Cisco Model DPC3925 and EPC3925

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Cisco Model DPC3925 and EPC3925

8x4 DOCSS 3.0 Wireless

Residential Gateway with Embedded
Digital Voice Adapter User Guide
|n Th|s 0ocument
IMIORTANT SAILTY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................... 2
Inlioduclion ............................................................................................................... 12
Whal's In lhe Cailon` ............................................................................................... 14
Iionl IaneI Desciiplion ........................................................................................... 15
ack IaneI Desciiplion ............................................................................................ 16
Whal Aie lhe Syslen Requiienenls foi Inleinel Seivice` .................................. 18
Hov Do I Sulsciile lo High-Speed Inleinel and TeIephone Seivice` ............. 19
Wheie Is lhe esl Localion foi My DOCSIS ResidenliaI Calevay` .................. 21
Hov Do I Mounl lhe Moden on a WaII` (OplionaI) ........................................... 22
Whal Aie lhe Requiienenls foi TeIephone Seivice` ........................................... 25
Hov Do I Connecl My Calevay foi Inleinel and TeIephone Seivice` ............. 26
Hov Do I Configuie My DOCSIS ResidenliaI Calevay` ................................... 29
Configuie WiieIess Sellings .................................................................................... 38
Configuie Secuiily .................................................................................................... 54
ConlioI Access lo lhe Calevay ............................................................................... 63
Configuie AppIicalions and Caning ..................................................................... 72
Manage lhe Calevay ................................................................................................ 78
Moniloi Calevay Slalus .......................................................................................... 87
IiequenlIy Asked Queslions ................................................................................... 94
Tips foi Inpioved Ieifoinance ............................................................................. 98
Iionl IaneI LLD Slalus Indicaloi Iunclions ......................................................... 99
Nolices ...................................................................................................................... 1O3

! #$!%%&! '() *


Not|ce to |nsta||ers
The seivicing insliuclions in lhis nolice aie foi use ly quaIified seivice peisonneI onIy. To ieduce lhe
iisk of eIecliic shock, do nol peifoin any seivicing olhei lhan lhal conlained in lhe opeialing
insliuclions, unIess you aie quaIified lo do so.

Notice lattention des installateurs de rseaux cbls
Les instructions relatives aux interventions dentretien, fournies dans la prsente notice, sadressent
excIusivement au personnel technique qualifi. Pour rduire les risques de chocs lectriques, neffectuer
aucune inleivenlion aulie que ceIIes deciiles dans Ie node d'enpIoi el Ies insliuclions ieIalives au
fonclionnenenl, a noins que vous ne soyez quaIifie poui ce faiie.

#$!%%&! '() * +


H|tte||ung fr 6ATV-Techn|ker
Die in diesei MilleiIung aufgefhilen Wailungsanveisungen sind ausschIieIich fi quaIifizieiles
IachpeisonaI leslinnl. Un die Cefahi eines eIekliischen SchIags zu ieduzieien, soIIlen Sie keine
Wailungsaileilen duichfhien, die nichl ausdickIich in dei edienungsanIeilung aufgefhil sind,
auei Sie sind zui Duichfhiung soIchei Aileilen quaIifizieil.

Av|so a |os |nsta|adores de s|stemas 6ATV
Las insliucciones de iepaiacin conlenidas en eI piesenle aviso son paia uso excIusivo poi paile de
peisonaI de nanleninienlo cuaIificado. Con eI fin de ieducii eI iiesgo de descaiga eIecliica, no ieaIice
ninguna olia opeiacin de iepaiacin dislinla a Ias conlenidas en Ias insliucciones de funcionanienlo, a
nenos que posea Ia cuaIificacin necesaiia paia haceiIo.

# #$!%%&! '() *



1) Read lhese insliuclions.

2) Keep lhese insliuclions.

3) Heed aII vainings.

4) IoIIov aII insliuclions.

5) Do nol use lhis appaialus neai valei.

6) CIean onIy vilh diy cIolh.

7) Do nol lIock any venliIalion openings. InslaII in accoidance vilh lhe nanufacluiei's

8) Do nol inslaII neai any heal souices such as iadialois, heal iegisleis, sloves, oi olhei
appaialus (incIuding anpIifieis) lhal pioduce heal.

9) Do nol defeal lhe safely puipose of lhe poIaiized oi giounding-lype pIug. A
poIaiized pIug has lvo lIades vilh one videi lhan lhe olhei. A giounding-lype
pIug has lvo lIades and a lhiid giounding piong. The vide lIade oi lhe lhiid
piong aie piovided foi youi safely. If lhe piovided pIug does nol fil inlo youi
oulIel, consuIl an eIecliician foi iepIacenenl of lhe olsoIele oulIel.

1O) Iiolecl lhe povei coid fion leing vaIked on oi pinched pailicuIaiIy al pIugs,
convenience ieceplacIes, and lhe poinl vheie lhey exil fion lhe appaialus.

11) OnIy use allachnenls/accessoiies specified ly lhe nanufacluiei.

12) Use onIy vilh lhe cail, sland, liipod, liackel, oi lalIe specified ly lhe nanufacluiei,
oi soId vilh lhe appaialus. When a cail is used, use caulion vhen noving lhe
cail/appaialus conlinalion lo avoid injuiy fion lip-ovei.

13) UnpIug lhis appaialus duiing Iighlning sloins oi vhen unused foi Iong peiiods of

14) Refei aII seivicing lo quaIified seivice peisonneI. Seivicing is iequiied vhen lhe
appaialus has leen danaged in any vay, such as a povei-suppIy coid oi pIug is
danaged, Iiquid has leen spiIIed oi oljecls have faIIen inlo lhe appaialus, lhe
appaialus has leen exposed lo iain oi noisluie, does nol opeiale noinaIIy, oi has
leen diopped.
Power 8ource warn|ng
A IaleI on lhis pioducl indicales lhe coiiecl povei souice foi lhis pioducl. Opeiale lhis pioducl onIy
fion an eIecliicaI oulIel vilh lhe voIlage and fiequency indicaled on lhe pioducl IaleI. If you aie
unceilain of lhe lype of povei suppIy lo youi hone oi lusiness, consuIl youi seivice piovidei oi youi
IocaI povei conpany.
The AC inIel on lhe unil nusl ienain accessilIe and opeialIe al aII lines.
Cround the Product

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck and fIrc hazard! If thIs prnduct cnnnccts tn cnaxIa!
cab!c wIrIng, bc surc thc cab!c systcm Is grnundcd (carthcd). GrnundIng prnvIdcs snmc
prntcctInn agaInst vn!tagc surgcs and buI!t-up statIc chargcs.

#$!%%&! '() * ,


Protect the Product from L|ghtn|ng
In addilion lo disconnecling lhe AC povei fion lhe vaII oulIel, disconnecl lhe signaI inpuls.
Ver|fy the Power 8ource from the 0n|0ff Power L|ght
When lhe on/off povei Iighl is nol iIIuninaled, lhe appaialus nay sliII le connecled lo lhe povei
souice. The Iighl nay go oul vhen lhe appaialus is luined off, iegaidIess of vhelhei il is sliII pIugged
inlo an AC povei souice.
E||m|nate A6 Ha|ns 0ver|oads

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck and fIrc hazard! Dn nnt nvcr!nad AC maIns, nut!cts,
cxtcnsInn cnrds, nr Intcgra! cnnvcnIcncc rcccptac!cs. Fnr prnducts that rcquIrc battcry
pnwcr nr nthcr pnwcr snurccs tn npcratc thcm, rcfcr tn thc npcratIng InstructInns fnr
thnsc prnducts.

Prov|de Vent||at|on and 8e|ect a Locat|on
Renove aII packaging naleiiaI lefoie appIying povei lo lhe pioducl.
Do nol pIace lhis appaialus on a led, sofa, iug, oi siniIai suiface.
Do nol pIace lhis appaialus on an unslalIe suiface.
Do nol inslaII lhis appaialus in an encIosuie, such as a lookcase oi iack, unIess lhe inslaIIalion
piovides piopei venliIalion.
Do nol pIace enleilainnenl devices (such as VCRs oi DVDs), Ianps, looks, vases vilh Iiquids, oi
olhei oljecls on lop of lhis pioducl.
Do nol lIock venliIalion openings.
Protect from Exposure to Ho|sture and Fore|gn 0bjects

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck and fIrc hazard! Dn nnt cxpnsc thIs prnduct tn
drIppIng nr sp!ashIng !IquIds, raIn, nr mnIsturc. Objccts fI!!cd wIth !IquIds, such as
vascs, shnu!d nnt bc p!accd nn thIs apparatus.

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck and fIrc hazard! Unp!ug thIs prnduct bcfnrc c!canIng.
Dn nnt usc a !IquId c!cancr nr an acrnsn! c!cancr. Dn nnt usc a magnctIc/statIc c!canIng
dcvIcc (dust rcmnvcr) tn c!can thIs prnduct.

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck and fIrc hazard! Ncvcr push nbjccts thrnugh thc
npcnIngs In thIs prnduct. FnrcIgn nbjccts can causc c!cctrIca! shnrts that can rcsu!t In
c!cctrIc shnck nr fIrc.
8erv|ce warn|ngs

WARNING: AvnId c!cctrIc shnck! Dn nnt npcn thc cnvcr nf thIs prnduct. OpcnIng nr
rcmnvIng thc cnvcr may cxpnsc ynu tn dangcrnus vn!tagcs. If ynu npcn thc cnvcr, ynur
warranty wI!! bc vnId. ThIs prnduct cnntaIns nn uscr-scrvIccab!c parts.
- #$!%%&! '() *


6heck Product 8afety
Upon conpIelion of any seivice oi iepaiis lo lhis pioducl, lhe seivice lechnician nusl peifoin safely
checks lo deleinine lhal lhis pioducl is in piopei opeialing condilion.
Protect the Product when Hov|ng |t
AIvays disconnecl lhe povei souice vhen noving lhe appaialus oi connecling oi disconnecling
Te|ephone Equ|pment Not|ce
When using youi leIephone equipnenl, lasic safely piecaulions shouId aIvays le foIIoved lo ieduce
lhe iisk of fiie, eIecliic slock and injuiy lo peisons, incIuding lhe foIIoving:
1. Do nol use lhis pioducl neai valei, foi exanpIe, neai a lalh lul, vash lovI, kilchen sink oi Iaundiy
lul, in a vel lasenenl oi neai a svinning pooI.
2. Avoid using a leIephone (olhei lhan a coidIess lype) duiing an eIecliicaI sloin. Theie nay le a
ienole iisk of eIecliic shock fion Iighlning.
3. Do nol use lhe leIephone lo iepoil a gas Ieak in lhe vicinily of lhe Ieak.

CAUTION: Tn rcducc thc rIsk nf fIrc, usc nn!y Nn. 26 AWG nr !argcr
tc!ccnmmunIcatInn !Inc cnrd.

2OO9O915_Moden No alleiy_Safely


#$!%%&! '() * .
!"#$%& ($)$%* +,, ,-./0#)"1%
This device has leen lesled and found lo conpIy wIth lhe Iinils foi a CIass digilaI device,
puisuanl lo pail 15 of lhe ICC RuIes. These Iinils aie designed lo piovide ieasonalIe
pioleclion againsl such inleifeience in a iesidenliaI inslaIIalion. This equipnenl geneiales,
uses, and can iadiale iadio fiequency eneigy. If nol inslaIIed and used in accoidance vilh lhe
insliuclions, il nay cause hainfuI inleifeience lo iadio connunicalions. Hovevei, lheie is
no guaianlee lhal inleifeience viII nol occui in a pailicuIai inslaIIalion. If lhis equipnenl
does cause hainfuI inleifeience lo iadio oi leIevision ieceplion, vhich can le deleinined ly
luining lhe equipnenl OII and ON, lhe usei is encouiaged lo liy lo coiiecl lhe inleifeience
ly one oi noie of lhe foIIoving neasuies:
Reoiienl oi ieIocale lhe ieceiving anlenna.
Inciease lhe sepaialion lelveen lhe equipnenl and ieceivei.
Connecl lhe equipnenl inlo an oulIel on a ciicuil diffeienl fion lhal lo vhich lhe
ieceivei is connecled.
ConsuIl lhe seivice piovidei oi an expeiienced iadio/leIevision lechnician foi heIp.
Any changes oi nodificalions nol expiessIy appioved ly Cisco Syslens, Inc., couId void lhe
usei's aulhoiily lo opeiale lhe equipnenl.
The infoinalion shovn in lhe ICC DecIaialion of Confoinily paiagiaph leIov is a
iequiienenl of lhe ICC and is inlended lo suppIy you vilh infoinalion iegaiding lhe ICC
appiovaI of lhis device. !"# %"&'# '()*#+, -.,/#0 1+# 2&+ 3445+#-1/#0 6(#,/.&', &'-7 1'0 '&/
.'/#'0#0 2&+ 6(#,/.&', +#81+0.'8 /"# 9&''#9/.&' &+ &%#+1/.&' 2&+ /"., 0#:.9#; <-#1,# 9&'/19/ 7&(+
,#+:.9# %+&:.0#+ 2&+ 1'7 6(#,/.&', 7&( )17 "1:# +#81+0.'8 /"# &%#+1/.&' &+ .',/1--1/.&' &2 /"., 0#:.9#;
0ec|arat|on of 6onform|ty
This device conpIies vilh Iail 15 of ICC
RuIes. Opeialion is suljecl lo lhe foIIoving lvo
condilions: 1) lhe device nay nol cause
hainfuI inleifeience, and 2) lhe device nusl
accepl any inleifeience ieceived, incIuding
inleifeience lhal nay cause undesiied
DOCSIS ResidenliaI Calevay
ModeI: DIC3925/LIC3925
Manufacluied ly:
Cisco Syslens, Inc.
5O3O SugaiIoaf Iaikvay
LavienceviIIe, Ceoigia 3OO44 USA
TeIephone: 77O-236-1O77
6anada EH| Regu|at|on
This CIass digilaI appaialus conpIies vilh Canadian ICLS-OO3.
Cel appaieiI nuneiique de Ia cIass esl confoine a Ia noine NM-OO3 du Canada.
0ynam|c Frequency 8e|ect|on (0F8} 0ua| and Frequenc|es
Sone configuialions of lhis pioducl nay opeiale in lhe 515O-525OMHz and
547O-5725MHz lands. If you seIecl a channeI in lhese fiequency ianges, lhe pioducl is
iesliicled lo indooi opeialion onIy pei ICC guidance. The use of lhis pioducl on lhe affecled
fiequencies vhen oulside is in non-conpIiance of lhe ICC ieguIalions and guideIines.

/ #$!%%&! '() *
Rad|at|on Exposure 8tatements
Nntc: This liansnillei nusl nol le co-Iocaled oi opeialed in conjunclion vilh any olhei
anlenna oi liansnillei. This equipnenl shouId le inslaIIed and opeialed vilh a nininun
dislance of 7.9 inches (2O cn) lelveen lhe iadialoi and youi lody.
This syslen has leen evaIualed foi RI exposuie foi hunans in iefeience lo ANSI C 95.1
(Aneiican NalionaI Slandaids Inslilule) Iinils. The evaIualion vas lased in accoidance vilh
ICC OLT uIIelin 65C iev O1.O1 in conpIiance vilh Iail 2.1O91 and Iail 15.27. The nininun
sepaialion dislance fion lhe anlenna lo geneiaI lyslandei is 7.9 inches (2O cn) lo nainlain
This syslen has leen evaIualed foi RI exposuie foi hunans in iefeience lo ANSI C 95.1
Iinils. The evaIualion vas lased on evaIualion pei RSS-1O2 Rev 2. The nininun sepaialion
dislance fion lhe anlenna lo geneiaI lyslandei is 7.9 inches (2O cn) lo nainlain conpIiance.

This syslen has leen evaIualed foi RI exposuie foi hunans in iefeience lo lhe ICNIRI
(InleinalionaI Connission on Non-Ionizing Radialion Iioleclion) Iinils. The evaIualion vas
lased on lhe LN 5O385 Iioducl Slandaid lo Denonsliale ConpIiance of Radio ase Slalions
and Iixed TeininaIs foi WiieIess TeIeconnunicalions Syslens vilh lasic iesliiclions oi
iefeience IeveIs ieIaled lo Hunan Lxposuie lo Radio Iiequency LIeclionagnelic IieIds fion
3OO MHz lo 4O CHz. The nininun sepaialion dislance fion lhe anlenna lo geneiaI
lyslandei is 2O cn (7.9 inches).
This syslen has leen evaIualed foi RI exposuie as iefeienced in lhe AusliaIian Radialion
Iioleclion slandaid and has leen evaIualed lo lhe ICNIRI (InleinalionaI Connission on
Non-Ionizing Radialion Iioleclion) Iinils. The nininun sepaialion dislance fion lhe
anlenna lo geneiaI lyslandei is 2O cn (7.9 inches).
2OO91O16 ICC DonandInlI


#$!%%&! '() * &
6E 6omp||ance
0ec|arat|on of 6onform|ty w|th Regard to the EU 0|rect|ve 1999|5|E6
(R&TTE 0|rect|ve}
This decIaialion is onIy vaIid foi configuialions (conlinalions of soflvaie, fiinvaie and
haidvaie) suppoiled oi piovided ly Cisco Syslens foi use vilhin lhe LU. The use of
soflvaie oi fiinvaie nol suppoiled oi piovided ly Cisco Syslens nay iesuIl in lhe
equipnenl no Iongei leing conpIianl vilh lhe ieguIaloiy iequiienenls.

%$ #$!%%&! '() *
Nntc: The fuII decIaialion of confoinily foi lhis pioducl can le found in lhe DecIaialions of
Confoinily and ReguIaloiy Infoinalion seclion of lhe appiopiiale pioducl haidvaie
inslaIIalion guide, vhich is avaiIalIe on Cisco.con.
The foIIoving slandaids veie appIied duiing lhe assessnenl of lhe pioducl againsl lhe
iequiienenls of lhe Diieclive 1999/5/LC:
Radio: LN 3OO 328
LMC: LN 3O1 489-1 and LN 3O1 489-17
Safely: LN 6O95O and LN 5O385
The CL naik and cIass-2 idenlifiei aie affixed lo lhe pioducl and ils packaging. This pioducl
confoins lo lhe foIIoving Luiopean diieclives:

Nat|ona| Restr|ct|ons
This pioducl is foi indooi use onIy.
Ioi 2.4 CHz, lhe oulpul povei is iesliicled lo 1O nW LIRI vhen lhe pioducl is used
ouldoois in lhe land 2454 - 2483, 5 MHz. Theie aie no iesliiclions vhen used in olhei pails
of lhe 2.4 CHz land. Check hllp:// foi noie delaiIs.
Ioui Ia lande 2,4 CHz, Ia puissance esl Iinilee a 1O nW en p.i.i.e. poui Ies equipenenls
uliIises en exleiieui dans Ia lande 2454 - 2483,5 MHz. II n'y a pas de iesliiclions poui des
uliIisalions dans d'aulies pailies de Ia lande 2,4 CHz. ConsuIlez hllp:// poui
de pIus anpIes delaiIs.
This pioducl neels lhe NalionaI Radio Inleiface and lhe iequiienenls specified in lhe
NalionaI Iiequency AIIocalion TalIe foi IlaIy. UnIess lhis viieIess LAN pioducl is opeialing
within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires a general authorization.
IIease check hllp:// foi noie delaiIs.
Queslo piodollo confoine aIIa specifiche di Inleifaccia Radio NazionaIi e iispella iI Iiano
NazionaIe di iipailizione deIIe fiequenze in IlaIia. Se non viene inslaIIalo aII 'inleino deI
proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede una Autorizzazione Generale.
ConsuIlaie hllp:// pei naggioii dellagIi.
The ouldooi usage of lhe 2.4 CHz land iequiies an aulhoiizalion fion lhe LIeclionic
Connunicalions Office. IIease check hllp://vvv.esd.Iv foi noie delaiIs.
2,4 CHz fiekven?u joslas izmantoanai ?rpus telp?m nepiecieama at?auja no Elektronisko
sakaiu diiekcijas. Vaii`k infoin`cijas: hllp://vvv.esd.Iv.
Nntc: The ieguIaloiy Iinils foi naxinun oulpul povei aie specified in LIRI. The LIRI IeveI
of a device can le caIcuIaled ly adding lhe gain of lhe anlenna used (specified in di) lo lhe
oulpul povei avaiIalIe al lhe connecloi (specified in dn).


