New Women's Devotional Bible, NIV, Excerpt
New Women's Devotional Bible, NIV, Excerpt
New Women's Devotional Bible, NIV, Excerpt
Published by Zondervan
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You will be pleased to know that a portion of the purchase price of your new NIV Bible
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around the world!
Every story has a beginning, a genesis. The beginning of Author:
God’s story of his interactions with humanity is found in the very
first words of the Bible. In the beginning God created. From the Audience:
start God was present. He was at work. The people of
man and woman walked and talked with God, sin slithered in, Date:
Between 1446 and
marring creation forever. But the God who hung every star in
1406 B.C.
place and laid every grain of sand upon the shore had, from
the beginning, a plan. The whole of Scripture, and indeed the Setting:
The area called
whole of history, is unveiled within the seeds of Genesis. It will
the Middle East
be many years before we see the fruit of those seeds, but they today.
are not years of dormancy. Throughout the world and within
Verse to Remember:
individual lives, God is actively working to redeem In the beginning
his creation. In Genesis we see him form covenants, bestow God . . . (1:1)