The Hebrew Bible in S Nutshell
The Hebrew Bible in S Nutshell
The Hebrew Bible in S Nutshell
Definition: Bible (n.): 1) Christian holy book; 2) Jewish holy book; 3) any religions holy book; 4) a copy of the Bible; 5) essential book. Etymology: Bible: from old French bible; late Latin biblia (; Greek ta biblia, the little books, pl. of biblion, dimunitive of biblos [inner rind of] papyrus; hence: book; from the Phoenician town Bublos (Byblos), whence papyrus was exported (Webster)
For Jews:
No New Testament or Apocryphal writings Hebrew Bible is Torah and two more parts
Tanakh "
The Hebrew Bible consists of three parts: Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim TNK = " The acronym TNK is pronounced Tanakh They stand for:
Torah : the law & early historical narrative Neviim : prophets & later historical texts Ketuvim : writings wisdom and poetry
The Teaching
Historical and pseudo-historical writings
Genesis (from Creation to Joseph) Exodus (from Egypt to the desert) Numbers (from the desert to Moses death)
Priestly Practices
Leviticus +
Code of Law
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
The Prophets
Historical Narratives
Joshua (the conquest of Canaan) Judges (loose tribal confederation) I & II Samuel (consolidation under religion) I & II Kings (centralization of polity & religion)
Prophetic Writings
In dedicated books (Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc.) Within historical narratives
The Writings
Poetic texts:
Song of Songs, Psalms
Wisdom texts:
Ecclesiastes, Proverbs