#$!%%&! '() * %%
Use onIy lhe anlenna suppIied vilh lhe pioducl.
2OO9O312 CL_Calevay

%! #$!%%&! '() *


WeIcone lo lhe exciling voiId of high-speed Inleinel and high-quaIily digilaI
leIephone seivice. Youi nev Cisco


3.O oi LIC3925
EuroDOCSIS Wireless Residential Gateway with Embedded Digital Voice Adapter
is a calIe noden lhal neels indusliy slandaids foi high-speed dala conneclivily
aIong vilh ieIialIe digilaI leIephone seivice. The DIC3925 and LIC3925 iesidenliaI
galevay deIiveis dala, voice and viied (Llheinel) oi viieIess galevay capaliIilies lo
connecl a vaiiely of devices in lhe hone oi snaII office and suppoil high-speed dala
access and cosl-effeclive voice seivices, aII in one device. Wilh a DIC3925 oi
LIC3925 iesidenliaI galevay, youi Inleinel enjoynenl, hone and lusiness
connunicalions, and peisonaI pioduclivily viII suieIy soai.
This guide piovides pioceduies and ieconnendalions foi pIacing, inslaIIing,
configuiing, opeialing, and lioulIeshooling youi DIC3925 and LIC3925 iesidenliaI
galevay foi high-speed Inleinel and digilaI leIephone seivice foi youi hone oi
office. Refei lo lhe appiopiiale seclion in lhis guide foi lhe specific infoinalion you
need foi youi silualion. Conlacl youi seivice piovidei foi noie infoinalion aloul
sulsciiling lo lhese seivices.
enef|ts and Features
Youi nev DIC3925 and LIC3925 iesidenliaI galevay offeis lhe foIIoving
oulslanding lenefils and fealuies:
ConpIianl vilh DOCSIS 3.O, 2.O, and 1.x standards along with PacketCable
and EuroPacketCable specifications to deliver high-end peifoinance and
High peifoinance lioadland Inleinel conneclivily lo eneigize youi onIine
Tvo-Iine enledded digilaI voice adaplei foi viied leIephony seivice
Ioui 1OOO/1OO/1OASL-T Llheinel poils lo piovide viied conneclivily
8O2.11n WiieIess Access Ioinl
Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup (WIS), incIuding a push lullon svilch lo aclivale WIS foi
sinpIified and secuie viieIess selup
Usei configuialIe IaienlaI ConlioI lIocks access lo undesiialIe Inleinel siles
Advanced fiievaII lechnoIogy deleis hackeis and piolecls lhe hone nelvoik
fion unaulhoiized access
Alliaclive conpacl design lhal aIIovs foi veilicaI, hoiizonlaI, oi vaII-nounled

#$!%%&! '() * %+


CoIoi-coded inleiface poils and coiiesponding calIes sinpIify inslaIIalion and
DOCSIS-5 conpIianl LLD IaleIing and lehavioi piovides a usei and lechnician
fiiendIy nelhod lo check opeialionaI slalus and acl as a lioulIeshooling looI
AIIovs aulonalic soflvaie upgiades ly youi seivice piovidei

%# #$!%%&! '() *

what's |n the 6arton?

what's |n the 6arton?
When you ieceive youi viieIess iesidenliaI galevay, you shouId check lhe
equipnenl and accessoiies lo veiify lhal each ilen is in lhe cailon and lhal each ilen
is undanaged. The cailon conlains lhe foIIoving ilens:

One of lhe DOCSIS ResidenliaI
Calevay nodeIs (DIC3925 oi

One povei adaplei (nodeIs
iequiiing exleinaI povei suppIy)

One Llheinel calIe (CAT5/R}-45)

If any of lhese ilens aie nissing oi danaged, pIease conlacl youi seivice piovidei
foi assislance.
You viII need an oplionaI calIe signaI spIillei and addilionaI slandaid RI
coaxiaI calIes if you vanl lo connecl a VCR, a DigilaI Hone Connunicalions
TeininaI (DHCT) oi a sel-lop conveilei, oi a TV lo lhe sane calIe conneclion as
youi viieIess iesidenliaI galevay.
CalIes and olhei equipnenl needed foi leIephone seivice nusl le puichased
sepaialeIy. Conlacl youi seivice piovidei lo inquiie aloul lhe equipnenl and
calIes you need foi leIephone seivice.

#$!%%&! '() * %,

Front Pane| 0escr|pt|on

Front Pane| 0escr|pt|on
The fionl paneI of youi iesidenliaI galevay piovides LLD slalus indicalois lhal
indicale hov veII and al vhal slale youi iesidenliaI galevay is opeialing. See !"#$%
'($)* +,- .%(%/0 1$234(%#" !/$4%3#$0 (on page 99), foi noie infoinalion on fionl
paneI LLD slalus indicaloi funclions.

ModeI DPC3925 shown here

1 POWERON, povei is appIied lo lhe viieIess iesidenliaI galevay
2 D5ON, lhe viieIess iesidenliaI galevay is ieceiving dala fion lhe calIe
3 U5On, lhe viieIess iesidenliaI galevay is sending dala lo lhe calIe
4 ONLINEON, lhe viieIess iesidenliaI galevay is iegisleied on lhe
nelvoik and fuIIy opeialionaI
5 ETHERNET 1 - 4ON, a device is connecled lo one of lhe Llheinel poils.
LINKINC indicales lhal dala is leing liansfeiied ovei lhe Llheinel
6 U5BON, a device is connecled lo lhe US poil. LINKINC indicales lhal
dala is leing liansfeiied ovei lhe US conneclion
7 WIRELE55 LINKON, lhe WiieIess Access Ioinl is opeialionaI.
LINKINC indicales lhal dala is leing liansfeiied ovei lhe viieIess
conneclion. OII indicales lhal lhe viieIess access poinl has leen disalIed
ly lhe usei
8 WIRELE55 5ETUPOII (noinaI condilion) viieIess selup is nol aclive.
LINKINC indicales lhe usei has aclivaled viieIess selup lo add nev
viieIess cIienls on lhe viieIess nelvoik
9 TEL1ON indicales leIephony seivice is enalIed. Iinks vhen Iine 1 is in
use. OII indicales lhal phone seivice foi TLL 1 is nol enalIed
10 TEL2ON indicales leIephony seivice is enalIed. Iinks vhen Iine 2 is in
use. OII indicales lhal phone seivice foi TLL 2 is nol enalIed

%- #$!%%&! '() *

ack Pane| 0escr|pt|on

ack Pane| 0escr|pt|on
The foIIoving iIIuslialions shov lhe desciiplion and funclion of lhe lack paneI
conponenls on lhe Cisco DIC3925 iesidenliaI galevay.

1 POWERConnecls lhe iesidenliaI galevay lo lhe AC povei adaplei lhal is
piovided vilh youi iesidenliaI galevay

AvnId damagc tn ynur cquIpmcnt. On!y usc thc pnwcr supp!y
that Is prnvIdcd wIth ynur rcsIdcntIa! gatcway.
2 ON/OFF 5WITCH (Eurnpcan mndc!s nn!y)AIIovs you lo povei of lhe
iesidenliaI galevay vilhoul ienoving lhe povei coid
3 MAC ADDRE55 LABELDispIays lhe MAC addiess of lhe iesidenliaI galevay
4 TELEPHONE 1 and 2R}-11 leIephone poils connecl lo hone leIephone viiing
lo convenlionaI leIephones oi fax nachines
5 U5BConnecls lo seIecled cIienl devices
6 ETHERNETIoui R}-45 Llheinel poils connecl lo lhe Llheinel poil on youi IC
oi youi hone nelvoik
7 CABLEI-connecloi connecls lo an aclive calIe signaI fion youi seivice
#$!%%&! '() * %.

ack Pane| 0escr|pt|on

8 WIRELE55 5ETUPIiessing lhis svilch iniliales viieIess selup, lhis fealuie
aIIovs lhe usei lo add nev Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup (WIS) conpIianl viieIess
cIienls lo lhe hone nelvoik
9 RE5ETA nonenlaiy piessing (1-2 seconds) of lhis svilch ielools lhe LMTA.
Iiessing lhe svilch foi noie lhan len seconds fiisl causes a iesel-lo-facloiy-
defauIl of aII sellings and lhen ielools lhe galevay

Thc Rcsct buttnn Is fnr maIntcnancc purpnscs nn!y. Dn nnt usc
un!css Instructcd tn dn sn by ynur cab!c nr tc!cphnnc scrvIcc
prnvIdcr. DnIng sn may causc ynu tn !nsc any cab!c mndcm
scttIngs ynu havc sc!cctcd.

%/ #$!%%&! '() *

what Are the 8ystem Requ|rements for |nternet 8erv|ce?

what Are the 8ystem Requ|rements for |nternet 8erv|ce?
To ensuie lhal youi iesidenliaI galevay opeiales efficienlIy foi high-speed Inleinel
seivice, veiify lhal aII of lhe Inleinel devices on youi syslen neel oi exceed lhe
foIIoving nininun haidvaie and soflvaie iequiienenls.
Nntc: You viII aIso need an aclive calIe inpul Iine and an Inleinel conneclion.
H|n|mum 8ystem Requ|rements for a P6
A IC vilh a Ienliun MMX 133 piocessoi oi giealei
32 M of RAM
Wel liovsing soflvaie
CD-ROM diive
H|n|mum 8ystem Requ|rements for Hac|ntosh
MAC OS 7.5 oi Ialei
32 M of RAM
8ystem Requ|rements for an Ethernet 6onnect|on
A IC vilh Miciosofl Windovs 2OOO opeialing syslen (oi Ialei) vilh TCI/II
piolocoI inslaIIed, oi an AppIe Macinlosh conpulei vilh TCI/II piolocoI
An aclive 1O/1OO/1OOOASL-T Llheinel nelvoik inleiface caid (NIC) inslaIIed

#$!%%&! '() * %&

how 0o | 8ubscr|be to h|gh-8peed |nternet and Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

how 0o | 8ubscr|be to h|gh-8peed |nternet and Te|ephone
efoie you can use youi iesidenliaI galevay, you need lo have a high-speed Inleinel
access accounl. If you do nol have a high-speed Inleinel access accounl, you need lo
sel up an accounl vilh youi IocaI seivice piovidei. Choose one of lhe oplions in lhis
| 0o Not have a h|gh-8peed |nternet Access Account
If you do '&/ have a high-speed Inleinel access accounl, youi seivice piovidei viII
sel up youi accounl and lecone youi Inleinel Seivice Iiovidei (ISI). Inleinel access
enalIes you lo send and ieceive e-naiI, access lhe WoiId Wide Wel, and ieceive
olhei Inleinel seivices.
You viII need lo give youi seivice piovidei lhe foIIoving infoinalion:
The seiiaI nunlei of lhe noden
The Media Access ConlioI (MAC) addiess of lhe noden (CM MAC)
Olhei MAC addiess nunleis as needed
These nunleis appeai on a lai code IaleI Iocaled on lhe iesidenliaI galevay. The
seiiaI nunlei consisls of a seiies of aIphanuneiic chaiacleis pieceded ly 5/N. The
MAC addiess consisls of a seiies of aIphanuneiic chaiacleis pieceded ly CM MAC.
The foIIoving iIIuslialion shovs a sanpIe lai code IaleI.

Wiile dovn lhese nunleis in lhe space piovided heie.
SeiiaI Nunlei _______________________

MAC Addiess ________________________
!$ #$!%%&! '() *

how 0o | 8ubscr|be to h|gh-8peed |nternet and Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

| A|ready have an Ex|st|ng h|gh-8peed |nternet Access Account
If you have an exisling high-speed Inleinel access accounl, you nusl give youi
seivice piovidei lhe seiiaI nunlei and lhe MAC addiess of lhe iesidenliaI galevay.
Refei lo lhe seiiaI nunlei and MAC addiess infoinalion Iisled pieviousIy in lhis
| want to Use the App||cat|on 8erver for Te|ephone 8erv|ce
You viII aIso need lo sel up a leIephone accounl vilh youi IocaI seivice piovidei lo
use youi iesidenliaI galevay foi leIephone seivice. When you conlacl youi seivice
piovidei, you nay le alIe lo liansfei youi exisling leIephone nunleis, oi youi calIe
leIephony seivice piovidei viII assign a nev leIephone nunlei foi each cuiienl oi
addilionaI aclive leIephone Iine. Discuss lhese oplions vilh youi leIephony seivice

#$!%%&! '() * !%

where |s the est Locat|on for Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

where |s the est Locat|on for Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a|
The ideaI Iocalion foi youi iesidenliaI galevay is vheie il has access lo oulIels and
olhei devices. Think aloul lhe Iayoul of youi hone oi office, and consuIl vilh youi
seivice piovidei lo seIecl lhe lesl Iocalion foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Read lhis
usei guide lhoioughIy lefoie you decide vheie lo pIace youi iesidenliaI galevay.
Considei lhese ieconnendalions:
Choose a Iocalion cIose lo youi conpulei if you viII aIso use lhe iesidenliaI
galevay foi high-speed Inleinel seivice.
Choose a Iocalion lhal is neai an exisling RI coaxiaI conneclion lo eIininale lhe
need foi an addilionaI RI coaxiaI oulIel.
Choose a Iocalion foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay lhal is adjacenl lo youi leIephone
equipnenl if you aie using onIy one oi lvo pieces of leIephone equipnenl.
Nntc: If you aie using lhe iesidenliaI galevay lo piovide seivice lo seveiaI
leIephones, a piofessionaI inslaIIei can connecl lhe iesidenliaI galevay lo youi
exisling hone leIephone viiing. To nininize changes lo lhe hone leIephone
viiing, you nay vanl lo Iocale lhe iesidenliaI galevay neai an exisling
leIephone oulIel.
Choose a Iocalion lhal is ieIaliveIy piolecled fion accidenlaI disluilance oi
hain, such as a cIosel, lasenenl, oi olhei piolecled aiea.
Choose a Iocalion so lhal lheie is pIenly of ioon lo guide lhe calIes avay fion
lhe noden vilhoul sliaining oi ciinping lhen.
AiifIov aiound lhe iesidenliaI galevay shouId nol le iesliicled.
Read lhis usei guide lhoioughIy lefoie inslaIIing lhe iesidenliaI galevay.

!! #$!%%&! '() *

how 0o | Hount the Hodem on a wa||? (0pt|ona|}

how 0o | Hount the Hodem on a wa||? (0pt|ona|}
You can nounl lhe iesidenliaI galevay on a vaII using lvo vaII anchois, lvo
scievs, and lhe nounling sIols Iocaled on lhe unil. The noden can le nounled
veilicaIIy oi hoiizonlaIIy.
efore You eg|n
efoie you legin, choose an appiopiiale nounling pIace. The vaII can le nade of
cenenl, vood, oi diyvaII. The nounling Iocalion shouId le fiee of olsliuclions on
aII sides, and lhe calIes shouId le alIe lo easiIy ieach lhe iesidenliaI galevay
vilhoul sliain. Leave sufficienl cIeaiance lelveen lhe lollon of lhe iesidenliaI
galevay and any fIooiing oi sheIving undeinealh lo aIIov access lo calIing. In
addilion, Ieave enough sIack in aII calIes so lhal lhe iesidenliaI galevay can le
ienoved foi any iequiied nainlenance vilhoul disconnecling lhe calIes. AIso,
veiify lhal you have lhe foIIoving ilens:
Tvo vaII anchois foi #8 x 1-inch scievs
Tvo #8 x 1-inch pan head sheel nelaI scievs
DiiII vilh a 3/16-in. vood oi nasoniy lil, as appiopiiale foi lhe vaII
A copy of lhe vaII-nounling iIIuslialions shovn on lhe foIIoving pages
Mounl lhe noden as shovn in one of lhe foIIoving iIIuslialions.

#$!%%&! '() * !+

how 0o | Hount the Hodem on a wa||? (0pt|ona|}

Locat|on and 0|mens|ons of the wa||-Hount|ng 8|ots
The foIIoving iIIuslialion shovs lhe Iocalion and dinensions of lhe vaII-nounling
sIols on lhe lollon of lhe noden. Use lhe infoinalion on lhis page as a guide foi
nounling youi noden lo lhe vaII.

!# #$!%%&! '() *

how 0o | Hount the Hodem on a wa||? (0pt|ona|}

Hount|ng the Res|dent|a| Cateway on a wa||
1 Using a diiII vilh a 3/16-inch lil, diiII lvo hoIes al lhe sane heighl and 4 inches
Nntc: The pieceding giaphic iIIusliales lhe Iocalion of lhe nounling hoIes on lhe
lack of lhe iesidenliaI galevay.
2 Aie you nounling lhe iesidenliaI galevay inlo a diyvaII oi conciele suiface
vheie a vooden slud is avaiIalIe`
If ycs, go lo slep 3.
If nn, diive lhe anchoi loIls inlo lhe vaII, and inslaII lhe nounling scievs
inlo lhe anchoi loIls, Ieave a gap of aloul 1/4-inch lelveen lhe sciev head
and lhe vaII. Then, go lo slep 4.
3 InslaII lhe nounling scievs inlo lhe vaII, Ieave a gap of aloul 1/4-inch lelveen
lhe sciev head and lhe vaII. Then, go lo slep 4.
4 Veiify lhal no calIes oi viies aie connecled lo lhe iesidenliaI galevay.
5 Lifl lhe iesidenliaI galevay inlo posilion. SIip lhe Iaige end of lolh nounling
sIols (Iocaled in lhe lack of lhe iesidenliaI galevay) ovei lhe nounling scievs,
and lhen sIide lhe iesidenliaI galevay dovn unliI lhe naiiov end of lhe keyhoIe
sIol conlacls lhe sciev shafl.
Impnrtant: Veiify lhal lhe nounling scievs secuieIy suppoil lhe iesidenliaI
galevay lefoie you ieIease lhe unil.

#$!%%&! '() * !,

what Are the Requ|rements for Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

what Are the Requ|rements for Te|ephone 8erv|ce?
Number of Te|ephone 0ev|ces
The R}-11 leIephone-slyIe conneclois on lhe iesidenliaI galevay can each piovide
leIephone seivice lo nuIlipIe leIephones, fax nachines, and anaIog nodens.
The naxinun nunlei of leIephone devices connecled lo each R}-11 poil is Iiniled
ly lhe lolaI Ringing Load of lhe leIephone devices lhal aie connecled. Many
leIephone devices aie naiked vilh a Ringei LquivaIenl Nunlei (RLN). Lach
leIephone poil on lhe iesidenliaI galevay can suppoil up lo a 5 RLN Ioad.
The sun of lhe RLN Ioad on aII of lhe leIephone devices allached lo each poil nusl
nol exceed 5 RLN.
Te|ephone 0ev|ce Types
You can use leIephone devices lhal aie nol IaleIed vilh a RLN nunlei, lul lhe
naxinun nunlei of allached leIephone devices cannol le accuialeIy caIcuIaled.
Wilh leIephone devices lhal aie nol IaleIed, each device shouId le connecled and
lhe iing signaI shouId le lesled lefoie adding noie devices. If loo nany leIephone
devices aie allached and lhe iing signaI can no Iongei le heaid, leIephone devices
shouId le ienoved unliI lhe iing signaI voiks piopeiIy.
TeIephones, fax nachines, and olhei leIephone devices shouId use lhe cenlei 2 pins
of lhe R}-11 conneclois lo connecl lo lhe iesidenliaI galevay leIephone poils. Sone
leIephones use olhei pins on lhe R}-11 conneclois and iequiie adapleis in oidei lo
0|a||ng Requ|rements
AII youi leIephones shouId le sel lo use DTMI diaIing. IuIse diaIing is lypicaIIy nol
enalIed ly youi IocaI piovidei.
Te|ephone w|r|ng Requ|rements
The iesidenliaI galevay suppoils connecling lo lhe inleiioi leIephone viiing as veII
as connecling diieclIy lo a leIephone oi fax nachine. The naxinun dislance fion
lhe unil lo lhe nosl dislanl leIephone device nusl nol exceed 1OOO feel (3OO neleis).
Use 26-gauge lvisled-paii, oi Iaigei, leIephone viiing.
Impnrtant: Conneclion lo an exisling oi a nev peinanenlIy inslaIIed hone
leIephone viiing nelvoik nusl le done ly a quaIified inslaIIei.

