Project Charter - Statement of Work Example-Consult

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Statement of Work Enterprise Portal Content Management

Project Information
Project Manager: !e"#esting De$art%ent: Project Start Date: AFE#: Edith Morales E%erging &echnologies (#l) *+ 2,,1 SOW Version #: Project Owner: Date S#'%itted: Project End Date: Se$te%'er 2-+ 2,,1 1.2 Da id Fielder

Was this $roject '#dgeted .or in the 2,,1 &echnolog) /#dget0 1 2 3 4es 1 3 5o 6. )es+ $ro ide $roject na%e as it a$$ears in the /#dget: 6s this $roject re$lacing an e2isting $roject0 1 3 4es 1 2 3 5o 6. )es+ what is the e2isting $roject na%e: 6s this a !O78E& $roject0 1 3 4es 1 2 3 5o 6. )es+ $ro ide Port.olio na%e: Summary of Capitalized Costs
9ardware:So.tware 7osts Other 5on<=a'or 7osts Sales &a2 6nternal E2$enses E2ternal E2$enses 6nternal =a'or 7osts E2ternal =a'or 7osts SME =a'or 7osts Project 7osts >6nterest? Total Capital Costs ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn $nnn,nnn ;nnn+nnn ;nnn+nnn

Summary of G&A Costs

&raining 7osts Other @AA 7osts

Esti%ated Ann#al &echnolog) 6n.rastr#ct#re S#staining 7osts: ;nnn+nnn


Acceptance! "ame Edith Morales Da id Fielder Da id Fielder Dean =ehr @ar) 9eglar Michael Oller Maria AnFilotti (ohn (ordan MiGe Preston (acG PiFFitola /laGe 4o#ng P#one E$t% B<C,*B<DCC2 B<DCC2 B<CE-1 B<CD*E B<ECEC B<CDBB<CD22 B<E-E, B<I2EI B<C22, Signature

Position Project Manager: Sr. Director >Project?: Project Owner: 6& Ad%inistration: Process Ser ices: 6n.rastr#ct#re: 7or$orate &echnolog): e<Sol#tions: MarGeting A Orig. SolHns.: &ech. Strateg) A Vent#res: @lo'al &echnolog) Ser ices:

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent


State%ent o. WorG<2

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent Project 6n align%ent with the @lo'al &echnolog) Digital D)neg) initiati es and the e%erging &ac'groun technologies c#rrentl) #nder de elo$%ent+ an Enter$rise 7ontent Manage%ent S)ste% d >E7MS? is a 'asic .#nction needed to $ro ide core '#siness in.or%ation an)where and
an)ti%e to e%$lo)ees and other a#thoriFed #sers. 6n the .irst "#arter o. 2,,1+ &echnical 7o%%#nications 'ro#ght in 7o%tech Ser ices to $er.or% an enter$rise<wide in.or%ation a#dit. &he) %et with 7#sto%er 7are+ A$$lication So.tware De elo$%ent+ &raining+ E%erging &echnologies+ 7or$orate 7o%$liance+ 7or$orate 7o%%#nications+ and others. Fro% these inter iews+ 7o%tech $rod#ced a re$ort descri'ing the needs o. each o. these gro#$s. &his was #sed as an initial re"#ire%ents doc#%ent .or content %anage%ent. &he enter$rise $ortal initiati e re"#ire%ents were then incor$orated. &hro#gh reco%%endations .ro% ind#str) e2$erts+ .eed'acG ario#s '#siness gro#$s+ as well as research .ro% the @artner @ro#$ and Forrester re$orts+ a list o. 1, content %anage%ent s)ste%s was generated. A content %anage%ent core tea%+ along with re$resentati es .ro% other '#siness gro#$s+ attended %eetings with each o. the content %anage%ent endors. Vendors $ro ided a two<ho#r o er iew and de%onstration o. their $rod#cts. &he core tea% $ro ided .eed'acG a.ter each %eeting+ and each $roject %anager created a s#%%ar). Si%#ltaneo#sl)+ re$resentati es .ro% ario#s '#siness gro#$s attended one o. a series o. %eetings to disc#ss the 'ene.its o. content %anage%ent+ as well as how their organiFations c#rrentl) $#'lish in.or%ation and their res$ecti e challenges. &he 7ontent Manage%ent !e"#ire%ents doc#%ent was distri'#ted and disc#ssed at those %eetings. All co%%ents were ca$t#red and incor$orated into the re"#ire%ents doc#%ent. &he core tea% then created a short list o. endors+ which consisted o. Doc#%ent#% and 6nterwo en. &he core tea% then talGed with e2isting c#sto%ers o. 'oth endors and co%$iled the research necessar) to choose a .inal $rod#ct. /ased on research+ the criteria and .eed'acG .ro% the '#siness+ and disc#ssions with e2isting c#sto%ers+ Doc#%ent#% Di is the .inal reco%%ended s)ste%. Doc#%ent#%Hs enter$rise content %anage%ent s)ste% %eets all o. the identi.ied '#siness re"#ire%ents+ and it stands o#t a%ong its co%$etitors 'eca#se o. its ro'#st+ .le2i'le+ and scala'le $lat.or% and ease o. integration with Ar'orte2t+ Peo$leSo.t+ =ot#s 5otes+ Microso.t &6/7O+ and Merant PV7S. At a %ini%#%+ it will allow D)neg) to .#ll) le erage all o. the 'ene.its aro#nd contract %anage%ent+ doc#%ent %anage%ent+ and single so#rcing+ as well as $ersonaliFation .or the $ortal.


