The Tantra Vision Volume 1
The Tantra Vision Volume 1
The Tantra Vision Volume 1
Discourse series
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT THE BLIND LIVE ON IN THEDARK. THOUGH SPONTANEITY IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING AND CLOSE, TOTHE DELUDED IT REMAINS ALWAYSFARAWAY. THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY RIVERS, THEY ARE ONE IN THE SEA, THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY LIES, ONE TRUTH WILL CONQUERALL. WHEN ONE SUN APPEARS, THEDARK, HOWEVER DEEP, WILLVANISH. GAUTAM THEBUDDHAIS THE GREATEST MASTERwho haseverwalkedon the earth. Christ isagreat Master, soisKrishna, sois Mahavir, sois Mohammed, and many more butBuddh a still remains the greatest Master. Not that his achievement of Enlightenment is greater than anybody else s Enlightenment is neither less nor more he has attained to the same quality of consciousness as Mahavir, as Christ, as Zarathustra, as Lao Tzu. Thereis no questionof anyEnlightened manbeing more Enlightenedthan anybody else. But asfar as his being a Master is concerned, Buddha is incomparable because, through him, thousands of people have attained to Enlightenment. It has never happened with anyother Maste r. His line has beenthemostfruitfulline.Hisfamilyhasbeenthemost creativefamilyuptonow.Heislikeab ig tree with so manybranches and EACH branch has been fruitful; each branch is load ed with many fruits. Mahavir remaineda localphenomenon. Krishnafell intothe handsof scholarsandwas lo st. Christ was completely destroyedbythepriests. Much couldhave happened,butit didn t happen. Buddha has been tremendouslyfortunate in this. Not that the priests have not tried, not that the scholars havenottriedtheyhavedoneallthatthey candobut somehow Buddha s teaching wasdevisedi n such a way that it could not be destroyed. It is still alive. Even after twentyfive centuries, a few flowers come on his tree, it stillblooms. Spring comes, and still it releases fr agrance, it still bears fruit. Saraha is also a fruit of the same tree. Saraha was born about two centuries aft
er Buddha. He was inthe directlineofadifferentbranch.Onebranchmovesfrom MahakashyaptoBodhidharmaan d Zenisborn anditisstillfullofflowers,thatbranch. Anotherbranchmovesfrom Buddhatohi sson, Rahul Bhadra, and from Rahul Bhadra toSriKirti, and from SriKirti to Saraha, and from Saraha to Nargarjuna that is theTantra branch. It is still bearing fruit in Tibet. Tantra converted Tibet, and Saraha is thefounder ofTantra just as Bodhidharma is thefounder of Zen. Bodhidharma conquered China,Korea,Japan. Saraha conqueredTibet. TheseSongsofSaraha areofgreat beauty.They aretheveryfoundationofTantra.Youwillha veto understand first theTantra attitude towards life, theTantra vision of life. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 3 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT The most basic thing about Tantra is this and very radical, revolutionary, rebel lious the basic visionis that theworldis not divided into thelower and the higher,but that thewo rldis one piece. The higher and the lower are holding hands. The higher includes the lower, and t he lowerincludes the higher. The higher is hidden in the lower so the lower has not to be denied, has not to be condemned, has not to be destroyed or killed. The lower has to be transformed. T he lower has to beallowedtomoveupwards... andthelowerbecomes the higher. Thereisno unbridgeableg ap between the Devil and God the Devil is carrying God deep down in his heart. Once that heart starts functioning, theDevil becomes God. That is the reason whythe very root of the word devil means the same as divine . The wo rd devil comes from divine ;itisthe Divinenotyetevolved, that sall.NotthattheDevilis againstthe Divine, not that the Devil is trying to destroythe Divine infact, the Devil is trying to find the Divine. The Devil is on the waytowards the Divine; it is not the enemy, it is the seed. The Divine is the tree fully inbloom andthe Devil is the seed but the tree ishidden in the seed. And the seed is not against thetree;infact,thetree cannotexistiftheseedisnotthere.Andthetreeisnotagainstthes eed they are in deep friendship, they are together. Poison and nectar are two phases of the same energy, so are life and death and so is everything: dayand night, love andhate, sex and superconsciousness. Tantra says: Never condemn anything the attitude of condemnation is the stupid a ttitude. By condemning something,you are denyingyourself the possibility thatwouldhave becom eavailable toyouifyouhadevolvedthelower. Don t condemnthemud, becausethelotusis hiddeninthemu d; usethemudto producethe lotus. Of course,themudisnotthe lotusyet,butit canbe. And the creative person, the religious person, will help the mud to release its lotus so that the lotus can be freed from the mud. SarahaisthefounderoftheTantra vision.Itisof tremendousimport,andparticularlyfort he present moment in human history, because a new man is striving to be born, a new conscio usness is
knocking on the doors. And the future is going to be that of Tantra, because now no more dual attitudes can hold man s mind. Theyhave triedfor centuries and theyhave crippled man and theyhave made man guil ty. And they have not made man free they have made man a prisoner. And they have not made man happy either; they have made man very miserable. They have condemned everything from f ood to sex theyhave condemned everything;from relationship to friendship theyhave condemned all. Love is condemned,bodyis condemned,mindiscondemned. Theyhavenotleftasingleinchforyouto stand on; theyhave taken awayall and man is hanging, just hanging. This stateof man cannotbe toleratedany more. Tantra cangiveyouanew perspective h enceI have chosen Saraha. Saraha is one of my most loved persons. It is myold love affair. You may notevenhave heard the nameof Saraha,but Sarahais oneof thegreat benefact orsof humanity. If I were to count on my fingers ten benefactors of humanity, Saraha w ould be one of those ten.IfI wereto countfive,thentooI wouldnotbeabletodropSaraha. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 4 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT BEFORE WE ENTER into these Songs of Saraha, a few things about Saraha s life: Sara ha was bornin Vidarbha; VidarbhaispartofMaharashtra,veryclosetoPoona. Hewasborn whenKin g Mahapala was the ruler. He was the son of a verylearned Brahmin who was in the c ourt of King Mahapala.Thefatherwasinthe court sotheyoungmanwasalsointhe court.Hehadfourother brothers;they wereallgreat scholars,andhewastheyoungestandthe most intelligentof themall. Hisfamewas spreading allover the country,byandby, and the kingwas almost enchant edbyhis superb intelligence. Thefour brotherswerealsoverygreat scholars,but nothingtobe comparedwithSaraha.As they becamemature,thefourgot married. Thekingwas willingtogivehisown daughtertoSaraha ,but Sarahawantedto renounceall Sarahawantedto becomea sannyasin.Thekingwashurt;hetried to persuade Saraha he was so beautiful and he was so intelligent and he was such a handsome young man. Hisfamewas spreading allover the country, and becauseof him Mahapala s courtwas becomingfamous. Thekingwasvery muchworried,andhe didn twant thisyoung manto become a sannyasin. He wanted to protect him, he wanted to give him all comfort possibl e he was ready todoanythingfor him.ButSaraha persistedandthepermissionhadtobegiven he becamea sannyasin,he becameadiscipleofSriKirti. Sri Kirti is in the direct line of Buddha Gautam Buddha, then his son Rahul Bhad ra, and then comesSriKirti. There arejusttwo MastersbetweenSarahaand Buddha;heisnotveryfarawa y from Buddha.Thetreemusthavebeenstillvery, verygreen;thevibemusthavebeenstillvery , very alive. Buddha had just left. The climate must have been full of his fragrance. Thekingwas shocked, becauseSarahawasaBrahmin. Ifhewantedto becomea sannyasinhe shouldhave becomea Hindu sannyasin,buthe chosea Buddhist Master.Saraha sfamilywas also very muchworried. Infact, theyall became enemies... thiswas notright. And then t hings became even worse we will come to know about it. Saraha s original name was Rahul , the name given by his father. We will come to know how he became Saraha that is a beautiful story. When he went to SriKirti, the first thi ng SriKirti told him was: ForgetallyourVedasandallyourlearningandallthat nonsense. Itwas difficultforSara
ha, but he was ready to stake anything. Something in the presence of Sri Kirti had a ttracted him. Sri Kirtiwasagreatmagnet.Hedroppedallhislearning,he becameunlearnedagain. Thisis oneofthegreatestrenunciations:itis easyto renouncewealth,itis easyto reno unceagreat kingdom,buttorenounceknowledgeisthemost difficultthingintheworld.Inthefirstplace ,howto renounceit?Itisthere insideyou.Youcanescapefromyour kingdom,youcangototheHimalay as, you can distributeyourwealth how canyou renounceyour knowledge? And thenitis too p ainful to become ignorant again. It is thegreatest austerity there is,to become ignoran t again, to become again innocentlikeachild...buthewasready. Years passed and, by and by, he erased all that he had known. He became a great meditator. Justthe sameashehad startedto becomeveryfamousasagreat scholar,nowhisfame starte d spreadingasagreat meditator.People startedcoming fromfarandawayjusttohavea glimp seof thisyoung man who had become so innocent, likea fresh leaf, or likedew-drops on thegrassin the morning. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 5 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT One daywhile Saraha was meditating, suddenly he saw a vision a vision that there was a woman inthemarketplacewhowasgoingtobehisreal teacher.SriKirtihasjustputhimontheway,but thereal teachingisto comefromawoman.Now,thistoohastobe understood.ItisonlyTantra that hasnever been malechauvinistic.Infact,togo intoTantrayou will needthe cooperatio nofa wise woman; withoutawisewomanyouwillnotbeableto enterintothecomplexworldofTantra. Hesawavision:awomanthereinthemarketplace.Sofirstawoman. Second inthemarketplace. Tantra thrives in the marketplace, in the thick of life. It is not an attitude o f negation; it is utter positivity. He stood up. SriKirti asked him, Where areyou going? And he said, You h ave shown me thePath.You tookmylearningaway.Youhave done half thework youhave cleanedmyslat e. NowI amreadytodothe otherhalf. WiththeblessingsofSriKirtiwhowas laughing,hewentawa y. Hewenttothe marketplace.Hewas surprised:he reallyfoundthewoman thathehad seenint he vision. The woman was making an arrow; she was an arrowsmith woman. The third thing to be remembered about Tantra: it says the more cultured, the mo re civilized a person,thelessisthepossibilityofhisTantrictransformation.Theless civilized,the m oreprimitive, the more alive a person is. The more you become civilized, the more you become p lastic you become artificial,you become toomuch cultivated,you loseyour roots into the eart h.You are afraid of themuddyworld.You start livingawayfrom theworld;you start posingyourself as t houghyou arenotoftheworld.Tantrasays:Tofindthereal personyouwillhavetogotothe roots. SoTantra says: Those who are still uncivilized, uneducated, uncultured, they are more alive, they have more vitality. And that s the observation of the modern psychologist too. A n egro is more vitalthantheAmerican thatisthefearoftheAmerican.TheAmericanisvery muchafraidofthe negro.ThefearisthattheAmericanhas becomevery much plastic,andthenegrois still vi tal, still down-to-earth. The conflict between theblacks and the whites in America is not really the confl ict betweenblack andwhite,itisthe conflictbetweentheplasticandthereal.AndtheAmerican,thewhiteman, isvery
much afraid, basically because he is afraid that if the negro is allowed, he wil l lose his woman, the American will lose his woman. The negro is more vital, sexually more vital, more alive; his energy isstillwild.Andthatisoneofthegreatestfearsof civilizedpeople:tolosetheirwomen.Th eyknow thatif morevitalpersonsareavailable,theywillnotbeabletoholdtheirwomen. Tantrasays:Intheworldof thosewho are stillprimitive,thereisa possibilityof start ingtogrow.You havegrownina wrong direction; theyhave notgrownyet they can still choosearightdi rection, they are more potential. And theydon t have anything to undo; they can proceed dir ectly. An arrowsmith woman is a low-caste woman, and for Saraha a learned Brahmin, a fa mous Brahmin, who had belonged to the court of the king going to an arrowsmith woman is symbolic. Thelearnedhastogotothe vital.The plastichastogotothereal. He saw this woman, young woman, very alive, radiant with life, cutting an arrowshaft, looking neither to the right nor to the left, but wholly absorbed in making the arrow. H e immediately felt something extraordinaryin her presence, something that he had never come across. Even SriKirti, hisMaster,paledbeforethe presenceofthiswoman. Somethingso freshand somethingfrom the very source.... TheTantra Vision,Vol1 6 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT SriKirtiwasagreat philosopher. Yes,hehadtoldSarahatodropalllearning,but stillhew asa learned man. Hehad toldSarahatodropALLVedasand scriptures,buthehadhisown scriptu res and his own Vedas. Even though he was anti-philosophical, his anti-philosophy wa s a sort of philosophy. Now, here is a woman who is neither philosophical nor anti-philosoph ical who simply doesnotknowwhat philosophyis,whoissimplyblissfullyunawareoftheworldofphilosophy, ofthe world of thought. She is a woman of action, and she is utterly absorbed in her a ction. Saraha watched carefully: The arrow ready, the woman closing one eye and opening the other, assumed the posture of aiming at an invisible target. Saraha came still closer. Now, there was no target; she was simply posing. She had closed one eye, her other eye was open, a nd she was aimingat some unknown target invisible,itwas not there. Saraha startedfeeling so memessage. This posturewas symbolic,hefelt,but stillitwasverydimanddark.He couldfeel someth ing there, buthe could not figureit out, whatitwas. Soheaskedthewoman whethershewasaprofessional arrowsmith,andthewomanlaughedloudly , a wild laugh,and said, You stupidBrahmin!Youhave lefttheVedas,butnowyou areworship ping Buddha s sayings,Dhammapada. So whatis the point?Youhave changedyour books,youhave changedyour philosophy,butyou remain all the time the same stupid man. Saraha was shocked. Nobody had talked to him that way; only an uncultured woman can talk that way. And thewayshe laughedwas so uncivilized, soprimitive but still, somethingwas verymuch alive.Andhewasfeeling pulled.Shewasagreat magnetandhewas nothingbutapieceof iron . And thenshe said, You thinkyou area Buddhist? Hemusthave beeninthe robeoftheBuddhist monk, the yellow robe. And she laughed again. And she said, Buddha s meaning can on ly be known through actions, not throughwords and not through books. Is not enough eno ughforyou? Areyou notyetfedup with all this? Do notwasteany more timein that futile search. Come and follow me!
And somethinghappened,somethinglikea communion.Hehad neverfeltlikethatbefore.Int hat moment, the spiritual significance of what she was doing dawned upon Saraha. Nei ther looking to the left, nor looking to the right, he had seen her just looking in the middle. For the first time he understood what Buddha meansbybeing in the middle: avoid t he axis. First he was a philosopher, now he has become anti-philosopher from one extreme to ano ther. First hewasworshippingone thing,nowheisworshippingjusttheopposite buttheworshipcontinue s. You canmovefromthelefttotheright,fromtherighttotheleft,butthatisnotgoingtohelp.Y ouwill be like a pendulum movingfrom the left to the right, from the right to the left. Andhaveyou observed? whenthe pendulumisgoingtotheright,itis gaining momentumtogo to the left; when it is going to the left it is again gaining momentum to go to the right. And the clock continues, and theworld continues.Tobein the middle means the pendulum just hang s therein the middle, neithertotherightnortotheleft.Thentheclockstops,thentheworldstops.Thenth ereis no more time... then the state of no-time. HehadhearditsaidsomanytimesbySriKirti;hehadreadaboutit,hehad pondered,contemplat ed overit;hehadarguedwith othersaboutit,thattobeinthe middleistherightthing.Forthef irsttime TheTantra Vision,Vol1 7 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT he had seen it in an action: the woman was not looking to the right and not look ing to the left... she wasjust lookinginthemiddle,focussedinthe middle. The middle is the point from where the transcendence happens. Think about it, co ntemplate about it,watchitinlife.A manisrunning after money,ismad, money-mad; moneyistheonly god .... Onewomanwas asking another, Whyhaveyou leftyourboyfriend? What happened?Ihad been
thinkingthatyouwereengagedandthatyouweregoingtobe married what happened? Thewomansaid, Ourreligionsaredifferent,and that swhy wehavebrokenup. The questionerwas puzzled because she knew that bothwere Catholics, so she said, Whatdoyou meanby saying thatyour religions are different? The woman said, I worship money, and he is broke.
There are people whose only god is money. One day or other, the god fails it is bound to fail. Moneycannotbethegod.Itwasyour illusion,youwere projecting. Oneday or otheryoucom eto the point whereyou can see that there is no godin it, that there is nothing in i t, thatyou have been wastingyourlife. Thenyouturn againstit,thenyoutakeanopposite attitude:youbecome against money. Thenyou leave themoney,youdon t touch the money.You are continuously obsess ed now; nowyouareAGAINSTthe moneybutthe obsession remains.Youhavemovedfromthelefttothe right,butyour center of consciousness is still the money. Youcanchangefromone desireto another.Youweremuchtooworldly,onedayyoucan become other-worldly you remain the same, the disease persists. Buddha says:To beworldly is to be worldly,andtobe other-worldlyisalsotobeworldly;tobefor moneyistobemad after mone y,to beagainst moneyistobemad after money;toseekpowerisfoolish,to escapeisalsofoolish .Just to be in the middle is what wisdom is all about. FOR THE FIRST TIME Saraha saw it actually there he had not even seen it in Sri K irti. It was really there. And the woman was true, she said, You can only learn through action . And she was so utterly absorbed that she was not even looking at Saraha who was standing the re watching her. She was so utterly absorbed, she was so totally in the action that is again a Bu
ddhist message: Tobe totalin actionistobe freeof action. Karma is created becauseyou are not totally in it. Ifyou are totally in it, it l eaves no trace. Do anything totally anditis finished, andyou will not carry a psychological memoryo f it. Doanything incompletelyandithangswithyou,itgoeson itisahangover. Andthemindwantstocontinue and do it and complete it. Mindhasagreat temptationto completethings. Completeanythingandthemindisgone. Ify ou continuedoingthingstotally,onedayyousuddenlyfindthereisnomind.Mindisthe accumula ted past of all incomplete actions. Youwantedtoloveawomanandyou didn tlove;nowthewomanis dead.Youwantedtogotoyour fatherandyouwantedtobeforgivenforallthatyouhadbeen doing,forallthatyouhadbeendoi ng TheTantra Vision,Vol1 8 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT in suchawaythathewasfeeling hurt nowheis dead. Now the hangover will remain. Now the ghost....Nowyou are helpless whattodo? Whomtogoto? Andhowtoaskforgiveness? You wantedtobekindtoafriendbutyou couldnotbe becauseyou became closed.Nowthefriendis no more,andithurts.Youstartfeelingaguilt,you repent. Thingsgoonlikethis. Doanyactiontotallyandyouarefreeofit,andyoudon tlookback.Andtherealmanneverlooks back because there is nothing to see. He has no hangovers. He simply goes ahead. His eyes are clear of the past, his vision is not clouded. In THATclarity one comes to know w hat reality is. You are somuchworried with allyour incomplete actions you are likea junkyard. One thingis incomplete here, another thing is incomplete there nothing is complete. Have you watched it? Haveyouever completedanything?oriseverythingjust incomplete?Andyougoon pushing a side one thing andyou startanother thing, and beforeitis completeyou startanother.You become more and moreburdened thisiswhatkarmais,Karma means incomplete action. Be total... andyou will be free. The woman was totally absorbed. That s why she was looking so luminous, she was lo oking so beautiful. She was an ordinary woman, but the beauty was not of this earth. The beauty came becauseoftotalabsorption.Thebeauty came becauseshewasnotanextremist.Thebeauty ca me becauseshewasinthemiddle, balanced.Outof balanceisgrace. For the first time Saraha encountered a woman who was not just physically beauti ful, who was spiritually beautiful. Naturally, he was surrendered. The surrender happened. Ab sorbed totally, absorbedin whatsoever shewas doing,heunderstoodfor the first time: thisis what m editationis. Notthatyousitfora specialperiodand repeata mantra,notthatyougotothe churchortoth e templeortothe mosque,buttobeinlife togoondoingtrivialthings,butwithsuch absorptio nthat the profundity is revealed in everyaction. He understoodwhat meditationisforthe firsttime.Hehadbeen meditating,hehadbeenstr uggling hard,butfor the first time meditationwas there, alive. He couldfeel it. He could have touchedit. It was almost tangible. And then he rememberedthat closing one eye, opening the oth
er, is a symbol, a Buddhist symbol. Buddha says... psychologists will agree with him now; after two thousand five hu ndred years psychology has come to that point where Buddha was so long before. Buddha says h alf the mind reasons and half the mind intuits. The mind is divided in two parts, in two hemi spheres. The leftside hemisphereis thefaculty of reason, logic, discursive thought, analysis, phi losophy, theology... words and words and words and arguments and syllogisms and inferences. The leftside mind is Aristotelian. The right-side mind is intuitive, poetic inspiration, vision, a priori conscious ness, a priori awareness. Not thatyou argue you simply come to know. Not thatyou infer you simply realize. That is the meaning of a priori awareness : it is simply there. Thetruthisknownbytheright-sidemind;truthisinferredbythe left-side mind. Inferenc e isjust inference, it is not experience. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 9 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT Suddenly he realized that the woman had closed one eye: she had closed one eye a s symbolic of closing the eye of reason, logic. And she had opened the other eye symbolic o f love, intuition, awareness. And then he remembered the posture. Aiming at the unknown invisible, we are on the journey to know the unknown to kn ow that which cannot be known. That is real knowledge: to know that which cannot be known, to realize that which is unrealizable, to attain that which cannot be attained. This impossible passio n is what makes a man a religious seeker. Yes, it is impossible. By impossible Idon t mean that it will not happen;by impossible Ime an that it cannot happen unlessyou are utterly transformed. Asyou are it cannot happen,b ut there are differentwaysof being. Andyou canbetotallyanew man... thenithappens. Itis possib lefora differentkindof man. That swhyJesussays: Untilyouare reborn,youwillnotknowit.A new man will know it. You cometome.YOUwillnotknowit.Iwillhavetokillyou,Iwillhavetobedrasticallydangero us toyou... you willhaveto disappear. Andthenew manisborn,anew consciousness comesi n because thereis something indestructibleinyou, which cannotbe destroyed; nobody can destroyit. Only the destructible will be destroyed and the indestructible will be there. Wh enyou attain to that indestructible elementinyour being,to that eternalawarenessinyour being,you area new man,a new consciousness. Through that the impossible is possible, the unattainable is attained. So he remembered the posture. Aiming at the unknown, the invisible, the unknowab le, the one that is the aim. How to be one with existence? The nondual is the aim, where sub ject and object are lost, whereIand thou are lost. Thereisaveryfamous book, andagreat book,of Martin Buber,IAND THOU. Martin Buber says the experience of prayer is an I-thou experience he is right. The experience of prayer is an l-thou experience: Godis the thou ,you remain an I , andyouhavea dialogue,a communion with the thou.
But Buddhism has no prayer in it, and Buddhism goes higher. Buddhism says: Even if there is an I-thou relationship,you remain divided,you remain separate.You can shout at each other,but there will be no communion. The communion happens only when the I-thou division is no more; when subject and object disappear; where thereis noI and no thou, no seeker and nosou ght... when there is unity, unison. Realizing this, seeing into this woman s actions, and recognizing the truth, the w oman called him Saraha . His name was Rahul; the woman called him Saraha. Saraha is a beautiful wor d. It means he who has shot the arrow ; sara means arrow , ha(n) means have shot . Saraha means who has shot the arrow . The moment he recognized the significance of the woman s ac tions, those symbolic gestures, the moment he could read and decode what the woman was trying to give, what the woman was trying to show, the woman was tremendously happy. She d anced and called him Saraha , and said, Now, from today,you will be calledSaraha:you have shot the arrow. Understandingthe significanceofmyactions,youhave penetrated. Saraha said to her, You are not an ordinary arrowsmith woman I am sorry to have e ven thought thatyouwere an ordinaryarrowsmithwoman. Excuse me,I am tremendously sorry.You ar eagreat TheTantra Vision,Vol1 10 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT MasterandI am reborn throughyou. TillyesterdayI wasnotarealBrahmin;fromtodayI am .You aremyMasterandyou aremymotherandyouhavegivenmeanewbirth.I amno morethe same. So,rightyou are youhave droppedmyold nameandyouhavegivenmeanew name. Youaskme sometimes, Whydoyougivenew names? todroptheold identity,toforgetthe past, not to be any more in anyattachment with the past. Aclean break is needed. You h ave to become discontinuous with the past. Rahul became Saraha. THE LEGENDHASITthatthewomanwasnobodybuta hidden Buddha.The nameoftheBuddha given in the scriptures is Sukhnatha the Buddha who had come to help thegreat po tential man, Saraha. Buddha,a certain Buddhaof the name Sukhnatha, took theformofawoman. Butw hy? why the form of a woman? Because Tantra believes that just as a man has to be bo rn out of a woman,sothenewbirthofa discipleisalsogoingtobeoutofawoman. Infact,allthe Masters are more mothers than fathers. They have the quality of the feminine. Buddha is feminine, so is Mahavir, soisKrishna.You can see thefemininegrace, thefeminine roundness;you can see the feminine beauty;you can look into theireyes andyou will not find the male aggres siveness. Soitisverysymbolic thata Buddha tooktheformofawoman. Buddhasalwaystaketheformofa woman. They maybe livingina male body,but they arefeminine because ALL thatis bo rnis born outofthefeminine energy. Male energy cantriggeritbut cannotgivebirth. AMasterhastokeepyouinhiswombfor months,foryears, sometimesforlives. Oneneverknow s whenyouwillbereadytobeborn.AMasterhastobea mother.AMasterhastobe tremendously capable offeminine energy, so that he can shower love onyou only then can he des troy. Unless you are certain about his love,you will not allow him to destroyyou. How willyou trust? Only his lovewillmakeyouabletotrust.Andthroughtrust,byandby,hewillcutlimbbylimb.And oneda y suddenlyyou willdisappear. Slowly, slowly, slowly..andyou are gone. GATE, GATE,P ARA GATE going, going, going, gone. Then the new is born. The arrowsmith woman accepted him. Infact, shewaswaiting.AMasterwaitsfor the dis ciple. Old traditions say: Before a disciple chooses the Master, the Master has chosen the
disciple. Exactly that swhathappenedinthisstory. SukhnathawashidingintheformofawomanwaitingforSaraha to come and be transformed through him. And it seems more logical too, that a Master should choose first because he is m ore aware, he knows.He can penetratetotheverypossibilityofyour being,theverypotentiality.He ca n seeyour future.He can see that which canhappen. Whenyou choosea Master,you thinkyouhave chosen you arewrong.How canyou choosea Master?You aresoblind,how canyou recognizea Mast er? Youaresounaware,howcanyoufeela Master?Ifyoustartfeelinghim,that meanshehasalread y entered inyour heart andhas started playing withyour energies that s whyyou startf eeling him. Before a disciple ever chooses a Master, the Master has chosen him already. She accepted.ShewaswaitingforSarahato come.They movedtoa cremationgroundandstart ed living together. Whytoa cremationground? Because Buddha says: Unlessyou understa nd death youwillnotbeabletounderstandlife. UnlessyouDIE,youwillnotbe reborn. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 11 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT ManyTantra disciples have lived in the cremationground since Saraha. Hewas thefo under; he livedina cremationground.Peoplewouldbe brought, dead bodieswouldbe brought andbu rnt, andhelivedthere thatwashishome.Andhelivedwiththis arrowsmithwoman;theylivedtogethe r. Therewasgreatlovebetweenthem nottheloveofawomanandaman,buttheloveofa Master and a disciple, which is certainly higher than any man-woman love can ever reach , which is more intimate, certainly more intimate... because a man-woman love affair is just of the bodies. At the most, sometimes it reaches to the mind; otherwise it remains in thebody. A disciple and a Master it is a soul love affair. Saraha had found his soulmate. They were in tremendouslove,greatlove, whichrarely happensonthe earth. She taught himTantra. Onlyawoman can teachTantra. Somebodyasked mewhyIhave chose n Kaveeshatobethegroup leaderforTantra onlyawoman canbeaTantragroup leader.It willb e difficultfora man. Yes, sometimes a man can alsobe,but thenhe willhaveto becomev ery very feminine. Awoman is already; she has already those qualities, those loving, affe ctionate qualities; she naturally has that care, that love, thatfeelingfor the soft. Saraha became a tantrika under the guidance of this arrowsmith woman. Now he was no longer meditating. Onedayhe had left all theVedas, scriptures, knowledge; nowhe lefteve n meditation. Now rumors started spreading all over the country: He no longer meditates. He si ngs, of course, and dancestoo,butno meditationany more.Now singingwashis meditation.Now dancing washis meditation. Now celebration was his whole lifestyle. Livingina cremationgroundand celebrating! Living whereonly death happensand livi ngjoyously! This is the beauty ofTantra it joins together the opposites, the contraries, the contradictories. If yougotothe cremationgroundyouwillfeelsad;itwillbe difficultforyoutobejoyous;itwi llbevery difficultforyou to sing and dance where people are beingburnt, and where people are crying and weeping.Andeverydaydeathand death...dayandnight death.Howwillyou rejoice? Butifyoucannot rejoice there, then all thatyouthinkisyourjoyis justa make-believ e. Ifyou can rejoicethere,thenjoyhasreallyhappenedtoyou.Nowitis unconditional.Nowit doesn tmake
any difference whether death happens or life, whether somebody is born or somebody i s dying. Saraha started singing and dancing. He was no longer serious Tantra is not. Tant ra is a playfulness. Yes, it is sincere, but not serious. It is very joyous. Play entere d his being Tantra isplay, becauseTantraisa highlyevolvedformoflove:Loveisplay. There are people who would not like even love to be a play. Mahatma Gandhi says: Make love only whenyouwant to reproduce. Even love they change intowork reproduction. This is j ust ugly! Makelovetoyourwomanonlywhenyouwanttoreproduce issheafactory!? Reproduction ? thevery wordisugly. Loveis fun! Makelovetoyourwoman whenyou arefeelinghappy,joyo us, whenyouareatthetopoftheworld. Sharethatenergy.Loveyourmanwhenyouhavethatquality of dance and song andjoy notfor reproduction! Theword reproduction is obscene! Makel ove out ofjoy, outofabundantjoy. Give whenyouhaveit! Play entered into his being. A lover has always the spirit of play. The moment t he spirit of play dies,you becomea husbandorawife,thenyou areno longerlovers; thenyou reproduce. A ndthe TheTantra Vision,Vol1 12 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT momentyou becomea husbandorawife, something beautifulhasgone dead.Itisno moreali ve, thejuiceflowsno more.Nowitisjust pretension,hypocrisy. Playentered his being, and through playtrue religion was born. His ecstasy was s o infectious that people started coming to watch him dancing and singing. And when people would co me and watch, they would startdancing,they would start singing withhim. The cremationground be cameagreat celebration.Yes, bodieswere beingburnt still,but more and more crowds started ga thering around Saraha and the arrowsmithwoman, andgreatjoy was created on that cremationground. And it became so infectious that people who had never heard anything about ecsta sy would come, danceandsing,andfallinto ecstasy,gointo Samadhi.Hisveryvibration,hisverypresence , became so potentthatjustifyouwerereadytoparticipatewithhim,itwould happen... contacthig h. Those who came around him he was so drunk that his inner drunkenness started overflowi ng to other people. He was so stoned that others started becoming stoned and more stoned. But then the inevitable: the Brahmins and the priests and the scholars and the s o-called righteous thatIcalltheinevitable. Whenever therei people startedvilifyingand slanderinghim sa manlike Saraha, the scholars are going to be against him, thepriests are going to be aga inst him, and the so-called moral people, puritans, self-righteous people. Theystarted spreading a bsolutely unbiased rumors about him. Theystartedsayingtopeople: Hehasfallenfromgrace.Heisapervert.Heisno moreaBrahmin. Hehasgivenup celibacy.Heisno moreevena Buddhistmonk.Heindulgesinshamefulpractice s with a low-caste woman and runs around like a mad dog in all directions. His ecst asy was just like amaddogtothem it dependshowyou interpret.Hewas dancingalloverthecremationground. HeWASmad,buthewasnotamaddog hewasamadgod! It depends on howyou look. The king also was told these things. He was anxious to know exactly what was hap pening. He became worried; more and more people started coming to him. Theyknew him; theykn ew that the king was always deeply respectful towards Saraha, that he wanted to appoint him
as his counsellor in the court,but Saraha had renounced theworld. The king hadmuch respectfor his learning, so theystarted coming tothe king. Thekingwasworried.Hehadlovedtheyoungmanand respectedhimtoo,andhewas concerned. Sohe sentafew peopleto persuadeSarahaand tell him: Comebacktoyourold ways.You are a Brahmin,yourfatherwasagreat scholar,youyourselfwereagreat scholar what areyou do ing? You have gone astray. Come back home. I am still here! You come to the palace, b e part of my family. This is not good. The people had come to convert ancing and never came went and Saraha sang one hundred and sixty verses to those people who him. Those one hundred and sixty verses... and those people started d they back!
The king was even more worried. The king s wife, the queen, was also always intere sted in the young man. Shewanted theyoung man to marry her daughter, so shewent there. And S araha sang eighty verses to the queen... and she never came back. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 13 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT Now the kingwasmuch puzzled: Whatis happening there? So the kinghimselfwent there, and Saraha sang forty verses and the king was converted, and he started dancing in t he cremation ground like a mad dog. So there are three scripturesavailableinthe nameofSaraha: first,ThePeople sSongofS araha one hundred and eighty verses; second, The Queen s Song of Saraha first, one hundr ed and sixty verses, second eighty verses; and The Royal Song of Saraha which we are going to meditate upon forty verses. One hundred and sixty verses for the people because their understa nding was not great; eightyfor the queen shewasa little higher, her understandingwasa little hi gher;fortyfor the king because he was really a man of intelligence, of awareness, of understan ding. Becausethekingwas converted,the whole country,byandby,was converted. Anditis sai dinthe oldscripturesthatatimecamewhenthewhole countrybecameempty.Empty?! itisaBuddhist word. It means people became nobodies, they lost their ego-trips. People started enjoying the moment. The hustle andbustle, the competitive violence, disappeared from the cou ntry. It became a silent country. It became empty... as if nobody was there. The men as such dis appeared from the country;agreat divineness descendedonthe country. Thesefortyverseswereatthe root ofit,the very source of it. NOWWE ENTER into thisgreat pilgrimage: The Royal Song of Saraha. It is also call ed The Song on Human Action veryparadoxical, becauseithas nothingtodo with action. That swhyitis also called The Song on Human Action . It has something to do with the being, but when th e being is transformed, actionistransformed. WhenYOU aretransformed,your behavioristransfor med not viceversa. Not that firstyou changeyour action and thenyour beingchanges no. Tan tra says: First changeyour being and thenyour action changes automatically,of itsown accor d. First attain toadifferentkindof consciousness,andthatwillbefollowedby adifferentkindof action ,character, behavior. Tantra believes in being, not in action and character. That s whyit is also called T he Song on Human
Action because oncebeingistransformed,your actionsaretransformed. Thatistheonlyway to changeyour actions.Whohaseverbeenabletochangehisactions directly?Youcanonlyprete nd. Ifyouhaveangerinyouandyouwanttochangeyour action,whatwillyoudo?Youwillsuppress the angerandyouwillshowafalseface;youwillhavetoweara mask.Ifyouhavesexualityinyo u, whatwillyoudotochangeit?Youcantakethevowof celibacy ofbrahmacharya andyoucan pretend, but deep down the volcano continues. You are sitting on a volcano which can erupt any moment.You will be constantly trembling, constantly afraid, infear. Have you not watched the so-called religious people? They are always afraid afra id of hell and always trying somehow to get into heaven. But theydon t know what heaven is; t heyhave not tasteditatall.Ifyouchangeyour consciousness,heaven comesinyou,notthatyougotoheav en. Nobodyhasevergonetoheaven,andnobodyhasevergoneto hell.Letitbe decided onceandfor all: heaven comes toyou, hell comes toyou it comes. it depends onyou. Whatsoeveryou call, heavendescendsonyou. If
your being doesnot areina conflict;you areforcing something whichis n ot there.You becomefalse andfalse and morefalse, andyou becometwo persons,you become schizoph renic, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 14 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT split....Youshowsomething,youaresomethingelse. Yousay something youneverdoit,you do something else. Andthenyou are continuouslyplaying hide-and-seek withyourself . Anxiety, anguish, are natural in such a state that s what hell is. Now the Song: IBOWDOWNTONOBLE MANJUSRI IBOWDOWNTOHIM WHOHAS CONQUERED THE FINITE Thisword Manjusri hastobe understood. Manjusriwas oneofthe disciplesof Buddha,buthew asa very rare disciple. Buddha had many rare disciples; in different ways they were rare. Mahakashyap was rare because he could understand the message not delivered in words... and s o on and so forth. Manjusriwasrare becausehehadthegreatest qualityofbeing a Master. Whenever somebody was too much of a difficult problem, somebody was a problemati c person, Buddha would send him to Manjusri. Just the name of Manjusriand people would sta rt trembling. He was really a hard man, he was really drastic. Whenever somebody was sent to M anjusri, the discipleswouldsay: That personhasgoneto Manjusri ssword. Ithasbecomefamousdownthe ages: the sword of Manjusri because Manjusriused to cut the head in one stroke; he was not a slowgoer:Hewouldsimplycuttheheadinone stroke.Hiscompassionwassogreatthathe could be so cruel. So, by and by, the name of Manjusri became a representative name a name for all Masters, because theyare all compassionate andtheyall have to be cruel. Compassionate bec ause theywill givebirthtoanewmaninyou;cruel becausetheywillhaveto destroyand demolishtheold. So when Saraha bows down first before starting his Song, he says:I BOW DOWN TO N OBLE MANJUSRI the Master of all Masters I BOW DOWNTO HIM WHO HAS CONQUERED THE FINITE. And then he bows down to Buddha who has conquered the finite, and who ha s become the infinite. AS CALMWATER LASHEDBY WIND TURNS INTOWAVES ANDROLLERS, SO THE KING THINKSOFSARAHA
IN MANYWAYS, ALTHOUGH ONE MAN. Visualizea lake,a placid, silent lake, with nowaves. Then there comesagreat wind andit starts playing on the surfaceof the lake, and the lakeis disturbed, anda thousand and o neripples and waves arise. Just a moment before, the reflection of the full moon was there in the lake; now it is no morethere. Now the moonis still reflected,butina thousand and onefragments. I tis allover the lake. The whole lake is silverybecause of the reflection,butyou cannot catch hold of the real reflection where the moon is, how it looks. It is all distorted. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 15 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT Saraha says this is the situation of the worldly mind, of the deluded. This is t he only difference betweena Buddha anda non-Buddha.ABuddhais one whose windis no moreblowing. Thatw ind iscalled TRISHNA desire. Haveyouwatched, observed? Whenever thereisdesire,there area thousandand oneripplesinyour heart,yourconsciousnessis disturbedand distracted.W henever desire stops,you areatease,at peace withyourself. So desire is the wind that distorts the mind. And when the mind is distorted,you cannot reflect the reality. AS CALMWATER LASHEDBY WIND TURNS INTOWAVES ANDROLLERS, SO THE KING THINKSOFSARAHA IN MANYWAYS, ALTHOUGH ONE MAN. Sarahasaystwothings. Firsthesays:Yourmindistoomuch disturbedbytherumors,somuch windhasblownoverthesurfaceofyour mind.Youwillnotbeabletoseeme,THOUGHIAMONE butyourmindis reflectingmeina thousandfragments. This was true. He could see through and through the king. The king was puzzled. On one handhe respectedtheyoungman,on onehandhehadalwaystrustedtheyoung manheknewthathe could not be wrong. But so many people, so many so-called honest, respectable people, rich, learned, came to him and they all reported: He has gone wrong, he has become almost mad -h e is a maniac, he is a pervert, he lives with an arrowsmith woman of low caste. He live s in the cremation ground thisisnotaplacetolive!Hehasforgottenalloldrituals;heno morereadstheVedas, he no more chants the name of the God. He is not even heard to meditate. And he is indulging in strange, ugly, shamefulpractices. Tantra looks shameful to people who are verymuch sexually repressed. Theycannot understand because of their repressions theycannot understand what is happening. So all the se things are like agreat wind in the mind of the king. One part of him loves and respects; one par t of him is in deep doubt. Saraha looked directly and he said: SO THE KING THINKS OF SARAHA IN MANY WAYS, ALTHOUGH ONE MAN. Although Sarahais one man: I amjust like the full moon,but the
lake isinturmoil. So please,ifyouwantto understand me, thereisnoway to understand me directly theonlywayto understandmeistostopthiswind whichisblowingonthesurfaceofyour mind. Letyour consciousnessbeat ease... thensee! Letall thesewavesandthe rollersstop,l etyour consciousness be a placid pool, and then you see. I cannot convince you of what is happening unlessyou areableto seeit.Itis happening,itis here. Iam here standingbeforeyou. Iam one man,butI can seeinyou you are lookingatmeasifIama thousand men. TOAFOOL WHOSQUINTS ONE LAMP IS AS TWO; TheTantra Vision,Vol1 16 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT WHERE SEEN AND SEERARE NOTTWO, AH! THE MIND WORKS ON THE THINGNESS OF THEM BOTH. And thenhe takes similes, metaphors. Firsthe says likea lakeyou arein turmoil . Then he says: TOAFOOLWHOSQUINTSONELAMPISASTWO he cannotseeone,he seestwo. Ihave heard: Mulla Nasrudinwas teaching his son thewaysof beingadrunkard. Afterafewdrinks, Mu lla said, Now,letusgo.Always remember,thisistheruletostop:whenyoustartseeingthatonepersonis looking like two, then go home it is enough. Where? Where is that one person?
Look there on that table two persons are sitting. He had already drunk too much.
Remember, whenyou are unconscious, things don t look as theyare; whenyouare uncons cious, you project.Tonight lookingatthe moonyou can pressyoureye withyour finger, andyo u can see two moons. And whenyou are seeingtwo moons,itisverydifficultto believe that ther eis one you areseeingtwo.Just think. Somebodyisbornwitha naturaldefect:hiseyehasthat pressur ewhich makes one thing look like two he will always see two things. Whereveryou see one , he will see two. Our inner vision is clouded with manythings, so we go on seeing things which are not. And when we see, how can we believe that they are not? We have to trust our own eyes, and our own eyes maybe distorting. TOAFOOL WHOSQUINTS ONE LAMP IS AS TWO; WHERE SEEN AND SEERARE NOTTWO... Saraha says to the king: Ifyou are thinkingIandyou are two, thenyou are unconsci ous, thenyou areafool,thenyouaredrunk,thenyou don tknowhowtosee.Ifyouseereally,thenIandyouare one, then the seer and the seen are not two. Thenyou will not see Saraha dancing
here you will seeyourself dancing here. Then whenI go into ecstasy,YOU will gointo ecstasy and that will be the only wayto know what has happenedto Saraha, there is no other way. What has happened to me?Ifyouwanttoknow,theonlywayisto becomeaparticipantinmybeing. Don tbeawatcher. Don t stand asideandjust becomea spectator.Youwillhavetoparticipateinmy experience ;you willhavetoloseyourselfa littlebitintome.Youwillhavetooverlapmyboundaries. That swhat sannyasisallabout.Youstartcomingcloser,youstartlosingyour boundariesint ome. Onlythen,oneday,throughparticipation,whenyoufallenrapport withme, somethingwillb eseen, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 17 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT somethingwillbe understood.Andyouwillnotbeabletoconvinceanybodyelsewhohasbeenjus t a spectator becauseyour visionswillbe different. Youhave participated, andhe has only been observing you are livingintwo differentworlds. THOUGH THE HOUSE-LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT... Listen to this beautiful saying of Saraha: THOUGH THE HOUSE-LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT, THE BLIND LIVE ON IN THEDARK. THOUGH SPONTANEITY IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING AND CLOSE, TOTHE DELUDED IT REMAINS ALWAYSFARAWAY. HE SAYS: Look! I have become Enlightened. THOUGH THE HOUSE-LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT.. . myinnermost coreisno moredark. See! Thereisgreatlightinme.Mysoulisawakened.I amn o morethe sameRahulyouusedtoknow IamSaraha:my arrowhasreachedthe target. THOUGH THE HOUSE-LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT, THE BLIND LIVE ON IN THEDARK. But what canIdo? Sarahasays.If somebodyisblind,even whenthe house-lamps arelithe goes on living in darkness. Not that the lamps are missing, but his eyes are closed. So don t listen to blindpeople!Justopenyoureyesandlookatme,seeme whois standinginfrontofyou,whom you are confronting. THE BLIND LIVE ON IN THEDARK, THOUGH THE HOUSE-LAMPS HAVE BEEN LIT. THOUGH SPONTANEITY IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING AND CLOSE... AndI am so close toyou... the spontaneity is so close toyou,you can already touc h it and eat it anddrinkit.YoucanDANCEwithmeandyoucanmoveinto ecstasywithme.I amSOclose maynot find spontaneity so close again! you
TOTHE DELUDED IT REMAINS ALWAYSFARAWAY. They talk about Samadhi, and they read the Patanjali Sutras, they talk about gre at things, but whenever thatgreat thinghappens they are against it. This is something very strange about man. Man is a very strange animal. You can appreciate Buddha,but if Buddha comes and just confrontsyou,you will not be able to appreci ate him at all youmaygo againsthim,youmaybecomethe enemy.Why?Whenyoureadabook aboutBuddha,
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT everythingisokay,thebookisinyourhand.Whenanalive Buddhahastobeconfronted,heisNOT inyourhandyouarefallingintohishand.Hencethefear, resistance.Onewantstoescape. Andthebestwaytoescapeistoconvinceyourselfthathehasgonewrong, somethingiswrongwit h him. Thatistheonlyway ifyouprovetoyourselfthatheis wrong.Andyoucanfindathousand and one thingsina Buddha which can lookwrong, becauseyou aresquinting andyou are blind and yourmindisinaturmoil.Youcan projectanything. Now, this man has attained to Buddhahood, and they are talking about the low-cas te woman. They have not looked into that woman s reality. Theyhave only been thinking that she is an arrowsmith woman, so low-caste, SUDRA, untouchable. How can a Brahmin touch an untouchable woman? How can the Brahmin live there? And theyhave heard that thewoman cooksfoodfor him. Thisisagreat sin; thisisagrea tfall a Brahmineatingfoodcookedbyasudra,byan untouchable,byalow-castewoman?Andwhyshould aBrahminliveonthe cremationground?Brahminshaveneverlived there.Theyliveinthetemp les, they live in the palaces. Why on the cremationground? dirty place, skulls and de ad bodies all around. This is perversion! But they have not looked into thefact that unlessyou understand deathyou will ne ver be able to understandlife. Whenyouhavelookeddeepinto deathandfoundthatlifeisneverdead,wheny ou have looked, penetrated deep into death andfound that life continueseven after d eath, that death makes no difference, that deathis immaterial... you don t know anything about life life is eternal, timeless. So only the body dies. So onlythe DEAD dies. The alive continues. Butf or this, one has to go into deep experimentation. Theywill not look at that. Now they have heard that he is going into strange practices. And they must have gossipped and exaggerated; things must have gone out of their hands. Everybody goes on multipl ying the gossip. And there areTantrapractices which canbe gossipped about. InTantrathe man sitsin frontofthewoman,thenakedwoman,andhehastowatchherso deeply toseeherthroughandthrough,thatalldesiretoseeawomannaked disappears.Thenmanisfree
fromtheform.Nowthisisagreat secret technique; otherwiseyougooncontinuouslyseeing herin yourmind.Eachwomanthat passesbyontheroad,youwanttoundressher thatisthere. Now suddenly you see Saraha sitting before a naked woman. How will you interpret ? You will interpret accordingtoyourself.You willsay, Sookay, whatwealwayswantedtodoheis doin g,so wearebetterthanhim.Atleastwearenotdoingit.Of course, we visualize sometimes,buti tisonly in thought,notin deed.Hehasfallen. Andyouwillnotmisstheopportunity. But whatishe really doing?Itisa secret science.Bywatching,for months together... thetantrika willwatch thewoman, meditate on her bodyform, meditate on her beauty, will look ateverything, whatsoever he wants to look at. Breasts have some appeal? he will look and medit ate on the breasts.Hehastogetridoftheform,andtheonlywaytogetridoftheformistoknowitso deeply that it has no attraction any more. Now. something just the opposite is happening from what the gossippers are sayin g. He is going beyond. Never again will he want to undress a woman not even in the mind, not ev en in the dream. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 19 Osho
CHAPTER 1. ONE WHOSE ARROW IS SHOT That obsessionwillnotbethere.Butthecrowd,themob,hasitsownideas.Ignorant,unaware, they go on talking about things. THOUGH SPONTANEITY IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING AND CLOSE, TOTHE DELUDED IT REMAINS ALWAYSFARAWAY. THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY RIVERS, THEY ARE ONE IN THE SEA, THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY LIES, ONE TRUTH WILL CONQUERALL. WHEN ONE SUN APPEARS, THEDARK, HOWEVER DEEP, WILLVANISH. AndSarahasays:Justlookatme the sunhasrisen.SoIknow,howsoeverdeepyourdark,itis goingtovanish. LOOKatme... thetruthisborninme!Syoumayhave thousandsoflies aboutm e, but one truth will conquer them all. THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY RIVERS, THEY ARE ONE IN THE SEA. Just come closetome.Letyourriverdropintomyocean,andyouwillhavemytaste. THOUGH THERE MAYBE MANY LIES, ONE TRUTH WILL CONQUERALL. Truth is one. Only lies are many, only lies can be many truth cannot be many. He alth is one: diseases are many. And one health conquers all diseases. And one truth conquers all lies. WHEN ONE SUN APPEARS, THEDARK, HOWEVER DEEP, WILLVANISH. Inthesefourverses,Sarahahasinvitedthekingto enterintohisinnerbeing,hehasopenedhi s heart.Andhesays:I amnotheretoconvinceyou logically.I amheretoconvinceyouexistent ially! Iwillnotgiveanyproof,andIwillnotsay anythingindefenceofmyself.Theheartisjustopen you comein,yougoin.Youseewhathas happened... socloseis spontaneity, socloseisGod,soc lose istruth.The sunhasrisen.Openyoureyes! Remember,amystic has no proof. He cannothave anyproofbythevery natureof things. HEIS theonlyproof sohecanbarehishearttoyou. These verses, these Songs of Saraha, have to be meditated on deeply. Each song c an become the openingofaflowerinyourheart.Ihope thesefortyverses will becomefortyflowersin your being, as they becamein the beingof the king. The kingwas liberated so canyoube. Saraha
has penetrated the target.You can also penetrate the target.You can alsobecomea Saraha one whose arrow is shot. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 20 Osho
CHAPTER2 The goose is out! 22 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall The first question: Question1 IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE APPROACHES OF SHIVA AND SARAHA TOWARDSTANTRA? NOT REALLY, NOT ESSENTIALLY. But asfar as theform is concerned,yes. Religions di ffer only in theform. Religions differ only in their methodology. Religions differ asfar a s the door into the Divineisconcerned,butnotexistentially.And thereareonlytwo basicformaldifferences :thatofthe path of devotion, prayer, love, and the path of meditation, awareness. These two basic differences persist. Shiva s approach is that of devotion; it is that of prayer, of love. Saraha s approa ch is that of meditation, awareness. The distinction is still formal, because when the lover a nd the meditator reach they arrive atthe same goal. Their arrows are released from different angl es,but theyreach the same target. Their arrows are released from different bows, but they reach t he same target. The bow does not matter finally. What type of bowyouhave chosen does not matter if the target is attained. And these are the two bows because man basically is divided into two: thinking a ndfeeling. Either you can approach reality through thinking oryou can approach reality throughfeel ing. The Buddhist approach the approachof BuddhaandSarahaisthrough intelligence.Itisba sically through the mind that Saraha moves. Of course, the mind has to be left behind,bu t it is the MIND 21
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! thathas tobe leftbehind. By andby, the mind has to disappear into meditationbut it is the MIND thathasto disappear,itisthe THINKINGthathastobetransformed.Anda stateof no-thoug hthas to be created. But remember: it isa state of no-thought, andthat can becreated o nlyby slowly dropping thoughts,by andby.Sothe wholeworkconsistsinthethinkingpart. Shiva s approach is that of thefeeling, of the heart. Thefeeling has to be transfo rmed. Love has to be transformed so that it becomes prayer. On Shiva s way, the devotee and the d eity remain, the BHAKTAand BHAGWAN remain. At the ultimate peak theyboth disappear into each othe r. Listen toit carefully:whenShiva sTantra reachestoits ultimate orgasm.Iis dissolvedintotho u,andthou is dissolved intoI they are both together, theybecome one unity. WhenSaraha sTantra reachestoits ultimatepeak,the recognitionis: neitheryouareright , neither youaretrue, neitheryouexist,norI both disappear. Therearetwozerosmeeting notIandtho u, neitherI nor thou.Twozeros,two empty spaces dissolve into each other;becausethe wholeeffort onSaraha spathishowto dissolve thought,andIandthouarepartsof thought. When thought is utterly dissolved, how canyou callyourself l? And whom willyou c allyour God? Godispartof thought,itisa thought-creation, a thought-construct,a mind-construct .Soall mindconstructs dissolve andSHOONYA, emptiness, arises. OnShiva spathyouno morelovetheform,youno morelovetheperson youstartlovingthewhole existence. The whole existence becomes your thou; you are addressed to the whole existence. Possessivenessis dropped,jealousyis dropped, hatredis dropped all thatis negative infeelingis dropped. And thefeeling becomes purer and purer.Amoment comes when thereis purel ove. In thatmomentofpurelove,you dissolveintothouandthou dissolvesintoyou.YouALSOdisappe ar. butyou disappearnotliketwozeros,you disappearasthebeloved disappearsintothelover andthe lover disappears into the beloved. Up to this point they are different, but that too is a formal difference. Beyond this, what does it matter whetheryou disappearlikealoverandabelovedoryou disappearliketwozeros?The basic point, the fundamental point, is thatyou disappear, thatnothing is left, that no trace is left. That
disappearance is Enlightenment. Soyou have to understand it: if love appeals toyou, Shiva will appeal toyou, and THE BOOK OF THE SECRETS will beyourTantra Bible. If meditation appeals toyou, then Saraha wi ll appeal to you.Itdependsonyou.BOTHareright,botharegoingonthe samejourney.Withwhomyouwould like to travel, that isyour choice. Ifyou canbe alone andblissful, then Saraha;ifyou cannotbeblissful whenyou are al one, andyour bliss comes only whenyou relate, then Shiva. This is the difference between HinduTantra and BuddhistTantra. The second question: Question2 TheTantra Vision,Vol1 22 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! OSHO, WHATSOEVER YOU SAY, I ALWAYS AGREE WITH IT. THEN WHY IS MY LIFE NOT CHANGING? MAYBE BECAUSEOFTHEAGREEMENT.Ifyouagree withme,orifyoudisagree withme,yourlife willnotchange.Itisnota questionofagreementordisagreement itisa questionof underst anding. And understanding is beyond both agreement and disagreement. Ordinarily,whenyouagreeyou thinkyouhaveunderstoodme.Ifyouhaveunderstoodmethen th ere will be no question of agreement anddisagreement. How canyou agree with truth? o r disagree? Thesunhasrisen doyouagreeordoyoudisagree?Youwillsaythe questionis irrelevant. Agreement,disagreement,is about theories,not abouttruth.Sowhenyouagreewithmeyoua re not really agreeing with me you startfeeling thatI agree withyour theory thatyou have already been carrying withyourself. Wheneveryoufeel that Oshoisinagreement withyou,youfe el thatyou agree with Osho. WheneverI am not in agreement withyou, then there is trouble, t henyou don t agree with me. Or,you don t listen to that,you don t hear that.You simply closeyours elf whenI am saying something whichdoes notagree withyou. It is not a question of agreement and disagreement. Drop this! I am not here in search of any converts; I am not trying anyphilosophy; I am not here proposing anytheology; I am not seeking followers. Iam seeking disciples and that is a totally different thing, utterly different. Adisciple is not one who agrees: a disciple is one who listens, who learns. The very word disci ple comes from learning, discipline. A discipleis one whois opento learn.Afolloweris closed. Afollower thinkshe hasag reed; now there is nothing and no need to remain open he can close, he can afford to close . Adisciple can neveraffordtoclose;thereissomuchtolearn. Howcanyouagreeordisagree?Anda disciple has no ego, so who will agree and who will not agree. Adisciple is just an openi ng there is nobody insidetoagreeornotagree.Yourveryagreementis creatingthetrouble. And nobody is ever transformed through agreement. Agreement is verysuperficial, veryintellectual. To be transformed, one needs understanding. It is always understanding that tran sforms, that mutates. AND, when you understand, you are not to do anything the understanding will start
doingthings. Itis not that firstyou understand, thenyoupractise no. The VERYunde rstanding, theveryfactof understanding,goesdeepintoyourheart, sinks,and thereistransformati on. Transformation is a consequence of understanding. Ifyou agree then the problem arises: Now what to do? I have agreed, now somethin g has to be practised. Agreement is verystupid, as stupid as disagreement. And then mindisvery cunning! You never know whatyou meanbyagreement... Afew scen es first: The boy s mother had died when he was an infant, and his father had worked hard to raise him properly. Finally,theboy wentawayto college. His first letterwasa disappointment tohisfather.It wasa disappointmentbuttheoldmandidnotknowexactlywhy.Surelytherewasnothingtodespa ir of in the content.Perhaps something in the tone bothered him. The letter read: De ar Dad, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 23 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! Everything is fine. I like it here at college. I m on the football team. I m in the best fraternity on campus.Igot an A onmyfirst algebraexam... After some thinking,thefatherwasabletoputhis fingeronthe difficulty.He wroteback : Look,son,Idon twanttoseemtobeasillyoldman,butthereis somethingwhich wouldmakeme veryhappy.It isn tthatIthinkyou reungratefulinany way.ButI vehadtowork veryhardtoraise youandsendyoutocollegeandIneverhada chancetogoto collegemyself.WhatI meanis this : itwould meanalottomeifyouwouldsay, Wedidthisandwedidthat, insteadof IdidthisandIdid that. Itwouldhelpmetofeel asifIhadapartinitall. Theboy understood immediatelyand thereafter letters cameintheform: Well,Dad,wewon this big game last Saturday. We ve got a date with a swell girl. We re going to get an A history. The old man took earnestpleasurein this sharingofexperience.Dayswere sunnyfor him. Onedayatelegramarrived: DearDad,WegottheDean s daughterintrouble.Shehadtwins.Mine died. What areyou goingto do withyours? Mindisverycunning.Watch... whenyouagree with me,doyou reallyagree with me? ordoy ou find thatI amagreeabletoyou? And then mindisverylegal, mindisalawyer:it can findwayst oagree andyet remain the same. Not only that,but whenyou agreeyou startfeeling as if no w it is Osho s dutytotransformyou whatmorecanyoudo ? youareagreeing,youhavedoneyourpart.What more canyoudo? youhaveagreed.youhave becomea sannyasin,youhavesurrendered. What more canyou do ? Now, if nothing is happening,you start getting angry at me. Then whenI say somet hing toyou, itis notexactly the same thingthatyouhear. You hearinyourownway. You hear with a llYour interpretations. You hear throughyour past, through memories, through knowledge, throughyour conditionings. YOU HEAR THROUGH THE MIND! And the mind gives a color to everythi ng that youhear. ItimmediatelyJumpsonit, changesit,makesitagreeabletoyou;dropsafewthings , exaggeratesafew other things, fills the gaps. Only partof whatIhave said remains init and the part can never transform, only the whole. Butthe wholecanremain wholeonlywhenyouarenotmakinganyefforttoagreeordisagree. Wh en you are not making anyeffort to agree or disagree,you can put the mind aside. If
you are trying to makeanefforttoagree,howcanyouputthemind aside?ItisMINDwhichagreesordisagrees. Understanding is something bigger than mind. Understanding happens inyour total being. It is as muchinyour headasitisinyour toe. Understandingissomething total. Mindisaverytiny part,but verydictatorial. And it goes on pretending that it is the whole. Second scene: Thentherewasthe middle-agedbusinessmanwho tookhiswifetoParis. Aftertraipsing wit hher fromoneshopto another,hebeggedforadayofftorest,andgotit. Withthewifegoneshopping again,hewenttoabarandpickedupa lusciousParisienne.Theygotonwell untilthe questio nof money came up. She wanted fifty American dollars; he offered ten. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 24 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! Theycouldn t get together on the price, so theydidn t get together. That evening he escorted his wife to one of the nicer restaurants, and here he s potted his gorgeous babe of the afternoon seated at a table near the door. See, monsieur? cks. said the babe, as theypassed her. Look whatyougotforyour lousy tenbu
Your understanding isyour understanding. Your interpretation isyour interpretati on. You will look fromyour angle. Whatsoeveryou hear isyour interpretation, always remember beware of it! It is NO TwhatIhave said:itiswhatyouhavethoughtthatyouhaveheard andthey arenotthe samethings.Youagree withyourown echo;you don tagree with me. Youagree withyourown idea. Thenhow canyou change?Theideaisyours,theagreementisyours,so thereisnopossibilityofchange. You please stop agreeing, disagreeing. You just listen to me. Your method of agr eement may be asortoftrick to protectyourself,sothatyou don tgettheshock.It functionslikeabuffer . Isay something:youagreeimmediately. The shockisavoided.Ifyouwerenotagreeing withme,it may have shockedyoutoyourveryroots,itmayhave shakenyoutoyourveryguts.Isaysomething;y ou say, Yes,Iagree. With thisagreementyou cut.Now thereisno needtobe shocked youagree. Ifyouwerenotagreeingordisagreing...itisthe samethingwithdisagreement. The moment I say something and there is somebody who says, I don t agree, he has cut the energy. Now the energy will not go into his roots and will not shake him. Wehavecreatedsomanybuffers around ourselves, protections. These protectionswilln otallowyou to change.To changeyou will needtobe shocked shocked tremendously, terribly.Itis goingtobe painful transformation is going to be painful. Agreement is verycomfortable, so is disagreement. I don t make much difference between agreement and disagreement; they are two aspe cts of the same coin. The REAL person who wants to be near me and close to me, who wants to be really in contact with me, will not agree, will not disagree. He will simply listen to me pure listenin g, absolutely pure
listening, with no interpretation. He will put himself aside. He will give me wa y. The third scene: The teacherhadjust finished givingher first-gradersthebasicfactsoflife. LittleMa ry raisedher hand from a front-row seat. Can a six-year-old boymake a baby? No, said the teacher smiling, that would be impossible. Anyother questions, class?
