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THE LAW DOES NOT PERMIT IMPOSSIBILITIES San Diego County Ca i!ornia Re"u# i$ unite% States o! A&eri$a )

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Asseveration L'S' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Signe% on y in $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity As #ene!i$iary to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion'

NOTICE' T)e ter& +Origina *uris%i$tion, )erein an% in a ot)er %o$u&ents issue% #y -y. Fu / Na&e &eans t)e $onstitution !or t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, anno Do&ini 0121, an% arti$ es o! a&en%&ent anno Do&ini 0130 an% ot)er origina "arent agree&ents as in%e4e% in Paragra") Nu&#er 05 #e o6'


Let Rig)t Be Done, T)oug) T)e 7eavens S)ou % Fa

I, -y. Fu / Na&e a898a -y First Na&e. -y -i%% e na&e o! t)e !a&i y -y Last Na&e, in "u# i$ $a"a$ity as #ene!i$iary to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion, #eing o! &a:ority in age, $o&"etent to testi!y, a se ! rea i;e% entity, a !ree -an8Wo&an u"on t)e !ree soi , an A&eri$an $iti;en o! t)e A&eri$an Re"u# i$, -y yeas #eing yeas, -y nayes #eing nayes, %o )ere#y state t)at t)e trut)s an% !a$ts )erein are o! !irst )an% "ersona resear$), true, $orre$t, $o&" ete, $ertain, an% not &is ea%ing, so )e " &e <OD'

THIS DOCUMENT GIVES NOTICE TO all Publ ! O"" ! al# b$ a%& '()*u+( '(, O"" !, *" '(, S,!),'a)$ *" S'a',, '(, U% ',& S'a',# *" A-,) !a a./.a UNITED STATES a./.a U0 S0 a./.a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a%& '(, O"" !, *" '(, S,!),'a)$ *" S'a',, '(, S'a', *" Cal "*)% a a./.a MY STATE a./.a STATE OF MY STATE a./.a M$ S'a',1# 2 !a3 'al l,'',)# a./.a 4'( # S'a',5 a%& '* all 6(*- ' -a$ !*%!,)%, *" '(, DECLARATIONS, LAWFUL PROTESTS a%& *'(,) -a'',)# !*%'a %,& (,), %0
NOTICE OF FOREIGN 7URISDICTION TO8 ALL U0S0 AND STATE AGENTS 9 OFFICERS 6(,% '( # %*' !, # a"" :,& '* a 3),- #,#, all 3)*3,)'$ '(,), % a%& a''a!(,& '(,),'* # u%&,) '(, !u#'*&$ a%& !*%')*l *" '(, ab*;,<%*',& "*), +% *"" ! al a%& %*' #ub=,!' '* %')u# *% *) #, >u),0 T(, b,a),) *" '( # N*' !, (a# b,,% &ul$ %*' " ,& '* '(, D,3a)'-,%' *" S'a', 3u)#ua%' '* %',)%a' *%al la6 a%& ,%=*$# --u% '$ ")*- !) - %al a%& ! ; l =u) #& !' *%, a)),#' a%& &,',%' *%0 U%&,) %',)%a' *%al !*%;,%' *%, '(, b,a),) #(*ul& b, '),a',& 6 '( ),#3,!' a%& all #',3# #(*ul& b, 'a/,% '* 3),;,%' a''a!/ *% '(, b,a),)1# "),,&*-, -*b l '$, %',),#'# a%& 3)*3,)'$0 La6 en!or$e&ent in=uiries &ay #e &a%e to t)e U'S' De"art&ent o! State Aut)enti$ations O!!i$e, >5?5) @A1.A???' Lega i;ation in=uiries &ay #e &a%e to t)e U'S' De egation !or t)e 7ague Convention, >5?5) 11@.2BA5'

0' ?NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , -y. Fu / Na&e a./.a M$ F )#' Na-,< M$ M &&l, Na-, *" '(, "a- l$ M$ La#' Na-, &*,# (,),b$ #'a',, a##,)' a%& a;,) all *" '(, "*ll*6 %+8 5' M$< Full8 Na-, # a l ; %+ b),a'( %+ "),, Ma%.W*-a% u3*% '(, "),, #* l, an A&eri$an $iti;en o! t)e A&eri$an Re"u# i$, #ene!i$iary to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion' B' M$< Full8 Na-, # %*' a U% ',& S'a',# C ' >,%, #ub=,!', ;,##,l *) 43,)#*%5 as %e!ine% in Tit e 5@ Unite% States Co%e, Se$tion 11?0 or e se6)ere, or any ot)er ens legis arti!i$ia "erson, in%ivi%ua , entity, !i$tion o! a6, "ro$e%ura ")anto& or :uristi$ "ersona ity, not6it)stan%ing t)e re"ro%u$tion o! any su$) !i$tions in any &e%ia, $o&"uter, re$or% or instru&ent, 6ritten or e e$troni$' A' M$< Full8 Na-, # "*), +% '* '(, U% ',& S'a',# a%& ),'a %# *"" ! al au'(*) '$ 6it)in )is8)er $)osen :uris%i$tion' As #ene!i$iary to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion, )e8s)e is not su#:e$t to nor %oes 7e8S)e vo unteer to su#&it to or $ontra$t 6it) any ens legis arti!i$ia or $or"orate :uris%i$tion to 6)i$) a Unite% States "erson &ay #e su#:e$t' C' M$< Full8 Na-, ),#,);,# all R +('#, R,-,& ,# a%& D,",%#,# grante% to )i&8)er #y <o% an% &e&oria i;e% #y -y. Fu / Na&eDs $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity as #ene!i$iary to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion' @' M$< Full8 Na-, 6a ;,# %* R +('#, R,-,& ,# *) D,",%#,# nor yie %s i&"res$ri"ti# e Rig)ts in$ u%ing, 6it)out i&itation, t)e Rig)t to &ove&ent an% trave 6it)out restri$tion, "er&ission or i$ense in any $onveyan$e o! 7is87er $)oosing on any "u# i$ roa%6ay in A&eri$a, an% t)e rig)t to #ear ar&s !or t)e "rote$tion o! 7is87er !a&i y, !rien%s an% neig)#ors 6it)out restri$tion, un ess su$) 6avier is s"e$i!i$a y %one so in 6riting' 1' M$< Full8 Na-, &*,# %*' ;*lu%',,), !*%#,%' *) !*%')a!' to #eing i%enti!ie% as, o!, or $onne$te% #y any ne4us to, any institutiona , #i!ur$ate%, "u# i$ cestui que trust or ot)er !i$tiona $onstru$tion o! a6 or ens legis entity o! a "o iti$a state or su#%ivision t)ereo!, in any $a"a$ity in$ u%ing, 6it)out i&itation, as trustee, $o.trustee, surety, $o.surety, o!!i$er $o.o!!i$er, !i%u$iary or $o.!i%u$iary' 2' M$< Full8 Na-, ),#,);,# '(, %a'u), a%& !(a)a!',) *" ( #.(,) ,:a!' a%& 3)*3,) &,# +%a' *% a#8 M$< Full8 Na-, or in t)e a ternative, -y First Na&e. -y -i%% e Na&e *" '(, "a- l$ -y Last Na&e, 6)i$) s)a #e s"e e% 6ritten, !or&atte%, "rinte%, engrave% an% ins$ri#e% no6 an% in "er"etuity in a &e%ia e4a$t y an% "re$ise y as :ust a#ove.6ritten 6it) a !irst an% se$on% given na&e se"arate% !ro&, an% :oine% to, a !a&i y na&e #y a &ar9 o! "un$tuation or t)e 6or%s +o! t)e !a&i y,E 6it) t)e !irst etter o! ea$) given an% !a&i y na&e #eing $a"ita i;e% an% a ot)er etters #eing 6ritten in o6er $ase !u y in a$$or% 6it) t)e Ru es o! Eng is) <ra&&ar' 3' T)a&, Ma)/ %*' !,0 T)e na&e -y. Fu / Na&e #y $o&&on a6 is Tra%e -ar9e% F an% a tra%e na&es an% %erivatives t)ereo!, 6)et)er or not registere%, are Tra%e -ar9e% F #y an% "ro"erty o! -y. Fu / Na&e to 6)o& a rig)ts are reserve%' T)e use t)ereo! 6it)out t)e e4"ress 6ritten "er&ission o! -y. Fu / Na&e $reates a vo untary an% in!or&e% $onsensua $ontra$t o# igating t)e unaut)ori;e% user to t)e "ay&ent o! a Tra%e -ar9 in!ringe&ent !ee as !o o6s/

