Michael Robert Patterson (2008) Structural Glass Facades

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Michael Robert Patterson

A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree

May 2008

Copyright 2008 Michael Robert Patterson
Ep i g r a p h

To L i f el o n g L ear n i n g
Ded i c at i o n

To my b r i d e, Vi c t o r i a Mer c ed es , wi t h al l my h ear t .
A c k n o w l ed g emen t s
The last few years have provided the most intense learning experience of my life, and that is
a most wonderful thing. I want to extend my profound gratitude to my thesis committee with
Professor G.G.Schierle, Ph.D., FAIA, as Chair, and Professors Marc E. Schiler, IES, LC, and
Douglas Noble, FAIA, Ph.D. I am deeply impressed by what these extraordinarily talented
and dedicated teachers do in creating a culture of learning that both embraces and
transcends the various cultures of the individuals that move through the Chase L. Leavitt
Graduate Building Science Program. Their passion for both learning and teaching, their
commitment to the success of the students, and their plain hard work are an inspiration to
me. To the extent that my work here falls short by any measure, my limits are my own; these
gentlemen have done all they could to support and encourage me in improving upon my
I want to thank my student colleagues in the Building Science Program. I have learned from
each of them, enjoyed their company, and had the privilege of sharing life experiences with
them over the past two years. They have been generous, kind and patient without exception
and regardless of circumstance. I hope to see them in the future, but most of all I wish all of
them the very best of life as they move into their careers.
Thanks to Chase Leavitt for his great contribution to the creation of such a remarkable
program and environment, providing such an exceptional learning experience for so many. I
have had great esteem for the Graduate Building Science Program at USC since first
learning of it many years ago, and it is truly an honor to finally have participated in the
program as a student. And my thanks to the entire faculty and staff that make the USC
School of Architecture a functional as well as an exciting place to be.
One cannot help but burden others when doing as I have done under the circumstances in
which I have done it. I am indebted to the following people that inhabit vast areas of my
I want to extend special appreciation and thanks to my partner, TJ Dehghanyar. TJ is that
rare and extraordinary combination of poet and engineer, business partner and friend. I have
burdened him with my educational pursuits, and he is invariably prepared to become the
tutor in response to my questioning. His support was vital to my thesis, and I greatly
appreciate his help. Thanks Doc.
My parents, Bob and Toni, enjoyed their 60
wedding anniversary this year; enjoyed, and
that is truly the magic and beauty of their relationship; they have enjoyed every year of the
60. It is truly a gift to have parents that teach you that nothing is beyond you, that challenges
are opportunities; parents that love, support and encourage you no matter what the
circumstances. I thank them for this gift with all my heart. Thanks Mom and Pop.
My parents showed me the way to the greatest creation of my life, the shared creation of a
relationship that will be 25-years of our own this year, Victoria and me. The appreciation and
thanks that I have for my wife inhabit another realm, along with the love I have for this
woman. Her cheerful sacrifice and fearsome devotion made this work possible. You are my
inspiration and my passion. You are my girl.
I also want to thank all the youngsters who shared the extraordinary experience of ASI with
me; I will always appreciate your contribution and friendship.
Finally; I have had a life full of teachers, and I have done my very best to learn from them all.
Now I want to thank you all.
Mic Patterson 30 March 2008
Table of Contents
Epigraph ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
List of Tables viii
List of Figures xi
Abstract xxi
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 - Context 8
1.1 Structural Glass Faades Defined 8
1.2 Historical Context 12
1.3 Market Forces and the Evolution of Structural Glass Facades 25
1.4 Structural Glass Facades as Emergent Technology 47
Chapter 2 - Materials, Processes, and Systems 58
2.1 Overview 58
2.2 Structural Support Systems 59
2.3 Steel 79
2.4 Glass 87
2.5 Glass Systems 117
Chapter 3 - Building Products, Processes, Methods, and Delivery Strategies 130
3.1 The Scope of Work 132
3.2 Project Delivery Methods 138
3.3 A Project Delivery Strategy for Innovative Technology 144
Chapter 4 - Precedents; Design Guidelines, Design and Teaching Tools, Learning
Resources 149
4.1 Design Guidelines 150
4.2 Design Tools 151
4.3 Teaching Tools and Learning Programs 158
4.4 Reference Materials 163
4.5 The Medium 168
Chapter 5 - Thesis Intent 173
5.1 Research Summary and Conclusions 173
5.2 Thesis Product 175
Chapter 6 - Categorization and Organization of Materials, Processes and Systems 180
6.1 Faade Structure Types: Categorization Scheme and Comparative Analysis 181
6.2 Glass Types: Categorization Scheme and Comparative Analysis 243
6.3 Glass System Types: Categorization Scheme and Comparative Analysis 259
6.4 Other Considerations in Glass Selection 282
Chapter 7 - Tools, Resources, and Concept Development Methodology 288
7.1 A Simple Case 292
7.2 FacadeDesigner.com 294
7.3 The Explorer Modules 298
7.4 The Designer Modules 302
7.5 Designing for Simplicity 330
Chapter 8 - A Learning Program 333
8.1 Exposed Structural Systems and Long-span Glass Facades 333
8.2 Summary 344
Chapter 9 - Testing 347
9.1 Learning Program 347
9.2 StructureDesigner 385
Chapter 10 - Summary and Conclusions 396
10.1 Thesis Summary 396
10.2 Evaluation and Recommended Improvements 399
10.3 Opportunities for Future Research 411
Bibliography 420
L i s t o f Tab l es
Table 2-1 Wire rope construction (Wire Rope 2008). 85
Table 2-2 Hayden Planetarium, New York; Polshek Partnership architect, glass fixing by
TriPyramid Structures (TriPyramid 2005). 86
Table 2-3 Properties of Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass (Pilkington 2008). 89
Table 2-4 Raw materials used in typical float glass (Pilkington 2008, p.2). 90
Table 2-5 Chemical analysis of a typical clear float glass (Pilkington 2008, p.2). 90
Table 2-6 Glass weights (Anver 2008 modified). 90
Table 2-7 Characteristics of heat-treated glass (GANA 2005, p.7). 103
Table 2-8 Data compiled from the websites of Viracon and Pilkington regarding distortion
resulting from heat-treatment (Viracon 2008b) (Pilkington n.d.). 107
Table 2-9 Maximum glass sizes. 110
Table 6-1 Attributes of structure types. 181
Table 6-2 Morphological categorization of facade structure types. 182
Table 6-3 Strongback attributes. 197
Table 6-4 Glass fin attributes. 200
Table 6-5 Space frame/space truss attributes. 205
Table 6-6 Simple truss attributes. 211
Table 6-7 Mast truss attributes. 216
Table 6-8 Cable truss attributes. 221
Table 6-9 Tensegrity attributes. 226
Table 6-10 Grid shell attributes. 231
Table 6-11 Cable-supported structure attributes. 235
Table 6-12 Glass panel types for structural glass facades. 244
Table 6-13 Applications for laminated glass. 254
Table 6-14 Categorization of glass system types. 259
Table 6-15 Stick system attributes. 263
Table 6-16 Unitized system attributes. 265
Table 6-17 Veneer system attributes. 268
Table 6-18 Panel system attributes. 271
Table 6-19 Point-fixed drilled system attributes. 275
Table 6-20 Point-fixed clamped system attributes. 279
Table 7-1 StructureExplorer: Included Structure Types. 299
Table 9-1 Group A, 1st test results. 351
Table 9-2 Group A, 2nd test results. 352
Table 9-3 Group B, 1st test results. 353
Table 9-4 Group B, 2nd test results. 354
Table 9-5 Cable net; omparison of test case results. 390
Table 9-6 Simple truss; comparison of test case results. 394
L i s t o f Fi g u r es
Figure 1.1 Berlin Central Train Station; section at cable truss (Schlaich & Gugeler 2005, p.1)
Figure 1.2 Berlin Central Station; construction photo (BBC News 2006). 11
Figure 1.3 Chartres Cathedral, France, 1194-1260. (Beck 2008) 16
Figure 1.4 Carson Pirie Scott Building, Chicago 1898, Louis Sullivan architect. (Billmoy
2003) 16
Figure 1.5 Chartres Cathedral, south ambulatory from west. (J ohnson Architectural Images
2007) 17
Figure 1.6 The Gage Building, 1898 Holabird and Roche with Louis Sullivan (Sullivan n.d.).
Figure 1.7 Carson Pirie Scott building, Chicago, Louis Sullivan architect, 1903 (Library of
Congress 1903). 27
Figure 1.8 Reliance Building, Chicago, 1894 (Library of Congress 1890). 27
Figure 1.9 Maquesse Glass Skyscraper, Mies van der Rohe, 1922 (Glass skyscraper n.d.).
Figure 1.10 860-880 Lakeshore Drive, Mies van der Rohe, 1951 (City of Chicago 1951). 28
Figure 1.11 The Seagram Building, Mies van der Rohe and Philip J ohnson, 1954 (Seagram
Building n.d.). 29
Figure 1.12 Lever House, Gordon Bunshaft SOM, 1951 (Shankbone 2007). 29
Figure 1.13 Willis Faber & Dumas Building, Ipswich; Foster and Associates, 1972
(Cambridge 2000 Gallery 2005). 31
Figure 1.14 Willis Faber & Dumas night image, (Craven n.d.). 31
Figure 1.15 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Steven Holl Architects, completed
2007 (Ryan 2007). 35
Figure 1.16 Garden Grove Church; J ohnson/Burgee architects (Nardella 2007). 36
Figure 1.17 Cable trusses of Les Serres, Paris; Adrien Fainsilber with RFR (author's image).
Figure 1.18 Louvre Pyramid by night, Paris; Pei Partnership architects (Goran 2007). 38
Figure 1.19 Banque Populaire de l'Ouest; Decq and Cornette architects, 1990 (DuPont
2002). 38
Figure 1.20 Cable net at the Kimpinski Hotel, Munich; Murphy/J ahn architect with Schlaich
Bergermann engineers (photo courtesy of Schlaich Bergermann). 39
Figure 1.21 Channel 4 Headquarters, Richard Rogers Partnership, 1994, (Boake 2007). 40
Figure 1.22 USB Tower cable net faade; a full scale mockup prepared for testing (ASIDI).
Figure 1.23 UBS Tower cable net facade; testing underway (ASIDI). 51
Figure 1.24 USB Tower cable net facade; water penetration test in progress (ASIDI). 51
Figure 2.1 Tension rod rigging terminations (Sta-Lok 2008). 61
Figure 2.2 A veneer type system in section view is continuously supported by either a simple
strongback or the outher chord of a truss (ASIDI). 63
Figure 2.3 Simple trusses set at each vertical grid module (ASIDI). 64
Figure 2.4 Simple trusses alternate with vertical cable trusses (ASIDI). 65
Figure 2.5 A horizontal bolts into a vertical simple truss (ATS). 65
Figure 2.6 Spertus Institute, Chicago; faceted glass faade, Krueck Sexton Architects, 2007
(Built Chicago 2008). 66
Figure 2.7 Simple truss system with internal tension rod bracing and rectangular exterior
chord (ASIDI). 66
Figure 2.8 Truss identification: bridge types (Historic American Engineering Record 1976) 68
Figure 2.9 A planar mast truss with point-fixed glass during installation (ASIDI). 69
Figure 2.10 Mannheim Mulithalle, Germany; grid shell by Frie Otto with Burro Happold, 1975
(Griel 2006) 70
Figure 2.11 Gridshell glass canopy (New Trade Fair in Milan n.d.) 71
Figure 2.12 Needle Tower, 1968 by Kenneth Snelson. 72
Figure 2.13 Sections of Georgia Dome (Castro & Levy 1992). 72
Figure 2.14 Interior and exterior of Georgia Dome (ballparks.com n.d.). 73
Figure 2.15 The spreader is the only compression element in this cable truss system
(ASIDI). 73
Figure 2.16 Cable trusses span between tubular steel infrastructure (ASIDI). 74
Figure 2.17 UBS Tower,Chicago; flat cable net, Lohan Caprille Goetsch Architects (ASIDI).
Figure 2.18 A typical cable net clamp (AISD). 76
Figure 2.19 Sea-Tac Airport, Seattle; double curved cable net, Fentress Bradburn Architects
2005 (ASIDI). 77
Figure 2.20 Glass fins are set perpendicular to the glass plane to resist lateral loads (ASIDI).
Figure 2.21 Splice plates at the fin sections act to tie point-fixed glass to fins (ASIDI). 79
Figure 2.22 Center Pompidou, Paris; Rodgers and Piano architects, cast gerberettes on the
production floor (Vincent n.d.). 80
Figure 2.23 Wire rope diagram (Saftey Sling 2005). 84
Figure 2.24 Float glass process diagram (Encyclopedia Britannica n.d.). 88
Figure 2.25 Pilkington float glass plant in Moscow, completed 2006 (Bovis n.d.). 88
Figure 2.26 Diagram of laminated glass (Viracon 2006). 92
Figure 2.27 Diagram of insulated glass unit (IGU) (Viracon 2006). 95
Figure 2.28 Diagram of low-E function (Viracon 2006). 98
Figure 2.29 How Sageglass technology works (Sage n.d.). 100
Figure 2.30 Size limitations of tempered glass (Viracon 2008d). 110
Figure 2.31 Chart of solar spectrum (Viracon 2006, p.4. 113
Figure 2.32 RAT equation (Viracon 2006). 113
Figure 2.33 RAT equation example (Viracon 2006). 113
Figure 2.34 Diagram of shading coefficient (Viracon 2006, p.4). 114
Figure 2.35 Diagram of thermal heat transfer mechanisms (Viracon 2006, p.4) 114
Figure 2.36 Detail of a panelized glazing system (ASIDI). 120
Figure 2.37 Point-fixed insulated glass with butt-glazing (ASIDI). 121
Figure 2.38 Detail of a point-fixed clamped system (ASIDI). 123
Figure 2.39 Diagram of structural glazing (Viracon 2006). 124
Figure 2.40 Diagram of butt-glazed silicone joint (Viracon 2006). 125
Figure 4.1 Product selection tool, screen 1. 152
Figure 4.2 Product selection tool, screen 2. 153
Figure 4.3 Product selection tool, screen 3. 153
Figure 4.4 Product selection tool, screen 4. 154
Figure 4.5 Input screen for Daylight 1-2-3. 156
Figure 4.6 Start-up document for Daylight 1-2-3. 157
Figure 4.7 Structures website homepage. 171
Figure 4.8 PowerPoint presentation in pdf format from the Structures website. 172
Figure 6.1 Generalized complexity of structure types; listed in order of increasing complexity.
Figure 6.2 Generalized behavior attributes of structural system types. 196
Figure 6.3 Biosphere 2; a large glass-clad space frame enclosure (Biosphere 2 2006). 205
Figure 6.4 Typical simple truss configuration. 212
Figure 6.5 Mast truss 217
Figure 6.6 Typical cable truss design. 222
Figure 6.7 A corner truss in a cable truss system. 223
Figure 6.8 Horizontal cable truss bracing a rectangular tube. 224
Figure 6.9 An overhead curved gridshell structure (Novum Structures 2008). 232
Figure 6.10 Cable clamp for cable-hung system; exploded view. 238
Figure 6.11 Cable clamp for flat cable net. 238
Figure 6.12 New Beijing Poly Plaza; SOM architect (Gritth 2007a). 240
Figure 6.13 Rocker arm detail on New Beijing Poly Plaza cable net; SOM architect, (Gritth
2007b). 241
Figure 6.14 Veneer system typical section. 269
Figure 6.15 Panel system connection detail. 273
Figure 6.16 Point-fixed bolted system with spider fitting and insulated glass. 276
Figure 6.17 Point-fixed clamped system with insulated-laminated glass during installation.
Figure 7.1 Process map of simplified structural glass faade design methodology. 291
Figure 7.2 Conceptual diagram of FacadeDesigner.com Website. 295
Figure 7.3 FacadeDesigner.com homepage. 296
Figure 7.4 GlassExplorer homepage in development. 299
Figure 7.5 StructureExplorer Web page, early development. 300
Figure 7.6 Diagram of simple truss with input variables. 305
Figure 7.7 Buckling diagram (Schierle 2008, p.134). 307
Figure 7.8 Dynamic relaxation displacement response graph. 313
Figure 7.9 Dynamic relaxation velocity response graph. 314
Figure 7.10 StructureDesigner simple truss analysis form. 316
Figure 7.11 StructureDesigner cable net input screen. 317
Figure 7.12 FacadeDesigner: select glass makeup. 320
Figure 7.13 FacadeDesigner: glass grid input. 322
Figure 7.14 Illustration of grid dimension variables. 323
Figure 7.15 Example of horizontal glass grid. Figure 7.16 Mid-span connection of long
horizontal IGU. 325
Figure 7.17 Vertically oriented glass grid with truss at each gridline. 326
Figure 7.18 Example of vertical glass grid with horizontal module providing visual accent. 326
Figure 7.19 FacadeDesigner: select structure type. 327
Figure 7.20 FacadeDesigner: select output. 329
Figure 8.1 Title page. 335
Figure 8.2 Introductory page required by the AIA/CES for each program. 336
Figure 8.3 Optional page suggested by AIA/CES to protect copyrighted information. 336
Figure 8.4 Learning objectives required by AIA,CES. 337
Figure 8.5 Glass system types are introduced. 338
Figure 8.6 Attributes of point-fixed systems. 338
Figure 8.7 Glass and the glass manufacturing process. 339
Figure 8.8 Introduction of structural systems. 339
Figure 8.9 Each system type is presented with primary system attributes. 340
Figure 8.10 Sample problem as interactive content. 340
Figure 8.11 Required ending slide. 341
Figure 9.1 Group A, percent right, wrong; 1st and 2nd tests. 355
Figure 9.2 Group A 1st test response by question category. 356
Figure 9.3 Group A 2
test response by question category. 356
Figure 9.4 Group A combined responses by question category. 357
Figure 9.5 Group B, percent right, wrong; 1st and 2nd tests. 359
Figure 9.6 Group B 1st test response by question category. 360
Figure 9.7 Group B 2nd test response by question category. 360
Figure 9.8 Group B combined responses by question category. 361
Figure 9.9 Comparative responses of B Groups 2
test. 363
Figure 9.10 Comparison of group A and B, 1st and 2nd tests. 366
Figure 9.11 Comparison of correct responses between Groups A and B. 367
Figure 9.12 Comparison of incorrect responses between Groups A and B. 367
Figure 9.13 Comparison of dont know responses between Groups A and B. 368
Figure 9.14 Group A and B, 2nd test incorrect responses by question. 371
Figure 9.15 Delta incorrect responses Group A. 372
Figure 9.16 Delta incorrect responses Group B. 372
Figure 9.17 Cable net diagram. 387
Figure 9.18 StructureDesigner test case. 389
Figure 9.19 Space Gass model and output. 389
Figure 9.20 Simple truss diagram with input variables. 391
Figure 9.21 StructureDesigner simple truss test case. 392
Figure 9.22 Simple truss, Space Gass model and output. 393
Figure 9.23 Simple truss, Space Gass deflection output. 393
A b s t r ac t
This thesis formulates a hypothesis that the rate of diffusion of innovative building
technology, in this case structural glass faade technology, can be facilitated in a manner to
accelerate growth, and a strategy is developed for accomplishing this. In the process,
structural glass faade technology is defined and described, and significant aspects
categorized. A web-based resource is developed as a source for information, learning
programs, design guides and tools. Reference information is included with respect to all
aspects of the technology including glass materials, glass-fixing systems, and structural
systems as required to develop a comprehensive faade concept. A Microsoft Windows
based analytical design tool has also been developed to facilitate conceptual development of
appropriate faade solutions by aspiring adopters of the technology. The tool provides for
the development of comparative solutions from a selection of structure type options.
I n t r o d u c t i o n
An Advanced Glass Faade Technology has Developed and Matured Over the Past
Three Decades.
The building skin is a vitally important architectural consideration. No other building system
combines as significant an impact to both a buildings performance and aesthetic. The use
of glass as a component of the building envelope has been increasing since its initial
introduction as a building material, accelerating in the twentieth century owing to the
development of high-rise steel framing systems and curtain wall cladding techniques. Little
has changed in the core technology of glass curtain walls and faades since their initial
development. Much has changed, however, in the building arts in the past decade alone in
terms of aesthetic and performance drivers, as well as in available structural systems and
In response to these market forces, new glass facade types have emerged in spot
applications over the past two decades. These new faade designs play off the primary
attribute of glass, its transparency, and increasingly off the structural properties of glass and
the integration of glass components into the structural system. As a body, a case can be
made that the completed works represent a new faade technology. Characteristics of this
technology include; highly crafted and exposed structural systems with long-spanning
capacity, integration of structure and form, simultaneous dematerialization and celebration of
structure, complex geometries, extensive use of tensile elements, specialized materials and
processes, an integration of structure and cladding system, and a complex array of design
variables ranging from facade transparency to thermal performance and bomb blast
The push by leading architects for transparency in the building envelope has historically
been the primary driver in the development of the new faade types. The faade structures
have developed in parallel with the development and application of frameless or point-fixed
glazing systems. While any type of glazing system can be supported by the new faade
structures, the point-fixed systems are the most used. Structural system designs with
minimized component profiles were desired to further enhance the transparency of the
faade. This led to structure designs making extensive use of tensile structural elements in
the form of rod or cable materials. A structural element designed only to accommodate
tension loads can be reduced significantly in diameter over a similar element that must
accommodate both tension and compression loads.
These new faade types have evolved primarily in long-span applications of approximately
20 ft (6m) and over, and can perhaps be best categorized by the various structural systems
employed as support. While these facade structure types are derived from the broad arena
of structural form, they have become differentiated in their application as facades.
Identifiable classes of cable trusses and cable nets are examples of such structure types.
This thesis proposes that these faade structure types represent the core of a new faade
technology. An component of this thesis will be to identify and classify this body of faade
structure types.
Advanced Faade Technology is Poised for Wider Application.
This emergent faade technology has been evolving for over thirty years, with considerably
varied application in the commercial building marketplace. Public sector works include
airports, courthouses, convention centers, civic centers, and museums. Private sector work
includes corporate headquarter buildings, hotels, retail and mixed-use centers, churches,
institutes and other privately funded public buildings.
While applications have been limited to a small niche market in the overall construction
industry, many innovative designs have been introduced over the years, with many more
creative imitations and variations springing from those. As a result, this technology has
matured over the years and is no longer largely comprised of experimental structures. It has
been tried and tested in a considerable diversity of built form; structural systems have been
adapted to faade applications; specifications and methods have been developed, tested
and disseminated; practitioners have built hundreds of highly innovative faade structures in
a variety of applications; development costs have been absorbed. An infrastructure of
material suppliers, fabricators and erectors has developed in response to increasing project
opportunities. These factors have combined to make the technology more competitive.
Thus, this body of faade types represents a mature building technology positioned for
broader application in the marketplace.
Growing Interest in the Use of Advanced Faade Designs
At the same time, owing to the high profile and success of recent projects featuring
advanced faade designs, increasing numbers of architects are interested in incorporating
this technology into their building designs. The new faade designs are becoming
increasingly valued by the design community for both their varied aesthetic and the ability to
provide a controlled transparency ranging from very high to modulated in response to
environmental considerations. Growing interest and a maturing technology promises
significant growth in the small niche market for advanced faade technology. There exists
the potential for a partial conversion in the larger curtain wall market, whereby the advanced
technology replaces conventional curtain wall in an increasing number of applications.
Barriers to Implementation
As with any emergent building technology, implementation requires an important element of
education to take place in the building community. Implementers must develop their design
techniques, then identify qualified fabricators and inform them as to the particular
considerations of material and process in demanding architectural application. Similarly,
installers must be informed of appropriate means and methods, the tools and techniques
required to assure an efficient erection process.
Perhaps most important is to inform the design community regarding the new technology.
There is a burgeoning interest among the design community in these new faade
technologies, but a widespread lack of technical familiarity with them. While many of the
larger architectural offices have experimented with these new faade forms, a great many
more small and midsize firms would like to utilize them in their designs but are not
comfortable with their capability to do so. A few specialty-consulting firms are available to
facilitate this work, but project budgets frequently exclude their participation. Lack of
familiarity by the design community can quite effectively limit the growth of new technology.
The hypothesis presented here is that strategies can be developed to accelerate the
diffusion of new and innovative technology into a broader market. More specifically, this
thesis proposes to develop a comprehensive methodology incorporating design resources,
guidelines, tools and learning programs to facilitate the implementation of structural glass
faade technology. Central to this strategy is informing the building community regarding
new and innovative technology, and providing the architect with a simplified methodology to
facilitate the development of appropriate conceptual designs without the requirement of a
paid specialty consultant. In a broader context, this thesis explores the implementation of
innovative technology, more particularly building technology, and most particularly structural
glass facades as a prime example of innovative building technology. In the process, the
intent is to define, categorize and describe this technology and the materials and processes
of which it is comprised, thereby perhaps adding to the rich vocabulary of this building form.
Design and Reference Tool
Building designers need information, delivery strategies, and tools to facilitate the
incorporation of advanced faade technology in their designs. Knowledge of the
fundamental considerations of material and system options, grid module, component sizing,
spanning capacity, span/depth ratio, deflection criteria, finish options and relative costs is a
prerequisite to the effective deployment of the technology in any specific design application.
The structural systems employed in the new faade technology are somewhat more complex
than conventional framing systems. Form determination with these structures is largely
driven by considerations of performance and less by arbitrary determinants of style. The
integration of structure and form characteristic of this technology make it imperative that the
designer have some feel for the behavior and attributes of the various structural systems and
the glazing systems they support. Very useful to the system designer would be a conceptual
design resource that would facilitate the development of comparative solutions in response
to a specific faade application. These solutions would be derived from the current body of
structural glass faade technology.
The program is envisioned ultimately as a web-based resource providing information, case
studies, technical reports, design guidelines and tools, for all aspects of structural glass
faade technology; glass, glass systems, structure systems and related systems and
components. such as a providing The tool will be useful to architecture and engineering
students as well as practitioners.
The primary focus of this thesis will be the definition of a resource embodying a
comprehensive implementation methodology for structural glass faade technology. The
process is the priority, and will be mapped out as a whole system. Pieces of the system will
be prototyped as an attempt to demonstrate the conceptual viability of the program.
Analytical tools are part of this; a simplified structural analysis tool for example, to determine
preliminary structure attributes such as truss system depth, grid, member sizing, deflections
and reaction loads in response to user-defined inputs such as span, spacing, and design
loads. Equally important however, is reference information with respect to such diverse
aspects of the technology as glass and glass-fixing systems, and project delivery strategies,
all as required to support the efficient development of an appropriate faade concept. Such
resources will enable the designer to develop a structural faade concept with the
confidence that the design can be engineered and detailed without significant modification,
and that realistic budgets can be developed along with the design.
Literature Search
While many publications deal with structural systems, and many others deal with building
skins, few if any deal specifically with the long-span glass faade technology referred to
herein. Nor is there a defined classification of the structural systems employed in these
applications. The best source of information on this technology can be derived from case
studies on the completed works to date.
All known forms of long-span faade structure types will be identified based upon a search of
the available literature and an informal survey of the built environment.
Design tools will also be researched in an attempt to identify prior work that may have
relevance to the effort described herein.
Classification of System Types
Long-span faade structure types identified in the search will be classified according to
parameters to be determined as part of this thesis exercise. Broad categories are
anticipated to be 1-way and 2-way spanning systems, and closed (no pre-tension forces to
boundary structure required for initial stability) and open (pre-tension forces to boundary
structure required for initial stability) structural systems. Further structure types will include;
simple trusses, cable trusses, flat cable nets, anticlastic cable nets, space frames, grid
shells, and glass fin structures.
FaadeDesigner: A Design Methodology for Long-span Structural Glass Facades
The intent is to develop a resource for use by the faade designer to facilitate the
development of an appropriate structural design from a choice of structural system types.
The methodology will start with development of the glazing grid, the prerequisite for the
design of an appropriate supporting structural system. Considerations of the glazing grid,
largely driven by attributes of glass type, fabrication, handling and installation, will be
provided as reference material.
Comparative attributes of the various structure types are developed and charted. Evaluation
criteria includes design, manufacturing, and installation complexity, spanning capacity,
transparency, interface system flexibility, glazing system types accommodated, adaptability
of form, and cost. A component of this methodology is a prototype tool for analyzing select
structure types identified from the classification process. The intent has been to create
simple, automated methodologies for determining span, interval spacing of primary structural
members, design loads and allowable deflection, system depth, member stresses and sizes,
and reaction loads.
Ch ap t er 1 - Co n t ex t
1. 1 St r uct ur al Gl ass Faades Def i ned
Structural glass facades and structural glass faade technology are terms used in this
thesis to describe a relatively recent class of building technology comprising a component of
the building envelope. The use of faade here is synonymous with building skin. Structural
glass facades integrate structure and cladding, and are used in long-span applications
(spans greater than approximately 20 feet (7 meters)) where heightened transparency and a
dematerialization of structure are often predominant design objectives. The structural
systems are exposed, and generally refined as a consequence. The design pursuit of
enhanced transparency in these faade systems has resulted in the development of
increasingly refined tension-based structural systems, where bending and compression
elements are minimized or eliminated altogether. In fact, it is a premise of this thesis that this
class of building technology can be most effectively categorized by the structural systems
that have developed to support these facades (see Chapter 6).
The various structural systems can support any of the glass system types, which will also be
identified, classified and discussed herein. While the technology can be classified by the
various structural systems employed, it was the advent of point-fixed (frameless) glazing

systems that provided the germinating force propelling the early development, and while
associated with a cost premium, point-fixed glazing systems remain the most commonly

Glazing is an industry term used almost interchangeably with glass, such as in glass
system and glazing system. However, glass is only the most common glazing material,
and the term can refer to any form of thin translucent material, so one may encounter the
term glass-glazing. A glazier is a construction professional specializing in anything from
residential windows to high-rise curtain walls.
used in structural glass facades. Point-fixed glazing systems are mechanically bolted or
clamped to supporting structure rather than continuously supported along two or four edges
as are conventional glazing systems.
However, while high transparency, dematerialization of structure, and point-fixed glazing
systems have come to characterize structural glass facades, the technology is not limited to
their use. Other glazing systems have been developed and frequently used in response to
objectives beyond mere transparency. Structural systems also have been used to express
exposed structure in a manner that celebrates them rather than attempting to make them
disappear. In fact, the current state of the technology can support a wide range of design
drivers ranging from controlled transparency to cost.
It is a contention of this thesis that structural glass faade technology is mature and robust,
and ready for broader infiltration into the building marketplace. There is, however, no
consistent nomenclature in general use describing this technology. Sweets Catalog, the
largest product catalogue in the construction marketplace, includes a section 08970
Structural Glass Curtain Walls that includes brochures by glazing subcontractors featuring
project examples of what are herein referred to as structural glass facades. The use of the
term curtain wall in describing these works is generally confusing and inappropriate. While
curtain walls are indeed frequently a part of the building envelope, especially in high-rise
construction projects, and often incorporate the use of glass as a cladding element, they are
a distinctly different product from structural glass facades. The difference between them is
discussed later in Chapter 2.
Another source of potential confusion is the term structural glass. This term is unfortunately
sometimes used in reference to point-fixed glazing systems, and also in referencing glass
used in actual structural applications, such as a beam or column element. The term could as
easily refer to tempered glass. In contrast, the use of the word structure in structural glass
facades as used herein refers to the structural system acting as the spanning element
supporting the faade. Structural glazing, on the other hand, refers to glass that is fixed to
supporting structure with a structural adhesive material in the absence of any mechanical
capture of the glass pane. Compagno (1995, p.16) comments that a more appropriate term
would be bonded glazing, as the supporting frame is the same as a conventionally
captured curtain wall system. Similarly, there is no generally accepted categorization or
naming of many of the glass and structure system types that comprise structural glass
faade technology.
It is conceivable that opaque panel materials other than glass could be used as a primary
cladding element on the faade structure systems. It is similarly conceivable that transparent
or translucent plastic materials could be used. The former condition would effectively remove
the resulting faade from the class described herein. The latter condition represents a
special case so infrequently encountered as to be of no particular consequence to this
naming strategy.
The structural systems used in support of structural glass facades are discussed generally in
Chapter 2, and rigorously identified and categorized in Chapter 6. It is interesting that the
majority of structural glass facades inhabit the top of the pyramid when it comes to
complexity and cost; the reasons for which are discussed later in this thesis. The intent here
is to describe the fundamental elements of this technology in a clear and simple form, and in
a manner that may provide for better understanding and result in wider application by the
building community; simpler, more efficient and economical solutions that begin to fill out the
base of the pyramid. To facilitate this simplification, the technology is viewed from the limited
application of essentially vertical, mostly planar faade structures as a partial element of the
building skin, and in fact this does represent the majority of existing application. However,
structural glass faade technology is capable of a remarkable diversity of form. All of the
basic structural systems can be used in sloped and overhead applications. More
significantly, many of the systems can be used to form complete building enclosures of
complex, irregular geometry. The structural systems can be mixed in combinations that open
up new possibilities of form and performance, or blended to form hybrid structural systems.
An excellent example of this is the Berlin Central Station train shed designed by von Gerkan
Marg and Partners (GMP) architects with Schlaich Bergermann and Partners engineers.

Figure 1.1 Berlin Central Train Station; section at cable truss (Schlaich & Gugeler 2005, p.1)

Figure 1.2 Berlin Central Station; construction photo (BBC News 2006).
The vaulted enclosure spans six tracks, curves slightly in plan following the curvature of the tracks, and
the section gradually reduces toward each end as the vaults move away from the central station. Flat,
multi-centered arched cable trusses are set on 13-meter (43 feet) centers, and cable-stiffened grid
shells span between the trusses. (Schlaich & Gugeler 2005, p.3)
That the technology can embrace such enormous complexity in geometry and form has
been of the utmost interest to the small group of highly innovative practitioners that have
developed it and pioneered its use. There will always be a tip of the pyramid to this
technology, the cutting edge in long-span glass facades represented by highly custom,
innovative designs that push the envelope of the technology beyond the current state of the
art. The intent here is to explore the potential for harvesting the spin-off from these
predecessor structures, repackaging it in a simplified, efficient, more accessible form with
broader potential market application, and transferring the resulting technology to a new
group of users.
1. 2 Hi st or i cal Cont ext
Structural glass faade technology is not new, having emerged from a variety of highly
innovative experimental structures over the past three decades or more. With roots in
Northern Europe, the technology can be traced back to a select few seminal projects and
among a handful of pioneering architects and engineers. From a broader perspective
however, structural glass faade technology can be seen as a prominent branch on the
evolutionary glass tree, commencing with humankinds early development of glass as a
material and most especially, the later development of glass as an architectural material.
1. 2. 1 Gl as s as Mat er i al
Glass is arguably the most remarkable material ever discovered by man, states Michael
Wigginton (1996, p.6) in his great book Glass in Architecture.
An estimated 4,000 years
ago, probably at the site of an ancient pottery kiln in the eastern Mediterranean, some
curious soul stopped to wonder at the unusual properties of an inadvertent mix of sand and
ash that had been exposed to the kilns heat, and ignited a love affair between man and
material, glass in this instance, that has been going strong ever since. Amato (1997, p.31)
references the old story attributed to Pliny (1
century AD), of the Phoenician sailors trading
in soda cooking on the beach one day and using blocks of soda (natron; an ash derived from
plant material) to support their cooking pots. The combination of sand, ash and heat
produced a primitive, translucent glass material. While one can never know the exact
circumstances of this imagining, one can assume the high probability of a discovery born of
some similar accident, and the earliest evidence of glass artifacts can be documented from
this time.
It was nearly another two thousand years before the technique of glass blowing was
discovered in the 1
century BC on the Syro-Palestinian coast, laying the foundation for the
diffusion of glass technology throughout the Roman world. Wigginton (1996, p.12) observes
that by the time of the Roman Empire, the composition of glass had been refined to a mix
quite similar to the slightly green-tinted soda lime glass used today in the manufacture of flat
glass: 69% silica, 17% soda, 11% lime and magnesia, and 3% alumina, iron oxide and
manganese oxide. However, it was not until the turn of the 18
and into the early 19

century that exacting recipes for the chemical mix were developed empirically by early
material scientists. Glass as material is explored more fully in Chapter 2.

This book is highly recommended to anyone interested in architectural glass or the use of
glass in architecture. The first chapter of this thesis draws heavily from Wiggintons
comprehensive, insightful and inspiring writings.
1. 2. 2 Ar c hi t ec t ur al Us e of Gl as s
It is difficult today to imagine a world of architecture without glass. Envision the built
environment of any other major urban city of the world, and imagine all of the glass instantly
disappeared; the naked skeletons of towers poking into the sky surrounded by perforated
buildings and exposed storefronts. Or rather, imagine all else gone and envision the glass
landscape uninterrupted by steel or concrete; it is remarkable the magnitude of glass
material that comprises the urban construct.

The use of glass in architecture has grown steadily since its first application as window
glass, dating back to approximately the 1
century AD. Its properties of color, translucency,
and transparency are so uncommon that mystical properties were often associated with it by
the various cultures using it. Early glass making processes were closely guarded secrets by
the ruling governments. Glass was traded as a prized material among kings and emperors of
the lands. The wealthy classes long ago developed an appetite for glass that has pushed
producers to make larger and better quality products over the centuries and continuing to
this day. Over the years, the taste for glass spread throughout the population as glass in
window applications became a commodity item in Northern Europe in the late 18
and into
the 19
centuries. Today, most people value floor-to-ceiling glass if they can get it, at least a
window if they cannot.
1. 2. 3 Gl as s as Wi ndow
The emergence of glass in window applications is attributed to the Romans in the Roman
Imperial period. Window glass was first used in isolated applications, such as in the public
baths to reduce air drafts. Early window glass was translucent, as the techniques for

This musing was inspired by a similar remark made by a moderator at the Engineered
Transparency Conference held in September 2007 at Columbia University. The author took
little note of these remarks at the time, and thus did not note the speakers name.
producing transparent glass products were yet to develop. Glass at this point was not about
transparency or view; it was most likely used for security and insulation from the exterior
environment and for natural lighting. Then, around 100 AD in Alexandria, some early
empirical materials experimenter tried the addition of manganese oxide to the melt, and
transparent glass was discovered. Important buildings in Rome were soon adorned with cast
glass windows, as were the villas of the wealthy in Herculaneum and Pompeii. (Fleming
In spite of the poor optical quality, the roots of future architectural glass production methods
were developed during this period. Rudimentary glass blowing and casting processes were
both available by the 1
Century AD and both could be used to produce glass that was
relatively flat and translucent, although size was very limited and thickness in both processes
was difficult to control. It was not until approximately the 11
century that Germanic and
Venetian craftsmen refined two processes for producing sheet glass, both involving glass
blowing techniques. One involved blowing a glass cylinder and swinging it vertically to form a
pod up to 3 m long and 45 cm in diameter. Then, while still hot, the ends were cut off the
pods, the cylinder cut lengthwise and laid flat. A second process involved opening a blown
glass ball opposite the blow pipe and spinning it. This process was to become common in
western Europe, and Crown glass as it was called was prized for certain optical properties,
although size remained very limited. (Wigginton 1996, p.13)
It is interesting to note that the push for transparency and increasing sheet size in glass
appears to date from the beginning of its use as an architectural material. References to the
various glass processes and comparisons between them often refer to the relative limitations
of size and optical imperfections.
Wigginton (1996, p.14) identifies the first true glass architecture as Northern European
Gothic. Utilizing structural elements of arches, vaults and flying buttresses, the builders of
the great cathedrals of the period were able to construct stone frames, highly expressive
structures, with large openings to the outside to admit light. The local climate conditions
never would have allowed for this if the openings had exposed the interior spaces to the raw
elements. A robust glass technology was available to fill this need in most dramatic fashion.
Glass was available in many colors, but only in small pieces. The window-makers developed
a structural system comprised of leaded bars that were used to tie the mosaic of glass
pieces into a single membrane of glass and lead capable of spanning the frequently quite
large openings. These large stained-glass windows represent an early precursor to structural
glass facades. In a similar manner, the morphology of the structural masonry frames with
glass membrane infill built around Paris from the 12
through the 14
centuries, herald the
new architecture to emerge in Chicago in the late 19
century in the work of Louis Sullivan
and others, where large glass sheets are used as infill to the new multi-story steel framing

Figure 1.3 Chartres Cathedral, France, 1194-1260.
(Beck 2008)

Figure 1.4 Carson Pirie Scott Building, Chicago
1898, Louis Sullivan architect. (Billmoy 2003)

Figure 1.5 Chartres Cathedral, south ambulatory from west. (Johnson Architectural Images 2007)

This first glass architecture was not concerned with transparency. The windows were not
designed for view, often located high on the cathedral walls. Rather they were an exploration
of light, the luminous properties of colored glass, and to communicate the stories and
messages of the church to a largely illiterate congregation. (Wigginton 2006, p.14)
Glass production and the secular use of glass increased steadily throughout the Italian
Renaissance. By the 18
century, window glass had become a commodity item in Northern
Europe. Double-hung windows were also developed in England during this period. The use
of glass in architecture branched to the development of fenestration as an elevation design
technique, and alternately to the development of the conservatory. It was this later branch
which was to have such a huge influence on the future use of glass in architecture, and the
branch to ultimately yield structural glass faade technology.
1. 2. 4 Gl as s as Bui l di ng Sk i n
Structural glass faade technology clearly has its roots in the great iron and glass
conservatories of the 19
century. This century witnessed the unfolding of the industrial age,
and the introduction of the age of metal into architecture with such dramatic examples as
The Palm House at Bicton Gardens, The Palm House at Kew Gardens by Richard Turner
and Decimus Burton, and J oseph Paxtons Crystal Palace. A profound aspect of the great
conservatory structures in Europe and England is the dramatic departure from masonry
architecture, where heavy masonry walls act as load bearing structure, instead adopting
structural iron framing systems allowing for far greater design freedom. The weather barrier
was provided merely by a non-structural cladding material laid over and supported by the
framing system; a building skin. Glass as building skin was made possible by the age of
steel that emerged from the industrial revolution. Cast and wrought iron replaced the lead
bars of the Gothic cathedral windows, allowing for the construction of complete enclosure
framing systems comprised of slender metal components. Glass was simply laid over and
attached to the frame. Suddenly, building enclosures could be transparent, clad entirely in
glass. This development set the stage for the Modernists of the 20
century, and the advent
of high-rise towers sheathed in glass.
In the early half of the 19
century the conservatory structures flowered under the influence
of such designer-gardener-builders as J C Loudon and J oseph Paxton. The conservatories
were impressive as a performance-based architecture responding to the demanding
requirements of the exotic botanical species they housed, entirely free of the prevailing
conventional masonry architectural style of the period. With little in the way of prior art, these
pioneers in this new building form proceeded intuitively with the development of the
structural systems. They developed slender wrought iron bars and methods to connect them.
The structures were so minimal that literature of the time describes the structures as
deflecting in slight breezes until the glass was affixed to the fame. The glass was actually
being used as a structural element of the enclosure as a stressed skin. These innovators
were far ahead of their time in using glass as a structural element, even before the advent of
glass-strengthening techniques. (Wigginton 1996, pp.34-37)
While the building form represented by the conservatory structures quickly transcended its
early botanical applications to become an important public structure type, perhaps as best
represented by the Crystal Palace, there was no real integration of this building form with the
conventional architecture of the time. (There are certain relevant exceptions, primarily
involving the glass roofs of train halls and shopping arcades such as Pennsylvania Station,
New York, 1905-10, McKim, Mead and White, and the Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II, Milan,
1865-7, Giuseppe Mengone, but these represent unique building forms themselves that
typically interface rather than integrate, with the adjacent architecture.) The great
conservatories were all free-standing, autonomous buildings. Certainly they inspired, as they
continue to inspire new generations of designers even today. Equally certain they fueled a
continuing increase in the desire for and use of glass in architecture. (Wigginton 1996,
Meanwhile, in the great cities of Europe and America, density and land values were creating
pressure to build upwards, pushing the limits of the predominantly masonry building
practices of the time. By the end of the 19
century, a Chicago engineer named William
J enney had devised a method of steel framing and thus gave birth to the technology of high-
rise buildings. Exterior walls became functionally different in a quite significant way; as with
the earlier iron framing systems used in the conservatory structures, they were no longer
load bearing, carrying only their own weight over a single story span. They need no longer
be masonry (although masonry remained the predominant wall material for years to come);
in fact masonry was an inappropriate material for most of these new applications because it
was unnecessarily heavy. (AAMA n.d.)
1. 2. 5 The Advent of t he Cur t ai n Wal l
This use of glass as a predominant element of the building facade exploded in the 20

century fueled by Modernism, especially post-war Modernism, and the development of steel
frame structures and curtain wall cladding systems. After some initial stunning architectural
innovations like the Bauhaus Building in Dessau by Gropius in 1926, the Seagram Building
in New York by Mies van der Rohe in 1954, and the Lever House by SOM in 1952, this
ultimately led to a plethora of cheap, sterile, and poor performing glass clad towers
populating, some would say polluting, the skylines of the worlds major cities; what Wigginton
(1996, p.96) refers to as, a sort of International Style without the style. Regardless, it
significantly boosted the glass industry.
Flat glass for architectural applications is produced today through the float process. Invented
by Alastair Pilkington (no relation to Pilkington the glass producing company) in the 1950s,
the process was commercially viable by the early 1960s. The float process provides the
convenience of making glass horizontally, similarly to the older casting processes. The
bottom side of the cast glass sheet suffered from poor surface quality that could only be
remedied by expensive grinding and polishing. The float process solved this problem by
floating the liquid glass on a bed of molten tin. The resulting high quality product is flat,
smooth and transparent. The float process provided the fabrication technology required for
the next boom in the use of glass in architecture, replacing the drawn glass process of the
Glass, as discussed above, was becoming increasingly available and economical. The new
steel-framing technology opened the door to the dramatic and extensive use of glass in
building skins. But designers were struggling with solutions to replace the masonry practices
dominant at the time. In the early 20
century, aluminum was becoming available in larger
quantities and lower prices. By the 1920s it was beginning to see significant use in
architecture. Visionary designers produced a relatively small number of landmark buildings
over the first half of the century utilizing these new materials and processes, paving the way
for the paradigm shift that was to come in the 1950s, when the modern curtain wall industry
was born.
Booming post-war economies in America and Western Europe resulted in an explosion of
high-rise curtain walled structures. Unfortunately, many of these lacked both the design
sensitivity and the quality of the earlier work. The technology was quite effectively hijacked
by the commercial developer, who found in it a low cost solution for maximizing leaseable
square footage in a given building footprint. The result was a plethora of rather sterile
looking, water leaking, and energy hogging glass towers redefining the skylines of the
worlds great cities. (Wigginton 1996, pp. 95-96)
1. 2. 6 Cur t ai n Wal l ver s es St r uc t ur al Gl as s Fac ades
While closely related, there are differences between curtain walls and structural glass
facades. Curtain walls typically span only from floor to floor, the primary spanning member
being an aluminum extrusion. Curtain walls are separate from the building framing system,
but attached to and supported by it. Aluminum extrusions are typically used to construct a
frame that secures some type of panel material, ranging from glass to composite metal
panels and stone. The panel structure may be expressed, or completely covered on both the
inside and outside of the building. Curtain walls most frequently employ a dry gasket strategy
to provide the primary weather seal.
Structural glass faade technology embraces a design objective of high transparency and
expressed structure, and incorporates some type of glass as the cladding material. The
facades are used in longer spanning applications where an aluminum extrusion as the
primary spanning member becomes impractical or impossible. A variety of structural options
are available to accommodate the spanning conditions, as described in Chapter 2. The
structure is exposed, and thus becomes a dominant element of the faade design. Great
attention is typically placed upon the detailing and craftsmanship of the supporting structure.
There has been a consistent evolution towards a dematerialization of the facades. This
resulted in the increasing use of tension elements in the structural systems, leading to the
use of pure tension based systems like cable nets. Frameless glass systems, often called
point-fixed or point-supported systems, are quite often used for the same reason. Framed
panel or stick type systems utilizing aluminum extrusions are also used quite effectively in
structural glass facades, but they are integrated in design with the structural systems that
support them, and are substantially different than curtain wall systems.
Another big difference is in the strategy employed to provide the weather seal.
Contemporary curtain wall systems employ complex extrusion designs that provide a
rainscreen and a supposedly pressure-equalized cavity, or cavities, to control water
penetration and air infiltration. The design is intended to allow pressure differences to
equalize within the extrusion cavities so that even if water penetrates the rainscreen it will
drain out of the system and not penetrate to the inside. Consistent with a minimalist
approach, the weather seal typical of the glazing systems used on structural glass faades is
a slender joint of silicone, field applied between adjacent glass panels; as with the structural
systems, nothing is hidden. Todays silicone sealants are high performance materials
providing an effective, reliable, and durable weather seal.
1. 2. 7 The Gl as s Mar k et Today
Architectural glass today is certainly a commodity item. Used throughout most of its history
with at least some premium, glass today is often used because it is the cheapest cladding
option for certain applications. Prominent architects such as Steven Holl have complained
about being effectively forced to use glass in certain instances due to budgetary
According to the Freedonia Group, an industry research organization, global
demand for flat glass will rise 5.2 percent annually through 2010. The dominant construction
market will grow the fastest, driven by greater use of value-added glazing products and by
architectural trends favoring more natural lighting.
Pilkington, one of the oldest and four largest global glass producers pegs the flat glass
market for 2006 at 44 million metric tons with a value of approximately USD 23 billion.
Approximately 70 percent of this is used in architectural applications, with the majority of the
balance used in automotive, furniture, and interior applications. Demand over the past two
decades has outstripped GDP. Europe, China and North America account for 75 percent of
global demand. The fastest growth in demand is occurring in developing countries in Asia,
especially China and India. J ust four global producers are responsible for 66 percent of the
worlds flat glass output; NSG Group (Pilkington, British), Asahi (J apanese), Saint-Gobain
(French), and Guardian (USA). The industry was running at about 90 percent capacity in
2006, largely influenced by demand from China, a trend expected to continue for some years
to come. Over the long term, the overall market has been growing at about 4 to 5 percent
per year, and similar growth is expected to continue at least through 2010. (Pilkington 2007)
Economic growth is the principle factor driving demand in growth for architectural glass
products. Other factors influencing demand include legislation, regulation, and general
concern over such issues as safety, acoustic and energy performance. These other factors
can both negatively and positively affect demand. Legislative mandates for energy
performance in buildings, for example, can potentially result in the reduced use of glass as it
is replaced by materials and wall systems with better thermal behavior. This is not

From comments made by Holl during a lecture at the Engineered Transparency
Conference, November 2007, Columbia University.
necessarily the case, however. Northern Europe, where energy prices have been historically
much higher than in North America, began instituting legislative mandates over 20 years
ago. Rather than restrict the use of glass, this action fueled a burst of technological
development that yielded such innovations as dual-skin and building system integrated
(intelligent) glass facades, with quite the opposite result; Germanys major cities are
populated with new buildings featuring the most advanced clear glass facades in the world.
As a consequence, Germany and northern Europe have the strongest demand for value-
added glass products; glass that is post-processed by some combination of insulating,
laminating, strengthening, coating, fritting, and the like, to improve some aspect or aspects
of performance. (Pilkington 2007)
Burdened with artificially low energy costs (not reflecting the true cost to the environment,
the cost of oil-dependency, and other factors), North America has been slow to adapt to the
changing conditions that are now bringing rapid climate change and oil prices surpassing
USD 100 per barrel. Recent programs such as LEED, a set of evaluation criteria for rating
the energy efficiency in buildings, are gradually being adopted, and some governmental
organizations are beginning to mandate some level of LEED certification, although the lack
of legislated performance requirements has resulted in slow adoption of the system by the
general building industry. However, as in Germany, despite the issues created by increasing
performance demands, designers continue to specify increasing amounts of glass in
buildings. And as in Germany, the demand for value-added products to address the issues
referred to above is increasing. In fact, the global demand for value-added products is
growing faster than the base market for flat glass, an important measure of the increasing
sophistication of architectural glass facades in general (Pilkington 2007).
1. 3 Mar ket For ces and t he Evol ut i on of St r uct ur al Gl ass
1. 3. 1 Ear l y Devel opment
To a notable extent, growth in the architectural glass market has been driven by a chain of
high profile applications with widespread impact, especially starting with the great windows
of the Gothic cathedrals in Europe followed by the transition to a widespread secular use of
glass in buildings and such milestones as Hardwick Hall, 1590-7 by Robert Smythson and
the new wing at Hampton Court, 1689-96 by Sir Christopher Wren. Many if not most of these
milestone projects were made possible or even inspired by advances in glass making
technology, but it is ultimately the architectural manifestations that inspire broader adoption
and use. This is nowhere more obvious than in the great burst of glass conservatories in
19th century Europe and England that so influenced architecture and set the bar for decades
to come in glass structures. Wigginton (1996, pp.36-37) comments that the burgeoning
glass design movement was international, with designers and patrons traversing Europe to
keep an eye on the competition. Rohault de Fleury started the J ardin des Plantes project in
Paris in 1833, and traveled to England to research the state of the art there. J oseph Paxton,
on the other hand, visited the Fleurys project accompanies by his employer, the Duke of
Devonshire, three years before producing the Great Chatsworth Conservatory. These
projects in turn were the source of inspiration and technological infrastructure necessary for
the realization of the Crystal Palace in 1849.
These conservatory structures along with related structures they inspired, such as some of
the great train halls, represent a contextual technology-based building form, an industrial
architecture born of the technological innovations of the industrial age of the 19
This architecture directly inspired and informed the Modern Movement starting in the last
decade of the 19
century that led to the International Style of architecture. The developers
and practitioners of this style, Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, Peter Behrens, adopted
glass as a primary architectural material and began to master its integration into the new
Style. They explored the various properties of glass; transparency, translucency, and
reflection as none before them, and architecture became increasingly focused on the
manipulation of light, shadow, reflection and view.
Other technological innovations of the
industrial age were equally important to the
new Style, among them the evolution of cast
and wrought-iron structures leading into the
early multi-story steel structures realized in
the decades around the turn of the 20

century in Chicago, such buildings as; The
Gage Building, 1898 by Holabird and Roche
and Louis Sullivan, the Carson Pirie Scott
Store, 1899-1904 by Louis Sullivan, and the
Reliance Building, 1894, by DH Burnham
and Company.

Figure 1.6 The Gage Building, 1898 Holabird and
Roche with Louis Sullivan (Sullivan n.d.).

Throughout, interest in the design community repeatedly cycled back to the theme of
enhanced transparency and light-drenched architectural spaces. The sources of inspiration
were not always completed works. Many brilliant concepts by Loudon and Paxton went
unrealized, but powerfully influenced what was to come.

Figure 1.7 Carson Pirie Scott building, Chicago,
Louis Sullivan architect, 1903 (Library of
Congress 1903).

Figure 1.8 Reliance Building, Chicago, 1894
(Library of Congress 1890).
In the same manner, Mies van der Rohes visionary
Model of the Glass Skyscraper Project, 1922, laid bare
the potential for an entire new architecture of high-rise
steel and glass structures, although the glass technology
necessary to realize the vision would not be available for
another half century. Along the way came the
development of the curtain wall as a high-rise cladding
system and such milestones as the Seagram Building,
New York, 1954-8, and 860 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago,
1948-51, both by Mies van der Rohe, and the Lever
House, New York, 1951-2, by Skidmore Owings and
Merrill. The age of the glass and steel tower had arrived.

Figure 1.9 Maquesse Glass
Skyscraper, Mies van der Rohe,
1922 (Glass skyscraper n.d.).

Figure 1.10 860-880 Lakeshore Drive, Mies van
der Rohe, 1951 (City of Chicago 1951).

The diffusion of glass into the building arts was not confined to the urban or commercial
sector. Mies van der Rohes Farnsworth House, 1951, coming 100 years after Paxtons
Crystal Palace, became a symbol of another kind, an icon of Modernism, and the
embodiment of the diffusion of architectural transparency to the level of the individual
residence. In the same timeframe, the Case Study House Program sponsored by J ohn
Entenzas Arts & Architecture magazine, which started in 1945 and ran through the early
1960s, served to popularize large glass areas in residential architecture in a manner that the
more controversial Farnsworth House perhaps failed to do. Residential housing tracts began
appearing across America comprised of single-family ranch style houses, invariably
sporting a newly popular feature, the picture window. Residential floor-to-ceiling glass and
the concept of blurring the boundary between inside and out dates to this period.

Figure 1.11 The Seagram Building, Mies
van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, 1954
(Seagram Building n.d.).

Figure 1.12 Lever House, Gordon Bunshaft SOM,
1951 (Shankbone 2007).
1. 3. 2 Emer genc e of St r uc t ur al Gl as s Fa ade Tec hnol ogy
With the French invention of the process for heat-strengthening glass in the late 1920s, all
of the material elements were in place for the initial emergence of structural glass facades;
steel framing techniques and tempered glass. Yet the exploitation of these materials was
several decades to come. By the 1950s the French had also conceived the long-span
frameless glass faade. The Hahn system used at the Maison de la Radio in Paris in 1953
used large glass plates 2-stories high, and is one of the very early examples of a suspended
glass faade, with the glass clamped and hung from the top edge, and stiffened laterally by
the use of glass fins set perpendicular to the faade at the glass joints. (Wigginton 1996,
p.102) This concept quickly diffused into the marketplace, resulting in many similar facades
being constructed during the 1960s.
A viable prospect for staking out the progenitor of the immediate line of structural glass
faade technology is the Willis Faber & Dumas Building, Ipswich, England, 1973-5, Foster
Associates. Wigginton (1996, p.110) cites the landmark glass faade of this building as
completing a particularly thematic journey in glass architecture, referring to Mies van der
Rohes 1922 Office Tower concept model referred to above as the start of that thematic
journey. The end of one journey can be the start of another, and such a case can be made
here. Although not the first glass wall completed by Foster, this project for various reasons
has become an icon inspiring future structural glass faade innovation.
Sweeping walls of glass with little or no apparent means of support are so common place
now as to attract little attention. Such was not the case as little as 30 years ago. Unlike the
Glass Office Tower, the faade for the Willis Faber & Dumas is not about transparency, but
reflection, at least during the daytime. The glass is coated with a bronze solar control
coating, presenting a solid, uninterrupted reflective exterior face. (The weather seal is
provided by a minimal field applied silicone joint.) From inside the wall is almost entirely
transparent, and at night with the interior lit, the glass wall virtually disappears. This is one of
the early suspended glass walls, with glass fins providing lateral support. As with the Hahn
system some 15 years earlier, the glass for the Willis Faber & Dumas faade is hung from
above, only instead of a single sheet, six sheets are linked together in a chain from top to
bottom, in this respect a truer curtain wall than the technology commonly referenced by
that term. The faade is 12 meters (39ft) high, and follows an irregular curve in plan. In
addition to Foster, Martin Francis played a role as glazing consultant in the realization of this
faade, and Pilkington advanced the design by providing the suspended glazing system at a
competitive price. The Pilkington system uses a patch plate to accommodate the fixing of
the glass. From this general timeframe forward, mechanical point-fixed glass systems
become a driving force in the evolution of structural glass faade technology. (Wigginton
1996, pp.110-115)

1. 3. 3 Tr ans par enc y and Beyond
Architecture is intrinsically bound up in the play of light, form and space. Glass is the unique
material that opens the interior spaces of architecture to this play of light. It is difficult to
imagine contemporary architecture without glass. The three most significant visual properties

Figure 1.13 Willis Faber & Dumas Building,
Ipswich; Foster and Associates, 1972
(Cambridge 2000 Gallery 2005).