!- #$!%%&! '() *

how 0o | 6onnect Hy Cateway for |nternet and Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

how 0o | 6onnect Hy Cateway for |nternet and Te|ephone
You can use youi iesidenliaI galevay lo piovide lolh leIephone seivice and lo
piovide Inleinel access, and you can shaie lhal Inleinel conneclion vilh olhei
Inleinel devices in youi hone oi office. Shaiing one conneclion anong nany
devices is caIIed nelvoiking.
6onnect|ng and |nsta|||ng |nternet 0ev|ces
IiofessionaI inslaIIalion nay le avaiIalIe. Conlacl youi IocaI seivice piovidei foi
fuilhei assislance.
To connect dev|ces
The foIIoving diagian iIIusliales one of lhe vaiious nelvoiking oplions lhal aie
avaiIalIe lo you.

6onnect|ng the Res|dent|a| Cateway for h|gh-8peed 0ata and
Te|ephone 8erv|ce
The foIIoving inslaIIalion pioceduie ensuies piopei selup and configuialion foi lhe
iesidenliaI galevay.
1 Choose an appiopiiale and safe Iocalion lo inslaII lhe iesidenliaI galevay (cIose
lo a povei souice, an aclive calIe conneclion, youi ICif using high-speed
Inleinel, and youi leIephone Iinesif using VoII).
#$!%%&! '() * !.

how 0o | 6onnect Hy Cateway for |nternet and Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

Tn avnId pcrsnna! Injury, fn!!nw thc Insta!!atInn InstructInns In thc cxact
nrdcr shnwn.
Tn prcvcnt pnssIb!c damagc tn cquIpmcnt, dIscnnncct any nthcr tc!cphnnc
scrvIcc bcfnrc cnnncctIng ynur cab!c mndcm tn thc samc wIrcs.
Hazardnus c!cctrIca! vn!tagcs can cxIst nn thc tc!cphnnc pnrts nn thc
rcsIdcntIa! gatcway and can bc prcscnt nn any cnnncctcd wIrIng Inc!udIng
Ethcrnct wIrIng, tc!cphnnc wIrIng and cnax cab!c.
Tc!cphnnc wIrIng and cnnncctInns must bc prnpcr!y Insu!atcd tn prcvcnt
c!cctrIca! shnck.
Tc!cphnnc cnnncctInns tn an Insta!!cd hnmc tc!cphnnc wIrIng nctwnrk
must bc dnnc by a qua!IfIcd Insta!!cr. Thc cab!c tc!cphnnc scrvIcc
prnvIdcr may nffcr prnfcssInna! Insta!!atInn and cnnncctInn tn thc hnmc
tc!cphnnc wIrIng nctwnrk. A fcc may bc chargcd fnr thIs scrvIcc.
WIrIng and cnnncctInns must bc prnpcr!y Insu!atcd tn prcvcnt c!cctrIca!
DIscnnncct pnwcr frnm thc rcsIdcntIa! gatcway bcfnrc attcmptIng tn
cnnncct tn any dcvIcc.
2 Iovei off youi IC and olhei nelvoiking device, lhen, unpIug lhen fion lhe
povei souice.
3 Connecl lhe aclive RI coaxiaI calIe fion youi seivice piovidei lo lhe coax
connecloi IaleIed CABLE on lhe lack of lhe iesidenliaI galevay.
Nntc: To connecl a TV, DHCT, sel-lop, oi VCR fion lhe sane calIe conneclion,
you viII need lo inslaII a calIe signaI spIillei (nol incIuded). AIvays check vilh
youi seivice piovidei lefoie using a spIillei as a spIillei nay degiade lhe signaI.
4 Connecl youi IC lo lhe iesidenliaI galevay using eilhei of lhe foIIoving
Ethcrnct CnnncctInn: Locale lhe yeIIov Llheinel calIe, connecl one end of
lhe Llheinel calIe lo lhe Llheinel poil on youi IC, and connecl lhe olhei end
lo lhe yeIIov ETHERNET poil on lhe lack of lhe iesidenliaI galevay.
Nntc: To inslaII noie Llheinel devices lhan poils piovided on lhe iesidenliaI
galevay, use an exleinaI nuIli-poil Llheinel svilch(s).
WIrc!css: Make suie lhal youi viieIess device is poveied up. You viII need
lo associale youi viieIess device vilh lhe viieIess galevay once lhe galevay
is opeialionaI. IoIIov lhe diieclions piovided vilh youi viieIess device foi
associaling vilh a viieIess access poinl.
Moie infoinalion aloul lhe facloiy defauIl configuialion of youi viieIess
galevay can le found Ialei in lhis usei guide in 5#$637/") 83")*)00 .)%%3$70
(on page 38).
!/ #$!%%&! '() *

how 0o | 6onnect Hy Cateway for |nternet and Te|ephone 8erv|ce?

5 Connecl one end of a leIephone junpei calIe (nol incIuded) lo a leIephone oulIel
in youi hone oi lo a leIephone oi fax nachine. Then connecl lhe olhei end of lhe
junpei calIe lo lhe appiopiiale R}-11 TELEPHONE poil on lhe lack of lhe
iesidenliaI galevay. The leIephone poils aie Iighl giay and aie IaleIed 1/2 and 2
oi 1 and 2 depending on lhe iegion of lhe voiId lhe iesidenliaI galevay is used.
Make suie lo connecl youi leIephone seivice lo lhe coiiecl R}-11 poil. Ioi
singIe Iine leIephone seivice, connecl lo poil 1/2 oi 1.
In Noilh Aneiica, iesidenliaI galevays have nuIli-Iine capaliIily on lhe
R}-11 leIephone poil IaleIed 1/2. Line 1 is on pins 3 and 4 of poil 1/2,
and Line 2 is suppoiled on pins 2 and 5. In Luiope, iesidenliaI galevays
suppoil onIy one Iine pei poil. Line 1 is on poil 1 and Iine 2 is on poil 2.
TeIephones lhal iequiie eIecliicaI conneclois olhei lhan R}-11 nay
iequiie an exleinaI adaplei (soId sepaialeIy).
6 Locale lhe AC povei coid piovided vilh youi iesidenliaI galevay. Inseil one
end of lhe povei coid inlo lhe AC connecloi on lhe lack of lhe iesidenliaI
galevay. Then, pIug lhe AC povei coid inlo an AC oulIel lo povei-up lhe
iesidenliaI galevay. The iesidenliaI galevay viII peifoin an aulonalic seaich lo
Iocale and sign on lo lhe lioadland dala nelvoik. This piocess nay lake up lo 2-
5 ninules. The noden viII le ieady foi use vhen lhe POWER, D5, U5 and
ONLINE LLDs on lhe fionl paneI of lhe iesidenliaI galevay slop lIinking and
ienain on conlinuousIy.
7 IIug in and povei on youi IC and olhei hone nelvoik devices. The LINK LLD
on lhe iesidenliaI galevay coiiesponding lo lhe connecled devices shouId le on
oi lIinking.
8 Once lhe iesidenliaI galevay is onIine, nosl Inleinel devices viII have
innediale Inleinel access.
Nntc: If youi IC does nol have Inleinel access, iefei lo !")9/)$%*: ;0<)2
=/)0%3#$0 (on page 94) foi infoinalion on hov lo configuie youi IC foi TCI/II.
Ioi Inleinel devices olhei lhan ICs, iefei lo lhe DHCI oi II Addiess
configuialion seclion of lhe Usei Cuide oi Opeialions ManuaI foi lhose devices.

#$!%%&! '() * !&

how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?
To configuie youi iesidenliaI galevay, you nusl fiisl access lhe WelWizaid
configuialion pages. This seclion piovides delaiIed insliuclions and pioceduies foi
accessing lhe WelWizaid pages and foi configuiing youi iesidenliaI galevay lo
opeiale coiieclIy. This seclion aIso piesenls exanpIes and desciiplions of each
WelWizaid configuialion page. Use lhe WelWizaid pages lo cuslonize youi
iesidenliaI galevay lo youi needs ialhei lhan using lhe defauIl sellings. The
WelWizaid pages in lhis seclion aie oiganized in lhe oidei shovn on lhe 5ctup
Impnrtant: The WelWizaid pages and lhe exanpIes shovn in lhis seclion aie foi
iIIuslialion puiposes onIy. Youi pages nay diffei fion lhe pages shovn in lhis
guide. The pages shovn in lhis guide aIso iepiesenl lhe defauIl vaIues foi lhe
Nntc: If you aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe nelvoik configuialion pioceduies delaiIed in
lhis seclion, conlacl youi seivice piovidei lefoie you allenpl lo change any of lhe
iesidenliaI galevay defauIl sellings.
Logg|ng |n to the Cateway for the F|rst T|me
The defauIl configuialion of lhe galevay uses II addiess 192.168.O.1. If you have
connecled lhe galevay coiieclIy and you have piopeiIy configuied youi conpulei,
use lhe foIIoving sleps lo Iog in lo lhe galevay as an adninislialoi.
1 On youi IC, open lhe vel liovsei lhal you piefei lo use.
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

2 In lhe addiess fieId, enlei lhe foIIoving II addiess: A Slalus DOCSIS
WAN Iogin page siniIai lo lhe foIIoving page opens.

3 On lhe Slalus DOCSIS WAN page, Ieave lhe Usei Nane and Iassvoid fieId
lIank and cIick Lng In. The galevay opens vilh an Adninislialion Managenenl
page in lhe foiefionl. You can use lhe Adninislialion Managenenl page lo
change youi Usei Nane and Iassvoid.
Al lhis poinl you aie Iogged inlo lhe galevay. You can seIecl any of lhe selup
and nanagenenl vel pages. Hovevei, you veie diiecled lo lhe Adninislialion
Managenenl lo seive as a ienindei lo sel up a nev passvoid.
Impnrtant: We highIy ieconnend lhal you sel up a nev passvoid lo safeguaid
againsl lhe possiliIily of Inleinel allacks lhal Iook foi devices opeialing vilh
veII-knovn oi facloiy defauIl usei nanes and/oi passvoids.
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

4 On lhe Adninislialion Managenenl page, cieale a Usei Nane and Iassvoid
and lhen cIick 5avc 5cttIngs. Once you save lhe sellings foi youi Usei Nane and
Iassvoid on lhe Adninislialion Managenenl page, lhe Selup Quick Selup page
Impnrtant: You have lhe oplion lo Ieave lhe passvoid fieId lIank (facloiy
defauIl). Hovevei, if you do nol change youi Usei Nane and Iassvoid, you
viII le diiecled lo lhe Adninislialive Managenenl page each line you access
lhe galevay. This seives as a ienindei lo sel up youi peisonaIized passvoid.
Once you have peisonaIized youi Iassvoid, sulsequenl Iogins viII lake you
diieclIy lo lhe Selup Quick Selup page.
5 Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi
Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
8etup > 0u|ck 8etup
The Selup Quick Selup page is lhe fiisl page lo open aflei you have Iogged on lo
youi galevay. You can use lhe sellings on lhis page lo change youi passvoid and lo
configuie lhe WLAN.
Impnrtant: The sellings on lhis page aie unique lo youi device. If you choose, you
do nol need lo nake any changes lo lhe sellings on lhis page. These defauIl sellings
aie aII lhal you need lo opeiale a secuie viieIess nelvoik.
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

6onf|gur|ng 0u|ck 8ett|ngs
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe nelvoik
sellings foi lhe device. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy
youi changes oi cIick Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Changc Passwnrd Uscr Namc
DispIays lhe usei nane foi lhe opeialoi cuiienlIy Iogged in
Changc Passwnrd tn
AIIovs you lo change youi passvoid
Rc-Entcr Ncw Passwnrd
AIIovs you lo ie-enlei lhe nev passvoid. You nusl enlei lhe sane
passvoid as lhe one enleied in lhe fieId Changc Passwnrd tn
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
WLAN WIrc!css Nctwnrk
AIIovs you lo enalIe oi disalIe lhe viieIess nelvoik. SeIecl lhe
desiied oplion:
WIrc!css Nctwnrk Namc (55ID)
AIIovs you lo enlei a nane foi youi viieIess nelvoik oi lo use lhe
defauIl vaIue. The vaIue you enlei he viII le vievalIe on ICs and
olhei viieIess cIienl devices such as lhe viieIess nelvoik nane.
Nntc: The facloiy defauIl Seivice Sel Idenlifiei (SSID) is noinaIIy
equaI lo lhe Iasl 6 chaiacleis of lhe CM MAC Addiess. The CM MAC
Addiess can le found on lhe ialing IaleI allached lo youi viieIess
WIrc!css 5ccurIty Mndc
AIIovs you lo seIecl a viieIess secuiily node lo heIp piolecl youi
nelvoik. If you seIecl DIsab!c lhen youi viieIess nelvoik is nol
secuie and any viieIess device vilhin iange nay connecl lo il. See
83")*)00 .)4/"3%: (on page 42) foi delaiIed desciiplions of viieIess
secuiily nodes.
Nntc: The facloiy defauIl WiieIess Secuiily Mode is WIA oi
AIIovs you lo seIecl a IeveI of enciyplion lased on lhe viieIess
secuiily node you choose. See 83")*)00 .)4/"3%: (on page 42) foi
delaiIed desciiplions of enciyplion.
Prc-5harcd Kcy
The pie-shaied key foi lhe device. The key can le fion 8 lo 63
chaiacleis. The facloiy defauIl Iie-Shaied Key is equaI lo lhe 9-digil
seiiaI nunlei of youi galevay. The seiiaI nunlei can le found on
lhe ialing IaleI allached lo youi viieIess galevay.
Nntc: Ynur scrvIcc prnvIdcr may prnvIdc ynu wIth a wIrc!css
cnnfIguratInn card that cnntaIns 55ID and wIrc!css sccurIty
cnnfIguratInn InfnrmatInn fnr ynur hnmc nctwnrk that may dIffcr
frnm what Is dcscrIbcd abnvc.

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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

8etup > Lan 8etup
The Selup Lan Selup page aIIovs you lo configuie lhe sellings foi lhe LocaI Aiea
Nelvoik (LAN) in youi hone. These sellings incIude lhe iange of II addiesses lhal
define lhe LAN ilseIf as veII as hov lhe addiesses aie assigned (aulonalicaIIy ly
DHCI oi nanuaIIy) as nev devices aie added lo lhe nelvoik.
Impnrtant: UnIess you aie knovIedgealIe aloul adninisleiing II addiesses, ve
ieconnend lhal you do nol change lhese sellings. If you change lhese vaIues
incoiieclIy, you can Iose Inleinel access.
SeIecl lhe Lan 5ctup lal lo open lhe Selup Lan Selup page.

6onf|gur|ng Your Network 8ett|ngs
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe nelvoik
sellings foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi cIick Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Nctwnrk 5ctup
Gatcway IP
Lnca! IP Addrcss
The lase II addiess of lhe piivale hone LAN. The facloiy defauIl
LAN II Addiess is 192.168.O.1.
5ubnct Mask
The sulnel nask foi youi LAN
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Nctwnrk Addrcss
5crvcr 5cttIngs
DHCP 5crvcr
AIIovs you lo enalIe oi disalIe lhe DHCI seivei in lhe
iesidenliaI galevay. The DHCI seivei is used lo aulonalicaIIy
aIIocale II addiesses lo devices as lhey aie allached lo youi hone
Cnnncctcd DcvIccs 5ummary pagc
CIick Cnnncctcd DcvIccs 5ummary in lhe Lan Selup page. The
Connecled Devices Sunnaiy page opens. This page is a pop-up
vindov lhal dispIays lhe MAC Addiess and II Addiess of lhe
devices lhal aie connecled lo lhe iesidenliaI galevay.

Prc-assIgncd DHCP IP Addrcsscs pagc
CIick Prc-assIgncd DHCP IP Addrcsscs in lhe Lan Selup page.
The Iie-assigned DHCI II Addiesses page opens. This page
aIIovs you lo assign a specific II addiess lo a IC oi olhei device
vhen lhey iequesl an II addiess using DHCI. OnIy addiesses
vilhin lhe iange of lhe galevay's DHCI addiess pooI can le
ieseived vilh lhis fealuie.

The Add 5tatIc IP lullon adds lhe Slalic II addiess lo lhe
Iisl of pie-assigned II addiesses.
The Rcmnvc 5tatIc IP lullon ienoves lhe Slalic II
addiess fion lhe Iisl of pie-assigned II addiesses
5tartIng IP Addrcss
DispIays lhe slailing addiess used ly lhe luiIl-in DHCI seivei lo
disliilule Iiivale LAN II addiesses. ecause lhe device defauIl
II addiess of lhe galevay is, lhe slailing II addiess
nusl le oi giealei, lul snaIIei lhan The
defauIl Slailing II Addiess is
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
MaxImum Numbcr nf DHCP Uscrs
Lnlei lhe naxinun nunlei of useis lo vhich lhe DHCI seivei
can assign II addiesses foi use in lhe LAN. This nunlei cannol
le giealei lhan 254 ninus lhe slailing II addiess desciiled
C!Icnt Lcasc TImc
The CIienl Lease Tine is lhe anounl of line an II addiess is
vaIid. II addiess Ieases aie ieneved aulonalicaIIy ly youi IC
and olhei devices lhal use DHCI lo ollain II addiesses. If a Iease
is aIIoved lo expiie, lhe II addiess viII le ieluined lo lhe pooI of
avaiIalIe II addiesses lhal can le assigned ly lhe DHCI seivei
as nev devices aie added lo youi nelvoik. The defauIl is 6O
ninules vhen lhe galevay is onIine.
LAN 5tatIc DN5 (DnmaIn Namc 5crvcr) 1-3
DNS is used ly a IC oi olhei cIienl devices lo discovei lhe pulIic
II addiess associaled vilh a URL oi lhe nane-lased addiess of a
velsile. You can nanuaIIy specify vhich DNS seiveis aie lo le
used ly devices in youi nelvoik ly enleied lhe II addiesses of
lhose seiveis in lhese fieIds. Olheivise, lhe galevay viII foivaid
lhe DNCS seivei infoinalion fion youi seivice piovidei
aulonalicaIIy. The defauIl is lo Ieave lhese fieIds lIank.
TImc 5cttIngs TImc Znnc
SeIecl lhe line zone foi youi Iocalion. If youi Iocalion foIIovs
dayIighl saving line, seIecl AutnmatIca!!y adjust c!nck fnr
day!Ight savIng tImc.

8etup > 00N8
Dynanic Donain Nane Seivice (DDNS) piovides lhe iesidenliaI galevay (lhal nay
have a changing II addiess) vilh a hosl nane oi URL iesoIvalIe ly nelvoik
appIicalions lhiough slandaid DNS queiies. DDNS is usefuI vhen you aie hosling
youi ovn velsile, ITI seivei, oi olhei seivei lehind lhe device. efoie using lhis
fealuie, you need lo sign up foi DDNS seivice.
SeIecl lhe DDN5 lal lo open lhe Selup DDNS page.
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how 0o | 6onf|gure Hy 0068|8 Res|dent|a| Cateway?

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
DIsab!Ing DDN5 (Iacloiy DefauIl Sellings)
To disalIe DDNS, seIecl DIsab!cd fion lhe diop-dovn Iisl and cIick 5avc

Enab!Ing DDN5
Nntc: In oidei lo use lhe DDNS fealuie, you nusl fiisl sel up an accounl and
eslalIish a URL vilh vvv.DynDNS.oig. The DDNS fealuie viII nol voik
vilhoul a vaIid accounl.
To sel up a DDNS accounl, open youi liovsei and enlei vvv.DynDNS.oig
in lhe addiess lai. IoIIov lhe insliuclions on lhe velsile lo sel up an accounl.
To enalIe DDNS, foIIov lhese sleps.
1 On lhe DDNS page, seIecl www.DynDN5.nrg as youi DDNS seivei.

2 Configuie lhe foIIoving fieIds:
Usei Nane
Hosl Nane
3 CIick 5avc 5cttIngs. The device viII nov advise lhe DDNS seivice of youi
cuiienl WAN (Inleinel) II addiess vhenevei lhis addiess changes.
Impnrtant: The Slalus aiea of lhe vindov viII dispIay lhe slalus of lhe
DDNS seivice conneclion.

