment splines (Fig. 4) bolts midway between frame locations (Fig. 5).
to eliminate the long drilling for the drive shaft. One of the most important steps in getting
Only the horn timber (#8, Fig. 5) need be bored started right is to set up the keel and ballast as-
with brace and bit in line with the shaft alley sembly level with the way Star-Lite will ride in
between parts #5 and #6. The keelson extends the water. The top of ballast or bottom of #1
aft only to the shaft log, and cheek pieces for piece should be leveled and plumbed. All frames
attaching planking are fastened to the sides of will be plumbed vertical from this line which is
the shaft log (Fig. 5) back to the transom. When 10 in. above and parallel with the base reference
the keel assembly pieces are fitted, coat all con- line. Block up this keel assembly so it will re-
tacting surfaces with Kuhls Bedlast, clamp to- main fixed in position as it is the first step in
gether and join with bolts or drift pins. Drift building the backbone. Accurate fitting and
pins are driven in lead holes drilled Me in. under- assembling of later parts depend on how carefully
size and bolts are driven in a distance equal to you plumb and level this keel assembly.
their diameter. Stem parts are next sawn to shape and fitted,

Approximately 2.6 cu. ft. of

concrete needed for keel, to-
tal weight of 702 lbs. Cast
iron ballast of same dimen-
sions would weigh about
1150 lbs., and lead ballast
would weigh about 1846 lbs.
No flange on pipe throuqh
ballast needed throuqh the
step at the alt end. Space
reinforcing iron as shown.

pieces together with 1/2-in galv. bolts and rabbet

the stem, except the last 18 in. nearest the keel,
to receive the planking (Fig. 4). Pick up this
rabbet line from your full-size layout. Bolt the
stem assembly to the keel with 1/2-in. galv. bolts.
Now you're ready to mount the transom and
all frames (Fig. 3). Brace frames in position
with 2 x 4's nailed to floor and ceiling or from
stakes driven into the ground if you are building
out-of-doors. Attach the frames to keelson and
lower assembly with 1/2-in. galv. drift pins driven
through floor gusset into keel assembly in holes
1/16 in. undersize. Frames over the shaft log are
attached with two drift pins, one on each side of
the shaft alley. Align all frames exactly perpen-
dicular to base and water lines with plumb bob

Star-Lite with first layer of planking in place.


Framing for forward hatch between deck beam*.

tached so you'll have space to work.

The hull begins to take shape when you add
the chines. If full-length material is not avail-
able, splice two lengths aft of amidships in a scarf
Deck beams are installed after planking is complete. joint 30 in. long glued over the whole area.
Clamps may also be spliced, locating the joint be-
tween frames, other than where chine joints are
located. Clamp each chine in position and fit it
to the notch at each frame by sawing alongside
the chine. Fasten chines to frame knees with
5/16-in galv. carriage bolts with heads well coun-
tersunk to allow for later fairing. Chine ends
at the stem are beveled to fit just aft of planking
rabbet and screwfastened with two #14x2-1/2-in.
fh screws in each joint.
Spring clamps in position, moving them up or
down slightly to insure fair deck line. Fit them
into notches as you did the chines and fasten to
each frame with one 1/4-in. galv. carriage bolt.
Locate these clamp bolts near the bottom of the
clamp to prevent interference when trimming
deck line later. Bevel ends of clamps to fit stem
Half-station frames and aft hatch framing at cockpit.
Note inside framing of transom. and screwfasten with two #12 x 2-1/2-in. fh
screws at each joint.
Position side battens equidistant between
clamps and chines, and bottom battens equi-
distant between keel and chine. Notch battens
flush into frames and fasten with two #14 x 3-
in. fh screws at each joint. Bevel ends of battens
to fit stem and screwfasten with two #12 x 2-1/2
in. fh screws.
The entire framework is now trimmed and
faired so plywood planking, when applied, will
lie evenly at all frame contact points. Trimming
white oak can be a tedious and laborious job, so
if you can lay your hands on a portable electric
planer, it will save time for you on this and
other trimming jobs about the boat. An adze will
Deck beams around cockpit at half and full stations. do much of the rough work if you do the fairing
and square with the axial centerline. Nail 3/4 x by hand, but an adze can become a weapon if
2-in. battens temporarily to sides and bottom of not handled carefully. Bring frame down to final
frames to hold them in alignment once set. Align finish with wood rasp and jack plane in progres-
the stem and brace it securely so it won't be sively smaller steps.
wrenched out of position when springing chines, Both hulls, Star-Lite and Tabu, were planked
clamps and planking in place. Install bulkhead with plywood. Instead of a single thickness, it's
and side frames forward before chines are at- better to apply two or even three thicknesses of