Pause.Maryagainputherhandup. Canasix-year-oldgirlmakeababy? No, said the teacher. Whereupon the little boybehind Maryleanedforward and whisper ed loudly inherear, Yasee!Itoldya,ya didn thave nothin toworryabout! Allyouragreements,allyourdisagreements,arejustfindingwaysto remainthewayyouare,n otto change. People s whole lives are devoted to one work: how.not to change. TheyGO on saying, I TheTantra Vision,Vol1 25 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! don t want to be miserable, and theygo on doing things which make them miserable. T heygo on saying, Iwantto change, butIlookdeepdowninthemandtheydon twantto change. Infact,thisexpress desirethattheywanttochangeisagainatricknottochange;sotheycans ayto theworld, Iamtryingto changeandI amsaying loudlyand shouting loudlyI wantto change ,and still if nothing is happening what canIdo? You cannot change the last thingI would like to say about this question YOU canno t change. Youcanonlyallowchangeto happen.Tryingtochange,youwillneverchange.Whoistrying?The old?Lookattheinnerlogicofit:youaretryingtochangeyourself.Itis almostlikepullingy ourself upbyyourown shoe-strings. Whatcanhappenoutofit? Nothingis possible.You cannot ch ange yourself, because WHO is this one who is trying to change? It isyour past. It is you. Youcanallowachangetohappen.Whatcanyoudotoallowit? Pleasedon tagreeanddisagree withme.Youjust listen!Youjustbehere.Youjustletmypresence functionasa catalyticag ent.You justgetinfectedby me.Youjust catchthe diseasethatI amhaving,the measlesthatI amh aving. You just allow me.You don t tryto changeyourself. This allowing is what surrender is all about. A sannyasin is not one who has agreed with me. If he has agreed with me, then he is not a sannyasin,thenheisafollower.JustasChristians arefollowersofChrist theyhaveagreed with Christ,butthathasnotchangedthem.Justas BuddhistsarefollowersofBuddha theyhaveagre ed with Buddha,butthathasnotchangedthem. Can tyouseethe wholeworldisfollowingsomebody or other? Sotofollowisawaytoavoidchange. Please don tfollowme.Yousimply listentowhatishappen ing here,you see whatis happening here.Youjust look intome,andyougivemeway somyenergy canstart functioningonyourenergy.Itisnotamindthing:itisatotalaffair... sothatyou canstart vibratinginthe samewavelength evenforafew moments. Those moments will bring change, those moments will bring glimpses of the unknow n. Those moments will make you aware that there is eternity beyond time. Those moments wi
ll give you afeelof whatitistobein meditation. Thosemoments will allowyoualittle tasteofGod, ofTao, ofTantra, of Zen. Those moments will bring the possibility of change, because th ose moments will come, not fromyour pastbut fromyour future. Agreeing it isyour past which agrees with me. Opening, allowing, it isyour futur e which opens openswithme.Yourpossibilityoftransformationisinyour future.Thepastisdeadandgonea nd finished. Buryit! It has no meaning any more. Don t go on carrying it; it is unnec essaryluggage. Becauseof THIS luggage,you cannotgoveryhigh. Whatdoyoumeanwhenyousay, Iagreewithyou ?It meansyourpastagreeing,yourpastfeeling goodand nodding,andsaying, Yes, that swhatIhavealwaysbeen thinking. Thisisawaytoavoid the future. Be aware.... Just being withme that ssatsang, that s contact high.Just being withme... in spiteofy ou,afew rayswill enterinyourbeingandwillstartplaying.Andthenyouwill becomeawarethatwhate ver TheTantra Vision,Vol1 26 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! lifeyouhavelivedwasnotlifeatall,thatyouhavebeeninan illusion,thatyouhavebeendrea ming. Thosefew glimpsesof reality will shatteryour whole past. And thenthereistransfor mation. It comes naturallyofitsown accord itfollows understanding. The third question: Question3 SOMETIMES ASIWATCH PEOPLE PLAYING THE SAME OLD GAMESOVER ANDOVER, MY EYES FEEL ANCIENTANDJADED AND MY HEARTWEARYAND CYNICAL. I GUESS IT S BECAUSE I M SEEING MORE AND MORE MYOWN GAMES AND TRICKS AND I HEARYOUR MADDENINGVOICE BETWEEN MY EARS SAYING, THAT S OKAY JUSTYOU HAVETOACCEPT ANDLOVEYOURSELF; AND THERE IS NO PROBLEM. JUST???! I THINK IF YOU SAY THIS WORD AGAIN I WILL SCREAM. WASN T I HAPPIER WHEN I THOUGHT THEREWASAGOAL? THEQUESTIONISFROMMADEVAANANDO.Itis significant.The questioncanbethatof almost everybody who is present. Listen to it. It simply shows a situation that everyse eker has to pass. First, Anandosays, SometimesasI watchpeopleplayingthe sameold gamesoverandover,my
eyesfeel ancientandjadedandmyheart wearyand cynical. Pleasedon ttrytowatch others thatis noneofyourbusiness.Iftheyhave decidedtoplaytheo ld games,ifthey wanttoplaytheold games,ifthey arehappyinplaying theirold games,who areyou to interfere? Who areyouevento judge? This constant hankering to judge others has to be dropped. It does not help othe rs. It harmsyou, it onlyharmsyou. Whyshouldyoube bothered? Thathasnothingtodowithyou. Itis others joyi f they want to remain the old and they want to move in the same rut, in the same r outine. Good! It is their life and theyhave every right to live it their own way. Somehow we cannot allow others to have their own way. In some way or other we go on judging. Sometimes we saythey are sinners, sometimes we saythey are bound to go to hell, sometimes we say they are this and that criminals. If all that has changed, now a new evaluat ion that they are
playingoldgamesand Iam tired .Whyshouldyoubetiredoftheirgames?Letthembetiredoftheir games if they want; or if theydon t want, that too is their choice. Please don t wat ch others. Your whole energy has to be focussed on yourself. Maybe you are condemning other s for their old gamesjustasatrickbecauseyou don twantto condemnyourself. Italways happens;itis a psychologicaltrick:weprojecton others.Athief thinkseverybodyisathief thatisveryna turalfor him;thatisawayto protecthisego.Ifhefeelsthe wholeworldisbad,hefeelsgoodincompari son. Amurderer thinksthewholeworld consistsofmurderers thatmakeshimfeelgoodandat ease. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 27 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! Itis convenientto thinkthe wholeworld consistsofmurderers; thenhe canmurderand t hereisno needtohaveanyguiltfeeling, thereisnoneedtohaveanyprickofconscience. So we go on projecting on others whatsoever we don t want to see in ourselves. Ple ase stop that! If you are really tired of old games. then this is the old game the OLDEST.For manyl ivesyou have beenplaying it: projectingYOUR defects onto others and thenfeeling good. Andof c ourseyouhave toexaggerate,youhavetomagnify.Ifyouareathief,youhavetomagnify others images,thatth ey aregreater thieves thanyou. Thenyoufeel good;in comparison,you areafar better pe rson. That swhy peoplego on reading the newspapers. Newspapers helpyouvery much. Earlyin the morning,beforeyouhaveeventakenyour are readyforthenewspaper. Andthenewsp aper brings nothing like news, because there is nothing new. It is the same old rotte n thing. Butyou feel good: somewhere, somebody has been murdered, somewhere there has been a Wat ergate, and somewhere something else, and somewhere somebody has stolen, and somebody s wi fe has escaped with somebody else... and so on and soforth.Watching all that,you relax; youfeel, So, Iamnotsobad the wholeworldisgoingtothedogs. Iamafar better person. Ihavenotyet escaped with the wife of the neighbor. I have not killed anybody yet although I think of it, but thinkingisnotacrimewherepeopleare actuallydoingthings. Youfeelgood.Andthemomentyou feel good,you remain the same. Please don twatch others. Itisnotgoingtohelpyou. You useyour energy,your observati on,on yourself. And there is something tremendously transforming in observation. Ifyou observeyo urself, things will start changing. Ifyou start observingyour anger, one dayyou will suddenly f ind the anger has no more energythewayitusedtohave;itisno moresofiery. Somethinghasgonedeadinit.If you start watchingyourself,you will see,byandby, the negativeis dying and the positi veisbecoming more andmore alive; that miseryis disappearing andblissis entering intoyour life ; thatyou smile more, sometimesevenforno reason; thata senseof humorisarisinginyou ifyou start w atching
thatolddepressed, longfaceis disappearing.A senseof humoris born.You starttaking life more playfully,ifyouwatch; seriousness becomes more and more irrelevant. More and mor eyou become innocent, trusting, less and less doubtful. I am not saying that your trust will always be respected. No, that is not the po int. You may be deceived more, because whenyou aretrustingyou canbe deceived more. Buteven wheny ou are deceived,yourtrustwillnotbedestroyedbyit infact,itmay evenbe enhanced. Youmay sta rt thinkingthatevenifyouare deceived somebodyhastakena little money anddeceivedyou y ou will be able to see that you have saved the far more valuable thing, that is tru st; and something almost valueless, the money, is gone. You could have saved the money and the tru st would have gone thatwouldhavebeenafargreaterloss, becausenobodyhaseverbeenfoundtobehappy just becauseof money.But becauseoftrust,peoplehavelivedlikegodsonearth. Becauseo ftrust, peoplehaveenjoyedlifesototallythattheycouldfeelgratefultoGod.Trustisa benedictio n.Money, atthemost, cangiveyoua little comfort,butno celebration.Trustmay notgiveyoumuchc omfort, but will giveyougreat celebration. Now, to choose comfort against celebration is simply stupid because that comfort able life will be nothingbuta comfortable death. Convenientlyyou can live and convenientlyyou can die,but the TheTantra Vision,Vol1 28 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! real tasteoflifeispossibleonlywhenyouare celebratingattheoptimum,atthemaximum,wh en your torchisburningfrombothendstogether.Maybeonlyforasingle moment...butthe inte nsityof it,butthe totalityofit,butthe wholenessofit!Andthis happensonly through observat ion. Observationis oneofthegreatestforcesoftransformation.You startobservingyourself. Don twaste your energyforobservationon others thatisasheerwastage!Andnobodywilleverthankyoufo r it;itisa thanklessjob. And whomsoeveryou observe willfeel offended because NOBOD Ylikes tobe observed;everybodywantstohaveaprivatelife. Goodorbad,stupidorwise,buteveryb ody wantstohavehisownprivatelife.Andwhoareyouto interfere?Sodon tbeapeepingtom,don t goto people skeyholes,and don twatch.Itis THEIRlife.Ifthey wantandiftheylovetoplayth eold game, let them play! So the first thing: please stopwatching other people; turn the whole energy onyo urself. Secondthingyousay: Iguessit s becauseI m seeing moreandmoremy own gamesandtricks andIhearyour maddeningvoicebetweenmy earssaying, That sokay justyouhavetoacceptand loveyourself, and there is no problem. Ihave to repeat it: There is no problem. Ihave never come across a real problem n ot up to now. AndI musthave listenedto thousandsofpeopleand their thousandsofproblems.Ihavenot come acrossarealproblemyet.AndIdon tthinkthatitisevergoingtohappen becausetherealproblem exists not. Problem is a created thing. Situations are there: problems are not ther e. Problems are your interpretationsof situations.The same situationmaynotbeaproblemtoone person andmay be a problem to somebody else. Soit dependsonyou whetheryou createaproblemoryou don t createaproblembutproblems a re not there. Problems are not in existence: they are in the psychology of man. Just looknext timeyou arehaving sometripandridingaproblemjustwatch.Just stand as ideand look at the problem. Is it really there? or haveyou created it? Look deeply into it, andyou will suddenly seeitis not increasing,itis decreasing;itis becoming smallerand smaller . The moreyou putyour energy into observation, the smallerit becomes. Anda moment comeswhen su ddenlyitis
not there... andyouwillhaveagoodlaugh. Wheneveryou arehavingaproblem,just lookatit. Problems are fictitious,theydon texis t.Justgo aroundtheproblem, look fromeveryangle how canitbe?Itisaghost!Youwantedit,that swhy it is there.You askedfor it, that s whyit is there.You invited it, that s whyit is t here. But people don t likeitifyou saytheir problemis nota problem theydon t like it. They feelvery bad.Ifyou listento theirproblemstheyfeelverygood.Andifyousay, Yes,thisisagreatprob lem, they areveryhappy. That swhy psychoanalysishas become oneofthe mostimportant thing sof this century. The psychoanalyst helps nobody maybe he helps himself,but he helps nobody else. He cannot. But still people go and pay. Theyenjoy he accepts their problems; wha tsoever absurd problemyoubringtothe psychoanalyst,he listenstoitverysincerelyand seriously,asif itis there. He takesitforgranted thatyou are sufferinggreatly, andhe startsworkingonit and a nalyzing it. And it takesyears! TheTantra Vision,Vol1 29 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! Even afteryears of psychoanalysis the problem is not solved-because in the first place the problem has never been there, so how can anybody solve it? But afteryears of psychoanaly sis,you get tired;andyouget finished withtheoldproblem,youwant somenewproblemnow.So onedayyo u suddenly say, Yes, it is no more there, it is gone, andyou thank the psychoanalyst . But it is simply timethathashelped,thathas healed.Itisnot psychoanalysis.Buttherearepeoplewhowoul dnot like simply to wait and watch. WhenyoubringamadpersontoaZen monastery,theysimplyputhiminacorner,inasmallhut,far awayfrom the monastery; theygive himfood and theytell him, Just be there, quiet. obody goes totalktohim;foodis supplied,hiscomfortsarelookedafter,butnobody bothersabouthim. And what psychoanalysis doesinthreeyears, theydoin threeweeks. Within threeweeks the person simply comes out and he says, Yes, the problem is finished. For threeweeksyou are left withyour problem how canyouavoid seeing it? And no an alysisis given,so thereisnodiversion;youarenot distracted.Thepsychoanalyst distractsyou!T heproblem mayhavediedonitsownwithin threeweeks,butitwillnotdienow becausewiththe supportof the psychoanalystit willlivefor threeyears,oreven more.It dependshowrichyou are.Ifyo u arerich enough, the problem can continueforyour whole life. That meansit dependshowmuchy ou can afford. Poor people don t suffer from manyproblems. Rich people suffer theycan afford to. They can enjoy the game of havinggreat problems. The poor person cannot afford andcannot enjoyt hat game. Next timeyou arehavingaproblem, look intoit, look HARD intoit.No needforanyanaly sis; don t analyzeit, because analysisisawayofdiversion.Whenyou start analyzing,you don tlook atthe problem.You start askingwhy? from where?howdidit come? inyour childhood,yourmothe r s relationship withyou,yourfather s relationship withyou. You have gone astray. Nowy ou are not looking into the problem itself. Freudian psychoanalysis is really a mind-game. and played with great expertise. N
Don t go into the causes! There is no need because there is no cause. Don t go into the past there is no need because that will be going awayfrom the present problem. LOOK into it as a herenow thing,just enterintoit.And don t think about causes, reasons.Justwatchtheproblemas itis. Andyou will be surprised that looking hard into it, it starts dispersing. Go on looking into it andyou will find it has gone. PROBLEMSARENOTTHERE.We create them becausewe cannotlive withoutproblems. That is the only reason why we create them. To have a problem is to have an occupatio n. One feels good; something is there to do. When there is no problemyou are left alone, empt y what to do next? All problems finished. Just think: one day comes God and says, No problems any more finished! Allproblem s gone. Whatwillyou do?Just thinkof thatday. People willbe stuck; people will start gett ingveryangry aboutGod.Theywillsay, Thisisnotablessing!Nowwhatarewesupposedtodo?Noproblems? Then suddenly the energyisnot moving anywhere; thenyou willfeel stagnant. The pr oblemisa wayforyoutomove,togoon,to carryon,tohope,to desire,to dream.Theproblemgivessoman y possibilities to remain occupied. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 30 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! And to be unoccupied, or to be capable of unoccupation, is whatI call meditation : an unoccupied mind who enjoys a moment of unoccupation is a meditative mind. Start enjoying some unoccupied moments.Eveniftheproblemis there youfeelitis there ,Isay itisnot,butyoufeelitisthere puttheproblemasideandtelltheproblem, Wait! Lifeis there , the whole lifeis there. I will solveyou,butright nowlet mehavea little space uno ccupiedby any problem. Starthavingafew moments unoccupied, and onceyouhave enjoyed themyou will see thefact that problems are createdbyyou becauseyouwere not capableof enjoying the unoccupied moments. So problems fillthe gap. Haveyou notwatchedyourself? Sittingina room,ifyouhave nothingtodoyou startfeelin g fidgety, you startfeeling uncomfortable,you startfeeling restless you will turn theradio o n, oryou will, turn theTV on, oryou will start readingthe same newspaperyouhave read three time ssince the morning.Or,ifthereisonlyoneway,youwillfallasleepsothatyoucancreate dreamsandagai n remain occupied. Oryouwillstart smoking. Haveyouwatchedit? Wheneveryouarenothavi ng anything to do, it becomes verydifficult to be, just to be. Iwill sayagain: Thereis no problem, Anando. Look into thefactofit that thereisNO problemin life. Ifyouwanttohaveit,itisyour pleasure youenjoywithallmyblessingsButthetruthis that there is no problem. Lifeisnotaproblematall itisamystery tobelivedandenjoyed. Problems are createdbyyo u becauseyou areafraidtoenjoylifeandyouareafraidtolivelife. Problemsgiveyoua prote ction AGAINSTlife, againstjoy, againstlove.You cansaytoyourself, HOWcanIenjoy? Iamhaving so manyproblems. How canI enjoy?I amhaving so many problems,how canIlovea man or a woman? I amhaving so manyproblems,how canI dance and sing? impossible! You can fin d some reasonsnottosing,notto dance.Yourproblemsgiveyouagreat opportunitytoavoid. Look into the problemsandyou will find they are fictitious. Andevenifyou arehavingaproblemandyoufeelitisreal,I sayitisokay.WhydoI sayitisoka y? Becausethe momentyoustartfeelingitisokay,itwill disappear.The momentyousaytoapro
blem thatitisokay,youhave stopped giving energytoit.Youhave acceptedit! The momentyou accept aproblem,itisno moreaproblem.Aproblemcanbeaproblemonlywhenyougoonrejectingit, whenyou sayit should NOTbe so... and it is. Then the problem is strengthened. That swhyI sayit.People cometomewith theirbigproblemsandI say, Itisokay,itisverygood , youacceptit. AndIsay, Justyouhaveto acceptandloveyourself. AndIunderstand, Anandosays, Itisverymaddening,yourvoice continuouslysaying, JUST???! And Anandosays, IthinkifyousaythiswordagainIwill scream. You have been screamingyour whole life whetheryou scream or not is not the point y ou have been screamingyour wholelife. Youhavenotdoneanythingelseuptonow. Sometimesloudly , sometimes silently, but you have been screaming. That s how I see people screaming people, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 31 Osho That sokay... andthereisnoproblem.
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! theirheartis screaming,theirbeingis screaming.Butthatwillnothelp.Youcan screambu tthatwill not help. Tryto understandratherthanscreaming.TrytoseewhatIamtellingyou.AndwhatI amtelling you is nota theory itisafact. AndI am sayingit becauseIhave knownit thatway. Ifit can happen tomethatthereisnoproblem,whycannotithappentoyou?Takethechallengeofit!I amjustas ordinary a man asyouare;Idon t claim any extraordinarymiraculouspowers. Iamveryordinary,justasyouare.Theonlydifferencebetweenmeandyouisyoudon tsayokayto yourselfandIhavesaidan absoluteokaytomyself thatistheonlydifference.Youarecontinuo usly tryingtoimproveyourselfandI amnottryingtoimprovemyself. Ihave said: Incompletion isthe waylifeis.You aretryingto becomeperfectandIhave acceptedmyimperfections. Thatist heonly difference. SoI don thaveanyproblems. Whenyou acceptyour imperfection, from where cantheproble m come? When whatsoever happensyou say It is okay, then from WHERE can the problem co me? Whenyou accept limitations, then from where can the problem come? The problem ar ises out of your non-acceptance.You cannot accept thewayyou are, hencethe problem. Andyou wi ll never accept thewayyou are, so the problem will alwaysbe there. Canyou imagineyourself someday accepting,totally acceptingthewayyouare?Ifyoucanimagine,thenwhydon tyoudoitrightno w? Why wait?For whom?For what? Ihave accepted thewayIam, and thatvery moment all problems disappeared. Thatvery moment allworries disappeared. NotthatIbecame perfect,butIstarted enjoyingmyimperfectio ns. Nobody ever becomes perfect because to become perfect means to become absolutely dead. Perfection is not possible because lifeis eternal.Perfectionis not possible because life go es on and on and on there is no end to it. SotheONLY way togetoutof theseso-calledproblemsisto acceptyourlifeasyoufinditrig ht this moment, and live it, enjoy, delight in it. The next moment will be of more joy because it will comeoutofthis moment;andthenexttothatwillbeofeven morejoybecause,byandby,youwill become more and morejoyous. Not thatyou will becomejoyous through improvement,bu
tbyliving the moment. Butyou will remain imperfect.You will alwayshave limitations, andyou will always have situations where, if you want to crate problems, you can immediately create. If you don t wan t to create problems, thereisno needto create. You can scream butthat won thelp. That s whatyouh ave been doing that has not helped. Evenprimaltherapyhasnotprovedofmuchhelp.Itallowspeopleto scream yes,itfeelsa litt le good,itisa tantrumtherapy. Itallowsyoutovomit. Itfeelsa littlegood becauseyoufee la little unloaded,unburdened,butthen withinafewdaysthateuphoria disappears;againyouarethe same, again accumulating.Againgototheprimaltherapy youwillfeelgoodforafewdays... againt he same. Unlessyou understand that one has to STOP creating problems,you will go on creat ing problems. You can go into an encounter group, you can do primal therapy, you can do thousa nds of other TheTantra Vision,Vol1 32 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! groups, and after eachgroupyou willfeel tremendously beautiful, becauseyou dropp ed something thatwasonyour head BUTYOUHAVENOTDROPPEDTHE MECHANISMTHATCREATESIT. Youhave dropped somethingwhichyouwerehaving,butyouhave not dropped theveryfactor ythat goeson creatingit.Againyouwill create.Itwillnotbeofmuchuse.Itwillgiveyouarespite ,a rest. But if you REALLY understand the thing. the thing is that you have to stop creat ing problems otherwise you can go from one group to another group, from one psychoanalyst to another psychoanalyst, from one psychiatrist to another psychiatrist, from one therapyto another therapy... andeverybodywillgiveyoua littlerespite,a littlerest,andagainyouaredoingthe samet hing. My whole effort here is to cut the problem from the veryroots. Please don t create problems they are not, they exist not. AndthelastthingAnandosays, Wasn tIhappierwhenIthoughttherewasagoal? Yes,youwere happier andyouwere more miserable too becauseyour happinesswasin the hope; itwasnotatrue happiness.SoI sayyouwere happierand more miserabletoo. Miserableyo uwere hereinthepresent,andhappyyouwereinthe future buthow canyoubeinthe future? Thegoal is in the future. Unhappyyouwerehere;happyyouwere there. There existsnot itisallhere.ItisALWAYShere. Everywhere it is here! There exists only in the dictionary. So it is with then . It is always now. Then exists not. Yes,youwere happierinyour dreamsof thinking ofagoal,of thinkingofabe autiful future. But why does a person think about a beautiful future? because he is mise rable in the present. I don t think about a beautiful future. I cannot conceive how it can be more beaut iful! How can it be more beautiful than it is right now this moment? How is existence going to be more happyand joyous than it is this moment? Have a look how can it be more happy, more joyful ? But that s a trick, again a trick of the mind: to avoid the present we go on thinking about t he future so that we need not see the present. And the present is all there is. Soyou areright youwere happier, happierinyour dreams.NowIhave shatteredallyour d
reams. Happierinyourhopes nowI amtryinginevery wayto createthe stateof hopelessness,so t here isnohope left.IAMTRYINGTOBRINGYOUTOTHE PRESENT.Youhavebeenwanderinginthe future;I ampullingyouback to herenow. Itishardwork.Andtotakegoalsaway onefeelsve ry angry.YouAREsometimesveryangrywithme.Ihavetakenyourhope,your dreams, orI amtryin g youare clingingtothem;youareso addictedtoyourhopethatyouevenstarthopingthroughme . You start hoping through me: Osho will do this. This man is not going to do anythi ng. You start hoping that NowI am withOsho so there is no need to be afraid. Sooner or laterI a m going to become Enlightened. Forget all about it! ENLIGHTENMENTISNOTAHOPE!Itis nota desire and itisnotinthe future.Ifyou start livingright this moment,you are Enlightened.I am tryingtomake you Enlightenedeveryday, andyou say, Tomorrow. Then asyou will... but tomorrowit wi ll never happen. Either it is now or never! Become Enlightened right now! Andyou can become becauseyou are... simply deluded , simply thinking thatyou are not. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 33 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! So don t ask how. The momentyou ask the how,you start hoping. So DON T ask the how, and don tsay, Yes,wewill become. I amnotsayingthat.I amsayingyouare. Somendra!...thegoose IS out.Thegoosehasneverbeenin.Onejusthastobealertinthemoment.Justasinglemoment of alertness,a shock, andyou are free. EverydayI am trying to makeyou Enlightened, becauseIknowyou ARE Enlightened. But ifyou wanttogoonplayingthegameof Samsara,youcangoonplaying. Happier,certainly,youwere and miserabletoo.Ihavetakenyourhappiness becauseyou can not hope any more. Ifyou allow mea little more,Iwill takeyour miserytoo. But first t he happiness has togo, because misery existsasa shadowtothehopeof happiness.So firstthehopeofhapp iness has to go, only then will the shadow go. Soyoucan screamifyouwantto scream,butIwillrepeata thousandandonetimes: Anando,th ere is no problem.Justyouhave to accept and loveyourself yes, JUST. Thefourth question: Question4 ISN TTANTRAAWAYOF INDULGENCE? IT IS NOT. It is the ONLY wayto get out of indulgence. It is the only wayto get out of sexuality. No otherwayhaseverbeenhelpfulforman;allotherwayshavemademan moreand moresexual. Sex has not disappeared. The religions have made it only more poisoned. It is st ill there in a poisonedform. Yes, guilt has arisenin man,but sex has not disappeared. It CANNOT disappear becauseitisabiological-reality. Itisexistential;it cannot simply disappearbyrepr essing it. It can disappearonlywhenyoubecomesoalienthatyoucanreleasetheenergy encapsulatedinsexual ity notbyrepressionisthe energy released,butbyunderstanding.And oncethe energyisrelea sed, out of the mud the lotus.... The lotus has to come UP out of the mud, it has to go higher, and repression takes it deeper into the mud. It goes on repressing it. Whatyouhavedoneuptonow,the whole humanity,is repressingsexinthemudofthe unconsci ous. Goon repressingit,sitontopofit; don tallowittomove;killitbyfasting,by discipline,b ygoing toacaveinthe Himalayas,by movingtoamonasterywhereawomanisnotallowed. Thereare
monasteries whereawoman has never enteredfor hundredsofyears; there are monaster ies where only nuns have lived and a man has never entered. These are ways of repressing. AND theycreate more and more sexuality and more and more dreams of indulgence. No,Tantraisnotawayof indulgence.Itistheonlywayof freedom.Tantrasays: Whatsoeveri shas to be understood and through understanding changes occur of their own accord. So listening to me or listening to Saraha, don t start thinking that Saraha is sup porting your indulgence.You will be in bad shape ifyou accept that. Listen to this story: An elderly gent named Martinwent toa doctorfor anexamination. Iwantyou to tell me what s wrong, doctor.Ifeel some pains here and there, andIcan t understand it. I ve livedav eryclean life TheTantra Vision,Vol1 34 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! no smoking, drinking or running around. I m in bed, alone, at nine o clock everynigh t. Whyshould Ifeel this way? How old areyou? asked the doctor. I ll be seventy-four on my next birthday, said Martin. The doctor answered, Afterall,you re gettingoninyears,you vegottoexpect thingslike th at. But you velotsoftimeleftyet.Justtakeiteasy,and don tworry.IsuggestyougotoHotSprings. So Martin went to Hot Springs. There he met another gent who looked so old and d ecrepit that Martinfelt encouragedbythe comparison. Brother, saysMartin, you suremusthavetakengood careofyourself,livingtosucharipeoldage. I velivedaquiet, cleanlife,butnotlikeyou,I l lbet. Whatisyourformulafor obtainingaripeoldagelikeyouhave reached? So this shriveled old guy says, On the contrary, sir. WhenI was seventeenmyfather toldme, Son, yougoandenjoylife.Eat,drinkandbemerrytoyourheart s content.Livelifetothe fullest.I nstead ofmarryingonewoman,beabachelorandhaveten.Spendyourmoneyforfun,foryourself, inste ad of on a wife and kids. Yeah: wine, women and song, life lived to the full. That s b een mypolicy all mylife, brother! Sounds likeyou got something, said Martin. The other answered, Twenty-four. How old areyou ?
Indulgence is suicidal as suicidal as repression. These are the two extremes tha t Buddha says to avoid. One extreme is repression, the other extreme is indulgence. Just be in th e middle; neither be repressive, norbe indulgent.Justbeinthe middle,watchful, alert,aware.Itisyour life! Neither doesithavetoberepressed,nordoesithavetobewasted ithastobe understood. It isyour life take care of it! love it! befriend it! Ifyou can befriendyour lif e, it will reveal many mysteriestoyou,it willtakeyoutotheverydoorof God. But Tantra is not indulgence at all. The repressive people have always thought t hat Tantra is indulgence; their minds are so much obsessed. For example: a man who goes to a m onastery and lives there without ever seeing a woman, how can he believe that Saraha is n ot indulgingwhen
he lives with awoman?Not only livesbutpractises strange things: sitting before t hewoman naked, the woman is naked, and he goes on watchingthe woman; or even while making love to the woman he goes on watching. Now,you cannotwatchhiswatching;youcanseeonlythatheismakinglovetoawoman. Andif you are repressive,your whole repressed sexuality willbubbleup.Youmust startgoin g mad! And youwillprojectallthatyouhave repressedinyourselfonSaraha andSarahaisnotdoinganythi ng like that; he is moving in a totally different dimension. He is not really inter ested in the body: he wants to see what this sexuality is; he wants to see what this appeal of orgasm is; he wants to see what exactly orgasm is; he wants to be meditative in that peak moment, so that h e can find the clue and thekey... maybe there is thekeyto open the door of the Divine. Infact, it is there. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 35 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! God has hidden thekeyinyour sexuality. On the one hand, throughyour sex, life su rvives; that is only partial useofyour sex energy. On another hand,ifyou move with fullawareness inyour sex energy,youwillfindthatyouhave come acrossakeythatcanhelpyoutoenterintoeternallif e.One small aspectofsexis thatyour children willlive. The other aspect,a higher aspect ,is thatyou can live in eternity. Sex energy is life energy. Ordinarilywe don tmovefurtherthantheporch,wenevergointothepalace.Sarahaistryingtog o into the palace. Now, the people who came to the king, they must have been suppr essed people as all people are suppressed. The politician and the priest HAVE to teach suppression,. because it is only thr ough suppression that people aredriven insane. Andyou canrule insane people more easily than sane people. And when people are insane in their sex energy, they start moving in other direction s money they will start moving towards, or power, or prestige. They have to show their sex en ergy somewhere or other; it is boiling there they have to release it in some way or other. So m oney-madness or power-addiction, theybecome their releases. This whole society is sex-obsessed. If sex-obsession disappears from the world, people will not be money-mad. Who will bother about money? And people will not be botheredby power. Nobody willliketo becomea presidentoraprime minister for what?! Lifeisso tremendously be autifulin its ordinariness, it is so superb in its ordinariness, whyshould one want to bec ome somebody? By being nobody it is so delicious nothing is missing. But ifyou destroypeople s sexu ality and make them repressed, so much is missing that they are always hankering: somewhere the re must be joy here it is missing. SexisoneoftheactivitiesgivenbynatureandGodinwhichyouarethrownagainandagaintothe present moment. Ordinarilyyou are neverin thepresent except whenyou are makinglov e, and then tooforafew seconds only. Tantra says one has to understand sex, to decode sex. If sex is so vital that li fe comes out of it, then theremustbe something moretoit. That something moreisthekeytowards Divinity,towa rdsGod.
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! THIS SEA THATBARES HER BOSOMTOTHE MOON, THE WINDS THATWILL BE HOWLINGATALL HOURS AND ARE UPGATHERED NOWLIKE SLEEPING FLOWERS; FOR THIS, FOR EVERYTHING, WE ARE OUT OF TUNE IT MOVES US NOT...... That s what is missing. IT MOVES US NOT..... we are out of tune with existence. Th is WORLD ISTOO MUCH WITH US... GETTING AND SPENDING, WE LAYWASTE OUR POWERS. LITTLE WE SEEINNATURE.... How canyou find God andhow canyou findblissifyoudon t look into nature? Nature is manifested God. Nature is God s body, God sform, God s temple. WE HAVE GIVEN OURHEARTSAWAY.... That s what is missing. FOR THIS, FOR EVERYTHING, WE ARE OUT OF TUNE IT MOVES US NOT...... Sojust reading and listening to me will not helpmuch... startfeeling. Listening, feel too not only listen.Listening, listentoothroughtheheart.Letitsinkintoyourfeeling aspect.Thati sthemeaning whenallthe religionssaySHRADDHA faith,trust is needed.Trust meansawayof listeningfro m the heart not through doubt, not through logic, not through reasoning, not throu gh discursive intellect,but througha deep participation through the heart. Asyou listentomusic, listentomethatway. Don t listentomeasyou listentoa philosophe r;listen tomeasyou listentothe birds. Listentomeasyou listentoawaterfall. Listentomeasyou listen to the windblowing through the pines. Listen to me, not through the discursive m ind,butthrough the participant heart. Andthen something thatyou are continuouslyfeelingis missi ng will notbe missed. Theheadhas becometoomuchofanexpert;ithasgonetotheveryextreme.Itisagood instrumen t; yes, as a slave the head is wonderful as a boss it is very dangerous. It has gon e to the very extreme. It has absorbed all your energies. It has become dictatorial. Of course , it works, but becauseitworksyouhavestarted dependingonittoomuch.Andonecanalwaysgototheextreme,
and mind tends to go to the extreme. YoungWarrenwasvery ambitious,andwhenhegotajobasan officeboyhewas determinedto learneverythingpossiblesothathecouldimpressthebossandget ahead.Onedaytheboss cal led forhimandsaid, Tellthetrafficdepartmenttobookmea passageontheQueenMary, sailingon the eleventh. Excuse me, sir, said the lad, but that ship doesn t sail until the twelfth.
The boss looked at him, impressed. Then he said, Have the purchasing department p ut an immediate orderforasix months supplyof aluminium. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 37 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! MayI suggest, answeredWarren, that the order be placed tomorrow, because the price will be reduced. In addition, order only one month s supply because the trend of the marke t indicates the price will go lower. Verygood,young man,you re on the ball. Send Miss Kate in to take some dictation. Miss Kate is out today, the boyreplied.
What s the matter, is she sick? No, sir, not until the ninth. Nowthisisknowingtoomuch,thisisgoingtoofar. And that swhathashappenedtothe human mind:ithasgonetoofar,ithas crossedits limit.Andithasabsorbedallthe energyso noth ingisleft fortheheart.Youhave completelybypassedyourheart.You don tgo throughtheheart. Thatw ay you don t move anymore. Heart is almost a dead thing, a dead weight. That s what is missing. You can listen to me through the head, and of courseyou will understand whatsoev erIam saying andstillyouwillnotunderstandanything,not asingleword, becausethisisan understand ingofa totally different kind. This is an understanding which is more akin to love than to knowledge. Ifyouareinlovewithme,only then...ifyouhavestartedfeelingforme,only then...ifanaf fectionis growingbetweenmeandyou,ifitisaloveaffair,only then.... And the last question: Question6 OSHO, HOWDOYOU DEFINEAGOOD SPEECH? DIFFICULT TO SAY. I have never delivered a single speech in my life. You are ask ing a wrong person.ButIhaveheard a definitionthatIlikedandI wouldlikeyoutoknowit: Agood beginning and a good ending make a good speech if they come really close to gether, the beginning and the end. Of course, the best speech has no middle at all, and the verybest is never delivered. AndIhavealwaysbeendeliveringtheverybest,the undeliveredone.Ihaveneverdeliveredas ingle
speechinmylife, becauseIdealin silence,notinwords.Evenwhenyouhearwords,thatwasno t the purpose. Even whenI use thewords,thewords are used only as necessary evils b ecause theyhave to be used, becauseyou cannot understand silenceyet. Iamnot talkingtoyou.Ihave nothingtosay, becausethat whichIhave cannotbesaid,it c annotbe discoursed about.Butyoudon t understandanythingelsebutwords,soIhavetosuffer,Ihavet o usewords whichare meaningless.AndIhavetosaythingswhichshouldnotbesaid inthehope thatbyandbyyouwillstartlookingmore directlyintome;byandby,youwillnot listentothe words but to the message. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 38 Osho
CHAPTER 2. THE GOOSE IS OUT! Remember: the medium is not the message. The words are not my message. The messa ge is wordless. Iamtryingtohandyouthe undeliveredspeech.Itisatransferbeyondwords,soonlythosewhoa re joined with me throughtheir hearts will be able to receive it. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 39 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD TOBEASORRYPLACE. NOTSO THE WISE WHO THE HEAVENLYNECTAR DRINK WHILE BEASTS HUNGERFOR THE SENSUAL. EVERYTHING CHANGES... and Heraclitus is right: you cannot step in the same river twice. The river is changing, so are you changing too. It is all movement. It is all fl ux. Everything is impermanent, momentary. Onlyfora momentitis there,and then gone... andyou willne verfindit again. Thereisnowaytofinditagain.Oncegoneitisgoneforever. And nothing changes thattooistrue. Nothingever changes.Allisalwaysthe same.Parmen eides is also right; he says: There is nothing new under the sun. How can there be? Th e sun is old, so iseverything.IfyouaskParmeneides,hewillsayyou canstepinany riveryouwant butyouwil l be stepping in the same river always. Whether it is the Ganges or the Thames doe s not make any difference. THEWATERISTHE SAME!ItisallH20. And whetheryoustepintherivertoday or tomorrow, or after millionsofyears,itwillbethe sameriver. Andhow canyoube different?Youwerea child;you remember it. Thenyouwereayoung man; you remember that too. Thenyou became old; that tooyou remember. Who is this one who goes on remembering? Theremustbea non-changing elementinyou unchanging, permanent,absolu tely permanent. Childhood comesandgoes;so comesyouthandisgone,sooldage butsomething remains eternally the same. Now, let me say toyou: Heraclitus andParmeneides, both areright infact, they bot h areright together. IfHeraclitusisright,itisonlyhalfthetruth;ifParmeneidesisright, thattoo isonly half the truth. And half the truth is not the true thing. They are stating halftruths. The wheel moves and the hub does not move. Parmeneides talks about the hub, Heraclitus tal ks about the wheel butthewheelcannotexist withoutthehub!Andwhatuseisahub withoutthe wheel?So those two contradictorylooking half-truths are not contradictorybut complementar y. Heraclitus and Parmeneides are not enemiesbut friends. The other can stand only if the compleme ntary truth is there otherwise not.
Meditate on the silent centre of a cyclone.... But the momentyou state something, it can at the most be only half the truth. No statement can coverthe wholetruth.Ifanystatementwantstocoverthe wholetruth,thenthestatement wi llhave to be of necessity self-contradictory, then it will have to be of necessity illo gical. Then the statement will look crazy. Mahavir did that he is the craziest man because he tried to state the whole trut h and nothing but the whole truth. He drivesyou crazy, because each statement is immediatelyfo llowedby its contradiction.Hedevelopedasevenfold patternof statements. Oneisfollowedbyits con tradiction, that isfollowedbyits contradiction... so on and soforth. He goes on contradictin g seven times, and only when he has said seven times, seven different things contradictoryto each o ther, then he says nowthetruthistoldperfectly butthenyou don tknowwhathehas said. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 41 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Ifyou ask him: God is? he will say, Yes, and he will say, No, and he will say, Both, he will say, Both not, andsoonandsoforthhe goes.... Finallyyou don t cometoany conclusion;yo u cannot conclude. He does not giveyou anychance to conclude. He leavesyou hanging in the air. This is one possibility ifyou are insistent on saying the truth. The other possibility is that of Buddha hekeeps silent, knowing that whatsoevery ou saywill be only half. And half is dangerous. He does not say anything about ultimate truths . He will not saythe worldisa flux,andhe willnotsaythattheworldispermanent.He willnotsaythatyou are,a ndhe will not saythatyou are not. The momentyou ask anything about the absolute truth , he prohibits. Hesays, Pleasedon task, becausebyyour questionyouwillputmeintotrouble. EitherIhaveto be contradictory, whichisgoingcrazy;orIhavetouttera half-truth, whichisnottruthandd angerous; orIhave tokeep quiet. These are the three possibilities: Buddha has chosen tokeep silent. This is the first thing to be understood about today s sutras, then with this cont ext it will be easy to understand what Saraha is saying. The first sutra: ASACLOUD THATRISESFROM THE SEA ABSORBING RAIN, THE EARTH EMBRACES, SO, LIKE THE SKY, THE SEA REMAINS WITHOUT INCREASING OR DECREASING. HEISSAYINGtotheking:Lookatthesky. TherearetwoPhenomena theskyandthe cloud.The cloud comes and goes. The sky never comes and never goes. The cloud is there som etimes, and sometimes it is not there it is a time phenomenon, it is momentary. The sky is a lways there it is a timelessphenomenon,itiseternity.The clouds cannot corruptit,noteventheblackclo udscan corrupt it. There is no possibility of corrupting it. Its purity is absolute, it spurity is untouchable. Its purityisalwaysvirgin you cannot violateit. Cloudscan comeandgo,andtheyhavebeencom ing and going,buttheskyisaspureasever,notevenatraceisleftbehind.
Sothere aretwo thingsinexistence: somethingisliketheskyand somethingislikethe cl oud.Your actions are likethe cloud they come andgo.You? you are like the sky:you never com e andyou nevergo.Yourbirth,your death, arelikethe clouds theyhappen.You? younever happen;y ou are always there. Things happen inyou:you never happen. Things happen just like clouds happen in the sky. You are a silent watcher of th e whole play of clouds. Sometimes they are white and beautiful and sometimes they are dark anddi smal andvery ugly; sometimesthey arefullofrainand sometimesthey arejust empty.Sometimestheydo great benefit to the earth, sometimes great harm. Sometimes they bring floods and dest ruction, and sometimes theybring life, moregreenery, more crops.BUT thesky remains all the ti me the same good or bad, divine ordevilish, the clouds don t corrupt it. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 42 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Actions are clouds, doings are clouds: the being is like the sky. Saraha is saying: Look at mysky! Don t look at myactions. It needs a shift of awar eness nothing else, just a shift of awareness. It needs a change of gestalt. You are looking a t the cloud, you arefocussedonthe cloud,youhaveforgottenthesky. Then suddenlyyou rememberthesky.Y ou unfocus on the cloud, you focus on the sky then the cloud is irrelevant, then yo u are in a totally different dimension. Just the shiftoffocussing... and theworldisdifferent. Whenyouwatcha person s behav ior,you are focussingonthe cloud. Whenyouwatchthe innermostpurityofhis being,you arewatching hissky. Ifyouwatchtheinnermostpurity,thenyouwillneverseeanybodyevil,thenthe wholeexisten ceis holy. Ifyou see the actions, thenyou cannot see anybody holy. Even the holiest p erson is prone to commit manyfaults asfar as actions are concerned. Ifyouwatch the actionsyou can find wrong actionsin Jesus,in Buddha,in Mahavir,inKrishna,in Ram theneven thegreatest saint willlook like a sinner. There are many books written about Jesus. He is the object of thousands of studi es; many are written infavour of him which prove that he is the onlybegotten son of God. Of c ourse, they can prove it. Then many are written to prove that he is just a neurotic and nothing else and they can also prove it. And they are talking about the same person. What is happening ? How do they manage? Theymanagewell. Oneparty goes on choosing the white clouds; another part y goes on choosing theblackclouds and both are there, because no action can be just white or justblack. To be, it has to be both. Whatsoeveryoudowillbring somegoodintotheworldandwillbring somebadintotheworld WHATSOEVERyoudo. Justthevery choicethatyoudid something manythingswillbegood andmanythingswillbewrongafterthat.Youthinkofanyaction:yougoandyougive some money toa beggar you are doing good;but the beggar goes and purchases some poison and c ommits suicide. Now,your intention wasgoodbut the total resultis bad.You helpa man heis ill you servehim;youtakehimtothe hospital. And thenheis healthy,well,andhe commitsmurder .Now, withoutyourhelptherewouldhavebeenonemurderlessintheworld.Your intentionwasgood,b
ut the total result is bad. So whethertojudgebythe intentionortojudgebythe result?Andwhoknowsaboutyourintent ion? Intentionis internal... maybedeepdownyouwere hoping that whenhegot healthyhewoul d commit a murder. AND sometimes it happens: your intention is bad and the result is good. You thro w a rock at a person,andhewassufferingfrommigraineformanyyears,andthe rockhithisheadand sincet hen the migraine has disappeared now what to do? What to sayaboutyour act? moral, im moral? Youwantedtokilltheman:youcouldonlykillthemigraine. That show acupuncturewasborn.Su ch agreat science! sobeneficial! oneofthegreatest boonsto humanity... butitwasborni nthisway. Amanwassufferingfrom headachesformanyyears,and somebody,his enemy,wantedtokillhi m. Hiding behinda tree,the enemyshotan arrow. The arrowhittheman sleg; hefelldownbuth is headache disappeared. The people who were looking after him, the doctor ofthe to wn, were very much puzzledastohowit happened. Theystarted studying.By chance,bycoincidence,the man TheTantra Vision,Vol1 43 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS hadhitone acupuncturepointjustontheleg; somepointwas touchedonthelegbythe arrow, was hitby the arrow, and the inner electric flow of the man s body energy changed. And because the inner flow of the electricity changed, his headache disappeared. That swhywhenyougotothe acupuncturistandyousay, Ihavea headache, hemay not touch your head at all. He maystart pressingyourfeet oryour hand, or he mayneedleyour hand oryour back.Andyouwillbesurprised: Whatareyoudoing? becausemyHEADis wrong,notmyback! But he knows better. The whole body is an interconnected electric phenomenon; th ere are seven hundred points, and he knows from where to push the energy to change the flow. E verything is interconnected...butthisishow acupuncturewasborn. Now,the manwho shotthe arrowathis enemy,washeagreat saint? orwashea sinner? Diff icult to say, verydifficult to say. Ifyouwatchthe actions, thenitisuptoyou. You can choosethegood ones,you canchoose the bad ones. Andin the total reality, each actbrings something goodand something ba d. Infact thisismyunderstanding, meditate onit whatsoeveryoudo, the goodnessofit and the b adness ofitisalwaysinthe same proportion. Letme repeat:itisalwaysinthe same proportion! because good and bad are two aspects of the same coin. You may do good, but something ba d is bound to happen because where willthe other aspectgo?Youmaydobad,butgoodis boundto hap pen because where will the other aspect go? The coin exists with both aspects togeth er, and a single aspect cannot exist alone. So sinners are sometimes beneficial and saints are sometimes very harmful. Saint s and sinners arebothinthe sameboat!Onceyou understandthisthenachangeispossible;thenyoudon tlook atthe actions.Ifthe proportionisthe same whetheryoudogoodorbad,thenwhatisthepoin tof judginga manbyhis actions? Then change the whole emphasis. Then move to another gestalt the sky. That s what Saraha is saying to the king. He is saying: Rightyou are! People have toldyou and they are notwrong.I run likea maddog.Yes,ifyou justwatch the actionyou willbe mi sguided,you will not be able to understand me. WATCH myinner sky. Watch myinner priority, wa
tch myinner core that stheonlywaytoseethetruth.Yes,Ilivewiththiswoman and, ordinarily,livingwith a woman means what it means. Now, Saraha says,WATCH! This is NO ordinaryliving! Th ere is no man-woman relationshipatall.Ithas nothingtodowithsexuality.Welive togetherastwo spaces. Welive togetherastwo freedoms.Welive togetherastwoemptyboats.Butyouhavetolookint o the sky not into the clouds. ASACLOUD THATRISESFROM THE SEA ABSORBING RAIN, THE EARTH EMBRACES, SO, LIKE THE SKY, THE SEA REMAINS WITHOUT INCREASING OR DECREASING. And another thinghe reminds him of:Watch the sea. Millionsof cloudsrise outof th e sea, somuch water evaporates, but the sea does not decrease because of that. And then the cl ouds will rain TheTantra Vision,Vol1 44 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS on the earth, andrivulets will becomegreatrivers, and many rivers willbe flooded , and thewater will rush back towards the ocean, towards the sea... all the rivers of the earth will pour down their water into the sea,but that does not make the sea increase the sea remains the sa me.Whether something is taken outof it or something is.poured into it makes no difference i ts perfection is such thatyou cannot take anything out of it andyou cannot add anythingto it. Heissaying: Look! the inner beingissoperfect thatyour actions maybe thoseofa sin ner,but nothingis takenaway. Andyour actions maybe thoseofa saint,but nothingis added un toyou.You remain the same. Itisa tremendously revolutionary saying. Itisagreatstatement. He says: Nothing c anbe added to man and nothing can be deleted from man his inner perfection is such. You can not make man more beautiful andyou cannot make man ugly.You cannot make him cann ot make him poor. He is like the sea. In one of the Buddhist sutras, Vaipulya sutra, there is a statement that there a re two very costly jewelsinthe ocean theonepreventsitfrombecominglesswhenwaterisdrawnfromit,andthe other from becoming too large when water flows in it. Twogreatjewelsarethereinthe ocean,andthosetwogreatjewelspreventitfrom increasing and decreasing: it never becomes less and it never becomes more it just remains the same. It is so vast, it does not matter how many clouds arise out of it and how much water evap orates. It is so vast,itdoesnot matterhowmany riversfallintoitandbringgreat amountsofwater.Itjust remains the same. So is the inner core of man. So is the inner core of existence. Increase and dec rease is on the periphery, notatthe centre.You can becomea manofgreatknowledge, oryou can remain ignorant that is only on the periphery. No knowledge can makeyou more knowing thanyou alr eady are. Nothingcanbeaddedtoyou.Yourpurityis infinite;thereisnowaytoimproveuponit. Thisis theTantra vision. Thisis thevery coreof theTantra attitude that manis ashe is. There is no hankeringfor improvement; not that man has to become good; not that man ha s to change
this and that. Man has to accept all and remember his sky!, and remember his sea . And,byand understandingariseswhenyouknowwhata cloudisandwhattheskyis,whatariverisand what the sea is. Onceyouareintunewithyoursea,allanxiety disappears,allguilt disappears.Youbecomei nnocent like a child. ThekinghadknownSaraha:He usedtobeagreat manofknowledgeandnowheisbehaving like an ignorant man. He has stopped reciting his Vedas, he no more does his rit uals that his religion prescribes he no more even meditates. He does nothing that is ordinaril y thought to be religious.Whatishedoingherelivingona cremationground? dancinglikeamadman,singing like a madman? and doing manyuntraditional things? Where has his knowledge gone? And Saraha says:You can take allmyknowledgeaway. It does not make anydifference becauseI amnot lessenedbyit.Oryoucanbringallthescripturesoftheworldandpourthemintome that doesn t make anydifference becauseIdon t become more because ofthat. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 45 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS He was a very respectable man; the whole kingdom had respected him. Now suddenly he has become one of the most unrespectable men. And Saraha is saying:You can give me a ll the honors thatarepossible,andnothingisaddeduntome.Andyoucantakeallthe honors,andyoucan ins ult me,andyoucando whatsoeveryouwantto destroy my respect nothingis happening. ALLth e same,Iremain the same.I am THATwhich never increases and never decreases. NowIkn ow that Iamnotthe cloud Iamthesky. SoI am notmuchworried whether people think the cloudisblack or white, becauseI a m not the cloud. AndI am not the smallriver, the tiny river, ora tiny poolofwater I am nota cupof tea. Storms comeinthecupofteaveryeasily;itissotiny.Justtakeonespoonfuloutofitandsomet hing is lost; pour one more spoonful and it is too much and there is a flood. Hesays:I amthevast sea.Nowtake whatsoeveryouwanttotake,orgive whatsoeveryouwantt o give either wayit does not matter. Just look atthe beauty of it! The moment nothing matters,you have come home. If something still matters,you arefaraway from the home. Ifyou are stillwatching, and being cunning and clever aboutyour actions youhavetodothisandyouhavenottodothis andtherearestill shouldsand should-nots,thenyouarefarawayfromhome.You still thinkofyourselfintermsofthemomen tary and not in terms of the eternal.You have notyet tasted God. Like the sky and like the sea... isyou. The second sutra: SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE, REPLETE WITH THEBUDDHA S PERFECTIONS, ARE ALL SENTIENT BEINGS BORN, AND IN IT COME TOREST.BUT IT IS NEITHER CONCRETE NOR ABSTRACT. SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE... FIRST,INTANTRA, spontaneityisthegreatestvalue tobejust natural,toallow naturetoha ppen. Not to obstruct it, not to hinder it; not to distract it, not to take it in some other direction where it
was not going on its own. To surrender to nature, to flow with it. Not pushing t he river, but going withit ALLtheway, whereverit leads. ThistrustisTantra. Spontaneityisitsmantra,it sgreatest foundation. Spontaneity means: youdon t interfere,you areina let-go. Whatsoeverhappens,youwatc h,you area witnesstoit.Youknowitis happening,butyou don tjumpintoit,andyou don ttryto chan ge its course. Spontaneity meansyou don t have any direction. Spontaneity meansyou do n t have any goal to attain; ifyou have some goal to attainyou cannot be spontaneous. How canyou be spontaneous if suddenly your nature is going one way and your goal is not? How c an you be spontaneous?You will dragyourself towards the goal. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 46 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS That s what millions of people are doing dragging themselves towards some imaginar ygoal. And because they are dragging themselves towards some imaginarygoal, they are missin g the natural destiny which is the only goal! And that s whythere is so much frustration, and so much misery andsomuchhell because whatsoeveryoudowillneversatisfyyournature. That swhypeople are dulland dead. Theylive,andyettheylive not. Theyaremovinglikepr isoners, chained. Their movement is not that of freedom, their movement is not that of da nce it cannot be becausethey are fighting,they are continuouslyinafightwith themselves. Thereisa conflict,each moment:youwant to eat this, andyour religion does not prescribe it;youwant to mo ve with this woman,butthatwillnotbe respectable.Youwanttolivethisway,butthesociety prohibitsi t.You wanttobeinoneway,youfeelthatthatishowyoucanflower,buteverybodyelseis againstit. So do you listen to your being? or do you listen to everybody else s advice? If yo u listen to everybody s advice,your life will be an empty life of nothingbut frustration. You will finish without everbeingalive;youwilldie withouteverknowingwhatlifeis. Butthesocietyhascreatedsuch conditioninginyouthatitisnotonly outside itissittingi nsideyou. That s what conscienceisall about. Whatsoeveryouwanttodo,your conscience says, Don td o it! The conscienceisyour parentalvoice;thepriestandthe politicianspeak throughit.I tisagreat trick.Theyhavemadea conscienceinyou fromtheverychildhoodwhenyouwerenotawareat allofwhatwasbeingdonetoyou,theyhaveputa conscienceinyou. So wheneveryougo against the conscience,youfeel guilt Guilt meansyou have done something which others don twantyou to do. So wheneveryou are naturalyou areguilty, and wheneveryou are not guiltyyou are unnatural: thisis th e dilemma, thisis the dichotomy, this is the problem. If you listen to your own naturalness, you feel guilty; then there is misery. Yo u start feeling you have done something wrong.You start hiding;you start defendingyourself;you start continuously pretending thatyou have not done it, andyou are afraid somebody is bound to catc hyou sooner or later.Youwillbecaught...and anxiety,andguilt,andfear.Andyoulosealllovewithlif e.
Wheneveryou do something against others,youfeel guilty. And wheneveryou do somet hing that otherssay,youneverfeelhappydoingit becauseithasneverbeenyourownthingtodo.Between these two is man caught. Iwas just reading one anecdote: What s this double jeopardy that the Constitution is supposed to guarantee one agai nst? asked Roland of his lawyer friend Milt. Said the other, Itis like this, Rollie,ifyou are outdrivingyour car and bothyour wife and her mother are sitting in the back seat tellingyou how to drive, well that s double jeopardy. Andyou have a constitutional right to turn around and say, Now, who in hell s driving this car, d ear, you or your mother? TheTantra Vision,Vol1 47 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Youmaybeatthe wheel,butyou arenotdrivingthe car. There aremanypeople sittingonth eback seat your parents,your parents parents,yourpriest,your politician, the leader, the mahatma, the saint, they are all sitting onthe backseat. And theyall are trying to adviseyou: Do this! Don t do that!Gothisway! Don tgothatway! They aredrivingyoumad,andyouhavebeentaughttofollow them. Ifyou don tfollow them, that too creates suchfear inyou that something is wr ong how can youberightwhensomanypeopleare advising?Andtheyarealways advisingforyourowngood! How canyouberight alone when thewholeworld is saying Do this! Of course, they are in the majority and they mustberight. But remember: it is not a question of being right or wrong the question basicall y is of being spontaneousornot. Spontaneityisright! Otherwiseyouwill becomean imitator,and imi tatorsare never fulfilled beings. Youwantedtobea painter,butyour parentssaid, No!becausepaintingisnotgoingtogiveyou enough money, and painting is not going to give you any respect in society. You will become a hobo,andyouwillbeabeggar.Sodon tbotheraboutpainting. Becomeamagistrate! Soyouhave becomeamagistrate.Nowyoudon tfeelanyhappiness.Itisaplasticthing,thisbeingamagistra te. Anddeepdownyou stillwantto paint. While sitting in the courtyou are still painting deep down. Maybeyou are listeni ng to the criminal, butyouare thinking abouthisface,whata beautifulfacehehasandwhata beautifulportra itwould have been possible.You are lookingathiseyesandthebluenessofhiseyes,andyouarethin king of colors... andyou area magistrate!Soyou are constantlyat unease,a tensionfollo wsyou. And, byandby,you will also startfeelingyou area respectable man and this and that.You are just an imitation,you are artificial Ihave heard: One woman gave up smoking when her pet parrot developed a persistent cough. She was worried, naturally; she thought it must have been the smoke that she went on smoking cont inuously in the house and that it didn t suit the parrot. So she took the parrot to a vet. The vet gave the bird a thorough check-up andfound thatit didn thave pneumonia orpsittacosis. The final di agnosiswas that it had been imitatingthe cough of its cigarette-smoking owner.