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6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs
This seclion desciiles lhe oplions avaiIalIe fion lhe WiieIess pages lhal you can use
lo configuie lhe paianeleis of lhe WAI lo neel youi specific iequiienenls and
w|re|ess > as|c 8ett|ngs
Selling up youi iesidenliaI galevay foi viieIess connunicalion piovides you vilh
lhe fieedon lo connecl lo lhe Inleinel fion any Iocalion vilhin iange of lhe WAI
vilhoul having lo use viied conneclions. SeIecl lhe BasIc 5cttIngs lal lo open lhe
WiieIess asic Sellings page.
The WiieIess asic Sellings page aIIovs you lo choose youi viieIess nelvoik node
and olhei lasic fealuies.
WiieIess Nelvoik: LnalIe oi DisalIe
WiieIess Configuialion: ManuaI oi Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup (WIS)
Nelvoik Mode
Radio and
ChanneI Widlh
Slandaid ChanneI
WiieIess Nelvoik Nane (SSID)
w|-F| Protected 8etup (wP8}
When you seIecl Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup (WIS) as youi viieIess configuialion, nany
sellings viII le pie-configuied. WIS aIIovs sinpIified selup lhal aIIovs you lo
easiIy allach nev WIA-enalIed devices lo youi nelvoik.
Impnrtant: When using WIS node, WLI is nol suppoiled. If you nusl use WLI
enciyplion, WIS nusl le disalIed ly selling lhe WiieIess Configuialion lo Manua!.
Nntc: WIS is lhe defauIl selling.
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6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

w|re|ess 6onf|gurat|on w|-F| Protected 8etup Examp|e

w|re|ess 6onf|gurat|on w|-F| Protected 8etup Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe lasic
sellings foi Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi
seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
BasIc 5cttIngs Enab!c oi DIsab!c lhe viieIess nelvoik
WI-FI Prntcctcd 5ctup CnnfIguratInn
The Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup fealuie aulonalicaIIy configuies an
enciyplion-secuied, viieIess nelvoik. To use Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup, you
nusl have al Ieasl one olhei device lhal suppoils Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup
in youi nelvoik. Aflei you have configuied youi Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup
devices, you can nanuaIIy configuie olhei devices.
WP5 Push Buttnn 5ctup (OptInn 1)
Iiess lhe Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup lullon on lhe asic WiieIess Sellings
page oi lhe lullon on lhe lack paneI of lhe galevay lo iegislei a viieIess
cIienl vilh lhe galevay. Iiess lhe Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup soflvaie lullon
on lhe cIienl side al lhe sane line as lhe Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup lullon is
pushed on lhe galevay. The conneclion viII le aulonalicaIIy sel up.
#$ #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
WP5 5ctup UsIng Ynur WI-FI Adaptcr PIN (OptInn 2)
This is lhe nosl secuie oplion lo iegislei a viieIess cIienl vilh lhe
galevay. You need lhe Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup IIN nunlei, vhich is
found in lhe cIienl Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup uliIily. Aflei enleiing lhe cIienl's
Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup IIN nunlei, you can lhen connecl lo lhe galevay.
WP5 5ctup UsIng thc Gatcway PIN (OptInn 3)
Nole lhe galevay's Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup IIN nunlei lhal is dispIayed
on lhe Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup page. CIick lhe Regislei lullon in Oplion 3,
lhen using any Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup cIienl uliIily oi Miciosofl Visla,
enlei lhe galevay's Wi-Ii Iiolecled Selup IIN nunlei inlo lhe cIienl
device lo conpIele iegislialion.
w|re|ess 6onf|gurat|on Hanua| Page Examp|e

w|re|ess as|c 8ett|ngs Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo nanuaIIy configuie
lhe lasic sellings foi viieIess connunicalion foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you
nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs
lo canceI.
#$!%%&! '() * #%

6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
BasIc 5cttIngs WIrc!css Nctwnrk
Enab!c oi DIsab!c lhe viieIess nelvoik
WIrc!css CnnfIguratInn
The defauIl is WP5. See 83>!3 '"#%)4%)2 .)%/? @8'.A (on page 38) foi noie
infoinalion aloul using WIS.
SeIecl Manua! lo nanuaIIy sel up youi nelvoik using lhis oplion.
Nctwnrk Mndc
Choose one of lhese oplions foi lhe nelvoik node:
G nn!y, B/G MIxcd, B/G/N MIxcd (facloiy defauIl)
Impnrtant: When TKII aulhenlicalion onIy is seIecled, /C/N Mixed nelvoik
node is nol avaiIalIe.
RadIn Band
SeIecl Enab!cd 2.4GHz (facloiy defauIl) oi Enab!cd 5GHz
Nntc: The 5CHz iadio land nay nol le suppoiled on sone nodeIs.
Channc! WIdth
Choose 5tandard - 20 MHz Channc! oi WIdc 40 MHz Channc!
5tandard Channc!
SeIecl one of lhe channeIs fion lhe diop-dovn Iisl lo coiiespond vilh youi
nelvoik sellings. AII devices in youi viieIess nelvoik nusl lioadcasl on lhe
sane channeI in oidei lo connunicale. You can seIecl Autn (facloiy defauIl) foi
aulonalic channeI seIeclion.
#! #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
WIrc!css Nctwnrk Namc (55ID)
The SSID is lhe nane of youi viieIess nelvoik. The SSID is used ly viieIess
lechnoIogy lo idenlify youi nelvoik fion olhei viieIess nelvoiks in lhe aiea.
The SSID can le up lo 32 chaiacleis Iong. The facloiy defauIl SSID is lypicaIIy
lhe Iasl 6 chaiacleis of lhe CM MAC addiess found on lhe ialing IaleI Iocaled
on lhe lollon of youi galevay.
This SSID is a unique idenlily and does nol need lo le changed unIess you
choose lo do so. Youi seivice piovidei nay piovide you vilh viieIess selup
infoinalion lhal nay caII foi a diffeienl SSID.
DispIays lhe asic Seivice Sel Idenlifiei (SSID) of youi viieIess nelvoik. The
SSID is lypicaIIy lhe MAC Addiess of lhe viieIess access poinl.
Nntc: This nay nol le lhe sane MAC Addiess as lhe CM MAC Addiess used
lo deleinine lhe facloiy defauIl SSID.
Brnadcast 55ID
When lhis lox is checked (facloiy defauIl), lhe galevay liansnils oi adveilises
ils piesence lo olhei viieIess devices. CIienl devices can aulonalicaIIy delecl
lhe access poinl vhen lhis leacon is enalIed.
Uncheck lhis lox if you vanl lo hide youi nelvoik fion viieIess cIienls. If you
hide youi nelvoik, you viII need lo configuie each of youi viieIess cIienl
devices nanuaIIy.
Impnrtant: The Enab!c check lox is nol cuiienlIy in use and does nol inpacl
opeialion of lhe galevay.

w|re|ess > w|re|ess 8ecur|ty
SeIecling a viieIess secuiily node heIps piolecl youi nelvoik. If you seIecl DIsab!c,
lhen youi viieIess nelvoik is nol secuie and any viieIess device vilhin iange nay
connecl lo il.
To keep inliudeis oul of youi viieIess nelvoik, use lhe WiieIess Secuiily page lo
configuie youi secuiily paianeleis incIuding lhe secuiily node (lhe IeveI of
enciyplion), enciyplion keys, and olhei secuiily sellings.
SeIecl lhe WIrc!css 5ccurIty lal lo open lhe WiieIess Secuiily page. The foIIoving
lalIe shovs exanpIes of lhe WiieIess Secuiily page vilh vaiious viieIess secuiily
nodes seIecled.
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6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

w|re|ess 8ecur|ty Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe viieIess
secuiily foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
WIrc!css 5ccurIty Mndc
Choose one of lhese oplions foi lhe secuiily node:
Wiied LquivaIenl Iiivacy (WLI) secuiily node is defined in lhe oiiginaI ILLL 8O2.11 slandaid.
This node is no Iongei ieconnended lecause of ils veak secuiily pioleclion. Useis aie uiged lo
nigiale lo eilhei WIA-IeisonaI oi WIA2-IeisonaI.
Nntc: WIS node does nol suppoil WLI on lhis device.

FIc!d DcscrIptInns
EncryptInn. SeIecl a IeveI of WLI enciyplion, 4O / 64 lils (1O hex digils) oi 1O4 / 128 lils (26
hex digils).
WIrc!css Passphrasc. To conpIele youi viieIess secuiily selup, you shouId choose a viieIess
passphiase lhal is easy foi you lo ienenlei and haid foi anyone eIse lo guess. The fiisl line
you connecl a nev viieIess device lo lhis nelvoik you nay need lo enlei lhis passphiase inlo
lhe appiopiiale selup seclion in lhe connecled device. To inpiove youi nelvoik secuiily, do
nol give oul lhis passphiase lo unaulhoiized uses. IIease enlei a phiase of Ielleis and/oi
nunleis fion 4 lo 24 digils Iong. Then, cIick Gcncratc lo cieale lhe Iassphiase.
Kcy 1-4. If you vanl lo nanuaIIy enlei WLI keys, lhen conpIele lhe fieIds piovided. Lach
WLI key can consisl of lhe Ielleis A lhiough I and lhe nunleis O lhiough 9. Il shouId le 1O
chaiacleis in Ienglh foi 4O/64-lil enciyplion oi 26 chaiacleis in Ienglh foi 1O4/128-lil
TX Kcy. Choose a Tiansnil (TX) Key fion 1 lo 4. The TX key is lhe key lhal viII le used lo
enciypl youi dala. AIlhough foui keys can le ciealed, onIy one key is used foi enciypling
dala. SeIecl one of lhe foui keys foi WLI enciyplion. Use lhe seIecled TX key lo sel up youi
viieIess cIienls.
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6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
5ccurIty fnr Pcrsnna! Nctwnrks WPA nr WPA2 Pcrsnna! Mndcs
Wi-Ii Iiolecled Access (WIA) is a noie secuie viieIess lechnoIogy lhan WLI. WIA can le used
foi lolh Lnleipiise (coipoiale appIicalions) and IeisonaI (hone nelvoik) viieIess nelvoiks. We
sliongIy ieconnend lhal you seIecl eilhei WIA-IeisonaI oi WIA2-IeisonaI as lhe secuiily node
foi youi hone nelvoik, depending on vhich node is suppoiled ly lhe viieIess adaplei in youi
IC oi viieIess cIienls.
WIA-IeisonaI (aka WIA-ISK oi WIA-Iie-Shaied Key), piovides a noie secuie viieIess
nelvoik lhal WLI. WIA-IeisonaI inlioduces TKII usei aulhenlicalion and sliongei enciyplion
keys lhan WLI.
WIA2-IeisonaI (aka WIA2-ISK oi WIA2-Iie-Shaied Key) piovides lhe nosl secuie slandaids-
lased viieIess nelvoiking. WIA2-IeisonaI incoipoiales ALS (Advanced Lnciyplion Slandaid)
foi dala liansnission.
Nntc: Nol aII viieIess adapleis suppoil WIA2. WIA is suppoiled acioss a videi iange of
devices. Whether you use WPA or WPA2, make sure to use a strong passphrase. A strong
passphiase is a sliing of iandon chaiacleis al Ieasl 21 chaiacleis in Ienglh.
SeIecl fion one of lhe foIIoving lhiee WIA oi WIA2 IeisonaI nodes:
WPA nr WPA2-Pcrsnna!

FIc!d DcscrIptInns
EncryptInn. The defauIl is TKII+ALS.
Prc-5harcd Kcy. Lnlei a key of 8 lo 63 chaiacleis.
Kcy Rcncwa!. Lnlei a Key RenevaI peiiod, vhich insliucls lhe device hov oflen il shouId
change enciyplion keys. The defauIl is 3600 seconds.
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5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
5ccurIty fnr EntcrprIsc Nctwnrks - WPA-EntcrprIsc Mndcs
This oplion fealuies WIA used in cooidinalion vilh a RADIUS seivei foi cIienl aulhenlicalion.
(This shouId onIy le used vhen a RADIUS seivei is connecled lo lhe device.)
SeIecl fion one of lhe foIIoving lhiee WIA oi WIA2 Lnleipiise nodes:
WPA nr WPA2-EntcrprIsc

FIc!d DcscrIptInns
EncryptInn. The defauIl is TKII+ALS.
RADIU5 5crvcr. Lnlei lhe RADIUS seivei's II addiess.
RADIU5 Pnrt. Lnlei lhe poil nunlei used ly lhe RADIUS seivei. The defauIl is 1812.
5harcd Kcy. Lnlei lhe key used ly lhe device and RADIUS seivei.
Kcy Rcncwa!. Lnlei a Key RenevaI peiiod, vhich insliucls lhe device hov oflen il shouId
change enciyplion keys. The defauIl is 3600 seconds.

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w|re|ess > HA6 F||ter
The MAC IiIlei fealuie is used lo eilhei aIIov oi lIock access lo youi viieIess LAN
lased on lhe MAC Addiess of lhe viieIess cIienl devices. The MAC IiIlei fealuie,
aIso knovn as an access Iisl, can le used lo heIp piolecl youi viieIess nelvoik fion
access ly unaulhoiized useis.
SeIecl lhe MAC FI!tcr lal lo open lhe WiieIess MAC IiIlei page.

w|re|ess HA6 F||ter Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe MAC
addiess fiIleiing foi lhe viieIess nelvoik foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you
nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs
lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
MAC FI!tcr AIIovs you lo Enab!c oi DIsab!c MAC IiIleiing foi lhe iesidenliaI
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5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Acccss RcstrIctInn
AIIovs you lo peinil oi lIock conpuleis fion accessing lhe viieIess
nelvoik. The choice lhal you nake heie affecls lhe addiesses Iisled on
lhis page. Choose one of lhe foIIoving oplions:
Iock conpuleis Iisled leIov fion accessing lhe viieIess nelvoik.
SeIecl lhis oplion lo deny Inleinel access lo lhe MAC addiesses of
lhe devices you Iisl in lhe lalIe. AII olhei MAC addiesses viII le
aIIoved Inleinel access.
Ieinil conpuleis Iisled leIov access lo lhe viieIess nelvoik.
SeIecl lhis oplion lo aIIov Inleinel access onIy lo lhe MAC
addiesses of lhe devices you Iisl in lhe lalIe. Any MAC addiesses
nol Iisled in lhe lalIe viII le denied Inleinel access
MAC Addrcss
FI!tcr LIst
MAC Addrcss FI!tcr LIst
The MAC Addiess IiIlei Lisl dispIays useis vhose viieIess access you
vanl lo conlioI. CIick WIrc!css C!Icnt LIst lo dispIay a Iisl of nelvoik
useis ly MAC addiess. Iion lhe To Soil ly diop-dovn nenu, you can
soil lhe lalIe ly II Addiess, MAC Addiess, Slalus, Inleiface, oi CIienl
Nane. To viev lhe nosl up-lo-dale infoinalion, cIick lhe Refiesh

w|re|ess > Advanced 8ett|ngs
Youi advanced viieIess sellings add anolhei Iayei of secuiily lo lhe viieIess
nelvoik foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. This page is used lo sel up lhe advanced
viieIess funclions. OnIy an expeil adninislialoi shouId adjusl lhese sellings.
Incoiiecl sellings can ieduce viieIess peifoinance.
SeIecl lhe Advanccd 5cttIngs lal lo open lhe WiieIess Advanced Sellings page.
Use lhis page lo configuie lhe foIIoving oplions:
N Tiansnission Rale
CTS Iioleclion Mode
eacon InleivaI
DTM InleivaI
Iiagnenlalion ThieshoId
RTS ThieshoId

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w|re|ess Advanced 8ett|ngs Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe
advanced viieIess sellings foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi
seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
#$!%%&! '() * #&

6onf|gure w|re|ess 8ett|ngs

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
N TransmIssInn Ratc
The iale of dala liansnission shouId le sel depending on lhe speed of youi
WiieIess-N nelvoiking. SeIecl fion a iange of liansnission speeds, oi seIecl Autn
lo have lhe device aulonalicaIIy use lhe faslesl possilIe dala iale and enalIe lhe
Aulo-IaIIlack fealuie. Aulo-IaIIlack negoliales lhe lesl possilIe conneclion speed
lelveen lhe device and a viieIess cIienl. The facloiy defauIl selling is Autn.
Choose one of lhe foIIoving oplions foi liansnission iale:
Aulo (facloiy defauIl)
Use Legacy Rale
O: 6.5 oi 13.5 Mlps
1: 13 oi 27 Mlps
2: 19.5 oi 4O.5 Mlps
3: 26 oi 54 Mlps
4: 39 oi 81 Mlps
5: 52 oi 1O8 Mlps
6: 58.5 oi 121.5 Mlps
7: 65 oi 135 Mlps
8: 13 oi 27 Mlps
9: 26 oi 54 Mlps
1O: 39 oi 81 Mlps
11: 52 oi 1O8 Mlps
12: 78 oi 162 Mlps
13: 1O4 oi 216 Mlps
14:117 oi 243 Mlps
15: 13O oi 27O Mlps
CT5 PrntcctInn Mndc
CTS (CIeai-To-Send) Iioleclion Mode loosls lhe device's aliIily lo calch aII viieIess
liansnissions, lul can seveieIy deciease peifoinance. SeIecl Autn lo use lhis
fealuie vhen needed, vhen lhe WiieIess-N/C pioducls aie nol alIe lo liansnil lo
lhe device in an enviionnenl vilh heavy 8O2.11l liaffic. SeIecl DIsab!c lo
peinanenlIy disalIe lhis fealuie.
Bcacnn Intcrva!
The eacon InleivaI vaIue indicales lhe fiequency inleivaI of lhe leacon. A leacon
is a packel lioadcasl ly lhe device lo synchionize lhe viieIess nelvoik.
(DefauIl: 1OO nsec, Range: 2O-1OOO)
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5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
DTIM Intcrva!
The DeIiveiy Tiaffic Indicalion Message (DTIM) indicales lhe inleivaI lelveen
ioadcasls/MuIlicasl liansnissions. DTIM fieId is a counldovn fieId infoining
cIienls of lhe nexl vindov foi Iislening lo lioadcasl and nuIlicasl nessages. When
lhe device has luffeied lioadcasl oi nuIlicasl nessages foi associaled cIienls, il
sends lhe nexl DTIM vilh a DTIM InleivaI vaIue. Ils cIienls heai lhe leacons and
avaken lo ieceive lhe lioadcasl and nuIlicasl nessages.
(DefauIl: 1, Range: 1-255)
FragmcntatInn Thrcshn!d
The fiagnenlalion lhieshoId vaIue specifies lhe naxinun size foi a packel lefoie
dala is fiagnenled inlo nuIlipIe packels. If you expeiience a high packel eiioi iale,
you nay sIighlIy inciease lhe Iiagnenlalion ThieshoId. Selling lhe Iiagnenlalion
ThieshoId loo Iov nay iesuIl in pooi nelvoik peifoinance. OnIy ninoi ieduclion
of lhe defauIl vaIue is ieconnended. In nosl cases, il shouId ienain al ils defauIl
vaIue of 2346.
RT5 Thrcshn!d
The RTS ThieshoId deleinines al vhal packel size leyond vhich lhe ieady lo
send/cIeai lo send (RTS/CTS) nechanisn is invoked. ShouId you encounlei
inconsislenl dala fIov, onIy ninoi ieduclion of lhe defauIl vaIue, 2346, is
ieconnended. If a nelvoik packel is snaIIei lhan lhe piesel RTS ThieshoId size,
lhe RTS/CTS nechanisn viII nol le enalIed. The device sends Requesl lo Send
(RTS) fianes lo a pailicuIai ieceiving slalion and negoliales lhe sending of a dala
fiane. Aflei ieceiving an RTS, lhe viieIess slalion iesponds vilh a CIeai lo Send
(CTS) fiane lo acknovIedge lhe iighl lo legin liansnission. The RTS ThieshoId
vaIue shouId ienain al ils defauIl vaIue of 2347.

