Swaps Cms CMT
Swaps Cms CMT
Swaps Cms CMT
A Constant Maturity Swap (CMS) swap is a swap where one of the legs pays
(respectively receives) a swap rate of a fixed maturity, while the other leg
very similar to a CMS swap, with the exception that one pays the par yield of
More generally, one calls Constant Maturity Swap and Constant Maturity
or a pay yield of a bond, note or bill with a constant maturity. Since most
likely, treasury issued on the market will not exactly match the maturity of the
reference rate, one needs to interpolate market yield. (rates published by the
New York)
CMT and CMS swaps provide a flexible and market efficient access to long
dated interest rates. On the liability side, CMS and CMT swaps offer the ability
to hedge long-dated positions. Great clients have been life insurers as they
policies need to be hedged against the sharp rise of the back end of the
interest rate curve. Typical trade is a swap where they received the swap rate.
On the asset side, corporate and other financial institutions have heavily
invested in CMS market to enjoy yield enhancement and diversified funding.
In a very steep curve environment, swaps paying CMS look very attractive to
clients that think that the swap rates would not go as high as the market (and
swaps receiving CMS look very attractive to market participants thinking that
the curve. In a swap where one pays Libor plus a spread versus receiving
CMS 10 year, the structure is mainly sensitive to the slope of the interest rate
yield curve and is almost immunized against any parallel shift of the interest
For all these reasons, it is not surprising that the CMS markets and the CMS
options markets now trade in large quantities, both interbank and between
Because of the increasing size of the CMS market, the market has seen its
margin eroding. Banks have developed more and more advanced models to
account for the smile, resulting in first a more pronounced smile and also an
Note also that practitioners focus heavily on the computation of the forward
CMS as they use these modified forwards and the volatility read from
swaption market to compute simple options on CMS (CMS cap and floor,
CMS swaption). This practice is justified by the fact that the first order effect
volatility assumptions. Using the same vol is therefore right at first order
Let use derive shortly the sketch lines of the two methods mentioned above.
First, one can rapidly see that pricing a CMS swap boils down to price a
simple swap rate received at time T. This can be done under the forward
and Sw(T , T1 ,..., Tn ) the value at time T of the swap rate with fixed payment
dates T1 ,..., Tn .
We can then use standard change of numeraire technique to change the
expression above. The natural numeraire for the swap rate is the annuity (also
called level or dvo1, defined as the pv of one basis points paid over the life of
the forward swap rate) of the swap rate, denoted by LVL(T ) . This leads to:
B(T , T ) LVL(0)
E QT [Sw(T , T1 ,...,Tn )] = E LVLT * * Sw(T , T1 ,...,Tn ) (1.2)
LVL(T ) B(0, T )
This shows that the CMS rate is equal to the swap rate plus an extra term
function of the covariance under the annuity measure between the forward
E QT [Sw(T , T1 ,..., Tn )]
LVL(0 )B(T , T ) (1.4)
= Sw(0, T1 ,..., Tn ) + CovQ LVLT , Sw(T , T1 ,..., Tn )
LVL(T )B(0, T )
The yield curve via the swap rate and the annuity.
The volatility of the forward annuity and the forward swap rate.
The correlation between the forward annuity and the forward swap rate.
The first method relies on deriving an approximation for the covariance terms.
There are many ways of doing this, in particular, using one factor
case. It assumes a lognormal martingale diffusion for the swap rate under the
annuity measure:
dS (T , T1 ,..., Tn )
= σ t dWt (1.5)
S (T , T1 ,..., Tn )
The one factor approximation relies on assuming that the level can be
represented as a function of the swap rate (which is rigorously true for cash
LVL(0 )B(T , T )
CovQ LVLT , Sw(T , T1 ,..., Tn )
LVL(T )B(0, T )
LVL(0 ) f ' (Sw(0, T1 ,..., Tn )) 2
≈ Sw(0, T1 ,..., Tn ) exp − σ Sw(0, T1 ,..., Tn )T
B(0, T ) f (Sw(0, T1 ,..., Tn ))
The second approach relies on the fact that in the one factor approximation;
But we know that any function of only the swap rate can be evaluated as a
portfolio of swaptions1. This comes from the fact that an expectation can be
translated into an integral of the integrand times the density function of the
swap rate. We can therefore evaluate the CMS swap rate as a portfolio of
accurate, while one needs to make a one factor approximation to extend the
one can also extend the ideas of CMS replication to deferred payment CMS
see Breeden Litzenberger (1979) result on the fact that the second order derivatives of a call price
with respect to the strike is simply the density function, hence the result
Eric Benhamou2
The views and opinions expressed herein are the ones of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect
those of Goldman Sachs
Paper DP 351.
Prentice-Hall, 2000.
Magazine, December.