A T)a&, Ma)/ %") %+,-,%' ",, % '(, #u- !,)'a % *" ',% '(*u#a%& &*lla)# @A1B,BBB0BBC a6!u s"e$ie, go %, or si0ver, A&eri$an &int, or $erti!ie% #u ion, La6!u $oin &oney at $urrent s"ot &ar9et "ri$e "ursuant to t)e Constitution !or t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, 0121 anno Do&ini, a&en%e% anno Do&ini 0130, Arti$ e 0, Se$tion 0?, C ause 0, s)a a"" y to ea$) unaut)ori;e% use o! t)e %esignation -y. Fu / Na&e an% to ea$) atte&"t or event o! $onversion, a teration, %istortion an%8or &isno&er 6)et)er #y i&"ro"er s"e ing, a##reviation, $a"ita i;ation, initia i;ing, reversa o! "arts, or $onversion to a !i$tion o! a6 or ot)er :uristi$ "ersona ity or arti!i$ia #eing' 0?, C ause 0, s)a a"" y to ea$) unaut)ori;e% use o! t)e %esignation -y. Fu / Na&e an% to ea$) atte&"t or event o! $onversion, a teration, %istortion an%8or &isno&er 6)et)er #y i&"ro"er s"e ing, a##reviation, $a"ita i;ation, initia i;ing, reversa o! "arts, or $onversion to a !i$tion o! a6 or ot)er :uristi$ "ersona ity or arti!i$ia #eing' 00' T(, l,+al &*!') %, *" idem sonans # %a33*# ', '* M$< Full8 Na-, 6)et)er ora or 6rittenE a su$) i&"ro"er usages an% &isno&ers $o&"rising in!ringe&ent on t)e a#ove.noti$e% $o"yrig)t' 05' M$< Full8 Na-, &*,# (,),b$ a!!,3' '(, O) + %al 7u) #& !' *%, to 6it/ A' B' C' D' E' 0B' Constitution !or t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, anno Do&ini 0121, Arti$ es o! A&en%&ent anno Do&ini 0130E Nationa Bi o! Rig)ts, anno Do&ini 011@E T)e Nort)6est Or%inan$e, anno Do&ini 0121 Constitution o! -y State, anno Do&ini year o! &y StateDs ConstitutionE Bi o! Rig)ts !or -y State, anno Do&ini year o! &y StateDs Bi o! Rig)ts'

M$< Full8 Na-, %oes )ere#y !urt)er state, assert an% aver t)e !o o6ing !a$ts/

a' It is 6e esta# is)e% un%er "u# i$ "o i$y t)at $itations, egis ations, "res$ri"tions an% ot)er "resent&ents issue% #y govern&ent #o%ies "o iti$ on t)e a ege% aut)ority o! State $o%es $o&"rise a $ oa9 to %isguise $o atera un%erta9ing in U'S' Fun%s' A su$) o!!ers 6ant !or aut)ority un%er origina organi$ State Constitutions "ursuant to 6)i$) t)ey are !or#i%%en an% $an never #e %u y ena$te%' #' T)e U'S' a898a t)e Unite% States is %e!ine% as a !e%era $or"oration at Tit e 52 USC B??5>0C)' $' T)e Unite% States is #an9ru"t "ursuant to Perry v' Unite% States, 53A US BB?.B20 >03BC)E 13 L' E% 305' %' Unite% States is an o# igor8grantor to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 "ursuant to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! De$e&#er 5B, 030B, B2 Stat 5@C, C) @' e' T)e sai% Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t $o&"rises a $ontra$tua granting #y Congress to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 o! a "ara&ount an% en%uring >e4.6arranto 030B.03BB) ien on t)e assets o! t)e Unite% States an% a "arties 6)o 6ou % use #an9 notes issue% #y t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 "ursuant to B2 Stat 5@C, C) @ "5@@.5@1' !' T)e Congress o! t)e Unite% States, #y aut)ority o! t)e <o % Bu ion Coin A$t o! 032C, PL 33. 02C, De$e&#er 01, 032C, 33 Stat 0011 )as %e$ree% its intention t)at a A&eri$ans $an no onger #e !or$e% into an o# igor8grantor status in re ation to sai% Fe%era Reserve Ban9 Notes'