State%ent o. WorG<E

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent &he ongoing o'jecti es o. the 7ontent Manage%ent $roject are: O(jecti)es & Goals

1. Pro ide a scala'le and .le2i'le $lat.or% .or %anaging all D)neg) content. 2. 7reate an en iron%ent that ena'les all e%$lo)ees to easil) contri'#te content to a central re$ositor) and that ena'les others to re#se the content. E. Facilitate the i%$le%entation o. records retention $olicies and tagging o. all e2isting and new content. D. Facilitate the integration o. the content %anage%ent s)ste% and e2isting s)ste%s+ s#ch as &6/7O Portal/#ilder+ Microso.t =ot#s 5otes+ and Peo$leSo.t.

&he s$eci.ic SOW o'jecti es are: 1. 6%$ort and tag e2isting 6nside D)neg) content 2. Pro ide a we'<'ased inter.ace and worG.low .or contri'#ting content to the E<Portal. E. 6%$ort and tag e2isting D)neg).co% content D. Pro ide a we'<'ased inter.ace and worG.low .or contri'#ting content to D)neg).co%. I. 6%$le%ent a $lat.or% that $ro ides ersion control .or a $ortion o. e2isting doc#%ents+ as deter%ined. C. 6%$le%ent a $lat.or% that integrates with Ar'orte2t E$ic Editor so that content can 'e tagged+ stored+ and re<#sed as JM= ele%ents.

Project Scope &usiness Process Scope! In Scope

Manage the content %anage%ent s)ste% i%$le%entation Ongoing ad%inistration o. the %)D)neg) content %anage%ent s)ste% re$ositor) a.ter the $roject is o er

Out of Scope
Ongoing ad%inistration o. the content %anage%ent s)ste% other than the %)D)neg) re$ositor)

Organization Scope! In Scope

E%erging &echnologies &he %)D)neg) 6n.or%ation Architect will de elo$ #se cases .or how the content %anage%ent s)ste% will worG .or D)neg).co%+ .or %)D)neg)+ and .or &echnical 7o%%#nications S#$$ort $ersonnel .or 6nside D)neg) and %)D)neg) will incor$orate the technolog) changes in their s#$$ort d#ties. De elo$%ent $ersonnel .or %)D)neg) will 'e res$onsi'le .or creating te%$lates and worG.low .or %)D)neg) Project %anage%ent tea% will i%$le%ent the content %anage%ent s)ste% and the technologies necessar) .or the integration with Ar'orte2t. &he $roject %anagers will also s#$$ort the content %anage%ent s)ste%

Out of Scope
All gro#$s not %entioned in the K6n Sco$eL

State%ent o. WorG<D

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent

d#ring this .irst $hase o. the i%$le%entation. 7or$orate 7o%%#nications De elo$%ent $ersonnel .or D)neg).co% will 'e res$onsi'le .or creating te%$lates and worG.low .or D)neg).co%+ with the assistance .ro% E%erging &echnologies &echnical 7o%%#nications De elo$%ent $ersonnel will 'e res$onsi'le .or creating te%$lates and worG.low as needed+ with assistance .ro% E%erging &echnologies

*ocation Scope! In Scope

7or$orate 9ead"#arters Data 7enter

Out of Scope
All other sites.

Application Scope! In Scope

Doc#%ent#% Di 6ntegration with Merant PV7S Version Manager 6ntegration with Ar'orte2t E$ic Editor and EE ser er

Out of Scope
All a$$lications not %entioned in the K6n Sco$eL

+ata Scope! In Scope

S#$$ort doc#%entation 6nside D)neg) content D)neg).co% content &echnical 7o%%#nications doc#%entation+ as deter%ined

Out of Scope
An) data not %entioned in the K6n Sco$eL

,ec#nology Scope! In Scope

Oracle data'ase s$ace+ as deter%ined 1<2 Solaris - ser ers+ as deter%ined

Out of Scope
All hardware and so.tware not #sed .or the Doc#%ent#% so.tware i%$le%entation


