Pide - Enhanced Pid Function Block: Operational States

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The PIDE function block provides advanced capabilities over the standard PID ladder language instruction. In addition, it uses the velocity form of the PID algorithm. The gain terms are applied to the change in the value of the error or PV, not the value of error or PV. When looking at this instruction, e see that it has a large number of different inputs and outputs. It is important that e select and apply the correct inputs to make the function block function in the mode that is desired. The intent of this document is to break these do n into different sections to make the choice easier for all of us. Operational States
P!"#!$% &"'T!"( "PE!$T"! &"'T!"( The users application program controls all modes. The users )%I system controls the normal operation of the PIDE function.

Table 1. Operational States $ boolean output labeled *Prog"per+ is provided to indicate the operational condition of the PIDE function block. It provides data on the control state of the function block for both modes. If it is set to a logical *,+, the PIDE block is in the Program control state and if set to a logical *-+, it is in the "perator control state.

Fi !re " # PIDE F!n$tion Blo$% &it' Operator Control State Inp!ts an( O!tp!ts.

*"per"per!e.+ Input

*"perProg!e.+ Input

*Prog"per!e.+ Input

!e.uest *"perator+ %ode

/ / / /

*ProgProg!e.+ Input

/ / /

/ / / / /

!e.uest *Program+ %ode / /

, , ,

*Prog"per+ "utput

/ / / / / / / /

Table ) # Operator*Pro ra+ ,o(e Sele$tion. Table 0 sho s the logical state of the various inputs re.uired to place the PIDE function block into either the "perator or Program mode state. Operator ,o(e Fa$eplate Included on the !1(ogi23---- install &D are a number of faceplates that can be used ith different function blocks. $ faceplate is provided for the PIDE function block. This faceplate makes it very easy to use the PIDE ith a )%I control package like !1Vie . This faceplate is described on pages &4,5 through &4,6 of the Process &ontrol and Drives Instruction %anual, ,5374!%--7$4E'4P. ,o(es o- Operation
&$1&$DE8!$TI" $9T" %$'9$( "VE!!IDE )$'D The instruction computes the change in the &V. The instruction regulates the &V to maintain the PV at either the 1P&ascade value for &ascade control or the 1P&ascade value multiplied by the !atio value. The instruction computes the change in the &V. Instruction regulates the &V to maintain the PV at the 1P Instruction does not compute the change in the &V. &V : &VProg or &V"per depending upon the operational condition. In this mode, the instruction does not compute the change in 1P. This mode is typically used to set a *safe state &V value+ for the loop. &V : &V"verride regardless of the control mode. Instruction does not compute the change in &V. &V : )and;<, regardless of the control mode. Typically used hen an e2ternal )and8$uto station takes control of the loop.

Table .. ,o(es o- Operation The &ascade8!atio, $uto, and %anual modes can be controlled by the user=s program hen in Program control or by an operator faceplate or other interface hen in "perator >

"perator %ode

Program %ode

control. 'ote that the O/erri(e and Han( modes have mode re.uest boolean inputs hich are only controlled by the users program. These inputs operate in both Program and "perator control. In looking at the function block icon e see that inputs are sho n on the left hand side of the block icon and outputs are sho n on the right side. The boolean inputs are used to control the state of the PIDE function block hile the boolean outputs are used as status or feedback indicators. The programmer, using the setup bo2 inside the function block icon can select hich inputs and outputs he ants to display in his program. ;or purposes of this discussion, analog variables are sho n as all caps and boolean variables are sho n in lo er case letters and have a dot inside their connection bo2es. While the different illustrations and the ;igure 5 chart sho boolean inputs hose tags start ith the ord *Prog+, there are another duplicate set of inputs that start ith the ord *"per+ that are used hen the function block is in the "perator state. These inputs are sho n ith an asterisk in front of their name.

Fi !re 0. PIDE &it' A!to1 ,an!al1 Han( an( O/erri(e Control F!n$tions -or t'e Pro ra+ Control State Inp!t an( O!tp!ts s'o&n.

