CE 224 Spring 2011-2012 Assigned Problems Chapter3
CE 224 Spring 2011-2012 Assigned Problems Chapter3
CE 224 Spring 2011-2012 Assigned Problems Chapter3
1. (a) For the 0-mm-diameter solid !"linder and loading sho#n$ determine the ma%im&m shearing stress. (b) 'etermine the inner diameter o( the hollo# !"linder$ o( )0-mm diameter$ (or #hi!h the ma%im&m stress is the same as in part a. 4. 2nder normal operating !onditions$ the ele!tri! motor e%erts a tor0&e o( 2.) 34.m on sha(t A+. 1no#ing that ea!h sha(t is solid$ determine the ma%im&m shearing stress in (a) sha(t A+$ (b) sha(t +C$ (!) sha(t C'.
/. 2. *he solid spindle A+ has a diameter ds,3) mm and is made o( a steel #ith an allo#able shearing stress o( )4 -Pa$ #hile slee.e C' is made o( a brass #ith an allo#able shearing stress o( /0 -Pa. 'etermine the largest tor0&e * that !an be applied at A.
*he allo#able shearing stress is 100 -Pa in the steel rod A+ and 0 -Pa in the brass rod +C. 1no#ing that a tor0&e o( magnit&de * , 500 4.m is applied at A$ and negle!ting the e((e!t o( stress !on!entrations$ determine the re0&ired diameter o( (a) rod A+$ (b) rod +C.
1no#ing that ea!h o( the sha(ts A+$ +C$ and C' !onsists o( a solid !ir!&lar rod$ determine (a) the sha(t in #hi!h the ma%im&m shearing stress o!!&rs$ (b) the magnit&de o( that stress.
. (a) For a gi.en allo#able shearing stress$ determine the ratio T6w o( the ma%im&m allo#able tor0&e T and the #eight per &nit length w (or the hollo# sha(t sho#n. (b) 'enoting b" (T6w)0 the .al&e o( this ratio (or a solid sha(t o( the same radi&s !2$ e%press the ratio T6w (or the hollo# sha(t in terms o( (T6w)0 and !16!2.
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). *he !omposite sha(t sho#n is to be t#isted b" appl"ing a tor0&e * at end A. 1no#ing that the mod&l&s o( rigidit" is 77 8Pa (or the steel and 27 8Pa (or the al&min&m$ determine the largest angle thro&gh #hi!h end A !an be rotated i( the (ollo#ing allo#able stresses are not to be e%!eeded9 :steel, 0 -Pa and :al&min&m ,4/ -Pa.
11. A /. 34.m-tor0&e is applied to a hollo# sha(t ha.ing the !ross se!tion sho#n. 4egle!ting the e((e!t o( stress !on!entrations$ determine the shearing stress at points a and b.
5. For the !omposite sha(t$ the allo#able shearing stress in the brass ;a!3et is 20 -Pa and 4/ -Pa in the steel !ore. 'etermine (a) the largest tor0&e that !an be applied to the sha(t$ (b) the !orresponding angle o( t#ist o( + relati.e to A.
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