You won't be able to

work fast enough to
keep ahead. Coat both
adjoining surfaces and
use only a resorcinol
resin glue such as Cas-
cophen or Penacolite G-
By glue-bonding ply-
wood layers together,
you can use 8- to 10-ft.
Same basic hull design for Star-Lite can also be adapted to a coast wise working lengths, staggering the
or fishing boat Hull is simple, strong and seaworthy. butts systematically on
bottoms and sides. About
plywood because a single thickness is built up 5 gals. of glue are required.
from only five plies. Two layers of 3/8-in. ply-
wood includes six plies and three layers of 1/4- When the plywood planking is finished, sand
in. plywood totals nine plies. Thinner plywoods joints smooth with a power sander. Hand sand-
are much easier to handle and develop greater ing won't touch the glued joints. Now mark the
total strength when bonded together as they are opening for the chine filler along chine joints for
applied. I used two layers of 3/8-in. fir plywood the width of the filler. Saw out slots along each
and covered the whole framework with one side from stem to transom for the chine filler
thickness before starting with the final planking. using an electric hand saw. This slot should have
Buy only plywood branded EXT-DFPA along straight edges, so the filler strip can be fitted
edges to be sure plies will not delaminate in the more easily. Insert the chine filler in the slot
water. You can use AB grade with the two and check for an even fit along entire length of
poorer surfaces glued face to face. Screwfasten each side. All fitting should be done dry, then
the first layer to the framework with l-1/4-in. both filler and slot liberally coated with Kuhls
anchor nails spaced 5-6 in. Fit 3/4 x 3-in. oak seam Bedlast. Return the fillers to slot and fasten
battens behind each point. Start the final layer securely with #12xl-3/4-in. fh screws spaced
working from the aft end and staggering seam about 5 in. apart. Apply two coats of Cuprinol
joints between joints of first layer. Coat both Green to the bottom and sides up to water line
contacting surfaces of the planking with a resor- and two coats of Kuhls 3-Way Preservative-
cinol resin glue and screwfasten outside layer Clear above the water line. Paint the plywood
into framework at all points with #12 x1-3/4-in fh with three coats of Firzite and follow with
screws spaced at 3 in. marine enamel in your choice of colors.
To insure a tight bond between layers of To start the deck structure, cut and fit the fore
planking, work only when temperature is around and aft deck beams and attach side plate gussets
70° F. Bonding on the outside layer when it's with 1/4-in. galv. bolts (Fig. 8). Be sure that all
too cold will not develop full strength at the bulkheads are in position and bolted (1/4-in.
bonding surface, while too high a temperature bolts) to the frames. Cut the cabin uprights and
will set the glue too fast. align them to produce a fair curve, attaching
them to the deck beams and gussets with 1/4-in.
bolts. Cut and install the cabin beams, bolting
them to the top of cabin uprights with 1/4-in.
galv. bolts to form a fair top surface.
The carlins are notched flush into deck gussets
and screwfastened with one # 10 x 2-in. fh screw.
Trim and fair sheer edges of plywood planking
and all cabin framing for decking. Frame around
aft hatch at frame #6 and forward hatch for-
ward of frame #1 (Figs. 11 and 12). Cut and fit
the cockpit beams. Before you can attach these
beams, you'll need to make up side frames be-
tween each main frame in the cockpit section
(Fig. 10). Fasten these side beams to clamp,
batten and chine with # 14 x 3-in. fh screws, well
Before installing the decking, make a full-size
outline of the engine you plan to use or obtain
an installation print from the manufacturer and
draw or place templates in position on the profile
of the engine beds. From this layout, shape the
engine beds (Fig. 18) to suit your engine and
fasten them in place with 1/2-in. galvanized drift
Start of framing for cabin using beams at stations. pins and bolts. Notches to be cut out of the #6

Cabin roof and side structure ready for planking.

