D043367 62684 Final
D043367 62684 Final
D043367 62684 Final
SEMESTER 2 2010/2011
:- 740620086129
(Appendix B )
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious & the Most Merciful.
All praise be to Allah, the god who created the worlds, and for his grace, I was finally able to
complete the task entrusted to me as meeting the requirements of this condition a Bachelor of
Secondly, I especially thank to my instructor who gives me a chance and opportunity in order to
write and complete this assignment . Surely your kindness and service that is never tired of
giving guidance to us, only God is able to reciprocate.
Finally, I would like to thank my interviewee Mr. Shah Rizal Bin Alias who gives me at every
information & every aspect of this report and also for providing me with helpful knowledge
needed, so thats completed successfully with hard working & cooperation. Nevertheless to all
friends who help me a lot in getting the materials and information so also support during this
business. May Allah Taala bless all of you, Insya Allah.
Wassalam. Thank you
My goal is to interview an iron man, to find out the legal background and how it helps a society.
I believe this assignment is not completed until I have interviewed a professional in the field in
which I are researching on. My topic is about Law, Career and Welfare , and I have
interviewed Mr. Shah Rizal Alias , LLB (Hons) UKM for my paper. I believe that he is a
reliable source for the interview. He is a lawyer with Messr Faisal Azian & Co, Ipoh Perak , Bar
Committee of Bar Council of Perak , and as the Panel of Solicitors for many banks and
Financial Institutions like CIMB Bank Berhad, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad, RHB
Bank Berhad and so on. He handles many convenyincing matters and purchase agreement. I
believe that by interviewing him, I can get an inside look of the contribution of legal to the
society, as well as the government position of the field. With this interview report, I believe it
will further strengthens my argumentative idea and my stance in general as well.
I am very impressed by Mr Shah Rizal based on his definition of his goals and his firm grasp in
reality. He comes across as an exceptionally intelligent, focused and organized person. He strikes
me as classic over achiever , but has a friendly and approachable friendly. Ive met him for a few
years now and feel that Mr Shah Rizal is one of the strongest candidate that Ive seen.
May,25 2011 I, Mr Azharun bin Wanik conducted in person interview with Mr Shah Rizal bin
Alias, a lawyer at Messr Faisal Azian & Co. Advocates & Solicitors . He was sworn in the start
of interview. He provided the following information about himself.
Interview report
Mr. Shah Rizal bin Alias, he graduated from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),Bangi
with a Bachelor of Law (Hons). Though the career path he has been following what many people
would call "alternative," he knows that no matter what he does for the rest of his life, he will
always be a "lawyer." He is a hardworking man.
Throughout history, "lawyers" have not solely been mouthpieces who stand up in court and
argue for anyone who will pay them to do so. Lawyers have been writers and politicians,
entrepreneurs and activists, teachers and parents. Yet we do not learn about these lawyers' lives
in law school. In law school, we learn that in order to be worthwhile, we have to try to make it
into the biggest, highest paying, and most "prestigious" firm that will take us. To do anything
else is to fail. We buy into this myth and structure our lives around it. In doing this, we
perpetuate the public image of lawyers as money-hungry slobs. We fail to serve those who need
our bright minds. Most importantly, we betray ourselves, our true dreams, talents, and interests.
This column is the product of my interview session of my interviewee obsession with his
decision to go to law school and its ramifications. However, he hopes it will be a companion
piece to "Find Satisfaction in the Law." His greatest lecturers are advising him on how to become
the best lawyer that he can be by becoming the best that he can be. He wants to thank them for
giving him support and creative space. What he hopes to write is his own story of lawyers he has
met who are doing interesting things.
Mr Shah Rizal, the first son of a retired policeman, Mr. Alias bin Ismail. They lived at Johor
Bharu,Johor with his father , mother and three younger sisters and two younger brothers during
1972-1985. They did not longer stay in Johor Bharu ,they moved to Pantai Remis,Perak .Over
the next sixth years they moved to Taiping, Perak until present. His mothers name is Hamidah
binti Khalid, a housewife.
He was a raw child. In fact, he was a raw adult. This is a hard quality to live with sometimes, but
it is a useful quality if you want to be a lawyer. It is easy to hurt his feelings, and he was unable
to watch the news or read about painful subjects without weeping. He was often called oversensitive when he was young, but he has learned to appreciate this quality in himself, and to use
it in his work.
In his family, he considers himself as the product of his familys influence and background.
The way he views the world has been molded and shaped by his siblings, parents, grandparents,
and extended family members. His future, like the majority of his
includes pursuing admission to the university and a career as doctor, teacher, lawyer and
accountant. Fortunately as a retired policeman, his father gave him and his siblings opportunities
to experience in any indoor and outdoor activity and knowledge but full of discipline and
guideline . As a result, all of his children succeed in their field of profession. They live happily.