Fi !re 2. A((itional Inp!ts an( O!tp!ts -or Cas$a(e an( 3atio Control. While the illustrations and the Table 5 chart sho boolean inputs hose tags start ith the ord *Prog+, there are another duplicate set of inputs that start ith the ord *"per+ that are used hen the function block is in the "perator state. These inputs are sho n ith an asterisk in front of their name. The chart in Table 5 sho s ho the different control modes for the PIDE function block are achieved ith different input combinations.. 1tatus indicator states are sho n in the right hand columns.
? Prog$uto!e. ? Prog&as!at!e. $llo &as!at 9se!atio Prog)and!e. ? Prog%anual!eg Prog"verride!e. %anual "verride &as!at / / / / / / / / $uto )and / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Enable *)and+ mode Enable *"verride+ mode Enable *%anual+ mode Enable *$uto+ mode *%anual+ from *$uto+ *$uto+ from *%anual+ Enable *&ascade+ mode Enable *!atio+ mode <ack to *$uto+ mode *)and+ from *%anual+ *)and+ from *$uto+ *)and+ from *"verride+ mode *"verride+ mode *)and+ mode

Table 4. Control ,o(es Sele$tion an( Fee(ba$% In(i$ators. Stat!s 5or(s 1 an( " T o status ords are included in the PIDE control structure. They are named *1tatus ,+ and *1tatus >+. <oth of these status ords are DI'T=s and in normal operation, should have a value of @ero. Each bit in the status ord has a different meaning and provides lots of help in trouble shooting problems in the instruction setup. The error data is e2pressed in )E/ in the PIDE control structure. Tables A and 6 1tatus , provides information on the status of the instruction. Everything is fine hen it has a a value of -. It uses bits -- through >6. Each bit has a different meaning ith bit -- indicating that a fault has been detected hen its value e.uals ,. $ breakdo n of hat each error individual bit means and information regarding hat happens to the value impacted is sho n in Table A.

1tatus > provides information on the timing status of the instruction. It uses bits >5 through 0, to indicate invalid timing states. Table 6 gives the information on the meaning of the individual bits for this status ord. Stat!s Para+eter 5or( Bit A((ress
,.-,.-, ,.-> ,.-0 ,.-B ,.-3 ,.-7 ,.-5 ,.-A ,.-6 ,.,,.,, ,.,> ,.,0 ,.,B ,.,3 ,.,7 ,.,5 ,.,A ,.,6 ,.>,.>, ,.>> ,.>0 ,.>B ,.>3 ,.>7 ,.>5 ,.>A ,.>6 Instruct;ault PV;aulted &V;aulted )and;<;aulted PV1panInv 1PProgInv 1P"perInv 1P&ascadeInv 1P(imitsInv !atioProgInv !atio"perInv !atio(imitsInv &VProgInv &V"perInv &V"verrideInv &VPreviousInv &VE91panInv &V(imitsInv &V!"&(imitInv ;;Inv ;;PreviousInv )and;<Inv PgainInv I#ainInv D#ainInv G&DeadbandInv PVDeadbandInv PV!"&(imitsInv Dev((imitsInv DevDeadbandInv



$n instruction fault has been detected. Process variable CPVD bad &ontrol variable C&VD bad )and ;< value bad PVE9%a2 E: PVE9%in 1PProg E 1P((imit or 1PProg F 1P)(imit 1P"per E 1P((imit or 1P"per F 1P)(imit 1P&ascade E 1P((imit or 1P&ascade F 1P)(imit 1P((imit E PVE9%in, 1P)(imit F PVE9%a2, or 1P)(imit E 1P((imit. !atioProg E !atio((imit or !atioProg F !atio)(imit !atio"per E !atio((imit or !atio"per F !atio)(imit (o limit E - or )igh limit E lo limit. &VProg E - or &VProg F ,--, or &VProg E &V((imit or &VProg F &V)(imit hen &V%an(imiting is set. &V"per E - or &V"per F ,--, or &V"per E &V((imit or &V"per F &V)(imit hen &V%an(imiting is set &V"verride E - or &V"verride F ,--. &VPrevious E - or &VPrevious F ,-- or F &V)(imit hen in $uto or &ascade8!atio mode. Invalid &VE9 span. &V((imit E -, &V)(imit F ,--, or &V)(imit E &V((imit. &V!"&(imit E -. ;; E 4,-- or ;; F ,--. ;;Previous E 4,-- or ;;Previous F ,--. )and;< E - or )and;< F ,--. Pgain E -. Igain E -. Dgain E -. G&Deadband E PVDeadband E PV!"&Post(imit E -, PV!"&'eg(imit E -, or PV!"&Period E -. (o lo limit E -, (o limit E -, )igh limit E - or )igh high limit E -. Deviation deadband E -.

,A ,A ,6 , , , > 0 0 B B B 3 7 5 A 6 ,,, ,> ,0 ,B ,3

,7 ,5

Table 7. Stat!s 1 # Instr!$tion Fa!lts %any of the faults are derived from limit settings for the different variables that the PIDE uses. It is very important to make sure that hen limits are used, they are set properly.
'otesH ,. >. 0. B. The instruction uses the limited value for 1P. The instruction limits the value using 1P((imit. The instruction limits the value for !atio. The instruction limits the value for &V.

3. 7. 5. A. 6. ,-. ,,. ,>. ,0. ,B. ,3. ,7. ,5. ,A. ,6.