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w|re|ess > w08 8ett|ngs
The WiieIess Disliilulion Syslen (WDS) Sellings page aIIovs you lo expand lhe
coveiage of youi viieIess nelvoik ly depIoying signaI iepealeis. Make suie lhe
channeI sellings aie lhe sane foi aII WDS enalIed devices.
SeIecl lhe WD5 5cttIngs lal lo open lhe WiieIess WDS Sellings page. Use lhis page
lo configuie lhe WDS sellings.

w|re|ess w08 8ett|ngs Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe viieIess
disliilulion syslen sellings foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi
seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
WD5 WD5 MAC Addrcss
DispIays lhe WDS MAC Addiess (oi SSID) of youi galevay access poinl
A!!nw WIrc!css 5Igna! Tn Bc Rcpcatcd by a Rcpcatcr
Check lhis lox lo aIIov a viieIess cIienl lo connecl lo a iepealei and ioule
liaffic lelveen lhe viieIess cIienl and a iepealei. A naxinun of 3
iepealeis aie aIIoved.
Rcmntc Acccss PnInt's MAC Addrcss (MAC 1 thrnugh 3)
Use lhe lhiee fieIds (MAC 1, 2, and 3) lo enlei lhe MAC addiess of lhe

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w|re|ess > 0o8
QuaIily of Seivice (QoS) ensuies lellei seivice lo high-piioiily lypes of nelvoik
liaffic, vhich nay invoIve denanding, ieaI-line appIicalions, such as video
confeiencing. QoS sellings aIIov you lo specify piioiilies foi diffeienl lypes of
liaffic. Lovei piioiily liaffic viII le sIoved dovn lo aIIov giealei lhioughpul oi
Iess deIay foi high piioiily liaffic. SeIecl lhe Qn5 lal lo open lhe WiieIess QoS page.

w|re|ess 0o8 Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie each QoS
selling. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi
Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Qua!Ity nf 5crvIcc

WMM 5uppnrt
If WMM (Wi-Ii MuIlinedia) is suppoiled ly youi viieIess
cIienls, enalIing lhis fealuie neans lhal voice and nuIlinedia
liaffic viII le given highei piioiily lhan olhei liaffic. SeIecl
lhe desiied oplion:
Enab!c (facloiy defauIl)
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5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
AIIovs you lo enalIe oi disalIe NO ACK. This fealuie is
ieconnended foi dala seivices vheie liansnission is
inpoilanl and packel Ioss is loIeialIe lo a ceilain degiee. If
you seIecl DIsab!c, an acknovIedge packel is ieluined foi
eveiy packel ieceived. This piovides a noie ieIialIe
liansnission, lul il incieases liaffic Ioad, vhich decieases
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion:
DIsab!c (facloiy defauIl)

,# #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

6onf|gure 8ecur|ty
8ecur|ty > F|rewa||
Advanced fiievaII lechnoIogy deleis hackeis and piolecls lhe hone nelvoik fion
unaulhoiized access. Use lhis page lo configuie a fiievaII lhal can fiIlei oul vaiious
types of unwanted traffic on the gateways local network.
SeIecl lhe FIrcwa!! lal lo open lhe Secuiily IiievaII page.

Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe fiievaII
foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo
appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
FIrcwa!! 5PI FIrcwa!! PrntcctInn
SII IiievaII Iioleclion lIocks DeniaI of Seivice (DoS) allacks. A DoS allack does nol
allenpl lo sleaI dala oi danage youi conpuleis, lul il oveiIoads youi Inleinel
conneclion so you cannol use il.
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion:
Enab!c (facloiy defauIl)
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6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
FI!tcrs FI!tcr Prnxy
LnalIes/disalIes fiIlei pioxy. If IocaI useis have access lo WAN pioxy seiveis, lhey
nay le alIe lo ciicunvenl lhe conlenl fiIleis and access Inleinel siles lIocked ly
lhe device. If you seIecl lhe IiIlei Iioxy fealuie, il viII lIock access lo any WAN
pioxy seiveis.
B!nck Pnp-Up WIndnws
LnalIes/disalIes popup vindovs. Sone connonIy used appIicalions enpIoy
popup vindovs as pail of lhe appIicalion. If you disalIe popup vindovs, il nay
inleifeie vilh sone of lhese appIicalions.
B!nck Wcb Pagc CnnkIcs
LnalIes/disalIes cookie lIocking. This fealuie fiIleis lhe unsoIiciled deIiveiy of
cookies lo devices fion lhe Inleinel lo devices in youi piivale IocaI nelvoik.
Cookies aie conpulei fiIes lhal conlain peisonaI infoinalion oi vel suifing
lehavioi dala.
B!nck Java and ActIvcX 5crIpts
LnalIes/disalIes java appIels and AcliveX sciipls. This fealuie heIps lo piolecl lhe
devices in youi piivale nelvoik fion iiiilaling oi naIicious }ava appIels lhal aie
senl, unsoIiciled, lo devices in youi piivale nelvoik fion lhe Inleinel. These
appIels iun aulonalicaIIy vhen lhey aie ieceived ly a IC.
}ava is a piogianning Ianguage foi velsiles. If you seIecl lhe IiIlei }ava AppIels
fealuie, you nay nol have access lo Inleinel siles ciealed using lhis piogianning
This fealuie aIso heIps lo piolecl lhe devices in youi piivale nelvoik fion iiiilaling
oi naIicious AcliveX conlioIs lhal aie senl, unsoIiciled, lo devices in youi piivale
nelvoik fion lhe Inleinel. These AcliveX conlioIs iun aulonalicaIIy vhen lhey aie
ieceived ly a IC.
B!nck fragmcntcd IP packcts
LnalIes/disalIes fiIleiing of fiagnenled II packels. This fealuie heIps piolecl youi
piivale IocaI nelvoik fion Inleinel lased deniaI of seivice allacks.
B!nck Pnrt 5can DctcctInn
LnalIes/disalIes lhe galevay fion iesponding lo Inleinel lased poil scans. This
fealuie is designed lo piolecl youi piivale IocaI nelvoik fion Inleinel lased
hackeis vho allenpl lo gain unsoIiciled access youi nelvoik ly delecling open II
poils on youi galevay.
B!nck IP F!nnd DctcctInn (checked facloiy defauIl)
Iocks naIicious devices lhal aie allenpling lo fIood devices oi nelvoiks vilh
illegal broadcast packets. Also referred to as broadcast storm.
B!nck WAN
B!nck Annnymnus Intcrnct Rcqucsts (checked facloiy defauIl)
LnalIe lhis fealuie lo keep youi nelvoik fion leing "pinged" oi delecled ly olhei
Inleinel useis. The Iock Anonynous Inleinel Requesls fealuie aIso hides youi
nelvoik poils. olh nake il noie difficuIl foi oulside useis lo enlei youi nelvoik.

,- #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

8ecur|ty > VPN Passthrough
Use lhis page lo configuie ViiluaI Iiivale Nelvoik (VIN) suppoil. LnalIing lhe
sellings on lhis page aIIovs VIN lunneIs using IIsec oi IITI piolocoIs lo pass
lhiough lhe galevay's fiievaII. SeIecl lhe VPN Passthrnugh lal lo open lhe Secuiily
VIN Iasslhiough page.

Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe VIN
passlhiough foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
IP5cc Passthrnugh
LnalIes/disalIes Inleinel IiolocoI Secuiily (IIsec). IIsec is a suile of
piolocoIs used lo inpIenenl secuie exchange of packels al lhe II Iayei. If
you enalIe IISec Iasslhiough, appIicalions lhal use IIsec (II Secuiily) can
pass lhiough lhe fiievaII. To disalIe IISec Iasslhiough seIecl DIsab!c.
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion:
Enab!c (facloiy defauIl)
PPTP Passthrnugh
LnalIes/disalIes Ioinl-lo-Ioinl TunneIing IiolocoI (IITI). IITI aIIovs lhe
Ioinl-lo-Ioinl IiolocoI (III) lo le lunneIed lhiough an II nelvoik. If you
enalIe IITI passlhiough, appIicalions lhal use Ioinl lo Ioinl TunneIing
IiolocoI (IITI) can pass lhiough lhe fiievaII To disalIe IITI Iasslhiough
seIecl DIsab!c.
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion:
Enab!c (facloiy defauIl)

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6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

8ecur|ty > VPN
A ViiluaI Iiivale Nelvoik (VIN) is a conneclion lelveen lvo endpoinls in diffeienl
nelvoiks lhal aIIovs piivale dala lo le senl secuieIy ovei pulIic nelvoiks oi olhei
piivale nelvoiks. This is acconpIished ly ciealing a "VIN lunneI." A VIN lunneI
connecls lhe lvo ICs oi nelvoiks and aIIovs dala lo le liansnilled ovei lhe
Inleinel as if il veie on a piivale nelvoik. The VIN lunneI uses IIsec lo enciypl lhe
dala senl lelveen lhe lvo endpoinls and encapsuIale lhe dala vilhin a noinaI
Llheinel/II fiane aIIoving lhe dala lo pass lelveen nelvoiks secuieIy and
A VIN piovides a cosl-effeclive and noie secuie aIleinalive lo using a piivale,
dedicaled, Ieased Iine foi a piivale nelvoik. Using indusliy slandaid enciyplion and
aulhenlicalion lechniques, an IIsec VIN cieales a secuie conneclion lhal opeiales as
if you veie diieclIy connecled lo youi IocaI piivale nelvoik.
Ioi exanpIe, a VIN aIIovs useis lo sil al hone and connecl lo his/hei enpIoyei's
coipoiale nelvoik and ieceive an II addiess in lheii piivale nelvoik jusl as lhough
lhey veie silling in lheii office connecled lo lheii coipoiale LAN.
SeIecl lhe VPN lal lo open lhe Secuiily VIN page.
Use lhis page lo configuie lhe VIN foi youi iesidenliaI galevay.

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6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

8ecur|ty VPN Tunne| Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe VIN
lunneI foi youi galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo
appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
VPN Tunnc! 5c!cct Tunnc! Entry
AIIovs you lo dispIay a Iisl of ciealed VIN lunneIs
Crcatc Buttnn
CIick lhis lullon lo cieale a nev lunneI enliy
Dc!ctc Buttnn
CIick lhis lullon lo deIele aII sellings foi lhe seIecled lunneI
5ummary Buttnn
CIick lhis lullon lo dispIay lhe sellings and slalus of aII enalIed lunneIs
IP5cc VPN Tunnc!
AIIovs you lo enalIe oi disalIe Inleinel Secuiily IiolocoI foi lhe VIN lunneI
Tunnc! Namc
Lnlei lhe nane foi lhis lunneI
Lnca! 5ccurc
SeIecl lhe IocaI LAN usei(s) lhal can use lhis VIN lunneI. This nay le a singIe II
addiess oi sul-nelvoik. Nole lhal lhe LocaI Secuie Cioup nusl nalch lhe ienole
galevay's Renole Secuie Cioup.
Lnlei lhe II addiess of lhe IocaI nelvoik
If lhe Sulnel oplion is seIecled, enlei lhe nask lo deleinine lhe II addiess on lhe
IocaI nelvoik
SeIecl lhe ienole LAN usei(s) lehind lhe ienole galevay vho can use lhis VIN
lunneI. This nay le a singIe II addiess, a sul-nelvoik, oi any addiesses. If "Any"
is sel, lhe Calevay acls as iespondei and accepls iequesls fion any ienole usei.
Nole lhal lhe Renole Secuie Cioup nusl nalch lhe ienole galevay's LocaI Secuie
Lnlei lhe II addiess of lhe ienole nelvoik
If lhe Sulnel oplion is seIecled, enlei lhe nask lo deleinine lhe II addiesses on
lhe ienole nelvoik
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6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion, IP Addr., Any, oi FQDN. If lhe ienole galevay has a
dynanic II addiess, seIecl Any oi FQDN. If Any is seIecled, lhen lhe Calevay viII
accepl iequesls fion any II addiess.
If FQDN is seIecled, enlei lhe donain nane of lhe ienole galevay, so lhe
Calevay can Iocale a cuiienl II addiess using DDNS
The II addiess in lhis fieId nusl nalch lhe pulIic (WAN oi Inleinel) II addiess of
lhe ienole galevay al lhe olhei end of lhis lunneI
Kcy Exchangc Mcthnd
The galevay suppoils lolh aulonalic and nanuaI key nanagenenl. When
aulonalic key nanagenenl is seIecled, Inleinel Key Lxchange (IKL) piolocoIs aie
used lo negoliale key naleiiaI foi Secuiily Associalion (SA). If nanuaI key
nanagenenl is seIecled, no key negolialion is needed. asicaIIy, nanuaI key
nanagenenl is used in snaII slalic enviionnenls oi foi lioulIeshooling puiposes.
Nole lhal lolh sides nusl use lhe sane key nanagenenl nelhod.
-$ #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
SeIecl one of lhe foIIoving oplions foi lhe key exchange nelhod:
Autn (IKE)
EncryptInn: The Lnciyplion nelhod deleinines lhe Ienglh of lhe key used
lo enciypl/deciypl LSI packels. Nolice lhal lolh sides nusl use lhe sane
AuthcntIcatInn: The Aulhenlicalion nelhod aulhenlicales lhe
LncapsuIaling Secuiily IayIoad (LSI) packels. SeIecl MD5 oi 5HA. Nolice
lhal lolh sides (VIN endpoinls) nusl use lhe sane nelhod.
MD5: A one-vay hashing aIgoiilhn lhal pioduces a 128-lil digesl
SHA: A one-vay hashing aIgoiilhn lhal pioduces a 16O-lil digesl
Pcrfcct Fnrward 5ccrccy (PF5): If IIS is enalIed, IKL Ihase 2 negolialion
viII geneiale nev key naleiiaI foi II liaffic enciyplion and aulhenlicalion.
Nole lhal lolh sides nusl have IIS enalIed.
Prc-5harcd Kcy: IKL uses lhe Iie-Shaied Key lo aulhenlicale lhe ienole
IKL peei. olh chaiaclei and hexadecinaI vaIues aie acceplalIe in lhis
fieId, e.g., "My_123" oi "Ox4d795f4O313233". Nole lhal lolh sides nusl use
lhe sane Iie-Shaied Key.
Kcy LIfctImc: This fieId specifies lhe Iifeline of lhe IKL geneialed key. If
lhe line expiies, a nev key viII le ienegolialed aulonalicaIIy. The Key
Lifeline nay iange fion 3OO lo 1OO,OOO,OOO seconds. The defauIl Iifeline is
3600 seconds.
EncryptInn: The Lnciyplion nelhod deleinines lhe Ienglh of lhe key used
lo enciypl/deciypl LSI packels. Nolice lhal lolh sides nusl use lhe sane
EncryptInn Kcy: This fieId specifies a key used lo enciypl and deciypl II
liaffic. olh chaiaclei and hexadecinaI vaIues aie acceplalIe in lhis fieId.
Nole lhal lolh sides nusl use lhe sane Lnciyplion Key.
AuthcntIcatInn: The Aulhenlicalion nelhod aulhenlicales lhe
LncapsuIaling Secuiily IayIoad (LSI) packels. SeIecl MD5 oi SHA. Nolice
lhal lolh sides (VIN endpoinls) nusl use lhe sane nelhod.
MD5: A one-vay hashing aIgoiilhn lhal pioduces a 128-lil digesl
SHA: A one-vay hashing aIgoiilhn lhal pioduces a 16O-lil digesl
AuthcntIcatInn Kcy: This fieId specifies a key used lo aulhenlicale II
liaffic. olh chaiaclei and hexadecinaI vaIues aie acceplalIe in lhis fieId.
Nole lhal lolh sides nusl use lhe sane Aulhenlicalion Key.
Inbnund 5PI/Outbnund 5PI: The Secuiily Iaianelei Index (SII) is caiiied
in lhe LSI headei. This enalIes lhe ieceivei lo seIecl lhe SA, undei vhich a
packel shouId le piocessed. The SII is a 32-lil vaIue. olh decinaI and
hexadecinaI vaIues aie acceplalIe. e.g., "987654321" oi "Ox3ade68l1". Lach
lunneI nusl have a unique Inlound SII and Oullound SII. No lvo lunneIs
shaie lhe sane SII. Nole lhal lhe Inlound SII nusl nalch lhe ienole
galevay's Oullound SII, and vice veisa.
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6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
5tatus This fieId shovs lhe conneclion slalus foi lhe seIecled lunneI. The slale is eilhei
Cnnncctcd oi DIscnnncctcd.
Buttnns Cnnncct
CIick lhis lullon lo eslalIish a conneclion foi lhe cuiienl VIN lunneI. If you have
nade any changes, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo fiisl appIy youi changes.
CIick lhis lullon lo lieak a conneclion foi lhe cuiienl VIN lunneI.
VIcw Lng
CIick lhis lullon lo viev lhe VIN Iog, vhich shovs delaiIs of each eslalIished
Advanccd 5cttIngs
If lhe Key Lxchange Melhod is Aulo (IKL), lhis lullon piovides access lo
addilionaI sellings ieIaling lo IKL. CIick lhis lullon if lhe galevay is unalIe lo
eslalIish a VIN lunneI lo lhe ienole galevay, and nake suie lhe Advanced
Sellings nalch lhose on lhe ienole galevay.
Phasc 1 - OpcratInn Mndc
SeIecl lhe nelhod appiopiiale foi lhe ienole VIN endpoinl.
MaIn: Main node is sIovei lul noie secuie
AggrcssIvc: Aggiessive node is faslei lul Iess secuie
Lnca! IdcntIty
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion lo nalch lhe Renole Idenlily selling al lhe olhei end
of lhis lunneI.
LocaI II Addiess: Youi WAN (Inleinel) II addiess
Nane: Youi donain nane
Rcmntc IdcntIty
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion lo nalch lhe LocaI Idenlily selling al lhe olhei end of
lhis lunneI.
LocaI II Addiess: WAN (Inleinel) II addiess of lhe ienole VIN endpoinl
Nane: Donain nane of lhe ienole VIN endpoinl.
This is lhe Lnciyplion aIgoiilhn used foi lhe IKL SA. Il nusl nalch lhe selling
used al lhe olhei end of lhe lunneI.

-! #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure 8ecur|ty

V|ew Log
The Secuiily VIN Viev Log page shovs evenls capluied ly lhe fiievaII. The Iog
dispIays lhe foIIoving ilens:
Desciiplion of lhe evenl
Nunlei of evenls lhal have occuiied
Lasl occuiience of an evenl
Taigel and souice addiesses
You can viev lhe foIIoving Iogs fion lhis page:
Access Iog
IiievaII Iog
IaienlaI ConlioI Iog

CIick C!car lo cIeai lhe Iog dala.

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6ontro| Access to the Cateway

6ontro| Access to the Cateway
Access Restr|ct|ons > |P Address F||ter|ng
Use lhe Access Resliiclions II IiIleiing page lo configuie II addiess fiIleis. These
fiIleis lIock a iange of II addiesses fion accessing lhe Inleinel.
Nntc: If you aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe advanced sellings delaiIed in lhis seclion,
conlacl youi seivice piovidei lefoie you allenpl lo change any of lhe iesidenliaI
galevay defauIl advanced II fiIleiing sellings.
SeIecl lhe IP Addrcss FI!tcrIng lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions II Addiess
IiIleiing page. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi
changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.

Access Restr|ct|ons > HA6 Address F||ter|ng
Use lhe Access Resliiclions MAC Addiess IiIleiing page lo configuie MAC addiess
fiIleis. These fiIleis peinil you lo aIIov oi lIock a iange of MAC addiesses fion
accessing lhe Inleinel lased on MAC Addiess.
Nntc: If you aie nol faniIiai vilh lhe advanced sellings delaiIed in lhis seclion,
conlacl youi seivice piovidei lefoie you allenpl lo change any of lhe iesidenliaI
galevay defauIl advanced II fiIleiing sellings.
-# #$!%%&! '() *

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

SeIecl lhe MAC Addrcss FI!tcrIng lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions MAC Addiess
IiIleiing page.

The Iock/Iass diop dovn nenu aIIovs you lo lIock oi pass Inleinel access lo lhe
MAC addiesses of lhe devices you Iisl in lhe MAC Addiess IiIleis lalIe. The
foIIoving lalIe desciiles lhe funclion of lhe Iock/Iass diop dovn nenu. Aflei you
nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs
lo canceI.
FIc!d Namc DcscrIptInn
MAC FI!tcrIng B!nck LIstcd (Dcfau!t)
SeIecl B!nck LIstcd lo deny Inleinel access lo lhe MAC
addiesses of lhe devices you Iisl in lhe lalIe. AII olhei
MAC addiesses viII le aIIoved Inleinel access.
Pass LIstcd
SeIecl Pass LIstcd lo aIIov Inleinel access onIy lo lhe
MAC addiesses of lhe devices you Iisl in lhe lalIe. Any
MAC addiesses '&/ Iisled in lhe lalIe viII le denied
Inleinel access.
Funct|on Keys
The foIIoving funclion keys appeai on lhe Advanced Sellings - MAC Addiess
IiIleiing page.
Kcy DcscrIptInn
App!y Saves lhe vaIues you enlei inlo lhe fieIds vilhoul cIosing
lhe page
Add MAC Addrcss Saves lhe MAC Addiess enleied in lhe associaled lexl
Rcmnvc MAC Addrcss Renoves lhe seIecled MAC addiess
C!car A!! Renoves aII defined MAC addiesses
#$!%%&! '() * -,

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

Access Restr|ct|ons > as|c Ru|es
Access iesliiclions aIIov you lo lIock oi aIIov specific kinds of Inleinel usage and
liaffic, such as Inleinel access, designaled appIicalions, velsiles, and inlound liaffic
duiing specific days and lines. The Access Resliiclions asic RuIes page aIIovs you
lo configuie paienlaI conlioIs on lhe iesidenliaI galevay, and lo noniloi lhe
individuaIs vho aie aulhoiized lo sel paienlaI conlioIs.
SeIecl lhe BasIc Ru!cs lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions asic RuIes page.