It was not smoke: it was just imitating. The woman was coughing, and the parrot had learnt coughing. Watch... your life may be just like a parrot. If it is like a parrot, thenyou ar e missing something tremendously valuable you are missing your life. Whatsoever you gain will not pr ove of much value, because thereisnothing morevaluablethanyourlife. SoTantra makes spontaneity the first virtue, the most fundamental virtue. SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE... NOW,ONEMORETHINGTANTRASAYS,andthathastobeunderstoodvery veryminutely.The spontaneitycanbeoftwotypes:itcanbeonlyof impulsiveness,butthenitisnotveryunique; ifitis of awareness, then it has that quality of being unique the Buddha quality. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 48 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Many times, listening to me, you think you are becoming spontaneous while you ar e simply becoming impulsive. What is the difference between being impulsive and being spo ntaneous? You have two things inyou: the body and the mind. The mind is controlledbythe societ y and the body is controlledbyyour biology. The mindis controlledbyyour society becausethe soci ety canput thoughts intoyour mind; andyour body is controlledbymillions ofyears of biologic algrowth. Thebodyis unconscious,soismind unconscious.Youareawatcherbeyondboth.Soifyoustop listeningtothemindandtothesociety,thereiseverypossibilityyouwillstartlisteningto thebiology. So sometimesyoufeellikemurderingsomebody,andyousay, Iamgoingtobe spontaneous Osho has said Be spontaneous! soIhavetodoit.Ihavetobe spontaneous. Youhave misunderstood. Thatisnotgoingtomakeyourlifebeautiful,blissful.Youwillbe continuouslyin conflict again now with outside people. By spontaneity Tantra means a spontaneity full of awareness. So the first thing in order to be spontaneousistobefullyaware.The momentyouareaware,youare neitherinthetrapofthemi nd norinthetrapofthebody. Thenreal spontaneityflowsfromyourvery soul fromthesky,from the sea,your spontaneity flows. Otherwise,you can changeyour masters: from the b odyyou can change to the mind, or from the mindyou can change to the body. The bodyisfast asleep;following the body willbefollowingablind man. And the spon taneity will justtakeyouintoa ditch.Itisnotgoingtohelpyou.Impulsivenessisnot spontaneity.Yes, impulse HASacertainspontaneity, more spontaneitythanthemind,butithasnotthatqualitywhichT antra would likeyou to imbibe. That s why Saraha says: SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE... He adds the word unique . Unique meansnotof impulsionbutofawareness,of consciousness. We live unconsciously. Whether we live in the mind or in the body does not make much difference we live unconsciously. Whydidyou tearoutthebackpartofthatnew book? askedthe long-sufferingwifeofan absentm inded doctor. Excuseme, dear, saidthefamous surgeon, thepartyou speakofwas labelled APPENDIXandI took it out without thinking.
Hiswholelifetakingthe appendixoutofeverybody sbodymusthave becomean unconscious ha bit. Seeing APPENDIX he automatically took it out. That s how we are existing and working. It is an unconscious life. An unconscious spontaneity is not much of a spontaneity. A drunk staggered from a tavern and started walking with one foot in the street and one on the sidewalk. Afterablock ortwo,a policeman spottedhim. Hey, saidthecop, you redrunk! Thedrunksighedwithrelief. Gosh! hesaid. Isthatwhat swrong?IthoughtI waslame. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 49 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Whenyou are under the influence of the body,you are under the influence of chemi stry. Again... youareoutofonetrapbutyouareagainin anothertrap.Fromone ditchyouareout;youhavefal len in another ditch. WhenyouREALLY wanttobeoutofall ditchesandin freedom,youwillhaveto becomea witnes s of body and mind both. Whenyou are witnessing, andyou are spontaneous out ofyour witnessing, then there is unique spontaneity. SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE, REPLETE WITH THEBUDDHA S PERFECTIONS... And Saraha says: The real spontaneity is replete with Buddha s perfections. What a re Buddha s perfections? Two: PRAGYAN and KARUNA wisdom and compassion. These are Buddha s two perfections. If these two are there, reflecting inyour spontaneity, then it is u nique. Wisdom does not mean knowledge. Wisdom means awareness, meditativeness, silence, watchfulness, attentiveness. And out of that attentiveness, out of that silence, flows compassion for beings. The wholeworldis suffering. Thedayyou start enjoyingyourblissyou will startfeeli ngfor others too. They can also enjoy; they arejust standing at the door of the shrine and ar e not entering in, and arerushing outwards. Theyhave the treasure, the same treasure thatyouhave at tained;they are carryingit,butthey arenotusingit becausethey arenotawareofit. When one person becomes Enlightened, his whole being becomes full of compassion towards ALL beings. The wholeexistenceis filledby his compassion. Riversof compassion st art flowing from him and start reaching to everybody else to men, to women, to animals, to b irds, to trees, to rivers, to mountains, to stars. The whole existence starts sharing his compassio n. These two are the qualities of Buddha, that he understands and that hefeels and cares. Whenyour spontaneityis REALLYofawareness,you cannotdoanything against compassion :you
cannotmurder.Peoplecometomeandtheyask, Osho,yousaytobe spontaneous,butsometimes Iwant tomurdermywife then what? You cannotmurder. How canyoumurder?!Yes, noteven your wife you cannotmurder. Whenyour spontaneityis alert, whenitis luminous,how canyoueven THINKofmurder?You will know that there is no possibility; nobody is ever murdered. The being is the sky : you can only disperse the cloud,butyou cannotmurder. So whatis thepoint? Andhow canyoumurderi fyou are so alert and so spontaneous? Compassion will flow sideby side, in the same p roportion. As you become aware, in the same proportion there is compassion. Buddha has said: If there is compassion without awareness, it is dangerous. That s what is in the people we call do-gooders. They have compassion, but no awareness. They go on do ing good, and that good has noteven happened to theirown beings. Theygo on helping others, and they themselvesneedmuchhelp.Theythemselvesareill,andtheygoonhelpingotherpeople.Itisno t possible. PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF FIRST! TheTantra Vision,Vol1 50 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS Buddha says: Ifyouhave compassion without awareness,your compassion willbe harmf ul. Dogooders are the most mischievous peoplein theworld. Theydon t know whatthey are doing,but they are always doing something or other to help people. Oncea man cametome... hehasdevotedhis wholelife,forty,fiftyyears heisseventy. Whe n hewastwenty,he came underthe influenceof Mahatma Gandhiandbecomea do-gooder. Gan dhi created thegreatest lot of do-gooders in India; India is still suffering from th ose do-gooders. And it seems difficulttogetridof them. This man, under Mahatma Gandhi s influence,wenttoa primitive tribe in Bastar and started teaching the primitive people fortyyears effort, fifty years effort. He opened manyschools, highschools, and now he was opening a college. He cametome.Hewantedmysupportforthecollege.Isaid, Justtellmeonething:fiftyyearsyou have been with them canyou say certainly that education has been good, that they are better than they were when they were uneducated? Canyoube certain thatyour fiftyyears work has made them more beautiful human beings? Hewasa little puzzled.He started perspiring;hesaid, Inever thoughtTHAT way,butmayb eyou have something. No, they are not better. Infact, with education, theyhave become cunning, they have become just as other people are. WhenIreached them fiftyyears ago, theywere tremendously beautiful people.Yes, uneducated but theyhada dignity. Fiftyyears ago therewas no ta single murder. And if sometimes it used to happen, then the murderer would go to the co urt and report. Therewasno stealing;andif sometimessomebodydidsteal,hewouldcometothechiefofthetr ibe and confess that I have stolen becauseI was hungry but punish me. Therewere no locks fifty years ago in those villages. Theyhad always lived in a verysilent peaceful way. SoIaskedhim, Ifyour educationhasnothelpedthem,thenthinkagain.Youstarteddoinggoodto others withoutknowingwhatyouweredoing.Youjustthought educationhastobegood. D.H.Lawrence has said thatif man hastobe saved, thenfor one hundredyears all univ ersities should be closed completely closed! For one hundred years nobody should be given any education.For one hundredyears,all schools, colleges, universities,gone agapof on ehundred
years. And that is the only wayto save man, because education has made people ve rycunning cunning to exploit more, cunning to use others more as means, cunning to be immo ral. If you don t know what you are doing, you can think that you are doing good, but go od cannot happen. Buddhasays: Compassionisgoodwhenitfollowsawareness, otherwiseitisnotgood.Compass ion withoutawarenessis dangerous,andawareness without compassionisselfish.So Buddhas ays:A perfect Buddha willhave both awareness and compassion. Ifyou becomeaware andyoufo rget aboutothersandyousay, WhyshouldIbother?NowI amhappy, you closeyoureyes,you don t help others,you don thelp othersto becomeaware thenyou are selfish, thenadeepego s till exists. Awareness killshalftheego,andthe otherhalfis killedbycompassion. Between thesetw o,theego is utterly destroyed.Andwhenamanhas becomea no-self,hehasbecomea Buddha. Saraha says: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 51 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS SO FROM SPONTANEITY THAT S UNIQUE, REPLETE WITH THEBUDDHA S PERFECTIONS, ARE ALL SENTIENT BEINGS BORN, AND IN IT COME TOREST.BUT IT IS NEITHER CONCRETE NOR ABSTRACT. Hesays:From such unique spontaneitywe are born. Outof such godlinesswe are born. And again we go backto this godliness to rest. In the meantime, in the middle of these two, we become too much attached to the clouds. So ALL thatis neededisnottobe attachedtothe clouds. Thatisthe wholeofTantrain oneword: nottobe attachedtotheclouds because cloudsarethereonlyforthe moment.We comeoutofthat sou rce, that innocent source, and we will go backto rest in that innocent source. In the middle of these two therewillbemanyclouds don tget attachedtothem.Justwatch. Rememberthatyouarenotthe clouds. ... ARE ALL SENTIENT BEINGS BORN, AND IN IT COME TOREST. We are out ofGod. We are gods. And again we go to God. In the meantime we start dreaming a thousand and one dreams of being this and that. Godis the most ordinaryreality. Godisyour source. Godisyour goal. GODIS RIGHTNOW HERE! InyourverypresenceGodis itis God s presence. Whenyou lookatme,itisGodlookingatme; itisnobodyelse.Ashift,achangeofthefocus,fromthecloudtothesky,and suddenlyyouwill fall silent, and suddenlyyou willfeel fullofbliss, and suddenlyyou willfeel benedicti on surroundingyou. BUT IT IS NEITHER CONCRETE NOR ABSTRACT. Itis neither mind norbody this godliness.Mindis abstract,bodyis concrete;bodyisg ross, mind is subtle. Body is matter, mind is thought. This inner godliness is neither. Thi s inner godliness is a transcendence. Tantra is transcendence. Soifyouthinkyouareabody,youare clouded;thenyouare identifiedwithacloud.Ifyouthin kyou
areamind,againyou are clouded. Ifyou thinkin any waythat makesyou identified wit h body or mind, thenyou are missingthe mark. Ifyou becomeawake, and suddenlyyou seeyourself only asa witness who sees the bod y, sees the mind,youhave becomeaSaraha the arrowis shot.In that changeof consciousness itisju sta small change of gear the arrow is shot,you have arrived. Infact,you had never lef t. The third sutra: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 52 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS THEYWALKOTHERPATHSAND SO FORSAKE TRUE BLISS, SEEKING THE DELIGHTSTHATSTIMULANTS PRODUCE. THE HONEY IN THEIRMOUTHS, ANDTOTHEM SO NEAR, WILLVANISHIFATONCETHEYDONOTDRINKIT. IFYOUARE NOT BECOMING ONE WITH THE SKY with whichyou are really one, thenyou are walking other paths. There aremillionsof other paths THETRUEPATHISONE. Andinfact the truepathisnotapath.Theskynevergoesanywhere cloudsgo... sometimeswestandsometimes east and south and thisway and that, and they aregreatwanderers. Theygo, theyfin d paths, they carrymaps buttheskyissimplythere.Ithasnopath,it cannotgoanywhere.Ithasnowhereto go. It is all in all. Sothosewho remembertheir sky-being,they areathome,atrest.Exceptforthesefewbeings ,few Buddhas, the others walk so manypaths AND SO FORSAKE TRUE BLISS. Tryto understandthis.Itisaveryprofound statement. The momentyouarewalkingonanypath,youaregoingastrayfromyourtruebliss becauseyour trueblissisyour nature.Ithasnottobe produced,ithasnottobe achieved,ithasnottobea ttained. Wefollowpathstoreach somewhere itisnotagoal.Itisalready there!Itisalreadythe case. So the momentyoustart moving,youaremovingaway.ALLmovementismovementaway.ALLgoing isgoingastray. Non-goingisarriving.Notgoingisthetruepath.Seekandyouwillmiss: don t seek AND find. THEYWALKOTHERPATHSAND SO FORSAKE TRUE BLISS, SEEKING THE DELIGHTSTHATSTIMULANTS PRODUCE. There aretwo typesofbliss. Oneis: conditional it happensonlyin certain conditions . You see yourwoman,youarehappy.Or,youarealoverof moneyandyouhavefoundabagfullofhundred rupee notesby thesideof the road and thereis happiness. Or,you are an egoist and a Nobel Prizeisawardedtoyou andyou dance, thereishappiness. These are conditional,youhave to arrangefor them. Andthey are momentary. How long canyoube happy witha conditional happiness? How long canthe happiness r emain? It comes onlylikeaglimpse,fora moment,andthenitisgone. Yes,whenyoufindabagfullof
hundred rupee notes you are happy, but how long will you be happy? Not too long. In fact, for a moment there will be a surge of energy and you will feel happy and the next mo ment you will become afraid areyou going to be caught? Whose moneyis this? Has somebody seen? And the consciencewillsay, Thisisnotright.Itisasortofstealing.You shouldgotothe court!You should go to the police you should surrender the money to the police! What areyou doing? You area moral man... and anxiety and guilt. Butyou have brought it home; nowyou are hidin g it. Nowyou are afraid: maybe the wife will discover it; maybe somebody has really seen; som ebody mayhave looked who knows? Somebody mayhave reported to the police. Now the anxiety. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 53 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS ANDevenifnobodyhasreportedandnobodyhas seen,whatareyougoingtodowiththis money? Whatsoeveryouaregoingtodowillagainandagaingiveyouamomentof happiness.Youpurchase a car,and the carisinyour porch, andfora momentyou arehappy. Then...?Then the ca ris old; nextdayitisthe samecar. Afterafewdaysyou don tlookatitatall. A momentary happiness comes and goes. It is like the cloud. And it is like the r iver a verytiny river a small rain and it is flooded; rain stopped and the flood is gone to the sea; again the tiny river is tiny. It floodsfor one moment and then is empty the next. It is not lik e the sea which is never more, never less. There is another kind of bliss that Saraha calls the true bliss. It is unconditi onal. You are not to managecertain conditions.ItisTHERE!Youhavejusttolookintoyourselfanditisthere.You don t needawoman,you don t needa man;you don t needabig house,you don t needabigcar;you don t needtohavemuch prestigeandpowerandpull nothing.Ifyou closeyoureyesandjustgo inwards, it is there.... Only thisbliss can be always and always. Only thisbliss can be eternallyyours. Seeking,you will find momentarythings. Without seeking,you will find this eterna l one. THEYWALKOTHERPATHSAND SO FORSAKE TRUE BLISS, SEEKING THE DELIGHTSTHATSTIMULANTS PRODUCE. THE HONEY IN THEIRMOUTHS, ANDTOTHEM SO NEAR, WILLVANISHIFATONCETHEYDONOTDRINKIT. The honey is inyour mouth andyou are going to seek it in the Himalayas, in some mountains? You have heard stories: There ismuch honey available in the Himalayas andyou are going to seek it. And the honeyis inyour mouth! In India the mystics have always talked about the musk deer. There is a certain kind of deer which has musk in his navel. When the musk starts increasing it happens only when the deer is really in sexual heat.... The musk is a natural trick, a biological trick: when the mus k starts releasing its fragrance,thefemale deer become attractedtothe deer;they come throughthemusk, th roughthe smell.
Smellisoneofthemostsexual senses
You don t smell really. Infact, theword itself has becomeverymuch condemned. If so mebody has good, beautifuleyes,yousayhe seeswell;if somebodyhasperfect earsformusic,yousayh e hears wellbutyou don tsayhe smellswell.Why?Infact,tosaythathe smells means somethingjust the opposite it means that he stinks, not that he has the capacity to smell. The cap acity is lost. Man does not smell. Andwe try to hide our sexual smellsbyperfuming,bycleansing,b ythis and thatwe hide!We areafraidofthe smell, because smellisthe closest sensetosex. Anim alsfallin love through the smell. The animals smell each other, and when theyfeel that the ir smell suits, only thendotheymakelove;then thereisaharmonyin their being. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 54 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS This deer-musk is born in the deer only when he is in sexual heat and he needs a female. The female will come to find him. But he is in trouble, because he starts smelling t he musk and he cannot understand that it is coming from his own navel, from his own body. So he runs mad, tries to find out from where this smell is coming, naturally so. How can he think? eve n man cannot think from whereblisscomes, from where beauty comes, from wherejoy comes. The de er canbe forgiven poor deer. He goes onrushing here and therein searchof themusk, and the morehe rushes,the morethefragranceis spreadallovertheforest; whereverhe goes, thereisth e smell.It issaidthat sometimeshe becomes almostmad,notknowingthatthemuskis withinhim. And so is the case with man: man goes mad seeking and searching sometimes in mon ey, sometimesin respect, this and that,but themuskis withinyou, the honeyisinyour mo uth. And look at what Saraha is saying: THE HONEY IN THEIRMOUTHS, ANDTOTHEM SO NEAR, WILLVANISHIFATONCETHEYDONOTDRINKIT. And then he says: At once drink it! Don t lose a single moment! otherwise it will vanish. Now or never! At once time has not to be lost. This can be done IMMEDIATELY, because th ere is no need foranypreparation.Itisyour innermost core, this honeyisyours thismuskis hiddeniny ournavel. Youhave broughtitfromyourbirth,andyouhavebeen searchingand seekingintheworld. Thefourth sutra: BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD TOBEASORRYPLACE. NOTSO THE WISE WHO THE HEAVENLYNECTAR DRINK WHILE BEASTS HUNGERFOR THE SENSUAL. THEWORD BEAST isatranslationofaHindior SanskritwordPASHU.Thatwordhasasignificance of itsown. Literally,PASHU means the animal, the beast,butitisa metaphor. It com es from the wordPASH PASH means bondage.PASHU means one who is in bondage. The beast is one who is in bondage usness; the the bondage of the body, instincts, unconscio
bondage of the society, mind, thought. The beast is one who is inbondage. BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD... How can they understand? Their eyes are not free to see; their minds are not fre e to see; their bodies are not free tofeel. Theydon t hear, theydon t see, theydon t smell, theydon t to uch they are in bondage. All senses are crippled, chained. BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD... TheTantra Vision,Vol1 55 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS How can they understand the world? The world can be understood only in freedom. When no scriptureisa bondage onyou, and no philosophyisachaininyour hands, and when noth eology isaprisonforyou, whenyou are outof ALL bondages, thenyou can understand. Underst anding happens only in freedom. Understanding happens only in an uncluttered mind. BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD TOBEASORRYPLACE. And theycannot understand that theworldisa sorryplace. Theso-calledworld created bythe mind andbythebodyisamirage.It APPEARSso,it appearsverybeautiful,butitonly appears itis not reallyso.Itisarainbow so beautiful,so colorful;you come closerandit disappears.If youwant tograsptherainbow,yourhandwillbeempty,therewillbenothing.Itisamirage.But because of unconsciousness we cannot see it. Only withawareness does the vision arise; thenwe can see whereitis onlya mirage and whereitis truth.Anyhappinessthat happensby anyouter coincidenceisamirage,andyouwillsuffert hrough it. It is a deception, it is a hallucination. Youfeelthatyouareveryhappywithawomanorwithaman? youaregoingtosuffer. Sooneror lateryou will find that all happiness has disappeared. Sooner or lateryou will f ind maybeyouwere just imaginingit ithasneverbeen there.Maybeitwasjusta dream.Youwerefantasizingit. When the realityofthewomanandthe manisrevealed,you findtwougly beaststryingto dominat e each other. Ihave heard: The best manwas doinghis utmosttomakethegroombraceup. Whereisyour nerve,old man? he asked. You are shaking like a leaf! IknowIam, saidthegroom, but thisisa nerve-wracking timeforme. I vegot someexcusefor being frightened, haven t I? I ve never been married before. Of courseyouhaven t, are! said the best man. Ifyou hadyouwouldbemuch more scared thanyou
Asyoulookintolife,asyouwatchlife,asyoulearnmore aboutit,byandbyyouwillfeel disil lusioned. There is nothing... just mirages callingyou. Manytimesyou have been befooled. Ma
nytimesyou rushed,you travelled long, to find just nothing. Ifyou are alert,yourexperience will makeyou freeof theworld. Andby theworld Idon t mea n, and neither does Saraha mean, the world of the trees and the stars and the rivers an d the mountains by theworld hemeanstheworldthatyouprojectthroughyourmind,throughyour desire. Thatwor ld ismaya,thatworldis illusory,thatis createdbydesire,thatis createdbythought.Whent houghtand desire disappear and there is just awareness, alertness, when there is conscious ness without any content,when thereis no thought-cloud, just consciousness, thesky, thenyou see t he realworld. That real world is what religions call God, or Buddha calls Nirvana. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 56 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD TOBEASORRYPLACE. NOTSO THE WISE WHO THE HEAVENLYNECTAR DRINK WHILE BEASTS HUNGERFOR THE SENSUAL. But whenyou are defeated inyour hope, whenyou are defeated inyour dream,you thin k maybe THIS dreamwas wrong, andyou start dreaminganother dream. Whenyou are not fulfill edinyour desire,you thinkyou didn t make asmuch effort aswas needed. Againyou are deceived. Awoman sitting ona streetcar noticedthat the man next to herkept shaking his hea d from side to side, like a metronome. The woman s curiosity got the best of her and she asked wh yhe was doing it. SoI can tell the time, Well, what time is it? Four-thirty, You re wrong replied thefellow. asked the woman.
Oh! ThenI mustbeslow! the man answeredashe speededup. That s how it goes on: ifyou don t achieve something,you think maybeyou have not bee n making asmuch effort aswas needed, oryour speedwas slow,your competitive spiritwas note nough to compete with others.Youwere not aggressive enough.Youwere not violent enough; th atyouwere lethargicand lazy; thatnext timeyouhavetopullyourselfup; thatyouhavetopullyourse lftogether next timeyou have toproveyour mettle. Ithas nothing todowithyour mettle. Youhavefailed because success isnotpossible. Youhave notfailedfor reasonofyour effort, speed,aggression no.Youhave notfailed becausey ouwere defective. You have failed because failure is the only possibility in the world nobody succeeds. Nobody can succeed! Success is not possible. Desires cannot be fulfilled. And pr ojections never allowyou to see the reality, andyou remain in bondage.
Youalsoexperiencethe samefailureagainandagainasIhaveexperienced.Youalsoexperienc e the same failure again and again as Buddha or Saraha has experienced. Then what is the difference? You experience the failure, but you don t learn anything from it. That is the only difference. The momentyou start learning fromit,you willbea Buddha. One experience, another experience, another experience, but you don t put all the experiences together you don t conclude!You say, Thiswoman provedhorrible, okay but there are mill ions ofwomen. Iwill find another. Thiswoman provesafailure again,you again start hopin g,dreaming youwillfindanother: Itdoesnot meanthatallwomenhavefailedifonewomanhasfailed.Itdoes TheTantra Vision,Vol1 57 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS not meanthatonemanhasfailedsoallmenhavefailed. Yougoonhoping,yougoonhoping hope goes on winningoveryourexperience, andyou never learn. the
One relationship becomesa bondage;youfeel that something has gone wrong next tim eyou will makealltheeffortsnottomakeitabondage.Butyouarenotgoingto succeed because success isnotintheverynatureofthingshere.Failureistheonly possibility: successis impossi ble. The day you recognize that failure is the only possibility, that ALL rainbows ar e false, and all happinessesthatglitterandshinefromfarawayandattractyoulikemagnets,arejustempty d reams, desires,you aredeludingyourself thedayyou recognizethefact,aturning,a conversion, anew being is born. Witha bangingof doorsandanangry swishofskirts,theheftyfemale enteredthe registra r s office. Didyou or didyou not issue this licensefor me to marryJohn Henry? she snapped, sla mminga document on the table. The registrar inspected it closely through his glasses. usly, I believeI did. Why? Well, what areyou going to do about it? she screamed. Yes, madam, he said cautio
He s escaped!
All relationships are just beautiful on the surface; deep down they are a sort o f bondage. I am not saying don t relate to people;I am saying relate,but never think that any relation ship isgoing to giveyou happiness. Relate!Of course,youwillhaveto relate youareintheworld.Youhave to relate to people,but no relationship is going to giveyou happiness because it ne ver comes from the outside. It always glows from the inside, it always flows from the inside. AndSarahasays:Themanwhobelievesthatit comesfromthe outsideisabeast heisaPASHU he is in bondage. And the man who recognizes the fact that it never comes from t he outside, wheneverit comesit comes fromthe inside,is free.Heisa man;heis reallya man,heisn o more a beast. With that freedom man is born. BEASTS DO NOTUNDERSTAND THEWORLD TOBEASORRYPLACE. NOTSO THE WISE
WHO THE HEAVENLYNECTAR DRINK... What is thisheavenly nectar? It is symbolic of the honeythatyouhave already inyo ur mouth and youhavenot tastedit.Youdon thaveanytimeto tasteit.Thewholeworldistoomuch,andyouare rushing from one place to another.You don t have anytime to taste the honeythat is already there. That is the heavenly nectar en there is no death ifyou taste it,you are in heaven. Ifyou taste it, th
that s whyit is called heavenly nectar : you become an immortal. You are an immortal. You have not seenit,butyouAREan immortal. Thereisno death:youare deathless.TheSKYisdeathl ess: only clouds are born and die. Rivers are born and die: the sea is deathless. So areyou. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 58 Osho
CHAPTER 3. THIS HONEY IS YOURS SARAHA says these sutras to the king. Saraha is not trying to convincehim logica lly. Infact, he is simplymakinghisbeing availabletohim.Andheisgivinghimanew gestalt tolookatSaraha. Tantraisanewgestalttolookatlife.AndIhavenever come acrossanything moreprofoundth an Tantra. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 59 Osho
CHAPTER4 Love is death 24 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall The first question: Question1 OSHO, YOU ARE EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE EVER WANTED OR COULD EVER WANT. SO WHY IS THERE SO MUCHRESISTANCE IN METOWARDSYOU? THAT S WHY if you have deep love for me, there will be deep resistance also. They balance each other. Wherever love is, there is resistance too. Whereveryou are tremendou sly attracted, you would like to escape also from that place, from that space because to be imme nsely attracted meansyou willfall into the abyss,you will no more beyourself. Loveis dangerous.Loveisadeath.Itis more deathly than death itself becauseyou sur vive after death,but afterloveyou don t survive. Yes, somebody elseis born,butyou are gone. H ence the fear. Thosewhoarenotinlovewithme,they cancomeveryclose,andtherewillbenofear. Thosewho loveme,theywillbeafraidof taking each step; reluctantlytheywilltake those steps; veryharditis going tobefor them because the closer they come to me, the less will be their eg o. That s whatI meanbydeath. The moment theyhave come REALLYclose to me, they are not just asI a m not. Coming closer to me is coming closer to a state of nothingness. So even in ordin arylove there is resistance this love is extraordinary, this love is unique 60
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH The question is from Anand Anupam. Ihave been watching her. She IS resisting. Th e question is notjust intellectual,itisexistential.Shehasbeen fighting hard...butshe cannotwin .Sheisblessed becauseshe cannotwin.Herdefeatiscertain,itisabsolutelycertain.Ihave seenthatlove inher eyes; that love is so strong that it will destroyall resistance, that it will wi n over all efforts of the ego to survive. Whenloveis strong,theego cantrybutitis already a losing battlefortheego. That swhy so many people live without love. Theytalk about love,but theylive without love. Theyfan tasize about love, butthey never actualizelove becauseto actualizelove means you willhaveto destroy yourself utterly. Whenyoucometoa Master,itiseither utter destructionor nothing. Eitheryouhaveto di ssolveinto me andyou have to allow me to dissolve intoyou, oryou can be herebut nothing wil l happen. If theego remains,thenthereisaChinaWallbetweenmeandyou.AndaChinaWallcanbebroken easily,buttheegoisamore subtle energy. But oncelovehasarisen, thentheegois impotent andIhave seen thisloveinAnupam seyes.I t is there.Itisgoingtobeagreatstruggle,butgood! because thosewho comeveryeasily do n t come. Those who takea long time, those who fight inchbyinch, onlythey come. But nothing to be worried about. The journeyis going to be a long journey. Anupa m will take time, maybeyears,butnothingtobeworried!Sheisontherighttrack.ANDshehas crossedthepoint from where she could have gone back; she has crossed the point of no-return. So it is only a question of time. Sheisavailabletome. Ineverforceanybody because thereisno need. Anditisgoodtogive
them time and enough rope, so they come on their own. When surrender is out of f reedom it has a beauty. But you can trust it is coming, it is on the way. In the deepest core of your be ing it has already happened;nowitisjusta questionoftime,sothatthe deepest coreinformsyour superfici al mind. Inyour heartyou have already come to me. Only in the mind is there struggle. At the centeryou have already come closertome;onlyontheperipherythereis fightinggoingon.Theheadqu arters
have really already surrendered. Youmusthave heard about aJapanese soldier whowas still fighting: the SecondWorld Warwas over,so manyyearshad passed,andtwentyyears afterthe SecondWorldWarhewas still fi ghting he had not heard that Japan had surrendered. He was somewhere in the deepest for ests of Indonesia,andstill thinkingthathe belongedtothe emperorofJapanandthefightwason.H emust have been mad! He was hiding and escaping and killing people alone! WhenjustafewyearsagohewentbacktoJapan,hewasgivena hero s reception.Heisa heroin away.Hewasunaware buthemustbeamanofgreatwill.Hehadheardfrom others itwasnot thathehadnot heard;how canyouavoidfortwentyyears? thatJapanhad surrendered,thewa r had finished. Buthe insisted: UnlessI receivean order frommycommander,Iwill not s urrender. Now, the commanderwas dead, so therewas nowayto receive an order from the comman der and hewasgoingtofighthis wholelife.Itwasverydifficultto catchholdofhim;hewasverydang erous but he was caught. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 61 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH Exactlythat is the case with Anupam: the headquarters have already surrendered, the commander is dead!Just on the periphery, somewherein theforestsof Indonesiayou are fightin g,Anupam. But sooner or later, howsoever madyou are,you will receive the news..... The second question: Question2 I WOULD LIKE TO BECOME TRUE, BUT WHAT IS IT AND HOW IS IT? I FEEL IN A DEVILCIRC LE, INAPRISON.IWOULD LIKETOCOME OUT,BUT HOW? THE FIRST THING: you are not in a prison nobody is, nobody ever has been. The pr ison is make-believe.You are unconscious, certainly,butyou are notinaprison. Theprisonis a dream,a nightmare,thatyouhavemanagedtoseeinyoursleep.Sothebasicquestionisnothowto come outoftheprison;thebasic questionishowtocomeoutofthesleep.And thereisagreatdiffer ence in howyou articulate the question. Ifyou start thinking, How to come out of the p rison? thenyou willstart fightingwiththeprison WHICHISNOT thenyouwillbemovinginawrong direction. That s what manypeople have been doing down the centuries. Theythink they are in a prison, so they fight with the prison, they fight with the guards. they fight with the jail or, they fight with the system. Theyfight with the walls! Theygo on filing the bars of the windows; they want to escape fromtheprison,they try to unlocktheprisonbutit cannotbedone, becausetheprisonexi sts not. The jailor and the guard and the bars and the locks are all imagination. Youareinadeepsleepandyouareseeinga nightmare.The basic questionishowto comeoutof sleep. Ihave heard: No durance vile couldbe more pathetic than that sufferedbythedrunk whowasfoundwa ndering agonizedly around and around on the sidewalk outside the fence which encloses a public park, beating upon the bars and screaming: Let me out! Thatisyour situation. Youarenotlockedup,you arenotimprisonedyou are simplydrunk. You THINKthatyouareimprisoned.Thisisjusta thought.AndIknowwhythatthoughtarisesinyour mind: becauseyoufeelyourself soverylimitedfromeverywhere outof the limitation th
e ideaof prisonarises.Whereveryoumove thereisalimitation;you cangoonlysofarand thenyou ca nnot go any further; then theremustbeawall whichis hinderingyou. Soyou infer that the reisawall all around;maybenotvisible,maybeitisaglasswallmadeofverytransparentglass;youcans ee through it,but wheneveryou move in ANY direction, again and againyou stumble and you cannot go beyond a certain point. Thisgivesyoutheideaofaprison,thatyouareimprisoned. Butthis limitationisalso beca useof sleep. In sleepyou become identified with the body, so the limitations of the bo dy becomeyour limitations.Insleepyou become identifiedwiththemind,sothe limitationsofthemind b ecomeyour limitations. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 62 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH YOU ARE UNLIMITED. You are unbounded. AS you are in your pure being, no limitati on exists you are a god. But to KNOW that godhood, don t start fighting with the prison, othe rwise you will neverbea winner. And more and moreyou willbe defeated, and more and moreyou willfeel frustrated, and more and more you will lose self-confidence, more and more you w illfeel that it seems impossible to get out of it. Startbybecoming moreaware.Startbybecoming morealert, more attentive. Thatistheon lything that has to be done. Beingawareyou will startfeelingthat thewalls thatwere too closeare no more so cl ose; they are widening.Yourprisonis becoming bigger and bigger. The moreyour consciousness exp ands, the moreyou will see thatyour prison is no more THATsmall it is becoming bigger and bigger. More expansive consciousnessand bigger spaceisavailabletoyoutomove,tobe,tolive,tolove . And thenyou know the basic mechanism: less conscious, and thewalls come closer; unco nscious, and thewalls arejust touchingyou fromeverywhere.You areina small cell;evena slightmo vementis not possible. Remember thisphrase:expansionof consciousness. With thatexpansion,YOUexpand. One day, whenyour consciousnessis absoluteand thereisnotalingering shadowofdarkness insid e,when there is nothing unconscious in you, all has become conscious, when the light is burning bright, whenyouare luminousfromtheinnerawareness then suddenlyyouseethateventheskyisnot your limit, there is no limitation toyou. Thisisthe wholeexperienceofthemysticsofallthe ages. When Jesussays: Iandmyfatherin heavenareone, thisiswhathe means.Heissaying: Ihaveno limitations. Itisawayofsayingthe samething,a metaphoricalway,a symbolicway: IandmyFatherinheaven arenottwobut one I,stayinginthissmallbodyandHe,spreadalloverexistence,arenottwobutone.My sourcean dI are one... IAMasbigasexistence itself. That is the meaning when the mystic of the Upanishad declares: Aham Brahmasmi I a m the Absolute,I amGod. Thisis utteredina stateofawareness whereno unconsciousnessexist s. This is the meaning when the Sufi, Mansoor, declares, Ana-el-Haqq Iam theTruth.
These great utterances are very significant. They simply say that you are as big as your consciousness never more, never less. That s why there is so much appeal in drugs, because theychemicallyforceyour consciousnessto becomea little wider thanitis. LSDor mar ijuanaor mescalin,theygiveyoua suddenexpansionof consciousness. Of course,itisforcedand v iolent andshouldNOTbedone.Anditis chemical ithasnothingtodowithyourspirituality.YOUDON T GROWTHROUGH IT! Growth comes through voluntaryeffort. Growth is not cheap, not s o cheap thatjusta small quantityofLSD,aVERYsmall quantityofLSD, cangiveyouspiritualgrowt h. Aldous Huxley was very much wrong when he started thinking that he had attained through LSD the same experience as Kabir, or as Eckhardt, or as Baso no, it is not the same experience. Yes, somethingis similar;that similarityisin theexpansionof consciousness. Butitisver ydissimilar too; itisaforced thing;itisa violenceonyour biology and onyourchemistry. Andyou remai n the same! You don tgrow through it. Once the influenceof thedrugwears off,you are the same m an again, the same small man. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 63 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH Kabirwillneverbethe sameagain becausethatexpansionof consciousnesswasnotjustafor ced thing he hasgrown to it. Now there is no going back. It has become part of him. It has become his being. He has absorbed it. But the appeal can be understood. The appeal has always been there; it has nothi ng to do with the modern generation. It has always been there... since theVedas; man has alwaysfel t tremendously attractedtowardsdrugs.Itisafalse coin;itgivesyoua little glimpseofthe realinaver y unnatural way.Butmanisalwaysseekingexpansion;manwantsto becomegreat. Sometimes through money he wants to become great yes, money also gives you a fee ling of expansion;itisadrug. Whenyouhavemuch money,youfeelyour boundaries arenotso close to you they arefaraway.You canhave as many cars asyouwant;you are not limited. If su ddenly youwanttohaveaRollsRoyce,youcanhaveit youfeelfree. Whenthe moneyisnotthere,a RollsRoyce passesby,the desirearises... butthe limitation.Yourpocketisempty.You don thave anybank balance.Youfeel hurt thewall;you cannotgobeyond it. The caris there;you see the car;youcanhaveitright now but thereisawallbetweenyouandthecar:thewallofpoverty. Moneygivesyouafeelingofexpansion,afeelingof freedom. But that tooisafalse freedo m.You canhave many more things,but that doesn t helpyougrow. You don t become more youhave more,butyourbeing remainsthe same.Soispower:ifyouareaprime ministerora president of a countryyoufeelpowerful thearmy,the police,the court,the wholeparaphernaliaofthe stateis yours. The boundariesof the countryareyour boundaries:youfeel tremendouslypowerf ul. But that too is a drug. Letmesay toyou:Politicsand money areasmuchdrugsasLSDand marijuana andfar more dangerous. If one has to choose between LSD and money, LSD isfar better. If one has to choose between politics and LSD, then LSD isfar better andfar more religious. WhydoI sa yso? because throughLSDyouwillonlybe destroyingyourself,butthroughmoneyyou destroyotherstoo.T hrough LSDyou will be simply destroyingyour chemistry,your biology,but through politics you will destroy millions of people. Just think:if Adolf Hitlerhadbeenadrug addict,theworldwouldhavebeenfar better; i fhehad beenonLSD, orwithasyringeinhand,wewouldhavefeltblessed,wewouldhave thankedGod It
is verygood that he remains in his house and goes on taking shots and is stoned. The world can go on easily without him. Money, politics, are far more dangerous drugs. Now, this is very ironical: polit icians are always against drugs, people who have money are always against drugs and they are not a ware that they themselves aredrug-addicts. Andthey areonafar more dangeroustrip, because theirt rip implies others lives too. A man is free to do whatsoever he wants to do. LSD can at the m ost be a suicidal thing,butitisnevermurder. Itis suicide! And oneIS freeto commit suicide,at least oneHASto be freeto commit suicide becauseitisyourlife; ifyou don twanttolive,itisokay. But moneyis murder; so is power-politics murder it kills others. Iam not saying to choose drugs. I am saying ALL drugs are bad: money, politics, LSD, marijuana. You choose these things becauseyouhaveafalse idea that theywillexpandyour consci ousness. The consciousness can be expanded very simply, very easily, because IN FACT it i s already expanded.Youarejustlivinginafalse notion:yourfalse notionisyourbarrier,isyourpri son. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 64 Osho
YOU CANNOTLIKEOR DISLIKE.Itisnota questionofyour choice. Truthis! Whetheryoulike itordonotlikeitis irrelevant. Youcan chooselies,butyou cannotchoosetruth truthis there. That s whyKrishnamurti insists so much on choiceless awareness. You cannot choose truth. Truth is already there! It has nothing to do withyour choice, liking, disliking. The momentyou dropyour choice, truth is there. It is because ofyour choice thaty ou cannot see thetruth.Your choice functionslikea screenonyoureyes.Your likingand dislikingist heproblem! Becauseyou like something,you cannot see that which is; and becauseyou dislike s omethingyou cannotseethatwhichis. Throughlikeand dislikeyouarehaving coloredglassesonyoureye sand you don t see the real color of existence as It is. Yousay: Iwouldliketobecometrue... That showyou remain untrue.YOUARETRUE!Droplikes and dislikes!Howcanyoubeuntrue?Beingistrue.Tobeistrue.Youarehere alive,breathing. How can you be untrue? Your choice: by choice you have become a Christian or a H indu or a Mohammedan. By truthyou are not Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian. By choiceyou have become identified with India, with China, with Germany,butbytruth the whole belongs toy ou andyou belong to the wholeyou are universal. The total lives throughyou.You areNOTjusta part. The total livesthroughyouAS tot ality. Choose, like, dislike, andyougo astray. Nowyousay, Iwouldliketo becometrue... theninthe nameoftruth alsoyou will become untr ue. That s how a person becomes a Christian, because he thinks Christianity is true an d I would like to become true, so he becomes a Christian. Please don t become a Christian, don t bec ome a Hindu.YOU AREACHRIST! WHY becomea Christian? CHRISThoodisyour nature. Christhood has nothing to do with Jesus; it is as muchyours as Jesus . Christhood is a state of choiceless awareness. So please don t startthinking in terms of desire: I would like to become true. Now t his is the wayto become untrue. Drop this desire just be, don t tryto become. Becoming is becoming untrue: being is truth. And see thedifference!
Becoming is in the future; it has a goal. Being is herenow; it is not a goal it is already the case. So whosoeveryouare,justbethat;don ttryto becomeanythingelse.Youhavebeentaught idea ls, goals become! Alwaysyou have beenforced to become something. My whole teachingis: Whatsoever, whosoeveryouare,that s beautiful.Itis morethan en ough.You just be that. Stop becoming and be! Andnow, naturally, whenyouask Iwouldliketo becometrue,but whatisitandhowis it? once youstart thinkingintermsof becoming,thencertainlyyouwanttoknowwhatthegoalis:What is it? whatis thistruththatI wantto become? And then naturally, when goal comes there, h ow also comes: How to attain it? Then the whole technology, methodology.... I am sayingyou AREThat. Themysticin the Upanishad says:TAT-TAT-TVAM-ASI-ASI thou art That. ALREADYyouareThat.Itisnotaquestionofbecoming.Godisnotsomewhereinthefuture; TheTantra Vision,Vol1 65 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH God is just now, this very moment, within you, without you, everywhere nly God is, nothing else exists. All that exists is divine. because o
Sobe! Don ttryto become.Thenonethingleadsto another:Ifyouwantto become,thennatural ly the idea arises: What ideal? What amI to become? Thenyou have to imagine an idea l, thatyou haveto be like this Christ-like, Buddha-like, Krishna-like. Thenyou willhave to choose an image, andyou will becomea carbon copy. Krishna has never been repeated. Can tyou seea simple truth? Krishna has never bee n again. Can tyouseeaVERYsimpletruth,thatBuddhais unrepeatable?EACHbeingisunique, utterly unique so areyou.Ifyoutryto become somebody,you willbeafalse entity,apseudoexiste nce. You willbea carboncopy. Betheoriginal!So,youcanonlybeyourself. Thereisnowheretog o, nothing to become. But the egowants some goal. The egoexistsbetween the present moment and the goal . See the mechanismoftheego. The biggerthegoalyouhave,the biggertheego.Ifyouwantto becomea Christ,ifyouareaChristianthenyouhaveabigego maybeevenpious,butit doesn tmakeany difference. The pious ego is as much an ego as anyother ego; sometimes even more dangerous than ordinaryegos. Ifyou area Christian, thenyouare on an ego-trip. Ego means the distance betweeny ou and the goal.People come to me and theyask: How to drop the ego? You cannot drop the ego un lessyou drop becoming.You cannot drop the ego unlessyou drop the idea,the ideal, the hop e, the future. The egoexists between the present moment and the future ideal. The bigger the id eal, thefarther awaythe ideal,the more spacetheegohastoexist,the more possibilities. That swhy a r eligious person is more of an egoist than a materialist. The materialist cannot have THAT much space as the religious person has. The religious person wants to become God! Now, this is the greatest possibility.What more canyouhaveasan ideal? The religiouspersonwantstogoto MOKSH A,to heaven,toparadise now, whatfarther shore canyou imagine? The religious personwant stobe absolutely perfect. Now ego will exist in the shadow of this idea of perfection.
Listentome! I don tsayyouhaveto becomegods I declareyou aregods. Then thereisno questionofanyegoarising, thereisno space left.You arenottogotoheaven you are alr eady there.Justhaveagoodlook around...youarealready there!Itisanowness,paradiseisanow ness. Itisa functionofthepresent moment. Theegothriveswhenyouhavegoalsand ideals.Andtherearea thousandandoneproblemswith theego.Ontheonehanditfeelsverygoodtohavegreat ideals;ontheotherhanditmakesyoufee l guilty, continuouslyfeel guilty, becauseyou are alwaysfalling short. Those ideal s are impossible; you cannot attain them. Thereisnowayto attain them,soyou arealwaysfalling short. Soon one hand the ego thrives; on another hand guilt... guilt is the shadow ofthe ego. Haveyouwatchedthisstrangephenomenon?An egoisticpersonfeelsverymuchguiltyaboutsma ll things.Yousmokea cigarette;ifyouareanegoistyouwillfeelguilty.Now, smokingisaninn ocent, stupid thing very innocent and very stupid. Nothing worth feeling guilty about, but a religious person willfeel guilty because he has an ego-ideal that he should not smoke. Now that ideal that TheTantra Vision,Vol1 66 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH he should not smoke and the reality that he smokes create two things: the ideal gives him a good feelingthat Iama religious person.IKNOWthatIshouldnotsmoke;Ieventry,Itry mybest... but hewillalsofeelthatheagainandagainfalls.He cannotreachtotheideal,sohefeelsguilty. And the personwhofeelsguiltywillstartmakingeverybodyfeelguilty.Itis natural:howcanyo ujustfeel guilty alone?It willbetoo hard;it willbe tooburdensome. So a guilty person creates guilt all around. He makes everybody feel guilty for small things, for irrelevant things. Ifyouhavelong hair,he willmakeyoufeel guilty. Thereis nothing muchinit;it is one sownlife if onewantstohavelong hair,good!Ifyou are doingthingsinyourownwayhe willmakeyoufeel guilty. Whatsoeveryou are doinghe will findfaults.HeHASto findfa ults heis suffering from guilt.How canhe suffer alone? Wheneverybodyisfeeling guiltyhefeel sat ease.At least one consolation that I am not alone in the boat everybody is in the same bo at. Thetrick tomake othersfeel guiltyistogive them ideals. Thisisavery subtletrick: the parents give an ideal to the child to Be like this. Theyhave never been like this ; nobody has ever been. Nowtheygivean idealtothe child thisisavery subtleandcunningway tomakethe childfee l guilty.Now,againandagainthechildwillfeel Iamnotcoming closertotheideal;infact,Iamg oing fartherawayfromit! Soithurts;itkeepshimdown, depressed. Henceyouseesomuchmiseryintheworld.Itisnot actual:ninety percentis becauseofthe i deals that have been imposed uponyou. And theydon t allowyou to laugh, theydon t allowyou to enjoy. Aman who has no ideals will never make anybody elsefeel guilty. Just the other night,ayoung man came andhe said, Ifeelveryveryguilty aboutmyhomose xuality. It is unnatural. Now, if he had gone to Mahatma Gandhi, or to the Vatican Pope, o r to Puri s Shankaracharya, whatwouldhave happened? They wouldhave really made himfeel guilt y. Andhe is ready! tofall into the hands of any torturer. He is ready; he is himself invi ting. He is calling the mahatmasto comeandmakehimfeelguilty. Alonehe cannotdothatjobvery well,soheisaski ng the experts. Buthehas cometoawrong person.Itoldhim, So what!Whydoyousayitis unnatural?
He said,
It is not unnatural?
Isaid, How can it be unnatural? My definition of nature is: that which happens is natural. How can the unnatural happen in the first place? ImmediatelyIcould seehewas coming outof the ditch;hisface started smiling. Sohe said, Itis not unnatural?Itisnotaperversion?Itisnot somesortofabnormality? AndItold him, It is not! But, he said, animals theydon t become homosexual.
I said, They don t have that much intelligence! They live a fixed life. Whatsoever biology allows, theylivethatway.Youcangoandseeabuffaloeatinggrass sheonly eatsacertaingrass, nothi ng else.Youcanputthe CHOICESTfood shewillnot bother;shewillgooneatinghergrass.She TheTantra Vision,Vol1 67 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH has no alternatives. Consciousness is very narrow, almost nil. Man has intellige nce; he tries to find newwaysto relate,tolive. Manistheonly animalwho findsnewways.Now,toliveina house is unnatural, becauseno animallives soisitaperversion?Ortowear clothesisabnormal,be cause no animalwears clothesisitaperversion?To cookfoodis unnatural no animalhasever d oneit! Isit wrongtoeatcookedfood?Toinvitepeopletoyourhouseforadrinkorfor lunchisunnatur al because no animal ever invites any other animal because animals in fact always g o in privacy when they want to eat. You give something to a dog: he will immediately go into a corner and will keep everybody at the back, and will be in a hurry to eat. He will never invite, he will not call his friends: Come on! Thatis naturaltoadog,butyou are not dogs;you arefar superior. You have more intelligence,youhave more possibilities.Manmakeseverythinginhisownway thatis HIS nature. Hewas relieved.Icould seeagreatburden,a mountain thatwas on his head,was gone.I am not certain how long he will remain free and unburdened. Some mahatma maycatch hold of him, and againputthesameideathat thisis unnatural . Mahatmasareeither sadistsor masochists avo id! Wheneveryouseeamahatma,RUNasfastasyoucanbeforeheputs someguiltinyourmind. WHATSOEVERYOUCANBE,YOUARE. Thereisnogoal. Andwearenotgoinganywhere.We aresimplycelebratinghere. Existenceisnotajourney,itisacelebration. Thinkofitasac elebration! asa delight,asajoy!Don tturnitintoasuffering! Don tturnitintoaduty,awork letitbeplay! ThisiswhatImeanbybecoming religious:noguilt,noego,notripofanykind justbeinghereno w... being with the trees and The birds and the rivers and the mountains and the star s. You are notinaprison. You arein God s house,you arein God s temple please don tcallita
prison;itis not.Youhave misunderstood.Youhave interpretedit wrongly. Listeningto me alsoyou can interpret manythings wrongly.You GO on interpreting. Two scenes... one: The nurseryman who spoke at the garden club meetingplaced emphasis on the advant age to be gainedbytheuseofoldhorsemanureforfertilizingspringgardens.Duringthe questionanda
nswer period, a city lady who had been taking notes raised her hand. The speaker nodde d to her and she earnestly enquired: You said old horse manurewas the bestfertilizer.Wouldyou mind telling me how old the horse should be? The second: A hillbilly type woman brought her little boy to the county school. When questio ned about her husband,sheconfided, Ineverknewmuchaboutthisboy sfather.He camethroughhere,courted meandwegot married. Soon afterwardsIfoundouthewasahobosexual. You mean homosexual, came the correction.
No,sir,I mean hobosexual.Hewasjusta no-good, passionatebum. Eachonehashisowninterpretationofwords.SowhenI amsayingsomething,Idon tknowwhat you are going to understand out ofit. Each one has a private dictionaryhidden in the unconscious. Thatprivate dictionarygoes on infiltrating, changing, coloring. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 68 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH I have been tellingyou to become free. You have misunderstood me you thoughtyou a re in a prison.Yes,I say Become free! Immediatelyyou interpretit asifyou areinaprison. The whole emphasishas changed.MyemphasiswasonYOU:Befree!Your emphasishasgoneontheprison. Nowyousay, Iaminaprison. UnlessIgetoutoftheprison,howcanIbe free? My emphasiswas: Befree,andifyouarefreethereisnoprison.Theprisonis createdbyyourhabitofbeing unfr ee. Look!The emphasishaschanged andit seemsthatit almost meansthesame.WhenI say Be free! what difference is there if somebody says Yes, I am in a prison ? a LOT of dif ference, a great difference. The whole thing has changed. Itisa totally different thing whe nyou say Iamin prison. Thentheguardandtheprison theybecomeresponsible.Then unlesstheyallowyou,how canyou get out of it?You have thrown the responsibility on somebodyelse. WhenI wassaying Be free! I wassaying Youare responsible. ItisYOURthingtobefreeornotto befree.Ifyouhave chosenNOTtobefree,thentherewillbeaprison,thentherewillbeguardsa nd theprisoner.Ifyouhavechosentobefree,the guardsandtheprisonandeverythingdisappear s. Just drop the habitofbeing unfree. How canyou drop it?Freedomand consciousnessgo handin hand: more conscious, more free; less conscious, less free. The animals are less free because.they are less consc ious. The rockis even less free because the rockhas no consciousness, almost nil. Man is the most highly evolved being, at least on this earth. Man has a little freedom then a Buddha has absolu te freedom: his consciousness. Soitisonlya questionofthedegreesof consciousness.Yourprison consistsofthelayerso fyour unconsciousness. Startbecoming consciousand thereisno otherprison. And remember,themindisverycunning.Itcanalwaysfindwaystobefoolyou. Ithaslearntver y manytrickstobefool.Themindcanjustuse anotherword,andyoumaynotevenseethedifferenc e thedifferencemaybeso subtlethatitis almostsynonymous andthemindhasplayedatrick. So whenI amsaying something, please don tinterpretit.Just listentoitas attentively aspossible; don tchangeasingleword,notevenasingle comma. JustlistentowhatIamsaying. Don tbring YOUR mind into it, otherwiseyou will hear something else. Always be alert about the cunningness of the mind. Andyouhave cultivated that cunningness. Youhave not cultivateditfor yourself,but youhave cultivateditfor others.Wetrytobefooleverybody;byandby,themind becomesexp
ertin befooling
Ihave heard: Ajournalist died. Naturally,hewasajournalist,andeveninthe president s houseandthep rime minister shousehehadbeenimmediatelywelcomedandtakenin;noappointmentwasever needed hewasagreatjournalist.Soherushedtowardsheaven whyshouldhegoto hell? buthewas preventedby SaintPeter. And SaintPeter said, Wait!No morejournalists are needed he re. We alreadyhavethe full quota;weonly need onedozen infact,they are also uselessbecau se there is no newspaper being printed in heaven. Infact,thereisnonews! Nothinghappensthereever.Thingsaregoingso smoothly,howcanne ws happen? And what news canyou think about saints lives: they are sittingunder thei r trees, Bodhi TheTantra Vision,Vol1 69 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH Trees, meditating.Sothenewspaperisnotmuchofanewspaper,butjusttohaveitpublished,j ust asaformality,thenewspaperISpublished,andeverydayitiswritten ditto ...the sameasbefor e. We don t need any journalists you go to hell. And there are always more and more jou rnalists needed, because there is much news, and newspapers and newspapers... and new new spapers arebeingplanned Ihavejust heard.Yougothereandyouwillhaveagreatjobandgreatjoy! Butthejournalistwantedtobeinheaven,sohe said. Youdo one thing:Iknowjournalists... ifI can managetoget somejournalisttogotohell,willhisplacebegiventome? SaintPetertookpityonhim;hesaid, Okay,howmuchtimedoyouneedto convert ajournalistto go to hell? He said, Twenty-four hours, just twenty-four hours. Sohewasallowedintoheavenfortwenty-fourhours. He immediatelystarted circulating a rumor that one of thegreatest newspapers is being planned, and the chief editor is need ed, the assistant editors are needed, the sub-editors are needed andgreat is the possibility. But, you will have to go to hell. For twenty-four hours he went round and round. He met all the journalists, and a fter twenty-four hourswhenhewenttoSaintPetertosee whetheranybodyhadleft,SaintPetersimplyclosedthe door and told him, Don t go outside because theyALL have left! maybethereis somethinginit.Youpleasedon t
He himselfhas spreadtherumor,but whentwelve personshave believed then one starts believing it oneself. That s how mind has become so cunning. You have been deceiving and deceiving... it has become suchanexpertindeceptionthatit deceivesyoutoo. The plaintiff in an accident-injury case, appearing in court in a wheelchair, wo n a huge settlement. Enraged, the lawyerforthe defence advanced on the winner in his wheelchair. You refakingandIknowyou refaking, he shouted. SohelpmeGod,I mgoingtofollowyou around forthe restofyourlife,untilIgetproof.
Thelawyer knewitperfectlywell, that that manwasafake, that wheelchairwasa show. Hewas perfectly okay, there was nothing wrong in his body. So he said: SohelpmeGod,I mgoingtofollowyou roundforthe restofyourlife, untilIgetproof. Bemyguest, respondedthe maninthe wheelchair, witha smile. Letme tellyoumyplans. Fir st, I mgoingtoLondonforsome clothes,thentotheRivieraforthesun,andafterthat toLourdes,fo r the miracle. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 70 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH Mindissocunning;itcanfindaway outalways.Itcangoto Lourdes.... But onceyouareplay ing thesetrickson others, sooneror lateryou willbethe victimyourself. Bewareofyourow n mind. Don t trust it, doubt it. Ifyou start doubtingyour mind, that isagreat moment. The moment the doubt about mind arises,you start trusting the self. Ifyou trust the mind,you do ubt the self; ifyou mistrustthe mind,youstarttrustingthe self. Thatisthe whole meaningoftrustinga Master. Whenyou cometome,itissimplyatechnique to helpyouto doubtyourown mind.You starttrusting me:yousay, I will listentoyou. Iwon t listen tomymind.Ihave listenedtomymindlong enough;itleadsnowhere,itgoes roundand round. It againandagaintakestothesametrip;itisa repetition,itismonotonous. Yousay, Iwill liste nto you. A Master is just anexcuse to getrid of the mind. Onceyou have gotrid of the mind there is no needtotrustthe Master, becauseyou willhave come uponyourownMaster.TheMasteris si mply a passage to your own Master. Via the Master, it becomes easy; otherwise the min d will go on deceiving, andyou will not know what to do with the mind. Listening to the Master, trusting the Master,byandby, the mind is neglected. And manytimesyou have to drop the mind because the Master is saying something which goes against it itALWAYS goes against it! Neglected, mind starts dying. Not trusted, mind starts dying. I t comes to its right size. Rightnowitis pretending. Rightnowit pretendsasifitisyour wholelife.Itisjus ta small,tiny mechanismgoodto use,verydangeroustomakeityour master. Themindsays Become! TheMastersays Be! Themindsays Desire! TheMastersays Delight! The mindsays, Youhavetogoalong way. The Mastersays, Youhave arrived,you areSaraha you have shot the target already. The third question: Question3 WHATDOYOU THINK ABOUT CIVILIZATION? AREYOU ABSOLUTELYAGAINST IT? THEREISNOCIVILIZATION ANYWHERE sohow canIbe against it? Itexists not. Itis justa
pretension.Yes, man has lost hisprimitive,primordial innocence,but man has not b ecome civilized
becausethatisNOwayto become civilized.Theonlywayto become civilizedistobaseyours elf onyour innocence,tobaseyourselfonyourprimitive innocence,togrowfrom there. That swhy Jesussays: Unlessyou are reborn, unlessyou become a child again,you will never know what truth is. This so-called civilizationisfake,itisapseudocoin.IfI amagainstit,I amnotagainst civilization because this is not civilization.I am against it because this is not civilizatio n at all. It isfake. Ihave heard: Someone onceaskedtheformerPrinceofWales, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 71 Osho Whatisyourideaofcivilization?
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH It is a good idea, replied the Prince, somebody ought to start it.
