Chapter 1: Physical World: 10+1 Physics Study Material-Chapter 1 WWW - Rsnotes.In
Chapter 1: Physical World: 10+1 Physics Study Material-Chapter 1 WWW - Rsnotes.In
Chapter 1: Physical World: 10+1 Physics Study Material-Chapter 1 WWW - Rsnotes.In
It covers a very large range of magnitude of physical quantities like length, mass, time, energy, etc. -14 26 -22 e.g. range of length is from 10 m (study of electrons etc.) to 10 m (size of universe).Range of time is from 10 s 18 -30 (time taken by light to cross nuclear diameter) to 10 s ( age of sun).The range of masses goes from, 10 kg (mass 55 of an electron) to 10 kg (mass of known observable universe)
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EXCITEMENT OF PHYSICS Physics is exciting in many ways as1. 2. A large number of complex phenomena of nature can be explained on the basis of some fundamental laws of physics. Physics has opened and detected many secrets of nature.
Except these reason for excitement of physics can vary from person to person. HYPOTHESIS, AXIOMS AND MODELS A hypothesis is a supposition without assuming that it is true. It cannot be proved but it can be verified. e.g. The universal law of gravitation, because it cannot be proved. It can be verified and substantiated by experiments and observations. An axiom is a self-evident truth Model is a theory proposed to explain observed phenomena. For example Behrs model of hydrogen atom, in which Bohr assumed that an electron in the hydrogen atom follows certain rules PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY Technology is the application of the laws in physics for practical purposes. The invention of steam engine, nuclear reactors, Production of electricity from solar energy and geothermal energy had a great impact on human civilization. Also, physics giving rise to technology is the integrated chip( IC) and processors which grew the computer industry greatly in the last two decades. Computers have improved production techniques and lower production costs. The lawful purpose of technology is to serve people. Our society is becoming more and more science-oriented. We can become better members of society by understanding of the basic laws of physics. LINK BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND PHYSICS Technology Aeroplane Computers Electric generator Electron microscope Hydroelectric power Lasers Non-reflecting coatings Nuclear reactor Optical fibres Particle accelerators Photocell Production of ultra high magnetic fields Radio and Television Scientific principle(s) Bernoulli.s principle in fluid dynamics Digital logic Faraday.s laws of electromagnetic induction Wave nature of electrons Conversion of gravitational pot. energy into electrical energy Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Thin film optical interference Controlled nuclear fission Total internal reflection of light Motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields Photoelectric effect Superconductivity Generation, propagation and detection of e.m. waves
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LIST OF PHYSICISTS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS Name Abdus Salam Albert Einstein Archimedes C.H. Townes C.V. Raman Christiaan Huygens Edwin Hubble E. Fermi E. O. Lawrence E. Rutherford Galileo H. R. Hertz Hideki Yukawa Homi Jehangir Bhabha Isaac Newton J.C. Bose J.J. Thomson James Chadwick J. C. Maxwell John Bardeen L. V. de Borglie M.N. Saha Marie Sklodowska Curie Michael Faraday Niels Bohr Paul Dirac R.A. Millikan S. Chandrasekhar S.N. Bose V. F. Hess W.K. Roentgen Werner Heisenberg Wolfgang Major contribution/discovery Country of Origin Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions Pakistan Explanation of photoelectric effect;Theory of relativity Germany Principle of buoyancy; Principle of the lever Greece Maser; Laser U.S.A. Inelastic scattering of light by molecules India Wave theory of light Holland Expanding universe U.S.A. Controlled nuclear fission Italy Cyclotron U.S.A. Nuclear model of atom New Zealand Galilei Law of inertia Italy Generation of electromagnetic waves Germany Theory of nuclear forces Japan Cascade process of cosmic radiation India Universal law of gravitation; Laws of motion etc U.K. Ultra short radio waves India Electron U.K. Neutron U.K. Electromagnetic theory U.K. Transistors; Theory of super conductivity U.S.A. Wave nature of matter France Thermal ionisation India radium and polonium; Studies on natural radioactivity Poland Laws of electromagnetic induction U.K. Quantum model of hydrogen atom Denmark Relativistic theory of electron; Quantum statistics U.K. Measurement of electronic charge U.S.A. Chandrasekhar limit, structure & evolution of stars India Quantum statistics India Cosmic radiation Austria X-rays Germany Quantum mechanics; Uncertainty principle Germany Pauli Exclusion principle Austria
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FUNDAMENTAL FORCES IN NATURE Sir Issac Newton was the first who give an exact definition for force.Force is the external agency applied on a body to change its state of rest and motion. There are four basic forces in nature. 1. Gravitational force 2. Electromagnetic force 3. Strong nuclear force and 4. Weak nuclear force. 1. Gravitational force Newtons law of gravitation, the gravitational force of attraction between any two bodies in universe is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Porperties: It is the force between any two objects in the universe. It is an attractive force by virtue of their masses. By Gravitational force is the weakest force among the fundamental forces of nature but control the structure of universe Unlike the other forces, gravity works universally on all matter and energy, and is universally attractive. 2. Electromagnetic force It is the force between charged particles such as the force between two electrons, or the force between two current carrying wires. Porperties: It is attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges. The electromagnetic force obeys inverse square law. It is very strong compared to the gravitational force. It is the combination of electrostatic and magnetic forces. 3. Strong nuclear force This force holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. 15 It is the strongest of all the basic forces of nature. It, however, has the shortest range, of the order of 10 m. 4. Weak nuclear force Weak nuclear force is important in certain types of nuclear process such as -decay. This force is stronger than the gravitational force but much weaker than strong nuclear force.
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