Figure 1.14 Willis Faber & Dumas night image,
(Craven n.d.).
of glass are transparency, translucency and reflectance. These properties dominate the
reason glass is used as well as the manner of its use.
Materials that are optically transparent can be seen through. They are clear. Air can be
transparent, as can water. Few solids are transparent; certain plastics and glass. Glass is
such a unique material that arguments persist over its fundamental properties; is it a liquid or
a solid? The super-cool term supercooled liquid persists as a description of glass.
Wigginton (1996, p.62) reasonably refers to glass as a transparent amorphous solid. The
myth that medieval window glass shows signs of thickening at the bottom because of
material flow have been debunked, the thickening recognized as characteristic of the glass-
making processes of the time. Wigginton is in agreement with Gibbs (1996), but in
describing the physics and thermodynamics of glass, Gibbs concludes that the answer to
whether glass is a liquid or solid is not so clear, and that different views can be justified from
the standpoint of molecular dynamics and thermodynamics. Still, the differences are largely
semantic, and in the absence of other reasonable determinants glass is defined by its
perception as a solid. Glass is the closest thing man has to the force fields of science
fiction lore. Air and water cannot provide security and separation from the elements as can
glass. Transparency is the most profound property of glass, and was regarded as a mystical
property in its early history as a manmade material.
Structural glass facades are often referred to and marketed as high-transparency
structures. It has been the pursuit of transparency in these long-span faade structures that
has driven the evolution of structural glass faade technology. The various techniques
discussed herein to dematerialize the structural systems supporting the facades are an
attempt to enhance the fundamental transparency of glass itself. Peter Rice (1994, p.107),
the engineer for the Les Serres at La Villette commented it was the hope of the design team,
that the transparency of the main material would lead to a feeling of non-materiality and,
although separated from the structure, the public would feel a sense of communication
through the transparent skin. One of the more common building types to make use of high-
transparency structures is civic architecture; civic centers, courthouses and other
governmental structures where the transparency takes on another connotation, a double-
entendre. A quick Google of the word transparency will reveal that most hits involve civic or
organization reference to open communications, visible processes, especially of
governance, as a reflection of accountability and citizen participation.
After three decades of the pursuit of transparency and the many spectacular projects that
have resulted from this pursuit, evidence suggests the dialog is gradually beginning to shift
to one of beyond transparency. At a conference held at Columbia University in September
of 2007 entitled Engineered Transparency dedicated to the technology of glass and glass
architecture, architect Steven Holl, a featured speaker at the event proclaimed his disinterest
in transparency. Holl spread his arms wide to represent a scale with opacity on one end and
transparency on the other, and indicated with a gesture the roughly three quarters of the
scale he was interested in, starting at the opacity end. Over a year earlier, in April of 2006,
The Architects Newspaper published an article titled Beyond Transparency (Guiney 2006).
The article featured the Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion, among other projects. This
very same project was the most prominently featured at the Engineered Transparency
conference, with the architect, Kazuyo Sejima of SANNA delivering the keynote address.
Transparency is the property that has pushed glass to its prominent position as an
architectural material, and structural glass faade technology along with it. It will always be
the most profound attribute of glass, and will find continued use as such. However, another
property of glass and the potential it holds for architecture are of growing interest to the
design community. it is controlled transparency and translucency that represent the fertile
future ground for glass and glass faade evolution.
Opacity is the opposite of transparency; no light passes through an opaque material. Glass
can be made opaque. Spandrel glass is opaque glass often used in curtain wall systems
over areas where clear glass, or vision glass as it is sometimes referred to, is undesirable,
as in the area between floors in a high-rise structure. Most commonly, a ceramic frit material
is applied to the glass and fused to the surface in a tempering oven. Is use in this manner
provides a continuous and consistent glass surface, which points out another noteworthy
attribute of glass; the surface quality is largely impermeable, durable and relatively easy to
Between transparency and opacity lies the broad spectrum of translucency, the declared
domain of interest for Steven Holls, among others. Translucent materials allow light to pass
through, but diffuse the light by some means in the process. Translucent materials cannot be
seen through as transparent materials can, do to the diffusion of parallel light rays that
provide optical clarity. While no image is transmitted, the amount of diffused transmitted light
can be even more than that transmitted by a transparent material. Transparent and
translucent materials are rated by the percentage of light they allow to pass through, a
property called transmittance discussed in the following Chapter. Various techniques can
produce translucency in glass, among them; melt chemistry that produces clouded, milky
glass; sandblasting or coating of one or both surfaces of a glass pane; or the use of
translucent plastic laminates in the making of laminated glass products. The quality of light
and degree of translucency vary quite significantly among these different processes.
Translucency in a material is not
necessarily obvious. A creamy white
translucent glass may appear white and
quite opaque when viewed from a
reflecting surface with the light source on
the same side as the viewer. But when
the same glass is viewed with the
external light source extinguished and an
internal light source in its place, the
material appears to glow. Holl used this
property of glass to dramatic affect in his recently completed Bloch Building for the Nelson-
Atkins Museum in Kansas City. Five translucent glass blocks, which Holl calls lenses, are
built from 6,000 panels of sandblasted glass, and illuminated from the inside by florescent
lamps such that the structures glow through the Missouri night. (Christy 2008)
As with the transparency discussion above, the control and adaptability of these properties in
glass materials is the direction of the future. Electrochromic and Photochromic glass
materials are capable of changing their property of transparency or translucency in response
to changing light levels or the flip of a switch. These so-called smart materials hold the
future promise of significantly improved thermal performance as components of the building
It was not until the later half of the 20
century that the pursuit for transparency emerged in
the form of long-span faade designs fully integrated into building architecture.
1. 3. 4 Hi gh Pr of i l e Appl i c at i ons
The evolution of structural glass faade technology can be viewed in a series of high-profile
applications. A few of the most significant of these follow.

Figure 1.15 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas
City, Steven Holl Architects, completed 2007 (Ryan
Willis Faber & Dumas Building
Ipswich, England; Foster Architects, designed 1971-2, completed 1975.
See Figure 1.13 and Figure 1.14 above.
This project, discussed earlier and mentioned throughout this thesis is significant in many
respects. It is one of the very early examples of a frameless, suspended glass fin supported
faade system. It represents the productive partnership between industry and architecture
with the first application of a new product technology provided by Pilkington, a leading glass
producer. It popularized this faade type leading to a proliferation of applications. It
represents a viable candidate for defining the birth-point of structural glass faade
technology as articulated in this thesis. Wigginton (1996, pp.110-115) provides a good case
study of this project.
Garden Grove Community Church
Garden Grove, California;
J ohnson/Burgee Architects, designed
1977-8. constructed 1978-80.
Popularly known as the Crystal
Cathedral, this building obviously finds
its roots in the great iron and glass
conservatory structures of mid 19
century Europe. Predating the development of the lighter
tensile structures to emerge over the next decade in faade applications, the design here
makes use of a space frame structural system. The structure is clad entirely in reflective
glass using a panel system where the single-glazing was silicone-sealed into and aluminum
frame under factory-controlled conditions. Panel systems are discussed in the following

Figure 1.16 Garden Grove Church; Johnson/Burgee
architects (Nardella 2007).
Chapter. This system includes operable panels that provide natural ventilation to this quite
large enclosure. (Wigginton 1996, pp132-137)
Glass Walls (Les Serres)
Parc de la Villette, Paris;
Architect Adrien Fainsilber with
Rice Francis Ritchie (RFR),
designed 1983, constructed
This was a seminal project for
structural glass faade
technology incorporating many innovations and pointing out the direction for future work.
This project is covered in wonderful detail in Rice and Duttons book Structural Glass (1995),
and highlights the remarkable contributions of RFR to structural glass faade technology.

The Pyramids at the Louvre
Paris; Pei Partnership architects with RFR, designed 1983-5. constructed 1986-8.

Figure 1.17 Cable trusses of Les Serres, Paris; Adrien
Fainsilber with RFR (author's image).

Building on what was learned with Les Serres, Peter Rice and RFR once again led the
pursuit of transparency. The structure is one of the first to make use of a super clear
virtually colorless glass further discussed in the following Chapter as low-iron glass. The
structure is clad with a fully perimeter supported structurally glazed system, where the glass
is fixed through the use of a structural silicone adhesive alone. The Pyramid served as a
great populizer of the emerging new technology of structural glass facades. Wigginton
provides a case study of this project also (1996, pp. 126-131).
Banque Populaire de lOuest
Rennes, France; Odile Decq and
Benoit Cornette architects,
completed 1990.
Rice and Dutton (1995, p.116)
comment that this project,
furthers the research

Figure 1.18 Louvre Pyramid by night, Paris; Pei Partnership architects (Goran 2007).

Figure 1.19 Banque Populaire de l'Ouest; Decq and Cornette
architects, 1990 (DuPont 2002).
conducted into suspended glazing and the idea of transparency The project is also one of
the first to explore the concept of dual-skin facades with large thermally treated cavities. The
structure is exterior to the glazing system and quite complex in design. The structure is both
double and single glazed with point-fixed glass supported from cast stainless spider-type
Kempiski Hotel
Munich; Murphy/J ahn architect
with Schlaich Bergermann
Partners, completed 1993.
This is widely recognized as the
first cable net faade, conceived
by engineer J org Schlaich of
Schlaich Bergermann Partners, a
leading engineering firm in the
development of structural glass facades. Another bold and seminal structure, the cable net is
simply comprised of prestressed cables in a planar configuration. The glass is clamped to
the net and butt-glazed with silicone to provide the weather seal. The structures enclose
opposing sides of the Hotel lobby. (Holgate 1997)

Figure 1.20 Cable net at the Kimpinski Hotel, Munich;
Murphy/Jahn architect with Schlaich Bergermann engineers
(photo courtesy of Schlaich Bergermann).
Channel 4 Headquarters
London; Richard Rogers Partnership architect,
completed 1994.
This building features a remarkable curved
suspended glass membrane supported by a
complex cable structure. The glass is point-
fixed using an articulated H-shaped cast fitting
designed to accommodate the faade
movements. (Rice & Dutton 1995, pp.136-137)

This is just a small sampling of a few early milestone projects and not a rigorous overview of
the many fascinating applications that populate the technology of structural glass facades.
1. 3. 5 Ac c el er at i ng Demand and t he I nf us i on of I nnovat i v e
Tec hnol ogy
The leading edge of glass technology has always been associated with a significant cost
premium, and there have consistently been clients willing to pay the price. Indeed, an
ostentatious display of glass has been associated with wealth from the days of the luxurious
Roman villas in Pompeii. A later example is the new wing at Hampton Court by Sir
Christopher Wren c. 1690. A new cast plate glass had just become available featuring higher
surface quality and larger sizes, but at a cost nearly 23 times that of the conventional crown
glass of the time. (Wigginton 1996, p.28) Regardless of the cost, it was used by Wren at the
Hampton Court as a symbol of status. However, the cost did restrict the use of the larger
panes to a smaller feature area of the building, a common practice today with the application

Figure 1.21 Channel 4 Headquarters, Richard
Rogers Partnership, 1994, (Boake 2007).
of structural glass facades where larger budgets are confined to lobby and public area
Another example is suspended glass facades, first developed by the French in the mid 20

century, and only made possible by their earlier invention of heat-strengthening processes
for glass. The Hahn system referred to earlier was used in the 1950s by Henri Bernard in
the Maison de la Radio in Paris. This led to a number of systems introduced by both industry
producers and designers, and a number of built faade structures in the 1960s and 1970s
that established suspended, fin-supported glass walls as a viable faade technology. Fin-
supported glass facades thus initiated the evolution of structural glass faade technology as
characterized in this thesis, and are to this day perhaps the most commonly found type of
high-transparency faade.
The success of glass technology can be attributed at least in part to the persistence of a
client base willing to pay a premium for innovative designs using the very latest the
technology has to offer. The newest structural glass faade technology employs cable net
supporting structures. A review of the high-profile applications, as exemplified by recent
buildings completed in New York City, the Time Warner building at Columbus Circle by
SOM, the Freedom Tower and 7 World Trade Center with David Childs, SOM, and glass
specialist designer J ames Carpenter, reveals this premium technology integrated as feature
elements in the most public areas of the architecture.
As these high-profile projects are completed they typically generate some significant media
coverage, both in local and professional media sources. The growing interest in and demand
for cable net structures is typically reflected in one of the many articles to feature the cable
net wall at the Time Warner Center in Manhattan (Kenter 2007, p.2), Sylvie Boulanger,
executive director, Quebec Region of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, says
presentations on the technology usually have Canadian architects and engineers champing
at the bit to get started.
You cant order a kit from Canadian Tire, says Boulanger. They are highly personalized to the
project. Many architects are very excited by these structures, engineers are warming up to them,
manufacturers are starting to adapt their pricing and specialty erectors are emerging. It will just
take a slight cultural shift before we see such projects built here.
The examples above exhibit a common trend. The luxury of window glass by the Romans
became a commodity item in 18
century Europe. Christopher Wrens premium glass had a
maximum dimension of approximately 30 inches; todays commodity float glass is commonly
produced at 130 inches. Fin-supported glass walls introduced in the mid 20
century have
become commonplace in the architecture of today. These products were introduced to the
market as cutting-edge technology and were embraced in limited applications at a premium
cost. They all subsequently matured as applications increased and costs dropped. The same
can be expected to happen to varying extents with all the structural glass faade types,
including cable nets. There will always be innovative custom designs incorporating these
various technologies that will come at a premium cost, but the basic technology in a
simplified form will become more competitive in cost and come into wider use in the building
Wren, Bernard, Childs and Carpenter are what Everett Rogers (2003), the author of a theory
on the diffusion of innovation in culture, would call early adopters. Early adopters in this
instance are wealthy clients; individuals, enterprises or institutions, seeking the status of
innovation and high technology as part of their building program. They typically seek out
other early adopters, design innovators known for their work with the emergent technology.
These early adopters are a very small percentage of the larger design community, as their
clients are a similarly small percentage of the property development community. As can be
seen, the early adopters and their projects tend to be very high-profile, very visible to the rest
of the construction industry, and even the general public. There is another tier of designers
and developers below them inspired by emerging innovations and aspiring to use the new
technology. These Rogers refers to as secondary adopters, the tier below them as tertiary
adopters, and so on.
Diffusion of innovation theory recognizes that propagation through the adopter tiers can be
facilitated, but suggests that the respective levels are unlikely to respond until the tier above
has adopted. People tend to imitate their influences and thus adopt from them. There are
many factors impacting adoption, these depending upon the nature of the innovation, which
range from food to fashion to building materials; virtually all aspects of culture. The history of
glass demonstrates that the primary factors influencing the diffusion of innovation were
accessibility and cost. Cost is often a predominant factor in the adoption of high technology,
be it cell phones, HDTV, or building materials. Cost has been a significant barrier to the
wider adoption of photovoltaic technology, for example, and its impact on the progress of
glass technology from time to time is well documented (Wigginton 1996).
Accessibility of the technology is a broader factor that affects the primary parties involved in
the implementation of the technology differently, these parties being the producer, the
designer, the installer, and the owner/developer. Production requires access to the required
techniques and formulas, know-how that provides for the making of the materials; trade
secrets. These secrets have been jealously guarded since the beginning of glass-making.
Early Venetian glassmakers were threatened with death if they were to leave the guilds in
which they worked (Amato 1997, p.35) Today the international patent system is the inheritor
of this concern, and while protecting the investment of the innovator, can affectively slow the
diffusion of the innovation. In a certain respect, the producer is the top tier early adopter.
Even if a designer or end user had envisioned the suspended glass wall earlier, they were
prevented from adopting such technology until the French invented the process to heat-
strengthen glass in 1928 (Wigginton 1996, p.55). The fact that the first suspended glass wall
was not constructed until the 1950s evidences the tendency for materials innovations to
drive design innovation, albeit with some lag time on occasion. Pilkington, one of the oldest
glass producers and one of the four largest, together responsible for 66% of global glass
production (Pilkington 2007), became an early adopter of suspended glass wall technology
by developing their own system and offering it to the marketplace. The Pilkington suspended
glass system was one of the first commercial products available to the building community
for glass-fin supported facades. The fact that a major glass producer was offering such a
system complete with warranty had a major impact on the use of such systems.
The use of point-fixed glazing systems in the North American market has been limited by the
lack of a domestic fabricator.
Until very recently there was not a single glass fabricator
providing a product warrantee for point-fixed applications. Glass for point-fixed applications
was and is available with warrantee from European sources, with Pilkington providing an
industry leading 12-year warranty. Saint Gobain, the French glass producer, will provide a
similar product and warranty. It was not until 2005 that Viracon, the largest glass fabricator in
the US (unlike Pilkington and Saint Gobain, Viracon is not a glass producer, but provides
such fabrication services as laminating, insulating and coating), began offering a competitive
product. Any project requiring point-fixed glass from a quality producer providing an industry
standard warranty before that time required the importation of glass from offshore sources.
The obvious cost impact and scheduling logistics certainly slowed adoption to some extent.

The use of point-fixed glazing systems in the North American market has been slowed by
several factors, not the least of which is the litigious nature of US society, especially the
domestic construction industry, and the resulting risk aversion of building developers and
even design professionals with respect to new or innovative technology. One need only visit
Europe or the developed or developing urban areas of Asia to witness the widespread
diffusion of point-fixed glazing systems and structural glass faade technology in these areas
with an underdeveloped legal profession. The acceptance of this technology is happening
gradually in the US as increasing application emerge in high-profile applications, such as the
recently completed 7 World Trade cable net wall discussed elsewhere herein.
Once the product is available the next tier implementer is brought into play; the faade
designer or architect. Having the material is not enough. The designer must have the
information and tools that inform the design process. The know-how must be learned or
discovered. The tools must be acquired or developed and the technique of their use learned.
Alexander Graham Bell was the first to discover and experiment with space frame lattice
structures at the turn of the 19
century, but it was not for another 60 years that the tools
necessary for implementation of the structures in the building arts were developed in the
form of computer-driven finite element structural analysis software, a byproduct of the NASA
aerospace program.
This was the power of Pilkingtons system; not only did it make the required materials
available for implementation; the product was accompanied by deep technical support and
product documentation that greatly facilitated the design and installation process.
The designers work with respect to structural glass facades is most often comprised of
schematic design followed by some level of design development. As with the Palm House at
Kew Gardens, the final design, detailing, engineering and production design is accomplished
by a contractor skilled in such work. With the Kew Gardens structure it was Decimus Burton
acting as architect, but engineer Richard Turner acting as what today would be termed the
design/builder. (Wigginton 1996, pp. 34-37)
The potential exists to positively influence the diffusion of structural glass faade technology
into the broader marketplace by increasing the inclusion of the technology in the design
output of the building designers. It is the hypotheses of this thesis document that this can be
accomplished by providing resources and tools to the architect that facilitate the conceptual
design of structural glass facades.
1. 3. 6 Pr ac t i t i oner s
The following entities comprise the players on the field of structural glass facades.
1. 3. 6. 1 Ar c hi t ec t s
Design architects are generally responsible for proposing the use of structural glass faade
technology, and to the extent successful in securing their inclusion in the design, responsible
for the conceptual design of the faade.
1. 3. 6. 2 Engi neer s
An engineer must be involved to provide engineer-of-record services. This is very rarely the
building engineer, most of whom have little or no familiarity with the specialty of structural
glass facades. This service is typically provided either by a specialty consultant, or more
often, by a design/builder.
1. 3. 6. 3 Des i gn Cons ul t ant s
Specialty consulting firms do exist with expertise in structural glass facades, although their
number is relatively small. Schlaich Bergermann Partners, Werner Sobek Engineering and
Design, and Dewhurst MacFarland and Partners are prominent among them.
1. 3. 6. 4 Des i gn/ Bui l der s
Most structural glass facades completed in North America have been completed by
design/builders that specialize in the technology. This practice is relatively uncommon in
Europe. The design/builders pick up where the architect leaves off and provide final design
and detailing under the architects direction, in addition to final engineering, fabrication and
installation services as required. Design/builders include Novum Structures, Gartner and
Given the long development of the technology in Europe before emerging in the North
American market, it is not surprising that the prominent consulting and design/build entities
are all European, most with offices in the US. The design/build firms are small and
specialized. It is likely that the larger curtain wall companies will adopt the specialty
technology at some point. Permasteelisa, the international curtain wall firm has
accomplished this through the purchase of Garner. Enclos Corp, the leading US curtain
waller, has similarly acquired the capability through the purchase of Advanced Structures
Incorporated, a specialty design build firm that pioneered the introduction of structural glass
faade technology in North America.
1. 4 St r uct ur al Gl ass Facades as Emer gent Technol ogy
As has been pointed out earlier, structural glass faades are not new, but the technology is
emergent by virtue of accelerating interest and use by the building industry. The technology
is increasingly visible and differentiated from conventional glass use in architecture, which is
primarily comprised of storefront, window wall and curtain wall systems. The market growth
in structural glass faade technology parallels but outpaces the general increased use of
glass in architecture.
1. 4. 1 A Uni que and Mat ur i ng Tec hnol ogy
The roots of structural glass faade technology extend well back into the 19
century, with
first instances of the immediate technology dating back well over three decades. Adoption of
the technology has been gradual, however, and restricted to a relatively small portion of the
design community. Nonetheless, consideration of the body of completed projects comprising
this class of building form reveals a remarkable diversity of design in a variety of applications
numbering in the hundreds.
In a common development pattern, seminal projects such as the Hahn suspended fin-glass
system or the cable net wall at the Kempinski Hotel spawn imitations; imitations in the most
positive sense, each building on the prior work, and each contributing to the maturation of
the technology in various ways.
A novel design or use of material in one instance, becomes commonplace after repeated
use over time. The basic morphologies, materials and processes that comprise the
technology are well tested and of known performance validated from use.
Concurrently, a proliferation of highly visible structural glass facades in the built environment
has resulted in the dissipation of perceived risk among the building community and the
public, and an increasing acceptance of the innovative technology. As a result, interest in
utilizing structural glass faade technology is increasing among architects and their owner-
developer clients. The next tier of adopters is primed. Structural glass faade technology is
poised for significant potential growth, but barriers remain.
1. 4. 2 Convent i onal Tec hnol ogy under Pr es s ur e
The architectural glazing market is under pressure. Pressure brings change.
The demands on building systems have increased in many respects over the past several
decades. Nowhere are these demands greater than with the building skin. Architects are
demanding more design control and more diverse aesthetic possibilities out of the available
cladding options. At the same time, as energy costs rise and rapid climate change emerges
as a looming threat, developers, architects, and increasingly, government and regulatory
agencies are mandating improved thermal performance in building facades.
Little has changed in the fundamentals of curtain wall and storefront system design since
their post-war development in the 1950s and 1960s. Some performance attributes relative
to water penetration and air infiltration are better understood now, and certain modifications
based on the rainscreen principle, pressure-equalization, and thermal conduction, have been
made on the systems, and unitized systems have enhanced quality and lowered field costs,
but the basic technology is unchanged. Limitations in basic curtain wall technology have
resulted in new system developments such as dual-skin facades, some examples of which
involve structural glass faade technology.
Of course, the performance pressures on the building skin apply to structural glass facades
as well, but the technology is more flexible and adaptive than conventional curtain wall. This
flexibility provides the potential for the technology to respond to a wide range of aesthetic
and performance issues. Because of this, there is the possibility that some adaptation or
manifestation of structural glass faade technology will emerge that better address the
increasing pressures of the marketplace. This opens up the potential for a partial market
conversion whereby a new or hybrid technology will replace some percentage of the
conventional curtain wall or storefront market. Such a partial conversion did occur with fin-
glass walls in the storefront market, and while still a specialty item with a premium cost, the
number of product suppliers and installers has increased, the cost has dropped, and market
share continues to grow.
1. 4. 3 Devel opment Cos t s Abs or bed
Innovative building technology typically comes at a premium cost, and such is the case with
structural glass facades, which represent more of a solution technology then a product.
Designs are often highly custom, and both design and engineering a matter of some
specialty not provided by the mainstream industry. While the use of new and untested
materials is rather rare, the adoption of unfamiliar materials from other industries is
occasionally involved (as in the adoption of high-strength tension rod technology borrowed
from the yachting industry and used initially on the Glass Walls and the Pyramid at the
Louvre structures discussed previously).
As any builder knows, there is risk in doing anything he has not done before, and when the
doing involves something that no one has ever done before, the risk escalates a rough order
of magnitude. The best way to mitigate this risk is to incorporate a rigorous and
comprehensive mockup and testing program as part of the project execution. This was
precisely the strategy employed by Paxton, the designer-gardener-builder, in the execution
of the Crystal Palace. Fabricated components were test-assembled to assure fit-up in the
filed. Iron was a relatively new material, and no reliable means of calculating component
capacity existed at the time. Lacking sophisticated testing equipment, iron assemblies were
field-tested by regiments of soldiers marching in cadence over a stepped testing fixture
supported by the iron assemblies prior to installation in the structure. The successful
completion of this nearly 1 million square foot structure in a mere 6 months time had much to
do with the adoption of these strategies.
Nonetheless, such measures add time and cost to project execution. These measures,
however, become increasingly unnecessary as the behavior of the structures and capacity of
materials are proven out over a series of completed projects. Innovators and early adopters
of the structural glass faade technology have now born much of the development costs.
The UBS Tower in Chicago features a cable net enclosure at the ground level public area of
the building, the first such structure to be designed in the US (Sarkisian et. al. 2007).
Concern among the design and developer teams regarding the use of such new and
unfamiliar technology prompted them to require full-scale mockup testing by the design/build
contractor. The test was useful in demonstrating predictable deflection behavior to the large
group gathered to witness the test at a curtain wall testing facility in Florida, and to validating
the water penetration and air infiltration performance of the wall. Such tests can, however,
add considerably to the cost of a project.
New or unfamiliar fabrication and installation processes present
a similar problem. Vendors and contractors unfamiliar with a
building system, material or design will typically add a sizeable
contingency to the cost of the job, often as high as 10 to 20
percent or more. Acquiring equipment and expertise will also
cause a contractor to add cost to a project. Cable net
structures require pre-tensioning of the cables during
installation. The magnitude of pre-tension force can require
hydraulic equipment to facilitate the process, and there is some
technique involved that will be unfamiliar to most installation
contractors. But once the equipment and technique are
acquired, they can be applied to future projects with little or no significant cost premium.

It is characteristic of any product cycle that costs will drop as the product matures. This is the
case with structural glass facades. The technology will continue to have application in highly
custom designs, and such designs will typically come with a cost premium. The value of

Figure 1.22 USB Tower cable
net faade; a full scale
mockup prepared for testing

Figure 1.23 UBS Tower cable net facade;
testing underway (ASIDI).

Figure 1.24 USB Tower cable net facade; water
penetration test in progress (ASIDI).
imitation reveals itself here; repeated applications of a common morphology, such as that
used on the UBS Tower, will result in falling cost. While new aspects continue to emerge at
the top of the product cycle, the core technology of structural glass facades has matured to
the point that a broader diffusion into the marketplace has a distinct potential.
1. 4. 4 Mat er i al s and Ser vi c es I nf r as t r uc t ur e
Mies van der Rohes Glass Tower was envisioned and modeled in 1922, long before the
analytical techniques, materials, or fabrication and installation methods were available to
realize that vision. In order for an innovative building technology to diffuse into the
marketplace, an infrastructure of designers, engineers, material suppliers and fabricators,
and installation contractors must be available to support the work.
The materials involved in structural glass facades, the glass, steel fabrications, rod and
cable rigging systems, machined and cast components and assemblies, are all readily
available to the building community in a competitive market. There are numerous examples
of their use in structural glass facades. Fabricators having worked on past projects
understand the unique considerations of exposed structural systems and finishes. Erection
contractors familiar with the installation of the various structural system types employed in
support of structural glass facades are increasingly available, as are specialty contractors
providing complete design/build services. The infrastructure is in place to handle significant
growth in this market sector.
A good example is the glass fixing component typically called a spider fitting; a stainless
steel casting used to fix the corners of four adjacent glass panels to a supporting structure.
Pilkington was the first to offer this component as part of their suspended glass product.
Most such components were custom designed and fabricated for individual projects. Fifteen
years ago, the designer had a choice between using the Pilkington product, or custom
designing and producing a fitting. Now there are at least a dozen companies worldwide
offering off-the-shelf glass-fixing components of amazing variety.
1. 4. 5 The Pr oj ec t Cons t i t uent s
The core constituents involved in a structural glass faade project are the owner/developer,
architect, building engineer, and perhaps a faade consultant and/or a specialty consultant
dealing solely with the structural glass faade. Owner/developers have been exposed to the
work of the innovators and early adopters, and are increasingly interested and amenable to
considering the use of structural glass faade technology, generally within some budgetary
context. The building engineer is important in managing the interface between the structural
glass faade and the perimeter support provided by the building structure.
Today, the primary driver of the diffusion of this technology into the broader marketplace is
the design work coming out of the architects offices. The innovators and early adopters
typically introduce their client, the owner/developer, to the technology and convince them of
incorporating some aspect into a building design. This group of innovators and early
adopters is relatively small; the body of completed works is largely from the same small
group of practitioners. This group is comprised largely of architectural offices with deep
resources including faade designers, industrial designers and even engineers on staff.
Such firms as Foster Associates, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, SOM, Murphy J ahn
Architects, have the resources internal to the firm to generate highly sophisticated structural
glass faade designs.
The most effective way to diffuse the technology into the marketplace is to enable another
tier of adopter, arguably secondary adopters. Many structural glass faade projects have
featured prominently in the media over recent years, spawning much interest in the design
community. There are many architects interested in using the technology and confronting
their lack of familiarity with it. Many of these architects do not have access to the resources
characteristic of the early adopter group.
The early adopters often employ the services of a specialty consultant, one of a handful of
firms specializing in structural glass faade technology. These firms are most frequently
called on to provide conceptual and schematic design services, and some level of design
development. The cost of these consultants, however, represents a barrier to the diffusion of
the technology; projects budgets tend to be tighter with the potential secondary adopters and
the cost of the specialty consultant can be prohibitive.
1. 4. 6 The Oppor t uni t y f or Gr owt h
The potential for growth is apparent from the previous discussion. The opportunity lies in the
convergence of growing demand and a mature technology capable of delivery of
increasingly competitive products to a growing marketplace.
The opportunity for catalyzing this growth lies in enabling a tier of secondary adopters. The
key to accomplishing this is to first establish an appropriate project delivery method that
minimizes the requirements laid upon the architect; a strategy that the architect can
embrace. Any delivery strategy however, will require some level of expertise on the part of
the architect. Once the strategy is understood and accepted by the architect, they must then
be provided with the information, tools and resources necessary to implement the strategy; a
form of technology transfer.
It is likely that the designs produced from such a strategy will be simpler, less costly, and
more widely appropriate both functionally and economically to a diversity of commercial
building types, but this is exactly what is needed to diffuse the technology into the building
This also highlights the opportunity for educators in architecture to impact the built
environment by developing and disseminating technology, tools, technique, and other
resources regarding the building skin, an increasingly important building system in modern
architecture. Nothing so profoundly impacts both the aesthetic and functional performance of
a building as does the building skin.
1. 4. 7 The Thr eat t o Gr owt h
Threats to the diffusion of the technology are many and significant.
1. 4. 7. 1 Sec ur i t y Conc er ns
Primary applications for structural glass facades include many public structures such as
airports, courthouses, hotel lobbies, office building lobbies, and the public areas of various
other government buildings. There was much speculation within the design community in the
days following the destruction of the World Trade Center, when many such projects were put
on temporary hold, that the days of long-span glass facades were over. This proved to be
wrong, and in fact quite the opposite happened. Still, the concern is legitimate in the face of
repeated terrorist attacks. The industry has responded to this threat by developing glass
systems resistant to extreme loading conditions, including impact and blast loads. It appears
that the highly flexible behavior characteristic of structural glass facades may represent a
distinct advantage in these circumstances.
1. 4. 7. 2 The Ec onomy
Like most industries, growth can be dramatically impacted by general economic conditions.
The commercial construction industry has been on a long run of positive growth. A negative
change in the overall economy could impact the construction industry and slow, halt or even
reverse the growth of any technology. Structural glass faade technology could be especially
susceptible to such an occurrence, as the premium technologies are generally the first to be
cut and replaced with cheaper, more conventional solutions.
Oil prices blowing by USD 100 per barrel poses a distinct threat to the global economy. Yet
this same phenomenon will bring much needed pressure to bear on the performance of
buildings and building systems, building skins chief among them. This demand for greater
efficiency and performance has the potential to create a significant new opportunities for
structural glass faade technology.
1. 4. 7. 3 Ther mal Per f or manc e
The thermal performance of all-glass facades had improved considerably over the past two
decades. New glass fabrication and coating techniques coupled with improved framing
systems have provided these improvements, and the work continues with electrochromic
and photochromic glazing (see Chapter 2) and new coating systems, as well as new faade
designs such as the dual-skin systems. The primary objectives are to admit abundant natural
light while controlling glare, control heat gain and loss, and provide ample ventilation. As
much as the systems have improved, there are cheaper and more effective ways to meet the
second two objectives. Rising energy costs will place increasing performance demands on
the building skin, but there is great subjective value among both the public and the design
community in an expansive use of glass. There is a general reluctance to return to the days
of small windows punched in heavy, opaque walls. In every threat lies opportunity, and the
great opportunity here is to develop faade building technology capable of energy
production, moving as quickly as possible to a neutral state of zero averaged net energy
consumption, and onward to the point the faade systems become net energy producers.
1. 4. 7. 4 Tec hnol ogy St al l
Finally, secondary adopters must be enabled. If this fails to happen the market for the
technology could stall or even shrink, coupled with other threats described above. This
happened with space frame technology. Space frames peaked in popularity in the 1980s
without the technology ever reaching its potential as a building form. A primary cause for this
was a complete lack of tools and resources that would allow the architect to effectively
design with this unique structure type. The services of a specialist were typically required for
design through installation. Partially as a result, the market for the technology stagnated and
market diffusion never occurred. Structural glass faade technology is much more robust,
and there is good reason to believe that it will persist as a significant building form, but it
could easily be relegated to a tiny specialty niche market if a new tier of adopters cannot be
Ch ap t er 2 - Mat er i al s , Pr o c es s es , an d Sy s t ems
2. 1 Over vi ew
There is a dynamic and vital interplay between the material scientists, producers, and the
building designers that use the materials in inventive ways. Sometimes design practice
evolves in a manner that begins to push the limits of available materials and processes,
presenting an opportunity for industry to respond to an emerging need. In this manner
design may drive the development of new materials technology. Often however, new
materials and processes emerge that only later find application in architecture, potentially
changing design practice and building form in the process. Sometimes there is a
considerable lag between the emergence of new materials and processes before they are
embraced in the building arts. As discussed in Chapter 1, engineer William J enny discovered
the solution to high-rise steel framed structures by the late 19
century, but in spite of the
new opportunity for architectural freedom presented by this development, designers still
clung to heavy looking masonry as the wall material. It was another 50 years before the
curtain wall cladding techniques made possible by J ennys discovery came into widespread
There are many examples of this phenomenon in the history of building, and many causes,
entrenched interests and restrictive codes chief among them. Long before this, however,
such visionary architects as Louis Sullivan, Willis Polk, Walter Gropius, and Mies van der
Rohe had commenced their pioneering efforts that showed the way to following generations
of designers. Good designers understand the importance of a design methodology rooted in
a deep understanding and exploration of materials and processes, providing a foundation
that will both inform and inspire the design.
Following are the materials, processes and building systems that comprise the technology of
structural glass facades. Many of these are rich enough in content to deserve significantly
more comprehensive treatment, but such is beyond the scope and focus of this thesis.
Instead, the priority is on highlighting the most relevant considerations required to facilitate
the implementation of structural glass faade technology. What is presented here is an
overview of the most popular materials and systems. Chapter 6, in a more systematic and
rigorous manner, identifies and categorizes structure types, glass, and glass system types,
and discusses the primary attributes of each type.
2. 2 St r uct ur al Suppor t Syst ems
Faade technology is complex, glass facades even more so, with long-span glass facades
topping the challenge. Appropriate designs are as unique to the particular requirements of
any architectural project as is the ultimate form of the building. The designer must balance
myriad variables to develop an optimum solution to the faade design.
Central to the application of the technology is the development of a supporting structure. An
interesting diversity of structure types has evolved in these faade applications, with each of
the types possessing varying attributes that may impact their appropriateness to a specific
application. A cable net may provide optimum transparency in a given application, but a steel
truss system will likely prove to be more flexible in accommodating other design
considerations that might be addressed with such elements as shade systems, louvers,
canopies, screens, or light-shelves, features that can be integrated into the design of and
supported by the truss elements with relative ease.
The following describes generic types of structural support systems, sometimes referred to
as backer-structures in the industry, which are used in structural glass facades.
2. 2. 1 St r uc t ur es and St r at egi es f or Tr ans par enc y
As discussed in Chapter 1, the pursuit of transparency has been a primary driver of
structural glass faade technology from its inception. Deriving from this pursuit is intent to
dematerialize the structural systems supporting the facades. The primary strategy in
achieving this dematerialization involves the use of tension elements. Interestingly, this is
consistent with a strategy of efficiency and sustainability; doing more with less material. The
following steps (Melaragno 1981, p.58) were initially recommended as a means to improve
the economical efficiency of a truss, a technique here suggested for application to truss
systems and the pursuit of transparency:
- Minimize the length of compression members.
- Minimize the number of compression members, even if the number of tension members
must be increased.
- Increase the depth of the truss as much as is practical to reduce the axial forces.
- Explore the possibility of using more than one material in the truss, one for compression
and another for tension.
A structural system designed such that certain elements receive only axial tension forces
allows for those elements to be significantly reduced in section area from elements designed
to accommodate compression loads. A 100 millimeter diameter tube or pipe element can
potentially become a 10mm rod or smaller, significantly reducing the element profile. The
primary reason for this is that buckling disappears as a phenomenon. Small sections,
especially of high modulus materials, are remarkably strong in tension; thus the
effectiveness of steel cable.
The overall aesthetic affect can be quite dramatic.
The tensile elements themselves are most frequently
comprised of strand or rod materials, often in stainless steel,
although occasionally galvanized and/or painted mild steel
materials are used. End fittings can be quite sophisticated in
design, intended to present a minimal profile and leave no
exposed threads while still accommodating the requirements
of assembly and tensioning. These are generally high
tolerance machined components with a quality finish. High
strength alloy steels can be used for rod materials to further
reduce their profile. Cables are, as a rule, more economical than rods, sometimes
dramatically so. Cables are capable of bending within a specified radius with no loss of
structural capacity, and can thus be used as longer elements intermittently clamped but
requiring only two end fittings. Bent rods are most often impractical, so rods must be
provided as discrete linear elements of greater quantity, each requiring two end fittings. The
additional quantity of end fittings drives up both the fabrication and assembly costs in most
applications. Nonetheless, this method is sometimes used as an aesthetic preference. Both
cable and rod fittings are currently available from a number of suppliers providing a wide
variety of system types and aesthetics. Refer to the section on rods and cables below.

For the classic demonstration of the relative difference between tensile and compressive
forces, one need but try and pull a pencil apart and after quickly giving up, attempt to
compress it by pushing its ends together.

Figure 2.1 Tension rod
rigging terminations (Sta-Lok
2. 2. 2 St r ongbac k s and Gl as s Fi ns
Strongbacks are the simplest form of support for a glass faade, but are only useful in
relatively short spans. They can be comprised of simple steel or aluminum open or closed
sections with provisions for the attachment of the glazing system. Rectangular tubes are
often used, and provide a useful flat surface for the attachment of veneer glazing systems.
Round pipe or tube sections see frequent application, with integral weldments to
accommodate glazing system attachment. Extruded aluminum sections can be quite
complex, and designed to facilitate the attachment of an integrated glazing system. They are
commonly used in curtain wall systems where the floor-to-floor span is in the 3 to 4 meter
range. Aluminum is more expensive than steel, however, and possess only one third the
strength of steel. Thus, in structural applications with spans over 6 to 8 meters, steel is
generally the material of choice.
Strongback sections can also be built up of multiple standard steel sections, such as two
tubes or pipes joined by continuous, or more likely discontinuous web plates welded
between the two sections. This strategy can effectively increase the spanning capacity and
efficiency of the Strongback.
The relevance of the strongback is as a supporting component in a faade system intended
to provide uniform glazing over varied spanning conditions. Some designs might use a
conventional curtain wall system in typical areas and a structural glass system on an
exposed long-span structure, presenting a design challenge at the interface. Other designs
call for a uniform glazing condition throughout. In such a case, a short span, medium span,
and long-span solution may be required. The strongback provides the solution for the short
spanning condition.
A simple example is a long-spanning
truss with a square or rectangular outer
chord, presenting a flat face for the
attachment of a veneer glazing system. If
the same or similar square or rectangular
section is used for the strongback, the
glazing system can be applied
seamlessly across the varied spanning
Closed or open section structural
members are often used as simple
strongbacks, as with a rectangular
section steel tube spanning between floor
decks. The strongback can be modified to
accommodate the attachment of any type of glazing system. With a square or rectangular
section, a glazing system can be continuously supported at the face of the strongback.
2. 2. 3 Spac e Fr ames and Spac e Tr us s es
The terms space frame and space truss are used interchangeably in the industry. Space
frames are three-dimensional, multiple layer truss systems, often constructed with
prefabricated components; nodes and struts, that can be assembled with bolted connections
in the field. They are 3-dimensional truss networks capable of 2 and even 3-way spanning
depending upon geometry and configuration. They are seldom used in vertical faade
applications because of the frame depth encroaching on the interior space, and the
particularly dominant aesthetic which some designers object to. They do provide a uniform
grid to high tolerance that can be convenient for attaching a glazing system.

Figure 2.2 A veneer type system in section view is
continuously supported by either a simple strongback
or the outher chord of a truss (ASIDI).
Various geometries are possible, most taking advantage of triangulation to achieve very stiff
and efficient structures on a span to weight basis. Space frames can be form-active
structures when configured as a vault, dome or pyramid, but they are always geometry-
active, taking maximum advantage from strength of geometry. (See Figure 6.3)
2. 2. 4 Si mpl e Tr us s es and Tr us s Sys t ems
Planar trusses of various types and configurations can
be used to support glass facades. The most common
application is a single truss design used as a vertical
element with the depth of the truss perpendicular to the
glass plane. The trusses are positioned at some regular
interval, most commonly a gridline of the building or
some uniform subdivision thereof. The truss spacing
must be carefully determined as a function of the glass
grid. The individual trusses comprise a truss system,
the structural system supporting a structural glass
faade (Melaragno 1981, p.60). A truss system can
include more than one truss type. Primary trusses for
example, may be separated by one or more cable trusses to increase the system
transparency (see Figure 2.4). The truss systems often incorporate a minimal tensile lateral
system, bracing the spreaders of the cable trusses as well as the primary truss elements
against lateral buckling. Alternatively, lighter trusses may span horizontally between widely
spaced primary vertical trusses, providing lateral support and attachment for the glazing

Figure 2.3 Simple trusses set at each
vertical grid module (ASIDI).
An effective strategy as discussed earlier is to employ a
square or rectangular tube as the outer chord of the truss
(Figure 2.2). The same section can then be utilized as a
horizontal purlin element spanning between the trusses at
the glazing grid. A bolted connection can be detailed along
the truss chord to accommodate the attachment of the
purlins. fig The resulting truss system provides a high
tolerance exterior grid of flat steel matching the glazing
grid. The steel grid can then accommodate the attachment
of a simple, non-structural veneer glazing system,
providing a high level of functional integration of the
structural and glazing systems with favorable economy.
While most frequently vertical in elevation and linear in plan,
faade truss systems can be sloped inward or outward, and
follow a curved geometry in plan. Truss elements can also be
manipulated to provide a faceted glazing plane (see Figure
Truss systems can incorporate other structural elements, as
with the steel purlin discussed above. Glass fins, cables,
other truss types, and conceivably even cable nets can be
incorporated as elements within a faade truss system.

Figure 2.4 Simple trusses
alternate with vertical cable
trusses (ASIDI).

Figure 2.5 A horizontal bolts into
a vertical simple truss (ATS).
The application of trusses as part of a glass faade
system brings other considerations; the glazing plane
and grid will dictate certain geometric parameters of the
truss system, deflection criteria must be considered,
limitations in the design of boundary supports may
eliminate certain system types, the intended glass
system must be evaluated in terms of the supporting
structural system (these issues are discussed further in
Chapter 7). However, aesthetic considerations are
always in play, and are often the primary design driver.
Long-span faades make use of exposed structural
systems. The emphasis has been on elegant structural
system designs, highly crafted system components,
and a general dematerialization of the structure in an
effort to enhance overall system transparency.
Figure 2.7 shows a simple truss system with tension
rod bracing and a horizontal purlin mirroring the exterior
glazing grid can provide relatively high transparency
with considerable economy over more complex truss
systems. Virtually any glass system can be adapted to
this truss system.
Geometric configurations of simple truss types include
variations of Pratt, Warren, and Lenticular trusses. Various truss types are represented in
Figure 2.8. Truss design is a function of the structural considerations of span, loading, pitch,
spacing and materials. A deflection criterion for truss systems making predominant use of

Figure 2.6 Spertus Institute, Chicago;
faceted glass faade, Krueck Sexton
Architects, 2007 (Built Chicago 2008).

Figure 2.7 Simple truss system with
internal tension rod bracing and
rectangular exterior chord (ASIDI).
simple truss elements is typically in the range of L/175 (T Dehghanyar 2008, pers. comm.,
12 March).


Figure 2.8 Truss identification: bridge types (Historic American Engineering Record 1976)
2. 2. 5 Guyed St r ut s and Mas t Tr us s es
Guyed struts or mast trusses use tension elements to stabilize a central compression
element (mast), usually a tube or pipe section. The cables attach at the mast ends and
incrementally at the ends of spreaders struts of varied length attached at intervals along
the length of the pipe. The spreaders get longer toward the longitudinal center of the mast,
thus forming a cable arch between the mast ends. Two, three or four of these cable arches
can be radially spaced about the mast, acting to increase the buckling capacity of the mast
and allowing for the use of a smaller mast section.
A planar mast truss formed by two of these cable
arches 180 degrees opposed can be used as a
primary truss element in a structural glass faade.
The glass plane can be located in the plane of the
masts, placing one of the cable arches on the
inside and one on the outside. Alternately, the
spreaders on one side can be extended out to form
a plane parallel to but offset from the mast plane,
thus enclosing the entire truss system within the
faade envelope. In this configuration, a dead
load cable is typically employed to support the
dead load of the glass. The cable would be located
at the top of the glass plane on a cantilevered outrigger and drop vertically behind the glass
plane connecting to the extended spreaders at their ends.
Monolithic glass panes are being attached to the spreaders of the mast trusses in Figure 2.9.
A vertical dead-load cable supports the spreader struts just behind the glazing plane. In this
case, horizontal glass will be installed at the top of the trusses back to the building roof.

Figure 2.9 A planar mast truss with point-
fixed glass during installation (ASIDI).
A large cavity double-skin faade could be easily accommodated by this truss system, with
glass planes at both ends of the spreaders, or at the mast plane and either end of the
2. 2. 6 Gr i ds hel l
Shell structures have long been recognized for the superior efficiency deriving from their
shape. Thin shell structures in reinforced concrete have been used in many long-span
structural applications. While the design, engineering and construction of these form-active
structures remains challenging, they are highly efficient structures. The strength of the shell
derives from the double-curved (synclastic or anticlastic) surface geometry.
.Gridshells are a subset of shell structures. Rather than
being monocoque shells, they are comprised of a grid of
discreet structural members forming squares, triangles or
parallelograms that define the shell geometry. Unique
shapes can be developed with grid shells that benefit from
the combination of shell and arch action. This structure type
was pioneered by Frei Otto in the 1940s, and used in the
construction of the Mannheim Multihalle in Germany
constructed in 1975. (Paoli 2007, p.12)
Engineering firm Schlaich Bergermann & Partners, working
with various architects, have designed a number of glazed
enclosures using gridshell structural support, and have pioneered a gridshell technique
based on the kitchen sieve (Schlaich & Schober 1994, p.1-27).
The systems employ a network of in-plane cables to provide stability and shear resistance to
the minimal shell grid. These designs represent the state of the art in structural glass

Figure 2.10 Mannheim Mulithalle,
Germany; grid shell by Frie Otto
with Burro Happold, 1975 (Griel
facades as full building enclosures of complex geometry, and beyond the focus of this thesis.
Nonetheless, gridshells are a viable structure type for application in faade structures, as
some simple examples here attest. This structure form remains rather under-explored in this
application, and there may be some interesting potential in future work.
Schlaich Bergermann were also involved in the New Milan Trade Fair gridshell canopy
designed by Massimiliano Fuksas completed in 2005 (Figure 2.11).

Figure 2.11 Gridshell glass canopy (New Trade Fair in Milan n.d.)
2. 2. 7 Tens egr i t y
What became known as tensegrity structures were first identified and explored by Kenneth
Snelson in 1948. Snelson introduced Buckminster Fuller to his findings, and in the mid
1960s Fuller coined the term tensegrity (Coplans 1967) as a portmanteau of tensional
integrity. A true tensegrity is a balanced construct of complimentary forces, with continuous
tension elements and discontinuous compression elements. Fuller defines tensegrity as
compression elements that do not touch, but exist as small islands [of compression] in a
sea of tension (Fuller 1962 cited in Robbin 1996, p.25). A tensegrity tower sculpture built by
Snelson (1968) is shown in Figure 2.12.
Fuller later went on to develop tensegrity dome
concepts, and in 1964 patented his aspension
dome system. While not pure tensegrity
structures (they are open systems), Robbin (1996)
argues that they can fairly be classified as
tensegrity structures. Moreover, as used by David
Geiger to develop a tensile roof structure system
that was used, among other applications, to build
the Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena in 1986, they
represent the first architectural application of
tensegrity structures. The fabric clad structure weighed in at just 2 psf (9.8 kg/m). (Tuchman
& Ho-Chul 1986)
Matthys Levy of engineering firm Weidlinger and Associates developed a similar dome that
was used on the Georgia Dome, a sketch and images of which are shown below.

Figure 2.13 Sections of Georgia Dome (Castro & Levy 1992).

Figure 2.12 Needle Tower, 1968 by
Kenneth Snelson.

Figure 2.14 Interior and exterior of Georgia Dome (ballparks.com n.d.).

Unfortunately, these stadium roof structures are not appropriate for faade applications, but
other variations of tensegrity geometry could well be developed for such applications.
2. 2. 8 Cabl e Tr us s es
Pursuing the truss development guidelines
established earlier, the next step is to remove the
big compression member, the mast, from the truss
element described immediately preceding. This
leaves the spreader struts as the sole compression
elements in this truss type. However, this has been
accomplished at a price; the remaining truss is no
longer stable, and cannot even stand on its own,
much less carry any load. The solution is to tension the truss against an upper and lower
boundary structure. This represents a fundamental change in truss behavior from those
preceding. Cable trusses must be prestressed, or externally stabilized, to function as load-
bearing structural elements. This type of truss, and truss systems comprised of this truss
type, can be referred to as open systems. The preceding truss types were internally

Figure 2.15 The spreader is the only
compression element in this cable truss
system (ASIDI).
stabilized, or closed systems; stability was provided as a function of truss geometry,
requiring no interaction from the boundary structure to provide intrinsic truss stability.
There are several important nuances in
designing with open systems. Appropriate
prestress forces required to stabilize the truss
and control deflections under design loading
conditions must be determined as part of the
system design. These prestress forces must
be balanced against the reaction loads that
will be transferred to the boundary structure.
The more deflections are limited, the higher
the system prestress that will be required, and the higher the resulting reaction loading
transferred to the boundary structure. An appropriate deflection criterion with these systems
might be L/140 or more (T Dehghanyar 2008, pers. comm., 12 March). Perhaps the
predominant consideration in the design of an open truss system is assuring that the
boundary structure is designed to handle the reaction loads, and that the affect is factored
into the budget early in the design process. It is important to note that the loads generated
from the prestress requirements are not intermittent loads like wind or seismic loads, but
continuous loads like dead loads.
The next challenge is to assure that the correct prestress forces are in fact achieved in the
field during installation of the truss system. Long-span systems can require prestress forces
achievable only with hydraulic jacking systems, and must include connection detailing
carefully developed to support the field pre-tensioning of the system. Prestress forces can
range widely depending upon variables of span, design loading, and geometry, but each

Figure 2.16 Cable trusses span between tubular
steel infrastructure (ASIDI).
configuration of open system geometry will have an optimum prestress value, beyond which
no worthwhile improvement in performance results (Schierle 1968).
What is gained is a significantly enhanced transparency to the faade system. While many
cable truss geometries are conceivable, lenticular and inverted geometries with horizontal
compression struts are most common. A spider or other fitting type can be positioned at the
end of the extended spreader struts to fix the glass. More conventional panelized glazing
systems can also be accommodated. Cable trusses can also be positioned horizontally
between vertical mast trusses in a hierarchical scheme.
2. 2. 9 Cabl e Suppor t ed St r uc t ur es
This structure type represents the most recent developments in structural glass faade
technology, and the current apogee of structural minimalism.
2. 2. 9. 1 Cabl e Hung
The next step in the move towards dematerialization of these truss systems is to delete the
spacer or spreader struts, the last of the remaining compression elements in the cable truss
discussed above, thus yielding a new category of open system structure that is cable based
instead of truss based. All that remains from the former cable truss category are the cable
elements, which can be tensioned vertically against top and bottom boundary structure. If
adequate prestress forces can be achieved, the cables can be used to support glass. Dual
function clamping components that clamp first to the cables can then be used to clamp
edges or corners of adjacent glass panes on the glazing grid (fig.4). The glass plane can be
straight or curved in plan. A narrow glazing grid will result in a higher density of cable
elements, thus lowering the prestress requirements for each individual cable. Nonetheless,
high prestress forces will be required to control deflections. Deflection criterion of L/45 or
L/50 is commonly used (T Dehghanyar 2008, pers. comm. 12 March), producing a highly
flexible system with significant deflections under wind load.
2. 2. 9. 2 Cabl e Net
The addition of horizontal cables to the system described
above yields a cable net, an open system capable of 2-way
spanning behavior. Adding the horizontal cables to a straight
plan geometry of vertical cables produces a flat cable net
structure, with an orthogonal cable grid defined by the relative
spacing of vertical and horizontal cables. The addition of the
horizontal cables makes controlling system deflections easier,
assuming an effective spanning distance, resulting in lessened
prestress requirements in the cable elements. Simple flat cable
nets as described here have been constructed with spans of 50
meters or more. One cable net of more complex, faceted
geometry and using a hierarchy of cable sizes has been constructed in China that spans
nearly 100 meters.
Cable nets top the transparency chart. Figure 2.18
shows a four-part cast stainless component that clamps
the cables of a flat 2-way flat cable net and clamps the
glass to the net.
2. 2. 9. 3 Doubl e Cur ved Cabl e
Net s
The addition of horizontal cables to the system of
vertical cables aligned to a curve in plan, as described
in Cable Supported Structures above, produces another
kind of cable net. If the horizontal cables are aligned to
a curve in elevation opposing curvature of the vertical cables in plan, the horizontal and

Figure 2.17 UBS
Tower,Chicago; flat cable net,
Lohan Caprille Goetsch
Architects (ASIDI).

Figure 2.18 A typical cable net clamp
vertical cables can be tensioned against each other to form a double-curved (anticlastic)
surface with unique properties (fig.5). The opposing curvature provides stability to the cable
net that a flat net does not have, significantly limiting deflections under wind load and thus
requiring lower prestress forces in the cables. Lost, however, is the facility of the orthogonal
grid; the double curved net produces a variety of trapezoidal shapes that greatly complicate
the requirements of the glazing system. Depending upon system geometry the corners of
some trapezoids may not even lay on the same plane, resulting in the possibility that glass
panels could require cold-forming during installation to conform to net geometry, thereby
inducing warping loads to the glass panels. These potential affects can be mitigated through
careful design of the net geometry.
Insulated glass units are point-fixed
to this double-curved cable net
structure at Sea-Tac International
Airport in Seattle shown in Figure
2.19. Cable net structures have been
used to support both clamped and
drilled point-fixed glazing systems, as
well as panelized systems.
Cable net structures are remarkably
minimal; cables, clamping elements and glass fixing components comprise the entire
structural system, and are easily the most transparent of the faade structure system types.
However, this material advantage is at least partially offset by the necessary strengthening
of the supporting boundary steel.

Figure 2.19 Sea-Tac Airport, Seattle; double curved cable
net, Fentress Bradburn Architects 2005 (ASIDI).
Kieran Kelley-Sneed, a former professional engineer with ASI Advanced Structures
Incorporated, the design/builder of the cable net wall at the Time Warner Center in
Manhattan is quoted in a publication (Kenter, 2007);
Kelly-Sneed says that the cost of cable net technology increases with the size of the surface to be
covered, so cost comparisons with more traditional walls are difficult. You pay more for a lot of
transparency, he says. For a 40-foot span, a cable net system would probably cost about one-
and-a-half to two times as much as one built with heavy steel trusses.
The highly flexible behavior of the cable truss and cable net systems suggests that they may
present performance advantages under extreme loading conditions, although research has
yet to verify this hypothesis.
2. 2. 10 Gl as s Fi n-s uppor t ed Fac ades
These structures represent the earliest form of all-glass
building, and what today have been referred to as high-
transparency structures. They represent a special case of
structural glass faade technology; a stand alone structural
glass system for use in facades, requiring no metallic
supporting structure beyond hardware and splice plates.
The glass fin set perpendicular to the glass membrane
provides lateral support to resist wind loading, but
essentially acts in the same manner as a strongback
structural member as defined above. Glass fin facades are
hard to surpass when it comes to transparency, and are still
quite popular, although their use is often rejected in favor of newer structural system
technology such as cable nets. Ironically, the various structural systems that have evolved in
the support of structural glass facades, while certainly providing an aesthetic differentiation,
do not in most cases provide higher transparency. After all, it is hard to beat an all-glass
structure for transparency.

Figure 2.20 Glass fins are set
perpendicular to the glass plane
to resist lateral loads (ASIDI).
Glass fin facades have a broad spanning range from
approximately 20 feet (6 meters) or less, to over 100
feet (30 meters). They are most economically effective
at the lower spans where the fins do not require splicing.
The glass fins are tempered, and their height is
therefore limited by the maximum length of material a
producer can get out of the tempering oven. Fin glass
facades are often seen with a partial length fin
cantilevered out of the floor and/or roof as a means to provide a longer spanning condition
without the need for a full length fin. As the spans increase, the fins get deeper, the glass
thicker, and ultimately laminated fins are a requirement. When a single fin cannot be long
enough to support the span, the fins must be spliced. This is accomplished with a series of
holes drilled in the mating ends, and metal cover plates spanning across the fin ends to
accommodate the transfer of loads. Neoprene sheets are sandwiched between the plates
and the glass surface. Various fixings can be used to attach the glass cladding to the fins.
2. 3 St eel
The following sections explore various material and process aspects of steel and steel
2. 3. 1 St eel Fabr i c at i on
Steel fabrications in exposed structural faade systems are frequently specified per
standards developed by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) for the
fabrication of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS). This standard provides for the
specification of such important considerations as surface finish of the steel and the finishing
of welds. Welds can be specified as ground smooth, and even polished if circumstances
warrant. Such care with the fabricated steel will lead to equivalent concerns with the finish of

Figure 2.21 Splice plates at the fin
sections act to tie point-fixed glass to
fins (ASIDI).
these materials. High performance two and three-part aliphatic urethane coatings are
available in a range of standard and metallic colors that provide excellent results, both with
respect to performance and appearance. The procedure typically involves initial substrate
preparation of cleaning and surface blasting followed by a zinc-rich prime coat prior to
application of finish coats.
2. 3. 2 Cas t i ngs
Casting is an old process with a
long tradition in the building arts.
Cast iron was the material that
provided the structural basis for
the great iron and glass
conservatory structures of the
century, so central to the
story of glass in architecture.
Cast components have been
used extensively by
contemporary European architects. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, with considerable
help from engineer Peter Rice and the local casting industry, made great use of castings in
the gerberettes and other components of the Centre Pompidou.
The casting process provides great flexibility in the design of components, as evidenced by
the great diversity of parts produced for the various projects by the designers referred to
above. It is also a relatively inexpensive process, and does not require mass quantities of a
component be produced to achieve those economies.
Problems with cast components that were part of a space truss system used in the
construction of the J avits Convention Center in New York City in the early 1980s resulted in

Figure 2.22 Center Pompidou, Paris; Rodgers and Piano
architects, cast gerberettes on the production floor (Vincent
massive delays in completion of the structure. This much publicized problem resulted in a
bad name for castings in the construction industry in the US, and there was great resistance
to their use over the next two decades. Castings have been reintroduced to the US
marketplace only fairly recently through the technology of structural glass facades. Spider
fittings, cable net clamps, and other components of custom faade designs are commonly
cast of stainless steel or ductile iron. Often, however, these components are imported into
the US from Europe or, increasingly, Asia, as the casting industry is limited domestically,
especially with respect to familiarity with the requirements for architectural castings, perhaps
as a side effect of the J avits problem.
Investment casting is an excellent process for producing elegant components of relatively
small quantity. There are issues however. Component designs must be developed with an
awareness of the strengths and limitations of the process. There are only a limited range of
materials appropriate for casting, and these possess varying properties that must be closely
matched to application requirements. Also, cracks and voids can be problematic with
castings, and precautions must be taken that appropriate quality assurance measures are in
place, often involving both destructive testing, and non destructive testing utilizing
radiographic, magnetic-particle, and/or die-penetrant techniques.
2. 3. 2. 1 St ai nl es s Al l oys
There are several choices in stainless alloys for casting, including ASTM A316 material that
is frequently used for machined components and rods because of its excellent corrosion
resistance. Higher strength materials are available, but the other properties, such as
corrosion resistance and workability must also be evaluated. Some alloys will require
passivating after casting, a process that removes surface impurities that can lead to staining
of the material. The castings will also need to be surface finished by bead-blasting, polishing,
or some similar process to produce a uniform appearance over the surface of the
2. 3. 2. 2 Duc t i l e I r on
The history of casting with ductile iron dates back over 2,000 years. Although most castings
used in structural glass facades are stainless steel, ductile iron is a good choice for larger
components. Ductile iron is not a single material, but a family of materials with a remarkable
range of properties. The Ductile Iron Society is an excellent resource for the designer or
engineer, providing information on all aspects of the material and process, as well as casting
Composition and mechanical properties of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI), one form of
ductile iron with interesting properties, follow. (Keough 1998)
A typical iron composition (and control range) that can be used is shown below:
Carbon* 3.7% +/- 0.2%
Silicon* 2.5% +/- 0.2%
Manganese 0.28% +/- 0.03%
Copper as required
+/- 0.05% up to 0.8%
Nickel as required
+/- 0.10% up to 2.0%
Molybdenum only if required
+/- 0.03% up to 0.25%
Mechanical Properties
ADI is a group of materials whose mechanical properties can be varied over a wide range by
a suitable choice of heat treatment. Figure 4.6 illustrates the strong correlation between
austempering temperature and tensile properties. A high austempering temperature, 750F
(400C), produces ADI with high ductility, a yield strength in the range of 500 MPa (72 ksi)
with good fatigue and impact strength. These grades of ADI also respond well to the surface
strain transformation previously discussed which greatly increases their bending fatigue
strength. A lower transformation temperature, 500F (260C), results in ADI with very high
yield strength (1400 MPa (200 MPa)), high hardness, excellent wear resistance and contact
fatigue strength. This high strength ADI has lower fatigue strength as-austempered but it can
be greatly improved with the proper rolling or grinding regimen. Thus, through relatively
simple control of the austempering conditions ADI can be given a range of properties
unequaled by any other material.