floor gusset will vary according to the engine. I

used a Michigan Senior Twin 15 hp engine in
Star-Lite but any two-cylinder, heavy-duty ma- the cockpit by a removable hatch.
rine engine such as Universal, Michigan, Regal, The gasoline and water supply tanks are made
Kermath, or U. S. Motors will do. In case you from 30-gallon hot water tanks. Plug the open-
want more power, I would suggest a four-cylinder ings and provide only inlet and outlet taps. These
model no larger than 100-cu. in. displacement. hot water tanks are of heavy gage steel, heav-
Hanger bolts which secure the engine to the ily galvanized and are installed in cradles, well
engine bed have a lag screw lower end and a chocked to prevent even the slightest movement.
machine screw at the top for fastening engine. Vent the gasoline tank with a tube emerging just
Attach engine to shaft with a flexible coupling under the molding or aft through the transom.
(Federal Marine, Box 56, Orland Park, 111.) The water supply tank should be vented by
to absorb alignment differences due to swell- using either hook tubes or through transom like
ing or flexing and to forestall electrolysis in salt fuel tank. Install a valve in the gasoline line to
water. Install the cooling water inlet as shown the engine in a handy location for shutting the
in Fig. 19 and dump the outlet water into the fuel off when you shut down the engine. (It's
exhaust line that also includes a Maxim silencer safer to shut off the fuel and let the engine run
for cutting engine noise to a mere murmur. From until it stops rather than to turn off the ignition.
the silencer the exhaust is then piped out through Otherwise, gas fumes may develop from carbure-
the transom (Fig. 15). It is now required by tor seepage.) Just before the fuel line is attached
law to ventilate the engine compartment as shown
in Fig. 18. When decking and cabin are finished,
access to the engine is through the cabin by
lifting out the companionway steps and through

to the motor, provide a flexible gasoline line con-

nection. Include a length of plastic tubing be-
tween the cooling water inlet and the engine and
a length of steam hose between exhaust outlet
and transom. Plastic garden hose makes an easy
connection between water supply tank and the
galley pump as it may be bent around or over
frames. Simply use brass garden hose fixtures.
When under-deck installations are complete,
you're ready for decking and building the super-
structure. Start with uprights at aft end of cabin,
place in position and clamp. Heavy gussets se-

the same plywood. Plane off all edges of ply-

wood and round the fore ends of cabin siding.
Decking and cabin tops are canvas covered
with 8-oz. canvas duck cemented to the plywood
with Kuhl's Canvas Cement. When all canvas is
in place and tacked along edges with copper
tacks, thin some of the Canvas Cement according
to directions on can and apply like paint to the
canvased surface. Before painting the canvas,
wait about one month to allow cement under and
over canvas to set. Attach moldings later.
Fitting out the interior is largely a personal
matter, but to start, you'll want to lay down some
Fig. 21. Steps from cabin up to cockpit cover engine.
Note hole in lower stop for crank. Fig. 22. Michigan kind of floors. Flooring for Star-Lite is 1/2-in.
Twin engine with stop cover removed. plywood in both cabin and cockpit. Cut an open-
ing for a motor hatch in the cockpit and an
opening 9 or 10 in. square in cabin flooring for
access to interior and to remove bilge water that
might accumulate. Complete the bulkheads and
install a door on the head (Fig. 24).
The galley includes a small sink connected to
a plastic hose drain that dumps outside the hull.
In Star-Lite, I used a 2-burner kerosene Primus
range (#535) distributed by Thermix Co., World
Trade Center, San Francisco 11, Calif. You'll
want a cowl ventilator (Perkins #513) directly
over the galley range to carry off cooking odors
and ventilate this part of the hull.
I installed a Perkins #828-A marine closet in
the toilet opposite the galley with the intake and
outlet equipped with sea cocks that are readily
accessible. Install a cowl ventilator in the head
cure these uprights to frames at lower, bottom like the one over the galley.
end. Then place midship and extreme fore end Bunks and berths are built along the sides and
uprights in place temporarily. A light batten over storage areas to make the maximum use of
tacked to aft cabin, fore and midship uprights all the space possible. If your pocketbook will
will enable you to install all remaining uprights stand the strain, I'd suggest equipping the berths
at the correct angle to eliminate dips and hollows. with foam rubber mattresses as they are par-
Forward and side decking and cabin sides and ticularly immune to the troubles of a sea-going
top are covered with exterior grade AA plywood home.
(see materials list). Fasten decking sheets with Hardy souls may enjoy standing up to a tiller,
# 1 0 x 1-1/2-in. fh screws at all contact points and but I personally prefer a steering wheel. Build
with 3/4 x 2-in. butt blocks glued and screw- up a wheel housing for mounting the wheel and
fastened back of or behind all plywood joints. enclosing the cable drums according to Fig. 24.
Plank the sides and deck around the cockpit with Ports are used to light and ventilate the fore
cabin, but in the doghouse, use 1/4-3/8-in. plate
glass mounted permanently in place and caulked
against the weather. Or better still, install a
marine window (Perkins #796) which can be
thrown open for ventilation, but is absolutely
water tight when "dogged" down. Other than
these basic needs, fasten fittings which improve
appearance or utility are most easily determined
by what's left in the exchequer.
Since Star-Lite is primarily a sailer, let's tackle
the mast, boom and sailing equipment. For the
mast, select well seasoned spruce, hemlock or fir
lumber with spruce preferred. A spruce mast
will weigh approximately 90 lbs., hemlock 115 lbs.,
and fir 125 lbs. The mast on Star-Lite is strong
enough without spreaders or back stays because
there's no use of building a lightweight mast and
adding a maze of spreaders and back stays.
The mast is built on blocks over a floor spaced
at 2-ft. intervals (Figs. 31 and 32). The reason for
blocks is to be cer-
tain the tops lie in a
perfectly straight line Galley is on starboard side, note two bunks forward.
—if the floor is un-
even, wedge or cut
the blocks until tops
are straight. Check
the tops with a chalk
line stretched tight.
The track or aft
side of the mast is
s t r a i g h t throughout
its entire length, so
this side rests on the
block tops d u r i n g
construction. All ta-
pering of parts as the
mast becomes smaller
near the top is done
in the starboard and Toilet is set in a separate Fig. 28. Two narrow doors lead down to cabin.
port quarters and the compartment o p p o s i t e Fig. 29. Removable hatch in cabin floor leads to bilge.
galley and between
portside bunks.