-- #$!%%&! '() *

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe access
iesliiclions lasic iuIes foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions,
cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Parcnta! Cnntrn! BasIc
Parcnta! Cnntrn! ActIvatInn
AIIovs you lo enalIe oi disalIe paienlaI conlioIs. To enalIe
paienlaI conlioIs, seIecl lhe Enab!c Parcnta! Cnntrn! check lox
and cIick App!y. To disalIe paienlaI conlioIs, cIeai lhe Enab!c
Parcnta! Cnntrn! check lox and cIick App!y.
Add Ru!c
Adds and saves a nev RuIe lo lhe Iisl of conlenl iuIes
Rcmnvc Ru!c
Renoves lhe seIecled iuIe fion lhe conlenl iuIe Iisl
Kcywnrd LIst Kcywnrd LIst
AIIovs you lo cieale a Iisl of keyvoids. Any allenpl lo access a
URL lhal conlains any of lhe keyvoids in lhis Iisl viII le
lIocked ly lhe galevay
Add/Rcmnvc Kcywnrd
AIIovs you lo add nev keyvoids lo lhe Iisl oi lo deIele
seIecled keyvoids fion lhe Iisl
B!nckcd DnmaIn LIst B!nckcd DnmaIn LIst
AIIovs you lo cieale a Iisl of donains lhal lhe galevay shouId
lIock access lo. Any allenpl lo access any of lhe Donains in
lhis Iisl viII le lIocked ly lhe galevay
Add/Rcmnvc DnmaIn
AIIovs you lo add nev donains lo lhe Iisl oi lo deIele seIecled
donains fion lhe Iisl
A!!nwcd DnmaIn LIst A!!nwcd DnmaIn LIst
AIIovs you lo cieale a Iisl of donains lo vhich lhe galevay
aIIovs access
Add/Rcmnvc A!!nwcd DnmaIn
AIIovs you lo add nev donains lo lhe Iisl oi lo deIele seIecled
donains fion lhe Iisl
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6ontro| Access to the Cateway

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
OvcrrIdc thc Passwnrd Passwnrd
AIIovs you lo cieale a passvoid lo lenpoiaiiIy oveiiide usei
access iesliiclions lo a lIocked Inleinel sile
Rc-Entcr Passwnrd
Re-enlei lhe sane passvoid foi confiinalion of lhe oveiiide
passvoid in lhe pievious fieId
Acccss DuratInn
AIIovs you lo designale an anounl of line in ninules lhal lhe
Oveiiide passvoid viII aIIov lenpoiaiy access lo a iesliicled
Inleinel sile
Saves aII addilions, edils, and changes
To use keyword and doma|n b|ock|ng
Keyvoid and Donain lIocking aIIovs you lo iesliicl access lo Inleinel siles ly
lIocking access lo lhose siles lased on a void oi a lexl sliing conlained in lhe URLs
used lo access lhose Inleinel siles.
Donain lIocking aIIovs you lo iesliicl access lo Welsiles lased on lhe sile's Donain
Nane. The Donain Nane is lhe poilion of lhe URL lhal piecedes lhe faniIiai .COM,
.ORC, oi .COV exlension.
Keyvoid lIocking aIIovs you lo lIock access lo Inleinel siles lased on a Keyvoid
oi lexl sliing leing piesenl anyvheie in lhe URL, nol jusl in lhe Donain Nane.
Nntc: The Donain lIocking fealuie lIocks access lo any Donain in lhe Donain Lisl.
Il viII aIso lIock Donains, any poilion of vhich conlains an exacl nalch lo enliies in
lhe Iisl.
Ioi exanpIe, if you enlei cxamp!c.cnm as a Donain, any sile lhal conlains will be blocked. Generally, you do not want to include www. in a
Donain Nane since doing so Iinils lhe lIocking lo onIy lhe sile lhal nalches lhal
Donain Nane exaclIy. Ioi inslance, if you enlei vvv.exanpIe.con inlo lhe Iisl,
onIy lhe one sile lhal nalches lhal nane exaclIy viII le lIocked. ConsequenlIy, if
you do not include the www., then all sites within and associated with will be blocked.
|ock Access to webs|tes
If you vish lo lIock access lo velsiles, use lhe B!nckcd DnmaIn LIst oi lhe
Kcywnrd LIst
To use lhe B!nckcd DnmaIn LIst, enlei lhe URLs oi donain nanes of lhe velsiles
you vish lo lIock.
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6ontro| Access to the Cateway

Use lhe Kcywnrd LIst lo enlei lhe keyvoids you vish lo lIock. If any of lhese
keyvoids appeais in lhe URL of a velsile, access lo lhe sile viII le lIocked. Nole
lhal onIy lhe URL is check, nol lhe conlenl of each velpage.
Access Restr|ct|ons > T|me of 0ay Ru|es
Use lhe Access Resliiclions Tine of Day RuIes page lo configuie vel access fiIleis lo
lIock aII Inleinel liaffic lo and fion specific nelvoik devices lased on day of veek
and line of day sellings lhal you seIecl.
SeIecl lhe TImc nf Day Ru!cs lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions Tine of Day RuIes
Iage. The foIIoving iIIuslialion is an exanpIe of lhe Access Resliiclions Tine of Day
RuIes page.
Nntc: The iesidenliaI galevay uses lhe nelvoik line of day cIock lhal is nanaged ly
youi dala seivice piovidei. The line of day cIock nusl le accuiale and iepiesenl lhe
line of day in youi line zone foi lhis fealuie lo opeiale piopeiIy. Veiify lhal lhe
Slalus and Sel Tine pages iefIecl lhe coiiecl line of day. If lhey do nol iefIecl lhe
coiiecl line of day, conlacl youi dala seivice piovidei. You can aIso adjusl youi
sellings lo accounl foi lhe diffeience.

Access Restr|ct|ons T|me of 0ay Ru|es Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe line of
day iuIes foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
#$!%%&! '() * -&

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Tnd FI!tcr Add
AIIovs you lo add a nev Tine of Day access fiIlei oi iuIe.
Lnlei lhe nane of lhe fiIlei and cIick lhe Add key lo add lhe
fiIlei lo lhe Iisl. Tine of Day iuIes aie used lo iesliicl Inleinel
access lased on lhe day and line.
Renoves lhe seIecled fiIlei fion lhe Tine of Day fiIlei Iisl
5chcdu!c Days tn B!nck
AIIovs you lo conlioI access lased on days of lhe veek
TImc tn B!nck
AIIovs you lo conlioI access lased on line of day

Access Restr|ct|ons > User 8etup
Use lhe Access Resliiclions Usei Selup page lo sel up addilionaI accounls and usei
piofiIes foi househoId nenleis. Lach piofiIe can le assigned cuslonized IeveIs of
Inleinel access as defined ly lhe access iuIes assigned lo lhal usei's piofiIe.
Impnrtant: These addilionaI accounls do nol gianl adninislialive access lo lhe
Nntc: Once you define and enalIe usei piofiIes, each usei nusl sign-on each line
lhey vish lo access lhe Inleinel. The usei can sign-on vhen lhe pop-up sign-on
scieen appeais in lheii Wel liovsei. The usei nusl enlei lheii coiiecl usei nane
and passvoid in oidei lo gain Inleinel access.
SeIecl lhe Uscr 5ctup lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions Usei Selup page.

.$ #$!%%&! '() *

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

Access Restr|ct|ons User 8etup Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe usei
selup foi youi iesidenliaI galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Add Uscr
AIIovs you lo add a nev usei piofiIe. Lnlei lhe nane of lhe usei and cIick lhe Add Uscr
lullon lo add lhe usei lo lhe Iisl.
Uscr 5cttIngs
AIIovs you lo edil a usei piofiIe ly using lhe diop-dovn nenu lo edil a usei piofiIe. The
diop-dovn nenu aIIovs you lo iecaII lhe piofiIe lo le ediled. Usei nanes and passvoids
aie case-sensilive.
Make suie lo check lhe Enab!c lox lo aclivale lhe usei piofiIe. If a piofiIe is nol aclive, lhal
usei viII nol have any access lo lhe Inleinel.
To ienove a usei piofiIe, use lhe diop-dovn nenu lo seIecl lhe usei lo le ienoved and
cIick lhe Rcmnvc Uscr lullon.
Lnlei lhe seIecled usei's passvoid in lhis fieId. Lach usei nusl enlei lheii Usei Nane and
Iassvoid each line lhey use lhe Inleinel. Usei nanes and passvoids aie case-sensilive.
Nntc: The iesidenliaI galevay viII aIIov each usei access lo lhe Inleinel, suljecl lo lhe
iuIes seIecled on lhis page foi lhal usei.
Rc-Entcr Passwnrd
Re-enlei lhe sane passvoid foi confiinalion of lhe passvoid in lhe pievious fieId.
Trustcd Uscr
Check lhis lox if lhe cuiienlIy seIecled usei is lo le designaled a liusled usei. Tiusled
useis aie nol suljecl lo Inleinel access iuIes.
Cnntcnt Ru!c
SeIecl lhe Conlenl RuIe foi lhe cuiienl usei piofiIe. Conlenl RuIes nusl fiisl le defined ly
going lo lhe RuIes Configuialion page. You can access lhe RuIe Configuialion page ly
clicking on the Basic Rules tab on this page.
TImc Acccss Ru!c
SeIecl lhe Tine Access RuIe foi lhe cuiienl usei piofiIe. Tine Access RuIes nusl fiisl le
defined ly going lo lhe Tine of Day RuIes page. You can access lhe Tine of Day RuIes
page by clicking on the Time of Day Rules tab on this page.
5cssInn DuratInn
144O ninules |Iacloiy defauIl vhen a usei is ciealed. Olheivise, il is O (zeio)j.
Lnlei lhe anounl of line in ninules lhal lhe usei viII le gianled Inleinel access leginning
al lhe line lhey sign on using lheii Usei Nane and Iassvoid.
Nntc: Sel lhe Session Duialion lo O (zeio) lo pievenl session lineoul.
#$!%%&! '() * .%

6ontro| Access to the Cateway

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
InactIvIty TImc
6O ninules |Iacloiy defauIl vhen a usei is ciealed. Olheivise, il is O (zeio)j.
Lnlei lhe anounl of line duiing a usei session vheie lheie is no Inleinel access aclivily,
indicaling lhal lhe usei is no Iongei onIine. If lhe inaclivily linei is liiggeied, lhe usei
session viII le cIosed aulonalicaIIy. In oidei lo iegain Inleinel access, lhe usei nusl Iog in
again vilh lheii Usei Nane and Iassvoid.
Nntc: Sel lhe Inaclivily line vaIue lo O (zeio) lo pievenl session lineoul.

Access Restr|ct|ons > Loca| Log
This page aIIovs you lo liack, ly usei, any allenpls nade ly lhal usei lo access
Inleinel siles lhal aie iesliicled. Iion lhis page you can aIso viev evenls capluied
ly lhe paienlaI conlioI evenl-iepoiling fealuie.
SeIecl lhe Lnca! Lng lal lo open lhe Access Resliiclions LocaI Log page.
The foIIoving iIIuslialion is an exanpIe of lhe Access Resliiclions LocaI Log page.

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Lnca! Lng
Parcnta! Cnntrn! - Evcnt
Last Occurcncc
DispIays lhe line of lhe nosl iecenl allenpl lo access a
iesliicled Inleinel sile
DispIays lhe aclion laken ly lhe syslen
DispIays lhe URL of lhe iesliicled sile
DispIays lhe usei vho allenpled a iesliicled sile
DispIays lhe II addiess of lhe IC lhal vas used vhen
allenpling lo access a iesliicled velsile

.! #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng
Mosl veII-knovn Inleinel appIicalions aie suppoiled ly AppIicalion Layei
Calevays (ALCs). ALCs aulonalicaIIy adjusl lhe galevay fiievaII lo aIIov dala lo
pass vilhoul naking any cuslon sellings. We ieconnend lhal you lesl youi
appIicalion lefoie naking changes in lhis seclion.
App||cat|ons & Cam|ng > Port F||ter|ng
Use lhis vindov lo configuie liansnission conlioI piolocoI (TCI) and usei
dalagian piolocoI (UDI) poil fiIleis. These fiIleis pievenl a iange of TCI/UDI
poils fion accessing lhe Inleinel. You can aIso pievenl ICs fion sending oulgoing
TCI/UDI liaffic lo lhe WAN on specific II poil nunleis. This fiIlei is nol II
addiess- oi MAC addiess- specific. The syslen lIocks lhe specified poil ianges foi
aII ICs.
SeIecl lhe Pnrt FI!tcrIng lal lo open lhe AppIicalions & Caning Ioil IiIleiing page.

App||cat|ons and Cam|ng Port F||ter|ng Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe poil
fiIleiing foi appIicalions and ganing fealuies used on youi iesidenliaI galevay.
CIick lhe Enab!c checklox lo enalIe poil foivaiding foi lhe ieIevanl appIicalion.
Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc!
Changcs lo canceI.
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6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Pnrt FI!tcrIng 5tart Pnrt:
This is lhe leginning of lhe poil iange. Lnlei lhe leginning of lhe
iange of poil nunleis (exleinaI poils) used ly lhe seivei oi Inleinel
appIicalion. Check vilh lhe soflvaie docunenlalion of lhe Inleinel
appIicalion foi noie infoinalion if necessaiy.
End Pnrt:
This is lhe end of lhe poil iange. Lnlei lhe end of lhe iange of poil
nunleis (exleinaI poils) used ly lhe seivei oi Inleinel appIicalion.
Check vilh lhe soflvaie docunenlalion of lhe Inleinel appIicalion
foi noie infoinalion if necessaiy.
SeIecl one of lhe foIIoving piolocoIs:
Check lhis lox lo enalIe fiIleiing on lhe specified poils.

App||cat|ons & Cam|ng > Port Range Forward|ng
Impnrtant: The galevay noinaIIy inpIenenls a fealuie caIIed Ioil TiansIalion. Ioil
TiansIalion nonilois vhal poils aie acluaIIy leing used ly youi ICs oi olhei
devices on youi LAN. This noniloiing piovides an added IeveI of secuiily leyond
vhal lhe fiievaII piovides. Hovevei, lheie aie sone appIicalions lhal iequiie lhe
galevay lo use specific poils lo connecl ovei lhe Inleinel.
Use Ioil Range Ioivaiding lo foivaid poils fion lhe pulIic Inleinel lo specific II
addiesses in youi IocaI nelvoik. SeIecl lhe Pnrt Rangc FnrwardIng lal lo open lhe
AppIicalions & Caning Ioil Range Ioivaiding page.
Ioi lhe Slail and Lnd Ioil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 - 65535 iange.
Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific so check vhich ones lhe piogian
iequiies lo le foivaided. Type lhe poil nunlei oi iange in lolh loxes. In lhe II
Address box type the name of the computers IP address to which this is lo appIy.
Nntc: Ioil Range Ioivaiding conlinuaIIy exposes lhe seIecled poils lo lhe pulIic
Internet. This means that the gateways firewall is no longer active on these ports.
The device vilh lhe foivaiding II addiess can le exposed lo hackei allacks vhiIe
lhe poil iange is leing foivaided.
.# #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

App||cat|ons and Cam|ng Port Range Forward Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe poil
iange foivaiding foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. SeIecl enalIe foi each. Aflei you nake
youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Pnrt Rangc FnrwardIng 5tart
Ioi lhe Slail poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
Ioi lhe Lnd poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
SeIecl one of lhe foIIoving piolocoIs:
IP Addrcss
Enter the computers IP address to which this is to apply.
Check lhis lox lo enalIe poil foivaiding foi lhe specified poils
and II addiesses.

#$!%%&! '() * .,

6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

App||cat|ons & Cam|ng > Port Range Tr|gger|ng
Ioil iange liiggeiing is a vay lo dynanicaIIy foivaid poils lo a LAN IC lhal needs
lhen al a pailicuIai line. Thal pailicuIai line is vhen il iuns a ceilain appIicalion
lhal peifoins sone evenl lhal liiggei lhe ioulei. This evenl nusl le an oullound
access of a pailicuIai poil iange.
SeIecl lhe Pnrt Rangc TrIggcrIng lal lo open lhe AppIicalions & Caning Ioil Range
Tiiggeiing page.

App||cat|ons and Cam|ng Port Range Tr|gger|ng Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe poil
iange liiggeiing foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. SeIecl enalIe foi each. Aflei you nake
youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Pnrt Rangc TrIggcrIng
TrIggcrcd Rangc 5tart Pnrt
Ioi lhe Slail poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
End Pnrt
Ioi lhe Lnd poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
Fnrwardcd Rangc 5tart Pnrt
Ioi lhe Slail poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
.- #$!%%&! '() *

6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
End Pnrt
Ioi lhe Lnd poil, seIecl a poil fion lhe ieconnended 49152 -
65535 iange. Keep in nind lhal poils used aie piogian specific
so check vhich ones lhe piogian iequiies lo le foivaided.
SeIecl one of lhe foIIoving piolocoIs:
CIick lhe LnalIe checklox lo enalIe poil iange liiggeiing foi
lhe ieIevanl appIicalion.

App||cat|ons & Cam|ng > 0HZ
Use lhis page lo configuie an II addiess vhose poils aie diieclIy exposed lo lhe
pulIic Inleinel oi lo lhe Wide Aiea Nelvoik (WAN). DeniIilaiized Zone (DMZ)
hosling is connonIy iefeiied lo as "exposed hosl," and aIIovs you lo specify a
iecipienl of WAN liaffic lhal Nelvoik Addiess TiansIalion (NAT) is unalIe lo
liansIale lo a knovn IocaI IC.
A DMZ is lypicaIIy used ly a conpany lhal vanls lo hosl ils ovn Inleinel seivei.
DMZ aIIovs one II addiess lo le pIaced on lhe Inleinel side of lhe galevay fiievaII
vhiIe olheis ienain piolecled lehind lhe fiievaII.
The DMZ aIIovs a device lo le diieclIy accessilIe lo Inleinel liaffic, such as a vel
(HTTI) seivei, an ITI seivei, an SMTI (e-naiI) seivei, and a donain nane syslen
(DNS) seivei. SeIecl lhe DMZ lal lo open lhe AppIicalions & Caning DMZ page.

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6onf|gure App||cat|ons and Cam|ng

App||cat|ons and Cam|ng 0HZ Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe poil
iange liiggeiing foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay. SeIecl enalIe foi each DMZ Hosl II
addiess. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes
oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
SeIecl lhe desiied oplion:
DIsab!c (facloiy defauIl)
DMZ Hnst IP Addrcss
DMZ aIIovs one II addiess lo le unpiolecled vhiIe olheis ienain
piolecled. Lnlei lhe II addiess of lhe conpulei you vanl lo
expose lo lhe Inleinel in lhis fieId.

./ #$!%%&! '() *

Hanage the Cateway

Hanage the Cateway
Adm|n|strat|on > Hanagement
The Administration Management page allows the networks adminislialoi lo
nanage specific galevay funclions foi access and secuiily. SeIecl lhe Managcmcnt
lal lo open lhe Adninislialion Managenenl page.
Impnrtant: The foIIoving page dispIays vhen DHCP (facloiy defauIl) is lhe
Conneclion Mode. The page lhal dispIays vhen 5tatIc IP is seIecled is shovn and
desciiled Ialei in lhis seclion.