2. 3. 3 Tens i l e Component s : Cabl e and Rod Ri ggi ng Sys t ems
The seminal projects of Les Serres at Lavallette, and the Pyramid at the Louvre, inspired a
new market for cable and rod rigging systems as a major component of structural glass
faade technology. Strand and wire rope technology has a long history of use in architecture,
including suspended bridges and buildings, and in building elevators, and in the assembly of
buildings with the cranes and hoists used in construction. But these seminal projects took
this technology not only to a new niche market, but to a new level of refinement as an
element of the exposed structural systems that comprise the core technology structural glass
2. 3. 3. 1 Cabl es
Cables come as strand or wire rope. Modern cable technology was first developed in
Germany in the 1830s by German mining engineer Wilhelm Albert. Wire rope evolved from
hemp rope-making, and the first ropes were wire twisted around a rope core. J ohn A.
Roebling later manufactured wire rope in America, the material becoming intrinsic to the
building of his suspension bridges. He made many innovative contributions to the
manufacturing process and construction of wire rope among them the ability to make cables
on site (GG Schierle 2007, pers. comm., 22 Nov.)
Individual wires are fist twisted into
strand. Strand can be used in place of
rope, but has different properties and is
stiffer (E~22,000 ksi), less flexible than
rope (E~16,000 ksi). The flexibility of
rope is important in applications where
the wire must be bent around a tight
radius or repeatedly wound and
unwound around a drum as with elevator
cables. Wire rope is made by twisting
strands around a steel core. There are
various techniques in constructing the
rope involving the manner in which the
wires and strands are twisted, called the
lay. When specifying wire rope the lay
must be designated, along with material
type, the number of wires in a strand, and the number of strands in a rope.

Figure 2.23 Wire rope diagram (Saftey Sling 2005).
Table 2-1 Wire rope construction (Wire Rope 2008).
6 Number of strands that make up the rope

19 Number of wires that make up each strand
FC Fiber core
RH Right hand lay
OL Ordinary lay
FSWR Flexible steel wire rope
The rope shown above is designated: 6x19 FC RH OL FSWR. Each of the designations in this
example has multiple alternatives, making for many possible combinations.

End terminations are fittings of various types swaged to the end of the strand or wire rope.
Many standard fittings are provided as options by wire rope fabricators, although these may
not meet the aesthetic standards of a design. Because the exposed structures used with
structural glass facades and the emphasis on craftsmanship and design detailing, end
fittings are sometimes custom designed. An increasing diversity of cable termination fittings
is available from the many small manufacturing firms producing glass-fixing components.
2. 3. 3. 2 Rods
Design innovations are often the result
from the borrowing of a developed
material or process from a related or
unrelated industry, and applying the old
technology to a new problem. High-
strength tension rods were developed
for use on racing yachts. Tim Eliason
had founded Navtec, a company
providing rigging systems to the
yachting industry, and had played a key role in the development of rod rigging systems. He
got the opportunity to transfer some of the technology when invited to participate on the
Pyramid at the Louvre. Subsequently, Eliason started TriPyramid Structures to pursue
opportunities for cable and rod rigging systems in the building arts. TriPyramid has been one
of the leading innovators in the evolution of structural glass facades, producing some of the
finest design and fabrication work the technology has produced.
The end terminations for rods present a different problem than that presented by cables,
which can be swaged or soldered, techniques that will not work at all on rods. Rods can be
threaded at the ends to receive threaded end fittings. Alternately, threaded fittings can be
placed on to the rod, and the end of the rod upset by a process called cold-heading,
whereby the rod end is compressed in a hydraulic press so that it mushrooms. The end
fitting is thus affixed to the rod.
The design of these connections is a subtle art. There are a number of factors to balance,
including the intent to conceal the threads in the installed work. The fittings must have
enough tolerance build in to the design to accommodate field conditions of the installed

Table 2-2 Hayden Planetarium, New York; Polshek
Partnership architect, glass fixing by TriPyramid
Structures (TriPyramid 2005).
work, and to provide the function of tensioning the rod itself within the work. The rod
assembly essentially acts as its own turnbuckle.
Rods do present an elegant solution as a tension component, but they are not appropriate in
all applications. As discussed earlier in this Chapter, rods can be difficult to store, handle
and install without damaging the finish, most often a brushed stainless steel. Rods are
generally limited to straight segments, unlike cables which can be wound through a structure
as appropriate, minimizing the number of end terminations, which can result in considerable
2.4 Gl ass
Chapter 1 focused on the historical context of glass and its use in architecture. Here the
focus will be on the composition and properties of various glass types. Glass is an ancient
material with unique properties and diverse applications. Glass comes in many forms as a
function of chemistry and process. The basic ingredient however, is silica, or sand, one of
the most common and inexpensive materials on the planet. The two largest users of glass
are the construction and automotive industries, and here glass material takes a more
specific form.
2. 4. 1 Gl as s as Ar c hi t ec t ur al Mat er i al
Soda-lime glass is the most common form of glass, and the material used in the modern day
float process by which architectural flat glass is produced. The various material properties of
glass; transparency, durability, resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, coupled with
the huge production capacity of the industry and relative low cost, render it a uniquely
appropriate material for application in architecture. The glass used in structural glass
facades, while varying substantially among projects, is almost always annealed flat product
yielding from the float glass process, subject to modification through some form of secondary
processing adding value in some manner. Secondary processes include various
combinations of heat-treating, laminating, fritting and coating, among others as discussed
following. Flat glass can also be bent for an interesting architectural affect.
2. 4. 1. 1 Fl oat Gl as s

Figure 2.24 Float glass process diagram (Encyclopedia Britannica n.d.).

Figure 2.25 Pilkington float glass plant in Moscow, completed 2006 (Bovis n.d.).

2. 4. 1. 2 Phys i c al Pr oper t i es
Table 2-3 Properties of Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass (Pilkington 2008).
Propert i es of Soda-Li me-Si l i ca Fl oat Gl ass
Modulus of Rupture (MOR), (in-service glass surface tensile stress at fracture, not the scored and cut
glass edge) for 60-Second Load Duration on weathered glass.
Typical Mean MOR (50%
Probability of breakage)
6,000 psi (41 MPa) Annealed
12,000 psi (83 MPa) Heat-Strengthened
24,000 psi (165 MPa) Fully Tempered
Typical Design Stress for 0.8%
Probability of breakage
2,800 psi (19 MPa) Annealed
5,600 psi (39 MPa) Heat-Strengthened
11,200 psi (77 MPa) Fully Tempered
Modulus of Elasticity (Youngs) 10.4 x 10
psi (72 GPa)
Modulus of Rigidity (Shear) 4.3 x 10
psi (30 GPa)
Bulk Modulus 6.2 x 10
psi (43 GPa)
Poissons Ratio 0.23
Density 158 lb/ft (2530 kg/m)
Coefficient of Thermal Stress 50 psi/F (0.62

Thermal Conductivity at 75F 6.5

Specific Heat at 75 F 0.21
kJ /kg.C)

Coefficient of Linear Expansion
4.6 x 10
(8.3 x 10
e.g. 200 of glass heated 100 F expands by 0.090
(5.1 m of glass heated 56 .C expands by 2.3 mm)
Hardness (Mohs Scale) 5-6
Softening Point (ASTM C 338) 1319F (715C)
Annealing Point (ASTM C336) 1018F (548C)
Strain Point (ASTM C 336) 952F (511C)
Index of Refraction: (0.5893 m, Sodium D Line) 1.523
(1 m) 1.511
(2 m) 1.499
Emissivity (Hemispherical) at 75F 0.84
Stress-Optical Coefficient Stress (psi) =2.18 x Retardation (m) / thickness (in)

Table 2-4 Raw materials used in typical float glass (Pilkington 2008, p.2).
Raw Mat eri al s used i n Typi cal Fl oat Gl ass
Sand Soda Ash Limestone Dolomite Salt Cake Cullet
(recycled glass)

Table 2-5 Chemical analysis of a typical clear float glass (Pilkington 2008, p.2).
Chemi cal Anal ysi s of a Typi cal Cl ear Fl oat Gl ass



72.6% 13.9% 8.4% 3.9% 1.1% 0.6% 0.2% 0.11%
* Iron Oxide aids the melting process and produces the green tint seen at the cut edge of a glass plate.

Table 2-6 Glass weights (Anver 2008 modified).
Weight of Glass
thickness weight
fraction inch decimal inch mm lbs/ft kg/m
1/8 0.125 3.0 1.62 17.43
5/32 0.156 4.0 2.02 21.73
3/16 0.1875 5.0 2.43 26.14
1/4 0.25 6.0 3.24 34.86
5/16 0.3125 7.9 4.06 43.68
3/8 0.375 10.0 4.87 52.39
1/2 0.5 12.0 6.49 69.82
5/8 0.625 16.0 8.11 87.25
3/4 0.75 19.0 9.73 104.68
7/8 0.875 22.2 11.35 122.10
1.0 1.0 25.4 12.98 139.64

Weight (in lbs.) is determined by the following formula:
Weight equals (Thickness) multiplied by (0.0129765) multiplied by (1000)
Where thickness is in the decimal form of inches.
Ex: .250 * 0.0129765 * 1000 =3.24 lb / ft

2. 4. 1. 3 Ti nt ed Gl as s
Tinted glass is produced by the addition of small (typically less than 1%) amounts of other
metal oxides. These small amounts do not change the basic physical properties of the
glass, other than the color and solar/optical transmission/reflection (Pilkington 2008, p.2).

The light transmission properties of glass, and thus color, can be changed within limits by
the alteration of the glass chemistry. Iron oxide, cobalt oxide, selenium and other chemicals
can be used in very small quantities to modify the transmission properties. The performance
objective in using tinted glass is to minimize infrared transmission with minimum reduction in
the visible light spectrum. Green glass exhibits excellent properties in this regard.
2. 4. 1. 4 Low-I r on Gl as s
Low-iron glass is used extensively in structural glass facades. The low iron-oxide content of
the melt produces a glass without the slight greenish tint that characterizes conventional
clear glass, and provides a noticeably more transparent product. A cost premium in the
range of 10 to 20% over clear glass is typical. The material is available under the industry
trade names of Diamont by Saint Gobain, UltraWhite by Guardian, Optiwhite by Pilkington,
and Starphire by PPG.
2. 4. 1. 5 Monol i t hi c
Monolithic glass refers to a glass panel comprised of a single sheet of glass. The glass can
be tinted, coated and otherwise processed, but used as a single sheet. Monolithic glass is
frequently used in structural glass facades, as it provides for a distinctly smaller silicone joint
that enhances the overall effect of the faade transparency. The side effect of this strategy is
poor thermal performance, and for this reason insulated glass panels are often used,
particularly in temperate climates where cold winters can present thermal challenges to
enclosures with large areas of glazing.
2. 4. 1. 6 Lami nat ed Gl as s
Laminated glass consists of two or more pieces of glass
bonded together by a piece of plastic/vinyl called polyvinyl
butyral (PVB.) A minimum interlayer thickness of .030
(.76mm) meets the requirements of ANSI Z97.1 or CPSC
16 CFR 1201 safety glazing standards. (Viracon 2008)
Laminated glass can utilize tinted glass, high-
performance coatings, silk-screened patterns and
pigmented interlayers together or alone.
The gluing or laminating of sheets of glass in layers evolved as a strategy for strengthening
the resulting panel and providing additional safety by eliminating the risk of injury from sharp
glass shards resulting from the breaking of monolithic glass; if one sheet breaks the broken
sheet will be held in place by the interlayer material. The process was invented and
developed by the French scientist Edouard Benedictus, who patented his new safety glass
under the name "Triplex" in 1910. (DuPont 1995)
Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) is the most common interlayer material. It is available in rolled sheet
form in various thicknesses. The thickness of the laminate, or interlayer, is usually a function
of the thickness of the glass pieces being laminated. In the glass grids used in structural
glass facades requiring pane thickness generally in the inch (6mm) to inch (12mm)
range, 1/16 inch (1.5mm) thick PVC would be used. Overall thickness of the fabricated 2-ply
panel would then be 9/16 inch (13.5mm). The process involves compressing the
glass/PVB/glass sandwich and heating it in an autoclave. The translucent PVB becomes a
clear, tough material adhering to the glass surfaces and binding the two pieces of glass
firmly together. If one piece of glass breaks, the glass will remain stuck to the interlayer and

Figure 2.26 Diagram of laminated
glass (Viracon 2006).
not fall from the panel. Even if both pieces of glass break, the shards will not separate from
the panel, although the panel can deform and potentially separate from its support.
Laminated glass can utilize tinted glass, high-performance coatings, silk-screened patterns
and pigmented interlayers together or alone. Laminated glass is required by building codes
in overhead applications, and in sloped glazing angled 15 degrees or more off vertical.
Laminated glass is finding increased use in security applications. Multiple laminations, and
laminations including a combination of polycarbonate and glass, have been shown to
provide resistance to bullet and blast loads. Multi-laminates up to 100mm or more can be
produced. (Wiggins 1996, p.263) Impact loads such as those resulting from airborne debris
caused by major wind events such as hurricanes are another security concern. The South
Florida Building Code stipulates requirements for impact loads, and glass and window
systems used there must be tested to show conformance. Laminated glass plays a key role
in meeting these performance criteria. Solutia and DuPont both manufacture interlayer
products specifically designed for improved performance under extreme loading conditions.
SentryGlas Plus, Saflex HP, Vanceva Storm, are trade names for a few of the available
Acoustics is another reason for the use of laminated glass. The interlayer has sound
diffusing properties that result in improved acoustic performance. The lamination material
and thickness, and the sizes of the laminated glass pieces, all have an impact on the
acoustic properties. This is discussed further below.
As a strengthening strategy, laminating has some advantages over heat-strengthening,
although the two strategies are often combined in structural glass systems. Laminated
annealed glass can be worked after laminating. The glass is also free of the distortions that
can occur from the heat-treating process. Some structural glass facades have used a
laminated panel comprised of a tempered back ply to provide optimum strength with an
annealed outer ply to reduce distortion in the reflected images.
Most laminated glass is simply comprised of the laminating material between two glass
sheets; a 2-ply panel. Multi-ply laminates have become common over the past two decades,
however, in structural glass applications, and security applications as mentioned previously.
Glass stair treads and landings are typically comprised of three or more ply. Beam and
column elements integrated into the design of structural glass facades, as well as other
forms of all-glass structures, are sometimes comprised of multiple-ply laminations.
Some interlayer materials maintain translucency after laminating, producing an effect similar
to sandblasted glass without the problem of keeping it clean (the sandblasted surface picks
up smudges and fingerprints very easily). The laminate material can provide a decorative
effect also. A range of tinted and patterned laminates have become available, with more
choices appearing on a daily basis as the industry competes for the attention of designers.
Other laminating materials are available with properties that improve thermal performance,
fire safety and security.
As discussed earlier, the weather seal in most structural glass facades, and all point-fixed
glass systems, is provided by a field-applied wet silicone joint between adjacent panes of
glass, with the silicone adhering to the glass pane edges. With laminated glass the silicone
material will be in contact with the exposed laminate at the glass pane edges. (fig) Problems
can result if the interlayer is not compatible with silicone. Some laminated glass installations
as described here have experienced a clouding of the interlayer emanating from the edge of
the glass and spreading inward as much as approximately 1 inch (25mm). (A similar problem
can occur with laminated panels whose edges are left exposed to the elements.)
Newer laminates are available that manufacturers claim are compatible with silicone
material. Such compatibility should be a clear specification requirement, or measures should
be taken to treat the edge to isolate the silicone from the interlayer laminate. Coatings are
available for this purpose, and inquiry should be made with the manufacturer of the

2. 4. 1. 7 I ns ul at i ng Gl as s
Uni t ( I GU)
Insulating glass is comprised of two glass
components separated by an air spacer and
hermetically sealed. Inherently, insulating glass
increases a window's thermal performance. (Viracon
Alvar Alto was the first to use multiple-glazed panels
in 1930, and by mid-century they had become a
standard industry product (Wigginton 1996, p.97). The primary reason for using multiple-
glazing, or insulated glass units (IGs) as they are often referred to, is their enhanced thermal
performance. The air cavity trapped between the sheets of glass acts as an effective
insulator. IGs are most frequently double-glazed panels, but triple-glazed panels are
becoming increasingly frequent, and more layers are possible.
Early problems encountered with multiple-glazed panels primarily having to do with moisture
entering the air cavity because of a compromised seal, have been largely eliminated. The
fabrication process is completely automated for a wide range of configurations, which has
improved quality and reduced cost. The process involves the bending of an aluminum
spacer bar to match the panel shape, pressing pre-cut and cleaned glass sheet on each side

Figure 2.27 Diagram of insulated glass
unit (IGU) (Viracon 2006).
of the spacer, and the application of sealant around the entire perimeter. The perimeter seal
is generally comprised of two materials and is called a dual seal; a primary seal of
polyisobutylene and a secondary seal of silicone. Other materials are sometimes used as
the single seal or secondary seal. As the weather seal in most structural glass facades is
provided by a field applied silicone between adjacent glass panels, the silicone material must
adhere to the edges of the glass panels. It is therefore critical that silicone, or a material
compatible with silicone be used as the outer seal on the IGs.
The aluminum space contains a desiccant material that works to absorb moisture that may
inadvertently enter the cavity. The spacers are typically anodized aluminum, and the
aluminum color of the spacer is visible within the air cavity. Some manufacturers are offering
the spacer in black.
Insulated glass units can be made of varying glass thickness and air cavity depth; the larger
the air cavity the better the thermal performance. Other techniques are also used to improve
thermal behavior. Certain gasses with improved insulation properties over air, such as
argon, can be used to fill the cavity of the IGU. Body-tinted glass can be used, and various
coatings such as low-e discussed below, can be combined in the IGU makeup. Various
products are on the market that make use of the air cavity to improve thermal properties and
light transmittance; infill materials ranging from gels to special miniature Venetian blinds. U-
values (see 2.4.3 below) are improving, and ongoing research and development continues
to be highly productive in improving the thermal performance of glass. Some of these
products are expensive, but as energy costs rise and use of these products increases,
product costs can be expected to drop.
2. 4. 1. 8 Lami nat ed I ns ul at i ng Gl as s
Glass panel fabrications can be both insulated and laminated. Insulating laminated glass is
an IG unit in which the exterior component is a monolithic glass ply and the interior
component is a 2-ply laminate. If thermal performance demands necessitate the use of
multiple-glazing and the glass is to be used in an overhead or sloped application, it must be
both insulated and laminated. The laminated glass would go to the inside of the panel so that
breakage of the non-laminated panel would be prevented by the laminated panel from falling
within the building enclosure.
Laminated-insulated panels can get quite thick and heavy, and consideration must be given
to their size. They can also be expensive in point-fixed drilled glazing systems, as every IGU
will require at least 12 machined holes. The do however, offer great flexibility in the
application of frits and coatings because of the additional surfaces interior to the panel.
Different frit patters are sometimes silk-screened on to multiple surfaces to interesting effect.
Double Laminated Insulating Glass is also available for special applications.
2. 4. 1. 9 Fr i t s and Coat i ngs
Coated glass is a general reference to any glass incorporating a reflective or low-e coating.
Glass coating materials and processes is one of the most exciting development areas in the
architectural glass industry, with real promise for improving the thermal and acoustical
behavior. Although there is much overlap, the various glass manufacturers use different
materials and processes, so it is important to research their relative products and
capabilities. Information relative to the performance coatings is included in the section on
thermal performance below.
Sol ar Ref l ec t i v e Coat i ngs
Solar reflective coatings are a class of coatings with high solar reflection properties, used to
produce solar control glass. Solar control glass can be tinted coated, and reduces the
amount of transmitted solar heat gain. Most reflective coatings consist of thin metallic layers
applied by a process of vacuum (sputtering) deposition. The coatings come in various
metallic colors including bronze, gold, silver and others depending upon the manufacturer.
Solar control glass is used primarily to control solar heat gain, so is most appropriate to hot
climates. These coatings were often used in the 1970s and 1980s for their unique aesthetic,
effectively creating multi-surfaced mirrors out of high-rise towers. The major drawback of
these coatings is that the reflectance of visible light significantly reduces daylight inside the
building, often increasing the need for electrical lighting and offsetting any reduction to
cooling loads.
Low- E Coat i ngs
A more effective coating strategy is the Low-E, or
low emissivity coating. Emissivity is partially a
measure of a surfaces ability to emit long-wave
infrared radiation, or heat, and Low-E coatings
are used to reflect this radiation, thus reducing
heat gain or loss by redirecting the heat. In
contrast to the reflective coatings discussed
above, Low-E coatings have lower reflection and greater light transmission. According to the
US Department of Energys EERE (Energy Efficiency and Renewably Energy), Low-E
coatings may add 10-15% to the cost of glass products, but reduce energy loss by as much
as 30-50%. As of the end of 2006, the EERE claims that half of all window products sold
have Low-E coatings, and that these products have saved the Country over USD 8 billion.
(EERE 2005)
Low-E coatings are often used in combination with tinted glass to reduce heat gain and
glare. Short-wave solar energy (IR) strikes the tinted exterior glass ply and is absorbed and

Figure 2.28 Diagram of low-E function
(Viracon 2006).
converted into long-wave infrared, or heat. A Low-E coating on the #2 surface redirects the
heat outdoors (Viracon 2006).
Variations of Low-E coatings provide for high, moderate or low solar gain. Spectrally
selective versions are available to prevent reduction to visible transmittance. The coating is a
microscopic deposition on a glass surface as with the reflective coatings above. It can be
applied to one or more surfaces in IGs. The coatings come in soft and hard coats. The soft
coats degrade on exposure to air and moisture, and are easily damaged, so are used on the
inner surfaces of an IG. Hard coats are deposited through a process of pyrolytic deposition
that takes place as an integral part of the float glass process. Hard coats are tough and can
be used on an exterior surface. In hot climates or to keep heat out, the Low-e coating is
applied to an outer surface, usually the number 2 surface on a LG or IG. In cold climates
where the need is to retain indoor heat, the coating should be applied to the inner glass, or
number-3 surface.
El ec t r oc hr omi c and Phot oc hr omi c Gl as s
As noted in Chapter 1, the inherently poor thermal behavior of glass is a threat to its future
use in a world threatened by rapid climate change and a toxic dependency upon cheap oil
for energy. However, possibility of zero net energy glass products grows closer every day,
and visionaries see the day when glass can be a net energy producer. Material scientists are
developing intelligent materials, glass among them, which adapt to change in the
environment. Producers are already working to develop a new generation of glazing
materials that incorporate these properties. Among the most promising are electrochromic,
or switchable glass, and photochromic glass that changes properties in response to
changing conditions in the environment, such as light levels or direct solar penetration.
Sage Electrochromics is one such company.
The illustration on the left shows
what happens when a SageGlass
window is switched. (A) The
SageGlass coating on the glass is
made up of five layers. When
voltage [less than 5V DC] is applied
to these layers in their clear state,
they darken as lithium ions and
associated electrons transfer from
the counter electrode to the
electrochromic electrode layer. (B)
Reversing the voltage polarity
causes the ions and associated
electrons to return to their original
layer, the counter electrode, and the
glass untints. This solid state
electrochromic reaction is controlled
through a low voltage DC power
supply. When the SageGlass
coating darkens, the suns light and
heat are absorbed and
subsequently reradiated from the
glass surface much the way low-
emissivity glass also keeps out
unwanted heat. (Sage n.d.)

Figure 2.29 How Sageglass technology works (Sage n.d.).

Working with the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory under a grant from the US
Department of Energy, Sage Electrochromics is developing new window product utilizing
SageGlass. The diagram and text above, obtained from the Sage website, explain how the
product works.
Cer ami c Fr i t s
A ceramic frit is an enamel applied to glass for aesthetic purposes or to limit transparency.
The ceramic material is usually applied in a pattern using a silk-screening process prior to
heat-treating. The glass is then run through an infra-red oven to dry the frit and then a
tempering oven and the frit is permanently fused to the glass surface. It is a very tough
material and can be applied to the exterior surface of glass, but is often applied to the
number-2 and/or number-3 surface of an IG or LG. The frit material comes in various colors,
and can simply be used for decorative effect. Most glass producers have standard frit
patterns, but custom patterns are easily provided.
Si l k s c r een Pr i nt i ng
Silkscreen is a printing process used in the glass industry to apply a design or pattern to a
glass surface. The process is applied by placing a patterned screen over a glass surface and
pressing ceramic frit, by means of a large squeegee, through the pores of the screen.
2. 4. 1. 10 Bent Gl as s
Glass bending is a specialty field within the architectural glass industry. Monolithic, insulated
and laminated bent units are all possible. Annealed glass is typically heated in an oven and
allowed to slump over a form to create the bends, then gradually cooled. The curves are
generally limited to one direction, although double-curvature glass has been experimented
with on some projects such as the Conde Nast interior by Gehry Partners, and the Glass
Umbrella by Eric Owen Moss Architects. Special equipment is required to temper bent glass
and not all bent glass producers have this capability. Some bent glass may be difficult or
impossible to temper, depending upon the surface geometry.
2. 4. 1. 11 Spec i f yi ng Gl as s
Specifying glass is challenging simply because of the large number of available options.
Viracon offers over 350 different kinds of insulated glass alone. Fortunately, the various
glass manufacturers and fabricators have excellent online technical support for this purpose.
Coatings and frits are specified by surface. Monolithic glass has two surfaces, 2-ply
laminated glass and insulated glass have four, insulated laminated has six, and so on. The
number one surface is to the outside of the building. Most frits and coatings are specified on
the number two or three surface where they are better protected. The manufacturers offer
recommendation based upon panel makeup, coating material and function.
2. 4. 2 Gl as s as St r uc t ur al Mat er i al
Glass is being used increasingly as a structural material. Even before the discovery of heat-
treating glass as a means to enhance the strength of the material, the 19
conservatory designers and builders were using glass as a stressed-skin to stabilize the
irons structures supporting them. Glass is a very strong material but its extreme brittleness
presents certain challenges in structural applications.
2. 4. 2. 1 Heat - t r eat i ng
Heat-treating typically refers to the post processing of float glass product to improve its
strength and/or to alter its breakage behavior. Glass is annealed as part of the float glass
process, and annealing itself is a form of heat-treatment.
Heat-treating or toughening is a process developed by the French in 1928. This process
provided the material necessary for the structural glass systems to follow decades later. All
point-fixed glass systems utilize heat toughened glass. There are two kinds of heat-treated
glass, heat-strengthened and fully tempered. Fabrication requirements, tolerances, and
testing procedures for heat-treated glass are defined in the ASTM International document C
Table 2-7 Characteristics of heat-treated glass (GANA 2005, p.7).

2. 4. 2. 2 Anneal ed Gl as s
Annealing is a process of controlled heating and cooling of a material in a manner to remove
internal stresses. With glass, the term refers to the gradual cooling of manufactured glass for
the same general purpose; annealed glass is free of internal stresses that can result in
breakage from outside stresses induced by such things as bending (as from wind) or rapid
thermal change. Annealing is required to facilitate the easy and uniform cutting of glass.
Annealing is incorporated into the float glass process by which the vast majority of the
worlds architectural glass is produced, and the untreated glass from this process is referred
to as annealed glass. Subsequent processing, such as bending during which the glass is
heated, may require that the glass be annealed again.
2. 4. 2. 3 Temper i ng
Tempering or toughening are terms used interchangeably in the glass industry. Tempering is
a secondary process whereby annealed glass is subject to a cycle of carefully controlled
heating and subsequent rapid cooling. After all cutting and machining work have been
completed on a piece of annealed glass it is run over rollers through a tempering oven,
heating it to approximately 1,150 F. On reaching this temperature the glass exits the
furnace and is rapidly cooled by airflow over both surfaces simultaneously. The glass first
cools and contracts at the surface, but as the interior glass cools and contracts more
gradually it pulls the contracted outer surface into high compression. The end result is the
core in tension and the surface in compression. (Wigginton 1996, pp.262-263)
Improved strength and resistance to thermal stress result from the tempering process. Fully
tempered glass is up to four to five times stronger than annealed glass. Tempered glass also
possesses a unique behavior when broken; the glass shatters into rounded kernel size
pieces without sharp edges. Because of this attribute, tempered glass is sometimes referred
to as safety glass, and building codes require its use in doors and other public areas.
Tempered glass cannot be worked, cut or drilled; all such working must be completed prior
to tempering.
Modern day glass produced by the float process is a remarkably flat material of high surface
quality. The tempering process involves moving these flat glass panels through a specially
designed oven. These ovens are custom in design and can vary substantially in width
between fabricators. The tempering oven can be the limiting factor in the maximum glass
dimension, and must be considered during faade design, especially if the intent is to use
very large pieces of glass.
Fully Tempered Glass (FT)
Glass that has been heat-treated to have either a minimum surface compression of 10,000
psi or an edge compression not less than 9,700 psi in accordance with the requirements of
ASTM C 1048, kind FT or meet the requirements of ANSI Z97.1 or CPSC 16 CFR 1201
safety glazing standards. Tempered glass is 4-5 times stronger than annealed glass, and
when broken, breaks into small, relatively harmless, pieces.
Glass with fully tempered surfaces is typically four times stronger than annealed glass and
two times as strong as heat-strengthened glass of the same thickness, size and type. In the
event that fully tempered glass is broken, it will break into fairly small pieces, reducing the
chance for injury. In doing so, the small glass shards make it more likely that the glass will
become separated from the opening. The minimum surface compression for fully-tempered
glass is 10,000 psi. In addition, it complies with the safety glazing requirements as outlined
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z97.1 and the federal safety standard
Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) 16 CFR 1201.
2. 4. 2. 4 Rol l er -wave
The glass panel lies on a horizontal bed of rollers as it moves through the oven. As the glass
is heated in the tempering process and approaches its plastic state, it is subject to slumping
between the supporting rollers resulting in a wavy glass surface called roller-wave. Glass is
seen largely though the reflections it produces, and excessive roller-wave can be seen in the
distorted reflections produced by the wavy glass surface.
The direction of the waves should be installed in the horizontal direction, meaning that the
vertical dimension of the glass should be parallel to the rollers during tempering. This may
not be possible if the glass module has a landscape as opposed to portrait orientation.
Laminated glass (two panes of glass glued together with a plastic interlayer as described
later) may exhibit worsened distortion if the roller-wave of each piece is coincident,
producing a lens affect. (Excessive roller-wave in laminated glass can also cause
delamination.) All tempered glass will exhibit some level of roller-wave, but the magnitude
can vary widely between manufacturers.
In high quality frameless glass systems, roller-wave is an important consideration, and an
appropriate tolerance should be determined and specified. Unfortunately, in the US, the
industry standard for heat-treated glass, ASTM C1048 Standard Specification for Heat-
Treated Flat Glass-Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Glass, discusses distortion but
defines no tolerance or minimum standard. Roller-wave tolerances can be specified within
certain limits, although not all manufacturers will be able to meet a more demanding
Bow and edge lift are also possible forms of distortion resulting from the heat-treating
process, though of lesser concern. Pilkington has set the leading industry standard with
respect to roller wave distortion in the production of their architectural glass, significantly
bettering regulatory standards where they exist.
Table 2-8 Data compiled from the websites of Viracon and Pilkington regarding distortion resulting from
heat-treatment (Viracon 2008b) (Pilkington n.d.).
Type of distortion
Viracon Pilkington Standards*

Overall bow in/linear ft 0.031 0.024 0.062
Overall bow mm/305mm 0.787 0.61 1.575

Roller wave
(peak to trough in inches) 0.003 0.0008 no standard
(peak to trough in mm) 0.076 0.02

Edge lift inches ** 0.008 0.009
Edge lift mm ** 0.20 0.229
* ASTM C1048 Standard for
Heat-treated Flat Glass
** within 10.5 in (267mm) of
leading and trailing edges

2. 4. 2. 5 Ni c k el Sul f i de I nc l us i ons and Spont aneous
Br eak age
Nickel Sulfide is a contaminant, a small stone or crystal that can be present in float glass. In
annealed glass it presents no problem, but in tempered glass has been identified as the
source for rare occurrences of spontaneous breakage, whereby the glass shatters for no
apparent reason. Low quality glass production may result in a higher occurrence of the
Interestingly, in Asia and other developing areas of the world where local glass supply may
be of lesser quality, some structural glass faade designers are moving away from the use of
tempered glass, regarding the spontaneous breakage problem as simply too risky to
tolerate. Instead, they are using heat-strengthened laminated glass panels (see laminated
glass above). In fact, perhaps owing largely to liability concerns, glass fabricators in North
America are cautioning against the use of tempered glass unless required for reasons of
safety or strength. Viracons website includes the following statement:
Although the incidence of tempered glass breakage due to these inclusions is rare, greater
publicity of their occurrence has resulted in an increased awareness of this phenomenon. In fact,
limiting the use of tempered glass in commercial building applications has become the
recommendation of a number of glass suppliers, including Viracon. (Viracon 2008c)
2. 4. 2. 6 Heat - s oak i ng
Heat-soaking is a process devised in response to the nickel sulfide and spontaneous
breakage problem. In this process, glass is heated to a specified temperature, usually about
290C, held there for some specified time, usually several hours, and occasionally even
subjected to several cycles of this heating and cooling. The practice is somewhat
controversial in its effectiveness, and adds to the cost of tempered glass product, but has
become a standard practice for many structural glass producers and users.
On specification for heat-soaking is the European Din standard requiring a minimum 12 hour
cycle at a temperature of 290C.
2. 4. 2. 7 Heat St r engt heni ng ( HS)
Partially tempered, partially toughened, or heat strengthened are equivalent terms for a heat-
treatment of glass yielding a material with strength properties between that of annealed and
fully tempered glass. Heat strengthened glass is two to three times stronger than annealed
glass, whereas tempered is four to five times stronger. Heat-strengthened glass has a
surface compression between 3,500 and 7,500 psi and conforms to the requirements for
ASTM C 1048, kind HS. Heat strengthened glass has improved resistance to thermal stress,
but has a break behavior closer to annealed glass, so cannot be used in safety glass
applications. HS does not meet the requirements of the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) Z97.1 or the federal safety standard Consumer Products Safety Commission
(CPSC) 16 CFR 1201.
2. 4. 2. 8 Chemi c al Temper i ng
Glass can also be tempered chemically as an alternative to a heat-treatment process.
These processes are relatively new, and effective only in glass thinner than that typically
used in buildings. However, it may emerge as an effective future process that could
eliminate the distortion caused by the heat-treatment process, and provide for easier
tempering of bent glass.
2. 4. 2. 9 Lami nat ed Gl as s
As discussed previously, modern techniques of glass lamination are highly effective in
enhancing the load-bearing capacity of glass, and the safety of its use. Laminated glass has
significant increased usage where issues of safety, security, sound attenuation, and strength
are predominant design considerations.
2. 4. 2. 10 Max i mum Gl as s Si zes
Size is often an issue with structural glass facades. Higher transparency can be achieved
with larger glass sizes. Supporting structural systems typically follow the glass grid, so as
these sizes increase the amount of structure decreases. This can quickly create complexity
and cost in the structural systems. There are a number of other practical considerations with
respect to glass size, such as handling (glass is heavy and large panel constructs can be
challenging to handle through the fabrication and construction process), and transportation.
These considerations aside, the faade designer often wants to know the limitations of size.
Most glass as used in structural glass facades has some manner of secondary processing
involved in its makeup; tempering, insulating, laminating, all these process may impact the
maximum width a fabricator may produce as a function of their equipment. Raw float glass is
more uniform:
Float glass thickness range from below 2 mm to over 25 mm for architectural purposes.
They are usually 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm thick, with 15, 19 and 25 mm for special uses.
There is only one architectural quality for float glass. Most float lines have ribbon width just
over 3 metres [sic]; available sizes depend on handling and shipping limitations rather than
the manufacturing plant. Sizes which can be manufactured are not necessarily the sizes
which can be directly used. Clear float is generally available in maximum size of 3,180 *
6,080 mm for all thickness of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. For thick clear float (15, 19 and
25 mm) the maximum size will sometimes be smaller. (Button et al., 1993, p.356)

Float sheet from the glass producer generally comes in two sizes; split in 96 by 130 (2438 by
3302) and jumbo in 130 by 204 in (3302 by 5182mm). Working with the jumbo size requires
special equipment that many smaller glass fabricators do not possess. There can be
efficiency associated with using the jumbo sizes, as less waste glass results from the
fabrication process.
Table 2-9 shows the maximum tempered glass sizes available from Viracon. These sizes will
vary between manufacturers. If a large glass grid module is desired, it is important to verify
glass size availability when determining the glass module as discussed in Chapter 7.
Table 2-9 Maximum glass sizes.
Glass Thickness Tempered Glass Maximum Size
3/16" (5mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
1/4" (6mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
5/16" (8mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
3/8" (10mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
1/2" (12mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
5/8" (16mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
3/4" (19mm) 84" x 165" or 96" x 144" | mm 2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658
Figure 2.30 Size limitations of tempered glass (Viracon 2008d).

In addition to length and width limitations, manufacturers often have limits on the area of the
glass pane. The most common maximum recommended glass area is 65 ft (6.04m). Glass
used in overhead applications is generally required by code to be laminated, and depending
upon thermal requirements may be laminated insulated with the lower panel being
laminated. Many manufacturers limit the size of overhead panels to 35 ft (3.25m).
According to J oe Green, CEO of Glass Pro, a glass fabricator in Southern California that
does glass bending and provides glass fabrications for point-fixed applications, the company
can provide tempered glass up to 84 by 168 in (2134 by 4267mm), laminated glass up to
120 by 180 in (3048 by 4572mm) (narrower widths can be made longer), and 96 by 130
(2438 by 3302mm) for IGUs (larger sizes can be produced by hand). Glass Pro also has a
CNC machine, used for notching, drilling, countersinking, and other glass machining
operations, the can handle sheet sizes up to 98 by 170 in (2489 by 4318mm). (J Green
2008, pers. comm., 18 Mar.)
Viracon publishes size guidelines that are available for download as an Acrobat (*.pdf) file;
Vircon size guidelines
2. 4. 3 Ther mal and Ac ous t i c Per f or manc e I s s ues
2. 4. 3. 1 Ther mal Per f or manc e vs . Tr ans par enc y
As noted earlier, monolithic or laminated glass provides the highest level of transparency in
structural glass faade applications. While insulated glass units provide superior thermal
performance, and are often used for this most excellent reason, there is a price to pay in
relative transparency. The edges of the spacer in the IGU are sealed to the glass with a
black material, so there is a visible black band around the perimeter of an IGU that is the
thickness of the spacer; about 3/8. An opaque sight line is formed between two glass
panels, spanning from the inner spacer edge of one panel, across the weather seal between
the panels, and to the inner spacer edge of the adjacent panel. The weather seal is typically
approximately equal to the overall thickness of the IGU. A common IGU makeup is two 1/4
pieces of glass with a air space, for an overall panel size of 1. (Point-fixed applications
may sometimes require larger thickness in one or both pieces of glass, increasing the overall
size of the panel.) Thus, the overall sealant site-line (corresponding to the glazing grid) is
over 1-3/4 wide. Framed glazing systems can approach this same dimension, and are
sometimes selected over point-fixed systems in these applications as they may provide
improved economy at little or no relative loss of overall facade transparency.
The thermal performance of glass is at odds with transparency. The offsetting attribute of
transparency, however, is daylighting. The balancing of these behaviors is a challenge in the
design of any enclosure with a large glazed area. Too often this problem has been dealt with
by the MEP engineer specifying some massive HVAC equipment. Fortunately, the faade
designer has an increasing array of materials and techniques. This topic, while of critical
importance, is not central to this thesis and the material beyond the scope of this document.
It is imperative however, that the designer understand the performance issues involving
glass, a primary material in the technology of structural glass facades. Toward that end,
what follows is a definition of key terms and concepts taken from the Viracon website that
every designer must understand in order to select and specify an appropriate glass material
on any faade project.
The following informative definitions and information are from the Viracon website, a
valuable resource for the faade designer. (Viracon 2008e)
Solar Spectrum
Sunlight is comprised of 2% ultraviolet light (UV), 47%
visible light and 51% infrared (IR). Wavelength is a
measure of the solar spectrum; a nanometer (nm) is a unit
of length where 1nm =10
. Visible is in the middle of the
spectrum in the range of ~380 780 nm. UV is in the
range of ~300 380, and can have damaging effects on
everything from skin to plastic and upholstery. IR is in the
range of ~780 3000 nm and can have a problematic
heat effect; short-wave IR converts to heat energy when
absorbed by an object.

Solar Energy and the RAT Equation
When solar energy meets glass, portions of it are reflected, absorbed or transmitted giving
you the RAT equation which accounts for 100% of solar energy, which is equal to the sum
of solar reflectance, absorption and transmittance. Example: a single pane of 1/8 in (3mm)
clear glass transmits 83%, reflects 8% and absorbs 9%. Absorbed energy is emitted back
partially to the interior and partially to the exterior. (See Figure 2.32 and Figure 2.33

Visible Light Transmittance
The percentage of visible light (380 - 780 nm) that is transmitted through the glass.
Solar Transmittance
The percentage of ultraviolet, visible and near infrared energy (300 - 3000 nm) that is
transmitted through the glass.
Visible Light Reflectance
The percentage of light that is reflected from the glass surface(s).
Solar Reflectance
The percentage of solar energy that is reflected from the glass surface(s).
NFRC U-Value

Figure 2.31 Chart of solar spectrum
(Viracon 2006, p.4.)

Figure 2.32 RAT equation (Viracon

Figure 2.33 RAT equation example
(Viracon 2006).
A measure of heat gain or heat loss through glass due to the differences between indoor
and outdoor temperatures. These are center pane values based on NFRC standard winter
nighttime and summer daytime conditions.
U-values are given in BTU/(hr*ft2*F) for the English system. Metric U-values are given in
W/(m2*K). To convert from English to metric, multiply the English U-value by 5.6783.
NFRC winter nighttime U-values are based on an outdoor temperature of 0F (-17.8C), an
indoor temperature of 70F (21C) and a 12.3 mph (19.8 km/h) outdoor air velocity.
NFRC summer daytime U-values are based on an outdoor temperature of 89F (32C), an
indoor temperature of 75F (24C), a 6.2 mph (10.1 km/h) outdoor air velocity and a solar
intensity of 248 BTU/(hr*ft2*F) (782 W/m2).
Thermal resistance is expressed in ft2*hr*F/BTU. It is the reciprocal of U-value. The higher
the R-value, the less heat is transmitted through the glazing material.
Shading Coefficient
Shading coefficient is the ratio of solar heat gain through a
specific type of glass that is relative to the solar heat gain
through a 1/8" (3 mm) ply of clear glass under identical
conditions (see Figure 8). As the shading coefficient
number decreases, heat gain is reduced, which means a
better performing product.
Relative Heat Gain (RHG)
The amount of heat gained through glass taking into
consideration U-value and shading coefficient. Using the
NFRC standard, relative heat gain is calculated as follows:
English System:
RHG =Summer U-value x 14F +shading coefficient x
Metric System:
RHG =Summer U-value x 7.8C +shading coefficient x
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
The portion of directly transmitted and absorbed solar
energy that enters into the building's interior. The higher
the SHGC, the higher the heat gain.
Light-to-Solar-Gain Ratio (LSG)
The ratio is equal to the Visible Light Transmittance divided
by the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient. The Department of
Energy's Federal Technology Alert publication of the
Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) views an
LSG of 1.25 or greater to be Green Glazing/Spectrally
Selective Glazing.
European U-Value (formerly K-Value)
Based on ISO-DP10292 draft standard conditions. It is
based on an outdoor temperature of 5.5C, an indoor
temperature of 20.5C and a 4.8 m/s outdoor air velocity.

Figure 2.34 Diagram of shading
coefficient (Viracon 2006, p.4).

Figure 2.35 Diagram of thermal
heat transfer mechanisms (Viracon
2006, p.4)
2. 4. 3. 2 Ac ous t i c Per f or manc e: Gl as s as a Sound Bar r i er
Glass is an inherently poor acoustical barrier. The acoustic behavior of any wall system, and
perhaps especially of glass wall systems, is emerging as an increasingly predominant issue.
The world may well be getting warmer, but it is most certainly getting noisier. Noise pollution
is a serious problem, especially in major urban environments. The increase in high-rise
condominium projects in the cities has many developers and designers concerned about the
acoustics of these residential spaces.
Faade acoustic design is a function of utilizing the best performing materials for the
frequencies that will be relevant to the architectural purpose. The acoustic considerations for
an airport are different than for a shopping mall, and those equally different for a residence.
Acoustic design is complex. Different materials display varying behavior as a function of the
material properties and the frequency of sound. A sound rating can be determined for a
particular glass type, but the glass is usually incorporated into some kind of framing and/or
support system, and the system as a whole may exhibit quite different acoustic behavior that
the glass in isolation.
Making glass thicker does little to improve its sound transmission loss (STL). In fact, at
certain frequencies thicker glass can actually amplify sound. A more productive strategy is to
use laminated glass (the PVB interlayer had certain sound dampening behavior), insulated
glass, or even better is combinations of the two. Varying the ply-thicknesses of laminated
glass can improve acoustic performance.
By evaluating the STL of various tested products, one can optimize the glass performance
by carefully selecting the product that provides the greatest STL at the range of frequencies
most critical to the building application.
Fortunately, glass producers again provide resources to assist the designer. Producers have
tested many combinations of glass type and determined STL ratings. The designer can
match STL to the range of frequencies most critical to any particular building application.
Viracon recognizes two rating systems (Viracon 2008e):
STC Rating
Abbreviation for Sound Transmission Class Rating. When glass is used on the building
interior, the sound transmission classification (STC) value can be used to categorize the
glass performance. The STC rating is a single-number rating system for interior building
partitions and viewing windows. The STC rating is derived by testing in accordance with
ASTM E90, 'Laboratory Measurement of Airborne sound Transmission of Building
Partitions". The STC value is achieved by applying the Transmission loss (TL) values to the
STC reference contour of ASTM E413, "Determination of Sound Transmission Class". The
STC rating is a basis for glass selection. Its original intent was to quantify interior building
partitions, not exterior wall components. As a result, it is not recommended for glass
selection of exterior wall applications, since the single-number rating was achieved under a
specific set of laboratory conditions
OITC Rating
An abbreviation for Outside-Inside Transmission Class Rating. This rating is used to classify
the performance of glazing in exterior applications. It is based on ASTM E-1332 Standard
Classification for the Determination of Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class. While STC rating
is based on a "White' noise spectrum, this standard utilizes a source noise spectrum that
combines Aircraft/Rail/Truck traffic and is weighted more to lower frequencies.

2. 4. 4 Gl as s Spec i f i c at i ons
The following specifications are relevant to glass selection.
2. 4. 4. 1 ASTM Spec i f i c at i ons
ASTM C1036 Standard Specification for Flat Glass
ASTM C1048 Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Flat Glass
ASTM C1172 Standard Specification for Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
2. 4. 4. 2 Saf et y Requi r ement s
ANSI Z97.1
CPSC 16 CFR 1201
2.5 Gl ass Syst ems
2. 5. 1 Cur t ai n Wal l Sys t ems
Curtain wall systems are cladding systems intended for multi-story buildings. The systems
typically span between floor slabs. Early systems used steel framing members, but virtually
all contemporary systems are of aluminum. Vertical mullions of extruded aluminum are most
commonly used as the spanning members, and the vertical and horizontal mullions provide
full perimeter support to the glass. Structural glass facades span longer distances, from
roughly 20 feet (or 7 meters), with an upper range defined only by the limits of the structural
design. The glass systems used with structural glass facades tend to be different, as
discussed following, but curtain wall type systems can and have been used on structural
glass facades, but even then their integration with a supporting structural system tends to
differentiate them from conventional curtain wall.
The origins of the term curtain wall date from medieval times, when the term was used to
describe the heavy stone castle walls draped between mural towers. They certainly bear
little resemblance to the usage that emerged in the early to mid 20
century. The term likely
refers to the non-bearing attribute of the cladding technology that emerged at this time and
developed through the mid 20
century and on to facilitate the enclosure of the newly
developed high-rise steel (and later, reinforced concrete) framing systems. Curtain wall is
rather more like a screen that a true curtain. Wigginton (1996, p.110) argues that the
suspended glass walls of the Willis Faber & Dumas building are more appropriate to the
term, being hung like a curtain from above.

2. 5. 2 St i c k Sys t ems
Most curtain wall systems to date have been constructed of long vertical framing members
called mullions, or sticks, spanning across supporting floor slabs. Horizontal mullions span
between the verticals. This system is sometimes referred to as a mullion and transom frame.
The framing members are shop fabricated, factory painted, and installed a piece at a time.
The glass or other cladding panels are then attached to these framing members. The
systems are referred to in the industry as stick-built. This system type is site labor
intensive, and site labor, especially in western markets, is at a premium. Consequently, stick
systems have been largely replaced by unitized systems (see below).
2. 5. 3 Veneer Sys t ems
This is a term perhaps not widely recognized in the industry, but useful in describing a
variant of the stick system sometimes used with structural glass facades. With conventional
curtain wall, the sticks must span between floor slabs. Some structure types used with
structural glass facades as described in this Chapter, particularly the simple truss systems,
provide a high-tolerance steel grid made up of square of rectangular tubing, providing a flat
face for the mounting of a continuously supported glazing system (see Figure 2.2). So the
aluminum stick that is used here requires no spanning capacity; the steel backer is doing
all the spanning work. Otherwise, the system is fabricated and installed similarly to the stick
system described above. This integration of glazing system and structure provides for
greater economy.
2. 5. 4 Uni t i zed Sys t ems
This is a curtain wall term used to describe systems in which large framed constructs, or
units, are built up under factory controlled conditions, shipped to the site, and the entire unit
lifted and set into position. Unitized systems allow for maximizing factory labor and
minimizing site labor, which provides for the potential of improved quality and greater
economy, at least in areas with high field labor rates. Unitized curtain wall is now the system
of choice for most curtain wall companies on any large, high-rise building project.
Units are typically designed in response to an installation strategy. Smaller units can be
crated and crane-lifted into the building, and small crews can handle the units, installing
them from inside. Alternately, large units with transportability being the only restriction on
size can be factory assembled, shipped to the site, and each unit crane-lifted separately into
position on the building exterior. These units can span multiple floors vertically, and be as
wide as transport will allow.
In either case, the factory work involves cutting and fabricating the framing members,
assembling the frames, and installing the glass, metal panels, vents, stone, or other cladding
materials into the frames. All gaskets and silicone seals are completed in the factory. As
each unit must have an autonomous frame, the vertical framing member in the stick system
is split in the unitized system, sometimes referred to as a split mullion, although the various
system designs developed by the industry handle this detail differently. A dry gasket
between the units typically provides the weather seal.
Unitized systems are rarely used with structural glass facades, although there is not
technical reason to prevent this. The dematerialization of the faade structure, the
expression of transparency, was the driving force for the frameless glazing systems most
often used on structural glass facades. Unitized systems are inherently framing intensive to
provide for the structural integrity of the unit while it is handled in the factory and the field,
and would likely prevent a high level of integration between the structural system and
cladding as is typical of structural glass facades. However, the reasons for utilizing unitized
systems also apply to large structural glass facades, and it is conceivable that a unitized
approach could balance the considerations of aesthetics and efficiency.
The rainscreen principle has become a core tenant of contemporary curtain wall design with
respect to the prevention of water penetration. While there are variations and subtleties in
practice, the basic concept involves the use of two seals, between which sits the glass in
what is called the glazing rebate. It is assumed that this seal will be compromised, and water
will penetrate into the inner cavity. The chamber is so constructed that moisture is drained to
the outside, and ventilated to the outside such that air pressure is equalized between it and
the outside. This prevents the possibility of moisture being drawn into joints or defects in the
inner seal.
2. 5. 5 Panel Sys t ems ( of f s et panel i zed)
Panelized systems consist of glass
panes assembled with framing
elements to form a glazed panel. The
frames possess structural properties
allowing for interim support by the truss
system while providing continuous
support to the glass pane, thus
minimizing deflections to the glass
pane itself. The frames can provide
two-sided or four-sided support, and can mechanically capture the glass pane or be
structurally glued to the glass pane using appropriate silicone glazing materials. When
environmental concerns dictate the use of insulated glass units, panelized systems can
prove to be more economical solutions than point-fixed glass systems, with little of no loss to
faade transparency.

Figure 2.36 Detail of a panelized glazing system
2. 5. 6 Poi nt - f i x ed Gl as s Sys t ems
Point-fixed glazing systems find most frequent use in structural glass faades. The glass
panes are either bolted or clamped with components providing attachment to the truss
system. The most common system type is often referred to as a spider system. A four-
armed fitting, usually of cast stainless steel, supports four glass panes at adjacent corners
on the glazing grid and ties back to the truss system. The spider fitting is designed to provide
for glazing system movement under environmental loading, as well as to accommodate
specified field tolerance during assembly. A variety of spider systems are available from the
suppliers of cable and rod rigging systems.
Cast stainless components can be quite expensive, especially if large, customs spiders are
required, as they often are in large glass grids. Alternate strategies can be lower tech, lower
cost, and just as effective depending upon the aesthetic goals of the project. Simple
stainless spring plates have been used in place of a cast fitting with excellent results.
2. 5. 7 Poi nt -f i x ed Dr i l l ed
The dominant strategy for the point-fixing of glass
since the advent of the suspended glass wall has
been mechanical attachment with a fitting that
accommodates a bolt through a hole drilled in the
glass panel that ties it to supporting structure.
There are variations of these fixings on the
market, and the refinement of detailing and
performance varies considerably. All use
stainless material. Some are large discs that
stand out from the glass surface. Pilkingtons
version features a custom bolt head that sits flush

Figure 2.37 Point-fixed insulated glass with
butt-glazing (ASIDI).
with the outer glass surface. This requires the added expense of a countersunk hole. One of
the early fixings was developed by RFR, the French design firm whose principals were
involved in some of the early milestone structural glass facades, like the Glass Serres at
LaValette. This fixing is also countersunk, but the design features a bolt with a ball end that
sits in a mating fitting that places the ball in the plane of the glass. This strategy allows the
glass panel to deflect without creating bending moments at the fixing. This fitting is
discussed at length in the important book, Structural Glass by Peter Rice and Hugh Dutton
(1995), which also includes case studies of some of the early structural glass facades.
Multi-layer glass panels presented a particular problem at the advent of the point-fixed
systems. A method had to be found to seal around the fixing component so as not to
compromise the air cavity of the panel. Pilkington developed a ringed spacer that could be
sealed around the holes to this purpose. Other glass fabricators had developed this
capability and the sourcing of this kind of product is becoming increasingly easier and the
products more competitive.
2. 5. 8 Poi nt - f i x ed Cl amped
The above method of point-fixing has the
disadvantage of requiring drilling and countersinking
of the glass panes, and with insulated glass units
the insertion of a sealing ring in the space between
the glass panes around the bolt hole. Each
laminated or insulated glass unit requires the drilling
of at least eight holes. Insulated-laminated panes
require a minimum of 12 holes. Obviously, this adds
to the cost of the glass panels.
An alternate strategy that eliminates the need for
drilling and instead clamps the glass at the
perimeter is frequently referred to as a pinch-plate system. With a spider-type system, the
spider component is rotated 45 degrees so that the spider arms are aligned with the glass
seams. A narrow blade of metal penetrates from the spider through the center of and parallel
to the glass joint. A relatively small clamp plate on the outside surface of the glazing plane is
then fixed to the blade, clamping in place the two glass panels on either side of the seam.
Another strategy, frequently employed on cable nets, is to set the glass into a specially
designed clamp component tied to the supporting structure. A cover plate is then attached
over the outside corners of the glass, effectively clamping the glass at the corners. Neoprene
pads are used on both faces of the clamps to protect the glass.

Figure 2.38 Detail of a point-fixed clamped
system (ASIDI).
2. 5. 9 St r uc t ur al Gl azi ng
Structural glazing is a technique whereby glass is
essentially glued using a structural silicone material to an
aluminum frame, which is then attached to a building.
Structural glazing is sometimes done in the field with the
glass being glued directly to an aluminum framing
member already attached to the building, as with a stick
type curtain wall system, but this is rare, the technique is
most often used with a unitized curtain wall system. This
method eliminates any mechanical capture of the glass, and presents a glass surface
interrupted only by the seams between the glass panels; nothing is raised above the glass
surface. The practice has a long and successful track record at this point, but is prohibited by
some building codes, Los Angeles notable among them. Obviously, the adhesion of the
glass to the substrate is critical. Manufacturers of the structural sealants publish guidelines
regarding system design, surface preparation and sealant application. They will also provide
testing services on sample production components to assure that the process is working.
Structural glazing is seldom used with structural glass facades. The point-fixed systems
provide a mechanical attachment of the glass to the structure, with the butt-glazed joint (see
Figure 2.40) providing a non-structural weather seal only.

Figure 2.39 Diagram of structural
glazing (Viracon 2006).