g' T)e Constitution !or t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, 0121, Arti$ e 0, Se$tion A, C ause 5 >02C@) states t)at Congress s)a asse&# e at east on$e in every year, 6)i$) s)a #e t)e !irst -on%ay o! De$e&#er' Not6it)stan%ing, A&en%&ent GG, Se$tion 5 >03BB) states/ +T)e Congress s)a asse&# e at east on$e in every year, an% t)at su$) &eeting s)a #egin at noon on t)e t)ir% %ay o! *anuary, un ess t)ey #y a6 a""oint a %i!!erent %ay', 0A' T)e Constitution $annot #e in $on! i$t 6it) itse !' T)e de jure egis ature o! t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a i%enti!ie% as +Congress, in t)e a!ore&entione% Arti$ e 0, Se$tion A, C ause 5 >02C@) a%:ourne% sine die in 02@0' Evi%en$e o! its re$onvening in t)e a#sen$e o! a $ongressiona =uoru& )as not #een e4)i#ite% #y t)e Unite% States' T)e nationa egis ative #o%y %is$erni# e in A&en%&ent GG, Se$tion 5 !irst a""eare% in 02@B #y e4e$utive reso ution as a %e"art&ent o! t)e E4e$utive Bran$) o! govern&ent "ursuant to +E&ergen$y War Po6ers', T)is de f ct! +Congress, 6as $on$eive% an% $ontinues to sit at t)e " easure o! t)e "resi%ent o! t)e $or"orate ens legis UNITED STATES' 0C' T)e de jure "rivate "eo" e 6)o, #y t)eir in)erent $)ara$ter in reru" n tur , are "*), +% '* a%& 6(*ll$ 6 '(*u' '(, !*)3*)a', ens legis U% ',& S'a',# are not su#:e$t to t)e a$tions, a$ts an% 6)i&s o! t)e ens legis Congress o! t)e $or"orate UNITED STATES' A$$or%ing y, iving -en in reru" n tur are not su#:e$t to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! De$e&#er 5B, 030B 6)i$) 6ants !or !or$e an% e!!e$t o! a6 in t)e Origina *uris%i$tion' 0@' Dis$ osure o! t)e !a$ts an% !rau%s state% )erein )as #een %enie% to -y. Fu / Na&e in )is8)er rig)t!u $a"a$ity as #ene!i$iary o! t)e Origina *uris%i$tion #y an e4traor%inary an% "ersistent "o i$y o! $ovin, $ons"ira$y, an% $o usion $onstru$te% an% $on%one% #y t)e UNITED STATES Congress, A&en%&ent GG, t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban98Syste&, an% $ontra$tors, agents, assigns, su$$essors, )eirs, re"resentatives, o# igors an% grantors t)ereo!' 01' It is 6e sett e% in a6 t)at +no rig)t, #y rati!i$ation or ot)er &eans, $an arise out o! !rau%', 02' By t)is PUBLIC NOTICE, DECLARATIONS AND LAWFUL PROTEST, t)e !o o6ing a%%en%u& is atta$)e% #y re!eren$e )erein in its entirety to any an% a Fe%era Reserve Notes, "u# i$ "o i$y instru&ents, an% %o$u&ents regar% ess o! 9in% arising !ro& or re ating to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban98Syste& 6)i$) are )e %, re$eive% or use% #y -y. Fu / Na&e no6 an% in "er"etuity/

4T(, u#, *" '( # %#')u-,%'.!*%;,$a%!, b$ M$< Full8 Na-, # *" %,!,## '$ *%l$ a%& u%&,) La6"ul P)*',#', nunc pro tunc '* D,!,-b,) 2D, 191D, % '(, ab#,%!, *" a ),a#*%abl, al',)%a' ;,05
03' T(, lab*) *" M$< Full8 Na-, # -,a#u),& a%& ;alu,& quantum meruit ,:!lu# ;,l$ % +*l& a%& # l;,) !* %0 As t)e va ue o! su$) a#or is tangi# e, it $annot #e &easure% #y any instru&ent 6)i$) serves as evi%en$e o! %e#t, not6it)stan%ing t)at t)e o"erationa $urren$y o! t)e $or"orate UNITED STATES $onsists e4$ usive y o! instru&ents note% t)ereon to #e evi%en$e o! ia#i ity' 5?' M$< Full8 Na-, (,),b$ ,:3),##l$ #'a',# ( #.(,) %',%' *% '* 3a$, e4tinguis) an% satis!y a o! 7is87er o# igations an% &a9e a "arties 6)o e' A$$or%ing y, -y. Fu / Na&e s"e$i!i$a y %isavo6s t)e use o! +%is$)arge, as a !rau%u ent transa$tion 6)i$) i&" ies "ay&ent #ut serves to $overt y trans!er t)e %e#ts o! -y. Fu / Na&e to ot)er "arties $ontrary to -y. Fu / Na&eDs %ee" y )e % S$ri"tura #e ie!s un%er <o%'


M$< Full8 Na-, is not no6 an% )as never #een a Unite% States Citi;en un%er t)e Fourteent) A&en%&ent o! t)e ens legis Constitution !or t)e $or"orate UNITED STATES, not6it)stan%ing any !ai ures to "ro"er y "ass t)e sai% a&en%&ent into a6'

55' M$< Full8 Na-, (a# '(, ab#*lu', u%al ,%abl, D ; %, ) +(' '* /,,3 a%& b,a) a)-# o! any 9in% !or "rote$tion o! Se !, !a&i y, an% neig)#ors, #y )is8)er o6n 6i an% t)is DECLARATION' 5B' M$< Full8 Na-, (a# '(, ab#*lu', u%al ,%abl, D ; %, ) +(' '* -*;, a%& ')a;,l u3*% all 3ubl ! )*a&6a$# in A&eri$a, o! 6)atever 9in% an% nature, in 6)atever &o%e or $arriage o! trans"ortation 7e &ay $)oose, 6it)out i$ense or "er&ission or any ot)er in!ringe&ent o! t)at rig)t, #y 7is87er o6n 6i an% t)is DECLARATION' 5A' In a%%ition to a o! t)e a#ove, M$< Full8 Na-, retains a o! t)e Rig)ts as enu&erate% an% "rote$te% #y t)e $onstitutions, #i s o! rig)ts, an% or%inan$e "ursuant to t)e Origina *uris%i$tion'

5C' A# ' # a !) -, '* !*%!,al a !) -, a%& a ")au& '* !*%!,al a ")au&, M$< Full8 Na-, -a/,# La6"ul P)*',#' a+a %#', ab=u),#, &,%*u%!,#, ),"u#,#, 'a/,# ,:!,3' *% a%& &*,# %*' a##,%' '*8 5@' T)e !or&ation o! any institutiona , #i!ur$ate%, "u# i$, cestui que trust in vio ation o! t)e $o"yrig)t o! -y. Fu / Na&e "revious y %e$ are% )erein' 51' Any a egation or "resu&"tion t)at -y. Fu / Na&e )as $onsente% e4"ress y or ta$it y to #eing a Citi;en "ursuant to t)e Fourteent) A&en%&ent o! t)e ens legis Constitution o! t)e UNITED STATES' 52' Any " e%ge, &ortgage, ien or en$u&#ran$e #y t)e Coun$i o! State <overnors, -ar$) @, 03BB 6)i$) 6ou % i%enti!y -y. Fu / Na&e as a se$urity, surety, $o.surety or $o atera !or any "art or "ortion o! t)e "u# i$ %e#t 6)i$) )as #een )y"ot)e$ate% #y t)e use o! $ounter!eite% Fe%era Reserve se$urities' 53' T)e !or$e% invo untary use o! U'S' !un%s su$) as Fe%era Reserve Ban98Syste& notes, $o&&er$ia ia#i ity instru&ents an% e e$troni$ ia#i ity transa$tions as "art o! a s$)e&e to $o&"e t)e "rin$i"a s to i&"art arti!i$ia $o&&o%ity va ue to t)e ia#i ity evi%en$e% t)ereon, on t)e aut)ority o! -a$Leo% v' 7oover, >*une 55, 035C) No' 5@B3C, S' Ct' LouisianaE 0?C S' Re"' B?C, t)at $ourt $iting U'S' Ban9 v' Ban9 o! <eorgia, 5B U'S' BBB, 0? W)eat, BBB, @ L'E%' BA' B?' Any "resu&"tion t)at -y. Fu / Na&e )as vo unteere% to #e a %e#tor in "ossession o! Fe%era Reserve Notes 6it) e4"e$tation o! a =ui% "ro =uoE a guarantor8surety8$o.surety on t)e ien $reate% #y t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! De$e&#er 5B, 030BE a "arty to any $on!i%en$e ga&e, s$)e&e, !or$e% or cestui que use 6)ere#y "a"er 6anting in)erent va ue is " a$e% into $ir$u ation #y t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9s in ieu o! Constitutiona y re=uire% go % or si verE a "arty to t)e !ai ure o! "u# i$ o!!i$ia s an% Fe%era Reserve "rin$i"a s to "rovi%e !u %is$ osure o! t)e ia#i ities an% "eri s o! using "rivate s$ri", instru&ents o! %e#t, $or"orate U' S' o# igations, an% Fe%era Reserve Notes as inaut)enti$ re" a$e&ents !or a6!u &oney' B0' Any "resu&"tion t)at -y. Fu / Na&e )as at any ti&e e4"resse% or i&" ie% a "ro&ise to guarantee t)e %e#t )y"ot)e$ate% #y t)e sai% Fe%era Reserve A$t, t)e "rivate %e#t o! t)e $or"orate UNITED STATES, or any o# igations o! t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9s, agents, $ontra$tors, assigns, su$$essors, )eirs an% grantors t)ereo!, no6 an% in "er"etuity'