Adm|n|strat|on Hanagement Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe
adninislialion nanagenenl foi lhe iesidenliaI galevay vhen DHCI oi Slalic II
conneclion node is seIecled. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo
appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
#$!%%&! '() * .&

Hanage the Cateway

FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Gatcway 5ctup
Intcrnct CnnncctInn

CnnncctInn Mndc This selling aIIovs you lo deleinine hov lhe
WAN (oi galevay inleiface lo lhe Inleinel) ollains ils II addiess.
DHCP (facloiy defauIl)
AIIovs lhe galevay lo ollain a pulIic II addiess aulonalicaIIy

5tatIc IP
AIIovs you lo specify lhe WAN II addiess and coiiesponding
seivei infoinalion as slalic oi fixed vaIues lhal viII le used
vhenevei lhe galevay goes onIine

/$ #$!%%&! '() *

Hanage the Cateway

FIc!d DcscrIptInn


Gatcway Acccss
Lnca! Acccss
Intcrnct IP Addrcss
Enter the gateways IP address (as seen from the Internet)
5ubnct Mask
Enter the gateways subnet nask (as seen fion lhe Inleinel,
incIuding youi seivice piovidei)
Dcfau!t Gatcway
Enter the default gateway of the service providers server
PrImary DN5
Lnlei lhe piinaiy donain nane seivei II addiess(es) piovided ly
youi seivice piovidei. This is iequiied.
5ccnndary DN5
Lnlei lhe secondaiy donain nane seivei II addiess(es) piovided
ly youi seivice piovidei. This is oplionaI.
MTU sIzc
MTU is lhe Maxinun Tiansnission Unil. The MTU size specifies
lhe Iaigesl packel size peinilled foi Inleinel liansnission. . The
facloiy defauIl = O (15OO lyles)
Currcnt Uscr Namc
Idenlifies lhe cuiienlIy Iogged in usei
Changc Currcnt Uscr Namc tn
This fieId aIIovs you lo change youi usei nane. If you vanl lo
change youi usei nane, enlei youi nev usei nane in lhis fieId
and cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy lhe change.
Nntc: The facloiy defauIl usei nane is a lIank fieId.
Changc Passwnrd tn
This fieId aIIovs you lo change youi passvoid. If you vanl lo
change youi passvoid, enlei youi nev passvoid in lhis fieId.
Then, ie-enlei youi nev passvoid in lhe Rc-Entcr Ncw Passwnrd
fieId and cIick 5avc 5cttIngs lo appIy lhe change.
Nntc: The facloiy defauIl passvoid is a lIank fieId.
Rc-Entcr Ncw Passwnrd
AIIovs you lo ie-enlei lhe nev passvoid. You nusl enlei lhe
sane passvoid as lhe one enleied in lhe pievious fieId Changc
Passwnrd tn. Aflei you ie-enlei youi nev passvoid, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy lhe change.
#$!%%&! '() * /%

Hanage the Cateway

FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Rcmntc Acccss Rcmntc Managcmcnt
AIIovs you lo enalIe lo disalIe ienole nanagenenl. This fealuie
aIIovs you lo access and nanage youi galevay sellings fion lhe
Inleinel vhen you aie avay fion hone. To aIIov ienole access,
seIecl Enab!c. Olheivise, keep lhe defauIl selling, as DIsab!c. The
piolocoI HTTI is iequiied foi ienole nanagenenl. To ienoleIy
access lhe device, enlei hllps:// (lhe x's
iepiesenl lhe device's pulIic Inleinel II addiess, and 8O8O
iepiesenls lhe specified poil) in youi vel liovsei's Addrcss fieId.
Managcmcnt Pnrt
Lnlei lhe poil nunlei lhal viII le open lo oulside access. The
facloiy defauIl selling is 8O8O. This poil nusl le used vhen you
eslalIish a ienole conneclion.
UniveisaI IIug and IIay (UInI) aIIovs Windovs XI and Visla lo
aulonalicaIIy configuie lhe Calevay foi vaiious Inleinel
appIicalions, such as ganing and videoconfeiencing. If you vanl
lo use UInI, keep lhe defauIl, Enab!c. Olheivise, seIecl DIsab!c.
Inleinel Cioup MuIlicasl IiolocoI (ICMI) is used lo eslalIish
nenleiship in a nuIlicasl gioup and is connonIy used foi
nuIlicasl slieaning appIicalions. Ioi exanpIe, you nay have
Inleinel IiolocoI TeIevision (IITV) vilh nuIlipIe sel-lop loxes on
lhe sane IocaI nelvoik. These sel-lop loxes have diffeienl video
slieans iunning sinuIlaneousIy, so you shouId use lhe ICMI
fealuie of lhe Roulei.
ICMI foivaiding (pioxying) is a syslen lhal inpioves
nuIlicasling foi LAN-side cIienls. If lhe cIienls suppoil lhis
oplion, keep lhe defauIl, Enab!c. Olheivise, seIecl DIsab!c.

/! #$!%%&! '() *

Hanage the Cateway

Adm|n|strat|on > Report|ng
Adninislialion iepoiling aIIovs you lo enaiI vaiious syslen aclivilies lo youi enaiI
SeIecl lhe RcpnrtIng lal lo open lhe Adninislialion Repoiling page.

Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe
iepoiling fealuie on lhe galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
RcpnrtIng E-MaI! A!crts
If enalIed, an e-naiI viII le senl innedialeIy if any iepoilalIe
evenls aie delecled. To use lhis fealuie, piovide lhe necessaiy e-
naiI addiess infoinalion.
5MTP MaI! 5crvcr
Lnlei lhe addiess (donain nane) oi II addiess of lhe SinpIe MaiI
Tianspoil IiolocoI (SMTI) seivei you use foi oulgoing e-naiI.
E-MaI! Addrcss fnr A!crt Lngs
Lnlei lhe e-naiI addiess lhal shouId ieceive lhe Iogs.

#$!%%&! '() * /+

Hanage the Cateway

V|ew Log
To viev lhe Iogs, conpIele lhe foIIoving sleps.
1 CIick VIcw Lng. A nev vindov opens vilh lhe Iog dala page.

2 To viev a pailicuIai Iog, seIecl one of lhe foIIoving oplions fion lhe Type diop-
dovn nenu:
Access Log
IiievaII Log
3 Aflei lhe Iog dala is dispIayed, use one of lhe foIIoving oplions:
CIick lhe Pagc Rcfrcsh lullon lo updale lhe Iog.
CIick lhe C!car lullon lo cIeai aII lhe infoinalion in lhe cuiienl Iog.
CIick lhe PrcvInus Pagc lullon lo go lack lo lhe infoinalion pieviousIy
CIick lhe Ncxt Pagc lullon lo see lhe nexl seclion of lhe Iog, if avaiIalIe.
/# #$!%%&! '() *

Hanage the Cateway

Adm|n|strat|on > 0|agnost|cs
Adninislialion diagnoslics aIIov you lo check lhe slalus of youi Inleinel conneclion
ly using a Iing lesl.
SeIecl lhe DIagnnstIcs lal lo open lhe Adninislialion Diagnoslics page.

Use lhe desciiplions and insliuclions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo configuie lhe
diagnoslics fealuie on lhe galevay. Aflei you nake youi seIeclions, cIick 5avc
5cttIngs lo appIy youi changes oi Cancc! Changcs lo canceI.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
PIng Tcst
PIng Tcst Paramctcrs

PIng Targct IP
The II addiess lhal you vanl lo ping
PIng 5Izc
The size of lhe packel you vanl lo use
Numbcr nf PIngs
The nunlei of lines you vish lo ping lhe laigel device
PIng Intcrva!
The line peiiod (niIIiseconds) lelveen each ping
PIng TImcnut
The desiied line peiiod (niIIiseconds) of lhe lineoul. If no
iesponse is ieceived vilhin lhis ping peiiod, lhe ping lesl is
consideied a faiIuie
5tart Tcst
To slail a lesl, conpIele lhe foIIoving sleps.
1 CIick 5tart Tcst lo legin lhe lexl. A nev page opens and
dispIays a sunnaiy of lhe lesl iesuIls.
2 CIick lhe 5avc 5cttIngs lo save lhe lesl iesuIls oi cIick
Cancc! Changcs lo canceI lhe lesl.
#$!%%&! '() * /,

Hanage the Cateway

Adm|n|strat|on > ackup & Restore
Adninislialion ackup & Resloie aIIovs you lo lack up you configuialion of lhe
Calevay and sloie il on youi conpulei. You can use lhis fiIe lo iesloie a pieviousIy
saved configuialion foi youi Calevay.
SeIecl lhe Back Up & Rcstnrc lal lo open lhe Adninislialion ack Up & Resloie

RcstnrIng a cnnfIguratInn fI!c wI!! dcstrny (nvcrwrItc) a!! nf thc cxIstIng

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Back Up CnnfIguratInn Use lhe ack Up Configuialion fealuie lo save a copy of lhe
cuiienl configuialion and sloie lhe fiIe on youi conpulei. CIick
Back Up lo slail lhe dovnIoad.
Rcstnrc CnnfIguratInn Use lhe Resloie Configuialion fealuie lo iesloie a pieviousIy
saved configuialion fiIe. CIick Brnwsc lo seIecl lhe configuialion
fiIe, and lhen cIick Rcstnrc lo Ioad lhe configuialion fiIe lo lhe
/- #$!%%&! '() *

Hanage the Cateway

Adm|n|strat|on > Factory 0efau|ts
The Adninislialion Iacloiy DefauIls page aIIovs you lo iesloie lhe configuialion lo
ils facloiy defauIl sellings. SeIecl lhe Factnry Dcfau!ts lal lo open lhe
Adninislialion Iacloiy DefauIls page.

If ynu rcstnrc thc factnry dcfau!ts, thc gatcway wI!! !nsc a!! nf thc scttIngs ynu
havc cntcrcd. Bcfnrc ynu rcsct thc gatcway tn Its factnry dcfau!t scttIngs, wrItc
dnwn a!! nf ynur custnm scttIngs. Aftcr thc dcfau!ts havc bccn rcstnrcd, ynu
wI!! havc tn rc-cntcr a!! nf ynur cnnfIguratInn scttIngs.

Restore Factory 0efau|ts
To iesloie facloiy defauIls, cIick Rcstnrc Factnry Dcfau!ts lo iesel aII configuialion
sellings lo lheii defauIl vaIues. Any sellings you have saved viII le Iosl vhen lhe
defauIl sellings aie iesloied.

#$!%%&! '() * /.

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus
This seclion desciiles lhe oplions avaiIalIe undei lhe Slalus lal lhal you can use lo
noniloi lhe slalus of lhe iesidenliaI galevay and lo peifoin diagnoslics on lhe
device and lhe nelvoik.
8tatus > Cateway
The Calevay Slalus page dispIays infoinalion aloul lhe galevay and ils cuiienl
sellings. The on-scieen infoinalion vaiies depending on lhe Inleinel Conneclion
lype you use.
SeIecl lhe Gatcway lal lo open lhe Slalus Calevay scieen. CIick Rcfrcsh lo updale
lhe dala dispIayed on-scieen.

Use lhe desciiplions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo ieviev lhe slalus of youi galevay and
youi Inleinel conneclion.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Gatcway InfnrmatInn FIrmwarc VcrsInn
The veision nunlei of lhe fiinvaie.
MAC Addrcss (CM MAC Addrcss)
A unique aIphanuneiic addiess foi lhe calIe noden coaxiaI
inleiface, vhich is used lo connecl lo lhe calIe noden leininalion
syslen (CMTS) al lhe headend. A nedia access conlioI (MAC)
addiess is a haidvaie addiess lhal uniqueIy idenlifies each node
of a nelvoik.
Currcnt TImc
The line, lased on lhe line zone seIecled on lhe asic Selup page
is dispIayed.
// #$!%%&! '() *

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn

Intcrnct CnnncctInn

IP Addrcss
DispIays lhe II addiess of lhe WAN inleiface. This addiess is
assigned lo lhe galevay vhen il goes onIine.
5ubnct Mask
DispIays lhe sulnel nask foi youi WAN poil. This addiess is
aulonalicaIIy assigned lo youi WAN poil ly youi ISI excepl
vhen a slalic II addiess is sel up.
Dcfau!t Gatcway
The II addiess of lhe ISI's DefauIl Calevay.
The DNS II addiesses cuiienlIy used ly lhe galevay.
The WINS II addiess cuiienlIy used ly lhe galevay.

8tatus > Loca| Network
The LocaI Nelvoik Slalus page dispIays infoinalion aloul lhe slalus of lhe IocaI
aiea nelvoik.
SeIecl lhe Lnca! Nctwnrk lal lo open lhe Slalus LocaI Nelvoik page. CIick Rcfrcsh
lo updale lhe dala on lhe page.

Use lhe foIIoving lalIe lo ieviev lhe slalus of youi galevay and youi Inleinel
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Lnca! Nctwnrk MAC Addrcss
A unique aIphanuneiic addiess foi lhe piivale LAN hone nelvoik.
#$!%%&! '() * /&

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
A MAC addiess is a haidvaie addiess lhal uniqueIy idenlifies each
node of a nelvoik.
IP Addrcss
DispIays lhe II addiess foi lhe LAN sulnel
5ubnct Mask
DispIays lhe sulnel nask foi youi LAN
DHCP 5crvcr
DispIays lhe slalus of youi IocaI DHCI seivei (LnalIed oi DisalIed)
5tartIng IP Addrcss
DispIays lhe leginning of lhe iange of II addiesses used ly lhe
DHCI seivei in youi galevay
End IP Addrcss
DispIays lhe end of lhe iange of II addiesses used ly lhe DHCI
DHCP C!Icnt Tab!c CIick DHCP C!Icnt Tab!c lo shov vhich devices aie allached lo youi
LAN lhal have leen issued II addiesses ly lhe DHCI seivei in lhe
galevay. On lhe DHCI CIienl TalIe page, you viII see a Iisl of DHCI
cIienls (conpuleis and olhei nelvoik devices) vilh lhe foIIoving
infoinalion: CIienl Hosl Nanes, II Addiesses, MAC Addiesses, and
lhe Ienglh of line lefoie lheii assigned II addiesses expiie. To
ieliieve lhe nosl up-lo-dale infoinalion, cIick Rcfrcsh. To exil lhis
page and ieluin lo lhe LocaI Nelvoik page, cIick C!nsc.
The foIIoving iIIuslialion shovs an exanpIe of lhe DHCI CIienl

&$ #$!%%&! '() *

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

ARP/RARP Tab!c CIick ARP/RARP Tab!c lo see a conpIele Iisl of aII devices lhal aie
connecled lo youi nelvoik. To ieliieve lhe nosl up-lo-dale
infoinalion, cIick Rcfrcsh. To exil lhis page and ieluin lo lhe LocaI
Nelvoik page, cIick C!nsc.
The foIIoving iIIuslialion shovs an exanpIe of lhe ARI/RARI

8tatus > w|re|ess
The WiieIess Nelvoik Slalus page dispIays lasic infoinalion aloul lhe viieIess
nelvoik of lhe galevay.
SeIecl lhe WIrc!css lal lo open lhe Slalus WiieIess page. CIick Rcfrcsh lo updale lhe
dala on lhe page.

#$!%%&! '() * &%

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

8tatus w|re|ess Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe foIIoving lalIe lo ieviev lhe slalus of youi viieIess nelvoik.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
MAC Addrcss
DispIays lhe MAC Addiess of youi galevay's IocaI viieIess access poinl
RadIn Band
DispIays one of lhe foIIoving iadio land fiequencies cuiienlIy in opeialion:
2.4 CHz
5 CHz
2.4 and 5 CHz
Nntc: Nol aII pioducls suppoil lhe 5 CHz iadio land.
Nctwnrk Namc (55ID)
DispIays lhe nane oi seivice sel idenlifiei (SSID) of youi viieIess access
Channc! WIdth
DispIays lhe channeI landvidlh selling seIecled on lhe asic WiieIess
Sellings page
WIdc Channc!
DispIays lhe Wide ChanneI selling seIecled on lhe asic WiieIess Sellings
5tandard Channc!
DispIays lhe Slandaid ChanneI selling seIecled on lhe asic WiieIess
Sellings page
DispIays lhe secuiily nelhod used ly youi viieIess nelvoik
55ID Brnadcast
DispIays lhe slalus of lhe galevay's SSID ioadcasl fealuie

&! #$!%%&! '() *

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

8tatus > 0068|8 wAN
DOCSIS WAN Slalus dispIays infoinalion aloul lhe syslen of youi calIe noden.
SeIecl lhe DOC5I5 WAN lal lo open lhe Slalus DOCSIS WAN page.

0068|8 wAN Page 0escr|pt|on
Use lhe desciiplions in lhe foIIoving lalIe lo ieviev lhe slalus of youi DOCSIS
WAN nelvoik.
5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
Abnut Mndc!
DispIays lhe nane of lhe iesidenliaI galevay
DispIays lhe nanufacluiei of lhe iesidenliaI galevay
Hardwarc RcvIsInn
DispIays lhe ievision of lhe ciicuil loaid design
5crIa! Numbcr
DispIays lhe unique seiiaI of lhe iesidenliaI galevay
#$!%%&! '() * &+

Hon|tor Cateway 8tatus

5cctInn FIc!d DcscrIptInn
MAC Addrcss (CM MAC Addrcss)
DispIays lhe CM MAC Addiess. The CM MAC Addiess is a unique
aIphanuneiic addiess foi lhe calIe noden coaxiaI inleiface, vhich is used
lo connecl lo lhe CMTS al lhe headend. A MAC addiess is a haidvaie
addiess lhal uniqueIy idenlifies each node of a nelvoik.
Bnnt!nadcr RcvIsInn
DispIays lhe lool ievision code veision
Currcnt 5nftwarc RcvIsInn
DispIays lhe ievision veision of lhe fiinvaie
FIrmwarc Namc
DispIays lhe nane of lhe fiinvaie
FIrmwarc BuI!d TImc
DispIays lhe dale and line lhe fiinvaie vas luiIl
Cab!c Mndcm 5tatus
DispIays one of lhe possilIe cuiienl slales of lhe galevay
Channc!s 1-8
DispIays lhe povei IeveI and lhe signaI lo noise ialio of lhe aclive
dovnsliean channeIs
Channc!s 1-4
DispIays lhe povei IeveI of lhe aclive upsliean channeIs

&# #$!%%&! '() *

Frequent|y Asked 0uest|ons

Frequent|y Asked 0uest|ons
0. how 0o | 6onf|gure T6P||P Protoco|?
A. To configuie TCI/II piolocoI, you need lo have an Llheinel Nelvoik Inleiface
Caid (NIC) vilh TCI/II connunicalions piolocoI inslaIIed on youi syslen.
TCI/II is a connunicalions piolocoI used lo access lhe Inleinel. This seclion
conlains insliuclions foi configuiing TCI/II on youi Inleinel devices lo opeiale
vilh lhe iesidenliaI galevay in Miciosofl Windovs oi Macinlosh enviionnenls.
TCI/II piolocoI in a Miciosofl Windovs enviionnenl is diffeienl foi each
opeialing syslen. IoIIov lhe appiopiiale insliuclions in lhis seclion foi youi
opeialing syslen.
01234567425 809:;9 12 <42=1>? !$$$ @A?B(C?
1 CIick 5tart, seIecl 5cttIngs, and choose Nctwnrk and DIa!-up CnnncctInns.
2 DoulIe-cIick lhe Lnca! Arca CnnncctInn icon in lhe Nelvoik and DiaI-up
Conneclions vindov.
3 CIick PrnpcrtIcs in lhe LocaI Aiea Conneclion Slalus vindov.
4 CIick Intcrnct Prntncn! (TCP/IP) in lhe LocaI Aiea Conneclion Iiopeilies
vindov, and lhen cIick PrnpcrtIcs.
5 SeIecl lolh ObtaIn an IP addrcss autnmatIca!!y and ObtaIn DN5 scrvcr addrcss
autnmatIca!!y in lhe Inleinel IiolocoI (TCI/II) Iiopeilies vindov, and lhen
cIick OK.
6 CIick Ycs lo ieslail youi conpulei vhen lhe LocaI Nelvoik vindov opens. The
conpulei ieslails. The TCI/II piolocoI is nov configuied on youi IC, and youi
Llheinel devices aie ieady foi use.
7 Tiy lo access lhe Inleinel. If you cannol access lhe Inleinel, conlacl youi seivice
piovidei foi fuilhei assislance.
01234567425 809:;9 12 <42=1>? D9 @A?B(C?
1 CIick 5tart, and depending on youi Slail nenu selup, choose one of lhe
foIIoving oplions:
If you aie using lhe Windovs XI DefauIl Slail Menu, seIecl Cnnncct tn,
choose 5hnw a!! cnnncctInns, and lhen go lo slep 2.
If you aie using lhe Windovs XI CIassic Slail Menu, seIecl 5cttIngs, choose
Nctwnrk CnnncctInns, cIick Lnca! Arca CnnncctInn, and lhen go lo slep 3.
2 DoulIe-cIick lhe Lnca! Arca CnnncctInn icon in lhe LAN oi High-Speed Inleinel
seclion of lhe Nelvoik Conneclions vindov.
3 CIick PrnpcrtIcs in lhe LocaI Aiea Conneclion Slalus vindov.
4 CIick Intcrnct Prntncn! (TCP/IP), and lhen cIick PrnpcrtIcs in lhe LocaI Aiea
Conneclion Iiopeilies vindov.
#$!%%&! '() * &,