2. 5. 10 Weat her Seal s
The glass systems most commonly used with structural
glass facades do not employ the rainscreen principle.
Most of the systems, and all of the point-fixed systems,
make use of field applied silicone as the weather seal, a
technique that embraces a barrier-wall principle. This
technique is referred to as a butt-glazing in the industry,
and is illustrated in Figure 2.40. The base assumption
here is that if the seal is properly applied, it will not leak,
and will provide a reliable and durable weather seal. Silicone is a robust and proven material
with a lifespan of over 20 years. The disadvantage of the field applied silicone is the
requirement for expensive field labor, the potential for poor craftsmanship in the application,
and generally adverse site conditions (adhesion issues related to temperature, moisture and
dirt). The materials to be bonded with the silicone must be clean and dry. If manufacturers
recommendations are followed, a quality seal should result. The systems are easily tested
after installation of the silicone with a simple water spray. Any leaks are easily identified and
repaired, something that can be quite challenging in the case of a leak in a curtain wall
system. Craftsmanship is another issue. A well-tooled silicone joint is a handsome thing.
Amateurish application can result in a messy, inconsistent, toothpaste appearance that can
detract significantly from the faade appearance.
2. 5. 11 Si l i c one Seal ant s
It is one of the marvels of modern materials that make frameless glazing systems possible.
Silicone sealants are used today to glue glass to the outside of high-rise buildings,
eliminating any mechanical attachment. In comparison, structural glass facades most

Figure 2.40 Diagram of butt-glazed
silicone joint (Viracon 2006).
frequently mechanically attach the glass, but use the same, or similar silicone material to
provide the weather seal between the glass panels.
2. 5. 12 Suppl i er s and War r ant y I s s ues
As discussed previously, Pilkington played an integral role in birthing structural glass faade
technology by developing and offering an innovative system as a competitive product to
architects and builders. The system was initially developed as a suspended fin-glass wall
system as used in the Faber & Dumas building noted earlier. The importance of this
development was the manner in which Pilkington technical staff collaborated with architects
and faade designers. They provided design, engineering, and when required, testing
services to the design community, without which many of these projects would not have
been realized.
Pilkington continues this tradition to this day, having developed many variations on the
original suspended wall product, and they have been involved in many of the landmark
projects that comprise the universe of structural glass facades. Their service goes far
beyond merely drilling holes in glass. They provide their clients with conceptual design
services through the delivery of a complete glazing system, including glass and all required
fixings. Pilkington is located in St. Helens in the UK.
Eckelt Glas GmbH, a Saint Gobain company located in Austria, also offers structural glass
products of the highest quality, a comprehensive range of services. They will also provide
their structural glass products as complete systems including glass and fixings, and Eckelt
also has been involved in many of the great structural glass facades completed world-wide.
As might be imagined, there is a certain premium cost associated with these companies.
The value is there for many clients on many projects. A decade ago there was little
competition to these companies on any kind of advanced structural glass faade work. It was
not until just the last few years that the US has had a source of domestic supply for point-
fixed glass with quality material and warranty. Viracon, Inc., located in Minnesota and the
largest glass fabricator in the US, now provides laminated and insulated glass panels for use
in point-fixed applications. They do not, however, provide a complete system including
Competitive pressure has increased enormously in the past decade with a plethora of
companies producing glass panels for point-fixed applications and various fixing components
ranging from stainless steel clamping and bolting systems to stainless rod and cable fittings.
Some Asian suppliers have large catalogs with many variations of the basic glass fixing
components. The largest is a company called Kin Long Hardware Products Co., but there
are many others in nearly all parts of the world.
The Asian glass industry has a reputation of producing lesser quality glass, but that appears
to be changing rapidly. Regardless, there are increasing numbers of Asian, especially
Chinese, glass makers and fabricators active in world markets. While there is still some
concern regarding the quality and reliability of these products, the allure of significantly lower
costs have compelled many contractors and building owners to take the risk and utilize these
products. The technical service is generally not available from these suppliers, and most
specialize in a limited product offering, and not in providing a complete system as does
Pilkington and Eckelt. But for the bold and resourceful builders willing to coordinate design,
engineering, material supply and installation from various sources, on projects driven by
overriding budget concerns, there is certainly substantial money to be saved. As structural
glass faade technology matures and the infrastructure of designers, engineers, material
suppliers and fabricators, and installation contractors deepens, there are increasing
opportunities for this more aggressive style of delivery strategy, and improving odds for a
successful outcome.
Alternatively, structural glass facades frequently embody innovative designs and cutting-
edge technology, and are often already associated with some level of risk, even in the
absence of an aggressive delivery strategy as described above. As the building industry is
highly litigious and the various players in this arena equally highly risk-averse, system and
material warranties with respect to structural glass facades generally emerge as a
predominant concern. Such warranties are currently not available from the low-cost Asian
material suppliers.
Warranties follow the supply chain from material supplier up through the subcontractor chain
to the general contractor and ultimately, the building owner. Some of the warranties are
accepted as pass-through, meaning that they building owner will directly hold a warranty
from a material supplier. Increasingly, the owner is looking for as many subcontractors in the
chain as possible to also warranty their scope of work. If faade glass proves to be defective
and the glass supplier agrees to provide new glass, who pays for the installation? Many such
questions emerge with warranty issues.
There is a difference between a product warranty and a system warranty. There may be
many products involved in a structural glass faade; a fabricated steel structural system,
glass panels, a glass fixing system and components, and silicone sealant, for example.
There may be several contractors involved in the installation of the faade; one for the steel
structure, another for the glass, and another to apply the weather seal. This can provide a
confusing matrix to the building owner when he contemplates his liabilities in such a case.
The result has been an increasing requirement for one of the players in the implementation
of a structural glass faade to provide a system warranty.
A system warranty covers the overall performance the glass system, or sometimes even the
entire faade, including the structural system. Pilkington pioneered this approach with their
Planar point-fixed glazing system, providing a 12-year system warranty covering the design,
engineering and material for the glass and fixings, and their application on the given project.
This warranty stands as the best in the industry. Eckelt Glas typically offers a warranty up to
10 years, as do some of the other Saint Gobain companies, but have been know to equal
Pilkingtons warranty in certain instances.

Ch ap t er 3 - Bu i l d i n g Pr o d u c t s , Pr o c es s es ,
Met h o d s , an d Del i v er y St r at eg i es
This section examines what is involved in the realization of structural glass facades, and
explores a paradigm for future project implementation that could potentially accelerate the
diffusion of the technology into the building arts. As emergent technology, a large
percentage of the designs are highly customized, rarely duplicating prior art, often modifying
what has come before, and not infrequently, unique, having never been done before. The
design innovators and early adopters employing this technology are usually pursuing some
level of innovation, driving the design into layers of complexity. The engineering, materials,
fabrication and installation are all impacted by the complexity of the design in a manner that
typically removes them from conventional practice, placing extraordinary demands on all
constituents of the project implementation. The challenge becomes how to implement
innovation in a manner that mitigates the risk and uncertainty that can accompany such a
These innovators often go off to the next challenge, the next highly custom design and
attempt to push the boundaries of the technology once again. The innovators are few, little
more than a handful of architecture, engineering and faade design firms. They leave behind
them inspiring completed works that are often imitated,
each imitation contributing to the
maturation of the technology. The early adopters are the first tier imitators. They identify a

Imitation is a positive and vital act, even a creative act, necessary for the diffusion of
innovation into a culture, with the good imitator adding his own bit to the collective evolution
of the innovation. The term as used here is in no way meant to be derogatory, but quite the
design or technology they are interested in using and begin looking for an appropriate
project. The early adopters are generally leading design firms with major commissions
incorporating high project budgets. They may not be capable of delivering the initial
innovation, but observing the innovation, they have the internal resources to assemble a
team and develop a program that can adopt the technology and adapt it to their project and
program requirements. Most of the currently completed structural glass faades have been
implemented by these early adopters.
The innovators and early adopters combined are a small fraction of the design firms active in
the commercial construction market. There is a potential tier of secondary adopters that
have been following with interest the completion of the various structural glass facades over
the past few years, analogous to the group of people charting the experiences of the early
adopters of Apples iPhone; they are watching to see how the technology performs and
waiting to see if the prices drop. However, the potential secondary adopters of structural
glass faade technology face additional hurdles. One can expect the iPhone to be nicely
packaged with Apples characteristic user-friendly interface, directions as appropriate, and
after all, the technology is quite familiar to begin with. The context is quite different for those
designers, or other constituents for that matter, interested in working with structural glass
faade technology. Access to the technology is fragmented. There is little information to be
found beyond pretty pictures and rather non technical project descriptions. There are
resources and tools available for glass, cables, castings, and other elements of the
technology, but there are no comprehensive, organized technical resources, design guides,
or tools available to them to facilitate their use of the technology. Their only option is to hire a
specialty consultant, whose fees raise an immediate challenge to implementation, or a
specialty vendor or contractor who often have their own agendas that challenge the
designers ability to control the design throughout the design and build process.
New strategies and project delivery methods are needed to encourage and enable the
secondary adopters. A review of the current scope of work, work methods and processes,
and project delivery strategies may help to suggest some possibilities.
3.1 The Scope of Wor k
3. 1. 1 Conc ept Devel opment and Budget i ng
Concept development is the most important part of the design process when dealing with
innovative technology. The relative success of the project is most often determined in this
phase. Concept development includes the architectural phase of schematic design, and a
significant portion of design development. The evaluation of design feasibility should be an
ongoing part of this process.

The first item the client-developer typically wants to know is what is it going to cost. This is
impossible to answer with any confidence in the absence of at least a conceptual design.
Beyond that, the concept needs to be developed to the point where preliminary information
such as member sizing can be determined so as to facilitate an accurate cost estimate. The
building engineer needs preliminary reaction loads from the faade structure impacting the
building structure, so that he can approximate the steel design required and estimate its
const. HVAC requirements from the mechanical engineer may dictate the type of glass to be
used in the faade, or vice versa, and certainly the structure system type, finish, and glass
system type will all directly impact cost. The designer requires reference information to
create a context for addressing these various concerns.

The makeup of the evaluation process is a function of the project, but can include material
and process research, product development, design development, mockups, prototypes,
testing, and cost estimating. An evaluation process should be developed at the
commencement of any design and development project, especially one involving unfamiliar
or innovative technology, and built into the program.
Especially when dealing with innovative building technology, the designer needs input during
design development as to the impact design decisions are having on the material,
fabrication, assembly and erection aspects of the design. Designing in the absence of this
information is inviting problems during the construction phase of the project. The same
applies to cost estimating. If the designer is not informed as to the cost of the various design
decisions, the ability to predictably meet target budgets will be significantly compromised. A
preliminary level of structural analysis must be undertaken to address these issues. The
input that is required is considerable and specialty faade contractors may be reluctant to
provide such services up front and without compensation with no assurance of being
awarded the project. Design/build and design/assist methods are discussed below as
possible strategies to resolve this dilemma and provide adequate technical input early in
schematic design when it is most needed.
The need for input early during schematic design can be exacerbated by the materials and
processes that are involved in structural glass facades. The architect may be inexperienced
with point-fixed glass systems, exposed steel structures, machines and cast stainless steel
components, rod and cable rigging systems; all are relatively unfamiliar to most practitioners
in the building arts. It is imperative that these elements be properly designed for and
specified in the bid documents.
Erection costs can be especially difficult to determine during the early design phase. The
project delivery methods described below provide the great potential value of having the
installer involved during design development, informing the design, and contributing
preliminary costing information regarding the installation work. Much of installation cost is a
function of site labor, a particular consideration in highly priced labor markets such as the
US, where installation costs can approach half of the total project cost. In contrast, site labor
costs are extremely low throughout most of Asia, placing more emphasis on material and
fabrication costs.
The costs of structural glass faade projects are driven by a multiplicity of variables and
must be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis. These are not the kind of projects
where rough per square foot budgets in the absence of any significant design can be
meaningful predictors of actual cost at bid time. Even with carefully considered budgets
there can be surprises at bid time. With conventional structural steel, one can expect
competitive bids to fall within a very tight range, typically just a few percentage points. With
more innovative technology like structural glass facades, the bids can vary widely and it is
not uncommon for bids to vary by as much as 20 or even 30 percent. The very best way to
bring predictability to costs presented at bid time is to involve material suppliers, fabricators,
installers and/or a specialty consultant or design/builder as early as possible in the design
process. Innovative building technologies are often brought to market, at leas initially, by
design/build specialty firms. A comment in an article about the cable net wall at the Time
Warner Center comments, Cable net wall contracts are usually arranged as design-build,
because nodes and cables are specialty items (Kenter 2007), a true but incomplete
statement. It is more the design component that drives the design/build strategy; there is no
practical way for the architect to provide a complete design at bid time. The design/build
strategy allows the final design and engineering, including engineer-of-record responsibility,
to a specialist.
The alternative to bringing an outside expert to the design team is to inform the architect
independent of outside expertise, with the objective of minimizing the need for outside input
and possibly eliminating the need for a paid consultant. If, as discussed in Chapter 1, the
designer is the potential engine of the secondary adopters, turning out new faade designs
that the existing infrastructure of material suppliers, fabricators and erectors can compete
for, then the opportunity is to put information, resources, design guidelines, learning
programs and tools that facilitate conceptual design into the designers hands. This strategy
could enable the architect to design with some level of structural glass faade technology,
although the more advanced and innovative designs will still require the involvement of a
specialist, and even more modest designs can benefit from specialist input. It is conceivable,
however, to expand the scope of work for the architect and reduce the required input from
outside to a level that can be provided by the vendor infrastructure, with all costs deferred to
3. 1. 2 Des i gn and Engi neer i ng
Design and engineering of structural glass facades is a specialty function. Few architects
have the expertise to exercise the capabilities of the technology, and few engineers have the
skills and experience to provide the required analysis as the design develops. This is true of
virtually all custom faade work. A few companies such as Kawneer, Vistawall and YKK offer
standard pre-engineered products of limited scope that can be successfully applied to a
limited range of faade problems, but most of the custom work is performed by specialty
companies that provide complete design/build services.
Alternately, there are a few engineering firms noted for dealing with these specialty
structures, Schlaich Bergermann & Partners being one mentioned previously. Werner Sobek
Engineering and Design is another that has worked extensively with Helmut J ahn in the
realization of some impressive faade structures. But even here the involvement of the
engineer is as part of the design team, and final detailing and engineering, and the role
engineer-of-record, typically falls to a design/build subcontractor.
Clearly, simplified tools that provided for a preliminary level of analysis and some basic
output regarding the behavior of a conceptual design could be very helpful in resolving a
design capable of being constructed predictably to a budget and schedule.
3. 1. 3 Fabr i c at i on
Fabrication requirements vary as a function of the selected structural system type and glass
system type. Depending upon the glass specification, product cost and availability, the glass
may be imported, which can present logistical and scheduling issues. These requirements
are not trivial, and how they are dealt with will directly impact the quality, timely completion
and cost of the work. Exposed steel structures require a level of craftsmanship in their
fabrication that is uncommon in the construction marketplace. Measures must be taken both
in properly specifying the work requirements on the design side and assuring that these
specifications are in fact met on the build side. Again, some of the materials and processes
utilized in structural glass facades, while not new by any means are unfamiliar to much of the
construction industry, impacting fabrication and erection processes as much as they do
design practices.
On approval of final design by the architect, and often before, the design/build contractor will
commence the fabrication scope of work, including material procurement and subcontracting
to other service providers as required. The design/builder may or may not have its own
fabrication facilities. The project specifications may stipulate that certain materials or
services be acquired from a named provider (sole-source) or providers. Such specifications
often include an or equal clause, that allows the design/builder to submit an alternate
provider for approval by the architect.
Fabrication issues are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.
3. 1. 4 Er ec t i on
The building site is where all prior work converges for assembly and erection; construction
can be the most challenging and demanding phase of a project. The financial success of a
project is most often determined on the building site, at least in areas with high field labor
rates. Here again the previously cited elements that comprise structural glass technology
and are frequently present in structural glass faade designs are largely unfamiliar to the
majority of erection contractors.
The components of the exposed structural systems are commonly prefabricated and pre-
finished with high quality and expensive finishes. Trusses and steel components may have
painted or plated finishes that can easily be damaged during assembly, requiring difficult and
expensive touch-up painting in the field. Stainless steel components will often have brushed
or polished finishes that mar easily. These materials must be stored, handled and
assembled with great care so as to preserve these finishes undamaged. An ironworkers
beater is not usually the right tool for accomplishing this work.
Every design manifestation of structural glass faade technology, unique or otherwise,
placed in the context of a specific building project, presents unique considerations for
material delivery, storage, handling, assembly, hoisting, and installation. For this reason, the
project specification should require that the design/builder or erection subcontractor provide
a method statement detailing the sequential steps, methods and techniques that will be used
in assembling and erecting the structure. This should be reviewed by the architect, and
should evidence that proper measures are being taken to protect the materials and material
finishes throughout the installation process.
An important role of the design/build contractor and erection contractor is to develop
appropriate means and methods for the erection work, and to perform the work in
conformance with the contract documents. Means and methods allow the erector to freely
employ their expertise in the most efficient erection of the work with respect to the various
considerations and constraints presented by the jobsite. As the means and methods are the
responsibility of the design/builder, the architect must assure that the project specifications
adequately protect the owner without unduly hindering the erection work.
A design/builder may provide installation services directly or subcontract the requirement to
a qualified installer. Ironworkers are generally involved in the assembly and erection of the
steel works, and glaziers typically install the glass and glass-fixing system.
3. 2 Pr oj ect Del i ver y Met hods
The section explores general building contracting practices in an effort to identify a strategy
most appropriate to a portion of the building work having innovative content. Understanding
how these practices impact the design phase of the project may indicate opportunities for
facilitating innovation in the building arts in general, and structural glass faade projects in
3. 2. 1 Des i gn/ Bi d/ Bui l d
Design/Bid/Build, or Design/Tender, is the conventional project delivery method in which
there is a contractual separation between the design team and the construction team. The
owner initially contracts an architecture firm. While the architects responsibilities typically
continue throughout the course of construction with some limited scope involving monitoring,
approvals, and managing design related construction problems, the primary design work is
clearly demarcated from the construction work. The architect will usually assemble the
professional design team to provide the spectrum of mechanical, electrical, structural,
landscape and other services required for the project.
The design work progresses through schematic design, design development, and
construction or contract documents phases, the culmination of which is a detailed set of
drawings, specifications, and contract requirements. The contract documents are then used
to solicit bids, or tenders, from competing general contractors. Public works projects are
usually open bid and strictly regulated to prevent unfair exclusionary practices, and
sometimes mandate that the qualifying low bidder must be awarded the project. This
qualification process is undertaken by the architect with the owner after the bids are
received. Other projects may be closed, restricting the bidding to an invited short list of pre-
qualified candidates, and there may be extended post-bid negotiations before the project is
finally awarded. Once awarded, the successful general contractor proceeds to issue
subcontracts to his selected contractors as required to provide the entire scope of
construction work; structural, electrical, plumbing, etc.
There is endless discussion in the construction market regarding the relative virtues of the
various project delivery methods. The all have their strengths and weaknesses.
3. 2. 1. 1 St r engt hs of Des i gn/ Bi d/ Bui l d
- Regarded to be the most competitive process as it pits contractors against each other in
pursuit of the lowest bid, thus providing the lowest cost to the owner. This outcome is
often illusory.
- Comprehensive and complete contract documents provide a level playing field for the
- The openness assures that highest probability that the owner will find the best and
lowest cost contractor available.
- The owner reserves his options until all bids are in and contractors qualified, again
helping to assure the highest quality and most cost effective solution.
- There is a clear demarcation between design and construction, and if the owner is not
satisfied with the results of the bidding process, he has retained options on how to
proceed, including re-bidding or canceling the project.
3. 2. 1. 2 Weak nes s es of Des i gn/ Bi d/ Bui l d
- The separation between the design team and construction team is often divisive and
contentious, leading to disputes on the project.
- The burden of budgeting is on the design team with minimal involvement from
contractors. If the architect is not adequately informed regarding construction costs, the
bids can easily exceed the project budget.
- Lack of input by the various contractors during the design process often results in the
post-bid discovery of things that do not work or can be done much cheaper and more
efficiently, leading to disruptive changes in the work.
- The contract documents must be very comprehensive, accurate and complete. Errors
and omissions in the contract documents can easily result in significant delays and
additional costs to the owner, as contractors incur and submit costs for changes to their
- The low bid selection strategy is not known for dependably delivering the most qualified
candidate. Cost pressure and an attempt to maximize profits by the general contractor
can result in the selection of substandard subcontractors, even when the provision of
approved subcontractors has been included in the project specifications.
- The practice requires virtually flawless contract documents, difficult even without
innovative content, as the only protection to the owner and design team against the not
uncommon practice of deliberately underbidding the work with the specific intent of
aggressively finding flaws in the contract documents and using these to drive up the
contract value through change orders.
- The process is inherently inefficient because of the duplication of effort in multiple teams
bidding on the same work.
3. 2. 2 Des i gn/ Bui l d
Here the design and construction services are both provided by a single entity. The term is
most commonly used in reference to an entire building project. The design/build contractor is
most often a general contractor that elects to provide design services, but architects have
also acted as design/builders, providing contracting services in addition to their usual design
services. This strategy requires that the owner qualify design/build candidates up front and
make a commitment to proceed with the selected entity.
As a modification of this strategy of most relevance to this thesis, it is also possible for an
owner or general contractor to employ the services of a design/build subcontractor for some
limited scope of work in a conventional design/bid/build project. This strategy is especially
suitable to specialty work where the number of service providers is limited, and to any work
with high innovation content. In the design/build scenario, the design/build subcontractor
generally acts as engineer-of-record for their scope of work.
3. 2. 2. 1 St r engt hs of Des i gn/ Bui l d
- Allows for the overlap of the processes of design and construction, better
accommodating fast-track scheduling.
- Allows for extensive involvement of material suppliers, fabricators and subcontractors
early in the design process, thus informing the project design as to these relevant
- Especially effective in projects involving cutting-edge technology or new materials where
designers may be uninformed as to details and costs.
- The budget can be developed along with the design, and accommodations and
adjustments made as appropriate, acting as a kind of value-engineering built in to the
- Provides single-source responsibility to the owner or general contractor, simplifying
management and mitigating risk.
- Minimizes the design scope for the architect by allowing most of the design development
and final detailing and engineering to be passed on to a specialty subcontractor.
- The potential for schedule compression can result in major savings over the
design/bid/build method.
3. 2. 2. 2 Weak nes s es of Des i gn/ Bui l d
- The architect can easily lose control over the design, resulting in compromises to the
design and the quality of the finished work.
- Involving the faade contractor into the design process can present a conflict of interest,
rather like asking the fox to guard the hen house. An disreputable subcontractor can
sacrifice the quality of the design and completed work to their own gain, again placing
the burden and challenge of identifying a qualified and reputable entity very early in the
process on the owner or general contractor.
- Budgets and costs can drift and the development of the budget must be carefully
managed to assure maximum value to the owner.
- Success relies heavily on the owner or general contractors ability to qualify and select a
competent, appropriate and reputable subcontractor.
- The overlap of design and engineering means that sometimes things are being designed
virtually as they are being built, leaving no margin for error.
The Design/Build Institute of America is a trade organization providing resources, training
and other support.
3. 2. 3 Des i gn/ As s i s t
The design/assist is a relatively new project delivery method that strikes something of a
compromise between the design/bid/build and design/build methods, especially when
circumstances make it very difficult to commit early in the process to a full design/build
contract. The design/assist is usually employed on projects with early involvement of a
general contractor, meaning the projects are most likely negotiated contracts between the
owner and general contractor and not design/bid/build. With this strategy the necessary
expertise is brought in early in the process, either by the architect or the general contractor,
but only to provide assistance to the design team, with no commitment regarding the build
portion of the work. The scope of work under a design/assist contract involves assisting in
concept and design development, and the preparation of a performance-based set of
drawings and specifications adequate for the purpose of soliciting a design/build bid. Final
design, detailing, and engineering will be the responsibility of the design/builder subject to
the review and approval of the architect. As above, the design/builder will act as the
engineer-of-record. The design/assist entity is usually desirous of providing build services,
and generally they are allowed, if not expected to pursue the construction scope of work
under a separate contract. In many instances the design/assist provider has gone on to
provide complete design/build services.
3. 2. 3. 1 St r engt hs of Des i gn/ As s i s t
- Allows for the early involvement of the necessary technical expertise without a
commitment to the construction of the work.
- Maintains the competitive environment for the owner or general contractors benefit, as
- Allows for a change in the design consultant all the way up to start of construction.
3. 2. 3. 2 Weak nes s es of Des i gn/ As s i s t
- Some of the most qualified specialty subcontractors are reluctant to provide
design/assist services, owing to the possibility that they may lose the build part of the
work to a competitor. Nobody like watching a competitor build their own design.
- The design/assist entity may try to develop a design that favors them for the build
portion of the work. If successful, it may be difficult to find competitive bidders for the
construction work.
3. 3 A Pr oj ect Del i ver y St r at egy f or I nnovat i ve Technol ogy
The architect has been identified as the primary adapter of structural glass faade
technology. The keys to the technology must be handed to the architect, in the form of
information, resources, learning programs and tools. These things can only be determined in
the context of a delivery method. The delivery method for designs involving innovative
technology must reduce to a minimum the work required by the architect, while still providing
for their control over design and construction quality all the way through the design and build
process. It must also provide for the involvement of critical material suppliers, fabrication
vendors and erection subcontractors early in the design process.
Clearly, the design/bid/build method is inappropriate for any design involving innovative
materials or building technology; the designer is left without access to critical input from
material suppliers, fabricators and specialty subcontractors, maximizing the risk of problems
with the design in the execution phase. Either of the other two methods provide for this input.
The design/build method is optimum if a suitable service provider with the necessary
expertise in the required technology can be identified and contracted early in the process. If
circumstances prohibit, the design/assist method provides a workable alternative, providing
for assistance to the architect in the completion of a performance-based bid package that
can then be used to solicit competitive design/build bids. Most specialty design/builders are
willing to participate on this basis. In many cases, depending on the degree of design
difficulty, and with the support of appropriate design tools, guidelines and resources, the
designer may be able to assembly a design/build bid package as described below without
any outside assistance.
3. 3. 1 Sc ope of Wor k
The strategy for implementing structural glass faade technology must include the following
design methodology, whether provided solely by the architect or with the assistance of a
3. 3. 1. 1 Sel ec t gl as s t ype
When very large grid dimensions and glass panel sizes are desired, maximum dimensions
may be limited by the glass type. In point-fixed applications for example, the glass is
commonly heat-treated, and the maximum panel sizes will be a function of the fabricators
tempering oven. The glass type will also ultimately determine the thermal performance of the
faade, some type of insulated glass commonly being used in conditions where thermal
performance is a priority consideration. Glass options are discussed in chapters 2 and 6.
3. 3. 1. 2 Devel op an appr opr i at e s ur f ac e geomet r y and
gl azi ng gr i d
This is the foundation point of a faade design, regardless of structure type, glazing type or
other considerations. The definition of the glass grid will inform the subsequent decision-
making process.
3. 3. 1. 3 Sel ec t a gl as s s ys t em t ype
Point-fixed systems are most commonly used with structural glass facades, but may not be
the cheapest solution if cost is the predominant consideration. Options are discussed in
chapters 2 and 6.
3. 3. 1. 4 Sel ec t a s t r uc t ur e t ype
Evaluate and select a structure type to function as the structural support system for the
faade. The various systems are quite flexible in terms of supporting any of the glass system
options. Structure options are discussed in chapters 2 and 6.
3. 3. 1. 5 Ex ec ut e a pr el i mi nar y s t r uc t ur e anal ys i s
A preliminary analysis of the structure should represent a reasonably close approximation of
the final design, within 10 to 15 percent. Assumed member sizes will be tested as a function
system deflection, and adjusted as appropriate. The analysis should yield preliminary
deflections, member loads and reactions. Determination of member sizes can then be used
for costing purposes. Reaction loads are important to the building engineer in the sizing of
boundary steel supporting the faade structural system.
3. 3. 1. 6 Devel op a pr el i mi nar y c os t es t i mat e
The output from the preliminary analysis combined with the selections for glass and glass
system should provide for a close approximation cost estimate for budgeting purposes. At
this point, potential design/build contractors can also be invited to provide preliminary costing
and budget confirmation.
3. 3. 1. 7 Adj us t t he des i gn as r equi r ed t o mat c h c os t wi t h
Evaluate cost against budget and consider design modifications as required. Depending
upon the initial design assumptions, less expensive alternatives for glass, glass system and
structure type may be possible.
3. 3. 1. 8 Pr epar e a des i gn/ bui l d bi d pac k age
Once a basic preliminary design is determined and evaluated for performance and cost,
performance-based bid documents as suitable for a design/build project delivery method can
be prepared.
3. 3. 2 Mi ni mum Bi d Doc ument s f or Des i gn/ Bui l d Bi d
Virtually all structural glass faade construction is ultimately completed under a design/build
project delivery method as discussed above, regardless of the scope of work provided by the
design team. Most or little of the design work can be provided by the architect, but the
design/builder is generally responsible for final design and engineering, acting as engineer-
of-record for the faade work.
The function of the performance-based bid package is to communicate as clearly as possible
the architects design intent, while leaving flexibility in the final design and detailing, which
will be the responsibility of the design/builder subject to review and approval by the architect.
3. 3. 2. 1 Repr es ent at i ve Dr awi ngs
Plans, elevations and sections as required to adequately describe the project. Member
sizing is not called out on the drawings. Typical connection details of the structure and glass
system as appropriate.
3. 3. 2. 2 Spec i f i c at i ons
Performance-based specifications for the following as appropriate (refer to chapters 2 and
- Glass
- Glass System
- Structure System
The specifications are best combined under a single section that details the responsibilities
of the design/builder. These should include some provision for an interim design submittal at
50 to 60 percent completion for review and approval by the architect as a mechanism to
control the design. Some projects stipulate additional interim reviews, even requiring 30, 60
and 90 percent reviews.
Ch ap t er 4 - Pr ec ed en t s ; Des i g n Gu i d el i n es ,
Des i g n an d Teac h i n g To o l s ,
L ear n i n g Res o u r c es
Design guidelines, tools and learning resources can play an important role in facilitating the
diffusion of innovative technology in a market by enabling potential adopters to acquire a
base competency in utilizing the new technology. There is little or nothing in the way of
existing design guidelines or teaching tools, and no centralized resource dedicated to
structural glass facades. The author is aware of no book or website dedicated to structural
glass faade technology, although examples of structural glass faade projects have been
included in published material and websites. There are very few companies currently
specializing in this technology, providing very limited resources to aspiring users (see
Chapter 1.3.6). There may be an opportunity to employ learning programs and design aids
to considerable affect in this context. The following is a brief review of some relevant tools,
methods and techniques, including some examples drawn from technology or disciplines
loosely related to structural glass facades. The purpose here is to identify the broad classes
of learning-aides that can potentially enable groups of adopters and facilitate the diffusion of
innovative technology into a broader market.
Note that the trend is for these various formats and methods to converge into a multi-
dimensional program around a subject matter of interest. Book projects often start out as
websites; a website can be quickly constructed to accommodate and present book material
as it develops, and can provide useful input into how the material is being received. The
website often becomes a repository for reference information, tools, news, tutorials, and links
to related websites. In the case of a successful book launch, the book and website can
provide a true synergy as they play off each other, the sum being greater than the parts.
4.1 Desi gn Gui del i nes
Design principles compiled to provide general guidance to the user with respect to a
particular design problem or process are called design guidelines. They are often presented
in terms of dos and donts, as checklists, or as a series of stated objectives. They are
frequently designed to act as decision-making aids to the designer, sometimes prescribing
an answer based upon certain conditions, sometimes providing evaluation criteria to support
performance-based decision-making.
There are many design guidelines providing high-performance building criteria regarding
sustainable or green building practice. The most visible of these is the LEED program
provided by the US Green Building Council. This program actually provides design
guidelines and a tool in the form of a guided certification program.
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System
represents the U.S. Green Building Councils effort to provide a national standard for what
consistitutes [sic] a green building. Through its use as a design guideline and third-party
certification tool, it aims to improve occupant well-being, environmental performance and
economic returns of buildings using established and innovative practices, standards and
technologies (U.S. Green Building Council 2002 p.i).
Similarly, a website resource for universal design, the practice of designing to enhance
accessibility and ease of use by the disabled in particular and the broader population in
general, provides General Concepts, Universal Design Principles and Guidelines, (Trace
Center 2007). The guidelines here are presented with respect to a series of design principles
(The Center for Universal Design 1997):
PRINCIPLE ONE: Equitable Use
The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities.
1a. Provide the same means of use for all users: identical whenever possible; equivalent
when not.
1b. Avoid segregating or stigmatizing any users.
1c. Provisions for privacy, security, and safety should be equally available to all users.
1d. Make the design appealing to all users.
Design guidelines can be used as the basis of a process, and the process can then be
mapped, guiding the user in a series of steps constructed to best facilitate that process and
yield a predictable outcome. The process and steps embody the design guidelines,
functioning as a design wizard or even an expert system. In this form the guidelines become
part of a design tool as discussed below.
4.2 Desi gn Tool s
Design tools facilitate some aspect of the design scope of work; AutoCad is a robust, broad-
based design tool in the form of a software program that facilitates the design drawing
process. Today, most design tools come in the form of computer-automated software
programs for such applications as; computer-aided design (CAD), 3-d modeling, animation,
web authoring, desktop publishing, illustration, imaging, structural analysis, building
information modeling (BIM), daylight modeling, climate analysis, and energy modeling,
among others. The tools can be broad-based and intended to provide comprehensive
support of a design process, or finely tuned to some particular aspect of a process. Some
are intended to simplify a process or some part of a process, making it faster and/or more
easily accessible to a user.
There are also a great variety of digital tools available online. These are generally limited in
scope and focused on some particular aspect of a process or product. Many product
providers maintain websites that include design tools specific to their products that provide
support for selecting options, sizing, specifying, as well as costing and ordering information.
4. 2. 1 Wi zar ds
A common type of design tool found on the web is a guided, interactive program that
incorporates relevant guideline information and steps the user through a process to arrive at
a problem solution. Software wizards would fall into this general category.
A simple example of such a tool can be found on the website of PPG Industries (2008). PPG
is a large producer of glass and glazing products. Their website provides considerable
resources to designers in the form of technical bulletins, design guidelines and tools. One of
the tools is called the Interactive Glass Product Selector, which is accessed through a link
on the main glass resource webpage. The tool is intended to facilitate the glass selection
process (Figure 4.1 - Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.1 Product selection tool, screen 1.
The user is first directed to make a selection from the exterior color box first. Clicking in the box
reveals the drop down menu.

Figure 4.2 Product selection tool, screen 2.

Figure 4.3 Product selection tool, screen 3.
On selection of an exterior color from the first list box, the second box (Figure 4.3) is activated with a
list of available options for that color. Product names and brief descriptions appear below the text box
to provide some preliminary information prior to selecting the performance coating. The selections are
submitted, and a final page (Figure 4.4) provides links to product specifications in pdf file format.

Figure 4.4 Product selection tool, screen 4.
4. 2. 2 Des i gn Tool s Suppor t i ng Si mpl i f i ed Pr oc es s es
The simplification and clarification of complex processes is a primary objective in the design
of tools and guidelines. Even old technology can sometimes benefit from new simplified
methods, but the maturation of a technology is typically accompanied by the development of
simplified tools and processes. In some, if not many cases the simplified tools are a primary
contributor to the diffusion of a technology into a broader market. The so-called user-friendly
computer interface is a good example of this; growth in personal computing accelerated
following the commercial introduction of the graphical user interface (GUI) developed at the
Palo Alto Research Center, which simplified the computer interface making the machine
more accessible to a new tier of adopters. In this respect, it is generally newer technologies
that stand to gain the biggest boost from the development of simplified tools and processes.
The more a tool can do the more complex it tends to be. AutoCad is a powerful CAD tool,
but is difficult and time consuming to learn. AutoCad is a primary program for architectural
designers, meaning that many of them must spend the time to develop some level of
competency with the tool, as the development of drawings is fundamental to their work.
Other functions may be less so. An example is daylighting, which involves the optimization of
natural lighting in commercial buildings so as to reduce the need for artificial lighting (with
resultant energy savings), the provision of adequate light levels to support work functions to
as large an area as possible, and the control of direct sunlight and glare.
Most architects would agree that this is an important function. Yet many of them do not
incorporate daylighting design in their practice. There are sophisticated design tools,
software programs, to facilitate daylighting design, such as Radiance, a highly accurate ray-
tracing program developed by the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and supported by
the US Department of Energy. However, both the subject and the tools are complex,
requiring a significant investment on the part of the designer to develop competency with the
issues and the tools. Many architects simply do not have the time. An alternative is to hire a
specialty consultant to provide the services. This will impact the design budget, and still will
require coordination by the architect. Christopher Reinhart (2004, p.1) comments:
With a rapidly developing knowledge base, architects rely more than ever on solid
performance measures to support their design decisions. Yet many aspects of design
compete for the team's attention. In today's competitive environment, the value of
information gained through any one simulation tool must be constantly weighed against the
time and financial resources required.
Daylighting as a design consideration does not lend itself to wizard type design tools.
Something between a wizard and a program such as Radiance may be able to open up the
practice of daylighting design to a new tier of adopters. Reinhart again:
Because daylighting is such an important feature of virtually all sustainable buildings and
because its quality and quantity are difficult to predict and evaluate through simple rules of
thumb, there is a need for daylighting software with a high rate of acceptance and adoption
by design professionals.
Reinhart is promoting a daylighting program called Lightswitch Wizard (now Daylight 1-2-3)
developed by the Lighting Group at the National Research Council Canada (NRC), in
partnership with the Buildings Group at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). The tool is
available by free download from a dedicated web resource (Daylight 1-2-3 2008). The
website acts as a resource in support of the tool, providing a guidelines and various other
technical information. Reinhart represents that, users do not require any previous
knowledge of daylight simulation techniques because all simulation inputs are explained in
the online technical background and the glossary sections.
Of course, there are limitations to this simplified tool, but it claims to provide enough
information to design offices and classrooms with enough but not too much light. As with
many simplified analytical tools, the program utilizes the shortcut of coefficients (in this case
pre-calculated with Radiance ray-tracer) to shorten the analysis time and simplify inputs (see
input screen Figure 4.5). The results represent a less accurate but useful approximation,
good for comparative analysis, and intended as input to the building designer during
schematic and early design development project phases.

Figure 4.5 Input screen for Daylight 1-2-3.
The program utilizes a single screen for data input as the sole user interface. A generic
building form is used with minimal geometry input, eliminating the complexity of inputting and
analyzing a custom geometric model. Question marks adjacent to input fields on the form
queue the user to a relational technical support system. A single-page getting started
document can also be downloaded from the website, that informs the user of everything they
need to operate the program in a 3-step process. These are essentially the guidelines for
using the program.

Figure 4.6 Start-up document for Daylight 1-2-3.
The program that is downloaded and resident on the users computer interfaces with the
hosting server to run the actual simulation, which requires approximately 3 minutes,
depending on server availability. Some simple output forms are then available to the user,
documenting the results. The program is quite simple and provides access to a level of
daylighting analysis and input to the design process that that is quite useful and typically
unavailable to the design architect.
It is interesting to note that tools that simplify processes are not typically simple to create.
The development of the Daylight 1-2-3 program represents the involvement of a project team
of a dozen people over a four year time period (Daylight 1-2-3 2008a).
4.3 Teachi ng Tool s and Lear ni ng Pr ogr ams
There is a plethora of teaching tools available online, most relatively simple themed
programs aimed at informing various segments of the K-12 population, ranging over every
academic topic from history to geography to mathematics. The programs are often
accessible for free over the internet, are easy to use, and typically designed to be completed
on average from five to twenty minutes. Many are interactive, and may take the form of
puzzles or games. Most present text and visual material and then a testing option for user
response through such means as multiple-choice questions. Feedback in some form is then
provided to the user regarding the testing results.
Learning programs are also themed, but are often application specific and more
comprehensive in scope. There are, for example, several learning programs available
directed toward the LEED certification program discussed previously (U.S. Green Building
Council 2008).
4. 3. 1 Sel f - pac ed Lear ni ng Pr ogr ams
The US Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED Rating System for commercial buildings,
rates buildings with respect to a set of criteria focused on issues of sustainability and green
building practice. Architects follow LEED guidelines and the building owner applies for LEED
certification. A point system is used to score the building design. Depending upon the
resulting score, the building can be rated at four levels; platinum, gold, silver, or certified.
The USGBC also provides a professional accreditation process for individuals trained to a
tested level of proficiency in the program.
For a small fee, three levels of coordinated courses are offered on the USGBC website,
along with other technical learning programs regarding the LEED rating system and green
building practice. These programs are designed to provide an increasing level of
competency to the user. At the third level the user is presumed to be working on a project
pursuing LEED certification.
High end self-paced learning programs can approximate in-class coursework. Some even
provide online interactivity, ranging from immediate programmed and automated feedback
(such as testing and response), to real-time interaction with an instructor.
While comprehensive and effective, these programs require a significant time commitment
by the user, arguably the most valuable resource at their disposal. Issues of sustainability
and green building practice have become progressively more central to contemporary
architectural practice, so many architects are increasingly motivated to acquire a level of
competency with respect to these issues. Lacking this motivation, these comprehensive
learning programs can become a barrier to the pursuit of new technology and higher levels
of competency.
4. 3. 2 Tut or i al s
Tutorials are a more focused, pragmatic form of self-paced learning program, less
comprehensive than the Design Guidelines discussed above. Many tutorials are intended to
get a user engaged with the subject at the novice level as quickly as possible, but tutorials
on advanced concepts can also be of value. Many popular software tools, such as the
various graphic design programs, are supported by an abundance of tutorials ranging from
the novice to the expert levels.
Some tutorials are step-by-step demonstrations; others are interactive, providing the
opportunity for the user to work through an exercise in parallel with the tutorial. For practical
reasons, many interactive tutorials are hardcopy text. Online tutorials are generally in the
form of a passive video-type presentation, which is unfortunate as the reinforcement of
learning-by-doing is absent. Nonetheless, tutorials can be highly efficient in providing a
novice level of competency with a subject so that the user can engage a tool or technology
and begin to develop their own experience based upon use. Tutorials are often designed to
provide instruction specific to a computer program, or can be designed as topic-based
learning tools. Examples of tools and various types of tutorials can be found at the USC-
MBS website at http://www.usc.edu/dept/architecture/mbs/tools/index.html.
4. 3. 3 Wor k s hops and Conf er enc es
In a certain respect, workshops are to interactive tutorials as conferences are to passive
tutorials. Conferences, lectures and presentations represent the passive, non-interactive but
in-person type of learning event. Workshops, on the other hand, are intended specifically to
involve interactivity on the part of the participant. Workshops typically take place in small
groups where the necessary tools and information are provided and problem solving
exercises are directed by an event leader(s). Workshops provide a unique learning format
that is particularly suited to some subject matter and to those users that prefer a face-to-face
and hands-on learning environment.
4. 3. 4 AI A CES Lear ni ng Pr ogr am
The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES) is a
comprehensive program with the mission of assuring the ongoing education of its 77,000
members. AIA members are required to fulfill 18 learning units annually to retain their
member status. The AIA/CES has instituted a content provider program comprised of
construction industry professionals ranging from architects to materials suppliers. The
AIA/CES has published guidelines and standards for the programs, and anyone can submit
a program, most frequently comprised of lectures or workshops, to the AIA/CES for review. If
the program is found to comply with the AIA/CES standards, the provider is authorized to
present the material under the AIA/CES banner, and AIA members attending the program
will receive a prescribed credit towards their annual educational units requirement.
The AIA/CES has published some material to aid aspiring providers in putting together
effective learning programs. These documents are available on the AIA website (American
Institute of Architects 2008). One of the documents is Program Development for Adult
Learners that discusses adult learning principles, instructional methods and formats
(American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems n.d.). Instructional delivery
methods include:
Passive: In a passive learning activity, the instructor does most of the presenting and the
learner takes a passive role. The learner is mostly listening, watching, and absorbing the
information without significant interaction.
- Keynote presentation at a conference
- Lecture series
- Listening to audiocassettes
- Viewing a video
- Slide presentation
- Facility tour
- Reading materials

Interactive: An interactive learning activity provides significant opportunities for participants
to interact with each other and/or the learning resources. The learner is actively engaged in
the learning process.

- Case studies
- Discussions among presenter and/or other audience members Group exercises and
- Hands-on activity
- Interactive computer software
- Problem solving/workbook exercises
- Roundtable discussion, focus groups
- Simulations, role playing

Program resources to be considered are:
Human Resources
- In-house expert
- Industry representative
- Independent expert or consultant
- Practitioner in the field
- School faculty member
- Other persons with appropriate experience, education, references, or certification

Material Resources
- Journal articles - Books or manuals
- Computer - Program handouts
- Software - Videotapes
- Audiotapes - Slides or overheads
- Teleconferences - Other resources supported by a bibliography,
data, lab tests, or research results
- Tutorial software
- On-site observations

And finally, the determination of a teaching method or delivery style must be determined on
consideration of the program content and learning objectives, and the document outlines
Examples of teaching methods or delivery styles include:
- Lecture - Roundtable
- Models
- Tours - Hypothetical
- Debate
- Case study - Demonstration - Worksheets
- Q&A - Panel Discussions - Video/audio
- Simulations - Exhibits

The AIA/CES program also includes a provider program for distance education as an
alternative to traditional classroom learning or other in-person venues like conferences and
seminars. They publish related guidelines downloadable from the website (American
Institute of Architects 2006). From these guidelines, distance education delivery methods
- Audio tape - Internet
- Cable TV - Publication/articles
- CD-ROM/software - Satellite broadcasting
- Computer based training - Teleconference/Audio conference
- Correspondence (written) courses - Videotapes
- Email - Web cast
- Fax transmissions - Workbooks

4. 4 Ref er ence Mat er i al s
The most basic learning resource is the body of existing information related to a subject. The
material can be in the form of books, journals, technical papers, brochures, magazines,
newspapers, thesis and dissertations, and in the many forms of digital media, and be found
for purchase from various sources, in libraries, in broadcast media, and on internet websites.
The internet has done much to make such sources of information available, but accessibility
is often challenged by the volume of material available on the web. The information relating
to a particular subject is not necessarily to be found in a single, centralized easily accessed
location. Mature subject matter and technology is far more likely to be easily accessible, with
organized, comprehensive industry websites. This is typically far less true of new and
emergent technology that may be largely uncategorized and unrecognized as a discrete
subject matter.
4. 4. 1 Cas e St udi es
This is a classic and heavily utilized reference format in the building arts. Case studies can
provide significant value to the user by documenting projects in a manner that presents
experience based upon completed works. The content can include various aspects of
concept, building form, programmatic content, structural design, a unique building form or
technology, materials and processes, and detail design. Examples of case study subject
matter may include:
- an overall architectural project,
- an architectural material such as glass or flooring,
- an architectural element or building system, such as a curtain wall or structural glass
- or documentation of some performance aspect of a project, such as thermal, daylighting
or acoustic.
Many design and architecture books contain case studies relevant to the book topic. Some
books are virtually all case studies, but more frequently a set of relevant case studies is
presented in support of and following an expositional treatment of the subject matter.
Professional journals will often include case studies, and they have become a feature of
many websites, ranging from architects to professional associations and product suppliers to
trade groups.
- The Sweets Network presents an extensive online group of case studies organized by
building type (McGraw Hill Construction Sweets Network 2008). At the same location,
links are provided to case studies by the suppliers of various materials.
- Detail is an excellent architectural magazine built around a case study format, with
themed issues ranging from facades to concrete construction. Detail generally manages
to live up to its name in providing in-depth content, and their website maintains an
archive of case studies that can be viewed online or downloaded for a small fee. (Detail
portal for architecture 2008).
- Intelligent Skins is an example of a book that presents topic chapters of information
followed by, in this case, 22 case studies. (Wigginton 2002)
Case studies range in content from superficial, with little but pretty pictures and general
description, to comprehensive, with extensive detail information. A few images accompanied
by some marketing text, as often found within product suppliers websites, does not
constitute a case study. The text should be free of sales pitch and obvious marketing
language, and should attempt to tell a meaningful story.
A good case study will present a problem and work towards the solution. There is quite often
a lot of blood, sweat and teams buried beneath the buildings featured in those coffee-table
architecture books; good case studies reveal the pain in story format, and thus provide a
learning opportunity for the reader. Exemplary case studies contain the following at
- contextual imagery and a general description of the project.
- key project statistics; size, quantity, duration, cost, as relevant.
- imagery ranging from contextual through midrange to detail.
- drawings as required to communicate key concepts and details.
- descriptive test to accompany imagery and drawings.
- charts and graphs to visually communicate critical data.
- extensive project credits.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has launched a case study initiative in recognition
of the value the format brings to the profession. The case studies are intended to document
recent and ongoing architectural projects. They chart the following benefits of the case study
(American Institute of Architects 2008a):
Firms and schools
Provide an opportunity for practitioners to reflect on their practice and approach to their
next project, and to incorporate new ideas (including ideas from students) into their work
Expose interns and students to practice issues and promote professional development
within firms
Provide an effective teaching tool and opportunity to publish faculty work that has gone
through a peer review process to satisfy academic requirements for promotion and tenure
Provide a basis for collaboration between firms and schools
Provide a vehicle for mentoring and structure for sharing knowledge
Earn continuing education learning units for research on and discussion of case studies

Knowledge agenda
Develop the discipline of architecture through teaching, scholarship, and research
Capture and share the knowledge, experience, and expertise of both educators and
Make this information accessible through a searchable database, which the AIA is
currently developing

Clients and the public
Make case studies available to clients and the public to better inform these constituencies
The AIA guidelines reveal the expectation of a very comprehensive treatment of the case
(American Institute of Architects 2008b):
- a concise abstract describing the most significant elements of the case and identifying
key team members, including the client and user representatives. (no more than one-
half page)
- learning objectives that articulate the topics to be studied and provide a guide to
understanding the lessons learned from the project (two pages)
- perspectives, including protocols for decision-making, stories of practice, innovative
ideas, and the value placed on innovation, measures of success, and graphic
illustrations. Various voices should be considered, including client perspectives and
those from the prime professional firm, consultants, contractors, and regulators.
(approximately 10 pages)
- analysis of and reflection on the specific relevant details of the case, focused on a
particular topic or considering a series of practice issues. The analysis may include
measures of success or difficulty, often reconstructing decision-making to understand a
projects flow. Client concerns, business issues within the practice, design
considerations, project delivery issues within the firm as well as project delivery in the
construction process are among the issues to be considered. The format for this section
can parallel that of The Architects Handbook of Professional Practice. (approximately
10 pages)
These are excellent guidelines primarily intended to provide consistency to the body of
studies collected by the AIA, but may need modification for different subject matter,
depending upon the presentation medium, target audience and other factors.
Case studies are one of the best ways to create a knowledge-based asset for a learning
resource, and there is certainly significant potential value for any design-based resource in
the inclusion of case study content.
4. 5 The Medi um
4. 5. 1 Pr i nt
Digital media is long way from replacing print. For many, books, journals, magazines,
newspapers, product brochures, technical papers and other forms of printed literature
remain a preferred way to communicate information and images. In spite of the convenience
provided by the internet, many people would still rather access information in printed form. In
fact, much of the information on the internet is also available in print. Material suppliers and
manufacturers have for the most part simply made their printed literature available on a
website. The McGraw-Hill Construction Sweets Network is the largest industry resource for
construction products. While the network has gone largely digital, they still provide one of the
largest catalog programs in the industry, including multiple volumes of product literature to
over 70 thousand architects annually.
Books are arguably still the popular choice when communicating a large volume of in-depth,
comprehensive information and analysis on a subject.
4. 5. 2 Di gi t al Medi a
Digital media include CD-ROM and DVD, digital video, cable TV and satellite broadcasting,
computer software and E-mail. Digital media emerged in dramatic fashion starting in the
1980s, and has replaced much of the earlier analog technology. The spread of digital media
was enabled by, or at least paralleled, the diffusion of the personal computer into
mainstream culture. In turn, digital media have facilitated the diffusion of information into the
4. 5. 3 Sof t war e Pr ogr ams
Software programs are a compilation of digital code that can be processed by a computer to
perform certain functions. They are great for automating processes, especially analytical
processes involving many computations. The programs can also embody procedural
guidelines and the kind of logical branching systems characteristic of design guidelines (if
this, then this, otherwise this). Most contemporary design tools are comprised of some kind
of computer enabled software program.
Most software programs run on a users computer. The program can be purchased on a
compact disc(s) and installed on the computer, or downloaded from the internet.
Increasingly, software programs can be accessed on a website through the internet, with the
program running on the server and just inputs and results being passed between the server
and user (client). Alternately, the computing code can be passed to the client, executed on
the clients computer, with certain resulting data stored on the client computer and other data
transferred back to the server for storage in a database.
Much of this can be transparent to the client. In the case of Daylight 1-2-3, the daylighting
analysis program discussed above, a combination approach was used where the user
downloaded a program and installed it on the client computer. The program was executed to
provide inputs back to the server, where the analysis was subsequently done and the results
passed back to the client. The best way of structuring this interaction is a function of a great
many interrelated variables, among them; cost, security, speed, liability, and the
requirements for data analysis and storage.
4. 5. 4 Webs i t es
The new book is the website and the new library is the internet. It is hard to argue that the
internet now provides the most convenient access to information, tools and other resources.
Unfortunately, much of the information available for free on the World Wide Web is
increasingly comprised of online brochures and other marketing information, requiring
discrimination by the user to qualify the information. Access to scholarly works and research
may be more convenient on the Web, but this access comes with increasing frequency at a
cost ranging from 25 to 50 dollars per paper; there may yet be substantial value in a trip to a
good library for those involved in extensive research, and regardless of opinion to the
contrary, there is still much in the library that will not be found online, especially with older
Nonetheless, internet websites provide a powerful resource. Select industry producers
provide excellent technical data, design guidelines for their products, product selection tools,
and even design tools on their websites. Industry associations have also provided some
excellent examples of effective and efficient websites, some of which are represented in this
thesis. An example in the glass industry is Glass Processing Days (GPD), an organization
that sponsors one of the largest international architectural and automotive glass
conferences, held every odd year in Tampere, Finland. GPD hosts a website that features
sections on industry news, a library, of articles, a product listing, a directory of suppliers,
magazine reviews, and a calendar of events. Hundreds of technical articles are available for
free download. Registration is required but there is no charge. The stated intent of the GPD
reflects the perceived potential value of a website:
provide a Web service for Glass Professionals.
The idea is to establish a forum for exchanging information on the ever more advanced
environment, technologies and processes that exist within the industry today and
tomorrow. The difference lies in the medium. As a web service, glassfiles.com provides a
forum that continuously offers easy access to educational and useful information
anywhere, anytime (Glass Processing Days 2008).

Most established technologies have at least one website acting as a resource and providing
reference materials along with tools. The glass industry, a large and mature industry, has
Universities are another place where valuable websites are often found. An excellent
example is a website resource and learning program regarding structures sponsored by the
University of Southern California School of Architecture (Schierle n.d.) The material on the
site is intended to augment coursework as part of the architecture and building science
curriculum (Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7 Structures website homepage.
In addition to general resource information regarding structures and the Chase L. Leavitt
Graduate Building Science Program, the site contains course information for various levels
of structure courses provided by the School of Architecture. Drilling down to the specific
course offerings, a new menu presents the course syllabus, project case studies, and

Figure 4.8 PowerPoint presentation in pdf format from the Structures website.
Clicking a lesson link downloads a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in Adobe Acrobat pdf
format into the browser (Figure 4.8). These act as effective self-paced tutorials with the
same general content as the lectures, (complete with sample problems) providing a
convenient means for students (or anyone else) to review the material before or after the
lecture. There are approximately 75 of these lesson programs included on the website.
Ch ap t er 5 - Th es i s I n t en t
The first section of this chapter is used to summarize the research of the preceding four
chapters, and to reiterate and summarize relevant conclusions. The second section defines
the work to be completed in the upcoming chapters.
5. 1 Resear ch Summar y and Concl usi ons
5. 1. 1 St r uc t ur al gl as s f ac ades r epr es ent a uni que bui l di ng
t ec hnol ogy.
This represents the fundamental hypothesis herein. Chapters 1 and 2 define the technology,
establish its lineage, and explore the various ways this technology is differentiated from
related building technology. In the process a common nomenclature is presented. In
following chapters the technology and various components of the technology will be
categorized and further described through comparative analysis.
5. 1. 2 St r uc t ur al gl as s f ac ades c an be bes t c at egor i zed by t he
s t r uc t ur al s ys t ems us ed as s uppor t .
A review of structural glass facades completed to date reveals that the most distinguishing
characteristic in virtually every case is the structure. It is the structural systems used in the
facades that most differentiates them from related building technology. This hypothesis will
be developed in Chapter 6 with a categorization of structure types.
5. 1. 3 Bar r i er s Ex i s t
Clearly, the design/bid/build method is inappropriate for any design involving innovative
materials or building technology
5. 1. 4 I t i s c onc ei vabl e t o f ac i l i t at e t he adopt i on of i nnov at i ve
t ec hnol ogy and t hus ac c el er at e i t s di f f us i on i nt o t he
mar k et pl ac e.
Innovative technology often emerges and matures slowly. Structural glass faades have a
history of over 30 years, with roots dating back much further. The diffusion of an innovative
technology into a culture is a potential; not a given, not simply a matter of time. Without the
necessary tools and information to enable aspiring adopters, an innovative technology can
languish and even disappear.
5. 1. 5 The ar c hi t ec t i s t he t ec hnol ogy us er of mos t i nf l uenc e.
While many are involved in the building process and require varying levels of competency;
the owner, consultant, contractor, material supplier, and building engineer, the architect is
the key player, the generator of new projects, the engine of diffusion with respect to
innovative building technology. The architect evaluates, selects and specifies the systems
and materials used to construct. The most potent strategy in diffusing an innovative
technology in the building arts is to get the design community to deliver more designs
incorporating the technology. This means both enabling and inspiring the designers to use
the technology.
5. 1. 6 The pr ovi s i on of l ear ni ng and i nf or mat i on r es our c es i s
c r i t i c al t o t he adopt i on of t he t ec hnol ogy.
Structural glass facade technology is comprised of many unique considerations, including
diverse techniques, materials and processes with which the designer must have familiarity.
5. 1. 7 Spec i al i zed t ec hnol ogy r equi r es s pec i al i zed pr oj ec t
del i ver y s t r at egi es and des i gn met hodol ogi es .
Implementation is always an issue with innovative building technology, and creative
strategies for project delivery are critical to project realization and ultimately to the diffusion
of the technology. There are many barriers to the implementation of innovative building
technology. Design methodologies and project delivery strategies must be carefully
conceived to mitigate the risk associated with innovative technology, and thus encourage its
5. 1. 8 St r uc t ur al gl as s f a ade t ec hnol ogy i s wel l - pos i t i oned f or
ac c el er at ed gr owt h i nt o a br oader mar k et .
The technology is mature, the infrastructure robust. Early development costs have largely
been paid by innovators and early adopters. A simpler, standardized, more efficient and
economical version of the technology is latent but poised to emerge.
5. 1. 9 Pr oduc t i zat i on i s an oppor t uni t y.
Productization, the packaging of some aspect of a technology into a simplified, standardized
product(s), is an opportunity with structural glass faade technology. The technology has
been created by the innovators and early adopters, and used almost exclusively in highly
customized, high-design, high cost applications. The basis of the technology however,
encompasses a broad base comprised of a largely unarticulated vocabulary of simplified
form, materials and methods. A wealth of material is present for new tiers of adopters to
utilize the technology in much broader applications, with simpler designs and more
standardization of the technology. Standardized products based on structural glass faade
technology could provide a highly effective bridge between the technology and a new tier of
5. 2 Thesi s Pr oduct
5. 2. 1 A Thes i s Paper
5. 2. 1. 1 Res ear c h Doc ument at i on
Background research will be documented in chapters 1-4.
- Chapter 1 defines structural glass faade technology, explores its historical context, and
describes the current state of the technology in the marketplace.
- Chapter 2 explores the various structural and glass systems used in structural glass
facades, as well as the materials and processes that comprise the technology. The
information in this Chapter becomes more than simply background information. As this
thesis explores the diffusion of innovative technology into the mainstream market and
the affect of information and learning resources in facilitating this diffusion, the
information in Chapter 2 becomes content for such a resource.
- Project implementation or delivery methods need to be as creative as the designs when
dealing with new and innovative building technology. Chapter 3 explores the relative
merit of the various strategies that are employed in realizing project designs
incorporating innovative technology.
- As mentioned above, this thesis explores the potential impact of available design
resources and learning programs on the diffusion of innovative technology into a broader
market. This is accomplished by facilitating initial competency and providing continued
learning opportunities for aspiring adopters. Chapter 4 explores various means and
methods for accomplishing this.
5. 2. 1. 2 Mor phol ogi c al Cat egor i zat i on by St r uc t ur e Type
and Compar at i ve Ev al uat i on
It is a hypothesis of this document that there exists a unique building technology referred to
herein as structural glass faade technology, and furthermore that this technology can be
best categorized by the structure types that are used in support of the facades. A
comparative evaluation is then possible between the structure types to clearly differentiate
them and provide the basis for decision making with respect to which type is most
appropriate for use on a given building project. This will be developed in Chapter 6.
5. 2. 1. 3 Cat egor i zat i on of Gl as s and Compar at i ve
Eval uat i on
A contention of this thesis is that glass is an important component of structural glass faade
technology, and while sharing many considerations with the use of glass in any application,
the application of glass in structural glass facades involves additional unique considerations.
Here again, the categorization allows for comparative evaluation that can provide the basis
for appropriate decision-making regarding glass selection. This will be developed in Chapter
5. 2. 1. 4 Cat egor i zat i on of Gl as s -Fi x i ng Sys t ems and
Compar at i ve Eval uat i on
As with glass, glass-fixing systems represent another important component of structural
glass faade technology. Some of these systems are used almost exclusively in structural
glass facades, some find use in other applications as well. The use of point-fixed glass in
itself does not make a structural glass faade. Point-fixed glass is often used in single-story
storefronts, and these would not represent structural glass facades as defined herein. At the
same type, the various glass-fixing systems can be used relatively interchangeably on the
various structural systems that make up the technology. This presents another decision-
making nexus, and here again the intent is to categorize and describe the systems in a
manner that provides for comparative evaluation. This also will be developed in Chapter 6.
5. 2. 2 A Web-Bas ed Res our c e f or St r uc t ur al Gl as s Fa ade
Tec hnol ogy
This thesis proposes the creation of a web-based resource for structural glass faade
technology as a means to enable new tiers of adopters and facilitate the diffusion of the
technology into the mainstream construction marketplace. A prototype website has been
developed as part of this thesis and is described in Chapter 7. The following items will also
be developed in Chapter 7.
5. 2. 2. 1 Des i gn Met hodol ogy
A design methodology is inextricably linked with the project delivery method, especially when
utilizing innovative building technology. As a fundamental principle, design must always be
informed and shaped by the entire building process, ranging from feasibility through
procurement, fabrication, assembly, erection, and lifecycle maintenance. The delivery
method determines who does what when. A project delivery method for projects
incorporating innovative technology is explored in Chapter 3.3 and will be used as the basis
for developing a simplified design methodology for structural glass facades.
5. 2. 2. 2 A Conc ept ual Des i gn Tool
As discussed previously, the architect is the key player, the target user who must achieve a
reasonable level of competency before adopting a new technology.
In this context, this thesis proposes that the most effective way to accomplish this is to
develop tools to facilitate the conceptual design process that typically involves schematic
design and design development. A simplified project delivery method is defined, a simplified
design methodology is developed in response to this delivery method, and now tools can
potentially embody and facilitate this simplified design methodology.
The tool proposed here is a software program created with Microsoft Visual Basic that
facilitates glass selection and structure type selection, and performs structure analysis on a
simplified model to provide preliminary information required to inform ongoing design and
budgeting. The tool can provide comparative analysis on different structure types to assist
evaluation by the designer. A prototype has been developed as part of this thesis and is
described in Chapter 7.6.
5. 2. 2. 3 Ref er enc e Mat er i al s
Reference materials are a key part of any resource, and websites are an excellent means of
providing convenient and easy access to these materials. Reference materials include
relevant papers, articles, case studies, system and product descriptions and specifications,
example details, and links to related manufacturers websites.
5. 2. 2. 4 Lear ni ng Pr ogr ams
Tools are not enough by themselves. Users must be taught how to use the tools for them to
be effective. And it takes more than a hammer to build a house; the user must learn the
context, the full breadth of the technology in which the tool will be used. This is a critical
component of any effective resource, and vital to enabling aspiring adopters. A tutorial-
based learning program for structural glass facades is developed here within the context of
the AIA/CES guidelines (see Chapter 4.3.4).
Ch ap t er 6 - Cat eg o r i zat i o n an d Or g an i zat i o n o f
Mat er i al s , Pr o c es s es an d Sy s t ems
Chapter 2 discussed in general terms attributes of the various materials, processes, and
system types that comprise structural glass faade technology. This Chapter will
categorize the structural systems, glass types, and glass systems that make up the
technology. A strategy for categorization is defined, and each system type is addressed.
A distinct set of evaluation criteria is developed for each of the primary systems;
structure type, glass type, and glass system type. Each categorized element is then
evaluated with respect to the appropriate criteria. The resulting attributes provide a
detailed basis for comparison between the categorized items.
The identification of a body of completed works comprised of glass-clad faade
structures with certain differentiating attributes as characterized herein has been
hypothesized as representing a unique building technology. Certain evidence has been
provided in this regard. A core test of this hypothesis will be the development of a
rational organization and categorization scheme for the elements perceived as
comprising this technology. The hypothesis further states that this body of faade
constructs is best categorized by the integral structural systems supporting the facades.
Secondary elements of glass and glass system are recognized as lesser opportunities
for such treatment. The discussion in this Chapter will be limited to brief system
descriptions, categorization issues, and comparative analysis of the defined classes. An
expanded discussion of the structural system, glass and glass system types is included
in Chapter 2.
6.1 Faade St r uct ur e Types: Cat egor i zat i on Scheme and
Compar at i ve Anal ysi s
As postulated previously, structural glass facades can best be categorized by the structure
types used to support them. The structure types categorized below have been discussed in
some detail in Chapter 2.2.
6. 1. 1 Mor phol ogi c al Cat egor i zat i on Sc heme
The structure types discussed in this thesis are not unique to structural glass facades; cable
trusses can and have been used to support long-span roofs, for example. But their
adaptation to the requirements of structural glass facades has rendered them unique, and
together they represent a distinct class of structures. Primary attributes of this class include:
Table 6-1 Attributes of structure types.
At t ri but es of St ruct ural Gl ass Faade St ruct ure Types
- Exposed structure and connections - Tension-based structural systems
- Minimalized structural systems - Frequent use of tensile elements in
rigid systems
- Refined craftsmanship - Lightweight structures
- Machined components - High flexibility; high deflections
- High quality materials and finishes - Optimized transparency as a frequent
design objective
The structural system types used in structural glass facades are categorized in Table 6-2
below. They are categorized here by inherent stability (open or closed system) and spanning
behavior (unidirectional and multidirectional), explained further below.
Table 6-2 Morphological categorization of facade structure types.
Morphological Categorization of Faade Structure Types
Closed Systems Open Systems
Unidirectional Spanning Closed Systems

Strongback Cable Truss
Glass Fin Cable Hung
Simple Truss
with cable/rod bracing
without cable/rod bracing
Mast Truss

Multidirectional Spanning Closed Systems

Space Truss / Space Frame Cable Net
flat surface geometry
Grid Shell (moment resistant) anticlastic surface geometry
Tensegrity Grid Shell with Cable Bracing
Hybrid Tensegrity

6. 1. 1. 1 Open and Cl os ed Sys t ems
Closed System: A structure whose primary stability is achieved internally, without the
requirement for pre-tension forces applied against an anchoring boundary structure.
Open System: A structure whose primary stability is achieved only through the application of
pre-tension forces applied against an anchoring boundary structure.
Consider a simple truss, even one with internal cable bracing. It possesses its morphology
independent of its inclusion in an overall structural system; it is internally stable. A cable
truss on the other hand, has no such inherent stability. A cable truss released from
anchoring boundary structure against which it has been pre-tensioned by the development of
prestress loads in the tension components immediately collapses into formlessness.
There are then two distinct classes of structure systems used in structural glass facades;
closed and open systems. The primary attribute that differentiates them as a function of this
classification is the requirement for prestress, which must be determined as a function of the
design process and must be realized on site during the installation of the structure.
6. 1. 1. 2 Spanni ng Behavi or
Unidirectional Spanning: Systems spanning in one primary direction.
Two dimensional (flat) trusses can span in only one direction, and systems built of such
trusses are referred to as 1-way systems with respect to spanning. Morphologically flat
trusses of any kind are only capable of unidirectional spanning. Strongbacks, fin-supported,
and cable-hung structures are also only capable of unidirectional spanning.
Multidirectional Spanning: Systems spanning in two or more primary directions.
Additional spanning directions increase the efficiency of a structure, allowing for a more
uniform stress distribution. Most common are 2-way systems. Orthogonal grid space frames
and cable nets are examples of 2-way spanning systems. Triangular grid space frames and
cable nets displaying 3-way spanning behavior are also conceivable. More complex
geometries as can be developed with grid shell structures are capable of complex, highly
efficient multidirectional spanning behavior along multiple load paths.
Multidirectional spanning is not simply a matter of utilizing a 2-way system. A square grid
octet truss space frame, rectangular in plan will at some point, as the plan length increases
relative to the plan width, span only in the short dimension, behaving as a 1-way system with
no benefit in efficiency from the other potential spanning direction. A square plan will span
most efficiently, evenly distributing stresses along both spanning paths.
6. 1. 2 Def i ni t i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a: Fa ade St r uc t ur e Types
Following is the format and the criteria by which the various systems will be presented and
6. 1. 2. 1 Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t r i but es
A brief bullet-point summary of the primary attributes identified and discussed in greater
detail following. Figure 6.1 orders a predominant subset of structure types by a generalized
attribute of inherent complexity.