Ilovetheanswer.Yes, somebodyoughttostartit ithasnotyetbeenstarted.Manisnotcivilize d; man only pretends. Iam against pretensions.I am againsthypocrisies. Man only shows thatheis civiliz ed. Scratch him a little andyou will find an uncivilized man. Scratchhima little and all thatis goodis just superficial, and all thatis badisverydeep-rooted. Itisa skin-deep civilization. Everything go eswell;you are smiling andeverything, and somebody just throwsaword atyou, an insult, andyou ar e mad, and you area maniacandyouwantto kill.Justa momentbefore,youwere smiling;andjusta mom ent afterwards,youarereadytokill,yourmurderous possibilitieshavesurfaced.Whatkindofc ivilization is this? Aman can be civilized only when he has become really meditative. Only meditation can bring real civilization to the world. Only Buddhas are civilized. And this is the paradox: that Buddhas are not against the primitive they use the primitive as the base, they use the childhood innocence as the base. And onthat baseagreat temple iserected. This civilization destroys the innocence of childhood, and then it givesyou just false coins. First it destroysyourprimal innocence. Onceprimal innocenceis destroyed,youhave becomecun ning, clever, calculating; thenyou are trapped, then this society goes on civilizingyo u. Firstit makesyou alienated fromyourown self. Onceyou are alienated, thenitgivesy oufalse coins you have to depend on it. Real civilization will not be againstyour nature, will not be againstyour childhood.Itwillbeagrowthuponit.Itwillnothaveany antagonismtowardsprimitive inno cence,it willbeafloweringofit.Itwillgohigherandhigher,butitwillberootedintheprimal innoce nce. This civilizationis nothingbuta maddeningaffair. Can tyou seethewhole earthhas bec omeabig madhouse?Peoplehavelosttheirsouls,peopleareno morepeople theyhavelosttheirself,th ey have lost their personality. Theyhave lost all! Theyare just pretenders. Theyhav e masks; theyhave lost their originalfaces.
Iamallfor civilization,butthisisnot civilization. That swhyI amagainstit.I wouldli keamanreally civilized, really cultured,but that culture can onlygrow it cannot beforced from the outside. It can comeonly fromthe within.It can spreadtowardstheperiphery,butit shouldrise,itHASt orise,at the center. This civilizationisdoingjustthe opposite:itforcesthingsfromthe outside. Thereisa non-violent preaching all over the world Mahavir, Buddha, Jesus, they all teach non-violence . They teach non-violence because they have enjoyed non-violence. Butfollowers? theyhave neve r enjoyed anymomentofnonviolence.Theyknowonly violence.Butthey arefollowers,sotheypretendt obe non-violent, theyforcea non-violence upon themselves, theycreatea character. Tha t characteris just around them. It is an armour. Deep down they are boilinglike volcanos ready to erupt. And on the surface theysmile thefalse smile, the plastic smile. This is not civilization. This is a very ugly phenomenon. Yes, I would like the non-violence to comefromwithin,nottobecultivatedfromthe outside,buthelped.Thatistherootmeaningof the TheTantra Vision,Vol1 72 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH word education . It is almost like drawing water from a well: education means to dra w out; that is the root meaning of the word education . But what has education been doing? It never dra ws anything out itforces in. Itgoes onforcing thingsin the headof the child;itis notworried a bout the child at all, it does not think about the child. The child is just used as a mechanism into which more and more information has to befed. This is not education! The child s soul has to be brought out. That which is hidden in the child has to b e brought out. The child has not to be patterned; his freedom should be left intact, and his consci ousness has to be helpedtogrow. Moreinformationisnot more education! Moreawarenessis education, mo reloveis education. And education creates civilization. This civilizationisfalse;its educationisfalse. That swhyI am againstit.I am agains tit becauseit is not really a civilization. Question4 OSHO,I LAUGH SO MUCHATYOUR JOKES.IWOULD LIKETO ASK ONEQUESTION: WHY DOESAJOKE CREATE SO MUCH LAUGHTER? ONETHING:youhaveneverbeenallowedtolaugh;your laughterisrepressed.Itislikearepres sed spring any excuseisenoughandit comesout.Youhavebeentaughttobesad,longfaces;you have been taught to be serious. If you are serious, nobody thinks that you are doing something wrong; it is acce pted, it is the way thingshavetobe. Butifyou are laughing, laughing toomuch, then people will st artfeeling embarrassedbyyou. Theywill start thinking somethingisweird: Whyis this man laughin g ? Andif you are laughing without anyreason, thenyou are mad; then theywill takeyou to th e psychiatrist; thentheywill hospitalizeyou.Theywillsay, Helaughs withoutanyreason!Onlymadpeoplela ugh without any reason. In a better world, in a more civilized world, in a really civilized world, laugh ter will be accepted as natural. Only when a person is sad will we hospitalize him. Sadness is illness: laughter is health. So, because you have not been allowed to laugh. any smallexcuse... jokes areexcuses to laugh;you can laugh without being called mad. You can say,
Becauseofthejoke.... Andajokehasa mechanism:ithelpsyou uncoil. Thewholemechanism of a joke is verycomplex in a waysimple-looking; deep down verycomplex. Ajoke is not a joke! It isa difficult phenomenon. Inafewwords,inafew lines,it can create sucha changein the whole climate. What happens? Whenajokeis told, firstyou start expecting that thereis goingtobe some laughter. You are ready forit.Youautohypnotizeyourself;you becomealert.Youmayhavebeendozingand sleeping, but now thereisajokeyoubecomealert.Yourbackboneisstraight;you listenattentively.You become more aware. And then the story goes on in such a way that it creates more and mo re tension in you. You want to know the conclusion. The joke goes on one plane, and there seem s to be nothing muchlikeajokeinit,andthen thereisa suddenturn....That suddenturn releasesyourspr ing.You becometense and tense becauseyou arewaiting andwaiting andwaiting... andyou see that there TheTantra Vision,Vol1 73 Osho
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH seems to be nothing much in it. And then suddenly it is there! And it is so sudd enly there, so out of theblue, thatyouforgetyour seriousness, thatyouforgetwhoyou are, thatyou beco mea child again in that suddenness andyou laugh. Andyour repressed laughter is released. Jokessimplyshowthatthesocietyhasforgottenhowtolaugh.Ina betterworldwherepeoplewi ll be laughing more, we will miss one thing: the joke. There will be no need people will be laughing andpeoplewillbehappy.Why?Each momentwillbea momentoflaughter.Andifyoucanseelife, itisALLjoke. Butyouarenotallowedtosee! Blinkershavebeenputonyoureyes;youareonly allowedto seesomuch.You arenotallowedto seetheridiculousnessofit itISridiculous! Children can see it more easily; that s whychildren are laughing more easily and m ore loudly. And they create embarrassment in parents, because they can see the whole nonsense of it. And the blinkers arenotyetfixed.Thefathergoesonsayingtothe child, Betrue,alwaysbetrue! Andth en a man knocks on the door, and thefather says, Go and tell him thatfather is not a t home. Now the child... thefather cannot see what is happening,but the child laughs. He can not believe what is happening this is ridiculous! And the child goes to the stranger knocking on the door andhe says, Fathersaysheisnotathome. Hetakesthe wholejuiceoutofit.Heenjoyseverybitofit. We live withblinkers. We are cultivatedin suchawaythatwe don tsee theridiculousnes sof life; otherwise it is ridiculous. That s why sometimes even without a joke, in some smal l thing... for example:Fordslippedandfellontheground.Whydidpeoplewhowere standingtherehaveagood laugh?They maynothaveshownit,buttheyhadagood laugh. Just think:ifabeggarslipsona bananapeel,nobodywill bother;buta presidentofa coun tryslips ona bananapeel thewholeworldwilllaugh.Why? Becausethe bananapeel broughtthingsrig ht! That bananapeelshowedtothepresidentthatheisasmucha humanbeingasabeggar.Andthe bananapeelmakesnodifferenceatall.Comebeggar,comepresident, comeprimeminister,mak es nodifference.Abananapeelisa bananapeel;itdoesnot bother. Ifanordinary manfalls,youwillhavea little laughterbutnotmuch, becauseheisan ordi naryman; henevertriedtoprovethatheis morethanlifesize sothereisnotmuch laughter.Butifapres ident slipsona bananapeel, suddenlytheridiculousnessofit,therealityofit,thatthismanwas thinking
evena bananapeelisnot
Watch... whereveryou laugh, theridiculousnessof life has entered throughyourblin kers.You are againa child. Ajokebringsyoubackyour childhoodness,your innocence.Foramomentithe lps theblinkerstoslip fromtheeyes. Listen toafew jokes: One of the local men was found dead under unusual circumstances. Therefore a cor oner s jury wasimpanelled,andtheforeman calledthewomaninwhosebedthemanhaddiedtotestify.The foreman assured her that all present knew each other, and that she should just t ell in her own words what had happened. The and was her woman related that she and the man, now deceased, had met in the local pub, when time called had gone on to her place to have another drink. One thing led to anot and theyended
CHAPTER 4. LOVE IS DEATH up in bed together. Suddenly she noticed a strange look in his eyes which she de scribed to the coroner sjuryin thesewords: Coming,Ithought,but goinghewas. And the second: An old deacon having occasion to spend a night at a hotel was assigned a room co ntaining three singlebeds,twoof which alreadyhadoccupants. Soon afterthelightwasextinguished,on eof these began to snore so loudly as to prevent the deacon from getting to sleep. The tum ult increased as thenightworeawayuntilitbecame absolutelyfearful. Sometwoor three hours aftermidn ightthe snorerturned himselfinbed,gavea hideousgroanand became silent. The deacon had supposed the third gentleman asleep, but at this juncture he hear d him exclaim, He is dead! Thank God, he is dead. And the last is a veryprecious one meditate over it:
One day, when Jesus was walking through a village, he came upon an angrymob who hadbacked a woman up against a wall and were getting ready to stone her. Raising his hand, Jesus quieted the mob and then said solemnly, who is without sin cast the first stone. Now, let that one
Immediately a little old lady picked up a big rockand hurled it at the woman. Mot her, said Jesus betweengritted teeth, youexasperate me. And the last question: Question5 IT IS OBVIOUS THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH ORANGE YOURSELF WEAR ORANGE: BUT THEN WHY DON T YOU
I andinlove withorange? Godforbid! I hateit! That swhyIforceyoutowearit.Itisa sorto f punishmentfor not being enlightenedyet. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 75 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH IF INEFFABLE, NEVERISONE UNSATISFIED, IF UNIMAGINABLE, ITMUST BE BLISS ITSELF. THOUGH FROMACLOUD ONE FEARS THE THUNDERCLAP, THE CROPS RIPEN WHENFROM IT POURS THE RAIN. MANISAMYTH,ANDTHE MOSTDANGEROUS MYTH becauseifyou believe that manexists, thenyou don ttry toevolvethe manatall; thereisno need. Ifyou believe thatyou are a lreadya man, then allgrowth stops. Youarenotalreadyaman,youarejusta potentialitytobe.Youcanbe.Youmaynotbe.Youmay miss. Remember, it canbe missed. Manis not born;itis notagivenfact.You cannot takeitforgranted. Itis JUSTa possib ility. Man exists as a seed, not as a tree notyet. Man is notyet actual, and the difference between the potential and the actual isgreat. Man as he exists is just a machine yet he works, yet he succeeds in the world, y et he lives a so-called life and dies. But remember, he exists not. His function is that of a mechanism; he is a robot. Manisa machine. Yes, this machine cangrow somethinginit which cangobeyond mechan ism. This machine is no ordinary machine; it has tremendous potentiality to go beyond itself. It can produce something transcendental to its own structure. Sometimes it has produced a Buddha, a Christ,a Gurdjieff. SometimesitHAS produceda man,but don tyou believe thatyou are alreadya man.Ifyou believe,your belief willbe suicidal because oncewe believe that someth ingis already there, thenwe stop lookingforit, thenwe stop creatingit, thenwe stop discovering it, thenwe stop evolving it. Just think: an ill person, a seriously ill person, thinks he is healthy. Whyshou ld he go to the doctor? Whyshould he take anymedicine? Whyshould he go under treatment? Whyshould he be willing to go to the hospital? He believes he is healthy, he s inperfect health... and he is dying! His belief will kill him. That swhyI saythismythisverydangerous,the most dangerousmytheverevolvedbythepriest
s and the politicians: that man is already on the earth. These millions of people on the earth are just possibilities;andunfortunately,themajorityofthemarenevergoingto become actual;un fortunately, manyof them will die as machines. WhatdoImeanwhenIsaymanisamachine?Imeanthatmanlivesoutofthepast.Manlivesoutof adeadstructure.Manlivesoutof habit.Manlivesalifeofroutine.Mangoesonmovinginthe s ame circle,in the samerut... again and again and again. Can tyou see the vicious circl einyour life? The same thingsyouhave been doingeveryday: hoping, beingangry, desiring, being ambit ious, being sensual, sexual, being frustrated, again hoping, again the whole circle moves. E ach hope leads toafrustration, neverisit otherwise; and after eachfrustrationa new hope and the circle starts moving. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 77 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH IntheEastwecallitthewheelof Samsara.Itisa wheel!Thespokesarethe same.Andyouare deludedbyit againand again.You again starthoping. Andyou know youhave hoped befor e,you havehoped millionsof times,and nothing happensoutofthathope.Justthe wheelgoesonm oving and goes on killingyou, goes on destroyingyour life. Timeisrunning outofyour hands. Each moment thatis lostis lostforever, andyougo o n repeating the old. Thisis whatImean whenIsaymanisa machine.Iagree with George Gurdjieff absolutely. He used tosaythatyou don thaveasoulyet.Hewasthe firstmantosayitsodrastically,thatyou don tha ve asoulyet. Yes,thesoul canbeborninyou,butyouwillhavetogivebirthtoit.Youwillhaveto become capable of giving birth to it. Down the centuries thepriestshave toldyou thatyouhave already that soul,thatyou are already that man. Thatis not so.You are only potentially so.You can become actually too, but themyth has tobe destroyed. See thefactof it:you are nota conscious being, andifyou are nota conscious beinghow canyoubeaman? Whatis the difference betweena rockandyou? Whatis the difference betweenan anima l andyou? Whatisthedifferencebetweenatreeandyou?Thedifferenceisthatof consciousness buthow much consciousnessdoyouhave?Justaflickerhereand there.Just sometimes,inraremomen ts, you become conscious; and that is onlyfor seconds and againyoufall backinto unco nsciousness. Yes, sometimesit happens, becauseitisyour potentiality. Sometimesit happensin sp iteofyou. Onedaythesunisrisingandyoufallintotunewithexistence and suddenlyitisthere,thebeau ty ofit,the benedictionofit,thefragranceofit,thelightofit. Suddenlyitis thereandyou havea taste of whatitwouldbe, whatit canbe, whatitis. Butthe momentyou become alert thatitis there,itis already gone. Onlyamemoryisleft. Onlyforrare moments: sometimesinlove,sometimesw atching a full moon, sometimes a rising sun, sometimes sitting in a silent mountain cave , sometimes looking ata childplaying, giggling;yes, sometimesinmusic,but these moments arerare. If an ordinaryman, the so-called man, achieves seven moments of awareness in his whole life, that
willbetoomuch.Rarely,very rarely,justarayenters,andthenitisgone.Andyouarebacktoy our trivial life, dull and dead. And thisis not so only with ordinary people: itis s o withyourso-called extraordinarypeople. Justthe otherdayIwasreading aboutCarlJung,oneofthegreatest psychologistsofthisag e.But sometimes one wonders whether to call these people psychologists or not. He was a veryrestless man, absolutely restless.He couldnotsit silentlyfora singlemoment.Hewouldturnand toss;he woulddo somethingorother. If therewas nothingtodohewould smokehispipe. Andhewasa chain-smoker.Thenhehadaheartattackandthe doctorssaidtostopsmoking an absolutestop . Nowitwasverydifficult.He startedfeelinghis restlessnesstoomuch.He startedfeeling crazy.He wouldwalkupanddownintheroom,hewouldgo outside forno reason. Hewouldsitinthischair and the other. And thenhe recognized thefact that the pipe had beenvery veryhelp ful. Itwasa release,asortof releaseofhis restlessness.Soheaskedthe doctors, CanIputtheemptypip ein mymouth? Is it allowed? Empty pipe! That will help me. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 78 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH Hewasallowed,andthenforyearsheusedtoputtheemptypipeinhismouth,just pretendingtha t hewassmoking. Andthenhewouldlookatthepipe,wouldkeepthepipeinthehand,wouldplay withthepipe. And thisis aboutagreat psychologistof thisage!What unconsciousness! Somuch inthegripofthehabit,somuchinthegripofthe unconscious!Itlooksverychildish.Andthen we go on finding rationalizations; then we go on pretending to ourselves, then we g o on protecting and defending ourselves,astowhy wearedoingthis. Attheageofforty-fiveCarlJungfellinlovewithawoman.Hewasa marriedman,withaverylovi ng wife. Nothing was wrong, but it must have been the restlessness. It almost alway s happens that near about the ageofforty-five one startsfeeling that the whole lifeis gone. Dea this coming closer. And because of death coming closer, eitheryou become spiritual oryou become more sexual. Thesearetheonlytwodefences: eitheryouturnin searchoftruth,oftheeternal,whichwill haveno death, oryou start drowningyourself in more eroticfantasies. And particularly in tellectuals, those whohavelived their wholelives throughthe head, are more victimsattheageofforty-f ive. Then the sexuality takes revenge. It has been denied; now death is coming closer. and then one never knows whetheryou will be here again or not, whether life will be there or not. D eath is coming here andyouhavelivedalifeofthe head.Sexualityeruptswithavengeance. Carl Gustav Jung fell in love with a young woman. Now, it was very much against his prestige. The wife was disturbed, and the wife had loved him tremendously and trusted him. He rationalized that s how unconscious man goes on liv it beautifully. Look at his rationalization ing. He will do something unconsciously, then will tryto rationalize it, and will tryto prove th at it is not unconscious: Iamdoingitvery consciously infact,itHAStobedone. What did he do? He suddenly developed a theorythat there are two types of women in the world: one, the mother type, the caring type, the WIFE type; and the other, the mistres s type, thebeloved, who becomes an inspiration. And man needs both and a man like Carl Gustav Jung c ertainly needs both. He needs inspiration too. He needs a caring woman; that his wife is fulfilling she is loving,amothertype.Butthat doesn t fulfillhisneed heneedsinspirationtoo,heneedsaroma
ntic womantoo,a mistresswhocantakehimintodeep dreams;thatisamustforhim.Jungdeveloped this theory. This is a rationalization. Now,heneverdevelopedtheotherpart ofit,thatmenaretwotypes. That swhereyoucanfindtha t itisarationalization. Ifitwasareal insight,thentheotherpart,thatmenaretwotypes,t hefather typeandthelovertype... thenJung swife needstwo!IfJung thinksthatheisalovertype,the nshe needsthefathertype. IfJung thinksheisafathertype,thensheneedsalovertype. Butthat he neverdeveloped. That showyoucanseeitisnotan insight.Itisjustatrickymind,arationali zation. We go on rationalizing. We do things unconsciously. We do them without knowing w hy we are doing them. Butwe cannot acceptthefact itisveryhumiliatingto accept that Ihavebeen doing somethingof whichI amnotawareandIdon tknowwhy. Bewareofrationalizations. And how can such people be beneficial to others? It is a well known fact that ma ny of Carl Jung s patients committed suicide. Why? They had come to be helped why did they co mmit suicide? Something must be basically wrong. His analysis is just lousy. He is a very arrogant man, veryegoistic; continuously ready to fight. Maybe his whole psychoanalysis d eveloped only as TheTantra Vision,Vol1 79 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH his arrogance against SigmundFreud. Maybeitis again justarationalization, becaus ehe himself seems to be suffering from the same problems he is thinking to help others about . Jung was always afraid of ghosts; even in his old age he was afraid of ghosts. H e did not publish hismostimportantbookwhilehewasalive becausehewasafraidthatpeoplewouldcometoknow thefacts.Sohis memoirswerepublished,buthemadecertainthattheyshouldbepublishedonl y whenhewasdead.Now,whattypeoftruthand authenticityisthis?Hewassomuchafraidofbeing found wrong or in the wrong that he never allowed anyfact to be disclosed about his life while he was alive. Iwas reading one anecdote: Aman came to a psychiatrist and proceeded to unfold before the doctor his life s tory, covering his childhood experiences, his emotional life, his eating habits, his vocational pro blems, and everything else he could think of. Well, said the doctor, it doesn t seem to me as though there were anything wrong withyou.You seem as sane asI am. But, doctor, protested the patient,a noteof horror creeping into hisvoice, butterflies.I can t stand them. They re all over me. For heaven s sake, cried the doctor, recoiling, don t brush them off on me! it s these
The patients and the doctors, all are in the same boat. The psychoanalyst and th e analyzed are not veryfarapart.Itisagame.Maybethe psychoanalystis moreclever,butitisnotthatheknows the reality because to know the realityyou will have to become tremendously consciou s; there is no otherway.Itisnota questionof intellectual thinking.Ithas nothingtodowithyour phi losophizing. To know reality one hastogrow intoawareness. Gurdjieff used to talk about a future psychology. He used to say that psychology still exists not, because how can it exist? Even man exists not! When man is not there, how can th ere be a science about man? First the man has to exist, then the science about the man can exist. Right now, whatsoeverexistsisnotpsychology.Maybeitis somethingaboutthemachinethatmanis. Psychology can exist only around a Buddha. With consciousness Buddha lives. You
can find what his psyche is, what his soul is. Ordinary man lives without a soul. Yes, you can find something wrong in his mechanism, and that wrong can be put right. What we know as psychol ogy today is nothing but behaviorism. And in THAT sense, Pavlov and Skinner are FAR truer tha n Freud and Jung becausetheythinkmanisa machine.Theyaretrueaboutthemanthatexists, althoughthe y are not absolutely true because theythink this is the end: man cannot be otherwi se. That is their limitation: theythink man can only be the machine. They are true asfar as the pr esent-day man is concerned manisa machinebut theythinkthat man cannotbe otherwise... there they a re wrong. ButFreudandJungandAdleraremorewrong becausetheythinkmanisalreadyontheearth:all thatyouneedistostudymanandyouwillknow. Butmanisnot there. Itisavery unconscious phenomenon. Manisamyth letthatbeoneofthemostbasic insights.Itwillhelpyouto comeoutofthelie,ou t of the deception. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 80 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH TANTRA IS AN EFFORT TO MAKE YOU MORE CONSCIOUS. The very word Tantra means expansion of awareness. It comes from a Sanskrit root tan : tan means expansion. Tantra means expansion of consciousness and the basicfact, and the most fundamentalfact to be understood is thatyou arefast asleep,youhavetobeawakened. Tantra believes in school methods that has tobe understood also. In that sense Gu rdjieff is one ofthegreatest tantrikasof thisage.Forexample:if oneis asleep, thereisverylittle possibility that one can becomeawake alone. Lookatitinthisway:onthenewyeardayyou think,asyouhave always thought,andmanynewyeardayshavepassed,andalwaysyouhavetakenavowthatnever again willyou smoke and again the newyear has come andyou start thinking this ti me it is going tohappen.Youtakeavowthatyouwillneversmoke,butyoudon tgoandtellitto others;youare afraidto.Tosayittoothersisdangerous becauseyouknowyourself: manytimesyouhavebrok en yourvows thenitisveryhumiliating.Soyoukeepittoyourself.Now thereisonly onepossibi lity outofa hundred that thevow willbekept; ninety-nine possibilities are thatit will be broken sooner or later. Youarean unconsciousbeing;yourvowdoesnot meanmuch.Butifyougoandyoutelleverybody in the town friends, colleagues, children, wife you go and tell everybody that I h ave taken a vow thatI am not going to smoke, there are more possibilities, at least ten perce nt, thatyou will not smoke. First there was only one possibility, now there are ten possibilities . Ninety percent thepossibilityis thatyou will smoke;but non-smoking has moreground, more solidit y. From one percentithasgonetoten percent. Butifyoujoinagroupof non-smokers,ifyoujoinasociet yof non-smokers, then the possibilityiseven more: ninety-nine percentis the possibil ity thatyou will not smoke. What happens? Whenyou are aloneyou don thave anysupport from outside you are alone;you canfall as leep easily.And nobody knows, soyou are notworried either. When all know, their knowi ng willfunction tokeepyou more alert. Nowyour ego is at stake,your respect and honor are at stak e. But ifyou joina societyof nonsmokers, then the possibilityiseven more becauseyou live thro ugh habits! Somebodytakeshis cigarette-boxoutofhispocket,and suddenlyyoustart lookinginyourp ocket. Youarejustmechanical: somebodyissmokingandyoustartthinkinghow beautifulitwastosm oke.
Nobody smokes, andyou arein the societyofnon-smokers, then nobody will remindyou ; and the habitbyandbywill disappear outofnouse.Ifahabitisnotused,byandbyit disappears;itte nds to become dead, it loses itsgrip onyou. Tantra says man canbecome awake only throughgroup methods, through schools. That s whyI insistsomuchfor sannyas. Alone,youdon t standa chance.Together,much more possibili ty.Itis asiften personsarelostinadesert,anditisverydangerousinthenight:the enemiescankil lthem, the wild animals can kill them, the robbers can come, the murderers can come it is verydifficult. Nowtheydecideonagroup method.They say: Eachonewillbeawakeforonehour. Tothinkthat eachonewillbecapableof remainingawakeforeight hoursinthenightistoasktoomuchfroma n unconsciousman;buteachonewill remainawakeforonehour.Andbeforehestartsfallingasle ep, he shouldmake somebody elseawake; then thereis more possibility thatat least one ofthegroup will be awake the whole night. Or,as Gurdjieffusedtosay:Youareinaprisonandyouwantto comeoutoftheprison. Alone, thereisnotmuch chance,butifalltheprisoners becomeagroup,then thereismuch more ch ance TheTantra Vision,Vol1 81 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH they can throw the guard, they can kill the guard, they can break the wall. If a ll the prisoners are together, then there is much more chance that they can come out into freedom. But the chances willincreaseeven moreif they arein contactwithafew people who ar e outside the prison, who are already free. That is the whole meaning of finding a Master: fin ding somebody who is already outside the prison. He can be of tremendous help for many reasons. He can supply necessarythingswhichwillbe neededforyouto comeoutoftheprison.Hecansendinstrument s, files, so thatyou can break outof theprison. He canwatch from the outside andhe can inform you whenthe guards change in that interval thereisa possibilitytoget out. He cani nformyou when the guardsfall asleep in the night. He can make arrangements so that the gu ards are drunk on oneparticular night.He caninvitethe jailortohis houseforaparty.He candoa thou sandand one things whichyou cannot do from the inside. He can find supportforyou from th e outside. He can create an atmosphere so that whenyou are released from the jailyou will be a cceptedbythe people,you will be sheltered, taken into houses. If the society is not ready to acceptyou from the outside,youmay comeoutofthejailbutthe societywill deliveryoubacktotheprison auth orities. Tobein contactwith someonewhoisalreadyawakeisamust.Andtobetogetherwiththosepeopl e who are all thinking to become awake is also a must. This is the meaning of a sc hool method, a group method. Tantra is agroup method. It says: Be together. Find out all the po ssibilities; so manypeople can be together and they can pool their energies. Somebody is veryint elligent, and somebodyisveryloving.Botharehalf,but togethertheybecomemoreofaunity, more wholen ess. Manishalf, womanishalf. ExceptforTantra,alltheseekershavetriedtodo withoutthe ot her.Man has tried alone, women have tried alone. Tantra says: Whynot be together join ha nds together? Thewomanishalf,themanishalf togetherthey areagreaterenergy,a morewholeenergy,a healthier energy. Join together! Let yin andyang function together. There will b e more possibility of getting out of it. Other methods use fight and conflict. Man starts fighting with women, starts esc aping from women rather than using the possibilityof the help,he starts thinkingof thewoman as th
e enemy.Tantra says thisis sheerfoolishness;you arewastingyour energy unnecessarily fighting wi th thewoman because there aregreater things to befought about! It is better tokeep companywi th theWoman; letherhelpyou,andyouhelpher. Go togetheras one unitandyouhave more chancesto sta nd against the unconscious nature. Use all possibilities; then onlyis there SOME chance thatyou canevolve intoa con scious being, you can become a Buddha. Now the sutras these are verysignificant sutras TOAFLYTHATLIKES THESMELL OF PUTRID MEAT, THE FRAGRANCE OF SANDALWOOD IS FOUL. BEINGS WHO DISCARD NIRVANA COVET COARSE SAMSARA S REALM. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 82 Osho first sutra:
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH FIRST THING: just as I said man is a machine. Man lives out of habit, out of the past, out of memories.Man lives out of knowledge that he has known, acquired before. So he go es on missing the new... and the truth is always the new. He is like a fly that likes the smel l of putrid meat, the foulandfetidodor;thefragranceof sandalwoodisfoultothatfly.Shehasacertaincastofme mory, a certain past. She has always thought that the putrid smell of meat is fragranc e. That is her knowledge, that is her habit, that is her routine that is her dead past. Now, su ddenly she comes across sandalwood: thefragranceof sandalwood will looktotheflyasifitisaveryfoula ndfetid odor. Don tbesurprised... that swhatishappeningtoyou. Ifyouhavelivedtoomuchinthebody,then evencomingclosertoamanwholivesinhissoulandyouwillfeel somethingiswrong.Comingtoa Buddha,youwillnotfeelthefragrance;youmay even startfeelingabad smell.Your interp retation otherwise whydid people murder Jesus? Jesus was a sandalwood! And people simply killed him. Whydid people poison Socrates? Socrates was sandalwood! But the flies theyunders tand their own past, theyinterpret according to their past. OnedayI was reading:Aprostitute,the mostfamous prostituteof Athens, once cametoS ocrates. Andafew peoplewere sitting there, justafew people, just as hereafew people are s itting, and Socrates was talking to them. The prostitute looked around and said to Socrates, Why? such agreatmanlikeyou,andonlysofew people listeningtoyou?Ihad thoughtthe wholeof Athe ns wouldbe here! AndIdon t seethe most respectable, the most honored the politicians, thepriests, the intellectuals I don t see them here. What is the matter? Come, Socrates, some day to my house you will find them standingina queue! Socrates said, You areright becauseyou caterfora universal demandI don t. I attracto nlya few,a chosenfew. Others cannotfeelmyfragrance.They avoid!Evenifthey come acrossm e,they escape. They are afraid. It is a totally different fragrance, said Socrates. The prostitutemusthave beenof tremendous intelligence. She looked into theeyesof Socrates, boweddown,andsaid, Socrates,acceptmeasoneofyourfriends, andneverleft, becamepartof that small school.
Must have been a woman of great awareness so sudden a change. She understood it so immediately! But Athens killed Socrates. They did not like the man. The man look ed very dangerous. Against him there were many charges. One was that He destroys people s b eliefs, he destroysyoung people s minds. He is anarchic. If he is allowed to live any more the society will be uprooted heisadangerous enemy. Whatwashe doing? He was doing something totally different: he was trying to create a state of nomind. But the people thought He destroys people s minds. They are alsoright, the flies.Yes,young p eoplewere tremendously attracted to Socrates because onlyyoung people can be attracted to such things, onlyyouth has that courage. Even if old people come to me or to Socrates, they a reyoung people only. That s whythey come; otherwise theycannot come. An old, rotten mind cannot c ome to me. Maybethebodyisold,butifanoldman comestomeoranoldwoman,she comesonly because she still has theyouth of her soul, she is stillyoung somewhere; still she is ab le to understand the new,tolearnthenew.They sayyou cannotteachanolddognewtricks itisverydifficult.Theo ld dog knows old tricks, and he goes on repeating them. It is verydifficult to teac h anything to an old mind. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 83 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH And these things are SO radically different, so diametrically opposite to all th at has been taught to you, that unlessa manis REALLYyounghe cannoteven listen. Soyoungpeoplewere attracted. Thatwasa sign that somethingof the eternal, somethi ngof the eternalyoungnessoftheuniverse,waspouring throughSocrates. When Jesusis aliveyou will findyoungpeoplefollowinghim.You will not findyoung pe ople going to see thePope old people, dead people, long, long ago dead, theygo to see thePo pe. When the original Shankaracharya was alive you would find young people all around him . But to the Shankaracharyaof Purionly dead bodies, corpses listen. Alive persons you cannot f ind them. Youcangoandlookintoanytempleandyouwillfindoldwomenandoldmen youthisnot there.In fact, whenevera religionis REALLYthere,youthis attracted; whentruthisthere,youth isattracted. When there are only lies left, doctrines, dogmas, creeds, then old people come. When youth is attracted, that means truth isyoung andyouth is attracted. When truth is old, al most dead, then dead people are attracted. Old people are attracted only because of the fear of death. In old age, even ath eists become theists... afraid. Whenayoung manis attractedtowards somethingitisnot becauseoft hefearof death,becausehedoesnotknowanydeathyet;itis becauseof tremendousloveforlife.Andth atis the difference between real religion and unreal religion. Unreal religion isfear -oriented; real religion is love-oriented. You must have heard, in all the languages of the world that ugly word exists: go dfearing. That must have been coinedbydead, dull, old people. Godfearing? How can onefear God? And i fyoufear God,how canyoulove Him? Outoffear, neverlove only hatred can arise. Outoffearyou can be against God, because He will beyour enemy; how canyou love Him? And ifyou lov e Him, how canyoubeafraid?Haveyoueverbeenafraidofthe personyoulove?Haveyoueverbeenafraidof your motherifyoulove her?Haveyouever beenafraidofyourwomanifyoulove her?Ifyoulov e, there is nofear LOVE CASTETH OUT ALL FEAR. Godloving... romantically in love wit h God... ecstatically in love withGod....
But that is possible onlyfor theyoung mind. Whether theyoung mind is in theyoung body or in the old body, that is irrelevant but it is possible onlyfor theyoung mind. Now, Socra tes ispunished because he attractedyoung people. Buddha is punished because he attractedyoung p eople. But always remember: whenevera religionisborn,youngpeoplerushfromallcornersoftheworl d. THEY should be the symbol that something has happened. When old people are rushi ng somewhere,you can be certain nothing is happening there. That is not where the a ction is! Where young people are going, that is the place where action is. But: TOAFLYTHATLIKES THESMELL OF PUTRID MEAT, THE FRAGRANCE OF SANDALWOOD IS FOUL. BEINGS WHO DISCARD NIRVANA COVET COARSE SAMSARA S REALM. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 84 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH Truth is the unknown, the mysterious. You cannot approach it throughyour past ha bit. You can approach it only whenyou are naked of all habits. The Christian priest s robe is called the habit it is a beautiful use of the word habit . Yes, I say, whenyouarenudeofallhabits,nakedofall habits,alldressesare dropped,you functionno tthrough memorybut throughawareness; these aretwo different functions. You function throu ghmemory, thenyou don t see that which is. You go on seeing that whichyou have seen before. You go on interpretingthepresentintermsofthepast.Yougoonimposing somethingwhichisnotthere. You go on seeing things which are not, andyou go on not seeing things which are. Mem oryhas to be put aside. Memoryis good, use it,but truth has never been known through memory. How canyou know truth through memory?You have never known truth in the past. Truthisnotknown. Truthisastranger.Youwillhavetoputall memoryaside.Youwillhavetos ay toyour mind, Keep quiet. Let me see withoutyou! Let me look only withclarity, not with clouded eyes, no thoughts, no beliefs, no scriptures, no philosophies, no religions. Let me look directly, immediately!Letmelook herenow,letmelookintothatwhichis confrontingme. Onlythenarey ou in tune with the mysteryof truth. And remember:truthnever becomesa memory.Evenwhenyouhaveknownit,itneverbecomes a memory. Truthis sovast,it cannotbe containedby the memory. And wheneverit will againbe there,andyou willknowit,it willagainbenew.Itisnever old.Itisalwaysnew.Itisalways fresh that is one of its qualities, that it never becomes old. It is alwaysyoung. Soifyouwanttoknowthetruth,Sarahasaystotheking,Sir,ifyou reallywanttoknowthetruth of whathas happenedtome,youput asideyour mind.Iknowyou arejustlikeafly.Youhavelived a lifeof body and mind;you don t know anythingbeyond them.I am standing here:I ambey ond both. Andthereisnoway toexplainittoyouaccordingtoyour mind;no,it cannotbeexplained. If you reallywanttoexperienceit,you canexperienceit,butit cannotbeexplained. God cannot be defined. God cannot be explained. Please remember, never explain i t; because if youexplainityou willbeexplainingitaway. God cannotbe containedbyanythought,butGo d can
be lived, God can be loved. YOU CAN BECOME GODS! that is possible but the mind c annot containthe God. Mindisaverysmall container. Itislikea teaspoon andyouwanttohaveth e Pacific oceanin the teaspoon ?Yes,youcanhavea little saltywaterinyour teaspoon,but thatwon t give the ideaof thePacific,of thevastness. Stormswon t happeninyour teaspoon;great waves will not arise.Yes, it will taste like it,but it will not be an ocean. Sarahasays:Ifyouwantto seeme,sir,you willhavetoputyour mind asideyouhaveafly s min d. Youhave certain habitsof thinking,offeeling;youhave certain habitsof living.Youh avelivedalife ofbodyandmind,and,atthemost, whatsoeveryouhaveknownuptonowisjustheardbyyou you have read scriptures. Saraha himself was reading scriptures to the king before; he knows it well. He k nows what the king knows:hisknowledgeisjustinformation.Sarahasays:Ithas happenedtome!Butto seeityou will need a different quality ofseeing. Mind never meets the truth, never encounters the truth. The ways of the mind and the ways of the truth are absolutely separate. It is a separate reality. Hence the insistence of all the mystics of the TheTantra Vision,Vol1 85 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH world to attain e of no-mind, a of non-thinking hought,your sky is clean of to a state of no-mind. That s what meditation is all about: a stat state yet fullyaware, luminous withawareness. When thereis notasingle t all clouds, and then the sun shines bright.
Ordinarilywe are clouded with so manythoughts, desires, ambitions,dreams, that t he sun cannot shine.Ithidesbehindthosedarkclouds. Desireisacloud,thoughtisacloud,imaginationis acloud and one needs to be unclouded to know that which is. Saraha says: BEINGS WHO DISCARD NIRVANA COVET COARSE SAMSARA S REALM. SAMSARA MEANS TO LIVE AS BODY, AS MIND, AS EGO. Samsara means to live outwards. Samsara means to live with things, Samsara means to live with the idea that all is matter and nothing else. Samsara means three poisons: power, prestige, pull to live in the world with the idea of having more power, more prestige, more money, more pull... this and that ; to live in things andfor things. Thatisthe meaningoftheword Samsara THEWORLD. Justwatchyourself:haveyoueverlived with personsordoyouliveonly with things?Isyou rwifea person ora thing? Isyourhusbanda person ora thing? Doyou treatyourhusband asa pe rson, as a superbly, intrinsically valuable person, or just as a utility that he is th e provider of bread and butter, or that she is the housekeeper, looks after the children? Isyour wife an end unto herself, or isshejusta utility,acommoditytobe used?Sometimesyou usehersexually, sometimesyou use herinotherways butusingtheperson meansthepersonisathingtoyou,nota person. A person cannot be used; only things can be used. A person cannot be purchased; only things canbe purchased.Apersonhas such tremendousvalue, such divinity, such dignity howc anyou useaperson? Yes,hecangiveoutofherorhislove,butyou cannot use. Andyouhavetobe thankful. Haveyouever been thankful toyour wife? Haveyouever been thankful toyou rfather, toyour mother? Haveyouever been thankfultoyourfriends? Sometimesyou are thankful toa stranger,butnevertoyourownpeople becauseyoutakethemforgranted. To live with things is to live in Samsara. To live with persons is to live in Ni
rvana. And onceyou start living withpersons, things startdisappearing. Ordinarily,even persons are reducedto things, and when a person starts becoming meditative even things start becoming persons, even a tree becomesa person,a rockbecomesa person.Everything,byandby, startshavinga personal ity because God is spread all over the existence. Sarahasays:Sir,youhavelivedin Samsaraandyou cannot understandthewayofNirvana.Ify ou reallywantto understandit,youwillhavetoliveit thereisnootherway.Toknow,youwillhav eto taste somethingof it. AndI am here, standing beforeyou andyou are askingforexpla nations!? Nirvanais standingin frontofyou,andyou are askingfor theories? Not only that youm ustbe utterlyblind youhave cometo persuademeto comebacktoyour Samsara?!Aflyispersuading me to leave theforest of sandalwood and its fragrance for theputrid smell of mea t. HAVEYOU GONE MAD? said Saraha to the king. Let me persuadeyou to come tomy worldrather t hanyou TheTantra Vision,Vol1 86 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH persuadingmeto cometoyourworld.Ihaveknownyourworld,andIhaveknownthisnew reality too.Ican compare.Youhaveknownonlyyourworld;youdon tknowmyreality youcan tcompare. When a Buddha says this world is illusory, meditate over it because he has known this world too. When some atheist, materialist, some communist, says that the world of Nirvana i s just illusory, there is no need to bother about it at all because he has not known it. He knows only this world. You cannottrusthis assertions aboutthe otherworld.Hehasnever meditated,hehasneve r entered into it. Lookatit:ofallthosewhohavemeditated,notasingleonehasdeniedtheinnerreality notasing le one! Without exception, all the meditators have become mystics. Those who have n ot meditated, theyknowonlytheworldoftheflyandtheworldofthefoulandfetidodorofputrid meat.Theyli vein the rottenworldofthings,buttheyknowonlythatand,certainly,their statements cannot betrusted. ABuddhacanbetrusted,aChristcanbetrusted,aMahavircanbetrusted.Theyhaveknownboth! Theyhave known the lower and the higher;andbyknowing the higher, they saysomethi ng about the lower which has to be meditated upon. Don t reject it outright. For example, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, theyhave never meditated and they saythere is no God.Now,itis almostasifa manhasnevergonetothelabofthe scientistandsays someth ing about science, a man who has never gone into the lab and says that the theoryof relativity is just mumbo-jumbo it cannot be relied upon. You have to go to the lab, you have to go into higher mathematics youhavetoproveit!Just becauseyou cannot understandit,you cannotbe all owed to denyit. There areveryfew people who understand the theoryof relativity. Itwas said when Einsteinwas alive that there were only twelve persons alive who understood his theory all ov er the world. And thereareafewpeoplewho thinkthatisanexaggeration,thatnumberisnotright noteventwelv e personswere thereto understandhis theorycorrectly.But becauseofthat,you cannotsa yitisnot right;you cannottakeavote aboutit;you cannotdefeatitinan election.Youwillhavetog o through the same processes. Now, Marx saying there is no God is simply making a stupid statement never medit
ated, never contemplated, never prayed. His statement is irrelevant. Those who have meditate d, those who have dug a little deeper into their being, theyhave come to the same truths. BEINGS WHO DISCARD NIRVANA COVET COARSE SAMSARA S REALM. Sarahaissaying:You discardNirvana,andyougoonrushing after illusions. Youhave com e to persuademe,sir? ecstaticI am.Lookatme!I amnotthesamepersonwhohad leftyour court Iamtotallyadifferent person. He is tryingto bring the king s awareness to the present moment, and he succeeded. He must have beena manofgreat presence. He pulled the king outof theworldof the flies, outoft heworldof putrid meat. He pulled him to the world of sandalwood and its fragrance. The second sutra: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 87 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH ANOX S FOOTPRINTSFILLED WITHWATER WILL SOON DRYUP;SOWITHAMIND THAT S FIRM BUT FULL OFQUALITIES THATARE NOTPERFECT, THESE IMPERFECTIONS WILL IN TIME DRYUP. HESAYS:Look! Anox haswalked, and thereisafootprint on the land, andthefootprinti s filled withwater, rainwaterhow long willitbe there? Sooner or laterit willevaporate and theox sfootprint filledwithwaterwillnotbe thereany more.Butthe oceanisalways. Althoughthewaterint heox s footprint is also from the ocean, still something is different. The ocean always remains, never increasing, never decreasing. Great clouds arise out of it: it never decreases. Great rivers pour their waters into it: it never increases. It remain s always the same. But this smallfootprintof anoxis fullofwaterright now; within hours ordaysit willbe gone,it willdryup soisthe skullofthe human mind.Itisjustanox sfootprint; sucha small thing.Justa litt lewater is there don t trust it too much; it is already drying up. It will disappear. The skull is a verysmall thing. Don t think thatyou can contain the universe in the skull. And it can only be temporary: it can never be the eternal. ANOX S FOOTPRINTSFILLED WITHWATER WILL SOON DRYUP;SOWITHAMIND THAT S FIRM BUT FULL OFQUALITIES THATARE NOTPERFECT, THESE IMPERFECTIONS WILL IN TIME DRYUP. What areyoukeeping inyour small skull? What are the contents? Desires, dreams, a mbitions, thoughts, imagination, will, emotions these are the things thatyou arekeeping as content. They ALL will dryup. All contents will dryup! so change the emphasis from the content s to the container. Thatisthewhole secretofTantra.Lookatthe containeranddon tlookatthe content.Theskyi sfull of clouds; don t lookatthe clouds, lookatthesky. Don t lookat whatis thereinyour hea d, whatis thereinyour mind just lookatyour consciousness.Emotionis there, angeris there,lov eis there, greedis there,fearis there, jealousyis there these are contents.Just behind themi
s the infinite sky of consciousness. Aman who lives through the contents, lives the life of a machine. And the man wh o starts changing his emphasis from the contents to the container starts living the life of awaren ess, of Buddhahood. And says Saraha: Sir, these contents thatyou are having inyour mind will soon dr y up look at that ox s footprint! Your head is not bigger than that, the skull is not bigger th an that. But your consciousness is infinite. Now, this has to be understood: emotions are in your head, but consciousness is not in your head. In fact, your head is in your consciousness! Consciousness is vast, infini te. Emotions, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 88 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH desires, ambitions, are inyour head; they will dry up. But even whenyour head ha s completely dropped and disappeared into the earth,your consciousness willnot disappear.You don t contain the consciousness inyou: the consciousness containsyou; it is biggerthanyou. There are people who ask... sometimes somebody comes to me and asks: Where is the soul in the human body? In the heart? In the navel? In the head? Where is the soul? Theyt hink they are askingaverypertinent question.Itisnowhereinthebody yourbodyisinthesoul. The soul isa bigger phenomenon thanyour body. The soul surroundsyou. Andyour soulandmysoul are not different!We livein theexistence,we livein one sou l s ocean. Onesoul surroundsus, withinand without.Itisallone energy.Idon thaveadifferentsoula ndyou don t have a different soul. We have different bodies. It is almost like the elect ricity running into the bulbandrunning intotheradioandrunning intotheTVandmovingthefan... and doingathou sand andonethings.Thefanisdifferentfromthebulb,butthe electricitythatrunsthemisthe sa me. Weareone energy.Ourexpressionsaredifferent,butourrealityisone.Ifyoulookatthecont ent, if I look at the content then my dreams are different from yours, certainly. We cannot share our dreams.Ihavemy ambitions,youhaveyour ambitions.Anditisnotonlythatwe cannotshareo ur dreams: our dreams are in conflict. My ambition is againstyour ambition;your amb ition is against my ambition. But if we forget the contents and just look at consciousness, pure consciousness, cloudless sky then where is you and where is I ?We are one. In that moment there is unity. And in that moment there is universalconsciousnes s. ALL consciousness is universal. Unconsciousness is private. Consciousness is uni versal. The day you becomereallyaman,youareauniversal man.Thatisthemeaningof Buddha :universalman come to total and absolute awareness. Manasa machineisdifferent. Thishastobe understood. Ifyouarehavingkidneytrouble,I am nothaving any. IfI amhavinga headache,you arenothaving the headache; evenifyoulo ve me you cannotsharethe headache.EvenifIloveyouIcannothaveyourpain.Butifwetwoaresitti ng
togetherand meditatinganda moment comeswhenIhaveno contentinmymindandyoualso don t haveanycontentinyourmind,wewillnotbetwo. Meditatorsbeginasseparate,butendasone. Ifyouallaresittingin meditationhere, listeningtome,thenyouarenotmany,thenyouareo ne. Thenyou are not only one: the speaker and the listener are not separate thenwe a rebridged together. Twenty meditators in a room meditating, when they come to real meditat ion are no more twenty: there is only one meditative quality in the room. Thereisastory:afewpeoplecametosee Buddha. Anandawassittingonguard outsidethe roo m. But thosepeople took suchalong time that Ananda becameworried. Many timeshe look edin, but theycontinued and continued and continued... then he came inside the room to see what was happening. And there he found nobody just Buddha sitting. So he asked Buddha, Whe re have thosefellowsgone?And thereisnootherdoor,andIamsittingattheonlydoor, sowherehavet hey gone ? And Buddha said, They are meditating.
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH Itisa beautiful story.Theyallfell into meditation,and Ananda couldnot see them b ecausehewas still not a meditator. He could not see this new phenomenon, this total shift of energy. They were not there, because they were not as their bodies there; they were not as their m inds there. Those egos dissolved. Ananda could see only what HE could see.A new reality had happen ed. Agreatking once cametosee Buddha. Hisprime minister persuadedhimto come,buthewas a verysuspiciousman aspoliticiansandKingsusuallyare.Verysuspicious.Hedidn twanttocome inthe first place;justfor political reasonshe cameto seehim, becauseinthe capita ltherumorwas spreadingthathewasagainst Buddha;andallthepeoplewerefor Buddha,sohe becameafraid .It was not diplomatic, so he went to see. Withhisprime minister,whenhe reached closertothegrove where Buddhawassittingwith histen thousand monks, he became very much afraid. He pulled his sword out and he said to the prime minister, Whatis the matter? becauseyou said ten thousandpeople are staying there , andwe have come so close andthere is no noise! Is there some conspiracy? Theprime minister laughedandbe said, You don tknowbuddha s people.Youjustputyoursword back!You come on thereis no conspiracy or anything.You neednotbe afraid. They ar e not going to killyou.You don t know Buddha s men. Butverysuspicious,holdinghishandonthesword,thekingwentintothegrove.Hewassurprise d. He couldnot believe thereweretenthousand people sitting underthetrees silently,a sif therewas no one. He asked Buddha, This is a miracle! ten thousand people. Even ten people together create somuch noise what are these peopledoing? What has happened to these peopl e? Has something gone wrong? Are theystill alive? Theylook like statues! And what are t heydoing sitting here? Theyshould do something! And Buddha said, They aredoing something,but it has nothing to do with the outsid e. They are doingsomethingintheirinnerworld.Theyarenotintheir bodies,theyareintheirbeings,at thevery core. And these are not ten thousand people right now they are all part of one c onsciousness.
The third sutra: LIKE SALTSEAWATER THATTURNS SWEET WHEN DRUNK UP BY THE CLOUDS, SOAFIRM MIND THATWORKS FOROTHERS TURNS THE POISON OF SENSE-OBJECTS INTONECTAR. THE BASICTANTRAATTITUDEIS:the sensual canbetransformed intothesublime,matter can be transformed into mind, the unconscious can be transformed into consciousness. Modernphysicssays matter canbetransformed into energy, energycanbetransformed in to matter. In fact, they are not two but the same energy functioning as two forms. Tantra s ays sex can be transformed into Samadhi the same approach; very basic and fundamental. The lowe r can be TheTantra Vision,Vol1 90 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH transformed into the higher,becauselower ana higher are joined together;itisa la dder. They are never separate,nowhere separate; thereisnogap betweenthem.You canmove fromthelow erto the can move from the higher to the lower. And that ladder is what man is. He can exist on the lowest rung; that is his dec ision. He can move upwards, he can exist on the highest rung. He can exist as a beast, or he c an exist as a Buddha botharehisrungs,thelowestandthe highest.Andmanisaladder.Hecanfallintodeep unconsciousness and become a rock, and he can rise to absolute consciousness and can become a God. But both are not separate that is the beauty ofTantra. Tantra is non-divisive. Tantra is the only religion which is not schizophrenic. Tantra is the only religion which is really sane the sanest religion because it doesn t divide. If yo u divide, you createasplit.Ifyoutellpeoplethatthebodyisbad,thatthebodyisthe enemy,thatthebodyh asto be condemned, that the bodyisin the serviceof theDevil, thenyou are creatinga sp litin man, then the man becomes afraidof the body. Andthen,by andby, thereis created an unbridge able gulf, andheispulledintotwoparts.Heistornintoopposite directions.Thebodypullsintothebod y,the mindtriestopullintothemind thereisa conflictand confusion. Tantrasaysyouareone;thereisnoneedtohaveanyconfusion. Youcanbefusedinonereality. There is no need to have any conflict, there is no need to be torn apart. There is no need to go insane.You canlove all thatisavailable, andyou canevolveit with deeplove, care, creativity,it canbeevolved.Thebodyisnotthe enemyofyoursoul;thebodyisjustthe sheathofyoursword. Thebodyisjustthetemple,itisyour abode.Itisnotthe enemy,itisyourfriend. Tantra drops all sortsof violence not only violence with others,but violence with oneself.Tantra says: Love reality in its totality. Yes, much can be evolved, but all evolution is through love. And there is no need to fight. LIKE SALTSEAWATER THATTURNS SWEET WHEN DRUNK UP BY THE CLOUDS... You cannotdrinkthesaltseawater;itissosalty,itisallsalt.Youwilldieifyoudrinkthesa ltysea water. But whena cloud comes anddraws thewater from the sea,it turnssweet and th
enyou can drink it. Sarahasays: Samadhiislikea cloud, meditative energyislikea cloud, whichturnsyour sexuality into higher realms, which turnsyourphysicalexistence into non-physicalexistence, whichturns the salty, bitter experiences of the world into sweet nectar-like experiences of Nir vana. The Samsara itself becomes Nirvana if you can create the cloud that transforms it. That clou d, Buddha has actually called it DHARMAMEGHA SAMADHI the Samadhi of the cloud of the fundament al law DHARMAMEGHA SAMADHI. You can create that cloud. That cloud is created by meditation. You go on intens ely meditating, droppingthoughts, droppingdesires, ambitions:byandby,your consciousnessisaburnin g fire that cloudis there.Nowyoucantransformanything through that fire. That firetransm utes, that fire is alchemical. Through meditation the lower becomes higher, the baser metal is t urned into gold. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 91 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH LIKE SALTSEAWATER THATTURNS SWEET WHEN DRUNK UP BY THE CLOUDS, SOAFIRM MIND THATWORKS FOROTHERS TURNS THE POISON OF SENSE-OBJECTS INTONECTAR. Two things: first, one has to create a cloud of meditation in one s being; and the second thing is compassion onewhoworksfor others. Buddha insistsontwo things: meditationand comp assion PRAGYAN and KARUNA. He says that sometimes it happens that a meditator can becom e too much selfish; then, too, somethinggoessour. Meditate, delight,but share the deli ght,go on sharing it; don t hoard it, because onceyou start hoarding, ego starts arising. Never hoar d anything. The momentyougetit,giveit,andyouwillbe getting moreand moreand more.The moreyougive, the moreyouget. Theneverything becomes nectar.Everythingis nectar wejusthavetoknowhow to turn it, we have to know the alchemy. The last sutra: IF INEFFABLE, NEVERISONE UNSATISFIED, IF UNIMAGINABLE, ITMUST BE BLISS ITSELF. THOUGH FROMACLOUD ONE FEARS THE THUNDERCLAP, THE CROPS RIPEN WHENFROM IT POURS THE RAIN. THEINEFFABLE...Sarahasays:Dontaskmewhatitis itisineffable,it cannotbesaid.It cann ot be expressed. No language exists which can express it. But it can be experienced . Look at my contentment! Lookhow satisfiedIhave become! Youhave known me before too how restl essI was,how unsatisfied witheverything. Andallwasavailable;I wasyourfavorite,allwasa vailableto me yetIwas not satisfied. Now, look!I am standingina cemeteryground, notevena ro ofover myhead! AndIdon tlive with Kingsandqueens;I am living with this arrowsmithwoman. B ut look intomy eyes... how contentedI am. Can tyou see something ineffable has happened? C an tyou feelmyvibe? Areyou so dull and dead thatyou needexplanations? IF INEFFABLE, NEVERISONE UNSATISFIED...
That is the only criterion whether a man has attained to truth or not he will ne ver be unsatisfied. His contentment is absolute. You cannot drag him out of his contentment. You can not make him discontented. Whatsoever happens he remains the same, contented. Success or fail ure, life or death, friends or no friends, lovers or no lovers it makes no difference. His tr anquility, his stillness, is utterly absolute. Heis centered. IF INEFFABLE, NEVERISONE UNSATISFIED... If that which cannot be said has happened, then there is only one wayto know it and that wayis to see the contentment. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 92 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH IF UNIMAGINABLE, ITMUST BE BLISS ITSELF... AndIknow,hesays,you cannotimaginewhathashappenedtome.Howcanyou imagine?because you have never known it. Imagination is always repeating the same thatyou have k nown. Youcan imagine happiness;youhave known bits and piecesof it.You can imagine unha ppiness; youhaveknownit,alotofit.You can imaginehappinessevenifyou don tknow happiness you can imagineit as the contraryof unhappiness. Buthow canyou imaginebliss?Youhave not known it. And there is nothing as contraryto it; it is not a duality. It is impossible to imagine. SoSarahasays:I canunderstand you cannotimagineit butIamnotsayingtoimagineit. Look! It is present herenow. And ifyou cannot imagine it, that also is one of the crit erions of truth: truth cannotbe imagined.It canbe seen,butnot imagined.You canhavea visionofit,butyou c annot dream about it. And that is the difference between a dream and a vision. Dream isyours: vision is notyours. Christ saw God, and the scriptures say he saw the vision. Now, the psychoanalyst will say it was justadream;hedoesnotknowthedifferencebetweenadreamanda vision.AdreamisYOURS; youwere imagining;you createdit;itwasyourfantasy. A visionis somethingoutofthebl uethat youhavenever thought aboutnotevenapartofithaseverbeen thoughtbyyou.Itisso utterl ynew thenitisa vision.VisionisfromGod; dreamisfromyour mind. IF UNIMAGINABLE, ITMUST BE BLISS ITSELF. Lookatme you cannot imagine whathas happened. Can tyou see it... youhaveeyesto see.
Look,watch,holdmyhand!Come closertome,justbe vulnerabletome,somyvibrationcanvibr ate your being and the unimaginable and the ineffable can be experienced. THOUGH FROMACLOUD ONE FEARS THE THUNDERCLAP... And Saraha says: I know... he must have seen the king a little afraid. I see it every day: people cometomeandI see them trembling,afraid,fearful,andthey say, Weareafraid, Osho. Iknow ! Saraha must have seen the king was trembling deep inside maybe not on the outsid e. He was a greatking,averydisciplinedmanhemusthavebeen;hemusthavebeen standing erect,butdee p down he must have been afraid.