The instruction uses the limited value for &Vn4,. The instruction uses a value of &VE9%a2 : &VE9%in. If &V)(imit E &V((imit, the instruction limits &V using &V((imit. The instruction disables !"& limiting. The instruction uses the limited value for ;;. The instruction uses the limited value for ;;n4,. The instruction uses the limited value for &V. The instruction uses a value of Pgain : -. The instruction uses a value of Igain : -. The instruction uses a value of Dgain : -. The instruction disables @ero crossing deadband. The instruction uses - for the invalid limit. The instruction uses a value of DevDeadband : -. ;ault bit is set by the fault indicator of the analog input or output module. ;ault bit is set by the fault indicator of the analog input module hich reads the )$'D signal from an E2ternal $uto4%anual station.

Stat!s 5or( Bit A((ress >5 >A >6 00,



Timing%odeInv !T1%issed !T1TimeInv !T1Time1tampInv DeltaTInv

Invalid Timing%ode value "nly used in real time sampling mode. 1et hen $<1I DeltaT J !T1TimeKF , C.oo, secondD. Invalid !T1Time value. Invalid !T1Time1tamp value Invalid DeltaT value

Table 6. 1tatus > 4 Timing 1tatus Errors

In(i$ators The PIDE function block has a number of boolean outputs hich are used for status or alarm indicators. These may be selected or deselected by checking or unchecking the appropriate bo2 in the function blocks for the desired indicator. 1ome of these indicators have been revie ed earlier in this presentation. When unselected, they ill not sho up on the function block pictoral. These indicators and their triggers are e2plained belo in Table ,-.
Des$ription &VInitiali@ing E6planation Initiali@ation mode indicator. &VInitiali@ing is set hen &VInit!e. is set, during instruction first scan, and on a set to cleared transition of &V)ealth Cbad to goodD. &VInitiali@ing is cleared after the instruction has been initiali@ed and &VInit!e. is cleared. &V high alarm indicator.. 1et hen calculated value of &V F ,-- or &V)(imit. &V lo alarm indicator.. 1et hen calculated value of &V E - or &V((imit. &V rate of change alarm indicator. 1et hen the rate of change for the &V e2ceeds the &V!"&(imit. 1et point high alarm indicator. 1et hen 1P F 1P)(imit. 1et point lo alarm indicator. 1et hen 1P E 1P((imit. Windup high indicator. 1et hen either a 1P high, &V high, or &V lo

&V)$larm &V($larm &V!"&$larm 1P)$larm 1P($larm Windup)"ut


!atio)$larm !atio($larm G&Deadband"n

PV)$larm PV($larm PV!"&Pos$larm PV!"&'eg$larm Dev))$larm Dev)$larm Dev($larm Dev(($larm

limitCdepending on the control actionD has been reached. This signal is typically used by the Windup)In input of the primary loop contoller to prevent its output from inding up. Windup lo indicator. 1et hen either a 1P high, &V high, or &V lo limitCdepending on the control actionD has been reached. This signal is typically used by the Windup(In input of the primary loop contoller to prevent its output from inding up. !atio high alarm indicator. 1et hen !atio F !atio)(imit. !atio lo alarm indicator. 1et hen !atio E !atio((imit. Gero crossing deadband indicator. When set, the value of &V does not change. If G&"ff is set, then G&Deadband"n is set hen the E!!"! is ithin the G&Deadband range. If G&"ff is cleared, then G&Deadband"n is set hen E!!"! crosses @ero and remains ithin the G&Deadband range. G&Deadband"n is cleared hen E!!"! e2ceeds the deadband range or hen G&Deadband : -. PV high alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :F PV)(imit. &leared hen PV E CPV)(imit J PVDeadbandD. PV lo alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :E PV((imit. &leared hen PV F CPV((imit L PVDeadbandD. PV positive rate4of4change alarm indicator. 1et hen calculated PV rate4of4change :F PV!"&Pos(imit. PV negative rate4of4change alarm indicator. 1et hen calculated PV rate4of4change :E CPV!"&'eg(imit 2 J,D. Deviation high4high alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :F C1PLDev))(imitD. &leared hen PV F C1PLDev))(imit J DevDeadband. Deviation high alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :F C1PLDev)(imitD. &leared hen PV F C1PLDev)(imit J DevDeadband. Deviation lo alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :E C1P4Dev((imitD. &leared hen PV F C1P4Dev)(imit L DevDeadbandD. Deviation lo 4lo alarm indicator. 1et hen PV :E C1P4Dev(((imitD. &leared hen PV F C1P4Dev)(imit L DevDeadbandD.

Table 18 # Alar+ In(i$ators

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