B5' Any "resu&"tion t)at -y. Fu / Na&e )as at any ti&e vo unteere% e4"ress y or ta$it y to :oin as a $o.$ons"irator in any !rau%, $ons"ira$y, $ovin, $o usion, $on!e%eration or :oint #usiness venture o"erate% #y t)e de f ct! STATE OF -H STATE an% t)e $or"orate ens legis UNITED STATES as a surety, $o.surety, guarantor or ot)er o# igor' BB' Any atte&"t to in%u$e -y. Fu / Na&e to a$t as a tort !easor to t)e Constitution !or t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, anno Do&ini 0121, 6)ere at Arti$ e 0, Se$tion 0?, it states +No State s)a ' ' ' e&it #i s o! $re%itE &a9e anyt)ing #ut <o % an% Si ver Coin a ten%er in "ay&ent o! %e#ts,, a su$) o!!ers #eing re!use% !or !rau%' BA' Pursuant to t)e Origina <rant o! De"ositu& !or Bai &ent via t)e year o! &y stateDs Constitution Constitution o! -y State, -y. Fu / Na&e &a9es La6!u Protest against, a#:ures, %enoun$es, re!uses, ta9es e4$e"tion an% %oes not assent to t)e $a $u ate% use o! ega !i$tions to un%er&ine an% $onvert t)e "o iti$a Wi o! t)e Peo" e on t)e !ree soi o! t)e organi$ $ountry 9no6n as -y State into a egis ative %e&o$ra$y t)at trans!or&s t)e !ree Peo" e into su#:e$ts o! t)e &uni$i"a a6 o! !oreigners 6it)in t)e geogra")i$a e4terior #oun%ary o! -y State an% $ontrary to t)e Nort)6est Or%inan$e an% t)e origina <rant o! t)e Peo" e, Se"te&#er 01, 0121, anno Do&ini, as a&en%e% 0130, anno Do&ini'

BC' DEMAND IS HEREBY EEPRESSLY MADE TO IMMEDIATELY8 B@' RETURN THE DEPOSITUM FOR BAILMENT to -y. Fu / Na&e in )is8)er $a"a$ity as %es$en%ent #y # oo% o! t)e origina Bai or8<rantor8Sett or an% )is8)er en%o6&ent to 6arrant sa&e #y A &ig)ty <o%, "ursuant to t)e ter&s, $on%itions, sti"u ations, e4$e"tions an% reservations $ontaine% 6it)in t)e Origina <rant'


AC?NOWLEDGEMENT, RECOGNITION AND RETURN BY THE BAILEE OF THE SAID DEPOSITUM OF BAILMENT to -y. Fu / Na&e as re"ository trustee !or t)e Origina "u# i$ Trust' B2' EEHIBIT THE AUTHORITY 6)ere#y -y. Fu / Na&e $an #e $o&"e e%, !or$e% or enti$e% to !a se y a$t as a tort !easor to Arti$ e 0, Se$tion 0?, C ause 0 o! t)e Origina <rant against )is8)er 6i #y using t)e a!ore&entione% !i$tiona #an9 notes 6it)in a s$)e&e o! %is$)arge %isguise% as "ay&ent' Fai ure to so e4)i#it 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises sti"u ation t)at no su$) aut)ority e4ists' B3' EEHIBIT THE AUTHORITY 6)ere#y -y. Fu / Na&e $an #e $o&"e e%, !or$e% or enti$e% to !a se y "resent )i&se ! as a Unite% States Citi;en8"erson in vio ation o! t)e Fourteent) A&en%&ent "ro)i#ition against s avery an% invo untary servitu%e' Fai ure to so e4)i#it 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises sti"u ation t)at no su$) aut)ority e4ists' A?' ADMIT OR DENY t)at a a$tions o! t)e UNITED STATES, t)e STATE OF -H STATE an% a "o iti$a su#%ivisions t)ereo! 6)et)er :u%i$ia , a%&inistrative, &uni$i"a , $ounty or ot)er6ise are #y t)eir nature a$tions indebitatus assumpsit# Fai ure to res"on% 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises a%&ission o! an ongoing Frau% against t)e #ene!i$iaries o! t)e Origina *uris%i$tion
+Suits as 6e as trans!ers &ay #e t)e "rote$tive $overings o! !rau%,, Stee &an v' A Continent Cor"', B?0 US 512, 20 L' E% 0?2CE S)a"iro v' Wi gus, 521 U'S' BA2, BCC, CB S'Ct' 0A5, 0AA, 2C A'L'R' 052' +T)e !a$t t)at t)e &eans e&" oye% to e!!e$t t)e !rau%u ent $onveyan$e 6as t)e :u%g&ent o! a $ourt an% not a vo untary trans!er %oes not re&ove t)e taint o! i ega ity,, First Nationa Ban9 v' F ers)e&, 53? US C?A, 12 L' E%' A@C' +I it is o#vious t)at t)e !rau% %i% not o$$ur in o"en $ourt nor in t)at sense enter into t)e %e$rees un%er atta$9, )en$e t)e !rau% o! 6)i$) 6e $o&" ain 6as not sus$e"ti# e

to insu ation' In t)e anguage o! S)a"iro v Wi gus, 521 US BA2, 11 L' E% BCC' It 6as "art an% "ar$e to a s$)e&e 6)ere#y t)e !or& o! a :u%i$ia re&e%y 6as to su"" y a "rote$tive $over !or a !rau%u ent %esign', A so, Stee &an, su"ra F ers)a&, su"ra, Braun, su"ra', +T)at in t)e a#sen$e o! an a%versary tria or %e$ision t)e %istin$tion #et6een e4trinsi$ an% intrinsi$ !rau% #e$o&es i&&ateria an% &a%e $ ear #y t)e !o o6ing !ro& t)e T)ro$9&orton o"inion,, 32 US @0, @C, Braun, su"ra'