It always happens whenyou are closeby a Saraha-likeman, ora Buddha-like man,you are bound tobeafraid.Justtheothernightayoungman cameandhesaid, Butwhy amIafraidofyou ?.You havenotdoneanything wrongtome why amIafraidofyou?Iloveyou, certainly,butwhy amI afraid ofyou? Itis natural. Whenyou comeclosetoanabyss,whatdoyouexpect?Youwillbeafraid. There is every possibility you may fall into it and will not be able to recover yourse lf again. It is going to be irrevocable, irrecoverable completely, utterly goneyou will be in it. You will not be able to recapitulate.Fear is natural. Saraha says: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 93 Osho
CHAPTER 5. MAN IS A MYTH THOUGH FROMACLOUD ONE FEARS THE THUNDERCLAP... He says: I am like a cloud and you are afraid because of the thunderclap, of the lightning. But remember: THE CROPS RIPEN WHENFROM IT POURS THE RAIN. But if you allow me to rain on you, the seeds will sprout, sir, and the man that is still hidden behind you, still not yet born, will be born; you will be able to ripen, to matu re; you will be able to blossom. I invite you, says Saraha, for a great harvest... the harvest of con sciousness, the harvest of awareness. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 94 Osho
CHAPTER6 Iam a destroyer 26 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall The first question: Question1 I HAVE TAKEN LATELY TO DAYDREAMING ABOUT ENLIGHTENMENT DELICIOUS THAN LOVE ANDFAME. HAVEYOU ANY COMMENTTOMAKE ABOUTDAYDREAMING? THEQUESTIONISFROM PREMPANKAJA.Daydreamingisperfectlyokayasfarasloveandfame are concerned they arepartofa dreamworld.You can dreamasmuchasyoulike. Loveisa dream, so isfame; they are not against dreaming. Infact, when dreaming stops, th ey disappear. They exist in the same dimension, the dimension of dream. But you cannot dream about Enlightenment. Enlightenment is possible only when dr eaming disappears. Enlightenment is absence of dreaming day or night, that doesn t matter . Enlightenment meansnowyourconsciousnessisfullyaware.Inanawareconsciousnessdreami ng cannot exist. Dreaming is like darkness. It exists when the light is not there. When the light is there, darkness simply cannot exist. Dreaming exists because life is dark, dim, dismal. Dreaming exists as a substitu te because we don t have real joy, hence we dream; because we don t really have anything in life, hence we dream; otherwise,howwillwebeableto toleratethe emptinessthatweare?howwillwebeabletotole rate ourexistence? It willbe absolutely unbearable. Dreams makeitbearable. Dreams hel p us. They 95 EVEN MORE
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER saytous, Wait.Todaythings are not goingright? Don tbeworried: tomorroweverything wil lbeput right.EverythingHAStoberight.We willtry maybewehavenottried enoughyet.Maybewehave notworkedintheright direction.Maybefatewasnotwithus,Godwasagainstus,butitcannotb e forever. And Godis compassionate,kind; all the religionsoftheworld sayGodisveryki nd,very compassionate. It isahope! Mohammedans continuously repeat: God is Rahim, Rehman compassionate, kind. Why? For what do they repeat again and again? Each time they utter the word God they will re peat the compassionate,the kind .Why?IfHeisnotkindthenwherewillourhopeand dreamingexist.He HAStobe kindfor our dreamstoexist, because THEREexists our hope:inHis kindness,i nHis compassion.Tomorrow things will be okay; tomorrow they are going to be okay. Daydreaming is good as far as love and fame are concerned, as far as outgoing en ergies are concerned because outgoing, we are going in a dream. The world is a dream phenom enon; that is what Hindus mean when theycall it MAYAillusion. It is made of the same s tuff dreams are made of. It is a daydream seen with open eyes. But Enlightenmentisatotallydifferentplaneofbeing. Dreamsdon texistthere.Andifyouco ntinue to dream, Enlightenment will not be possible. Justthe otherdayIwas readinga beautiful anecdote: Aparsonhadaparrot,butdespitealleffortstotryandteachittospeakthebird remaineddumb .The parson mentioned this one day to an elderly lady parishioner who visited him. Sh e was interested andsaid, Ialsohavea parrotwhichdoesnotspeak.Itmightbeagoodideatoputthetwobirds together and see whathappens. Well, this theydid, the parrots being put in a large cage while the parson and h is lady parishioner withdrewoutofsightbutnotoutofhearing.Atfirstallwasquiet,thencamesome flutteringa ndthe old lady s parrot was heard to exclaim, What about a spot of love, deary? to which t he parson s parrot replied, That s whatIhave been silentlyprayingandwaitingforforyears today my dreamis fulfilled.I can speak today. Ifyouarewaitingandprayingand dreamingforloveandfame,itwillhappenoneday!Itisnota
difficult phenomenon.Onejustneedsstubbornness... andit happens.Onejust needstogo onand onand on... itisboundto happen, becauseitisYOUR dream. Youwillfind someplaceor o ther whereyou can projectitandyou can seeit, almostasifithas becomea reality. Whenyoufallinlove withawomanora man, what areyou doingexactly? Youwere carryinga dream insideyou; now suddenly thewoman functions asa screen you projectyour dream on her. You startfeeling, My dreamis fulfilled. Thewoman projectsher dreamonyou;you function asa screen,andshefeelsher dreamis fulfilled.Ifyougoon dreaming, someday or otheryouw illfinda screen, somebodywillbecomea screen,andyour dreamwillbe fulfilled. But Enlightenment is not a dream. It is a dropping of all dreams. So please don t dream about Enlightenment. Love is possible through dreaming in fact, it is possible only th rough dreaming. Fame ispossible through dreaming infact, it is only possible through dreaming, it happens ONLY TheTantra Vision,Vol1 96 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER to dreamers.But Enlightenmentisnotpossible through dreaming eaming will make it impossible. thevery existenceofdr
Dreamforitandyouwillmiss. Waitforitandyouwillmiss. Hopeforitandyouwillmiss. Then what areyou supposed to do? Whatyou are supposed to do is to understand the mech anism of dreaming.Youcanleave Enlightenmentaside;itis noneofyourbusiness.Youjustlookdeepi nto thefacultyof dreaming, understandhow dreamingfunctions.Thatveryunderstanding wil lbringa clarity. In that claritydreaming stops, disappears. When dreamingis not,Enlightenmentis. Youforget about Enlightenment! You arenottoeven think aboutit how canyou think a boutit? And whatsoeveryou think is going to be wrong. How canyou hopefor it? ALL hopes a bout it are goingtobe wrong.How canyou desireit?It cannotbe desired. ThenWHAT arewe supposed to do? Try to understand desiring.Try to understand hoping.Try to understanddreaming. T hat s whatis needed.Yousimplytryto understandhowyourmindhasbeen functioninguptonow. Seeingint o the functioning of the mind, mind disappears. Just a good look into the inner me chanism of the mind,and suddenlyitcomestoa halt. In thathalt, thereis Enlightenment. In that ha lt, thereisa taste of a totally new dimension of existence. Dreaming is one dimension: existence is another dimension. Existence is: dreamin g is simply a belief. The second question: Question2 YOU SPOKE IN SEVERAL RECENT DISCOURSES ON THE NO-PROBLEM, THE NONEXISTENCE OF OUR PROBLEMS. HAVING BEEN BROUGHT UP IN A REPRESSIVE CATHOLIC FAMILY, AND HAVING SPENT TWENTY-ONE YEARS IN AN EQUALLY CRAZY EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM ARE YOU SAYING THATALL THE COATS OF ARMOUR, ALL THE CONDITIONINGS AND ALL THE REPRESSIONS DO NOTEXIST, CAN BE DROPPED IMMEDIATELY NOW? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE IMPRINTS LEFT ON THE BRAIN, ON THE MUSCULATURE OF THE
BODY? THIS ISA VERY SIGNIFICANTQUESTION it is fromJayananda. The question is significa nt because it shows two different approaches concerning the inner reality of man. TheWestern approachistothinkabouttheproblem,tofindthe causesoftheproblem,togoint othe historyof the problem, into the past of the problem, to uproot the problem from the verybeginning, to uncondition the mind, or to recondition the mind, to recondition the body, to take out all those imprints that have been left on the brain this is theWestern approach. Psychoana lysis goes into TheTantra Vision,Vol1 97 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER the memory;itworks there.It goes intoyour childhood, intoyour past;itmovesbackwa rds.It finds out from where the problem has arisen maybe fiftyyears before whenyouwereachild the problem aroseinyour relationshipwithyour mother,then psychoanalysiswillgoback. Fiftyyearsof history!Itisaverylong,draggingaffair.Andeventhenit doesn thelpmuch bec ause there are MILLIONS of problems. It is not only a question of one problem. You ca n go into one problem s history;you can look intoyour autobiography and find out the causes. May beyou can eliminate one problem,but there are millions of problems. Ifyou start going into each solveonelife sproblemsyouwillneed millionsoflives.Letmerepeatit:tosolveONElife sprob lems you will have to be born again and again, millions of times. This is almost impr actical. This cannot be done. And all those millions of lives whenyou will be solving the problems of this life, those lives will create theirown problems... and so on and soforth.You willbedragged more an d more into the problems. This is absurd! Now, the same psychoanalytical approach has gone into the body: rolfing, bio-ene rgetics, and other methods are there whichtryto eliminateimprintsonthebody,inthemusculature. Again, youhave to go into the historyof the body. But one thing is certain about both the appro aches, which are on the same logical pattern, that the problem comes from the past, so somehow it ha s to be tackled in the past. Man s mind has always been trying to do two impossible things. One is: to reform t he past which cannot be done. The past has happened. You cannot REALLY go into the past. Wheny ou think of going into thepast, at the mostyou go into the memoryof it; it is not the rea lpast, it is just the memory. The pastis no morethere, soyou cannot reform it. Thisis oneof the imposs ible goals of humanity;manhassufferedvery much becauseofit.Youwanttoundothepast howcanyou undo it? The pastis absolute. The past means: all potentialityofitis finished;it hasbecome actual. Now thereisno longeranypotentiality toreformit,to undoit,to redoit.You cannotdoA NYthing with the past. And the second impossible idea that has always dominated the human mind is: to e stablish the
future which cannot be done again. Future means that which is notyet;you cannot establish it. Future remainsunestablished. Future remains open. Futureis pure potentiality! Un lessithappens, you cannot be certain about it. Pastispure actuality ithas happened.Nownothingcanbedoneaboutit. Betweenthesetwo,man standsinthepresentalwaysthinkingoftheimpossibles.Hewantstoma ke everything certain about the future, about tomorrow which canNOTbe done. Let it sink as deeply inyourheartaspossible:it cannotbedone. Don twasteyourpresent momentformakingthe fu ture certain. Thefutureis uncertainty; thatis thevery qualityofthe future. And don twas teyour time looking back. The past has happened, it is a dead phenomenon. Nothing can be don e about it. What, at the most,you can do isyou can reinterpret it. That s all. That s whatpsycho analysis is doing: reinterpretingit. Reinterpretationcanbedone butthepast remainsthe same. Psychoanalysis and astrology: astrology tries somehow to make the future certain , and psychoanalysis tries to redo the past. Neither is a science. Both things are imp ossible, but both have millionsoffollowers becausemanLIKESitthatway.Hewantstobecertainaboutthefutur e, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 98 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER sohe goestothe astrologer,he consultstheI CHING,hegoestoaTarot reader,and there area thousandand onewaystofool oneself,to deceive oneself. And then there are people who saythey can change the past he consults them also.
Once these two things are dropped,you become free of all sorts offoolishnesses. Thenyou don t go to the psychoanalyst andyou don t go to the astrologer. Thenyou know the past i s finished... you also be finished with it. And the future has not happened; whenever it happe ns, we will see nothingcanbedoneaboutitrightnow.Youcanonly destroythe present moment,whichistheo nly moment available, real. TheWest has been continuously looking into the problems, how to solve them. TheW est takes the problemsvery seriously.Andwhenyouaregoinginacertainlogic,giventhe premises,thatl ogic looks perfect. Iwas just reading one anecdote: Agreat philosopher and world renowned mathematician is aboard an aeroplane. He i s sitting in his seat and thinkinggreat mathematical problems, when suddenly an announcement come s from the captain: I am sorry, there will be a a slight delay. Engine number one has cut ou t and we are now flying on three engines. About ten minutes later another announcement: I am afraid there will be further d elay engines twoand threehavecutoutand thereisonlynumberfour left. So the philosopher turns to thefellow sitting next to him and says, the other one cuts out we will be up here all night! Goodgolly! If
Whenyou are thinkingina certain line, theverydirectionofit makes certain things possible, absurd thingsalso possible. Onceyouhavetaken humanproblemsvery seriously, onceyou start thinking about man asa problem,youhave accepted some premiseyouhave taken the first stepw rongly. Nowyoucangointothe direction,andyoucangoonandon.Nowsuchgreatliteraturehascomeup in this centuryabout mind phenomena, psychoanalysis; millions of papers are writ ten andtreatises andbooks.OnceFreudopenedthedoorsofacertainlogic,it dominatedthewhole century.
The East hasa totally different outlook. First,it says no problemis serious. The momentyou say no problem is serious, the problem is almost ninety-nine percent dead. Your whol e vision changes about it. The second thing the East says is: the problem is there becauseyou are identified with it. Ithasnothingtodowiththepast,nothingtodowithitshistory.Youare identifiedwithit tha tisthe REAL thing. And thatis thekeyto solve all problems. Forexample:you areanangryperson. Ifyougotothe psychoanalyst,he willsay, Go intothe past... how did this anger arise? In what situations did it become more and more conditioned and imprintedonyour mind?Wewillhavetowashoutall thoseimprints;wewillhavetowipethemof f. We will have to cleanyour past completely. Ifyougotoan Easternmystic,he willsay, You think thatyou areanger,youfeel identifie d with the anger thatis where things are going wrong.Next time angerhappens,youjustbeaw atcher, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 99 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER you just be a witness. You don t get identified with the anger. Don t say, I am anger. Don t say, I am angry. Just seeit happeningasifitis happeningonaTV screen. Lookatyourselfasifyou are looking at somebody else. You are pure consciousness. When the cloud of anger comes around you, just watch it, AND remainalertsothatyoudon tget identified.Thewholethingishownottobecome identifiedwi ththe problem. Onceyou have learnt it... and then there is no question of so manyproblem s because thekey, the samekeywill open all the locks. It is so with anger, it is so withgr eed, it is so with sex: it is so with everything else that the mind is capable of. The East says: Just remain unidentified. Remember that s what Gurdjieff means when he says self-remembering . Remember thatyou area witness! Be mindful! that s what Buddha says. Be alert thata cloudis passingby!Maybethe cloud comes fromthe past,but thatis me aningless. Itmusthavea certain past,it cannot comejustoutoftheblue;itmustbe comingfroma cer tain sequence of events but that is irrelevant. Why be bothered about it? RIGHT NOW, this very moment,youcan become detachedfromit,youcancutyourselfawayfromit.Thebridgecanbe brokenrightnow andit canbebrokenONLYinthenow. Goingintothepastwon thelp.Thirtyyearsbefore,theangeraroseandyougot identifiedwithi tthat day.Nowyoucannotget unidentifiedfromthatpast;itisno morethere.Butyoucangetuniden tified this moment,thisverymoment.AndthentheWHOLEseriesof angersofyourpastisno morepart ofyou. THEQUESTION IS RELEVANT.Jayananda has asked: You spoke in several recent discourse s on the no-problem,the non-existenceof ourproblems.Having beenbroughtupina repressiv e Catholic family... Youcan,right now, becomeanon-Catholic. NOW!I say. Youwillnothavetogobackandundo whatsoeveryour parents andyour society and thepriest and the churchhave done. Th at willbea sheerwastageof precious present time.Inthe first placeithas destroyedmanyyears;n ow, again, itwillbedestroyingyour presentmoments.Youcansimplydropoutofit,just asasnakeslips outof the old skin.
Having been broughtupina repressive Catholicfamily,andhaving spenttwenty-oneyears inan equally crazy educational system areyou saying that all the coats of armour, all the conditionings and all the repressionsdo notexist...? No,theyexist.Buttheyexisteitherinthebodyorinthebrain;theydon texistinyour consciou sness, because the consciousness cannot be conditioned. Consciousness REMAINS free! Fre edom is its innermostquality,freedomisits nature.Infact,evenaskingit,youareshowingthat freed om. Whenyousay twenty-oneyearsinacrazy educationalsystem ;whenyousay havingbeenbrought upina repressive Catholicfamily inTHIS momentyouarenot identified.Youcan look:soma ny years of Catholic repression, so many years of a certain education. In this mome nt when you are looking at it, this consciousness is no longer Catholic; otherwise, who will be aware? If you had really BECOME Catholic, then who would be aware? Then there would be no poss ibility of becoming aware. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 100 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER Ifyoucansay twenty-oneyearsinanequally crazy educational system, onethingiscertain:y ou are notyet crazy. The system hasfailed; it didn twork. Jayananda,you are not crazy , henceyou canseethewholesystemascrazy.Amadman cannotseethatheismad.Onlyasanepersoncan see that thisis madness.To see madnessas madness, sanityisneeded. Thosetwenty-on eyears of crazy systemhavefailed; all that repressive conditioning hasfailed. It CANNOT reallysucceed. It succeeds only in the proportion thatyou get identified with it. Anymomentyou can stand aloof... it is there,I am not sayingit is not there:but it is no more part ofyour conscio usness. This is the beauty of consciousness: consciousness can slip out of anything. The re is no barrier to it,no boundarytoit.Justa momentbeforeyouwerean Englishman understandingthenonsen se of nationalism,asecondlateryouarenolongeran Englishman.I amnotsayingthatyourwhit eskin will change;it will remain white butyou are no more identified with the whiteness ;you are no more againsttheblack.Youseethe stupidityofit.Iamnotsayingthatjustbyseeingthatyouareno more an Englishmanyouwillforgetthe English language, no.Itwill stillbe thereinyour me mory,butyour consciousness has slipped out, your consciousness is standing on a hillock looki ng at the valley. Now, the Englishmanis deadin thevalleyandyou are standing on the hills,faraway, unattached, untouched. The whole Eastern methodology canbe reducedto oneword: witnessing. Andthe wholeW estern methodology can be be Reduced to one thing: analyzing. Analyzing, you go round a nd round. Witnessing,yousimplygetoutofthe circle. Analysisisa vicious circle. Ifyou REALLYgo into analysis,you willbe simply puzzl ed howisit possible?If,forexample,youtry togointothepast, wherewillyouend? Whereexactly? If you go into the past,wheredidyour sexuality start? Whenyouwerefourteenyearsof age? B ut then it came outof theblue? Itmusthave been getting readyin the body. So when? Whenyo uwere born? But then whenyouwerein the mother swomb,wasn tit getting ready? Then when? The momentyouwere conceived?Butbefore that? Halfofyoursexualitywas matureinyourmothe r s eggandhalfofthesexualitywas maturinginyourfather ssperm.Nowgoon..wherewillyouend?
You willhavetogoto AdamandEve.Andeven thenit doesnotend:you willhavetogotoFather God Himself. Whyin the first place did He create Adam?... Analysis will always remain half, so analysis never helps anybody really. It can not help. It makes youalittle more adjustedtoyour reality, that s all.Itisa sortof adjustment.Ithelps youto attaina little bit of understanding aboutyour problems, their genesis, how theyhave aris en. And that little intellectual understanding helpsyou to adjust to the society better,butyou remai n the same person. There is no transformation through it, there is no radical change through it. Witnessingisarevolution.Itisaradical change fromtheVERYroots!Itbringsa totallynew man intoexistence, becauseit takesyour consciousness outof all the conditionings. Co nditionings are thereinthebodyandinthemind,but consciousness remains unconditioned.Itispure,alwa yspure. It is virgin. Its virginity cannot be violated. The Eastern approach is to make you mindful of this virgin consciousness, of thi s purity, of this innocence. That s what Saraha is saying to the king again and again. Our emphasis is on the sky andtheWestern emphasisisonthe clouds. Cloudshavea genesis;ifyoufindoutfrom where they come,youwillhavetogototheocean,thentothe sunraysandtheevaporationofthewaterandth e TheTantra Vision,Vol1 101 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER cloudsforming... andyou cango on,butit willbe movingina circle. The cloudsform, then again they come, fall in love with the trees, start pouring again into the earth, beco me rivers, go to the ocean, start evaporating,rising again on sunrays, become clouds, againfall on th e earth.... It goes on andon, round and round and round. Itisa wheel.From where willyoube out? One t hing will lead to another andyou will be in the wheel. Theskyhasno genesis. Theskyis uncreated;itisnot producedby anything.Infact,foran ything to be, a sky is needed as a must, a priori; it has to exist before anything else can exist. You can he says God created the world. Ask him whether before ask the Christian theologian He created the world there was any sky or not. If there was no sky, where did God used to e xist? He must have needed space. If there was no space, where did He create the world? where d id He put the world? Spaceisamust... evenforGodtoexist.You cannotsay God created space. Thatwould be absurd, because then He would not have anyspace to exist. Space must precede God. Sky has always been there. The Eastern approach is to become mindful of the sky. TheWestern approachmakesyoumoreand morealerttothe clouds,andhelpsyoua little,butit doesn tmak e you aware of your innermost core. Circumference yes, you become a little more aw are of the circumference,butnotawareofthe center.Andthe circumferenceisa cyclone.Youhavetof indthe center of the cyclone.And that happens only through witnessing. Witnessing will notchangeyour conditioning. Witnessing will not changeyour bodym usculature. But witnessing will simplygiveyouanexperience thatyou arebeyondallmusculature,all co nditioning. Inthat momentofbeyondness,inthat momentoftranscendence,noproblemexists notforyou. Andnowitisuptoyou. Thebodywill still carrythemusculatureandthemindwill still car rythe conditioning nowitisuptoyou:if sometimesyou are hankeringfortheproblem,you canget into the mindbodyandhavetheproblemandenjoyit.Ifyou don twanttohaveit,youcanremain out. The problem will remain as an imprintin the bodymind phenomenon,butyou willbe al oof andaway from it. That showa Buddha functions.You also use memory;a Buddha also uses memory butheis n
ot identified with it. He uses memory asa mechanism. Forexample,I am using language . WhenI have to use language,I use the mind and all the imprints,but continuouslyI am no t the mind that awarenessisthere.SoIremaintheboss,themindremainsaservant.Whenthemindiscalled,it comes; its utility is there but it cannot dominate. Soyour questionisright:problemsWILLexist,buttheywillexistonlyintheseedformintheb ody andthemind. Howcanyouchangeyourpast? Youhavebeena Catholicinthepast;ifforforty yearsyouhavebeena Catholic,howcanyouchangethosefortyyearsandNOTbea Catholic?No. Thosefortyyearswill remainasaperiodofbeingCatholic.No butyoucanslipoutofit.Nowyou knowthatthatwasjust identification. Thosefortyyears cannotbe destroyed,and there isnoneed to destroythem.Ifyou arethe masterofthe house, thereisno need.You can useeven th oseforty years in a certain way, in a creative way. Even that crazy education can be used in a creative way. What about all the imprints left on the brain, on the musculature ofthe body? They willbe there,but asa seed: potentially there. Ifyoufeel too lonely andyouwa ntproblems, you can have them. Ifyoufeel too miserable without misery,you can have them. The ywill remain TheTantra Vision,Vol1 102 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER alwaysavailable,but thereisno needtohave them, thereisno necessitytohave them.It willbe your choice. The future humanity will have to decide whether it has to go on the path of anal ysis or it has to changetothepathof witnessing. Iusebothmethods.I use analysis,particularlyforseek erswho come from the West I put them in the groups. Those groups are analytical, those groups are by-productsof psychoanalysis. Theyhavegrown:Freud will notbeableto recognize enc ounterif hecomes;orprimaltherapywillbe difficultforhimto recognize whatis happening?Haveal lthese people gone mad? But they are offshoots of HIS work; he was the pioneer;without him there would be noprimal therapy.He started the whole game. WhenWestern people come to me,Iput them into thegroups. That is goodfor them. Th eyshould start with what is easier for them. Then by and by, slowly I change. First they go into cathartic groups like encounter, primal therapy, and then I start putting them into intens ive enlightenment, then vipassana. Vipassanaisa witnessing.From encounterto vipassana thereisagreat synthesis. Whenyou move from encounter to vipassana,you are moving fromWest to East. The third question: Question3 DO YOUR ACTIONS ALSO BRING THE SAME PROPORTION OF GOOD AND BAD IN THE WORLD? WHATACTIONS?Canyou detectanyactionsinme... except talking?AndinthattooItakeevery careto contradicteverythingI say.Soin.theend,justemptiness.... Thatistheuseof co ntradiction. IfI sayplus one, IMMEDIATELYI sayminus one and the total resultiszero. Iamnotadoer.Idon tdoanything.Allthatyoucancall actionismytalkingtoyou.Andthatisso contradictorythatit cannotbring either good or bad.Igo onnegatingmyself. Andifyo u understand thisstateof no-action,youwillhaveunderstoodthehighest possibilityof consciousnes s.Thehighest consciousnessisnotadoer.Itisabeing.Andif somethinglikeaction appearsthere,itisju stplayful. My talking is just a play. Andthe wholeeffortisthatyou don tbecome dogmatic aboutme. You cannot become I don t
allowthat possibility. I contradictsomuch:how canyou create a dogma? Ifyoutry to create a dogma, immediatelyyou will findIhave contradicted it. AChristian missionaryused to come to see me, and he said, You have spoken so much . Now what is neededisa small book which introducesyour philosophy something likea Christia n catechism, in short. Isaid, That will be difficult. If somebody is going to put me In short , he will go mad. And he will not find any way to choose and what to choose. OnceI am gone, manypeople are going t o become insaneworkingontheirPh.D. thesesonme becauseIhavesaidallthatcanbesaid,andIhave denied all that can bedenied. Thefourth question: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 103 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER Question4 AQUESTION IN BADFAITH WHY DOYOUTALK SO MUCHAGAINST THE EGO? ISN T THE EGOALSOAMANIFESTATIONOFGOD,AGAMEPLAYEDBYEXISTENCE? IFYOU UNDERSTANDTHAT, then thereis no problem about the ego. Thatis the whole pu rposeof whyIgoontalkingagainsttheegosothatyouarenotandGodis.Ifyouhave cometosuchadeep understanding, that the ego is also God s play, then it is perfectly good! Then th ere is noproblem. Then there is no needto drop becauseyou have nothing to drop. Ifyou understandthategoisalsoGod splay,thenyouarenotinit.EverythingisGod s that swhat egolessness means even ego. Butbeware!Youmaybejustplayingatrickuponyourself,andmindisverycunning.Inthe name ofGodyoumaybetryingtosaveyourego. Itisuptoyou! Butbewatchful. Ifyouhave REALLY understood that all isGod s, thenyou are not. So where is the ego? What does ego mean? It means: I have a private life; I am n ot part of the universal flux. I am not part of the river I am swimming, I am going upstream; I have my own privategoals.Idon t carewheretheexistenceisgoing;Ihavemy ownprivategoals,andIamtry ing to find them and achieve them Ego means having a private goal. Ego is idiotic. The word idiot is very beautiful. It means having a private idiom. It means havin g a private goal, aprivate style. Egois idiotic. It simply says that I am notpartof the universal:I amprivate,I am separate. Iamanisland,Idon tbelongtothe continent. Thisnot belongingtothewholeiswhat ego is, this idea of being separate. That s why all the mystics have been saying: Drop the ego. What are they saying ? Th ey are saying: Don t be separate. Dropping the ego does not mean anything else: don t be se parate be together withexistence. And don t flow against theriver thatisfoolish;you willbe s imply tired and defeated. Go with the river! All the way, go with the river. You are part of the river. And then there will be relaxation and rest and joy. With the river there is joy. Against the river there is strain, anxiety. Ego cre ates anxiety and strain. Now,you ask: Whydoyou talksomuch againstthe ego ? Isn ttheego alsoa manifestationof God,a gameplayedby existence?
Ifyou have come to understand that, then toyou at leastI am not sayingto drop th e ego; thenyou don t have anyego to drop. But be verycareful and cautious. Mind is so cunning. Ih ave heard this small anecdote: Amonkeyand ahyenawerewalking throughthe jungletogether whenthehyena said, Everytim e Igo through thosebushesover thereabiglionjumpsoutandkeepson hittingmeand hitting me, andIdon t know why! Well,Iwill come withyou this time, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 104 Osho said the monkey, andIwill stickupforyou.
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER So they walked along together, and just as theygot to thebushesa lion jumped out on them and started hittingthehyena. The monkeyjust climbedupina treeandwatched,so whenthe l ionhad gone the half deadhyena asked the monkey, Whydidn tyou come down and help me? Andthemonkeysaid, Youwere laughingsomuchIthoughtyouwere winning. Beware of the ego! It can find ways and means to protect itself. It can rational ize well; the ego is a greatrationalist,andarationalizationisits wholefoundation. The fifth question: Question5 BELOVED OSHO, PLEASE SAYTHISTOME SOICAN STOPWORRYING ABOUT IT ARUP, EVERYTHING IS GOING ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFULLY WITH YOU. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOUR MIND IS TRYING, NOW IT IS TOO LATE. I HAVE GOT YOU SAFELY UNDER MY WING AND THERE IS NO WAY BACK. AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE MORE AND MORE BLISSFUL FROM NOWON. THANKYOU OSHO.IHOPE IT IS SO,BUT SOMETIMESIWAVER. THEQUESTIONISFROMARUP.Now,the firstthing:yousaythatIhavetosaytoyou, Everything is going absolutely beautifully withyou. Justby my sayingit,itwillnot become beautiful.Itmaygiveyoua consolation,butI amn othere togiveyouanyconsolation. Eithertaketherealthingor don t botheratall. Consolationis afalse thing. It is a toyto playwith; it is just to pass time. And passing time is wast ing time. And, another thing, you say, Everything is going absolutely beautifully difficult. Absolutely beautifully difficult. Nothing is absolute here on the earth... except witnessing . Ugly is not absolute, beautiful is not absolute. Happiness is not absolute, unhappiness is n ot absolute. Only witnessing. And whenyou witness,you neitherfeel ugly nor beautiful, neither happ y, nor unhappy you simplyfeela witness. My wholeworkistomakeyoua witness. Youwouldliketohaveeverythingbeautiful you don t wanttobea witness.Youwanttohave more pleasurableexperiences. That swhyyouconstantl y seek consolation. People cometomenotreallytobehelpedbuttobe consoled,justtobepat ted
ontheback.IfI say everythingis going good,theyfeelgood,buthowlongis thisfeeling goingto help?Itwillwearoff sooner or later. Againtheyhaveto come,andagainthey waitformet opat themonthe head. Thisisnot goingtohelpyou. You needatransformation. And this will createa dependenceonme,andI amnottomakeyou dependentonme youhavetobe independent,you havetobeyourown self,youhavetobeonyourown. No matterhowmuchyourmindistrying,nowitistoolate. Itis never too late!You can again slip into the old skin,you can again become id entified with it. And whenitis REALLYtoolate,thenyouwillnotaskthis question. Thenyouwillknowthatnow th ereis TheTantra Vision,Vol1 105 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER no possibilityof goingback. This willbea certaintyinyou. This willbeyourownknowi ng.You will not needmy certificatefor it.Just becauseyou needa certificate,it showsit has no t happened you are wavering. Ihave heard: Mulla Nasrudin was standing in the court. This crime was the workof a master crim inal, said the prosecutor, and was carried out in a skillful, clever manner. Blushing, MullaNasrudin,thedefendant, rosetohisfeetandsaid, Sir, flatterywillgetyo unowhere Iain t gonna confess. But he has confessed. Arup has confessed this is not a question, this is a confe ssion that she feelsworriedis natural.Itisinhumantoexpectnoworry,atthisstageat least.Sometimess hefeels wavering; that is human, natural. It is good to accept it, rather than deny it, rather than create a screenandhideit. PleasesaythistomesothatI canstopworryingaboutit. How willyoustopworrying about it? justby my saying it? Ifitwere so easy,I wouldh ave said ittoeverybody. Itisnotsoeasy. WhatsoeverI say,youwill interpretitinyourownway,an dyou willfindnewworries. WhatsoeverI say,you willhaveto interpretit you cannot accept it totally, you cannottrustittotally. AndI amnotsayingthatyouHAVEtotrustittotally;I amsaying thisis simplynatural.Idon taskanyunnaturalthingfromyou.Idon taskanyabsurdthingsfromyou.Itis natural! Sometimesyouwaver,sometimesyou are against me, sometimesyou arevery neg ative. Sometimesyoufeeljusttodropeverythingandgoawaybacktoyouroldworld.Idon tsaythatyou are doing something criminal no itis just human. Itisvery natural. Ifyou are not doing such things, then something is wrong, then something is amiss. WhatsoeverI saywill againbe interpretedbythe sameworrying mind. EvenifI say exac tly:Yes, Arup,everythingis going absolutely beautifully withyou... you will think, Was Osho joking? Does hereally meanit? Theworryingmindwilljumpuponit.Yourinterpretationsareboundtobether e. Listen to this small story: A priest was returning home late at night from a meeting. As he drove along, he
suddenly remembered that he had not said evensong. He pulled up at the side of a quiet co untry lane, got out of his car and using the light of his car headlamps began to saythe offi ce. Not long river of thinking g a spot trouble, after he had begun, and much to his surprise, a lorry came along. The d the lorry, that something was wrong, stopped, let down his window, and asked, Havin of mate?
No,everythingisalright, thankyou, repliedthepriest. Thedriverputhislorryingearand,nottobe outdoneashepulled away,criedout, AllI cansay is: thatmustbea helluvagood bookyou are reading there! Nowjustthinkof somebodyreadingabookonalonelylanebythe headlightsofthecar whatwill
you think?Canyou imagine somebody readingtheBible? WhatisthehurrytoreadtheBible? Can TheTantra Vision,Vol1 106 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER somebody be so interested in reading the Bible? Can t he wait and go home and read it there? The lorry-drivermusthaveinterpreted accordingtohismind hesaid, AllI cansayis:thatmustbe a helluva good bookyou are reading there! You continuously interpret.Andyou interpret, naturally, accordingtoyour mind.Wha tIsaywillnot be heard;you will hearitinyourownway. Ifyou areworrying,you willworry about it. Ifyou are doubting,youwill doubt aboutit.Ifyouare negative,youwillbe negative aboutit.Ifyo uaretrusting, you will trust. Arupsays, JustsaytomesothatI canstopworryingaboutit. No, worrying cannotbestoppedtha t easy.Mysayingitwillnothelpyouwillhavetodo something. YouwillhavetodowhatIsay.You willhavetobea littlemorepractical.You willhavetodo witnessing. There were three veryhungrytramps, and they came to the house where the governor was cooking rice, and he said to them that theycould staythe night and whoever had the best dream could have some hot rice. Sothenextmorningthefirsttrampsaid, I dreamtthatI wastheking. The secondtrampsaid, That snothing IdreamtIwasGod Himself.
Andthe thirdtramp said, My dreamwasveryordinaryandIdon t standa chanceof winningat a ll: Idreamt aboutthathotrice gettingcold,soIwentdownandateit. ThisiswhatI meanbybeingpractical.So,Arup,bepractical!DowhatIsay justmysayingitwon t
help... andthericeisreallygettingcold.Youwantmetohelp createadreaminyou,andtheri ceis getting cold.Youjustgodownandeattherice! Thiswilljustgiveyoua dreamifI say: Arup,everythingisgoing absolutely beautifullywi thyou.No matterhowmuchyourmindistrying,nowitistoolate. Ihavegotyousafely undermywingand there is no wayback. Inthe firstplaceI cannotsayit becausethevery desiretobesafeand secure is against spiritual growth.Iam pushingyouintoa dangerous realm.I am pushingyouintoanabyss.Youwouldli ke tobe safely undermywings now,I am throwingyou into thevery turmoilofexistence... with no
safety, with no security.Iam nota protector Iama destroyer.Iam notyour security. IfyouREALLY understand me,I am going to becomeyour dangerous life. You will alwaysbeinsecureifyouhave understood me.You will never askfor safety an dsecurity. You willabhor safety and security.You will thinkof them as enemies they are.You w ill enjoybeing in the Open, vulnerable to all that is possible in life. Yes, vulnerable to deat h too; all includes death too.AREAL life is encountering death each moment. Only unreal, plastic lives are safe. No,I cannotsaythat,thatIhavegotyousafelyundermywingandthereisnowayback.Youcan fall,you canfall fromtheverylastrung. Unlessyou become Enlightened, thereisawayb ack;you cango back.You candeny,you can betray,you can reject.You canfall into the misery again from theverylastrung alsoyou canfall. Until and unlessyouhave crossedthe whole ladder ,even the TheTantra Vision,Vol1 107 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER lastrung,untilandunlessyouarejustanobody,youcanfallback.Aslightego,justa tremoro fego, isenoughtobringyouback.Itcanagain condense,itcanagainintegrate,itcanagain become a new trip. Andsafetyisnotmy way.Tobea sannyasin meansyouarereadytolivelife withoutsafety.Th atis thegreatest courage, andwith thatgreat courage,greatbliss becomes possible. Andyouaregoingtobe moreand moreand moreblissfulfromnowon. Iam not an Emile Coue Iam notahypnotist.Yes,you canhypnotizeyourself thisway. Tha twas the verymethodology of Coue. He would tell his patients, Think, dream, imagine, v isualize each night before going to sleep, each morning after the sleep, repeat again and agai n and again I am getting better,I amgetting healthier,I am getting happier.... Repeat,goon repeatin g. Yes,ithelpsa little.It createsan illusion aroundyou. Butwouldyoulikemetohelpyoui ncreating illusions?My whole approachisthatofdehypnosis;itisnotofhypnosisatall.Idon twantyou tobe hypnotizedbyanyillusion.I wantyoutobe utterlydehypnotizedofall illusions. Whenyo u areina stateof disillusionment, utter disillusionment, Enlightenmentisvery closeby. Then Arup says, Thankyou Osho.Ihope it is so... It is not so s
See! Her mind has already started interpreting.. I HOPE it is so... he simply hopes. Howyou can deceiveyourself! Ihopeitisso,but sometimesI waver.
AndI amnot condemningyourwavering itisperfectlyokay towaver sometimes,itisperfec tly human to waver sometimes. It is perfectly right! Never condemn it! Accept it! Do n t tryto create a falseunwavering thatwillbeofthemindandwillbea deception,andwillnotleadyouanywhere. Letitbeasitis. Acceptitasitis,and become moreand morewatchful, become moreand mo reofa witness. Only in that witnessing willyou be safe. Only in that witnessing willyo u become more and moreblissfuleveryday notbyrepeatingit!Onlyinthat witnessingwillyoustopwavering.On lyin that witnessingwillyoucometothe centerofyourbeing wheredeathexistsnot,whereonlyli fe
abundant is, where oneis drinking the nectar Saraha talks about. The sixth question: Question7 WHAT IS IT EXACTLY THAT IS OBSTRUCTING MY VISION FROM SEEING THE OBVIOUS? I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHATTO DO AND WHAT NOTTO DO. WHEN WILLIBE ABLE TOHEAR THE SOUNDOFSILENCE? What is it exactly that is obstructing myvision from seeing the obvious? THE VERYDESIRETOSEEIT. Theobvious cannotbe desired. Theobvious is!Youdesire:youg o away.Youstartseekingforit:inthatvery momentyouhavemadeit distant,itisno moreobvi ous,it TheTantra Vision,Vol1 108 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER isnomorecloseby;youhaveputitfaraway.Howcanyouseektheobvious?Ifyou understanditis obvious, how canyou seek it? It is just there! What is the need to seek it and t o desire it? Theobviousisthe divine. Themundaneisthesublime. Andthetrivialisprofound.Inyourda y-today, ordinary activities,you are meeting Godevery momentofit because thereis nobody e lse. You cannot meet anybody else; it is always God in a thousand and one forms. GOD IS VERY OBVIOUS.OnlyGodis!Butyouseek,you desire... andyoumiss.InyourveryseekingyouputGod verydistant,faraway.Thatisanegotrick.Tryto understandit. The ego is not interested in the obvious, because the ego cannot exist with the obvious. The ego is NOTinterestedatallinthe close-by. Theegois interestedinthe distant,faraway.Just think: man has reachedtothe moon,and manhasnot reachedtohisownheartyet... the distant. Manh as invented space travel, but still he has not developed soul travel. He has reache d Everest, but he doesnot bothertogointohisownbeing.The close-byis missedandthefarawayissought.Why ? The egofeels good if the journeyis hard the egofeels good. There is something to prove. If it is difficult, thereis somethingtoprove.Togotothe moon,theegofeelsgood,buttogointoon e sown being will not be much of a claim. There is an old story: God created the world; then He used to live on the earth. You can imagine: His t roubles were too many. Everybody was complaining; everybody was knocking at odd hours. In the night people would come and they would say, This is wrong, and today we need rain and it is so hot. And somebodywould comejust afterwardsandhewouldsay, Don tbringrains Iamdoingsomething and it will spoil everything. And God was getting almost mad: What to do?! So many people, so manydesires, and everybody expecting and everybody needs fulfillment, and their desires are so contradictory. Thefarmerwants therain and the potterwants norain, becausehe has made pots andtheywillbe destroyed;heneedshotsunforafewdays andsoonandsoforth.... The God called His council and asked: What to do? nnot satisfy theywill drive me crazy. AndIca
themall.Ortheywillmurderme someday!I wouldlike someplacetohide. Andtheysuggestedmanythings. Somebodysaid, Thatisnotaproblem youjustgotoEverest. That is the highest peak in the Himalayas; nobody will ever reach there. God said, You don t know!Just afterafew seconds for God thatis just afterafew seconds Edmund Hillarywill reach there withTensing, and then the trouble will start. And once theyknow, thentheywill start comingin helicoptersandbuses,andeverything will....No,thatwon t do.Itwill solvethingsforafew seconds. Remember,God stimehasadifferentway.In Indiawesaymillion s ofyearsis onedayofGod soafew seconds. Then somebody suggested, And whynot the moon? afew seconds moreand somebodywillreachthe moon.
Hesaid, Thattooisnotveryfar
And theysuggestedfarawaystars,but God said, That is not going to solve the proble m.It s simply a sortof postponement.I wanta permanent solution. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 109 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER Then an old servant ofGod came close, whispered something in His ear, and God sa id, You are right. That will do! And the old servant had said, There is only one place where man will never reach y ou hide in man himself. And thatis the place where God has been hiding since then: in man hi mself. That is the last thing man will ever think. Theobviousisthe missed,becauseegoisnot interested.Egoisinterestedinhard, difficu lt, arduous things, because thereisachallenge. Whenyouwin,you can claim.Iftheobviousis there andyou win,whatsortof victoryisthis?Youarenotmuchofawinner. That swhy mangoesonmissingthe obvious and goes on seeking the distant. Andhowcanyouseekthe distantwhenyou cannotevenseektheobvious? What is it exactly that is obstructing myvision from seeing the obvious? Theverydesireistakingyouastray.Dropthe desireandyouwillseetheobvious. I just do not understandwhat to do and what not to do. Youarenottodoanything.Youhavejusttobewatchfulofallthatis happening aroundyou.Doi ng isagainanego-trip.Doing,egofeelsgood somethingistheretodo.Doingisafoodfortheego;i t strengthens the ego. Non-doing, and egofalls flat on theground. It dies. It is n o more nourished. Sojustbea non-doer. Don tdoanythingasfarasGod,truth,andthesearchforitis concerned. It is nota searchin the first place, soyou cannotdoanything about it.You justbe. Le t me sayitin anotherway:ifyou areina stateof being,God comestoyou. Man cannever findHim;He fi nds man. Just be in a silent space, not doing anything, not going anywhere, not drea ming andin that silentspace suddenlyyouwillfindHeisthere.Hehasalwaysbeen there!Justyouwerenotsil ent, soyou couldn t see Him,you could not hear His still, smallvoice. When willIbe able tohear the sound of silence? When? you aska wrong question. Now or never. Hearit now! becauseitis there, themu sicis on,themusicisallover.Justyouneedtobe silentsothatyoucanhearit.Butneversay when ; when meansyou have brought future in; when meansyou have started dreaming; when
notnow... anditisalwaysnow.Itisalwaysnow-time.ForGod thereisonlyonetime:now;ando nly one place: here. There , then drop them. And the last question: Question8 OSHO, DOYOU EVERFEELATALOSS WITHWORDS? THEQUESTIONISFROM RISHI. Each timeIutteraword,Ifeelata loss because that whichI want to saycannot be said. And that which has to be conveyed, cannot be conveyed . Thenyou will naturally ask, whydoIgo on speaking? TheTantra Vision,Vol1 110 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER Iamtrying hard.MaybetodayIhavefailed... tomorrow.YesterdayIfailed... today.Igoon speaking indifferentways:maybethiswayyouhavenotheard;in someotherway maybeitwillbeclosert o you. Thisway somebody has heard;youhave not heard. In anotherway maybeyou willbe able to hear it. But I am at a loss continuously. Words don t come easily because the m essage is wordless.I amnotapriest;I amnottryingtogiveyou somedogma;I amnottryingtoexplain some theory toyou. Something has happened in me, something has happened to me Iam tryi ng to conveyTHAT.I am trying to commune withyou. Words areveryawkward. They areverytiny and verysmall. Theycannot contain thatwhi chI want themto contain.SoEACH momentI amataloss.Peoplewhodon thaveany experiencearenever ata loss; any word willdo. Ihave heard a beautiful story meditate over it: Aparishpriestwashavingafewwords with his Bishop, andin the courseof conversation said, It isalrightforyou,mylord,whenyou prepareasermonyoucandeliverittoseveral churchesin the diocese,butIhavetogivetwonew sermonseverySunday. The Bishop replied, You should be able to give a sermon on almost any subject at a moment s notice asI can. I willtakeyouupon that, to the test. saidthe parson. You cometomychurchnext SundayandIwillputyou
Thebishopagreedandindue coursewenttothepulpittofindacardwiththeoneword constipati on written on it that was the subject. Without hesitation, he started: And Moses too k two tablets and went out on to the mountainside. Apriest is never at a loss. He has so manyscriptures available, he can always fi nd something from his memory.I amcontinuouslyataloss becausewhatI wanttosaytoyouisnotasubjectmatter : itismysubjectivity.WhatIWANTtosaytoyouismyheart!itisnotmymind.Unfortunately,Ihav e to use the mind because there is no other way. Even to conveythe heart one has t o use the mind hence the absurdity of it. It is veryirrational. It is trying to do the impossib le! But there is no other way... Iam helpless.
Butifyou ask:AmI everata lossforwords?I am constantly. Each singleword,andIhesit ate: will itdo?Howcanitdo?Knowingitisnotgoingtohelp,Igoonusingit.Itisa necessary evil. Sil ence wouldbe better,far better,but whenILOOKatyou thenIhesitate.IfIbecome silent,it w illbeeven more difficultforyouto comeclosertome.You cannot understandthewords,how willyoub eable to understand the silence? And ifyou can understand silence,you will be able to hear that silence in my words too. IfI become silent, thenatthemostfive percentofyou willbe aroundme. Thosefive per cent can understand through the words too, because they are listening to my silence not t o my words. So there is no problemfor those five percent. But the other ninety-five percent who cannot understand words and cannot understand the silence contained in them will be simply lost. I will not be able to help them at all. Through my words, theyat least go on hanging around. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 111 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER In their hanging around there is a possibility that in some unguarded moment the y may have a contact with me, some unguarded moment and in spite of themselves they may come closer to me, they may stumble upon me; some unguarded moment, and I may penetrate into th eir heart, somethingmaybe stirred.Itisaperhaps,butitisworthgoingon. Thatfive percentwillbehelped eitherway,butthis ninety-five percentwillnotbehelpe dbysilence. Andthatfive percentalso,ifIhadbeen silentfromtheverybeginning,wouldnotbehere.Tha tfive percentshowstheway,sothatthe ninety-five percentbyandbywillbeninety percent,eigh ty-five percent, eighty percent.... ThedayIfeelatleast fifty percentof people can understand silence, thenwords canb edropped. I am not very happy about them. Nobody ever was: neither was Lao Tzu, nor was Sa raha, nor nobodyeverwas. Buttheyallhadto usewords,notbecause silence cannotbea was Buddha communion silence canbea communion,butfor thataveryhigher consciousnessis needed . Once it happened: TwogreatmysticsofIndia,KabirandFarid,met,andfortwodayssatsilently together.Thedi sciples werevery muchfrustrated: they wanted them to talk, they wanted them to talk so t hat they could hear something valuable. They were hoping, for months they were hoping, that Kab ir and Farid would meet, and there would be a great showering, and they would enjoy it. But t hey were just sitting silently, and the discipleswere dozing,yawning what to do? And what happ enedto these two people? because they were never silent before. Kabir was never silent with h is disciples and neither was Farid silent with his disciples: they were continuously hammering on their disciples. Why? What hashappened? Have theygone dumb? But theycould not say anything;itwas no t appropriate. After two days, when Kabir and Farid hugged each other and said goodbye in silence that too
and when the disciples were left with their Masters, they jumped upon their Mast ers. And the followersof Kabir said, Whatwent wrong? Andfor monthswehave beenwaitingforFaridto come,
andhe came,andyouneverspokea singleword. Andwewerewaitingandwaiting... wegot tir ed! These two days have been hell! AndKabir laughed. Hesaid, Buttherewasnothingtosay hecan understand silence. IfIhad said anything, he would have thought me ignorant because when silence is there a nd silence can sayit, what is the use of words? And thefollowers ofFaridaskedFarid, What happened? Whydidn tyou speak?
Farid said, Areyou mad? Speaking with Kabir? We areexactlyat the same space, so t hereis nothingtoconvey, nothingtosay!ThemomentIlookedintohiseyesandhelookedintomy eyes, we recognized. The dialogue finished at the first moment! Thenfortwodays... what wereyou doingfortwodays? AndFaridsaid, Wewerejustenjoyingeachother each other sspace.Weweregueststoeach other. We overlapped each other, we overflowed each other, we mingled with each other we TheTantra Vision,Vol1 112 Osho
CHAPTER 6. I AM A DESTROYER danced, we sang. But it all happened in silence. When silence can speak, what is the need of language? Iam continuouslyata lossforwords. EachwordIutterveryhesitatingly, knowingwell th atitis not going to suffice, it is not adequate. Nothing is ever adequate truth is so vast and words are so small. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 113 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY TIS ALL PERVASIVEANDATONCE PERCEPTIBLE. SO BY UNPATTERNEDBEING-IN-SELF RECOGNIZE THEROUND OF MYSTIC CIRCLES. TRUTH IS. IT SIMPLYIS. IT JUST IS. It never comes into existence, never goes out of existence. Itnevercomes,itnever goes.It abides.Infact, that which abides,wecallittruth.It r emains. That which remains, remainsforever,is calledtruth.Itisinthebeginning,itisinthe middle ,itisinthe end.Infact, thereisno beginning,no middle,noend.Itisallover. Lookedintodeeply,the beginningisinit,the middleisinit,theendisinit itpervadesall. Because onlyITis.In millionsofformsitisthe same realitythatisbeingexpressed.Formsarediff erent,but the substance, the essence, is the same. Forms arelikewavesandthe essenceislikethe ocean. Remember,Tantradoesnottalk aboutGod.Totalk aboutGodisa little anthropomorphic;it isto create God in man s image. It is to think about God is human terms that is creatin g a limitation. GodMUSTbelikehumanbeings,true butHemustbelike horsesalso,andHemustbelikedogs too, and He must be like rocks, and He must be like stars... He must be like all . Yes, man will be includedASaform,but man cannotbeTHEform. Just thinkof God as a horse it looks absurd. Think of God as a dog it looks sacri legious. But we goonthinkingofGodasman andit doesn tlook sacrilegious?Itisthehumanego.Manfeelsvery veryhappywhen he can think in terms of God being like him. In the Bible it is sa id God created man inHisownimage certainlythisiswrittenby man.If horseswerewritingtheirBible,they wo uldnot writethat,certainlynot.TheymightevenwritethatGod createdtheDevilinman simage,becau se God how can God create man in His own image? And man has been so cruel to horses ; nothing in man seems to be divine ask a horse. Maybe the Devil, maybe a representative o f Beelzebub, but not God at all. Tantra drops that whole anthropomorphism. Tantra brings things to their right pr oportion, puts man inhisrightplace.Tantraisagreat vision.Itisnot centeredon man.Itisnot centeredona
nypartial attitude.It seesrealityasitis inits suchness,initsTATHATA,initsthusness.Itdoesnot talkabout God. Instead of God,Tantra talks about truth. Truth is non-personal, impersonal.Truth can have the qualities of all; there is no limitation in it. The Bible says: In the beginning God created the world. Tantra says: How can there b e anybeginning? And how can there be anyend? And when there is no beginningand no end, how can t here be a middle? It is all eternity: it is not time. Tantra is a vision beyond time. In t ime there is a beginning andthereisamiddleandthereisanend,butineternitythereisno beginning,nomiddle, noen d.It simply is. Truthisnot temporal.Infact,timeexistsintruthasawave,andspaceexistsintruthasawave .Itis not vice versa. Truth does not exist in space, does not exist in time. Time and space exist in truth; they are modesoftruth.Justasa horseisaform,a manisaform,so spaceisaform,a bigger wave, so is time. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 115 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY Truthis timelessness.Truthis spacelessness.Truthistranscendence. Truthexistsbyitself.Everythingelseexistswiththesupportof truth.Truthis self-evid ent; nothing elseis self-evident.Truthistheverygroundof being,the ultimatesubstratumofexisten ce. Tantra does not create any ritual, does not create any worship, does not create any temple, does not create thepriesthood they are not needed. Man can standface toface with trut h in direct relationship; no mediator is needed, no priest is needed. The priests GO on talk ing about truth and God and heaven and a thousand and one things, not knowing anything of what t hey are talking about.Words, merewords.Theyhavenotexperienced. Thosewordsarejustempty. Iwas reading aboutaveryfamouspriest who had beenfeeling unwellfor some time: He called in his doctor who gave him a thorough overhaul. Well, he said, I will be quite frank withyou:I amafraidthatyourlungsarenotingoodshape. Yououghttospendafew monthsin Switzerland. Oh, dear, replied thepriest. I m afraidIcould not manage it. That will notbe possible myfinance won t allow me. I mapoor man,you know. Well,it suptoyou, saidthe doctor. Itis either Switzerlandorheaven. Thepriest thoughtfora whileandthensaid, Oh,alrightthen then Switzerland.
Who wants to go to heaven? not even the priest who continuously talks about it. It is a trick to paint death in beautiful colors,butyou know all the time it is death. How canyou befoolyourself? Gurdjieffusedtosaythatifyouwanttogetridof religion,live nearby apriestandyouwill getrid of religion. Maybe the ordinaryhuman being is deceived,but how can the priest be deceived? He himself is creating the whole deception. No priest is ever deceived. Theytalk ab out one thing; they know something else. They say one thing; theydo something else. Iwas reading about a rabbi: AJew,ayoung man, came tohisrabbi. Rabbi, couldIaskyour advice onratheranimportant
Well,it slike this:I aminlovewithtwogirls... thatis,IthinkI am.Now, oneisverybeauti fulbut hasno money,whiletheotherisrathernicebutveryplain,althoughshehasplentyofmoney.Wh at wouldyoudointhe circumstances?Ifyouwereme,rabbi,whatwouldyoudo? Well, said therabbi, head and marryher. Right! saidthefellow. I m sure thatinyour heartyoulovethe beautiful one, soIshouldgo a
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY Ashepreparedtodepart,therabbisaid, Oh,bytheway,I wonderifyoucouldgivemethe address of the other girl? The priest, the rabbi, the parson they know well that whatsoever they are talkin g about is just nonsense. It isfor others it is meantfor others. Tantra creates no priesthood. When there is no priesthood, religion is pure. Bri ng in the priest and he poisons. Bring in the priest and it is BOUND to be poisoned, because the prie st has his own investment in it. A man entered into a pub, and while he was drinking he saw a drunkard coming out of the pub, somehow dragging himself, wavering. And then, suddenly, the drunkard who had com e out of the pub started making gestures as if he was driving a car, andmaking the noises of the engine and the honking of the horn. Thenewcomerwassurprised.Heaskedthepub-owner, Whydon tyoutellthispoorguywhathe is doing? Andthepub-ownersaid, Healwaysdoesthat. Wheneverhehastakentoomuchhedoesthat.Now he will do it almost the whole night. He will go around and around in the town; he thinks he is driving agreat car. Sothenewcomersaid, Butwhydon tyouexplainitto him? He said, Whyshould we explain? he gives 1perweektokeepthecarwashed.
Whenyouhave aninvestmentin somebody s illusion,you cannot destroy that illusion. Y ouwould like the illusion to continue. Once the priest comes in, he has his investment i n allyourillusions: illusionsaboutGod, illusionsaboutsoul, illusionsaboutheaven, illusionsabouthell h enowhasa greatstake.Nowhedependsonyour illusions,helivesonyour illusions heexploitsyour ill usions. Tantraisa disillusionment. Ithasnot created anypriesthood. Tantrasaysitisbetween youand truth itself, and there should be no one standing betweenyou and truth. Letyour heart be open to truth,andtruthis enough. Nobodyis neededto interpretit.YOUAREENOUGHtoknowwhatiti
s. Infact,the moreyouarefullofthe interpretations,thelessisthepossibilitytoknowthat whichis. Truth is in the beginning, truth is in the middle and truth is in the end. Infac t, there is no middle, no beginning, no end itis all one.Truth is not passing... it abides. This is the first sutra. Saraha says to the king: IT IS IN THE BEGINNING, IN THE MIDDLE, AND THE END; YET END AND BEGINNING ARE NOWHERE ELSE. Endand beginningarenowhereelse.Nowistruth-time,andhereistruth-space.THISverymome nt, truth is converging here... now. THIS verymoment is the beginning, is the middle , is the end. You TheTantra Vision,Vol1 117 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY neednotgointothepasttoknowwhentheexistencebegan.Thisverymomentitis beginning.You need not go into the future to see when existence will end. It is ending this ve ry moment! EACH momentisa beginning,andthe middle,andtheend becauseeach momentexistenceisnew,each moment it is dying and is reborn. Each moment everything goes into the state of non-manifestation and comes backinto the state of manifestation. Now there are rumors in modern physics that this Tantra attitude may be true, ma y be ultimately true. It maybe that each moment everything disappears and comes backagain, pops backagain; disappears, pops back again. But the interval is so small that we cannot see it. Tantra says that s whyit remains fresh, existence remains fresh. Except for man everything is fresh, because it is only man who carries the load, the luggage of memory. That swhyman becomesdirty, unclean, loaded,burdened otherwisethe wholeexis tence is new and fresh. It carries no past and it imagines no future. It is SIMPLYhere ! totally here! When you are carrying the past,muchofyour beingisinvolvedin the past a past whichis no t. And when you are imaginingthe future,muchofyourbeingisinvolvedinthe future, whichisnot,no tyet.You arespreadverythin;that swhyyourlifehasno intensity. Tantra says to know truth one needs only one thing: intensity total intensity. H ow to create this total intensity? Drop the past and drop the future,thenyour whole life energyisf ocussed on the small herenow, andin thatfocussingyou area fire,you area fire alive.You are the same fire that Moses saw on the mountain, and Godwas standingin the fire, and the firewas notbu rning Him. And the firewas notburningeven thegreenbush; thebushwas aliveand fresh andyoung. Thewholeoflifeisfire.Toknowit,youneed intensity, otherwiseoneliveslukewarm.Tantr asays there is only one commandment: Don t live lukewarm. That is not a way to live that is a slow suicide. When you are eating, be intensely there. The ascetics have condemned ta ntrikas very much;theysaytheyarejust eat-drink-be-merrypeople.Inaway,theyaretrue,butinawaythe yare
wrong because thereisagreatdifference betweenthe ordinaryeat-drink-be-merryperso nanda tantrika. A tantrika says: This is theWAY to know truth but whileyou are eating, then let t here be only eating and nothing else, then let the past disappear and the future too; then le tyour whole energy bepouredonyourfood.Let therebeloveandaffectionandgratitudetowardsfood.Cheweachbi te with tremendous energy,andyouwillhavenotonlythe tasteofthefoodbutthe tasteofexis tence becausethefoodispartofexistence!Itbringslife.Itbrings vitality,itbrings PRANA.It makesyou tick on. It helpsyou to remain alive. It is not justfood.Food maybe the containe r life is contained in it. Ifyou taste onlyfood andyou don t tasteexistenceinit,you are livinga lukewa rm life; then you don t knowhowa tantrika lives. Whenyou aredrinkingwater, become thirst! Let th erebe an intensitytoit,soeachdropofcoolwatergivesyou tremendousjoy.Inthatvery experienceo f those dropsofwater entering intoyour throat and givingyougreat contentment,you will ta ste God,you will taste reality. Tantra is NOT ordinary indulgence: it is extraordinary indulgence. It is not ord inary indulgence becauseit indulgesin God Himself. But,Tantra says,itis through the small thingso f life thatyou have the taste. There are no big things in life; everything is small. The small thing becomes big and great ifyou enter into it utterly, totally, wholly. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 118 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY Making love to a woman or a man, be the love. Forget everything! In that moment let there be nothingelse.Letthe wholeexistenceconvergeonyourlove-making.Letthatlovebewild,inn ocent innocent in the sense that there is no mind to corrupt it. Don t think about it! D on t imagine about it! because all that imagination and thinkingkeepsyou thin, spread thin. Let all thinking disappear. Lettheactbetotal!Youbeintheact lost, absorbed,gone... andthen,throughlove,youwill know what God is. Tantra says it can be known through drinking, it can be known through eating, it can be known throughlove.It canbeknown from EVERYspace, fromevery corner, fromeveryangle becau se all angles are His. It is all truth. And don t thinkthatyou areunfortunate becauseyouwerenotinthe beginning whenGodcrea ted theworld Heis creatingRIGHTNOW!Youarefortunatetobehere.YoucanseeHim creatingTHIS moment.Anddon tthinkyouwillmisswhentheworld disappearswithabang itisdisappearing right now. Each moment it is created; each moment it disappears. Each moment it is born; each moment it dies. SoTantra says let that beyour life also each moment dying to the past; each moment being born anew. Don t carrythe load; remain empty. ... AND YET END AND BEGINNING ARE NOWHERE ELSE. They are herenow. ALL THOSE WITH MINDSDELUDED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS ARE IN TWOMINDS AND SO DISCUSS NOTHINGNESS AND COMPASSIONASTWOTHINGS. NOWTHEREARETWOWAYSto describethisexperienceoftruth, thisexistential experienceof that which is, the experience of suchness. There are two ways to describe it bec ause we have two types of words: the positive and the negative. Saraha s emphasis is on the negativ e, because that was the emphasis of Buddha. Buddha liked the negativevery much fora certain reason. Whenyou describeexistence witha positive word, the positive word gives it a certain boundary; all positive words have boundaries. Negative words don t have any boundaries; the negative is unbounded. For example,
if you call existence all, God, Absolute, then you are giving a certain boundary. The mome nt you call it Absolute , the notion arises that the thing is finished; that it is no more an on -going process. You callit Brahma ,thenitseemstheperfectionhasarrived;nowthereisno moretoit.Whenyoucall itGod,yougiveita definition... andexistenceissovast,it cannotbe defined;itissova stthatall positivewordsfall short. So Buddha has chosen the negative. He calls itSHOONYAM nothingness, zero. Just l isten to the word: nothingness. Taste it, turn it this way and that: you cannot find any boundary in it nothingness.Itis unbounded. God? immediately thereisa boundary.The momentyousay Go d , existence becomesa little smaller. The momentyou say nothingness ,all boundaries dis appear. Buddhist emphasis is on the negative for this reason, but remember: Buddha does not mean by nothing just nothing. When Buddha says nothingness he means no-thingness . No thing can TheTantra Vision,Vol1 119 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY define existence because all things are in it and it is bigger than all things. It is more than all the parts put together. Now, this has to be understood one of theTantra attitudes. Youlookata roseflower.Youcangotothe chemist;hecananalyzetheflower,andhewilltelly ou of what constituents it is made what matter, what chemicals, what colors he can dissect it. But ifyouask, Whereisthebeautyofit? hewillshrughis shoulders. Hewillsay, I couldnotfind anybeautyin it. Thisis all thatIcould find this manycolors, thismuch matter, the sechemicals. That sall.ANDIhavenotmissed anythingandnothinghasbeenleft outside.Youcanweigh:itis exactly the sameweight as the flower. So nothing has left it. ndeluded; that beautymusthavebeenyour projection. Thenyoumusthave bee
Tantrasays beautyexists but beautyis morethanallthepartsput together. The wholeis more thanthe sumoftheparts. ThatisoneoftheTantra attitudes,ofverygreat significance. Beautyis more than that of which it is constituted. Or, a small baby, bubbling with joy, giggling, happy, life is there dissect the small baby; put the baby onthe surgeon stable. Whatwillyoufind after dissection? Therewillbenobubbling joy, there will be no laughter, no giggling. There will be no innocence found. There will b e NO life found. The moment you cut the baby, the baby is gone, the life disappears. But the surg eon will insist that nothing has left. You can weigh; the parts weigh the same as the whole baby used to weigh nothinghasleft;itisexactlythe samebaby.Butcanyouconvincethe motherthatitisthe sam e baby?AreYOU convinceditisthe samebaby? Andifthe childbelongedtothe surgeon himse lf, would he be convinced it is the same baby? these dead limbsLying on the table? Something has disappeared. Maybe that something cannot be weighed, maybe that so mething is not measurable; maybe that something is not physical, maybe that something is no t material but something has left. The babywill not dance any more, and the babywill not laugh any more, and thebabywillnoteatand willnotdrinkandwillnotgotosleepand willnotcryandwillnotbelo ving and will not be angry something has left.