Figure 6.1 Generalized complexity of structure types; listed in order of increasing complexity.
6. 1. 2. 2 Mor phol ogy
Each system will be briefly described correlating general function and form. (A more
generalized description of the systems can be found in Chapter 2.)
6. 1. 2. 3 Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
- Aesthetics
Each of the different structural types, while sharing many common attributes, possesses a
unique general aesthetic. Here the aesthetic attributes that characterize the systems are
- Transparency (and control):
The pursuit of maximum transparency in the building envelope has been a primary driver of
structural glass faade technology, although by no means the only one, and the relative
importance and manifestation of transparency varies widely between projects. The result in
any case has been an increasing generalized dematerialization of structure, achieved largely
through an increasing predominance of tensile bracing elements in closed, rigid systems,
and the open systems comprised mostly or completely of tensile elements. More and more,
however, the control of transparency as a means to control daylight is becoming the
predominant concern, not simply the maximization of transparency with no thought to issues
of thermal performance and glare. As a primary attribute of glass itself, the consideration of
structure transparency is nonetheless relevant. Here the systems characterized as having
the least and most generalized transparency will be identified, with the remaining systems
classified in comparison to these and each other.
- Geometric flexibility
This consideration involves the relative ability of the various structure types to accommodate
curves, folds, and other surface geometry. Structural glass faade technology enables a
remarkably broad vocabulary of form for the designer. There are however, important
differences between the system types that comprise the technology. This criterion is a
measure of the relative ease of design using the system, a function of the constraints
imposed by the structural system type and the technical savvy required by the designer to
achieve competency in the use of the system.
- Design issues
This criterion identifies design considerations particular to each of the various systems.
These include considerations of structure, anchorage, and add-on systems.
- Form-finding
Form-finding is a term used to identify an interactive and iterative process used in
developing form (Lewis 2005, p.178). Various computational techniques are employed. The
term was originally used to identify a process by which form is determined in highly flexible
structures, such as membrane structures requiring prestress loads as a condition of stability,
although Lewis (2005) recommends its broader application to rigid structures as a means to
optimize shape and stress distribution. Form in these non-rigid structures is purely
performance driven, deriving solely from the combined forces acting on structural materials
in a defined boundary geometry. From the initial condition, the process adjusts the form
incrementally and iteratively until static equilibrium is achieved. Only at this point is the final
shape determined.
This presents an obvious dilemma to the architect; they cannot simply define the shape as
part of their normal design development. The form cannot be determined arbitrarily and then
constructed. Someone with the analytical tools and know-how must be involved to provide
this specialized service. If the design can proceed with only a rough approximation of the
final form this may not present a problem; a specialist can be involved in the build phase of
the work to determine final form. If not, a means will have to be found to involve a specialist
during the design phase of work.
It should be noted that the term form-finding is being applied to a related conceptual design
process of parametric modeling whereby mathematical parameters are developed for
generating building form (Autodesk 2007).
In the context of this thesis the criterion of form-finding will be evaluated with respect to the
various structure types as either required or not required.
6. 1. 2. 4 Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
- Maturity
As discussed previously herein, structural glass faade technology has reached a level of
maturity over the past three decades that may not be widely recognized in the building
industry. This is relevant with respect to the industrys general recognition and acceptance of
the technology. At the system level however, there are differences in relative maturity.
Glass-fin facades are a more mature type than cable nets, for example. Relative maturity
between the systems will be identified for this criterion.
- Materials and Processes
While structural glass faade technology is a powerful form generator for the designer, it is
essentially a performance-based technology deeply rooted in the materials and processes of
which it is comprised. For this criterion, a brief description of the most common materials and
processes used, and the identification of any relevant issues with respect to them, will be
- Material Suppliers and Subcontractors
A challenge in delivering innovative building design and technology can be finding qualified
suppliers and subcontractors to facilitate the construction phase of the project. The newer a
technology is the greater the likelihood of this being a problem. Because of this there is
some correlation between this criterion and that of maturity as discussed above. At the risk
of some redundancy, this will be discussed as a distinct criterion.
- Glass System Interface
The various glass and glass system choices can be mixed and matched to the structure
types identified here with considerable freedom. Relevant considerations with respect to the
different systems will be identified here.
- Durability and Maintenance
The materials that comprise structural glass faade technology are all prime materials with
long life expectancy in normal applications. Differences do exist however, between the
systems. Lifecycle and lifecycle maintenance considerations will be identified and discussed
- Sustainability
Discussions of sustainability often ignore the important aspect of contextual appropriateness.
A technology incorporating high performance materials and processes may not be
sustainable on a widespread basis, but may be quite sustainable on commercial office and
public buildings as a feature element. Certainly structural glass faade technology is
sustainable in some appropriate context.
Another often neglected aspect of sustainability and green building is structural efficiency.
This is discussed further in the following criterion of structural efficiency.
Glass and steel, the predominant material base of structural glass facades, are both
recyclable. Architectural glass however, cannot be produced from recycled material because
of the risk of contaminants that could compromise the mechanical properties. A Pilkington
(2008, p.2) technical bulletin has the following to say about glass recycling:
The float glass process recycles virtually all the glass waste from the in-plant production
melting and cutting processes. This broken glass, known as cullet, is reintroduced with the
raw materials batch mix in the furnace as an aid to melting. It takes half the amount of
energy to produce glass from cullet as it does to produce it from raw materials. For LEED
certification calculations: Pilkington (NA) Float Glass contains approximately 20% post-
industrial cullet (recycled glass). It does not contain any post-consumer recycled content
because unidentified glass from unknown sources might not blend fully with Pilkingtons
glass formulations.
Neither steel nor glass however, can typically be regarded as local materials. Smaller and
more efficient float glass manufacturing plants have resulted in a considerable
decentralization of the manufacturing base over the past few decades, but glass is still
frequently shipped long distances to many construction sites. Owing to quality and warranty
issues, much of the glass in point-fixed applications has been imported from England and
Austria to all parts of the world. This is changing, and domestic supply sources have
increased throughout the developed world.
Steel production is also a relatively centralized industry, while steel fabrication can be found
at some level in virtually every locality, although the level of craftsmanship is often not suited
to exposed structural systems. Specialized steel products like strand and wire rope for
application in architecture are also highly centralized, being distributed globally from
relatively few locations, Germany chief among them.
The daylighting provided by these systems should be regarded as an offsetting resource,
although in most cases much more could be done in harvesting this resource and putting it
to work. There is great opportunity here in the future development and application of a more
sustainable, green version of structural glass faade technology. The issues here are deep,
interesting, and well beyond the scope of this thesis, but are strongly recommended as a
focus for future work.
Whatever the realities of sustainable building practice with structural glass faade
technology, there is general parity between the structure systems, with only some few
differences regarding material efficiency that will be discussed.
6. 1. 2. 5 St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
- Spanning capacity
Structural glass faades are long-spanning systems intended for spans of approximately 20
feet and up. All the structural systems except strongbacks are capable of long spans of 100
feet or more, and while the implications of span vary between the systems, a general rule is
that complexity increases with span. Also, the longer the span, the more important the
efficiency of the spanning system.
MacDonald (2001, p.60-67) has interesting comments on the relationship between
complexity and efficiency in structural design. Right or wrong, the design considerations that
drive the form of structural glass facades and other structures in architecture often do not
equate efficiency to economy.
- Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics
Typical span/depth varies among the systems; rules of thumb will be provided.
- Typical deflection criteria
Deflection criteria vary among the systems; rules of thumb will be provided.
- Pre-tension requirements
Open systems as discussed above require prestress forces to achieve stability. This
complicates the design process sometimes requiring the involvement of a specialist. Such
structures also require pre-tensioning in the field to achieve the prestress requirements,
which can complicate the field work, especially depending upon the magnitude of the
prestress loads. This criterion is generally not an issue with closed systems.
- Reaction Loads
A number of factors influence the way these structural systems load the anchoring structural
system. The open systems in particular can result in significant reaction loading that must be
understood and identified to the building engineer early in the design process. The relative
differences between the systems will be identified.
The open systems typically apply high reaction forces to the anchoring systems because of
the prestress forces required to stabilize these systems. Such reaction forces, or close
approximations thereof, must be identified early on the to the building engineer responsible
for the anchoring structure. These reaction loads require special consideration because they
are applied continuously, not intermittently like ordinary design loads.
- Structural Efficiency (strength to weight)
Many of the structure types identified herein qualify as lightweight building systems.
Structures designed using these systems can be half the weight of conventional systems,
being extremely efficient on a strength-to-weight basis. While this efficiency does not often
translate into cost savings and in fact may result in higher cost (materials are cheap,
efficiency is not (Macdonald 2001, p.64), the material savings are becoming of increasing
value. The higher material (and energy) costs become, the higher the value of efficiency in
structural design. It must be acknowledged that there is a compelling aesthetic associated
with these highly efficient structures that accounts for much of the reason for their use,
especially when the structure can be showcased in such dramatic fashion as is often
possible with structural glass facades. This attribute is discussed in general terms where
- Seismic behavior
The structural systems used in structural glass facades range from flexible to very flexible
with respect to movement under load. Wind load deflection criteria ranges from L/45 to
L/175. The facades are designed to accommodate this movement. Butt-glazed silicon joint
provide remarkable elasticity to the glazing systems. The structural systems are relatively
lightweight, as discussed above. Glass however, is relatively heavy; laminated glass of 2-ply
inch (7mm) panes weighs nearly 7 psf (3.2kg). Structural fabric membrane materials are
mere ounces per foot. Force is calculated as mass times acceleration, thus weight is a
disadvantage with seismic forces, but an advantage in resisting wind loads. The structure
types represented here are typically light enough that maximum loads typically result from
wind loads.
- Behavior under extreme loading conditions
Highly flexible structures perform better under blast and impact loading; in combination with
laminated glass, they are capable of greater and quicker deflections under load, mitigating
blast effect (Schoeberg et al. 2005, p.24).
6. 1. 2. 6 Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
- Fabrication
Fabrication issues vary between the systems and relevant considerations will be discussed
for each.
- Installation
Installation issues vary between the systems and relevant considerations will be discussed
for each. A predominant consideration is between the open and closed systems as
discussed following and in the pre-tension requirements section above. Open systems will
require pre-tensioning of the system during installation, which complicates the installation
Installation is a critical aspect to the successful implementation of a structural glass faade
design. The closed and rigid structures are the easiest to control with respect to field
tolerances. The open tension-based systems present challenges. Accurate survey becomes
of paramount importance. If the structures are installed correctly and within tolerances, the
glass system will install quickly and easily. If not, much expensive field labor time can be
wasted adjusting the structure to accommodate the glass systems.
6. 1. 2. 7 Ec onomy
Cost ultimately has more to do with the variables of application of any one of the various
systems described here than with the relative inherent costliness of the systems. Costs of
each structure type can vary widely as a function of design. The cost volatility is often
evident at bid time. It is commonplace for bids for commodity type services like structural
steel fabrication and/or erection to come in within a few percent of each other. It is not
uncommon for bids on specialty structure work as in structural glass facades to vary as
much as 20-30 percent. Thus, it is critical for the designer to begin cost analysis in parallel
with conceptual design development, thus providing this vital input as part of the decision-
making process. The goal is to balance the program requirements and design intent for the
faade with the budget objectives in a manner to achieve the most economical solution for a
given problem. Structural glass faade technology is capable of delivering solutions to a
broad range of budgets; the body of completed works includes examples ranging from less
than 100 to over 500 USD/ft (750 to 3700 EUR/m).

In addition, the relative costs between the systems will vary to some extent as a function of
the application. While a glass fin-supported wall may be cheaper then a cable net at shorter
spans, this may not be the case with longer spans. This makes establishing costing
guidelines between the systems challenging at best. For this and other reasons, the strategy
here is to establish a base level with the structure type that most frequently provides the
most cost effective solution to the broadest range of problem. The simple truss system will
be the base case. The other systems will be treated as a multiple of the base case.
Span and complexity are most directly related to cost, regardless of structure type; the
longer the span and the more complex the design the higher the cost. Figure 6.1 indicates
the relative inherent complexity of the predominant structure system types; cost will bear the
same general relationship. These are very general guidelines intended only to provide a feel
for the relative cost between the systems, and are in no way intended as a substitute for a
rigorous estimating program started very early in the design process.

The currency conversion from USD to the Euro equivalent was made in the March 2008
timeframe, a time in which the USD was falling rapidly against the Euro. Use the USD values
indicated here to calculate a current conversion to the Euro.
6. 1. 2. 8 Summar y
There are wide areas of overlap in applying these criteria to the structure types, resulting
from the many interacting variables present in any specific application of a system. While
cable net may be generally the most expensive of the faade types and simple truss
systems the least, it is entirely possible to have a simple and efficient application of a cable
net faade that is little or no more expensive that a simple truss system in the same
application, depending on the variables. Similarly, a highly transparent cable net structure
combined with a panelized glazing system using insulated glass may display less
transparency than a cable-braced simple truss system using monolithic glass. Nonetheless,
there are some important inherent differences between the systems with respect to the
criteria presented here, knowledge of which should prove useful to the designer in selecting
a structural system for a faade design. Figure 6.2 indicates some generalized behavioral
characteristics of the most predominant structure types.

Figure 6.2 Generalized behavior attributes of structural system types.

What follows is a consideration of each system type identified above with respect to the
criteria just presented.
6. 1. 3 Cl as s Compar i s ons : Appl i c at i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a t o
St r uc t ur e Types
The various structure system types are evaluated following. The structure systems were
described in detail previously in Chapter 2. The focus in this section is a comparative
analysis with respect to the evaluation criteria established in the previous section. Note that
space frame and space truss have been combined, as have the grid shell and tensegrity
The systems are presented in a sequence of increasing use of tensile components and
tension-based design.
6. 1. 3. 1 St r ongbac k
Table 6-3 Strongback attributes.
St rongback: Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t ri but es
- Tube steel to custom built-up sections can be used
- Transparency decreases as span increases
- If used in multi-story applications, glazing system must be able to accommodate full range of
building movements
- No prestress loads; tributary loading only
- Primary function is to integrate with long-span faade systems in short span areas to provide
a seamless building facade
- Efficient only in spans under approximately 20 ft (6m)
- High relative value in short span applications

Mor phol ogy
Strongbacks are structural framing members used in short-span applications. An
approximate spanning range is 8 to 20 ft (2.4 to 6m). Strongbacks can be used in simple
floor-to-floor spans as required to support exterior faade elements. In their simplest form a
steel tube section is often used as a cost effective solution. The simple tube section can
also be modified to accommodate the connections of various interface systems, or to provide
attachment to supporting structure. Their inclusion here is in support of a strategy to provide
a uniform cladding solution on a building incorporating different spanning conditions. The
strongback can be made to mimic the outer chord of a simple truss, allowing for the cladding
system to continue across the varied spanning condition uninterrupted.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
The strongback component can be a simple tube or a custom built-up section. So called
improved sections can increase efficiency and appearance, but generally do both at some
Transparency: As the span increases the section properties of the strongback will increase
and transparency will be compromised. Still, the relatively thin profile made possible by the
use of steel yields a comparatively high level of perceived transparency.
Geometric flexibility: The strongback can be designed to accommodate any surface variation
Design issues: The section properties of the strongback member will increase with span,
becoming increasingly inefficient from a material utilization standpoint in comparison to a
simple truss. The designer must make the determination of when to use a strongback
verses a simple truss based upon the variables of application, among them: span, design
loads, depth constraints, budget and aesthetic considerations.
Form-finding: Not required.
Glass system interface: The concept is for the strongback to provide a glass interface
matching a longer spanning system(s). Any of the glass systems can be accommodated with
strongback support.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: General parity with simple truss systems.
Materials and Processes: A fabricated steel component, galvanized and painted.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: All readily available.
Durability and Maintenance: Steel strongbacks will require some form or finish protection
depending upon conditions of use. Inside surfaces of tube sections must also be considered
if the tubes are left open.
Sustainability: General parity with truss systems in short-span applications. Efficiency
decreases as span increases.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Typically used in the range of approximately 8 to 20 ft (2.4 to 6m).
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: 15 to 20.
Typical deflection criteria: Design depth to match long-span structure system type.
Prestress requirements: None.
Reaction Loads: Tributary area.
Structural Efficiency: Relatively low efficiency. Improved shapes can provide somewhat
improved efficiency over open sections.
Seismic behavior: A function of section properties.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: Will not perform as well as more flexible
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: The choice of steel fabricator will depend upon the complexity of the strongback
Installation: Relatively simple; typically tied off at outside of floor slabs.
Ec onomy
Strongback systems are in general parity with conventional curtain wall systems. Used only
for smaller spans, so cost comparison to long-span structure types is not relevant.
6. 1. 3. 2 Gl as s Fi n
Table 6-4 Glass fin attributes.
Gl ass Fi n: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- The closest thing to an all glass facade
- Very high transparency, but less than flat cable nets
- Surface geometry is limited; flat or curved vertical surfaces are most common
- Vertical glass fins, full or partial height depending on span, located at each vertical glass grid
- Maximum fin length approximately 15 to 17 ft (4.6 to 5.2m); longer spans require metal splice
- Systems most often suspended, but small spans can be base loaded
- Suspended fin-supported glass walls were the seminal technology for structural glass
- Drilled or pinched point-fixed glazing systems typical
- span/depth = 8 to 10
- Deflection criteria = L/175
- Dead load reactions to overhead structure with suspended system must be accounted for
- Costs ranges from moderate to high depending upon span and load, but increases rapidly
with span; cost factor 2.0

Mor phol ogy
Another technique for the structure to diminish in appearance and thereby enhance
transparency in long-span facades is to substitute glass components for conventional
metallic components; a strongback or truss is replaced with a glass fin construct. With a
glass fin supported system, monolithic or laminated glass fins are positioned perpendicular
to the glass plane at the vertical glass seam to stiffen the wall against wind loads. Early
systems utilized a patch fitting to attach the glass, effectively restraining the glass at its
corners while providing for building and thermal movement. Contemporary systems
commonly use drilled glass panels and countersunk stainless steel fittings to fix the glass to
the fin. This structure type provides for an all-glass faade in spans under approximately 15
ft (4.6m), and a near all-glass faade in spans of up to 100 ft (30m), and of indefinite length.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: These are minimalist systems with a unique transparent aesthetic.
Transparency (and control): The origins, while not the roots, of structural glass facades can
be traced to this structure type. Some would argue that this remains the most transparent of
the faade types. After all, there is virtually nothing but glass in the system, not even the
cables of the cable net structures; how could it not be the most transparent. However, the
lateral stability for this these systems is provided by glass fins that extend back
perpendicular to the glass surface, creating a layering of glass that is easily read from most
vantage points. This affect is not present with the membranes provided by the cable nets.
This is and will always remain one of the most transparent systems, but it is the opinion of
the author that the flat cable nets and cable hung structures provide optimum transparency.
Geometric flexibility: Heat-treated laminated glass is being used increasingly in structural
applications as beam and column elements. The latest high-profile example of this is the
glass cube by Apple in Manhattan; the entire structure and cladding are glass. There are
opportunities for exploring faceting and other articulations of the faade surface with this
technology, but most applications are vertical walls either straight or curved in plan. apple
Design issues: Whatever type of glass-fixing system is used, building and faade
movements must be accounted for. Glass panels can be suspended from above like links of
a chain, with the attachment to the fin allowed to slip vertically, but restrained against out-of-
plane movement. Spans over approximately 15 to 17 ft (4.6 to 5.2m) will require spliced fins
of more complex design, fabrication and installation.
Form-finding; not required.
Glass system interface: The glass module is typically oriented vertically to maximize the
number of fins supports. Glass cladding connections to the fin occur at the intersections of
the glass grid where various types of point-fixing options are available.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: This is the oldest of the structural glass faade structure types categorized herein.
Even so, application is everything, and long-span glass fin facades approaching 100 ft (30m)
remain cutting-edge.
Materials and Processes: Glass fins are tempered and/or laminated. Splice plates are
stainless steel with neoprene washers sandwiched between plate and glass to protect the
glass surface. In very long spans, multi-ply laminated fins are sometimes used. All hardware
and components are typically stainless steel.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: Several glass manufacturers including Pilkington and
Eckelt provide complete systems including design support and all materials and hardware.
Less costly solutions are possible with the faade designer detailing the system and a local
glass fabricator providing the glass; although the extended warranty provided by companies
like Pilkington will likely not be available. The strategy here is to find a design/builder for the
faade. Even with the high-end product approach, a willing contractor must be identified.
Durability and maintenance; just clean the glass.
Sustainability: Relative parity between systems.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Spans up to 100 ft (30m) have been built.
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: varies
Typical deflection criteria: L/175.
Pretension requirements: None.
Reaction Loads: Suspended systems require overhead structure to support system dead
Structural Efficiency: N/A
Seismic behavior: Provision must be made for movement at the connections of the glass
cladding to the glass fins.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: This attribute of glass fin-supported facades
presents a relative disadvantage in comparison with the more flexible tension-based
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: If spans are near the limit of a non-spliced fin, it is important to verify the
maximum single-piece fin length available, which will vary between manufacturers.
Installation: There are currently quite a few local and regional glazing companies that have
some experience with glass fin-supported walls. The installation of these systems is not
particularly challenging, at least with the shorter span systems.
Ec onomy
Cost increases exponentially with increased span. Systems are most cost effective in the
spanning range where spliced fins are not required. Costs can vary considerably between
product suppliers depending upon quality and warranty. A cost factor of 1.5 is based on a
normalized 30 ft (9m) span system. Low span systems using a non-spliced fin will provide
improved relative economy.
6. 1. 3. 3 Spac e Fr ame/ Spac e Tr us s
Table 6-5 Space frame/space truss attributes.
Space Fr ame / Space Truss: Summar y of Predomi nant
At t ri but es
- A unique aesthetic of exposed double-layer grid structure
- Least transparent of the structure types
- Complex structural geometries and resulting surface geometries are possible
- Grid module can constrain design
- Mature technology, but few system providers
- span/depth = 15 to 20
- Typically very rigid and lightweight structures with low deflections
- Most efficient when working as multidirectional spanning structures (spanning directions
must be close to the same dimension)
- Fabrication is a specialty with relatively few producers
- As a simple half-octahedral geometry, parity with simple truss

Mor phol ogy
Space frames and space trusses are
the same except for the member
connections; space frame structures
are moment connected (as in welded
connections restrained from rotating),
space trusses are pin connected (as
in unrestrained connections free to
rotate). (G G Schierle 2008, pers.
comm., 29 J an.) These structure types are typically comprised of repeating geometric unit
cells that combine to form a 3-dimensional truss network. The most common is the so-called

Figure 6.3 Biosphere 2; a large glass-clad space frame
enclosure (Biosphere 2 2006).
square-on-offset-square derived from the same basic geometry as octet-truss patented by
Fuller (1961); a repeating combination of close-packed half-octahedrons and tetrahedrons
that form two layers of square or rectangular surface grid separated by interstitial web
members. Space trusses are the more common form, and there are industry specialists
providing various componentized, prefabricated and pre-finished systems made to order.
The industry typically refers to both forms of structure as space frames.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: There is a density of members and a continuous depth of structure that is often
objectionable to the faade designer, and for this reason their application as faade
structures has been limited.
Transparency (and control): The density of members and continuous layers of structure
directly impact the perceived transparency of the structure. Even simple truss systems can
exhibit more transparency than either space trusses or frames.
Geometric flexibility: Interesting form can be generated by the repetition of a 3-dimensional
unit cell in space. While many space truss and space frame structures have been built since
the 1970s, very few have really explored this potential. Deviation from the unit cell geometry
immediately complicates the design, and can easily make fabrication and installation
impractical, so the surface geometry of the overall form is generally constrained by the
properties of the unit cell. However, virtually any surface geometry can be generated, but
results in a great diversity of part types.
Design issues: The space truss relies on geometric triangulation to provide stability.
Because of the moment connections, space frames are less constrained in unit cell
geometry, but are impractical in many applications because of the requirements for
developing the moment connections, such as joint welding or multi-bolt connections. Space
trusses are most efficient in the range of an 8 to 10 ft grid (2.5 to 3 meters), and are
generally suitable for mirroring the glazing grid. For reasons of connection geometry, a
rectangular grid space truss will typically be at least as deep as half the dimension of its
longest chord member.
Form-finding: not required.
Glass system interface: Space trusses and space frames are best loaded at the node, so
any glazing system capable of spanning node-to-node can be used, including point-fixed
systems. Veneer systems are also possible with a special chord design to receive the
glazing system.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: Space frame is a mature technology, but a languishing on as well. Thousands of
space truss structures have been built since the 1970s, but architectural interest in the
building form peaked in the 1980s.
Materials and Processes: Most systems are comprised of steel hollow section tube struts
with some kind of node connector. The most common system utilizes a forged and machined
steel ball as the node piece. All components and hardware are galvanized and painted.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: Space frame fabrication is a specialty; the local steel
fabricator will not be able to provide a componentized space frame system under normal
circumstances. The services of a specialty fabricator or design/builder will have to be
acquired. A potential problem is that there are currently very few to select from in the
Glass system interface: Any glass system type can be supported from the node on the
space truss grid. Veneer systems will require a special outer chord to provide continuous
Durability and Maintenance: Space trusses and space frames are durable structures
requiring low maintenance under normal circumstances. The typical space truss is
comprised of many pieces, each pre-finished in the factory. This is superior to field painting.
In the event that the finish is compromised for any reason, it can be extremely difficult and
costly to repair. Also, the configuration and constant depth of the structures combined with
the large number of parts can make cleaning of the structure difficult if required, and
furthermore can effectively block access from the structure side to the glass for cleaning
purposes. The simple truss systems can provide significant advantages here.
Sustainability: General parity with other systems.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Space frames and space trusses are multidirectional spanning systems
capable of long spans. Spanning capacity can be compromised by plan geometry that
effectively limits the spanning action to a single direction. For example, a square grid
structural system built to a rectangular plan of 50 ft by 100 ft (15m by 30m), will effectively
span only in the 50 ft direction.
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: Span to depth ration is high, in the 15 to 20 range, but the
minimum depth of a space truss is typically about one half of its largest grid dimension, to
provide for connection geometry. Space frames are not necessarily subject to this constraint,
but the structures will become less efficient as depth decreases.
Typical deflection criteria: The triangulated space trusses like the octet-truss are particularly
stiff, and will exhibit the lowest deflections of all the structure types discussed here. Such
stiffness was once regarded as a primary attribute for glazed structures. It has been found
however, that there is benefit in structures that are designed to accommodate significant
movement. Beyond the accommodation of building movements under normal design loads,
highly flexible structures perform better under extreme seismic, blast and impact loading
simply because they are designed to accommodate larger movements and these
movements allow them to absorb some of the energy in a manner that mitigates damage to
the structure (Schoeberg et al. 2005, p.24).
Pretension requirements: None required.
Reaction Loads: Tributary area.
Structural Efficiency (strength to weight): Space trusses achieve their stability through
triangulation, and are thus very lightweight, rigid and efficient. Triangulated space structures
have been designed as alternates to conventional structures at as little as half the weight of
the conventional structure.
Seismic behavior: Space structures are very rigid and resistant to movement. Problems can
occur if differential movement between the space structure and the boundary structure
exceed design limits.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: The rigidity of space structures prevents them
from flexing under extreme loading and absorbing some of the energy through tolerable
deflection. The more flexible systems are advantageous in this regard.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: As discussed previously, the fabrication of space structure systems is a
specialty, and there are relatively few vendors producing such systems. If the faade
designer is considering the use of a space structure support system, it is critical that a
provider or providers be identified and pre-qualified prior to committing the design.
Installation: Installation of space structures ranges from simple to highly complex. This is the
nature of this structural system; it can be used in the design of very simple structures or
applied to extremely complex building form. Complex designs typically involve a huge
number of part types and logistics of assembly and erection that are beyond the experience
and capability of most steel erectors. Material handling can be facilitated in smaller grid
systems where strut components are light enough to be handled by a single person.
Ec onomy
Here again, cost mirrors complexity and the cost of space frame structures can vary widely
on a unit basis. In a design of low to moderate complexity, a space truss is here assigned a
1.2 multiple with respect to a simple truss system.
6. 1. 3. 4 Si mpl e Tr us s
Table 6-6 Simple truss attributes.
Si mpl e Tr uss: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- Aesthetic varies widely depending on truss and system design
- Moderate transparency relative to other structure types
- Great versatility; system variations and hybrids are easily developed
- Very flexible in accommodating a variety of glazing systems, spans, form and form
- Best system to accommodate loading of add-on components (integrated sunshades,
canopies, entry portals, etc.)
- Mature technology
- Span/depth =15
- No pre-stress loads, tributary loading only
- Deflections = L/175 typical
- Reactions relatively low; systems can be hung or base-loaded
- Relative economy is largely attributed to ease of installation
- High relative value at a loss of some transparency compared to tension-based systems
- Lowest relative cost

Mor phol ogy
Vertical trusses are aligned to the glazing grid. Trusses are typically
custom steel fabrications with an emphasis on craftsmanship and
quality finish, incorporating rod or cable internal bracing. Lateral
cable bracing systems and intermittent vertical cable trusses can be
used to lighten the system. Bolt-up horizontal members can be used
between trusses to form a high tolerance exterior grid, to which a
variety of relatively low cost glazing systems can be easily
integrated. Rectangular tubes used at the outer truss chord and as
the horizontal member can provide enhanced economy by
integrating the glazing system with the supporting structure.
Horizontal truss orientations are also possible.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: System designs can be very basic or quite refined.
Transparency (and control): Good; the perceived transparency of
these systems can be quite high, but cannot match the tension-
based systems. Sunlight control on the other hand, is optimum;
simple truss systems are the best in accommodating add-on
systems such as awnings and louvers that can be integrated into the faade design. This is
far more difficult to do with the tension based systems.
Geometric flexibility: Simple truss system geometries are largely unrestricted in terms of
surface geometry. They can be sloped, curved, faceted, dished, stepped, all with relative

Figure 6.4 Typical
simple truss
Design issues: Simple truss systems are very flexible and adaptive to a range of design
objectives, interface systems and add-on components. Truss depth will be determined as a
function of truss spacing, span, and design loads. The StructureDesigner tool introduced
later in this thesis is intended to provide a simplified technique for the faade designer to
determine truss depth and typical member size (Chapter 7.6.2.
Form-finding: Not required.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: The most mature of the system types from the standpoint of employed technology.
Materials and Processes: Fabricated steel trusses and truss system components, stainless
steel rod or cable bracing elements, and hardware comprise the bulk of these systems. All
trusses and hollow section components should be welded closed to prevent internal
moisture and rusting. Top quality paint finishes with manufacturers recommended surface
preparation should be used on all mild-steel surfaces.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: There is a solid material supply and subcontractor
base in place. Steel truss fabricators can generally be found regionally or locally, although
quality of workmanship can vary widely.
Glass system interface: Great flexibility in this regard. Any glass system type can be easily
accommodated. If a square or rectangular tube is used for the outer chord of the truss and
the horizontals, an inexpensive veneer type glazing system can be continuously supported
by the steel structure, providing a high level of system integration. Alternately, trusses built
up from round tubing can be designed with brackets extending from the outer chord to attach
a conventional curtain wall system or point-fixings for a frameless glass system.
Durability and Maintenance: The concern here is for the painted steel finish. If the structure
is interior to the faade the system should easily have a ten-year lifespan with minimal
maintenance. However, industry warranties for paint finish are typically for only one year. A
longer warranty period can be included in the project specifications.
Sustainability: General parity between systems.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Trusses in the 20 to 70 ft. range are very economical. Longer spans are
achievable. Truss design may become more complex as a means to reduce the depth of
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: L/d =10 to 15.
Typical deflection criteria: L/175.
Pre-tension requirements: Typically not required. Lateral bracing and internal truss bracing
may require simple pre-tensioning to a snug-tight condition.
Reaction Loads: Trusses can be hung or base-loaded. Hung trusses can be lighter, but
require heavy steel overhead support. Systems are typically base loaded, and not designed
to support the roof, meaning the truss-top connection detail must be designed to transfer
out-of-plane lateral loads from the facade into the roof structure, but not pick up any vertical
dead or live loads from the roof structure. Roof deflections relative to the faade must be
carefully analyzed. Reaction loads are in the normal range for any long-spanning closed
system as a function of tributary area of the spanning elements.
Structural Efficiency (strength to weight): Trusses are moderately efficient as structural
Seismic behavior: Good, more lateral restraint for glass than with tension-based systems.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: Not as good as more flexible systems, but less
deflection under wind load.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: In addition to AWS D1.1, the American Welding Society specification for
structural welds, exposed steel structures are generally specified to the AESS
(Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) specification as provided by the AISC (American
Institute of Steel Construction). This specification helps to define the expected craftsmanship
in the work, such as the dressing of welds. Quality paint finish is predominant concern. All
materials must be handled, packed and shipped in a manner to preserve the paint finish
throughout the fabrication and installation process.
Installation: The assembly and installation is generally very straight forward, and results in
enhanced economy for simple truss systems.
Ec onomy
The simple truss systems are generally the most economical of the structural glass faade
system types, and are used as the base case for the rough approximation of costs indicated
6. 1. 3. 5 Mas t Tr us s
Table 6-7 Mast truss attributes.
Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t ri but es
- Mast trusses can be quite elegant as exposed structure
- Increased transparency over simple truss by lifting glass surface off structure and increasing
use of tensile elements in the truss design
- Diversity of form is trickier than with simple trusses, but achievable
- Considerably less flexible in accommodating interface systems
- span/depth = 15
- Pre-tension requirements limited to bracing elements
- L/175 typical deflection criterion
- Reaction loading based on simple tributary area of truss element
- Trusses can be delivered to site preassembled
- Trusses require care in handling, shipping and installation
- Trusses require installation to high tolerance
- Cost factor 1.3

Mor phol ogy
Mast trusses generally take the form of guyed struts; a center compression member, usually
a round tubular section, is braced on 2, 3 or 4 sides.
Similar to the mast of a sailing yacht, pin-connected bracing
struts extend from the center mast to cable or rod bracing
stays, and act to stiffen the mast. Short-span systems can use
masts braced on 2 opposing sides to form a 2-dimensional
truss element (Figure 6.5), which can then be placed at each
glazing grid module. Equally simple cable bracing can be used
to stiffen the trusses laterally. Long-span systems can use
trusses braced on 3 or 4 sides set at some multiple of the
glass grid module, with horizontal mast or cable trusses
spanning between them to match the glazing grid (note that
horizontal cable trusses would require heavy boundary
structure to resolve prestress loads). Glazing support is
typically provided by one set of the bracing struts extending
out to define the glazing plane and provide attachment for the
glass system.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: System designs can very considerably, but mast
trusses typically present a predominant, yet elegant, exposed structure. Some designers
prefer a dominant structural presence, to feature the structure rather than minimize it. This
system provides an excellent opportunity for this kind of aesthetic treatment.
Transparency (and control): Very good; the transparency of mast truss systems is
significantly more than simple truss systems, but still less than the tension-based systems.
The enhanced transparency is largely a result of lifting the glazing plane away from the
structure. This invariably has the affect of lightening the structural system and increasing the
perception of transparency to the envelope. Sunlight control issues start to get more

Figure 6.5 Mast truss
cable-braced on two
problematic, as the structures are less accommodating to add-on systems such as awnings
and louvers.
Geometric flexibility: Form variation is more challenging than with simple trusses, and
consequently most applications of this system are relatively simple in overall form, but
significant variation is achievable. Truss designs at the interface between geometry
changes, as at corners, can become complex.
Design issues: The glass plane is extended out from the truss body and restrained against
out-of-plane lateral movement by the truss. The vertical dead load of the glass is typically
carried by a suspended dead load cable running immediately behind the glass plane and
supporting the ends of the extended bracing struts. Deflection due to the weight of the
glazing on the overhead structure should be accounted for in the design and installation of
the truss system.
Form-finding: Not required.
Glass system interface: The glass system generally fixes to the extended end of a bracing
strut that defines the glazing plane. A spider or clamp can be located here for a frameless
system, or the strut ends can support a structural vertical or horizontal mullion.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: Relatively mature system type from the standpoint of employed technology.
Materials and Processes: Fabricated steel mast trusses and bracing, stainless steel rod or
cable bracing elements, and hardware comprise the bulk of these systems. All trusses and
hollow section components should be welded closed to prevent internal moisture and
rusting. Top quality paint finishes with manufacturers recommended surface preparation
should be used on all mild-steel surfaces.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: Truss fabrication is somewhat more challenging than
with simple trusses, and tolerances become more critical, but there is general parity between
the simple truss and cable truss in this respect.
Durability and Maintenance: As with the simple truss, the concern is for the painted steel
finish. If the structure is interior to the faade the finish should have a 10-year lifespan with
minimal maintenance.
Sustainability: General parity between systems.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Mast trusses are flexible in their spanning capacity. Spans in the 20 to
70 ft. range are reasonably economical. Longer span are achievable. Truss design may be
complicated by the requirements of accommodating building movement at the interface of
faade and supporting structure or other systems (i.e., roof).
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: L/d =8 to10.
Typical deflection criteria: L/175.
Pre-tension requirements: Confined to truss assembly; no prestress loads transferred to
boundary structure. Lateral bracing and stay bracing may requires simple pre-tensioning.
Reaction Loads: Trusses can be hung or base-loaded. Hung trusses can be lighter, but
require heavy steel overhead support. As with the simple truss, mast truss systems are
typically base loaded, and not designed to support the roof, meaning the truss-top
connection detail must be designed to transfer lateral loads from the facade into the roof
structure, but not pick up any vertical dead or live loads from the roof structure. Roof
deflections relative to the faade must be carefully analyzed. Reaction loads are in the
normal range for any long-spanning closed system.
Structural Efficiency: Mast trusses exhibit improved efficiency over simple trusses.
Seismic behavior: Good, generally lighter and more flexible than simple trusses, capable of
accommodating sizeable movements.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: Not as good as the cable systems, but better
that simple trusses because of increased flexibility.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: In addition to AWS D1.1, the American Welding Society specification for
structural welds, exposed steel structures are generally specified to the AESS
(Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) specification as provided by the AISC (American
Institute of Steel Construction). This specification helps to define the expected craftsmanship
in the work. Quality paint finish is predominant concern. All materials must be handled,
packed and shipped in a manner to preserve the paint finish throughout the fabrication and
installation process.
Installation: The assembly and installation is more challenging than with simple trusses. It is
critical that the bracing struts supporting the glass plane are located to high tolerances
during installation. Cable bracing is often installed in the field to accommodate shipping of
the trusses, and the cable tensioning must be done systematically to control truss
deformations during assembly. A full section of the structure should be installed and
accurately surveyed to determine conformance with specified field tolerances before
commencing installation of glazing.
Ec onomy
Mast truss systems present a unique aesthetic and an enhanced transparency over simple
truss systems, at a price representing a ballpark premium of 1.3 times the simple truss.
Additional cost attributable to typically more elaborate hardware and to added complexity of
design, truss fabrication and installation.
6. 1. 3. 6 Cabl e Tr us s
Table 6-8 Cable truss attributes.
Cabl e Truss: Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t ri but es
- Significant dematerialization from mast truss system
- Increased transparency over mast truss by removal of center mast
- Spacer struts are sole compression elements
- Significant diversity of form is difficult to accommodate
- Interface systems are difficult to accommodate
- span/depth = 8 to 12
- Prestress is important as a design and installation issue
- Deflections = L/175
- High reactions require heavy boundary steel; prestress forces transferred to anchor structure
as high reaction forces
- Efficiency factor = 0.5
- Significant installation complexity
- Cost is increasing as a function of increased complexity; cost factor = 2.0

Mor phol ogy
Cable trusses surpass mast trusses in further dematerialization; cable trusses are quite
similar to a mast truss with the mast, the primary compression element and backbone of the
truss, removed. Of course, if you remove this component from a mast truss it collapses.
Stability in the cable truss is provided only by pulling it against opposing anchor structures.
This boundary structure must be capable of carrying the high reaction loads resulting from
the prestress forces required to make the cable trusses work. Lateral in-plane forces are
typically handled by a minimal horizontal cable network. It is important to remember the
efficiency gained with this system is at the expense of the boundary structure. The impact
can thus be mitigated by balancing the cable truss design, truss system design and
deflection criteria in a manner to minimize prestress requirements. Horizontal truss
orientation is also possible.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Cable truss systems are elegant and minimalist
expressions of force.
Transparency (and control): System transparency is significantly
enhanced over simple or mast truss systems. This is primarily
achieved by the elimination of compression members; the only
compression members remaining are the spreader struts that put the
two tension paths into opposition. The inverted truss design (or fish
truss as it is sometimes referred to) most typically used
accommodates a shallower truss depth than that required by the
mast truss.
Geometric flexibility; Truss geometry is limited. System geometry is
also constrained. Complex forms are possible, but result in
significant system complexity.
Design issues: A primary design issue is to mitigate the prestress
forces required to provide system stability. Deflection criteria can be relaxed if insulated

Figure 6.6 Typical
cable truss design.
glass is not required. Geometry transitions as with corner trusses, can result in significant
complexity; the corner trusses must resolve the in-plane lateral forces coming from each
direction (Figure 6.7). As the systems become progressively more minimal, each element
becomes increasingly important as an expressive structural element. Truss head and foot
details, as well as the spreader/cable connection detail become a prominent concern.
Form-finding: Actual truss shape will be defined
by prestress forces acting on the truss
configuration and mechanical properties of the
Glass system interface: Interface is provided by
spreader struts extending out to define the glass
plane, similar to the mast truss systems. Point-
fixed glass systems require high tolerance
installation; +/- in typical (6mm) at the interface
of glass fixing. A suspended dead load cable tied
to the extended spreaders is used just behind the
glass plane to support the weight of the glass. A
spider fitting can be affixed to the strut end for the attachment of point-fixed glass, as a high
transparency option. Alternately, a continuous square or rectangular tube section can be
fixed to the strut ends to accommodate the attachment of a veneer system, or virtually any of
the glazing system options (see Figure 6.8).

Figure 6.7 A corner truss in a cable truss
Res our c es and
Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: Cable trusses represent newer faade
structure technology, especially as a function of design
and installation.
Materials and Processes: Materials are minimal.
Spreaders can be hollow mild-steel sections of simple
and economical construct. However, since they are a
predominate element in a minimalist system, they
represent an opportunity for expression. Designers
frequently elect to develop this component in stainless steel, and even cast stainless that
frees the component from the constraints of a uniform section.
Material suppliers and subcontractors
Durability and Maintenance: Advantage should be taken of these minimal material systems
by specifying those materials of premium quality. Most cable truss systems utilize stainless
rods or cables. Spreaders are stainless steel or mild steel with a premium finish.
Sustainability: General parity with other systems, but advantages are possible with efficient
design that minimizes the prestress requirements such that the inherent efficiency of
tension-based systems is not compromised by its impact to the anchoring structure.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Complexity increases with span.
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: 12 to 15 depending on load combinations, truss and truss
system geometry.

Figure 6.8 Horizontal cable truss
bracing a rectangular tube.
Typical deflection criteria: These systems are typically designed to L/175. It is conceivable to
lower these criteria if circumstances warrant, but care must be taken to limit deflections to
those recommended by the glass supplier if using insulated glass.
Pretension requirements: Cable trusses will require pre-tensioning as a function of prestress
forces defined in the design of the system.
Reaction Loads: High reaction loads result from the prestress requirements. It is important to
determine a close approximation of these reaction loads early in the design process so the
building engineer can account for the impact to the anchoring boundary steel.
Structural Efficiency: Cable trusses are efficient systems and quite light on a span/depth
basis, but this efficiency is accomplished at some cost to the boundary steel as discussed
Seismic behavior: Systems designed for high flexibility perform well under seismic loading.
Cable trusses are very flexible and adaptive to extreme loading. Care must be taken that the
glass fixing system can accommodate the movement.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: Highly flexible systems have been found to
benefit from this flexibility when subjected to impact and blast loading (Schoeberg et al.
2005, p.24).
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: No particular fabrication concerns. If spreader struts are developed as cast
components, care must be taken to assure the structural and cosmetic properties of the cast
Installation: Installation is significantly complicated by the quality materials and finishes of
the system components, and the pre-tensioning requirements the installer must
accommodate installing the trusses. An appropriate method statement must be provided by
the installer or design/build contractor to assure installation of the system in conformance
with specifications. This method statement should include appropriate validation of prestress
forces in the installed trusses, and provision for accurate survey before and after the
installation of the glass.
Ec onomy
Cost increases with complexity and efficiency is not cheap. The cost factor with this system
is 1.5.
6. 1. 3. 7 Tens egr i t y
Table 6-9 Tensegrity attributes.
Tensegri t y: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- A unique structural aesthetic combining tension elements and discontinuous compression
- Relatively high transparency
- A range of geometric complexity
- Can be designed as traditional closed systems, or as a hybridized open system
- Form-finding is required for open system versions
- Pre-tension is required; most critical with open systems
- Prestress in open systems will transfer to anchor structure
- Installation complexity depending upon geometry
- Varies widely as a function of design, relative cost factor 2.5

Mor phol ogy
There is no body of work to draw on for this evaluation study, because few if any tensegrity
structures have been employed in faade applications. Tensegrity structures in the context
of the faade structures discussed herein are most closely related to cable trusses and grid
shells with cable bracing, in that they combine complementary tension and compression
elements in the basic structural form. If cable trusses are developed as 3-dimensional
systems with multidirectional spanning behavior, they would qualify as a hybrid tensegrity as
categorized in Table 6-2. The original definition of tensegrity derived from the work of
Kenneth Snelson included only closed system geometries. Fuller broadened the definition in
several respects, and the large stadium tension structures such as the Georgia Dome (see
Chapter 2.2.7) are typically referred to as tensegrity structures. Double-layer cable nets are
conceivable, with compression struts separating the nets, and could be regarded as hybrid
tensegrity structures in this categorization scheme. Tensegrity structures have been built
from repeating cellular units, such as the Needle Tower shown in Chapter 2.2.7. It is easy to
conceive of geometries such as these being developed into quite interesting faade
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Tensegrity structures present a compelling aesthetic. Compression elements
appear to float in a tensile net.
Transparency: The development of a tensegrity faade design is likely to emphasize the
unique structural system more than the pursuit of transparency, although the result will most
certainly represent a high-transparency faade.
Geometric flexibility: Many geometric forms have been explored by Snelson and others, and
mathematicians have cataloged variations of tensegrity geometries (Connelley & Back 1998)
that remain largely unexplored in architectural applications.
Design issues: The determination of an appropriate geometry to meet the various
requirements of a faade structure is complex and challenging, and beyond the capability of
most faade designers. Designers wishing to explore the potential of this structural form will
either have to familiarize themselves with the various geometries or engage the services of a
specialist. Detailing will also be challenging, with little precedent. The connection detail
between the cable and the strut end will be of particular importance. Robbins (1996) points
out from his study of the work of David George Emmerich, that the ratios between strut and
cable lengths are important in determining the structures efficiency. Compression elements
need to be minimal in length.
Form-finding: Form-finding may be required for the open system tensegrity structures.
Glass system interface: The obvious approach would be to develop a geometry that had a
compression element end at the intersections of the glazing grid. This strut could then be
treated as with the mast and cable truss structures.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity; Tensegrity structures were discovered in the late 1940s and the first architectural
applications built in the late 1960s and 1970s, but these have been few. More sculptures
have been built than architecture. There are no examples known by the author of tensegrity
structures in faade applications.
Materials and Processes: Likely similar to cable truss structures; stainless steel cables and
fittings, and some form of fabricated compression element.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: A similar context to cable trusses, with the likelihood
that installation will be particularly complex.
Durability and Maintenance: General parity with cable trusses.
Sustainability: Tensegrity structures can be very lightweight and efficient, attributes which
are frequently offset by the system complexity.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Tensegrity roof structures have been used to span stadiums. The
Georgia Dome spans 766 ft x 610 ft (233.5 m x 186 m). (Castro & Levy 1992)
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: Will vary as a function of geometry; approximately 12 to
Typical deflection criteria: L/175. Higher deflection criteria can apply, but care must be taken
to assure that the glass system is designed to handle the higher movement. Deflections
must be carefully studied. Certain tensegrity geometries have a tendency to twist when they
are pushed or pulled. Structure movements need to be studied at the glass interface to
understand the potential for bending loads imposed upon the glass.
Prestress requirements; Open systems will require pre-tensioning. Prestress loads will be
transferred to the anchor structure. Closed systems will also require pre-tensioning of the
cables to avoid excessive deflections, but the prestress forces will remain internal to the
Reaction Loads: Reaction loads will be high with the open systems because of the prestress
requirements. These reaction loads will impact the anchor structure.
Structural Efficiency: Tensegrity structures in glass faade applications should perform
similarly to cable trusses. The will however, likely be of higher density as continuous 3-
dimensional systems. They should fall between the mast truss and cable truss systems in
efficiency, with an approximate factor of 0.8. As noted in Chapter 2, the Seoul Olympic
Gymnastics Arena fabric clad tensegrity roof weighed in at just 2 psf (9.8 kg/m), indicating
its remarkable efficiency, but such a structure is inappropriate for a faade application.
Seismic behavior: A continuous 3-dimensional form should perform well under seismic
loading, as the multiple load paths provide for an easy redistribution of forces.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: The factors mentioned above under seismic
behavior and the general flexibility of tensegrity structures should provide for damage-
mitigating behavior under extreme loads.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: General parity with cable truss systems (see cable truss in this section).
Depending on geometry, machined fittings at strut ends to clamp cables may be more
Installation: General parity with cable truss systems. Depending on geometry, may be more
Ec onomy
General parity with cable truss systems. Depending on geometry, added complexity may
drive cost up.
6. 1. 3. 8 Gr i ds hel l
Table 6-10 Grid shell attributes.
Gri d Shel l : Summary of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- A unique form-active thin shell aesthetic
- Excellent transparency depending upon geometry and glazing system
- An interesting form generator; grid shells can be vaulted or domed, of regular and irregular
conical and toroidal sections, or free-form double-curved surfaces
- Design of surface geometries can become quite complex
- One of the newer faade structure types with largely unexplored design potential
- Two types; moment resistant and cable-braced
- Multiple spanning paths and shape provide long-spanning capacity and structural efficiency
- Local depth of the structural system is significantly reduced from that of truss systems
- Glass grid typically follows structure grid
- Fabrication and installation can be complex
- Costs vary as a function of design complexity; the designs can become quite complex,
relative cost factor 2.5

Mor phol ogy
Gridshells are a comprised of a grid of discreet structural members forming squares,
triangles or parallelograms that define the shell geometry. Unique shapes can be developed
with grid shells that benefit from the combination of shell and arch action (Paoli 2007, p.6).
There are two generic structural forms; the closed system type relies on either moment
connections or a fully triangulated geometry to achieve stability; the open system employs a
quadrilateral grid stabilized by perimeter anchor locations and cable bracing intersecting grid
modules. The cable bracing system is pre-tensioned and anchored at the perimeter. A
clamping mechanism clamps the cable bracing at the vertices.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Gridshells invariably provide a unique aesthetic of
curving or undulating form. They have been utilized more in
overhead structures (see Figure 6.9), but there are interesting
possibilities for vertical faade structures as well.
Transparency (and control): The single layer of structure with a
minimum depth enhances the transparency of this system type.
Geometric flexibility: There are few limits to the geometric possibilities of this system type.
Simple geometric forms are most common, but curved shapes of endless variation are
Design issues: As with any shallow domed structure, global buckling is a concern, and the
designer must take care to provide adequate surface curvature and to avoid flat areas
unless adequate support is provided.
Form-finding may be required.
Glass system interface: The glass grid typically follows the structure grid, with attachment
taking place at the vertices of the structure, or with the glass continuously supported at the
surface of the gridshell structural members.

Novum Structures is a specialist provider of structural glass facades and space frames.
This skylight application of a gridshell completed by Novum as a design/build project covers
the central atrium at the William Wrigley J r. Global Innovation Center in Chicago. The
skylight contains no pillars or beams for support to maintain optimum transparency. It spans
148 by 137 ft. (Novum Structures 2008).

Figure 6.9 An overhead
curved gridshell structure
(Novum Structures 2008).

Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: Gridshells emerged as a structural form in the 1970s, but relatively few of the
structures have been built.
Materials and Processes: Typical components are welded steel tube struts that bolt together
at their ends, or bolt into node components at the grid vertices. All steel components are
galvanized and painted. Stainless or galvanized steel cables comprise the cable bracing.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: Steel fabrication is a semi-production item requiring
high-tolerances, and is beyond the capability of most steel fabricators. A small number of
specialty design/build companies are experienced in providing these services.
Durability and Maintenance: Much depends on the quality of the finish. A high quality
galvanized and painted finish should last at least 10-years under normal conditions, although
standard system warranties are typically only 1-year. Longer warranties must be specified in
contract documents prior to bid.
Sustainability: General parity with other systems, although gridshells can be highly efficient
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: Spanning depends on curvature; the more shape the higher the
spanning capability.
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: A curvature ratio of 1 ft (0.3m) of sag over a 10 ft (3m)
span is roughly equivalent to an L/d of 10.
Typical deflection criteria: L/175.
Pre-tension requirements: The cable bracing will require pre-tensioning.
Reaction Loads: Prestress forces in the cable bracing will be transferred to anchor structure.
Structural Efficiency: Depending on geometry and construction, gridshells can be the most
efficient of structural systems because of the combined affects of shape and multidirectional
Seismic behavior: Gridshell structures of complex geometry can exhibit unusual behavior
under seismic loads, and the seismic behavior of these structures needs to be carefully
considered as a function of shape.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: Gridshell flexibility depends upon geometry and
system design. Some systems will be more flexible than others, and will potentially perform
better under extreme loading conditions.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: As discussed above, gridshells are typically built up from the assembly of
relatively small components. The tolerance of these components becomes of critical
importance. Few fabricators are qualified for this kind of precision production work, but they
do exist. Also, there are a few specialty design/build contractors with experience in the
fabrication and erection of gridshell structures.
Installation: The same applies to installation as with fabrication. Few erectors have
experience with the assembly and installation of gridshell structures, which do involve
special consideration. As with any of the systems requiring pre-tensioning and complex
assembly methods, the erector should be required to submit a detailed method statement
outlining the assembly and erection procedures.
Ec onomy
As gridshell complexity can vary enormously, so can cost. While the structures can be very
efficient on a strength-to-weight basis, the complexities of design, fabrication and erection
combine to more than offset any material efficiency.
6. 1. 3. 9 Cabl e- Suppor t ed
Cable-hung, flat cable net and double-curved cable net structures share many of the same
properties, so have been combined here.
Table 6-11 Cable-supported structure attributes.
Cabl e-Support ed: Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t ri but es
- Elegant, minimalist aesthetic
- Highest transparency
- Flat, curved (a plan radius), and double-curved system geometries possible
- Flat nets are geometrically simple, double-curved complex
- Cable nets can be pulled into double-curvature membranes providing a more stable structure
with considerably less deflection than flat cable nets
- Double-curved nets require form-finding to determine shape
- Newest of the faade structure types
- Flat nets are shallowest of all systems
- Flat nets are the most flexible of all structure types; largest deflections
- Typical deflection criterion L/45 to L/50.
- Critical Pre-tension requirements for design and installation to control deflections
- Pre-tension loads generate high boundary reactions
- Critical pre-tensioning can require sophisticated jacking systems and complex installation
- Highest deflections (L/40 to L/50 typical); most flexible, most movement
- Highest relative cost

Mor phol ogy
Cable-hung structures have cables tensioned along a grid in the vertical direction only. They
are similar to cable nets without the bidirectional cable runs. They are also somewhat similar
to the suspended glass fin-supported facades without the lateral support provided by the
glass fins. Glass-fixing components clamp to the cables along the glass grid. Flat
membranes require high prestress cable forces to control deflections. Developing a cable
net with the addition of a horizontal cable will be helpful if the horizontal span is not too
great. Curvature of the membrane in plan will also act to stiffen the structure.
Flat cable nets are constructed of cables tensioned vertically and horizontally to form a grid.
Vertex components clamp the cables at their vertices. The vertex components can also be
designed to clamp the glass to the net, or accommodate the attachment of another
component to fix the glass to the net.
Boundary geometry can be defined of opposing curvatures, such that the cables in one
direction pull against the cables in the opposing direction, thus yielding a double-curved
(anticlastic) form. The opposing forces add stability to the net, reducing deflections. Design,
fabrication and installation however, are all affected by the added complexity.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Extreme dematerialization of structure, the cable net facades provide the closest
thing to a soap-bubble like membrane. Stainless steel cables and cast stainless cable
clamps provide a minimalist, refined appearance. Low-iron glass and anti-reflective coatings
can be employed to maximum advantage with these systems to enhance qualities of
transparency. The anticlastic forms provide a striking and unique form to the faade
Transparency (and control): Highest inherent transparency. Daylight control is problematic;
interface systems such as louvers and awnings are difficult to support from the net. Daylight
control may be limited to the glass or such passive design features as overhangs.
Geometric flexibility: Geometry considerations are relatively constrained. Flat nets are
geometrically simple, anticlastic nets quite complex. Geometry of anticlastic nets must be
carefully considered in terms of modularity and symmetry or little repetition in glass sizes can
result, increasing complexity. Also, certain geometric configurations can result in warping
forces imposed on glass cladding.
Design issues: Generally problematic in accommodating attachment and loading of add-on
components (integrated sunshades, canopies, louvers, pv systems). Entryways are typically
constructed as portal frames structurally isolated from the net. Cable-supported facades,
especially double-curved nets, involve considerable complexity in both the design and build
efforts; for these reasons, it is beneficial to involve both design and construction expertise as
early in the design process as possible.
Form-finding: Again, the flat nets are simple, the anticlastic nets complex. The actual form of
an anticlastic surface is a function of cable properties, boundary stiffness and cable
prestress; form finding analysis is required to determine the shape (see form-finding
discussion in
Glass system interface: The interface between
structure and glass system occurs at the face
of the vertex clamp. Framed-panel and point-
fixed systems can be supported. Vertex cable
clamps can be designed to clamp glass at
corners. Alternately, spider fittings can be
attached to the vertex clamps to support drilled
glass. As mentioned elsewhere, where system transparency is the overriding design
objective, combining a cable net with low-iron monolithic glass coated with an anti-reflective
coating will provide the optimum. However, cable nets can be designed to support any glass
or glass system type.
Res our c es
Tec hnol ogy
Maturity: Cable nets are the newest of
the faade structure types. Their
application has been relatively limited
to date, but the trend is increasing use.
They have been used successfully in a
number of high-profile projects, and the building community seems to be gradually accepting
this technology as viable in broader applications.
Materials and processes: Cable net facades are constructed of remarkable few materials
beyond the glass; cables, end fittings, cable clamps and anchor assemblies; no compression
members. Cables and cast clamps are most often stainless steel, but galvanized cables or
clamps can be used.

Figure 6.10 Cable clamp for cable-hung system;
exploded view.

Figure 6.11 Cable clamp for flat cable net.
Material suppliers and subcontractors: The marketplace will readily supply all materials;
cable systems and cable clamps are available from multiple suppliers. The only concern
here is with installation (see below).
Durability and Maintenance
Proper system design and installation will assure a long-lived structure with the minimum of
maintenance beyond cleaning the glass. The cable net should be kept to the inside of the
glass membrane. The materials are minimal to begin with, and most often made of corrosion
resistant stainless steel. Stainless steel strand and wire rope are durable, high performance
Sustainability: The materials are minimal and durable. The minimalism is achieved at a cost
to the supporting boundary steel, which must be sized to withstand the relatively large
prestress requirements of cable net structures.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: High (with
correspondingly high
deflections). Designs spanning
up to 300 ft. (90m) have been
Spanning range
is a function of cable size, grid
geometry, design loads, and
the accommodation of pre-
tension forces to control
deflections of the net under live loads. Long spans will generate high pre-tension loads,
requiring heavy boundary structure.

Figure 6.12 and Figure 6.13 show the largest cable net completed to date, and a highly
complex structure; the New Beijing Poly Plaza project includes a 21-story atrium enclosed
by a cable net glass wall that is 90 m high and 60 m wide (Sarkisian et. al. 2007).

Figure 6.12 New Beijing Poly Plaza; SOM architect (Gritth
Span/Depth (L/d) characteristics: The depth of the flat
nets is minimal; a flat net spanning 100 ft. (30m) can
easily have a depth under 1 ft. (300mm), or roughly a
span to depth ration of 100. Double-curved nets are
locally shallow, but have an overall depth comprised of
the maximum displacement between the opposing
curvatures, called the sag.
Typical deflection criteria: Cable nets have the highest
relative deflections; deflection criteria is typically in the
range of L/45 to L/5O. The necessary control of
deflections results in design complexity to minimize
prestress loads. Flat nets are geometrically simple but
deflections are high. The added stability provided by the
double-curved nets significantly reduces the prestress
requirements necessary to limit deflections, reducing the demands on the boundary steel,
but at considerably added complexity to the cable net.
Pre-tension requirements: This consideration renders design efforts to minimize prestress
forces of paramount importance. High prestress loads impact boundary structure. Cable nets
may be impractical for renovation projects unless boundary support requirements can be
efficiently met.
Reaction Loads: As discussed here, high prestress requirements result in high reaction
loading which must be accommodated by the boundary structure.

Figure 6.13 Rocker arm detail on
New Beijing Poly Plaza cable net;
SOM architect, (Gritth 2007b).
Structural Efficiency (strength to weight): High structural efficiency of the cable net is offset
by the requirements for boundary supporting structure. The shape of the anticlastic nets
adds significantly to the structural efficiency.
Seismic behavior: With deflection criteria in the L/50 range, these structures are designed to
move. Lateral loading capacity is high so as to accommodated wind loads. In plane
movement is taken up in the large silicone butt-joints.
Behavior under extreme loading conditions: This class of structures benefits from its high
flexibility under impact and blast loading.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: Fabrication requirements are minimal and easily accommodated. Care must be
taken in the specification of cast components to assure quality. Stainless steel material
specifications must be carefully selected; similarly with coatings if steel products are used.
Installation: The definition of an installation method statement is important. It should address
both net assembly and installation. The nets must be installed to a high tolerance to assure
glass fit-up. Accurate survey information is critical. The nets can be assembled in place or
remotely, transported to the site, and installed as an assembly. If the latter strategy is used,
great care must be taken in handling and transporting the net so as not to damage the
cables or clamps. Both flat and anticlastic cable nets will require pre-tensioning during
installation, a critical function that requires proper technique, and often involves the use of
hydraulic jacking systems to perform the pre-tensioning, and the use of tension measuring
devices to assure that the specified prestress values are met.
Ec onomy
Highest relative cost. System costs range widely depending upon system complexity, net
geometry, span, deflection criteria, prestress requirements and impact on boundary
structure. While it may be the most materially minimal system, this comes with an increase in
complexity that generally more than offsets any material savings. It is very important to
assess reaction loads early in the design process so that the building engineer can be
involved in developing this aspect of the cost. As the newest of the facade structure types,
costs are dropping as the technology matures.
6.2 Gl ass Types: Cat egor i zat i on Scheme and Compar at i ve
Anal ysi s
The material considerations for steel are relatively simple compared to glass, an exciting
material that has been the focus of considerable development efforts over a long period of
time. There are many variables involved in the specification of glass when all of the color
options and performance coatings are considered. These considerations are in general
parity with any application of architectural glass however, and while very relevant to
structural glass facades, there is no intrinsic relationship.
The two considerations that are intrinsic to these facades are the heat-treatment of the
glass, which determines the strength of a single pane of glass, and the makeup of the
fabricated glass panel. There are different properties and applications for each class and
each type within a class. The various heat-treatment and glass panel fabrication options are
discussed in Chapter 2. Here, the intent is to categorize the relevant options and criteria to
facilitate appropriate glass type selection.
6. 2. 1 Cat egor i zat i on Sc heme
Table 6-12 Glass panel types for structural glass facades.
Gl ass
Type pl y 1 pl y 2 pl y 3 Framed Framel ess
1 monolithic annealed yes no
2 tempered yes yes
3 laminated annealed annealed yes no
4 annealed
treated yes no
treated yes* yes
6 insulated annealed annealed yes no
7 annealed
treated yes no
treated yes* yes
insulated annealed annealed annealed yes no
10 annealed annealed tempered yes no
11 annealed
treated annealed yes no
treated yes* yes
Safety Glass
Sloped / Overhead Glass (greater than 15% slope from vertical)
- * These configurations in a framed application may represent an over-design, unless
some unusual loading conditions exist.
- Heat-treated means either fully tempered or heat-strengthened.
- Ply-1 is to the inside.
- Panel #8 qualifies as safety glass if both panes are tempered.
- Panel #10 qualifies as safety glass in the vertical orientation.
- Panel #12 qualifies as safety glass in the vertical orientation if ply-3 is tempered.

6. 2. 2 Def i ni t i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a; Gl as s Type ( Heat -
t r eat ment ) and Panel Type (Fabr i c at ed Panel Mak eup)
A virtually identical set of criteria is relevant to both glass pane and fabricated panel. These
criteria follow.
- Description: A brief description of the glass pane or panel type is provided here. See
Chapter 2 for additional discussion.
- Fabrication: Describes any fabrication issues with respect to the pane or panel.
- Strength: Relative strength attributes of the pane or panel.
- Break Pattern: The characteristic pattern of the glass when broken, or behavior of the
fabricated glass panel when broken.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Whether or not spontaneous breaking of glass due to a nickel-
sulfide inclusion is a concern.
- Safety Glass: Does the pane or panel qualify as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: Problems of optical distortion are discussed. These can be an issue
when the primary attributes of glass, transparency and/or reflection, are primary
aesthetic drivers in a project.
- Size Limitation: Identifies relevant size limitation factors for pane or panel. Size is
limited initially by the width of the float glass production line. Most float glass lines limit
width to 130 in (3,302mm). Larger sizes are available from a few glass producers, but
may be expensive, unavailable or impractical in many applications. Heat-treated glass is
limited by the properties of the manufacturers tempering oven. In determining the
glazing grid, a source of glass supply for the assumed size must be confirmed, ideally
from a provider in relative proximity to the building site.
- Application: Primary application(s) of the pane or panel.
6. 2. 3 Cl as s Compar i s ons : Appl i c at i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a t o
Gl as s and Gl as s Panel Types
6. 2. 3. 1 Heat - Tr eat ment
Anneal ed Gl as s
- Description: Glass straight from the float process is in the annealed condition. From the
molten state, the glass sheet is slowly cooled in a manner to prevent any residual
stresses resulting from the process.
- Fabrication: The lack of residual stresses in annealed glass allows the material to be
easily cut and machined.
- Strength: The modulus of rupture (flexure) based on a 60 second load: 6,000 psi
(43N/mm). (Loughran 2003, p.110)
- Break Pattern: Annealed glass breaks in large sharp shards, and consequently most
building codes restrict its use in public areas; near doorways and walkways.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Nickel-sulfide causes no problem in annealed glass, even if
the contaminant is present.
- Safety: Annealed glass does not qualify as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: Good quality annealed glass is remarkably free of optical distortion.
- Size Limitation: Up to 130 in width (3,302mm), with larger widths available from a
limited number of manufacturers (Loughran 2003, p. 113).
- Application: Annealed glass is basic window glass. It is used in any application
providing full perimeter support to the glass where safety glass is not a code
requirement, and where added strength is not needed to resist localized stresses such
as thermal or point-loading.
Heat -s t r engt hened Gl as s
- Description: Glass is strengthened in a heat and quench process referred to as
tempering or toughening. Heat-strengthening is a partial tempering as opposed to full
tempering, and produces a glass with intermediate strength that is more resistant to
thermal stresses than annealed glass.
- Fabrication: All fabrication; cutting, holes, counter-sinking, edging, and sandblasting,
must be completed before heat-treating.
- Strength: The modulus of rupture based on a 60 second load on weathered glass:
12,000 psi (82.7N/mm). (Pilkington 2008, p.1) Heat-strengthened glass is approximately
twice as strong as annealed glass.
- Break Pattern: Heat-strengthened glass still breaks in large sharp shards, similar to
annealed glass but with somewhat smaller shards typically, and as with annealed glass,
most building codes restrict its use in public areas; near doorways and walkways.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Nickel-sulfide is generally regarded as not being a problem
with heat-strengthened glass, even if the contaminant is present, because of the low
surface and core stresses resulting from the heat-strengthening process.
- Safety: Heat-strengthened glass does not qualify as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: The heat-treating process can result in certain distortions to the
glass, such as roller-wave (see Chapter 2).
- Size Limitation: Viracon, the largest US glass fabricator, limits tempered glass sizes to
84" x 165" or 96" x 144" (2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658mm); see Table 2-9.
- Application: Heat-strengthened glass is used where higher strength is needed to
handle thermal stresses or concentrated loads. It is twice as strong as annealed glass,
and can be used in point-fixed glass applications. It is however, only half as strong as
fully tempered glass, and a thicker glass may be required for a given application. Heat-
strengthened glass has the benefit of being free from the concern of spontaneous
breakage. It is sometimes used in point-fixed systems in combination with a tempered
ply in a laminated panel in overhead or sloped glazing applications. The heat-
strengthened pane is used as the outer ply. In the unlikely circumstance that both panes
break, the theory is that the larger shards of the heat-strengthened ply will go into
compression as the panel sags, and thus help prevent drop out of the panel.
Temper ed Gl as s
- Description: Glass is strengthened in a heat and quench process referred to as
tempering or toughening. Tempered, or fully-tempered glass is subject to the same
process as heat-strengthened glass, except that it is heated to a higher temperature.
Tempering produces a glass with maximum strength properties and a unique break
- Fabrication: All fabrication; cutting, holes, counter-sinking, sandblasting, must be
completed before heat-treating.
- Strength: The modulus of rupture (flexure) based on a 60 second load: 24,000 psi
(165N/mm). (Pilkington 2008, p.1) Tempered glass is approximately four times as
strong as annealed glass and twice as strong as heat-strengthened glass.
- Break Pattern: Tempered glass breaks into pebble-sized pieces. This effectively
prevents the occurrence of large airborne shards resulting from impact to the glass. For
this reason, tempered glass is qualified as safety glass and intended for use in areas of
public safety as defined by various building codes.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Tempered glass is subject to spontaneous breakage as a
result of the contaminant nickel-sulfide (see Chapter 2). Nickel-sulfide is a small stone
embedded in a glass pane. The theory is that when subject to heat, the stone can
expand faster than the surrounding glass, causing high localized stresses that can break
the surface compression of the glass pane leading to spontaneous shattering. (The
theory does not explain why this phenomenon appears to happen unpredictably, and not
in immediate response to a specific temperature change.) The use of tempered glass in
structural glass facades is usually specified to be heat-soaked, a process that cyclically
heats and cools the glass to a prescribed temperature, under the theory that if nickel-
sulfide is present, the glass will break during the process.
- Safety: Tempered glass qualifies as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: The heat-treating process can result in certain distortions to the
glass, such as roller-wave (see Chapter 2). As the temperatures used in full tempering
are higher, the distortions can be more exaggerated than in heat-strengthening.
- Size Limitation: Viracon, the largest US glass fabricator, limits tempered glass sizes to
84" x 165" or 96" x 144" (2134 x 4191 or 2438 x 3658mm); see Table 2-9. Sizes will
vary between fabricators.
- Application: Tempered glass is used where maximum strength is needed to handle
global and local loads. It is generally the material of choice in point-fixed glass
6. 2. 3. 2 Panel Type
Only the basic variations are included here. Laminated, insulated, and laminated-insulated
panels can come in multiple-ply configurations in response to various performance criteria.
Triple-insulated glazing is increasing in use for reasons of thermal performance. Laminated
glass in multiple-ply with varied ply thickness has demonstrated improved acoustic
properties, as has laminated-insulated panels in varied ply thickness. The use of glass as a
structural material, as in application as stair treads and landings, calls for multiple-ply
laminates of at least 3-ply and often 5-ply.
Monol i t hi c
- Description: Generally in the industry the term monolithic refers to single glazing; a
single pane of glass in application. Building codes however, sometimes also refer to
laminated glass panels as monolithic. The highest transparency with respect to a
frameless glass system on any faade structure type is provided by monolithic glazing.
The smallest butt-glazed silicone joint can be used with monolithic glass. Unfortunately,
single-glazing also provides the worst thermal performance.
- Fabrication: Annealed monolithic panes are the most flexible in terms of machining. In
fact, all machining operations must be completed on annealed glass before any heat-
treatment. The universe of glass coatings, discussed in a limited manner in Chapter 2,
presents a different challenge; many coatings are fragile and must be protected from
exposure, and thus cannot be used on monolithic glass. Coatings such as the low-E
coatings discussed in Chapter 2 must be applied to the inner face (the number 2 or 3
face) of a laminated or insulated panel. Such coatings are referred to as soft coatings.
There are however, hard coatings available. These are called pyrolytic coatings, and
are applied by the float glass producers as an on-line process such that the coating is
fused into the glass surface. The coated surface is used as the number 2 (inside)
surface. Different manufacturers offer different products of varying performance.
- Strength: Strength is purely a function of the glass material as defined above.
- Break Pattern: The break patters is purely a function of the glass material as defined
- Spontaneous Breakage: As above in the heat-treatment section, spontaneous
breakage is only an issue in tempered glass, so a tempered monolithic panel would be
subject to this consideration, and should be heat-soaked (see Chapter 2) if used in a
frameless glass system.
- Safety: Tempered monolithic glass qualifies as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: Optical distortion is a function of heat-treatment, so this potential
exists in heat-strengthened and tempered monolithic panels.
- Size Limitation: Size is a function of heat-treatment as indicated in the previous section.
- Application: Monolithic glass or single-glazing is used where thermal and security
considerations are not issues, and where economy is. Monolithic glass is used in
structural glass facades where the pursuit of maximum transparency is the overriding
objective; monolithic panels of low-iron glass with an anti-reflective coating use in a
frameless glass system and provided with a wet-glazed silicone seal, provide the very
maximum in transparency. Even though tempered monolithic qualifies as safety glass, it
will still fall from the glass support with the potential of damaging property and injuring
people. Laminated glass is a superior product in most applications because if is less
likely to drop from the support. Laminated glass has other significant benefits over
monolithic glass.
Lami nat ed
- Description: Laminated glass refers to the fabrication practice of bonding two or more
sheets of glass through the use of an interlayer material, typically polyvinyl butyral or
PVB. The PVB is a sheet material that is sandwiched between the leaves or plies of
glass, and in the presence of pressure and heat provides a continuous bond between
the glass plies.
- Fabrication: Laminated annealed glass can be easily fabricated. Large sheets of
laminated annealed are produced by some fabricators and supplied to small glaziers
having no laminating capability, but can cut and machine the panels the same as they
would a monolithic piece of glass. However, laminated panels that include heat-treated
plies must have all machining work completed prior to laminating. One of the challenges
with laminated glass in point-fixed applications requiring drilled tempered glass is
assuring that the holes in the two plies of tempered glass remain aligned during the
bonding process.
- Strength: The combined glass thickness of a laminated panel is generally less strong
than a piece of monolithic glass of the same thickness.
Laminated glass is 50% to 100% as strong (depending on aspect ratio and framing details) as
monolithic glass of the same overall thickness and size when subjected to short duration loads at
room temperatures (Pilkington 2005, p.3).
Loughran (2003, p.113) discusses the problem of interlayer creep under long duration
loading and in the presence of excessive heat.
- Break Pattern: The break pattern is purely a function of the glass material as defined
- Spontaneous Breakage: An advantage of laminated glass is that even when a single
ply breaks the other ply will hold the panel together and keep the broken glass from
falling. It is extremely unlikely that both pieces of tempered glass in a laminated unit
would break at the same time, so this strategy effectively addresses the concern of
spontaneous breakage.
- Safety: Most codes recognize a laminated glass panel of any glass type; annealed,
heat-strengthened or tempered, or any combination thereof, as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: Two pieces of heat-treated glass laminated into a single unit, each
possessing some level of optical distortion because of the heat-treating process, can
potentially exhibit the additive affects caused by the combined distortion. However, if
laminated panels of annealed glass can be used in lieu of heat-treated glass, sharp,
undistorted reflections can be a desirable result. An outer pane of annealed glass
laminated to a heat-treated inner pane can provide superior optical properties when the
reflective surface is viewed outside.
- Size Limitation: The maximum widths of laminate glass can be limited by the width of
available interlayer material or the width capacity of the fabricators laminating
equipment. Depending upon these variables, laminated glass is generally available in
widths up to 100 in (254cm).
- Application: Laminated glass is a very versatile product. The safety attribute has been
discussed. It is also used in security and extreme loading applications. Bullet-proof glass
is a laminated composite of glass and polycarbonate. Laminated glass is the primary
strategy in meeting code requirements for impact-resistance in hurricane areas. Low-E
and other coatings can be protected when applied to the number 2 or 3 surfaces of a
laminated unit, and do not interfere with the bond integrity. DuPont (1995) is a leading
manufacturer of interlayer materials for laminating glass. Table 6-13 is derived from
information on their website. DuPont Laminated Glass Solutions
Table 6-13 Applications for laminated glass.
Speci al Appl i cat i ons f or Lami nat ed Gl ass
the panel is held together if one ply breaks; reduces potential for drop-
Security bulletproof, blast-resistant products available
Sound Reduction
interlayer materials with sound reduction properties improve acoustic
Solar Energy Control
coatings are protected by being encapsulated on the number 2 or 3
UV Control interlayer material screens out damaging UV rays
Extreme Loading extra strong interlayers resist impact loads
Aesthetics decorative interlayer materials in colors and patterns

Laminated glass can also be used as one panel in an insulated glass unit to combine the
advantageous of laminated glass with the superior thermal performance of insulated
glass panels.
- Cost: Cost of laminated glass is a multiple of the glass type used.
I ns ul at ed
- Description: Insulated glass units (IGUs) are constructed of two or more panes of glass
sealed to a spacer inserted between each piece, in a manner to provide a hermetically
sealed cavity between the two adjacent panes of glass. The airspace provides
significant improvements in thermal performance. Gases such as argon or krypton can
be used to fill the airspace and further improve thermal performance. Low-E coatings
can be applied to the number 2 or 3 glass surfaces and thus be protected from outside
exposure. IGUs can incorporate any of the glass material types. IGUs in frameless
glass system applications typically use tempered glass for all panes making up the unit.
- Fabrication: All fabrication on the glass panes to comprise an IGU must be completed
before assembly of the IGU panel. Fabrication of the IGU is typically an automated
process whereby the glass panes are cleaned and dried, an aluminum spacer is inserted
between the glass panes completely around the perimeter, and a double seal is applied
to hermetically seal the cavity between the glass panes. If the IGU is for application in a
point-fixed drilled application, spacers must be positioned and sealed around each hols
in the glass panel to preserve the hermetic seal of the cavity.
- Strength: The strength of an IGU with two panes of identical thickness will be nearly
twice that of a single piece of glass of the same thickness (Pilkington 2005, p.3).
There is a particular structural issue and an important consideration with respect to
insulated glass related to the important seal between the glass panes and the internal
spacer. Deflections of the insulated panel result in shear stresses to the seal. If the bond
is compromised, the hermetic seal of the cavity is lost resulting in a failure of the IGU.
For this reason, many fabricators put deflection limits on the use of their products; if
deflections exceed this requirement they will not honor the product warranty. The most
common deflection criterion is L/175. Deflections in frameless glass systems using large
glass panel sizes can easily exceed this criterion, owning to the absence of full
perimeter support to the panel. For this reason, most of the glass used in point-fixed
applications has been imported from Europe and the United Kingdom, where fabricators
are willing to provide a high-quality product with a 10-year or better warranty with a
deflection criterion in the L/90 to L/100 range. Viracon only recently modified their
deflection criterion for IGUs to L/140.
- Break Pattern: The break pattern is a function of the glass material that make up the
panes of the IGU as defined above under heat-treating.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Spontaneous breakage is only an issue in tempered glass, so
an IGU comprised of one or more pieces of tempered glass would be subject to this
consideration, and should be heat-soaked (see Chapter 2) if used in a frameless glass
- Safety: IGUs with all glass panes tempered qualify as safety glass.
- Optical Distortion: Optical distortion is a function of heat-treatment, so this potential
exists if heat-strengthened and/or tempered panes are used in the IGU. In addition,
differential pressure between the outside air and the cavity internal to the IGU can result
in inward or outward bowing to the glass which can be quite visible in the reflections on
the glass surface.
- Size Limitation: Size is a function of the insulating assembly equipment of the glass
fabricator. Some fabricators have the capability to manufacture very large IGUs. If only
annealed glass is used in the IGU makeup, the size is not restricted by any heat-treating
or laminating limitations.
- Application: Insulated glass is used to enhance thermal performance of the transparent
envelope. It is thus often combined with other techniques for reduce heat transfer by
radiation, conduction, or convection, such as tinted glass, metallic and low-E coatings.
The use of triple-glazed IGUs, or IGUs incorporating three panes of glass with two
corresponding cavities is increasing. IGUs are easily used in point-fixed clamped glass
systems. Their use in point-fixed drilled systems requires special seals in the cavity
around the holes to preserve the hermetic seal. Both applications require the use of
heat-treated glass, usually tempered.
Lami nat ed- i ns ul at ed
- Description: laminated-insulated glass panels combine the benefits of laminated and
insulated glass. In its most basic form, a laminated glass panel is substituted for one of
the panes in an IGU.
- Fabrication: Laminated-insulated panels involve the fabrication processes of both
laminated and insulated glass. Laminating becomes a preparatory step however, and
does not produce the final product. IGUs can be built from multiple laminated panels.
- Strength: The separate panes of a laminated-insulated unit do not work together
structurally, so the strength of the panel is the strength of the individual pieces.
- Break Pattern: The break patters is a function of the glass material that make up the
panes of the IGU as defined above under heat-treating.
- Spontaneous Breakage: Spontaneous breakage is only an issue in tempered glass, so
an IGU comprised of one or more pieces of tempered glass would be subject to this
consideration, and should be heat-soaked (see Chapter 2) if used in a frameless glass
system. The concern is lessened if the tempered pane is only used in the laminated
- Safety: Laminated-insulated units with all unlaminated panes in tempered glass would
qualify as safety glass under most building codes.
- Optical Distortion: Optical distortion in laminated-insulated units is a function of the
properties of the other material types. Note that as additional materials are layered into a
glazing assembly, the chances for optical distortion increase. Distorted reflections may
be mitigated if the outermost glass pane can be annealed.
- Size Limitation: Size in a laminated-insulated unit will be further limited over an IGU by
any size restrictions issuing from the laminating process.
- Application: Again, the laminate-insulated panel effectively combines the significant
advantages of laminated and insulated glass. The product is expensive however, and
the primary application is in sloped or overhead applications as required by building
code. Any glass sloped more than 15% off vertical must use laminated glass. If thermal
properties are also important, then laminated insulated glass is the solution. In such an
application the laminated panel would be on the inside of the installed unit, so that if the
single outer pane were to fail it would be prevented from falling into the interior space
6. 3 Gl ass Syst em Types: Cat egor i zat i on Scheme and
Compar at i ve Anal ysi s
6. 3. 1 Cat egor i zat i on Sc heme
Table 6-14 Categorization of glass system types.
Gl ass Syst em Types
- Framed Systems - Frameless Systems
- stick - point-fixed drilled
- unitized - point-fixed clamped
- veneer
- panel

6. 3. 2 Def i ni t i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a: Gl as s Sys t em Type
Following is the format and the criteria by which the various glass systems will be evaluated.
6. 3. 2. 1 Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t r i but es
A brief bullet-point summary of the primary attributes identified and discussed in greater
detail following.
6. 3. 2. 2 Mor phol ogy
Each system will be briefly described correlating general function and form. (A more
generalized description of the systems can be found in Chapter 2.)
6. 3. 2. 3 Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
- Aesthetics
Here the aesthetic attributes that characterize the systems are identified.
- Transparency
Relative transparency of the glass system types.
- Geometric flexibility
This consideration involves the relative ability of the various structure types to accommodate
curves, folds, and other surface geometry.
- Design issues
This criterion identifies design considerations particular to each of the various systems.
6. 3. 2. 4 Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
- Materials and Processes
For this criterion, a brief description of the most common materials and processes used, and
the identification of any relevant issues with respect to them, will be provided.
- Material Suppliers and Subcontractors
A challenge in delivering innovative building design and technology can be finding qualified
suppliers and subcontractors to facilitate the construction phase of the project.
- Glass System Interface
The requirements for the glass system will be identified here.
- Durability and Maintenance
Lifecycle and lifecycle maintenance considerations will be identified and discussed here.
6. 3. 2. 5 St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
- Spanning capacity
The spanning capacity of the glass system will be identified here.
- Typical deflection criteria
Deflection criteria vary among the systems; rules of thumb will be provided.
- Accommodation of movement
As the structures move under design loads the glass system must accommodate this
movement. The mechanism for this will be discussed briefly for each system.
6. 3. 2. 6 Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
- Fabrication
Fabrication issues vary between the systems and relevant considerations will be discussed
for each.
- Installation
Installation issues vary between the systems and relevant considerations will be discussed
for each.
6. 3. 2. 7 Ec onomy
General guidelines are intended only to provide a feel for the relative cost between the
What follows is a consideration of each system type identified above with respect to the
criteria just presented.
6. 3. 3 Cl as s Compar i s ons : Appl i c at i on of Eval uat i on Cr i t er i a t o
Gl as s Sys t em Types
It would make no sense to use a curtain wall system on a structural glass faade. Such an
approach ignores all opportunity for the integration of structure and glass system that is so
prominent in structural glass facades. It is informative nonetheless, to have them included in
this analysis, and two of the systems here derive from curtain wall technology. The stick and
the unitized systems are categorized here as framed system types. While frameless glass
systems are virtually synonymous with structural glass facades, there are a number of
examples that do not use point-fixed glass systems. These have been categorized here as
framed panel glass systems. Further analysis may reveal opportunity for a more refined
categorization of these systems.
As a matter of convenience and consistency, the systems are presented similarly to the
structure types, with the increasing attribute of transparency. The exception is the point-fixed
systems; the point-fixed drilled is arguably a more transparent system. It is presented first,
as the clamped version is a derivation best understood in comparison to the drilled system.
6. 3. 3. 1 St i c k Sys t em
Table 6-15 Stick system attributes.
St i ck Syst em: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- The oldest curtain wall technology
- Vertical extrusions span between floor plates
- Shifts much of the work to the building site
- Quality control more difficult on site
- Appropriate for geographic regions with cheap site labor
Mor phol ogy
Vertical mullions of aluminum extrusions designed to span between floor plates are installed
first, followed by horizontal mullions to complete the framing grid. Glass, metal panels, or
stone are then installed as infill. Panel materials are usually mechanically captured. Dry
gaskets typically provide the weather seal, but systems are sometimes wet glazed.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Conventional curtain wall appearance with strong framing grid.
Transparency: As the mullion is a structural member, they are relatively wide and deep,
compromising the perception of transparency from this system type. These systems are not
designed nor used for the attribute of transparency. Unitized systems described following
generally have wider mullions, so a stick system actually has the potential for higher
transparency than a unitized system.
Geometric flexibility: Changes in the glazing plane typically require custom extrusions, which
increase fabrication and erection complexity.
Design issues: These systems must be carefully designed to accommodate building
movements, and to provide pressure equalization to the system to prevent water and air
Glass System Interface: The glass is continuously supported on the frame.
Glass Type: There are no limitations to the glass type used except those imposed by code
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: Extrusions are ordered pre-finished. There is general parity
between framed systems with respect to glass and panel materials.
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: There are storefront and curtain wall subcontractors
experienced in the use of stick systems operating locally, regionally and nationally.
Durability and Maintenance: This is a function of two things; good design to keep water out
of the system, and a top quality finish to the extrusions.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: The systems are generally designed to span between floor plates.
Typical deflection criteria: Primarily a function of the glass type used; insulated glass units
will have a deflection limit specified by the glass supplier. This is typically not a problem as
the glass is fully perimeter supported.
Accommodation of movement: The systems must be designed to handle vertical, in-plane
lateral, and out-of-plane lateral loads as determined by engineering analysis of the building
and accounting for all dead and live load conditions.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: Cutting and drilling is done primarily in the shop and shipped to the field. All
assembly work is done in the field.
Installation: Installation is relatively simple, but stick systems tend to concentrate the
assembly work in the field where labor rates in Western markets are at a premium.
Ec onomy
Stick systems have been used for decades on a great number of high-rise and other
buildings. They are still used in some cases today, but have been largely replaced by
unitized systems.
6. 3. 3. 2 Uni t i zed
Table 6-16 Unitized system attributes.
Uni t i zed Syst em: Summar y of Pr edomi nant At t ri but es
- Has largely replaced stick technology
- Units are assembled in the shop and shipped to the field
- Shifts more of the work to factory-controlled conditions
- Better quality control from in-factory assembly
- Minimizes expensive site labor
Mor phol ogy
Similar to stick curtain walls, but systems are designed to be assembled in large units in the
factory, shipped to the site and set into position. Most are designed so that the units are
weather sealed when set into position, requiring only a minimum of wet silicone application
at the corner intersections.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Often similar to stick systems, but there is more flexibility with unitized systems
because of the factory assembly. Units can be structurally glazed, meaning the glass is
glued to the exterior of the frame with structural silicone, and no cover plate is required on
the exterior of the glass. This serves to mitigate the strong framing grid, providing an
uninterrupted glass surface. Custom curtain wall designs can become quite elaborate.
Transparency: Typically somewhat less than with stick systems, as the splitting of the
mullions around the perimeter of the units results in a wider combined mullion band.
Geometric flexibility: Unitized systems are more complex than stick systems, and are even
more impacted by added complexity to the building form.
Design issues: Like stick systems, unitized systems must be carefully designed to
accommodate building movements and to provide pressure equalization to the system to
prevent water and air infiltration. The necessary requirement to evolve unitized systems from
their stick-built predecessors into a modular system was to split the mullion at the
intersection of the units. This complicated the unit design while at the same time providing
new opportunities for accommodating building movements.
Glass System Interface: The glass is continuously supported on the frame.
Glass type: There are no limitations to the glass type used except those imposed by code
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: The primary difference here is where the work is performed;
unitized systems are shop assembled facilitating the processes. There is general parity
between framed systems with respect to glass and panel materials.
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: Unitized systems are provided by the higher realm of
the glazing industry and used predominantly in high-rise application, and while there is not
an abundance of qualified providers, the industry includes companies operating at the
global, national, regional, and even local level.
Durability and Maintenance: This is a function of two things; good design to keep water out
of the system, and a top quality finish to the extrusions. Unitized systems have certain
design advantages, as well as the significant advantage of being largely assembled under
factory controlled conditions.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: The units are generally designed to span between floor plates; the bigger
the unit that can be efficiently fabricated, shipped, handled and installed, the more effective
the unitized strategy. Some systems develop units that are oriented vertically and span
between two floors. Most focus on developing as wide a unit as possible spanning just
between floor plates.
Typical deflection criteria: Primarily a function of the glass type used; insulated glass units
will have a deflection limit specified by the glass supplier. This is typically not a problem as
the glass is fully perimeter supported.
Accommodation of movement: The systems must be designed to handle vertical, in-plane
lateral, and out-of-plane lateral loads as determined by engineering analysis of the building
and accounting for all dead and live load conditions. Unitized systems provide some
advantages in this regard, as the split-mullions afford an opportunity to provide more
movement to the curtain wall system.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: All fabrication and assembly of the units is done in the shop.
Installation: Installation is facilitated by the unitized design; large assembled units are
shipped to the site and set in place, maximizing the efficiency of the site crews.
Ec onomy
Unitized curtain wall systems represent the state of the art in economical building skins for
multi-story buildings. There are shortcomings to the technology, acoustic and thermal
performance chief among them, and there is a growing focus on these performance issues.
6. 3. 3. 3 Veneer Sys t em
Table 6-17 Veneer system attributes.
Veneer Syst em: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- A minimal approach borrowing curtain wall technique
- Similar to a stick system, but non-structural
- Requires near continuous support to the extrusion receiving the glass
- Can be used with wet or dry seals
- Eases the demands on glass supply
- Very economical
Mor phol ogy
This approach is conceptually similar to a stick system with nearly all of the system depth
removed, as it is used in applications where the backer-structure will provide continuous
support to the extrusions. The front face of the system that takes care of the business of
attaching the glass is all that remains.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: A minimal system, but with some visible framing. The extrusion sections and
site-lines can be kept minimal, generally no bigger than the face of the supporting structure.
Transparency: Moderate; largely a function of the glass grid and backer structure.
Geometric flexibility: Veneer systems can be easily adapted to accommodate form variations
and transitions.
Design issues: Veneer systems are typically mechanically captured on 2-sides or 4-sides
with a cover plate over the glass joint. 2-sided systems can be supported along the
horizontal or vertical gridline. The supported side can be a dry gasket or wet-sealed. The
opposing side can be butt-glazed with silicone applied in the field. Again, the systems must
be designed to accommodate the structure movements. 2-sided systems are perhaps best
wet-sealed throughout, while 4-sided systems can use either method throughout.
Glass System Interface: The glass is continuously
supported on 2 or 4 sides by an extrusion integrally
supported by a long-span backer structure.
Glass type: There are no limitations to the glass type used
except those imposed by code requirements. In a 2-sided
support application using insulated glass, the unsupported
side needs to be checked that maximum deflections meet
the fabricators requirements.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: Similar to stick systems, but the extrusions are smaller and easier
to handle and install.

Figure 6.14 Veneer system
typical section.
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: Qualified local glaziers should be available to provide
for this system type.
Durability and Maintenance: This is a function of two things; good design to keep water out
of the system, and a top quality finish to the extrusions. Wet-glazed silicone weather seals
have been found to be very effective in long term performance and are a viable option on
this glass system type.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: The glass system is effectively integrated into the backer structure,
which provides for the spanning capacity; the functions of the glass system are reduced to
fixing the glass and providing the weather seal.
Typical deflection criteria: Deflects with the backer structure.
Accommodation of movement: The systems must be designed to handle vertical, in-plane
lateral, and out-of-plane lateral loads as determined by engineering analysis of the backer
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: Fabrication of the extrusions in the shop. It is possible to expedite installation by
attaching extrusions to the backer structure in the shop, but care must be taken not to
damage them in handling and installation.
Installation: Fabricated extrusions are installed on the backer structure and the glass is set in
place, with the application of sealants as required.
Ec onomy
Veneer systems are an effective, economical glazing solution providing moderate to high
transparency where an appropriate backer structure is utilized.

6. 3. 3. 4 Panel Sys t em
Table 6-18 Panel system attributes.
Panel Syst em: Summar y of Predomi nant At t ri but es
- Provides moderate to high relative transparency depending upon glass type
- Glass surface can be lifted off supporting structure
- Minimal butt-glazed silicone joints throughout
- Conventional glass fabrication requirements
- Facilitates the installation process
- Potentially more economical than point-fixed systems
Mor phol ogy
Panel is a term often used in reference to a single assembly of fabricated glass, as the
term is often used in this thesis. A panel system has a distinctly different meaning as used
The intent of the panel system is to maximize relative transparency while using strictly
conventional glass supply. The glass is continuously supported on 2 or 4-sides. Supporting
elements are comprised of extruded aluminum or steel rails of minimal width to facilitate a
structural silicone bond, and depth as required to provide resistance to deflection in the
glass. The rails can be combined to make a full perimeter frame, or used only on the two
vertical sides of the glass pane. The glass is structurally glazed in the factory to the rails.
The rails can incorporate a facility for attaching the panel into the structure. The panels are
then treated identically to point-fixed glass panels, hung on the structure and butt-glazed. It
is also possible to provide a captured (a mechanical capture instead of just the silicone
adhesive) version of this system if required.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: This system presents a glass surface very similar to a drilled point-fixed system
with even less interruption; the butt-glazed silicone joints are the same but there are no
bolted fasteners showing on the surface. As with the point-fixed systems, the greatest affect
of perceived transparency comes from the lifting of the glass surface away from the
supporting structure.
Transparency: High.
Geometric flexibility: Planar transitions in the glass surface may be complicated by the depth
of the panel and the manner of attachment.
Design issues: The means of attachment of the panel to the structure is the primary design
issue, and this can be accomplished in a number of ways. Again, the issue is to anticipate
the structure movements and assure that the attachment design allows for those
movements, plus facilitates installation requirements.
Glass System Interface: The interface
generally takes the form of a hole or slot
in the side rails of the panel attaching to
an offset plate or component tying back
to the structural support system.
Glass type: This strategy supports the
use of conventional glass fabrication.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: Glass fabrication is conventional. Attachment components are
typically simple steel plate assemblies tying back to the backer structure.
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: The structural glazing must be done by a qualified
glazier in strict compliance with the sealant manufacturers requirements. Adhesion testing is
also required.
Durability and Maintenance: Durability will be a function of the materials used, the adequacy
of the finish materials, and the quality of their application. This system provides for a butt-
glazed silicone seal, which has proven to provide a durable weather seal.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: The spanning capacity is picked up by the rails. It is even conceivable to
use a heavier rail system that would provide for the glazing of multiple glass panels, as with
the unitized systems.
Typical deflection criteria: The glass can be provided perimeter support as required to
control deflections.
Figure 6.15 Panel system connection detail.
Accommodation of movement: As with the other glass system types, the structure
movements must be identified and the glazing attachment designed to accommodate these
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: As mentioned above, the only issue is assuring an adequate adhesive bond of
the glass to the metal rails if a structural silicone method is selected.
Installation: If the glass system interface is properly detailed, these systems will install very
As with the point-fixed systems, the installation of the wet silicone seal is of critical
importance in a butt-glazed system (see point-fixed drilled), with respect to both appearance
and performance.
Ec onomy
This is an economical alternative to a point-fixed system, offering many of the advantages
and a reasonable level of system transparency.

6. 3. 3. 5 Poi nt - f i x ed Dr i l l ed Sys t em
Table 6-19 Point-fixed drilled system attributes.
Poi nt -f i xed Dri l l ed Syst em: Summar y of Predomi nant
At t ri but es
- Provides for optimum transparency with any given backer structure
- Glass can be lifted off supporting structure
- Hole drilling adds to system cost
- Engineered and waranteed systems are available
- Minimal butt-glazed silicone joints throughout
- Presents critical glass supply requirements
- Requires high-tolerance installation of backer structure
- Highest relative cost
Mor phol ogy
The glass panels are provided with holes at the corners and sometimes intermediate points
depending upon the glass panel size and makeup. Holes can be simple or countersunk. IGU
panels require a sealing-spacer around each hole to maintain the hermetic seal of the unit.
Hardware components include stainless steel glass-bolts and Delrin bushings that protect
the glass from direct contact with the metal bolt. Some method of interface attachment is
then employed to bridge from the bolt to the faade structure.
Des i gn Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: This system presents an elegant glass surface with the most minimal of
interruptions in the form of butt-glazed silicone joints and bolted fasteners as required. The
greatest affect of perceived transparency comes from the lifting of the glass surface away
from the supporting structure.
Transparency: Optimum.
Geometric flexibility: One of the advantages of point-fixed systems is the relative ease with
which planar transitions in the glass surface can be accommodated.
Design issues: Bolts can be countersunk and flush with the glass surface, or a low profile
round headed bolt can be used in a through-hole. The joint size is a function of the thickness
of the glass and should be determined in consultation with the glass provider. The number
and location of holes is a function of glass size and design loads, and must be determined
by a qualified engineer experienced with glass. The bridging component which ties the glass
to the backer structure can range from a custom cast stainless steel component, as with a
spider type fitting, to a simple spring plate fashioned from bent metal plate. It is important
that the glass-fixings provide for two considerations; accommodation of field tolerances with
respect to the location of the interface point at the backer structure, and accommodation of
movement of the structure and glass under design loads.
Glass System Interface: The interface
is comprised of a glass bolt and a
bridging component that ties the bolt to
the backer structure.
Glass type: Glass specification and
supply is a critical issue with this
system. Tempered glass is typically
required, and laminated glass in
required in any application sloped off
the vertical 15 degrees or more.

Figure 6.16 Point-fixed bolted system with spider fitting
and insulated glass.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: Glass fabrication requires special processes, drilling at minimum.
Hardware systems range from machined and/or cast stainless steel components to simple
metal plate systems.
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: At least two suppliers provide complete engineered
and waranteed systems including glass and all hardware. These are good options, but
expensive. A viable alternative is to specify an off-the-shelf hardware system and a glass
supplier offering a point-fixed glass product. Over the past decade many fabricators of
hardware systems for point-fixed glass systems have emerged with catalogs full of product.
Glass supply for drilled point-fixed applications has been more problematic. For many years
the large majority of point-fixed glass came from just a few European sources. However,
more glass fabricators have entered this market in recent years providing more local and
economical sources of glass supply.
Durability and Maintenance: These are very durable, low maintenance systems beyond the
cleaning of the glass. The extensive use of stainless steel and the fact that the structural
components are normally inside the glass envelope are a major factor. The butt-glazed
silicone seal has proven to be an excellent performer.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: This is accommodated solely by the glass panel and is a function of the
bolted connection at the glass and the makeup of the glass panel. The deflection of insulated
glass units stresses the spacer seal, and manufacturers typically place limits on the amount
of deflection for which they will provide a waranteed system. This ranges from L/100 to
L/140. The other factor is the glass bolt, of which there are two basic types; one clamps the
glass at the hole location preventing rotation and limiting deflections to some extent, but
transferring bending forces into the glass as a result; the other type of bolt incorporates a
ball-bearing head that provides for free rotation of the glass panel at the bolt connection,
thus bending moments are eliminated. If the former type of bolted connection is used, the
bending moments must be analyzed. (Rice & Dutton 1995, p.32-42)
Typical deflection criteria: Deflections to be determined as in spanning capacity above.
Accommodation of movement: These systems are capable of significant movement owing to
the elasticity of the silicone material at the joints. Beyond that, system movements must be
accounted for as part of the structural analysis, and the connection system must be
designed to accommodate these movements. Code requirements are increasing in this
regard, and some system applications have required custom designed hardware systems to
accommodate large movements due to seismic loading (Desai 2005).
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: Point-fixed glass systems are increasingly available; a good source of glass
supply is critical.
Installation: The installation of drilled point-fixed glass systems can be easy or extremely
tedious, the difference being in the installation of the backer structure; if the supporting
faade structure is installed within adequate tolerances supported by adjustability in the
glass-fixing components, the glass will install easily and quickly. If not, it can be a long and
frustrating process.
The installation of the silicone seal is of critical importance in a minimal system such as this.
The entire effect of the faade system can be compromised if the seals look like toothpaste
squeezed right from tube. Some subcontractors specialize in the application of butt-glazed
silicone. It is important that the specification documents adequately communicate what the
expectation of the designer is with respect to the quality and appearance of the silicone seal.
Ec onomy
Drilled point-fixed glass systems can vary considerably in price, ranging from a modest
premium for off-the-shelf product to a doubling or tripling of cost for elaborate custom
designs. The requirement for holes adds to the cost. Laminated and laminated-insulated
panels multiply this cost; each laminated-insulated panel requires 12 holes.

6. 3. 3. 6 Poi nt - f i x ed Cl amped Sys t em
Table 6-20 Point-fixed clamped system attributes.
Poi nt -f i xed Cl amped Syst em: Summary of Predomi nant
At t ri but es
- Provides transparency on par with point-fixed drilled systems
- Glass can be lifted off supporting structure
- Eliminates the need for and cost of drilled holes
- Small, localized clamp plates may be visible on exterior glass surface
- Off-the-shelf systems may not yet be available
- Minimal butt-glazed silicone joints throughout
- Eases the glass supply requirements
- Eases the high-tolerance installation requirements for the backer structure
- Lower cost alternative to point-fixed drilled systems
Mor phol ogy
The intent with this system type is to provide all the attributes of point-fixed drilled systems
without requiring the holes. Although the means can vary, conceptually the spider
component of the drilled point-fixed system is rotated 45 degrees such that the blades align
with the glass grid. A thin web plate passes through the joint which receives a top plate,
effectively clamping the glass to the spider (see fig). The connection mechanism is
sometimes referred to as a pinch-plate.
There is a difference in the way the glass is
supported. With the drilled point-fixed systems the
glass panel is typically hung from the top spider
connection and allowed movement at the bottom.
The reverse is true for the pinch-plate system; the
pinch-plates at the bottom of the glass panel
supports the dead load of the panel, while it is
provided movement at the top.
Des i gn
Cons i der at i ons
Aesthetics: Similar to point-fixed drilled systems with
the exception that most clamped systems have a
low profile clamp plate interrupting the glass surface. Some designers object to this, some
prefer it.
Transparency: Very high; it can be argued that the attention drawn to the pinch-plate caps
detracts from the perceived transparency of the faade.
Geometric flexibility: General parity with point-fixed drilled systems.
Design issues: The same as with drilled systems, except that pinch locations are typically
restricted to the glass edge.
Glass System Interface: The interface is comprised of a pinch-plate and a bridging
component that ties the pinch-plate to the backer structure.

Figure 6.17 Point-fixed clamped system
with insulated-laminated glass during
Glass type: Glass specification and supply is a lesser issue with this system than with drilled
systems, simply because there is no requirement for special modifications to the fabricated
glass panes, such as holes, and seals as required for an insulated panel. The glass is still
point-fixed however, and subject to all the fabricators requirements for point-fixed
applications, including any limits to deflection.
Res our c es and Tec hnol ogy
Materials and Processes: Hardware systems range from machined and/or cast stainless
steel components to simple metal plate systems. Glass must be appropriate to point-fixed
Material Suppliers and Subcontractors: There is believed to be no manufacturer offering an
engineered and waranteed complete pinch-plate system. The pinch-plate components must
be custom designed and machined to specification. Glass providers are more readily
available than they are for drilled systems.
Durability and Maintenance: General parity with drilled systems.
St r uc t ur al Per f or manc e
Spanning capacity: General parity with drilled systems. The pinch-plate can transfer some
bending moment to the glass under design loading; these bending moments must be
analyzed as part of the glass system engineering.
Typical deflection criteria: Same as with drilled systems.
Accommodation of movement: Parity with bolted systems.
Cons t r uc t abi l i t y
Fabrication: Glass supply is easier; pinch plates may need to be custom designed until
manufacturers begin to offer an off-the-shelf product.
Installation: General parity with drilled systems.
Care must be taken with the silicone seal through the pinch plate, as this penetration through
the seal can be a potential leak point if not properly sealed. A method statement is required
and mockup testing advised.
Ec onomy
This strategy eliminates the cost associated with the holes, which in the case of insulated
and insulated-laminated glass can be considerable. However, this advantage is easily offset
if the cost of the clamping components is significantly more that the glass bolts used with the
drilled systems. While there are numerous suppliers providing various products for bolting
drilled glass, there are currently far fewer providing claming systems.

6.4 Ot her Consi der at i ons i n Gl ass Sel ect i on
6. 4. 1 Gl as s Sel ec t i on Cons i der at i ons
The evaluation criteria above were developed specifically with respect to structural glass
facades. The following are more general considerations, many of which will ultimately be
important to the designer regardless of the glass application. The following are additional
considerations for glass selection depending upon project requirements. Relevant
considerations will vary between projects. This list has been derived from a Pilkington
technical bulletin (Pilkington 2005), and from Button and Pye (1993).
An initial step in developing a conceptual design for a structural glass faade is to select the
glass type. This is a relevant as the glass panel type may limit the maximum panels size and
thus the glass grid dimensions. All of the glass selection criteria listed here will certainly not
be relevant to any given project. It is tempting to let the strength requirements determine the
panel makeup. However, the determination may well not be made on the basis of strength
alone; code or thermal performance requirements or appearance considerations can be the
determining factors. It is worth considering these various criteria as an initial step, although
final determination as to such things as color and coatings can be left unresolved at the
designers discretion, while a panel type is selected to use as the basis for the determination
of the glass grid. If the glass size to be used is not large and within the parameters
established here, the entire issue of glass panel type can be put off until later.
6. 4. 1. 1 Suppor t
This is a key consideration with respect to the use of point-fixed glass systems. The glass
panel types that can be used with frameless systems are indicated in Table 6-12. Generally,
annealed glass is to be avoided in point-fixed applications.
6. 4. 1. 2 St r engt h
The ASTM E 1300 Standard Practice for Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings
should be consulted for glass capacity under specified loads. The strength properties of
glass panes and panels are discussed in Chapters 2.4 and 6.2.3.
DuPont has an online tool that can be used to simply calculate glass stress and deflection.
Pilkington also has several interesting online tools.
For a more sophisticated program used by the glazing industry, Standards Design Group
Inc. sells a analysis program called Window Glass Design. For more information, visit
6. 4. 1. 3 Def l ec t i on
Deflection is a function of the support of the glass, one-sided, two-sided, three-sided, four-
sided and point-fixed all represent different deflection behavior. Deflection behavior in glass
is not linear, and heat-treating glass does not affect its deflection properties.
There are no code limits on deflection, however;
It is a common opinion that center of glass deflections greater than (19 mm) relative to
the undeflected glass plane will be aesthetically objectionable for typical glazing
installations. (Pilkington 2005, p.1)
6. 4. 1. 4 Thi c k nes s
Thickness is generally a function of strength and deflection. Color and appearance of glass
changes with thickness, as does sound transmission.
6. 4. 1. 5 Col or and Appear anc e
The evaluation of glass color is challenging. Evaluating glass colors at a conference table
under incandescent lighting from a 2-inch (50mm) sample will provide little information as to
the perceived glass color in application. Many things can affect color, including; body tint,
laminate, coatings, reflections, and interior colors. At minimum, the glass should be viewed
at the building site and in the same orientation as the actual application. A carefully
conceived mockup is the best means to assess glass color.
Many colors are possible. Sources of color include body tints, coatings such as low-E and
metallic coatings, and colored interlayer material in laminated glass. Color sources can be
combined to provide an even broader range of affect. Many glass fabricators provide unique
color choices.
Optical distortions were discussed as an evaluation criterion in section 6.2. Heat-treated,
insulated and laminated panels will all display subtle variations of color. Evaluating
reflections is an important aspect of glass appearance; the primary way we see glass is
through reflections on its surface. Optical distortions can be very apparent in the reflections.
Some designers find this objectionable.
The appearance should be evaluated both from the inside and outside, in daylight hours and
during artificial lighting conditions.
6. 4. 1. 6 Vi s i bl e Li ght Tr ans mi s s i on
High daylight levels in a buildings interior are an increasingly popular strategy among
designers to reduce energy consumption from artificial lighting. The visible light transmission
property of a glass type determines the natural light levels in the interior. The provision of
high levels of natural light must be balanced against the need for solar control. Colored and
coated glass is used to limit the amount of visible light transmission providing a range of light
6. 4. 1. 7 Sol ar Tr ans mi s s i on and Abs or pt i on
The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) is the primary measure of the total solar energy
passing through a glazed opening; measuring the full spectrum of solar energy as opposed
to just the visible light specturm. A low SHGC coefficient will lower the solar gain and lower
air cooling costs. A high coefficient will raise the solar gain, potentially reducing heating
costs. Local climate becomes an important evaluation criterion; if heating costs are higher
than cooling costs, a high coefficient may be a better choice, and the opposite if cooling
costs are higher than heating costs. The potential for harvesting daylight to offset artificial
lighting costs should also be figured in to this analysis. If a low SHGC glass is used in a hot
climate to reduce cooling costs, but also reduces the available natural light in the buildings
interior, the added energy cost and heat generated by the artificial lighting offset the savings
in air conditioning. The SHGC simply compares the amount of solar energy on a glass
surface to the amount passing through the glass.
Another measure of thermal performance is the shading coefficient (SC). This measure
compares the solar energy passing through the glass to that which passes through a 1/8 in
(3.2mm) piece of clear glass, and is considered less accurate than the SHGC.
Solar absorption is an issue with respect to thermal stresses as discussed in chapters 2 and
6. Solar absorption can be felt; the glass becomes hot to the touch, and can lead to glass
failure, especially if part of the glass is in shade and part in sun such that there is a
substantial temperature differential across the face. Glass in an application where high
thermal stresses will occur should be heat-strengthened or tempered.
6. 4. 1. 8 Ther mal I ns ul at i on
This is measured by the thermal conductivity or resistance of the glass panel. The
conductivity measure is the U-value, the resistance by the reciprocal R-value. These values
are discussed in Chapter When considered in isolation, these values look very bad
when compared to conventional wall materials. This must be balanced against the positive
aspects of solar gain and visible light transmission.
6. 4. 1. 9 Sound Tr ans mi s s i on
The acoustic properties of glass building skins is becoming an increasingly important issue
as noise levels increase in urban environments and more residential high-rise condominiums
as well as office buildings are constructed in these environments. Most glass fabricators
provide acoustic performance data on the products they provide. Laminated glass has
proven to be the best generalized strategy in enhancing the acoustic performance
characteristics of a glass panel. Different thicknesses of glass effect different frequencies, so
it is often beneficial to laminate different thicknesses of glass. Acoustics is discussed in
6. 4. 1. 10 Fi r e Rat i ng
Wired glass is the conventional solution to code or specification requirements for a fire rated
glass. There are a variety of tested fire-rated products in the marketplace. Pilkington offers
its Pyrostop clear laminated safety glass for these applications.
6. 4. 1. 11 El ec t r omagnet i c Shi el di ng
Glass coatings can now provide some level of electromagnetic shielding for high security
6. 4. 1. 12 Code and Saf et y Requi r ement s
Local, regional or national building codes may dictate the type of glass to be used and must
always be carefully examined to assure the specification of the appropriate glass type.
6. 4. 1. 13 Dur abi l i t y and Mai nt enanc e
Glass is a highly durable material in most applications. Quality and warranties vary, and care
must be taken in qualifying an appropriate glass fabricator. Glass requires periodic cleaning.
Pilkington has developed a self-cleaning glass; a coated glass that helps prevent dirt from
adhering to the glass so that it is easily washed from the surface.
Ch ap t er 7 - To o l s , Res o u r c es , an d Co n c ep t
Dev el o p men t Met h o d o l o g y
The intent of this Chapter is to define a methodology for the development of the conceptual
design of a structural glass faade. The mapping of a comprehensive methodology is a
prime objective of this thesis, while the requirements of implementation are necessarily
limited to the development of those elements which can provide proof of concept. Both the
methodology and the design guidelines, tools and resources that support it are discussed
and contextualized in this Chapter, regardless of whether they have been developed as part
of this thesis.
The methodology developed here incorporates design tools, resources and guidelines as
relevant, and attempts to embody the content developed previously in this thesis. The scope
of this conceptual design process is discussed in Chapter 3. It does not coincide with the
conventional phases of schematic design, design development and contract documents that
the architect typically undertakes on design/bid/build projects. Concept development
involves activities comprising much of the schematic design phase and key components of
the design development phase. This is intended to be a simplified methodology that provides
the designer with a streamlined implementation process.
Figure 7.1 below attempts to map this methodology. The methodology is embodied in a
program referred to herein as FacadeDesigner. The reddish boxes represent process points
requiring user input. The colored circles represent various resource modules as described
herein and intended to facilitate the methodology.
As such, it supports the standardized forms of structural glass faade technology as defined
in Chapter 6. Designers can of course, at their own discretion, pursue a more elaborate and
involved methodology building from this one as desired to develop designs of added
complexity, or as a means to more tightly control the development process.
The methodology defined in Figure 7.1 can support a high degree of design complexity.
However, depending upon the experience of the architect, complex designs with innovative
technology frequently require the involvement of a specialist; in the case of structural glass
facades, a specialty consultant or design/build contracting company. The level of
involvement required of the specialist in such cases is beyond what they can reasonably be
expected to provide for free, and a mechanism for brining them to the design team as a paid
consultant is necessary to secure meaningful participation. While this is a viable and
effective means to proceed, the requirement often becomes a barrier to the implementation
of the technology. A theory of this thesis is that a few strategic simple tools and resources
can facilitate a broader use of this technology by enabling the architect to initiate a structural
glass faade project with only the minimal outside involvement typically supplied by industry
providers (material suppliers, fabricators, design/build specialists) for free as part of their
sales support services.
The work product of this process is a developed conceptual design that has been tested for
structural, fabrication and economic viability, and represented in a set of contract documents
suitable for bidding in a design/build format. The methodology is appropriate for the
implementation of any innovative building technology for which there is adequate industry
expertise and infrastructure involving material suppliers, fabricators, installers, and/or
design/build specialty contractors.
The complexity of structural glass faade designs, as with many other design types, results
not so much from the basic design as it does from the boundary interfaces, form transitions,
grid anomalies, and other nonstandard atypical manifestations within the design. These are
the items that seem to characteristically represent about 20% of a design but take 80% of
the resources to complete. A strategy developed herein is that by employing a design/build
method, the designer can implement an innovative design, a design involving innovative
technology, or both, by addressing in a specific manner just the typical aspect of the design;
the 80% of the design that only takes 20% of the time. The remaining work is deferred to the
build-phase of the project, where appropriate industry experts can take design/build
responsibility for final completion of all design and engineering work subject to the architects


Figure 7.1 Process map of simplified structural glass faade design methodology.
7.1 A Si mpl e Case
The theory is that if the required deliverables are simplified as represented in Figure 7.1, the
architect is provided with a contextual methodology for implementing innovative technology.
The opportunity in this context is for the architect to develop conceptual designs for
structural glass facades without the involvement of paid specialist consultants. If this
approach is to work, simplified design tools, techniques, and information to support the
methodology must be available to facilitate utilization of the core technology. An effort has
been made in this thesis to reduce the technology of structural glass facades as represented
by the cumulative completed works as identified herein to a simplified, basic, generalized
form. Structural system types, glass types and glass-fixing systems, the primary components
of this technology, have all been analyzed, categorized and presented in this manner. The
intent now is to combine these generalized faade systems with simplified tools in a manner
that enables the designer to generate constructible facades of some reasonable complexity.
7. 1. 1 Fl at Ver t i c al Fa ade Wal l
Good faade designs respond to the context of a building problem and can become quite
customized to that particular application. Increased complexity generally accompanies this
customization. Anomalies of the glazing grid for example, can result from; changes to the
building grid, the intersection of wall planes, changing roof planes, or articulations of the
surface geometry in response to a multitude of possible considerations, aesthetics among
them. The focus here will be to deal with the typical part of the faade; unique conditions at
the perimeter and in transition areas will be largely ignored beyond simple elevation
drawings of the glazing grid. If the glazing grid changes in some area of the faade, the
simplified methodology should allow for both grids to be analyzed in isolation, as if they were
separate structures, thus simplifying the problem and yielding only the most basic and useful
information. Complex phrases are thus reduced to a simple vocabulary. The information
that is needed to support the work product of the design/build delivery strategy is easily
accommodated through this reductionist approach. Similarly, it does not matter for the sake
of this analysis if the wall is sloped or curved. This representation can be simply made by the
designer in schematic plan, elevation and typical section drawings, while the preliminary
analysis can be approximated from a more standardized form.
The tools and resources developed herein then, will focus on the basic faade forms as
defined in Chapter 6, in the vertical orientation of a regular glazed surface.
7. 1. 2 Uni f or m Gr i d Modul e
The surface to be glazed needs to be subdivided into an appropriate grid. This is a critical
step, as the grid will define the spacing of the faades supporting structure elements, thus
determining the tributary area of the glass surface that will act on the component and
consequently define its structural characteristics. This will have implications on all aspects of
the design, from transparency to cost.
As discussed above, the faade glass grid is often not uniform throughout for various
reasons. Localized deviations in the glass grid will be ignored as part of this simplified
methodology, but they should be clearly represented in elevation drawings. If there is a
change in the typical grid geometry of significant area, it will be analyzed as an additional
case. By segmenting the faade into typical areas and analyzing those areas as afforded by
the simplified tools and methods, the development of a complex design can be facilitated.
Every opportunity should be sought to bring uniformity to the glazing grid. If circumstances
provide, there should be no deviation from the basic grid geometry. If the faade is designed
early in the process, a uniform glazing grid or grids can be determined and the building
interface designed around this grid. Considerations of the glazing grid are discussed later in
this Chapter.
7. 1. 3 Ver t i c al Span / Hor i zont al Span
Another significant determinant of the design is the vertical and horizontal span of the
faade. This is related to the grid module, as the vertical grid module will be a subdivision of
the vertical span, and the horizontal grid module will be a subdivision of the horizontal span.
The structural spanning dimension, most often the vertical span, will be a significant
determinant in the complexity and cost of the faade structure. If the vertical or horizontal
span is not continuous but steps up or down in areas, the faade geometry will be broken up
and analyzed as separate pieces.
7.2 FacadeDesi gner .com
The design tools and resources discussed herein are intended to be provided in an internet
venue, the portal of which has been designated as FaadeDesigner.com, and the URL for
this designation has been secured for this purpose. http://www.FacadeDesigner.com
Figure 7.2 indicates the site as globally conceived. Only some of the components have been
implemented as part of this thesis.

