Alumni Membership Application Form
Alumni Membership Application Form
Alumni Membership Application Form
Address (ost Code Telephone )umber Mobile )umber *+Mail Address ,ccupation -ob Title
COUR E "ETAIL Course Completed Campus studied at .hich year did you graduate/
MEM!ER HIP RE#UIREMENT .hich Membership "evel do you re0uire/ Membership "evel 1 &ree 2nformation and net'or3ing only Membership "evel ! + 4 5 6 7 years8 includes access to campus9sites and 2$ card# .here did you hear about the Alumni Association/ 2 have read and understood the terms and conditions of using my card 6"evel !8 and 2 agree to abide by these# 2f 2 breach any of the terms and conditions of membership 2 understand that 2 may have my card cancelled and my membership terminated# Signature $ate
For office use only (Please enter code year, eg /08) Course Code: 6"evel 8 Course Code: 6"evel !8 A":M)2 9 A":M)2!9
April !55<8
;alid to: 6 7 =ears, e#g > March !5!?8 *nrollers signature: $ate:
5# "ending your card to another person in order for them to gain benefits and services on offer or to gain access to the College 'ill result in the card being cancelled and the card holderGs membership terminated#
?# Appointments 'ith the Careers Advisor must be made in advance# 7# Card holders 'ill not be given priority over current students 'ith career appointments#
B# The Alumni Card gives access to the "evel ! members CollegeGs "ibrary for reference use only#