A0' EEHIBIT VERIFIED EVIDENCE "roving t)e ti&e, " a$e an% nature o! !u %is$ osure o! t)e #ene!its, ris9s an% "eri s #y 6)i$) -y. Fu / Na&e $ou % 9no6ing y vo unteer to su#&it to t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! 030B' Fai ure to so e4)i#it 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises sti"u ation t)at no su$) %is$ osure 6as &a%e' A5' ADMIT OR DENY t)at -y. Fu / Na&e %i% in !a$t 9no6ing y an% vo untari y rati!y t)e cestui que trust $reate% #y t)e UNITED STATES t)roug) t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! 030B 6)i$) resu te% in t)e use o! gra&&ati$a %erivations o! -y. Fu / Na&eDs na&e in a s$)e&e o! intentiona &isno&er !or "ro!it an% gain' Fai ure to res"on% 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises %enia t)at t)e cestui que trust $reate% #y t)e UNITED STATES t)roug) t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9 A$t o! 030B 6as ever %u y rati!ie% #y -y. Fu / Na&e an% any assu&"tion o! su$) rati!i$ation is !a se' AB' EEHIBIT VERIFIED EVIDENCE "roving t)e 9no6 e%gea# e an% vo untary rati!i$ation an% a$$e"tan$e #y -y. Fu / Na&e o! t)e a!oresai% cestui que trust' Fai ure to so e4)i#it 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises sti"u ation t)at t)e sai% cestui que trust 6as never rati!ie% #y -y. Fu / Na&e an% any assu&"tion o! su$) rati!i$ation is !a se' AA' EEHIBIT VERIFIED EVIDENCE "roving t)e granting o! a $o"yrig)t i$ense #y -y. Fu / Na&e e4"ress y $onveying to t)e i$ensee t)e aut)ority to use gra&&ati$a %erivations o! t)e "ro"er na&e #e onging to -y. Fu / Na&e in a s$)e&e o! intentiona &isno&er !or "ro!it an% gain t)roug) an unaut)ori;e% cestui que trust' Fai ure to res"on% 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! PUBLIC NOTICE $o&"rises sti"u ation t)at a su$) &isno&ers an% uses o! t)e a!oresai% cestui que trust $o&"rise intentiona $o"yrig)t in!ringe&ent' AC' I, -y. Fu / Na&e, %o )ere#y %eny )aving re$eive% %is$ osure o! t)e e4isten$e, #ene!its, ris9s an% "eri s o! a cestui que trust na&e% %erivative y at any ti&e, or )aving #een as9e% to rati!y t)e sai% trust' Conse=uent y, I %o )ere#y %eny, %enoun$e, a%:ure an% %isavo6 )aving ever rati!ie% any su$) trust'

A@' A "u# i$ o!!i$ia s, O!!i$ers o! govern&ent #o%ies "o iti$, in a #ran$)es8%e"art&ents, E4e$utive, Legis ative, or *u%i$ia , #eing o! Oat) o! O!!i$e, #on%e% to !i%e ity, are un%er &inisteria %uty, Su"ervisors v' Unite% States e4 re ' 10 U'S' ABC, A Wa ABC, U'S' v' T)o&as, 0C Wa BB1, U'S' v Lee, 0?@, US 03@, 0 S' Ct 5A?, !i%u$iary8trustees, U'S' v Carter, 501 US 52@, B? S' Ct C0C' +T)e i&" i$ation o! a trust is t)e i&" i$ation o! every %uty "ro"er to a trustIW)oever is a !i%u$iary or in $ons$ien$e $)argea# e as a !i%u$iary is e4"e$te% to ive u" to t)e&', Bu!!u& v Peter Bar$e ou4 Co' 523 US 551, 5B1E 11 L' E% 00A?, 00A@, $ite% Braun v' 7ansen, 0?B F'5% @2C >03B3), 6)erein it !urt)er states +Being !i%u$iaries, t)e or%inary ru es o! evi%en$e are reverse%,, &ust o#ey t)e a6, But; v' E$ono&ou, >US) 32 S Ct' 523C, Davis v Pass&an >0313, US) AA5 US 55@, 33 S' Ct' 55@A' A1' +T)e a6 6i "rote$t an in%ivi%ua 6)o, in t)e "rose$ution o! a rig)t %oes everyt)ing 6)i$) t)e a6 re=uires )i& to %o #ut !ai s to o#tain )is rig)t #y t)e &is$on%u$t or neg e$t o! a "u# i$ o!!i$er', Ly e v Ar9ansas, 3 7o6e B0A, 0B L' E% 0CB, Du ut) J Iron Range Co' v Roy, 01B US C21, 03 S' Ct CA3, AB L' E% 25?' +It is a &a4i& o! t)e a6, a%&itting !e6 i! any e4$e"tions, t)at every %uty ai% u"on a "u# i$ o!!i$er !or t)e #ene!it o! a "rivate "erson, is en!or$ea# e #y :u%i$ia "ro$ess,' Butter6ort) v U'S' e4 re ' 7oe, 005 US C?, C S' Ct 5C, 52 L' E% @C@'