Frequent|y Asked 0uest|ons

5 SeIecl lolh ObtaIn an IP addrcss autnmatIca!!y and ObtaIn DN5 scrvcr addrcss
autnmatIca!!y in lhe Inleinel IiolocoI (TCI/II) Iiopeilies vindov, and lhen
cIick OK.
6 CIick Ycs lo ieslail youi conpulei vhen lhe LocaI Nelvoik vindov opens. The
conpulei ieslails. The TCI/II piolocoI is nov configuied on youi IC, and youi
Llheinel devices aie ieady foi use.
7 Tiy lo access lhe Inleinel. If you cannol access lhe Inleinel, conlacl youi seivice
piovidei foi fuilhei assislance.
01234567425 809:;9 12 EFG42B1?H @A?B(C?
1 CIick lhe App!c icon in lhe uppei-Iefl coinei of lhe Iindei. ScioII dovn lo
Cnntrn! Panc!s, and lhen cIick TCP/IP.
2 CIick EdIt on lhe Iindei al lhe lop of lhe page. ScioII dovn lo lhe lollon of lhe
nenu, and lhen cIick Uscr Mndc.
3 CIick Advanccd in lhe Usei Mode vindov, and lhen cIick OK.
4 CIick lhe Up/Dovn seIecloi aiiovs Iocaled lo lhe iighl of lhe Connecl Via
seclion of lhe TCI/II vindov, and lhen cIick UsIng DHCP 5crvcr.
5 CIick OptInns in lhe TCI/II vindov, and lhen cIick ActIvc in lhe TCI/II
Oplions vindov.
Nntc: Make suie lhal lhe Lnad nn!y whcn nccdcd nptInn is ('9"#9=#0.
6 Veiify lhal lhe Usc 802.3 oplion Iocaled in lhe uppei-iighl coinei of lhe TCI/II
vindov is unchecked. If lheie is a check naik in lhe oplion, uncheck lhe oplion,
and lhen cIick Infn in lhe Iovei-Iefl coinei.
7 Is lheie a Haidvaie Addiess Iisled in lhis vindov`
If ycs, cIick OK. To cIose lhe TCI/II ConlioI IaneI vindov, cIick FI!c, and
lhen scioII dovn lo cIick C!nsc. You have conpIeled lhis pioceduie.
If nn, you nusl povei off youi Macinlosh.
8 Wilh lhe povei off, sinuIlaneousIy piess and hoId dovn lhe Cnmmand
(App!c), OptInn, P, and R keys on youi keyloaid. Keeping lhose keys piessed
dovn, povei on youi Macinlosh lul do nol ieIease lhese keys unliI you heai lhe
AppIe chine al Ieasl lhiee lines, lhen ieIease lhe keys and Iel lhe conpulei
9 When youi conpulei fuIIy ielools, iepeal sleps 1 lhiough 7 lo veiify lhal aII
TCI/II sellings aie coiiecl. If youi conpulei sliII does nol have a Haidvaie
Addiess, conlacl youi aulhoiized AppIe deaIei oi AppIe lechnicaI suppoil cenlei
foi fuilhei assislance.
0. how 0o | Renew the |P Address on Hy P6?
A. If youi IC cannol access lhe Inleinel aflei lhe iesidenliaI galevay is onIine, il is
possilIe lhal youi IC did nol ienev ils II addiess. IoIIov lhe appiopiiale
insliuclions in lhis seclion foi youi opeialing syslen lo ienev lhe II addiess on
youi IC.
&- #$!%%&! '() *

Frequent|y Asked 0uest|ons

Renew|ng the |P Address on w|ndows 95, 98, 988E, and HE 8ystems
1 CIick 5tart, and lhen cIick Run lo open lhe Run vindov.
2 Type wInIpcfg in lhe Open fieId, and cIick OK lo execule lhe vinipcfg
connand. The II Configuialion vindov opens.
3 CIick lhe dovn aiiov lo lhe iighl of lhe lop fieId, and seIecl lhe Llheinel adaplei
lhal is inslaIIed on youi IC. The II Configuialion vindov dispIays lhe Llheinel
adaplei infoinalion.
4 CIick Rc!casc, and lhen cIick Rcncw. The II Configuialion vindov dispIays a
nev II addiess.
5 CIick OK lo cIose lhe II Configuialion vindov, you have conpIeled lhis
Nntc: If you cannol access lhe Inleinel, conlacl youi seivice piovidei foi fuilhei
Renew|ng the |P Address on w|ndows NT, 2000, or XP 8ystems
1 CIick 5tart, and lhen cIick Run. The Run vindov opens.
2 Type cmd in lhe Open fieId and cIick OK. A vindov vilh a connand pionpl
3 Type IpcnnfIg/rc!casc al lhe C:/ pionpl and piess Entcr. The syslen ieIeases
lhe II addiess.
4 Type IpcnnfIg/rcncw al lhe C:/ pionpl and piess Entcr. The syslen dispIays a
nev II addiess.
5 CIick lhe X in lhe uppei-iighl coinei of lhe vindov lo cIose lhe Connand
Iionpl vindov. You have conpIeled lhis pioceduie.
Nntc: If you cannol access lhe Inleinel, conlacl youi seivice piovidei foi fuilhei
0. what |f | don't subscr|be to cab|e TV?
A. If calIe TV is avaiIalIe in youi aiea, dala seivice nay le nade avaiIalIe vilh oi
vilhoul sulsciiling lo calIe TV seivice. Conlacl youi IocaI seivice piovidei foi
conpIele infoinalion on calIe seivices, incIuding high-speed Inleinel access.
0. how do | arrange for |nsta||at|on?
A. CaII youi seivice piovidei lo inquiie aloul piofessionaI inslaIIalion. A
piofessionaI inslaIIalion ensuies piopei calIe conneclion lo lhe noden and lo youi
IC, and il ensuies lhe piopei configuialion of aII haidvaie and soflvaie sellings.
Conlacl youi seivice piovidei foi noie infoinalion aloul inslaIIalion.
#$!%%&! '() * &.

Frequent|y Asked 0uest|ons

0. how does the res|dent|a| gateway connect to my computer?
A. The iesidenliaI galevay connecls lo lhe IC using a viieIess conneclion oi lhe
1O/1OO/1OOOASL-T Llheinel poil on youi IC. If you vanl lo use an Llheinel
inleiface, Llheinel caids avaiIalIe fion youi IocaI IC oi office suppIy ielaiIei, oi
fion youi seivice piovidei. Ioi lesl peifoinance ovei an Llheinel conneclion, youi
IC shouId le equipped vilh a Cigalil Llheinel caid.
0. After my res|dent|a| gateway |s connected, how do | access the |nternet?
A. Youi IocaI seivice piovidei lecones youi Inleinel Seivice Iiovidei (ISI). They
offei a vide iange of seivices incIuding e-naiI, chal, nevs, and infoinalion seivices.
Youi seivice piovidei viII piovide lhe soflvaie you viII need.
0. 6an | watch TV and surf the |nternet at the same t|me?
A. AlsoIuleIy! If you sulsciile lo calIe leIevision seivice, you can valch TV and
use youi iesidenliaI galevay al lhe sane line ly connecling youi TV and youi
iesidenliaI galevay lo lhe calIe nelvoik using an oplionaI calIe signaI spIillei.
6ommon Troub|eshoot|ng |ssues
| don't understand the front pane| status |nd|cators
See !"#$% '($)* +,- .%(%/0 1$234(%#" !/$4%3#$0 (on page 99), foi noie delaiIed
infoinalion on fionl paneI LLD slalus indicaloi opeialion and funclion.
The res|dent|a| gateway does not reg|ster an Ethernet connect|on
Veiify lhal youi conpulei has an Llheinel caid and lhal lhe Llheinel diivei
soflvaie is piopeiIy inslaIIed. If you puichase and inslaII an Llheinel caid,
foIIov lhe inslaIIalion insliuclions veiy caiefuIIy.
Veiify lhe slalus of lhe fionl paneI slalus indicaloi Iighls.
The res|dent|a| gateway does not reg|ster an Ethernet connect|on after connect|ng to a hub
If you aie connecling nuIlipIe ICs lo lhe iesidenliaI galevay, you shouId fiisl
connecl lhe noden lo lhe upIink poil of lhe hul using lhe coiiecl ciossovei calIe.
The LINK LLD of lhe hul viII iIIuninale conlinuousIy.
The res|dent|a| gateway does not reg|ster a cab|e connect|on
The noden voiks vilh a slandaid 75-ohn RI coaxiaI calIe. If you aie using a
diffeienl calIe, youi iesidenliaI galevay viII nol funclion piopeiIy. Conlacl youi
calIe seivice piovidei lo deleinine vhelhei you aie using lhe coiiecl calIe.
Youi NIC caid oi US inleiface nay le naIfunclioning. Refei lo lhe
lioulIeshooling infoinalion in lhe NIC oi US docunenlalion.
&/ #$!%%&! '() *

T|ps for |mproved Performance

T|ps for |mproved Performance
6heck and 6orrect
If youi iesidenliaI galevay does nol peifoin as expecled, lhe foIIoving lips nay
heIp. If you need fuilhei assislance, conlacl youi seivice piovidei.
Veiify lhal lhe pIug lo youi iesidenliaI galevay AC povei is piopeiIy inseiled
inlo an eIecliicaI oulIel.
Veiify lhal youi iesidenliaI galevay AC povei coid is nol pIugged inlo an
eIecliicaI oulIel lhal is conlioIIed ly a vaII svilch. If a vaII svilch conlioIs lhe
eIecliicaI oulIel, nake suie lhe svilch is in lhe ON posilion.
Veiify lhal lhe ONLINE LLD slalus indicaloi on lhe fionl paneI of youi
iesidenliaI galevay is iIIuninaled.
Veiify lhal youi calIe seivice is aclive and lhal il suppoils lvo-vay seivice.
Veiify lhal aII calIes aie piopeiIy connecled, and lhal you aie using lhe coiiecl
Veiify lhal youi TCI/II is piopeiIy inslaIIed and configuied if you aie using lhe
Llheinel conneclion.
Veiify lhal you have caIIed youi seivice piovidei and given lhen lhe seiiaI
nunlei and MAC addiess of youi iesidenliaI galevay.
If you aie using a calIe signaI spIillei so lhal you can connecl lhe iesidenliaI
galevay lo olhei devices, ienove lhe spIillei and ieconnecl lhe calIes so lhal lhe
iesidenliaI galevay is connecled diieclIy lo lhe calIe inpul. If lhe iesidenliaI
galevay nov funclions piopeiIy, lhe calIe signaI spIillei nay le defeclive and
nay need lo le iepIaced.
Ioi lesl peifoinance ovei an Llheinel conneclion, youi IC shouId le equipped
vilh a Cigalil Llheinel caid.

#$!%%&! '() * &&

Front Pane| LE0 8tatus |nd|cator Funct|ons

Front Pane| LE0 8tatus |nd|cator Funct|ons
|n|t|a| Power Up, 6a||brat|on, and Reg|strat|on (A6 Power app||ed}
The foIIoving chail iIIusliales lhe sequence of sleps and lhe coiiesponding
appeaiance of lhe iesidenliaI galevay fionl paneI LLD slalus indicalois duiing
povei up, caIilialion, and iegislialion on lhe nelvoik vhen AC povei is appIied lo
lhe iesidenliaI galevay. Use lhis chail lo lioulIeshool lhe povei up, caIilialion, and
iegislialion piocess of youi iesidenliaI galevay.
Nntc: Aflei lhe iesidenliaI galevay conpIeles Slep 11 (TeIephone Regislialion
ConpIele), lhe noden pioceeds innedialeIy lo NoinaI Opeialions. See B#"C(*
D?)"(%3#$0 @;5 '#E)" (??*3)2A (on page 1O1).

Front PaneI LED Status Indicators During InitiaI Power Up, CaIibration, and Registration

Part 1, High Speed Data Registration
5tcp: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frnnt Panc! IndIcatnr 5c!f
5Igna! Lnck
RangIng RcqucstIng IP
Rcqucst HIgh
5pccd Data
PrnvIsInnIng FI!c
1 IOWLR On On On On On On
2 DS On Iinking On On On On
3 US On Off Off Iinking On On
4 ONLINL On Off Off Off Off Iinking
On On oi
On oi
On oi
On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
6 US On On oi
On oi
On oi
On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
Off On oi
On oi
On oi
On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
Off On oi
On oi
On oi
On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
9 TLL 1 On Off Off Off Off Off
1O TLL 2 On Off Off Off Off Off

%$$ #$!%%&! '() *

Front Pane| LE0 8tatus |nd|cator Funct|ons

Front PaneI LED Status Indicators During InitiaI Power Up, CaIibration, and Registration
Part 2, TeIephone Registration
5tcp 7 8 9 10 11
Frnnt Panc! IndIcatnr Data Nctwnrk
Tc!cphnnc IP
RcstartIng VnIcc
1 IOWLR On On On On On
2 DS On On On On On
3 US On On On On On
4 ONLINL On On On On On
5 LTHLRNLT 1 - 4 On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
6 US On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
7 WIRLLLSS LINK On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
8 WIRLLLSS SLTUI Off Off Off On oi Iinking On oi Iinking
9 TLL 1 Off Iinking Off Iinking On
1O TLL 2 Off Off Iinking Iinking On

#$!%%&! '() * %$%

Front Pane| LE0 8tatus |nd|cator Funct|ons

Norma| 0perat|ons (A6 Power app||ed}
The foIIoving chail iIIusliales lhe appeaiance of lhe iesidenliaI galevay fionl paneI
LLD slalus indicalois duiing noinaI opeialions vhen AC povei is appIied lo lhe

Frnnt Panc! LED 5tatus IndIcatnrs DurIng Nnrma! CnndItInns
Frnnt Panc! IndIcatnr Nnrma! OpcratInns
2 DS On
3 US On
1 - 4
On - When a singIe device is connecled lo lhe Llheinel poil and no dala is leing senl
lo oi fion lhe noden
Iinks - When onIy one Llheinel device is connecled and dala is leing liansfeiied
lelveen lhe consunei pienise equipnenl (CIL) and lhe viieIess hone galevay
Off - When no devices aie connecled lo lhe Llheinel poils
6 US
On - When a singIe device is connecled lo lhe US poil and no dala is leing senl lo oi
fion lhe noden
Iinks - When onIy one US device is connecled and dala is leing liansfeiied lelveen
lhe consunei pienise equipnenl (CIL) and lhe viieIess hone galevay
Off - When no devices aie connecled lo lhe US poils
On - When lhe viieIess access poinl is enalIed and opeialionaI
Iinks - When dala is leing liansfeiied lelveen lhe CIL and lhe viieIess hone
Off - When lhe viieIess access poinl is disalIed ly lhe usei
Off - When viieIess selup is nol aclive
Iinks - When viieIess selup is aclive lo add nev viieIess cIienls on lhe viieIess
9 TLL 1
On - When leIephony seivice is enalIed
Iinks - When Iine 1 is in use
1O TLL 2
On - When leIephony seivice is enalIed
Iinks - When Iine 2 is in use

%$! #$!%%&! '() *

Front Pane| LE0 8tatus |nd|cator Funct|ons

8pec|a| 6ond|t|ons
The foIIoving chail desciiles lhe appeaiance of lhe calIe noden fionl paneI LLD
slalus indicalois duiing speciaI condilions lo shov vhen you have leen denied
nelvoik access.

Frnnt Panc! LED 5tatus IndIcatnrs DurIng 5pccIa! CnndItInns
Frnnt Panc! IndIcatnr Nctwnrk Acccss DcnIcd
1 IOWLR SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
2 DS SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
3 US SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
4 ONLINL SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
1 - 4
SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
6 US SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
SIov Iinking
1 line pei second
9 TLL 1 Off
1O TLL 2 Off

#$!%%&! '() * %$+


Cisco, Cisco Syslens, lhe Cisco Iogo, and lhe Cisco Syslens Iogo aie iegisleied
liadenaiks oi liadenaiks of Cisco Syslens, Inc. and/oi ils affiIiales in lhe U.S. and
ceilain olhei counliies.
DOCSIS is a iegisleied liadenaik of CalIe TeIevision Laloialoiies, Inc.
LuioDOCSIS, LuioIackelCalIe, and IackelCalIe aie liadenaiks of CalIe TeIevision
Laloialoiies, Inc.
>-- &/"#+ /+10#)1+=, )#'/.&'#0 .' /"., 0&9()#'/ 1+# /"# %+&%#+/7 &2 /"#.+ +#,%#9/.:# &?'#+,;
Cisco Syslens, Inc. assunes no iesponsiliIily foi eiiois oi onissions lhal nay
appeai in lhis guide. We ieseive lhe iighl lo change lhis guide al any line vilhoul
0ocumentat|on 6opyr|ght Not|ce
Infoinalion in lhis docunenl is suljecl lo change vilhoul nolice. No pail of lhis
docunenl nay le iepioduced in any foin vilhoul lhe expiess viillen peinission of
Cisco Syslens, Inc.
8oftware and F|rmware Use
The soflvaie desciiled in lhis docunenl is piolecled ly copyiighl Iav and
fuinished lo you undei a Iicense agieenenl. You nay onIy use oi copy lhis soflvaie
in accoidance vilh lhe leins of youi Iicense agieenenl.
The fiinvaie in lhis equipnenl is piolecled ly copyiighl Iav. You nay onIy use lhe
fiinvaie in lhe equipnenl in vhich il is piovided. Any iepioduclion oi disliilulion
of lhis fiinvaie, oi any poilion of il, vilhoul oui expiess viillen consenl is

%$# #$!%%&! '() *

For |nformat|on

For |nformat|on
|f You have 0uest|ons
If you have lechnicaI queslions, caII Cisco Seivices foi assislance. IoIIov lhe nenu
oplions lo speak vilh a seivice engineei. Use lhe foIIoving lalIe lo find lhe cenlei in
youi aiea.
RcgInn AssIstancc Ccntcrs Tc!cphnnc and Fax Numbcrs
Noilh Aneiica
Soulh Aneiica
AlIanla, Ceoigia
Uniled Slales
TcchnIca! 5uppnrt
Ioi @.8./1- A+&10*1'0 @#-.:#+7 B7,/#) pioducls onIy, caII:
ToII-fiee: 1-866-787-3866
LocaI: 77O-236-22OO
Iax: 77O-236-2488
Ioi aII pioducls &/"#+ /"1' DigilaI ioadland DeIiveiy
Syslen, caII:
ToII-fiee: 1-8OO-722-2OO9
LocaI: 678-277-112O
Iax: 77O-236-23O6
Custnmcr 5crvIcc
ToII-fiee: 1-8OO-722-2OO9
LocaI: 678-277-112O
Iax: 77O-236-5477
Luiope Luiopean TechnicaI
Assislance Cenlei
(LuTAC), eIgiun
TeIephone: 32-56-445-197 oi 32-56-445-155
Iax: 32-56-445-O61
Asia-Iacific Hong Kong, China TeIephone: O11-852-2588-4745
Iax: O11-852-2588-3139
AusliaIia Sydney, AusliaIia TeIephone: O11-61-2-8446-5374
Iax: O11-61-2-8446-8O15
}apan Tokyo, }apan TeIephone: O11-81-3-5322-2O67
Iax: O11-81-3-5322-1311

04?G1 @A?B(C?I ;2GJ
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8H4? =1G6C(2B 42GK6=(? )F7416? B7F=(CF7L? 13 04?G1 @A?B(C?I ;2GJ 9K(F?( ?(( BH( Q1B4G(?
?(GB412 13 BH4? =1G6C(2B 317 F K4?B 13 BH( 04?G1 @A?B(C?I ;2GJI B7F=(CF7L? 6?(= 42 BH4?
971=6GB F2= ?(7)4G( F)F4KFR4K4BA F7( ?6RS(GB B1 GHF25( >4BH16B 21B4G(J
T !$%$ 04?G1 @A?B(C?I ;2GJ *KK 745HB? 7(?(7)(=J 9742B(= 42 U24B(= @BFB(? 13 *C(74GF
V(R76F7A !$%$ 9F7B Q6CR(7 #$!%%&! '() *

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