Growing up, he spent large parts of his life in imaginary worlds. Around the age of eighteen, he
began thinking on his future profession as a lawyer. Now, his dream becomes true. He is a
successful lawyer at Taiping , Perak .He always try to make life comfortable for his family
Mr. Shah Rizal is begin his primary school at Sek Ren Keb Larkin (1), Johor Bahru, Johor. Then
he studied at Sek Men Dato Idris, Pantai Remis, Perak. Currently taking 10 aggregate in SPM
1996. Also taking English. He has found A in Physics, Science, Malay Language and
Mathematic to be very challenging; there is a lot of homework; but he loves the subject matter
which includes Civil and Syariah Laws and calculations of 'work'. It seemed that his favorite
course presently is law. Shah Rizal's interest in English is more variable depending upon what
he is reading. He believes he is a good reader. He is a high honors student (greater than 3.75
cgpa) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia with Bachelor of Law, which is consistently rated as
either the number 1 or number 2 at primary and secondary school (academically) in the State of
Ipoh, Perak. He also is a top notch student.
Lawyer is his first job and becomes his present career. He works as a lawyer with Messr Faizal
Azian & Co since 1998 immediately after completion his Chambering. His task is an advocate
and solicitor in handling conveyancing matters such sale and purchase agreement, banking
facility agreement, land dealings also litigation matter such as civil matters and criminal matters,
eg; suing for dept recovery or defending accused in criminal charges. In conveyancings, the
works are mainly to attend and prepare the securities documentations of banking facilities and
property development conveyance. The banking litigation and civil litigations including
summons, foreclosure, bankruptcy , winding up proceeding are his main scope of works in
litigation. He was responsible in handling office matter and also almost everyday conducting
cases at Magistrates Court, Sessions Court and High Court. At the same time hes still trying to
accomplish some goals such like to become a good lawyer and to have a successful legal firm in
the future endeavours .
After thirteen years in legal firm, the most memorable working experience that he has is winning
a civil appeal case at Court of Appeal, Putrajaya. He feels really proud of that because he able to
help and represent the clients rights and becomes his glory.
While searching for the perfect quote to begin this explanation of what lawyers really do, he
faced the same problem .He sure a lot of other people must have faced down the ages: people
simply do not have nice things to say about lawyers!. For instance, during recession period in
1998-1999 when business effected by the economic downturn, he and his staffs were struggling
to maintain their office income because at that time people stop buying houses, cars and others
properties. Fortunately they able to overcome that problem. He never regrets regarding his career
path because his fathers teaching was the biggest influence in his career.
He said that people bash lawyers all the time, and some of them rightfully so. But the fact is they
perform a service. He may not always like their tactics or the fact that many of them are liars and
get criminals off. What he has to remember is that they also convict criminals and setfree
innocent people. They help us fight shady companies that pick on the consumer. They help us get
fair results for our children in custody battles. They give advice on subjects we hope we never
have to deal with. So take the good with the bad. Fortunately, we wont have to look much
further than the quote above. At the most basic level, we as lawyers apply common sense to
everyday and extraordinary situations alike. If we are smart, think well on our feet, and love
proving our point, the law is for us!
Mr. Shah Rizal has an incredibly rich and diverse life outside of his academics. Suffice it to say
that Shah Rizal is involved in a combination of charity, leadership and extra curriculum activities
that are quite impressive. He participated in legal aid program conducting by Bar Council of
Perak and has been selected as a Bar Committee in providing free legal advice or legal aid in
certain cases where the client is from a low income family. All of his social activities were
influenced by his previous commitment and participation in society inside out the campus. As a
fact , it also helps him a lot in gaining the job at the first. He feels proud of himself and greatly
thanks to The God ,The One and Only who gives him a chance to experience in.
He said that he works with corporate houses, or in law firms that service corporate . Here, he as a
lawyer mainly as facilitators, helping companies work smoothly, efficiently, and within the
boundaries of the law. Sometime he helps business work in the best possible manner, and are an
extremely important part of any business transaction .All these are very cool to talk about, but
unless we have someone who understands how these things work, and can get them done in the
best possible way, all well ever do is talk about them.
For our information, lawyers do this in various places, and through different means. Litigating
lawyers, as these lawyers are called, represent their clients in court. Litigating lawyers are called
upon to argue various kinds of issues, ranging from property matters to criminal matters,
constitutional issues to matters of family law. Black and white and vociferous, these lawyers
argue the law to make sure that their clients interests are represented in the best possible manner
before those that will decide matters of a whole lot of importance to a whole lot of people.