Tantrasaysthetotalisnotthewhole.Thesumtotalofthepartsisnotthewhole thewholeis more than the sum total of the parts. And in that moreness is the experience of life. Nothingness means no-thingness. All things put together will not make existence existence is more. It is always more than its parts; that s the beauty of it, that s the life of it. That s whyit is so tremendously delightful. That s whythere is celebration. So these two positive and negative words have to be remembered. Tantra will be u sing negative words, BuddhistTantra especially. HinduTantra uses positivewords; that s oneof the differences between Hindu Tantra and Buddhist Tantra. Buddha always uses no to describe the U ltimate, because he says onceyou start giving attributes, those attributes are limitingfa ctors. So Buddha says: Go on eliminating NETI, NETI; go on saying this is not, this is not, this is not. And then that which isleft after ALL denials is. So remember that nothingness does not mean emptiness it means fullness, but inde scribable fullness. That indescribableness has been described through the word nothing . TheTantra Vision,Vol1 120 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY ALL THOSE WITH MINDSDELUDED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS ARE IN TWOMINDS... Saraha says: Those who are too much analytical, interpretative, continuously thi nking in categories of mind,they are always divided, they are split. Thereis alwaysa problemfor them . The problem is not in existence; that problem comes from their own divided mind. Their own m ind is not a single unity. Now,you canaskthe scientist also;hesays mindis dividedintwoparts: the leftandthe right,and both function differently not only differently: both function diametrically oppo site to each other. The left side mind is analytical, and the right side mind is intuitive. The left sid e mind is mathematical, logical,syllogistic. Theright side mindis poetic,artistic, aesthetic,mystic. And theylivein different categories, and there is only a verysmall bridge between the two, just a small l ink. Sometimes it has happened that in some accident that link was broken, and the ma n became two. Inthe SecondWorldWar therewere many cases when the linkwas broken and the man be came two; then he was not one man. Then sometimes he would say one thing in the morni ng and by theeveninghewould completelyforget aboutit andhewould start saying something els e. In the morning one hemisphere was working, in the evening another hemisphere is working . And these change. Modern sciencehastolookdeeplyintoit.Yogahaslookedverydeeplyintoit Yogasays:When your breathingchanges... for near aboutfortyminutesyou breath through one nostri l, and thenfor forty minutesyou breath through another nostril. Up to now modern science has no t thought about it,whythe breathing changes and what the implicationsofit are. ButYoga has thoug ht deeply about it. Whenyour leftnostrilisworking,yourright mind will function; whenyourright nostri lisworking, your left mind will function. This is a sort of arrangement inside so one mind f unctions only for forty minutes and thenit can rest. Somehow, man hasfeltiteven without knowingexa
ctly whatit is, that after eachfortyminutesyouhaveto changeyourwork that swhyinthe schools,col leges, universities,theychangetheperiodafterfortyminutes.Onepartofthemind becomestired. Forty minutesseemstobethe ultimatelimit,thenitneedsrest.Soifyouhavebeenstudyingmathema tics, it is good afterforty minutes to study poetry; thenyou can come backto mathemati cs again. This becameveryclearin the SecondWorldWar, that thebridgeisverysmall,veryfragile , and can bebrokenby anyaccident.And onceitisbroken,theman functionsastwo,thenheisnotonema n; forfortyminutesheisoneman,forfortyminutesheis another man.Ifheborrows moneyfromy ou, afterfortyminuteshewilldenyit;hewillsay, Ihavenevertakenit. AndheisnotLying, remembe r heis notLying. The mind that has takenis no more functioning, sohe has no memory about it. The othermindhasneverborrowed;the othermindwillsimply,flatlydenythat Haveyougonemad?I have never borrowed anything fromyou. And this happensevenin those whose links are not broken. You canwatchyourown lif e andyou willfindarhythm continuously.Justa momentbefore,youweresolovingtowardsyourwife,an d suddenly something clicks andyou are no more loving. Andyou areworried becauseyo u are TheTantra Vision,Vol1 121 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY linked,youhavea slight memory,a remembranceofjustafewminutesbefore.Youweresolovi ng andflowing,andwhat happened? Suddenlytheflowisnotthere;youarefrozen. Maybeyouwer e holding the hand ofyour wife and the mind has changed and another mind has come in, and the handisinyourhand!but suddenly energyisno moreflowing.Nowyouwanttoleavethehandand escape fromthiswoman.Infact,you startthinking, What areyoudoing here?Whyareyouwas ting your time with thiswoman? What has she got? Andyoufeelverymuch anxiety also, beca use justa momentbeforeyouwere promising, Iwillloveyouforever. Andyou becomeworried becauseyou thinkthisisnotright. Justa momentbeforeIpromised,andI amalready breakingthe promi se. Youareangryandyouwanttokill somebody andjustaFEWminuteslaterthatangerisgone,you areno moreangry.Youeven startfeeling compassionforthe other person.You startfeel inghappy: ItisgoodthatIhavenot killedhim. Watchyour mind andyou will continuously find this shift; this gear goes on chang ing. Tantrasays thereisa stateofunity,whenthebridgeisno morea smalllinkbutboththe min dsare really together. This togetherness is the real meeting of the man and the woman, because one part of the mind, theright mind,isfeminine; the left mindis masculine. And whenyou ar e makinglove toawomanora man,whenthe orgasm happens, bothyour minds comeveryclose; that swhythe orgasm happens. It has nothing to do with the woman; it has nothing to do with a nything outside. It is just insideyou.Watch.... TANTRIKASHAVE BEENWATCHING THE PHENOMENONOFLOVEverydeeply, because they think,andtheyareright,thatthegreatest phenomenononearthislove,andthegreatestexpe rience of humanityis orgasm.Soif thereis sometruth, thattruthmustbe closerinthe momento f orgasm than anywhere else. This is simple logic. One need not be very logical about it: it is such an OBVIOUS thing that this is man s GREATEST joy, so this joy must somehow be opening a door totheinfinite maybeveryslightly,veryslowly,maybejustapartofit,but somethingofthe infinite enters into it. For a moment the man and the woman are lost, they are no more in their egos; their
capsules disappear. What happens exactly? You can ask the physiologists too. Tantra has discovered m anythings. A few:one,whenyouaremakinglovetoawomanandyoufeel orgasmicandhappy,ithasnothingto dowiththewoman thewholethingis happeningwithinyou.Ithasnothingtodowiththewoman s orgasm; they are not related at all. Whenthewomanishavingher orgasm,sheishavingherorgasm ithasnothingtodowithyou. Maybeyoujust functioned asatriggerpoint,butthewoman s orgasmisherprivate orgasm,an d your orgasmisyourprivate orgasm. You both are together,butyour orgasmisyours; an d when you arehavingyour orgasmyourwoman cannot shareyourjoy,no. Itis just absolutelyyo urs. It is private. She can see something is happening onyourface, inyour body but that i s just an observation fromthe outside. She cannotparticipateinit. Whenthewomanishavingher orgasm, you arejusta spectator;you areno moreaparticipantinit. Andevenifyou both arehaving orgasms together, then tooyour orgasmicjoy will notb e more or less;itwillnotbeaffectedbythe orgasmofthewoman,and neitherwillthewoman s orgasmbe affectedbyyou.You are completelyprivate, totallyinyourself one thing. That means allorgasm, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 122 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY deepdown,is masturbatory. Thewomanisjustahelp,anexcuse;the manisahelp,anexcuse but not a must. Thesecondthingthattantrikashavebeenwatchingis:whentheorgasmis happening,ithasnot hing to withyour sex centers nothing. Because if the sex centers are cut from the bra in,you will have orgasm,butyouwillnothaveanyjoy. So,deepdown,itisnot happeningatthesex center:iti s happening in the brain. Something from the sex center is triggered in the brain, it is happening in the brain. And modern research agrees with it perfectly. You must have heard the name of the famous psychologist, Delgado. He has devised small instruments: he puts electrodes in the head and those electrodes can be controll ed by remote control.You canhavea smallboxof remote control push-buttons. You cankeep theboxi nyour pocketandanytimeyouwanttohaveasexual orgasm,youjustpushabutton.It willhave nothi ng to do withyour sexcenter; thatbutton will just push something inyour head inside the head it will push those centers which are pushedby sexual energy when it is released. It will push them directly andyou willhaveagreat orgasm. Or,you can push anotherbutton andyou will become immediately angry. Oryou can push anotherbutton andyou willfall intoa deep depre ssion. You can have all thebuttons in the box andyou can changeyour mood asyou like. When Delgado experimented with his animalsfor the first time, particularly with mice, hewas surprised. He fixed the electrode in his most favorite mouse, who was very well trained; he had beenexperimentingwithhimformanydays,andaveryintelligent mouse.... Hefixedhiselec trode inhis headandgaveaboxtothe mouseandtrainedhimtopushthebutton. Onceheknew that whenthebuttonis pushedhehasasexual orgasm,the mousewentmad.In oneday,sixthousand times.... He died! because he would not go anywhere. He would not eat, he would not sleep, he would... he forgot everything. He was just going crazy pushing the button again and again and again. This modern research into the human brain saysexactly whatTantra has been saying . First, the orgasmhas nothingtodo withthe person outside yourwoman,your man. Secondithasnothi
ng todowithyoursex energy.Thewomantriggersyoursex energy,yoursexenergytriggersyourb rain energy;abrain centeristriggered butorgasmhappensexactlythereinthebrain,inthehead. That s why pornography has so much appeal, because pornography can directly stimul ate your brain.A beautifulwoman or an uglywomanhas nothing todo withyour orgasm. An uglyw oman cangiveyouas beautifulan orgasmasa beautifulwoman,butwhydon tyouliketheuglywoman? It does not appeal to the head, that s all. Otherwise, asfar as orgasm is concerne d, both are as capable. The ugliestwoman orthe most beautiful woman, a Cleopatra,is immaterial b utyour head,yourbrain,is more interestedintheform,inthe beauty. Tantrasays oncewe understandthis whole mechanismoforgasm,agreat understandingcan arise. One step more: Modern research agrees up to this point, that orgasm happens in the brain. The w oman s orgasm happens in the right side of the brain; about that modern research is not yet ca pable of saying anything butTantra does. Thewoman s orgasm happensin theright sidebrain, because th atis thefeminine center. Andthe male orgasm happensinthe left thatisthe malebrain.Tan tra goes TheTantra Vision,Vol1 123 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY further into thiswork, andTantra says when boththese sidesof thebrain come toget hergreatjoy arises, total orgasm happens. And these sidesof thebrain can come togethervery easily the less analyticyou are , the closer they are. That s why an interpretative mind is never a happy mind. A non-interpret ative mind is happier. Primitive people are more joyous than the so-called civilized, the educ ated, the cultured. Animals are happier than human beings, birds are happier;theydon t have the analyt ical mind. The analytical mind makes the gap bigger. The moreyou start thinking logically, the bigger is the gap between the two mind s. The lessyou think logically, the closer they come. The more poetic, the more aesthetic your approach is, the more theywill come close and the more possibility of joy, delight, celebration, there will be. And the last point, whichI think will take many centuriesfor science to come to. The last point is that the joyis not happening exactly in the brain either it happens in the witne ss who is standing behind both these sides af the brain. Now, if the witness is too much attached t o the male mind, thenthejoywillnothappensomuch.Or,ifthewitnessis attachedtoomuchtothefemalemind, thenjoywillbea littlemore,butnotsomuch. Can tyou see? women are happier creatures than men. That s why they look more beauti ful, more innocent,younger. Theylive long, theylive more peacefully, more contentedly . They are not worried so much; theydon t commit suicide so much, theydon t go mad so much the prop ortion is double. Man goes twice as much: in suicide also man commits twice as much, an d in madness also. And allthewars,ifyou include them alsoin suicidal andmurderous activities, then man has beendoingnothingelse.Downthe centurieshehasbeenpreparingforwar,killingpeople. Thefeminine mindis morejoyous becauseitis more poetic, more aesthetic, more intu itive. Butifyou arenot attachedtoanypartandyouarejusta witness,thenyourjoyis utter,ultimate. Thi sjoy we have called anand bliss.Toknowthis witnessisto becomeone, absolutelyone;thenthewoman and the man inyou disappear completely, then they are lost into oneness. Then or
gasmicness is your moment-to-momentexistence. Andin that state,sex disappears automatically be cause there is no need. When a person lives orgasmically twenty-four hours a day, what is th e need? Inyour witnessingyou become orgasmic. Orgasm thenis nota momentarything your simple nature. This is what ecstasy is. ALL THOSE WITH MINDSDELUDED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS ARE IN TWOMINDS AND SO DISCUSS NOTHINGNESS AND COMPASSIONASTWOTHINGS. Sarahasaysthattheexistenceis nothingness,butdon tbeworried by nothingness wedon tmean thatitisemptyofeverything.Infact,we meanitisfull itissofullthatwecallitnothing.If wecallit something, that will make a demarcation, and it is unbounded so we call it nothi ng. But Buddhists have been asked again and again: If it is nothing, then from where does the comp assion come? then whydoes Buddhatalk about compassion? Saraha says: Nothingness and compassion are two aspects of the same energy. Noth ingness, in existence, means: I have to be non-egoistic. Ego means: I am something. If exist ence is nothing TheTantra Vision,Vol1 124 Osho thenitis
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY andIhavetogo intoparticipationwith thisexistence,ifIhaveto becomepartofthisexist ence,I have to drop the ego. The ego is making me somebody, is giving me a definition, a limitation. When existenceis withoutanyself,itis nothingness anatta thenIhavealsotobea nothing;only then will thesetwo nothingsbecapableof meetingwitheach otherand dissolvingintoeach ot her.Ihave to become a no-ego, and in that no-ego is compassion. With ego is passion: with no-ego is compassion. With ego there is violence: with no-ego there is love. With ego there is aggression, anger, cruelty: with no-ego there is kindnes s, sharing, affection. So, Saraha says compassion has not tobe cultivated. Ifyou can live in nothingnes s, compassion willbeflowingoutofyouofitsown accord.Ihave heard: Amanwenttohisbank managertoaskforaloan.Afterhehadtakenparticulars,thebankmanager said, Byrights,Ishould refuseyour request,butIwillgiveyoua sportingchance.Now, one ofmy eyes is made of glass: ifyou can tell me which one it isIwillgrantyou the loan. The customerlookedatthe other intentlyforafew momentsandthensaid, Itisyourrighteye ,sir. That s correct, said the bank manager . He said, How didyou guess? he could not believe it, how he had guessed it
Well, repliedthe customer, itappearedtobe more compassionate, soIthoughtitmustbeagla ss eye. The ego, the calculating, cunning mind, is never compassionate, cannot be. In th e very existence of theego, thereis violence.Ifyou are,you are violent.You cannotbe non-violent.Ifyo uwanttobe non-violent,youwillhavetodropyourI,youwillhaveto becomea nothingness.Outofnothin gness is non-violence. It is not a question ofpractising it; it is a question of becom ing nobody, then it flows. Itistheblockof the I thatisblockingtheflowofyour energies; otherwise, compassionisea sy. Saraha says: Nothingness and compassion are not two things. You be nothing and t here will be
compassion.Or,youattainto compassionandyouwillfindyouhavebecome nothing,anobody. Thischaracterizationofexistence as nothingnessisagreatsteptowards annihilationof theego. Andthisisoneofthegreatest contributionsof Buddhatotheworld. Otherreligionsgooncu ltivating in subtle ways the same ego. The righteous person starts feeling, I am righteous ; the moralist thinks, Iammoremoralthan others. Themanwhopractisesreligion thinkshimself more relig ious thanothers,buttheseareallegoqualities,andthesearenotgoingtohelpultimately. Buddh asays cultivationisnotthequestion understanding,awarenessis neededthatthereisNOBODYiny ou! Haveyouever looked inside? Haveyouever gone inside and looked around? Is there a nybody? You will not find anybody.You will find silence.You will not come across anybody . Socrates says: Know thyself! And Buddha says: Ifyou come to know,you will not fi nd any thyself ; there is nobody inside, there is pure silence. You will not hit against any wall , and you will not come across anyself. It is emptiness. It is as empty as existence itself. And ou t of that emptiness, everything is flowing; out of that nothingness, everything is flowing. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 125 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY BEES KNOWTHATIN FLOWERS HONEY CAN BE FOUND. THATSAMSARA AND NIRVANA ARE NOTTWO HOWWILL THE DELUDEDEVER UNDERSTAND? HAVE YOU WATCHED IT? Around a small beautiful lake there are many flowers. Frogs may be sittingjustbythe rootsoftheflowers,buttheydon tknowthatflowershavehoneyin them. BEES KNOWTHATIN FLOWERS HONEY CAN BE FOUND. Waterfowl, swans, fish and frogs do not know even when they are living just by t he side of the plants.Toknowthatflowershavehoney,onehastobecomeabee.Sarahasaysthe tantrikaislik e abeeandthe asceticislikeafrog.Helivesbythesideoftheflowers,andheisnotatallaware. Notonlyishenotaware:he denies.He thinksbeesare indulgent,thatbeesarefools,thatth ey are destroying themselves. Sarahasays asceticsarelikefrogsandthetantrikaislikeabee.Inthephenomenonofsexther eis hiddenthesublime.Inthe energyofsexthereisakey whichcanopenthedoorofexistence.But frogswillnotknowit.Tantrasaysitissuchanobviousfact,thatoutofsex energylifeisborn that means that sex must be at the very core of life. Life comes through sex energy. A new child is born through sex energy, a new being enters intoexistence,a new guest comes intoexist ence through sex energy! Sex energy is the most creative energy. Certainly, if we look deep i nto it we mayfind even more,greater, more creative possibilities of it. Tantrasayssexisthelowestrungofthesexenergy,of libido.Ifyou enterintoitwith morea wareness andyou search into it deeply,you will find the highest possibility, Samadhi, hid den in it. Sexis like Samadhifallen into themud;itis likea diamond which hasfallen into the mud.You clean the diamond;themud cannot destroyit. Themudis only on the surface;you justwash t hediamond
and again it is shining with all its luster and all its glory. Insexishiddenthe diamond.InloveishiddenGod.WhenJesussaysGodislove,hemayhavegot this idea somewhere fromTantra, because the Jewish God is not love at all. It ca nnot come from the Jewish tradition. The Jewish God is a veryangryGod. TheJewishGodsays, Iamvery jealous,I amveryangry. Andifyougo againstme,Iwilltake revenge. The Jewish God is a very dictatorial God. Love does not fit with the Jew ish idea. From where did Jesus get this idea that God is love? Everypossibility is that it came through theTantric school of India, that it spread from the tantrikas. Saraha was here three hundred years before Jesus. Who knows? Maybe it was Saraha and Saraha s idea which travelled. There are absolute reasons to think so. There iseve rypossibility TheTantra Vision,Vol1 126 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY of Jesus coming to India, there is every possibility of messengers spreading from India towards Israel. But one thing is certain, that it is Tantra which has looked at God as love ener gy. But Christians missed. Even Jesushas given the hint that God is love. theyhave missed. Theyhave interpreted it as God-loving theymissed it. Jesus is not saying God is loving: Jesus is saying God is love God isequaltolove.Itisaformula:loveisequalto God.Ifyougodeep intoloveyou will findGo d,and there is no other wayto find God. BEES KNOWTHATIN FLOWERS HONEY CAN BE FOUND. THATSAMSARA AND NIRVANA ARE NOTTWO HOWWILL THE DELUDEDEVER UNDERSTAND? Who are these deluded people? The frogs, the ascetics, the so-called mahatmas, w ho go on denying the world because they say God is against the world. This is foolish! If God is against the world, then whydoes He go on creating it? He can simply stop it anymoment if He is so against it. IfHeagreed withyour mahatmas, thenHewouldhave stoppedit long before. ButHe g oes on creating.Hedoesnotseemtobeagainstit He seemstobeabsolutelyforit. Tantra says God is not against the world: Samsara and Nirvana are not two they a re one. The asceticfightssexenergyandthroughthat fighting,hestartsfallingawayfromGod,falling awayfrom life, falling away from the vital source of life. And then there are perversions bound to be. The moreyou fight with something, the more pervertedyou become. And thenyou start fi nding tricks, backdoors to enter intoit again. Sothe ascetic,onthesurface,fightswithsex,fightswithlife,anddeepdownstartsfantasi zingabout it. The more he represses, the more he becomes obsessed with it. The ascetic is the obsessed person:the tantrikaisaverynatural person hehasno obsessions.Buttheironyisthatthe ascetic thinks that the tantrika is obsessed; the ascetic thinks that the tantrikas talk
about sex Why do theytalk aboutsex? butthereal obsessionisinthe ascetic.Hedoesnottalkaboutit,or,eve nif he talks about it he only talks to condemn it but he continuously thinks about i t. His mind goes on reeling around and around it. Itis difficulttogo againstGod evenifyougo,yourfailureis certain. Mind will findso meway or other. Ihave heard: AJewwastalkingtoafriendandsaid, Iprefertosleepalone. I believein celibacy. Infact, ever sincewewere married,mywifeandIhavehad separate rooms. But, said thefriend, , whatdo you do? supposingduring the nightyoufeel thatyouwould likea littlelove
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY Oh, replied the other, I just whistle.
Thefriendwas astonished,butwentontoask, But supposingitisthe otherway roundandyou r wifefeelsthatshewouldlikealittleloving whathappens then? Oh, he replied, shecomestomydoorandtaps,andwhenI answersays, Ikey,didyou whistle? Whetheryou stayin the same room or not, what doesit matter? Mind will find somew ay the mind will startwhistling. And thewoman cannot whistle,of course; sheisexpected nottob e so vulgar as to whistle. But she can come and knock on the door and can ask, Ikey, didYOU whis tle? Mindisverycunning. Butonethingiscertain:you cannotescapetherealityoflife. Ifyout ry to escape,your cunningmindwillfindways andwill become more cunning.Andyouwillbe more in the trap of the mind. Ican t see anyascetic ever realizing truth impossible. He de nies life: how can he realize truth? Truthhastobealive.Truthhastobewithlife,inlife. That swhytomysannyasinsI neversayle ave life Isaybe in life. Be totally in it! There is the door, somewherein the marketp lace. THATSAMSARA AND NIRVANA ARE NOTTWO, says Saraha, HOWWILL THE DELUDEDEVER UNDERSTAND? But the frogs? how will they ever understand? Become a bee! Let this be a deep r emembrance inyou,at leastformy sannyasins: Becomeabee; don t becomeafrog.Theseflowersoflife a re carrying the honeyof God... collect. WHEN THE DELUDED INAMIRROR LOOK THEY SEEAFACE, NOTAREFLECTION. SO THE MIND THATHAS TRUTH DENIED RELIES ON THATWHICH IS NOTTRUE. THE MINDIS LIKEA MIRROR itonly reflects,it canonlygiveyoua shadowexperience;neve r thereal,nevertheoriginal.Itislikealake,andyoucanseethefull mooninthelake reflect ed,but the reflection is not the real moon. And ifyou start thinking that the reflectio n is the realmoon,you
will never find the real moon. Says Saraha: WHEN THE DELUDED INAMIRROR LOOK THEY SEEAFACE, NOTAREFLECTION. Whatis the differencein seeingaface and nota reflection? Whenyou start seeing th efacein the mirror,you aredeluded;you are thinking, Thatismyface. Thatis notyourface thatis ju st the reflection ofyourface. In the mirror there can be no realface, only reflections. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 128 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY Mind isa mirror! It reflects reality,but ifyou start believing in that reflectio n,youarebelieving in untruth,intheimage.Andthatverybeliefwill becomeabarrier.Sarahasaysifyouwanttokno w the truth, put the mind aside otherwise it will go on reflecting andyou will go on looking at the reflection.Putthemindaside!Ifyoureallywanttoknowthereal,thengoagainstthe reflect ion. Forexample,youseethefullmoon reflectedinthelake.Now,whereareyougoingtoseektheful l moon? Areyougoingtotakeajumpintothelake? Areyougoingtodivedeep intothelaketo fin d the moon?Thenyouwillneverfindit.Youmay evenmissyourself.Ifyoureallywanttoseether eal moon, then go against the reflection, just in the diametrically opposite directi on thenyou will find the moon. Don tgointhemind;go diametrically oppositetothemind. Mind analyzes:you synthesize. Mind believesin logic: don t believeinlogic.Mindisve rycalculative, mindisverycunning:yoube innocent.Gointhe opposite direction! Mind asksfor proofs , reasons don taskforproofsand reasons.Thatisthemeaningoftrust:gointotheopposite direction.Mi nd isagreat doubter.Ifyou doubt,yougointothe mind.Ifyou don t doubt,yougo againstthe mind. Doubtnot!Lifeistobelived,nottobe doubted.Lifeistobetrusted.Gohandinhandwithtrust and youwillfindtruth:gowith doubtandyou. willgo astray. The searchfortruthisthe searchinthe opposite directionofthemind becausemindisami rror,it reflects.Andtoputthemindasideiswhat meditationisallabout;toputthethoughtsaside,t hinking aside, mentation aside, is what meditation is all about. Whenyoucanlookintoreality withoutthoughts reflectingit,truthisherenow,thenyouare truthand all is truth. Mind is thegreatfaculty of delusion, illusion, of dreaming. THOUGHTHEFRAGRANCEOFAFLOWER CANNOTBETOUCHED, TIS ALL PERVASIVEANDATONCE PERCEPTIBLE. SO BY UNPATTERNEDBEING-IN-ITSELF RECOGNIZE THEROUND OF MYSTIC CIRCLES.
Agreat sutra: THOUGHTHEFRAGRANCEOFAFLOWER CANNOTBETOUCHED... You cannot touch the fragrance of a flower. IT IS ALL PERVASIVEANDATONCE PERCEPTIBLE. Butyou can smellit.You cannot seeit,butyou can smellit.It surroundsyou.You canno t touchit;it is not tangible, it is not touchable. And ifyou make tangibility the criterion o f truth, thenyou will say itis nottrue.Truthisnot thinkable.Ifyou think,you will miss. Truth canbeexperienced,but cannotbeknown. Truth canbe realized,butnot concluded. Justas thefragranceofaflower cannotbe seenbytheeyes, cannotbeheardbythe ears... ifyouma keita TheTantra Vision,Vol1 129 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY criterion that UnlessIhear the smellIwill not believe, unlessI see the smellIwill not believe, then you are creating barriers andyou will never come to know it. And,byandby,ifyou don t believeit,ifyou don t believeatall,youwilllosethefacultyofsm elling it because anyfaculty that is not used, not trusted,falls out of use, becomesbya ndby crippled. Trustisafaculty!Youhavebeenwithdoubtsolong, marriedwithdoubtsolong,thatyousay, Iwi ll firstneedrationalproofs Idoubt. Soyou remainwithdoubt,andtruthcanbeknownonlythrough trust,justasfragrance canbeknownonlybysmell.Itis thereifyou smell.Ifyoutrust,tru this there. SHRADDHA trust,faith simply indicates one thing: that thefaculty to know truth i s not doubt, is not skepticism. Ifyou insist on doubt,you remain with doubt. IT IS ALL PERVASIVEANDATONCE PERCEPTIBLE. With trust, immediately it is there SO BY UNPATTERNEDBEING-IN-ITSELF... Andwhatistrust?Ihavenever come acrosssucha beautiful definitionoftrust: SO BY UNPATTERNEDBEING-IN-ITSELF... Don tpatternyourself!All patterningisasortofarmoring.All patterningisasortofprotec tion.All patterning is a wayto avoid. Be open, don t be patterned. SO BY UNPATTERNEDBEING-IN-ITSELF... Ifyou are not patterned, ifyou are simply open,you don t have any armour,you are n ot protecting yourself by logic, doubt, this and that, you are simply vulnerable... unpatterne d, unprotected, under the open sky, all doors open. Let friend or foe enter, anybody, but all do ors are open. In that openness, you are being-in-itself, you are in a state of suchness, you are empty, you are a nothingness, andyou will recognize what truth is: RECOGNIZE THEROUND OF MYSTIC CIRCLES. Andthenyouwillseethatoutofthis suchnesstwo circlesarearising: oneisofNirvana,ano theris at once! Not a single moment
of Samsara. Two waves are arising in this ocean of suchness: one is of matter, a nother is of mind but both arewaves. Andyou arebeyond both. Now thereis no division, no distinction . Truthis neither mind nor matter, truth is neither Samsara nor Nirvana, truth is neither unholy nor holy all distinctions have disappeared. Ifyou bringyour mind to, the ultimate reality, it will not allowyou to see the u ltimate reality. It will bring somethingofitsownfalsitieswithit. Iwas reading one anecdote meditate over it: Charlie Gra
Aman arrived at thePearly Gates, and on being asked his name replied, b-all. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 130 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY I don t thinkwehave anynoticeofyour coming, hewas informed. Whatwasyour occupationin earthly life? Scrap metal merchant, the visitor said. Oh, said the angel, I will go and inquire. sappeared so had thePearly Gates. When he returned, Charlie Grab-all had di
CharlieGrab-all: scrapmetal carryyour habitstotheveryend. Maybe mindis useful asfar as the man-madeworldis concerned. Maybe mindis useful asfar as thinking about matter is concerned. But to carry this mind to the innermost core ofyour reality IS dangerous. It will disturb there. Let me say it in this way: doubt is helpful in the world of science in fact, wit hout doubt there would be no science. Doubt is the verymethodology of science. Because science ha s become so prevalent, has been so successfulin the past, it seems that doubt has become the only methodology to inquire. So whenyougoin,you carry doubt that s notright. Whenyou are goingoutwa rds, doubtis helpful. Whenyou are goinginwards, doubtisa barrier.Trust, lessand less doubt ifyou want to come in, doubt less and less and less and let there be a moment when the re is no doubt left.Inthat stateof no-doubt,youwillbeatthecenter.Ifyouwanttoknowthe outsideworl d,trust will not be helpful. That also has happened in the past in the East. We came to know the inner realit y through trust, so we thought through trust we can create science also we were never able to cre ate science. In the Eastwe could not create anygreat science nothing to sayabout it, nothingmuch .Because we entered insidewithtrust,wethoughttrustwastheonly methodofinquiry thatwasfallac ious. We tried trust on the outside objective thingsandwefailed. The East has beenafai lure asfar as science is concerned. TheWest has succeededthrough doubt in science; now, the sa mefallacy theythink doubtistheonlyright,valid methodtoknow.Itis not.Now,ifyoutrydoubtinthe inner world,you willfail as certainly as the East hasfailedin scientificgrowth.
Doubtisgoodabout objects;trustisgood about subjectivity. Doubtisgoodifyouaremovi ngfurther away fromyour center towards the periphery; trust is good ifyou are moving towar ds the center awayfrom the periphery.Trust and doubt are like two wings. The humanitythatisgoingtobebornin futurewillbecapableof doubtingandtrustingbotht ogether. That will be the highest synthesis: the synthesis of East and West, the synthesi s of science and religion. When a man is capable of doubting and trusting both when doubt is need ed, when he is goingoutwards,he doubts;andwhentrustisneededheputsthedoubtasideandtrusts.Andaman who is capable of both will be beyond both, certainly beyond both, because he wi ll use both and he will know that I am separate from both. That s transcendence, that *beyondbothness sgreat freedom. Exactly that is what Nirvana is:great freedom. MEDITATEON THESE SUTRAS.Sarahaissayinggreatthingsin simplewords.Hewasshowering hisgreatinsightontheking.Youcanalsopartakeofthisgreat insight.Youcangoverydeepin to human reality with Saraha. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 131 Osho
CHAPTER 7. TRUTH IS NEITHER HOLY NOR UNHOLY And always remember: that is the only way to go to the ultimate reality the huma n reality is the onlyway togotothe ultimate reality, because thatiswhereyou are. One can proceedo nly from the place where one is. Sex isyour reality: Samadhi can be approached through it . Body isyour reality: bodilessness canbe approached through it. Outwardnessisyour reality: in wardness canbe approached throughit.Youreyesare looking outwards:they canbeturnedinwards. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 132 Osho
CHAPTER8 Be true to love 28 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall The first question: Question1 I AM A FROG. I KNOW I M A FROG BECAUSE I LIKE SWIMMING IN MURKY DARK GREEN WATER AND HOPPING ABOUT IN SLIMY MUD. AND WHAT IS HONEY ANYWAY? IFA FROG CAN BE IN AN UNPATTERNED STATE OF BEING, WILL IT BECOMEABEE? CERTAINLY!TOBEABEEIS EVERYBODY S POSSIBILITY.Everybody cangrow into beinga bee. An unpatterned,alive, spontaneouslife, moment-to-momentlife,isthegatetoit,thekey toit.Ifone canlivenotoutofthepastthenoneisabee,andthenthereishoneyall around. Iknow it is difficult to explain this to a frog. The question is right: What is h oneyanyway? The frog hasneverknown aboutit.Andhelivesjustatthe rootoftheplant whereflowersbloomandbee s collect honey,but he has not moved in that dimension. By frog Saraha means a person who lives out of the past, encaged in the past, in th e memories. Whenyou live through the past,you only apparently live,you don t really live. When you live through thepastyoulivelikea mechanism,notlikea man.Whenyoulivethroughthepast,itisarepeti tion, itisa monotonous repetition youmissthe delight,thejoyoflifeandexistence. That swhat h oney is: the joyof life, the sweetness of just being herenow, the sweetness of just b eing able to be. That joyis honey... and there are millionsof flowersblooming all around. The wholeexi stenceis fullof flowers. 133
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Ifyouknowhowto collecthoney,ifyouknowhowtobejoyful,you become an emperor. Ifyou don t know,you remainabeggar.... These birds singing here honeyis showering! The b ee will collect;thefrogwillmiss.Thissky,thissun,thesepeoplearoundyou everybodyiscarrying i nfinite sourcesofhoney,everybodyisflowing withsweetnessandlove.Ifyouknowhowtocollectitan d howto tasteit,itisallovertheplace.Godisallovertheplace... The tasteofGodiswhatSa raha calls honey . Thebeehasafew thingsand thosehavetobe understood andthey areverydangerous things.
One: the bee is never attached to any flower. That is the most profound secret t he bee is not attached to anyflower. It has nonuclearfamily no wife, no husband. It simply mov eswherever ANY flower invites it. Ithas freedom. Manhas become confinedtothefamily.Tantraisverymuchagainstfamily andtheinsightisgre at. Tantrasaysitis becauseoffamilythatlovehasbeen completely damaged,thatthesweetnes soflife has completely been poisoned.People are clinging to each other.People are trying to possess each other nottoenjoybutto possess.Possessionhas becometheenjoyment. Therehashappened agreat shift:youarewithawomannottoenjoyher,youareNOTenjoyingher;youarewithaman nottoenjoythe man,you areNOTenjoyingatall butto possess.Politicshas entered,ambit ion has entered, economics has entered... Love is not there. Love knows no possession.I am not sayingyou cannot live withawomanfor long you c an livefor lives together buttherewillbenofamily.By family Imeanthelegalpossession;by family I mean the demand. The husband can demand from the wife; he can say, You are obliged to give me love! Nobodyisobligedtogiveanybodylove.The husbandcanforcethewifetolovehim.Whenyoucan force somebody to love, love disappears then there is only pretension. Then the w ife is fulfilling a duty. Then the husband is fulfilling a duty. Duty is not love! Love is honey: du ty is white sugar. You will suffer from diabetes sooner or later. It is poison, it is pure poison white sugar. Yes, it tastes similar,a littlebitlikethehoney,butitisnothoney. Thefamilyisverypossessive. Thefamilyis against man,itisagainst society,itis agai nst universal brotherhood. The boundaryofthefamilyisyourimprisonment. Youmay notfeelit because you have become accustomed to it.
Crossing the boundaryofa country,haveyou notfelt humiliated? Thenyou know that t he country was not your country it was a great prison. Getting out and coming in you will k now at the checking post, at the airport. You will know while passing through the customs t hat you are a prisoner; freedom was bogus, just holy cow dung. But living in a country, if you don t cross the boundaryyou willneverknow aboutit.You will thinkyou are free.You areNOTfree!Yes, the rope is big,you can move around,butyou are not free. And so is the case with thefamily. Ifyou start crossing the boundary thenyou wil l knowyou are imprisoned. Ifyou start loving the neighbor thenyourfamily will be againstyou. I fyou are happy with some otherwoman,your wife isyour enemy. Ifyou are dancing with some other m an,your husbandismadatyou;hewouldliketokillyou andjustthe otherdayhewassaying, Iloveyou somuch...I can dieforyou. Just cross the boundary! andyou willknow thatyou areaprisoner. Never cross the b oundary, and you canliveinblissfulignorancethateverythingisokay. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 134 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE It is attachment, it is possessiveness, that has destroyedyour capacity to go to many flowers, to taste all the flowers. Just think of a bee only collecting honeyfrom one flower that honeywill not bevery rich.Therichness comesoutofthevariety.Yourlifeisboring;itisnotrich. People cometomeandthey say, Iam bored! What shouldIdo? Andthey aredoingeverything toget bored,andthey are thinking that boredomis happeningfromsomewhere else.Now, you are livingwithawomanyou don tloveany more,butyour scripturessay: onceyouhave promised, you haveto fulfillthe promise bea manof promise! Onceyou are committedyouhaveto fulfi llthe commitment. Now, ifyou are bored, nothing is surprising. Love hasdisappeared! Itisasifyouareforcedtoeatthe samethingeveryday:howlongwillyoubeabletoenjoyit?You mayhave enjoyed it on the first day;yes, the second day; the third day but then i t will start getting onyour nerves. Thenforever andever..... thenyou will start getting bored. And be cause manis bored he invents a thousand and one ways to distract his mind: sits glued to the chair before the TV for six hours what stupidity! Or goes to the movie, or listens to the radio, or r eads the newspaper, orgoestoclubswhereboredpeoplejustlikeyougathertogether. Somehowoneistryingtodist ract oneself from the boredom that has happened out of the relationship. Tryto understand.... Tantrasays:Beabee be free!Tantraisnotsayingthatifyouloveawomanthen don tbetogether withher be togetherwithher! butthe commitmentistowardslove,nottowardsthewoman;the commitment is towards love, not towards the man. This is a BASIC difference: you are committed tolove!you are committedto happiness! Whenloveis disappearing, when happinessis gone, then saythankyou and move. And such should be the case with everything inyour life. Ifyou are a doctor andy ou are bored withyour job, thenyou should be capable of dropping it any moment whatsoever the cost. With risk, life becomes adventure. Butyou think, NowI amforty,forty-five, andhow canI drop outof thejob? Anditis goingvery well financially... but spiritually, psychologically,yo u are dying!You areslowly committing suicide.Thenitisperfectlyokay:ifyouwantto destroyyourselfan dsavethe bank-balance, thenitisperfectlyokay. Butthemomentyoufeel thatthejobisno moreasat isfying
job, DROP out of it! This is theTantra revolution. The momentyou see that someth ing is no more appealing, has lost the quality of allurement, of enchantment, is no more magnet ic, then don t cling to it, then say, I am sorry. Thenfeelgratefulfor the past,for all that has happene d through the person, through the job, through anything! but remain open in the future. This i s the meaning of being a bee. AndSarahasays: Onlythebeeknows that eachfloweris fullof honey. But I am not saying go to the opposite extreme there are people who can go to th e opposite extreme. And manisso stupid....Justthe otherdayI was reading abouta communeinGer many: Action Analysis Commune. Now, thereisarulein their commune thatyou cannot sleep with the samewomantwonights together.Now,thisisagainfoolish.It seemsmanissuchan idiotthat you cannot help him. Ifyou sleep two nights consecutively with onewoman, the commune throwsyou out. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 135 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Now, the one extreme has proved wrong this is another extreme... will prove wron g! The first extreme was repressive: you have to sleep with the same woman for years, for you r whole life, with the same man not knowing WHY,whyyou continue. The society says so, the stat e says so, thepriestandthe politician say so thatonthe stabilityofyournuclearfamilythewholeso ciety depends. This insane societydepends on the insanefamily; the insanefamily is the unit, the brick, out of which this wholeprison is made. Insane politicians depend on the insanefamily. Insane religions depend on the in sanefamily. They have been repressingyou; they don t allowyou to moveaway from thewoman or the man or the relationship.They sayyouhavetobewithit, otherwiseyouareacriminal,a sinner.Theyma keyou veryafraid of hell andhell-fire. Now, the oppositeextreme, thatyou cannot staywith the samewoman the next night a gain. This too isagain repressive.Ifyouwanttobewithherthenextnightalso, then...? Thenitwillbere pression. With the first, love disappeared and boredom entered. With the second, intimacy will disappear and you willfeelveryalienated, like an island.You will notfeelyour roots anywhere. Tantrasays:Justinthe middleistheway.Beinthatplace,bewiththat person,beinthatjob, where you areenjoying otherwisechange.Ifyou canenjoyonewomanforyour wholelife,itis bea utiful,it is tremendously beautiful.You arefortunate, because then intimacy willgrow,your roots willgo into each other,your beings will become intertwined.By andby,you will become ONE pers on, one soul, andthatisagreatexperience!The highestpeakofTantrawillbeknown throughit.Butthisis not family thisisloveaffair.Youhavegoneintotheverydepthoflove. Now these kind of people this A.A. Commune these kind of people are dangerous! T heythink they are doing somethingverygreat. They are simply reacting. The society has don e something wrong, now they are reacting too much and going to the opposite extreme which wi ll be again wrong. Man has to bebalanced somewhere, first thing. SECOND THING: Saraha says UNSTRUCTURED,UNPATTERNED STATE OF BEING. Ifyou live through habit,you cannot enjoy life because the habit is of the old. How canyou enjoy the same
thingagainandagainandagain?Yourmind remainsthesame,thentherewillbe boredom.Youca n even change thewoman and the man,butYOU are the same, so fifty percentis always the same. There will be boredom. So first Tantra says: Never get obsessed with any person, remain free of persona lities. Second Tantrasays: Remainfreeofyourpast thenyouarea hundred percentfreelikeabee.Youcanfly anywhere. Nothing holdsyou.Your freedom is utter. Don t persist in your past pattern. Try to be inventive, try to be innovative! Be an adventurer, a discoverer.Enjoylife throughnewways;FINDnewwaystoenjoyit.Infact,goon findingneww ays ofdoingthe sameoldthing,butfindnewways. Thereare infinitepossibilities. You can come to the same experience from many doors, and each door willgiveyouad ifferent vision. Then life is rich, there is sweetness, there is joy, there is celebratio n. That is what honeyis. Don tbe confinedinthepatternofafrog.Yes,thefrogcanhopa little,jumphereandthere can not fly and cannot know that each flower is carrying divine fragrance. What Saraha m eansby honey is a poetic metaphorforGod, that each beingis carrying divinity. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 136 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE People come to me and they say, We want to know God where is God? Now, the questio n is just absurd. WHEREISHENOT?YouaskWHEREHeis;youmustbedeadblind. Can tyousee Him? Only He is! In the tree and in the bird, in the animal, in the river, in th e mountain, in man, in woman... everywhere He is. He has taken so manyforms to surroundyou, to dance ar oundyou. From everywhere He is saying Hello! andyou don t listen. From everywhere He is calli ngyou. FromeverywhereHeisinvitingyou: Cometome! Butyouare somehowkeepingyoureyes closed, oryouhavegotblinkerson you don tlookanywhere. You just lookinavery narrowway,inaveryfocussedway. Ifyou are lookingfor money,yo u only lookfor money; thenyou don t look anywhere else. Ifyou are lookingfor power,you lo ok onlyfor power andyou don t look anywhere else. And remember: in money; God is not because moneyis man-madeandGod cannotbe man-made. WhenI sayGodiseverywhere, remember those thing s have not to be included which man has made. God cannot be man-made. God is not i n money. Moneyis a verycunning invention of man. And God is not in power;that too is agai n a madness of man. Just the veryidea to dominate somebody is insane. Just the VERYidea that I s hould be in powerand others shouldbepowerless istheideaofa madman adestructiveidea. Godisnotin politicsandGodisnotin moneyandGodisnotin ambition butGodiseverywhere where man has not destroyed Him, where man has not created something of his own. This is one of the most difficult thingsinthe modernworld,becauseyou are surroundedbytoo many m an-made things. Can tyou just see thefact of it?! Whenyouaresittingnearatree,itiseasytofeelGod. Whenyouare sittingonan asphaltroad ,you cangoon searchingonthe asphalt road...youwillnotfindGod.ItistooHARD.Whenyouarein a moderncity,just cementandconcretebuildingsall around,inthejungleof cementand con creteyou will notfeel God because man-made things don tgrow. That is one of the problems: m an-made thingsdon tgrow they aredead,theydon thaveanylife. God-madethingsgrow.Evenmountains grow! The Himalayas are stillgrowing, still getting higher and higher.Atreegrows ,a childgrows. Man-made things don tgrow eventhegreatest.Evena paintingofa Picasso willnevergrow.S o whattosay abouta cement, concretebuilding? Eventhemusicof Beethoven willnevergro w,so
what to sayabout technology, about man-made machines? Watch! Wherever you see growth, there is God because only God grows, nothing els e. In everything only God grows. When a new leaf is coming in the tree, it is God comi ng out of the tree.When the birdis on the wing,itis God on the wing. Whenyou seea smallgirllau ghing ora smallboygiggling,itis God giggling. Whenyou see tears flowing from theeyesofawom an ora man, it is God crying. WHEREVERyou find aliveness,yes, there is God. Listen carefully. Come closer.Feel carefully. Be cautious!you are on holyground. Tantra says:Ifyou dropyourblinkers mm? that s whatTantra meansby unpatterned life-styl e.... Ifyoudropyourblinkers,ifyoustartopeningyoureyesaswideasthey are destinedtobe, su ddenly you will see thatyou can see in all directions.Youhave been befooledbythe societ y to look only in certain directions. Thesociety has convertedyou intoa slave. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 137 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Thereisagreat conspiracy. Each small childis damaged immediately, the momentheis born, the society starts damaging him. So before he becomes alert he is a slave and cri ppled, crippled in a thousandand oneways. Whena personiscrippled,he willhaveto dependonthefamily,on the society,onthe state,onthegovernment,onthepolice,onthearmy hewillhavetodependona thousand and one things. And because of that dependence he will be a slave alway s, he will never becomea freeman. So the society cripples cripplesin such subtleways andyou don t k now. Beforeyou are able to know anything,you are already crippled. Tantrasays:Regain health! Undo whatsoeverthe societyhasdonetoyou!Byandby, become alert and start undoing the impressions that society hasforced uponyou and start livin gyour life. It is yourlife,itisnobody else sbusiness.Itis utterlyyourlife.ItisGod sgifttoYOU,a persona lgiftto you, withyourinitialsonit.Youenjoyit,youliveit!Andevenifyouhavetopay muchforit,i tisworth paying.Evenif sometimesyouhavetopayforyourlifewithyourlife,thattooisperfectlygoo d. Tantraisveryrebellious.It believesina totallydifferentkindof society, whichwilln otbepossessive, which will not be money-oriented, which will not be power-oriented. It believes in a different kind of family,whichwillnotbepossessive,andwhichwillnotbelife-negative.Ourfamiliesarelif e-negative. Achildisbornandthewholefamilytriestokillalljoyoflife. Wheneverthechildisjoyful,h eiswrong; and wheneverheissadandlong-facedandsittinginthecorner, everythingisokay.Thefathe rsays, Good! Verygood boy. The mother is veryhappybecause he is no trouble. Whenever the child is alive, there is danger and everybody is trying to kill the joyof the child. And basicallyalljoyis related tosexuality.Andthesocietyandthefamilyaresoafraidof sexthat theycannot allow the children to be sexually joyful and that is the BASE of all joy! They are VERY restrictive: the children are not allowed even to touch their genital organs, th ey cannot play with them. Thefatherisafraid,the motherisafraid... everybodyisafraid! Theirfear comes from their own parents; they are neurotic. Haveyounot seen?Achildisplayingwithhis genital organsand immediatelyeverybodyjum pson
him: Stop! Don t do that again! And he is not doing anything he is simply enjoying h is body, and naturally the sex organs are the most sensitive, most alive, most pleasurable. S uddenly, something is cut in the child. He becomes afraid. Something in his energy isblocked. Now, whenever hefeels happyhe willfeel guilty too; now guilt has been put inside him. And whenever hef eels guilty he will feel that he is a sinner, he is doing something wrong. This is my observation of thousands of sannyasins: whenever they are happy, they start feeling guilty. They start lookingfor the parent whomustbe somewhere around, and who wil l say Stop! What areyou doing? Whenever they are sad,everythingis okay. Sadnessis accepted, m iseryis accepted joyis denied. And the children are somehow prevented from knowing thejoysof life. Thefatherand mother are makinglove children know it. Theyhear the sounds; sometimes theyfeel thatitis ha ppening but they arenotallowedtoparticipateinit,notallowedeventobethere.Itisugly,itis destru ctive.The children should participate. When thefather and mother are making love, the chil dren should play around; theyshouldfeel happywithfather and mother making love. Theyshould know t hat love is a beautiful phenomenon not anything ugly, nothing to be made private, nothing to hide, nothing to bekept secret.Itis nota sin!ItisaJOY. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 138 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE And if the children can see theirfather andmother making love, thousands of sexu al diseases will disappear from the world because their joy will erupt. And they will feel respec tful towards the father and the mother. Yes, oneday they will also makelove, and they will know t hatitisagreat celebration. If they can seefather and mother making love as if they are praying and meditating, there willbeagreatimpact. Tantra says that, that love should be made with such celebration, with such grea t religious awe, reverence, that the children canfeel that somethinggreatis happening. Theirjoywi llgrow AND there will not be anyguilt in their joy. This world can be tremendously happy. B ut this world is not happy. It is very rare to come across a happyman, very very rare. And only the h appy man is sane. The unhappy man is insane. Tantrahasa different vision,a totally,radically different visionof life. You CAN becomea bee. In freedomyou becomeabee.Aslave,you area frog.Free,you areabee. Listentothe messageoffreedom.Getreadytobefree. Abouteverythingthat createsbondag eyou have to be alert and beware. The second question: Question2 I AM A SCHOOLMASTER, A SORT OF WATERED-DOWN MIXTURE OF PRIEST, POLITICIAN AND SCHOLAR ALL THATYOU ABHOR. IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR ME? ALSOIAM FIFTYSIX HAD I BEST JUST LIVE OUT THE REST OF THIS LIFE IN PATIENCE, AND HOPE FOR BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME? NOHOPEFORTHEPRIEST,FORTHE POLITICIAN,FORTHE SCHOLARnoteveninthenextlife! Butyoucandropbeingapriest,beinga politician,beinga scholar, anymoment andthereish ope. ButNOhopeforthepriest,nohopeforthe politician,nohopeforthe scholar.I am absolute about that. Even in the next life or next to next never. I have never heard of any pri est ever reaching Nirvana, never heard about any politician ever meeting God, never heard about an y scholar ever becoming aware, knowing, wise. No, it is not possible. The scholarbelieves in knowledge, not in knowing. Knowledge is from the outside; knowing is from the inside. The scholar trusts information. The information goes on collecting;
it becomes a heavy load,but nothinggrowsinside. The inner reality remains the same fore.
as ignorant as be
The politician seeks power it is an ego-trip. And those who arrive are humble pe ople, not egoists. Egoists never arrive;by theirveryegoism they cannot arrive. Egois thegreatestbar rierbetween you and God the only barrier. So the politician cannot come. Andthepriest...thepriestisverycunning.Heistryingto becomea mediatorbetweenyouand God, and he has not known God at all. He is the MOSTdeceptive, the most fraudulent. H e is committing thegreatestcrimeamancan commit:heis pretendingthatheknowsGod.Notonlythat:thathe willmakeGodavailabletoyou,thatyou comeandfollowhimandhewilltakeyoutotheultimate. Andhedoesnotknowanythingofthe ultimate!Hemayknowtheritual,howtodotheprayer,buthe TheTantra Vision,Vol1 139 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE doesnotknowthe ultimate.Howcanheleadyou?Heisablindman,andwhenablindman leads theblind, theybothfall into the ditch. No hopefor thepriest, no hopefor the politician, no hopefor the scholar but there is hope, Anand Tejas,foryou. The question is from AnandTejas there IS hopeforyou, EVERYhopeforyo u. And it is NOT a question of age. You may be fifty-six, or seventy-six, or a hund red and six that doesn tmatter.Itisnota questionofage becauseitisnota questionoftime.To enterintoet ernity, any moment is as right as anyother moment BECAUSE ONE ENTERS HERENOW! How does i t make anydifferencehow oldyou are? Fifty-six or sixteen the sixteen-year-old has to enterright now, and the fifty-six-year-oldhas to enter right now; both have to enter right now. And the sixteen years are not helpful, neither are fifty-sixyears helpful. There are different p roblemsfor both; thatI know.Whenasixteen-year-oldyoungmanwantstoenterinto meditationorintoGodhisproblem is differentfromthatofamanwhoisfifty-six. Whatisthedifference?Butifyouweighthem fin allythe difference is quantitative, not qualitative. The sixteen-year-old has only sixteenyearsof past;in thatwayheisina better situa tion than the manwhois fifty-six,hehasa fifty-sixyears past.Hehasabig loadtodrop, manyattachmen ts fifty-sixyearsof life, many experiences,much knowledge.The sixteen-year-oldhas n ot thatmuch to drop. He has a little load, less luggage a small suitcase mm? just a small bo y s suitcase. The fifty-six-year-oldhasmuch luggage. Thiswaytheyoungerisinabetter situation. But there is another thing: the old man has no more future. Afifty-six-year-old, if he is goingto be alive seventyyears on the earth, has onlyfourteenyears left no more future, no m ore imagination, no more dreaming. There is not much space. Death is coming. The sixteen-year-old has a long future, much imagination, manydreams. The past is smallbut the future is bigfor theyoung;for the old, the past is big, the future is small onthe wholeitisthe same.Itisseventyyears: bothhavetodropseventyyears.Fortheyoung, sixteenyearsinthepast,remainingyearsinthefuture.The futurehasalsotobedroppedasmu ch as the past. So finally,in the final reckoning, there is no difference.
