Syllabus-EEE646 FPGA Based System Design
Syllabus-EEE646 FPGA Based System Design
Syllabus-EEE646 FPGA Based System Design
Prerequisite Objectives:
3 1
This course covers the advanced design and analysis of digital circuits with HDL. The primary goal is to provide in depth understanding of logic and system design. The course enables students to apply their knowledge for the design of advanced digital hardware systems with help of FPGA tools. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Design and manually optimize complex combinational and sequential digital circuits 2. Model combinational and sequential digital circuits by Verilog HDL 3. Design and model digital circuits with Verilog HDL at behavioral, structural, and RTL Levels 4. Develop test benches to simulate combinational and sequential circuits.
Expected Outcome:
Unit I Verilog HDL Coding Style : Lexical Conventions - Ports and Modules Operators - Gate Level Modeling - System Tasks & Compiler Directives - Test Bench - Data Flow Modeling - Behavioral level Modeling -Tasks & Functions. Unit II Verilog Modeling of Combinational & Sequential Circuits : Behavioral, Data Flow and Structural Realization Adders MultipliersComparators - Flip Flops -Realization of Shift Register - Realization of a Counter- Synchronous and Asynchronous FIFO Single port and Dual port RAM Pseudo Random LFSR Cyclic Redundancy Check
Unit III
Synchronous sequential circuit: State diagram-state table state assignment-choice of flip-flops Timing diagram One hot encoding- Mealy and Moore state machines Design of serial adder using Mealy and Moore state machines - State minimization Sequence detection- Design of vending machine using One Hot Controller FPGA and its Architecture: Types of Programmable Logic Devices- PLA & PAL- FPGA Generic Architecture. ALTERA Cyclone II Architecture Timing Analysis and Power analysis using Quartus-IISOPC Builder- NIOS-II Soft-core Processor- System Design Examples using ALTERA FPGAs Traffic light Controller, Real Time Clock - Interfacing using FPGA: VGA, Keyboard, LCD
Unit IV
Text Books: 1. S.Ramachandran, Digital VLSI System Design: A Design Manual for implementation of Projects on FPGAs and ASICs Using Verilog Springer Publication,2007 2. Samir Palnitkar,Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis Prentice Hall, Second Edition,2003 References: Charles H Roth, Jr Digital Systems design using VHDL, Thomson Books/Cole Wayne Wolf , FPGA Based System Design, Prentices Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Serie Mark Balch, Complete Digital design A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer system Architecture, Mc Graw Hill, 2003 Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic, Digital Logic Design with VerilogHDL TATA Mc Graw Hill Ltd. 2nd Edition 2007 ALTERA Quartus II Handbook Ver10.0
Mode of Evaluation CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 29th Academic council Dt:26-04-2013