Galley Includes sink, 2-burner stove and work space.

fore side. You'll find the work goes easier if you

build the mast in sections, roughly the lower two-
thirds first and the topmost one-third last. Lay
out the parts from Fig. 31, cut to size and rabbet
where necessary with circular saw or jointer.
Scarf joints must be staggered at unequal por-
tions along the mast so that no two joints fall in
the same area to weaken the structure. When
parts are all cut, assemble them without glue
first to make sure they all fit snugly together.
Waterproof resorcinol or urea resin glue for
fabricating the mast is the same used for planking
the hull. For a really stout glue job, coat all con-
tact surfaces lightly, then wait about ten minutes
until the glue is absorbed. Apply a second
heavier coat and begin clamping parts together
immediately. In hot weather the glue sets fast,
so don't cover more area than you can assemble
without rushing. Wait for weather that averages
about 75° F as the glues will not set properly at
cool temperatures.
To prevent the mast from gluing itself to the
building blocks, insert pieces of newspaper be-
tween mast and blocks. Sufficient clamps (spaced
at 12-15 in.) should be used to insure all surfaces
are firmly in contact. For a mast this long, that's
a lot of clamps, and you can make up make-shift
extras with two boards and two bolts ahead of
time. Don't forget to insert the mast plug in the
bottom so it can be stepped.
Let the mast set and dry for three days in aver-
age temperatures before removing clamps and
resting the mast evenly on four sawhorses. If you
wait too long after the glue dries before starting
the job of planing and sanding, the excess glue

and gluing the booms that you used for the mast.
Sails and rigging for Star-Lite are shown in Fig.
20. A suite of sails of the size required for Star-
Lite should be "tailor made." Alan Clarke Co.
of 75 Chambers St., Suite 1253, New York 7, N. Y.
made the sails for Star-Lite and already have the
specifications for duplicating them. A good suite
of sails should draw uniformly and will add mile3
to the cruising range. Rigging parts and equip-
ment are available from Merriman Bros., Inc.,
185 Amory St., Boston 30, Mass.
Gluing mast on blocks leveled over work floor. When the hull is finished, you will need a
launching cradle. Make two runners of 4x6 in. x
becomes so hard it will rapidly dull plane edges. 16-ft and cross pieces of 2x8-in. x 5-ft planks,
Rough out the mast's shape with a draw knife, spacing about six of these under runners. Cut
then working down to finer tools through a spoke ends of runner planks with an upsweep, so rollers
shave, jack plane, block plane and sandpaper. of 2-in. pipe may be set down upon a plank track
Always sand with long even strokes, finishing and rollers will then easily engage the runners.
with #1 garnet paper. Take a deep breath after Shore the hull on the cradle before knocking out
the long sanding job before applying four coats your building supports, blocking up the fore end
of clear Firzite with several days' drying time be- if necessary. Chocks, 4x4 in., are drift pinned
tween each coat. Sand each coat lightly with to cradle cross pieces to support the hull.
6/0 garnet paper, then finish with two coats of If you build Star-Lite at any great distance
marine spar varnish. from navigable waters, the best idea is to hire a
The sheave for raising the sail is mortised into boat or house mover to get you close enough to
the top of the mast. Bolt the tangs to the mast launch her, otherwise she might present quite
for securing stays (Fig. 20). Step the mast at the a moving problem.
lower end to fit the mast step. It will be neces-
sary to attach the mainsail and hoist it to position
before the exact location of the boom goose neck
fitting can be established. Use 1/4-in. bronze bolts
to fasten stay tangs and the boom gooseneck.
Screwfasten the 5/8xl-in. batten to the aft (hoist)
side of the mast with #6x1-1/4-in. fh screws spaced
at 3 in. and screw the sail track to this batten.
The mainsail boom and staysail boom are built
up box sections like the mast according to Fig. 31.
You can use the same block set-up for aligning

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