A2' +A &inisteria o!!i$er is ia# e !or an in:ury %one, 6)ere )is a$ts are $ ear y against t)e a6', Tra$y v' S6art6out, 0? Pet' 2?, 3 L E% BCA' +T)e :u%i$ia y !as)ione% %o$trine o! o!!i$ia i&&unity o! :u%i$ia , egis ative or e4e$utive o!!i$ers %oes not rea$) so !ar as to i&&uni;e $ri&ina $on%u$t "res$ri#e% #y an A$t o! Congress', ODS)ea v' Litt eton, A0A US A22, 3A S Ct' @@3, +in e=uity t)ere are $ertain ru es "ro)i#iting "arties #earing $ertain re ations to ea$) ot)er !ro& $ontra$ting #et6een t)e&se vesE an% i! "arties #earing su$) re ations enter into $ontra$ts 6it) ea$) ot)er, $ourts o! e=uity "resu&e t)e& to #e !rau%u ent, an% $onvert t)e !rau%u ent "arty into a trustee', Perry on Trusts >1 t) E%) Se$' 03A, in Braun v 7ansen >03B3) 0?B F 5% @2C' Un%er t)e %o$trines o! res gest e, res i$s l!quitur, res$!nde t su$eri!r , as no6 )aving "rior 9no6 e%ge, aut)ority, "o6er, o""ortunity to "revent or ai% in "reventing in:ury, %a&age, )aving #een or a#out to #e $o&&itte%' Tit e A5 USCS Se$tion 032@, as a"" ies to "u# i$ o!!i$ia s, O!!i$ers, #y t)e e4isten$e o! an agree&ent #et6een t6o or &ore "ersons, a$ting in a "rivate $ons"ira$y, -$Na ey v Pu it;er Pu#' Co' >031@) CB5 F 5% @3, A53 US 2CC, C? L E% 5% 0B0, to $ons"ire, t)roug) sai% $ons"ira$y, to i&"e%e or )in%er, or o#stru$t or %e!eat t)e %ue $ourse o! :usti$e in a State or Territory, 6it) t)e "ur"ose!u intent to %eny t)e e=ua "rote$tion o! t)e a6, un%er $o or o! State a6 or aut)ority, or ot)er, <ri!!in v' Bre$9inri%ge >0310) A?B US 22, 30 S Ct' 013?, %e"riving o! )aving or e4er$ising a Rig)t, Fe%era Cons"ira$y to O#stru$t *usti$e A$t >Tit e A5 USCS Se$tion 032C>5), %e"rivation o! %ue "ro$ess, even #y !e%era o!!i$ia s, Wi ia&s v' Wrig)t >031@) AB5 F Su"" 1B5, Foun%ing C)ur$) o! S$iento ogy v Dire$tor, FBI >0312)AC3 F Su"" 1A2, 32 L E% 5% 0C?, 0?2 S Ct 033, even Distri$t Attorneys, Rouse e v Pere; >03@2) 53B F Su"" 532, " a$es u"on you t)e #a%ges o! !rau%, "rior 9no6 e%ge, su"erior 9no6 e%ge o! t)e a6, 6i o! intent, "er:ury o! Oat) o! O!!i$e, $onstru$tive treason, #a% !ait), #rea$) o! !i%u$iary8trustee res"onsi#i ity, 6)ereu"on +Being !i%u$iaries, t)e or%inary ru es o! evi%en$e are reverse%,, >03B3) 0?B F 5% @2C' Furt)er, #eing a%vise%, as in E4 Parte v Houng, 5?3 US 05B >03?2), 4T(, a'',-3' *" a S'a', O"" !,) '* ,%"*)!, a% u%!*%#' 'u' *%al #'a'u', # a 3)*!,,& %+ 6 '(*u' au'(*) '$ *" a%& &*,# %*' ,"",!', '(, S'a', % '# #*;,), +% *) +*;,)%-,%'al !a3a! '$, a%& # a% ll,+al a!', a%& '(, *"" !,) # #') 33,& *" ( # *"" ! al !(a)a!',) a%& # #ub=,!' % ( # 3,)#*% '* '(, !*%#,Gu,%!,# *" ( # %& ; &ual !*%&u!'0 T(, S'a', (a# %* 3*6,) '* -3a)' '* '# *"" !,) --u% '$ ")*- ),#3*%# b l '$ '* '(, #u3),-, au'(*) '$ *" '(, U% ',& S'a',#05 >E&")asis a%%e%') A3' Fro& Perry on Trusts, >1t) e%), Se$' 2C0 +I in or%er t)at t)e re ease, $on!ir&ation, 6aiver, or a$=uies$en$e &ay )ave any e!!e$t I' T)e $estui =ue trust &ust a so 9no6 t)e La6, an% 6)at )is rig)ts are, an% )o6 t)ey 6ou0% #e %ea t 6it) #y t)e $ourt', T)e Su"re&e Court o! Ari;ona in <arrett v Rei% Cas)ion Lan%, BA Ari; 5AC, 51? P' B?AA at "age 0?C5 =uotes t)us !ro& A%air v Bri&&er, 1A NH CB3 +Con!ir&ation an% rati!i$ation i&" y to ega &in%s, 9no6 e%ge o! a %e!e$t in t)e a$t to #e $on!ir&e%, an% t)e rig)t to re:e$t or rati!y it' T)e $estui =ue trust &ust t)ere!ore not on y )ave #een a$=uainte% 6it) t)e !a$ts, #ut a""rise% #y t)e a6, o! )o6 t)ese !a$ts 6ou % #e %ea t 6it) #y a $ourt o! e=uity, A t)at is i&" ie% in t)e a$t o! rati!i$ation, 6)en set u" in e=uity #y a trustee against )is $estui =ue trust, &ust #e "rove%, an% 6i not #e assu&e%' T)e &a4i& Kignorantis egis e4$usat ne&ine&D $annot #e invo9e% in su$) a $ase' T(, !,#'u Gu, ')u#' -u#' b, #(*6% '* (a;, b,,% a33) #,& *" ( # l,+al ) +('# ', >E&")asis a%%e%') A so !ro& Ungri$) v Ungri$), 00C NHS A0B, A01, +T)e ru e >is) t)at to !asten rati!i$ation u"on a $estui =ue trust )e &ust not on y )ave #een a$=uainte% 6it) a t)e !a$ts, #ut a""rise% a so in t)e a6, an% )o6 su$) !a$ts 6ou % #e %ea t 6it) #y a $ourt o! e=uity', Li9e6ise, T)a6 v T)a6, 51 Fe% 5% 153, US v Carter, 501 US 52@, CA L E% 1@3, Wen%t v Fis)er >Car%o;o, *') 5BA NH AB3, 0CA N'E' B?B, Lea$) v Lea$), @C Wis' 52A, 5@ NW 1CA' C?' T)e %e ay in %is$overy o! t)e Frau%s state% )erein "ursuant to A&en%&ent GG "rovi%es no %e!ense to t)e re&e%y, a$)es or ot)er6ise' -i$)ou% v <iro%, A 7o6 C?B, L C@0, 00 L E% 0?1@, Po&eroyDs E=uity, Se$' 2A1, Wiget v Ro$96oo% @3 F L% B5@, et se=', an% !ro& Te4as J Pa$i!i$ Ry, v Pottor!!, 530 US 5AC, 12 L E% 111, in Braun, su"ra, +t)e %o$trine is t)us a!!ir&e%'

