Object Inspector: Environment or Integrated Debugging Environment Is A
Object Inspector: Environment or Integrated Debugging Environment Is A
Object Inspector: Environment or Integrated Debugging Environment Is A
provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a:
Source code editor ompiler and!or interpreter "uild automation tools De#ugger
Sometimes a version control system and various tools are integrated to simplify the construction of a $%I. &any modern IDEs also have a class #rowser' an o#(ect inspector' and a class hierarchy diagram' for use with o#(ect)oriented software development.*+,
IDEs are designed to ma-imi.e programmer productivity #y providing tightly)knit components with similar user interfaces. /his should mean that the programmer has much less mode switching to do than when using discrete development programs. 0owever' #ecause an IDE is #y its very nature a complicated piece of software' this high productivity only occurs after a long learning time. /ypically an IDE is dedicated to a specific programming language' so as to provide a feature set which most closely matches the programming paradigms of the language. 0owever' some multiple)language IDEs are in use' such as Eclipse' ActiveState 1omodo' recent versions of 2et"eans' &icrosoft 3isual Studio and 4inDev. IDEs typically present a single program in which all development is done. /his program typically provides many features for authoring' modifying' compiling' deploying and de#ugging software. /he aim is to a#stract the configuration necessary to piece together command line utilities in a cohesive unit' which theoretically reduces the time to learn a language' and increases developer productivity. It is also thought that the tight integration of development tasks can further increase productivity. 5or e-ample' code can #e compiled while #eing written' providing instant feed#ack on synta- errors. 4hile most modern IDEs are graphical' IDEs in use #efore the advent of windowing systems (such as &icrosoft 4indows or 6++) were te-t)#ased' using function keys or hotkeys to perform various tasks (/ur#o 7ascal is a common e-ample). /his contrasts with software development using unrelated tools' such as vi' $ or make.
Main article: Java (programming language)
IDE E! "or#s$op for "ebLogic lueJ DrJava Eclipse JD% Gean& License 7roprietary $79 version : ; lasspath e-ception 7ermissive E79 $79 JVM 8es 8es 8es 8es 2o 4indows' 9inu4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' Solaris 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' Solaris 4indows' 9inuPlatforms GUI builder 8es 2o 2o 8es 2o
Greenfoot IntelliJ IDE! J uilder J'reator JDeveloper (G)!*P +Develop Monodevelop M&Eclipse ,et eans )ational !pplication Developer *ervo& -code
Semi)free 7roprietary 7roprietary 7roprietary 7roprietary </2 =Developer 9icense (freeware) 7roprietary (freeware) $79 $79 7roprietary DD9' $79: 7roprietary 7roprietary 7roprietary (freeware)
4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' Solaris 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu9inu-' Solaris' 4indows 4indows 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' generic =3& 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu9inu9inu-' 4indows' &ac <S 6 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' Solaris 4indows' &ac <S 6' 9inu-' Solaris' AI6 &ac <S 6
Creating a new Java file with Stylus Studio's Java IDE is easy: just select New > Java e!t Editor" which invo#es Stylus Studio's $uilt%in Java IDE as shown here:
on any Java o$ject" Stylus Studio will deter)ine the o$ject's class and auto)atically o'en its corres'onding JavaDoc hel' file7
Java ac#mapping
Java $ac#)a''ing is a convenient trou$leshooting feature included with Stylus Studio's Java IDE that relates Java co)'iler error or warning )essages with the offending line of Java code that generated that co)'iler error+ 8y dou$le clic#ing on a co)'iler error )essage in the /ut'ut 4indow" Stylus Studio will auto)atically highlight the offending line of code" facilitating trou$leshooting9de$ugging of your Java code+ :ou can ste' through )ulti'le errors in the /ut'ut window $y ty'ing the 2; #ey+
Stylus Studio's integrated Java IDE enables you to easily bind XML technologies such as XML files, XML Schemas, D D's, XSL stylesheets, X!uery e"#ressions, $SDL documents, S%&', etc( to )ava class files, for use *ithin your XML enabled Java+J,EE a##lication(