Figure 7.2 Conceptual diagram of FacadeDesigner.com Website.

The website includes a homepage intended to feature generalized topics of interest related
to structural glass facades of a more current and timely nature (Figure 7.3). In addition, the
home page acts as the portal to the rest of the website, which is structured into the modules
as described in the following.

Figure 7.3 FacadeDesigner.com homepage.

Various modules of two types have been conceived to facilitate the methodology presented
for the conceptual design development of structural glass facades; the designer modules
and the explorer modules. Several of these modules have been prototyped in support of
this thesis. These and the other modules indicated in Figure 7.2 provide opportunities for
future work as discussed in Chapter 11.
7. 2. 1 Si t e Cons t r uc t i on
The website is simple in construction, currently offering no interactive features. The pages
were constructed by the author with no previous experience in website development. The
FacadeDesigner.com website is a prototype intended to demonstrate the viability of this tool.
It is not intended to represent exemplary website design, and the author both acknowledges
and takes full responsibility for the inadequacies and shortcomings of the
FacadeDesigner.com website. HTML authoring tools were used to develop the web pages.
7. 2. 1. 1 Web Aut hor i ng Sof t war e
Two HTML authoring programs were used. Dreamweaver (version CS3 was used here) by
Adobe Systems is among the most popular, if not the most popular, with those not expert in
writing HTML code. The program is a visually-oriented tool for writing HTML code, and
greatly facilitates the process. Web authoring has fairly recently moved to the use of
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a formatting language that has replaced cumbersome HTML
techniques. It is used in conjunction with the HTML code, and Dreamweaver supports both,
encouraging the user to utilize HTML for the basic structuring of the pages and CSS for
formatting. Web development is not simple however, and the use of tools such as
Dreamweaver requires some considerable time to master to any significant degree of
competency. Good 3
-party documentation provides valuable support in learning the
program. David McFarland (2007, p.2), author of one such book, comments, Dreamweaver
is a complete Web site production and management tool. It works with Web technologies like
HTML, XHTML, CSS, and J avaScript. There are also a large number of online tutorials
available, both through Adobe and 3
The other authoring tool used here was Expression Web by Microsoft. It was released in
2006 and intended to replace FrontPage (Microsoft Expression Web 2008). The program is
remarkably similar in form and function to Dreamweaver. Owing to its relatively recent
release, there is far less documentation supporting the product however, either from
Microsoft or 3
-party vendors, although that can be expected to change. Expression is not
merely a new version of FrontPage, it is an entirely new web design platform of Microsoft.
The reason for this development is new Web standards that have emerged in recent years,
with which FrontPage could not comply. J im Cheshire (2007, p.XXX) comments, Microsoft
desperately needed a Web design tool that would adhere to current Web standards, and
they needed a Web design tool that would make creating and maintaining a standards-
driven Web site easy. Both Dreamweaver and Expression are standards compliant.
The World Wide Web is a unique medium, and there is thus a unique art to the design of
Web pages, which should be explored by the aspiring Web designer. There is a remarkable
diversity of books on the subject, ranging from useful to mediocre. If one were to be
restricted to a single book, the author would recommend Dont Make Me Think (Krug 2006).
7. 3 The Expl or er Modul es
The explorer modules are intended as information-rich topical resources to be accessed
from FacadeDesigner.com. They include the primary systems and categorization developed
in this thesis.
7. 3. 1 Gl as s Ex pl or er
The GlassExplorer module contains information relative to:
- glass material,
- glass panel fabrications,
- and glass fixing systems,
as discussed in Chapter 2 and categorized in Chapter 6. It is accessed via a link from any
page of the website, or from various links strategically placed in the design modules. Figure
7.4 shows the GlassExplorer Webpage in development.

Figure 7.4 GlassExplorer homepage in development.
7. 3. 2 St r uc t ur eEx pl or er
The StructureExplorer module contains information relative to the structural systems
discussed in Chapter 2 and categorized in Chapter 6. The structural systems selected as
most appropriate for inclusion are indicated in Table 7-1. Figure 7.5 shows the
StructureExplorer Webpage in early development.
Table 7-1 StructureExplorer: Included Structure Types.
St ruct ureExpl orer: Incl uded St ruct ure Types
- Strongback - Cable Truss - Cable Net
- Simple Truss - Glass Fin
- Mast Truss - Grid Shell


Figure 7.5 StructureExplorer Web page, early development.
7. 3. 3 Det ai l Ex pl or er
The DetailExplorer module remains undeveloped, and is included in Chapter 11 as an
opportunity for future work. It is however, incorporated into the FacadeDesigner.com concept
as represented in Figure 7.2. Many of the details involved with structural glass facades,
particularly with the point-fixed glazing systems, are unique in their form, function, and the
considerations they embody. In fact, thesis work was recently completed at the University of
Southern California involving design guidelines for the development of details in point-fixed
glazing systems (Cheng 2007). This work could be incorporated into FacadeDesigner.com
with relative ease and to some significant benefit.
7. 3. 4 Spec Bui l der
SpecBuilder is conceived as an expert system or wizard that facilitates the development of
an appropriate performance specification in response to user-defined parameters relating to
the glass, glass system and structure types selected by the user for a structural glass faade
design. Modular text documents would be mixed and matched according to a set of rules
and in response to the user-defined parameters. A computer program in Visual Basic or C#
would likely be required as an engine for the document assembly. It is possible that all
necessary user-inputs could be incorporated into the FacadeDesigner module. This is
another area for future work.
7. 3. 5 Li br ar y
Structural glass faade technology incorporates a wide variety of materials and processes as
described in Chapter 2. The intent of the Library module is to house all links for the various
technical papers, bulletins, reports, specifications, and similar documents in Adobe Acrobat
(*.pdf) format. The various documents referenced throughout the site will be linked to the
relevant grouping in the Library module. The Library can also be directly accessed from the
master navigation menu; here all documents will be grouped by subject and listed
alphabetically. The documents that support the SpecBuilder module will also be located in
the library.
7. 3. 6 Lear ni ng
Learning programs are intended as a component of the website resource. Various tutorials
have been conceived in video and downloadable Acrobat (*.pdf) format. The Learning
module may ultimately include an interactive, password protected area of the website. Users
would be required to provide a simple registration and be assigned a user name and
password. Programs developed for the AIA CES program as discussed in Chapter 4 would
be included here. Administration of these programs requires collecting more data from the
user and providing certain reports to the AIA. The Learning module will require the
development of a server-side database to collect and store data related to users.
This module has not been developed as part of this thesis work, and requires expertise not
currently possessed by the author. A prototype learning program has been developed
however, per the guidelines of the AIA CES program, and is included in Chapter 9.
7. 4 The Desi gner Modul es
The designer modules are comprised of design tools supporting some aspect of the faade
design process. They go beyond the mere facilitation of reference information as with the
Explorer modules, and function as design, analysis, and decision making tools.
7. 4. 1 St r uc t ur eDes i gner
One of the necessities and challenges of implementing innovative building technology is the
development of a budget that represents at least a reasonably close approximation of the
cost that qualified subcontractors will put forth on bid day. One of the risks the design team
takes with innovative design and technology is that the bids will come in 20, 30, 40% or more
over budget. This can result in significant stress to the project; necessary redesign requires
extra work for the design team, and/or a loss of control as when the general contractor is
directed by the owner to undertake a value-engineering effort to reduce cost. Budgeting is a
critical activity, and an estimating program should run in parallel with the conceptual design
effort starting very early in the process.
A complication with a structural based technology like the glass facades discussed herein is
that there is no effective way to budget such design work in the absence of some preliminary
level of structural analysis. Confirmation is needed that the design works at some
fundamental level, that the concept is constructible and not fundamentally flawed. Beyond
that, there is the very practical need for such basic information as preliminary member sizing
and reaction loads into the anchoring perimeter building structure. Hiring a specialty
consultant or involving a specialty design/builder early in the process is often problematic, as
discussed previously. The StructureDesigner module is an experimental prototype to explore
the viability of an alternative strategy in developing this information. The intent is to provide
the design team the preliminary information discussed above through a simplified process
embodied in a computerized analytical tool. The tool is discussed here; its use as a part of
the FacadeDesigner process is discussed in below.
Pr ogr am St r uc t ur e
StructureDesigner is a computer program written in the Microsoft Visual Basic programming
language. It was written with Microsoft Visual Basic Pro 2005 edition. The program mirrors
the appearance of the StructureExplorer module described above. The FacadeDesigner
module described following is essentially a front and back end to the StructureDesigner
program, with the Explorer modules linked at key decision points to act as a resource to
additional information as required. FacadeDesigner guides the user through a series of steps
that collect the input necessary for the analysis by StructureDesigner. See Figure 7.1 and
Figure 7.2 above. FacadeDesigner embodies the process mapped in Figure 7.1.
StructureDesigner is a component of that process as indicated in the Figure.
Variations of the system types are conceivable for inclusion in the StructureDesigner tool.
One simple truss system design is incorporated in the tool as represented schematically in
Figure 7.14. Each system variation would require a simplified analytical method fine-tuned
to the system design; it is this customization that provides for the simplicity and efficiency of
the analysis. The analytical results of the simplified method are intended to represent a close
approximation to a finite element analysis of the same system. Close approximation is
defined here as; within -0/+15% for member loads and reactions and -0/+25% for
deflections, of the results from a full structural analysis program, meaning for example, that
deflection results or maximum member forces may be understated by 0% and overstated by
a maximum of 15% in the case of member forces and reaction loads, and 25% with
deflections. As will be seen, the technique developed for open structures is well within these
parameters. The simple truss analysis is complicated by the bending moments caused by
the distributed loads along the face of the outer truss chords. Further testing of the program
and/or fine tuning of the calculation method may make it possible to tighten these
parameters for approximation.
Anal y t i c al Met hod f or Cl os ed St r uc t ur es
The following is a simplified method for the analysis of a defined simple truss system. The
system is schematically represented in Figure 7.14. Primary input parameters are provided
by definition of the glass grid and uniform wind force. Definition of the glass grid includes the
vertical and horizontal module as well as the total vertical and horizontal span of the faade.
The horizontal grid module defines truss spacing. Steel system options are predefined, and
include front and back chord section properties. The user need only define the glass grid,
wind speed, and select a system type. The calculation method is to solve for a minimum
truss depth.
Compute truss depth;
The minimum depth will be defined by the maximum of one of the following parameters.
d b f
d or , d , d from resulting value largest the (d) depth minimum =
d =depth computed based on the capacity of front chord.
d =depth computed based on the capacity of back chord.
d =depth computed based on deflection criteria.
1. compute
d ;
Calculate moment;
8(12,000) / ) (2H ) w(12V M
m s
w =wind load (psi)
V =total vertical span of faade (ft)
H =horizontal glass grid module (ft)
Calculate depth;

factor on compensati 4/3 = |

chord front of capacity allowable F
chord front of Area A

Calculate allowable capacity of front chord;

Compensation factor for the effect of continuously distributed wind load on face of front
chord (okay for trusses with bracing at 4 to 5 ft intervals. (T Dehghanyar 2008, per. comm.
Mar 12)

Figure 7.6 Diagram of simple truss with input variables.
f f
d | =






c c
/r V
/r V
/r V
5 0 1 F
yf m yf m
yf m
. -
(AISC 1989, p.5-42)

E 2
c yf
C Vmod/r > then use the following equation:
/r V

yf m
E t

ksi) (29,000 Modulus s Young' E
(46ksi) steel of stress yield F
(in) direction weak in chord front of gyration of radius r
(in) direction vertical in length module V
f y


Figure 7.7 Buckling diagram (Schierle 2008, p.134).

2. compute
d ;
Calculate moment;
(12,000) 8 / ) (2H ) w(12V M
m s
Calculate depth;
b b
d =
chord back of capacity allowable F
chord back of Area A

Calculate allowable capacity of back chord;
For Fy = 50 ksi Cc = 107
For Fy = 36 ksi Cc = 126
y 2
1 F


a 2
12 E






c c
/r V
/r V
/r V
5 0 1 F
yb m yb m
yb m
. -
(AISC 1989, p.5-42)
E 2
c yb
C /r V >
then use the following equation:
/r V
E 12

yb m

ksi) (29,000 Modulus s Young' E
(46ksi) steel of stress yield F
(in) direction weak in chord back of gyration of radius r
(in) direction vertical in length module V
b y

3. Compute depth based on deflection criteria:
The following equation calculates the approximate displacement of a truss system
(Dehghanyar 2008, per. comm. Mar 12).
2 1
o o

1.414 =compensation factor
b f
b f
= o
000 , 144
) V 12 ( W
) H ( 5
E 384

A =deflection ratio (equal 175 for closed system faade structures)

H =total horizontal span (ft)
The method then uses the largest resulting value of
d b f
d or , d , d as the system depth, and
proceeds to provide the following output:
4. Calculate remaining output;
truss depth (in) =d
ratio span/depth = d / 12V

Calculate horizontal reaction (kips);
V w2H
s m
Calculate front chord stress ratio;
af f
/d M

Calculate back chord stress ratio;
ab b

Calculate cable force (kips);
( ) ( )
m s
V d 2 - V 12V w'
2 2
+ +
Calculate deflection;
( )
EI 384
12V 5W'
( )
k * A k - d A I I
2 2
b f b e f e
+ + +
b f
d A
ratio span/deflection =( ) y / 12V

end calculation.
Testing of this simplified method in the form of sample calculations is documented in
Chapter 10.
Anal y t i c al Met hod f or Open St r uc t ur es
The initial concept was to develop simplified parametric equations for analyzing all the
various systems to provide a close approximation of true behavior. This was in fact the
method employed on the closed systems (see above). This approach was problematic
however, for the highly flexible open systems as identified in Table 6-2 that exhibit significant
nonlinear behavior under load. As discussed throughout this thesis, these tension-based
structures rely upon prestressing rather than geometric rigidity as the form determinate.
Variations in stress distribution under live load conditions directly affect the form; unlike rigid
structures, as the loads change the form of the structure changes. These changes are a
function of the loads, the geometry of the structure, the material properties of the structural
components (most particularly the stiffness), and the stiffness and geometry of the anchor
points. (Barnes 1984, p.730)
First developed in the 1960s (Day 1965), dynamic relaxation is a solution method for
structural analysis that has been refined and applied to the analysis of tension structures.
The technique utilizes standard equations of elasticity in a force displacement method
whereby the change in movement is measured in relation to an applied force. The method
involves modeling a structure as a series of nodes interconnected by links. The method is an
iterative process involving the application of fictitious mass to the nodes of a given structural
model, exciting the model through the application of load, and kinetically dampening the
oscillations through a series of small steps until a steady-state is achieved. The vector
analysis eliminates the formation of an overall stiffness matrix, providing an efficient problem
solution. The method is able to accommodate the kind of gross out of balance forces
resulting from geometrical inaccuracies and stiffness differences that characterize tension
structures. (Wakefield 1984, p.89)
It was initially considered that the use of such a method would be impractical as part of a
simplified analysis tool. Dynamic relaxation tools are typically complex computer programs
capable of accommodating a wide range of structural models and incorporating form-finding
and pattern-making processes (as required for fabric membrane structures).
A dynamic relaxation program called DR was developed by Dr. Tejav Dehghanyar (ca. 1993)
and used in the analysis of numerous tension structures since that time (T Dehghanyar
2008, pers. comm., 7 March). DR employs a unique method of applying pulses at key
intervals as a means to dampen the oscillations and achieve convergence. The program
efficiently and consistently achieves a steady-state; such convergence to a steady-state
condition can be a problem with some dynamic relaxation techniques. With his involvement,
the viability of adapting DR for use as a simplified analysis tool was explored. The patterning
and form-finding components of the program were first removed.
A key opportunity for providing a simplified analysis tool is to reduce the necessary inputs
into the system. This simplifies the input process for the user and reduces the demands on
the analytical method. Instead of having to accommodate the infinite variations of a custom
structure model, a parametric model can be defined and the analysis method simplified and
fine-tuned to that model. Here, the requirement for an input model was eliminated entirely,
and instead the user merely inputs dimensions for the basic parameters. The flat grid cable
net discussed below, for example, solves only flat, rectangular grid two-way cable net
structures. Double-curved cable nets will require a new parametric model tuned to the
specific minimal input requirements of such a structure, with the analysis fine-tuned to those
inputs. Employing this strategy, it was found that the analytical component of DR could be
reduced to a very small core easily incorporated into a module of the Visual Basic Program.
The strategy thus emerged to develop parametric models tuned to the different system
types, and to build these into the StructureDesigner as modules that could be called by the
program in response to user inputs.

Figure 7.8 Dynamic relaxation displacement response graph.

Figure 7.9 Dynamic relaxation velocity response graph.

The characteristic displacement response and corresponding velocity response are charted
in Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9 respectively. The dampening pulses are applied at peak velocity
and zero velocity as indicated in the velocity response graph. The discontinuities in the
displacement curve correspond to these pulses. Steady-state is achieved in the
displacement response graph at 17.02 in (432.3mm), representing the peak displacement
under lateral wind load in this analysis.
An interesting aspect of this approach is that an accurate problem solution is provided, not
merely an approximation. Given the structural problem as defined by the various input
constraints, analysis results match those of the full DR program, or any other dynamic
relaxation program. The fundamental calculation method is identical. The limitation comes in
the range of structural forms the system is capable of handling. In actual application, few
faade structures are comprised of a uniform grid in an overall rectilinear configuration of a
single vertical dimension and single horizontal dimension (although this tool could encourage
such design simplification by providing for development of the faade design early in the
building design process). The perimeter structure may step up or down resulting in different
vertical spans. The grid module may change in response to changes in the building grid or
for numerous other reasons. Regardless of geometric complexity, the common analytical
approach is to model the faade in its entirety incorporating all variations of geometry, and to
then analyze this model. Only thus can the behavioral variations resulting from the changing
geometry be accurately accounted for. However, this is not required for the preliminary
analysis in support of the conceptual design process. Instead, where a vertical dimension or
grid change takes place in a faade for instance, the user can quickly and easily model each
instance as a separate case. Thus, an approximation of the behavior of complex faade
geometry is determined as a function of the exact behavior of similar but not identical
Testing of this method is documented in Chapter 9.
The Sy s t ems
The following systems are conceived to be included in this prototype program, however at
this time only two of the systems are operational. Customized calculation modules need to
be developed for the unsupported systems. All of the systems require further testing.
Strongback: This system was felt to be a lesser priority and left to be completed as future
Simple Truss: As the base case in many of the comparative criteria and as the most
generally flexible and economical of the systems, this was defined as a priority system. The
approach was to define a fixed number of truss configurations comprised of varying member
sections for the front and back truss chord members. The user is prompted to select the
system type as an additional input to the analysis (Figure 7.10 below). Truss depth is an
output of the analysis, along with span/depth, horizontal reactions, front chord ratio, back
chord ratio, cable (bracing) force, deflection in inches and as L/d. If the truss configuration
used is too light, the truss depth will be large and the user is prompted to try a heavier
system. Filtering of the truss configuration input with respect to the other inputs could restrict
the system type selections to those most likely to work.

Figure 7.10 StructureDesigner simple truss analysis form.

Mast Truss: The mast truss is a lesser used system type and is left to be completed as
future work.
Cable Truss: The cable truss is an interesting and effective structure type. A derivation of
the DR program as described above is included in the StructureDesigner module but is not
Glass Fin: There are special considerations for this system type because of the unique
structural properties of glass, and was left to be completed as future work.
Grid Shell: The unique geometries of these structures will require some development and
experimentation to assure a proper analysis technique. The opportunity of most interest here
would be to incorporate the open structure gridshell systems stiffened by the integral cable
net bracing. This would require a further adaptation of the modified DR analysis module, and
is beyond the scope of this thesis and left for future work.
Cable Net: The flat configuration of this system type is operational in the prototype. The user
is given the option of solving for cable force or cable pretension (Figure 7.11).

Figure 7.11 StructureDesigner cable net input screen.

Solving for cable force, the additional input variables to those provided through the
FacadeDesigner front end (span, grid module, wind load) are cable diameter and pre-tension
forces. The output is deflection in inches and as a ratio (L/d), and the maximum cable forces,
which represent the reaction loads into the anchoring building structure.
Solving for cable pre-tension forces, the input variables are cable diameter and deflection
criteria (L/d). The output is pre-tension cable forces, deflection in inches and maximum cable
Double-curved cable nets will require the additional input of sag as a function of cable
curvature. Form-finding will have to be reintroduced to the modified DR module as described
above, and the analysis tuned to the new parameters. This will require some significant effort
and is left for future work.
Other Structure Types: Chapter 6 discusses structure types not included here such as
space frames and tensegrity structures. These may be considered for future work, but there
application is currently very limited. There may be some interesting future potential for
tensegrity structures; the form-finding and analysis is challenging, but has been the focus of
much attention in the engineering community.
7. 4. 2 Gl as s Des i gner
The GlassDesigner module is intended to provide preliminary analysis of the glass panel to
determine deflection and required thickness. The basic calculations required for this are
relatively simple. Integrating the user interface into FacadeDesigner.com would be the
interesting challenge. The basic structure of the website and modular organization provide a
number of opportunities to facilitate this work.
This module is not completed as part of this thesis. Its inclusion in the process mapped in
Figure 7.1 is primarily one of convenience; many glass suppliers have online tools available
that will calculate preliminary glass thickness (hyperlinks will be included from
FacadeDesigner to these Web resources), and relatively inexpensive software programs are
also available to facilitate this work. It would however, be of value to have this module
integrated into the faade design process.
7. 4. 3 Det ai l Des i gner
The DetailDesigner module is the sister component to the DetailExplorer discussed
previously. DetailExplorer would provide general information related to the available options
and a comparative analysis drawn from the related work in Chapter 6. DetailDesigner would
potentially draw on the thesis cited earlier (Cheng 2007) to provide a design development
guideline or methodology for detailing point-fixed glass system components.
7. 4. 4 Fa adeDes i gner
The FacadeDesigner module is intended as an overall design guide essentially embodying
the process mapped in Figure 7.1. The process incorporates 7-steps, and is linked to the
other supporting modules as appropriate. The 7-steps follow.
7. 4. 4. 1 St ep 1: Gl as s Fi x i ng Sys t em Sel ec t i on
The user selects a glass fixing system (Figure 7.12). If the user is unsure what system they
want to use, they are provided with a link to the appropriate section of the GlassExplorer

Figure 7.12 FacadeDesigner: select glass makeup.
7. 4. 4. 2 St ep 2: Gl as s Mak eup
Glass panel selection is next made as indicated in Figure 7.12 and includes considerations
of panel type and heat-treatment. These considerations are relevant to the development of a
structural glass faade because these parameters will dictate maximum glass panel size,
which may be a factor in the glass grid development (below).
Links are provided to supporting Explorer modules if the user is unfamiliar with the selection
options. The categorization, evaluation criteria, comparative analysis and other consideration
selections are included in Chapter sections 6.2 6.4, and represent the material included in
the website.
Considerations relevant to the thermal, acoustical, and other performance aspects of the
glass are not considered here as they are not critical items in the structural development of
the faade. The system could be expanded to incorporate these important considerations
and there would be considerable value in doing so.
7. 4. 4. 3 St ep 3: Gl as s Gr i d Modul e
Det er mi nat i on
Definition of the glass grid (or glazing grid) module is a key step in the conceptual design
process. The development of the module can be simple or complex depending upon the
faade program. Ultimately the designer will develop the grid in elevation drawings. The
opportunity exists in a new faade program for the designer to develop a simplified grid as a
function of overall vertical and horizontal faade dimensions and to develop the building
design around this glass grid. Regardless of grid complexity or variations, a standardized
approximation will be used for the preliminary structural analysis provided by the
StructureDesigner module as represented in step 5. Wind load is also an input in step 3 that
will be used by the StructureDesigner to analyze the structures.
The glass grid is input in this step as represented in Figure 7.13. A link is provided in the
program to a section in the GlassExplorer module presenting considerations and strategies
in developing the glass grid.

Figure 7.13 FacadeDesigner: glass grid input.

Met hods
Depending on the faade program, the grid module can be determined by one of two basic
If global faade dimensions are know, the grid can be generated by dividing the vertical
dimension into a number of equal segments, and the horizontal dimension into a number of
equal segments. This is the most typical approach.
Alternately, if addressed early enough in the design process, the global faade dimensions
can be generated as a multiple of the glazing grid. This method is used when the glass grid
is to match a predefined building grid or when the designer wants to use a particular size of
The resulting grid module dimensions need to be checked against maximum available panel
sizes and overall panel area limitations.
Example: A 60 ft (18.3m) span divided
into 12 equal segments would yield a grid
module in one direction of 5 ft (1.52m). A
square faade in elevation would yield a
5 ft (1.52m) square grid, well within the
size limitations for any glass makeup.
The program provides the user the
following options in solving for the glass
Figure 7.14 is a schematic representation
of the basic grid dimensions:
H =full horizontal span of faade
H =horizontal grid module
V =full vertical span of faade
V =vertical grid module
If the user knows the overall horizontal and vertical spans, they can solve for the grid module
by subdividing the span by an integer representing the number of grid increments until a
suitable dimension is reached:

Figure 7.14 Illustration of grid dimension variables.
H =
H /
V =
V /
Or, if the user knows the grid module and the faade span is not fixed, then they can multiply
the grid module by an integer representing the number of grid increments:
H =
H *
V =
V *
H =number of horizontal modules
V =number of vertical modules
H and
V are integers
Cons i der at i ons of and I nf l uenc es on t he Gl as s Gr i d
The building grid: The overall building grid is often a determinant of the glass grid,
especially with respect to the horizontal grid module. The building grid is not always uniform
however, and this may cause variations in the glass grid. This adds somewhat to the
complexity of the system, but can certainly be accommodated. The different grids will be
analyzed as separate structures when using the StructureDesigner as discussed following.
As the structures are typically free-spanning vertically and do not abut floor slabs, the
vertical module is sometimes more flexible. However, the designer sometimes wants the
grids at the interface area to align, which can impose a restriction on the vertical module.
Other factors unique to the application can also impact glass grid decisions.
Glass grid aesthetics: Another consideration is appearance and the desired aesthetic
affect. The glass grid is generally square of rectangular. Sometimes there is a preference to
the orientation of the grid, with rectangles arranged either horizontally or vertically. Both grid
dimensions can impact the performance of the supporting structure. Primary structural
elements such as trusses or cables are typically located at each vertical gridline, so the
determination of the horizontal grid dimension will dictate truss spacing, and thus the
tributary area of load acting on that member. The vertical module can have similar
Figure 7.15 shows a strong horizontal grid reflecting the relatively short vertical span and
long horizontal dimension of this glass wall. Note the widely spaced trusses at each vertical
gridline. The glass here is IGU point-fixed drilled. The horizontal glass dimension was too
long in this case to span unsupported, and an intermediate support had to be provided at
mid-span ( Figure 7.16).

Figure 7.15 Example of horizontal glass grid. Figure 7.16 Mid-span connection of long horizontal IGU.

Figure 7.17 and
show a vertically oriented glass grid with a veneer system and insulated glass fully
perimeter supported. Note the horizontal bands created by an alternating shallow horizontal
grid module accented by the horizontal capture plates. The trusses in this design fall on each
vertical grid module. Note that this is not a uniform grid module, and would thus not be
supported by the StructureDesigner analysis tool. The recommended simplified method
would be to analyze a uniform larger glass grid with the vertical dimension equal to the
vertical dimension of the larger glass pane plus the vertical dimension of the smaller glass
pane. This would provide a conservative result appropriate to the conceptual design

Maximum glass size: The maximum allowable, or in many cases the more appropriate term
might be practical, glass size is influenced by several factors that are discussed elsewhere
herein. Insulated glass in frameless applications may be limited in size by the allowable
deflections in a single pane under design loading. Heat-treatment may limit glass size as a
function of the producers tempering furnace; most producers stipulate a maximum width and
length for their heat-treated glass. There may also be a limit to the total area of some glass
panel types as a function of the weight of the unit. Laminating processes also vary in the

Figure 7.17 Vertically oriented glass grid
with truss at each gridline.

Figure 7.18 Example of vertical glass grid
with horizontal module providing visual
maximum width of glass panel they can produce, at the maximum range limited by the width
of the interlayer material. Refer to Section for more information.
7. 4. 4. 4 St ep 4: St r uc t ur al Sys t em Sel ec t i on
Suppor t ed Sy s t em Ty pes
Figure 7.19 provides for selection of the structural system type, indicating those that are
intended to be supported in the FaadeDesigner system. The user selects a system type by
clicking on one of the system icons or the link directly below. An option is given to exit to the
StructureExplorer module to research the options. Once a structure type link is clicked, the
user is redirected to the appropriate area of StructureDesigner, with the input screen
preconfigured with the information drawn from FacadeDesigner. See Figure 7.11 as an

Figure 7.19 FacadeDesigner: select structure type.

FaadeDesigner is thus linked to StructureDesigner; however, StructureDesigner can be
accessed directly without having to go through the FacadeDesigner process. If the user is
familiar with the program and simply interested in developing some comparative preliminary
performance analysis between systems, simple input data can be quickly entered through
this direct method. (See StructureDesigner user interface forms in Figure 7.10 and Figure
7.11 above.)
While the systems included in Figure 7.19 are intended to be fully supported by both
FacadeDesigner and StructureDesigner, only two systems are supported in the current beta
version; simple truss, cable truss, and flat cable net.
7. 4. 4. 5 St ep 5: Si mpl i f i ed Anal ys i s Us i ng
St r uc t ur eDes i gner
The input information collected by FaadeDesigner is fed to StructureDesigner, which
presents a user-interface form (see examples Figure 7.10and Figure 7.11) as a function of
the system selection. Depending on the system selection, the user may be prompted for
some additional input as indicated in Section 7.4.1 above. The user initiates the analysis by
clicking on a button, and is provided with virtually instant results depending upon the system
(the iterative dynamic relaxation method used on the open systems may take as much as a
minute or two depending on the solution option selected and the deflection criterion).
Depending on the results of the analysis, the user can modify the inputs from the user-
interface and initiate a new analysis, repeating the process until a satisfactory solution is
determined. Alternately, the user can close the analysis form, whereby the system-type
selection form is presented, providing the opportunity to analyze a different system type.
(Refer to the discussion of the various analysis forms in 7.4.1 above.)
7. 4. 4. 6 St ep 6: Es t i mat i ng and Des i gn Devel opment
Figure 7.20 represents the various output from the process. The output is intended to
support further design development, the estimating process, and the preparation of a
performance-based design/build bid package as discussed in Chapter 3. It is conceivable to
develop an estimating template for each faade system type to facilitate the estimating
process by the design team as part of future work.

Figure 7.20 FacadeDesigner: select output.

7. 4. 4. 7 St ep 7: Des i gn/ Bui l d Bi d Doc ument s
The final step in the process is the preparation and assembly of design/build bid documents
as discussed in Chapter 3.3.2. If the faade system is designed around one of the basic
systems included in the FacadeDesigner, the designer will be directed to typical plans,
elevations, sections and details. These should provide a useful reference for the designer in
adapting these same materials to the specific project needs.
The designer will also be directed to relevant specification information as a result of the
glass and structure inputs made in FaadeDesigner. Sample specifications in standard CSI
(Construction Specifications Institute) format would allow for the designer to mix and match
according to the project requirements. SpecBuilder is conceived as an expert system
capable of automating the assembly of a project specification based on user responses to a
series of questions. The information gathered in FaadeDesigner could be passed to this
system as initial input.
7. 5 Desi gni ng f or Si mpl i ci t y
One of the less apparent potential benefits of the design strategy suggested by the
methodology in Figure 7.1 is the opportunity for the architect to design the building and the
building interface in a manner that anticipates and accommodates the faade requirements.
With the intent of using structural glass faade technology but without early involvement from
a specialist consultant, designers often simply leave a hole in the design where the faade
goes and continue on with the design of the building. A specialty consultant or design/build
firm is then later brought in to provide this service. This often leads to unnecessary
complexities when the faade system is designed to fill the hole.
The opportunity here is for more of a product approach to the faade system, not in a
manner that limits the design, but in the sense that properties of the system defined early in
the process can be easily accommodated in the building design. In fact, this is an effective
way to manage considerable design complexity while mitigating the associated cost. With a
typical standardized window product, the designer just needs to know basic information, like
the size and construction of the required opening, to facilitate the installation of the window.
This allows the architect and the building owner to take advantage of the efficiencies of mass
production and the economies of scale. There is the potential for a similar advantage with
structural glass facades. The biggest opportunity is with the glass grid; to the extent that the
glass grid can be made uniform, overall cost will be reduced, sometimes quite significantly.
The objective is to minimize geometric complexity that is not integral to the design intent,
and thus reduce incidental part differentiation. A large diversity of small quantity components
increases complexity, which in turn increases cost. This phenomenon has both overt and
subtle aspects; a grid design that generates a large number of one-of-a-kind glass sizes
because of a geometrically complex interface will add to the cost of the glass supply, but it
will also impact design and installation costs, perhaps more significantly. Automated
fabrication processes can do much to mitigate the cost of high component diversity. Design
processes can similarly be developed to mitigate design related costs. But this diversity must
still be managed, handled, shipped and sorted through the process until each one-off
component finds its designated place in the building. The resulting field costs are especially
difficult to mitigate.
A reflection of the relevance of this is found in a comment made by Wigginton on Fosters
Willis Faber & Dumas Building, a project cited repeatedly in this thesis and in fact
representing the birth of structural glass faade technology as defined herein. Wigginton
(1996, p.110-115) provides an excellent case study of this suspended glass faade and
comments, the rigour [sic] of the architects required that each panel was the same size,
which is something of a challenge in a meandering glass wall without the benefit of cover
strips. Even double-curved cable nets, whose geometry will assure a high diversity of glass
panel configurations, can benefit from a design emphasis on exploring ways to minimize the
occurrence unnecessary component diversity. The diversity is sometimes important to the
design and the client is willing to pay for it. Many times however, the complexity is
inadvertent and unnecessary, and easily avoidable through the exercise of good problem-
solving design process.
Another opportunity lies in understanding the support requirements for the structure; how the
trusses or structural components will attach to the anchoring structure, what Cheng (2007, p.
111) refers to in her thesis work as building infrastructure. There will also be important
details at the interface of the glass plane at the perimeter. Understanding the underlying
technique by which these things are most easily accomplished allows the architect to design
the building in informed anticipation of these faade requirements.
Many times, because this kind of information is not available to the design team early in the
process, the design of the faade ultimately takes on the nature of a renovation where a new
faade design is being constrained by the existing building because so many design
commitments have been made by the time the faade design starts. Many accommodations
that could have facilitated the faade design, and could easily been made with little or no
impact to the building design or cost, were missed resulting in added complexity and cost to
the faade.
Structural glass facades are far from being standardized window products. Yet the tools,
resources, and perhaps most of all, methods suggested herein could provide the benefit of
enabling the architect to best design for the requirements of the faade system, thus
simplifying the resulting design and making it not only easier to implement, but reducing the
Ch ap t er 8 - A L ear n i n g Pr o g r am
The FacadeDesigner.com website resource is conceived as a resource incorporating a
variety of tutorials and learning programs related to structural glass faade technology,
including the structure systems, glass systems, and the primary materials and processes
that comprise the technology. A variety of formats are possible to explore, including online
video, interactive programs, and downloadable files. As intended, a secondary effect of this
thesis is the generation of significant content appropriate for inclusion in a variety of learning
programs. One prototype program was developed in support of this thesis as follows.
8. 1 Exposed St r uct ur al Syst ems and Long-span Gl ass
The AIA/CES program is discussed in Chapter 4. It is the continuing education program for
the American Institute of Architects. Exposed Structural Systems and Long-span Glass
Facades is a learning program developed in accordance with the AIA/CES guidelines for
adult learning programs reviewed in Chapter 4.
The program is intended as a broad introduction to structural glass faade technology. It
covers in broad strokes; glass, glass panels, glass systems, and the structure types that
make up the support technology. It is conceived as the focal element of a 60 to 90-minute
live interactive presentation by a qualified presenter knowledgeable in the field of structural
glass faade technology. The program is developed in Microsoft Powerpoint. The primary
audience is design architects. Most architectural firms have a continuing education program
in which industry providers of AIA/CES programs are invited in on some regular basis. This
most often takes the form of a luncheon presentation typically limited to a 60 to 90-minute
maximum timeframe. However, the Exposed Structural Systems program is also well suited
for architecture students.
A further intent is that this learning program be made available as a website resource from
FacadeDesigner.com. The program, and others like it, will be resident on the website as
Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) files. They will download to the users computer where they will
function as a self-paced tutorial. The precedent for this is the Structures website (Schierle,
n.d.) discussed in Chapter 4.5.4. Professor Schierles Powerpoint lectures are located on the
website in this same format. The lectures are structured to take maximum advantage of this
online access as a review method for the students. It is the personal experience of the
author that there is significant value in this approach. The value of the online programs to
individuals having never received the original lectures is less clear, but through a
development and testing program it is a viable consideration that an effective series of
tutorials could be developed. While not testing this aspect directly, the testing program
outlined in Chapter 10 seems to support this contention.
8. 1. 1 Pr ogr am El ement s
Select images are included below only as necessary to present the organization of the
program and to indicate the elements required for compliance with the AIA/CES program.
The program content was derived directly from the material developed for this thesis.
Note: This program has NOT been submitted to the AIA for approval. It is a prototype
program developed for testing purposes only. It is believed that this program complies with
all AIA/CES requirements and guidelines. The AIA/CES program approves providers of AIA
learning programs, and does not approve programs independent of providers. Prospective
providers must be practitioners or industry firms, and are required to pay a fee ranging from
approximately USD 500 to over USD 3,000 to become an approved provider.
All references to the AIA/CES within the following program are intended only as examples of
content preparation in compliance with AIA/CES guidelines. No representation is intended
that the author or this learning program as presented here have been submitted or approved
in any manner by the AIA/CES. The program may be submitted by an appropriate entity to
the AIA/CES at a future date.
8. 1. 2 Ex ampl e Cont ent

Figure 8.1 Title page.

Figure 8.2 Introductory page required by the AIA/CES for each program.

Figure 8.3 Optional page suggested by AIA/CES to protect copyrighted information.

Figure 8.4 Learning objectives required by AIA,CES.

The development of learning objectives is a primary means by which the AIA/CES evaluates
the programs submitted by the providers for approval. The AIA/CES has issued guidelines
for the development of learning objectives as discussed in Chapter 4.

Figure 8.5 Glass system types are introduced.

Figure 8.6 Attributes of point-fixed systems.

Figure 8.7 Glass and the glass manufacturing process.

Figure 8.8 Introduction of structural systems.

Figure 8.9 Each system type is presented with primary system attributes.

Figure 8.10 Sample problem as interactive content.

Figure 8.11 Required ending slide.

A primary intent of the AIA/CES program is the prevention of blatant self-promotion by the
providers. Consequently, providers are instructed to only include company logo, name and
contact information on specific introductory pages and this ending page.
8. 1. 3 Pr ogr am Eval uat i on
This program was presented with the AIA/CES references omitted on three separate
occasions for testing purposes, as further discussed in Chapter 10.
The first occasion was to a group of executives representing a leading curtain wall firm. No
written testing accompanied this presentation. The program was well received with positive
and no negative comment. The general consensus was that there would be value in
presenting the program to select architectural firms, with the probable result of new project
creation. This was evidenced by the subsequent expressed intention by the Firm to make
application to the AIA/CES to become a program provider, and to submit a variation of the
program presented as their first program for approval.
The second presentation was to the thesis class in the Master of Building Science program
at the University of Southern California, of which the author is a participant. This
presentation was accompanied by testing as documented in the following chapter.
The third presentation was to a 3
-year architectural studio class at USC. This presentation
was also accompanied by testing documented in the following chapter, along with summary
results and conclusions derived from the testing.
The author has the following comments on the presentation itself, independent of the testing
The program is too long to deliver in a 60-minute timeframe without rushing. The
presentation includes 85 slides, and while many of these are primarily images that can be
moved through quickly, there are still too many content slides. The content is probably too
broad to realistically present in a single program. Ideally, at least two programs could be
developed for separate applications, one for glass and glass systems, and the other for
structure systems. Each program would still have to be contextualized with inclusion of some
of the related content from the other presentation, so there would be some significant
overlap between the programs. Content is certainly not the problem; it would be easy to
develop a 60-minute program for each of the topics of glass, glass panel fabrications, glass
fixing systems, and structural systems, and perhaps this should be considered.
However, a program that integrates the various considerations that comprise structural glass
faade technology is undoubtedly of the most general use, and an effort should be made to
further refine the current program to improve its efficiency.
The AIA/CES strongly recommends interactive content as opposed to a pure lecture format.
The sample problems are included for this purpose as indicated in Figure 8.10 above. The
intent is that the information presented in the program be applied to some conceptual design
problems. The problems are presented in a purely descriptive manner. It would be far better
to develop some simple graphics to communicate the problems. The more difficult issue is
time. The program is already pushing a 60-minute timeframe with virtually no time for
questions. The inclusion of these problems could easily add 15 to 30 minutes to the program
length. In fact, in the three instances of presentation, not once was there adequate time
remaining to even consider a superficial presentation of these problems. A better venue for
this program would definitely be a 2-hour combination lecture workshop. Such a program is
definitely worth doing, although it has less functionality than a more streamlined program.
The presentation is good at getting the viewers excited about the technology. The material in
the presentation is so dense and delivered in such a concentrated timeframe, that any
significant retention of the information is questionable. A good question is just how important
retention is. The objective is to get the designers motivated to use the technology in their
projects. Perhaps the most important function of the presentation is an introduction of the
broad issues, and assurance that the technical information they need is readily accessible.
An opportunity in this regard for strengthening the Exposed Structures program is the
development of a handout that documents the program content. The handout could be
derived from the presentation with additional explanatory text added. This in fact has been
done, albeit in a rudimentary form (essentially a modified Adobe Acrobat printout of the
presentation with two slide images to a page) and used as part of the testing program in the
following Chapter. Ultimately, the handout is easily envisioned as a visually exciting
document in something resembling book-form.
8. 2 Summar y
The background research and development of this thesis has produced significant content
regarding structural glass faade technology appropriate for inclusion in learning programs.
In addition to the learning program developed as part of this thesis and described above,
other opportunities are discussed following.
The testing results as well as the questions asked during the presentations indicated a
general lack of familiarity with the materials and processes involved in structural glass
facades. Some of these are somewhat unique; steel cables, fittings, cast and machined
components, but these items were not even included in the testing. Glass, one of the most
ubiquitous materials in architecture, is a subject of only limited understanding among the
students tested. This presents obvious opportunities for a variety of programs related to
FacadeDesigner.com, the pivotal resource as proposed herein, presents a variety of content
related to structural glass facades with a primary focus on a select group of items developed
in Chapter 6. Using the material from Chapter 1, 2 and 6 as core content with further
development as appropriate, there is an opportunity for numerous short, concise, focused
learning programs made available in video or downloadable Acrobat format from the
website. A few of these possible topics are grouped below.
St eel
- Steel castings
- Steel fabrication of exposed steel structures
- Cable and rod rigging systems
- Protective coatings and finishes for mild-steel structures
Gl as s
- History of glass
- Safety glass and heat-treated glass
- Laminated glass
- Insulated glass
- Glass as structure
- Glass performance coatings
- Decorative glass treatments
- Float glass manufacturing
- Thermal performance of glass
- Acoustic performance of glass
Gl as s i n Appl i c at i on
- Structural glazing
- Butt-glazing
- History of structural glass facades
- Point-fixed system options
Long-s pan f a ade s t r uc t ur es
- Simple truss structures
- Cable truss structures
- Cable net structures
Some of these topics would be more appropriate in video format. Others could be effective a
simple technical bulletins that could be downloaded as Adobe Acrobat documents.
Ch ap t er 9 - Tes t i n g
Testing was conducted with two components of the program developed herein. The focus is
on the testing of the learning program presented in Chapter 8, and comprises most of this
current Chapter. This is followed by documentation for some limited testing on the
StructureDesigner analysis tool.
9.1 Lear ni ng Pr ogr am
Testing was conducted in conjunction with the learning program discussed previously in the
previous Chapter. The objectives of the testing are fourfold;
1. to determine the general familiarity with structural glass faade technology, including
glass, glass systems and structure systems as employed in the technology.
2. to gauge the general interest level in and perceived relevance of the technology
among the target audience.
3. to evaluate a tenant of the hypothesis herein that the diffusion of an innovative
technology can be facilitated by enabling a new tier of adopters.
4. to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning program itself.
The learning program was presented three times as discussed in the Chapter 8. Only two of
these presentations were accompanied by the testing program as described following.

9. 1. 1 Tes t Subj ec t s
Group A is comprised of a 2
year MBS class including eleven individuals.
Group B is a 3
year undergraduate studio class taught by Professor Arthur Golding. This
Group was tested twice; twelve individuals participated in the first test and nine in a follow-up
test. Only seven of those taking the first test participated in the 2
test; two of those taking
the 2
test did not take the 1
test. Thus inadvertently there ended up being variations of the
B Group as explained later in this Chapter.
9. 1. 2 Tes t i ng Met hod Objective Fixed-alternative Questions
A written test was prepared, comprised of 25 quantitative multiple-choice questions followed
by some brief subjective survey questions. The multiple-choice questions are divided into
five categories of five questions each. The categories are:
- Structure
- Glass
- Glass System
- Performance Criteria
- Project Delivery Method
Five to seven responses are included for each question. All of the above and/or None of
the above responses are included with approximately half of the questions. Each question
includes a response of I dont know. The participants were instructed not to guess if they
had no idea of the answer. If they thought they knew but were not entirely sure, they were
encouraged to provide the answer they thought correct.
The participants were instructed to put a name on their test for tracking purposes. Subjective Questions
The quantitative multiple-choice questions were followed by a series of qualitative subjective
questions using an itemized rating scale as follows:
1 =strongly disagree
2 =disagree
3 =ambivalent
4 =agree
5 =strongly agree
9. 1. 2. 2 A Gr oup
Monday, 18 February 2008: Group A was given the test prior to the presentation of the
learning program described in Chapter 9. The test took approximately 10 minutes to
complete. The learning program was then presented, lasting approximately one hour
including some questions during and after the presentation. A short break was taken, and
the test forms the participants had already completed were returned to them. They had not
been told that they would be retaking the test after the program. They were instructed to
review the test and modify any answers as they felt appropriate. This took approximately
another 10 minutes. The test forms were then collected for analysis.
The testing of Group A was administered in a manner that facilitated participation by the
subjects in both tests. Even in this group however, one participant failed to respond to the
test. This was more of a problem with Group B.
9. 1. 2. 3 B Gr oups
Friday, 22 February 2008: The identical test was distributed to Group B before the
presentation of the identical leaning program to this group. Again, testing took approximately
10 minutes to complete. The test forms were then collected and the program presented,
lasting approximately one hour as before. In contrast with Group A, Group B was not
retested until over two weeks later. The participants were not told that they would be
retested. On 10 March 2008 the participants were given a nearly identical test (the test
included some additional qualitative questions not included on the first test) along with a
handout documenting the presentation they were given two weeks earlier. They were
instructed to complete the test again, and told that they could use the handout if needed.
The handout is intended as a prototype tutorial. The material was left with the subjects, and
picked up two days later.
Only seven of the original 12 participants responded to the 2
test. Two participants of the
test did not participate in the 1
test. These two are excluded from the base B Group
used in comparative analysis between Groups A and B, but they are included with the base
group in the subjective responses discussed below. As the two participants represent a
unique case, they have been designated as Group B3
Another useful differentiation of the B Group is with respect to those who used the tutorial
and those who did not. Participants who responded to subjective questioning indicating they
did use the tutorial were used to populate a Group B1; those that did not use the tutorial (or
indicated that they did not rely on it or use it much) were delegated to a Group B2. Only
those who agreed or strongly agreed that they used the tutorial to help answer questions
were included in Group B1.
9. 1. 3 Doc ument at i on
The raw test results are tabled following.
Table 9-1 Group A, 1st test results.
Group A; 1
Test Results, 18 February 2008
?? A B C D E F G H I J K
structure 1 x y y o x y x y o y x
2 x o o o y y y x x o o
3 o o y o x o x y y y o
4 y o x o y x x x x x o
5 y o x o y x x o o y o
glass 6 y y x o x y x x x y x
7 y x o o y y x x y y y
8 o y o o y x o o y o o
9 x o o o y o o o o o x
10 x x x o y y y x o o x
glass 11 x o o o x o o x o o x
system 12 x o o o y o o x o o o
13 y o o o x x x x o o x
14 y o x o y o y x o o x
15 x o o o y o o y o o x
performance 16 x o o o x x x y o x y
criteria 17 o o o o o o x y o o x
18 y y o o o o y o x o x
19 x o o o y o x x o x x
20 y y y y y x y y y y x
project 21 y y x o y y y x o x x
delivery 22 y o y o y y y y o y y
23 x o o o x o x o o x y
24 y y y o x y y y o x y
25 y y x o y y y x o x y
subjective 1 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4
questions 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 1
3 4 2 4 1 5 3 4 3 1 3 2
4 5 4 3 1 5 4 4 5 5 3 5
5 4 4 3 5 5 4 4 4 5 4
- Multiple-choice questions numbered 1-25 in the 2
column down, grouped as indicated in column 1.
- Participants lettered A-K in 2
- y = correct answer; x = incorrect answer; o = I dont know response
- Subjective questions 1-5, column 2, last 5 rows; 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree
Table 9-2 Group A, 2nd test results.
Group A; 2nd Test Results, 18 February 2008
?? A B C D E F G H I J K
structure 1 x y y y y y y y y x
2 x o y y y y x x o o
3 y o x o y y y y y o
4 x x x o x x y x x o
5 y o y o x y x o y o
glass 6 y y x y y y y x y y
7 y x y y y y y y y y
8 y y y y y x y y y x
9 y y x y y y x o y y
10 y x x y x x x o x y
glass 11 x o x o x x x o o x
system 12 x o y o x y x o o o
13 y o x o x x x y y x
14 y o y o y y x o x x
15 x x y y o y y o o x
performance 16 x y y o x y y y x y
criteria 17 y y o y y y y y y y
18 y y o y y y x x o y
19 y o o o y y y y x x
20 y y y y x y y y y y
project 21 y y x o y y x y x x
delivery 22 y y y o y y y o y y
23 x o y o y x y x x y
24 y y y o y y y o x y
25 y y x o y y y o x y
subjective 5 5
questions 4 2
4 2
4 4
5 4
- Multiple-choice questions numbered 1-25 in the 2
column down, grouped as indicated in column 1.
- Participants lettered A-K in 2
- y = correct answer; x = incorrect answer; o = I dont know response
- Subjective questions 1-5, column 2, last 5 rows; 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree

Table 9-3 Group B, 1st test results.
Group B; 1st Test Results, 22 February 2008
?? A B C D E F G H I J K L
structure 1 o y y x o o x x o o o x
2 o x y x y y o o o y o o
3 x y y y y x y o x o x o
4 o x x o y x x o y x y y
5 y o x y y o x x y y y x
glass 6 x x y y x y x y y y y x
7 o x y y x x x x o x x x
8 o o x o o y y o o y o y
9 y x x o o o o o o o o o
10 x o y y x x x y x x x x
glass 11 x o y o y o o o o x o o
system 12 x o o o o x o x o x o o
13 y x y x x y x y y y x o
14 o o o o x y o o o x o o
15 y o o o y o o o y x x o
performance 16 o x y o x x o x o x o o
criteria 17 o o o o o o o o o o o o
18 y o y x x o x y x y x o
19 x x y o x o o x o y x o
20 y x y y y y x y y y y x
project 21 o x x x x x x x x y o o
delivery 22 y y y o y y o y o y y o
23 o o y o y o o o x x y o
24 o o y o o x o o o y y o
25 o o y o o o y o o y o o
subjective 1 5 4 4 4 5 5 3 5 5 5
questions 2 1 4 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 1
3 5 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 3
4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5
5 5 5 3 3 5 5 4 5 5 5
- Multiple-choice questions numbered 1-25 in the 2
column down, grouped as indicated in column 1.
- Participants lettered A-L in 2
- y = correct answer; x = incorrect answer; o = I dont know response
- Subjective questions 1-5, column 2, last 5 rows; 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree
Table 9-4 Group B, 2nd test results.
Group B; 2nd Test Results, 10 March 2008
?? A B C D E F G H I J K L
structure 1 x y o y y x o
2 y x y y y y
3 x y x y x o
4 x o x x y x
5 y o y y y x
glass 6 y y y y y x y
7 x y x y y y o
8 y y y y y o y
9 y y o x y x x
10 y y x y y x x
glass 11 y x x x y o x
system 12 o y o y y x x
13 x y y y y x o
14 y y o y y o o
15 y x o y y x x
performance 16 y y x x y o o
criteria 17 y o o y y x o
18 y y y y y x o
19 x y o x y x y
20 y y y y y y x
project 21 x y y y y x x
delivery 22 y y o y y x x
23 o y y y y o x
24 o o y y y x y
25 o o y x y o x
subjective 1 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
questions 2 4 4 2 3 3 2 4
3 5 4 3 3 4 4 4
4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5
5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4
6 4 2 1 3 4 3 1
7 5 3 1 5 5 4 1
8 4 3 1 3 4 4 1
9 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
10 5 4 1 4 3 4 1
11 5 5 4 4 5 4 1
- Multiple-choice questions numbered 1-25 in the 2
column down, grouped as indicated in column 1.
- Participants lettered A-L in 2
- y = correct answer; x = incorrect answer; o = I dont know response
- Subjective questions 1-5, column 2, last 5 rows; 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree

9. 1. 4 Summar y of Res ul t s
9. 1. 4. 1 A Gr oup

Figure 9.1 Group A, percent right, wrong; 1st and 2nd tests.

The testing method for Group A is certainly no measure of retention, the test being given the
time immediately after the presentation of the learning program, but a comparison of the
pie charts in Figure 9.1 does, as one would expect, reveal an increase in the number of
correct responses. It is interesting that the compensating change in the other two categories
is almost entirely from the dont know category; the wrong answers stayed nearly the same
with only a 2% drop in wrong answers. The likely reasons for this are explored later in this
Figure 9.2 and Figure 9.3 show the same test results broken down by question category.
Figure 9.4 compares the responses of both tests by category.

Group A 1st Test
Correct Respnses Incorrect Responses 'Don't Know' Responses
'Don't Know' Responses 36% 38% 58% 42% 27% 40%
Incorrect Responses 33% 31% 29% 29% 24% 29%
Correct Respnses 31% 31% 13% 29% 49% 31%
structure glass glass system
project delivery total

Figure 9.2 Group A 1st test response by question category.

Group A 2nd Test
Correct Responses Incorrect Responses 'Don't Know' Responses
'Don't Know' Responses 24% 4% 34% 14% 18% 19%
Incorrect Responses 30% 26% 40% 16% 22% 27%
Correct Responses 46% 70% 26% 70% 60% 54%
structure glass glass system
project delivery total

Figure 9.3 Group A 2
test response by question category.

Group A Test Comparison
Correct Response 1st Test Correct Response 2nd Test
Incorrect Response 1st Test Incorrect Response 2nd Test
'Don't Know' 1st Test 'Don't Know' 2nd Test
Correct Response 1st Test 31% 31% 13% 29% 49% 31%
Correct Response 2nd Test 46% 70% 26% 70% 60% 54%
Incorrect Response 1st Test 33% 31% 29% 29% 24% 29%
Incorrect Response 2nd Test 30% 26% 40% 16% 22% 27%
'Don't Know' 1st Test 36% 38% 58% 42% 27% 40%
'Don't Know' 2nd Test 24% 4% 34% 14% 18% 19%
structure glass glass system
project delivery combined

Figure 9.4 Group A combined responses by question category.