It is t)e sett e% %o$trine o! t)is $ourt t)at no rig)ts arise on an u tra vires $ontra$t, even t)oug) t)e $ontra$t )as #een "er!or&e%E an% t)is $on$ usion $annot #e $ir$u&vente% #y ere$ting an% esto""e 6)i$) 6ou % "revent $)a enging t)e ega ity o! a "o6er e4er$ise%', An% !ro& US v <ross&ayer, 3 Wa 15, 03 L E% @ 51, +A transa$tion origina y un a6!u $annot #e &a%e any #etter #y #eing rati!ie%', An%, !urt)er, !o o6ing Braun, su"ra, +It is )e % a4io&ati$ t)at no rig)t, #y rati!i$ation or ot)er &eans, $an arise out o! !rau%', 0B C'*' A35, Se$' AA?, @ R'C' L', " @32, t)e !o o6ing is =uote% in T)o&"son on Cor"orations, B r% E% Se$' 5252, !ro& Centra Trans"ortation Co' v Pu &an Pa a$e Car Co', 0B3 US 5A, as esta# is)e% %o$trine o! t)e Su"re&e Court, +No "er!or&an$e o! eit)er si%e $an give t)e un a6!u $ontra$t any va i%ity, or #e t)e !oun%ation o! any rig)t o! a$tion u"on it', As sai% ong ago #y t)e great *usti$e Story in Prevost v <rat;, @ W)eat A20, A31E C L E% B00, B0C, 4I' # !u)),%'l$ ')u, '(a' l,%+'( *" ' -, # %* ba) '* a ')u#' !l,a)l$ ,#'abl #(,&H a%& % a !a#, 6(,), ")au& # -3u',& a%& 3)*;,&, l,%+'( *" ' -, *u+(' %*', u3*% 3) %! 3l,# *" ,',)%al =u#' !,, '* b, a&- '',& '* ),3,l ),l ,"0 O% '(, !*%')a)$, ' 6*ul& #,,- '(a' '(, l,%+'( *" ' -, &u) %+ 6( !( '(, ")au& (a# b,,% #u!!,##"ull$ !*%!,al,& a%& 3)a!' !,&, # )a'(,) a% a++)a;a' *% *" '(, *"",%#,, a%& !all# -*), l*u&l$ u3*% a !*u)' *" ,Gu '$ '* +)a%' a-3l, a%& &,! # ;, ),l ,"05 >E&")asis a%%e%') C0' It is a &a4i& o! a6 t)at "eonage an% invo untary servitu%e are !or#i%%en, an% --u% '$ # &,% ,& '* a%$ 3a)'$, ),al *) -a+ %,&, 3,)#*% *) 3ubl ! *"" ! al 6(* 6*ul& *) !*%#3 ), '* ')a"" ! % #la;,# *) 3a)' ! 3a', % a & %+ *) ab,'' %+0 C yatt v US, 031 US 5?1 >03?C), P essy v Ferguson, 0@B US CB1, CA5, +W)oever MTit e 02 U'S'C' Se$'0C20N )o %s or returns any "erson to a $on%ition o! "eonage, or arrests any "erson 6it) t)e intent o! " a$ing )i& in or returning )i& to a $on%ition o! "eonage, s)a #e !ine% not &ore t)an OC,???'?? or i&"risone% not &ore t)an !ive years', C5' All 3ubl ! *"" ! al# % ),!, 3' *" '( # %*' !, a), ),Gu ),& b$ '(, ) Oa'( *" O"" !, '* a%#6,)0 Noti!i$ation o! ega res"onsi#i ity is +t)e !irst essentia o! %ue "ro$ess o! a6, Conna y %# &ener l C!nstructi!n C!#, 5@3 U'S' B2C,B30' +Si en$e $an on y #e e=uate% 6it) !rau% 6)ere t)ere is a ega or &ora %uty to s"ea9 or 6)en an in=uiry e!t unans6ere% 6ou % #e intentiona y &is ea%ing', U'S' P' T6ee , CC? F'5%'531' It is t)e &inisteria !i%u$iary8trustee %uty o! ea$) an% every govern&ent o!!i$ia , o!!i$er, agent, $ontra$tor an% assign o! t)e UNITED STATES, t)e STATE OF -H STATE, t)e Fe%era Reserve Ban9s8Syste&, t)e Internationa -onetary Fun%, t)e Internationa Finan$e Cor"oration, t)e Internationa Ban9 !or Re$onstru$tion an% Deve o"&ent, t)e Inter.A&eri$an Deve o"&ent Ban9, t)e Wor % Ban9, t)e Co&&ission o! t)e Euro"ean Co&&unities, t)e Organi;ation !or E$ono&i$ Co.o"eration an% Deve o"&ent, t)e Unite% Nations an% any an% a ot)er o# igors8grantors 6)o vie6 t)is noti$e >+Res"on%ents,) to ti&e y an% !u y ans6er, Fe%era Cro" Insuran$e v -erri >03A1) BB5 US B2?', 35 L E% 0?, @2 S Ct 0, 01C ALR 0?1C' CB' T(, 3,) *& "*) R,#3*%&,%'# '* ),#3*%& '* '( # %*' !, # '( )'$ @DBC &a$#0 Any "arty or "u# i$ o!!i$ia 6is)ing to ans6er, res"on%, re!ute, re#ut, %eny, o#:e$t or "rotest any state&ent, ter&, %e$ aration, %enia or "rovision in t)is "resent&ent &ust %o so #y La6!u Protest 6it)in t)irty >B?) %ays o! t)e %ate o! issuan$e or !orever ose a rig)ts, tit es, interests, an% t)e o""ortunity to " ea%' A su$) res"onses &ust #e veri!ie% an% )ave e4)i#itions an% !a$tua evi%en$e in su""ort anne4e% t)ereto' CA' R,#3*%&,%'# -a$ a+),, 6 '( all #'a',-,%'#, ',)-#, &,!la)a' *%#, &,% al# a%& 3)*; # *%# (,), % b$ ),-a % %+ # l,%'0 Fai ure to ti&e y res"on% to a su$) ter&s an% "rovisions 6it) 6)i$) Res"on%ents %isagree $o&"rises Res"on%entsD sti"u ation an% $on!ession :oint y an% severa y to a$$e"tan$e o! a state&ents, ter&s, %e$ arations, %enia s an% "rovisions )erein as !a$ts, t)e 6)o e trut), $orre$t an% !u y #in%ing on a "arties' CC' T( # &*!u-,%' #,);,# a# N*' !, *" Faul' in t)e event Res"on%ents !ai to ti&e y res"on%'

C@' N*' !, *" D,"aul' #(all b, ##u,& %* #**%,) '(a% '(),, @DC &a$# a"',) N*' !, *" Faul'0 De!au t is !ina t)ree >B) %ays a!ter Noti$e o! Fau t is issue%' De!au t $o&"rises Res"on%ents $onsent :oint y an% severa y to #e na&e% as %e!en%ant>s) in various a$tions, a%&inistrative an% :u%i$ia


U3*% D,"aul', all -a'',)# a), #,''l,& res judicata a%& stare decisis0

C2' D,"aul' !*-3) #,# a% ,#'*33,l *" all a!' *%#, a&- % #')a' ;, a%& =u& ! al, #y Res"on%ents against -y. Fu / Na&e, B*' Po&eroy, E=uity *uris"ru%en$e Se$tion 2?C, "' 035, Restate&ent 5% o! Torts Se$tion 23A >0) >0313), an% no6 reasona# y re ie% on, Wi #ur Nationa Ban9 v US 53A US 05?, 05A.05C >03BC), %ue to &is$on%u$t #y <overn&ent agents 7e$9 er v Co&&unity 7ea t) Servi$es, A@1 US C0, at C3, @?, Fe%era Cro" Ins', su$r ' +It Mt)e %o$trine o! Esto""e #y Si en$eN arises 6)ere a "erson is un%er %uty to anot)er to s"ea9 or !ai ure to s"ea9 is in$onsistent 6it) )onest %ea ings', In Re -$Ar% es Estate, 0A? -is$' 5C1, et se=', an% Si en$e, to 6or9 esto""e , &ust a&ount to #a% !ait)' Wise v USDC Qy', B2 F Su"" 0B?, 0BA, 6)ere %uty an% o""ortunity to s"ea9, Co%% v West$)ester Fire Ins' Co' 0A Was)' 5% @??, 052 P 5% 3@2, 0C0 ALR B0@, $reating ignoran$e o! !a$ts, Cus)ing v US -as s, 02 F Su"" 2B, in%u$ing "erson $ ai&ing esto""e to a ter )is "osition, Braun$) v Fre9ing, 503 Io6a CC@, 5C2 NW 235, 9no6 e%ge o! !a$ts an% o! rig)ts #y "erson esto""e%, 7arvey v Ri$)ar%, 5?? La' 31, 1 So' 5% @1A, 6i !u or $u "a# e si en$e, Len$oni v Fi%e ity Trust J Savings Ban9 o! Fresno, 3@ Ca ' A""' A3?, 51B P' 0?B et se=', +Si en$e, i&" ies 9no6 e%ge, an% an o""ortunity to a$t u"on it, Pen$e v Lang%on, 33 US C12 L C20, et se='



N*' !, '* '(, 3) %! 3al # %*' !, '* all a+,%'#0 N*' !, '* a% a+,%' # %*' !, '* all 3) %! 3al#0 B$ '( # Publ ! N*' !,, D,!la)a' *%#, a%& La6"ul P)*',#'# '(, 6*)l& # %*6 %"*)-,&0