Thereiseveryhopeforyou,AnandTejas. And becauseyouhaveaskedthe question,thework has already started.Youhave becomealert aboutyourpriest, politician, scholar tha t s good.To become aware of a disease, to know what it is, is half the treatment. Andyouhave become a sannyasin,youhave takena step intothe unknown already. Ifyou are going to be with me,you will have to saygoodbye toyour priest,your politician,yo ur scholar. ButI feel confidentthatyoucandoit, otherwiseyouwouldnothaveevenasked.Youhavefeltthati tis meaningless,allthatyouhavebeendoinguptonowis meaningless youhavefeltit.Thatfeelin g is of tremendous value. SoIwillnotsayjustbe patientandwaitforthenextlife,no.I amneverinfavourof postpone ment. All postponementisdangerousandisverytricky.Ifyousay, Iwill postponeinthislife nothi ngcan be done, you areavoidinga situation.Everything canbe done!You are simply pretendin g. And this isatricktosave: Nowwhatcanbe done?I amsoold. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 140 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Evenonthedeathbed,atthelast moment,thechangecanhappen.Evenwhenthepersonisdying, he can open hiseyefora single MOMENT... and the change can happen. And he can dr op the whole past before death comes in, and he can die utterly fresh. And he is dying in a new way he isdyingasa sannyasin.Heisdyingindeep meditation andtodieindeep meditationisnottod ie at all, because he will be dying with full awareness of the deathless. Itcanhappeninasingle moment!Sopleasedon t postpone. Don tsay: HadIbestjustliveoutthe rest of this life in patience...? No. You drop it right now it is worthless! Why carryit? Why wait? Andifyouwait,thenextlifeisnotgoingtobeanydifferent that swhyI saythereisnohopefort he priest and the politician and the scholar. The next life will start from whereyo u end this life. Again thepriest, again the politician, again the scholar.You willhave the next lifein continuity with this life. How is it going to be different? It will be the same wheel turning again. And this time I am available to you. Who knows? next time I may not be available . This time, somehow,groping in the dark,you have stumbled upon me. Next time, one never know s.... This timeyou took fifty-sixyearstocometoa man through whomrevolutionIS possible. Whok nows? next timeyou may become moreburdened, certainlyyou will become moreburdened the past life sburden,andthenextlife sburden...youmaytakeseventyyearsto come,ortofinda man. That swhyI saythereisnohopeforthe politicianandthepriestandthe scholarinthe future either. Butforyouthereiseveryhope becauseYOUARENOTAPRIEST,andyouarenot a scholar,and you are nota politician. How canyoube? These are things that gather around,but t he innermost core remainsalwaysfree. Don tthinkofyourselfintermsofbeingafrog beabee..... The third question: Question3 WHATROLE SHOULDCHARITYPLAYINTHELIFEOFASANNYASIN? THEQUESTION IS NOT FROMA SANNYASIN it is from Philip Martin. The first thing, Phi lip Martin, become a sannyasin. You should not ask questions about others; that is n ot gentlemanly. You should ask questions about yourself. Be a sannyasin and then ask. But the qu estion is meaningful so I am going to answer it anyway. And I have the feeling that sooner or later Philip
Martin will be a sannyasin. Even the question shows some leaning. First thing: all the religions of the world have emphasized charity DHAN too muc h. And the reasonisthatmanhasalwaysfeltguiltywith money. Charityhasbeen preachedsomuchtohel p manfeela little less guilty.You willbe surprised:inold English thereisaword gilt g-i -l-t which means money. In German there is a word Geld g-e-l-d which means money. And the gold is verycloseby! Gilt , guilt , Geld , gold somehowdeepdownagreatguiltisinvolvedin money. Wheneveryou have moneyyoufeel guilty... and it is natural because so many people don t have money. How canyouavoid guilt? Wheneveryouhave moneyyou know somebody has become poorer becauseofyou. Wheneveryouhavemoney,youknowsomewhere somebodywillbestarvin g andyourbank balancegoesonbecomingbiggerandbigger.Somechildwillnotgetthemedicine needed to survive. Some woman will not get the medicine; some poor man will die because he will TheTantra Vision,Vol1 141 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE nothavefood.Howcanyouavoidthesethings?Theywillbethere.The more moneyyouhave,the morethesethingswillbethereeruptinginyour consciousness;youwillfeelguilty. Charity is to unburdenyou fromyour guilt, soyou say, I am doing something: I goin g to opena hospital, going to opena college.I give money to this charity fund, to that trus t.... Youfeela little happier. The world has lived in poverty, the world has lived in scarcity, ninety -nine percent of people have lived a poor life, almost starving and dying, and only one percent of peopl e have lived with richness,with money theyhavealwaysfeltguilty.Tohelpthem,the religionsdevelopedthe idea of charity.Itistoridthemof their guilt. SothefirstthingI wouldliketosayis: Charityisnotavirtue;itisjustahelptokeepyoursa nity intact, otherwiseyou willgo insane. Charityis nota virtue itis nota PUNYA.Itis n ot thatyouhave done something good whenyou do charity. It is only thatyou repentfor all the bad thatyou have donein accumulating the money. To me, charityis notagreatquality itis repentance, you are repenting.One hundredrupeesyouhaveearned,tenrupeesyougiveincharity itisarepentanc e. Youfeelalittlegood;youdon tfeelTHATbad;youregofeelsalittlemore protected.Youcansay to God, NotonlywasI exploiting,I was also helping poor people. But what typeof helpis this? On one handyou snatch one hundredrupees, and on the other handyou give tenrupees no teven the interest! Thisisatrickthatwasinventedbythe so-called religiouspeopletohelpNOTTHEPOORBUTTHE RICH. Let it be absolutely clear: this is MY attitude it has been a trickto help the rich not the poor. Ifthepoorwere helped,thatwasjusta consequenceofit,aby-product,butthatwasnotthego alof it. WhatdoI saytomy sannyasins? I don t talk about charity. That word seems ugly to me. I talk about sharing and w ith a totally different quality in it: sharing. Ifyou have,you share. Not becausebysharingyou will be helping others, no,butbysharingyou will begrowing. The moreyou share, the moreyougrow. And the moreyou share, the moreyouhave money. whatsoeveritis. Itis not onlya questionof
If you have knowledge, share it. If you have meditation, share it! If you have l ove, share it. WHATSOEVER you have, share it, spread it all over; let it spread like the fragra nce of a flower going to the winds. It has nothing to do particularly with poor people. Share wi th anybody that is available... and there are different types of poor people. Arich man maybe poor because he has never known anylove. Share love with him. Ap oor man mayhave knownlovebut has not known goodfood sharefood with him.A rich man mayhav e everything and has no understanding shareyour understanding with him; he is also poor. There area thousandand one typesofpoverty. Whatsoeveryouhave, shareit. But remember,IamnotsayingthisisavirtueandGodisgoingtogiveyoua specialplaceinheav en, thatyou willbe specially treated, thatyou willbe thoughta VIP no.By sharing here nowyou willbe happier.Ahoarderisneverahappy man.Ahoarderis basically constipated.Hegoesonhoard ing; he cannot relax; he cannot give. He goes on hoarding; whatsoever he gets, he sim ply hoards it. He neverenjoysit, becauseeveninenjoyingityouhaveto shareit becauseallenjoymentisa s ortof sharing. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 142 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Ifyouwanttoreallyenjoyyourfood,youwillhavetocallfriends.Ifyou REALLY wanttoenjoy food, youwillhavetoinvite guests; otherwiseyouwillnotbeabletoenjoyit.Ifyoureallywantto enjoy drinking, how canyou enjoy it alone inyour room? You will have to find friends, other drunkards. You will have to share! Joyisalwaysasharing.Joydoesnotexist alone. How canyou be happyalone? absolutely alone think! HOW canyou be happy, absolutel y alone? No. Joyisa relationship. Itisa togetherness. Infact,even those people whohave mo the mountains and have lived an alone life, theyalso share with existence not alone. They share with the stars and the mountains and the birds and the trees they are not alone. Just think!FortwelveyearsMahavirwas standinginthejunglesalone buthewasnotalone.Isa y toyou,onauthority,hewasnotalone.Thebirdswerecomingandplayingaround,andthe animal s would come and sit around, and the trees would shower their flowers on him, and the stars would come, and the sun would rise. And the dayand the night, and summer and winter... and the whole year around... it was joy! Yes, he was away from human beings he had to be, beca use human beings had done so much damage to him that he needed to be awayfrom them so that he could be healed. It was just to avoid human beings for a certain period so they didn t g o on damaging him. That s why sannyasins have moved sometimes into aloneness just to heal their wounds. Otherwise people willgo on poking their knives intoyourwounds and they willkeep themgreen; theywillnotallowyoutoheal,theywillnotgiveyoua chancetoundowhattheyhavedone. FortwelveyearsMahavirwas silent: standing, sitting,withtherocksandthe trees,buth ewasnot alone hewas crowdedbythe wholeexistence. The wholeexistencewas merging upon him. Then the day came when he was healed, his wounds cured, and now he knew nobody could harm him. He had gone beyond. No human being couldhurt him any more. He came backto relate to human beings, to SHARE the joythat he had attained there. Jain scripturestalk only about thefact thathe left theworld, they don t talk about thefact thathe came backinto the world;that is only half the story, that is not the full story.
Buddhawent into theforest,buthe came back. How canyougo on being there whenyouHA VE it? You will have to come back and share it. Yes, it is good to share with trees , but trees cannot understandthatmuch.They areverydumb.Itisgoodtosharewith animals;theyare beautifu l but the beauty of a human dialogue, it is impossible to find anywhere else. The resp onse, the human response! They HAD to come back! to theworld, to human beings, to share theirjoy , theirbliss, their ecstasy. Charity isnotagoodword.Itisaveryloadedword.Italk aboutsharing.Tomy sannyasinsI say share.Intheword charity thereis some uglinessalso:itseemsthatyouarehavingtheupperhan d andthe otherislower thanyou, thatthe otherisa beggar;thatyou are helpingthe othe r, thatheis in need.Thatisnotgood.Tolookatthe otherasifheislowerthanyou youhaveandhehasnot is not good; it is inhuman. Sharing gives a totally different perspective. It is not a question of whether t he other has it or not. The questionisthatyouhavegotittoomuch youhavetoshare. Whenyougivecharity,youexpect TheTantra Vision,Vol1 143 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE the other to thankyou. Whenyou share,you thank him that he allowedyou to pouryou r energy whichwas gettingtoomuchuponyou,itwas gettingheavy.Youfeelgrateful. Sharingis outofyourabundance. Charityisfor others poverty. Sharingis outofyourrich ness. There is a qualitative difference. No,I don t talk about charity,but sharing. Share! Whatsoeveryouhave, share... andi t willgrow. Thatisa fundamentallaw:the moreyougive,the moreyouget.Neverbea miserin giving. Thefourth question: Question4 DURING THE MEDITATIONS, MY MIND STILL GOES FIVE HUNDRED MILES PER HOUR. I NEVER EXPERIENCE SILENCE, AND WHATEVER WITNESSING HAPPENS IS VERY SHORT, LIKE FLASHES. AMIWASTING MY TIME? YOURMINDISMIGHTYSLOW.Fivehundredmilesperhour,only?!Anddoyouthinkthisisspeed? Mightyslowyouare.Mindknowsnospeeditgoessofast.Itisfasterthanlight. Lighttravels1 86,000 milesisone second.Mindisfasterthanthat.Butnothingtobeworried thatisthebeautyofthe mind,thatisagreatquality! Ratherthantakingitnegatively,ratherthanfightingwithit, befriendthe mind. You say: During the meditations, mymind still goes five hundred miles per hour let it go! Let it gofaster.Youbeawatcher.Youwatchthemindgoing aroundsofast,withsuchspeed.Enjoythis ! enjoythis playof the mind. In Sanskritwehaveaspecial termforit;wecallitCHIDVILAS theplayof consciousness.Enj oy it! this play of mind rushing towards stars, moving so fast from here and there, jumping all over existence. Whatis wronginit?Letitbea beautiful dance. Acceptit. Myfeeling is that whatyou are doing isyou are trying to stop it you cannot do th at. Nobody can stop the mind!Yes, mind stops oneday,but nobody can stop it. Mind stops,but that is notoutof youreffort. Mind stopsoutofyour understanding. YoujustWATCHandtrytoseewhatis happening,whythismindisrushing.Itisnotrushing with out any reason.Youmustbe ambitious.Tryto seeWHY this mindisrushing, whereitisrushing y ou
must be ambitious. If it thinks about money, then try to understand. Mind is not the question. You startdreaming about money,thatyouhavewona lottery or this and that, and thenyoue ven start planninghowtospendit,whatto purchaseandwhatnot.Or,themind thinksyouhave becomea president,aprime minister,andthenyou start thinking whattodonow,howtorunthe coun try,or theworld.JustWATCHthe mind! what mindis goingtowards. Theremustbeadeep seedinyou . You cannot stop the mindunless that seed disappears. Themindissimplyfollowingtheorderofyourinnermostseed. Somebodyisthinkingaboutsex; then somewhere thereis repressed sexuality.Watch where mindisrushing. Look deep intoy ourself, find where the seeds are. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 144 Osho
Wherehaveyoubeenonit, Rector? inquiredthatworthy. Only round the parish on mycalls. Theverger suggested thatthe bestplanwouldbeforthe rectorto directhisSunday sermo ntothe ten commandments. Whenyouget to Thoushaltnotsteal ,youandIwillwatchthefaces wewill soon see. Sundaycame,the rectorstartedinfineflowaboutthe commandments,thenlosthisthread,ch anged his subject, and trailed off lamely. Sir, saidtheverger, I thoughtyouweregoingto... I know, Giles, I know. But you see, when I got to Thou shalt not commit adultery uddenly remembered whereIhad leftmybicycle. Just see whereyouhave leftyour bicycle. The e mind needs understanding,awareness. Don ttry tostopit. cannot succeed;inthe secondplace,IFYOUCAN succeed effortforyears ifYOU CAN succeed,you will of it. mindisrushingfor certain reasons. Th Ifyoutry tostopit,inthe firstplaceyou onecan succeedifonemakesperseverant become dull. No satoriwill happen out I s
Inthe firstplace,you cannot succeed;anditisgoodthatyou cannot succeed.IfyouCANsu cceed, ifyou manage to succeed, that will bevery unfortunate you will become dull,you wi ll lose intelligence. With that speed thereis intelligence, with thatspeedthereis contin uous sharpeningof theswordof thinking,logic, intellect. Please don ttrytostopit.I amnotinfavourof du llards,andI am not here to help anybody to become stupid. In the name of religion, many people have become stupid, they have almostbecome idiots just trying to stop the mind without anyunderstanding about whyit is going with such speed... why in the first place? The mind cannot go without any reason. Without going into the r eason, in the layers, deep layers of the unconscious, they just try to stop. They CAN stop, but they w ill have to pay a price, and the price will be that their intelligence will be lost.
You cango around India,you can find thousandsofsannyasins, mahatmas; look into t heireyes yes,they are good people, nice,but stupid. Ifyou look in theireyes there is no i ntelligence,you will not see anylightning. They are uncreative people; theyhave not created anyt hing. Theyjust sit there. They are vegetating, they are not alive people. Theyhave not helped the w orld in ANY way. Theyhavenoteven produceda paintingorapoemorasong, becauseeventoproduceapoemyou will need intelligence,you will need certain qualities of the mind. Iwould not suggest thatyou stop the mind;rather, thatyou understand. With unders tanding there happensa miracle. The miracle is that with understanding,by andby, whenyou under stand the causes and those causes are looked into deeply, and through that looking deeply into those causes, those causes disappear, mind slows down. But intelligence is not lost, because m ind is notforced. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 145 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE What areyou doingifyou don t remove the causes by understanding? You aredrivinga c ar,for example, andyougo onpressing the accelerator and at the same timeyou try topress the brake. You will destroythe whole mechanismof the car. And thereiseverypossibilityyou wi llhave some accident. This cannot be done together. Ifyou are pushing the brake, then leave the accelerator; don tpushitanymore.Ifyouarepushingthe accelerator,thendon tpushthebrake. DON Tdoboth thethingstogether,otherwiseyouwilldestroythewhole mechanism;youaredoingtwocontra dictory things. Ambition you carry on and you try to stop the mind? Ambition creates the speed, so you are accelerating the speed and putting a brake on the mind. You will destroy the who le subtle mechanism of the mind, and mind is a verydelicate phenomenon, the most delicate in the whole of existence. So don t befoolish about it. There is no need to stop it. You say: I never experience silence, and whatever witnessing happens is veryshort , like flashes. Feel happy! Even that is something of tremendous value. Those flashes, they are not ordinary flashes. Don t just take themforgranted! There are millionsof peoplefor whomeven t hose small glimpses have not happened. Theywill live and die and theywill never know what w itnessing is evenfora single moment.You are happy,you arefortunate. Butyou are notfeelinggrateful. Ifyou don tfeelgrateful, those flashes will disappe ar.Feelgrateful theywillgrow. Withgratitude,everythinggrows.Feelhappythatyouareblessed w. With that positivity, things willgrow. And whatever witnessing happens is veryshort. theywillgro
Letitbeveryshort!Ifitcanhappenforasinglesplit moment,itis happening;youwillhavet he taste of it. And with the taste,by andby,you will create more and more situationsin wh ichithappens more and more. AmI wastingmytime? You cannotwaste time,becauseyou don t possess time.You canwaste something thatyou
possess. Timeyou don t possess. Time willbewasted anyway whetheryou meditate or not time wi ll be wasted. Timeisrushingby. Whatsoeveryoudo,do anything, or don tdo anything, timeis going. You cannot save time sohow canyouwaste time? You canwaste only something whichyo u can save. You don t possess time.Forget about it! Andthebestuseyoucanhaveoftimeistohavethesesmallglimpses becausefinallyyouwillcom e to see only those moments have been saved which were moments of witnessing, and all else has gone down the drain. The moneythatyou earned, the prestige thatyou earned, the r espectability thatyou earned, is all gone down the drain. Only thosefew moments thatyou had so me flashes of witnessing, only those moments are saved. Only those moments will go withyou whe nyou leave TheTantra Vision,Vol1 146 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE this life only those moments can go, because those moments belong to eternity, t heydon t belong to time. Butfeelhappyitis happening.Italways happensslowly,slowly. But onedropby onedropa great ocean can become full. It happens in drops. But in the drops the ocean is coming . You just receive it withgratitude, with celebration, with thankfulness. And don ttrytostopthe mind.Letthemindhaveitsspeed The fifth question: Question5 HOWCAN THE SEX ENERGY BE TRANSFORMED INTOSAMADHI? TANTRAANDYOGAHAVEACERTAINMAPOFTHE INNERMAN.Itwillbegoodifyouunderstand that map it will helpyou, it will helpyougreatly. TantraandYoga suppose that there areseven centersin man sphysiology the subtlephysi ology, notinthebody.Infact,they are metaphors.Butthey arevery veryhelpfulto understands omething of the inner man. These are the seven chakras. First, andthe most basic, is MULADHAR that s whyit is called MULADHAR: MULADHAR me ans the most fundamental, the basic. MUL means the basic, of the roots. The muladhar chakra is the center wheresex energyisrightnowavailable,butthe societyhasdamagedthat chakraver ymuch. This muladhar chakra has three angles to it: one is oral the mouth; the second i s anal and the third is genital. These are the three angles of the muladhar. The child starts h is life with the oral, and becauseof wrongupbringing, manypeople remainattheoral,they nevergrow.That swhy so much smoking, chewing gum, continuous eating, happens. This is an oral fixation they remain in the mouth. Therearemanyprimitive societieswhichdon tkiss.Infact,ifthechildhasgrownwell,kissin gwill disappear; kissing shows the manhas remained oral. Otherwise, what does sex have to do with lips? When for the first time primitive societies came to know about civilized m an s kissing, they laughed; theysimply thought it ridiculous. Two persons kissing each other: it lo youwatch.
oks unhygienic too; just transferring all sorts of illnesses to each other, infections. And what are they doing? Andfor what? But humanity has remained oral. The child is not satisfied orally. The mother does not give her breast as much a s the child needs; the lips remain unsatisfied. So the child will smokecigarettes later on, will be comeagreat kisser. willchew gum,orwillbecomeagreat eater. continuously eating thisandthat.If mother sgive their breasts as much as the child needs, then the muladhar is not damaged. Ifyou area smoker,try a pacifier andyou willbe suddenly surprised.Ithas helped ma nypeople. Igiveittomanypeople.If somebody comesandasksmehowtostop smoking,Isay,Justhavea pacifier,afalse breast,andkeepitinthe mouth. Letithang aroundyour neck,and whene veryou TheTantra Vision,Vol1 147 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE feellike smokingjustputthe pacifierinthemouthandenjoyit.Andwithinthreeweeksyouwi llbe surprised: the urge to smoke has disappeared. Somewherethe breastis still appealing. That swhy manissomuchfocussedonfeminine bre asts. There seemstobeno reason...why ?Whyis mansomuch interestedinfeminine breasts?Paint ing, sculpture, film,pornography everything seemstobe breast-oriented! Andwomen are co ntinuously tryingtohideandyetshowtheir breasts otherwise,thebraisjustfoolish.Itisatricktohi deand show together;itisavery contradictorytrick. Andnowin America,whereeveryfoolish t hing goes to its extreme, they are injecting chemicals into women s breasts, silicon and oth er things; they are stuffing breasts with silicon so they become bigger and can get the shape th e shape that ungrown-up humanity wants to see. This childish idea! But man remains somehow or al. This is the LOWEST state of the muladhar. Thenafew people change fromoralandtheybecomestuckattheanal, becausethe secondgre at damage happens with the toilet training. Children are forced to go to the toilet at a certain time. Now, children cannot control their bowel movements; it takes time, it takesyears for them to come toa control.Sowhatdotheydo?Theysimplyforce,theysimplyclosetheiranal mechanism,an d because of this theybecome anal fixated. That swhysomuch constipationexistsintheworld.Itisonlymanwhosuffersfrom constipatio n.No animal suffers from constipation; in the wild state no animal suffers from const ipation. Constipation is more psychological; it is a damage to the muladhar. And because of constipati on many other thingsgrow into the human mind. Aman becomesahoarder ahoarderofknowledge, hoarderof money, hoarderofvirtue becomes a hoarder andbecomes miserly. He cannot leave anything! Whatsoever hegrabs, he h olds it. And withthisanal emphasis,agreatdamagehappenstomuladhar becausethemanorthewomanhas to go to the genital. If theyget fixated at the oral or at the anal, they never go to the genital that is thetrickthe societyhasuseduptonownottoallowyouto becomefullysexual. Then anal fixation becomes so important that genitals become less important. Hen ce, so much
homosexuality. Homosexuality will not disappear from the world until and unless anal-orientation disappears. The toilet-training is agreat, dangerous training. And then, if some people become genital, somehow they are not fixated at the oral and the anal and become genita l, then there is great guilt created in humanity about sex. Sex means the sin. Christianity has t hought sex so much asinthattheygoon pretendingand proposingandtryingtoproveafoolishthing,thatChrist was born out of a miracle: that he was not born out of a man/woman relationship, tha t Mary was a virgin. Sexis suchasin thathow can Jesus motherhavesex?Itisokayfor other ordinarypeople,b utfor Jesus mother to have sex then how can Jesus, such a pure man, be born out of sex? Iwas reading: Therewasayoungwoman who did not seemverywell, so her mother took her to the doct or. Mother did all the talking she was that sort. She s pregnant, said the doctor.
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Doctor,I mustcallyouafool.Mydaughterhasneversomuchas kissedaman!haveyoudarling? No, mama,Ihave noteven helda man s hand. The doctor left his chair, walked to the window, and gazed at the sky. There was a long silence, then mother asked, Is there anything wrong out there, doctor? Notatall,notatall.Onlythelasttimethis happened,astarappearedintheeast to miss it this time! andIdon twant
Sex has been condemned so much, you cannot enjoy it. And that s why energy remains fixated somewhere:oral,anal,genital.It cannotgoupwards. Tantra says man has to be relieved, destructured from these three things. SoTant ra says that the firstgreatworkhasto happeninthemuladhar. Fororal freedom: screaming, laughing,sh outing, crying, weeping, is very helpful. That s why my choice of encounter, gestalt, prim al and that type ofgroups they are all helpful to relieve the oral fixation. And to relieveyou of the anal fixation, PRANAYAM, BASTRIKA fast chaotic breathing is very helpful, because it hits direc tly on the anal center and makes you able to relieve and relax the anal mechanism. Hence th e dynamic meditation is of tremendous value. Andthenthesexcenter:thesex centerhastoberelievedoftheburdenofguilt, condemnation .You have to start relearning about it; only then can the damaged sex center function in a healthy way. You have to startrelearning to enjoyit without anyguilt. Therearea thousandandonetypesofguilt.IntheHindumindthereisafearthatsemenenergyis greatenergy evenifasingledropislost,youarelost.Thisisaveryconstipatoryattitude hoar d it! Nothingislost!Youaresuchadynamicforce,yougoon creatingthatenergyeveryday.Not hing is lost. The Hindu mind is too much obsessed with VEERYA with semen energy. Not a single drop should be lost! They are continuously afraid. So whenever they make love, if they make love, then they feelverymuchfrustrated,very muchdepressed, because theystartthinking somuch ener gyis lost. NOTHINGis lost.You don thavea dead quotaof energy;you area dynamo you create energy ,
you createit EVERYday. Infact, the moreyou useit, the moreyouhave it. It functio ns like the wholebody.Ifyou useyourmuscles,theywillgrow.Ifyouwalk,yourlegs willbe strong.Ify ourun, you will have more energy to run. Don t think that a person who has never run and suddenly runs will have energy he will not have energy. He will not have even the musculature to run. Useall thathas beengiventoyoubyGodandyou willhave MOREofit! So there is one Hindu madness: to hoard. This is on the lines of constipation. A nd now there is an American madness,thatislikediarrhoea:justthrow,goonthrowing meaningfully, meaning lessly, go on throwing. Soevena manof eightyyears continuously thinksin childishways. Se xis good, sexis beautiful,butisnottheend.Itisthealphabutnotthe omega.Onehastogobeyondit.Bu t goingbeyonditisNOTACONDEMNATION!Onehastogo throughittogobeyondit. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 149 Osho
CHAPTER 8. BE TRUE TO LOVE Tantra is the most healthyattitude about sex. It says sex is good, sex is health y. sex is natural,but sex has more possibilities than just reproduction. And sex has more possibilitie sthan just fun. Sex is carrying something of the ultimate in it, of Samadhi. The muladhar chakra has to be relaxed relaxed from constipation, relaxed from di arrhoea. The muladhar chakra has tofunction at the optimum, one hundred percent, then energy starts moving. The second chakra is SVADHISTHAN that is the HARA, the death center. These two c enters are very much damaged, because man has been afraid of sex and man has been afraid of death. So death has been avoided: Don t talk about death! Just forget about it! It does not exist. Even if sometimesitexists,don t noticeit,don ttakeanynoteofit.Goonthinkingthatyouaregoingtol ive for ever avoid death! Tantrasays: Don tavoidsexand don tavoid death. That swhySarahawenttothe cremationgroun d to meditate nottoavoiddeath.Andhewentwiththe arrowsmithwomantolivealifeofhealthy, fullsex,ofoptimumsex.Onthe cremationground,livingwithawoman,thesetwo centershadt o be relaxed: death and sex. Onceyou accept death andyou are not afraidofit, oncey ou accept sex andyouarenotafraidofit,yourtwolower centersarerelaxed. And those are the two lower centers which have been damaged by the society, badl y damaged. Once they are relieved... the other five centers are not damaged; there is no ne ed to damage them because people don t live in those other five centers. These two centers are natur ally available. Birth has happened: the sex center muladhar. And death is going to happen: svadh isthan the secondcenter.Thesetwothingsarethereineverybody slife, sosocietyhasdestroyedboth ce nters and tried to manipulate man, dominate man, through these two things. Tantrasays: Meditate whileyoumakelove, meditate while somebody dies go,watch, see. Sitby the sideofa dying man. Feel, participateinhis death. Goin deep meditation with t he dying man. And when a man is dying there is a possibility to have a taste of death because when a man is dying, he releases so much energy from the svadhisthan chakra... he has to relea se because he is
dying. The whole repressed energy on the svadhisthan chakra will be released bec ause he is dying; without releasingithewillnotbeabletodie.Sowhenamandiesorawomandies,don tmissthe opportunity. Ifyou are closeby toa dying man, sit silently, meditate silently. W hen the man dies, ina suddenburst the energy willbe allover, andyou canhavea tasteof death. And th atwillgive youagreat relaxation:Yes,death happens,but nobody dies.Yes, death happens,butinf act death never happens. While making love, meditate so that you can know that something of Samadhi penet rates into sexuality. And while meditating on death, go deep into it so that you can see th at something of the deathless entersinto death. Thesetwoexperienceswillhelpyoutogoupwardsveryeas ily.The otherfive centers,fortunately,arenot destroyed;theyareperfectlyintune just energy hastomove through them. If these first two centers are helped, energy starts moving. So le t death and love be your two objects of meditation. The last question: Question6 TheTantra Vision,Vol1 150 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING HE WHO THINKS OF THEMIND IN TERMS OF ONE OR MANY, CASTSAWAYTHE LIGHT AND ENTERS THEWORLD. INTOA(RAGING) FIRE HEWALKS WITH OPEN EYES WHO COULD BE MORE DESERVING OF COMPASSION? OH, THE BEAUTYOFEXISTENCE! The sheer delightof it! thejoy, the song, and the dan ce! But we are not here. We appear to exist, but we are almost non-existential because w e have lost contact with existence, we have lost our roots in it. We are like an uprooted tr ee. The sap flows no more, the juice has dried up. No more flowers will come, or fruits. Not even birds come to take shelter in us. We are dead! becausewe are notyet born. Wehave takenphysicalbirth as our birth; thatis not our birth. We are still existing as potentialities; we have not become actual. H ence the misery. The actual isblissful, the potential is miserable. Whyis it so? Because the potentia l cannot be at rest. The potential is continuously restless it HAS to be restless. Something is going go happen. It hangs in the air. It is in limbo. It is like a seed how can the seed rest and relax? The rest and relaxation is kn own only by the flowers. The seed HAS to be deep in anguish; the seed has to continuously trembl e. The trembling is: whether he will be able to become actual? whether he will find the right soi l? whether he will find the right climate? whether he will find the right sky? Is it going to happe n? or will he simply die without being born? The seed trembles inside. The seed has anxiety, anguish. The seed cannot sleep; the seed suffers from insomnia. The potentialis ambitious,the potentiallongsforthe future.Haveyounotwatchedthisi nyourown being? thatyou are continuously longingfor something to happen and it is not hap pening, thatyou are continuously hankering, hoping, desiring, dreaming... and it is not happenin g! And life goes on flowingby. Life goes on slipping out ofyour hands. And death comes closer, an dyou are not yet actual. Who knows? Which will come first? actualization,realization,blossomi
ng, or maybe death? Who knows? Hence thefear, the anguish, the trembling. Soren Kierkegaard has said man is a trembling. Yes, man is a trembling because m an is a seed. Friedrich Nietzsche has said man is a bridge. Exactly right! Man is not a place to rest! It is a bridge topassover.Manisadoortogo through.You cannotrestatbeing man.Manisnot abeing: man is an arrow on the way... a rope stretched between two eternities. Man is a tension . It is only man who suffers from anxiety, the only animal on the earth who suffers from anxiety. Wha t can be the cause of it? Itisonly manwhoexistsas potentiality.Adogis actual; thereis nothing elseto happe n.Abuffalo is actual; thereis nothing moreithasalready happened.Whatsoever could happen,has happened. You cannotsaytoabuffalo, Youarenotyetabuffalo thatwillbefoolish.Butyoucansaytoman, Youarenotyeta man. Youcansay toman, Youareincomplete. You cannotsay toadog, You are incomplete. That willbe stupid to say. All dogs are fully complete. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 153 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING Man has a possibility, a future. Man is an opening. So the constant fear: whethe r we are going to make it or not? whether we are going to make it this time or not? How many ti mes have we missed before? Are we going to miss again? That s why we are not happy. The existe nce goes on celebrating. Thereisgreat singing, thereisgreatjoy, thereisgreat rejoicing! The wholeexistenceis alwaysinanorgy.Itisacarnival.Thewholeexistenceateach momentisinanorgasm!Somehow man has become a stranger. Man has forgotten the language of innocence. Man has forgotten how to relate wit h existence. Man hasforgotten how to relate with himself! To relate with oneself means medita tion. To relate with existence means prayer. Man has forgotten the very language. That s why we ap pear like strangers strangersinourownhome!strangersto ourselves.Wedon tknowwhoweare,andwe don tknowwhy weare,andwedon tknowforwhatwegoonexisting.It seemstobean endless waiting... waitingfor Godot. Nobodyknows whetherGodotiseverto comeornot. Infact,whoisthisGodot? Nobodyknows eventhat butonehastowaitfor something,soone creates someideaandwaitsforit.Godisth at idea.Heavenisthatidea.Nirvanaisthatidea.Onehastowait becauseonehas somehowtofill one s being, otherwise onefeelsveryempty.Waitinggivesa senseofpurposeanda directio n.You canfeelgood;atleastyouarewaiting.Ithasnot happenedyet,butitisgoingtohappen somed ay. What is it that is going to happen? We have not even raised the right question. What to say about the right answer? We have NOT evenaskedtheright question. And remember, oncetheright questionisasked,theright answeris notveryfarawayitisjustbythe corner.Infact,itis hiddenintherightquestion itself.I fyougoon asking theright question,you will find theright answer through thatveryquestioni ng. SothefirstthingtodaythatIwouldliketotellyouisthatweare missing,weare continuousl ymissing because we have taken mind as the language to relate with existence. And mind is a wayto cut yourselfoff fromexistence.Itistoputyourselfoff;itisnotthewaytoputyourself on. TH INKING IS THE BARRIER. Thoughts are like China Walls around you, and you are groping th
rough the thoughts.You cannot touch reality. Not that realityisfaraway. Godisjust closeby j ustaprayer away at the most. But ifyou are doing something like thinking, brooding, analyzi ng, interpreting, philosophizing, thenyou startfallingawayandawayandaway, the further and furthera wayyoufall fromreality becausethe more thoughtsyouhave,the more difficultitistolookthrought hem.They createagreatfog. Theycreateblindness. Thisisoneofthe fundamentalsofTantra,thatathinkingmindisamissingmind,thatthinking isnot the language to relate with reality. Then what is the language to relate with re ality? Non-thinking. Words are meaningless with reality. Silence is meaningful. Silence is pregnant; words are just dead. One has to learn the language of silence. And then somethingexactlylike this happens:youwereinyour mother swombyouhaveforgot ten aboutit completely,butfornine monthsyouhadnotspokenasingleword...butyouweretoget her, in deep silence.Youwere one with the mother;therewas no barrier betweenyou and t he mother. You didn texist asa separate self. In that deep silence,your mother andyouwere one . Therewas tremendousunity.Itwasnot union,itwasunity.Youwerenottwo,soitwasnot union itwassim ple unityYouwere nottwo. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 154 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING Thedayyou become silent again, the samehappens: againyoufall into thewombofexist ence; againyou relate you relateina totally newway. Notexactly totally new, becauseyou had knownit inyour mother swomb,butyouhaveforgotten it. That s whatI mean whenI say man hasforgo tten the languagetorelate. Thatistheway:asyou relatedwithyour motherinherwomb everyvib e was conveyed to the mother; every vibe of the mother was conveyed to you. There was simple understanding; no misunderstanding existed between you and your mother. Misunder standing comes only when thinking comes in. How canyou misunderstand somebody without thinking ? Canyou? Canyou misunderstand me if you don t think about me? How canyou misunderstand? And how canyou understand me i fyou think? Impossible. The momentyou think,you have started interpreting. The moment you think, you arenotlookingatme;you areavoidingme.You are hiding behindyour thoughts.Yourt houghts comefromyourpast.I amhere present.I ama statement herenow,andyoubringyourpast. Youmustknow aboutthe octopus. Whenthe octopuswantstohide,it releasesblackink aro und itself,a cloudofblack ink. Then nobody can see the octopus. Itis simply lostin i tsown created cloudofblackink;itisitssafety measure. Exactlythe sameis happeningwhenyou releas ea cloud ofthoughts aroundyou you are lost intoit. Thenyou cannot relateandnobody can rel atetoyou. Itis impossibleto relatetoamind;youcan relateonlytoa consciousness. Aconsciousnesshasnopast.Amindisjustpastandnothingelse.Sothe firstthingTantrasays is thatyouhavetolearnthe languageof orgasm.Again,whenyouaremakinglovetoawomanortoa man, what happens?Forafewseconds itisvery rare;itis becomingevenrarer andrarer as man isbecomingmoreandmore civilized forafew secondsagainyouarenomoreinthemind.With ashockyouarecutofffromthemind.Inajumpyouare outsidethemind.Forthosefew seconds oforgasmwhenyouareoutofthemind,youagain relate.Againyouarebackinthewomb... inthe wombofyourwoman orin thewombofyour man.You are no more separate. Again thereis u nity not union. Whenyoustartmakinglovetoawoman,thereisthebeginningofaunion.Butwhenorgasm comes there is no union there is unity; the duality is lost. What happens in that deep
, peak experience? Tantra remindsyou again and again that whatsoever happens in that peak moment is the language to relatewithexistence.Itisthe languageoftheguts;itisthe languageofyourverybeing .So either thinkin termsof whenyouwerein thewombofyour mother, or thinkin termsof whenyou a re again lostintothewombofyourbeloved.Andforafew secondsmindsimplydoesnotwork! Those moments of no-mind areyour glimpses into Samadhi, glimpses of Satori, glim pses of God. We haveforgotten thatlanguage and that language has to be learnt again. Love is the language. The language of love is silent. When two lovers are really in deep harmony, in w hat Carl Jung used to call synchronicity, when their vibes are just synchronizing with each ot her, when they are both vibratingonthe samewavelength, then thereis silence,thenlovers don tliketo ta lk.Itisonly husbands and wives who talk. Loversfall silent. Infact,the husbandandwife cannotkeep silence becauselanguageisthewaytoavoidthe o ther. Ifyouarenotavoidingtheother,ifyouarenot talking,itbecomesveryembarrassing,thepre sence TheTantra Vision,Vol1 155 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING of the other. The husband and wife immediately release their ink. Anything will do,but theyrelease the ink around themselves; they are lost in the cloud, then there is no problem. Languageisnotawayto relate moreorless,itisawaytoavoid. Whenyouareindeeploveyouma y hold the handofyour beloved,butyou willbesilent... utter silence, notaripple. In thatrippleless lakeofyour consciousness, somethingis conveyed,the messageisgiven.Itisawordlessm essage. Tantra says one has to learn the language of love, the language of silence, the language of each other s presence. the language of the heart, the language of theguts. We have learnt a language which is not existential. We have learnt an alien lang uage utilitarian, of course;fulfillsa certainpurpose,of course;butasfaras higherexplorationof cons ciousnessis concerneditisa barrier. On thelowerlevelitis okay in the marketplaceof course you needa certain language: silencewon tdo.Butasyoumovedeeperandhigher, languagewon tdo. JUSTTHEOTHERDAY,I was talking aboutthe chakras;Italked abouttwo *chak-ras:MULADH AR chakra and SVADHISTHAN chakra. Muladhar means the base, the root. It is the sex cen ter, oryou can call it the life center, the birth center. It is from muladhar that you are born. It is from your mother smuladharandyourfather smuladhar thatyouhave attainedto thisbody. Thenext cha kra was svadhisthan: it means the abode of the self it is the death chakra. It is a verystrange name togivetothedeathchakra: abodeoftheself, svadhisthan whereyouexistreally.Indeath? y es. Whenyou die,you come toyour pureexistence because only that dies whichyou are no t. The body dies. The bodyis born outof themuladhar. Whenyou die the body disappears,bu tyou? no. Whatsoeverhasbeengivenbythemuladharistakenawayby svadhisthan.Your motherandfathe r havegivenyoua certain mechanism thatistakenawayin death. Butyou? youexistedeven beforeyourfatherandmotherhadknowneach other;youhaveexistedalways. Jesus says somebody asks him about Abraham, what he thinks about the prophet Abr aham, and he says: Abraham?I am before Abrahameverwas.
Abrahamexisted almosttwo thousand, three thousandyearsbeforeJesus,andhesays:Iamb efore Abraham was! What is he talking about? Asfar as bodies are concerned, how can he be before Ab raham? He is not talking about the body he is talking about I-am-ness, his purebeing... that is eternal. This name, svadhisthan,isbeautiful.Itisexactlythe centerthatinJapanisknownas HAR A. That s why inJapan suicide is called HARAKIRI to die or to killyourself through the har a center. This svadhisthantakesonlythatwhichhasbeengivenbythemuladhar,butthat whichhasbeencomin g from eternity,your consciousness,isnottakenaway. Hindushave beengreatexplorersofthe consciousness. Theycalleditsvadhisthanbecause when you die thenyou know whoyou are. Die in love andyou will know whoyou are. Die in meditation andyou willknow whoyou are. Die to the past andyou willknow whoyou are. Die to t he mind and youwillknowwhoyouare. Deathisthewaytoknow. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 156 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING In ancientdaysinIndia,theMasterwascalledTHEDEATH becauseyouhavetodieintheMaster, the disciple has to die in the Master... only then does he come to know who he i s. These two centers have been very much poisoned by the society. These are the cen ters easily availabletothesociety.Beyondthesetwoarefivemore centers.Thethirdis MANIPURA,thef ourth is ANAHATA, the fifth isVISUDDHI, the sixth is AJNA, and the seventh is SAHASRAR . The third center,manipura,isthe centerofallyour sentiments, emotions.Wegoonrepre ssingour emotions in the manipura. It means the diamond life is valuable because of senti ments, emotions, laughter, crying, tears and smiles. Life is valuable because of all these things . These are the glory of life hence the chakra is called manipura, the diamond chakra. Only man is capable of having THIS precious diamond. Animals cannot laugh; natur ally, theycannot cryeither. Tears are a certain dimension which is available to man only. The bea uty of tears, the beauty of laughter; the poetry of tears and the poetry of laughter is available to man only. All other animals exist with only two chakras: muladhar and svadhisthan. They are bo rn and theydie; betweenthetwothereisnothingmuch.Ifyouarealsobornandyoudie,youarean animal you are not manyet. And many, millions of people exist only with these two chakras; they never go beyond them. We have been taught to repress sentiments. We have been taught not to be sentime ntal. We have been taught sentimentality does not pay be practical, behard; don t be soft, don t b e vulnerable! otherwiseyou willbeexploited.Be hard!At leastshow thatyou are hard,atleastpreten d thatyou are dangerous, thatyou are nota soft being. Createfear aroundyou. Don t laugh, bec auseifyou laughyou cannot createfear aroundyou. Don tweep ifyouweepyou show thatyou are afra id yourself. Don t showyour human limitations. Pretend thatyou are perfect. Repress the third center andyou becomea soldier, nota manbuta soldier ,afalse man. an armyman
laxed. When youfeellikecryingyouhavetocry;whenyoufeellikelaughingyouhaveto laugh.Youhavetodr op this nonsenseof repression,youhavetolearnexpression becauseonlythroughyoursentim ents, your emotions, your sensitivity, do you come to that vibration through which com munication is possible. Haveyounotseenit?Youcansay asmuchasyouwant,and nothingissaid;butatearrollsdown onyour cheek andeverythingis said.Atear can say much more.You can talkfor hours anditwon t do,andatearcansayall.Youcangoonsaying, Iamveryhappy,thisand that... butyourfacewill show just the opposite.Alittle laughter,a real authentic laughter, andyou need n ot say anything the laughtersaysall.Whenyouseeyourfriend,yourfacebeams,flasheswithjoy. The third center has to be made more and more available. It is against thinking, so if you allow the third centeryou will relax inyour tense mind more easily. Be authentic, sens itive; touch more, feel more, laugh more, crymore. And remember,you cannotdo more thanisneeded;you cannot exaggerate.You cannotevenbringa single tear more thanis needed, andyou cannot la ugh more than is needed. So don t be afraid, and don t be miserly. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 157 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING Tantra allows life all its emotions. Thesearethethreelower centers lower,notinanysenseofevaluation r centers,lowerrungsofthe ladder. Then comes the fourth center, the heart center, called anahata iful. ANAHATA means unstruck soundit means exactly what Zen people mean when ar the sound of one hand clapping? unstruck sound. The heart is just e centers below it, three centers above it. And the heart is the door from the er, or from the higher to the lower. The heartis like a crossroads. thesearethethreelowe
Andthehearthasbeen completelybypassed.Youhavenotbeentaughttobeheartful.Youhave notevenbeenallowedtogointotherealmoftheheart, becauseitisverydangerous.Itisthe c enter of the soundless sound; it is the non-linguistic center unstruck sound. Language is strucksound; we have to create it with our vocal chords; it has to be struck it is two hands clapping. The heartis onehand clapping.Intheheart thereisnoword;itiswordless. Wehaveavoidedtheheart completely,wehavebypassedit.Wemoveinsuchawayinourbeing asiftheheartdoesnotexist or,atthemost,asifitisjustapumping mechanismforbreathing, that s all. It is not. The lungs are not the heart. The heart is hidden deep behin d the lungs. And it isnotphysical either.Itistheplacefrom wherelovearises. That swhyloveisnotasentimen t.And sentimental love belongs to the third center, not to thefourth. Love is not just sentimental. Love has more depth than sentiments; love has more validity than sentiments. Sentiments are momentary. More or less, the sentiment of love is mis understood as the experienceoflove. Onedayyoufallinlove witha man orawoman, and the nextdayitis go ne andyoucallitlove.Itisnotlove.Itisa sentiment:youlikedthewoman liked, remember,not loved itwas a like , just asyou like icecream. Itwasa like. Likes come and go; likes are mo mentary; they cannotstaylong;theydon thaveanycapacitytostaylong.Youlikeawoman,youlovedher, andfinished!thelikeis finished.Itisjustlikeyouliked ice-cream;youhaveeatenit nowy oudon t lookatthe ice-creamatall.Andif somebodygoesongivingyou more ice-cream,youwillsay
, Now it is nauseating stop!Icannot take any more. Likingis notlove. Never misunderstand likingforlove, otherwiseyour whole lifeyou willbe justa will be drifting from one person to another; never will intimacy grow. Thefourth center, the anahata,isverysignificant,becauseitisin the heartthatfor t he first timeyou were relatedtoyour mother. Itwas throughtheHEARTthatyouwere relatedtoyour mother ,not throughthe head.Indeeplove,indeep orgasm,againyouare related throughtheheart,not through the head. In meditation, in prayer, the same happens: you are related with exist ence through the heart heart-to-heart.Yes,itisa dialogue heart-to-heart, nothead-to-head.Itis non -linguistic. Andtheheartcenteristhe centerfromwherethe soundlesssoundarises.Ifyourelaxintothe heart center,you will hear OMKAR,AUM. Thatisagreat discovery. Those whohave entered th e heart, they heara continuous chanting inside their being which sounds like aum. Haveyou ever heard anythinglikea chantingwhichgoesonbyitself notthatyouDOit. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 158 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING That swhyI amnotinfavourof mantras. You cangoon chanting aum, aum, aum,andyou can createa mental substitutefortheheart.Itisnotgoingtohelp.Itisa deception.Andyouca ngoon chantingforyears,andyou can createafalse sound withinyourselfasifyour heartis sp eaking it isnot.Toknowtheheartyouarenottochantaum youhavejusttobesilent.Oneday, suddenly the mantra is there. One day, whenyou havefallen silent, suddenlyyou hear the so und is coming fromnowhere.Itisarisingoutofyoufromthe innermost core.Itisthe soundofyour inner silence. Just as in a silent night, there is a certain sound, the sound of the silence,ex actly like.that on a very, very much deeperlevela soundarisesinyou. It arises let me remindyou again and again it is not thatyou bring it in; it is not thatyou repeat aum, aum.No,you don tsayasingleword.You are simply quiet.You are simply silent. An ditbursts forthlikeaspring...suddenlyit startsflowing,itis there.Youhearit you don tsayit,youh earit. That is the meaning when Mohammedans say that Mohammed HEARD the Koran that is t he meaning. That isexactly what happens at the innermost core ofyour heart. Not tha tyou say it: youhearit. Mohammed heardtheKoran he heardit happening inside.Hewas really puzzle d;he had never heard anything like this. It was so unknown, it was so unfamiliar. The story says that he becameill.Itwassoweird!Whensuddenly,sittinginyourroom,ifonedayyoustarthearing in side aum, aum, or ANYTHING,you will startfeeling, AmI going mad? You are not saying it, nobody else is saying it. Areyou going mad? Mohammedwas sitting ona hilltop whenheheard it. He came back home trembling, per spiring; hehad ahighfever. He really became disturbed. He told his wife, Justbring allthebl ankets and coverme!Ihaveneverhadsucha trembling;agreatfeverhas cometome. Buthiswife couldsee thathisfacewas illuminated: Whattypeoffeveristhis?Hiseyesareburning,afirewithsome thing tremendously beautiful.Agracehas entered withhiminthe house.Agreat silencehasfal lenover the house. Even his wife started hearing something. She said to Mohammed, l don t thi nk it is a fever Ithink God hasblessedyou. Don t be afraid! What has happened?Tell me! His wife was the first Mohammedan Khadija was her name. She was the first conver
t. She said, I can SEE. God has happened toyou, something has happened toyou, something is flo wing from yourheartallovertheplace.Youhave become luminous!Youhaveneverbeenlikethis somethin g extraordinaryhas happened.Tellmewhyyou aresomuchworriedand trembling.Maybeitisne w, butyou tell me. And Mohammed told her,very much afraidof what shewould think,but she become conv erted she was the first Mohammedan. Ithas happened so always. Hindus saytheVedaswere recitedbyGod Himself. It simply means that they were heard. In India,for the holy scriptureswehaveaword; thewordis SHRUTI S HRUTI means that which has been heard. At this center of the heart, anahata chakra,you hear. Butyou have not heard anyt hing insideyou no sound,no omkar,no mantra. That simply meansyouhaveavoidedthe heart. Thewaterfa llis there,andthe soundofrunning wateris there butyouhaveavoidedit,youhavebypassed,you have taken some other route,youhave takena shortcut. The shortcut simply goes fr om the third centeravoiding thefourth. Thefourthisthe most dangerous center becauseitis the c enter outof TheTantra Vision,Vol1 159 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING whichtrustisborn,faithisborn. Andthemindhastoavoidit.Iftheminddoesnotavoidit,the n there will be no possibilityfor doubt. Mind lives through doubt. This is thefourth center. AndTantra says through loveyou will cometo know thisfo urth center. The fifth centeris calledVISUDDHI. Visuddhi meanspurity. Certainly, afterlovehas happened there is purity and innocence never before it. Only love purifies AND only love nothin g else purifies. Even the ugliest person in love becomes beautiful. Love is nectar. It cleanses a ll poisons. So the fifth chakra is called visuddhi visuddhi means purity, absolute purity. It is th e throat center. AndTantrasays:Onlyspeakwhenyouhave cometothefifth centerviathefourth onlyspeak through love, otherwise don t speak. Speak through compassion, otherwise don t speak ! What is point of speaking? Ifyouhave come through the heart and ifyou have heard God spe aking there orGodrunning therelikeawaterfall,ifyouhave heardthe soundofGod,the soundof one h and clapping, then you are allowed to speak, then your throat center can convey the message, then something canbe pouredeven intowords. WhenyouHAVEit,it canbe pouredeven intoword s. Veryfew people cometothe fifth center,veryrarely becausetheydon t cometothefourthe ven, so how can they come to the fifth? It is very rare. Somewhere a Christ, a Buddha , a Saraha, they come to the fifth. The beauty of even their words is tremendous what to sayabout their silence? Even their words carry silence. They speak andyet they speak not. They say and t hey say the unsayable, the ineffable, the inexpressible. You also use the throat,but that is not visuddhi. That chakra is completely dead . When that chakra starts,yourwordshave honeyin them, thenyourwordshaveafragrance, thenyourwordshav ea musictothem,adance.Then whatsoeveryousayispoetry, whatsoeveryou utterissheerjoy. And the sixth chakra is AJNA ajna means order. With the sixth chakrayou are in o rder, never beforeit. Withthe sixth chakra,you becomethe master,neverbeforeit. Beforeityouwe reaslave.
Withthe sixthchakra, whatsoeveryou saywill happen, whatsoeveryou desire will hap pen. With the sixth chakrayouhavewill,neverbeforeit.Beforeit,willexistsnot.But thereisaparadox init. With thefourth chakra ego disappears. With the fifth chakra all impurities disap pear, and thenyou have will soyou cannot harm throughyour will. Infact, it is no moreyour will: it is God s will, because the ego disappears at the fourth, all impurities disappear at the fifth. Now you are the purest being, justavehicle, instrumental,amessenger. Nowyouhave will becauseyou are not now God s will isyour will. Veryrarely does a person come to this sixth chakra, because this is the last, in a way. In the world, thisis the last. Beyond thisis the seventh,but thenyou entera totally differentw orld,a separate reality. The sixth is the last boundaryline, the checkpost. The seventh is SAHASRAR SAHASRAR means one-thousand-petalled lotus. Whenyour ene rgy movestotheseventh, sahasrar,you becomea lotus.Nowyouneednotgotoanyotherflowerfor honey now other bees start coming toyou. Nowyou attract bees from the whole eart h, oreven sometimes from other planets bees start comingtoyou.Your sahasrarhas opened,your lotusisin fullbloom. This lotus is Nirvana. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 160 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING The lowest is muladhar. From the lowest life is born life of the body and the se nses. With the seventh lifeis born lifeeternal, notof the body, notofthe senses. Thisis theTant raphysiology. Itis notaphysiologyof the medical books.Please don t lookforitin the medical books itis not there. Itisa metaphor,itisawayof speaking. Itisamaptomake things understandable. Ifyou move thisway,you willnever cometo that cloudednessof thoughts.Ifyouavoidthefourt hchakra, thenyougointothehead.Now,tobeinthehead meansnottobeinlove;tobein thoughts means not to be in trust; tobe thinking means not to be looking. Now the sutras: WHEN (IN WINTER) STILLWATER BY THE WIND IS STIRRED, ITTAKES (AS ICE) THE SHAPE AND TEXTURE OFAROCK. WHEN THE DELUDED AREDISTURBED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS, THATWHICH IS AS YET UNPATTERNED TURNS VERYHARD AND SOLID. Saraha says in WINTER listen to each word, meditate on each word:
... IN WINTER STILLWATER BY THE WIND IS STIRRED, ITTAKESASICETHESHAPEAND TEXTUREOFAROCK. ASILENTLAKE WITHOUTANY RIPPLESisthe metaphorforconsciousness a silentlake without any ripples,waves,no stirring,nowindblowing thatisthe metaphorfor consciousness. Thelake is liquid, flowing, silent; it is not hard, it is not like rock. It is soft like roseflowers, it is vulnerable. It canflowinanydirection,itisnotblocked.Ithasflowandithaslifeandithas dynamism,but nothing is disturbed the lake is silent, peaceful. This is the state of consciousness. IN WINTER... winter means when desires have arisen. Whycall them winter ? When desires arise you are in a cold desert land, because theynever are fulfilled. Desires are a de sert. Theydelude you, there is no fulfillment in them. Theynever come to anyfruition it is a dese rt land, and very cold,coldlike death.Nolifeflows through desires. Desiresblocklife,theydon thelplif e. So Saraha says: WHEN IN WINTER... when desires have arisen in you, that is the c limate of
winter... STILL WATER BY THE WIND IS STIRRED... and thoughts come, a thousand an d one thoughts from every direction, that is the symbol for wind. Winds are coming, st ormy winds are coming.Youareinadesire state,fulloflust, ambition, becoming,and thoughtsarise. Infact, desiresinvite thoughts. Unlessyou desire, thoughts cannot come. Just sta rt a desire and immediatelyyouwillseethoughtshavestartedcoming.Justa momentbeforetherewasnotasin gle thought,and thena car passesbyanda desirehasarisen:youwouldliketohave this car. Now, a thousand and one thoughts, immediately they are there. Desire invites thought. So when there is desire, thoughts will come fromeverydirection, winds willblow upon the lakeof consciousness. And desireiscold,andthoughtsgoon stirringthelake. WHEN IN WINTER STILLWATER BY THE WIND IS STIRRED, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 161 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING ITTAKESASICETHESHAPEAND TEXTUREOFAROCK. Mm? then the lake starts becoming frozen. It starts becoming solid, rocklike. It loses fluidity. It becomes frozen. This is what in Tantra is called the mind. Meditate over it. The mind and consciousness are not two things but two states, two phases of the same phenomenon. Consciousness is liquid, flowing; mind is rocklike, like ice. Consci ousness is like water. Consciousnessislikewater,mindislikeice itisthe samething.The samewaterbeco mes ice, and theice canbe melted again throughlove, throughwarmth,it canbe melted ag ain and will become water. And the third stage is when water evaporates and becomes invisible and disappear s that is Nirvana, cessation.You cannotevenseeitnow.Waterisliquid,butyoucansee;whenitevapo rates, it simply disappears it goes into the unmanifested. These are three states of wa ter, and these are three states of mind too. Mind means ice, consciousness means liquid water, Nirvana means evaporation. WHEN THE DELUDED AREDISTURBED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS, THATWHICH IS AS YET UNPATTERNED TURNS VERYHARD AND SOLID. Thelakeisunpatterned.You canpourwaterintoany vessel:itwilltaketheshapeofthevesse l.But you cannot pour ice into anyvessel: it will resist, it will fight. Two types of people come to me: one who comes like water;his surrender is simple ,veryinnocent, childlike; he does not resist. Work starts immediately. No need to waste time. T hen somebody comes withgreat resistance, withfear; he is protecting himself, armoring himself . Then he is like ice.Itisverydifficulttogivehim liquidity.He fightsalleffortstomakehim liquid.Hei safraidhemay losehisidentity.Hewilllose solidity that strue butnot identity.Yes,hewilllosethe id entitythat solidityhas,butthatsolidityisbringing miseryand nothingelse. Whenyou are solid,you are likea dead rock. Nothing can flowerinyou, andyou canno t flow. When you are flowing,you have juice. Whenyou are flowing,you have energy. Whenyou are
flowing, youhave dynamism.Whenyou are flowing,you are creative. Whenyou are flowing,you a re partof God. Whenyou have become frozen,you are no more part of thisgreat flow,you are n o more part of thisgreat ocean,youhave becomea small island, frozen, dead. WHEN THE DELUDED AREDISTURBED BY INTERPRETATIVE THOUGHTS, THATWHICH IS AS YET UNPATTERNED TURNS VERYHARD AND SOLID. Be mindful. Be more and more in the state of unpatternedness, unstructuredness. Be without character that swhatTantrasays.Itisveryhard,evento understand, becausedownthecentur ies we have been taught to have characters. Character means to have a rigid structur e; character meansthe past; character meansa certainenforced discipline. Character meansyou a reno more free youonlyfollow certainrules,younevergobeyond thoserules.Youhaveasolidity.Aman of character is a solid man. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 162 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING Tantra says: Drop character, be fluid, more flowing, live moment-to-moment. It d oes not mean irresponsibilityit meansgreater responsibility becauseitmeansgreaterawareness. W henyou can live througha character,you need notbeaware character takes care. Whenyou live t hrougha character,youcanfallasleepeasily;thereisnoneedtobeawake;thecharacterwill continu eina mechanicalform.Butwhenyou don thaveanycharacter,whenyou don thaveanyhardstructure aroundyou,you have to be alert each moment. Each momentyou have to see whatyou a re doing. Each momentyou have to respond to the new situation. A man of character is a dead man. He has a past but no future. A man who has no character... and I am not using the word in the same sense as when you use it about somebody, that he is characterless. When you use that word characterless you are not using it rightly , because whomsoever you call characterless has a CHARACTER. Maybe it is against the socie ty, but he hasa character;you can depend on him too. The saint has a character, so does the sinner they both have characters. You cal l the sinner characterless because you want to condemn his character; otherwise, he has a cha racter. You can depend on him: give him the opportunity andhe will steal hehasacharacter. Giv e him the opportunityandheisboundtosteal.Givehimtheopportunityandhewilldo somethingwrong he has a character. The moment he comes out of the jail he starts thinking, What to do now? Again heisthrowninthejail,againhe comes out...nojailhasever curedanybody.Infact, jaili ngaperson, imprisoninga person,makeshimeven moreclever,that sall.Maybeyouwon tbeabletocatchhim soeasilynexttime,butnothingelse;youjustgivehim morecleverness.Buthehasacharacter . Can tyousee? adrunkardhasacharacter,andavery,verystubborncharacter.Athousandand one times he thinks not to drink any more, and again the character wins over and he is defeated. The sinner has a character, so has the saint. WhatTantra meansbycharacterlessnessis freedom from character the characterof the saint and the character of the sinner, both makeyou solid like rocks, ice. You don t have an y freedom,you
how canyou respondina newway?Youhaveto respondin the oldway. The old, the known, the wellpractised you areskilledinit. Acharacter becomes an alibi:you need not live. Tantra says: Be characterless, be without character. Characterlessness is freedo m. Sarahawassayingtotheking:Sir,I amcharacterless.Youwanttoputmebackintomyold solid ity ofbeinga scholar,apunditinthe court?Youwanttoputmebackintomypast?Ihave droppedou t ofit.I amacharacterless person. Lookatme!NowIdon tfollowany rules Ifollowmyawarene ss. Look at me... I don t have any discipline I have only my consciousness. My only sh elter is my consciousness.Iliveoutofit.Idon thaveanyconscience myconsciousnessismyonly shelter. Conscience is character and conscience is a trickof the society. The society cre ates a conscience inyousothatyouneednothaveanyconsciousness.Itmakesyoufollowcertainrulessuchalong time;it rewardsyouifyoufollow,it punishesyouifyou don tfollow. It makesyoua robot. Onceit TheTantra Vision,Vol1 163 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING hasmadethe mechanismof conscienceinyou,itcanbefreeofyou thenyoucanbetrusted:you willbeaslaveyour wholelife.Ithasputa conscienceinyoujustasif Delgadohadputanelec trode inyou;itisa subtleelectrode.Butithas killedyou.Youareno moreaflow,no morea dynam ism. Saraha says to the king: I am unstructured, sir. Ihave dropped out of all patter ns. Idon t have any identity any more.Ilivein the moment. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITSVERYBEING CAN NEVER BE POLLUTED BY SAMSARA S OR NIRVANA S IMPURITIES. APRECIOUS JEWEL DEEP IN MUD WILL NOTSHINE, THOUGH IT HAS LUSTER. SAYS SARAHA: MIND IMMACULATE... when the mind has no thoughts that is when the m ind is pure consciousness, when the mindisa silent lake without any ripples, no interpr etativethoughts, no analytical thoughts,whenthemindisnot philosophizingbutjustis.... Tantra says:Walking,walk; sitting, sit; being,be! Exist without thinking. Let li fe flow throughyou without anyblocks of thoughts. Let life flow throughyou without anyfear. There i s nothing tofear you have nothing to lose. There is nothing tofear because death will take only t hat which birth has given toyou. AND it isgoing to take it anyway, so there is nothing tofear. Let life flow throughyou. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITSVERYBEING CAN NEVER BE POLLUTED BY SAMSARA S OR NIRVANA S IMPURITIES. AndSarahasays:You thinkIhave become impuresoyouhave cometohelpmeandbringmeto the world of the pure people? I am now in an immaculate state of mind. I am no m ore solid ice. Nothing can pollutemeany more, becauseno thought can createarippleinme Ihaveno d esire. That s why a tremendous saying he says: ... POLLUTED BY SAMSARA S OR NIRVANA S IMPURITIES. No, it is not possible. Not even Nirvana can pollute me! What to say about Samsa ra? This arrowsmithwoman cannot pollute me, neither can this cremationgroundpollute me, n or canmy mad activities pollute me nothing can pollute me! I am beyond pollution. I am no more in a state
where pollution is possible. Even Nirvana cannot pollute me! What does he mean when he says even Nirvana, even Nirvana s impurities ? Saraha is say ing: I don t desire theworld,Idon t desireeven Nirvana. To desire is to be impure. Desire IS impure WHAT you desire is irrelevant. You c an desire money; it is impure. You can desire power; it is impure. You can desire God; it is impure. You TheTantra Vision,Vol1 164 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING can desire Nirvana; it is impure. Desire is impure hatyou desire is meaningless... desire! the object does not matter. W
The moment desire comes, thoughts come. Once the climate of cold winter is there , the desire, then winds startblowing. Ifyou start thinking how to attain to Nirvana, how to become Enlightened,you willbeinviting thoughts,your lake willbe stirred. Againyouwill startbecoming fro zenin pieces;you will become solid, rocklike, dead.You will lose the flow and flowis life, and fl owis God, and flowis Nirvana. SoSarahasays: Nothingcanpolluteme don tbeworriedaboutme.Ihavecometoapoint,Ihave attained to a point, where impurity is not possible. APRECIOUS JEWEL DEEP IN MUD WILL NOTSHINE, THOUGH IT HAS LUSTER. You can throw me intomud, into dirtymud,but now dirtymud cannot make me dirty.Ih aveattained to that precious jewelness, I have become a precious jewel now I have understood who I am! Nowyou can throw thisjewel into any mud. anydirt; maybeit will not shine,butit c annot lose its preciousness it will still have luster. It will still be the same precious jewel . Amoment comes whenyou look intoyourself andyou seeyour transcendental consciousn ess, then nothing can polluteyou. Truth is not an experience: truth is experiencing. Truth is not an object of awa reness: truth is awareness. Truth is not outside: truth is your interiority. Says Soren Kierke gaard: Truth is subjectivity. If truth is like an object, you can get it and lose it; but if tru th is you, how can you lose it? Once you have known, you have known; then there is no going back. If tr uth is some experience,it can become polluted buttruthisexperiencing,itisyourinnermost consci ousness. Itisyou,itisyour being. KNOWLEDGE SHINESNOTIN THEDARK,BUT WHEN THEDARKNESS IS ILLUMINED, SUFFERING DISAPPEARS (ATONCE).