State%ent o. WorG<I

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent Project acti ities will $rod#ce 'aseline doc#%entation that .#rther de.ines the sco$e o. Approac#
the $roject+ s$eci.icall) with regard to '#dget+ sched#le+ and the nat#re o. the ongoing content %anage%ent s)ste%. &hese 'aseline doc#%ents will 'eco%e s#'se"#ent state%ents o. worG that .#rther o#tline s$eci.ics and e2$ected '#siness:technolog) i%$lications. Assess and i%$le%ent the .ollowing as it $ertains to the Portal Plat.or%:
6%$ort and tag e2isting 6nside D)neg) content 6%$ort and tag e2isting D)neg).co% content Pro ide a we'<'ased inter.ace and worG.low .or contri'#ting content to the E<Portal. Pro ide a we'<'ased inter.ace and worG.low .or contri'#ting content to D)neg).co%. 6%$le%ent a $lat.or% that integrates with Ar'orte2t E$ic Editor so that content can 'e tagged+ stored+ and re<#sed as JM= ele%ents. 6ntegrate the content %anage%ent s)ste% with PV7S.


State%ent o. WorG<C

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent +eli)era(le s +eli)era(le "ame

State%ent o. WorG 6nstallation o. so.tware Mse cases 6%$ort o. e2isting 6nside D)neg) content to re$ositor) 6%$ort o. e2isting D)neg).co% content to re$ositor) &e%$lates and worG.low .or E<Portal &e%$lates and worG.low .or D)neg).co% &e%$lates and worG.low .or &echnical 7o%%#nications 6ntegration with Ar'orte2t 6ntegration with PV7S S#$$ort doc#%entation

-esponsi(le Party
E<Portal Plat.or% =eads 6n.rastr#ct#re+ S)ste%s 6ntegrators E<Portal 6n.or%ation Architect E<Portal Plat.or% =eads E<Portal Plat.or% =eads E<Portal De elo$er 7or$orate 7o%%#nications De elo$er &echnical 7o%%#nications E<Portal Plat.or% =eads E<Portal Plat.or% =eads E<Portal Plat.or% =eads


State%ent o. WorG<B

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent Sc#edule Acti)ity 7reate State%ent o. WorG .or Phase 6 >.irst 12 weeGs? &egin C:2D:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 B:*:,1 Staffing ,eam Mem(er
Director o. E%erging &echnologies E%erging &echnologies Project Manager E<Portal Plat.or% =eads E<Portal JM= De elo$er E<Portal 6n.or%ation Architect 6n.rastr#ct#re !e$resentati e S)ste%s 6ntegrator

End B:*:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1 *:2-:,1

,ime Commitment
1C, 1C, D-, 1C, 1C, 1C, 1C,

Pro ide direction and strateg) regarding this and related $rojects Pro ide direction and strateg) regarding this and related $rojects 7oordinate and:or $er.or% all tasGs necessar) to acco%$lish the deli era'les .or this $roject De elo$ te%$lates and worG.low .or %)D)neg) De elo$ tagging strateg) and #se cases+ and $er.or% #sa'ilit) tests on inter.aces WorG with the endor to de elo$ the architect#re and i%$le%ent the hardware and so.tware Assist in.rastr#ct#re and $roject leads in the installation o. Doc#%ent#% and the integrations 'etween Doc#%ent#% and Ar'orte2t and Doc#%ent#% and PV7S. De elo$ te%$lates and worG.low .or content+ as needed De elo$ te%$lates and worG.low .or D)neg).co%

&echnical 7o%%#nications !e$resentati e 7or$orate 7o%%#nications !e$resentati e

1C, 1C,


State%ent o. WorG<-

Enterprise Portal Content Manage%ent Constraint 5etworG 7onstraints N &he networG %#st ha e eno#gh 'andwidth to s#$$ort the tra..ic .lowing in and o#t o. the content %anage%ent s)ste%. s
!eso#rce 7onstraints N A aila'ilit) o. dedicated reso#rces .ro% E%erging &echnologies+ 7or$oration 7o%%#nications+ and &echnical 7o%%#nications+ is critical s#ccess .actor+ and li%ited a aila'ilit):worGload iss#es co#ld create signi.icant constraints. Project &echnolog) 7onstraints N &he Enter$rise Portal is e2$ected to r#n on the hardware+ o$erating s)ste%s and data'ase $lat.or%s that co%$l) to the D)neg) organiFation e</#siness initiati es.

Assumption s

&he content %anage%ent s)ste% i%$le%ented .or the E<$ortal will e ent#all) $ro ide the needed central content %anage%ent ca$a'ilities .or all content within D)neg).

&agging g#idelines are not in $lace.

WorG with the 6n.or%ation Architect to de elo$ an initial standard set o. %etadata+ and a$$l) the additional %etadata later. Engage 6& sec#rit) and hel$ de elo$ $rocesses.

=DAP: Sec#rit) $rocesses are not in $lace


7osts .or the reco%%ended so.tware are esti%ated at ;EE,+,,,. D)neg)Hs 6n.rastr#ct#re gro#$ will $ro ide an esti%ate .or hardware costs once an assess%ent o. the architect#re is co%$lete.


State%ent o. WorG<*

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