I-dont-know responses: these dropped across the categories by an average of 21%. The
biggest drop of 31% was in the glass category, followed by performance criteria at 28%. The
smallest drop of 9% in the project delivery category is due to the highest average of correct
responses from the 1
test at 49%.
Correct responses: The general positive pattern to the increase in correct responses is
apparent. There is an average 23% increase in correct responses across the categories.
The highest increase is in performance criteria at 41%, followed by glass at 39%.
Incorrect responses: These dropped by only 2% in the 2
test, the large majority of these
the result of the participant not changing their incorrect response from the 1
test, unswayed
by the learning program. This may reflect the increased difficulty in learning anything already
perceived as known. Alternately, there could be something inadvertently misleading about
the questions. The biggest drop in incorrect responses was 13% in the performance criteria
category. This was offset by an 11% increase in incorrect responses within a single category
as discussed following.
The weakest category is clearly the glass system. This presents an opportunity for further
investigation. Figure 9.4 makes the problem in the glass system category immediately
apparent. While there is an increase in correct responses there is also an increase in
incorrect responses. This is the only category in which the incorrect responses actually
increased after the presentation of the program (although as noted, the decreases in the
number of incorrect responses across all categories were relatively small). This suggests
that more people thought they knew the correct answers in this category, but in fact did not.
It is important to understand this anomaly, and this question category is analyzed in more
detail in Section following.
9. 1. 4. 2 B Gr oups
Bas e Gr oup B

Figure 9.5 Group B, percent right, wrong; 1st and 2nd tests.

Group B was given the 2
test over 2-weeks after the presentation of the learning program.
Again, there was the expected increase in correct and decline in dont know responses,
but with the same lack of decline in incorrect responses as resulted with Group A (Figure
9.5). In fact, the overall results are remarkably similar to Group A. This phenomenon is
discussed further in the next section of this Chapter.
Figure 9.6 and Figure 9.7 show the Group B test results broken down by question category.
Figure 9.8 compares the responses of both tests by category.
Group B 1st Test
Correct Respnses Incorrect Responses 'Don't Know' Responses
'Don't Know' Responses 33% 32% 55% 43% 52% 43%
Incorrect Responses 32% 40% 25% 30% 18% 29%
Correct Respnses 35% 28% 20% 27% 30% 28%
structure glass glass system
project delivery total

Figure 9.6 Group B 1st test response by question category.
Group B 2nd Test
Correct Responses Incorrect Responses 'Don't Know' Responses
'Don't Know' Responses 16% 9% 23% 20% 23% 18%
Incorrect Responses 36% 26% 31% 23% 26% 28%
Correct Responses 49% 66% 46% 57% 51% 54%
structure glass glass system
project delivery total

Figure 9.7 Group B 2nd test response by question category.
Group B Test Comparison
Correct Response 1st Test Correct Response 2nd Test
Incorrect Response 1st Test Incorrect Response 2nd Test
'Don't Know' 1st Test 'Don't Know' 2nd Test
Correct Response 1st Test 35% 28% 20% 27% 30% 28%
Correct Response 2nd Test 49% 66% 46% 57% 51% 54%
Incorrect Response 1st Test 32% 40% 25% 30% 18% 29%
Incorrect Response 2nd Test 36% 26% 31% 23% 26% 28%
'Don't Know' 1st Test 33% 32% 55% 43% 52% 43%
'Don't Know' 2nd Test 16% 9% 23% 20% 23% 18%
structure glass glass system
project delivery combined

Figure 9.8 Group B combined responses by question category.

I-dont-know responses: these dropped across the categories by an average of 25%. The
biggest drop of 32% was in the glass system category, followed by project delivery at 29%.
The smallest drop of 18% in the structure category is due to the relatively low dont know
response in the 1
test at 33%.
Correct responses: Again the general positive pattern to the increase in correct responses
is apparent. There is an average 26% increase in correct responses across the categories.
The highest increase is in glass at 37%, followed by performance criteria at 30%.
Incorrect responses: In a similar pattern with Group A, these responses dropped by only
1% in the 2
test, the large majority of the participants not changing their incorrect response
from the 1
test, not swayed by the learning program or the handout. Once again, this may
reflect the difficulty in learning anything already perceived as known. The biggest drop in
incorrect responses was 14% in the glass category, followed by 7% in the performance
criteria category. This was offset by increases in incorrect responses in the other three
categories ranging from 4 to 7%, a broader trend than was evident in Group A where the
increase in incorrect responses was limited to a single category.
Figure 9.8 reveals the relative responses between the two tests by category. Three
categories; structure, glass system, and project delivery, while showing an increase in
correct responses also reveal an increase in incorrect responses. Once more, this suggests
that participants thought they knew the correct answers in these categories, thus the decline
in dont know responses, but in fact did not.
Ot her B Gr oups
The base B Group is used for the comparative analysis that comprises most of this Chapter,
comparing Groups A and B. It is instructive however, to briefly consider three other special
Group B constructs as identified above. Figure 9.9 shows simple pie charts comparing the
percentages of the three basic response categories. The B chart is the base group 2
result, which is nearly identical to the Group A 2
test results (see Figure 9.10 below).

Figure 9.9 Comparative responses of B Groups 2

Group B1 is comprised of only those participants in the base group who made use of the
tutorial. There is a 20% improvement in the correct responses within this group, to 74%. In
subjective testing 75% of the Group strongly agreed that the tutorial was helpful in answering
the questions. The results here are an indicator that a reference component, as in printed
material or a Web access, is an important compliment to the live presentation. The
presentation is clearly emboldening the participants to answer the questions, but those using
reference materials score significantly better than those who do not.
The results of Group B2 suffered significantly in comparison; dont know responses nearly
doubled and incorrect responses rose by 13% in comparison to the base Group 2
resulting in a drop in correct responses to only 27% compared to the 74% of Group B1. This
drop is the result of not using the tutorial and indicates a lack of retention of the material
presented in the lecture program given 2-weeks prior. Even more interesting is comparing
the Group B2 results to Group B 1
test results. The number of correct responses is within
1% of the 1
test given before the program (see Figure 9.5). Incorrect responses however,
increased by 12% and dont know responses decreased by a corresponding amount. This
group actually seems to have performed worse than on the 1
test. It is difficult with such a
small sampling to draw much in the way of meaningful conclusions. A detailed look at the
response data of the three individuals that comprise this Group (F, K, L) reveals that;
participant F decreased dont know responses resulting in a corresponding increase in
correct answers while incorrect responses remained the same; participant K halved dont
know responses with corresponding increase in incorrect answers (and a small reduction in
even the correct answers); and participant L doubled dont know responses and still
managed to drop correct responses to less than half from the 1
test. Evidently the
presentation completely confused L, who despite this felt no compulsion to utilize the
tutorial as an aid in answering the questions. F actually showed improvement, while Ks
results perhaps indicate a belief in knowing more answers or at least a willingness to venture
more guesses after having participated in the learning program. Fortunately, more favorable
results were common in the group at large.
Group B3 is another special and interesting case. The participants here did not attend the
lecture program nor did they take the 1
test. Subjective questioning indicated that they
strongly agreed that they used the tutorial to answer the question and that it was effective in
doing so. Having not attended the lecture, they had no other reference to answer the
questions and were more reliant upon the tutorial to provide information. This Group ended
up with the best test results, indicating a clear effectiveness to the printed tutorial.
9. 1. 4. 3 Compar i s on of Gr oups A and B
There is a remarkable similarity between the results of Group A and B (base group). Figure
9.10 shows that the deviation between groups in the 1
test was within 3% for the right and
dont know responses, with parity for the wrong response. This uniformity is somewhat
surprising, but explainable by the similar conditions under which the groups were
administered the first test. The 2
tests however, were administered under quite different
conditions between the groups, so the comparative results of this test are considerably more
surprising; the correct responses were on par, while the incorrect and dont know
responses were within one percent between Groups A and B.

Figure 9.10 Comparison of group A and B, 1st and 2nd tests.

There are some small variations in the categories between the two groups. Figure 9.11
compares the correct responses by category between Groups A and B. The availability of
the tutorial handout appears to have presented no significant advantage, except possibly in
the category of glass system, where Group A did particularly poorly as discussed previously;
Group B did better here, and slightly better in the structure category. Group A scored slightly
better than B on the rest of the categories. There were no reversals of which group did best
between the 1
and 2
tests; the group with the highest percentage of correct responses in
the 1
test had the highest percentage in the 2
test across all categories. Incorrect
responses are shown in Figure 9.12 and dont know responses in Figure 9.13.
Correct Responses by Category; 1st and 2nd Tests
1st test A 1st test B 2nd test A 2nd test B
1st test A 31% 31% 13% 29% 49% 31%
1st test B 35% 28% 20% 27% 30% 28%
2nd test A 46% 70% 26% 70% 60% 54%
2nd test B 49% 66% 46% 57% 51% 54%
structure glass glass system
project delivery combined

Figure 9.11 Comparison of correct responses between Groups A and B.
Incorrect Responses by Category; 1st and 2nd Tests
1st test A 1st test B 2nd test A 2nd test B
1st test A 33% 31% 29% 29% 24% 29%
1st test B 32% 40% 25% 30% 18% 29%
2nd test A 30% 26% 40% 16% 22% 27%
2nd test B 36% 26% 31% 23% 26% 28%
structure glass glass system
project delivery combined

Figure 9.12 Comparison of incorrect responses between Groups A and B.
" Don't Know" Responses by Category; 1st and 2nd Tests
1st test A 1st test B 2nd test A 2nd test B
1st test A 36% 38% 58% 42% 27% 40%
1st test B 33% 32% 55% 43% 52% 43%
2nd test A 24% 4% 34% 14% 18% 19%
2nd test B 16% 9% 23% 20% 23% 18%
structure glass glass system
project delivery combined

Figure 9.13 Comparison of dont know responses between Groups A and B.
Despite the parity of overall results between Groups A and B, differences emerge as the
results are analyzed at a higher level of detail. For example, a renewed focus on the
incorrect responses shows less consistency between the Groups. Figure 9.14 compares the
percentage of incorrect answers on the 2
test between Groups A and B. Only four
questions were answered incorrectly by both groups over 30% of the time; 4, 10, 11 and 21.
These questions are discussed following (question 11 is included in the section on the Glass
System category below).
Ques t i on 4
What structure type would likely be best on a renovation project where the client is looking for
high transparency?
- flat cable net.
- double-curved cable net.
- simple truss system.
- cable truss.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 55% and 70% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 42% and 67% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. The incorrect answers split between the first and fourth response. This issue of a
renovation project was not specifically discussed in the program presentation, but is included
in the handout. The final part of the presentation is intended to be a short problem-solving
session where this issue would be more directly addressed, but there was inadequate time
to do this at both presentations. Question 4 did not have a high percentage of dont know
responses in the 1
test; most participants appear to have believed they knew the answer on
the 1
test and their mind was not changed by either the program presentation or the tutorial
handout. The simple in the simple truss response would seem to be a clue to the correct
answer, but apparently not. Perhaps the problem of applying new loading conditions to an
as-built structure is not readily perceived as a problem. This aspect of a renovation could
easily be added to the program.
Ques t i on 10
Tempered glass
- is 4 times stronger than annealed glass.
- qualifies as safety glass.
- can spontaneously break if a contaminant is present in the glass.
- all of the above.
- none of the above.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 45% and 60% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 67% and 43% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. The incorrect answers split between the first three responses. The increase in
incorrect responses in Group A was a result of two participants changing from a dont know
response in the 1
test, with one selecting the correct answer and one selecting the incorrect
Ques t i on 21
The design/build project delivery strategy
- prevents the early design participation of the build team.
- is good for projects involving innovative technology.
- requires the architect to participate in the construction.
- is generally slower than the design/bid/build strategy.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 36% and 40% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 67% and 43% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. The incorrect answers split between the three alternate responses, with slightly
more selecting the third alternative. This increased percentage in Group A in the 2
test is
due to one less participant in the 2
test that had selected the correct answer in the 1
there were the same number of incorrect answers for each test.
Group A and B: Most Frequently Missed Questions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Figure 9.14 Group A and B, 2nd test incorrect responses by question.

Figure 9.16 and Figure 9.16 below graph the change in the incorrect responses from the 1

test to the 2
test for each question. Columns above the 0-line represent an improvement in
the number of incorrect responses on the 2
test, while columns below the line represent a
higher percentage of incorrect responses on the 2
test. While there is much divergence
between Group A and B, there are some common trends on both sides of the line with
respect to certain questions.

Group A Incorrect Responses: Change from 1st Test to 2nd Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Figure 9.15 Delta incorrect responses Group A.
Group B Incorrect Responses: Change from 1st Test to 2nd Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Figure 9.16 Delta incorrect responses Group B.

Pos i t i v e Del t a Ques t i ons
Questions 6, 7, and 16 showed the highest likelihood of a correct response in the 2
after having been answered incorrectly in the 1
test. Questions 6 and 7 are from the Glass
category; 16 and 20 are from the Performance Criteria category. The questions are reviewed
Ques t i on 6
Insulated glass is
- 2 or more sheets of glass in a single unit.
- heat-treated glass.
- sheets of glass with a sealed air space between them.
- glass with a special coating that improves thermal performance.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 55% and 20% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 42% and 14% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. Incorrect choices varied among the remaining options, with slightly more
participants selecting option 1, the next best of the possible answers.
Ques t i on 7
Laminated glass
- has better acoustical properties than monolithic glass of the same thickness.
- is a multiple ply panel construction.
- is a strategy for improving breaking characteristics of glass.
- qualifies as safety glass.
- all of the above.
- none of the above.
This question was answered incorrectly 27% and 10% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 67% and 29% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. The incorrect responses were much higher in the 1
test among Group B; most of
Group A already knew the answer, most of Group B learned the answer either from the
program presentation or the handout.
Ques t i on 16
Prestress forces
- result in large reaction loads to the anchor structure.
- are necessary to stabilize cable structures.
- can determine the form of a cable net structure.
- can be a challenge to the installation team.
- all of the above.
- none of the above.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 45% and 30% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 42% and 29% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B. This topic is discussed at length during the presentation. The improvement results
from people in the 2
test selecting the all of the above response instead of one of the
other correct answers, but no the best answer.
Negat i v e Del t a Ques t i ons
Questions 4, 11 and 15 showed a trend among both groups to a greater frequency of
incorrect response in the 2
test. Question 4 is from the Structure category and has been
discussed above. Questions 11 and 15 are from the Glass Systems category, which both
groups struggled with. The entire group of questions from this category is examined below.
9. 1. 4. 4 The Gl as s Sys t em Cat egor y
This category was particularly challenging for both Groups, but especially for Group A. With
3 of the 5 questions in this category, Group A participants provided more incorrect
responses during the 2
test than in the 1
test. The other two questions had the same
number of incorrect responses as the 1
test. The questions are presented and discussed
below, primarily based upon the Group A results. The correct answer is highlighted in yellow.
Ques t i on 11
Point-fixed glass systems
- provide optimum transparency.
- require a spider fitting.
- glass with drilled holes.
- must have the points securely fixed to the glass with silicone.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 36% and 60% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 17% and 57% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B.
Group A: Three people changed their answer from dont know, and all three selected the
same wrong answer; glass with drilled holes. It is entirely possible that none of these three
people had any idea what point-fixed glass systems are when taking the test the first time.
The topic was a prominent part of the learning program. The certainly knew about point-fixed
glass systems by the 2
test, but what they knew was unclear. The answer they selected
was not a bad choice, it just was not the best. Most of the point-fixed systems included in the
program were in fact of the drilled type. They were however, presented with point-fixed
clamping type systems that do not require drilled holes. One of these participants wrote the
word sometimes after this answer, which properly qualifies it but still neglects the best and
correct response.
Perhaps the shift from I-dont-know to the selected incorrect response is not such a bad
thing; these participants at least thought they had learned a response, and their selection
was close to the mark. Perhaps what is worse is that four of the seven I-dont-know
responders from the 1
test still did not feel they knew enough to venture a different
response after the program presentation. In any case this is a poor result from such a central
topic of the program. Two of the three remaining respondents that kept their original answer
unchanged also picked a good incorrect answer, require a spider fitting.
One thing that should be made absolutely clear in the learning program is that point-fixed
glazing systems are a strategy to provide optimum transparency in structural glass facades.
In fact, an excellent idea would be to feature a slide entitled, Strategies for Transparence,
which could draw from existing elements already included in the program but position them
specifically within a context of transparency, which is a central consideration of structural
glass faade technology. This slide would feature point-fixed glass systems, low-iron glass,
monolithic glass, butt-glazed silicone weather seal, and cable net structural systems, with an
example or two, all in the same context instead of from within their segregated categories.
Ques t i on 12
Veneer glass systems
- provide optimum economy.
- use a thin wood strip to support the glass.
- are maximum transparency glazing systems.
- use drilled glass.
- all of the above.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 9% and 30% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 33% and 29% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B.
Group A: This is a tough question. There is no way for the participants to have known this
beforehand, and it is only treated in cursory fashion in the learning program. Of the four that
ventured and answer in the 1
test, three responded incorrectly. Two of these selected, are
maximum transparency glazing systems, when in fact the veneer systems are highly efficient
but generally the least transparent of the available options. Again, four respondents did not
change their dont know answer.
Ques t i on 13
The weather seal
- is typically a silicone gasket around the perimeter of each glass panel.
- is typically a butt-glazed joint made with field applied wet silicone.
- is a problem with point-fixed glazing systems.
- must be installed before the glass is finally positioned.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 45% and 50% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 42% and 29% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B.
Group A: This question only had one person go from a dont know response to the
incorrect response of is typically a silicone gasket around the perimeter of each glass
panel. This is far and away the 2
best answer, almost a trick from the best response. In
addition, two dont know responders selected the correct response on the 2
Unhappily, four of the initial responders with incorrect answers were not dissuaded from their
answers by the program presentation and stuck with the same wrong answer. In each case
however, it was the same 2
best answer as discussed above. There is an obvious
opportunity with the program to clarify the difference between a wet-glazed silicone seal and
a silicone gasket.
Ques t i on 14
Glass for point-fixed systems
- is usually tempered.
- cannot be insulated.
- has a low-E coating.
- must be laminated.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 27% and 30% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 17% and 0% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B.
Group A: One responder switched from an incorrect to the correct response in the 2
The two dont know responders split, one selecting the correct response and the other the
incorrect response. Two of the three incorrect responses on the 2
test were must be
laminated, indicating there was some confusion regarding the glass types and their
application on structural glass facades. Again, this presents an opportunity to provide focus
and clarity in the learning program.
Ques t i on 15
Faade structure types
- must use some type of point-fixed glass.
- have only been around a few years.
- are usually more expensive than the glass and glass systems they support.
- can typically support several variations of glass system types.
- all of the above.
- I dont know.
This question was answered incorrectly 18% and 30% of the time on the 1
and 2
respectively by Group A, and 17% and 43% of the time on the 1
and 2
test respectively by
Group B.
Group A: The two incorrect responders to this question in the 1
test stuck by their answers
in the 2
test. In addition, one of the dont know responders selected an incorrect response
in the 2
test. However, three of the I-dont-know responders selected the correct response
in the 2
There was a 24% drop overall in this category for the I-dont-know response from the 1
to the 2
. This seems to indicate the people thought they knew more about the responses
during the second test. What the increase in incorrect responses indicates is that what they
learned was not clear enough for them to select the best answer.
The program was seemingly effective in providing information that the users did not know. It
was not effective in teaching them things that the thought they new but were wrong about.
9. 1. 4. 5 Subj ec t i ve Res pons es
Subjective responses are analyzed separately for Groups A and B following.
Gr oup A
Group A was presented with five subjective questions at the end of their 1
test. Note that
Group A answered these questions before presentation of the learning program. They were
instructed as follows:
Please circle one number only for each question.
- 1 = strongly disagree
- 2 = disagree
- 3 = ambivalent
- 4 = agree
- 5 = strongly agree
The questions, results and commentary follow:
- The building skin is a vitally important building system.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

This question was presented to both groups; the majority responded that they strongly
agreed with this statement.
- I am familiar with structural glass facades technology.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Nearly half the respondents strongly disagreed with this statement.
- Given what I know, I would be comfortable incorporating a structural glass faade into one of
my designs.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Responses to this question were widely distributed throughout the scale. There was a strong
correlation with the prior question, but with most respondents providing a providing a higher
score, indicating a general willingness to use the technology in spite of their lack of familiarity
with it.
- I am interested in structural glass facades technology and would like to know more.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The large majority of responses were 4s and 5s, although there was a 1 and a couple of
3s. This seems a high response for a group that is building science rather than design
- If I understood structural glass faade technology better, I would be more likely to include it in
my building designs.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The response here was dominated by 4s and 5s.
The above responses are important. Some of this Group are already practicing
professionals, and the rest are about to graduate and enter the workplace. If a significant
percentage of architectural practitioners responded similarly to these questions, it would
provide evidence of the existence of a potential tier of new adopters of structural glass
faade technology. This would be a good future testing program that could be administered
in conjunction with the AIA CES presentation program represented in Chapter 8.
Gr oup B
Following are questions, responses and commentary to 11 questions included on the 2
of Group B. The first five questions are the same as for Group A above. Group A answered
these questions before seeing the presentation. Group B answered the questions 2-weeks
after they were given the presentation. Group B responses are higher than Group A, either
reflecting an effect of the presentation or simply the Groups stronger design orientation.
- The building skin is a vitally important building system.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The response here is in general parity with Group A at 4.6
- I am familiar with structural glass facades technology.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

This is a significantly higher response than the 1.9 provided by Group A.
- Given what I know, I would be comfortable incorporating a structural glass faade into one of
my designs.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Again, this is nearly a full point higher than Group A at 2.9.
- I am interested in structural glass facades technology and would like to know more.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Group B strongly agrees with this statement, and expresses slightly more interest than
Group A (4.0) in knowing more about the technology.
- If I understood structural glass faade technology better, I would be more likely to include it in
my building designs.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Groups A and B are both in strong agreement with this statement.
- I used the tutorial to help answer the questions.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

A tutorial was handed out to Group B along with the 2
test. The tutorial reflected the
contents of the lecture presented following the 1
test. They were told they could use the
handout to answer the questions on the 2
test if they needed to. This question is intended
to gage the degree of use. The responses were spread across the scale. Two students
indicated having not used the tutorial at all because of time pressure.
- The tutorial was helpful in answering the questions.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Over half of the participants strongly agreed with this statement. The responses here
generally reflected the previous question; the participants that used the tutorial found it
effective, those that did not use it strongly disagreed, lowering the average.
- I could find the answers I was looking for in the tutorial easily.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The average response here fell one point from the prior question, indicating that while they
found the tutorial effective, it was not necessarily that easy to find the answers they were
looking for. The tutorial is a Microsoft Powerpoint document printed in Adobe Acrobat format
with 2 slides per sheet, front and back. There is no table of contents or indexing of any kind.
- I think a website format will provide an easier way to access this information than the tutorial.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The large majority of participants strongly agreed with this statement. A website format
would allow hyperlinks, and thus a quicker and easier access to data. This is the reason that
the primary information resource for structural glass faade technology as proposed here in
is web-based. It is important to provide information in a variety of formats however, and both
online and print tutorials are intended to be available from FacadeDesigner.com.
- I would be interested in purchasing a book on this subject of structural glass facades.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The majority of participants agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. Two participants
responded with a 1, dragging the average down, one of these indicating that there was no
money for books.
- With resources like FacadDesigner.com and simplified design tools like StructureDesigner
available, I would be comfortable including structural glass faade designs in my future
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Here again the large majority responded that they agreed or strongly agreed with this
statement. There was one participant who wanted nothing to do with it, and responded with
a 1, which dragged the average down.
Summar y of Res pons es t o Subj ec t i v e Ques t i ons
There are many interesting nuances to the responses to the above questions. Among these
are the responses to the 2
and 3
questions. Recall that Group A responded to the
subjective questions only before the presentation was given. Their response indicates that
they strongly disagreed with being familiar with structural glass faade technology, and
disagreed with being comfortable in using the technology on a project. Group B was tested
on the first five subjective questions both before and after the presentation. On the 1
they indicated disagreement with respect to their familiarity with the technology, and were
neutral with respect to being comfortable in using the technology on one of their design
projects. After the presentation however, their response to the 2
question rose by 1.4
points to agreement with being familiar with the topic, and a full point on the 3
question to
strong agreement with comfort in using the technology on a project. One participant in the
Group A 2nd test did modify their response to the subjective questions after the
presentation, going from a 1 to a 4 for both questions, or from strong disagreement to
agreement. These are very positive indicators that a fundamental hypothesis of this thesis,
that it is possible to facilitate the diffusion of structural glass faade technology into a
broader market by employing the strategies identified herein, has some validity.
9.2 St r uct ur eDesi gner
Limited testing was done on the simplified structural analysis tool referred to as
StructureDesigner described in section 7.4.1. The test is a simple comparison of the results
from StructureDesigner to a popular structural analysis program with respect to a simple
theoretical case. This approach has been applied to two of the structure types intended for
inclusion in StructureDesigner, and the results of this test are summarized below. Other
testing is ongoing as the tool is used in a work environment where structural glass facades
are designed, bid and built. This testing is also discussed below.
The comparative tool employed in the testing is Space Gass, a general purpose structural
analysis and design program for 2D and 3D frames, trusses, grillages and beams. It comes
with a full complement of features that make it suitable for any job from small beams, trusses
and portal frames to large high rise buildings, towers, cranes and bridges. Items such as
graphical input, polar coordinates, elastic supports, pin-ended members, tension-only
members, rigid member offsets, moving loads and non-linear analysis are all standard
features. (Space Gass 2008) It is often used in the nonlinear analysis of cable structures.

9. 2. 1 Cabl e Net Compar i s on

Fl at Cabl e Net Test Case
V =30
V =6
H =30
H =6
w =30
D =1
T =4.5
V ,
V =
V /
V =5 ft
H =
H /
H =5 ft
V =vertical span (ft)
V =vertical module (ft)

Figure 9.17 Cable net diagram.
V =number of vertical grid modules
H =horizontal span (ft)
H =horizontal module (ft)
H =number of horizontal grid modules
w =uniform wind force (psi)
D =cable diameter (in)
T =pretension (kips)
Thus, the glass grid is determined at 60 x 60 in (1524 x 1524mm), a rational glass grid size
for any glass makeup.
These parameters were run in StructureDesigner and in Space Gass. The results are
compared below. Figure 9.18 and Figure 9.19 document the input screens during the
analysis process.

Figure 9.18 StructureDesigner test case.

Figure 9.19 Space Gass model and output.

Table 9-5 Cable net; omparison of test case results.
Fl at Cabl e Net Test Case Resul t s
StructureDesigner Space Gass
Deflection criteria L/51 L/50
Deflection (in) 7.04 7.08
Max cable force (kips) 18.55 18.61

As noted in Chapter 7, the analytical engine used in StructureDesigner for cable net
structures (DR) is not an approximation method but provides an exact element in the same
manner as Space Gass. Thus the results, as can be seen in Table 9-5, are nearly identical.
The tool certainly requires additional testing, but the core methodology as derived from DR,
a program that has been used by many people on many projects for over a decade, is
proven, accurate and reliable.
9. 2. 2 Si mpl e Tr us s Compar i s on
Simple Truss System 1 Test Case
I nput s:
V =30
V =8
H =100
H =20
w =30
V ,
V =
V /
V =3.75 ft
H =
H /
H =5 ft
V =vertical span (ft)
V =vertical module (ft)
V =number of vertical grid modules
H =horizontal span (ft)

Figure 9.20 Simple truss diagram with input variables.
H =horizontal module (ft)
H =number of horizontal grid modules
w =uniform wind force (psi)
Thus, the glass grid is determined at 45 x 60 in (1143 x 1524mm), a relatively small glass
grid size for any glass makeup.
These parameters were run in StructureDesigner and in Space Gass. The results are
compared below. Figure 9.21, Figure 9.22 and Figure 9.23 document the input screens
during the analysis process.

Figure 9.21 StructureDesigner simple truss test case.

Figure 9.22 Simple truss, Space Gass model and output.

Figure 9.23 Simple truss, Space Gass deflection output.

Table 9-6 Simple truss; comparison of test case results.
Si mpl e Tr uss Test Case Resul t s
StructureDesigner Space Gass
Max member force (kips) 26.13 25.346
Deflection (in) 2.04 1.657
Horizontal reaction (kips) 4.5 4.5

Table 9-6 compares the output between StructureDesigner and Space Gass. The simplified
method easily accommodates an exact match for the horizontal reaction load. The maximum
member force in StructureDesigner is within 3% of the Space Gass result, and on the high
side of the Space Gass number as desired. The deflection in StructureDesigner is within
22% of the Space Gass result, and again on the high side. The results fall within the
parameters established in 7.4.1.
9. 2. 3 Ongoi ng Tes t i ng
The StructureDesigner tool is currently being tested by a small team of designers and
engineers, part of a design/build company providing structural glass facades. The program is
being used in parallel with conventional analysis programs as part of the conceptual
development process, which in this context functions primarily as a technical sales support
function. The tool appears to be effective in providing quick approximations of loads that
allow for member sizing as required in support of budget development activities. If it proves
effective in this environment, it should have potential value to an architectural firm. An
important difference is in the users; the current users are technically trained and proficient
with more complex programs, so the training component for competency with the tool is
virtually nothing. The user-interface is currently very minimal and will require improvement
and further testing before it can efficiently be handed off to an untrained user group. This is
discussed further in the final Chapter.
Ch ap t er 10 - Su mmar y an d Co n c l u s i o n s
10.1 Thesi s Summar y
A primary intent of this thesis has been to identify, define, and categorize a unique building
technology labeled herein structural glass facades. The technology is considered across the
full range of the building process from conceptual design through fabrication, erection and
lifecycle maintenance. The materials, processes, glass and structural systems that comprise
this technology have been dealt with at some length.
Structural glass faades have been characterized herein by certain attributes ranging from
performance and appearance to cost. Two of the more frequent adjectives to be used in
reference to this technology have been emergent and innovative. Certain other market
related attributes led to a conclusion that while emergent, the technology is mature and
potentially poised for broader application. A hypothesis was then developed that it was
possible to facilitate the diffusion of this innovative technology to a broader market by
enabling designers aspiring to utilize this technology, these designers representing new tiers
of adopters as discussed by Rogers (2003, p. 263). On page-1 of Diffusion of Innovations
Rogers points out that the adoption of the new and innovative, even when possessed with
obvious advantages, is no sure thing. Sometimes adoption fails; other times it takes a very
long time for the adoption process to unfold.
The beginning of structural glass faade technology is identified here as being in the early
1970s in Europe. The innovators and early adopters were European engineers and
architects that began shaping this technology over the ensuing decades in a series of
innovative glass faade and building enclosures. This technology was not adopted at all in
North America until the early to mid 1990s. The reasons for this are many and complex,
among them with respect to the North American marketplace; restrictive building codes,
cheap energy, varying architectural styles
, risk aversion in an increasingly litigious
environment, a culture that was still learning to value quality architecture, relatively meager
project budgets, and a general lack of the technical capability required to design with the
Much has changed. Many structural glass facades have been built in North America over the
past 15-years.
A review of these projects however, shows that these facades have been
produced by relatively few architectural firms; large, successful firms with prized
commissions characterized by relatively large budgets. These firms typically use structural
glass faade technology as a feature element in the architecture, such as with a long-span
glass faade enclosing a lobby area. A proportionally larger budget is reserved for this area
with the intent of creating a dramatic focal element. A high level of custom design is
generally involved, and occasionally the stated intent is to surpass the prior art. For these
reasons structural glass faade technology has produced a high yield of innovative designs,
making a dramatic and exciting contribution to the built environment.
Trickle-down of the technology into the less refined airs of the broader building marketplace
however, has not happened to any significant degree. A review of Chapter 6 reveals useful
attributes for many architectural applications. The technology is capable of producing less
stunning but more practical and economical faade solutions. Most technologies reveal a

A review of the architectural journals in the late 1980s and early 1990s reveals a largely
postmodern style with punched openings in opaque facades or a predominance of strip
window-wall systems. Large areas of glass and transparency were not common feature
elements in North American architecture of the time. Architecture journals today of course,
are filled cover to cover with projects featuring an extensive use of glass.
Many of these with the involvement of European architects and/or engineers.
pyramid structure when the distribution of project applications is studied as a function of
cost. The less expensive applications make up the base of the pyramid with the highly
customized and complex applications at the peak. Structural glass faade technology seems
to comprise an inverted pyramid in this respect, with new applications vying for top, or at
least the top tier. Budget is often not the dominant consideration. Budgets for other building
areas are raided to build up the faade budget. This is not to say that there are no aspiring
users of the technology interested in less aggressive applications at a more reasonable cost.
The authors own experience confirms beyond doubt that there are many practicing
architects that would like to use the technology. This group is in fact identified herein as the
key to unlocking this diffusion potential; the source of the built work of structural glass
faades can be traced to the design architect. If the design architect undertakes the
conceptual design of a structural glass faade as part of a building project, there is a high
probability that the faade will emerge as a building opportunity and ultimately be realized as
a completed work. The most direct method to grow the market is to get more design
architect producing more faade concepts. The hypothesis is that this group is effectively
prevented from including structural glass facades in their designs by a lack of know-how in
the use of the technology, and access to the technical capability required to exercise the
technology. The focal area identified herein is the conceptual design process within the
broader context of a design/build or design/assist project delivery strategy. The hypothesis is
that if the design architect can be provided a methodology that facilitates the conceptual
design process, if they can be thus enabled and assured of the resources necessary to
support the faade implementation process, they will make use of the technology. In this
context structural glass faade technology is very new. Designs to date have been produced
virtually exclusively by highly skilled specialists, and each design has been highly
customized to the individual project. Nothing exists in the way of standardized
methodologies, tools, or leaning resources in support of structural glass faade technology.
This represents an opportunity.
The intent here is not to standardize the faade designs themselves, producing a uniformity
that would have little appeal to the majority of design architects. The intent is rather to
develop a generalized, robust methodology, supported by resources in the form of learning
programs, technical information and automated design tools that accommodate a wide
diversity of design and design complexity as part of an efficient implementation process. The
work of this thesis has been to map a comprehensive methodology rather than to focus on
any single element that would comprise it. Certain elements of the methodology however
have been developed as prototypes to further articulate the functioning of the proposed
design method and test its viability. These elements are discussed following.
10. 2 Eval uat i on and Recommended I mpr ovement s
The elements of the FacadeDesigner methodology that have been developed as part of this
thesis are in prototype form only. The scope of work involved for completion of these various
items lies considerably beyond the scope of this thesis. Some of these elements, such as
the SpecBuilder module, are untouched. The following discusses the current state of the
various prototypes and identifies the work needed to complete them as envisioned within the
context of the fully developed FacadeDesigner methodology.
10. 2. 1 Fa adeDes i gner . c om; t he Web Res our c e
There is no question that a resource such as described herein should be Web-based. The
World Wide Web provides unparalleled access to information. This does not mean that the
Web should be the only resource; print media is still an important form of communication
with many technology users. Even here, much of print media is most conveniently accessed
from the internet and downloaded for local printing.
The author is not a Web designer or Webmaster. A rudimentary website has however, been
produced as part of this thesis work. The basic structure of the website is in place, although
most require further development.
A great advantage of structural glass faade technology is the compelling visual imagery of
the built work. While a focus of this thesis is the development of technical resources to
support the FacadeDesigner methodology, an equally important aspect is inspiring interest in
the potential user; people learn best when they desire knowledge of a subject. The website
attempts to take maximum advantage of this attribute of the technology through the
prominent display of visually exciting material as a primary communication strategy. The
problem with this is collecting the necessary approvals to prevent copyright infringement.
This process is not complete for the FacadeDesigner.com website, so the site has not yet
been published to the Web.
Remai ni ng Wor k
The homepage main menu bar at the top of the page is not completely functional, although
the primary functions are working. Modules such as the library do not yet exist and thus
cannot be linked.
The StructureExplorer module is active, but only two of the structural systems are supported,
mirroring the two active systems of the StructureDesigner module.
The Designer modules are not active from the website. StructureDesigner was originally
envisioned to be operable from the website. This was found to be beyond the scope of this
thesis, but is an area for potential future development as discussed following.
The Case Studies and Library modules are not active. Both are envisioned as web pages
where documents in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) format will be posted.
Tes t i ng
The site has only been tested on Foxfire and Microsoft Internet Explorer web browsers, and
only on two different PC computer systems. The site has not been completely tested for
dead links.
Oppor t uni t i es f or Fut ur e Dev el opment
Interactive Online Accessibility
As discussed above, it may be advantageous to have FacadeDesigner and
StructureDesigner operable interactively from the website. Currently they are embodied in a
visual basic program that is intended to be downloaded from the website and run from the
users computer. Interactive operation will require writing J ava Script code and integrating it
into the website HTML code. A server-side database may be required. This is beyond the
current expertise of the author.
Interactive learning programs would be appropriate for including on the website. Again,
these are beyond the current skills of the author. AIA/CES learning programs as discussed
in Chapter 4 could be developed for interactive website access, but would require user
registration and access to a password protected area of the website, as well as the collection
of test results and personal user information. This would require a database driven website.
A Structural Glass Faade Community Website
There currently are no websites focused on structural glass facades. There are several good
websites focused on glass. A goal of FacadeDesigner.com is to inspire interest in the
technology as well as to act as a resource for all aspects of structural glass faade
technology, from glass to castings. The homepage is conceived as a posting place for
topical content that is changed on a relatively frequent and regular basis. A web blog could
be incorporated into this area as well.
10. 2. 2 Fa adeDes i gner ; t he Met hodol ogy
FacadeDesigner is the focal methodology developed from this thesis with the intent of
diffusing structural glass faade technology into a broader market. It is conceived as a
comprehensive method for the implementation of structural glass faade technology. The
primary intent was to map the process. The implementation of the process itself is beyond
the scope of this thesis. Instead, certain key aspects of the method have been developed as
prototypes to demonstrate viability. The method attempts to simplify a complex process of
design and construction. It thus embodies a full range of process considerations from
concept development through construction and lifecycle maintenance.
Remai ni ng Wor k
FacadeDesigner as presented in Chapter 7 is only partially complete. Only the
StructureDesigner, StructureExplorer, and GlassExplorer modules have been prototyped.
Much of FacadeDesigner will act as a front and back end for the Microsoft Visual Basic
program of which StructureDesigner is a part. The glass elements of the module are
incomplete. Output is currently limited to what is available from the StructureDesigner
analysis form. The output for FacadeDesigner requires the development SpecBuilder, left for
future work.
A help system needs to be built for the entire system.
Tes t i ng
Limited testing was undertaken only on the active systems within the StructureDesigner
module and with a learning program documented in Chapter 9. A testing program should be
developed and testing commenced when the whole system prototype is complete. Beta
testers could be identified from FacadeDesigner.com, and especially from the live
presentation programs to select architectural offices as part of the AIA/CES program. An
interesting experiment would be to sponsor a 2-hour workshop comprised of a 30-minute
introduction and a 90-minute work session. The program would be passed out and two or
three exercises worked through with the group working on notebook computers.
Oppor t uni t i es f or Fut ur e Dev el opment
GlassDesigner Module
A tool for calculating glass stress could be integrated into FacadeDesigner. While not a
requirement of the design method, it would be very convenient to have this capacity integral
to the process. Simplified tools for calculating glass capacity are available online from
various sources as noted in Chapter 4. The tool as developed for FacadeDesigner should be
fine tuned to accommodate the special requirements of point-fixed glazing systems.
Facilitating the Budgeting Process
Estimating is an important part of the conceptual design process as discussed in Chapter 3.
Estimating templates could be developed for each of the system types to facilitate the
development of faade budgets. The templates could include the typical parts and pieces
found in the various systems, with links to appropriate materials suppliers and
Case Studies
The effectiveness of case studies is discussed in Chapter 4. Case studies of completed
structural glass facades could be organized according to the basic steps identified in
Chapter 7 for the FacadeDesigner process. This would present the completed work to
aspiring users in a highly practical and informative manner. The case studies in Chengs
(2007, p. 136-268) thesis work could provide a good start. Four relevant structural glass
faade structures are represented in some detail. Some modification would be required.
An objective of FacadeDesigner is the provision of a method for developing appropriate
faade concepts that brings the user to a level of competency quickly and efficiently. A
tutorial or tutorials in support of the program could be very effective in facilitating the use of
the system. The tutorials should present the basic system functionality and then work though
a series of example problems. This could be done in conjunction with relevant case studies.
10. 2. 3 St r uc t ur eDes i gner ; t he Tool
StructureDesigner is an integral process within the FacadeDesigner methodology. It resolves
one of the biggest hurdles to the implementation of structural glass facades; the need for
preliminary, close-approximation structural behavior early in the design process. This is
needed to validate the faade concept, to provide reaction loads into the supporting structure
to the building engineer, and for budget development purposes. Of the seven initial structural
system types conceived for this tool, two have been developed as part of this thesis. More
systems are possible, both as new system types and as subsets of the various existing
system types. Not all of the systems represented in Table 6-2 have been included in
StructureDesigner. Tensegrity structures are not included at all, nor are space frames.
Seven systems were selected for inclusion on the basis of their frequent use in currently
completed work and because of the range of attributes they provide the faade designer.
Structure types like the simple truss system present the potential for other variations. The
included system is referred to as Systems 1. It features a particular truss style and an
alternating pattern of primary truss and secondary tensile truss supported by a vertical and
lateral tension system. Many variations are possible; primary trusses can be spaced by two
secondary trusses, or a primary truss can be used at each gridline with no secondary
trusses. Varying truss styles can be used. Another included structural system type, cable
net, currently only supports the analysis of flat cable nets. It could be developed to
accommodate the analysis of double-curved cable nets also. The utilization of the simplified
analytical processes requires that an analysis module be developed and fine-tuned for each
included system type; it is this approach that provides for the speed and simplicity of the
Remai ni ng Wor k
The initial system types require completion. Much of the program infrastructure is present,
but the analysis modules are incomplete. The following systems are incomplete; strongback,
mast truss, cable truss, and grid shell. There are opportunities for additional systems also,
as discussed below under opportunities for future development.
A help system needs to be developed for all programs.
The interface with FacadeDesigner needs to be developed.
The user interface can be refined. Input filtering needs to be implemented before the
program is presented to untrained users.
An output form needs to be developed for printing. Guidelines on the use of the output form
may also be useful or necessary.
The tool currently operates in English units and needs to be adapted to support the metric
system. This will require the creation of a parallel set of input and output forms, and either
the modification of the analysis modules to a metric format, or a conversion process of the
input and output data from the modules.
Tes t i ng
Preliminary testing for the two completed modules is included in Chapter 9. Further testing is
required on these modules with a broader range of problem types involving varying spanning
and load conditions. A testing methodology should be developed that each newly defined
system type could be subjected to upon completion.
Oppor t uni t i es f or Fut ur e Dev el opment
Additional System Types
As discussed above, there is great opportunity in additional system types. Tensegrity type
structures have been explored to only a very limited extent as faade structures. Grid shells
and hybrid structures offer other interesting possibilities.
Building Enclosures
This thesis has been broad enough in scope just in consideration of structural glass facades
in relatively conventional form; in vertical applications as part of a larger building. In fact, the
technology is capable of accommodating overhead applications and even complete building
enclosures in a remarkable diversity of form. It is entirely conceivable that such systems
could be developed and included in the FacadeDesigner and StructureDesigner programs.
Although this would represent a considerable undertaking, it would dramatically broaden the
functionality and potential application of the programs.
Development of the DR Technique
In conversations with Dr. Dehghanyar, author of the DR program, it has been determined
that there is some possibility of applying a modification of the DR method as discussed in
Chapter 7 to a broader range of structure types, including the simple truss system as a
replacement to the method described in 7.4.1. The potential advantage is for a closer
approximation to the results of a full structural analysis
, especially with respect to the
system deflections.
FaadeDesigner as a Simplified Drawing Program
There may be some value in developing a simplified drawing method for integration in the
FacadeDesigner program. The approach would be to fine-tune a draw program for each of
the various system types, thus minimizing the input required by the user. A system type
graphic representation may be possible through the definition of relatively few parameters. A
very preliminary experiment with this provided some interesting and promising results.
A tutorial or tutorials for StructureDesigner could prove very useful, and could be developed
as part of a tutorial series for the FacadeDesigner system. The tutorials should cover a
variety of sample problems covering all the various system types.
10. 2. 4 Lear ni ng Pr ogr ams
Marketing is not simply about advertising and public relations. Marketing is much more about
communication and education, especially when it comes to new and/or innovative
technology. In this sense, this thesis is as much about marketing as it is about building
science, as much about media communication as about structure analysis. Education can
propagate the adoption of new and innovative technology by facilitating technical
competency in a new group of potential users.

The DR technique provides an exact solution, as can be seen in the testing results in
9.2.1. See also the discussion in 7.4.1.
The need is for education and resources. The FacadeDesigner methodology and program is
intended to provide the resources; the design tools, techniques and guidelines. Equally
important are the learning programs and tutorials to support FacadeDesigner.
One such program was developed as part of this thesis as presented in Chapter 8 -A
Learning Program. The program was developed as a live Powerpoint presentation and
tested in three presentations as documented in the Chapter. The presentation was
presented in conjunction with testing as documented in 9.1 Learning Program.
Summary Conclusions of Learning Program: Exposed Structural Systems and
Long Span Glass Facades
The program tries to communicate too much; it is too dense with detailed information. This is
appropriate for a reference type resource, such as a printed document or a webpage.
Architects, as much as any profession, have too much to know to carry all of the information
in their heads. Rather, they learn what information is relevant and how and where to access
it when needed. The opportunity is to demonstrate the dominate issues and point to where
the answers can be found; FacadeDesigner.com.
It is also important to recognize that there are two distinct but related objectives of value in
this communication; one is to excite and the other is to inform. Each component of the
learning system will embody these objectives differently. A technical bulletin in print form or
as a webpage may have the sole purpose of informing. The live presentation on the other
hand, is much more about exciting a potential user group.
The program was effective in both regards. Test scores did improve after the programming,
although retention of detailed information over time is questionable. The test scores
however, suggest that the most improved response resulted from the use of a printed
version of the presentation that was provided to one of the tested groups as a reference. All
groups presented with the material, including the industry group, expressed positive
feedback regarding the presentation. Perhaps most significant of the test results was the
response to qualitative questioning indicating a measurable increase in the participants
perception of their familiarity with the subject of structural glass faade technology, and their
willingness to use the technology in a project. This supports the hypothesis developed herein
that the diffusion of an innovative technology, such as with structural glass facades, can be
accelerated through the methods discussed herein. Similar results from the program
presentation to a group of practicing design architects would provide even greater validation.
The value and significance of the testing is obviously limited by the small sample size. Other
conclusions can be ventured however, even based on this small sample size. The very large
majority of both groups strongly agreed that the building skin was a vitally important building
system and expressed interest in learning more about the subject. The high percentage of
dont know responses in the 1st test and significant overall improvement in the 2
reflects a lack of formal training in glass and glazing systems in the architecture curriculums
at USC. This represents an opportunity. Glass is a ubiquitous material in the building arts,
one that plays both a significant performance and aesthetic role in architecture. A solid
foundation of knowledge regarding this material, and related systems and materials as used
in building facades, is imperative for the architecture student.
Remai ni ng Wor k
The Exposed Structural Systems and Long Span Glass Facades learning program requires
another round of modifications in two areas. First, the presentation needs to be refined with
somewhat less detail, fewer slides, and a reliance upon largely visual communication; a
minimum of text. Secondly, the handout needs to be further developed as a reference
document with more information and greater detail, and most of all, easier access to the
information. Better organization of the material with a table of contents and indexing will
provide significant improvement.
Tes t i ng
The next level of relevant testing would be to get the program qualified for AIA/CES credit,
and to present the material to practicing architects.
Oppor t uni t i es f or Fut ur e Dev el opment
Structural glass faade technology ranges across structures, glass, glass system types, and
other specialized materials and process with respect to the full spectrum of the building
process, from concept design through installation and lifecycle maintenance. This is a huge
and dynamic playing field for learning programs, with new opportunities materializing daily as
a result of emergent technology, increasingly demanding performance requirements, and
burgeoning interest in the design community.
10. 2. 5 Ot her Cons i der at i ons
A brief version of the FacadeDesigner program was presented to Chris Luebkeman, Director
of Global Foresight for Ove Arup.
His first comment following the presentation regarded
concern over the potential liability of providing preliminary structural information that could
possibly be misused resulting in damage to property, life, or both. This concern is an
unfortunate but necessary reality of an increasingly litigious society, especially in North
America, and especially in the construction industry. An increasingly common practice
seems to be that if a project turns bad, if any kind of difficulties are encountered that result in
schedule delays and cost overruns, everyone involved gets sued regardless of fault. The
attorneys and insurance agents are called to the table and, only as the case nears trial and

Chris Luebkeman attended the Wednesday Building Science Thesis class and presented
a lecture that evening at the School of Architecture; 7 November 2007.
after a great deal of expense in legal fees has been incurred, a settlement is reached that
typically involves a contribution by all of the insurance companies, again regardless of fault.
Legal consultation will be required to develop appropriate disclaimers and indemnification
agreements to accompany all program components of the FacadeDesigner methodology.
Legal council has advised against publishing the website or distributing the
StructureDesigner program until these elements are in place.
10. 3 Oppor t uni t i es f or Fut ur e Resear ch
10. 3. 1 A Bui l di ng Sk i ns Pr ogr am at USC
The testing that was undertaken as part of the learning program developed for this thesis
revealed a weakness in the familiarity with glass and glazing systems by the students in the
architecture program at USC. This is discussed briefly in 10.2.4 above, but the results of the
testing indicated an understanding of the importance of the building skin and strong interest
knowing more about this subject, at the same time indicating a lack of basic knowledge that
was favorably affected by even a brief learning program. This indicates both a need and an
The introduction to this thesis comments that no building system impacts both the
performance and the aesthetic of a building as does the building skin. Escalating concerns of
environment and energy have resulted in a renewed focus on the energy performance of
buildings. The building skin plays a dominant role in such consideration. In addition, the
majority of multi-story buildings are clad in curtain wall, most making a predominant, if not
exclusive use of glass. Many of these buildings feature custom curtain wall designs, which
play a very large role in defining the aesthetic of the building.
As little as 8 to 10-years ago there were virtually no major learning institutions in North
America offering programs in faade design or technology. This is changing rapidly;
institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois, the
University of Texas-Austin, and many others are offering coursework and programs in
faade design and technology. It is vital that USC integrate priority aspects of the building
skin into the architecture program. Beyond that, there is the opportunity for USC to lead the
way in this most important area of building design and technology. The School of
Architecture is optimally positioned to develop such a program, already having a building
science department where such technology oriented programs can reside.
The opportunity is to research what other schools are doing, evaluate the educational needs
and opportunities with respect to building skins, and to further gage student interest if
required. A program could then be developed for consideration by the administration of the
USC School of Architecture. An approach might be to develop a single 2 to 4 unit semester
course that could be adopted on a trial basis to determine interest and effectiveness.
10. 3. 2 Per f or manc e I s s ues : St r at egi es f or Sus t ai nabi l i t y
This is a very significant opportunity. Although structural glass faade technology has been
used since the early days of its development in innovative faade applications with energy
performance as a predominant consideration, such applications have been rare until
relatively recently. The unfortunate reality is that most applications of this technology as
used to enclose large, sun drenched public spaces, have ignored the realities of climate,
thermal and energy performance of the facades, dealing with the environmental control
issues through the sizing of the HVAC equipment. This has finally started to change in
recent years.
Structural glass faade technology is being used for example, in long-span dual-skin
applications where an outer cable net supported glass membrane is separated from a more
conventional interior glazing system creating a thermally treated cavity between the systems,
similar to some of the dual-skin curtain wall systems that have emerged in recent years. The
cable net provides important flexibility needed to respond to changing pressure differentials
between the cavity and the inside and outside air pressures.
In another example, the terminal building for the new Bangkok Airport designed by
Murphy/J ahn Architects is the 2
largest building enclosure in the world, and is essentially a
glass box with 120 ft (36.6m) vertical glass walls and a largely glass roof spanning overhead.
The project involved Werner Sobek as engineer and Mattias Schuler, a climate consultant.
The design incorporates many interesting features aimed at improving the energy
performance and comfort provided by the enclosure, including deep overhangs around the
perimeter, an exterior louvered canopy cladding to encourage ventilation, an exterior trellis
structure over the roof glass to restrict direct solar penetration, and an in-floor radiant cooling
system. (Mukerji 2007)
This is an exciting area for future research. Designers, building owners, even the public,
have become accustomed to large glass-clad light-filled architectural spaces and are
reluctant to give them up in spite of the potential for increased security threats and poor
energy performance. It is up to the design community in close collaboration with industry
suppliers to develop high performance solutions to these problems. The pressure for
performance is already yielding innovative new materials and design techniques.
There is also an educational component to this aspect of the technology. Many of the design
techniques being applied to improve performance are not new, especially the passive design
strategies such as the use of deep overhangs as noted above. These techniques were
articulated in the 1970s and earlier (indeed, this was part of the vernacular of indigenous
architecture in many hot climates), but are being rediscovered by a new generation of
designers looking for solutions to energy performance issues.
The important issue of sustainability with respect to structural glass faade technology has
been ignored in this thesis not because of a lack of relevance, but simply because it
represents a thesis topic in itself. It does belong however, as an integral component of the
FacadeDesigner program. This is recommended for future research below.
10. 3. 3 St r uc t ur es
This thesis focuses on structures as the primary means of categorizing the body of structural
glass faade technology. Opportunities for additional structure types and structural systems
have been discussed above, and represent significant opportunities for the further evolution
of this technology.
Highly Flexible Structures
Opportunities can be found not just in the potential for new structural system types, but in the
application of the technology. For example, many unique attributes of the structural systems
that populate structural glass faade technology are cataloged in Chapter 6. Prominent
among these attributes is that of flexibility; cable nets in particular belong to a class of tensile
structures characterized by high flexibility. This flexibility is a functional attribute in the
context of dual-skin facades as discussed above. Other applications where high-flexibility is
a desirable attribute are sure to exist.
Blast Glass
Highly flexible, lightweight structural systems such as cable nets have seen increasing use
as feature elements in contemporary commercial architecture. These systems are designed
for relatively large movements, as these structure types typically deflect much more than
conventional structures. Rather than being a problem, this phenomenon represents an
opportunity. Like a tennis racket, cable nets absorb energy as they deflect and return to
normal position. Hypothetically, these structures could provide optimal performance under
bomb blast conditions. Testing this hypothesis would require developing a system and a
design application of the system for testing purposes. In combination with other design
strategies consistent with security concerns, such research could be of some significant
10. 3. 4 Pr oduc t i zat i on of St r uc t ur al Gl as s Fa ade Sys t em Types
What Is a Product
It is no coincidence that the often referenced Willis Faber & Dumas building, designated
herein as the birth-point of structural glass faade technology, is the first application of a
suspended glass faade product brought to market by Pilkington, a prominent global glass
supplier. Pilkington has led the market in the development of structural glass faade
products and technology, and in so doing has arguably done more than anyone or anything
else in diffusing the technology into a broader market. The single-glazed suspended system
used in the Willis Faber building has evolved into todays Pilkington Planar system, arguably
the leading structural glass system in the marketplace. The Planar system is supported by
product samples, connection details, product specifications, technical support, case studies,
design guidelines, test reports, installation guides and an industry leading 12-year warranty;
everything required to address the full building process from concept design through
installation. This is what defines a product. Yet this product has been used to produce
repeated innovation in structural glass facades including designs of incredible diversity and
range. However, in many applications designers are able to take the Planar product and
apply it to an evolving design, essentially designing around the product requirements, with
little industry support and no requirement for a specialty consultant.
The potential is to develop product systems out of the various structural types,
standardized products able to accommodate significant design diversity in their application.
This is not simply a matter of providing a stainless steel cable net vertex clamp. This level of
product is already available. The opportunity is for robust product systems that
accommodate application needs from concept design through installation. Using the cable
net example, a cable net product in this sense would include design tools, guidelines and
tutorials, samples, images, connection and interface details for a range of applications,
technical information and support, product specifications, installation equipment, methods
and support, and a system warranty, and of course cables and all components, all available
as a single package with or without glass. No one in the market is doing this with the
structural systems that make up structural glass faade technology. The key to unlocking
this potential is the same dynamic as with the Willis Faber building; a partnership between
industry and the designer whereby the designer is provided with the tools, information and
know-how required to design with the product.
10. 3. 5 Appl i c at i ons t o Mul t i - s t or y and Hi gh- r i s e St r uc t ur es
Little has changed in the curtain wall technology used to clad high-rise buildings since its
widespread adoption in the mid 20
century. If there is to be any radical innovation in the
manner in which such structures are clad, it is very likely to emerge from the cutting-edge of
structural glass faade technology.
A Cable Supported Curtain Wall System
Conventional curtain walls are constructed from aluminum extrusions that act as a structural
framing system for the glass or other panel cladding material. An alternative worthy of
exploration would be a cable based system. Steel cables running vertically on the glazing
grid could be attached at each floor slab. A variety of glass systems are already designed for
attachment to a cable system. Fire-safing and spandrel panels of various configurations
could be designed as part of the system. Dual-skin glass panel types could also be
Alternate weather seal strategies could also be explored. Conventional curtain wall systems
use extrusions with complex section configurations designed to provide pressure
equalization and air and water barriers. Great complexity has evolved in these designs in an
effort to control water and air penetration. These systems typically use pressure gaskets to
seal aluminum to aluminum and aluminum to glass. The problem is that when these
systems leak, the leaks often propagate along the extrusions and may penetrate the building
interior a great distance from the actual source of the leak.
An alternative technique used in specialized circumstances is a weather seal comprised of
field applied wet silicone, most often in the form of a butt joint (see Figure 2.40) between
adjacent panels of glass. The advantage to this technique is that, if properly applied, the
seals have a track record of being leak free indefinitely. Leaks in the system are easily
identified and repaired. The downside is the requirement for field application of the silicone,
requiring site labor which is both expensive and prone to quality problems; the application of
a silicone seal is more easily accomplished in the factory than in the field. The silicone seal
is typically applied from the exterior. It may be possible to develop a hybrid system that
includes a pressure gasket seal in the floor slab area with butt-glazed silicone elsewhere. If
the cables were exterior to the glass plane, the silicone could be installed from the inside.
Site labor in the US construction market is extremely expensive, resulting in an effort to
design building systems in a manner to minimize the site labor requirements. For the cable
supported curtain wall system to be viable, two problems must be solved; 1. getting
individual glass panels into place quickly and easily, and 2. facilitating the application of the
silicone weather seal. The potential exists for the development of an automated material
delivery system for the glass panels, and the development of a robotic tool to apply of the
weather seal. Both systems could be designed to work off the parallel tracks of vertical
cables. The entire integrated cladding system could represent a patentable new cladding
10. 3. 6 Di f f us i on of I nnovat i on i n Ar c hi t ec t ur e and Cons t r uc t i on
Another area of interesting research that was touched upon in this thesis is the manner in
which new and innovative technology is diffused into the marketplace. Rogers (2003) has
done significant work in this field, but there may be unique relevance in such study within the
construction industry and the practice of architecture.
It has already been discussed here that education is a primary strategy for the diffusion of an
innovative technology. The effectiveness of various learning programs could be tested in
these specific market sectors.
This could have particular relevance when it comes to the new sustainable and green
materials and technologies being introduced into the marketplace daily. As Rogers (2003,
p.1) points out, merit does not equate to usage, good products often fail to be adopted.
Strategies for deploying these technologies are as important as the products themselves. It
would be an unfortunate waste to have effective green technology go unused. What are the
metrics that equate to adoption in the complex environment of the building process?
Examples include waterless urinals and building integrated daylight harvesting systems. The
issue is not with the technology itself, it is with how the technology is perceived and
responded to by the various stakeholders. Integrated building systems are an obviously
important concept, but when automated systems for light level control are installed they are
invariably compromised by the user response. What measures might be effective in
anticipating and mitigating these problems? This is an interesting area that bridges building
science, marketing, and innovation theory.
10. 3. 7 Mat er i al , Pr oc es s , and Des i gn I nnovat i on i n Ar c hi t ec t ur e
Another profound dynamic that becomes apparent in the study of glass and architecture is
the complex relationship between material, process and design innovation. Do advances in
materials science and new fabrication processes lead to design innovations, or does
demand for certain attributes of material or form issuing from the design offices prompt an
industry response leading to material innovations. Amato (1997) explores this in his book
Stuff; The Materials the World is Made Of. Certainly both take place in an ongoing interplay
between industry and the building arts. There is a great richness of this interplay in the
history of the evolution of architectural glass that one senses would be enlightening to
unravel in some detail, and from there to identify and explore other relationships of material
and form in architecture, looking for patterns and trends. Success could provide insight into
the process of innovation and into methods to facilitate the process, yielding some additional
predictability to the outcome of product development while mitigating the elements of risk
that always accompany innovation; this being yet another aspect of implementing innovative
building technology.
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