SAYS SARAHA: KNOWLEDGE SHINES NOT IN THE DARK... the darkness of the mind, the darkness of a structured being, the darkness of ego, the darkness of thoughts a thousand and one thoughts the darkness thatyou go on creating aroundyourself like an octopus. Because of thatdarknessthatyougooncreating,yourinnermostjewelshinesnot; otherwiseitisalampo flight. Onceyou stop creatingthis ink aroundyou, thisblackcloud aroundyou, then there is illumination. AndSUFFERING DISAPPEARSATONCE!ThisistheTantra message, agreatliberatingmessage. Otherreligionssayyou willhavetowait. Christianitysays, Islamsays,Judaismsays,you willhave towaitfor the LastJudgementDay wheneverything willbe reckoned with what goodyouh ave done, whatbadyouhavedone and thenyou willberewardedor punished accordingly.Youhav e towaitforthe future,fortheJudgementDay. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 165 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING Hindus,Jainsand otherssayyouhaveto balanceyourbad actswithgood acts;badkarmahast o bedroppedandgoodkarmahastobeevolved.Youwillhavetowaitforthattoo.It willtake time . For millionsoflivesyouhavebeendoing millionsofthings,goodandbad tosortitout,to bal ance it, it is going to be impossible. The Christian and the Judaic and the Mohammedan Judgement Day is easier: at leas t you will nothaveto reckon witheverythingyouhave done. God willtake care,He will judge that isHis business. But Jainism and Hinduism say you have to look into your bad karmas, dr op the bad, replace it with good that too, it seems, will take millions of lives. Tantrais liberating.Tantrasays: SUFFERING DISAPPEARSATONCE.The momentyoulookinto yourself, that single moment of inner vision and suffering disappears because suf fering had never reallyexisted.Itwasa nightmare.Itisnot becauseyouhavedonebadkarmas, that swhyyou a re suffering;Tantra saysyou aresuffering becauseyou are dreaming. Youhave not donea nything, neither good nor bad. This is tremendously beautiful! Tantra says: You have not done anything God is t he doer. The Wholeisthe doer how canyoudoanything?Ifyouhave beena saint,itwasHis will;ifyouhav e beena sinner,itwasHiswillyouhavenotdoneanything.Howcanyoudo?Youarenotseparate from Him how canyoudo?You don t have anyseparate will it isHis will, it is univers al will. So Tantra says you have not done anything good or bad. This has to be looked int o, that s all. You have to seeyour innermost consciousness it is pure, eternally pure, unpollute dbySamsara or Nirvana. Once you have seen that vision of your pure consciousness, all suffe ring stops immediately, at once! It does not take even a split second. SHOOTS GROWFROM THESEED AND LEAVES FROM THE SHOOTS. And then things start changing. Then the seed is broken. The closed seed, Tantra says, is ego; thebrokenseedis egolessness.Youputtheseedintheearth:it cannotgrow unlessitdisapp
ears, unlessit breaks,dies.Egoislikeanegg; hidden behinditisthepossibilityofgrowth. The seed, once broken, becomes egolessness. Then shoots come shoots are no-thoug hts, no-desires, no-mind. Then leaves come leaves are knowing, experiencing, illumina tion, Satori, Samadhi. Then flowers come flowers are SATCHITANAND: being, consciousness, truth . And then the fruit the fruit is Nirvana, utter disappearance into existence. Once th e seed is broken, everythingfollows. Theonlythingtobedoneistoputtheseedintothe earth,toallowittodi sappear. The Master is the earth and the disciple is the seed. The last sutra: HE WHO THINKS OF THEMIND IN TERMS OF ONE OR MANY, CASTSAWAYTHE LIGHT AND ENTERS THEWORLD. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 166 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING INTOA(RAGING) FIRE HEWALKS WITH OPEN EYES WHO COULD BE MORE DESERVING OF COMPASSION? HE WHO THINKS OF THEMIND IN TERMS OF ONE OR MANY... THINKINGISALWAYS DIVISIVE,IT DIVIDES. Thinkingislikeaprism,yes, mindislikeaprism :a pure white rayenters into the prism and is divided into seven colors a rainbow i s born. The world is a rainbow. Through the mind, through the prism of the mind, one single rayof light, one single ray oftruth enters,andbecomesarainbow,afalsething theworldisafalsething. Themind divides.It cannotseethewhole;italwaysthinksintermsofduality.Mindis duali stic.Or, mind is dialectical: it thinks in terms of thesis, antithesis. The momentyou tal k about love, hate is present. The momentyou talk about compassion, anger is present. The momentyou ta lk about greed,theoppositeis present, charityis present.Talk about charityandgreedis pres ent theygo together, they come in one package; they are not separate. But the mind continuo usly creates that. You say beautiful andyou have said ugly too. How canyou say beautiful
uglinessis?Youhave divided.Say divine andyouhave divided youhave said profane .Say God andyouhave proposedaDeviltoo.Howcanyousay God withoutaDevil there?Theygotogether. Mind divides, and reality is one, indivisibly one. Then what to do? Mind has to be put aside. Don t look through the prism. Push away the prism and let the white light, the oneness of existence penetrateyour being. HE WHO THINKS OF THEMIND IN TERMS OF ONE OR MANY, CASTSAWAYTHE LIGHT AND ENTERS THEWORLD. Ifyou thinkof one or many, dual or non-dual,ifyou thinkin concepts,youhave enter ed theworld you have cast awaythe light. There are only two possibilities: either cast awayth e mind or cast awaythe light. It isyour choice. A man came once to Ramakrishna, and he was praising Ramakrishna very highly, and he was touching Ramakrishna sfeetagainandagain,andhewassaying, Youaresimplygreat youhave
renouncedtheworld.Youaresuchagreatman!Howmuchyouhave renounced! Ramakrishna listened,laughedandsaid, Wait!Youaregoingtoofar thetruthisjusttheopposit e. The man said, What doyou mean? Ramakrishnasaid, Ihavenot renouncedanything youhave renounced.Youareagreatman!
The man said, Areyou kidding?Ihave renounced?I amaWORLDLY man Iindulgein things,a thousandand onegreedsare there.I amveryambitious,I amvery money-oriented.How can Ibe calledgreat?No,no youmustbe joking. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 167 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING And Ramakrishna said, No. There were two possibilities before me, and two were th e possibilities beforeyou. Youhave chosentheworldand renouncedGod:Ihave chosenGod, renouncedthe world.Whoisthereal renouncer?Youhave renouncedthegreater,morevaluable,and chosen the meaningless. AndIhave renounced the meaningless and chosen thevaluable. If there isagreat diamond anda stone,youhave chosen the stone and renounced the diamond;Ihave chos en the diamondandrenouncedthe stone andyou callmeagreat man? agreat manof renunciation? Haveyou gone mad?!I am indulging in God.Ihave chosen the Precious One. Yes,Itoo agree with Ramakrishna. Mahavir, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Saraha theyha ve not renounced. Theyhave indulged, theyhave truly indulged. Theyhave REALLYenjoyed th eyhave celebratedexistence.We who arerunning after ordinarystones,weare thegreat renoun cers. Thereareonlytwo possibilities:either renouncethemindandchoosethelight,or renounc ethelight and choosethemind itIsuptoyou. HE WHO THINKS OF THEMIND IN TERMS OF ONE OR MANY, CASTSAWAYTHE LIGHT AND ENTERS THEWORLD. INTOARAGING FIRE HEWALKS WITH OPEN EYES WHO COULD BE MORE DESERVING OF COMPASSION? Saraha says: Sir, you have come to help me. You think you are compassionate towa rds me. Certainly,your whole kingdom will think thatway thatthekinghas gonetothe cremati onground: howmuchis his compassionfor Saraha!You thinkyouhave come becauseof compassion? Y ou make me laugh... infact,itisI who amfeeling compassionforyou, not otherwise. Iti sI who am feeling sorryforyou you areafool! INTOARAGING FIRE HEWALKS WITH OPEN EYES... Youreyes appeartobeopenbutthey arenotopen. Youareblind!Youdon tknowwhatyouare doing... Livingintheworld,doyouthinkyouareenjoying?Youarejustinaragingfire. Exactly that happened when Buddha left his palace, and left the boundaries of hi s kingdom, and he toldhisdriver, Nowyougoback Iamgoingintothejungle.Ihave renounced.
Theolddriver said, Sir,I amold enough,I am moreaged thanyourfather listentomy adv ice. You are doing something utterlyfoolish! Leaving this beautiful kingdom, this pal ace,a beautiful wife, all the luxuriesfor which each human being hankers where areyougoing andfor what ? Buddha looked back at that marble palace and he said, I see there only fire and n othing else, a ragingfire.Thewholeworldisburningwithfire andIamnot renouncingit becausethereisnot hing to renounceinit.I amtryingjusttoescapefromthefire.No,Idon tseeanypalace!andIdon tsee anyjoythere. Saraha says to the king: TheTantra Vision,Vol1 168 Osho
CHAPTER 9. MIND IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY BEING INTOARAGING FIRE HEWALKS WITH OPEN EYES WHO COULD BE MORE DESERVING OF COMPASSION? You think, sir, you have come because of compassion to help me? No, the situatio n is just the reverse:Ifeel compassionforyou you are livinginaragingfire.Beware!Be alert!Beawa ke! and get out of it as soon as possible, because all that is beautiful, all that is tr uthful, all that is good, is known and experienced only through the no-mind. Tantraisa processofcreating no-mindinyou.NomindisthedoorofNirvana. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 169 Osho
CHAPTER 10 Hingle de jibity dangely ji 30 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall The first question it is from Prabha: Question1 DEAROSHO, HINGLEDEJE, BIPITYJANGDANG DORUNNUN,DEJUNBUNG. HINGLEDE JIBBITYDANGELYJI. THISISWONDERFUL, PRABHA!THISISBEAUTIFUL.Thisisjustfarout,baby.I amdrivingyou sane.Justa step more... and the Enlightenment. The second question: Question2 IS PRAYER USEFUL?IFSO, TEACHMEHOWTOPRAY.IMEAN, PRAYERTORECEIVE GOD S LOVE,TOFEEL HIS GRACE. FIRST, PRAYER IS NOTUSEFUL not at all. Prayer has no use, no utility. It is not a commodity. You cannotuseit;itisnotathing.ItisnotaMEANStoanythingelse howcanyouuseit? I can understand the questioner s mind. The so-called religions have been teaching people that prayer is a means to God. It is not! Prayer is God. It is not a MEANS towards an ything to be prayerful is the end in itself. Whenyou are prayerful,you are divine. Not that t he prayer leadsyou towardsthe Divine:inprayerfulnessyou discoveryour divinity. 170
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Prayer is not a means. It is the end unto itself. Butthisfallacyhaspersisteddownthe centuriesinman smind.Loveisalsoa means,soispraye r, so is meditation all that is impossible to reduce to means has been reduced. And that s whythe beauty is lost. Love is useless, so is prayer, so is meditation. When you ask: Is prayer useful? you don t understand what the word prayer means. You ar e greedy.Youwant God,youwant tograb God; nowyou are findingways and means tograb. And God cannot begrabbed! YOU cannot possess God. You cannot contain God. You cannot interpret God. You ca nnot experience God. Then what can be done about God? Only one thing: you can be God. Nothing else canbe done aboutit becauseyou ARE God. Recognizeit or not, realizeit or not ,butyou are God. And only that can be done which is already there; only that can be done whi ch has already happened. Nothing new can be added... only revelation, only discovery. So,the first thing:prayerisnotanyutility. The momentyou useprayer,youmakeitugly. Thatisa sacrilege!touseprayer.And whosoeverhassaidtoyoutouseprayerhasbeennotonlyirreligi ous but anti-religious. He does not understand what he is saying. He is talking nons ense. Be prayerful, not because it has some utility, but because it is a joy. Be praye rful, not because throughityouwillarriveanywhere,butTHROUGHITYOUARE!THROUGHITYOUSTARTBEING. Throughityouare present: withoutityouare absent.Itisnotagoal somewhereinthe futu re;itisa discoveryof the presence that is already there, that is already the case. And don t think in terms of things, otherwise prayer becomes part of economics, no t part of religion. If it is a means, then it is part of economics. All means are part of economics. Ends are beyond economics. Religion is concerned with the end, not withthe means. Religion is no t concerned at all with reaching somewhere. Religion is concerned only with one thing: to know wher e we are! To celebrate this moment is prayer. To be herenow is prayer. To listen to these
birds is prayer. To feelthe presenceofpeoplearoundyouisprayer.Totouchatreewithloveisprayer. Tolookat a childwithdeep respect,withreverenceforlife,isprayer. So, first thing: don t ask Is prayer useful? Andthenthe secondthingyousay: Ifso, teachmehowtopray. Ifyou startby if , prayer cannot be taught. The VERYbeginning with if is the beginning of doubt. If isnotpartofaprayerfulmind.Prayer needstrust; thereis no if .Itisso.Itis absolutelyso . Whenyoucantrusttheunknown,theinvisible,the unmanifest,thenthereisprayer.Ifyousta rtby if , thenprayer willbeat mostahypothesis. Thenprayer willbea theory, andprayeris nota theory. Prayerisnotathing,not a theory prayerisanexperience.Youcannot startbyif. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 171 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Theverybeginninggoes wrong.Youhavetakenastepinthe wrong direction.Dropifsandyouw ill be in prayer. Drop ALL ifs, don t live life throughhypothetical things: If this is so, if there is God, thenIwill pray. Buthow canyou prayif God is just an if? If God is just as if , thenyo ur prayer will alsobe just asif .Itwillbeanempty gesture.Youwillbowdown,youwill utterafewwords,buty our heart will not be there. The heart is never with ifs. Science works through ifs: religion does not workthrough ifs. You are asking: If there is love, then teach me love. IFthere is love? Then nothing has stirred in your heart, then the spring has not come, and that breeze has not touchedyou whi chis calledlove. You must have heard somebody else talking about love. You must have read in some book; you musthavebeenreading romanticpoetry.Theword love hascometoyou,buttherehasbeennot a single momentofloveexperience... soyou ask: If thereislove, then teach us. But w ithiflove cannot be taught. Haveyou neverexperienced any momentoflove,prayer, beatitude? Ihave nevercome acr oss a single humanbeingwhoissopoor.Haveyounotever listenedtothe silenceofthenight?Have you notever been thrilledbyit? touchedbyit? transformedbyit? Haveyou never seena sun rising on the horizon? Haveyouneverfelt likea deep interrelationship with therising sun? H aveyou notfelt morelifeinyou,pouringfromeverywhere?Maybefora moment.... Haveyouneverheldthehand ofa human being and something started flowing fromyou to him and from him toyou? Haveyou neverexperiencedwhentwo human spacesoverlapandflowintoeach other?Haveyounever se en aroseflowerandsmeltthefragranceofit? andsuddenlyyouaretransportedinto anotherworl d? These are moments ofprayer. Don t startby if. Gather all the momentsofyour life wh ichwere beautiful they wereall momentsofprayer. Baseyour templeofprayeron those moments. Let thatbethefoundation, notif. Thebricksofif arefalse. Build thefoundation with cer tainties, with absolute certainties only then, ONLYthenis therea possibilityofyourever entering into theworld ofprayer.Itisagreatworld.Ithasa beginning,butithasnoend.Itis oceanic.
So please don t say if so . IT IS SO! And ifyou have notyetfelt it is so, then look in toyour life and find out some certainties about beauty, about love, about experiences which go b eyond the mind. Collect all those. The ordinaryhabit of the mind is not to collect them, because theygo against the logical mind. So we never take note of them. Theyhappen, theyhappen to everybody. Let me repeat: Nobody is so poor. Theyhappen to the poorest man. Man is MADE in such a way, man IS in such a way they are bound to happen. But we don t take note of them because they are dangerous mom ents. If they are real, then what will happen to our logical mind? They are veryillogical mome nts. Now, listeningtoabird,andsomethingstartssinging withinyou thisisveryillogical.You cannot find out how it is happening, whyit is happening whyshould it be so? The mind is at a loss. The only courseleftforthemindisnottotakenoteofit,forgetaboutit!Itisjustawhim maybesom e eccentric moment, maybeyou have gone temporarily mad. The mind interprets these things like this... it was nothing, just a mood. You were emotional, you were being sentimen tal that s all. There was no authentic experience in it. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 172 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Thisistheway todeny. Onceyou startdenying, thenyou don thaveany momentsto baseyour prayer life upon. Hencethe question: If so...
My first suggestionis:gointoyourlife; rememberall those moments.Youmusthave been a small child collecting sea shells ona beach, and the sunwas showering onyou, and the w indwas salty andsharp,andyouwerein tremendousjoy.Nokinghaseverbeensojoyful.Youwere almostat thetopoftheworld youwerean emperor. Remember... thatistherightbricktobaseupon. Youwerea small childrunning afterabutterfly thatwas the momentofprayer.For the f irst time youfellinlove withawoman ora man, andyour heart was churned and stirred, andyous tarted dreaminginanewway... thatwasthe momentofprayer,your firstlove,your firstfriendsh ip. Gather fromyour pastafew certainties about something that goesbeyond the mind, w hichthe mind cannot interpret, which the mind cannot dissect, which is simply transcendental to the mind. Collect thosetranscendental moments,evenafew,theywilldo butthentherewillbenoif.Thenyoumov e with certainty. Thenitis notahypothesis. Then thereistrust. Ifit could happentoyouwhenyouwerea child,why can tit happentoyounow?Why? Gather those momentsofwonder! whenyouwerethrilled. Justthe otherdayIwas reading abouta man,averysimple man,averyold man. Andthe Eng lish philosopher, thinker, Doctor Johnson, was staying with the old man. And in the m orning when they were taking their tea, the old man said, Dr. Johnson, you may be surprised to kno w that when youngIalsotriedtobecomea philosopher. Dr. Johnsonasked, Thenwhat happened?Whycouldyounot becomea philosopher? Themanlaughedandhesaid, But cheerfulnessagainandagaineruptedintomylife cheerfulness . Becauseofthat cheerfulness,Icouldnotbecomea philosopher.Againandagain Itriedhardt o repress it! I like that answer. Those moments of cheerfulness are moments of prayer. A philo sopher cannot pray, a thinker cannot pray because all thinking starts with if... all thinking starts with doubt. And prayer starts with trust.
That s whyJesus says: Only those who are like small children, only theywill be abl e to enter into the KingdomofmyGod those whoseeyes arefullofwonder,for whom each momentisamoment of surprise, those whose hearts are still open to be thrilled, only they. So first drop if, and collect some certainties ayer. that is the first lesson about pr
SECONDTHINGYOUSAY: ... teachmehowtopray. Thereisnohow,Prayerisnotatechnique. Meditation can be taught; it is a technique, it is a method. Prayer is not a met hod it is a love affair! You canpray,butprayercannotbe taught. It happened once:Someof Jesus disciplesaskedhim, Master, teachustoprayand teachusho w. And what did Jesus do? you know? He acted exactly the way a Zen Master is suppos ed to act: he TheTantra Vision,Vol1 173 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI simplyfell on theground, on hisknees, and startedpraying! They were puzzled. The ylooked. They must have shrugged their shoulders that We have askedhim to teach, and what is he doing? He is praying buthowcanHISprayinghelpus? Laterontheymusthaveasked,and Jesussaid, But that is the only way there is no technique! Jesus prayed what else canyou do? If they had been a little more alert, they wou ld have sat silently by the side of Jesus, holding his hands or touching his robe... contact high. Something would have happened there. Icannotteachyouprayer,butI amprayer.AndIneednotfallonmykneestopray Iamprayer. You just imbibemy being,youdrink me asmuch asyou can,mypresence. Andit will teac hyou what prayer is. EVERY morningI am teachingyou what prayer is! Every moment wheny ou come tomeI am teachingyou whatprayeris.I aminprayer!Youjustbea little open.Youjust op enyour doors... Letmybreezepass throughyou.Itisaninfection prayerisaninfection. Icannotteachyouhowtopray,butIcanmakeyouprayerful.Getmoreintunewithmypresence. And don t keep these questions inside your mind because they will be the barriers. Just be vulnerable and it will happen. One daysuddenlyyou will see the heart is singing, and something is dancing withinyou... somenew energy,asifinadarknighta suddenrayoflighthas entere dyour being. Thisisprayer!You cannotdoit you canonly allowitto happen. Meditationcanbe done pra yer cannot be done. Meditation is more scientific that way; it can be taught. But pr ayer? Prayer is absolutely unscientific; it is a matter of the heart. Feelmeandyouwillfeelprayer.Touchme... andyouwilltouchprayer. Listentomeandyouare listening to words which are full of prayer. And then, sometime sitting silently, let therebea dialogue a dialogue withexisten ce.You can call theexistenceGodorFatheror Mother anythingisokay. But don t repeatany ritual. Don t re peat the Christian prayer, and don t repeat theHindu prayer, don t repeat the GayatriMant ra, and don t repeat NAMOKAR don t repeat anymantra, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese. Don t repeat!CREATE your
own mantra: don tbea parrot. Can tyousaysomethingtoGodonyourown? And don trehearse it, don t preparefor it. Can tyouface God directly asa small childfaces hisfather or mother? Can t you saysomething to Him? Can tyou say hello ? Letprayer happen! Don t prepareforit.Apreparedprayerisafalseprayer. Anda repeatedp rayer isjusta mechanicalthing.YoucanrepeattheChristianprayer youhavecrammedit,ithasbeen forced uponyou. You can repeatitin the night andfall asleep,butit will not makey ouaware because it has not been done as a response! I have heard about a great mathematician who used to pray every night with a sin gle word: he would look at the sky and would say Ditto. What is the point of repeating everydayt he same as yesterday? What areyou doing whenyou repeat the same prayer again and again ? ditto is better!WhybotherGodeverydaywiththe same repetition?Saysomethingifyouhave somethi ng to say; ifyou don t have something to say, just say, I don t have anything to saytoda y. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 174 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Or justbe silent what is the need of saying anything? But be true enyou and the Whole,let therebetruth. That swhatprayeris.Openyourheart. at least betwe
Ihave heard: Moseswaspassingthroughaforest,andhe came acrossaman,a shepherd,apoo r man,adirty, poor man, withragsfor clothes. Andhewaspraying;itwasprayertimeandhew as praying. Moses, just out of curiosity, stood behind him and listened. And he cou ld not believe what sortofprayer thiswas, becausehewas saying, God, whenI die, allow meintoyour parad ise I willtake careofyou. Ifyouhavelice,Iwill removethem. HEhadlice,socertainlyhesays, Ify ou have liceI will remove them.I willgiveyou sucha good bath, andI will cookfoodfor you andI cook really good things. AndIwill take care ofyour sheep. AndIwillprepare milkfo ryou... and this and that. AndI can do good massage too! Then it was too much. When he came to lice, then it was too much Moses just shoo k him and said, What nonsense areyou talking about!You will remove lice, soGod has lice? Thepoormanwas disturbed.Hesaid, Idon tknowexactlybecauseIhaveneverseenHim.Butall thatIknowiswhatIknow aboutmyself:Ihavelice. Moses said, Stop!Neverprayin thisway! Thisis sacrilege you willfall into hell!
The man started trembling and perspiring. He said, But I have been doing this my whole life whatsoever comestomy mind,I say.AndIdon tknow youteachmetherightway. And Moses teaches him the right wayto pray, and the poor shepherd goes with his sheep. And then suddenlyGod thundersallovertheforest,andGodisveryangry.HesaystoMoses, Youaremad! Ihave sentyouintotheworldtobringpeopletome,andyouarethrowingmypeopleawayfromme alover.Hewasalover;hewas oneofthe bestprayers,andyouhavebrokenhisheart,youhave brokenhistrust.YouGOand apologize,andtakeyourprayerback! And Moses goes and falls at the feet of the shepherd and says, Excuse me, forgive me! I was wrong,you areright.God approvesofyou;myprayerhastobetakenback. Exactly that showit shouldbe. Letyourprayergrow. Letit happen.Yes, wheneveryou are feeling likehavinga chitchatwithGod,waitfor those moments.Andthereisnoneedto repeatiteve ryday thereisno need. Whenthefeeling comes!Letitbeoutofyourfeeling; don tmakearitualouto
f it. Sometimestakingabath,sittingundertheshower,andyou suddenlyfeeltheurgetopray letit be there.Itisperfectlygood;your bathroomisperfectlygood thereisnoneedtogotoanychurch .In that momentwhentheurgeisthere,your bathroomisthe church.Lettheprayerbe there.Hav ea little chitchat! andyou willbe surprisedhow beautifulitis. Whenitcomes outof the heartitis heard, it is responded to. Sometimesmakinglovetoyourwoman, suddenlyanurgearisestopray prayTHAT very moment! You cannot find a better moment than that;you are closest to God,you are closest to life energy. When the orgasmis showering onyou... pray! Butwait don t makeitaritual. Thatis the whole Tantra attitude: let things be spontaneous. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 175 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Andthelastthingyousay: I meanprayerto receiveGod slove,tofeelHisgrace. Againyour questionis wrong: I meanprayerto receive God slove. Youaregreedy!Prayeristo loveGod.Yes,love comesfromGoda thousandfold,butthatisnotthe desire: thatistheout come ofit;notthe result,butthe consequence.Yes,lovewill comelikea flood.Youtakeoneste ptowards GodandGodtakesa thousand stepstowardsyou. YougiveHim onedrop,offerHim onedropof yourlove,andHiswhole oceanbecomesavailabletoyou. Yes,thathappens!butthat shouldn ot be the desire. The desireis wrong. Ifyou simplywant God slove, and that swhyyou arep raying, thenyourprayerisabargain, thenitisbusiness. Andbewareofbusiness! InasmallschoolsomewhereintheUnitedStates,the teacheraskstheboys: Whowasthegreatest man in human history? Of course, an American says, Abraham Lincoln, and an Indian s ays, Mahatma Gandhi, and an English boy says, Winston Churchill, and so on and soforth. A nd then a small Jewish boy stands up and says, Jesus, and he wins, he wins a reward. But t he teacher askshim, You areaJew,whydidyousayJesus ? Hesaid, Iknowallthetimeinmyheartitis Moses butbusinessisbusiness.
Don t makeprayerabusiness. Letitbea pure offering: justgiveit outofyour heart. Don t ask foranythingin return. Thenmuch comes... thousandfold, millionfold,Godflowstoward syou. But, again, remember: it is a consequence not a result. The third question: Question3 YOU MENTIONED JUNG S IDEA THAT MEN NEEDTWO TYPES OFWOMEN. HISTORICALLY, A LOT OF MEN SEEM TO FEEL THIS WAY, WHILE VERY FEW WOMEN SEEM TO NEED MORE THAN ONE MAN AT A TIME. CAN THERE BE SOMETHING TO THIS IDEA IN MALE PSYCHOLOGY? IF SO, WHY? THEQUESTIONISFROMANANDPREM.Firstthing:shesays, Historically,alotofmenseemto feelthisway... Historyisjustbunk.And historyis createdbymen;nowomanhaswritten his tory.It is male-oriented,itismale-dominated,itis male-managed.Itisafalse history. Man has tried to condition woman in such a way that he can exploit her easily, a nd she cannot even rebel. Slavesalwayshavetobehypnotizedin suchaway thatthey cannot rebel. Man has
conditioned the woman s mind in such a waythat she thinks the way man wants her to think. Yousay: Historically,alotofmen seemtofeelthisway... becausemenare morefree,they ar e the masters. Women have lived like slaves; theyhave accepted the slavery. You ha ve to throw that slaverycompletely,you have to come out of it. Justthe othernightIwas readingthatinthe sixth centurytherewasagreatChristianconf erenceof allthegreatChristian leadersto decidewhetherwomenhave soulsor not.Fortunately,th eydecided thatwomendohavesouls butonlybyONEvote.Itisnotmuchofa victory.Bythemajorityofone vote! justonevotelessand historicallyyouwouldnothaveanysoul.Itisnotmuch,thissoul. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 176 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Man has crushed the whole psychology of women. And whatsoever you see is not rea lly the psychology of women it is man-made psychology, man-createdpsychology in women. T he more free you will be, the more you will also feel the same way because men and women are not REALLY sodifferentastheyhavebeen thoughttobe.TheyAREdifferent! Their biologyisdi fferent, and, certainly, their psychology is different but theyare not unequals. Their sim ilarities are more than their dissimilarities. Just think: amaneatingthe samethingeverydaygetsfedup,andawoman? willshegetfedup with it or not? She will also get fed up. What is the difference between the two ? Boredom is as naturaltomanastowoman.And unlessasexual relationshipevolvesintoaspiritualfriends hip,itis going to be boring. Let it be very clear to you: a sexual relationship in itself cannot be a lasting affair, because as far as sexis concerneditisa momentarything.Onceyouhave madelovetoawoman,you are really finished with her,you are no more interestedin her. Unless something more thana sexual relationship arises betweenyou, something higher, some spiritual contactis made it canbe made through sex, it SHOULD be made, otherwise sexual relationship is just physical i f something spiritual, somethinglikeaspiritualmarriagehappens,THENtherewillbenoproblem.Theny oucan staytogether. And then, whetheryou area man orawomanyou will not thinkof otherwo men or other men. It is finished you havefoundyour soulmate. But if the relationship is only physical, then the body gets tired, bored. The b ody needs a thrill, the body needs the new, the body needs sensation. The body is always hankeringfor so mething new. AnATSdriver, afteralongjourneyacross SalisburyPlain, arrivedather destination,a remote camp, at midnight. The Sergeant of the Guard showed her where to leave the lorry, and then said, Where willyou sleep tonight? The girl explained that the only thing she could do was to kip down in the cab. It was a cold night, and the Sergeant thoughtfora moment and said, Ifyou likeyou canhavemybunk I ll slee p on the floor.
Theofferwas acceptedwith thanks. Afterthegirlhadturnedin,shefeltvery sorryforthe Sergeant Lyingdownthereonthehardcold floor,and, leaningout,said, This isn tright whydon tyouget up here and squeeze in alongside of me? Thisbeingdone,the sarge said, Well,how sittobe?Doyouwanttosleepsingleor married? Thegirlgiggledandsaid, I thinkitwouldbeniceifweslept married, don tyou? Right, I m not fussy, we ll sleep married then, ng off to sleep. he said turning his backon her and goi
Marriage bores. That s why you see so many bored faces all around the world. Marri age is a tremendous boredom. Unless something spiritual happens in it... which is rare. S o men start looking outside.Women will ALSO look outside,but theyhave not been free. That swhy you find so many women prostitutes,but not so manymale prostitutes.Yes, they existin LondonI think,afew... but male prostitutes are just almost non-existent. Why? TheTantra Vision,Vol1 177 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Prostitution is a by-product of marriage, and unless marriage disappears, prosti tution is going to remain itisaby-product.It willgoonly with marriage.Now,yourso-called mahatmashave been tryingtostop prostitutionand thesearethepeoplewhogoonforcing marriage.Andtheydon t see the absurdity of it! Prostitution exists BECAUSE of marriage. In animals there i s no prostitution because there is no marriage. Have you ever found any animal prostituting itself ? There is no problem! Whyshould prostitution exist at all? That ugly thing exists because of one other ugly thing: marriage. But male prost itutes are not so manybecause women have not been free. Theyhave been repressedcompletely. Theyhav e not beenallowedtohavetheirsexualjoyeven.Theyarenoteven supposedtohaveit onlybadwomen are supposedtohavesexualjoy,notgoodwomen;not ladies,onlywomen. Ladiesarenotsuppo sed tohaveanyjoy they arefar superior. This is not real history. This is managed history this is arranged history. And if you go on for thousandsofyearsenforcing someidea,it becomes almostreal.Itisnottrue psychology. Toknow thetrue psychology,you willhavetogivewomen total freedom and then see. Andyou wi llbe surprised: theywill befar ahead of men. You canwatch them:a man almostalways goesonwearingthe samegreydress women? every daytheyneedanew sari.I watch their mind.Ifthey aregiven total freedom,theywillbe far ahead ofmen!Mencangoon;youcansee their clothesarenotverycolorful.And somethinglikefashio n doesnotexistasfarasmanis concerned.Whatfashion?The samegreyofficialsuit,thesamet ie. Theydon thavemuchof awardrobe butwomen? The whole marketexistsfor them! Theyare the real consumers. Manis the producer:womanis the consumer. Ninety percentof the thingsin the marke texistfor women. Why? They want new things more; they want new experiences, new thrills mo re. Maybe because their sexuality has been repressed it is a diversion of their energy bec ause theycannot haveanewhusband,anewsariisasubstitute;anew carisasubstitute,anewhouseisasubstitu te. Theyput their energy somewhere else.... But this is not reality.
Women have been so much corrupted and destroyed that it is verydifficult to deci de what their real psychology is. Don t listen to history; history is an ugly record it is a record o f long slavery. At leastwomen shouldNOTlistento history;theyshouldburnall historybooks!Theyshouldsa ythat historyhas to be written again. You willbe surprised that whenyou imposea certain idea, the mind starts function ing thatway. Mind starts imitating ideas.Ithasbeenalonghypnosisthewomanhaslivedin. ButIamnotsayingthat societyshouldbejustlikeanimals.Iamsayingthatsexshouldbeajump ingboard. Ifyour relationshipis definedby sexonlyandithasnothing moreinit,then marriagewil l create prostitution. But ifyour marriage is deeper thanyour body,then there is n o need. Each single human being, man or woman, is such an infinite space... you can go o n exploring, go on exploring. There is no end to it. Each human being, man or woman, EACH dayis so alive and sonew newleaves comingup,newflowersblooming,anew climate,newmoods ifyoulove,if you are really intimate,you will never find the same oldwoman withyou, andyou wi ll never find the same old man. Life is such a tremendous dynamism.... TheTantra Vision,Vol1 178 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Butyou don tlove!You are stuck withthebody.You don t lookin.You don t lookatthe inners ky which is constantly changing... what MORE change doyou need? Butyou don t look at that. Of course,thebodyisthe same. Thenit losesexcitement. Whenexcitementislost,yourlifeb ecomes boring. Whenyou become boredyou start seeking help, becauseyou are getting neuro tic.Your life isadrag.Yougotothe psychoanalyst;inthepastyouusedtogotothepriest,nowyougotothe psychoanalyst youaskforhelp.Somethingisgoing wrong:you don tenjoylife, thereisnodeli ght. You start thinkingof committing suicide. Ifyou move withexcitement, thenyou beco me criminals. Ifyoustaywith society,withthe establishment,thenyou become bored.Itisagreat dile mma:you are not allowed to move anywhere! Between these two hornsyou are crushed and kil led. Either live with the establishment, thenyou will livea boredlife; orgo anti-establishment,bu tthenyou look like a criminal, thenyou startfeeling guilty. Women have to come to absolute freedom. And with the freedom of women, man will also be free becauseyou cannotbereallyfreeifyouarekeepingsomebodyasaslave.Amasterisaslaveofth e slave. Man is not really free, because he cannot be: HALF of humanityisforced to remain slaves how can man be free? His freedom is just so-so, just superficial. With the freed om of women, man will also be free. And with freedom there is a possibility to enter into a deeper relationship and if that DOESN T happen then there is no need to remain bored, then there is no need to remain cl inging to each other. Aman who hadfelt unwellfor some timewent to his doctor and askedforacheck-up.The doctor gavehimagoingoverandsaid, Eitheryoupackupsmoking,drinkingandsex,oryou llbedeadin twelve months. Aftera while the manwent back and said, wellbe dead PLEASE canI smoke justa little? Very well, just five filter-tips a day, . Look, I m sobloody miserableI might just as
Someweekslaterthemanwasbackagain: Lookhere,Idomissmypint,please....?
Alright, two halves a daythen, and no spirits. Timewentby, and the patient approached the doctorfor the third time... seeingthe man, the doctor said, Yes,yes,butonlywithyourwife noexcitement! Life needs excitement. If you cannot allow it to have spiritual excitement, it w ill need physical excitement. Give it a higher excitement and the lower excitements disappear;they are not needed. Don t give it a higher excitement and the lower is the only available excitement. Man has tried tokeep himself open. Jung is tricky, and whatJung is saying is the old crap. This hasalwaysbeensaidbyman,thatamanneedstwowomenatleast: one,the mothertype,thewife type; another, the mistress, the inspiration. If man needs two women, then women also need two men: thefather type andthe DonJuan. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 179 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI ButwhatI amtryingtosayisthateveninthetwentieth century menlikeFreudandJungaresti llas male chauvinisticasever notmuchdifference.Womenhavetothinkfor themselves;men cann ot be of much help. Theyhave to come to their own understanding and NOWthere is an opportunity for them to come to their own understanding. BUT ANAND PREM SQUESTIONisnot basically aboutwomen:itis aboutherownmind.Sheisa clinging type, and that clinging is also because of the historical conditioning. The woman clings too much because she is afraid about insecurity, about safety, about finance, about this and that. She is somuchafraid.Shehasbeenmadeafraid! Thatisthetrickoftheman,tomakethewomanafraid. When thewomanis afraid she canbeeasily dominated.You cannot dominate somebody wh ois not afraid. So createfear! First man createsfearinwomen about their virginity he createsgreatfear that virgi nityis something very valuable.Downthecenturieshehas createdthatfear,soeverygirlisafraid:ifshe lo sesher virginity, all is lost. Through thatfear she cannot relate to people, she cannot make friendships, she cannotmovein freedom. She cannothaveafewexperiencesbeforeshe decides whomto choo se. Thefear... she has tobe virgin. Lookatthe distinction:theyhavenottoldtheboysthat youhavetobe virgin they say boysare boys. And girls are not girls? Girls are girls too! Why are boys boys? Virginity is not asked from the boys. They are given freedom. Through virginity,agreat conditioning. And onceawoman becomes toomuch afraidof l osing her virginity think:uptothetwentiethyearofage,twentyyearsshehas been protectinghervi rginity, twentyyearsof conditioning she willbecomefrigid. Then she will never enjoy! Then she will never be able to flow in love; she will never have anyorgasm. Down the centuries, mill ions of women have not had anyorgasm theydon tknow what orgasmis. Theysimply suffer. They are simplym eansfor the man. Thisagreatdegradation. Butif virginityistooimportant,andthereistwentyyearsof conditioningthatonehastobe avirgin andalwayson guard, thenit willbeverydifficulttodrop that habit. How canyou sudde nlydropit aftertwentyyearsof conditioning? Just onedaythe honeymoon comesandyouhavetodropi
t how canyou drop it?You can only pretend but deepdownyou thinkyour husbanda crimin al,a beast, an ugly man, becauseheis doing something whichyouknowisa sin.You never al lowed any other man love is sin, and this man is doing that! No wifeisever capableofforgiving the husband. Infact,in Indiaparticularly, nowom an respects the husband, cannot. Shows all respect, but CANNOT respect deep down she hates t he man becausethisisthemanwhoisdraggingherintosin.Howcanyou respectthe husbandwhenheis the sinner? Withouthimyouwerea virgin;withhimyouhavefallen. That swhythe society t eaches too much: Respect the husband! because the society knows, naturally the woman wi ll not be able to respecthim,so respecthastobeforced... Respectthe husband! Becauseif thingsgon aturally, thenshewillHATEthisman.Thisisthemanwhois preparinghellforher. And outof this sin are born children how canyouloveyour children? Born outof sin, you will hate them too, deepdownin the unconscious. Theverypresenceof the children will remind you again and again of the sin thatyou have committed! TheTantra Vision,Vol1 180 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI The whole society has suffered because of this foolishness. Love is virtue, not sin. And to be capableof morelove,istobe morevirtuous.Tobecapableofenjoyingloveisa basic qualit yofa religious man these are mydefinitions. Anand Premisagreat clinger andshe thinks that whatsoeveristrue aboutheristrue abo utall women? In a way she is right, because all other women have been conditioned in t he same way. Butitisnottruth neither about otherwomennor aboutyou,AnandPrem,itisnottruth. Becomecapableofbeingindividuals,thenyouwillhave some tasteof freedom.A womanisne ver thoughtof as an individual. When sheis small, sheisa daughter. When sheisyoung, sheisa wife. When shebecomesa little older, sheisa mother;still older, sheisagrandmother but s heis never herself. Sometimesa daughter, sometimesa wife, sometimesa mother, sometimesagran dmother but NEVER herself.Always in relation to somebody else! Individuality is needed as a basic requirement. A woman is a woman! her being a daughter is secondary; her being a wife is secondary; her being a mother is secondary. A wom an is a woman her womanhood is primary. And when women start becoming individuals, there will be a totally differentworld morebeautiful, morejoyous. Now there is boredom and jealousy, nothing else. You are bored with the woman, t he woman is bored with you. You are jealous, she is jealous. Why does this jealousy come as a shadow of boredom? Boredombringsit.Too manypeople cometomeandthey wantnottobe jealous,but theydon t understand whyjealousy comes, theydon t understand the mechanism of it. Listen: whenyouare boredwithawoman,youknowdeepdownthatshemustbe boredwithyoutoo. That s natural! If sheis bored withyou, then shemustbe lookingfor some other man s omewhere the milkman, the postman, the driver whosoever is available, she must be looking somewhere. Youknowwhenyouarebored,youstartlookingatotherwomen. Soyouknow! thisisa natural inference. Jealousy arises. Soyou become jealous shemustbe looking. Thenyou star t finding ways to see whether she is looking or not. And, naturally, how can she avoid loo king? There are so many men and she isbored withyou. It is her life; her whole life is at stake.
Thewomanis jealous;sheknowsthatthe husbandisbored.Nowheisnotso delightedasheused tobe;nowhedoesnot comerunninghomewithjoy;nowhesimplytoleratesher.Infact,heis mor e interested in his newspaper than he is interested in her. He immediately gets ir ritated; small things and he becomes very, very angryand rough. All that softness, that honeymoon soft ness is gone. She knows he is bored. He is no more interested in her. Then suddenly,certainlysheknows,herinstinctknows,hemustbebecominginterestedsomew here else jealousy. Thenif somedayhe comeshomehappy,sheisworried:hemusthavebeenwith some woman, otherwise why is he looking so happy? If he goes for a holiday, or i f he goes for somebusinesstrip,sheisworried.Ifhestartsgoingtoomuchonbusinesstrips,it becomes m ore certain... jealousy poisons the relationship. But it is part of boredom! Ifyou are not bored with the person,you will not be j ealous becauseyou will not have that idea inyour mind. It is not, infact, because of theOTHER S inte rest in the other: it is because ofYOUR interest in the other thatyou become jealous, that jealousy arises. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 181 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Of course, women are more jealous because they are less free. Their boredom is m ore fixed. They know the man goes out; he has more possibilities, opportunities. They are encage d in the home, imprisoned in the home with the kids; it is difficult for them to have so much f reedom. They feel jealous. The more theyfeel jealous, the more theycling.Fear arises. If the man l eaves them, what willhappen?Aslave becomes MORE attachedtohissafety thantohis freedom.Aslavebecom es MORE attached to his security than to his freedom. That s what has happened. It ha s nothing to do with feminine psychology, Prem. Yes, I understand: it has happened to woman; it is an ugly phenomenon. It has to be dropped. It should not be so in the future if men and w omen become a little moreaware. AndBOTH are livingin hell! The Squire and his Lady were Chief Patrons of the Agricultural Show, and after t he opening ceremony they dutifully walked round, mixing with the tenants and peasantry, and looking at the exhibits. But his Lordship spent so much time in the beer tent that her Ladyship wandered off to admire the prizebull.Neverwasamale animalso splendidly equipped. My,but that safinebeastyouhave there, Giles, shesaidtotheyokelincharge. Yes,myLady,hebechampion,andfather o champions. Go on, tell me abouthim. Well, M am, this herebullwentto stud three hundred times lastyear. Indeed?Well,goovertohis Lordshipwillyou,mygoodfellow,andtellhim there sabullherewen t to stud three hundredtimes in oneyear, willyou. Giles dutifully trotted up to Squire and gave the message.... Veryinteresting indeed, was his comment, always the same cow,Ipresume? Oh, no indeed, Sir, three hundred different cows. Aha,goand tellherLadyship that, willyou. Animals are so happy... because theydon t have anyinstitution to live in. And, min dyou,I am not
against marriage:I amfora higher marriage. I am against THIS marriage because th ismarriage has created prostitution.I amfora higher marriage. Ifyoucanfindthe intimacy,spiritual intimacywithamanorwoman,thentherewillbeaNATUR AL togetherness no law is needed to enforce it. Then there will be a spontaneous jo yin being together. Till it lasts, good; when itdisappears,there is nopoint in being together no poi nt at all! Thenyou are crushing each other, killing each other; thenyou are eithera masochist ora s adist you are neurotic. IfMYideasomedayprevails whichseemsverydifficult,becausemanhasbecomesoaccustomed to dead roles that he has forgotten how to live if some day LIFE prevails and ma n becomes TheTantra Vision,Vol1 182 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI courageousenoughtolivedangerously,thentherewillbereal marriages,thenyouwillfindm any soulmates together. There will be no prostitution. Of course, the larger part of humanity will go on changing partners,but nothing is wrong in it. The only problem that arises again and againin the mindsof men andwomen is:What abou t kids? That isnotabigproblem.My conceptionisthatof commune,notofafamily.Familieshavetodisapp ear communes should exist. For example, this is a commune. Kids should belong to the commune, and the commu ne should take care of the kids. The mother should be known, who the mother is,but thefath er should not be known thereisno need. Thatwastheoriginal stateof humanity: matriarchal. Then soc iety became patriarchal:fatherbecame important. And with thefather camea thousand and one il lnesses. The greatest illnesshasbeenprivateproperty;itcamewithfather.Andthesocietywillsufferf romprivate property untilfather disappears. Acommune where kids belong to the commune, when the commune can take care of the m. The mother will look after them,but the mother can trust one thing: that she can mov e from one man to another there is no problem in it. The kids should be taken care of; even if she dies, the commune is there. And, when the property belongs to the commune and not to any individual, there w ill be real communism.EveninSoviet Russia,real communismdoesnotexist.It cannotexistwiththefa ther; itis impossible.Private property came withthefamily, withthenuclearfamily father, mother, kids then private property came. Private property can go only when this nuclear famil y disappears and a totally new concept of commune arrives. It is possible now. The world has come to that state of consciousness where communes can exist, and THROUGH communes, communism not otherwise. Not that communism comes first it is not possible. If communism comes first, it will bring only dictatorship, it will bring only an ugly society as it has happened i n Soviet Russia or is happening in China.
First,.let therebe communal life asfar as sexis concerned, then property will di sappear. Propertyis partofsexual possession. Whenyou possessawoman,you possess property;whenyou poss ess a man,you possess property you have to possess property. Whenyou don t possess anyh uman being, who bothers to possess property? Then property is to be used; there is no need to possess. And it is easier to use it withoutpossessing it, because people who possess cann ot use it they are always afraid, they are miserly. Property can be used more freely. But first thefamily hasto disappear. Iam not sayingthat allfamilies will disappear. Only spiritualfamilies will remai n; non-spiritualfamilies will disappear. But it is good, because those people who are not spiritual enoug h, why should they beforcedto remain bored? Whyshouldtheybeforcedto remainina relationship whichdoe snot lead to anyjoy? Why? This is criminal. Thefourth question: Question4 TheTantra Vision,Vol1 183 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI IUSEDTOTHINK THATIAM PRETTYAWARE,PRETTY SURRENDERED. THATIMAGE STILL CROSSESMYMIND,BUTIDON T REALLYBELIEVEINIT. AND ALL THIS MAKESMEWONDER THAT MAYBE ALL YOUR TALK OF AWARENESS AND SURRENDER IS JUST TO DRIVE US CRAZY LIKEACARROTIN FRONT OFADONKEY, AND THATNONE OF IT REALLYEXISTS ANDTHATMAKESMEFEELANGRY, STUPIDAND INDIFFERENTALLATONCE. THE CARROTEXISTS... AND THE DONKEY DOESNOT.Nowitisuptoyouto choose:you can beadonkey,thenthe carrotdoesnotexist.Ifyoulookatthe carrot,the carrotexistsandth edonkey disappears. Naturally,ifyou think the carrot does notexist,you willfeel angry, s tupid and indifferent, becauseyou willbe the donkey. Rather than thinking that the carrot does notexist ,whydon tyou look insideyourself doyouexist? My whole emphasis is: Enlightenmentexists you don texist! Awareness exists not exist: that is mywhole emphasis. ego does
Butstill,the choiceisyours;itisuptoyou. Ifyouwantto choose misery, thenmiseryis possible onlywiththeego thenyouhaveto choosetheego,thenyouhaveto choosethedonkey.Thenyou havetogoon believingthatthe carrotdoesnotexist.BUTIT EXISTS!And onceyou startfee ling the carrot,you willstart seeing thatthe donkeyis disappearing:itwasjustan idea. Withthe carrot thereisbliss. Withtheego thereisonly hell. Choose whatsoeveryouwantto choose.... The fifth question: Question5 BEFORE I MET YOU, I WAS MISERABLE AND TOTALLY UNAWARE. NOW, I AM MISERABLE WITH SOME DEGREEOFAWARENESS. WHAT S NEW? CAN TYOU SEE IT? THATSOME DEGREEOFAWARENESS -doyou thinkitisvalueless? That isthe firstray... andthesunisnotfaraway.Ifyou catchholdoftheray,ifyoumoveinthedi rection therayiscomingfrom,youwillreachtothevery sourceoflight. If even ONE ray exists in darkness, it is enough proof of light, of God. Don t cal l it some degree of awareness . ButI understand. Wehave lived unaware so long,wehavelived unconsciously solong,w ehave lived like machines so long, that even when a little awareness comes, our old ha bits are so heavy, so big....
There was once a young woman joined the ATS and went for her medical. The doctor had her stripped off, and then called over his assistant. Look at that: the biggest navel I ve ever seen in all mycareer! Theyoung doctor lookedand said, By George,girl, that sahugenavel canItakea photograp hof itfor the medical press? Thegirl wasfedupand couldnotunderstandwhatallthiswasinaidof. You dhaveabignavelif you dbeen in the Salvation Armyfor as manyyears asIhave. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 184 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI This only heightened the mystery. The Salvation Army? ? I carried the bannerfor tenyears! And you have been carrying the banner for millions of lives so the navel has bec ome very big. The unconsciousness is all your biography; all that you know about yourself is nothing but unconsciousness. So even when a ray of light enters, first you cannot trust it. Maybe you are lookingata dream? illusion? projection?Maybe thereis sometrickinit!Evenifyoutrus tit,it looks so small againstyourgreatpastthatyou cannottrustthatitisgoingtohelpinany way. But let me tellyou one thing: a small candleis morepowerful than ALL the darknes s uponall the planets. Darkness has no power;darkness is impotent. A small candle is potential BECAUSE IT IS! Darkness is just an absence. Aman came to the surgery covered withblood and bruises. he doctor. It s mywife another of her nightmares. What is the matter? said t what s that got to do with it
Don t talk daft man!She might have kickedyou,but not these injuries. Listendoc,shehadoneofher nightmares:she shoutedout, Getout,quick myhusbandiscoming home! And me beingonly halfawake, naturally,Ijumped straight outof the window. It is a long, old habit of being unconscious. But look at that some degree of awar eness , focus yourselfonit thatisyourhope. Through that smallrayopensthedoor. Can tyou seeit?Youa sk me: What is new? The sixth question: Question6 IAMACATHOLICCHRISTIAN.ILOVEYOURTALKS,BUTWHENYOUSAYSOMETHING WHICH GOESAGAINST MY RELIGION THENIAM TERRIBLYUPSET. WHATSHOULDIDO? THERE ARE THREE THINGS: first, only listen to that which suitsyou; don t listen to that which goes againstyou. That swhatmany aredoing, otherwiseitisgoingtobearoughjourney.Butwhenyo u areherelistening,itis difficult howtoavoidthat?Infact,beforeyouknowitisagainstyou ,you
have listened to it. Thenyouneedtodosomething whichprofessorsknowhowtodo, pundits, scholarsknowhowtod o. Whenyou listento something which goes againstyou, first: thinkthatitistrivial;it does notmatter; itisnotveryrelevant;itdoesnotchangeyourmind.Itisasmallthing!Maybea littlediffere ncein the details,but basicallyOshoagreeswithyou.Keepthatinthemind. It happened: A woman went to the doctor and complained she could not get passionate. The doct or examined her,andtoldherthatifshewouldfollowhis specialdietshewouldgetvery randy. Thiswasa greed, TheTantra Vision,Vol1 185 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI but afterafewweeks shewas backand said, t so passionateIchewedmyboyfriend s ear off. There s something gone wrong! Last nightIgo
Oh, don t worryabout that trifle, said the doctor, it s only protein no carbohydrates. Thisis the firstway: that onlyin small details... itis nothingvery important. Yo u need notworry. That will helpyou andyou will not get so upset. The second thing is: interpret it mm? that s what Saraha goes on saying: Be interp retative! Interpretitinsuchawaythatit comes closertoyour idea. That canalwaysbe done;a lit tleskillis need.Alittlelogic,a littleplaywithwords that sall.Itisnotmuchofaproblem;youcan man ageit. Ifyouhave really beena Catholicit will notbe difficultat all. Listen to this: The Irish navvies were digging the road outside a house full of made-up floozies . A parson came along,pulleddownhishatandwentin.SaysPattoMike, Didyousee that!Justwhatyou d expect with one of them parsons! Soonafter,arabbiarrived,turneduphis collar,andinhewent.SaysMiketoPat, Isitnotaterr ible thingthatthepriestofGod sOwnPeople shouldgoin there! Lastly a Catholic priest arrived, wrapped his cloak round his head, and dived qu ickly into the bawdy house. Pat, isn t that dreadful now, to think that one of the girls must have been taken i ll. This is an interpretation. When the rabbi goes, it is something else; when the p riest goes, it is something else; when the Catholic priest arrives... you can change the interpret ation. There is no problem in it: now some girl seems to be ill. This is the second wayto avoid me. And the third wayis: think that this guy here is mad. That is the surest of all if nothing else works, that works. Just think that this man is mad! Only a madman can say things agains
t Catholicism. Thatwillhelpyou,andwillnot upsetyouatall. The newly appointed priest thought he d walk this vast parish and meet the flock. One day he followeda dustytrackfor milesto findadevoutfamily withfourteenchildren. Goodday, Connelly,you rea creditto Ireland the biggestfamilyintheparish. Goodday,father,butthisisnotthe biggestfamilyintheparish that sDoylan,overthe hill. Itwasa tiredpriest whogreetedDoylan and his sixteen children...but Godbless all t heseeighteen little Catholics, he said. Sorryfather,but thisisa Protestantfamily! TheTantra Vision,Vol1 186 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI ThenI llgoat once, saidthepriest, forit s nothingbutadirtysex maniacthatye are! IfIgowithyou, thismanisgreat ;ifIdon tgowithyou think thismanismad thatwillhelpyou.
These are the tricks others are playing and not getting upset. Nowyou know the s ecrets... you can do that too. Butifyour wholeeffortisnottoget upset,thenwhy areyou here?My wholeefforthereisto make youasmuchupsetaspossible.Thenwhygowithmeatall? UnlessIupsetyou,Icannottransform you. UnlessIdestroyyou,I cannot createyou. UnlessI amverydrastic, thereisnoway,n ohope foryou. Itismycompassion thatIgoon hammeringonyour head because thatistheonlyway! AndIha ve tohammertoomuch:whatcanIdo? youhavesuchthickheads. Somethingupsetsyou because something true comes intoyour vision; otherwise it will not upsetyou. Always remember: anything upsettingyouisvaluable... thinkoverit, meditate overit . Allowitto haveitswholesay. Contemplateoverit.Letitbethere presentinyourbeinglongsothatyouc an look at itfrom all the angles possible because something upsetting simply means that something has madeyouaware that whatsoeveryouhave been believinguptonowisjustalie. Onlytru th upsets. Only truth destroys because only truth can create. Iamachaos... andifyouarereallygoingtobewithme,youhavetopassthroughchaos. That s whatSarahasays, that swhatTantraisall about destructuring,takingyourcharacteraway, taking your ideologyaway,TAKINGYOUR MINDAWAY!Itis surgical. Iam helpless.Ihavetodoit.AndIknowitisaverythanklessjob. The last question: Question7 WHATIS SAMSARA? The samsara is this story: The Londonfogwasswirlingoverthe Thamesasayoungtramp settled himselfontheembankme nt for the night. Suddenlyhewas rousedby a gentlevoice and lookingup sawa beautiful brunette alighting from her chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce.
Mypoor man, she said, youmustbe terribly coldandwet. Letmedriveyoutomyhomeandput youupfor the night. Of course, the tramp didn t refuse this invitation and climbed into the car beside her. After a short drive the car stopped before a large Victorian mansion and the brunette stepped out, beckoning the tramptofollowher.Thedoorwasopenedbythebutler,into whosechargetheladygavethetramp , with instructions that he should be given a meal, a bath and a comfortable bed i n the servants quarters. TheTantra Vision,Vol1 187 Osho
CHAPTER 10. HINGLE DE JIBITY DANGELY JI Some while later,asthebrunettewas preparingto retire,it occurredtoherthather gue st mightbe in need of something, so, slipping on her negligee, she hurried along to the ser vants wing. As she roundedthe cornera chinkof light met hereye,indicating thattheyoung manwasawake. Knocking softlyonthedoorsheenteredthe roomand inquiredoftheyoungmanwhyhewasnot sleeping. Surelyyou are not hungry? Oh no,yourbutlerfedme royally. Then perhapsyour bed is not comfortable? But it is soft and warm. Thenyoumust need company.Moveovera little.... TheTantra Vision,Vol1 188 Osho