@?' T)is a$tion is #on%e% #y a t)ir% "arty surety )o %ing %o ars in si ver $oinage, '3?? !ine, &inte% #y t)e A&eri$an Treasury, unite% States o! A&eri$a, "re.03BB issue' T)e sai% #on% is anne4e% )ereto an% in$or"orate% ver#ati& )erein in its entirety #y re!eren$e as i! !u y re"ro%u$e% )erein' @0' T)e use o! a notary "u# i$ )erein is o! ne$essity an% un%er LAWFUL PROTEST 6it)out $reating or i&" ying t)e e4isten$e o! any $ontra$t or $ontra$ts #et6een -y. Fu / Na&e an% any ot)er "arties, ega entities, t)e UNITED STATES, t)e STATE OF -H STATE or agents t)ereo!, "u# i$ or "rivate'


BE IT SO EGECUTED, an% #y t)is e4e$ution, #e &a%e to a""ear, in.%ee%, ena$te%, %e$ree%, T)is t)e (((((( %ay o! t)e ((((((((((( &ont), anno Do&ini, t6o t)ousan% an% ((((((((( , A&en'

L'S' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Signe% on y in $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity as Bene!i$iary o! t)e Origina *uris%i$tion

-y. Fu / Na&e Lo$ation/ in $are o! -y A%%ress -y City near M-y Ti"N -y State STATE OF MY STATE COUNTY OF COUNTY OF SIGNING C ) ss/ C

Be!ore &e, a notary "u# i$ in an% !or t)e sai% County an% State, "ersona y a""eare% t)e a#ove na&e% -y. Fu / Na&e 6)o a$9no6 e%ge% t)at )e8s)e %i% sign t)e !oregoing instru&ent an% t)at t)e sa&e is )is8)er !ree an% vo untary a$t an% %ee%' IN TESTI-ONH W7EREOF, I )ave )ereunto set &y )an% an% o!!i$ia sea t)is ((((( %ay o! ((((((((, 5??((((' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Notary Pu# i$ -y $o&&ission e4"ires (((((((((((((((((((((((


L'S' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Signe% on y in $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity as Bene!i$iary o! t)e Origina *uris%i$tion


San Diego County -y State Re"u# i$ unite% States o! A&eri$a ) ) ) ) )


L'S' ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Signe% on y in $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity As #ene!i$iary to t)e origina :uris%i$tion'


QNOW ALL -EN BH T7ESE PRESENTS, I, O!!erorFu Na&e, Prin$i" e, surety, guarantor, a !ree -an8Wo&an u"on t)e !ree soi o! t)is Re"u# i$, state t)at I a& o! ega age, $o&"etent to testi!y, )ave "ersona !irst )an% 9no6 e%ge o! t)e trut)s an% !a$ts )erein #eing true, $orre$t, $o&" ete, $ertain an% not &is ea%ing'


I, O!!erorFu Na&e, o! &y o6n !ree 6i an% a$$or%, in t)e "resen$e o! A &ig)ty <o%, in goo% $ons$ien$e, %o 6i ing y un%erta9e to a$t as surety, to " e%ge an% "rovi%e "rivate #on% in t)e a&ount o! t6enty one %o ars in si ver $oinage, '3?? !ine, &inte% #y t)e A&eri$an Treasury, unite% States o! A&eri$a, "re.03BB issue, La6!u $oin %o ars o! t)e unite% states o! A&eri$a, "ersona y )e % #y t)e un%ersigne%' T)is #on% is to t)e $re%it o! t)e "rivate "arty iste% )ereon, -y. Fu / Na&e , as !u !ait) an% $re%it guarantee un%er Sea in La6!u s"e$ie &oney o! a$$ount o! t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a to any La6!u Bi in Re%e&"tion %u y "resente%, to 6it/ T)e Bi o! Re%e&"tion is a ten%er as set.o!! !or any a ege% $ontra$t, agree&ent, $onsent, assent "ur"orte% y )e %, as an o# igation or %uty against -y. Fu / Na&e so as to $ause an i&"ute% %isa#i ity or "resu&"tion against t)e $a"a$ity, Rig)ts an% "o6ers o! -y. Fu / Na&e' T)e s"e$i!i$ intent o! t)e #on% un%er sea is to esta# is), #y 6itness o! t)e un%ersigne%, t)e goo% $re%it in La6!u &oney s"e$ie o! -y. Fu / Na&e'



I, O!!erorFu Na&e, %o )ere#y &a9e t)is surety, " e%ge, #on% un%er -y sea as !u !ait) an% $re%it guarantee un%er Sea in La6!u &oney o! a$$ount o! t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, to any La6!u Bi %u y "resente% to t)e un%ersigne%, in t)e &atter o! $orre$t "u# i$ :u%i$ia a$tions in t)e !oru& o! Origina Ru es, Origina *uris%i$tion, !or t)e #ene!it an% $re%it o! t)e "arti$u ar "rivate "arty iste% a#ove' T)e intent o! t)e #on%, un%er Sea , is to esta# is), #y 6itness o! t)e un%ersigne%, t)e goo% $re%it, in t)e su& $ertain a&ount o! at east t6enty one %o ars in si ver $oinage, '3?? !ine, &inte% #y t)e A&eri$an Treasury, unite% States o! A&eri$a, "re.03BB issue, La6!u s"e$ie %o ars o! t)e unite% States o! A&eri$a, avai a# e to #on% t)e a$tions o! t)e "rivate "arty iste% a#ove' Furt)er, in reservation o! Rig)ts un%er Origina *uris%i$tion, Origina Ru es, -y. Fu / Na&e )as a #on% in ten%er o! t6enty one si ver %o ars, Coinage A$t o! A'D' 0135, Bon% o! I%entity an% C)ara$ter as "roo! "ositive, $o&"etent evi%en$e, t)at -y. Fu / Na&e $annot #e #an9ru"t, t)e c us de'eni, $annot #e un%er t)e %o$trine o! cessi! '!n!ru", or a f!r" $ u$eris, d!lus trust'


T)e i!e o! t)is #on% is !or a "erio% o! one year !ro& t)e %ate #e o6, 6)ere#y, #y t)e signature o! O!!erorFu Na&e, surety, guarantor, )ereon, $on!or&s, attests, a!!ir&s t)is #on%' Done t)is t)e (((( %ay o! t)e ((((((((( &ont), Anno Do&ini, in t)e year o! our Lor%, t6o t)ousan% an% seven' Teste Mei$s! RSEALS

L'S' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( No Do us
Signe% on y in $orre$t "u# i$ $a"a$ity As #ene!i$iary to t)e origina :uris%i$tion'

STATE OF MY STATE COUNTY OF MY COUNTY Be!ore &e, a notary "u# i$ in an% !or t)e sai% County an% State, "ersona y a""eare% t)e a#ove na&e% O!!erorFu Na&e, 6)o a$9no6 e%ge% t)at )e8)er %i% sign t)e !oregoing instru&ent an% t)at t)e sa&e is )is8)er !ree an% vo untary a$t an% %ee%' IN TESTI-ONH W7EREOF, I )ave )ereunto set &y )an% an% o!!i$ia sea t)is (((( %ay o! ((((((((((, 5??1' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Notary Pu# i$ -y $o&&ission e4"ires/ RSEALS

L'S' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( No Do us


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