Wood Diaphragm Lateral Analysis
Wood Diaphragm Lateral Analysis
Wood Diaphragm Lateral Analysis
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WOOD PANEL REPORT INTRODUCTION: At the 1999 Structural Engineers of California (SEAOC) convention, a panel discussion was held to discuss the code issue relating to the wood diaphragm lateral analysis section of the current building code. The panel was moderated by Shafat A. Qazi and the five experts invited to answer questions were:
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Douglas S. Thompson Dennis Wish John M. Coil Chris Christakos Ted Zsutty
While there was no clear solution to the issue, it appeared that most of the design engineers feel that the distributing shear forces from a wood diaphragm to wood shear walls based on their stiffness is an overkill and does not necessarily reflect the true nature of shear distribution. The argument on the other side also have several valid points. (Please read the statements from each panel member). Among the audience, we had Mr. Andrew Adelman from City of Los Angeles Building department. Mr. Adelman said that the City is currently accepting both options as valid options. Until a final resolution is reached, the enforcing agencies such as building departments will probably follow similar path. Click on each panel members name to read their opinion. Thank You, Shafat Qazi, P.E. Director SEAOSC Admin, SEAINT
PANEL DISCUSSION RIGID V FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGMS Douglas S. Thompson It is my opinion that we need to consider relative stiffnesses of shear walls in light framed construction. The flexible diaphragm assumption that a wood framed diaphragm has zero stiffness can at times produce a building system that can lead to failures in shear walls. Depending on building dimensions and configurations, their can be times when flexible diaphragm assumptions are all that need to be considered. I also feel that there can be building configurations where the envelope approach of using both flexible diaphragm assumptions and rigid diaphragm assumptions may be necessary. On the other hand large buildings with concrete or masonry walls having plywood diaphragms easily fall into the flexible diaphragm
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category. I have mixed feelings about developing specific code language versus allowing engineering judgment on design issues. Past experience in litigation cases show us that whenever engineering judgment is allowed you can always find a expert witness that will state that he or she would have done differently. Also when engineering judgment is allowed then an owner or architect can always find an engineer that will take the project for less design fee. We need to create a level playing field so that if we all do the same engineering design for similar fees. This can only be accomplished with the help of building departments and plan checkers all requiring the same level of design and detailing. There needs to be more design publications in wood design. The SEAOC publication of the Seismic Design Manual with example problems is a good start in this much needed material. SEAOC needs work with the International Code Council on prohibiting Conventional Construction in areas of high seismicity. The code has a double standard and this will only widen in the IBC 2000 and IRC 2000 codes. At this point in time we know a lot more about the performance of wood shear wall systems than we did 10 years ago but we still have along way to go in both testing and future code language. I am in disagreement with those that feel that it is premature to make these extensive design changes just because we do not have all the data from ongoing research projects in yet. I am also in disagreement with those that feel that just because there isnt a formula in the code for deflection of an unblocked diaphragm, that a distribution of shears based upon rigidities in not necessary. The consideration of relative stiffnesses of shear walls in structural design can more accurately model the structures performance, however it is also highly important to have a well detailed set of plans and to see that the structure was built properly. 1.Determination of whether or not the horizontal diaphragm is rigid or flexible as prescribed by the UBC 97: a. Is this required or should engineering judgment be permitted to determine if the lateral forces are distributed by rigid diaphragm assumption (RDA) or by flexible diaphragm assumptions (FDA).