Before finishing this interview , Mr. Shah Rizal gave his point of view regarding the Islamic
law or Shariah Law. He said that Shariah Law means the path to follow God's Law. It is very
holistic or eclectic in its approach to guide the individual in most daily matters compared to the
Civil and Common Law because its basic sources are Al-Quran Al-Karim and the Sunnah of
Regarding that issue he always reminds himself so also a new generation that Honesty is the
best policy. If we do, sure we might learn that in our life. He finished his word with his own
motto, Carpe diem meaning - seize the day. Be good to everyone, everyday and every
situation, Insya-Allah our deeds will be rewarded by the Lord, God All the Mighty. And the most
important thing whatever we do must sake for Allah Taala pressure. He hopes that his good
attention and deeds will be seen as his contribution (jariah) towards Muslim Ummah and the
world as a whole.
I feel this interview was extremely beneficial. Mr. Shah Rizals interview provided information
about being a successful person in a large major of life and steps I should take to prepare
myself in facing with real world information of a branch of Law.
Conducting these interviews proved to be a great learning experience because I now have more
knowledge about
knowledge . Because of the interviews, I have a better idea and understanding of how do
lawyers contribute and help the society and how difficult it is. Then how they perform a service
to society by hopefully defending law and order. It is some contribution of prominent person to
the world. Actually ,it is a part of human rights and responsibility. Lawyers play an important
role in helping,fulfilling and defending the communitiess rights and needs. Allah said in Quran
For each We have appointed a divine law and a traced-out way. Had God willed, He could
have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He has given you. So vie
one with another in good works. Unto God you will all return, and He will then inform you of
that wherein you differ.( 5:48)1
Throughout Islamic history, God has sent messengers to people all over the world, to guide them
to the straight path that would lead them to happiness in this world and the one to follow. All
messengers taught the same message about belief (the Qur'an teaches that all messengers called
people to the worship of the One God), but the specific prescriptions of the divine laws
regulating people's lives varied according to the needs of his people and time.
The scholars explain that the welfare of humans is based on the fulfillment of necessities, needs,
and comforts. Thats why Islam says, God sent prophets and books to humanity to show them the
way to happiness in this life, and success in the hereafter. In this report I try to connote
Mohammed Salam Madkoar in his article Human Rights from an Islamic Worldview An
outline of Hudud, Ta'zir & Qisas explains the theoretical assumptions of Islamic Law: There
are five important indispensables in Islam that should be protected by muslim authority:
Aside from these, lawyers today work with people from every walk of life, interpreting laws,
applying legal principles, and, above all, helping people tackle problems on every scale. Simply
put, an ideal lawyer is a smart, intelligent person who applies common sense to common and
uncommon problems alike, and helps people find their paths out of the wilderness.
As a conclusion, I feel that this interviews points of view able to implement and use in my
career, my life and gives a great impact to the community as well. To be successful in our
family, career and life as a whole, we need a good combination between a power of mind
(knowledge) , a power of spirit (religion, motivation) and a power of body (a physical health).
We should not give up no matter we are. No gain, no pain. The rest, surrender to Allahs will
which is stated in the Quran and Sunnah without against any Islamic Principle was guaranteed a
happiness in dually life, here and hereafter. Perhaps these views will give us a new idea and
knowledge about the legal background and its impact to another image of human career and
welfare. So that, Mr. Shah Rizal becomes ones of prominent person who has contributed a lot to
our society.
Thanks to God due to His Blessing and Mercy, I able to finish my task on time even there are a
lot of challenges and obstacles during this period of time. I have several weeks to complete it.
Within this period, I have faced some problems carrying out this task especially in getting
materials and information. I feel not enough time to draw graphic organizers , surfing internet
for relevant information and materials and collaboration with friends to get ideas in completing
this task successfully.
By doing this task , I gained less knowledge and experience in writing an assignment in
English rather than in Malay. However , I think that it will be more meaningful in order to
enhance my capability to write an English paper work.
Lastly , I would like to thank my lecturer and all friends who give me a lot of good advices ,
guidelines and moral support in order to finish my English for Communication 2 assignment.
Thank you.
2 When and where were you born? Do you have siblings and children ?
If yes, how many and what sexes they are?
3 What is your earliest childhood memory? Where do you live?
4 What was the full name of your spouse? Parents? And what is the job
that they involve in?
5 Where did you meet your spouse and when did you get married?
6 What do you believe is the key to a successful life?
7 What is goal you still trying to accomplish?
EDUCATION 2 What school/university activities and sports did you participate in?
3 Did you have received any award at university? If yes, what it is?
4 Did you involve in co curriculum activity at your campus?
5 How much your co curriculum activity support you in gaining a job?
What was your first and present profession? why did you choose it?
Where and when? What was your position there?
2 Do you have any regret regarding your career path? And who was the
biggest influence in your career?
How did you get a job? What is your vision and mission in your career
and What is your motto behind that?
What is the one thing you most want people to remember about you?